How to Write a Chinese Resume 101

resume format in chinese

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! 

In this post, we’ll guide you step by step in writing a Chinese resume, from the overall format to use all the way down to concrete information to include and a TON of resume-related vocab.

At the bottom of the post, you can download our FREE Chinese resume template !

resume format in chinese

Now, although this ‘application form’ style is very common, there are other styles of resumes out there as well that are a bit more creative and aesthetically pleasing - so it’s really up to you as far as what template or format to use. 

Here are a few more examples of Chinese resume formatting:

resume format in chinese

6. Self evaluation

resume format in chinese

Note the order of the date, month, and year. In Chinese, we work from biggest to smallest, so it’s ‘year, month, date’. 

Be sure to include the country code in your phone number and your country of residence in your address.

The standard choices are usually: 

If you don’t have an academic degree, it’s usually best to not include this field.  

You can fill this out depending on your situation. If you can speak multiple languages, list them out along with your proficiency level courses you’ve completed or standardized test(s) you’ve passed. If this doesn’t apply to you or the position, you don’t have to include it.

To express your proficiency level, you can estimate your level with:

We’ll also be offering a certificate for completing each of our online Chinese courses soon! Stay tuned for more news on the update!

The typical answers you’ll see are: 

Some people also list some of their disabilities or diseases in detail, but we suggest that you either go with “good” or “healthy” or if your condition isn’t that great, just don’t include this field. 

The answers for this are standard: 

In the past, whether you were married or not would affect the benefits that you could apply for as an employee, and it would also give employers an idea about the stability of your life. 

Nowadays, it isn’t absolutely necessary to include this field, but employers might ask still about it during the interview.

Many companies in China focus on the salary per month instead of yearly salary, so it’s usually best to think in terms of monthly salary expectations, and when in doubt, specify that it’s per month. 

This should be customized based on what job you’re looking for. 

  • Your GPA (in Chinese most people just use the term GPA directly)

resume format in chinese

Like most resumes, you should name the following:

Connecting words: 

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Click here to visit our Download Center and select "Downloadable Templates" to access our FREE Chinese resume template!

*Note that you'll need to have signed in to your Yoyo Chinese account to access it.

That’s all the information that should be included in your Chinese resume - you’re now equipped to go ahead and draft one on your own! 

It’s also a good idea to also let a Chinese friend review it as well, to ensure you maintain the highest level of professionalism for the resume. 

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How to Make a Chinese Resume or CV (Sample & Template Download)

  • Last updated: February 24, 2018
  • Learn Chinese

If you are in China looking for work or want to get a job in a Chinese company, preparing a Chinese resume is necessary. After all, having both Mandarin and English versions can easily impress employers at first glance compared to those who only have one version. It`s also a good way to increase the chances that HR or headhunters find you when they search for keywords of potential interviewees in Chinese. As you know, it`s quite important to make your resume professional and accurate. You may be wondering, “How can I write a great resume in Chinese?” Here, I`ll explain the key information which you need when writing your own Chinese resume.

1. What to notice

1)  It`s recommended to keep your resume to one page (at most, two pages) for each language version. Try to make your points concisely.

2)    If you are targeting a specific position, then stress on the related experiences and skills which can direct the HR to the points you want them to notice.

3)    When typing your resume in Chinese, it`s better to use a normal font rather than some exaggerated cursive font which is not professional and taken seriously. Of course, if you are good at designing and need to catch their attention, then you can give it a try (at your own risk).

4)  A neat and structured appearance is always welcome.

5)  Chinese resumes actually are very flexible, depending on what you want to include or highlight.

6)  When listing your study or work experience, the time duration must be included. In Chinese, we always use the order of “year-month-day”. (e.g. 2000.7.1 – 2017.7.1)

2. Basic information

This first step is to highlight who you are and how you can be contacted.

  • If you have a Chinese name then you can fill this in, but if you don`t have one, you can use your given name.
  • The contact information is important and must be placed where it can’t be missed.
  • A professional photo is usually attached at the top right corner.


You may have found that the Chinese resume tends to include more personal details than the Western ones. The items listed above are some common content in Chinese resumes.

  • For Chinese people, “国籍”(nationality) is often replaced with “籍贯”(the place of birth).
  • The address refers to the place you are now residing.
  • Job search objectives can be in multiple choice, so make sure you are using the correct terms in Chinese.
  • Health condition and marriage status are also common items in a Chinese resume. This can be a culture shock for those used to Western resumes. If you don`t have any disease or disability, then just fill this in with “良好”(good),“一般”(ordinary), or “较差”(bad), otherwise filling this space in with the disease or disability in detail. For marriage status, there are often three options: “已婚”(married), “未婚”(unmarried) or “离异”(divorced).

3. Educational Background


In some resume sheets, there is a blank for you to fill in your “学历” (which refers to your highest degree attained). It`s not a must item since you have to leave a lot of space to write your educational background in detail. This includes the degree, the major, the school and related time duration. If you have some research achievements, this can also be mentioned. And remember to list your highest or most recent accomplishments first.


If there is no special requirement, you don`t have to list your experiences all the way to primary school. Remember, it`s important to fit your resume into one (at most two) pages. Of course, if your educational experience is really beneficial for your job objective, especially if you have an advanced degree or have done relevant research, then you must elaborate on this.

4. Work Expereince


This part can help you to further persuade the HR into giving you more opportunities. In the structure listed above, these six items should at least be included. Your work experience should be listed chronologically from the most recent to the earliest. The content you need to elaborate on are your responsibilities and accomplishments from relevant tasks. If there is some key information you need to list to get your audiences` attention, then highlight it to make it easily seen.


To emphasize the technical skills which you have acquired in your education, work, or daily life experiences, you can summarize all of these which are relevant to your job objectives. Foreign language abilities are also a kind of skill. Since you are going to work in China or a Chinese company, stating your language ability can stand out, especially when you are good at Chinese. Unless your foreign language abilities are nothing, then just list all the languages you know and their respective proficiency levels.

6. Self-evaluation


Instead of reference letters, self-evaluation is more popular and common in China. If you do have reference letters, it is an option to provide them. But the self-evaluation is still a necessary part, and this includes your hobbies, interests, personal characteristics, and some valuable experience sharing. It is a window to show if you are suitable for the company`s culture and the position you want. You can use this part to tell them what kind of person you are and what you can do for them.

The key to find a satisfying job is a good resume. Make it as perfect as you can so it can give you more chances. If you are still worried about the expressiveness of your Chinese, you can ask your Chinese friends` help, or get a professional revision from us .

First things first, download the Chinese and English resume samples  and start your job search now!

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Jing Cao is the chief-editor and co-founder of DigMandarin. She has a master's degree in Chinese Linguistics and Language Aquisition and has taught thousands of students for the past years. She devotes herself to the education career of making Chinese learning easier throughout the world.

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I need help to write my resume in Mandarin .

I need to learn and employ in china , if I get a free scholarship to learn my PhD in china !

I am currently living in Taiwan and looking for a job. This will definitely help me a lot. Thank you so much!

I want to get c v

can i have a resume like this

What, English, Font type and size are recommended for CVs?

I need help to write my resume in Mandarin . can you send me the PDF so i fill out by myself

I am interested too

Need help in writing a professional Chinese formatted resume.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

The Chinese Resume

Discover how to create a resume in Chinese

Greg Faherty

Writing a resume for a job in China or a Chinese company  can seem daunting at first, but do not worry! It can be done. The Mandarin version of a resume may, at first glance, seem very different, but don’t be fooled by appearances. Much of the information included when writing a resume will be similar to what you write on an American one.

The name for a resume in Mandarin Chinese is jiǎnlì  (简历). In order to establish yourself as a job seeker in China, you will need to create a winning jiǎnlì or Chinese resume with the relevant information in the correct order to attract Chinese recruiters.

The  Chinese market  is slowly but surely dominating the world in nearly all industrial aspects, from 1990 when the country had a 3% share in world production to the current 28.4% share in manufacturing of recent years according to .

An incredible surge in development has lead to the  job market growing exponentially  and the country becoming one of the world’s leaders in various sectors. This said, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people from around the world are now learning Chinese as a second language and trying their luck at a  job in the Chinese market .

To show your cultural and professional awareness of Chinese companies’ recruitment processes, it is optimal to have a  customized Chinese resume  structured in the appropriate manner with the pertinent information. That is why we have created the following guide to show you  how to write a Chinese resume  that will have recruiters banging down your door.

Writing a Resume in Chinese

Where to begin? If you already have a good level of Chinese, this should be a breeze, once you’ve got the right indications and if you are still a beginner, the following  tips on creating a resume in Chinese  should help you to feel confident and happy with your optimized Chinese resume.

Despite a beginners level of Chinese language skills,  having a resume in Chinese will surely favor your candidacy . In order to improve your chances of getting it right the first time, try a Chinese resume builder online to help guide you through each section to create a unique Chinese resume for your individual needs.

  • Bear in mind your target audience. It is one thing to know  how to write a resume in Chinese  or another language for a foreign job application, but it is another thing entirely to  create a resume that is considerate of the culture and professional standards of that country . There are many differences between doing business in the U.S. and negotiating in the Orient which is why it is crucial to take care with your Chinese resume and to take into account the position of the potential employer.
  • Generally,  Chinese resumes are somewhat more informal that American resumes . This is reflected in the amount and the style of the details included. Do not worry if it does not seem entirely professional to you to add certain data or you feel you are elaborating too much. As  cover letters are barely used in China , the Chinese jiǎnlì is your only tool to convince the hiring manager to give you a call.
  • Because of the  nature of Chinese resumes , candidates can be more flexible and include or exclude the information they choose. Recruiters are not bothered by an exact copy of other resumes but want to  see the qualifications and experience that you personally can bring to the table . This means it is easier to tailor Chinese resumes to different roles, sectors or companies.
  • It is essential that you save or download your resume in PDF format  because other less secure files can corrupt and change the information included, which could lead to an unstructured resume being delivered with possible character failures; something that will surely ruin your chances of getting an interview.

