Soccer - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Soccer, known as football outside of North America, is a globally cherished sport with a rich history and significant cultural impact. Essays on soccer might explore its origins, the evolution of soccer rules and organizations, and the sport’s influence on international relations and national identities. Additionally, discussions might extend to notable soccer events like the FIFA World Cup, iconic soccer players, and the societal and economic aspects of soccer fandom and commercialization. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Soccer you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Informative Essay about Soccer

Soccer is the most played sport in the world today. As Alex Morgan one said, "It doesn't matter if its soccer, football, or futbol, This game brings people together". Soccer has a lot of background for its history, including the rules and regulations, has proven health benefits for playing the sport, and shows a lot of characteristics on why it's a team sport. Soccer is a sport that welcomes anyone to play and brings positivity and unity out in one's […]

Topic Soccer Balls Bounce

A ball will bounce differently depending on the surface because some surfaces are harder than others like grass, turf, concrete they are all different. Some surfaces absorb more energy than others do. A hard surface, such as concrete, absorbs less energy compared with a soft surface, such as a grass floor. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce. When a ball is dropped gravity pulls the ball toward the […]

The CAC 40 – the Paris Stock Exchange

The CAC 40: stands for "Cotation Assistée en Continu", which may be translated to continuous aided mercantilism, and is that the hottest benchmark index for funds finance within the French securities market. This index provides a general plan regarding the direction of the "Euronext Paris", that is that the largest stock market in France once referred to as the Paris stock exchange. CAC 40 represents the capitalization-weighted measure of the foremost forty vital values among the very best one hundred […]

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The Rules and Process of Soccer

When you hear the word "soccer" do you right away freak out like most of Americans do, well I will explain why you shouldn't. Soccer is a beautiful sport that is played across five continents. Americans have a wrong understanding of playing soccer because they believe their kids will get hurt playing soccer, but they encourage their kids to play American Football when it is even more dangerous than soccer. There is a rules and process of playing soccer. Soccer […]

The Effects of Soccer on Health

The world is filled up and down with soccer. With no doubt it is one of the most popular sports in the entire world. That is because it can be played practically anywhere you can think of, backyards, parks, streets, and stadiums. During a soccer match players work their body to the maximum. They do a variety of physical activity like jumping, sprinting, shooting, and dribbling for a whole ninety minutes. Soccer has a great impact on not only physical […]

A Football Player Homare Sawa

Homare Sawa was a Japanese football player who led Japan to victory as captain in the 2011 Women's World Cup, she hopes the disparity between men's and women's teams in Japan will close. About 25,000 girls play football in Japan, but there are no professional leagues for women. Sawa herself played on the boy's team. The pay gap between the genders is stark and most of the members of Sawa's World Cup team have full-time jobs and could only train […]

Racism in Soccer

Racism has been a part of civilization for a very long time now and will be something that will always be around. It has even found its way into sports all around the world and the problem continues to grow. Sports of all kinds have this problem, from organizations such as the NBA and NFL, to the leagues in other countries. One of the biggest sports in the world, soccer, has one of the worst issues with racism. Since soccer […]

About Motion of Soccer Ball

When a soccer ball is kicked or in motion it is determined by newton's laws of motion. Newton's first law of motion states that an object will move in a straight line unless acted on by other external forces. Newton's second law of motion explains that the velocity, the speed of an object in a given direction, changes when it interacts with an external force. The forces that can stop and interfere with the motion of the soccer ball is […]

Why Soccer is the Sport most Famous

For many it is not a mystery that the sport of the Soccer (or fut-bol in other countries) is the physical activity that has more followers around the world, which raises passions, emotions, joys, rivalries, etc; all that is what the fut-bol brings. But why is this? In this essay from a very particular point of view I, because soccer is the most watched sport in the world, all aspects that for me make football the king sport in the […]

History of Soccer

Soccer is among the most loved and celebrated sports worldwide. People will spent a lot of money to buy soccer jerseys with the same number worn by their favorite soccer stars Soccer has evolved throughout time, from being a game without rules to a game that has a visual assistant referee.The game get its name from that people uses their foot to kick the ball. It was started more than two thousand years ago as some other games. The only […]

The Evolution of Soccer

The Evolution of Soccer around the world and how it gained its popularity throughout countries Soccer is a favorite sport played all over the world. Although it has just been prevalent in North America for as far back as 30 years, soccer has been quite a while most loved most wherever else. It is the national game of many European and Latin-American nations, and numerous different countries. The game goes back to the Egyptians, who played amusements including the kicking […]

The Psychology Side of Soccer

The psychology side of soccer has helped me through learning how to deal with situations, ways on how to solve problems together with my teammates, allowing myself to adapt and meet new people from different countries. Many athletes are confused about the role of soccer psychology and how mental training can improve your performance. The goal of the psychology side of soccer is to help other athletes and teams perform their best by improving mental skills that help us excel […]

Soccer is a Highly Contested Cut-throat Game

Many people hold a notion that soccer is a highly contested, cut-throat game. However, soccer has a great role in hosting competitions and being a mediator betweens nations at an international level (Kunczik, 2016). Football touches lives both on a regional and global scale. At times it inspires revolutions, but it also has the capability to create an everlasting peace and lift the participating nations. However, a blend of politics and soccer has significant and far-reaching implications on the international […]

Soccer and Goalies

Description In the game of soccer, the objective is to score as many goals as possible (more than the opposing team) by the end of the ninety-minutes in order to win the game. If there is a tie at the end of the ninety minutes, depending on the situation, the referee will either declare it a tie, add additional time (also known as stoppage time), or the game will go into penalty kicks. Components of the Field In terms of […]

Soccer as the most Famous Sport

Soccer is known to be the most famous sport in the world. In soccer there is 2 teams with 11 players. Soccer is played on a large grass field but you can also play indoor. The point of the game it to get the ball into the opposite team's goal. You can player soccer by only using your feet to dribble it and the goalie can only touch the ball. Soccer is played by all ages around the world for […]

Soccer in the US

Football is the king of sports, is the most popular and playable sport in the world. In the USA they play the same exact sport but with different name soccer, which is an acronym of the word Football Association. Although soccer was not very popular in 50's or 60's, in the 70's and 80's it gained some publicity from the creation of New York Cosmos and the arrival of some of the greatest soccer players of that time. In the […]

Major League Soccer

The United States has realized several impacts following the creation of the Major League Soccer (MLS) which was initially formed from an ownership model which was specifically a single-entity one. The ownership model acted as an antidote to the failing investments which were made in the history of professional soccer in North America. The creation of the MLS and its sustainability in the American sports culture is outstanding considering the competition it has been subjected to by other domestic sports […]

Playing Soccer

Panting as she dribbles the ball down the field, making sure the ball goes off the right part of her foot, and trying to figure out who is the best player to pass to make up the amazing sport of soccer. Soccer is a rewarding sport to play because it teaches coordination, increases cardiovascular health, and has cognitive benefits. Soccer uses the whole body, therefore, requires coordination from your eyes to the rest of your body. Cardiovascular health is increased […]

Twelve Thai Soccer Players

On June 23, twelve Thailand soccer players and their coach, Ekapol Chanthawong, went missing. The name of the soccer team was Wild Boars. The soccer team was from the northern part of Thailand. The soccer team got trapped in a cave that was half a mile below the surface and was prone to flooding. The twelve Thai soccer players were roughly around the ages of 14 and 16, with their coach being 25 years old. The situation in June 2018 […]

Soccer and Stock Markets

According to earlier studies, emotions are omnipresent. They have an essential effect on the individuals' behaviour and thus the decision making. Take for example the impact of anger on judgment and it's influence on cognition, and how the incidental anger in one situation can result in misattributed blame in another (Tedeschi and Quigley 1996). Again,According to Aristotle, "Anyone can become angry,that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for […]

Sizes of a Soccer Ball

Soccer Balls come in many different sizes. They also have different weight to all of them, but all soccer balls have one thing in common they all have air in them which allows the ball to be tough or soft. In the beginning it will fly exactly in the direction of the kick, as it slows down due to the friction of the air. The spinning motion will cause the air on one side to move faster than the other […]

