Network Topologies Explained with Examples

This tutorial explains network topologies (Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Point-to-point, Point-to-multipoint, and Hybrid) in detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

Bus topology

In this topology, all computers connect through a single continuous coaxial cable. This cable is known as the backbone cable . Both ends of the backbone cable are terminated through the terminators . To connect a computer to the backbone cable, a drop cable is used. To connect the drop cable to the computer and backbone cable, the BNC plug and BNC T connector are used respectively.

The following image shows the bus topology.

bus topology

When a computer transmits data in this topology, all computers see that data over the wire, but only that computer accepts the data to which it is addressed. It is just like an announcement that is heard by all but answered only by the person to whom the announcement is made.

For example, if in the above network, PC-A sends data to the PC-C then all computers of the network receive this data but only the PC-C accepts it. The following image shows this process.

data transfer in bus topology

If PC-C replies, only the PC-A accepts the return data. The following image shows this process.

logical layout of bus topology

The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of the bus topology.

Advantages Disadvantages
It is very simple to install. It is very difficult to troubleshoot.
It uses less cable than other topologies. It provides a slow data transfer speed.
It is relatively inexpensive. A single fault can bring the entire network down.

This topology is no longer used. But there was a time when this topology used to be the first choice among the network administrators. The concept that this topology uses to transmit the data is also used in the other topologies.

Ring topology

In this topology, all computers connect in a circle. Each computer directly connects to two other computers in the network. Data moves down a one-way path from one computer to another. When data signals pass from one computer to the next, each computer regenerates the signals. Since the signals are regenerated on each passing computer, the quality of the signals remains constant throughout the ring.

The following image shows a typical ring topology.

ring topology

The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of the ring topology.

Advantages Disadvantages
It does not use terminators. It uses more cables.
It is relatively easy to troubleshoot. It is too expensive.
Since data flows only in one direction, there is no collision in the network. A single break in the cable can bring the entire network down.

Like the bus topology, this topology is also no longer used in modern networks. This topology was originally developed by IBM to overcome the existing drawbacks of the bus topology.

Star topology

In this topology, all computers connect to a centralized networking device. Usually, a networking switch or a Hub (in earlier days) is used as the centralized device. Each computer in the network uses its own separate twisted pair cable to connect to the switch. The twisted-pair cable uses RJ-45 connectors on both ends.

The following image shows an example of the star topology.

star topology

To transmit data, the star topology uses the same concept which the bus topology uses. It means, if you build a network using the star topology, then that network will use the bus topology to transmit the data.

The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of the star topology.

Advantages Disadvantages
It is easy to install. It uses more cables than other topologies.
Relocating computers is easier than other topologies. If the centralized device fails, it brings the entire network down.
Since each computer uses its separate cable, a fault in the cable does affect other computers of the network. The total installation cost is higher than the other topologies.
Troubleshooting is relatively easy. Use the twisted pair cable which is prone to break.
It provides a higher data transfer speed. Too many cables make the network messy.

In modern computer networks, the star topology is the king. Nearly all new network installations, including small home and office networks, use some form of star topology.

Hybrid Topology

This topology is a mix of two or more topologies. For example, there are two networks; one is built from the star topology and another is built from the bus topology. If we connect both networks to build a single large network, the topology of the new network will be known as the hybrid topology.

You are not restricted to the bus and star topologies. You can combine any topology with another topology. In modern network implementations, the hybrid topology is mostly used to mix the wired network with the wireless network.

The following image shows an example of the hybrid network topology.

hybrid topology

Unlike a wired network, a wireless network does not use cables to connect computers. A wireless network uses a radio spectrum to transmit data.

Mesh Topology

In this topology, multiple paths exist between end devices. Based on paths, a mesh topology can be divided into two types; fully meshed and partially meshed . If a direct path exists from each end device to every other end device in the network, it’s a fully meshed topology. If multiple paths exist between the end devices in the network, it’s a partially meshed topology.

To know how many connections require to make a network fully meshed, we can use the following formula.

Here, n is the number of end devices or locations.

For example, to make a fully meshed network of 4 end devices, we need 4*(4-1)/2 = 6 connections.

We can also use this formula to figure out whether a network is fully meshed or partially meshed. If the number of connections in a network is less than the total required number of the connections then the network is considered as the partially meshed network. For example, a network of 4 end devices has less than 6 connections, then it will be considered as the partially meshed network.

The following image shows an example of both types.

mesh topology

Mesh topology is commonly used in the WAN network for backup purposes. This topology is not used in the LAN network implementations.

Point-to-multipoint topology

In this topology, an end device connects directly to multiple end devices in the network. Just like mesh topology, this topology is also used in the WAN network to connect multiple remote sites/locations/offices with a central site/location/office.

The following image shows an example of the point-to-multipoint topology.

point to multipoint topology

Partially meshed topology and the point-to-multipoint topology are the same except for the number of connections. In partially meshed topology number of connections are higher than the point-to-multipoint topology.

Point-to-point topology

This is the simplest form of network topology. In this topology, two end devices directly connect. The following image shows a few examples of this topology.

point to point topology

That’s all for this tutorial. If you like this tutorial, please don’t forget to share it with friends through your favorite social network.

By ComputerNetworkingNotes Updated on 2019-08-29

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Network Topology: Types, Diagrams, and Definition

What Is A Network Topology

What is a Network Topology?

A network topology is defined as the layout or arrangement of elements, like nodes or links, in a communication network. Network topologies describe the setup of different telecommunication networks, including computer networks, command and control radio networks, and industrial field buses.

Types of Network Topology

Selecting the right network topology depends on many factors, including the distance between each node, operational flexibility, redundancy, and the number of nodes that need to be connected to the network.

Bus Network Topology

Advantages of bus topology, disadvantages of bus topology, star network topology, advantages of star topology, disadvantages of star topology, mesh network topology.

A mesh topology can be further broken down into:

Full Mesh Topology

Partial mesh topology, advantages of mesh topology, disadvantages of mesh topology, ring network topology, advantages of ring topology, disadvantages of ring topology, hybrid network topology, advantages of hybrid topology, disadvantages of hybrid topology.

What is Network Topology? Definition and Overview of Types

Last Updated: August 19, 2024

Imagine trying to navigate a new city without a map—you wouldn’t know where to go, how to get there, or what obstacles might be in your way. As a network administrator, understanding network topology is just as vital for navigating and maintaining a stable network. Without a detailed knowledge of the pathways of your network infrastructure, troubleshooting and network management become unnecessarily complex.