No matter your level of Chinese language skills, it is always recommended to have a friend, peer, teacher, supervisor, etc. take a look at your finished Chinese resume to help you spot any errors or offer suggestions . If possible, try to  ask a native Chinese person to review and proofread your resume in Chinese .

Chinese Resume: Layout and Sections

In order to create a Chinese resume, candidates will have to go above and beyond a translation of their current resume to include a  Chinese resume format , specific to Chinese recruiting needs. There are many  Chinese resume examples  that can help get an idea of what a Chinese resume looks like and how it is structured.

  • The  length of a Chinese resume can be extended to 2 full A4 pages  and is often broken up into approximately 6 different sections. This extra resume length allows for the lack of a cover letter in Chinese recruiting processes because candidates can add extra information directly on the resume.
  • The different  sections should be distinctly separated and marked  with text boxes, bold lines, headings or titles and subtitles, etc. This way it is easier for Chinese employers to clearly see the information that most interests them without needing to read through the whole resume first.
  • The  structure of a Chinese jiǎnlì should be neat and organized , with clear-cut columns to show exactly what the data corresponds to.
  • There should be no more than 2 colors used on a Chinese resume. It is not acceptable to deliver a creative resume style in China.
  • When it comes to writing the date in Chinese, remember that  the year always goes first , followed by the month and if necessary the day goes last. The standard style is 2018年09月.

For help creating a Chinese jiǎnlì, candidates can find  Chinese resume templates  with the layout pre-formatted so they can simply fill in the details as they require. A more effective method is to use a  Chinese resume builder online  that lets you modify and change sections and parts as you need to.

What to Include in a Chinese Resume

As the Chinese resume is divided into several sections, it is important to consider how to adapt each part to your professional profile and how you can best combine the relevant information for your job application.

Here are some general guidelines for  what to write in a Chinese resume  so that you can be sure you’re including the correct vacancy-specific information.

Basic Information

基本信息 Normally this section includes various  details for contacting the applicant and data about their person  as well as a professional photo , within the same textbox or frame.

The most standard details included in the  basic information section of a Chinese resume  include:

Name – 姓名 Email – 邮箱 Phone number – 联系电话 Gender – 性别 Date of birth – 出生日期 Nationality – 国籍 Address – 联系地址

There are other possible fields to be listed in this section that are not necessary and sometimes only expected if the resume comes from a Chinese citizen. These include:

Health condition – 健康情况 Marital status – 婚姻状况 Job objective – 求职意向 ID number – 身份证号 Highest degree obtained – 学历

These elements especially the health condition field are not usually required or expected on resumes from foreign citizens who wish to  apply for a job with a Chinese company . However, if you do choose to respond with a marriage status the three main options are: married – 已婚, unmarried – 未婚, or divorced – 离异.

教育背景 The  academic career of an applicant is a big deal in China  and therefore has pride of place on the Chinese resume, just after the personal details.

Usually, the educational background of the candidate comes before other sections of the Chinese jiǎnlì because jobseekers are expected to  go into lots of detail  about their academic trajectory.

The most common areas explored are:

  • Name of degree
  • Major course
  • Research achievements

Within each academic entry, jobseekers should explain in detail the nature of the course undertaken, where it was awarded, the grade or GPA, details of  assignments or research projects and any specific accomplishments .

The  education section on a Chinese resume  should be written in  reverse chronological order  so that Chinese employers may witness the academic development.

Some Chinese citizens will expand on this area to encompass elementary school. However, for your Chinese resume, we recommend only going back so far as is  relevant to your current academic or career profile .

Remember that you should find the best way to quantify your grades and degrees in a way that a Chinese employer can easily understand. If there are technical terms that might be culturally specific to an area or a field of study, explain in a clear and concise manner to what these terms refer.

Also, remember to avoid the use of acronyms and stick to universally understood language as much as possible.

Work Experience

工作经验 Due to the lack of a Chinese cover letter for job applications, the section dedicated to work experience is expected to be longer than that of an American resume. Candidates are encouraged to  talk more extensively about their job history  and each individual position in this section.

The general layout of each entry includes:

  • Employment dates
  • Company name
  • Responsibilities
  • Accomplishments

These last two are where most of the information will go. Candidates should  explain their tasks and any leadership roles  they have carried out as well as achievements and projects completed .

The detail should be  brief but comprehensive  and give the reader an idea of their skills and determination in this type of work in order to persuade the hiring manager that they are the appropriate candidate for the vacancy.

Similarly to the education section, each experience should be introduced in  reverse chronological order  to be able to see career progression clearly. Each different description of an accomplished project or success should be  separated by a new bullet point, or more commonly used in Chinese resumes, semicolons .

技能 Adding a list of soft and hard skills  is a good way to demonstrate your technical and professional abilities to a Chinese employer. This section should include various capabilities that you have developed throughout your career and academic experience as well as  skills from training courses and personality traits that are helpful  in your line of work.

It is essential for candidates to consider both the company they’re applying to and the  type of work ethic  they have as well as the job description where they can find  keywords to present in their skills list .

A  Chinese resume skills section  should also cover any cultural knowledge and is the area where candidates can discuss  volunteer experience  and other extracurricular activities they are engaged in. Looking at a Chinese resume sample can help you to figure out what the best skills to include are, for your industry and position.

语言能力 It is not necessary to include a separate section dedicated to language skills unless the job you’re applying to specifically requires it. However, a  language part on a Chinese resume  could be something that  draws attention to your candidacy  especially if you possess skills in various languages.

You should  list the languages you are able to speak  and give an easily-understandable scale to show your level of fluency.

Additionally, candidates can add here any examinations they have taken or certifications they have demonstrating their level of each language.

奖惩情况 Although it is not necessary to include an  awards section  on the Chinese resume, nor is it very common, it is something that will impress hiring managers, which in turn could make the difference between the ‘interview’ and ‘trash’ piles.

In the  Chinese resume awards section , you should detail the name of the award, scholarship or grant given , the corresponding dates and also the reason for winning the honor.

Self Evaluation

自我评价 The last section of the Chinese resume should be dedicated to the self evaluation section . Similar to an American  resume objective , this area allows the applicant to explain in more detail about themselves and their  reasons for applying .

The Chinese resume self evaluation is essentially  used instead of references  from previous employers. The idea is that the applicant explains the valuable experience they have had and the personal traits that make them the ideal person for the job.

This section is  sometimes called the Hobbies and Interests section  – 兴趣爱好. This is because it also includes personal interests and should demonstrate how the candidate is a good fit for the company culture.

Chinese employers  are interested in finding out how the personal life of the jobseeker applies to their company and  what the candidate can bring to them . Recruiters in Chinese companies want to know if the applicant has a vested interest in working in the industry and place they will be located.

Chinese Resume Example

Anyone looking to create their own Chinese jiǎnlì will need to see some  Chinese resume examples  beforehand to get a better idea of the structure and format of a Chinese job application. The reason for this is that, despite some similarities, based on appearance alone, there are  multiple variations from the standard resume .

A sure-fire way to build a resume that will impress Chinese recruiters is by employing a  Chinese resume template  and completing the relevant sections with your personalized profile information.

If you’re searching for  work in a Chinese company , you will be benefited by supplying a resume in Chinese but you could also provide your English language resume too as a safety net. Although, by using  ResumeCoach ’s multilingual online resume builder, candidates are able to develop their full Chinese resume using expert tips and professional examples.

A  Chinese resume sample  can serve as a springboard for candidates to construct their own customized resume in Chinese.

Difference between American and Chinese Resumes

There are a variety of aspects that make American resumes differ from Chinese resumes. The  Chinese jiǎnlì  has the general appearance of a form, a document that is filled in by an applicant,  similar to application forms  offered by many corporations. However, if you delve deeper, it is easy to see that  each Chinese resume is as unique as its American counterpart .

The two types of resume do vary in several areas in order to  cater for their different audiences . For example, the Chinese resume has a heavy emphasis on education whereas the American resume usually only mentions the most basic details of the most recent degrees or diplomas obtained by the applicant and focuses much more on their job history.

Another way in which these two resume formats are different is that the  Chinese resume is longer . This is most likely due to the fact that Chinese recruiters do not require a cover letter or professional references. Instead they ask that candidates  include a ‘self evaluation’  section on their resume which serves as a combination of both of these in a reduced capacity.

Additionally, the  personal details section on a Chinese resume is much longer  than on an American resume and includes certain data about the applicant that recruiters do not as for in the U.S.

Given the various  differences between the American and Chinese resumes , it is handy for candidates to be able to use an online resume building tool to create a Chinese resume that is well-structured and offers professional templates and examples to use as inspiration.

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How to Write a Chinese Resume Perfectly (Free Template Included)

Are you looking to apply for a job in China? If so, read on to find out exactly what you need in a Chinese resume and how Chinese resumes differ from western resumes. We also have a free template for you to download and adjust to your personal requirements. Scroll down for the download and watch the video on how to fill this out!

While resumes used in countries such as the USA and UK are colorful and creative, resumes in China are more standardized and look like the below. This is so Chinese employers can cut out the colorful fluff and assess the suitability and skills of each candidate on a more like-for-like basis. There is no opportunity to hide behind a funky font.

resume format in chinese

Let's go through the six sections you need in a Chinese resume.

Personal Information (个人信息 gè rén xìn xī)

Educational Background (教育背景 jiào yù bèi jǐng)

Work Experience (工作经验 gōng zuò jīng yàn)

Awards (奖惩情况 jiǎng chéng qíng kuàng)

Special Skills (技能特长 jì néng tè cháng)

Personal Statement (自我评价 zì wǒ píng jià)

SECTION 1: Personal Information (个人信息 gè rén xìn xī)

The first thing you may notice in this section is a need to have a profile photo. This should be something that looks formal and professional. Usually in China, the photographer that takes your photo will also provide some beauty retouching to make you look more aesthetically pleasing. This is completely normal so don't be surprised if your photo looks a bit different!