Stock Market and Soccer

The interest in the role of sentiment, mood, feelings and emotions in finance and business stems from the work of (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Results in this area was built on evidence from experimental psychology and economics and studies to explore how investors are affected in light of information's evaluation, risk, gains. The applying the direct and the indirect measurement on the sentiment and feelings of the investors as an attempt to discover its role on the performance of stock […]

Soccer and Stock Market

When reviewing previous papers, we can touch the remarkable role of emotions that would suggest alternative courses of action affecting behavior of individuals and thus the decision-making, As a simple example the incidental anger happening in one situation will elicits automatically a motive to blame individuals in other situations even though the targets of such anger have nothing to do with the source of the anger (Tedeschi & Quigley 1996), and that typically occurs without awareness, as if Emotions play […]

The Global Reach of Soccer Viewership

Soccer, known as football outside of North America, is undeniably the world's most popular sport. Its appeal transcends geographical, cultural, and socio-economic boundaries, captivating millions across the globe. The question of how many people watch soccer is both intriguing and complex, reflecting the sport's vast reach and its profound impact on societies worldwide. The sheer scale of soccer's viewership is staggering. According to FIFA, the sport's global governing body, over half of the world's population watched some part of the […]

Kicking it at Angelo’s Soccer Corner: more than Just a Store

Nestled within the core of the local soccer community lies Angelo's Soccer Corner, an oasis for devotees of the beautiful game. Far beyond a mere emporium, Angelo's has evolved into a vibrant nucleus for players, enthusiasts, and families, embodying the fervor and ardor that soccer evokes universally. This discourse delves into the distinctive role Angelo's Soccer Corner assumes in nurturing the local soccer milieu, fostering a sense of camaraderie, and contributing to the sport's proliferation at its grassroots. From its […]

Neymar’s First Name: the Story Behind the Soccer Sensation

In the world of soccer, few names resonate as strongly as Neymar. He's a figure known globally, not just for his skill on the pitch but for his larger-than-life persona. However, many fans, even the most ardent ones, might pause when asked, "What is Neymar's first name?" It's a question that invites us to explore not just a name, but the story and the culture behind one of soccer's most iconic figures. Neymar's full name is Neymar da Silva Santos […]

Unraveling the Origins of Soccer: a Journey through History

Soccer, or football as it's known outside of North America, is more than just a game; it's a global phenomenon that captivates billions. But who can we thank for this ball-kicking frenzy? The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. Tracing soccer's roots is like walking through a maze of history, culture, and evolution. Long before soccer became the sport we know today, ancient civilizations were already playing ball games. The Chinese game of 'cuju,' recorded during the Han […]

Kwame Appiah: a Philosopher’s Perspective on Soccer

When Kwame Appiah, a renowned philosopher, turns his attention to soccer, you know you're in for an insightful ride. It's not every day that a thinker of his caliber delves into the world of sports. Appiah, known for his work on cosmopolitanism and identity, brings a unique perspective to the game of soccer, a sport celebrated and loved by millions worldwide. His approach to soccer is not just about the game itself but also about what it represents in our […]

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Essay About Soccer U.S. Soccer, the governing body for the sport in America, pays the members of the men's and women's teams for international matches. The men's team earns higher wages in comparison to the women’s team. A perfect example of this case is when the women only earned $2 million the summer of 2015 for winning the World Cup while the men's team earned $9 million without advancing past the Round of 16 in the 2014 World Cup. Five of the women's players filed a federal complaint accusing the U.S. of discrimination of wages even with their revenue increase. The soccer world and others should care and be mindful of this because of the equal employment opportunities and the equal protection clause for both men and women. In the end, we are in search of equal opportunities for our future and for the little boys and girls who have dreams to succeed as well. U.S. Soccer may think they can get away with this because the majority of sports that pay their women players are always lower than the men's sports. There was a time where the women’s national soccer team was making more than the men's team. There will always be a controversy within the wage difference between men and women. At some point, there should be a solution and an agreement on how much everyone makes. “I won’t settle for less than equal pay”, Former National Women’s Soccer Goalie Hope Solo, said with strong words fighting for equal pay as a professional women’s soccer player. This has been a constant debate throughout time about equal pay between men and women in the professional sports industry. Many women argue that they do just as much as men do in their field. From training camps to similar training periods and even equivalent working conditions. Throughout this paper, we will touch on some major factors as to why women should get paid the same amount as men do. To begin, throughout the duration of a soccer player’s career they go through many different levels before becoming a professional. They typically come up in the youth academy programs and then they move into high school level, from here they normally select a college to attend and they can opt-out after their first year to enter the draft. From here, this is where we run into major issues with differentiating between both genders in this sport. Professional soccer players on the men's side of things tend to make on average about $60,000, and they can see upwards of up to $300,000 in wages per year. As for women soccer players they make on average about $30,000 and can get paid upwards of $80,000 a year. Almost a $220,000 drop off and the question is why? Women prepare just as hard, and the demand of the head coaches for Women soccer player doesn’t differ because of their gender. This is still an ongoing debate as to why women aren’t being paid the same as men. To continue on the requirements of both men and women, they both have a similar playing field as men do. They train on the same size field as men, play with the same size ball, and even run training sessions that are just as long. So why is there such a gap in the pay for women soccer compared to men? Well, many argue that the fanbase of men’s soccer game brings compared to that of a women’s soccer game explains why there is a pay gap. For example, the last world cup for both men and women respectively both had a large number of viewers. During the Men’s world cup final in 2014 over 3.2 billion viewers across the globe. As for the women they had over 40 million across the world. With the men’s soccer final seeing such a difference in views across the world, this is the argument as to why there is a pay gap between both genders in the sport. On the other hand, U.S. women's soccer is much more popular than that on the men's side. In fact, the last Women’s World Cup finals had over 23 million views across the U.S. This was the most-watched soccer game for both men’s and women’s in history. So, holding the argument that women are just as equal to men in soccer especially in the U.S. is a valid point. So why are we so off on paying women? If they are playing under equivalent working conditions, what’s stopping women from having more money. This argument has now been ongoing for decades, but when will we start to see changes in the current professional field of soccer? To continue, just to compare some numbers. In research constructed by a business insider, they compared the annual pay based on 20 games between both men and women. If a men’s soccer team lost all 20 games, they are expected to bring in at least $100,000 in pay, whereas if the women’s team lost all 20 games, they bring in approximately $72,000. In addition, if each team were to win 10 games both on the Men's and the Women's side, the men’s team would get a payout of up to $181, 660, whereas the Women would get up to $85,500. This is almost a $100,000 in pay difference for achieving the exact same number of wins. Lastly, if each team were to hypothetically win all 20 games, the men’s team payout would be up to $263,320, whereas, the women would get $99,000 if they accomplished the same. This is almost a $180,000 difference in pay according to a business insider. This means that even if the women’s team went 20-0 and the men’s team went 10-10, the men would still get paid almost twice as much as that of the women’s team. This is why many professional women soccer athletes are infuriated with the current pay and inequality in between the two and demand equal compensation. Another huge compensation gap is the world cup bonuses. This is one of the most surprising numbers between the two and the difference is unimaginable. For instance, if a men's team finished third in the world cup, they would receive $52.083 in bonuses, whereas if a women's team finished in the same place, they would receive less than half of that at about $20,000. An even more remarkable number is if the men’s team finished in second, they would be compensated for $260,417 according to business insider, whereas the women would receive just about $32,500 in bonuses. This is almost $230,000 more than that of women. The only difference between the two would be their gender. Lastly, a first-place finisher in the world cup would get over $390, 625 on the men’s side, whereas the women’s team would only get $75,000. Compared to the men, this is almost an offensive offer by FIFA when it comes to compensating their players for their work. This is not only an embarrassment for FIFA as an organization but for the sport and what they represent as a whole for the women’s teams. 

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118 Soccer Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Soccer, also known as football in many parts of the world, is one of the most popular sports globally. With millions of fans and players worldwide, soccer has become a universal language that brings people together. Whether you are a die-hard fan, a player, or just someone who enjoys watching the game, there is no doubt that soccer has a special place in many people's hearts.

If you are a student looking for soccer essay topics for your next assignment, you've come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of 118 soccer essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started on your writing journey. From the history of the game to its impact on society, there are plenty of interesting angles to explore when it comes to soccer.