In this guide, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the significance of network topology, its different types, and the tools needed to simplify network visualization and management.

We’ll dive into:

What is network topology?

Why network topology matters.

  • Network topology vs. network diagrams
  • Network topology vs. network maps
  • Most common types of network topology 

How to decide which network topology is right for you

Network topology tools and software.

Network topology is the arrangement of different elements (including links, nodes, and devices) in a computer network, defining how each component interacts and communicates with one another. The layout can be physical, representing the physical connections and hardware, or logical, indicating the data flow within the network. Both physical and logical layouts are crucial for creating an efficient and well-functioning network.

As a network administrator responsible for maintaining a healthy network, it’s critical to have a detailed understanding of your network topology.

Here’s why: 

  • Troubleshooting: Having detailed knowledge of your network can make identifying and resolving communication issues between devices much simpler. It will help to identify communication pathways, potential bottlenecks causing congestion issues, and single points of failure that could have dire consequences.
  • Network changes: Proper documentation helps in planning network expansions. For example, if you need to add new switches or links to a remote office, network topology helps you understand how traffic will flow through the network additions to ensure stability. 
  • Security and compliance : For compliance with standards like PCI , detailed network diagrams are essential. Auditors will want to know how your network is arranged to understand its different entry points. Current network topology can also help in defending your network design to management or external consultants.

Ultimately, network topology is vital for network visualization , providing a clear picture of how devices are interconnected and how data flows through your network. This understanding is essential for effective network management, as it enables administrators to identify potential issues, optimize performance, and plan for future expansions. 

Network topology vs. network diagram

While network topology refers to the actual layout and structure of the network, both physical and logical, a network diagram is simply a visual representation of this layout. The diagram helps visualize the topology, making it easier to understand and manage.

When talking about network topology, we’re paying special attention to the bottom few layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model —a seven-layer framework that’s used to implement standard protocols in network communications. Layer 1 is the physical layer, and Layer 2 is the logical layer in this model. 

These layers are broken down into separate network diagrams: 

  • Physical network diagrams: These often consist of devices like firewalls, switches, routers, and access points, along with a representation of the physical connections between them.
  • Logical network diagrams: These represent your network topology at a higher level. They may or may not include physical attributes, but they mainly focus on the logical relationships and paths that data takes through the network. 

Network diagrams typically use symbols to represent the different components of the network, making them easy to translate from whiteboard scribbles to computer-generated drawings. 

Network topology vs. network map

Similarly, a network map is a broader term that includes not only the topology but also the relationships and statuses of various network elements. When created with network mapping software, your network map provides a real-time view of the network, incorporating dynamic data such as device status, connections, and performance metrics. This helps you to quickly see the big picture, narrow down possible devices to investigate, and zoom in to get the info you need to effectively manage your network.

8 most common types of network topology

Understanding the different types of networks and common network topologies will help you better design, manage, and optimize your network infrastructure.

1. Point to point topology

A point-to-point topology involves a direct connection between two network nodes, creating a dedicated path for data transfer. This simple and straightforward topology ensures high performance and minimal latency, as data travels directly between the two connected devices without any intermediary nodes. This topology is useful in scenarios where a direct and secure connection is necessary, such as in remote office connections to a central data center. It’s also used in basic or dedicated communication channels, such as between a computer and a printer.

2. Star topology

In star topology, all network nodes are connected to a central hub or switch. This acts as the central point for all data traffic, managing communication between the connected devices. The primary advantage of star topology is its simplicity, which is useful for small to medium-sized networks where ease of troubleshooting is important, such as in a corporate office where multiple departments need reliable connectivity.

3. Bus topology

The simplest of its kind, bus topology connects all network devices to a single central cable, known as the bus. Data sent from one device travels along the bus and can be received by any other device on the network. The simplicity and low cost of a bus topology make it an attractive option for small office or home office networks where the cost of additional networking hardware needs to be minimized. While it’s cost-effective, it can suffer from performance issues as traffic increases.

4. Ring topology

Ring topology features three or more interconnected nodes (such as switches or devices) arranged in a circular pattern, forming a continuous loop for data signals that builds redundancy. If any single device or link fails, the network can continue to operate by rerouting data through the remaining nodes. This is useful in networks where performance is critical, like financial institutions where constant, reliable data transfer is essential. 

5. Tree topology

Tree topology combines elements of both star and bus topologies, organizing nodes in a hierarchical structure. The network starts with a root node, branching out to multiple levels of nodes, similar to a tree. This hierarchical arrangement allows for easy scalability and efficient management of large networks, which is useful in organizations that support multiple departments or divisions, such as a university campus where different buildings are interconnected. This is what Auvik’s network management software typically uses. 

6. Mesh topology

A mesh topology features nodes that are interconnected, providing multiple pathways for data to travel between. This high level of redundancy ensures that the network remains operational even if multiple connections fail, which is advantageous for critical infrastructure networks where reliability is essential, such as in military communication systems that must remain functional under adverse conditions. That said, it can be complex and costly to implement. 

7. Hybrid topology

Hybrid topology combines two or more types of topologies to leverage the advantages and mitigate the weaknesses of each. For example, a network might use a combination of star and ring topologies to benefit from the centralized management of a star and the redundancy of a ring. This flexibility allows for the design of complex networks that can meet specific needs.

8. Daisy chain topology

A daisy chain topology connects each network node to the next in a linear sequence, similar to the links in a chain. Data passes from one node to the next until it reaches its destination. This simple and cost-effective topology is easy to set up but can be prone to failure if a single link breaks. It’s most useful in small networks where simplicity and cost are priorities, such as a small manufacturing plant where machines need to be connected in a straightforward manner.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to choosing the right network topology—it depends on factors such as your network size, desired performance, budget, and specific application needs. 

As a starting point, follow these steps: 

  • Assess your needs : Determine the scale and purpose of your network. Are you supporting a small office, a large enterprise, or a specialized application? Understanding the requirements and goals of your network will guide you toward the most suitable topology.
  • Consider scalability : Choose a topology that can grow with your network. If you anticipate rapid expansion or the addition of new devices and users, select a topology that can easily scale without significant reconfiguration or disruption. For example, star and tree topologies are often more scalable than bus topologies.
  • Evaluate redundancy requirements : Ensure the topology provides sufficient redundancy to avoid single points of failure. For example, in mission-critical environments where network downtime can lead to significant operational or financial losses, topologies like mesh or ring provide higher levels of redundancy and reliability.
  • Factor in budget : Balance the cost of implementation and maintenance with the benefits provided by the topology. Some topologies, such as mesh, can be expensive to set up and maintain due to the extensive cabling and equipment required. Choose a topology that offers the best trade-off between cost and performance.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a network topology that not only meets your current needs, but also supports future growth.