Aside from a good photo. You will need the following fields in this section:

Full name (姓名 xìng míng)

Gender (性别 xìng bié)

Month and year of birth (出生年月 chūshēng nián yue)

ID card number (身份证号码 shēnfèn zhèng hàomǎ) If you don’t have a Chinese ID card, you can normally put your passport number 护照号码 (hùzhào hàomǎ) here.

Nationality (国籍 guójí)

Marital status (婚姻状况 hūn yīn zhuàng kuàng)

Health status (健康状况 jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng)

Height (身高 shēngāo)

Level of education (学位 xué wèi)

Mailing address (通讯地址 tōngxùn dìzhǐ)

Email (邮箱 yóu xiāng)

Contact phone (联系电话 liánxì diànhuà).

Language ability (语言能力 yǔ yán néng lì)

You may be surprised about some of the fields that are required in this section. For example, marital status would be something that is illegal to ask in some countries. However, these are very common fields to include. Nevertheless, do feel free to remove any fields you are not comfortable with but be prepared to be questioned on these at a later stage such as a the interview stage.

SECTION 2: Educational Background (教育背景 jiào yù bèi jǐng)

It's usually perfectly fine to include any educational experience above college/university level here. You may include your middle school or high school information only if it is internationally renowned.

Start and end dates (起止年月 qǐzhǐ nián yue)

College/University attended (学校 xué xiào)

Major (专业 zhuān yè)

SECTION 3: Work Experience (工作经验 gōng zuò jīng yàn)

Organization name (在何单位 zài hé dānwèi)

Job position and responsibilities (任何任职 rènhé rènzhí)

SECTION 4: Awards (奖惩情况 jiǎng chéng qíng kuàng)

Put down any notable awards that you have here. Make sure to put down the year and then month. Also, make sure to include the name of the award that you got.

SECTION 5: Special Skills (技能特长 jì néng tè cháng)

Put down any special skills that you have here. For example, you might be a proficient user of Adobe Photoshop or maybe Microsoft Excel etc.

SECTION 6: Personal Statement (自我评价 zì wǒ píng jià)

This is a self-appraisal section and is similar to a personal statement in western resumes. While personal statements there are business and career driven, in this section you should refrain from being too business-minded. Talk about your personal characteristics, such as being a social person who likes to interact with people. Do also include any notable personal experiences you have, such as traveling which demonstrates your capability of bringing in a more worldly and diverse perspective to the company.

Now that you know what you need in Chinese resume, start filling yours out using this free downloadable template here . Watch the video if you would like Teacher Lin to guide you through this.

See you next time!

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Chinese – Sample Resume Templates

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Below you will find a series of Chinese sample resume templates, including country specific recommended sections and preferred formatting options.

Sample Resume Templates

  • General Resume Template
  • Overseas Resume Template
  • Banking Resume Template
  • Marketing or Sales Resume Template
  • Mechanical Engineering Resume Template
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How to Write a Chinese Resume

Posted by Mollan Mo 31413

Want to work in China, but not sure where to begin when writing your Chinese resume? This article provides you with both general tips as well as specific tips for Chinese CV to Chinese companies/employers. Hopefully it means you won't have to stare at a blank page much longer.

An effective resume will quickly highlight who you are, where you can be reached, and information about your most recent educational or training experiences. Adapting your resume for China is important but not a difficult task. It can be similar to any other resume you write, without the requirement of huge changes. There are no strict rules on resumes, but typically resumes in 1-2 pages are usually welcomed(If you need to submit two copies of your CV, one in English and one in Chinese, it can be 4 pages in total).

1. Personal Information

Here is a big difference about personal information between cv in English and cv in Chinese. On a resume for China, recruiters would like to see much more personal information , such as full name, gender, date of birth, a recent headshot, address, contact information like Phone number and email address. What have to be mentioned is that you should also include your marital status, the number and ages of your children.

Self-Evaluation is an indespenable part in Chinese CV. You should give a brief introduction to yourself and why you should be hired for this job

2. Work Experience

You should list your work experience in reverse chronological order, with the latest first.

The experience should conclude information like job title, company name, duration, as well as the job responsibities.

It would a surplus if you could describe the successful projects experiences and the skills you got from the project.

3. Education Background

Put your education experience here, from your highest education to high school, concluding information: degree, duration, major, name of the university. Awards you have received or achievements you have obtained during your education or previous jobs.

4. Language Skills

Another tip for how to write a curriculum viate in Chinese is to conclude your Language skills, such as your Chinese level. Please do not simply mention it's poor or elementary.

5. Project Experience/Achievement

This part is quite important if you are seeking for jobs in Internet industry. This will impress the recruiters if you have experience in successful project. Relevant data should be included, too. It's more likely that you will receive a call inviting you for an interview.

Don'ts when formatting your resume

  • Font size : Never lesson than 10, otherwise it would be a challenge for the HR officiers.
  • Font Style : avoid some art fonts, Times New Roman is recommended.
  • CV pagination : The resume should be no longer than 2 pages. 1 page will be typically enough, except you have 10+ years' experience.
  • Avoid too many colors : 2 colors in the whole CV maximum.
  • CV File format : Never save your CV in Microsoft Word document, because there are many file extensions for word file. Save it in pdf file is a good choice.

Tips: Change your CV name to more formal file when sending your resume. E.g. Full Name+ Resume/CV+ company name (Optional)

Chinese Resume Sample

To make things easier for you to learn how to write a CV in Chinese, we've provided sample resumes in English and Chinese (both in Word .doc format); right click and select "Save link as…" to save them to your computer. Feel free to use and customize them to match the job requirements !

Useful Chinese words and phrases in Chinese CV





gèrén xìnxī

Personal information


gōngzuò jīnglì

Working experience


jiāoyù bèijǐng






huòjiǎng qíngkuàng



tècháng àihào

Specialty and hobbies


tuījiàn xìn

Reference letter

A good resume is the key to successful job, hope you could spend a little time to prepare it carefully and seize you chance. Are you ready to begin re-editing your resume for China? Take action now. If you would like to get help from your Chinese CV, please feel free to comment below.

A good mastery in Chinese would help and boost your career in China. Learning Chinese is not only fun, but also becoming an essential skills if expats working in China. Hanbridge Mandarin provides online Chinese lessons, allowing you to learn Chinese anytime and anywhere. All lessons are set to fit your schedule. Contact us to schedule a FREE live 1-to-1 trial lesson now !

You might be interested in the common Chinese conversations for Job Interview .

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How to Write a Chinese Resume

A Chinese resume opens job opportunities in China. Here's how to format the Chinese version of your resume and target its language at prospective employers.

If you are  looking for a job in China , having a Mandarin version of your resume (简历 j iǎnlì ) will increase the chances your resume will be read all the way through. Cover letters (求职信 q iúzhí xìn ) are less common in China, so a resume might be your only opportunity to target your human resources specialists and headhunters, who may come across you through a keyword search or by skimming a stack of resume copies. A Chinese resume can be up to two pages long and contain as many as six different sections if you have enough relevant information. Information should be clearly demarcated by either text boxes, or bold horizontal lines separating sections, and labels, headers, and subheaders. Even if your Chinese is at the beginner level, adjusting your resume to Chinese formatting standards brings you one step closer to an  interview .

Basic Information ( 基本信息)

A Chinese resume usually features a professional photo at the top right corner, and a list of your personal information to the left. Chinese resumes generally provide more personal details than Western ones, and their formats tend to make these items stand out prominently. The following are some of the most common items on a Chinese resume:





籍贯 / 国籍

Place of birth (instead write your nationality)


Date of birth


Identity Number (Passport number)


 联系电话  Phone number (include the country access code)




Highest degree attained

In addition to the above, the below list is of items also typical on local applicants' resumes. However, these may not all be relevant to you, and you can include them as you see fit:


Health condition


Marriage status


Job search objectives


Foreign language ability (list all languages you know and their respective proficiency levels)


Ethnicity (covered by nationality, but could perhaps be relevant to foreign-born Chinese)
期望薪水 Salary expectations

As with resumes in other languages, Chinese resume guidelines tend to be flexible, meaning that you can choose which items you want to include, and there are variations in the characters you can use to label each item (you don't have to use the exact characters I have provided here as examples). In order to fit a large number of personal details, it is common to list them in two separate columns. 

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 9.01.04 PM.png

I used a box format for my resume, which is by no means necessary. It probably more attractive to use single bold lines to separate each section, but boxes are an easy way to achieve a neat and structured appearance. 

Educational Background (教育背景)

Education is very important in China , and usually comes before work experience, particularly for recent graduates. Because a Chinese resume is generally longer, you have more opportunities to elaborate on parts of your educational experience which have particular relevance to the position you are applying for. Although some Chinese resumes will list educational experiences all the way back to elementary school, it's probably not relevant for foreign candidates. 

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 9.20.05 PM.png

This version of my resume uses several bold horizontal dividers, which could be easier on the eye. I started by listing the name of my college as a subheader ( 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校) , and on the same line put the type of degree completed ( 本科 ), and from when ( ****年**月 ) until ( 至 ) when ( ****年 **月)  I attended. More subheaders point to my major ( 专业 ), GPA including study abroad experience ( 含交换学分 ), and relevant courses ( 主修课程 ) I took. I included my study abroad experience (学习交换), but did not specify the types of courses I took because I hoped the names of the programs would be self-explanatory. 

I didn't go into much detail about my course work because I decided to fit my resume onto one page. However, you can elaborate much more here, especially if you have an advanced degree or relevant research.  If you have multiple degrees, this general format can be repeated for each degree you have earned, starting with the most recent. 

Note: If you look closely, the character 月 on the second to last line of the section is not aligned with the  other  月's above it. Formatting frustrations can occur when you are typing in Chinese , at which point you can try different things to get around the possible glitch, or just settle with it if you decide that it is negligible (as I did in this case). 

Work Experience (工作经验)

This section may be where Chinese resumes differ from Western ones the most. As cover letters are less common in China, you might want to talk more extensively and persuasively about your work experience than a single page resume normally allows for. Work history is listed in reverse chronological order and can follow a similar format to your educational experience items.  Use subheaders  like "position" ( 职位 ), "responsibilities" ( 职责 ), and "accomplishments" ( 业绩 ) for a structured and polished look with clear indications as to where the information lies. These subheaders are just some examples, and there are many alternatives. Impress your audience by choosing the right characters to describe what you want to say about your experiences. You can also use bullet points as most Western resumes do, but it seems that it is more common in Chinese resumes to separate points in work experience with a semicolon rather than with a bullet point. 