  • The history of soccer and its origins
  • The evolution of soccer rules and regulations
  • The impact of technology on soccer
  • The role of referees in soccer matches
  • The psychology of soccer players
  • The influence of soccer on culture and society
  • The economics of professional soccer
  • The importance of teamwork in soccer
  • The role of coaches in developing soccer players
  • The impact of injuries on soccer careers
  • The rise of women's soccer
  • The controversy surrounding the FIFA World Cup
  • The role of fans in soccer matches
  • The influence of social media on soccer
  • The psychology of penalty shootouts in soccer
  • The relationship between soccer and politics
  • The role of soccer in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of globalization on soccer
  • The history of soccer hooliganism
  • The role of soccer academies in developing young talent
  • The significance of soccer rivalries
  • The impact of sponsorship deals on soccer clubs
  • The rise of soccer analytics and statistics
  • The influence of soccer on national identity
  • The role of soccer in promoting physical fitness
  • The impact of climate change on soccer matches
  • The rise of soccer in the United States
  • The relationship between soccer and gambling
  • The history of soccer stadiums
  • The role of soccer in promoting peace and unity
  • The impact of social media influencers on soccer culture
  • The ethics of diving in soccer
  • The role of video assistant referees in soccer matches
  • The impact of travel on soccer teams
  • The influence of music on soccer culture
  • The role of nutrition in soccer performance

As you can see, there are countless soccer essay topics to choose from. Whether you are interested in the history of the game, the impact of technology, or the influence of social media, there is no shortage of angles to explore when it comes to soccer. So, pick a topic that interests you and start writing your next soccer essay today!

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Thrilling Soccer Essay: Here’s Your Guide To Writing!

soccer essay

Discover how you can pen down a fascinating soccer essay in minutes! Get tips and a free essay sample to kick start your journey today cozily.

One of the most-watched sport in the world is soccer. Almost everybody is aligned to one soccer team or the other regardless of age, gender, or even occupation. My grandfather still supports Manchester United until now from his youth.

So what makes an essay about soccer as impressive as the sport itself? That is why you are here. Your thirst will be quenched in a few.

Outline of Soccer Essays

Before a soccer match begins, the referee gives the rules to the players to ensure that the game runs smoothly. That is what we want to look at, the structure of a soccer essay.


Someone once said, show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are. I would rephrase the same, too, show me your intro, and I will tell you whether I will read your essay or not. What am I insinuating here?

The soccer essay introduction will have an impact on your readers. It will either ignite the readers or turn them off, just like the battery’s role in a car. Thus, the importance of soccer essay hooks, such as quotes from famous players.

Your thesis statement about soccer in the introduction should connect to the background information through a transition. Being the heart of the essay, it should, therefore, be manageable and researchable.

The body of an essay about soccer is composed of paragraphs supporting the thesis statement. It should, therefore, be concise to allow for easy readability.

The same logical connection to the thesis statement should follow in the body paragraphs. Their length varies depending on the assignment.

The 5-paragraph essay is, however, the standard recommended essay body length.

When concluding a soccer essay, try to act like the referee. Let the players know that the match has come to an end.

Briefly, let’s see some soccer essay topics that can get your piece a Wembley stadium audience.

Striking Soccer Essay Topics

  • Benefits of playing soccer essay
  • An essay on the history of soccer
  • My passion is soccer essay
  • My favorite sport is soccer essay
  • Soccer as a unifying factor essay

Using one of the topics, we are going to explore a soccer essay sample for practice.

Sample of a Soccer Essay

Benefits of Playing Soccer Essay

“God gives gifts to everyone; some can write, some can dance. He gave me the skill to play football, and I am making the most of it.” A quote by Ronaldinho. Soccer is not a sport only but an oasis that quenches the thirsty hearts of many. Dating back to the Egyptians who used to play games involving kicking a ball, soccer has now spread like wildfire globally. Both men and women can now play this sport, not forgetting, the World Cup, help after every four years. It is indeed a sport that has come with great benefits not only to humanity but the whole planet at large.

Soccer has united people now more than ever. Initially, people would only mingle at a community or country level through their unique games and sports. However, soccer has broken these limits. Different people from all walks of life, race, gender, and age, and occupation, social, and political classes have come together. During the World Cup, this phenomenon is evident. Presidents, ordinary people can be seen on the stadium stands cheering their teams. What more could unite such classes than soccer?

The society has grown healthier as a result of soccer. Unhealthy eating habits have been a significant cause of diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. The cost of treating such conditions is expensive. Soccer provides a way of staying healthy, fit, durable, and ability to endure. One can join a community club or team and engage in vigorous soccer training. They have helped many to remain healthy and keep out of hospitals for years.

Generally, soccer is beneficial. The thoughts discussed may not be exhaustive, but the point is home. Everyone, both children and adults, blacks or whites, should embrace this excellent uniting and healthy sport. To have soccer is to score big!

Soccer Essay Made Simple

From the sample above, one can note that such an essay on soccer is as easy as getting pizza from McDonald’s. Its impact and role can be seen in everyday society and, therefore, easy to relate with at any stage of your writing. As always, the jargon should remain to create the context of your essay.

Are you thinking of scoring a soccer essay? The ball is in your court. Get it!

Do you need professional assistance on how to write an outstanding soccer essay? We have all you need. Contact us today.

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How to Write a Killer College Essay About Soccer

thesis statement about soccer

By Eric Eng

aerial view Ocean University in China

Ah, soccer essays. The subject of much debate in the world of college admissions. We know what you’re thinking. “How could something as seemingly insignificant as a college essay about soccer be the subject of controversy?”

Well, with over a decade of experience in this field, AdmissionSight can confidently say that this is a heated topic. To be fair, soccer essays aren’t really the direct focus of this disagreement, but rather an unfortunate recipient. The real issue revolves around sports essays in general and whether or not they’re a suitable subject for a college essay.

A person writing on a notebook

There’s one camp that is adamant about advising students against sports-related college essays because they’re too cliche and generic. Instead of even bothering with the issue and running the risk of turning in a below-average essay, these people recommend applicants to avoid the topic altogether.

On the other side of the fence, there are some people who – while still admitting that the topic is often trite – say that it can be done properly. As a result, this second camp doesn’t swear off it but simply tells applicants to be careful about the potential trap that this subject so often sets.

So, who’s right? Is a college essay about soccer or any other sport doomed to fail? Or is there a potential that this essay can work in your favor when applying to a prestigious school? Well, they’re both correct in their own way. They both acknowledge the potential for a sports-related topic to come across as banal.

The primary difference is that one group of people don’t recommend it to students out of principle while others say that it can be done but should be approached with caution. This latter approach is where we find ourselves. For the right students, a college essay about soccer can be an excellent topic with a strong impact.

How To Write a College Application Essay About Sports

Here, we’ll provide a few tips for writing an effective essay about soccer or any other sport you want.

Avoid the cliche.

The general isn’t going to favor you in this essay prompt. There are likely thousands or even tens of thousands of students applying to the same university as you who have had similar experiences on the soccer field. Assuming at least a small percentage decide to write about the same topic, you’re going to have a tough time standing out from the crowd with a more generic response. A great way to filter out these unusable topics is to run each idea through a filter as you’re brainstorming. You can ask yourself:

  • Is there a chance that other people have had this same experience?
  • Did many people react the same way I did to the situation?
  • Is it a predictable topic on a college essay about soccer?

Make sure you’re honest in your responses as they’re crucial for determining whether or not the topic is usable. If you find out it’s too generic, move on to the next without getting too attached.

Make it unexpected.

As an incredibly common topic, sports essays are generally recommended against. One of the main reasons for this advice is because it’s hard to stand out from other applicants when your essay is expected. What do we mean? Well, thousands and maybe even tens of thousands (depending on where you’re applying) of applicants are sending in essays. If you choose a generic topic such as sports, one of the first things that will undoubtedly pop into an admissions officer’s head when reading your essay is “Oh, I know what’s coming…”

Outdoors, a woman is sitting and writing on her notebook

Now, this setup can either work in your favor or against you. If your college essay about soccer ends up being what was expected, your application is going to suffer a major blow. It’s never a good sign when your essays are predictable since that means similar essays have been seen by the college countless times before. However, if your essay is totally unexpected and doesn’t meet the reader’s previously held expectations, you’re setting yourself up for success. Surprise is always a good reaction to have on your essay.

As a result, you should try to write a response that’s not predictable or expected. Obviously, that’s easier said than done. It’s smart to avoid the first idea that pops into your head. And maybe the second, third, and fourth. Make sure to write them down as you can always come back to them. But waiting to see what other ideas pop up can make it more likely that you’ll stumble upon something truly exceptional that no admissions officer will see coming no matter how experienced they are.

Be personal in your essay.

Another great rule of thumb to use when writing a college essay about soccer is to determine if another applicant could put their name at the top of your piece. Would anything change? Is there anything within your piece that makes it undeniably unique to you? Or is it so general that anyone could pass it off as their own without anyone knowing? This is like a litmus test for the uniqueness of your essay. Ideally, your topic is so personal and one-of-a-kind that you are the only applicant who could possibly write it. This ensures your story will successfully stand out amongst the crowd of applicants and increase your chances of getting noticed.

A professor helping a student with a problem

Think about ancillary events.

What happens on the soccer field during a game is more or less the same every time. Although each game takes on a life of its own, there are only a few variables that can change in order to create a different outcome than the rest. What’s the purpose of pointing this out? Well, since the experiences players have on the field are more or less limited, this is difficult territory for finding a unique angle on a college essay about soccer. Although one of the highlights of any player’s experience is playing on the field during a game, you don’t want to end up getting bogged down in topic ideas that are too common to work.

A great way to come up with some topic ideas that are more unique is to think about what’s happened off the field. If you think about it, the vast majority of your time spent “playing soccer” hasn’t really taken place on the field during a game. Between drills, practices, watching the film, working out, and other everyday activities, you’ve actually had more soccer-related experience take place off the field. Thinking about these events is a great way to start coming up with more unique ideas. Not only will fewer applicants writing a college essay about soccer consider these seemingly ancillary events, but you’ll also have a better chance of avoiding cliche topics.

Create a unique title.

As we’ve mentioned before, writing a college essay about soccer or any sport for that matter is like wandering through a minefield of cliche. It’s more than possible to write a compelling, unique, and effective soccer-themed essay, but you have to work extra hard to maintain the attention of admissions officers. However, before you can even worry about holding their attention, you have to capture it in the first place. That’s where a great title comes into play. If you want to hook the reader right away – as you’ve heard time and time again in English class – you need to have a catchy, unique, and unexpected title.

A smiling man looking at his laptop

Here are some more general title examples that you’ll want to avoid along with similar variations:

  • How Soccer Changed My Life
  • Why I Love Soccer
  • What I Learned Playing Soccer
  • Why Soccer Is My Favorite Sport

As you can see, none of these titles are particularly captivating. None pulled you in as a reader and had you demanding more. And that’s exactly what you want to avoid when writing a college essay about soccer. Even though admissions staff will read your essay, either way, having a fascinating title will prime them for an equally amazing essay which you should also deliver!

Real College Soccer Essay Examples

“Simply put, I love soccer. I love being part of a team of girls who go out there and give their all, heart and soul, in every game. We truly are a family in our team. I love being a part of that family and taking a leadership role, both on and off the field. Soccer has also helped me be a better leader in student organizations and classwork, where I take a proactive role. Whether it is a good defensive block or scoring the winning goal, soccer is an empowering part of my life, and I would not be the person I am today without it.”

What’s bad about this essay:

Overall, this college essay about soccer falls short of where it would need to be in order to be competitive in an Ivy League setting. Here are some of the problems we were able to identify:

  • The writer used repetitive language. For example, the essay uses “I love” three different times. Furthermore, the concepts of leadership and family are mentioned twice. Not only is this too much repetition given the essay’s relatively short length, but the writer also didn’t write for the target audience: well-educated admissions officers.
  • The piece is too nebulous. Instead of simply mentioning a “leadership role” or “proactive role”, the writer should have provided a description of what these phrases mean in this specific case. This leaves the essay too vague and generic to stand out.
  • It feels unfinished. Despite being a short essay, there should still be a complete thought fleshed out within the piece. Unfortunately, this writer wrote as though there would be another hundred words of further explanation. When she says that soccer ended up making her the person she is today, the reader has no idea what that means. It’s a good attempt at being personal but ends up being too vague.
  • The language is too cliche. You’re probably tired of hearing this, but we want to drive the point home. In order to succeed when writing a college essay about soccer, you have to avoid coming off as cliche or too general. With phrases like “the winning goal” and “heart and soul”, this writer is falling right into the trap. These ideas are found in way too many sports essays that do not count against her.
  • The response is too short. Yes, it’s true that the word-limit was considerably short at just 150 words. However, you’ll want to make use of every single word on these shorter essays. This writer only used 108 words of the total, and it shows in the writing. Even without counting the words, the reader is able to feel that something is missing.

“Soccer has been my passion ever since I was a little kid. I grew up with a soccer ball in my bed. Soccer has in many ways been my outlet, my escape from the stresses of school. Soccer has taught me so many wonderful, powerful lessons like never giving up and always believing in myself. I recall a time when I missed in a shootout. I had let my team down. I was so upset. And yet I picked myself back up and practiced my shot for the next three weeks. The next time I had to participate in an OT shootout, I didn’t miss.”

  • The sentence structure isn’t varied. The writer uses the simple “I + verb” structure in nearly every sentence. This makes the piece very boring and unexciting.
  • The language is too simple. The nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs used in this essay were too basic for an Ivy League application. In order to really catch the attention of admissions officers, the writer would have to write at a collegiate level at least.
  • The topic is too cliche. Similar to the essay above, the subject of this piece is too generic. The theme of sports isn’t the problem. Rather, it’s the sub-topic. Too many students have experienced the same in sports for it to be considered unique.
  • It’s too short. Again, this essay doesn’t make use of the full word count. While you might be able to get away with not making use of all the space allotted on longer essays, ones with a few hundred words are another story. You’ll want to make the most of these.

How we would recommend improving these essays:

  • The sentences would be much more interesting and engaging with varied sentence structures.
  • Instead of simply listing out ideas, the writer could weave together an interesting short narrative.
  • The topics discussed should be a bit more unique. As we mentioned before, if someone else can put their name on the essay without it changing a thing, you should change the topic. Neither passed this test.
  • The writers should make use of every word available when the essay has such a short word count. Leaving empty space is losing out on opportunities you have to flesh out your ideas. Don’t waste it!


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Home Essay Samples Sports

Essay Samples on Soccer

The soccer discourse community: passion, identity, and global connection.

Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is more than just a sport; it is a universal language that transcends geographical borders and cultural differences. Within the realm of this beloved game lies a dynamic and tightly-knit soccer discourse community. This essay explores...

  • Discourse Community

The Issue of Racism in Soccer: Causes, Effects, and Ways to Combat

Introduction Picture yourself as a person of color, having to confront racism in the profession you cherish. Wouldn't you long to release all that anger and frustration? Unfortunately, this is the reality for the black community and people of color in the realm of sports,...

Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

Hobby is an activity, habit or favorite choice of a human, who regularly performs in leisure or extra time for pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical...

  • About Myself

Soccer Vs Basketball: The Uniqueness Of Each Sport

Playing sports is an emotional, physical, and mental adventure. You have the opportunity to know whether you are a team player or a maverick. Soccer and Basketball are two of the most popular sports that are played by people around the world. The purpose of...

Bend It Like Beckham: Exploring the Differences with One Hobby

Bend It Like Beckham at first glance is a lighthearted film about two young women who bond over their love of soccer. However, the use of comedy thinly veils the important issues about different cultures existing together, and the difficulties faced by minority cultures in...

  • Bend It Like Beckham

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The Joy Soccer Brings to Me and Many Others

Joy is an essential feeling for us human beings. It is basically the feeling you get when you are doing something you love. Joy has long been identified as an important feeling for humans. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato believed that...

  • Favorite Sport

How Rules in Soccer Make the Game Entertaining

Soccer is a pretty simple game to play and succeed in if you know the rules of the game and how it works. Soccer has many parts, rules, boundaries, strategies, positions, tactics, and overall guidelines. Each of those things are crucial to understand and learn...

  • Competitive Sports

On the Soccer Field: A Shared Language, Knowledge, and Values

Soccer is a sport that is beloved by millions of people around the world. It brings people together and provides a sense of community and belonging. However, the soccer field is not just a physical space where people play the game. It is also a...

The Creation and Unification of the Game of Soccer

Humans has created a lot of ball games, since antiquity. It is known that this sport existed both in the culture of the Mediterranean Sea and in America. The oldest and most revealing finding dates back to a relief from Ancient Greece 400 BC, where...

Overview of Physical Requirements and Rules of Soccer

Soccer, commonly known as either ‘football’ or ‘association football’, is an internationally recognized sport. It traces back to almost two thousand years ago from Ancient China but much debate has risen within many countries proclaiming the sport was actually originated by them. During the 19th...

Usage of Analytic Data and Devices in Soccer

Introduction The game of soccer or football has historically been reluctant to accept changes of any kind. It is one of the least quantified team sports, it is not a game of numbers; it’s low-scoring, features few individual statistics and lacks the figures that many...

Report on the Improving Success of Malton Soccer Club

The Pickering Soccer Club has been informed as well as many other clubs have been informed, Malton Soccer Club is struggling. Pickering Soccer club would like to help Malton Soccer Club improve the club and receive better reviews. This report will look at the benefits...

Best topics on Soccer

1. The Soccer Discourse Community: Passion, Identity, and Global Connection

2. The Issue of Racism in Soccer: Causes, Effects, and Ways to Combat

3. Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

4. Soccer Vs Basketball: The Uniqueness Of Each Sport

5. Bend It Like Beckham: Exploring the Differences with One Hobby

6. The Joy Soccer Brings to Me and Many Others

7. How Rules in Soccer Make the Game Entertaining

8. On the Soccer Field: A Shared Language, Knowledge, and Values

9. The Creation and Unification of the Game of Soccer

10. Overview of Physical Requirements and Rules of Soccer

11. Usage of Analytic Data and Devices in Soccer

12. Report on the Improving Success of Malton Soccer Club

  • Track and Field
  • Jackie Robinson

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Interesting Soccer Research Paper Topics: Ideas for an Essay or Speech

Writing about sports is a common assignment at college, and students usually can choose between the sports they prefer. Some discuss baseball research topics , and some prefer soccer.

If you need to write a paper or prepare a speech about soccer (globally known as football), then our soccer essay topics with research paper and speech ideas will surprise and amaze you. Each section contains ideas that will be helpful to you. All of these interesting ideas for different purposes can be adopted by you and used when necessary. For example, for getting “ write my essay for me cheap ” help from EssayShark writers.

In this article, we will provide you with various soccer topics that you can cover in your writing. Remember that if your creative writing skills are not strong enough to research the issue to the fullest, you can always turn to EssayShark and get what you need. In this case, you pay for a research paper and get a customized paper that meets your requirements.

Soccer topics for research papers

  • The effect of dynamic stretching on the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in high school soccer athletes.
  • High income vs low income soccer in the USA.
  • Rivalry between soccer teams.
  • Medicine of soccer.
  • History of soccer development in China and its perspectives.
  • Effects of playing on a soccer team.
  • Globalization of soccer.
  • Use of strength and conditioning to improve soccer players’ ability to kick at soccer ball.
  • History of soccer.
  • Most common injuries among soccer players, and their prevention and treatment.
  • Racism in soccer.
  • Soccer culture in West Africa and the effects on politics and society.
  • The importance of soccer.
  • Pay gap in women’s soccer.
  • American football vs soccer.
  • Diversity in Major League Soccer.
  • Soccer in Latin America.
  • Sex differences in subjective sleep quality, sleepiness, and health-related quality of life among collegiate soccer players.
  • The physics behind soccer.
  • Soccer in Brazil.
  • Sexism in soccer.
  • The politics of soccer in colonial India.
  • Soccer marketing.
  • Indoor soccer and outdoor soccer.
  • Chinese soccer.
  • Soccer advantages and disadvantages.
  • Statistics in soccer.

Soccer argumentative essay topics

  • What has the girls soccer program meant to you? What did you learn that’s going to help you in life?
  • How has soccer influenced Afro-Brazilian culture and traditions?
  • Are soccer players more physically fit than other athletes?
  • Does technology change soccer for the better?
  • How do soccer clubs in Saudi Arabia use season tickets as a source of funding?
  • How do you become a better soccer player?
  • Why is soccer the best sport?
  • How do you kick a soccer ball?
  • How do soccer players communicate with each other on the field?
  • Why do you like soccer?
  • What is the future of soccer in France?
  • Is Cristiano Ronaldo the best soccer player?
  • How does stress affect soccer players?
  • Why should professional soccer players get paid more?
  • Which of the energy systems will be dominant during each phase of the soccer game (break it down if the event has, for example, jump, sprint, turn, held position, endurance phase, etc.)?
  • The effect of practicing juggling with different sized balls upon performance, retention, and transfer to ball reception?
  • Identify and describe the equipment of the sport and why it is needed/useful.
  • Explain the process of training for the sport/event. How did the athlete prepare their body and mind?
  • Explain how nutrition can influence athletic performance in soccer.
  • What kind of mathematics is used when trying to predict soccer outcomes?
  • Should kids be allowed to play football, hockey, and soccer, even though they risk brain injury?
  • How can we use mathematics on penalty shootouts in soccer?
  • What positive role has soccer played in my life so far and how will it help me in the future?
  • Soccer is my favorite sport.
  • Comparison between a helium soccer ball and a normal soccer ball.
  • Why is soccer an important way to interact in our society?
  • What are at least three possible technological developments you see in the future of soccer?
  • Is it economically beneficial to host a soccer world cup?
  • Why is soccer becoming more popular in the United States?
  • How to survive soccer season.

Descriptive soccer essay ideas

  • Describe your experience at the soccer event you attended.
  • Describe a “typical” meal plan for a soccer player. Include information such as: food types, calorie amounts, frequency of meals, supplemental nutrients (vitamins, minerals, ergogenic aids), and times during the day when food is ingested.
  • Describe the physiological traits that make a soccer player better for the sport.
  • Describe the rules governing soccer.
  • Describe the bio-mechanics of kicking a soccer ball.
  • Describe the joints, muscles, bones, and nerves and how they interplay with kicking a soccer ball.
  • Describe how a soccer player can get a serious injury.
  • Describe the benefit of soccer for women.
  • Describe sport-specific training for soccer athletes.
  • Describe how soccer was used to deal with ethnic divisions in Ghana, and also to bring other countries together in Africa.
  • Describe why Barcelona is a better soccer team then Real Madrid.
  • Describe business and international relations in soccer world cups.
  • Describe how soccer players communicate with each other inside the field.
  • Describe the rationale of modified small-sided game rules for soccer.
  • Describe Liverpool soccer fans.
  • Describe how soccer works in physics.
  • Describe how to juggle a soccer ball.
  • Describe why soccer is the best sport to play.
  • Describe the ethnography of girls soccer teams.
  • Describe the benefits of technology in soccer.
  • Describe the integration of soccer into the US as a popular or dominant sport.
  • Describe the Colombian National Soccer Team.
  • Describe goal line technology in soccer.
  • Describe why soccer is so important to Spanish culture.
  • Describe the effect of soccer on a referee’s physiology and how to improve game-time decisions.
  • Describe why soccer is loved and hated in America.

Informative speech topics on soccer

  • Soccer in Mexico and its impact on the economy and culture.
  • Injuries that most commonly occur in soccer.
  • Correlation between goals scored and possessions.
  • Behavior of soccer fans.
  • Information on how to play soccer.
  • The influence of a soccer league on the country’s economy.
  • The relations of soccer and national identity in Argentina and Brazil.
  • High altitude training on elite soccer players and the physiological effects.
  • Influence of money on soccer.
  • Famous events of soccer.
  • The rise and fall of the American soccer league.
  • Soccer hooliganism in Europe.
  • The impact of event quality on fan satisfaction and game attendance in the context of professional soccer in Iran.
  • Soccer and politics in South America.
  • Men’s and women’s soccer in the USA.
  • Fan culture, violence, and stadium disasters of soccer.
  • Professionalism and globalization of soccer.
  • The role of soccer in people’s lives.
  • Racism in soccer through social media.
  • The global phenomenon of women’s soccer.
  • The evolution of soccer.
  • Concussions in soccer.
  • The physics of soccer: passing and taking a free kick.
  • Persuasive speech: “Who is the best player in the history of FIFA?”
  • Soccer teams as an organization.
  • Arbitration in soccer.
  • The conflict athletes face with discrimination of sexuality in sports, in particular soccer.
  • The best soccer player in the world.
  • Women’s soccer in Jamaica vs women’s soccer in Brazil.
  • Fighting between soccer teams.