The right network mapping tools will enhance your ability to visualize, monitor, and troubleshoot your network.

Here’s a look at some of the most popular options available.

  • SolarWinds : Known for its robust network mapping capabilities, SolarWinds offers a comprehensive suite of tools that provide detailed insights into network performance. While it is powerful, it can also be costly and complex, making it better suited for larger organizations with more extensive network management needs.
  • NetBrain: NetBrain is a network automation and troubleshooting software that includes automatic network infrastructure mapping features. It integrates heavily with other software, such as IDS (intrusion detection systems) and SIEM (security information event management) tools, to facilitate troubleshooting and network operations workflows. The software is installed on-premises on Windows servers, which can require substantial resources for large-scale deployments, leading to complex maintenance.
  • Microsoft Visio: This is a versatile diagramming tool widely used for creating detailed network diagrams. It offers extensive templates and stencils specifically for network mapping.
  • Auvik: Auvik’s network topology software automates network discovery and mapping, providing up-to-date visualizations of your network. With an intuitive interface and powerful features, network administrators can quickly identify and resolve network issues, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

More on Auvik’s automated mapping software

With our automated mapping software, administrators benefit from: 

  • Comprehensive mapping: The Auvik map shows both physical and logical connections. All you have to do is hover over a line connecting devices on the map to see details about the connection and its operational status.
  • Real-time updates: On the Auvik map, alerts appear directly on top of an affected device so you can see where you need to focus, and identify any other devices it’s connected to.
  • Ease of use: Hover over a device on the map to see basic details like IP and status. Click on a device to bring up the device dashboard. Auvik takes care of bringing the information to you in one place, so that you can focus on issue resolution.

Learn more about Auvik’s network mapping software >  

Looking for a deeper dive into network topology?

Understanding network topology is fundamental to effective network management. By leveraging the right tools and topologies, you can ensure your network is efficient, secure, and scalable. To dive deeper into the specifics and gain expert-level knowledge, download our comprehensive Network Topology Guide .

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Network Topologies.

Published by Valerie Roberts Modified over 9 years ago

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Types of Network Topology

Network topology refers to the arrangement of different elements like nodes, links, and devices in a computer network. It defines how these components are connected and interact with each other. Understanding various types of network topologies helps in designing efficient and robust networks. Common types include bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree topologies, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we are going to discuss different types of network topology their advantages and disadvantages in detail.

The arrangement of a network that comprises nodes and connecting lines via sender and receiver is referred to as Network Topology . The various network topologies are:

Point to Point Topology

Mesh Topology

Star Topology

Bus Topology

Ring Topology

Tree Topology

Hybrid Topology

Point-to-point topology is a type of topology that works on the functionality of the sender and receiver. It is the simplest communication between two nodes, in which one is the sender and the other one is the receiver. Point-to-Point provides high bandwidth.


In a mesh topology, every device is connected to another device via a particular channel. In Mesh Topology, the protocols used are AHCP (Ad Hoc Configuration Protocols), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), etc.

Mesh Topolgy

Figure 1 : Every device is connected to another via dedicated channels. These channels are known as links. 

  • Suppose, the N number of devices are connected with each other in a mesh topology, the total number of ports that are required by each device is N-1. In Figure 1, there are 5 devices connected to each other, hence the total number of ports required by each device is 4. The total number of ports required = N * (N-1).
  • Suppose, N number of devices are connected with each other in a mesh topology, then the total number of dedicated links required to connect them is N C 2 i.e. N(N-1)/2. In Figure 1, there are 5 devices connected to each other, hence the total number of links required is 5*4/2 = 10.

Advantages of Mesh Topology

  • Communication is very fast between the nodes.
  • Mesh Topology is robust.
  • The fault is diagnosed easily. Data is reliable because data is transferred among the devices through dedicated channels or links.
  • Provides security and privacy.

Disadvantages of Mesh Topology

  • Installation and configuration are difficult.
  • The cost of cables is high as bulk wiring is required, hence suitable for less number of devices.
  • The cost of maintenance is high.

A common example of mesh topology is the internet backbone, where various internet service providers are connected to each other via dedicated channels. This topology is also used in military communication systems and aircraft navigation systems.

For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mesh Topology .

In Star Topology, all the devices are connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the central node and all other nodes are connected to the central node. The hub can be passive in nature i.e., not an intelligent hub such as broadcasting devices, at the same time the hub can be intelligent known as an active hub. Active hubs have repeaters in them. Coaxial cables or RJ-45 cables are used to connect the computers. In Star Topology, many popular Ethernet LAN protocols are used as CD(Collision Detection), CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access), etc.

Star Topology

Figure 2 : A star topology having four systems connected to a single point of connection i.e. hub. 

Advantages of Star Topology

  • If N devices are connected to each other in a star topology, then the number of cables required to connect them is N. So, it is easy to set up.
  • Each device requires only 1 port i.e. to connect to the hub, therefore the total number of ports required is N.
  • It is Robust. If one link fails only that link will affect and not other than that.
  • Easy to fault identification and fault isolation.
  • Star topology is cost-effective as it uses inexpensive coaxial cable.

Disadvantages of Star Topology

  • If the concentrator (hub) on which the whole topology relies fails, the whole system will crash down.
  • The cost of installation is high.
  • Performance is based on the single concentrator i.e. hub.

A common example of star topology is a local area network (LAN) in an office where all computers are connected to a central hub. This topology is also used in wireless networks where all devices are connected to a wireless access point.

For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Star Topology.

Bus Topology is a network type in which every computer and network device is connected to a single cable. It is bi-directional. It is a multi-point connection and a non-robust topology because if the backbone fails the topology crashes. In Bus Topology, various MAC (Media Access Control) protocols are followed by LAN ethernet connections like TDMA , Pure Aloha , CDMA, Slotted Aloha , etc.

Bus Topology

Figure 3 : A bus topology with shared backbone cable. The nodes are connected to the channel via drop lines. 