If you are having trouble writing about your responsibilities and accomplishments in Chinese, try to state your information as directly as possible, and then have a Chinese friend review your work. While the opinion of a native speaker is important for any level, it is equally important to write out your resume yourself first so that you can directly reference your resume when you are speaking Mandarin in an   interview . Look at writing your Chinese resume as an opportunity to practice vocabulary relevant to your industry. 

Awards (奖惩情况)

This section might not be necessary, but it can catch attention if the awards are relevant.

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 8.26.22 PM.png

The above example lists a study grant (奖学金) and the year (**** 年) it was awarded (获得), then uses a semicolon to denote the next award, which was first place (一等奖) in a competition (****比赛).

Technical Skills (个人技能)

This section is a must for those applying to  technical careers , but probably won't be necessary if you covered all the relevant aspects of your skills in the education or work experience sections. On the other hand, if you have learned skills outside your academic or professional experience, you can list them here, or mention any extracurricular courses you took or volunteer work you did in the past. 

Self-Evaluation (自我评价)

This section can be useful to those who don't have standout technical skills, but possess a unique combination of hard skills, soft skills, and cultural or linguistic knowledge. China is a  job market that favors niche skillsets , and here you can target your audience with a clear value proposition. In this way, a Chinese resume is much more informal than a Western one. 

In some Chinese resumes, this section is titled "hobbies and interests" (兴趣爱好), which is slightly less professional, but more personal. As a foreigner, you can take this approach to highlight how you might be a good fit for the company culture , or just suggest that you are sociable and easy-going (an important trait for a position that requires you go on long business trips with your colleagues). Chinese companies often ask foreign candidates about their personal life during the interview process to determine whether the candidate will be a good fit for the company and to see how committed the candidate is to staying in China. You can use this section to address these concerns, explaining how you are personally invested in China, and what it is about the particular industry in China that excites you.  



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Chinese Resume 📝 The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your CV in Chinese!

Expert tips and tricks for writing the perfect resume in chinese.

resume format in chinese

When writing a resume, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd .

And it can be even harder in a second language .

So that’s why we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about writing your resume in Chinese.

Whether you’re studying Chinese and want to secure that dream internship, or you’re already working and are looking for something new, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll cover some important ground like how to structure your resume and some key vocabulary to help make you stand out against your candidates .

This guide is especially useful if you plan to work or live in China and want to apply to work for a Chinese company.

First things first, let’s learn on how to say resume, or CV, in Chinese

Resume || Play 简历 || jiǎnlì
Chinese C.V. – Where to Start? Chinese C.V. – The Structure & What to Include Chinese C.V. – Helpful Resources Chinese C.V. – Is it worth it? Chinese C.V. – FAQ’s + Template Download Chinese C.V. – Quiz

Resume in Chinese – Where to Start?

It is important first to highlight a couple of differences between Chinese and Western resumes.

Here’s just a couple of points on the layout to get us started, there are of course a couple more which will be pointed out along the way.

Layout Western ResumeChinese Resume
One to two pagesOne page (at most two pages)
Time duration – “day-month- year” Time duration must be included – “year-month-day”
Not requiredTypically required – headshot image
Chronological – most recent to earliestChronological – most recent to earliest

Chinese C.V.

Quite often you will find that Chinese resumes resemble an application form, like the one to the right.

However, you can absolutely still exercise freedom and creativity, as long as it’s done tastefully, like these examples .

If you’d like to go for the more standard version, however, you can download our free template:

FREE DOWNLOAD ALERT – Download a CV template here .

👉 As with any resume in any country, it’s important to play to your strengths and highlight the skills and experience that make you suitable for the position.

CV in Chinese – Structure & What to Include?

In this section we’ll look at each part of the resume in greater depth.

resume format in chinese

Remember that this is a generalized approach and you can adapt this format to whichever way best showcases your skills.

Personal Information Educational Background Work & Internship Experience Awards Skills or Certifications and other Self Evaluation

Personal Information –  个人信息 (gèrén xìnxī)

resume format in chinese

As to be expected, you’ll be expected to provide some standard personal and contact information, including:

First and last name 姓名 xìng míng
Email address 邮箱 yóu xiāng
Phone number 电话 diàn huà
Address 地址 dì zhǐ

However, whilst the trend in western countries is leaning more towards privacy and more anonymous style resumes to avoid discrimination, you might notice that some Chinese application forms may request the following information:

Academic credentials 学历 xué lì
Gender 性别 xìng bié
Date of birth 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī
Nationality 国籍 guó jí
Passport number 护照号码 hùzhào hàomǎ
Academic degree 学位 xué wèi
Language ability 语言能力 yǔ yán néng lì
Salary expectations 期望薪水 qī wàng xīn shuǐ
Health status 健康状况 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng
Marriage status 婚姻状况 hūn yīn zhuàng kuàng
Psst… Do you have a Chinese name to put on your resume yet? If not, check out our Chinese name generator !

You might (rightly) think this information is private, but it’s not unusual in China and some people even include their height and weight on their resumes!

If faced with prying questions on an application form, you can leave some sensitive information out, but this may come up in the interview and it’s best to be prepared.

Note: Expected salary tends to be written in terms of monthly (not annual) salary. Make sure to write the expected figure in RMB to avoid confusion.

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Educational background – 教育 经历 ( jiàoyù jīnglì)

resume format in chinese

As with western resumes, you should list your educational experiences from newest to oldest.

Typical things to include are:

The college/university attended 大学 dà xué
The degree completed 学位 xué wèi
Doctorate degree 博士 bó shì
Master’s degree 硕士 shuò shì
Bachelor’s degree 学士 xué shì
Major 专业 zhuān yè
Relevant courses 主修课程 zhǔ xiū kè chéng
Special programs 项目 xiàng mù
Study abroad experience 留学经历 liú xué jīng lì
Marriage status 婚姻状况 hūn yīn zhuàng kuàng

As for GPA, this can be simply written as ‘GPA’ – it’s used in China too.

Tip: Align the name of your University to the left and attending dates to the right. See the photo as an example. If you are still studying at University, put the date you started and the end date as 至今 (zhìjīn). This simply means until the present time.

Work & Internship Experience – 工作与实习经历 (gōn gzuò yǔ shíxí jīnglì)

Chinese C.V.

Work and internship experience can often be a deciding factor in who gets to the interview stage, especially if you apply for a job that requires industry knowledge and know-how, so it’s important this section is up-to-scratch.

Company name 公司 gōng sī
Duration of employment 就职时间 jiù zhí shí jiān
Company location 地点 dì diǎn
Department 部门 bù mén
Position title 职位 zhí wèi
Job Responsibilities 职责 zhí zé
Accomplishments 业绩 yè jì

Remember, if you give the exact address of a previous work location, give the address in the order of biggest to smallest, meaning country, province, city, street address, etc.

With each workplace listed, you’ll need to elaborate on are your responsibilities and accomplishments from relevant tasks. Whilst this can be quite the challenge in Chinese, the best strategy after writing your resume is to get a Chinese friend or teacher to proof read it for you.

Tip: Cover letters are less common in China so try to concisely sum up the experience you’ve had.

Use sub-headers such as “position” (职位), “responsibilities” (职责) , and “accomplishments” (业绩) for a structured and polished style with clear indications as to where the information lies. 

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How to Apply for Jobs in Chinese || Words And Phrases You Need to Know

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Awards – 获奖情况 (huòjiǎng qíngkuàng)

Chinese C.V.

This section might not be necessary, but it is good to list any awards or scholarships you have gained at your University or work, including any competitions you participated in and trophies you were awared.

Some words that might be useful are:

Awards jiǎng
Scholarships 奖学金 jiǎng xué jīn
Competition 比赛 bǐ sài
3rd place 三等奖 sān děng jiǎng

Skills, Certificates and Others – 技能/证书及其他 (jìnéng/zhèngshū jí qítā)

resume format in chinese

Skills are highly important to list!

Some things to include in this section are other foreign languages you are proficient in. It is useful to state any standardized exams you have taken such as HSK and the level of test taken or level you think are at .

You might also want to include in this section any software programs you are highly familiar with such as Canva or WordPress .

Some useful vocabulary that might help include:

Foreign Language 外语 wài yǔ
Language Ability 语言能力 yǔ yán néng lì
Beginner 初级 chū jí
Intermediate 中级 zhōng jí
Advanced 高级 gāo jí
Proficient in 熟练 shú liàn
Software 软件 ruǎn jiàn
To use (formal) 使用 shǐ yòng
Website 网站 wǎng zhàn

Self evaluation – 自我评价 (zì wǒ píng jià)

resume format in chinese

In some Chinese resumés this section is called “hobbies and interests” (兴趣爱好: àihào xìngqu).

This last section normally outlines why you think you are a good fit for the company or position in question through your interests, experiences and skills.

In this way, and unlike in western resumes, this section is much more informal and personal.

Typical things to list here include:

Hobbies 爱好 ài hào
Interests 兴趣 xìng qù
Personal characteristics 个人特点 gè rén tè diǎn
Personal experiences 个人经验 gè rén jīng yàn
List your interests in a way that the company you are applying for might find appealing and remember to put a positive spin on things, such as describing how boxing taught you the importance of self-discipline.

Hobbies and interests are also a great way to advertise the fact that you possess certain characteristics the company is looking for, such as:

resume format in chinese

Strong ability to solve problems Play 解决问题能力较强 jiě jué wèn tí néng lì jiào qiáng
Strong communication skills Play 沟通能力很强 gōu tōng néng lì hěn qiáng

resume format in chinese

Strong ability to adapt Play 具备较强的适应能力 jù bèi jiào qiáng de shì yìng néng lì
Excellent organization abilities Play 优秀的组织才能 yōu xiù de zǔ zhī cái néng
Pays close attention to detail Play 十分关注细节 shí fēn guān zhù xì jié

Try and point out your strengths to the company that you might think will be useful for the position you want to apply to.

👉 For students with little work experience, this might be a great time to mention any volunteering experience or clubs or sports you’ve participated in over the years.

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Resume in Chinese – Helpful Resources

Chinese C.V.

If you are still struggling to write your resume and you don’t know how to structure it, we’d recommend visiting the website WonderCV .

Although it is in Chinese, it was recommended to us by a local and is a great way to get started.

WonderCV is a platform that helps you build your resume according to your experience and requirements.

You can create an account using your WeChat and use their templates to create a resume. Bear in mind, you only get one free choice , if you would like to use another template you might have to pay.
We’ve also written some guides for cover letters, emails and what it’s like working in a Chinese company ⬇️
  • HOW TO – Write the perfect email in Chinese
  • HOW TO – Write a killer cover letter in Chinese
  • EXPLAINER – Work for a Chinese company
  • HOW TO – Write professional emails in Business Chinese

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12 of the Best Resources to Learn Chinese | Our Complete List

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Resume in Chinese – Is It Worth It?

Ultimately, if you are looking for a job in China, having a resume in Chinese will enhance your chances in bringing you closer to the interview stage – it is definitely worth it!

Having your resume in English and Chinese can impress your employers and increase your chances that HR or headhunters will find you- who wouldn’t want a multilingual pro like you?

Although it can be a bit daunting to prepare, even if you are at beginner’s level it is worth having a go. 加油!

So there we have it – your complete guide on how to write a CV in Chinese – feeling confident?

If not – drop us a comment below with any questions or concerns, but first and foremost, download our templates below and get practicing!

Resume Quiz

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Time is Up!

Resume in Chinese || FAQ’s

Hopefully this guide will help you!

If you are still not sure feel free to pop a comment down below to ask any of your questions.

Resume in Chinese is 简历 (jiǎnlì)

Not quite! Chinese resumes are more direct, and brief – ideally no more than two pages.

Hopefully this guide will help you identify the key differences!

Another difference is instead of reference letters, the self-evaluation section is more popular and common in China.

Yes! – have a go, it is a good way to practice and learn Chinese as you are describing yourself.

Yes – if you want to apply for a job in China it will definitely be beneficial to your career!

If you are unsure of any word or sentence structure, we would totally recommend asking your friend or teacher for advice.

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Thanks for the templates 🙂 Hoping to get a job in China next year

Thanks Graham! Good luck! We’re happy to hear you like the templates.

Thanks for your helping

This is super helpful – thank you so much for the FREE templates

No problem! Happy to hear you like the templates 🙂

I have never seen a Chinese CV before, great resource thanks. Do they usually ask for a cover letter?

Hi Aubry, thank you for asking. Usually Chinese company do not ask for a cover letter, they will mostly be interested in your CV. However if you are applying for a job in a foreign company in China they could ask for one. – Marine

how can i work in China

Broad question there Tim, get yourself on LinkedIn and set the filters to China. There are loads of teaching jobs in China which is an easy route in. Start networking and building contacts.

Good luck 🙂

China CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in China? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect Chinese CV. Create your VisualCV today!

China CV Requirements

When looking for employment in China, it is important to be sure that your CV will have the format and content that Chinese recruiters and employers expect.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

China CV Image

China CV Tips and rules:

Length: One to two pages is sufficient for your Chinese CV.

Create a resume

CV Format, Order and Layout:

Photo: A recent headshot is expected on your Chinese CV.

Personal Information: A Chinese CV should include the standard name, date of birth, address, phone number, and email address. It should also include some more personal information : your gender, marital status, the number of children you have, and their ages.

Personal Summary: Though not mandatory, you can include a brief summary where you describe your skills and career objective if you think it will help to sell you as a good candidate.

Work experience: Display your work experience in reverse-chronological order. Include the company name, job title, and the start and end date of each position. Describe your responsibilities and achievements in each position, but be wary of any embellishment - language too grandiose may be seen as bragging. According to , “You want to remain modest, resist flourishing language and stay honest.”

Education: The education section is very important in a Chinese CV - “for most Chinese employers higher degree equates to greater capabilities,” says List your degrees and diplomas in reverse-chronological order, and highlight any awards and achievements that will demonstrate your capabilities.

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of resume templates .

Other CV sections:

Languages: Be sure to note your language skills, including your written and spoken fluency in each language.

References: If you have a written letter of reference, it is acceptable to attach this to your CV. If not, simply noting that references are available on request is sufficient.

How do I write a CV for work in China?

To write a CV for work in China, keep the length to one or two pages, add a photo, provide personal information, add your work experience and your education to it.


Chinese CVs are direct, and brief - no more than two pages. They should serve to describe you clearly and honestly and show that you are a great candidate to bring in for an interview.

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How to Create your Chinese Resume/CV -

How to Create your Chinese Resume/CV

If you opt to write your resume in the Chinese language (Mandarin), you will have a fantastic chance to exhibit your command of the language to potential employers. You should, however, seek help from someone who is fluent in Chinese if you are unable to converse properly or write well in Chinese. Additionally, they may be able to help you with the construction of your resume. Additionally, they may be able to aid you with translating your CV in a clear and understandable way. You will also avoid making grammatical errors that might be humiliating if they are discovered by the organization's staff.

Importantly, your CV should demonstrate your awareness of Chinese culture as well as of professional conventions and etiquette. This communicates to them, via your CV, that you are appreciative of their cultural traditions. In most cases, Chinese companies will not need a cover letter; your CV will be sufficient to persuade them to offer you the position. Because of this, it is vital to stress the elements customers need while also include the items that must be included. It is more significant to the Chinese that a person's ability to communicate successfully than than their nationality or educational qualifications. Lastly, it is recommended that you submit your proposal in PDF format rather than in Microsoft Word format. This is done in order to prevent unauthorised changes to the CV layout from taking place.

The design and structure of your Chinese curriculum vitae are important considerations.

In China, a conventional resume is around 2 pages (A4) in length and is divided into 6 sections, which are shown below. Due to the fact that a cover letter is not necessary in this circumstance, it might be expressed as follows:

Each section should be clearly identified and distinguishable from the others in order to be effective. It is also critical that the appropriate headers be used for your sections. Evidently, this makes it easier for the Chinese to determine where they need to go in order to get certain information without having to waste time on pointless searches and investigations.

A colorful resume with several hues is not acceptable; you should restrict the number of colors on your resume to no more than two or three total.

Italics and cursive fonts should not be utilized on your resume, and you should avoid using them at all costs on your application.

When entering dates in your resume, keep in mind that the Chinese style should be followed. It is customary to begin by reading out the year, followed by the month, and lastly the day. For instance, the date 2021-05-01, or in Chinese, the date 2021-04-01, are both valid dates.

You have the option of using the template provided or searching online for one that is better suitable for your needs and tastes.

It is usually a good idea to get the help of a classmate or an instructor to edit your work once you have completed your construction project.

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50+ Hong Kong CV Samples

January 03, 2024

Scroll down for our 50+ Resume samples & CV templates. Written by HK recruiters. In MS Word format.

Also, download our ATS-friendly resume templates and read our ultimate guide to writing great CVs!

Lastly, if you want our ex-recruiters to overhaul your resume for roles in HK, contact us for CV writing assistance! !

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How do you write a CV as a student or fresh graduate, when you might not have much work experience? Read on to find out!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are these cvs really catered to the hong kong job market.

Yes! Our CV Samples are written exclusively for the Hong Kong job market. ResumeWriter Hong Kong is a CV Writing firm in Hong Kong. Our CVs are written in line with CV Writing Best Practices advocated by recruiters and employers in Hong Kong.

What is the best CV Format in Hong Kong?

There are plenty of CV Formats suggested by different job boards. Based on our experience, however, we’ve found that the best CV Format is one that captures your skills, Achievements and prior experience in the most digestible and impactful manner for your reader.

We have our own proprietary format that we recommend our clients to follow. Check out our Hong Kong CV Format here.

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How to Write a CV for Chinese Universities

A CV or resume is one of the essential elements needed for a successful application. Unlike a personal statement essay, which focuses on your goals, motivations, dreams, and character, a CV is a chance to show off your professional and academic accomplishments. 

Yet, many students struggle to write a quality CV for their Chinese university application. Follow our guide to craft an excellent resume!

What is the difference between a CV and a resume?

CV stands for the Latin phrase curriculum vitae , which means “course of life.” CVs are typically between three and ten pages (though if you are a student, it may not be this long) and include all details about your academic and professional history, as well as any other accomplishments, awards, and projects. 

A resume is typically only one or two pages, and includes only specific information for the position you are applying for. As an example, if you are applying for a job in graphic design, you will only include relevant design work on your resume, such as: personal design projects, previous design internships, or relevant coursework you did in school. 

Which one do Chinese universities want?

Chinese universities want a CV that includes all of your academic and professional experience, regardless of whether it specifically relates to your major. It may not be as long as 3-10 pages, but you should include all your educational and work history, as well as other information such as awards, skills, interests, etc.

In general, you can write your CV in English.

CV for Chinese Universities format: Basic Information

Your CV must be well-organized and easy to read. You can use dividing lines to separate different sections of the resume. If you do not know how to design a resume, you can download one of our two pre-formatted CV templates and fill them out accordingly. 

Download these free templates for Chinese University CVs and fill them out:

Sample 1:  Chinese University CV Sample Form 1 PDF , Chinese University CV Sample Form 1 Microsoft Word DOCX Sample 2: Chinese University CV Sample Form 2 PDF , Chinese University CV Sample Form 2 Microsoft Word DOCX

Microsoft Word and (a user-friendly graphic design platform) also have dozens of free resume and CV templates.

Here are some examples you might find on :

Your CV should follow these basic considerations in order to be successful. 

  • Be up to date (until the time you send it to us). 
  • Written in a readable font. In English, try using fonts such as Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Georgia, or Times New Roman with a size 11-14. 
  • Grammatically correct. Do not have grammar mistakes or spelling errors. 
  • Include contact information. Professional resumes should include a phone number, address, email address, or another contact number. 
  • All dates should include day, month, year. Do not just put the years, be specific!
  • Include a photo. For Chinese resumes and CVs alike, you are expected to include a photo of yourself in the upper corner of the document. Use a professional style headshot that clearly shows your head and shoulders, and preferably a plain background with solid-colored, professional clothing.

Here are some acceptable styles of photos:

Information to put on your CV

Here is the basic information you should include on your CV to a Chinese university. 

  • Name and contact information
  • Include the full name and city/country of your school, graduation day/month/year, and your final average grade/GPA
  • Include your major or area of study
  • Include what education type it is: Middle School, High School, Bachelor’s, Master’s
  • Some universities will want your primary/elementary school information!
  • Include the name/city/country of the company, your position, and a few short notes on what you accomplished there
  • Include the specific dates (day/month/year) that you worked there
  • If you have no work experience, in this section you can include school projects or clubs, volunteer work, or community service
  • If you have any awards or honors, it is essential to list them on your resume with the date you received them and the organization that awarded them
  • Examples of hard skills: Python, Javascript, or another programming language; knowledge of Adobe Photoshop; Fluency in a language; Research; Budgeting; Copywriting
  • Examples of soft skills: Leadership, Cross-Cultural Communication, Problem Solving, Dependability, Critical Thinking, Optimistic Attitude
  • Sport, calligraphy, dancing, photography, playing an instrument, stand-up comedy

Learn more about the different types of documents required for admissions to Chinese universities here .

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></center></p><h2>How to Write a Perfect Resume in Chinese + 60 Essential Phrases HSK4 – HSK5</h2><p><center><iframe style=

For job seekers hoping to get into or advance in the Chinese job market, creating an impressive résumé in Chinese is a crucial first step. It is essential to comprehend the format, structure, and cultural quirks. Additionally, being able to speak Chinese can do wonders for your career. This article offers a comprehensive look at writing a Chinese resume and sixty key phrases.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Chinese Resume Format

A Chinese resume often includes sections similar to Western resumes but with a few distinctions:

Personal Information : Details such as date of birth and marital status are commonly included.

Education and Work Experience : The emphasis is on relevance and recency.

Skills and Certifications : Highlight specific abilities and qualifications.

References : These are typically included only upon request.

60 Essential Chinese Phrases for Your Resume

Personal information (个人信息 gèrén xìnxī).

Name: 姓名 (Xìngmíng)

Date of Birth: 出生日期 (Chūshēng rìqí)

Place of Birth: 出生地点 (Chūshēng dìdiǎn)

Nationality: 国籍 (Guójí)

Marital Status: 婚姻状况 (Hūnyīn zhuàngkuàng)

Contact Number: 联系电话 (Liánxì diànhuà)

Email Address: 电子邮件地址 (Diànzǐ yóujiàn dìzhǐ)

Address: 地址 (Dìzhǐ)

Gender: 性别 (Xìngbié)

Health Status: 健康状况 (Jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng)

Education (教育背景 Jiàoyù bèijǐng)

Bachelor’s Degree: 学士学位 (Xuéshì xuéwèi)

Master’s Degree: 硕士学位 (Shuòshì xuéwèi)

Doctorate: 博士学位 (Bóshì xuéwèi)

Major: 主修 (Zhǔxiū)

Minor: 辅修 (Fǔxiū)

Graduation Date: 毕业日期 (Bìyè rìqí)

Thesis Title: 论文题目 (Lùnwén tímù)

Academic Honors: 学术荣誉 (Xuéshù róngyù)

GPA: 平均分数 (Píngjūn fēnshù)

Relevant Coursework: 相关课程 (Xiāngguān kèchéng)

Work Experience (工作经验 Gōngzuò jīngyàn)

Position: 职位 (Zhíwèi)

Company Name: 公司名称 (Gōngsī míngchēng)

Duration: 工作时长 (Gōngzuò shícháng)

Responsibilities: 职责 (Zhízé)

Achievements: 成就 (Chéngjiù)

Project Management: 项目管理 (Xiàngmù guǎnlǐ)

Team Leadership: 团队领导 (Tuánduì lǐngdǎo)

Professional Development: 职业发展 (Zhíyè fāzhǎn)

Industry Experience: 行业经验 (Hángyè jīngyàn)

Performance Metrics: 绩效指标 (Jìxiào zhǐbiāo)

Skills and Certifications (技能与证书 Jìnéng yǔ zhèngshū)

Fluent in English: 英语流利 (Yīngyǔ liúlì)

Computer Literate: 计算机熟练 (Jìsuànjī shúliàn)

Certificate: 证书 (Zhèngshū)

Professional Training: 专业培训 (Zhuānyè péixùn)

Excellent Communication Skills: 出色的沟通能力 (Chūsè de gōutōng nénglì)

Problem-Solving Skills: 解决问题的能力 (Jiějué wèntí de nénglì)

Analytical Thinking: 分析思维 (Fēnxī sīwéi)

Time Management: 时间管理 (Shíjiān guǎnlǐ)

Adaptability: 适应能力 (Shìyìng nénglì)

Leadership Skills: 领导能力 (Lǐngdǎo nénglì)

Additional Sections

Hobbies and Interests: 爱好与兴趣 (Àihào yǔ xìngqù)

Volunteer Experience: 志愿者经验 (Zhìyuànzhě jīngyàn)

Languages Spoken: 语言能力 (Yǔyán nénglì)

Publications: 出版物 (Chūbǎn wù)

References Available Upon Request: 如需推荐信,请告知 (Rú xū tuījiàn xìn, qǐng gàozhī)

Personal Philosophy: 个人理念 (Gèrén lǐniàn)

Professional Affiliations: 职业协会 (Zhíyè xiéhuì)

Awards and Recognitions: 获奖与认可 (Huòjiǎng yǔ rènkě)

International Experience: 国际经验 (Guójì jīngyàn)

Technical Skills: 技术技能 (Jìshù jìnéng)

Key Action Verbs

Achieved: 完成 (Wánchéng)

Managed: 管理 (Guǎnlǐ)

Developed: 开发 (Kāifā)

Led: 领导 (Lǐngdǎo)

Organized: 组织 (Zǔzhī)

Implemented: 实施 (Shíshī)

Improved: 改进 (Gǎijìn)

Coordinated: 协调 (Xiétiáo)

Designed: 设计 (Shèjì)

Negotiated: 谈判 (Tánpàn)

Final Tips for a Perfect Chinese Resume

  • Customization : Tailor your resume for the specific job, emphasizing relevant experiences.
  • Proofreading : Have a native speaker or professional review your resume.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Understand and respect cultural expectations in your resume presentation.

By incorporating these phrases and following these guidelines, you can craft a resume that not only stands out in the Chinese job market but also showcases your understanding of the language and cultural expectations. Remember, a well-structured and thoughtfully written resume is a critical tool in your job search journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How important is it to demonstrate language proficiency in a Chinese resume?

Very important. Showcasing your proficiency in Mandarin, especially if it’s not your first language, can significantly enhance your resume. It demonstrates not only your language skills but also your commitment and ability to integrate into a Chinese-speaking work environment.

Should I list my work experience or education first on my Chinese resume?

This depends on your background. If you have more relevant work experience, it should go first. For recent graduates or those with less work experience, education may take precedence.

Can I use a photo on my Chinese resume?

Yes, including a professional photo on your resume is common practice in China.

How can I effectively showcase my skills in a Chinese resume?

Utilize specific phrases and action verbs to describe your skills and achievements. Phrases highlighting leadership, problem-solving, and other professional skills are particularly beneficial.

How long should my Chinese resume be?

A Chinese resume should be concise, typically at most two pages. It’s essential to be clear and concise in presenting your information.

Are references a must on a Chinese resume?

In most cases, the employer will only request references if they specifically request them in the resume. Instead, you can note that references are available upon request.

How can I demonstrate my adaptability and cultural sensitivity in my resume?

Mention any international experience, language skills, and cross-cultural communication skills. Showcasing your awareness of Chinese business etiquette in the layout and content of your resume also helps.

Do I need to include all past work experiences on my resume?

It’s best to include work experience relevant to the job you’re applying for. Prioritize recency and relevance in your work history.

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Chinese Teacher Resume Examples

Are you a Chinese teacher looking for a job? Are you in need of a strong resume to make your application stand out? Writing a teacher resume can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and style, you can create a resume that showcases your skills and abilities as a Chinese teacher in a way that will get you noticed. In this guide, we’ll provide you with some tips and examples to help you write an effective Chinese teacher resume that will have you at the top of the list of potential candidates.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Chinese Teacher

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced Chinese teacher with more than 5 years of teaching experience in both high school and college settings. I am passionate about helping students learn Chinese and have an understanding of the language and culture. I have a deep knowledge of linguistics and have a strong background in teaching both the written and spoken aspects of the language. I am an expert in using technology to enhance the teaching experience and have a strong understanding of the various online tools available to make learning more engaging and accessible.

Core Skills :

  • Expert knowledge of Chinese language and culture
  • Experienced in teaching both spoken and written Chinese
  • Strong background in linguistics
  • Well- versed in the use of various online tools to enhance the learning experience
  • In- depth knowledge of pedagogy and teaching techniques
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Highly organized and detail- oriented

Professional Experience :

  • Chinese Teacher, XYZ High School
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive Chinese language curriculum
  • Established and maintained positive relationships with students and parents
  • Utilized technology to create interactive activities and engage students
  • Assisted students with pronunciation and comprehension using a variety of teaching strategies
  • Assisted in conducting assessments and evaluating student performance
  • Chinese Teacher, ABC College
  • Developed and facilitated engaging Chinese language classes
  • Monitored and assessed student performance
  • Utilized various online tools to create interactive activities
  • Created practice materials to help students enhance their language proficiency
  • Collaborated with other teachers and departments to organize cultural activities

Education :

  • Masters Degree in Chinese Language and Culture, University of XYZ
  • Bachelor Degree in Education , University of ABC

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Chinese Teacher Resume with No Experience

A highly motivated individual with a passion for teaching and delivering engaging lessons to students of all ages. Seeking a Chinese Teacher position with a reputable organization to use my enthusiasm and knowledge of the Chinese language to help students reach their goals.

  • Excellent command of the Chinese language, both written and spoken
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • In- depth knowledge of Chinese culture, history and literature
  • Ability to communicate effectively with students of all ages
  • Ability to think analytically and problem solve
  • Organized and detail- oriented
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and Google Suite


  • Designing and delivering engaging and effective Chinese language lessons
  • Assisting students with day- to- day language use
  • Providing support with pronunciation and intonation
  • Encouraging students to practice their Chinese language skills
  • Monitoring and assessing student’s progress
  • Creating a safe and comfortable learning environment for students

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Chinese Teacher Resume with 2 Years of Experience

I am a Chinese Teacher with two years of experience teaching Chinese to students of all ages. I have a passion for teaching and inspiring students to reach their fullest potential. I have strong communication and interpersonal skills, and am highly organized and detail- oriented. I am confident that my experience and enthusiasm for teaching will be a valuable asset to any school.

  • Fluent in Chinese language
  • Good knowledge of Chinese culture
  • Excellent organizational and planning skills
  • Great communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to analyze student progress and adjust teaching methods accordingly
  • Highly knowledgeable in Chinese literature and traditional texts

Responsibilities :

  • Develop and implement lesson plans to meet course objectives
  • Provide individualized instruction to students to ensure they reach their highest potential
  • Use varied teaching methods to keep classes engaging
  • Develop and implement assessments to track student progress
  • Provide feedback to students on their performance
  • Foster a positive learning environment to promote student engagement
  • Collaborate with other teachers and staff to ensure success of students
  • Participate in professional development opportunities for Chinese language teachers

Experience 2+ Years

Chinese Teacher Resume with 5 Years of Experience

I am a Chinese teacher with 5 years of experience teaching all levels of Chinese language education, from beginner to advanced. I strive to create a fun and engaging learning environment for my students, encouraging them to explore and make their own discoveries. I have a strong understanding of the Chinese language, and am experienced in teaching both modern and classical Chinese. I am also highly proficient in using a range of teaching methods and technologies to encourage student learning.

  • Strong command of the Chinese language
  • Passion for teaching
  • Experience in teaching modern and classical Chinese
  • Proficient in a range of teaching methods and technologies
  • Ability to develop engaging lesson plans
  • Conducting Chinese language classes for students of all levels
  • Developing and implementing lesson plans
  • Assessing student progress and providing feedback
  • Conducting one- on- one sessions with individual students
  • Organizing and leading activities to promote learning
  • Using a range of teaching techniques and technologies
  • Maintaining records of student performance
  • Participating in in- service training and continuing education activities

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Chinese Teacher Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am an experienced Chinese language teacher with 7 years of experience in teaching. I have a deep understanding of the Chinese language and culture and have successfully developed and implemented various teaching techniques to help my students reach their learning goals. My core competencies include language and cultural instruction, as well as lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment. I am passionate about helping my students develop a better understanding of the Chinese language and culture, and have always strived to create an engaging, motivating, and effective learning environment.

  • Language and Cultural Instruction
  • Lesson Planning
  • Classroom Management
  • Student Engagement
  • Motivating Learning Environment
  • Design and present lesson plans based on the Chinese language and culture
  • Create engaging activities to reinforce the material taught
  • Monitor and assess student performance and progress
  • Provide personalized instruction and feedback to students
  • Plan and organize extra- curricular activities and events
  • Develop and implement strategies to encourage student participation and interest
  • Maintain a safe and productive learning environment

Experience 7+ Years

Chinese Teacher Resume with 10 Years of Experience

I am a highly experienced Chinese teacher with 10 years of teaching experience in China. During this time, I have developed a range of skills and responsibilities, including creating engaging and interactive lessons, designing curricula and assessment tools, and providing individual and group tuition. I am organized and efficient, and I have a strong focus on student progress and social- emotional learning. I am confident in my ability to deliver high- quality instruction and am committed to creating a positive learning environment for my students.

  • Fluent in both English and Chinese
  • Experience teaching Chinese language and literature
  • Developing lesson plans, curricula, and assessment tools
  • Excellent classroom management and student engagement techniques
  • Knowledge of various teaching methods and strategies
  • Strong commitment to student progress and social- emotional learning
  • Delivering high- quality Chinese language and literature instruction
  • Creating interactive and engaging lessons
  • Designing assessment tools to evaluate student progress
  • Guiding individual and group tuition
  • Coordinating and leading student activities
  • Assisting with the development of extracurricular programs
  • Maintaining a safe and productive learning environment
  • Monitoring and adapting instruction to meet student needs

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Chinese Teacher Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Chinese Teacher with 15 years of experience providing engaging and comprehensive language instruction in the classroom. Experienced in developing curriculums, assessing student performance, and managing multiple classes. Passionate about inspiring students and fostering a fun and inviting learning environment.

  • Native- level proficiency in Chinese
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work with students of all levels
  • Proven record of fostering student success
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and classroom management software
  • Developing and implementing effective instructional plans
  • Planning and delivering engaging and effective lessons
  • Assigning and graded student assignments, tests, and papers
  • Incorporating modern teaching methodologies and technologies
  • Engaging with students in an active and collaborative classroom environment
  • Promoting critical thinking, problem- solving, and communication skills
  • Monitoring student progress and providing support and extra help as needed

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Chinese Teacher resume?

When writing a resume as a Chinese Teacher, there are certain things that employers will be looking for. When crafting your resume, make sure to include the key information that will convince employers that you are the best candidate for the job.

Here are some things to include in your Chinese Teacher resume:

  • Education: Your highest level of education, including any certifications or credentials related to teaching Chinese.
  • Language Skills: This should include any proficiency in other languages, such as English, as well as your fluency in spoken and written Chinese.
  • Teaching Experience: This can include any experience teaching Chinese to students of any age, as well as any other related teaching experience.
  • Cross-Cultural Understanding: Demonstrate your ability to work with students from different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Professional Accomplishments: This can include any awards or recognition you have received related to your teaching or Chinese language proficiency.
  • Teaching Philosophy: Describe your teaching style and educational philosophies in a few sentences, and explain how they can be applied to the position you are applying for.

Including these items in your resume will ensure that employers know you are the right fit for the job. Good luck with the job search!

What is a good summary for a Chinese Teacher resume?

A good summary for a Chinese teacher resume should highlight the applicant’s knowledge of the Chinese language, cultural experience and teaching experience. It should also emphasize the applicant’s ability to teach all levels of Chinese, from beginner to advanced. The summary should be concise and to the point, outlining the applicant’s qualifications for the position. It should also emphasize the applicant’s unique qualifications, such as experience teaching in a Chinese-speaking environment or knowledge of specific dialects. In addition, the summary should emphasize the applicant’s commitment to helping students succeed and provide clear examples of their successful teaching experiences. Finally, the summary should provide a brief overview of the applicant’s qualifications, experiences, and skills that make them ideal for the position.

What is a good objective for a Chinese Teacher resume?

A Chinese Teacher resume should accurately reflect the skills and experience of the applicant. It should include an objective that clearly outlines the candidate’s goals and aspirations in order to help identify the best fit for the position. Here are some good objectives for a Chinese Teacher resume:

  • To obtain a position as a Chinese Teacher in an educational institute, where I can utilize my knowledge and experience to help students excel in their language learning.
  • To secure a position as a Chinese Teacher that will allow me to use my language and cultural background to promote and encourage student engagement and learning.
  • To obtain a position as a Chinese Teacher in a learning institution and utilize my knowledge, skills and abilities to create an engaging and effective learning environment for students.
  • To be a part of an educational team and use my expertise in the Chinese language and culture to help students reach their full potential.
  • To find a position as a Chinese Teacher where I can bring my enthusiasm and passion for the language to help students develop an appreciation for the Chinese language and culture.

How do you list Chinese Teacher skills on a resume?

Chinese teachers possess a unique set of skills that need to be showcased on a resume to demonstrate their qualifications. Here are some of the key Chinese teacher skills to include on a resume:

  • Fluency in Chinese Languages: Chinese teachers must be fluent in the language they are teaching, which includes speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension.
  • Cultural Knowledge: Chinese culture is an essential part of learning the language, which is why it’s important for Chinese teachers to have a deep understanding of the culture.
  • Teaching Experience: Chinese teachers should have experience teaching in a classroom setting, either with students of all age groups or with adults.
  • Technology Knowledge: Teaching Chinese in the digital age requires Chinese teachers to have knowledge of technology and the ability to use different software, such as video conferencing tools and virtual whiteboards.
  • Flexibility: Chinese teachers must be able to adjust their teaching style and be flexible when faced with different learning styles.
  • Patience: Chinese teachers need to be patient when teaching their students and be able to handle difficult situations.
  • Creativity: Being creative and understanding different learning methods will help Chinese teachers engage their students to get the most out of the lesson.

By showcasing these skills on a resume, Chinese teachers can demonstrate their qualifications and attract potential employers.

What skills should I put on my resume for Chinese Teacher?

When building a resume for a Chinese Teacher, it’s important to include a combination of both technical and interpersonal skills. Chinese Teachers work with students of varying ages and backgrounds, and must possess both the language proficiency and the teaching experience to help their students succeed. Here are some skills to consider including in your resume:

  • Fluency in Mandarin Chinese: Chinese Teachers should have a high level of fluency in the language, both written and spoken.
  • Ability to Speak English: Chinese Teachers should be able to communicate with their students in English if necessary.
  • Knowledge of Chinese Culture: An understanding of Chinese culture is important for a Chinese Teacher to be successful, as they will be expected to incorporate cultural elements into their teaching.
  • Teaching Experience: A Chinese Teacher should have experience teaching their language to students at the appropriate level.
  • Patience: A Chinese Teacher must be patient with their students, as the language can be challenging to learn.
  • Ability to Adapt: Chinese Teachers should be able to adjust their teaching methods to fit the needs of each individual student.
  • Excellent Communication Skills: Chinese Teachers should be able to communicate clearly and effectively in both English and Chinese.

By including these skills on your resume, you’ll show that you have the qualifications to be an effective Chinese Teacher. With the right combination of language proficiency and teaching experience, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job.

Key takeaways for an Chinese Teacher resume

When writing a resume as a Chinese teacher, highlighting the right skills and experiences can help you stand out from the competition. Here are some key takeaways to consider when crafting your resume:

  • Highlight your language proficiency. Make sure to emphasize your fluency in the Chinese language and showcase your ability to teach students at different levels.
  • Demonstrate your teaching experience. Showcase any teaching experience you have, including the type of instruction you have given, the number of students, and the topic areas you have covered.
  • Emphasize your cultural knowledge. Educators with a broad understanding of Chinese culture are highly sought after. Include any research or study abroad experiences to demonstrate your cultural knowledge.
  • Showcase your communication skills. Chinese teachers need to be able to effectively communicate with students in both English and Chinese. Highlight any communication skills or experiences you have that would make you a successful Chinese teacher.
  • Share your knowledge of educational trends. Chinese teachers need to be aware of current trends in the field, such as technology-based teaching methods or culturally responsive pedagogy. Share any experiences you have had with these topics in your resume.

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Chinese Translator Resume Sample

Boost your odds of landing your desired job and ignite your resume with our exceptional Chinese Translator CV. Whether you prefer to use it as is or tailor it to your unique qualifications, our HR-approved resume builder makes the process seamless. Simplify your journey towards your dream job today.

Tomáš Ondrejka — Co-Founder and CMO

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Chinese Translator Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Arabella winslow.

Versatile and seasoned Chinese translator ready to embark on a new translation journey. Seeking opportunities to harness my language mastery and rich experience in delivering precise and culturally resonant translations for a diverse range of clients.

  • GPA 4.0 (Top 1% of the Program)
  • The 2015 Academic Excellence Award winner

Work Experience

  • Utilized strong language proficiency and cultural knowledge to provide high-quality Chinese translation services as a self-employed professional.
  • Effectively communicated and interpreted written and verbal content from English to Chinese and vice versa, ensuring accurate conveyance of meaning.
  • Demonstrated exceptional attention to detail and precision in proofreading translated documents, guaranteeing linguistic accuracy and adherence to professional standards.
  • Facilitated effective communication between English and Chinese-speaking individuals by performing accurate translation and interpretation during meetings, conferences, and business negotiations.
  • Conducted thorough research and analysis to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of translated materials, including documents, articles, and marketing materials, for diverse audiences.
  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to provide linguistic support and ensure cultural sensitivity in translating a wide range of materials, such as legal documents, medical records, and technical manuals.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive glossary and terminology database to ensure consistency and precision in translations, improving overall efficiency and quality of work.


  • Demonstrated exceptional linguistic skills by accurately translating and publishing a highly acclaimed book, resulting in increased visibility and success. (Hinoki Bloosom, 2022)

A Chinese Translator is a skilled linguist who specializes in translating written or spoken content between Chinese and another language. They play a crucial role in bridging language and cultural gaps, facilitating communication across borders. Chinese Translators may work in various fields, including business, healthcare, legal, or literature. They must have a deep understanding of both languages, cultural nuances, and subject matter expertise to accurately convey meaning and context. Their work is essential for international communication, commerce, and promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Tomáš Ondrejka — Co-Founder and CMO

Tomáš Ondrejka

Tomas is the CMO and co-founder of Kickresume, the company that has already helped nearly 4,000,000 job seekers land their dream jobs. Although these days his role revolves mostly around Kickresume's marketing strategy, he still likes to share his extensive knowledge of resumes and personal branding with job seekers around the world. Also, due to the nature of his work, he consumes an unhealthy resume-related content on daily basis. 

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  1. How to Write a Chinese Resume 101

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  2. Mandarin Chinese Resume Template

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  3. Mandarin Chinese Resume Template

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  4. How to Write a Chinese Resume 101

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  5. How to Write a Chinese Resume 101

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  6. How to Make a Chinese Resume or CV (Sample & Template Download)

    resume format in chinese


  1. How to Write a Chinese Resume 101

    Check out this blog post and learn how it's done! • Date of birth - 出生日期 (chū shēng rì qī) Note the order of the date, month, and year. In Chinese, we work from biggest to smallest, so it's 'year, month, date'. For example, February 21, 1985 would be 1985年 (yī jiǔ bā wǔ nián) 2月 (èr yuè) 21日 (èr shí yī rì).

  2. How to Make a Chinese Resume or CV (Sample & Template Download)

    4) A neat and structured appearance is always welcome. 5) Chinese resumes actually are very flexible, depending on what you want to include or highlight. 6) When listing your study or work experience, the time duration must be included. In Chinese, we always use the order of "year-month-day". (e.g. 2000.7.1 - 2017.7.1)

  3. How to write a chinese resume

    There should be no more than 2 colors used on a Chinese resume. It is not acceptable to deliver a creative resume style in China. When it comes to writing the date in Chinese, remember that the year always goes first, followed by the month and if necessary the day goes last. The standard style is 2018年09月.

  4. How to Write a Chinese Resume Perfectly (Free Template Included)

    Aside from a good photo. You will need the following fields in this section: Full name (姓名 xìng míng) Gender (性别 xìng bié) Month and year of birth (出生年月 chūshēng nián yue) ID card number (身份证号码 shēnfèn zhèng hàomǎ) If you don't have a Chinese ID card, you can normally put your passport number 护照号码 ...

  5. How to write the perfect resume in Chinese: 164 useful phrases

    How to write the perfect resume in Chinese: 164 useful phrases. From business Chinese vocabulary to writing a resume in Chinese to job interview tips, this article is jam-packed with useful career advice.

  6. Chinese

    Below you will find a series of Chinese sample resume templates, including country specific recommended sections and preferred formatting options. Sample Resume Templates. General Resume Template. Overseas Resume Template. Banking Resume Template. Marketing or Sales Resume Template.

  7. How to Write a Chinese Resume or CV

    In this easy guide, you will learn how to write a Chinese resume or CV with Teacher Lin from @Everyday Easy Chinese. Chinese resumes / CVs are completely di...

  8. How to Write a Chinese Resume

    CV File format: Never save your CV in Microsoft Word document, because there are many file extensions for word file. Save it in pdf file is a good choice. Tips: Change your CV name to more formal file when sending your resume. E.g. Full Name+ Resume/CV+ company name (Optional) Chinese Resume Sample

  9. How to Write a Chinese Resume

    Chinese resumes generally provide more personal details than Western ones, and their formats tend to make these items stand out prominently. The following are some of the most common items on a Chinese resume: 姓名. Name. 性别. Sex. 籍贯 / 国籍. Place of birth (instead write your nationality) 出生日期.

  10. How To Write The Perfect Resume In Chinese 2024

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    hūn yīn zhuàng kuàng. As for GPA, this can be simply written as 'GPA' - it's used in China too. Tip: Align the name of your University to the left and attending dates to the right. See the photo as an example. If you are still studying at University, put the date you started and the end date as 至今 (zhìjīn).

  12. Chinese CV Tips, Format Requirements, & Examples

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  13. How to Create your Chinese Resume/CV

    When entering dates in your resume, keep in mind that the Chinese style should be followed. It is customary to begin by reading out the year, followed by the month, and lastly the day. For instance, the date 2021-05-01, or in Chinese, the date 2021-04-01, are both valid dates. You have the option of using the template provided or searching ...

  14. 50+ Hong Kong CV Samples 履歷表範本 (2024)

    January 03, 2024. CV SAMPLES 香港履歷表範本. Scroll down for our 50+ Resume samples & CV templates. Written by HK recruiters. In MS Word format. Also, download our ATS-friendly resume templates and read our ultimate guide to writing great CVs! Lastly, if you want our ex-recruiters to overhaul your resume for roles in HK, contact us for ...

  15. How to Write a CV for Chinese Universities • China Admissions

    Download these free templates for Chinese University CVs and fill them out: Sample 1: Chinese University CV Sample Form 1 PDF, ... For Chinese resumes and CVs alike, you are expected to include a photo of yourself in the upper corner of the document. Use a professional style headshot that clearly shows your head and shoulders, and preferably a ...

  16. How To Write A Perfect Resume In Chinese + 60 Essential Phrases HSK4

    Understanding the Chinese Resume Format. A Chinese resume often includes sections similar to Western resumes but with a few distinctions: Personal Information: Details such as date of birth and marital status are commonly included.. Education and Work Experience: The emphasis is on relevance and recency.. Skills and Certifications: Highlight specific abilities and qualifications.

  17. Chinese Resume Examples

    View the latest chinese resume examples shared by CakeResume users to know how to create a clear and convincing resume. ... Resume Templates. Access our extensive library of professional & ready-to-use templates. Resume Examples. Get inspired by real resume examples to create your own.

  18. PDF Resume Guide for China

    • Make sure to use A4 as the paper size for Chinese resumes • 1 page resume is the most common format Organization Organize your resume with clear and distinctive sections, the order of the 2nd and 3rd section can be switched if your work experience is very significant: 1. Personal Information 2. Education 3. Work Experience 4.

  19. 7 Best Chinese Teacher Resume Examples for 2024

    Chinese Teacher Resume Examples. John Doe. Chinese Teacher. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. I am an experienced Chinese teacher with more than 5 years of teaching experience in both high school and college settings.

  20. Chinese Translator Resume Sample

    A Chinese Translator is a skilled linguist who specializes in translating written or spoken content between Chinese and another language. They play a crucial role in bridging language and cultural gaps, facilitating communication across borders. Chinese Translators may work in various fields, including business, healthcare, legal, or literature.

  21. Professional Chinese Teacher Resume Examples

    Continuously work with students and increase interest in Chinese culture and language. Chinese Teacher. 9/1/2014 - 10/1/2020. Company Name. City, State. Increased student test scores by 14% through private tutoring and special attention. Met with parents to resolve conflicting educational priorities and issues.