Soccer thesis statement examples

Interesting facts about soccer.

Soccer rightfully takes the place of the most popular team sport in the world. Soccer matches attract thousands of fans in stadiums, and millions gather at TV screens. This game is distinguished by the importance of not only the physical training of the participants, but also the need to carefully consider the strategy of matches.

  • Yellow and red cards were used by soccer referees starting in the late 1960s – the head of the judiciary was thinking about how to smooth the language barrier between referees and players, when the image of a traffic light came to him. So the judges stopped making notes in their notebooks and began to show the players cards that are understandable in any country in the world.
  • In 2003, Inter and Milan met in the semi-finals of the Champions League, whose home arena is one stadium. It was decided that Milan would conditionally be the host of the first meeting, and Inter would be the second. The matches ended with a score of 0:0 and 1:1, but in the end Milan reached the final, formally scoring more goals in a foreign field.
  • Intel placed its advertisements on the inside of the players’ t-shirts of the Barcelona Club – viewers were to see the Intel Inside slogan when jubilant players rip off their t-shirts.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo is a double name, not a first and last name. The future great football player received the rare name Ronaldo because of his father’s love for US President Ronald Reagan.
  • Hicham Zerouali played for a whole year under the “zero” number – the fact is that football fans called the player “Zero,” reducing his name, and the owners of the club decided to give him this number.
  • The football (soccer) field becomes striped, not because it is sown with grass of different varieties, but as a result of the work of lawn mowers, which not only cut off the shoots, but also bend it in different directions, creating the illusion of stripes. This color of the field is not only pleasing to the eye, but also helps the referees in tracking offsides violations.

3 ways to get professional help with writing

Writing college papers can be challenging, but getting some professional help can save you a lot of time. Here are 3 ideas on how to get assistance with your college papers.

  • Research paper writing services . Here, you can get assistance with any issue you have faced. If you need a research proposal writing service , you can easily get it.
  • Professionally written examples. On our blog, you can find a great number of samples written by our professionals. For example, take a look at our The Great Gatsby research paper sample and see how to craft a masterpiece on your own. 

AI writing tools. With these tools, you can get ideas on what to cover in your paper, but be careful when using the generated content, as it is often plagiarized. At EssayShark, we use a reputable AI checker essay and make sure all our research papers for sale are 100% original.

Soccer essay writing help is here

These topics for research papers related to soccer with speech and essay ideas will help you to create interesting essays.

Moreover, if you are looking for help with other topic ideas, you only need to visit our website and choose what you need. Our professionals continuously produce relevant education research topics , create up-to-date marketing research topics , dwell upon tricky issues like suicide research paper topics , and work on actual chemistry research topics . 

However, if you find out that you don’t have the necessary skills for writing a quality paper, let us help with term paper , or essay writing. Our writers have a proper command of English and stick to the academic standards while writing all papers. Become a successful student with professional essay writing help from EssayShark.

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Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Soccer is my favorite game which brings satisfaction and raises team spirit. Like other sports, soccer is an organized game that has become institutionalized. Last week I was playing soccer with my friends and the game was amazing: energetic and vigorous. Playing with friends in GYM, I was involved in competitions; figure skating and diving are non-interactive. This differed from not taking the game seriously, in that it involved, not a transformation of the game itself, but rather an alternative to the game that was defined as providing greater enjoyment than what would have otherwise occurred. The main equipment is a ball and goals. The soccer ball has two-toned, black and white, markings. In contrast to traditional marking, the ball we used was red and white, and we had no goals.

The game started at 4 PM and lasted 90 minutes. At the beginning of the game, we kick off a coin. During this time, all players were on their own side of the field. My team won. In contrast to the traditional shape of the field, where the size of the areas is about 100 yards in length and 50 yards wide, the shape of the areas is GYM are smaller. There are boundary lines surround the field considered part of the field. The main problem was that we did not have 11 players for each team (according to the rules of the game) but had 7-7 for each team.

During the game, I paid the main attention to team strategy and the configuration of players around the point of action. Usually, I tried to concentrate upon the position of attackers in relation to the defense and overall the success of each attack. Each time the cross occurred, I crossed the area in front of the defense. During this very game, the important step was possession of the ball which switched back and forth between the teams. My team several times lost possession when they made a bad pass, sent the ball out of bounds. When possession of the ball changed from my team to the other, the attacking team became the defense, and my team became the offense.

Because this happens very frequently during a game, it was important for my team to make the transition quickly. As a true sports fan, I spend every hour of the waking day keeping track of the various teams and the thousands of athletes involved. During the first match, I tried to apply all possible techniques to help my team lead a score. My team felt frustration became we could not score a goal for half an hour. We used different tactics and strategies but the opposite team defended its positions and gates.

This game for me was a challenge to force others to keep their attention on the task. In terms of motivation, the game last week was all the necessary ingredients to be intrinsically motivating. The activities themselves were interesting and exciting (at least for some people); challenge and mastery were central components; and participation is, in most cases, voluntary. Certainly in soccer players seem to need no prods or incentives to play; the direct, experiential rewards derived from the activity seem to be enough to maintain their involvement.

Last week, it was difficult to describe the ratio of attackers to defenders in particular events, while simultaneously assessing the space between a defender and an attacker in possession of the ball. Successful attacks made by my team have resulted in 10 goals, an intermediate attack resulted in a non-scoring shot on goal.

During the whole game, I was good at receiving the ball. In this game, players of my team received balls from different directions and heights. I used different parts of the body to receive the ball except for my hands and arms. The proper technique for controlling the ball and maintaining possession was to cushion the ball’s impact by relaxing and slightly withdrawing the part of the body receiving the ball, with the most common parts being the foot, thigh, and chest. This play was not just a game but emotional cooperation with my friends.

To this emotional charge, players responded in various ways. The behavior players saw during the excitement becomes tied to all types of courageous as well as cowardly behavior. During the second set, my friends and I performed far beyond their usual expectations whereas others suddenly fell below their usual game. The emotion tied to the game produces not only unexpected circumstances but unexpected behaviors. The second match carried an immense appeal. No two contests could ever be repeated exactly, and we were constantly expecting the unexpected. Last week, there were no severe penalties against players of both teams. The break between matches was at 4:45 PM.

During this time, my team planed and discussed our drawbacks in defense and created new tactics and strategies for the play. We decided to attack the other team from the very first moment in order to exhaust them till the end of the match. This strategy helped us to end with an equal number of goals. The second match started at 5:05 PM. In contrast to the traditional 15-minute break, both teams took more time to create a new strategy.

Last week, the game was slow thus players of both teams were on the run constantly. The main players were defenders and goalies. Because of an inefficient number of players, we lacked forwards and midfielders. Players from the opposite team touched the ball with arms several times during the second match. As you know, the main rule is that players cannot touch the ball with arms except the goalkeeper. The goal of my team was to obtain ends beyond the simple benefits of participation in the game.

The game was not an end in itself, but a path to other desired ends through the resolution of competition. Soccer involved other people and was highly structured or seriously regarded. During the game last week, most of the goals were made from shots. For me the most difficult technique in the shooting was accuracy. I suppose that effective shooting was not only a technique but mathematical thinking and calculation.

The end of the game was vigorously marked by competition and a desire to win. Furthermore, soccer almost invariably involved competition; individuals or teams attempted to beat other teams. The game last week was interactive where there was a critical defensive. Soccer is often called a low-scoring game because it is difficult for two teams to make a goal. During the second match, in order to faster the result, my team used shooting.

The game ended at 6 PM, thus we needed additional time. When a game ended with an equal number of goals having been scored by each team, the game was tied and ends in a draw. Thus, overtime periods were used to determine a winner, followed by a tie-breaker—a series of penalty kicks taken by players from both teams. After five shots were taken by each team, my team won the game. According to rules, if the teams are still tied, they continue to take shots, one at a time, until one team scores and the other does not. At the end of the game, we were tired but happy, we felt excitement and pleasure.

I liked the game last week because it showed me and my friends that sports like soccer build character. A comparison has often been made between the athletic field and the battlefield. Last week, every team member was directly responsible, and that all things attained from players were good for the growth and development of a team spirit. The game was supposed to bring out the best in us. There can be little doubt that the athletic area has become a center for taking care of our emotional needs. We participated in and were spectators of the emotional charge. If players did not provide excitement it would be gone in a short period.

The main advantage of the game last week was the fact that all players admired and respected the talent of other team players. Playing soccer, my team restored and rejuvenated energies to work and deal with life by playing. Fatigue and boredom were relieved by using the body physically in temporally novel ways. I admired the game last week because like all games, it shared the goal of victory. In short, as much as anything else, soccer was a form of occupation for the players who participated in them. Soccer was the object of cooperation and team spirit. Some of my friends, came to the GYM to support my team and me. Many fans were functionally members of the team group.

At the same time, this craze was taking place in professional athletics, it was being matched, if not superseded, by the fanaticism on the college level. The collegiate system was so close to the professionals that the average person can barely determine the difference between the two.

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IvyPanda. (2021, August 18). Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience.

"Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 18 Aug. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience'. 18 August.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience." August 18, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience." August 18, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Playing Soccer Game: Personal Experience." August 18, 2021.

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Soccer Essay Examples

Soccer - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Soccer is a popular team sport that is played around the world. It is played on a rectangular field with two goals at opposite ends. The objective of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team by kicking the ball with the feet, and not using the hands or arms (unless you are the goalkeeper). Soccer involves teamwork, strategy, agility, and endurance. It is loved by millions of fans and players alike, and is renowned for its thrilling matches, skillful players, and passionate rivalries.

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Why People Should Play Soccer

The Introduction to Persuasive Essay about Soccer

There are many people in the world who are obsessed with soccer. It seems that it is a result of its popularity around the world and the willingness of people to make money on it. This argument has the right to go on. However, in fact, the reasons lie much deeper. People from the beginning of life on the Earth try to find a good means that can help them to be of the sound mind and body. They tried different things starting from ancient magical rituals to neoplasty. However, in the course of this searching, they understood that the most helpful one is a sport. Soccer has become an integral part of the social and cultural life in many countries and has been considered not only as a branch of sport but also as a good means to improve health. Soccer has a positive influence on the physical and mental state of a person and is a way to make the players as fit as a fiddle.

Thereby, it is obvious that the first functions of this game were to improve the physical and mental states of health. However, from that period soccer has undergone different transformations before it has become soccer that is now popular around the world. That is why it is necessary to return to the initial function of soccer and consider it not only as a good way to make money but a good way to physical and mental well-being.

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Soccer Has a Great Influence on the Health of Children

Soccer has a great influence on the health of children. Narula Shelley states that with the help of soccer young people can improve their health and gain such benefits as “enhanced cardio-respiratory fitness, increased muscular strength and endurance, and favorable cholesterol and other profiles, which further prevent heart diseases” (Shelley n.p.). Jordan Rubin supports this position and adds: “Soccer demands lung-bursting running that’s great for kids’ cardiovascular system and burning up calories” (Rubin 111). Narula Shelley presents a couple of examples to prove it.

One of them is the results of research published by the American College of Sports Medicine. “Researchers recruited a large group of prepubertal Spanish boys and followed them for more than three years. Those who regularly played soccer for at least three hours a week were compared to those who only engaged in regular in-school physical education of two, 45-minute sessions per week. … The results of the study showed that the soccer group not only increased whole-body bone mineral density but also had higher regional measures in areas such as the lumbar spine (13 percent) and the femoral neck in the hip (10 percent). These increases correlated statistically to increases in other fitness factors such as anaerobic capacity and force generated during jumping” (Shelley n.p.).

Thereby, it is obvious that soccer has a positive effect on children’s health. However, soccer improves adults’ state of health too. It requires from players a great physical training to become an elite soccer player. It is necessary to follow biological requirements (nutritional requirements, training activities and recovery strategies), the behavioral and social requirements (“skills, processes, and mechanisms underpinning the superior ability of elite players to “read the game”), performance analysis, biomechanics and coaching requirements (the methods available for undertaking match and motion analysis) and so on (Williams 10). All these requirements altogether contribute to the physical well-being of players.

Soccer Improves the Mental Health

Soccer improves not only the physical state of health but also mental. Firstly, it contributes to the socialization of a person. Narula Shelley admits that soccer is helpful for the improvement of social position because it is a great way to socialize with friends through working as a team and doing all to gain a victory (Shelley n.p.). Secondly, soccer is a source that teaches how to cooperate with other people in order to achieve a common goal. Playing soccer, a person sacrifices himself and his interests for the benefit of the team. It builds thankfulness relationships between the players. Thankfulness creates a positive team relationship. When teammates feel one appreciates their efforts, they will work with enthusiasm to help this one, and it will contribute to the harmony in the team.

Moreover, soccer teaches people to become selfless because to achieve a common goal, players have to become one entire organism (Jones and Sanders). All these can be applied in real-life practice. Thereby soccer teaches how to live properly. Thirdly, soccer brings many benefits to the person who plays it. Those benefits are an improvement in academic performance, coordination, discipline, concentration, and self-regulation. In addition, it helps to reduce anxiety and reject all the prejudices about the weakness of women as girls and boys play soccer together.

“Happy Like Soccer” by Maribeth Boelts

However, without real examples, all the benefits of soccer seem very abstract. As almost all literary works are based on real-life experience, a good way to understand whether soccer can improve physical and mental health is to find the answer in literary books. “Happy Like Soccer” is a children’s picture book written by Maribeth Boelts. It has gained unparalleled popularity among young readers throughout the world.

It deals with the story of a little girl, Sierra, who likes to play soccer. This game is a mix of joy and sadness for her. It is a joy because nothing brings Sierra more pleasure than playing soccer with her new team where she is one of the best players. It is sad because Sierra’s aunt is not able to attend her games. However, one day she manages to do it. It makes the girl the happiest person in the world. Returning to the theme of soccer, from this book, it is clear that soccer is an opportunity for children to start new friendships, overcome loneliness, hardships of a poor family and disappointment, gain the courage to change a bad event into a positive one, and understand the importance of the nearest and dearest (Boelts).

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“Breathing Soccer” by Debbie Spring

All these are proved by the example described in another book “Breathing Soccer” by Debbie Spring. This book deals with the story of a young girl Lisa who is forbidden to play soccer because of her illness. Liza has asthma and continuation of the soccer career may have lethal consequences for her. However, girl risks because she cannot imagine her life without soccer. To the surprise of all, she recovers and brings her dream into life. From this book, it is clear that soccer brings benefits to health. Moreover, it gives hope and power to stand against all the difficulties (Spring).

The Summary to Persuasive Essay about Soccer

To sum up, soccer is a play with a long history. Firstly soccer was played in China, and it reflected the social and spiritual beliefs of this country. Now it is deeply ingrained in popular culture as it helps to improve both the physical and mental state of a person. The benefits of soccer are not only abstract things that no one can achieve, but they are proved by the real examples described in literary works such as “Happy like Soccer” and “Breathing Soccer”.

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How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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thesis statement about soccer

The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 13, 2024, from

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Soccer — The Genesis and Evolution of Soccer: A Historical Perspective


The Genesis and Evolution of Soccer: a Historical Perspective

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Words: 727 |

Published: Mar 8, 2024

Words: 727 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The inception of soccer, the evolution of soccer, the birth of modern soccer, the globalization of soccer, the universal appeal of soccer, soccer's living legacy.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Comparing And Contrasting Football And Soccer Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Sports , Soccer , American Sports , Time , Football , Score , Ball , Player

Published: 01/30/2020


The topic that this essay explores is the difference between football and soccer. This will be interesting because the games have some similarities but the fundamental essence of both of how they are plated is different. In football there are far many rules and different player positions than in soccer. In football, at least in American football players must where pads because there is a significant amount of increase in physical contact with this sport. In soccer you can only score one point at a time and this scoring happens when one player kicks the ball into the opposing players goal. In football there are a number of ways to score. You can score up to eight points in one play if you go for the extra point. You can also score 6 plus 1 point if you get a touch down and then make a short range field goal. It is also possible to kick the ball into a goal, which is a field goal which is worth 3 points. There is also something called a touch-back which is worth 2 points. In soccer players are not allowed to use their hands. In football, depending on the situation you can use both your hands and feet. In football there are a lot more positions. In soccer there are essentially only three. There is the goalie, the offensive players and the defensive players. One similarity between the sports is that they both use a similar field of either grass or astro-turf. Soccer is more widely popular worldwide while in the United States football is the major sport. Football and soccer have a different way of keeping time. Football is divided into three quarters and soccer is divided into two halfs.


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A Season of Promise? Evaluating the State of the Virginia Women’s Soccer Program

Val prochaska | 23 hours ago.

The hopes of a successful 2024 Virginia women's soccer season rely on Lia Godfrey returning to form after missing the entire 2023 campaign with an injury.

In the United Soccer Coaches preseason poll , there are seven ACC teams in the Top 25.  Virginia ain’t one of them.  This speaks to the continued depth of the best women’s conference in collegiate soccer, which has only been enhanced by the acquisition of Stanford, long the queen of the west.  But it also reflects how deeply disappointing the Virginia Cavaliers were last year.

Last season was Steve Swanson’s 24th at the helm, and in every one of his previous seasons, the women had advanced to the NCAA tournament.  In an astonishing double, the women not only failed to be invited to the Big Dance, but they also failed to make even the ACC tourney, finishing 7th in the table.

The 2023 season was defined by the season-ending losses of Lia Godfrey and Emma Dawson (spring training injuries,) Laney Rouse (lost in the 57th minute of the opening game,) and Brianna Jablonowski (felled in the fifth game.)  That was the team’s reigning All-American, the team’s captain and first midfielder off the bench, the most athletic defender and the first forward off the bench.  Virginia never recovered.  The women slogged through an uninspiring out-of-conference slate, drawing nil – nil to both mid-table Michigan and Iowa (at home no less.)  In ACC play, the Cavaliers didn’t win until their sixth game.  After having a mini resurgence, in their final game and with a small chance of slipping into the ACC tournament on the line, the women allowed Boston College (winless in ACC play) to score first and the Hoos were only able to salvage a draw. Season over. 

I’m sure the women are ready to turn the page on last year’s dumpster fire as Swanson faces his biggest rebuild since coming to Charlottesville.

The good news is that there is a lot of talent on the team.  Lia Godfrey is a force at left midfield and she’s probably the player that opposing coaches most have to gameplan against.  Forward Maggie Cagle is a stud and may be the best forward in the ACC this side of FSU’s Jordynn Dudley.  Center midfielder Alexis Theoret , now that Talia Staude has moved on, is the most underrated player in the conference and is the key to the team’s performance.  New keeper Victoria Safradin was the top prep keeper in the country coming out of high school and she’s already been selected to the Croatian national team.

The center of defense has been hollowed out – Staude, Lacey McCormack and keeper Cayla White all have graduated – but Theoret, Emma Dawson , Samar Guidry and Laney Rouse all opted to return for their COVID bonus year.  The team brought in the 16th-ranked recruiting class per Top Drawer Soccer and Swanson has a masterful record of integrating talented newcomers into his veteran lineups.

Based on just one game – the second exhibition game against Georgetown – the two most prominent newcomers would appear to be Linda Mittermair , a grad student from Austria who has played in Austria’s top league since she was 15.  She looked very comfortable in an attacking midfield role.  The most encouraging play from the game came from freshman Sophia Bradley who appears to be an actual winger.  My only long term critique of Swanson’s roster building is that for all of his love for the 4 – 3 – 3 is that he never seems to have any wingers.  Alexa Spaanstra was a capable winger, and sure, Maggie Cagle is a stud and will succeed anywhere, but I always felt that she and Rebecca Jarrett before her would have been more successful in the center of the pitch.  Bradley is a winger with pace and looks to be much more polished about bursting behind the back line.  If Bradley can play fulfill the promise she showed against Georgetown, this could be the highest-scoring Virginia front line since before Jarrett was injured a second time.

And that is welcome news because this was always going to be a challenging year.  The ACC is stacked.  Florida State is the reigning national champion and just waltzed through an undefeated season.  Randy Waldrum’s build of Pittsburgh is continuing to bear fruit.  Notre Dame has gotten successively better each of the past five seasons.  Duke’s Robbie Church has announced his retirement effective the end of this season and the Blue Devils may get an emotional bump all season long.  And then there is Stanford, whose arrival gives the ACC the two best teams of the past decade.  The most maddening thing about last year’s debacle was that Virginia had only the seventh best record even as they avoided FSU, Notre Dame and Pitt.  No such luck this year as the Cavaliers play Notre Dame, Duke, Florida State, UNC and Clemson.  The out-of-conference slate is pretty unimpressive with only Penn State offering worthy preparation for such the ACC gauntlet.

But most worrying, from a fan’s perspective, is the injury situation.  In that Saturday game against Georgetown,  Lia Godfrey, upon whose return rests much of UVa’s hopes this season, was seemingly on a very tight minutes restriction, playing maybe just 12 minutes per half.  Emma Dawson, who I presume is captain again this season, didn’t dress out.  Jill Flammia didn’t dress out either.  She has missed multiple games over the past two seasons and she seems susceptible to minor knocks.  A midfield of Flammia, Theoret and Godfrey is capable of beating any team in the ACC.  Losing Flammia would be huge.  The brightest player versus Georgetown was Yuna McCormack – she scored the team’s first goal – but she has been selected to play in the women’s U20 World Cup, which means she will miss most of September. 

The defense was… umm… uninspiring.  Since the end of last season, I had thought that Swanson was going to play Guidry and Rouse in the center of defense.  They are the two most experienced Virginia defenders and each had played some in center last year.  In what may just be gamesmanship – because Swanson is loathe to give anything away – Rouse and Guidry started out wide in the customary slots while Kiki Maki and Tatum Galvin started in central defense.  Kansas grad transfer Moira Kelley got the start in midfield but too often she reverted the defender she’s listed as, and she dropped back in between Galvin and Maki, effectively giving the Cavaliers a five-back defense.  There were way too many holes in midfield, cavities that a better squad will easily overrun.

In conclusion, this is a make-or-break year for Swanson.  When I first started covering the women, Virginia was one of the Big Three in the ACC, along with UNC and FSU.  Since then, Florida State has lapped everyone having won four of the last 11 NCAA championships and 9 (!) of the past 11 ACC tournaments.  Virginia is on a very short list of “best programs never to have won a national title” and heavy is the head that wears that crown.  Swanson is in his early 60s and he’s been coaching for 34 years.  Anson Dorrance just retired at UNC and Robbie Church has announced he’s leaving at the end of the year.  Mark Krikorian left Florida State two years ago.  Swanson may look at all the new faces and think his time on the sidelines is coming to an end.

Last year the Cavaliers dug themselves an early grave, and then they just kept digging.  Virginia begins the 2024 season on Thursday, August 15th at home against Towson (6pm on ACCNX) and the conference season kicks off in earnest on Thursday, September 12th as Virginia travels to Miami to begin ACC play.  It’s put-up or shut-up time for the Virginia women.  And I’ll be reporting all the way, so join us for the ride.  I can promise you it won’t be dull.

Val Prochaska


Val graduated from the University in the last millennium, back when writing one's senior thesis by hand was still a thing. He is a lifelong fan of the ACC, having chosen the Tobacco Road conference ahead of the Big East. Again, when that was still a thing. Val has covered Virginia men's basketball for seven years, first with HoosPlace and then, last year, with StreakingTheLawn. Val is a soccer guy, though, and quickly moved to covering the women's soccer team. As Val would say, "the women shed the same blood, sweat and tears to get to this point." Following the Sedona Prince revelations about the disparity between the treatment of men and women at their respective NCAA tourneys, Val vowed to add women's basketball to his crowded slate. Val will provide game coverage for every game (that can be found on the ACC Network, at least.) We're happy to add Val's coverage here at Come along for the ride!


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