Advantages of Bus Topology

  • If N devices are connected to each other in a bus topology, then the number of cables required to connect them is 1, known as backbone cable, and N drop lines are required.
  • Coaxial or twisted pair cables are mainly used in bus-based networks that support up to 10 Mbps.
  • The cost of the cable is less compared to other topologies, but it is used to build small networks.
  • Bus topology is familiar technology as installation and troubleshooting techniques are well known.
  • CSMA is the most common method for this type of topology.

 Disadvantages of  Bus Topology

  • A bus topology is quite simpler, but still, it requires a lot of cabling.
  • If the common cable fails, then the whole system will crash down.
  • If the network traffic is heavy, it increases collisions in the network. To avoid this, various protocols are used in the MAC layer known as Pure Aloha, Slotted Aloha, CSMA/CD, etc.
  • Adding new devices to the network would slow down networks.
  • Security is very low.

A common example of bus topology is the Ethernet LAN, where all devices are connected to a single coaxial cable or twisted pair cable. This topology is also used in cable television networks. For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Bus Topology .

In a Ring Topology, it forms a ring connecting devices with exactly two neighboring devices. A number of repeaters are used for Ring topology with a large number of nodes, because if someone wants to send some data to the last node in the ring topology with 100 nodes, then the data will have to pass through 99 nodes to reach the 100th node. Hence to prevent data loss repeaters are used in the network.

The data flows in one direction, i.e. it is unidirectional, but it can be made bidirectional by having 2 connections between each Network Node, it is called Dual Ring Topology. In-Ring Topology, the Token Ring Passing protocol is used by the workstations to transmit the data.

Ring Topology

Figure 4 : A ring topology comprises 4 stations connected with each forming a ring. 

The most common access method of ring topology is token passing.

  • Token passing: It is a network access method in which a token is passed from one node to another node.
  • Token: It is a frame that circulates around the network.

Operations of Ring Topology

  • One station is known as a monitor station which takes all the responsibility for performing the operations.
  • To transmit the data, the station has to hold the token. After the transmission is done, the token is to be released for other stations to use.
  • When no station is transmitting the data, then the token will circulate in the ring.
  • There are two types of token release techniques: Early token release releases the token just after transmitting the data and Delayed token release releases the token after the acknowledgment is received from the receiver.

Advantages of Ring Topology

  • The data transmission is high-speed.
  • The possibility of collision is minimum in this type of topology.
  • Cheap to install and expand.
  • It is less costly than a star topology.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology

  • The failure of a single node in the network can cause the entire network to fail.
  • Troubleshooting is difficult in this topology.
  • The addition of stations in between or the removal of stations can disturb the whole topology.
  • Less secure. 

For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Ring Topology .

This topology is the variation of the Star topology. This topology has a hierarchical flow of data. In Tree Topology, protocols like DHCP and SAC (Standard Automatic Configuration ) are used.


Figure 5 : In this, the various secondary hubs are connected to the central hub which contains the repeater. This data flow from top to bottom i.e. from the central hub to the secondary and then to the devices or from bottom to top i.e. devices to the secondary hub and then to the central hub. It is a multi-point connection and a non-robust topology because if the backbone fails the topology crashes.

Advantages of Tree Topology

  • It allows more devices to be attached to a single central hub thus it decreases the distance that is traveled by the signal to come to the devices.
  • It allows the network to get isolated and also prioritize from different computers.
  • We can add new devices to the existing network.
  • Error detection and error correction are very easy in a tree topology.

Disadvantages of Tree Topology

  • If the central hub gets fails the entire system fails.
  • The cost is high because of the cabling.
  • If new devices are added, it becomes difficult to reconfigure.

A common example of a tree topology is the hierarchy in a large organization. At the top of the tree is the CEO, who is connected to the different departments or divisions (child nodes) of the company. Each department has its own hierarchy, with managers overseeing different teams (grandchild nodes). The team members (leaf nodes) are at the bottom of the hierarchy, connected to their respective managers and departments.

For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Tree Topology .

This topological technology is the combination of all the various types of topologies we have studied above. Hybrid Topology is used when the nodes are free to take any form. It means these can be individuals such as Ring or Star topology or can be a combination of various types of topologies seen above. Each individual topology uses the protocol that has been discussed earlier.


The above figure shows the structure of the Hybrid topology. As seen it contains a combination of all different types of networks.

Advantages of Hybrid Topology

  • This topology is very flexible .
  • The size of the network can be easily expanded by adding new devices.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology

  • It is challenging to design the architecture of the Hybrid Network.
  • Hubs used in this topology are very expensive.
  • The infrastructure cost is very high as a hybrid network requires a lot of cabling and network devices .

A common example of a hybrid topology is a university campus network. The network may have a backbone of a star topology, with each building connected to the backbone through a switch or router. Within each building, there may be a bus or ring topology connecting the different rooms and offices. The wireless access points also create a mesh topology for wireless devices. This hybrid topology allows for efficient communication between different buildings while providing flexibility and redundancy within each building.

For more, refer to the Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology .

In conclusion, network topologies play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and reliability of a computer network. Each topology, whether it’s bus, star, ring, mesh, or tree, offers unique benefits and potential drawbacks. By understanding these different arrangements, network designers can choose the most appropriate topology to meet the specific needs of their systems, ensuring optimal performance and connectivity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Network Topology – FAQs

What is the main benefit of tree topology.

Tree topology combines characteristics of star and bus topologies. It supports future expandability of the network and provides efficient data management

Which topology is best for large networks?

For large networks, mesh and tree topologies are often preferred. Mesh topology offers high reliability and redundancy, while tree topology supports scalability and efficient data organization.

Can different topologies be combined in a single network?

Yes, different topologies can be combined in a hybrid topology to take advantage of the strengths of each type, improving overall network performance and reliability.

How do I choose the right network topology for my needs?

Choosing the right network topology depends on factors such as the size of your network, budget, desired performance, and the need for reliability and scalability. Assess your specific requirements to make an informed decision.

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Use Creative IT Diagrams to Present Network Topology

Use Creative IT Diagrams to Present Network Topology


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Do you need to give a presentation on technical IT concepts such as Network Topology? Technology topics, like so many others, require visually appealing slides. The presentation needs to be informative, but not overwhelming. If you need to explain technical terms to a less-savvy audience you’ll want to be thorough, but you have to avoid overwhelming them. Dense, wordy slides can actually keep viewers from retaining the information they’re designed to convey.

What if you down your audience with too much information? What if your charts and tables are too complex and they don’t understand what you’re trying to say? How can you create beautiful graphics for your presentation most efficiently?

Let us show you a few examples of presenting computer networks in a visual way.

Explore the full source presentation of Mobile and Smart Devices, Computer & Telecom Networks PowerPoint graphics here .

Use Simple Computer Network Templates as a Foundation

Computer networks Illustration Template

Presenting computer network information can benefit when you will add graphical illustrations. The icons can represent the interworking components of your IT infrastructure. If you avoid being too wordy and provide only the necessary text, you are less likely to overwhelm your audience.

Use detailed Network Topology icons

Computer network topology – Example Diagramwith Switch, Router, Bridge and Hub Device Icons

You can create element of change, when showing network topology on a dark background slide. Build network diagram with transparent background symbols that represent a switch, router, hub or Cisco network icons.

Explain the role of Smart Devices and Web Services

Web services & smart home connectivity infographics template network topology

Do web services and smart devices play a role in your presentation? Here is an example of template slide presenting smart home connectivity diagram.

Make IT presentations visual for better impression

When you use visually consistent graphics, icons and diagrams throughout a presentation there are numerous benefits. By utilizing basic design rules involving alignment, white space, and consistency you’ll create professional, legible slides. Slides which utilize basic design principles and use computer and telecom icons are sure to make a lasting impression on your audience.

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infoDiagram Co-founder, Visual Communication Expert

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Network Topology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation of network topology

  • Network Topology

Topics Network Topology Cables and connectors Network Devices * * Ethernet is by far the most widely implemented form of local area networking. * When a computer has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Cables and connectors
  • Network Devices
  • LANs and WANs - Geographical coverage
  • A single geographical location, such as office building, school, etc
  • Typically High speed and cheaper.
  • Spans more than one geographical location often connecting separated LANs
  • Costly hardware, routers, dedicated leased lines and complicated implementation procedures.
  • Topology - Physical and logical network layout
  • Physical actual layout of the computer cables and other network devices
  • Logical the way in which the network appears to the devices that use it.
  • Common topologies
  • Bus, ring, star, mesh and wireless
  • Uses a trunk or backbone to which all of the computers on the network connect.
  • Systems connect to this backbone using T connectors or taps.
  • Coaxial cablings ( 10Base-2, 10Base5) were popular options years ago.
  • Logical ring
  • Meaning that data travels in circular fashion from one computer to another on the network.
  • Typically FDDI, SONET or Token Ring technology are used to implement a ring network
  • Ring networks are most commonly wired in a star configuration
  • Token Ring has multi-station access unit (MSAU),equivalent to hub or switch. MSAU performs the token circulation internally.
  • All computers/devices connect to a central device called hub or switch.
  • Each device requires a single cable
  • point-to-point connection between the device and hub.
  • Most widely implemented
  • Hub is the single point of failure
  • Each computer connects to every other.
  • High level of redundancy.
  • Rarely used.
  • Wiring is very complicated
  • Cabling cost is high
  • Troubleshooting a failed cable is tricky
  • A variation hybrid mesh create point to point connection between specific network devices, often seen in WAN implementation.
  • Do not require physical cabling
  • Particularly useful for remote access for laptop users
  • Eliminate cable faults and cable breaks.
  • Signal interference and security issue.
  • General media considerations
  • Broadband versus baseband
  • Baseband transmissions use digital signaling and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
  • Broadband transmissions use analog and Frequency Division Multiplexing(FDM)
  • Dialog modes Simplex, half duplex and full duplex
  • Media interference
  • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and cross talk
  • Network media vary in their resistance to the effect of EMC.
  • UTP is susceptible and fiber is resistant
  • Attenuation
  • Resistance Coaxial cable gt UTP, STP gt UTP, Fiber gt all
  • Maximum distance
  • Attenuation-related problems require a network analyzer to detect
  • Transmission capacity of a media
  • Data throughput is measured in bits per second(bps), Mbps, and Gbps
  • For todays application-intensive networks, Old 10Mbps is not enough, 100Mbps is very common and 1000Mbps is used too.
  • Cable-based media
  • Copper wire to conduct the signals electronically
  • Was the choice for LAN for many years.
  • Twisted pair
  • Copper wire to conduct too
  • Most widely used
  • Fiber-optic
  • transmits the signals as light
  • Uses glass or plastic conductor and
  • High Cost. Restricted to where segment length and higher speeds are needed.
  • Server room, backbone
  • Has been around for a long time
  • Created for voice transmissions
  • Most widely used media for networking
  • More flexible
  • Easier to install
  • Greater speeds
  • Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
  • Shielded twisted pair (STP)
  • UTP is more commonplace
  • provides the extra shielding by using an insulating material wrapped around the wire
  • Greater resistance to EMI and attenuation
  • RJ-45 are used with twisted-pair cabling.
  • Resemble ordinary phone jacks (RJ-11)
  • Eight wires instead of four
  • Check out this page for how to make cat5 cable. http//
  • Use light transmissions
  • EMI, crosstalk and attenuation become no issue.
  • Well suited for data, video and voice transmissions
  • Most secure of all cable media
  • Installation and maintenance procedures require skills
  • Cost of cable
  • Cost of retrofitting of existing network equipment because incompatible with most electronic network equipment
  • Single mode fiber
  • A single direct bean of light, allowing for greater distances and increased transfer speeds.
  • Multimode fiber
  • Many beams of light travel through the cable
  • This strategy weakens the signal, reducing the length and speed the data signal can travel.
  • Three types
  • Speeds of wireless solutions dont keep pace with cable solutions
  • Installation and maintenance are far more complicated and costly.
  • Some solutions require line-of-sight, such as infrared and microwave.
  • IEEE 802.3 standards defines a range of networking systems that are bases on the original Ethernet standard.
  • Color codes
  • Pin Number Designations
  • There are pin number designations for each color in T568B
  • The pin designations are as follows
  • Color Codes for T568B
  • Pin    color  pair  name
  • ---     -----  ---- ---------
  • 1       wh/or   2   TxData
  • 2       or      2   TxData
  • 3       wh/grn  3   RecvData
  • 4       blu     1
  • 5       wh/blu  1
  • 6       grn     3   RecvData-
  • 7       wh/brn  4
  • 8       brn     4
  • The pinouts for a crossover cable
  • Network Interface Cards (NICs)
  • Wireless access points
  • Punch_down panels
  • The bottom of the networking food chain
  • Connect device and create larger networks
  • Small hubs 5-8 ports (workgroup hubs)
  • Some hubs have more ports, up to 32 normally
  • Direct data packets to all devices connected to the hub - shared bandwidth
  • Scalability, Collision, inefficient
  • Divide larger networks into smaller sections
  • Check MAC address, forward or block the data
  • Learning bridge builds list of MAC address by watching the traffic on the network.
  • Two issues to consider
  • Placement 80/20 rule
  • Bridging loops
  • IEEE 802.1d Spanning tree protocol
  • Types of bridges
  • Transparent bridge
  • Source route bridge
  • Translational bridge
  • Source Route Bridge
  • Used in Token Ring networks.
  • The entire path (ring number and bridge number) is embedded within Packet
  • Search frame
  • Route discovery frame
  • Used to convert one networking data format to another.
  • For example, from Token Ring to Ethernet and vice versa.
  • Like hub, connectivity points of Ethernet network
  • Forward only to the port that connects to the destination device
  • knows MAC address
  • Match the MAC address in the data it receives.
  • Fully switched network, a dedicated segment for each device is connected to switch. Expensive.
  • Allow full duplex Ethernet
  • Nodes only communicate with switch, never directly to each other
  • Use twisted pair or fiber optic cabling, using separate conductors for sending and receiving data.
  • collision pair is used to transmit data
  • It was half duplex before one device can transmit at one given time,
  • double the capacity, 100Mbps become 200Mbps
  • Most LAN are mixed with hubs and switches.
  • Packet-based switches use one of the following method to route packet.
  • Cut-through
  • Forward as soon as it received the destination MAC first 14 bytes
  • Can cause propagation of error
  • Store-and-forward
  • Error checked before being forwarded
  • Errors are not propagated through network
  • Bad frames are discarded
  • Error checking takes time.
  • Considerably slower
  • FragmentFree
  • Take the advantage of both.
  • Check errors by reading the first 64byte of packets where collision most likely happens
  • Offer near cut-through switching performance
  • LAN switches vary in their physical design
  • Shared-memory
  • Common buffer for all ports
  • Internal grid with input port and output crossing each other
  • First check MAC, then switch makes a connection where two ports (input/output) intersect
  • Bus-architecture
  • Dedicated buffer for each port and a circuit to control the bus access
  • Most LAN switches use transparent bridging to create address lookup tables
  • Transparent bridging is a technology that allows a switch to learn everything it needs to know about the location of nodes on the network within the network administrator having to do anything. Has five parts
  • To create larger networks, connect hubs and switches using
  • Standard port with special cable
  • Special ports with a standard cable
  • Standard port - Medium Dependent Interface-Crossed (MDI-X)
  • Two wires are crossed internally
  • Medium Dependent Interface (MDI)
  • To see each other as an extension, no signal to be crossed
  • Using crossover cable between two MDI-X ports
  • To uncross the internal crossing
  • Wiring closets
  • http//
  • Labeling schemes
  • Create larger networks by joining two networks segments.
  • Dedicated hardware device or computer systems with more than one network interface and routing software.
  • Routing table
  • Static routing
  • Dynamic routing
  • Use special routing protocols to pass info to other routers.
  • Distance Vector Routing (RIP)
  • Link state routing (OSPF)
  • Different with router
  • Typically switch works on lower level (Data link Layer) while Router works in higher level (Network Layer)
  • Algorithms for router and switch about how to forward packers are different
  • For example, switch will forward broadcast, so does hub, not router- the address has to be specific.
  • While most switches operate at the Data link layer(layer2), some incorporate features of a router and operate at the network layer (layer3).
  • Layer 3 switches are faster because they are build on switching hardware
  • a router is needed for VLANS communication
  • Why not build a router in the switch itself and do the forwarding in hardware
  • EX IP forwarding all in hardware
  • Route lookup
  • Decrement the Time to Live (TTL)
  • Recalculation the checksum
  • Forward the frame the frame to correct output port
  • Any device that translate one data format to another is called a gateway.
  • Gateway and default gateway
  • Channel Server Unit/Digital Service Unit ( CSU/DSU) or Data Service Unit
  • Convert digital format on LAN into signal used on WAN
  • Sit between LAN and access point provided by telecom company
  • Many routers have CSU/DSU functionality
  • Devices that provide connectivity between wireless LAN devices and in most cases a wired network.
  • Convert signal from radio wave or other to that used on the LANs.
  • Modulator/Demodulator, convert digital signal generated by computer into analog signals that can travel over conventional phone line.
  • Connect to ISP
  • Dialing up to a LAN
  • Internal add-in expansion cards or external devices connect to serial or USB port
  • PCMCIA cards for laptop
  • Modem itself
  • Speed of the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) chip,
  • UART 16950 has the speed of 921,600kbp
  • Called Network Interface Cards (NIC)
  • Attached to external port
  • Internal Network card
  • System bus compatibility
  • Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
  • Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)
  • System Resources device conflict
  • Media compatibility
  • Twisted pair, coaxial or fiber-optic connection?
  • Integrated Services Digital Networking (ISDN) is a remote access and WAN technology that can be used in place of a Plain old telephone systems dial-up link
  • Greater speeds than modem, pick up and drop the line considerable faster.
  • Require ISDN terminal adapter
  • Although digital signal, different format with the those used on LAN.
  • Create multiple communication channels on a single line.
  • Connecting computer systems in a cluster
  • High-performance unit.
  • Unique 6-byte address burned info network interface, expressed in hexadecimal
  • No matter which protocol is used, MAC address is the means by which the network interface is identified on the network.
  • IEEE managing MAC address assignment
  • IEEE has a system Identifying the manufacturer by looking at the MAC address
  • Discover MAC address, depend on the OS
  • Ifconfig /all on WINDOWs NT/2000
  • Ifconfig a on Linux/UNIX
  • Watch the Intel Gigabit demo.
  • http// s/demos/gigabit/base.swf
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) developed a series of networking standards
  • Networking technologies developed by manufacturers are Compatible
  • Cabling, networking devices and protocols are all interchangeable under the banner of a specific IEEE
  • Defines characteristics for Ethernet networks.
  • New additions, 802.3u for Fast Ethernet, 802.3z for Gigabit Ethernet, referred to as 802.3x.
  • Speed Original 10Mbps, Fast Ethernet 100Mbps, Gigabit Ethernet 1000Mbps
  • Topology bus or star.
  • Media Coaxial and twisted pair cabling, also fiber optic cable.
  • Access method CSMA/CD
  • Specifies the characteristics for Token Ring Networks.
  • Introduced by IBM in the mid 80s, network topology of choice until the rise of the popularity of Ethernet.
  • Speed 4 to 16Mbps
  • Topology logical ring and most often a physical star. Logical ring is often created in the Multistation Access Unit (MSAU)
  • Media twisted pair cabling.
  • Access method token passing.
  • Specifies the characteristics of wireless LAN Ethernet networks.
  • Special devices called wireless access points to allow communicate.
  • Also connect to wired networks to create wireless portions of entire networks.
  • Speed 802.11b specifies 11M. Today 802.11g can be 108Mbps
  • Media 802.11b standard is 2.4G radio waves.
  • Topology physical wireless, logical bus
  • Access method Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA ), a variation of CSMA/CD.
  • Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) standard was developed by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Dual ring technology for fault tolerance
  • Speed 100Mbps or higher
  • Topology dual ring topology
  • Media fiber optic cable, gt 2 kilometers. Also possible use copper wire as Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI).
  • Access method token-passing access method is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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network topology

Network Topology

Oct 12, 2014

1.2k likes | 2.07k Views

Network Topology. Physical Topology. The term physical topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically.

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  • physical topology
  • star topology
  • physical links
  • 1 physical links
  • fully connected mesh network


Presentation Transcript

Physical Topology • The term physical topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. • Two or more devices connect to a link; two or more links form a topology. The topology of a network is the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices (usually called nodes) to one another. • There are four basic topologies possible: • Mesh • Star • Bus • Ring • Hybrid

Mesh Topology • Mesh Topology: • every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other device. • The term dedicated means that the link carries traffic only between the two devices it connects.

Mesh Topology • To find the number of physical links in a fully connected mesh network with nnodes, • we first consider that each node must be connected to every other node. • Node 1 must be connected to n - I nodes, • node 2 must be connected to n –1 nodes, • and finally node n must be connected to n - 1 nodes. • We need n(n -1) physical links. • However, if each physical link allows communication in both directions (duplex mode), we can divide the number of links by 2. • In other words, we can say that in a mesh topology, we need n(n -1) /2 duplex-mode links.

Mesh Topology • To accommodate that many links, every device on the network must have n–1 input/output (I/O) ports to be connected to the other n -1 stations.

Advantages of Mesh Topology • A mesh offers several advantages over other network topologies. • First, the use of dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry its own data load, thus eliminating the traffic problems that can occur when links must be shared by multiple devices. • Second, a mesh topology is robust. If one link becomes unusable, it does not incapacitate the entire system. • Third, there is the advantage of privacy or security. When every message travels along a dedicated line, only the intended recipient sees it. Physical boundaries prevent other users from gaining access to messages. • Finally, point-to-point links make fault identification and fault isolation easy. Traffic can be routed to avoid links with suspected problems. This facility enables the network manager to discover the precise location of the fault and aids in finding its cause and solution.

Disadvantages of Mesh Topology • The main disadvantages of a mesh are related to the amount of cabling and the number of I/O ports required. • Every device must be connected to every other device, installation and reconnection are difficult. • The sheer bulk of the wiring can be greater than the available space (in walls, ceilings, or floors) can accommodate. • The hardware required to connect each link (I/O ports and cable) can be prohibitively expensive.

Examples of Mesh Topology • For these reasons a mesh topology is usually implemented in a limited fashion, for example, as a backbone connecting the main computers of a hybrid network that can include several other topologies. • One practical example of a mesh topology is the connection of telephone regional offices in which each regional office needs to be connected to every other regional office.

Star Topology • Star Topology: Each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually called a hub, or switch. The devices are not directly linked to one another. • Unlike a mesh topology, a star topology does not allow direct traffic between devices.

Star Topology • The controller acts as an exchange: If one device wants to send data to another, it sends the data to the controller, which then relays the data to the other connected device. • The star topology is used in local-area networks (LANs). High-speed LANs often use a star topology with a central hub or switch.

Advantages of Star Topology • A star topology is less expensive than a mesh topology. • In a star, each device needs only one link and one I/O port to connect it to any number of others. • This factor also makes it easy to install and reconfigure. • Far less cabling needs to be housed, and additions, moves, and deletions involve only one connection: between that device and the hub. • It includes robustness. If one link fails, only that link is affected. All other links remain active. • This factor also lends itself to easy fault identification and fault isolation. • As long as the hub is working, it can be used to monitor link problems and bypass defective links.

Disadvantages of Star Topology • One big disadvantage of a star topology is the dependency of the whole topology on one single point, the hub or switch. If the hub goes down, the whole system is dead. • Although a star requires far less cable than a mesh, each node must be linked to a central hub. For this reason, often more cabling is required in a star than in some other topologies (such as ring or bus).

Bus Topology • Bus Topology : The preceding examples all describe point-to-point connections. A bus topology, on the other hand, is multipoint. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in a network.

Bus Topology • Nodes are connected to the bus cable by drop lines and taps. • A drop line is a connection running between the device and the main cable. • A tap is a connector that either splices into the main cable or punctures the sheathing of a cable to create a contact with the metallic core. • As a signal travels along the backbone, some of its energy is transformed into heat. • Therefore, it becomes weaker and weaker as it travels farther and farther. • For this reason there is a limit on the number of taps a bus can support

Advantages of Bus Topology • Ease of installation. • Backbone cable can be laid along the most efficient path, then connected to the nodes by drop lines of various lengths. In this way, a bus uses less cabling than mesh or star topologies. • In a star, for example, four network devices in the same room require four lengths of cable reaching all the way to the hub. In a bus, this redundancy is eliminated. • Only the backbone cable stretches through the entire facility. Each drop line has to reach only as far as the nearest point on the backbone.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology • Difficult reconnection and fault isolation. A bus is usually designed to be optimally efficient at installation. It can therefore be difficult to add new devices. • Signal reflection at the taps can cause degradation in quality. This degradation can be controlled by limiting the number and spacing of devices connected to a given length of cable. Adding new devices may therefore require modification or replacement of the backbone. • In addition, a fault or break in the bus cable stops all transmission, even between devices on the same side of the problem. The damaged area reflects signals back in the direction of origin, creating noise in both directions.

Ring Topology • Ring Topology: Each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only the two devices on either side of it. • A signal is passed along the ring in one direction, from device to device, until it reaches its destination. • Each device in the ring incorporates a repeater. When a device receives a signal intended for another device, its repeater regenerates the bits and passes them along. • Ring topology was prevalent when IBM introduced its local-area network Token Ring. • Today, the need for higher-speed LANs has made this topology less popular.

Advantages of Ring Topology • A ring is relatively easy to install and reconfigure. • Each device is linked to only its immediate neighbors (either physically or logically). To add or delete a device requires changing only two connections. The only constraints are media and traffic considerations (maximum ring length and number of devices). In addition, fault isolation is simplified. Generally in a ring, a signal is circulating at all times. If one device does not receive a signal within a specified period, it can issue an alarm. The alarm alerts the network operator to the problem and its location.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology • However, unidirectional traffic can be a disadvantage. In a simple ring, a break in the ring (such as a disabled station) can disable the entire network. This weakness can be solved by using a dual ring or a switch capable of closing off the break.

Hybrid Topology • Hybrid Topology:A network can be hybrid. For example, we can have a main star topology with each branch connecting several stations in a bus topology as shown in Figure below.

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Network Topology

Network Topology. Single-level Diversity Coding System (DCS) An information source is encoded by a number of encoders. There are a number of decoders, each of which can access a certain subset of the encoders. The Graph Representing the Diversity Coding System

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994 views • 23 slides

Network Topology

431 views • 21 slides

Network topology:

Network topology:

Network topology:. A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. Three commonly used network topologies are star, bus, and ring. Most networks, including the Internet, use combinations of these topologies. 1- Star Network:.

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  1. What Is Network Topology And What Are Its Different Types?

    presentation of network topology

  2. PPT

    presentation of network topology

  3. What Is Network Topology? Types And Classifications

    presentation of network topology

  4. Introduction to Computer Network Topology

    presentation of network topology

  5. 0514 network topology template Powerpoint Presentation

    presentation of network topology

  6. PPT

    presentation of network topology


  1. PPT

    Computer Network Topologies Maninder Kaur [email protected]. What is a Topology? • Network topologies describe the ways in which the elements of a network are mapped. They describe the physical and logical arrangement of the network nodes. • The physical topology of a network refers to the configuration of cables, computers, and ...

  2. PDF Microsoft PowerPoint

    Topology - Physical and logical network layout. Physical - actual layout of the computer cables and other network devices. Logical - the way in which the network appears to the devices that use it. Common topologies: Bus, ring, star, mesh and wireless. 2.

  3. PDF The No-Sweat Guide to Network Topology

    Why Topology Matters as a network administrator responsible for the care and feeding of a network, it's vitally important you have an extremely detailed understanding of your network topology. hooting can be unnecessarily dificult. You'll find, if you haven't already, that troubleshooting is much easier if you have detaile

  4. Network Topologies Explained with Examples

    This tutorial explains network topologies (Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Point-to-point, Point-to-multipoint, and Hybrid) in detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

  5. PPT

    Simple Physical Topologies • Physical topology • Physical layout of a network • A Bus topology consists of a single cable—called a bus— connecting all nodes on a network without intervening connectivity devices. Advantages of Bus Topology • Works well for small networks • Relatively inexpensive to implement • Easy to add to it.

  6. Network Topology: Types, Diagrams, and Definition

    A network topology is defined as the layout or arrangement of elements, like nodes or links, in a communication network. Network topologies describe the setup of different telecommunication networks, including computer networks, command and control radio networks, and industrial field buses.

  7. PPT

    In this presentation on Network Topology, we will understand What is Network topology, the role of using topology while designing a network, Different types of Topologies in a Network. Network topology provides us with a way to configure the most optimum network design according to our requirements. Using network topology configuration is differentiated in many different types for the user to ...

  8. What is Network Topology? Definition and Types

    Discover the essentials of network topology, types and tools. Learn how to optimize network management with our network topology guide.

  9. Network topology

    Network topology is the arrangement of the elements ( links, nodes, etc.) of a communication network. [ 1][ 2] Network topology can be used to define or describe the arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and control radio networks, [ 3] industrial fieldbusses and computer networks .

  10. Network Topologies.

    Download ppt "Network Topologies." What is Network When you have two or more computers connected to each other, you have a network. The purpose of a network is to enable the sharing of files and information between multiple systems. The Internet could be described as a global network of networks.

  11. Network Topologies

    Network Topologies.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses several common physical network topologies: Bus, Mesh, Ring, Star, and Tree. The Bus topology uses a single cable to connect all nodes without devices in between.

  12. Network Topology by on Prezi

    Network Topology by on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own.

  13. Types of Network Topology

    Network topology refers to the arrangement of different elements like nodes, links, and devices in a computer network. It defines how these components are connected and interact with each other. Understanding various types of network topologies helps in designing efficient and robust networks. Common types include bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree topologies, each with its own advantages and ...

  14. PPT

    Introduction Of Network Topologies. Objectives • Describe the basic and hybrid LAN physical topologies, and their uses, advantages and disadvantages • Describe the backbone structures that form the foundation for most LANs. Simple Physical Topologies • Physical topology:physical layout of nodes on a network • Three fundamental shapes ...

  15. Use Creative IT Diagrams to Present Network Topology

    Do you need to give a Network Topology presentation? Use IT graphics to explain technical terms to both a less-savvy and tech-savvy audience.

  16. Network Topology

    3. Network Topologies. Topology - Physical and logical network layout. Physical actual layout of the computer cables. and other network devices. Logical the way in which the network appears to. the devices that use it. Common topologies. Bus, ring, star, mesh and wireless.

  17. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. NETWORK TOPOLOGY. NETWORK TOPOLOGYThe layout of a network Two major classes • Physical Network Topology • The physical layout of the network i.e. the arrangement and order of the network devices • Logical Network Topology ( Signal Topology) • How data is actually transferred between the source and receiver in a ...

  18. Topologies Presentation

    Topologies Presentation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. There are several common network topologies including star, bus, ring, mesh, tree, and hybrid. Each has advantages and disadvantages related to scalability, reliability, complexity, and cost. A hybrid topology combines elements of different ...

  19. PPT

    Network Topologies. Network Topology. The topology of a network specifies the geometric arrangement of the network. The complete physical structure of the cable (or data-transmission media) , workstations, nodes, routers and gateways are called the physical topology.

  20. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Network Topology. Physical Topology • The term physical topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. • Two or more devices connect to a link; two or more links form a topology. The topology of a network is the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices ...