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PhD Student vs Graduate Student [Correct terminologies]

As you progress down the academic pathway it can become confusing to work out what the appropriate terminology is for your current level of education. Is it PhD student? Is it graduate student? Is the PhD student the same as a graduate? Well, this article will answer all your questions.

Graduate student is an umbrella term for someone with an undergraduate qualification (bachelors, diploma), they are often performing graduate research in a Masters or PhD program. All PhD students are graduate students but not all graduate students are PhD students.

To fully get our heads around each of these definitions, we need to understand exactly what each term really means.

This is where we can look at the actual definitions of PhD student vs graduate student.

graduate student phd student

Definition of PhD student

A PhD student is someone who is currently enrolled in a doctorate degree program and is in the early stages of their course.

Some institutions require students to undergo a coursework component of their graduate program and are called a PhD student .

After the completion of the coursework component, with the research component still to go, they can be called a PhD candidate .

Definition of Graduate student

A graduate student is a known for a student who continues their studies after completion of their undergraduate degree.

The Cambridge dictionary defines it as:

A student who is studying for a degree that is higher than the one received after four years of study at a college or university.

Who is considered a graduate student?

Graduate students can include:

  • Masters students
  • PhD students
  • Professional Masters
  • Graduate academic certificate programs
  • undergraduate/graduate hybrid degree programs

Even if you have got an undergraduate degree, there are many more options for you to obtain many more qualifications and build on your education. In these instances, you will be known as a graduate student.

Is a PhD student a graduate student?

Yes, a PhD student is a graduate student.

They have spent up to 4 years in their undergraduate programs in order to qualify for admission into a PhD program.

PhD students are able to call themselves graduate students but many choose to refer to themselves as PhD students or candidates.

Is PhD the same as graduate?

A PhD is the highest education attainable as a graduate.

In order to obtain a PhD one must graduate from an undergraduate degree. From the moment of graduating in their undergraduate degree they are known as a graduate.

The order of becoming a PhD from a graduate is shown in the table below. It also includes what happens after you get a PhD.

Stage of educationImportant notes
Obtaining a bachelor degreesomeone undergoing their undergraduate degree, referred to as an undergraduate.
Obtaining a Masters degreereferred to as a graduate student or a Masters student.
Becoming a PhD studenta PhD student is someone who is in the early stage of their degree and has two complete the coursework (common in the USA).
Becoming a PhD candidatea PhD candidate is someone who has completed the coursework component of their degree and has to perform research and submit their thesis.
Becoming a PhD graduate
Becoming a post-docAfter your PhD degree you can choose to enter the University as a postdoctoral researcher.
Becoming a lecturerThe first level of employment for a university tenure position is as a lecturer or reader at a university.
Becoming an associate professorThe next level of promotion is to an associate professor level.
Becoming a professorA tenured professor has shown excellence in teaching, research, and administrative duties to the University.

Is a doctoral student the same as a PhD student?

Strictly speaking, a PhD student is someone who is pursuing a doctor of philosophy.

A PhD student is a type of doctoral student but not all doctoral students are PhD students. Anyone aiming to achieve the title of ‘Dr’ is a doctoral student.

There are many other different types of doctoral students including:

  • Doctor of Arts (DA)
  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Design (DDes)
  • Doctor of Engineering or Engineering Science (DEng, DESc, DES)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA.)
  • Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD, SJD)
  • Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
  • Doctor of Music Education (DME)
  • Doctor of Modern Languages (DML)
  • Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Doctor of Public Health (DPH)
  • Doctor of Sacred Theology (STD)
  • Doctor of Science (DSc, ScD)
  • Doctor of Theology (ThD)

There are also professional degrees that lead to the person being called Doctor. These professional degrees result in honorific doctor titles, including those found in the table below.

Medical doctorsPharmacistsDentists
Veterinary surgeonsLawyers (Doctor of Juris)Podiatrists

In my 15 years in academia, I would only really refer to someone as a PhD student. However, if someone was to introduce themselves as a doctoral student I would understand them to be a PhD student.

Wrapping up

In this article, we have learned the difference between PhD student vs graduate student.

In summary, a graduate student is an umbrella term that includes anyone that has done an undergraduate qualification and is continuing their education. It includes Masters students, PhD students and others.

All PhD students are graduate students but not all graduate students are PhD students.

graduate student phd student

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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PhD Candidate vs Student: What’s the Difference?

Lisa Marlin

Many people use the terms “PhD student” and “PhD candidate” interchangeably. However, these terms actually mean something quite different, including a different status level at universities.

We’re here to define the differences between a PhD candidate vs student, as well as other essential information, before you continue your educational journey.

Table of Contents

What I s a PhD student?

A doctoral student is anyone who is enrolled in a doctorate degree, also referred to as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. PhD students are typically required to complete a certain number of course credits and sit qualifying exams. Next, they can move on to conduct research and present it in the form of a dissertation.

A PhD is centered around self-directed research and possibly teaching/running tutorials, but they typically also involve a substantial amount of coursework and require attending classes, either online or in person.

Unlike candidates, PhD students are in the process of completing the required coursework for the degree. They haven’t passed the relevant qualifying exams yet.

What Is a PhD Candidate?

A PhD candidate has completed the required coursework and passed the qualifying exams for their doctorate program. They are currently working on their dissertation.

Most PhD students need to go through an application process  and show they meet certain requirements such as a relevant master’s degree . To become a PhD candidate, doctoral students need to pass an internal application process, typically involving a set of exams.

This stage involves significant research usually in innovative areas and incorporating this into a dissertation (this stage is sometimes referred to as “all but dissertation” [ABD]), as they’ve completed all other aspects of the program and satisfied these requirements. To complete their doctoral journey, a PhD candidate must defend their dissertation. Once they’ve successfully done this, they will be awarded their degree and move from PhD candidate to doctor of their chosen field.

PhD Candidate vs Student: 6 Key Differences

view of students in lecture hall from above

There are a number of key differences between a PhD student vs PhD candidate, from their status to the structure and nature of study.

Note: Some universities have recently started adopting hybrid approaches (where there is no clear difference between PhD students and PhD candidates). These programs don’t involve any qualifying exams and students typically begin the dissertation as part of their coursework. Most schools, however, continue with the traditional distinction between a PhD candidate and PhD student.

1. Program Stage

A PhD student could be at any stage of the doctoral program . Coursework still needs to be completed and qualifying exams must be passed. Students may be in the initial stage of the program or about to complete the coursework (before beginning their research).

On the other hand, a PhD candidate has completed all coursework and has at least started their research. They may have completed their dissertation and are preparing to defend it.

2. Research Progress

A PhD student may not have selected their research topic or settled on a particular research question. A candidate’s research is in progress and they should already have a clear research question.

3. Relationship with Advisors

A PhD student may not yet have an advisor. A candidate has an established working relationship with their advisor and works closely with them to complete their research and dissertation.

4. Level of Support

Although they work closely with an advisor, a PhD candidate is generally expected to work more independently than a student enrolled in a doctoral student. Once candidates reach this stage of their doctorate, they typically won’t receive as much direction or supervision.

5. Flexibility and Structure

Understandably, PhD candidates have more freedom and flexibility in their work. Most candidates choose their area of research, as well as the methods used to conduct their work. As part of their coursework, PhD students usually have to work within a set structure (e.g., completing core subjects, meeting deadlines).

Being a PhD candidate comes with a certain degree of status. If they’ve demonstrated a degree of expertise through completing qualifying exams, candidates can put the letters PhD(c) after their name.

Tips for PhD Candidates

view of library stacks on all three sides

A PhD is an advanced degree designed to demonstrate expertise in a given field, as well as high-level skills and abilities in various areas (including research and writing). As such, earning a doctorate can be a challenging process.

The following tips for doctoral candidates will help you put your best foot forward and set yourself up for success.

Stay Organized

Because PhD candidates have to balance many competing priorities, organization is essential. Using organizational tools such as calendars,  note-taking apps , and project management software can help you keep track of deadlines and meet your targets.

Focus on Your Research

PhD candidates likely have busy schedules with plenty of demands (such as teaching commitments and crafting a dissertation). As it’s the backbone of any doctoral program, be sure to prioritize this part of your work and monitor progress to stay on track.

Actively Seek Out Feedback

Because PhD candidates often work independently, there’s a risk of feeling isolated. Ask your advisors, mentors, and fellow candidates for feedback and advice. This will help ensure that you’re considering all aspects of your research question and multiple solutions, rather than focusing too intensely on a single area.

Take Advantage of Networking Opportunities

Networking is one of the biggest benefits for PhD candidates, so take full advantage of these events. Use this time to build a strong network of professors, advisors, fellow candidates, and other professionals you meet at conferences and events.

Take Care of Yourself

A PhD program can be taxing, and it’s easy for your mental and physical health to take a backseat. Make sure you exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep . Remember: Resting and recharging is crucial for working on your dissertation.

How Long Is a Typical PhD Candidacy?

view of ivy league building with autumn leaves

Most PhD students require 1-2 years to complete their coursework and pass their qualifying exams. However, the length of a PhD candidacy is much more open. In most cases, programs take between two and five years, depending on:

  • the complexity of the field of research
  • the candidate’s other commitments, such as teaching load
  • other abilities, such as a candidate’s level of organization.

Once a PhD candidate has completed their dissertation, they have to defend it successfully before a panel of faculty members before they can earn their doctorate degree. This process of defending a PhD dissertation can take several months.

Some universities specify a maximum length for PhD candidacy duration. For example, Carnegie Mellon University limits this to six years .

Benefits of Being a PhD Candidate

Being a PhD candidate can be rewarding for several reasons:

1. Research Opportunities

You’ll be exposed to vast research opportunities in your field. You may contribute to valuable discoveries while developing advanced knowledge and skills.

2. Networking

Through your PhD candidacy, you’ll also be in a great position to build gain a stronger network of fellow professionals.

3. Critical Thinking

A PhD candidacy can help you develop high intellectual independence and critical thinking skills.

4. Career Opportunitie s

A PhD is an advanced degree that allows you to build a rewarding career in the academic, government, and private sectors. PhD-holders can also expect to earn more than other graduates and are most likely to find a job.

5. Salaries

According to Northeastern University , professionals with a doctorate degree earn an average annual salary of $99,290 on average (and much more for the highest-paid PhDs ) and have a 1.5% unemployment rate. For master’s degree holders, the average annual salary is $81,867 average annual salary and a 2.6% unemployment rate.

6. Personal Fulfillment

Being a PhD candidate can help you pursue your passions. This advanced qualification will allow you to become a specialist in your chosen field, allowing you to hone in on the exact subject thatl fulfills you the most.

Qualifying Exams to Become a PhD Candidate

arm in grey sweater writing in notebook

While requirements vary by program, to become a PhD candidate, most students will need to pass a set of exams. These will test students’ knowledge in the field, measure their research skills, and ensure they’re ready to start their dissertation research.

Traditionally, qualifying exams for PhD candidates involved a written test and an oral exam. These will cover a range of topics related to your field of study, with the oral component designed to demonstrate your level of understanding.

Some universities have recently started to issue doctoral students with a set of questions and have them submit the answers within a set timeframe (usually around two weeks). Other schools ask prospective doctoral candidates to submit a dissertation proposal instead of an exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a phd candidate be called a doctor.

In most cases, a doctoral candidate cannot be called a doctor until after they successfully defend their dissertation and receive their doctorate.

Can I Put ‘PhD Candidate’ after My Name?

Once you’ve passed qualifying exams and embarked on dissertation research, you’re technically entitled to put “PhD candidate” or “PhD (c)” after your name. However, this is uncommon and not always recommended. It is generally more acceptable to mention that you are pursuing a doctorate (along with the field of research and university) or that you expect to complete your PhD in a certain year (on your CV and online profiles).

How Long Can You Be a PhD Candidate?

There isn’t a set length of time that a person can be a PhD candidate. The length of candidacy depends on a range of factors, including the subject of research and program requirements. Most PhD candidates complete this phase in around 3-5 years (where some university programs have set limits).

Do PhD Students Take Classes?

Yes, most PhD students must take classes and complete coursework as part of the first 1-2 years of their doctorate program. Once they’ve completed this coursework and passed qualifying exams, they move on to work on their research dissertation. At this stage, they’ll be considered a PhD candidate.

Key Takeaways

Now that you know the differences between PhD candidates vs. students, you’ve got a deeper understanding of how to obtain a doctorate. However you slice it, both will help you build your knowledge and skills to become an expert in your field.

However the program is structured, a PhD is a highly valuable degree that allows you to become a high-level professional and build a successful career.

If you know a PhD candidate who’s celebrating their accomplishments soon? Take a look at this guide to the best PhD graduation gifts .

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  • 10 Top PhD Programs in Chemistry
  • The Top 10 Easiest PhDs: Tuition, Duration, and Financial Aid
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  • Top 10 Best PhD in Medicine Programs

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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PhD Student Funding FAQs

General funding, what are the current stipend and tuition rates.

The current stipend rate can be found  on the About Graduate Funding pag e , and current tuition rates can be found on the Student Finance website . The stipend rate is set by the dean of The Graduate School (TGS) and the budget office, and approved by the provost. This rate is typically announced during the winter quarter for the following year. Tuition rates are set by the provost’s office and approved by the Board of Trustees each spring. These rates are typically announced during the spring quarter.

Who determines a student’s funding sources (e.g., whether a student will be paid on a fellowship or graduate assistantship)?

Each program determines on a quarterly basis whether or not students will be funded using TGS funds or other sources (e.g., grants). When TGS funds are used, the program determines if this will be through a fellowship or graduate assistantship for each student. Students should refer to their admissions offer letter or program staff regarding their individual funding.

Are PhD students responsible for paying any fees out-of-pocket?

A PhD student's funding covers tuition, stipend, health services fees and the annual health insurance premium.  Any other fees, such as the activity fee, are paid by the student.

How is a PhD student’s funding affected when registered for TGS 512 (Continuous Registration)?

Students do not receive funding (stipend or tuition scholarship) when registered for TGS 512 and are not eligible for the health insurance subsidy. In addition, they do not pay the activity fee and are not eligible for U-Pass. The current tuition charge for TGS 512 is $100/quarter.

Is PhD funding different for international students?

In general, international students are funded the same as domestic students.  However, international students must pass  TGS's English Proficiency Requirement  before they can be funded as a graduate assistant/TA. 

What other funding opportunities are available?

Additional funding opportunities may be available based on eligibility through  The Office of Fellowships , the  Evanston Office of Graduate Financial Aid  (loans),  Interdisciplinary Graduate Assistantships (GAships) , or  TGS Internal Fellowships/Grants . It is the student’s responsibility to obtain approval from their program and coordinate other funding opportunities.

How do external fellowships affect my funding?

Your Northwestern funding package will be adjusted when you obtain external funding. You do not receive external fellowships on top of your full Northwestern funding.

Are financial resources available for relocation/moving expenses?

What is the process when a phd student’s tuition/fees are financially supported by direct billing to a 3rd party sponsor.

If a 3 rd party sponsor, such as an employer or scholarship sponsor, pays for a student’s tuition/fees upfront and without any stipulations, then it may fall under third party billing in which case the Student Finance department can set up a third party billing plan and invoice the sponsor directly; however, before they can do this, the student would need to provide them with an official sponsorship letter. The letter needs to be on company/sponsor letterhead and it needs to include the following information:

  • Type of charges that will be covered (tuition, activity fee, student health plan, etc.)
  • Coverage period (for example: Fall 2021 or 2021-2022 academic year)
  • Address/email address where invoice should be sent
  • Address where any refund/overpayment should be returned

Funding timeline

How many quarters of funding does a phd student receive  .

PhD students in the Humanities and Social Sciences receive 20 quarters (5 full years) of funding. In most programs additional quarters may be banked through the fifth year and used in the sixth year (see banked quarters section below). PhD students in the Sciences and Engineering are typically funded for at least five years through a combination of funding by The Graduate School (TGS) and adviser/program funding. Graduate student funding is a shared responsibility. While financial commitments are made to PhD students for a set number of years, it is important to understand that the overall graduate funding budget is dependent on a significant number of PhD students obtaining external funding.

During what months/quarters are PhD stipends paid?

PhD students are paid year round including over the breaks while they are registered full-time (excluding TGS 512). Please note that the  funding quarters do not exactly match the academic quarters . For example, the first stipend payment for new students is for the period of 9/1 – 9/30 even though classes do not start until late September. Conversely, a student who graduates in the Spring quarter (completes in May) is paid through 5/31 even though classes run a couple of weeks into June. Students receive 3 months of stipend for each quarter although the timing does not exactly match the academic schedule. Below are the funding quarters:

  • Fall: September – November
  • Winter: December – February
  • Spring: March – May
  • Summer: June- August

Is the funding for each program customized based on average time to degree?

No. The University’s funding commitment is standard across all PhD programs. It is not tied to time to degree in order to maximize the funding available to as many students as possible.

What funding from The Graduate School is limited to a PhD student’s first five years?

Any TGS quarters of funding, outside of eligible banked quarters, such as interdisciplinary GAships, cluster quarters, and competitively-awarded fellowships, such as the Nicholson Fellowship, TGS Buffet Fellowship, Ryan Fellowship etc., are limited to a PhD student’s first five years.

What funding options are available to a PhD student after their fifth year?

At the home school’s discretion, eligible banked quarters may be used through a PhD student’s sixth year in the Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition, there is no limitation on funding from outside of The Graduate School, external funding from outside of the University, or scholarships related to external funding. In addition, TGS continues to provide research assistant scholarships (RAS), health subsidies, and tuition scholarships for PhD students with external funding beyond 5 years across disciplines.

When a PhD student graduates, when does their stipend end?

A PhD student will receive a stipend payout through the end of the month in which they complete/submit all degree requirements.

Banked quarters (humanities and social sciences PhD students)

Can phd students bank some of their funding to be used later .

At the home school’s discretion, most Humanities and Social Sciences PhD students may use up to 4 banked quarters to extend their funding through their sixth year. Banked quarters are earned in years 1-5 when a student is funded on quarters outside of their 20 allocated quarters from TGS, such as through interdisciplinary GAships, external fellowships, grant funding, etc. Please check with your program staff or dean’s office to determine if your program participates in banked quarters.

Are banking policies consistent between schools?

The Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (WCAS) has a formal banking policy that is consistent across most programs. Currently, it is standard in most programs for WCAS Humanities and Social Sciences PhD students to use banked quarters through their sixth year. Please check with your program staff or dean’s office to determine if your program participates in banked quarters.

Additional income (e.g., Permission to Work)

In addition to their stipend, can a phd student perform additional work for pay.

In order for a student to perform additional work for pay, A Permission to Work form must be submitted before the work begins if any of the following thresholds are exceeded:

  • Student will work more than 10 hours/week
  • Time period of service is more than one month
  • Compensation is $600 or more

PhD and MFA students may work no more than 20 hours per week from all sources, including assistantships. Students are responsible for verifying that additional work for pay is permitted based on their funding source (e.g., NSF GRFP, etc.).

Payroll and Taxes

Where can i find out information about payroll, i-9 forms, fnis, direct deposit, w-4s etc.,, why can’t federal taxes be automatically withheld from graduate student fellowships.

Even though graduate student fellowships are considered taxable income, federal law does not require taxes to be withheld, and the amount to withhold varies by individual. To help avoid a significant tax payment at the end of the year, students are encouraged to  complete a W-4 Form  and indicate an amount they would like Payroll to withhold from each stipend payment. Learn more in the  Taxes section .

Where can I receive assistance with filing my taxes?

Why can’t the student activity fee be automatically deducted from stipend payments.

There is not currently a mechanism in place across the multiple University systems to automatically deduct the student activity fee. If a student activity fee is not paid on time, a registration hold may be placed on the account and a late fee may be charged. Please be sure to check your student account in CAESAR every month.

Undocumented/DACA funding 

How are undocumented or daca students funded.

Undocumented students who are not authorized to work in the U.S. must be funded on fellowships for their entire tenure in the program. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a.k.a. Dreamers) students who have work authorization may be funded on assistantships or fellowships.

Healthcare subsidy 

Who is eligible for the health care subsidy.

All TGS PhD students who are registered full-time (3-4 units), except for TGS 512, during the fall quarter are eligible for the healthcare subsidy for the full academic year (Sep 1-Aug 31). The subsidy is automatically applied during the fall quarter as long as the student is enrolled in the Northwestern health insurance plan.

More Assistance

Who should i contact with questions or issues related to my funding, who should i contact with questions or issues related to my student account in caesar.

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What Is A PhD Student? A Definition

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What is a PhD student

All PhD students are conducting some sort of research and many of them will be also teaching and assisting in their departments. Very few PhDs are completed on a  part-time  basis, so most PhD students are studying on a full-time basis. PhD students have often been getting ready to embark on their doctoral studies  for a very long time. While many of them may have taken up paid research positions, but this is not always the case so searching for funding is an on going activity for some PhD students. 

Here we take a look at many of the factors that make up what a PhD student actually is...

They're quite mature...

PhD students are all mature students , as they have already completed undergraduate and postgraduate degrees already. Most PhD students will have done a masters in preparation for starting a PhD , this is often an MPhil or a Masters by Research . All of this previous study means that PhD students have strong study skills and have spent time building academic qualifications in the lead up to their PhD. Many students go straight through an undergraduate and masters level to a PhD, but many other students have already started working, and their PhD is a way to grow an already established career. 

Our PhD bursary winner & funding opportunity

Mohammad Abdollahi is a 35-year-old Iranian student studying a PhD in Operational Research at the University of Essex. He was delighted when he found out he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. As an international student coming to the UK with his wife and two children, it has proved to be an invaluable funding resource as he explains. “It was good news and exciting – I was overwhelmed with joy!”

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PhD students are always researching

PhDs are all research degrees and most students who are embarking on a PhD have already completed some form of research. The research comes in many forms, such as scientific, sociological, archaeological, medical or historical and this research guided by their PhD supervisor . This is one of the most important relationships during a PhD as it is their guidance that shapes a PhD student's thesis . 

Many PhD students are teaching

Many PhD students will supplement their income by teaching or working as assistants in their department or work at the university. In some institutions it is expected that PhD students will do this and in other universities it is an optional extra that is not required. Teaching responsibilities may include assisting with lectures or tutorials and helping with undergraduate supervision. 

They are mostly full-time students 

This can be one of the big attractions for some undergraduates when they see PhD students still living a student lifestyle. However, most PhD students would not think that their lifestyles are something to aim for and the academic work they need to do does take up most of their time. The vast majority of PhD students are full-time and  part-time PhD students  find it difficult to maintain their studies over the six to eight years it may take to complete their research. They are, however, often very passionate about their studies. 

Some of them are getting paid to study

PhD students select their topic for research in one of two ways. They might decide on their research topic and then find a PhD supervisor or they may apply for one of the many advertised research positions. Searching for a supervisor can be a difficult route, especially if you change institutions between your masters and your PhD. Using the network of contacts you have built up during your previous studies or career is the key to finding a supervisor. The advantage of the second route is that the funding for the research is already in place and the student will receive a stipend as well. 

PhD students do worry about funding

Getting funding in place is a major worry for a large proportion of PhD students and it is often the case that many students start their PhDs without full funding in place. This is often why students might start on a part-time basis. PhD funding can come from a huge range of sources including the  government , grants and scholarships and most students  begin their search  with their university department.

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PhD Student Bios

In addition to their studies, doctoral candidates are involved in many aspects of the school. Among other activities, they hold Research or Teaching Fellowships and organize speaker series, conferences, and journals.

Students generally take courses their first two years, and are engaged in research and teaching for at least two more years. After their fourth year, students may or may not remain in residency; many travel to pursue their research, either in the US or abroad.

Click here for recent PhD graduates.

headshot of Salma Abouelhossein

Salma’s research is supported by the Agha Khan program at Harvard University, the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR), and Harvard University’s Center for African Research. She holds a Master of Science degree in urban development and planning from the Bartlett, University College London and a Bachelor of Architecture from the American University in Cairo. Before starting her Ph.D. at Harvard university, she worked as an urban planner in Cairo in collaboration with several NGOs, international development organizations, governmental agencies and local municipalities.

[email protected]

headshot of Hugo Betting

Hugo Betting is a fourth-year PhD student. His research explores the entanglement of architecture, science, and environment in history, through texts and objects in the nineteenth and twentieth-century North Atlantic.

At the nexus of architectural, intellectual, and environmental history, his current work examines the nationalist discourse of U.S. (settler) architecture in relation to its environmental conditions of production and enunciation – in other words, how U.S. architecture was described, historicized, and theorized in environmental terms, and made “national” as “natural.”

Hugo presented his work at the Mahindra Center for Humanities at Harvard, the Graduate School of Architecture at Columbia, and the Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory held at TU Delft.

His research has been supported by the Arthur Sachs Foundation and the Harvard GSAS Graduate Society. Prior to arriving at Harvard, Hugo completed a licence’s and a master’s degree from Paris La Villette School of Architecture and worked for various architecture studios in Paris.

Will Conroy holding a dog while sitting on the subway

William Conroy is a PhD candidate in urban studies and planning at Harvard University, as well as an Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellow in Ethics at the Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics. He is broadly interested in the theoretical dimensions of political-economic problems, and is currently focused on developing an abstract-theoretical account of capitalist urbanization and the production of space in capitalist society. In line with that agenda, William’s ongoing dissertation project tracks the shifting place of “the urban” in American anti-imperial thought across the middle part of the twentieth century, engaging its invocation as a site of political intervention and category of socio-spatial analysis. His contention is that this intellectual-historical undertaking provides a distinctive vantage on to not only the political, economic, and ecological implications of capitalist urbanization during that conjuncture, but on to some of the most vexing questions in socio-spatial theory regarding capitalist urbanization as well.

In addition to his dissertation work, William has published widely since beginning his PhD, intervening in theoretical debates on, inter alia , the relationship between ascriptive difference and capitalist reproduction, the constituent features of capitalism as an institutionalized social order, and the spatiality of capitalist crisis. This work has appeared in Antipode, Environment and Planning A, Urban Studies, Theory, Culture & Society , and Review of International Political Economy , among other outlets. (For more information and publication details, please visit: )

William has a BA from Northwestern University, an MPhil from the University of Oxford, and an AM from Harvard University. He is a Research Affiliate at the University of Chicago’s Urban Theory Lab.

Headshot of Samira Daneshvar

Samira holds a Master of Architecture from University of Toronto and a Master of Science from University of Michigan. She joined the design discipline after five years of medical studies in Iran. Prior to joining Harvard, Samira taught at University of Miami and practiced in Toronto. Her writings have appeared in Winterthur Portfolio (The University of Chicago Press), Thresholds Journal (MIT Press), Informa , Inflection Journal , and Centre , among others. She has exhibited her work at MIT (Keller Gallery), Fashion Art Toronto, University of Texas at Austin, and Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism at Carleton University.

Black and white image of Romain David smiling

Romain holds a BA in cinema studies from Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle and a BA and MA in architecture from l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette. In 2018, he received the Prix du Mémoire de Master en Architecture from the Fondation Rémy Butler. His research has been supported by the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montréal, the Harvard University Asia Center, the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, and the Arthur Sachs Fellowship. In the Fall of 2024, as a Merit-Term Fellow, he will spend time in the Netherlands at the National Archives for his research.

headshot of Phillip Denny

Phillip frequently writes about architecture, art, and design. His writing has appeared in  Harvard Design Magazine, Volume, Metropolis, The New York Times, and other publications.  Recent projects include a genealogy of “creaturely” architecture in  Inscriptions: Architecture Before Speech,  edited by K. Michael Hays and Andrew Holder (Harvard University Press), and The Art of Joining: Designing the Universal Connector  (Leipzig: Spector Books), a pocketbook anthology of original research on the architect Konrad Wachsmann. He is a member of the editorial board of  Architect’s Newspaper  and editor of New York Review of Architecture.  In 2020, Phillip co-founded  a83 , a gallery and organization in Soho, New York, with a three-part mission to exhibit, publish, and promote experimental projects in architecture, art, and design.

Phillip completed his Master of Architecture degree at Princeton University, where he graduated with the certificate in Media + Modernity, and received the School of Architecture History and Theory Prize. He received a Master’s degree from Harvard University in 2019. He also holds a professional Bachelor of Architecture degree from Carnegie Mellon University, where he was awarded the Louis F Valentour Fellowship, the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Prize for Architecture History, and the AIA Henry Adams Medal. He has practiced in numerous roles with architecture firms and organizations in the United States and Europe, including OMA/Rem Koolhaas, MOS Architects of New York, and C-Lab at Columbia University. In 2018, Phillip was a fellow of the Bauhaus Global Modernism Lab in Dessau, Germany. In 2019, he received a Graham Foundation grant to support his work on an English-language translation of Nicolas Schöffer’s 1969 urban manifesto  La ville cybernétique.

[email protected]

black and white headshot of Hayley Eaves

Hayley’s current research examines developments in early modern theatre architecture and stage design, considering such topics and themes as the ways in which architecture and architectural thinking were transformed by the dramatic arts and became increasingly tied to other modes of rhetorical address practiced on stage; cultures of secrecy and rivalry characteristic of the profession of ‘scenic designer’ and among practitioners of esoteric theatre-technological knowledge; yet undecided relations between the role and reputation of stage managers called “il corago” or impresari and military commanders responsible for overseeing dynamic theatres of war; scenographic theory and its precarious relationship to practice; aesthetic and spatial programs for auditoria; and the pan-European legacy of architectural dynasties active in theatre and set design, including the families Galliari, Quaglio, and Galli da Bibiena.

Hayley’s interest in theatre architecture began following her visit to the Teatro Goldoni in Florence, Italy, in 2015. Equally inspired by the writings and life of the theatre’s namesake, that of the Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni, Hayley was inspired to complete her master’s thesis at McGill University on the role and representation of a topic much debated in Goldoni’s creative work: Commedia dell’arte , being a form of Renaissance comic theatre with crude plots and characters like the gnocchi-loving scoundrel Punch ( Pulcinella ). While completing her degree, Hayley spent time as a Research Library Reader at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, California, where she consulted copious visual materials from both the Italian Theatre Prints Collection and the Stage and Theatre Design Collection. Prior to matriculating to Harvard in 2020, Hayley completed a three-month research residency at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini’s Institute of Theatre and Opera in Venice, Italy.

For the 2023-24 academic year, Hayley will fulfill the role of MDes Research Tutor in the Narratives Program and will partake in a digital exhibition project with the Harvard Art Museums. The exhibition, which aims to shed light on the material culture of the Crusades, will feature over one-hundred individual objects from the Museums’ collections.

black and white headshot of Tamer Elshayal

Tamer is an associate member of the Spatial Ethnography Lab, a research collaborative co-founded and led by anthropologist Vyjayanthi Rao. He is also a research member of Neil Brenner’s Urban Theory Lab at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, in which he works on the spatial and political dimensions of extractive economies and large-scale water and energy infrastructure in the restructuring of North Africa. Tamer previously worked as a research assistant in the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure, focusing on water and energy infrastructure in the US. Furthermore, reflecting his shared interests in critical geography and environmental anthropology, he was awarded the Penny White summer grant to conduct fieldwork in Egypt, investigating the infrastructural landscapes of coastal engineering works in the Nile Delta.

Tamer holds a Master in Design Studies in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), a Master of Landscape Architecture from FH Anhalt, Germany; a Post-professional Certificate in GIS and Environment from Salford University, UK; and a Bachelor of Architecture from Faculty of Fine Arts, Egypt. Tamer has previously worked as landscape architect in Germany and Egypt, and as an environmental researcher at the Center for the Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

headshot of Morgan Forde

Morgan holds an MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies with distinction from the University of Cambridge and a bachelor’s degree in International Politics and Security Studies from Georgetown University. Formerly a journalist and editor, her work has appeared in The Nation, the Los Angeles Review of Books, Mic, Popular Mechanics, Ploughshares, and Smart Cities Dive.

Headshot of Charles Gaillard

Charlie holds a Master in Design Studies from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a B.A. in Art History and English from Williams College. Prior to earning his Masters degree, Charlie worked as a strategist at the New York design consultancy 2×4 before joining the GSD’s Office for Urbanization (OFU). There, he contributed to design research projects on mass transit, climate change adaptation, and new town planning. With Charles Waldheim and OFU, Charlie co-authored 50 Species-Towns , a 2022 publication that presents a speculative approach to rural urbanization in China. He also produces the GSD’s Future of the American City conversation series. Charlie lives in Somerville, MA with his wife Catherine and son Paul.

Headshot of Swarnabh Ghosh

His recent publications include a paper (with Neil Brenner) on the relationship between processes of extended urbanization, neoliberal agro-industrial restructuring, and the political ecologies of emergent infectious disease; an essay on work and the labor process in the global construction industry; and a paper (with Ayan Meer) on the conceptual convergences between critical agrarian studies and urban theoretical scholarship on planetary urbanization. His broader interests include geographical political economy, political ecology, critical urban theory, state theory, and the historical geography of capitalism from the nineteenth century to the present.

Swarnabh is a Research Affiliate at the Urban Theory Lab, formerly based at the GSD, currently based in the Division of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. His research has been supported by the Harvard GSAS Graduate Society, the Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative, the Weatherhead Center, and the IJURR Foundation. His work has appeared in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Dialogues in Human Geography, Urban Studies, and The Avery Review, among other publications.

Swarnabh holds a Master of Philosophy in Urban Studies (with distinction) from the University of Cambridge where he studied as a Bass Scholar and a Master of Architecture from Yale University. Before coming to Harvard, he worked for several years at Diller Scofidio + Renfro in New York City where he was involved in projects spanning art, media, and architecture.

Headshot of Sarah Hutcheson

Photo credit: Portrait by Enrique R. Aguilar for MENTES vol. 2, 2022.

black and white headshot of Gabriel Kozlowski

Gabriel was Assistant Curator for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2021. Past curated exhibitions include “Walls of Air” (the Brazilian Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Biennale) and “Housing+” (the 3rd Biennial Exhibit of the MIT L. Center for Advanced Urbanism). His recent books include: The World as an Architectural Project (MIT Press, 2020); 8 Reactions for Afterwards (RioBooks, 2019); and Walls of Air: Brazilian Pavilion 2018 (Bienal de São Paulo, 2018).

Graduated from the Master of Science in Urban Design program at MIT, Gabriel has held research positions at the School of Architecture and Planning, the Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism and the Senseable City Lab, and taught graduate-level seminars, workshops and studios at the same school.

For his PhD at Harvard, Gabriel is looking at the history of urbanization in the Amazon basin. His research interest suggests that the way politics and power got spatialized in that region has defined the framework through which we conceive of and relate to the Amazon, and that a new reading of it can, in turn, inform the way we understand and address broader urbanization processes as well as the responses from our design disciplines.

[email protected]

Headshot of Anny Li

Anny has a background and strong interest in archives, knowledge infrastructures, and material history. Her professional experience includes work in special collections libraries, including Frances Loeb Library’s Special Collections and Houghton Library, where she supported their exhibitions, communications, and public programs. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked on communications and publications at Snøhetta, and has been a writer and editor at various architecture and landscape architecture firms for over 6 years. She has been an invited speaker in courses at the Syracuse University School of Architecture, Yale School of Architecture, Harvard GSD, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and has edited and been published in publications including the New York Review of Architecture , Failed Architecture , POOL , Constructs , and volume 1 . She holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Brown University.

black and white image of Sunghwan Lim sitting in front of a desk with a computer

Sunghwan earned his Master in Design Studies (MDes) degree in Energy and Environment from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2021. He received the Dean’s Merit Scholarship during his study and his master’s thesis, entitled Controlling Wind Pressure around Building by Multiangle Ventilation Louver for Higher Natural Ventilation Potential , was awarded to Daniel L. Schodek Award for Technology and Sustainability.

Before joining the Harvard community, Sunghwan double majored in Interior Architecture & Built Environment and Architecture & Architectural Engineering at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, Sunghwan worked as a construction engineer at Samsung Construction and Trading company for six years. His invaluable experiences with building an airport in Mongolia and constructing a residential complex in Seoul profoundly shaped his research ideas and motivated him to contribute to the field of architecture.

Headshot of Adam Longenbach

In his dissertation, Adam researches the mid-twentieth century entanglement of wartime policies, government agencies, private sector collaborations, and mass media technologies that led to the production of military “mock villages.” Constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in collaboration with architects, landscape architects, and Hollywood scenographers, mock villages were—and remain—elaborate stage sets where the US military rehearses combat operations before conducting them in actual theaters of war. His dissertation focuses on the Pacific Theater and especially the western United States where, in the 1940s, mock villages emerged as a key military technology in the war between the US and Japan. A goal of this research is to demonstrate how the invention of a novel form of architecture—the military mock village—coincided with the production of new forms of violence and destruction that persist today. In addition to the Safra Center, his project has been supported by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Graham Foundation.

Before coming to Harvard, Adam practiced for nearly a decade in several design offices including Olson Kundig Architects, Allied Works Architecture, and Snøhetta, where he was the director of post-occupancy research. His writing can be found in Thresholds , The Avery Review , and Log, among others.

black and white headshot of Adil Mansure

Sarah holds both a Master of Architecture and a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, where the focus of her research was conflict between the collective desire to memorialize and the protective impulse to stigmatize, sanitize, or obliterate sites with traumatic or violent associations.

Prior to her enrollment at Harvard, Sarah was a public historian for the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission where she wrote about lesser-known episodes in New York City’s past: female reformers’ creation of the first purpose-built kindergarten in Brooklyn, the adaptation of Civil War-era manufactories by Abstract Expressionist artists for use as studios, and Redemption-era racism through the lens of Tin Pan Alley’s 1890s-1910s popular music businesses.

Headshot of Miranda Shugars

Before joining the PhD program, Miranda taught advanced studio courses as a Visiting Professor of Practice at Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture. At Virginia Tech she also developed a course on social mapping and GIS with a regional focus in Appalachia, which received support and recognition from other departments at the university and won the ACSA / Temple Hoyne Buell Center’s 2023 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change, and Society.

Before teaching, she worked as an architect at RODE Architects in Boston, MA on the largest supportive housing project north of New York City, as well as flood-resilient, Passive House, and community-oriented projects. She has also worked at firms in Boston and New York specializing in affordable housing, historic preservation, and adaptive reuse.

headshot of Caroline Filice Smith

Caroline Filice Smith is doctoral candidate in Urban Planning and was the ‘22-‘23 Democracy Doctoral Fellow at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance at the Harvard Kennedy School. Their work focuses on racialized histories of urban design across the US and its empire, histories of activist planner-architects, and reparative and abolitionist models of urban design. Caroline’s dissertation project explores the emergence of “participatory planning” in the mid-twentieth century. Through a focus on federally funded—yet activist led—community action programs in the US, Caroline’s research examines how the Black Power movement, the War on Poverty, and models of community development originally designed to quell insurgency abroad, intersected to form the foundation of a now central paradigm of US urban planning practice. This work touches on issues of democratic social engineering, cold war imperialism, 20 th  century anti-racist urban uprisings, and struggles for self-determination across the US.

In addition to their dissertation, Caroline teaches and conducts research as part of the  Urban Design and the Color Line  project and has recently completed an anti-racist planning toolkit with the Highline Network and the Urban Institute ( link ), and a report for the Architectural League of NY on landscape and community-led, post-coal futures for Appalachia.  They are a Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative doctoral fellow, having previously served as an Irving Innovation Fellow, and their work has been funded by the Graham Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Warren Center for American Studies, the Canadian Center for Architecture, and the Harvard Mellon Urban Initiative. Caroline holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design with Distinction from the GSD, where they were awarded both the Thesis Prize and Academic Excellence Award in Urban Design – additionally, Caroline holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech. Prior to coming to Harvard, Caroline spent five years in professional architectural practice – most of which was spent working for UNStudio in their Shanghai office, and less of which was spent practicing in Los Angeles where they were actively involved in the Occupy movement.

Headshot of MS Srinivas

MS Srinivas is a first-year PhD student in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning. He is interested in histories of war, commemoration, and memory; the politics and architectures of the British Empire; and global and postcolonial approaches to architectural history. His earlier research has examined the transnational project of the Imperial War Graves Commission in the years after the First World War, and the emergence of the Delhi modern since the 1950s. The former project received a dissertation award from the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB).

MS trained as an architect at the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, and acquired an MSc in Architectural History at the University of Edinburgh as a Hamish Ogston Foundation Commonwealth Scholar. He has previously worked on various architectural design and research projects in Delhi, notably as a museum consultant for the Archaeological Survey of India. He was also a part of the Review of Race and History at the University of Edinburgh, where he helped devise a policy framework to address issues of race and gender in the nineteenth-century bust collection of Playfair Library, a Grade-I listed heritage space.

black and white headshot of Sam Tabory

Prior to doctoral studies, Sam worked in urban science-policy engagement for a Sustainability Research Network supported by the US National Science Foundation and as a research associate with the global cities research team at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Professionally, he has contributed to reports commissioned by UN Environment, the World Bank, and NATO. His scholarly work has been published in  Global Environmental Change .

Sam holds master’s degrees in urban planning and Latin American studies from the University of Texas at Austin. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Latin American studies from Tulane University.

Headshot of Ziwei Zhang

Ziwei holds a Master in Landscape Architecture, a Master in Design Studies in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), and a Bachelor of Architecture from Southeast University, China. She has also experience as an urban designer for one year for Stoss Landscape Urbanism, where she participated in projects in China, the U.S., and the United Arab Emirates.

You can learn more about Ziwei and her research here.

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Career Guide  31 January 2020

Career resources for PhD students

The PhD is used to train most research scientists around the world and provides evidence of a gruelling period of independent study. But critics say many graduate student programmes have not adapted to accommodate changes in the workplace. Do PhDs need a rethink? This collection of articles and resources from across Nature Research looks at the PhD from a range of different perspectives.

a lab full of equipment

  • Career Guide content
  • Jobs and training

Graduate student survey 2022

graduate student phd student

Stress and uncertainty drag down graduate students’ satisfaction

Scholars in PhD and master’s programmes struggle with securing work–life balance and support around career training and mental health, finds Nature survey.

  • Chris Woolston

graduate student phd student

‘Not even enough money for food’: graduate students face cash crunch

The cost-of-living crisis is causing widespread financial distress among those in master’s and PhD programmes worldwide.

graduate student phd student

The scandal of researchers paid less than a living wage

The cost-of-living crisis is a fundamental threat for PhD scholars and early-career researchers. They need to be paid properly.

graduate student phd student

‘I don’t want this kind of life’: graduate students question career options

As interest in academia fades, scholars in PhD and master’s programmes are dubious about the value of their degree in advancing their professional lives, finds Nature survey.

graduate student phd student

Obstacle race: the barriers facing graduates who study abroad

Visa woes and a lack of career prospects affect many international students, Nature ’s survey finds.

graduate student phd student

‘Intellectual challenge’: master’s students find reasons to be satisfied with their degree programmes

Graduate scholars are eager to launch their careers, eschewing the years of further study required for doctoral degrees.

graduate student phd student

‘Beyond anything I could have imagined’: graduate students speak out about racism

Bias and discrimination are rife in master’s and PhD programmes worldwide, a Nature survey finds.

graduate student phd student

How to network with the brightest minds in science

Past attendees of the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting describe how the event can benefit early career researchers.

  • Lesley Evans Ogden

graduate student phd student

Hunger on campus: why US PhD students are fighting over food

Graduate students are relying on donated and discounted food in the struggle to make ends meet.

  • Laurie Udesky

graduate student phd student

How we landed job interviews for professorships straight out of our PhD programmes

Follow these tips for an uber-organized (and successful) job hunt.

  • Violeta Rodriguez

graduate student phd student

How two PhD students overcame the odds to snag tenure-track jobs

Between us, we got several offers to lead labs before we had finished our PhDs.

graduate student phd student

Three actions PhD-holders should take to land their next job

A hiring manager reveals the lessons he learnt when transitioning from a PhD programme to industry.

  • Fawzi Abou-Chahine

graduate student phd student

Insights from four female scientists caught at the early-career crossroads

Facing challenges including parenthood, mental-health strain and financial pressures, these researchers give advice for navigating the uncertain paths before them.

graduate student phd student

How a peer network made my worst day as a grad student bearable

Anxiety and depression affect nearly half of all early-career researchers. Strengthening our communities from within can provide relief, says Taylor Tibbs.

  • Taylor Tibbs

graduate student phd student

How mixing academia and industry opens doors in graduate school and beyond

A growing number of PhD programmes and postdoc positions combine academic questions and industry resources.

  • Freda Kreier

graduate student phd student

How to cold e-mail for a PhD

I learnt the benefits of reaching out through e-mail while I was a student, now I receive many cold e-mails myself. Here’s how to write a good one.

  • Melissa Hart

graduate student phd student

New Year’s resolutions of a final-year PhD student

Andrew Wood plans for a career-defining 12 months ahead, and what he needs to focus on.

  • Andrew Wood

graduate student phd student

How a pandemic PhD peer network group stood the test of time

As the first graduate student in a new lab, Jillian Collins came to rely on regular virtual meetings with peers from across the United States.

  • Jillian Collins

graduate student phd student

Do two PhDs make twice the researcher?

Some scientists earn two PhD degrees to expand their skills, cross fields or create a niche research programme.

  • Virginia Gewin

graduate student phd student

PhD students face cash crisis with wages that don’t cover living costs

As inflation rates soar, new data on the finances of US graduate students spark calls for action.

graduate student phd student

Starting a scientific career with narcolepsy

Ronja Weber describes living as a PhD student with narcolepsy, a chronic condition that disrupts sleep-wake processes.

  • Ronja Weber

graduate student phd student

Why I got a PhD at age 61

A chance meeting at a scientific retreat took Zoltán Kócsi from the electronics industry to the entomology lab.

  • Zoltán Kócsi

graduate student phd student

Owning, not doing: my transition from master’s to PhD student

Yuning Wang learned to rely less on her supervisor’s guidance during her doctoral programme, an important step on the road to research autonomy.

  • Yuning Wang

graduate student phd student

How I navigated my way through a midlife PhD

Roger Tipton was approaching 50 when he made a bold career move. Here’s what he learnt.

  • Roger Tipton

graduate student phd student

‘Hard’ skills from our PhDs remain relevant beyond academia

Experience in grant-writing, data analysis and presentation will serve you well, say Samantha Baggott and Jonathan McGuire.

  • Jonathan McGuire
  • Samantha Baggott

graduate student phd student

Depression and anxiety ‘the norm’ for UK PhD students

A new survey underscores mental-health risks for doctoral researchers.

graduate student phd student

Managing up: how to communicate effectively with your PhD adviser

Your supervisor has a vested interest in your success. Set the right tone and communication style when you meet with them.

  • Lluís Saló-Salgado
  • Angi Acocella
  • Augustine Zvinavashe

graduate student phd student

How I tackled post-PhD imposter syndrome

Kelsey Inouye’s job search gave her panic attacks and dented her self-esteem. But she learnt to take rejection in her stride.

  • Kelsey Inouye

graduate student phd student

How to manage the uncertainty of a remote PhD

Satheesh Kumar has found ways to be productive without ever visiting his supervisor or lab.

  • Satheesh Kumar

graduate student phd student

Take a walk: it’s the easiest way to step away from your graduate studies

Aine Lehane’s dog taught her the value of taking a break.

  • Aine Lehane

graduate student phd student

The 100 memes that immortalize my PhD defence

Sophie Dufour-Beauséjour chose an unusual way to capture an academic rite of passage, with a little help from her friends.

  • Sophie Dufour-Beauséjour

graduate student phd student

Six lessons from a pandemic PhD student

If you’re starting a doctoral programme later this year, particularly if your institution is still facing COVID-19 restrictions, Ciara O’Brien has some advice.

  • Ciara O’Brien

graduate student phd student

You can help to create a new researcher-reward system

Universities, funders and others want to expand the contributions that the scientific community values and recognizes, says Karen Stroobants.

  • Karen Stroobants

graduate student phd student

Sell yourself and your science in a compelling personal statement

Don’t get bogged down in technical details, and balance the professional and the personal.

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Why you should consider becoming a doctoral representative

Join a group that represents PhD researchers to improve the working environment of your colleagues and to make friends.

  • Michaela Löffler

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My 2020 as an ‘alien’ PhD student in New York

Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona learnt three key lessons as an international graduate student in the United States, and is optimistic about 2021.

  • Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona

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Lifelong lessons from my unexpected encounter with a synchrotron

Biomedical scientist Vladimira Foteva didn’t imagine she would be working with physicists at an Australian particle accelerator when she began her PhD, but the experience taught her the value of collaboration across disciplines.

  • Vladimira Foteva

graduate student phd student

My 11 part-time jobs made me a better PhD student

Waitressing, bartending and tutoring stole time from my academic studies, but I picked up transferable skills that still serve me well, says Cassie Sims.

  • Cassie Sims

graduate student phd student

The lonely marathon run that transformed my approach to graduate school

When encouragement from friends, colleagues and family became harder to find, Taylor Engdahl learnt how to push herself.

  • Taylor Engdahl

graduate student phd student

How I run a lab and work as a PhD student simultaneously

Oday Abushalbaq outlines his experience leading a team of neuroscience researchers from 9,000 kilometres away — while completing his PhD training.

  • Oday Abushalbaq

graduate student phd student

Why comparing yourself to other graduate students is counter-productive

Julia Nolte realized that the only fair comparison to make during a PhD is with your past self.

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How managing a chronic illness gave me skills that would strengthen my PhD

A childhood diagnosis of type 1 diabetes taught Olivia Favor about the importance of meticulous record-keeping and other skills that proved useful in the lab.

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How science should support researchers with visual impairments

Naheda Sahtout says being legally blind doesn’t fundamentally affect her skills, and argues that science needs to start a conversation to attract and empower more researchers like her.

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How to shake off the ‘impostor’ fears that plague your PhD studies

Three strategies for fighting those insidious feelings that you don’t deserve to be where you are.

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Fifteen to one: how many applications it can take to land a single academic job offer

Survey finds that standard metrics of success can’t completely explain why some candidates get offers and others don’t.

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Overcoming my writing guilt: writing in lockdown

How a PhD student found a way to be productive during lockdown after weeks of inactivity.

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US government rescinds antagonistic international-student visa policy

Plan to force students to take in-person classes or face deportation is dropped during a federal hearing.

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Bleak financial outlook for PhD students in Australia

Unable to afford medicines, utilities and housing, some students expect to suspend their doctoral programmes or drop out.

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Coronavirus diaries: a lockdown letter to myself as a PhD student

A closed lab prompts John Tregoning to reflect on his early career, informed by his 12-year-old son’s response to COVID-19.

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How lost lizards and Hurricane Irma are helping me get through coronavirus restrictions

When the coronavirus pandemic struck, field ecologist Nicholas Herrmann adopted a perspective inspired by experiences earlier in his PhD.

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Design your own doctoral project

Instead of looking for PhD positions, designing your own project offers advantages and challenges, says Jesko Becker.

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Five ‘power skills’ for becoming a team leader

Volunteering with an organization can improve communication and help you adapt to the unexpected, say Sarah Groover and Ruth Gotian.

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Embracing challenge: combining marathon training with graduate studies

Preparing for three races in three years at university showed Kathryn Wierenga parallels between running and PhD work.

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The PhD student’s dilemma

Navigating the turbulent waters of the doctoral voyage

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PhDs: the tortuous truth

Nature ’s survey of more than 6,000 graduate students reveals the turbulent nature of doctoral research.

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A message for mentors from dissatisfied graduate students

In this second article to mark Nature ’s 2019 graduate survey, respondents call for more one-to-one support and better career guidance.

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PhD students in China report misery and hope

Nature ’s biennial doctoral-student survey reveals struggles for work–life balance, career guidance and emotional support.

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The mental health of PhD researchers demands urgent attention

Anxiety and depression in graduate students is worsening. The health of the next generation of researchers needs systemic change to research cultures.

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Founding a global biotechnology summit — while pursuing a PhD

Ipshita Mandal-Johnson teamed up with other graduate students to set up an annual forum to develop tomorrow’s biotechnology leaders. This is what she learnt.

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Moving from prison to a PhD

Nature spoke to three US researchers who have built academic careers after they were released.

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Don’t miss your PhD deadline

Top tips for avoiding last-minute disasters and filing your thesis on time.

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Working Scientist podcast: Start looking for jobs before you finish your PhD

Gaia Donati and Julie Gould discuss some of the career issues faced by physicists today.

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Communicating science at a music festival — with 135,000 attendees

Helen Currie has shared her fish-migration research at several UK festivals, including Glastonbury.

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Biking through my PhD

Overcoming my initial struggles after leaving China to start my PhD has been like riding a bike.

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What I wish my friends and family knew about my PhD

Support must come from a place of understanding, says Kate Samardzic.

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What not to do in graduate school

Six limiting maxims PhD students should avoid.

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My nine steps to success as a PhD student in Nigeria

Medical physicist Iyobosa Uwadiae ignored sceptics who questioned her plan to pursue a doctoral programme in the African nation. Here is her advice.

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How I explained a gap in my CV when applying to graduate school

Circumstances outside my control contributed to a year of ‘F’s when I started at university, but by owning the experience and addressing it directly, I strengthened my application to do a PhD, says Jasper Elan Hunt.

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Five reasons to do an internship during your PhD programme

Rekindle your love for problem-solving by taking your lab skills to a completely different environment, says Jessica Sagers.

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The career costs of COVID-19: how postdocs and PhD students are paying the price

Closed labs and rescinded job offers have snatched away opportunities. How can science bounce back? Julie Gould finds out.

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Working Scientist podcast: How apartheid's legacy can still cast a shadow over doctoral education in South Africa

PhD programmes in "the rainbow nation" mostly lead to academic careers, but reform is needed to boost collaboration and integration, higher education experts tell Julie Gould.

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Working Scientist podcast: The PhD thesis and how to boost its impact

The thesis is a central element of how graduate students are assessed. But is it time for an overhaul? Julie Gould finds out.

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Working Scientist podcast: Team PhD

Scientific research is not the endeavour of a single person. It requires a team of people. How can this be better reflected in graduate student training, asks Julie Gould.

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Working Scientist podcast: It's time to fix the "one size fits all" PhD

Julie Gould asks six higher education experts if it's now time to go back to the drawing board and redesign graduate programmes from scratch.

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Working Scientist podcast: Too many PhDs, too few research positions

Students need to be clear about their reasons for pursuing a PhD and the career options open to them, Julie Gould discovers.

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Prospective Students

Why choose yale graduate school.

Graduate school is the place to

  • examine life's most challenging questions
  • develop as a scholar
  • produce new knowledge at the cutting edge of your discipline
  • join a lively, welcoming, and diverse intellectual community
  • prepare for a successful career within academia or beyond

At Yale's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), you will transition from being your professors' student to becoming their colleague. If this prospect excites you, please consider applying to Yale. Few places in the world can serve as a better incubator for your continued learning, growth, and potential as a scholar, independent researcher, and leader.

The Graduate School confers MS, MA, MPhil, and PhD degrees in departments and programs across the university. We are distinct from Yale's 13 professional schools , which have their own programs, policies, admissions, and degree requirements. There are also joint degree programs that involve both GSAS and one of the professional schools.

For more information, please see the GSAS Viewbook .

Full Tuition Fellowship & Stipend for PhD Students

Many prospective students are surprised to find that all PhD students at Yale are fully funded. They receive the following financial award, typically for a minimum of five years:

  • a fellowship that covers the full cost of tuition ($49,500 for 2024-2025)
  • a 12-month stipend (minimum of $49,538 for 2024-2025)
  • free comprehensive health insurance, including hospitalization coverage and specialty care, for students, their legal spouse, and their children
  • a family support subsidy for graduate students with children under the age of 18

Many PhD students are eligible for funding in their sixth year from GSAS or from their adviser's research grants, as well as supplementary financial support, such as travel grants and conference funding. Additionally, a Dean's Emergency Fund is available to help doctoral students with eligible, unanticipated emergency expenses.

We do not charge many of the fees common to other schools (e.g., technology fee, library fee, gym fee, student activities fee). In some cases, even the Continuing Registration Fee for advanced PhD students is covered by the Graduate School.

As a result, PhD students at Yale receive more than $500,000 on average in tuition fellowships, stipends, and health care benefits over the course of their enrollment. You can typically complete your degree without incurring debt. We make this investment because we consider it our responsibility and privilege to educate the very best students in the world, ensuring that you have ample opportunity to complete your degree and become a leader in your field.

Most students pursuing Master's degrees do not receive financial support from the Graduate School and are responsible for paying tuition, but some programs offer limited funding. Please check with the program that interests you for more information.

A Home for Your Research

A successful graduate education involves finding a program that matches your interests and faculty advisers who will help you flourish. This means that you need to do some serious investigation before you apply.

To evaluate if Yale is right for you:

  • explore all the departmental and program websites that interest you,
  • learn about the faculty affiliated with each program and read their research,
  • visit campus and talk to current students of the department or program to get a sense of the culture and climate or explore Yale extensively online, and
  • contact alumni to learn about their experience at Yale and the careers they are pursuing.

At Yale, you will find world-class faculty members, strongly committed to both teaching and research, who will mentor and advise you. You will find a place that celebrates collaboration within and across disciplines and encourages broad intellectual exploration without boundaries.

Career Prospects and Job Placement

It may be helpful to begin the process of considering graduate school by keeping the end in mind. How does a graduate degree align with your career goals?

A PhD degree is the traditional prerequisite for a faculty position at colleges and universities around the world, but that is far from the only career path. Our alumni work in many other sectors as well, including business, government, law, intellectual and cultural institutions, and more.

Consider the career trajectory of recent graduates in your discipline. What types of jobs do they have now? How long did it take them to find those positions? Are they employed in academia or in other sectors? You can find this information through:

  • your program or department of interest, including its website, faculty, staff, and students;
  • Yale's centralized database of Program Statistics, which includes an overview of employment for recent graduates in each program; and
  • the Office of Career Strategy (OCS) , which specializes in supporting Yale students who want to pursue non-academic career paths.

New Haven: A Great Small City

Our campus is right in the center of one of America's most vibrant small cities: New Haven, Connecticut. It's a wonderful community, rich in history, art, theater, live music, and great restaurants.

We encourage you to visit and experience for yourself all that New Haven has to offer. You can browse the Artspace Gallery or City Wide Open Studios; see a show, movie, or concert downtown; shop at major stores and local boutiques; enjoy over 400 cafés and restaurants; experience nature while hiking in East Rock Park or biking along the Farmington Trail; and so much more. Both New York and Boston are easily accessible from New Haven by train and car.

If you can't visit, here are some resources that showcase what our city has to offer:

  • New York Times, " 52 Places to Go in 2023: New Haven, CT ," January 12, 2023
  • New York Times, “ New Haven, Conn.: More Than Just Academics and Mozzarella, ” June 1, 2022
  • Washington Post, “ New Haven: A long-weekend destination with lots to do, and you can leave the car at home, ” March 15, 2019.
  • Hartford Courant, “ Study: New Haven, Danbury among America’s 50 best small cities, ” June 5, 2019.
  • Between Two Rocks, “ 5 Reasons Why New Haven is the Greatest City in America, ” April 5, 2018.
  • The Middletown Press, “ Pelli's 50 year collaborator recalls a humble giant ,” on why this architecture giant chose New Haven as home base for his office. July 23, 2019.
  • Info New Haven

Furthermore, you will have easy access to Yale's extraordinary libraries, museums, and 13 professional schools, all of which are located right in New Haven. The School of Medicine, the Divinity School, the School of Architecture, the Law School, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Yale Center for British Art, and more – with their collections, labs, and faculty – are within walking distance of Yale's central campus, making it easy to find resources and partner with collaborators.

The Next Step: Admissions and Getting In

Identifying a program that aligns well with your intellectual and professional interests is the first step in the admissions process. The faculty members who will review your application need to know if your aspirations align with their program, so be sure to explain and document why you belong at Yale.

We hope that you will find a place here.  As former Yale historian George Pierson wrote, “Yale is at once a tradition, a company of scholars, a society of friends.” It is among the best places in the world to study, explore, conduct research, gain skills, and grow into the person you aspire to be.

To get started, please review application requirements at PhD/Master's Application Process , where you will find a link to the application.

What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

How long does it take to get a doctorate degree how do you get into grad school are you qualified to do a phd answers to these questions and more.

PhD, doctorate

What is a PhD?

A PhD, which stands for “doctor of philosophy”, is the most advanced academic degree. It’s earned through extensive research on a specific topic, demonstrating expertise and contributing new knowledge to the field.

What does “PhD” mean?

The term “PhD” is often used as a synonym for any doctoral-level qualification. Doctorate degrees can often be split into two categories: MPhil and PhD.

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An MPhil is similar to a PhD as it includes a research element (which is usually shorter and less in-depth than a PhD thesis, and often more akin to a dissertation undertaken at undergraduate or master’s level). 

MPhil students focus more on interpreting existing knowledge and theory and critically evaluating other people’s work rather than producing their own research. The precise nature and definition of an MPhil can vary among institutions and countries. 

A PhD, meanwhile, follows a more widely known and traditional route and requires students, often referred to as “candidates”, to produce their own work and research on a new area or topic to a high academic standard.

PhD requirements vary significantly among countries and institutions. The PhD, once completed, grants the successful candidate the title of “doctor of philosophy”, also called PhD or DPhil.

What is a professional doctorate?

A professional doctorate is a kind of degree that helps people become experts in their fields. Instead of focusing mainly on theory and research like a regular PhD, a professional doctorate is all about practical skills and knowledge.

This kind of doctorate is great for students who want to get better at their jobs in areas like teaching, healthcare, business, law or psychology. The courses and projects in these programmes are designed to tackle real problems you might face at work.

For example, you might have heard of the doctor of education (EdD), doctor of business administration (DBA), doctor of psychology (PsyD) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP). These programmes combine learning, hands-on projects and sometimes a thesis paper or essay to show you’re skilled at solving on-the-job challenges.

How long does it take to study a PhD?

The time required to complete a PhD can vary significantly based on several factors. Generally, a full-time PhD programme takes around three to six years to finish. However, it’s important to take into account individual circumstances and the nature of the research involved.

1. Full-time vs. part-time: If you’re studying full-time, dedicating most of your time to your studies, it usually takes about three to four years to complete a PhD. However, studying part-time while managing other commitments might extend the duration. Part-time PhDs can take around six to eight years, and sometimes even longer.

2. Nature of research: The complexity of your research proposal can influence the time required. Certain research questions may involve intricate experiments, extensive data collection or in-depth analysis, potentially leading to a longer completion timeline.

3. Field of study: The subject area you’re researching can also affect the necessary time. Some fields, such as sciences or engineering, might involve more hands-on work, while theoretical subjects might require more time for literature review and analysis.

4. Supervision and support: The guidance and availability of your academic supervisor can affect the pace of your research progress. Regular meetings and effective communication can help keep your studies on track.

5. Thesis writing: While the research phase is crucial, the stage of writing your thesis is equally significant. Organising and presenting your research findings in a clear and cohesive manner can take several months.

6. External commitments: Personal commitments, such as work, family or health-related factors, can influence your study time. Some students need to balance these alongside their PhD studies, potentially extending the duration.

7. External Funding: The availability of funding can also affect your study duration. Some funding might be linked to specific project timelines or research objectives.

So, although a PhD usually takes between three and six years of full-time study, with potential variations based on research complexity, enrolment as part-time or full-time, field of study and personal circumstances. It’s vital to have a realistic understanding of these factors when planning your PhD journey.

How long is a PhD in the UK?

In the UK, the length of a PhD programme typically ranges from three to four years of full-time study. As explained above, there are many factors to consider.

How long is a PhD in the US?

Similarly to the UK, in the United States, the duration of a PhD programme can vary widely depending on the field of study, research topic and individual circumstances. On average, a full-time PhD programme in the US typically takes between five and six years to complete.

Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US?

PhD programmes generally take longer to complete in the US than in the UK due to various factors in the education systems and programme structures of each country:

1. Programme structure: UK PhD programmes often emphasise early, focused research from the first year, leading to shorter completion times. In contrast, US programmes commonly include more initial coursework in your first and second year and broader foundational training, which can extend the overall duration.

2. Course work requirements: Many US PhD programmes require a lot of course work, which can lengthen the time needed to finish. UK programmes tend to have fewer or no course work demands, allowing students to concentrate primarily on research skills.

3. Research funding: In the UK, PhD funding is often awarded with specific timeframes in mind, motivating completion of the research degree in the agreed duration. In the US, funding approaches can vary, requiring students to secure funding from multiple sources, potentially affecting their progress and completion time.

4. Teaching responsibilities: Some US PhD students take on teaching roles as part of their funding, dividing their time and potentially prolonging their studies.

5. Research approach: Differences in research methodologies and project scopes can affect the time needed for data collection, experimentation and analysis.

6. Academic culture: The US education system values a well-rounded education, including coursework and comprehensive exams. This can extend the time before full-time research begins. UK PhD programmes often prioritise independent research early on.

7. Part-time and work commitments: US PhD candidates might have more flexibility for part-time work or other commitments, which can affect research progress.

8. Dissertation requirements: US PhD programmes generally include a longer and more comprehensive dissertation, involving more chapters and a broader exploration of the research topic.

These variations in programme structures, funding models and academic cultures contribute to the differing completion times between the two countries.

What qualifications do you need for a PhD?

To be eligible for a PhD programme, certain educational qualifications are generally expected by universities. These qualifications serve as indicators of your readiness to engage in advanced research and contribute to the academic community.

First, an undergraduate or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field is typically the most common requirement. This degree provides you with a foundational understanding of the subject and introduces you to basic research methodologies. It serves as a starting point for your academic journey.

Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme?

In addition to an undergraduate degree, many PhD programmes also require candidates to hold postgraduate or master’s degrees, often in fields related to the intended PhD research. A master’s degree offers a deeper exploration of the subject matter and enhances your research skills. Possessing a master’s degree signifies a higher level of expertise and specialisation.

The combination of both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees demonstrates a solid academic background. This background is crucial before you engage in doctoral study because pursuing a PhD involves more than just knowledge; it requires advanced research abilities, critical thinking and the capacity to provide an original contribution and new insights into the chosen field of study.

While these qualifications are usually requested, there are exceptions. Some institutions offer direct-entry programmes that encompass bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees in a streamlined structure. This approach is often seen in scientific and engineering disciplines rather than humanities.

In exceptional cases, outstanding performance during undergraduate studies, coupled with a well-defined research proposal, might lead to direct entry into a PhD programme without requiring a master’s degree.

Admission requirements can vary between universities and programmes. Some institutions might have more flexible prerequisites, while others could have more stringent criteria. Make sure that you thoroughly research all admission requirements of the PhD programmes you’re interested in to ensure you provide the right information.

Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries?

PhD entry requirements in Canada and Australia can be somewhat similar to those in the UK and the US, but there are also some differences. Just like in the UK and the US, having a bachelor’s degree followed by a master’s degree is a common way to qualify for a PhD in Canada and Australia. However, the exact rules can vary, such as how much research experience you need or the grades you should have.

In Canada and Australia, as in the UK and the US, international students usually need to show their English language skills through tests like IELTS or TOEFL. And, like in other places, you might need to give a research proposal to explain what you want to study for your PhD.

But remember, even though there are some similarities, each country has its own rules.

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How much does it cost to study a PhD?

The cost of pursuing a PhD can vary significantly between international and home (domestic) students, and it depends on the country, university and programme you choose.

United Kingdom (UK)

Home students in the UK often pay lower tuition fees compared with international students. Home students might also have access to government funding or subsidised tuition rates.

International students typically pay higher tuition fees, which can vary widely depending on the university and programme. Fees can range from around £10,000 to £25,000 or more per year.

United States (US)

PhD programme costs in the US can be quite high, especially for international students. Public universities often have lower tuition rates for in-state residents compared with out-of-state residents and international students.

Private universities in the US generally have higher tuition fees, and international students might be charged higher rates than domestic students.

Canadian universities often charge higher tuition fees for international students compared with domestic students.

Some universities offer funding packages that include tuition waivers and stipends for both domestic and international doctoral students.

In Australia, domestic students (Australian citizens and permanent residents) usually pay lower tuition fees than international students.

International students in Australia might have higher tuition fees, and costs can vary based on the university and programme.

Apart from tuition fees, other aspects play a role in the overall financial consideration:

PhD studentship: Many universities offer PhD studentships that provide financial support to research students, covering both tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses.

Stipend and housing: Stipends are designed to cover living expenses. Stipend amounts can vary depending on the university and location. If you’re studying in London in the UK, stipends might be higher to account for the higher living costs in the city. Some universities also offer subsidised or affordable housing options for doctoral students.

Tuition and stipend packages: Some PhD programmes provide funding packages that include both tuition waivers and stipends. These packages are to help relieve the financial burden on students during their doctoral studies.

Research the financial support options provided by the universities you’re interested in to make an informed decision about the cost of your PhD journey.

What funding options are available for PhD candidates?

PhD candidates have various funding options available to support their studies and research journeys. Some of these options include:

PhD scholarships: Scholarships are a common form of financial aid for PhD candidates. They are awarded based on academic merit, research potential or other specific criteria. Scholarships can cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for living expenses.

Bursaries: Bursaries are another form of financial assistance offered to students, including PhD candidates, based on financial need. They can help cover tuition fees or provide additional financial support.

In the UK, specific funding options are available:

Regional consortium: Some regions have research consortiums that offer funding opportunities for doctoral candidates. These collaborations can provide financial support for research projects aligned with specific regional needs.

UK research institute: Research councils in the UK often offer stipends to PhD candidates. These stipends cover living expenses and support research work.

University-based studentship: Many UK universities offer studentships. You can read more about these above.

In the USA, there are also funding options available:

Research assistantships (RAs): Many universities offer research assistantships where PhD candidates work on research projects under the guidance of faculty members. In exchange, they receive stipends and often have their tuition waived.

Teaching assistantships (TA): Teaching assistantships involve assisting professors in teaching undergraduate courses. In return, PhD candidates receive stipends and sometimes tuition remission.

Fellowships: Fellowships are competitive awards that provide financial support for PhD candidates. They can come from universities, government agencies, private foundations and other institutions. Fellowships can cover tuition, provide stipends and offer research or travel funds.

Graduate assistantships: Graduate assistantships include a range of roles, from research and teaching to administrative support. These positions often come with stipends and sometimes include tuition benefits.

External grants and fellowships: PhD candidates can apply for grants and fellowships from external organisations and foundations that support research careers in specific fields. Examples include the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Fulbright Programme.

Employer sponsorship: In some cases, employers might sponsor employees to pursue PhDs, especially if the research aligns with the company’s interests.

You can read about the current available scholarships for international students of all education levels on our website .

What does a PhD Involve?

How does a PhD work?

A PhD includes thorough academic research and significant contributions to your chosen field of study. The timeline for completing a PhD can significantly vary based on the country, college or university you attend and the specific subject you study.

The duration of a PhD programme can vary based on factors such as the institution’s requirements and the academic discipline you’re pursuing. For instance, the timeline for a PhD in a science-related field might differ from that of a humanities discipline.

UK PhD timeline example

Looking at a typical PhD degree in a London higher education institution, we can consider this example timeline.

In the initial year of your PhD, you’ll collaborate closely with your designated academic supervisor. This collaboration involves refining and solidifying your research proposal, which lays the foundation for your entire doctoral journey.

This is also the time to establish a comprehensive plan, complete with well-defined milestones and deadlines. A crucial aspect of this year is conducting an extensive literature review, immersing yourself in existing academic works to understand the landscape of your chosen research area. It’s important to make sure that your research idea is original and distinct from prior studies.

As you begin the second year, you’ll actively collect data and gather information related to your research topic. Simultaneously, you’ll initiate the process of crafting your thesis. This involves combining your research findings and analysis into sections of your thesis document.

This is also the phase where you might have opportunities to share your research insights at academic meetings, conferences or workshops. Depending on the programme, you might even engage in teaching activities. Some PhD candidates also begin contributing to academic journals or books, showcasing their findings to a broader audience.

The third year of a PhD programme often marks the final stage of your research efforts. This is when you dedicate substantial time to writing and finalising your complete thesis. Once your thesis is completed to the highest standard, you’ll submit it for thorough evaluation.

A significant milestone in the third year is the viva voce, an oral examination where you’ll defend your thesis before a panel of experts in your field. The viva voce is an opportunity to showcase your deep understanding of your research and defend your findings.

Why should you do a PhD?

For many people, acquiring a doctorate degree is the pinnacle of academic achievement, the culmination of years of commitment to higher education.

However, the act of pursuing a PhD can be a complex, frustrating, expensive and time-consuming exercise. But with the right preparation, some sound advice and a thorough understanding of the task at hand, your years as a doctoral student can be some of the most rewarding of your life. 

People choose to work towards a doctorate for many reasons. If you are looking to pursue an academic position, such as university lecturer or researcher, then a PhD is usually required.

Many people obtain a PhD as part of a partnership with an employer, particularly in scientific fields such as engineering, where their research can prove useful for companies.

In some cases, however, PhDs are simply down to an individual’s love of a subject and their desire to learn more about their field.

What are some benefits of studying a PhD?

Pursuing a PhD can have many benefits that extend beyond academic achievement, encompassing personal growth, professional advancement and meaningful contributions to knowledge.

One of the most notable benefits of a PhD is the potential for tenure in academia. Attaining tenure provides a level of job security that allows you to delve into long-term research projects and make enduring contributions to your field. It signifies a stage where you can explore innovative ideas and pursue in-depth research, fostering your academic legacy.

While not obligatory, the opportunity to collaborate on research projects with your supervisor is another valuable aspect of a PhD pursuit. These collaborations might even come with financial compensation, offering real-world experience, skill development and practical applications of your research. Engaging in such collaborations can enrich your research portfolio and refine your research methodologies.

A pivotal aspect of a PhD journey is the chance to publish your original research findings. By disseminating your work in academic journals or presenting it at conferences, you contribute to the expansion of knowledge within your field. These publications establish your expertise and reputation among peers and researchers worldwide, leaving a lasting impact.

The pursuit of a PhD can provide a unique platform to build a diverse network of colleagues, mentors and collaborators. Engaging with fellow researchers, attending conferences and participating in academic events offer opportunities to make valuable connections. This network can lead to collaborations, expose you to a spectrum of perspectives and pave the way for future research endeavours.

What is a PhD thesis? And what is a PhD viva?

A PhD thesis will be produced with help from an academic supervisor, usually one with expertise in your particular field of study. This thesis is the backbone of a PhD, and is the candidate’s opportunity to communicate their original research to others in their field (and a wider audience).  PhD students also have to explain their research project and defend their thesis in front of a panel of academics. This part of the process is often the most challenging, since writing a thesis is a major part of many undergraduate or master’s degrees, but having to defend it from criticism in real time is arguably more daunting.  This questioning is known as a “viva”, and examiners will pay particular attention to a PhD’s weaknesses either in terms of methodology or findings. Candidates will be expected to have a strong understanding of their subject areas and be able to justify specific elements of their research quickly and succinctly.

In rare cases, students going for a PhD may instead be awarded an MPhil if the academic standard of their work is not considered fully up to par but still strong enough to be deserving of a qualification.

Can you do a PhD part time? 

Many PhD and MPhil candidates choose to pursue their qualification part time, in order to allow time to work and earn while studying. This is especially true of older students, who might be returning to academia after working for a few years. 

When applying, you should always speak to the admissions team at your university to ensure this is possible and then continue to work with your supervisor to balance all your commitments. 

Can I do a PhD through distance learning?

This is something else that you will need to check with your university. Some institutions offer this option, depending on the nature of your research. 

You will need to be clear how many times you will need to travel to your university to meet with your supervisor throughout your PhD. 

Your PhD supervisor

Choosing the right PhD supervisor is essential if you want to get the most out of your PhD. Do your research into the faculty at the institution and ensure that you meet with your proposed supervisor (either virtually or in person) before fully committing. 

You need to know that not only do they have the right expertise and understanding of your research but also that your personalities won’t clash throughout your PhD. 

Remember, to complete your PhD, you will need a strong support network in place, and your supervisor is a key part of that network. 

Coping with PhD stress

If you do decide to embark on a doctorate, you may well encounter stress and anxiety. The work involved is often carried out alone, the hours can be long and many students can suffer from the pressure they feel is on their shoulders.

Ensuring that you check in regularly with your emotions and your workload is crucial to avoid burnout. If you have other commitments, such as a job or a family, then learning to balance these can feel overwhelming at times. 

Give yourself regular breaks, speak to your supervisor and ensure that you know what university resources and support systems are available to you in case you need to access them. 

Post-doctorate: what happens after you finish your PhD?

Many PhD graduates pursue a career in academia, while others will work in industry. Some might take time out, if they can afford to, to recover from the efforts of PhD study.

Whatever you choose to do, undertaking a PhD is a huge task that can open up a range of doors professionally. Just remember to take some time out to celebrate your achievement. 

How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential?

How much does a professor with a PhD make a year?

Professors with PhDs can earn different amounts depending on where they work and their experience. In the UK, a professor might make around £50,000 to £100,000 or more each year. In the US, it's between about $60,000 and $200,000 or even higher. The exact salary depends on things like the place they work, if they have tenure, and what they teach.

How much does a PhD add to salary?

Having a PhD can make your salary higher than if you had a lower degree. But exactly how much more you earn can change. On average, people with PhDs earn more than those with bachelor’s or master’s degrees. The increase in salary is influenced by many things, such as the job you do, where you work and what field you’re in.

In fields such as research, healthcare, technology and finance, your knowledge and skills from your PhD can potentially help you secure a higher salary position.

In the end, having a PhD can boost your earning potential and open doors to well-paying jobs, including professorships and special roles in different areas. But the exact effect on your salary is influenced by many things, so ensure you weigh the cost against the benefit.

How to choose a PhD programme?

Choosing a PhD programme involves defining your research interest, researching supervisors and programme reputation, evaluating funding options, reviewing programme structure, considering available resources, assessing networking opportunities, factoring in location and career outcomes, visiting the campus if possible and trusting your instincts.

How can I find available PhD programmes?

You can find available PhD programmes by visiting university websites, using online directories such as “FindAPhD”, checking professional associations, networking with professors and students, following universities on social media, attending career fairs and conferences, contacting universities directly and exploring research institutes’ websites.

How to apply for a PhD programme?

To apply for a PhD programme:

Research and select universities aligned with your interests.

Contact potential supervisors, sharing your proposal, CV and references.

Prepare application materials: research proposal, CV, recommendation letters and a writing sample.

Ensure you meet academic and language-proficiency requirements.

Complete an online application through the university’s portal.

Pay any required application fees.

Write a statement of purpose explaining your motivations.

Provide official transcripts of your academic records.

Submit standardised test scores if needed.

Some programmes may require an interview.

The admissions committee reviews applications and decides.

Apply for scholarships or assistantships.

Upon acceptance, review and respond to the offer letter.

Plan travel, accommodation and logistics accordingly.

Remember to research and follow each university’s specific application guidelines and deadlines.

How to apply for a PhD as an international student?

Many stages of the PhD application process are the same for international students as domestic students. However, there are sometimes some additional steps:

International students should apply for a student visa.

Take language proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS if required.

Provide certificates if needed to validate your previous degrees.

Show evidence of sufficient funds for tuition and living expenses.

Check if you need health insurance for your chosen destination.

Translate and authenticate academic transcripts if necessary.

Attend orientation sessions for cultural adaptation.

Apply for university housing or explore off-campus options.

Familiarise yourself with international student support services.

Ben Osborne, the postgraduate student recruitment manager at the University of Sussex explains in detail how to apply for a PhD in the UK .

Giulia Evolvi, a lecturer in media and communication at Erasmus University, Rotterdam explains how to apply for a PhD in the US .

Finally, Samiul Hossain explores the question Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student?

Q. What is a PhD? A. A PhD is the highest level of academic degree awarded by universities, involving in-depth research and a substantial thesis.

Q. What does “PhD” mean? A. “PhD” stands for doctor of philosophy, recognising expertise in a field.

Q. What is a professional doctorate? A. A professional doctorate emphasises practical application in fields such as education or healthcare.

Q. How long does it take to study a PhD? A. It takes between three and six years to study a full-time PhD programme.

Q. How long is a PhD in the UK? A. It takes around three to four years to study a full-time UK PhD.

Q. How long is a PhD in the US? A. It takes approximately five to six years to complete a full-time US PhD.

Q. Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US? A. US programmes often include more course work and broader training.

Q. What qualifications do you need for a PhD? A. You usually need an undergraduate degree as a minimum requirement, although a master’s might be preferred.

Q. Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme? A. Master’s degrees are preferred but not always required.

Q. Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries? A. Entry requirements are similar in many countries, but there may be additional requirements. Make sure to check the university website for specific details.

Q. How much does it cost to study a PhD? A. The cost of PhD programmes vary by country and university.

Q. What funding options are available for PhD candidates? A. Scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, grants, stipends are all funding options for PhD candidates.

Q. What does a PhD involve? A. PhDs involve research, seminars, thesis, literature review, data analysis and a PhD viva.

Q. Why should you do a PhD? A. There are many reasons to study a PhD including personal growth, research skills, contributions to academia and professional development.

Q. What are some benefits of studying a PhD? A. Benefits of graduating with a PhD include achieving tenure, collaborations with colleagues, publication of your work, and networking opportunities.

Q. What is a PhD thesis? A. A PhD thesis is a comprehensive document that showcases the original research conducted by a PhD candidate.

Q. What is a PhD viva? A. A PhD viva, also known as a viva voce or oral examination, is the final evaluation of a PhD candidate’s research and thesis where the panel asks questions, engages in discussions and assesses the depth of the candidate’s understanding and expertise.

Q. Can you do a PhD part-time? A. Yes, part-time options are available for PhDs.

Q. Can I do a PhD through distance learning? A. Some universities offer online PhDs; you can find out more on their websites.

Q. How to choose a PhD programme? A. You can find PhD programmes through research, by contacting faculty, checking resources and considering location.

Q. How can I find available PhD programme? A. You can find available PhD programmes on university sites, through directories and by networking.

Q. How to apply for a PhD programme A. To apply for a PhD programme, research suitable universities and programmes, get in touch with potential supervisors, gather required documents like transcripts and reference letters, complete the online application, pay any necessary fees and submit a statement of purpose and research proposal. If needed, meet language-proficiency criteria and attend interviews. After acceptance, explore funding choices, confirm your spot and get ready for the programme’s start.

Q. How to apply for a PhD as an international student A. To apply for a PhD as an international student, follow similar steps to domestic students, but you need to include securing a student visa and passing language requirements.

Q. What is a PhD dropout rate? A. The dropout rate from PhDs varies but is approximately 30-40 per cent.

Q. How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential? A. A PhD can boost earning potential, especially in research, technology, healthcare and academia. Impact varies by job, industry and location. Experience, skills and demand also influence salary.

Q. How to address a person with a PhD? A. When addressing someone with a PhD, it’s respectful to use “Dr”, followed by their last name, whether they have a PhD in an academic field or a professional doctorate. For instance, “Dr. Smith”.

Q. Is there a difference between a PhD and a doctorate? A. The terms “PhD” and “doctorate” are often used interchangeably, though a PhD is a specific type of doctorate focused on original research. A doctorate can refer more broadly to any doctoral-level degree, including professional doctorates with practical applications.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and an MD? A. A PhD is a doctor of philosophy, awarded for academic research, while an MD is a doctor of medicine, focusing on medical practice. They lead to different career paths and involve distinct areas of study.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and a professional doctorate? A. A PhD is an academic research-focused degree, while a professional doctorate emphasises applying research to practical fields such as education or business. PhDs often involve original research, while professional doctorates focus on real-world application.

Q. What is the difference between UK and US PhDs? A. The difference between UK and US PhDs lies mainly in structure and duration. UK PhDs often have shorter durations and a stronger emphasis on independent research from an early stage. US PhDs typically include more initial coursework and broader foundational training before full-time research begins.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD student and a candidate? A. A PhD student is actively studying and researching in a doctoral programme, while a PhD candidate has completed programme requirements except for the dissertation and is close to completion.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an EdD? A. A PhD and an EdD (doctor of education) differ in focus. A PhD emphasises research and academic contributions, while an EdD focuses on applying research to practical educational issues.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a DBA? A. A PhD and a DBA (doctor of business administration) differ in purpose. A PhD emphasises theoretical research and academia, while a DBA is practice-oriented, aimed at solving real business problems.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a PsyD? A. A PhD and a PsyD (doctor of psychology) differ in emphasis. A PhD focuses on research and academia, while a PsyD emphasises clinical practice and applying psychological knowledge.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an LLD? A. A PhD and an LLD (doctor of laws or Legum doctor) are distinct. A PhD is awarded in various disciplines, while an LLD is usually an honorary degree for significant contributions to law.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an MD-PhD? A. A PhD and an MD-PhD differ. An MD-PhD is a dual degree combining medical training (MD) with research training (PhD).

Q. What is the Cambridge PhD? A. A Cambridge PhD involves original research guided by a supervisor, resulting in a thesis. It’s offered at the University of Cambridge .

Q. What is the Oxford DPhil? A. An Oxford DPhil is equivalent to a PhD and involves independent research leading to a thesis. The term “DPhil” is unique to the University of Oxford .

Q. What is the PhD programme acceptance rate? A. PhD acceptance rates vary by university, field and competition. Prestigious universities and competitive fields often have lower acceptance rates.

Q. What is a PhD supervisor? A. A PhD supervisor guides and supports a student’s research journey, providing expertise and feedback.

Q. What is a PhD panel? A. A PhD panel evaluates a candidate’s research, thesis and oral defence. It consists of experts in the field.

Q. What is a PhD stipend? A. A PhD stipend is a regular payment supporting living expenses during research, often tied to teaching or research assistant roles.

Q. What is a PhD progression assessment? A. A PhD progression assessment evaluates a student’s progress, often confirming their continuation in the programme.

Q. What is a PhD defence? A. A PhD defence, or viva, is the final oral examination where a candidate presents and defends their research findings and thesis before experts.

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Funding Packages

The University of Chicago offers most doctoral students competitive funding packages, which cover tuition and student health insurance, as well as a stipend for living expenses and research support. In most PhD programs, these awards are available for the duration of a student’s program. Programs which are exceptions articulate their policies clearly on their own web sites. Because the cost of living in Chicago is notably lower than in many other major cities, our stipends allow for a comfortable lifestyle. For more information about specific funding for your degree program, please refer to the websites of the programs (or the division or school) you intend to apply to.

In addition to the funding packages offered by the University, a wealth of additional opportunities are available, including prestigious fellowships which support language study, travel, or dissertation research; and on- and off-campus positions such as internships which allow students to explore other career paths.


UChicago students are among the leading recipients of competitive external funding – in fact, our graduate students have received more Fulbright–Hays dissertation awards than those from any other institution. Most divisions and schools, as well as many individual programs and departments, maintain lists of fellowships and other funding sources relevant to students in their fields. In addition to these tailored resources, UChicagoGRAD provides information on a wide range of fellowship opportunities and support throughout the fellowship process for currently enrolled UChicago graduate students.

Academic & Career Development

UChicagoGRAD supports graduate and professional students by providing information and advice on funding opportunities and student resources. Explore instructional videos, sample essays, and informational databases. We also offer one-on-one counseling and assistance with applying for various fellowships.

Fellowship Database

The University maintains a  Fellowships Database , a robust listing of fellowships. It’s important to explore fellowships and scholarships from all sources, and apply while you are applying to graduate programs, as the deadlines are usually during the academic year before you would receive the award. We also encourage you to explore scholarship or loan program opportunities in your local community, from your country’s government agencies, and other sources, especially as many fellowships do have citizenship requirements.

Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA)

In addition to the list of fellowships available here , there are other resources available as well.  The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs  (OMSA) supports the academic success of students of color at the University of Chicago and works to build an inclusive campus community. OMSA offers  grants and funding , as well as  career and professional resources .

Student Employment

During their time at UChicago, students can find a variety of employment opportunities that support and complement their education without interfering with their studies. On- and off-campus internships such as the Higher Education Interns program offer students an opportunity to explore options and gain skills, and several services help connect students to these positions or directly employ students.

Student Jobs Database

The  University of Chicago Student Employment site  requires a UChicago CNet ID to access fully, lists a wide range of jobs for current students, including teaching and assistantship opportunities.

Marketplace by the Chicago Maroon

The  Maroon , a university-specific site is similar to Craig’s List, has postings for jobs in addition to a wide array of other offerings.

Neighborhood Schools Program (NSP)

The  Neighborhood Schools Program  employs work-study and some non-work-study students in area schools and community organizations as teaching assistants and tutors, technology assistants, and more.

University Community Service Center (UCSC)

The  University Community Service Center  facilitates off-campus work-study jobs with Chicago area nonprofit organizations focusing on research, community outreach, communications, direct service with children, and more.

University of Chicago Medicine Employment

University of chicago medicine’s employment database  is full- and part-time administrative and clerical positions at the on-campus medical center., chicago center for teaching (cct).

The  Chicago Center for Teaching  offers workshops, seminars, and consultation to hone your teaching skills, as well as employing current graduate students, and may have information on local institutions seeking instructors.

Employment Information for International Students

The  Office of International Affairs  (OIA) maintains information on the forms and requirements for international students with F-1 or J-1 status who seek employment in the United States.

Loan Programs

Loan programs augment any other funding students have received from the University and from outside funding sources. Find details of all loan programs and application instructions on the Graduate Financial Aid website . . In order to apply for US Federal student loans through the University, you will need to complete and submit your FAFSA as soon as possible; to receive your US Federal aid award from Graduate Financial Aid, you must first create your University ID (“CNet ID”) and establish your UChicago email account.

Educational Benefits for Military Affiliates

The University of Chicago welcomes veterans and other military-affiliated students to our community. The University’s Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC)  helps military-affiliated individuals obtain educational benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, and provides a range of other services as well.

Specialist advisers in the  Office of the Registrar  and the Office for Military-Affiliated Communities assist individuals who need enrollment certification or other documentation. We encourage military-affiliated prospective students to consult with OMAC by contacting them at [email protected] .

The Yellow Ribbon Program: This program provides funding for post-9/11 servicemen and women to attend the University, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Yellow Ribbon applicants must be admitted and have confirmed their intent to enroll into an academic program before submitting a Yellow Ribbon application to the University of Chicago, and acceptance in the program is on a first-come, first-serve basis, although most programs do not limit the number of participants.

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  • Alternative Ways to Pay for School
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  • Company Funded Graduate School
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  • Paying for Your PhD
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  •       Financial Aid       PhD Scholarships and Financial Aid

PAYING FOR YOUR PHD Expert Tips, Scholarships Opportunities and Resources for Financing an Advanced Degree

The average yearly tuition for a PhD program is slightly above $16,000, which means students will invest about $80,000 in tuition fees alone for a five-year program. Add in fees, cost-of-living, travel expenses and the figure can easily surpass six figures. Yet, it is possible to fund a PhD program without breaking the bank and going into debt.

Featured Online Schools

  • PhD Cost Breakdown
  • PhD Financial Aid Options
  • Expert Spotlight: Lawrence Burns, PhD
  • Earning Outlook for Phd Students
  • Most Lucrative PhD Careers
  • Expert Spotlight: Darren Pierre, PhD
  • PhD: By The Numbers
  • Additional Financial Aid Resources


The value of a college education should not be understated, but neither should its actual cost. Earning a doctoral degree can be an expensive proposition. According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average tuition and fees for a graduate program of study was $16,435 in 2012-2013. The table below outlines the 2012-2013 graduate tuition and fees by academic institution.

  • All Institutions $16,435
  • Public $10,408
  • Private Non-Profit $23,698
  • Private For-Profit $14,418

Source: National Center for Education Statistics

A rough calculation of the number of years it takes to complete a doctoral program, multiplied by the average 2012-2013 tuition and fees from the NCES, reveals the following total cost figures by academic field of study.

Academic Field Median Years to Completion Tuition
11.7 $121,774
9.2 $95,754
7.7 $80,142
6.9 $71,815
6.6 $68,693
6.5 $67,652

A five- to six-figure education is something to take seriously as there are debt implications after leaving finishing a PhD program. Graduating doctoral students in 2013 left school with an average debt of just over $15,000, according to the National Science Foundation. By field, students in the Social Sciences, Education and Humanities graduate with the highest levels of student debt:

  • Education: $26,566
  • Social Sciences: $26,222
  • Humanities: $21,485

Conversely, the science and technology fields graduate students with the lowest debt figures:

  • Physical Sciences: $6,342
  • Engineering: $7,031
  • Life Sciences: $11,905
  • Physical Sciences 78.2%
  • Engineering 75.1%
  • Life Sciences 67.2%
  • Humanities 48.4%
  • Social Sciences 46.5%
  • Education 44.1%

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2013

While these figures may seem alarming, a deeper dive into survey data from the National Science Foundation actually paints a more positive picture. Overall, more than 62 percent of all doctoral recipients graduate from school without a single dollar of debt.

Prospective students can use the table below to get a better sense of the percentage of students who take on debt at incremental levels in each field of academic study. A majority of students graduate with $10,000 or less in debt after finishing their doctoral degree.

PhD Cost Factors

The total cost of earning a doctoral degree is variable because of the sheer number of different factors involved. Tuition is not the only cost to consider when thinking about applying to a PhD program.

Typically, students pay full tuition rates during their first three years of doctoral study and receive reduced tuition rates for the remainder of the program. However, the actual cost of tuition does vary and may be dependent on the student’s actual degree program.

Graduate students pay a range of fees, with the most common including:

  • Health Services (access to health facilities on campus)
  • Health Insurance (personal health insurance)
  • Student Activity (subsidizes athletics and other clubs)
  • Student Recreation (access to recreational facilities on campus)

Some programs estimate students should be prepared to pay between $3,000 and $4,500 per academic year in student fees and health insurance costs.

Students with a master’s degree or coursework in a similar graduate program may be able to transfer credits into their doctoral program. That can lower the total number of credits required to graduate, which can lower the total cost of the degree. However, some institutions do limit the amount of tuition credits that can be applied for graduate work done in a related field at other institutions.

Whether or not the student has an assistantship does not affect the cost of textbooks and other academic materials. Books are a revolving charge, one a student should plan upon each semester or quarter.

Housing, utilities and food are considered indirect expenses students incur during their education. PhD students should plan on anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 and up for living expenses each year. Again, this figure is highly variable based on the location of the university and the cost-of-living in that area.

Owning a car means additional budgeting for insurance, car payments and gas. Additionally, students may need to travel for conferences and research. Without funding from a graduate student association or grant program, the student will have to cover these costs individually.

PhD students with children may have to account for childcare costs. Purchasing a new computer and other supplies may also be required. This type of budgeting will vary from individual to individual, program to program.

Most PhD programs allow students to progress at their own pace, requiring them to complete and defend their dissertation within a certain time period (e.g. six years). However, the time it takes to complete a dissertation depends on the student, area of study, research, etc. This can impact cost of attending a doctoral program.

Example Cost of Attendance

A student’s budget should include the total cost of attendance—that is both direct (tuition and fees) and indirect costs (e.g. housing). This budget is the starting point for determining the student’s financial need, how much financial aid they require, and if they can afford to attend a doctoral program. Below is a sample five-year total cost of attendance chart based on an in-state tuition program, with a budget that assumes fixed costs for fees and indirect costs, such as housing. It also does not take into account assistantships and tuition waivers for assistants.

Based on a figure that’s slightly below the 2012-2013 average graduate tuition cost, the total cost of attendance can still produce sticker shock. An average student in a program that charges $12,000 per year in tuition could have to pay between $30,000 and $45,000 year in total costs.

Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Cost of Attendance
$12,654 $12,654 $12,654 $3,658 $3,658 $45,278
$279 $279 $279 $279 $279 $1,395
$2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $11,950
$34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $170
$15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $75
$26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $130
$1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300
$14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $14,578 $72,890
$7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $7,275 $36,375
$1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $8,000
$3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $3,154 $15,770
$43,305 $43,305 $43,305 $34,309 $34,309 $198,533


Prospective PhD candidates have an abundance of financial aid options to help fund their graduate studies. Typically, students are fully funded by a combination of sources, including scholarships, fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or student loans.

It is important for students to note that most sources of aid are awarded by individual academic programs, so they should follow-up with their department for up-to-date information.

Below is a high-level overview of the common types of graduate financial aid.

Prospective PhD candidates can turn to a variety of funding sources, including scholarships, grants, and fellowships to support their education financially. As discussed, most students use a combination of one or more of these funding sources to finance their degree program and research.

PhD students can apply for a variety of scholarships that award students with funds that can be used to help cover the cost of tuition, books and other fees.

Grants are similar to scholarships and are academic-based awards that can be used to augment other sources of financial aid.

Fellowships are a different type of funding that may encompass a scholarship or grant and can be used to fund research, study and teaching in the US and internationally. Many fellowships provide full tuition and a yearly stipend to students.

A PhD should never be an end in itself but rather a means to an end. The path to a PhD is an arduous one and should never be undertaken without serious thought to what it will bring the student. That said, there is money available for graduate study in most fields, and a student in the humanities should be very careful to apply to appropriate programs which fund their grad students.

  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences

The SMART program is designed to support graduate students studying in STEM disciplines and offers a range of other benefits, including supplies and health insurance allowances and employment placement services with the DoD after graduation.

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship is a three-year graduate fellowship that is designed to support doctoral students across fifteen engineering disciplines.

This three-year fellowship program supports the research efforts of doctoral students in STEM-related fields of study and allows them to pursue their work at any accredited graduate program in the country.

Renewable award for graduate students enrolled in a full-time APA-accredited doctoral program of study in psychology. Underrepresented, minority students are encouraged to apply.

This fellowship is open to female scholars and is designed to help offset the doctoral student’s living expenses during her final year of working on a dissertation.

This fellowship is a single-year of funding that is designed to support the doctoral research of a student working in child psychology.

The Javits Fellowship is provided on a needs- and competitive-basis to graduate students pursing graduate degrees in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts.

Two fellowships are awarded to support doctoral students who plan to study at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece for a year.

The Richard M. Weaver Scholarship is open to graduate student members of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and supports the academic work of scholars pursuing teaching careers at the college level.

The AICPA fellowship is designed for minority students pursuing or planning to pursue a doctorate in accounting.

Five scholarships are available to provide financial assistance to graduate students pursuing studies in accounting and plan on earning CPA licensure.

This fellowship provides financial support to female scholars conducting research and economic analysis into natural resource, food, or agricultural issues.

This renewable, four-year fellowship is designed to support a scholar’s work in the field of stewardship science: nuclear science, high density physics, and materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.

This multi-year fellowship supports doctoral research in several fields, ranging from chemistry to geology, materials science to physics and connects fellows with NPSC employer partners.

The NWRI fellowship program is open to full-time doctoral students conducting water-based research in areas such as water quality, water treatment and technologies, water supplies and water resources.

Really think about your reasons for getting a PhD. Critically exam the support systems you have in place to get you through the journey: 50 percent of doctoral students suffer from depression. Utilize services like the counseling center on your college/university campuses to help you respond to the stressors that may occur with the transition.


Graduate assistantships.

Graduate assistantships are a form of academic appointment and are provided by individual departments. Competitive in nature, they are typically awarded on the basis of the student’s academic accomplishments and potential in the graduate program of study. Most programs provide appointments for one year at time and students receive a tuition credit or waiver and monthly stipend. There are three types of assistantships: Teaching Assistantships, Assistant Lecturers, and Research Assistants.

Teaching assistants perform a range of support duties for faculty members at a university, including grading papers and teaching classes.

Lecturers may serve as instructors in the academic department where they are studying.

Research assistants conduct and assist faculty members with research projects in the student’s area of interest.


Fellowships are short-term funding opportunities (typically 9- to 12 months) provided to students in the form of tuition credits and/or stipends. They support a student’s graduate study in their field of choice, may assist them in their research, or gain professional training in an area of interest. Fellowships are competitive and are available in two types: University-based and External.

Individual schools, colleges, and departments at a university (e.g. College of Science, Department of English) may have endowed fellowships. Students are either nominated for an award by their department or may be open to an application process.

External fellowships are funded by foundations, government agencies and other groups and provide opportunities to study both in the US and abroad. For example, the Department of Defense offers the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship to engineering students studying in one of sixteen engineering specialties.


Many companies and businesses have created scholarship, fellowship, and tuition reimbursement programs for their employees. Depending on the company, there may be a possibility it supports the graduate school efforts of its employees. Speak to the Human Resources department to learn more about the potential funding avenues available.

Graduate students may borrow funds from the federal government under two loan programs: William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program and the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

Direct Unsubsidized Loan Federal Perkins Loan
Available to PhD student who are enrolled at least half-time. No need to demonstrate financial need. Doctoral students who are enrolled either part- or full-time, demonstrate financial need, and attend an approved institution that participates in the Federal Perkins Loan Program.
Loans issued between July 1, 2015 and before July 1, 2016 will have a 5.84% interest rate for graduate students. 5%
Loans issued between October 1, 2015 and before October 1, 2016 will have a 1.068% loan fee. None
$20,500 per year $8,000
$138,500 and no more than $65,500 may be taken out in subsidized loans. This total also includes any loans secured during undergraduate study. $60,000, which includes loans secured as an undergraduate student.

Private financial institutions, including banks and credit unions, offer unsecured educational loans to graduate students. These loans must be repaid with interest. The interest rates, loan amount, and repayment terms are based on the credit worthiness of the borrower.

Federal work study provides students with demonstrated financial need part-time job opportunities that allow them to earn income while they are in graduate school. The program focuses on placing students in community service situations related to the student’s academic course of study. A majority of jobs are on-campus, but some schools may have some off-campus jobs with nonprofit agencies and other groups. It is important to note that some universities may not allow students to use their federal work study for tuition, but other related expenses (e.g. books, fees).


What should a future phd student consider when selecting a program of   study .

Speaking in the humanities, a student is best advised, I think, to select the faculty member with whom he or she wishes to study rather than simply a program. This faculty member becomes the student’s mentor, a relationship that lasts well beyond graduate school years. Because the mentor becomes the student’s primary reference, his or her standing in the field can and does have an impact on pre- and post-doctoral grants a student might win as well as on the student’s success on the academic job market.

It is a delicate balance though, because one must also look at programs that have standing in a particular field and at institutions that can afford to fund their PhD students throughout their graduate years.

Much is made about the saturation of PhD graduates and not enough   positions — both in academic and the private sector. Should that dissuade   a student from pursuing a PhD?

Yes, of course. Again, a PhD is not something that comes easily, and it should not be pursued without a reason for it. On the other hand, for students who are committed to their fields, and for whom that field is a career choice, the PhD is still the only way into the university job market. 

There is a catch-22 in the world of post-graduate education. Research universities need to turn out research, and researchers often depend on their grad students to assist them–in all fields–and departments on their PhD candidates to teach many undergraduate courses. PhD students are thus recruited regardless of the job market for the PhD holders.

The challenges in funding the PhD for me were less about how am I going to pay for this degree, but making the adjustment from being a full-time salaried employee to now, taking a significant pay cut to serve as a graduate assistant.


Potential career earnings should be a significant part of the discussion when considering whether or not to pursue a doctoral degree. Completing an advanced program of study could increase an individual’s earning potential with their current or future employers.

Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals a direct correlation between educational attainment and career success—both in employment opportunities and annual salaries. Doctoral degree holders are some of the highest paid professionals in the country. The table below outlines the difference in earnings by degree level in 2014.

Educational Attainment Avg. Weekly Earnings Avg. Yearly Salary Unemployment Rate
$1,639 $85,228 1.9%
$1,591 $82,732 2.1%
$1,326 $68,952 2.8%
$1,101 $57,252 3.5%
$792 $41,184 4.5%
$741 $38,532 6.0%
$668 $34,736 6.0%
$488 $25,376 9.0%

source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Earnings and Unemployment by Educational Attainment

  • Industry or Business $97,700
  • Government $82,000
  • Nonprofit Organizations $72,500
  • Other $70,000
  • Academia $60,000

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates

In turn, prospective students should consider how their sacrifice of time and money will pay off when they embark in their careers. Some professional fields have a higher return on investment than others. A majority of PhD candidates endeavor to become tenured-track faculty members, but they should realize that academia is one of the lowest paying sectors for individuals with a doctoral degree.

A review of National Science Foundation survey information shows that the best paying professional areas for PhD graduates include Industry and Business—with an average salary of $97,700. At the bottom of the list? Academia.


So, which PhD degrees pay the best?

According to the NSF, business, economics, and engineering are consistently among the best earning academic fields regardless of industry. The following tables outline the highest paying academic fields by professional area of work after graduation.

  • Business Management and Administration $110,000
  • Economics $82,000
  • Engineering $79,000
  • Health Sciences $70,000
  • Education $60,000
  • Business Management and Administration $135,000
  • Economics $115,000
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $115,000
  • Geosciences $110,000
  • Engineering $98,000
  • Economics $112,500
  • Business Management and Administration $96,590
  • Engineering $96,500
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $95,300
  • Health Sciences $94,000
  • Business Management and Administration $105,000
  • Economics $100,000
  • Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences $100,000
  • Health Sciences $98,000

At the occupational level, 2012 employment research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed the best paying doctoral career was Physicist ($109,600), followed by Astronomers ($105,410), and Engineering Professors ($94,130).

Overall, the top 10 most lucrative PhD careers include the following:

  • 1 Physicists $109,600
  • 2 Astronomers $105,410
  • 3 Engineering Professors $94,130
  • 4 Economics Professors $90,870
  • 5 Health Specialties Professors: $90,210
  • 6 Agricultural Sciences Professors $86,260
  • 7 Biochemists and Biophysicists $84,940
  • 8 Forestry and Conservation Science Professors $84,090
  • 9 Physics Professors $80,720
  • 10 Medical Scientists $79,930
Field of Study Academia Industry or Business Government Nonprofit organization Other
$56,000 $80,000 $70,000 $67,000 NA
$50,200 $80,000 $65,000 $60,000 $42,000
$110,001 $135,000 $96,590 $105,000 NA
$48,000 $85,000 $70,000 $65,000 $55,000
$82,000 $115,000 $112,500 $100,000 $100,155
$60,000 $80,000 $78,000 $75,500 $74,000
$79,000 $98,000 $96,500 $98,000 $62,500
$59,000 $110,000 $75,000 NA NA
$70,000 $90,000 $94,000 $98,000 $81,500
$50,000 $50,000 $77,250 $50,000 $53,500
$60,000 $115,000 $95,300 $100,000 $52,000
$57,000 $78,000 $85,000 $70,500 $62,000
$55,000 $95,500 $85,000 $90,000 NA
$55,000 $71,000 $65,000 $60,000 $61,000
$57,000 $81,000 $78,000 $70,000 $73,000


How has earning a phd impacted you personally and professionally.

Personally, the PhD was an incredibly introspective process. I believe for many, they go into the PhD thinking one thing, and come out transformed by the experience. I learned and grew personally in how I harness my self-worth, I grew professionally in my ability to humble myself and authentically listen to the feedback given about my work.

Professionally, I move with a greater level of confidence, I have more insight into my own potential in ways I could have never imagined, and all of that propelled me to write my book, The Invitation to Love.

Through your own experience, what are the biggest mistakes   prospective PhD students make when choosing and/or funding their PhD?

The biggest mistake that perspective students make is doing the degree for the wrong reason. If you are doing the degree for any other reason that self-motivated factors, you will falter. Doing the PhD to cover areas of insecurity, or low self-worth; doing the PhD for the prestige or title sake, those reasons will have you floundering and faltering when the psychological stressors being to weigh heavy.

Did you create a roadmap--financially or academically--to stay on track to   completing your PhD?

Absolutely, you have to have a plan and work that plan. Each Sunday, I would develop the week's action plan, I would carve out everything from when I was doing assignments/research to when I would work out, everything was on a schedule so that even when the fog of the process set in, I had headlights (my schedule) that allowed me to drive consistently when the road ahead was hard to see.


Doctoral education in the U.S. is a varied and broad system, one that has been growing in popularity. In the 2013-2014 academic year, more than 178,000 doctoral degrees were conferred to students nationally, according to data from the National Center for Education Statistics.

  • Doctoral Education Continues to Grow
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Dominate
  • STEM Fields are the Most Popular
  • Only Half of Students Earn a PhD in the Same Academic Field as their Master’s Degree
  • Doctoral Degrees are an Investment in Time
  • Primary Source of Funding Varies by Program

In its survey of earned doctorates, the National Science Foundation learned the number of doctoral recipients increased by nearly 30 percent between 2003 and 2013.

The most popular academic areas of study were Engineering and the Physical Sciences.

  • Engineering 69.80%
  • Physical Sciences 59.30%
  • Health Sciences 53.60%
  • Life Sciences 44.60%
  • Other 38.90%
  • Social Sciences 19.90%
  • Humanities 9.10%
  • Education -25.70%

Within the engineering and physical sciences disciplines, multiple sub-fields have been experiencing explosive interest and enrollments, with some programs (e.g. physics, materials science engineering) growing by more than 70 percent between 2003 and 2013.

  • Other engineering 127.5%
  • Materials science engineering 86.5%
  • Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering 74.5%
  • Mechanical engineering 70.5%
  • Electrical, electronics, and communication engineering 53.6%
  • Chemical engineering 46.0%
  • Computer and information sciences 119.1%
  • Mathematics 83.0%
  • Physics and astronomy 76.7%
  • Geosciences 28.8%
  • Chemistry 22.0%

According to NSF, the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields are the most popular doctoral areas of study.

  • Life Sciences 23.3%
  • Physical Sciences 17.6%
  • Engineering 17.0%
  • Social Sciences 15.9%
  • Humanities 10.7%
  • Education 9.4%

Interestingly, slightly more than 56 percent of graduate students continue into a doctoral program in the same field as their master’s degree. Rates are highest in the humanities, engineering, and social sciences fields.

  • Humanities 67.6%
  • Engineering 65.7%
  • Social Sciences 65.6%
  • Education 61.5%
  • All Fields 56.1%
  • Physical Sciences 53.4%
  • Life Sciences 35.5%

It requires approximately 7.5 years of study for the average graduate student to complete a doctoral degree after enrolling in graduate school. Education takes the longest — more than 11 years, while the physical sciences and engineering fields only require 6.5 to 6.6 years of study to complete.

  • Education 11.7
  • Humanities 9.2
  • Social Sciences 7.7
  • All Fields 7.5
  • Life Sciences 6.9
  • Engineering 6.6
  • Physical Sciences 6.5

According to the NSF, the most common source of funding for doctoral students are teaching and research assistantships. The table below details the primary source of funding for students by academic area of study.

  • Life Sciences Fellowships/ Grants
  • Physical Sciences Research Assistantships
  • Social Sciences Teaching Assistantships
  • Engineering Research Assistantships
  • Education Own Resources
  • Humanities Teaching Assistantships
  • All Fields Research Assistantships

The following table includes a breakout of the primary funding source by major field of study, according the National Science Foundation.

Field Teaching Assistantships Research Assistantships Fellowships/ Grants Own Resources Employer Other
11.6% 32.9% 41.1% 9.3% 3.0% 2.1%
27.7% 47.2% 18.8% 3.6% 1.6% 1.1%
29.3% 17.7% 25.5% 24.4% 1.6% 1.4%
7.9% 60.8% 21.4% 3.9% 3.4% 2.5%
12.3% 15.7% 13.2% 47.4% 9.2% 2.3%
42.4% 1.8% 33.2% 20.0% 1.4% 1.1%
20.8% 32.0% 26.9% 15.4% 3.0% 1.8%



The ultimate financial goal of any PhD student should be to complete their program successfully and move into a professional career with as little debt as possible. The resources below are available to help students locate scholarships and other funding sources that can help make that goal a reality.

Unigo offers a selection of financial assistance resources for graduate students, including a scholarship directory, a scholarship match tool, educational information on student loans and funding options, and more. is a website that provides a selection of financial aid information, including a searchable scholarship directory, insights into funding trends, financial aid calculators, and information about grants and fellowships.

Peterson’s is an educational resource site that includes a searchable scholarship database, articles and advice columns, and a catalog of graduate school profiles. is an educational resource site that focuses on financial aid and offers information about student loans, federal financial aid, financing a doctoral education, and includes a scholarship search option.

An office of the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid is the country’s largest provider of financial aid. Graduate students can learn about and pally for loans, grants, and work-study funds to pay for their doctoral education.

FastWeb is a financial aid-focused website that offers a searchable scholarship directory that allows students to focus their search to their major area of study, work experience, and personal and professional activities.

Chegg is an online educational portal that not only offers used textbooks, but a scholarship database as well.

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PhD candidate vs PhD student

I see researchers working on their PhD calling themselves PhD Candidates, other call themselves PhD students. What's the difference between a PhD Candidate and a PhD Student?

According to two posters on the WordReferences forums :

This terms vary from university to university, usually a PhD student is granted the candidate status after completion of a “comprehensive examination”, which occurs sometime after the first year.
Here in the U.S., a “Ph.D. Candidate” is a student who has completed all of the academic requirements for their degree, except their dissertation.

So this works in the USA and Canada I presume, because they have structured PhD programs where you attend courses as part of your PhD. Unlike most of the universities in Europe where a PhD student starts off directly with his/her PhD thesis. (Europe does have structured programs as well, but they are not as widely spread yet).

  • terminology

ff524's user avatar

  • 37 Every department is different. –  JeffE Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 14:56

10 Answers 10

In some countries (e.g. The Netherlands where I obtained my PhD degree) you are not considered a student but a paid employee (staff) with the university. To discern between these, people sometimes translate their status to English using term "PhD candidate". Btw, this has nothing to do with the length of the program or your progress.

Jaap Eldering's user avatar

  • 4 It is also good to note that the salary a Dutch PhD receives is competitive with entry level jobs at say a consultancy or programming company, assuming of course there is funding to begin with. –  Paul Hiemstra Commented Jul 10, 2013 at 12:05
  • 5 @PaulHiemstra broadly speaking :) I would say there is at least a 500 euro gap. Especially after four years, the PhD salary is considerably below what a programmer or consultant with 4 years experience could expect. It's the same general range, but I wouldn't call it competitive. –  Peter Bloem Commented May 1, 2014 at 14:54
  • 12 @Peter The pay and working conditions are certainly near the top of the scale when you compare it to what PhD students in other countries get. –  Moriarty Commented May 1, 2014 at 16:20
  • @Peter, here in Brazil this gap varies a lot. A trainee in a small company usually makes less than a PhD student\candidate. So small companies rarely get the brightest people. OTOH, big companies easily pay entry salaries equivalent to the double of what a PhD candidate makes (triple if the applicant is a good interviewer). And excluding the IT field, the extra income from 4 years of experience is negligible. So it all depends of vacancies on the big companies of your city. –  Lucas Soares Commented Oct 30, 2014 at 15:10
  • 1 There is also a political component to it, because there are some politicians who want to change the status of PhD candidates from being an employee to being a receiver of a grant. Therefore, when I was still doing my PhD, I was emphasizing a lot that I was not a student, and I tell that to the current PhD candidates as well. –  damian Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 15:14

To expand on what JeffE said – "Every department is different.", here's an example from my university (a top UC school):

The math department is pretty rigorous and the "candidacy exam" is mostly a blackboard and chalk routine. They throw a bunch of stuff at you, poke holes in your proposal, make you sweat epsilons and deltas from all your pores before declaring you a "candidate".

The life/physical sciences departments require you to have a 20-30 page written proposal + a presentation on it + preliminary results (usually at least 1 journal paper) and your committee members grill you on the proposal.

In ECE/CS (applied, not theoretical), the labs/PIs are generally quite rigorous themselves and by the time a student is ready to take the candidacy exam, they've had at least 2 first author publications and 3-4 conference publications. At this point, their course is pretty set and the committee members don't generally feel like they need to say/do much (unless if there are serious flaws hitherto unnoticed). As such, the candidacy exam is more of a formality — no 30 page proposals (who reads them anyway?); just a presentation on the papers already published + future work remaining.

The bottom line from all this is — there are no standard rules/definitions/process involved in becoming a "PhD candidate". All it usually means is that "This person has shown an understanding of the fundamental concepts (on the day of testing), their proposal/work done is original and has potential and they've completed all course work/other requirements except for their thesis".

In Australia, (at least at my university), you start off as a 'Provisional Candidate'.

Then you complete a Dissertation Proposal - where you present a 20 or so page preliminary report and present it as a seminar to a group of peers - once passed, you receive a 'Confirmation of Candidature' then you proceed to complete the thesis as a 'Confirmed Candidate'.

This is usually done within the first 1-2 years of the PhD course.

  • 14 "Provisonal candidate"? I'd have preferred "Candidate candidate" –  Federico Poloni Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 16:00
  • 2 @FedericoPoloni well, that is what we're called before the Dissertation Proposal. –  user7130 Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 21:16
  • This is very similar to my experience in Switzerland. –  DarioP Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 8:33
What's the difference between a PhD Candidate and a PhD Student?

To someone outside your department, there is very little difference since people (i.e., prospective employers) just don't care about the terms. they want to know what you have accomplished so far.

To someone in a finite duration PhD (e.g., a "typical" 3-year UK PhD program), there is very little difference. It is simpler to just list your year.

To someone in a indeterminate length PhD (e.g., a "typical" US PhD program), it provides a nice milestone.

As other have said, the requirements to achieve candidacy vary widely between countries, universities, and even departments. That said, I think it is nearly universal (and that is going out on a huge limb in academia) that candidacy implies that the next "evaluation" will be on your thesis and apart from time limits or extraordinary circumstances that as long as you are willing to pay your tuition and fees the department will let you be a PhD Candidate.

StrongBad's user avatar

At my institution (in the U.S.A.), you are considered a PhD student until you pass your qualifying exams. After passing, you are considered a PhD candidate.

The qualifying exam is usually taken around 2 years in the program, or after you have completed any required or recommended coursework. It consists of a written exam, which can be one or more questions from each of your committee members. The written exam at my institution is left up to the committee members discretion (the major adviser in reality), it can be open or closed book, very detailed, or more theoretical, 24 hour time period or maybe 1 month, even proctored by the committee member. The oral examination can also be anything. Committee members can ask very detailed questions or more theoretical questions. Preparing for the oral exam can be difficult, especially if you have members from other departments and backgrounds. For example, I have a Soil Scientist, Biologist, Fire Ecologist, Landscape Modeler, and Remote Sensing Specialist on my committee. They all asked very different question specific to their fields.

Three of my written exams consisted of about 8 questions and I was given 8 hours to complete. It was open book and not proctored. I took the exam from home. One exam was 12 questions and I was given a month (yes I sweated for a month!). They all asked very broad questions for the written exam to figure out which areas I had a solid understanding in, and which areas I needed improvement. The oral exam was basically 4 PhD's questioning (read interrogating!) me. They started with a few easy questions, but then asked more difficult questions from the areas I was not as knowledgeable in.

derelict's user avatar

I think Jaap's reply is pretty much spot on, i.e. paid staff (as in the Netherlands, Germany...) vs. student status (as in the UK, for example).

Personally, I prefer "PhD candidate" because people here are massively prejudiced against "students" (young, irresponsible, constantly partying...) despite the fact that I'm officially registered as a student rather than staff.

Just to make it clear that people are not obliged to use one thing or the other.

spbail's user avatar

  • Do you have qualifying exams? –  derelict Commented May 1, 2014 at 17:14

It can be different depend on region, country, university or even department.

In my department in a university in Taiwan, we need to finish all required credit course and submit one international journal as milestone to be qualified as PhD Candidate.

hoi's user avatar

At the university I attended in the UK, one was considered to be on provisional status until passing the viva, which was not only an oral "interview" but also included a thorough review of all research completed at that point, a 20,000 word critical paper, and a detailed thesis plan. After that point, the successful student was advanced to candidacy, while the unsuccessful student was awarded an M.Phil.and dismissed from the program. This procedure was standardized throughout the university graduate school regardless of department. For candidates, the only obstacle left was the defense of the thesis.

guest's user avatar

PhD students should complete all the coursework before becoming PhD Candidate. After completing all the coursework, PhD students have to pass the comprehensive written exam (and comprehensive oral exam) to become PhD Candidate. The amount of rigor of comprehensive exam depends on department to department. Some department requires that you pass the comprehensive exam on all the four (or five) seminar areas plus the methods that you have taken. Others require that you declare your major area and pass the comprehensive area on only that major area plus the methods. Department may also require you to come up with a framework for your dissertation topic before they grant you the candidacy status. Again, the variation exists between department in how they grant the candidacy. Once your status change from PhD Student to PhD Candidate, you are no longer required to take courseworks. However, you should be enrolled in the pre-dissertation and dissertation hours (normally 24 hrs; 6 hours per semester to maintain full-time status) to continue your dissertation. You work with your dissertation chair and committee after comprehensive exam. PhD candidate are also called Doctoral candidate, and ABD - All But Dissertation.

Exit47's user avatar

  • 4 PhD students should complete all the coursework before becoming PhD Candidate - this is not generally true (i.e., not in all fields/all departments). –  ff524 Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 13:36
  • 3 I downvoted this for being specific to a very limited area without specifying that area or even mentioning this fact. –  Tobias Kildetoft Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 15:19

When you see PhD CANDIDATE think he/she is a CANDIDATE for a job in their field.

Versus PhD student they are still a student learning their field of study.

In Texas public University you are a candidate when you pass all of your doctoral exams. Usually at this point you have already completed all of your course work. You are wrapping up your research projects, writing papers to be published, writing dissertation and looking for a job.

-Nick, Chemistry PhD candidate

Nick Ross's user avatar

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graduate student phd student

Enhancements to PhD Education

Vanderbilt University is committed to recruiting, supporting and investing in exceptional graduate students. This Enhanced Funding and Support Model for Doctoral Education launched in May of 2022 with a $5 million annual investment in graduate education.

Enhancements to Doctoral Education Funding

  • Increased stipends : 4-21% increase in annual stipends across schools/colleges from AY23-24 to AY24-25 (*Peabody College saw a 21% increase). This brings the annual base stipend for Ph.D. students to $34,000-$38,000 (varies by program/school).
  • Regalia reimbursement: Through funding from the Graduate School, a ll graduating Ph.D. students receive a free regalia rental or a $200 discount on the purchase of regalia .    

Launching Student Success Stipend (for incoming PhD and MFA students):   Newly enrolled Ph.D. and MFA students receive a one-time stipend of $2,000 to help them prepare for the upcoming academic year.  

Candidacy Success Supplement: All students who reach candidacy receive $500 as recognition of progress to degree.  

Vanderbilt Awards for Doctoral Discovery (VADD) : In Spring 2023, schools and colleges with Ph.D. programs receive d and distribute d funding from the Provost and Graduate school to assist students in attending conferences, visiting labs for training , and doing fieldwork.  

Graduate School Honors Fellowships: The Graduate School Honors Fellowships (“Topping Awards”) are paid out in two lump sums (one at the start of each semester) to Ph.D. students giving them flexibility to utilize funds at their discretion.  Honors Fellowships were awarded to 382 students in AY23-24; award per student ranges from $2,500 to $10,000. 

Endowed Awards for PhD Students : Each year, the university recognizes students for their outstanding research and provides over $90,000 of endowed scholarship funding.  

Provost Pathbreaking Discovery Award: These $2,500 awards recognizes doctoral students who exhibit exceptional academic excellence in areas such as publications, awards, patents, and other forms of national/international distinction.

  • Grant Writing Resources : The Graduate School created a comprehensive, multi-part grant funding "mini-course” in Brightspace, available to all students. This asynchronous course includes discipline-specific resources as well as information on best practices for seeking and writing grants.  

WriteOn!: The Graduate School launched a writing accountability group which provides guided programming and helps them set weekly and monthly progress goals. 

  • Dissertation Enhancement Grants: Grants of up to $2,000 are awarded to Ph.D. students with outstanding potential to accelerate progress on their research, adding depth or breadth to their dissertation.

SEC Emerging Scholar s : This  career development program  is designed to prepare scholars for tenured faculty positions in higher education within the Southeastern Conference. 

  • Mentoring Awards : This award recognizes the vital role mentorship plays in student success and encourages faculty and doctoral students to develop strong and supportive mentoring relationships.

Department and Student Connections : The Graduate Student Council and the Graduate School are collaborating to provide funding for departments to go toward hosting a dinner or providing refreshments for doctoral students to foster community and belonging. 

Honors Banquet and Doctoral Student Awards: The Graduate School hosts a honors banquet each spring to celebrate student scholarly excellence. Three students receive Outstanding Doctoral Student Awards.  

Friday Fuel: One Friday each month, the Graduate School hosts an informal gathering in the Graduate Student Lounge in Alumni Hall for students to build community and learn about campus resources. 

Graduate Student Appreciation Week: Each spring, the Graduate School hosts various events to celebrate graduate students. This includes the first Graduate Career Closet to provide interview-ready attire to students preparing for the job search. 

  • Dental Insurance and Annual Vision Exam: Beginning in AY 23-24, dental insurance and an annual vision exam as part of Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). The annual plan cost per student covered by schools as part of a comprehensive doctoral student financial aid package is $3,977. 

Student Care Network Supports : A number of additional support mechanisms were implemented by the Office of the Dean of students to promote student wellbeing: 

  • The Dean of Students in partnership with the Faculty Senate developed a training for faculty and staff regarding support for student mental health. 
  • Drop-in consultation hours at the University Counseling Center   are available for graduate and professional students. 
  • The Student Care Assistance Program through the  Office of Student Care Coordination (OSCC)  supports graduate students with medical costs. 
  • The Student Care Network offers  expanded telehealth options , including physical and behavioral health, as well as nutrition and lactation consultations. 

Enhanced Programming for Career Development: In partnership with Vanderbilt’s Career Center, there are fall and spring colloquia focused on career development specific to doctoral students. This partnership continues  to grow . 

Tr acking Ph.D. Placements: Vanderbilt invested in an innovative university-wide longitudinal tracking of Vanderbilt Ph.D. alumni using data from Academic Analytics regarding PhD placements.  This effort is central to our collective success in meeting our institutional objective of recruiting the best scholars and supporting their career trajectories in top positions across top-tier institutions of higher education as well as the public and private sectors. 

Clarifying the VU/VUMC dual identity process : We are assisting students connected to both Vanderbilt University and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with dual identity .

At Vanderbilt, we never stop growing or achieving. It is the Vanderbilt Way. As part of our commitment to our mission, the Graduate School is actively working on ways to better support doctoral education and training at Vanderbilt. Stay tuned for more updates on how we are using the annual investment to improve the lives and access to research and funding for our graduate students and the faculty that support them. 

The Path Toward Program Enhancements

In the Spring of 2021, Provost Cybele Raver announced a new $5 million annual investment in graduate education to show Vanderbilt’s commitment to training and mentoring the next generation of scholars and thought leaders.  

I am honored to support research, scholarship, and professional development in a place that actively seeks opportunities to continuously improve the experience and outcomes of all students. Dean Christie-Mizell

The process involved many listening sessions, conversations, suggestions and feedback with Ph.D. students and faculty . Among the many themes that emerged as a result of a year-long effort to gather information and collaborate across students, faculty, staff and university leadership were the following:

  • Financial enhancements to assist with additional non-tuition related costs 
  • Support, funding and external grant and workshop opportunities  
  • Graduate community enhancements 
  • Partnerships to support graduate students 

New Funding Supplements

Five funding supplements were created to promote discovery and collaboration, inspire scholarly excellence and augment student support structures.

This supplement provides support for faculty in Ph.D. programs to bridge the gap between fellowship/grant support and enhanced stipends for doctoral students.    

This award will recognize doctoral students who exhibit exceptional academic excellence in areas such as publications, awards, patents and other forms of national/international distinction. 

This funding mechanism will help recruit highly qualified, diverse Ph.D. candidates by providing five years of financial support through a premium stipend to outstanding students.

This fund invests in cross-disciplinary scholarship and partnerships to support intellectual communities across Ph.D. disciplines and groundbreaking discovery.    

This enhancement invests in necessary support services to enrich the student experience. 

These increased investments in graduate education are critical to advancing our bold innovation and discovery while also advancing Vanderbilt to a new level of global visibility and impact. Provost C. Cybele Raver

Responsible Committees

Executive Sponsors 

  • Daniel Diermeier, Chancellor 
  • Cybele Raver, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 

Executive Committee  

  • André Christie-Mizell, Vice Provost for Graduate Education 
  • Elizabeth Boyd, Executive Director of Operations, Graduate School 
  • Kurt Shepherd, Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance  
  • John McLean, Associate Provost for PhD Programs 
  • John Geer, Dean, College of Arts & Science 
  • Camilla Benbow, Dean, Peabody College 
  • Philippe Facuhet, Dean, School of Engineering 
  • Emilie Townes, Dean, Vanderbilt Divinity School 
  • John Kuriyan, Dean, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Pam Jeffries, Dean, Vanderbilt School of Nursing 
  • Xavier Purdy, Deputy Chief of Staff, Director of Projects, Office of the Provost 
  • John McLean, Associate Provost for PhD Programs, Graduate School 
  • Anna Thomas, Director of Events and Communications, Graduate School 
  • Amber Palmer-Halma, Deputy Director of University Communications, Division of Communications  
  • Terrah Akard, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School 
  • Jennifer Gourley, Director of Finance, Division of Finance 
  • Stacey Satchell, Director of Graduate and Postdoc Academic Success, Graduate School 
  • Irene Wallrich, Assistant Director of the Graduate Leadership Institute, Graduate School 
  • Alayna Hayes, Assistant Provost and Senior Director of the Career Center 
  • David Wright, Dean for Graduate Education and Research, College and Arts and Science 
  • Duco Jansen, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs, School of Engineering 
  • Jeanette Mancilla-Martinez, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Education, Peabody College 
  • Kathy Gould, Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research Education and Training, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Mariann Piano, Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Nursing 
  • Jimmy Byrd, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, Divinity School 
  • Emily Ritter, Director Graduate Studies, Political Science, College and Arts and Science 
  • David Cliffel, Director Graduate Studies, Chemistry, College and Arts and Science 
  • Antony Reed, Director Graduate Studies, English, College and Arts and Science 
  • Cindy Reinhardt-King, Director Graduate Studies, Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering 
  • Dan Work, Director Graduate Studies, Civil Engineering, School of Engineering 
  • Sean Corcoran, Director Graduate Studies, Community Research and Action, Peabody College 
  • Bob Hodapp, Director Graduate Studies, Special Education, Peabody College 
  • Jin Chen, Director Graduate Studies, Cancer Biology, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Richard O-Brien, Director Graduate Studies, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 
  • Christine Konradi, Director Graduate Studies, Pharmacology, School of Medicine Basic Sciences 

Recent News

Enhanced Funding

Want to Offer Feedback?

To offer feedback on the Enhanced Funding and Support Model for Doctoral Education, please email  [email protected].  

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These PhD Program Profiles offer statistical portraits across key metrics, which we hope will provide prospective Boston University PhD students a clear sense of the program or programs in which they are interested. We aim to give prospective students a sense of the probability that they will be admitted, how long it is likely to take them to complete the program if they matriculate, what jobs might await them upon receipt of their PhD and so forth.

Each profile showcases a brief description of the program, and five-year (or more) trend data on: applications and offers, selectivity, entering cohort size, sex and ethnicity demographics, attrition rate, cumulative completion rate, median time to degree, and five- and ten-year out graduate employment outcomes.

Please note: Some of the profiles will reflect missing data in some categories. Missing data can be attributed to insufficient data for reporting purposes, data suppression in instances where low numbers make it impossible to ensure individual student confidentiality, or where data is not available for some reason.

The profiles are organized alphabetically.

PhD Profiles

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  • Orofacial and Skeletal Biology
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Can 'graduate student' refer to a PhD student?

  • Thread starter Afshin81
  • Start date Aug 27, 2016


Senior Member

  • Aug 27, 2016

This is the definition of 'graduate student' found in Cambridge dictionary: a student who is studying for a degree that is higher than the one received after four years of study at a college or university The first impression is that it refers to a master's student (a student studying at a college or university for a master's degree). Can it be used to refer to a PhD student too? Thanks  

post mod (English Only / Latin)

In the US, a graduate student may be studying for either a master's degree or a PhD. (Many programs require a master's degree as the first step towards a PhD.)  

Cagey said: In the US, a graduate student may be studying for either a master's degree or a PhD. (Many programs require a master's degree as the first step towards a PhD.) Click to expand...

Yes, we can and do (in the US).  

Cagey said: Yes, we can and do (in the US). Click to expand...

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Department of Geography


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master’s degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular specialties; thus, any aspirant for a doctorate must obtain master’s training or its equivalent before being admitted to doctoral candidacy. In short, admission to doctoral candidacy is official recognition that a student’s general foundation in the breadth of geography is satisfactory. Students then devote their attention to developing depth in chosen specialties.

The general requirements for a doctoral degree in geography are more rigorous than those for a master’s degree. At the same time, the greater flexibility of the doctoral program allows advanced students to pursue programs of study tailored to their special interests and needs.

Progress through the degree is marked by: 

  • Successful performance in a verbal qualifying exam; 
  • Four-day written comprehensive exam, with a verbal portion after the written answers have been assessed by the committee;  
  • Formal dissertation proposal; and 
  • Verbal defense of a completed dissertation.

The four-year Ph.D. program is reserved for students who have a master’s degree from another graduate program. That can be another geography program at another university, a non-geography program at another university, or a non-geography program at Penn State.

Students entering the four-year Ph.D. program must take the doctoral qualifying exam in their first year. A committee from three of the four fields of geography and formally appointed by the Graduate Program Officer will administer the qualifying exam. The qualifying exam can take place any time during the year, but students in the four-year Ph.D. program typically take it during spring semester.

Students in the four-year Ph.D. program complete a comprehensive exam and defend their dissertation proposal in the second year. Depending on the needs of their research, and in agreement with their doctoral committee, students can fulfill these two requirements in either order. Once students have successfully passed their comprehensive exam and defended their proposal, they typically take two years to research, write, and defend their dissertations.


Our online Graduate Student Handbook explains the program requirements for all degrees.

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  • Student Loans

Best Graduate Student Loans

Best graduate student loans of august 2024.

Alicia Hahn

Updated: Aug 7, 2024, 2:59pm

As a graduate student, you have the option to take out federal direct unsubsidized loans, graduate PLUS loans or private student loans. Federal direct unsubsidized loans generally have both the lowest interest rates and the most flexible repayment options. But you can only borrow up to $20,500 per year in direct unsubsidized loans, and some students need to borrow more than that. Below we have identified the best federal and private loan options for graduate students based on features like fees, repayment options and ease of the application process. Several lenders offer specialized loan programs for those pursuing a master of business administration (MBA), law or medical degree; for this list, we compared only generalized graduate degree loans for master’s or Ph.D. students in other fields. Annual percentage rates (APRs) and account details are accurate as of August 7, 2024. Related: Compare Personalized Student Loan Rates

  • Best Private Student Loans
  • Best Student Loan Refinance Lenders
  • Best Low-Interest Student Loans
  • Best Parent Student Loans
  • Best Student Loans Without Co-Signer

Tips for Comparing Graduate Student Loans

Summary: best graduate student loans, methodology, what is a graduate student loan, how do student loans work for graduate school, types of graduate school loans, how to apply for student loans for graduate school, alternatives to graduate student loans, next up in student loans.

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Why you can trust Forbes Advisor: Our editors are committed to bringing you unbiased ratings and information. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate financial products and companies, so all are measured equally. You can read more about our editorial guidelines and the loans methodology for the ratings below.

  • 14 enders researched
  • 12 data points evaluated
  • 6 cateogires scored

Ascent Graduate Student Loan

Ascent Graduate Student Loan

Variable APR

7.84% to 16.20%*

4.79% to 15.21%*

7 years, 10 years, 12 years, 15 years or 20 years (medical and dental loans only)

Loan terms : 7 years, 10 years, 12 years, 15 years or 20 years (medical and dental loans only)

Loan amounts available : $2,001** up to total cost of attendance, to a maximum of $400,000 (aggregate)

Eligibility : Student borrowers with no credit history can qualify with a creditworthy co-signer. Co-signers must show income of at least $24,000 for the current and previous year. Co-signers must have a minimum credit score which can vary.*

Forbearance o ptions : When experiencing financial hardship, borrowers can suspend payments for up to three months at a time, for a total of up to 24 months throughout the loan term. Only four rounds of forbearance (up to 12 months’ worth) may be taken consecutively.

Co-signer release policy : Available after 12 months of consecutive automatic debit payments, if the primary borrower meets certain credit score requirements.


*Other eligibility requirements apply. Learn more at 

**The minimum amount is $2,001 except for the state of Massachusetts. Minimum loan amount for borrowers with a Massachusetts permanent address is $6,001.

***Ascent’s undergraduate and graduate student loans are funded by Bank of Lake Mills or DR Bank, each Member FDIC. Loan products may not be available in certain jurisdictions. Certain restrictions, limitations, terms and conditions may apply for Ascent’s Terms and Conditions please visit: . Rates displayed above are effective as of 8/12/2024 and reflect an Automatic Payment Discount of 0.25% for credit-based college student loans and 1.00% discount on outcomes-based loans when you enroll in automatic payments. The Full P&I (Immediate) Repayment option is only available for college loans (except for outcomes-based loans) originated on or after June 3, 2024. For more information, see repayment examples or review the Ascent Student Loans Terms and Conditions. The final amount approved depends on the borrower’s credit history, verifiable cost of attendance as certified by an eligible school, and is subject to credit approval and verification of application information. Lowest interest rates require full principal and interest (Immediate) payments, the shortest loan term, a cosigner, and are only available for our most creditworthy applicants and cosigners with the highest average credit scores. Actual APR offered may be higher or lower than the examples above, based on the amount of time you spend in school and any grace period you have before repayment begins. 1% Cash Back Graduation Reward subject to terms and conditions. For details on Ascent borrower benefits, visit .


5.74% to 14.48% *

with autopay and rate sale discount

4.74% to 14.48% *

SoFi is perhaps best known as a student loan refinance lender, but it also makes loans to undergraduates, graduate students, law and business students and parents. Its undergraduate student loan product offers mostly industry-standard features, plus a few perks: no late fees, an interest rate discount of 0.125% if your co-signer already uses another SoFi product.

  • Access to SoFi member benefits
  • No late fees
  • Interest rate estimate available without undergoing a hard credit check
  • Maximum APR above 12%

Loan terms :  5, 7, 10 and 15 years.

Loan amounts available : $5,000 up to total cost of attendance (no aggregate limit listed).

Eligibility : Does not disclose credit score or income requirements.

Forbearance options: Qualified borrowers can take up to 12 months total forbearance.

Co-signer release policy : Available after 24 payments.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Among graduate student loan options, federal direct unsubsidized loans are the best overall deal: Their fixed interest rate is one of the lowest you’ll find, and this type of loan isn’t credit-based and doesn’t require a co-signer. All eligible graduate borrowers qualify, and they receive the same rate regardless of credit history.

While there’s a chance the most creditworthy borrowers could get a lower interest rate with a private student loan, they’ll miss out on a range of consumer protections that might be useful in the future. Borrowers of federal direct unsubsidized loans have access to  income-driven repayment  options that can lower the amount due and  loan forgiveness  for those who work in public service fields.

Direct unsubsidized loans come with an origination fee of 1.057%, while most private graduate loans do not. But in many cases, the low interest rate and loan benefits make the fee worth it.

  • Low fixed interest rate
  • Multiple repayment and forgiveness options available
  • No co-signer required in order to get lowest rate
  • Charges an origination fee

Loan terms: Terms of 10 to 25 years are available, depending on the repayment plan.

Loan amounts: Loan amounts up to $20,500 per year and $138,500 in aggregate are available , including loans used for undergraduate study.

Eligibility: You must be enrolled at least half-time in a school that participates in the federal direct loan program.

Forbearance options:  Forbearance available for up to three years in certain circumstances. Enrolling in an income-driven repayment program can lower monthly payments and result in loan forgiveness after 20 to 25 years.

Co-signer release policy:  N/A

Federal Graduate PLUS Loan

Federal Graduate PLUS Loan

(graduate school only)

The federal graduate PLUS loan also offers wide-ranging benefits to borrowers, but fewer than direct unsubsidized loans offer. Since borrowing limits are higher for PLUS loans than direct unsubsidized loans, they’re an option to cover any funding gaps after you’ve maxed out direct unsubsidized loans for graduate study.

The graduate PLUS interest rate is slightly higher than the unsubsidized loan rate; the origination fee—4.228%, which comes out of the loan amount that’s disbursed to you—is much higher. PLUS loans are also the only federal loan type that require a credit check, but it’s possible to get a PLUS loan even if you’re determined to have an adverse credit history (more on that below).

  • High maximum loan amount

Loan terms: 10 to 25 years, depending on the repayment plan

Loan amounts available:  Up to total  cost of attendance , minus other financial aid received

Eligibility:  Must be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible school. Must not have an adverse credit history.

Co-signer release policy:  None

Ascent Graduate Student Loan

7.74% to 16.10%*

5.04% to 15.41%*

Ascent offers both co-signed and non-co-signed student loans, which gives borrowers without co-signers more college funding options.

Ascent stands out for its range of payment reduction and postponement options, rare among private lenders. Borrowers can choose a graduated repayment plan, which provides a lower monthly payment to start that increases over time. That can be useful for graduates just starting out, who will likely make more money as they move up in their careers.

Borrowers also can pause payments if they’re experiencing a temporary financial hardship for one to three months at a time, up to a maximum of 24 months total. (Taking this forbearance means you will repay the loan over a longer period, though.) Interest continues to accrue during forbearance, which is true for the vast majority of private student loans.

Ascent also offers a graduation reward of 1% cash back on the loan’s original principal balance. Check the conditions you must satisfy to qualify.

  • Both co-signed and independent loans available
  • International and DACA students can qualify with a co-signer who has
  • U.S. citizenship or permanent residency
  • Maximum fixed APR is above 12%

Citizens Bank

Citizens Bank

5.99% to 16.60%

3.99% to 15.60%

Citizens Bank provides an additional 0.25% loyalty discount if a student loan borrower or their co-signer has an existing account with the bank. (Checking and savings accounts are only available in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.)

It also makes its loans available to international students. But co-signers must wait a longer period of time to be released from the loan than what many other lenders provide.

  • International students can qualify with a co-signer who has U.S. citizenship or permanent residency
  • Up to 0.50% interest rate discount available for existing Citizens Bank customers
  • Co-signer release after 36 months, about 12 months later than many other lenders’ policies

Loan terms: 5, 10 and 15 years

Loan amounts available: $1,000 to $350,000 (depending on degree)

Eligibility: Does not disclose credit score or income requirements.

Forbearance options: Up to 12 months of forbearance available.

Co-signer release policy: Co-signers can be released from the loan after 36 payments.

College Ave

College Ave

5.59% to 17.99%

with auto-pay discount*

3.87% to 17.99%

College Ave offers a solid all-around private loan product with a few unique features. Borrowers can choose an eight-year term, which is in addition to the typical five-, 10- and 15-year terms many lenders provide. Borrowers can also access an extended six-month grace period beyond the initial payment-free six months allowed after separating from school.

  • Long time period (210 days) before unpaid loans go into default
  • Relatively high APR

Loan terms: 5, 8, 10 and 15 years

Loan amounts available: $1,000 up to 100% of the school-certified cost of attendance

Eligibility: Applicants must have a minimum credit score in the mid-600s.

Forbearance options: Up to 12 months of forbearance is available, in three- to six-month increments

Co-signer release policy: Available after 24 payments

* Borrowers with a co-signer who choose the shortest repayment term available and who make full monthly payments while in school qualify for the lowest rates.

1 – College Ave Student Loans products are made available through either Firstrust Bank, member FDIC or Nationwide Bank, member FDIC. All loans are subject to individual approval and adherence to underwriting guidelines. Program restrictions, other terms, and conditions apply.

2 – All rates shown include the auto-pay discount. The 0.25% auto-pay interest rate reduction applies as long as a valid bank account is designated for required monthly payments. Variable rates may increase after consummation.

3 – Cover up to 100% of your cost of attendance as certified by your school and less any other financial aid you might receive. Minimum $1,000.

PNC Bank

5.65% to 15.49%

4.15% to 13.99%

PNC Bank offers an extra-generous 0.50% interest rate discount for making automatic payments, and it provides a 12-month loan modification program for borrowers in financial distress (in addition to 12 months of forbearance). Loan modification lowers the interest rate and monthly payment charged.

It also offers co-signer release, though after an even longer period than Citizens Bank’s policy: 48 months.

Loan amounts available: Up to $65,000 to $105,000 with an overall maximum limit of $105,000

Co-signer release policy: Co-signers can be released from the loan after 48 payments.

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority

4.05% to 8.64%

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, known as RISLA, is a nonprofit based in Rhode Island that lends to students across the country. It offers two different loan types for undergraduate students, which each come with their own fixed interest rates. One loan requires immediate repayment, and one lets you defer payments until six months after you leave school. Everyone who qualifies for each of the loan types gets the same rate, which makes it easy to compare RISLA loans with others you’ve qualified for.

For borrowers who struggle to afford their loan after graduating, RISLA is one of the only private lenders to offer an income-based repayment plan, which limits payments to 15% of income for a 25-year period.

RISLA was a winner of Forbes Advisor’s best private student loans of 2020 awards. Learn more here .

  • Borrowers may qualify for multi-year financing after applying once
  • No late payment or returned payment fees
  • Reduced payments and forbearance available for hardship
  • Loan cap of $50,000 per year
  • Borrowers (or co-signers) need a minimum income of $40,000

Loan terms 10 and 15 years

Loan amounts available $1,500 to $50,000 per year, with a $180,000 aggregate limit per borrower

Eligibility Applicants or co-signers must show a minimum income of $40,000 per year and a minimum credit score of 680.

Forbearance options Forbearance is available for up to 24 months.

Co-signer release policy Co-signer release is available after 24 consecutive months of on-time payments. Periods during which borrowers use income-based repayment do not qualify.

Prodigy Finance

Prodigy Finance

Minimum Variable APR

Many international students don’t qualify for federal student loans, and they typically need a U.S. citizen co-signer in order to get approved for a private student loan. Prodigy Finance is a London-based company that offers private student loans to international master’s students without requiring a co-signer.

You must attend an eligible school in one of the 18 countries Prodigy Finance lends in. All interest rates are variable, meaning they can change with market conditions, and borrowers receive rate offers based on their course of study and future earning potential. The average rate, according to Prodigy Finance, is 7.3%. The loan comes with a 4% administration fee.

Prodigy Finance doesn’t lend to U.S.-based borrowers living in these states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.

  • No co-signer required
  • Available to international students
  • Multiple hardship repayment options available
  • Only variable interest rates available
  • High minimum APR

Loan terms: 7 to 20 years

Loan amounts available: $15,000 minimum; maximum amount based on individual application.

Eligibility: Must be a resident of an eligible state and country attending an eligible school either part-time or full-time

Forbearance options: Available for nine months. Borrowers with financial hardships may apply for an interest-free payment arrangement; those facing low incomes, medical emergencies, unexpected family responsibilities or unemployment can apply for $0 or reduced payments.

Co-signer release policy: N/A

Sallie Mae

5.37% to 14.97%

3.99% to 14.48%

Sallie Mae graduate loans offer loans from $1,000 up to the total cost of attendance. You’ll pay no origination fee or penalty for paying off your loan before its due date. What’s more, you’ll receive a 0.25% rate discount when you enroll in autopay.

Borrowers can qualify for a Sallie Mae graduate loan even if they’re attending school less than half-time, which not all lenders allow. After graduation, borrowers also have access to a few hardship repayment programs beyond forbearance, including a rate reduction or one year of interest-only payments.

Sallie Mae’s graduate loan offers a comparatively short time period—12 months—after which primary borrowers can apply to release their co-signers.

  • No origination fee
  • Co-signer release available after 12 monthly payments
  • Students must apply for a new loan each school year
  • No rate estimate available with soft credit check

Loan terms: Terms up to 15 years are available.

Loan amounts: Loan amounts of $1,000 up to the total cost of attendance are available.

Eligibility: Borrowers are eligible if they’re attending full-time, half-time or less than half-time.

Forbearance options: Sallie Mae offers a six-month grace period and 48 months of deferment.

Co-signer release policy: Co-signer releases are available after 12 on-time monthly payments.


5.89% to 15.97%

(includes .25% auto pay discount)¹

3.89% to 14.30%

Earnest offers a fee-free private loan option—no origination fees and no late fees—and borrowers have the ability to skip² one monthly bill every year, in addition to applying for standard forbearance when necessary. Borrowers have multiple repayment terms to choose from, and graduate students receive a nine-month grace period³ before they must make payments after graduation, which is longer than the typical six-month grace period.

Earnest doesn’t have a co-signer release program. That means borrowers who use a co-signer must keep that person on the loan unless they  refinance it into their own name.

  • 9-month grace period for graduate students
  • Option to skip one payment per year
  • No co-signer release program

Loan terms: 5, 7, 10, 12 or 15 years ⁴

Loan amounts available: $1,000 up to total cost of attendance (no aggregate loan amount listed).

Eligibility ⁵ :  Students must be attending school at least half-time. International students can apply with a U.S. citizen co-signer.

Forbearance options:  Available for up to 12 months throughout the loan term


¹You can take advantage of the Auto Pay interest rate reduction by setting up and maintaining active and automatic ACH withdrawal of your loan payment from a checking or savings account. The interest rate reduction for Auto Pay will be available only while your loan is enrolled in Auto Pay. Interest rate incentives for utilizing Auto Pay may not be combined with certain private student loan repayment programs that also offer an interest rate reduction. For multi-party loans, only one party may enroll in Auto Pay. It is important to note that the 0.25% Auto Pay discount is not available while loan payments are deferred.

²Earnest clients may skip one payment every 12 months. Your first request to skip a payment can be made once you’ve made at least 6 months of consecutive on-time payments, and your loan is in good standing. The interest accrued during the skipped month will result in an increase in your remaining minimum payment. The final payoff date on your loan will be extended by the length of the skipped payment periods. Please be aware that a skipped payment does count toward the forbearance limits. Please note that skipping a payment is not guaranteed and is at Earnest’s discretion. Your monthly payment and total loan cost may increase as a result of postponing your payment and extending your term.

³Nine-month grace period is not available for borrowers who choose our Principal and Interest Repayment plan while in school.

⁴Earnest’s Loan Cost Examples: These examples provide estimates based on principal and Interest payments beginning immediately upon loan disbursement. Variable APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $118.28) and a 11.69% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $21,290.40. For a variable loan, after your starting rate is set, your rate will then vary with the market. Fixed APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $126.82) and a 13.03% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $22,827.79.

These examples provide estimates based on interest only payments while in school. Variable APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $145.41) and a 11.69% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $26,173.03. For a variable loan, after your starting rate is set, your rate will then vary with the market. Fixed APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $156.59) and a 13.03% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $28,186.67. Your actual repayment terms may vary. Other repayment options are available.

These examples provide estimates based on fixed $25 payments while in school. Variable APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $169.92) and a 11.69% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $30,584.74. For a variable loan, after your starting rate is set, your rate will then vary with the market. Fixed APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $188.42) and a 13.03% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $33,915.55. Your actual repayment terms may vary. Other repayment options are available.

These examples provide estimates based on deferred payments. Variable APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $174.79) and a 11.69% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $31,462.16. For a variable loan, after your starting rate is set, your rate will then vary with the market. Fixed APR: A $10,000 loan with a 15-year term (180 monthly payments of $193.75) and a 13.03% APR would result in a total estimated payment amount of $34,874.28. Your actual repayment terms may vary. Other repayment options are available.

⁵Loan Eligibility criteria: Eligible students must: 1) For college Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors, attend, or be enrolled to attend, a Title IV school full-time. For college Seniors and Graduate students, attend, or be enrolled to attend, a Title IV school at least half-time; and 2) be pursuing a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree. Earnest private student loans are subject to credit qualification, completion of a loan application, verification of application information, self-certification of loan amount, and school certification.

Responsible borrowing tip: Explore all scholarship, grant and federal options before applying for a private loan.

Earnest Private Student Loans are made by One American Bank, Member FDIC, or FinWise Bank, Member FDIC. One American Bank, 515 S. Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104. Finwise Bank, 756 East Winchester, Suite 100, Murray, UT 84107

Earnest loans are serviced by Earnest Operations LLC, 535 Mission St., Suite 1663 San Francisco, CA 94105, NMLS #1204917, with support From Navient Solutions, LLC (NMLS #212430). One American Bank, FinWise Bank, and Earnest LLC and its subsidiaries, including Earnest Operations LLC, are not sponsored by agencies of the United States of America.

© 2024 Earnest LLC. All rights reserved.

Federal direct unsubsidized student loans are a strong option for graduate students because they don’t require a credit check or a co-signer.

If you need more money for school than what unsubsidized loans provide, you might turn to graduate PLUS loans, which require a credit check. But there are specific negative marks the government is looking for. You’ll be considered to have “adverse credit history” if you have one or more of the following on your credit report:

  • Debts totaling more than $2,085 that are at least 90 or more days past due or that were in collections or charged off in the past two years
  • Default determination within the past five years
  • Bankruptcy within the past five years
  • Foreclosure within the past five years
  • Repossession within the past five years
  • Tax lien within the past five years
  • Wage garnishment within the past five years
  • Charge-off of a federal student aid debt within the past five years

But if you learn you have an adverse credit history after you apply, you can explain the circumstances that led to it and the government could determine that you’re eligible for a PLUS loan after receiving loan counseling. Another option is to get an endorser, similar to a co-signer, that can help you qualify.

Some borrowers might qualify for a lower rate on a private graduate student loan than on a PLUS loan. But when comparing interest rates among private lenders, know that only the borrowers with the highest credit scores, least outstanding debt and strongest incomes will get the lowest rates. For graduate students, that often means using a co-signer. All private student loan rates listed on this page also include a standard 0.25% interest rate discount for using automatic payments.

It’s best to identify the interest rate and terms you’d receive on a private loan, then compare the overall cost and features with those of a PLUS loan. A  student loan calculator  can help you determine how much you’ll pay over time.

We collected data from 14 student loan entities that offer graduate student loans in at least 25 U.S. states and scored them across 12 data points in the categories of interest rates, fees, loan terms, hardship options, application process and eligibility. We chose the best to display based on those earning three stars or higher.

The following is the weighting assigned to each category:

  • Hardship options: 20%
  • Interest rates: 20%
  • Loan terms: 15%
  • Eligibility: 10%
  • Application process: 20%

Specific characteristics taken into consideration within each category included number of months of forbearance available, hardship repayment options beyond traditional forbearance, origination fees, availability of a post-school grace period and other factors.

Lenders who offered maximum interest rates below 12% scored the highest, as did those who offered more than the standard 12 months of forbearance, who offered interest rate discounts beyond the standard 0.25% for automatic payments, who charged no origination fees and who offered a co-signer release option.

In some cases, lenders were awarded partial points, and a maximum of 3% of the final score was left to editorial discretion based on the quality of consumer-friendly features offered.

To learn more about how Forbes Advisor rates lenders, and our editorial process, check out our  Loans Rating & Review Methodology .

Related:   Compare Personalized Student Loan Rates

Graduate student loans—whether federal or private—are designed for graduate students pursuing their master’s, doctorate or other advanced degrees.

Federal graduate student loans include Direct unsubsidized and grad PLUS loans. Direct unsubsidized loans have a maximum borrowing limit of $20,500 per year. Grad PLUS loans, on the other hand, let you borrow up to your school’s cost of attendance minus any other financial aid you’ve already received.

You can also find graduate student loans from private lenders, such as banks, credit unions and online lenders. Many let you borrow up to your school’s cost of attendance, though some set lower limits. Some lenders design loans specifically for MBA, law and medical school students.

While federal graduate student loans have fixed interest rates that are the same for all borrowers, private student loans offer a range of rates that may be fixed or variable. Borrowers with the best credit typically qualify for the lowest rates.

Whether you borrow a federal or private graduate student loan, you can use your loan on tuition, fees and other education-related expenses.

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College Ave

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5.37% to 15.70%

3.99% to 15.49%

Sallie Mae

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Graduate student loans work similarly to undergraduate loans. Both federal and  private student loans  are available for graduate students. Federal loans are generally easier to qualify for, have more flexible repayment options and can come with lower interest rates than private debt. They also come with major benefits and protections, such loan forgiveness programs as well as the pause on payments and interest accrual that’s been in effect since March 2020 due to Covid-19.

Keep in mind that graduate student loans typically come with higher loan limits compared to undergraduate debt—meaning you can borrow a larger amount each year, up to your school’s cost of attendance or up to a lifetime limit. This is because options like business or law school are generally more expensive than a bachelor’s degree.

Along with higher borrowing limits, graduate student loans usually come with higher interest rates, too. For example, undergrads can borrow federal unsubsidized loans with a 3.73% rate in the 2021-22 school year while graduate students will pay 5.28% for the same loan.

Graduate Student Loan Limits

The maximum amount you can borrow for graduate school varies by loan type. Direct unsubsidized loans have an annual limit of $20,500 and an aggregate limit of $138,500 (no more than $65,500 of this can be in subsidized loans). Grad PLUS loans allow you to borrow up to the total cost of attendance minus any other financial aid you’ve received, as certified by your school.

Private student loan borrowing limits vary by lender. However, many allow you to borrow up to your school’s total cost of attendance.

There are three types of graduate student loans. Borrowers can choose between two federal options— direct unsubsidized loans  or  grad PLUS loans —or opt to borrow from a private lender. Keep in mind that while the interest rates and loan terms for federal loans are standardized for all borrowers, the terms you’re offered on a private loan can vary widely depending on your credit and other factors.

Here’s a look at how these student loans compare:

Company Company - Logo Forbes Advisor Rating Forbes Advisor Rating Variable APR Fixed APR Learn More CTA text Learn more CTA below text Learn More
SoFi® 5.0 5.74% to 14.48%* 4.74% to 14.48%* Read Our Full Review
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan 5.0 N/A 8.08%
Federal Graduate PLUS Loan 5.0 N/A 9.08%
Ascent Graduate Student Loan 4.0 7.74% to 16.10%* 5.04% to 15.41%* Via's Website
Citizens Bank 4.0 5.99% to 16.60% 3.99% to 15.60% Via's Website
College Ave 4.0 5.59% to 17.99% 3.87% to 17.99% On College Ave's Website Go to Lender Site
PNC Bank 4.0 5.65% to 15.49% 4.15% to 13.99% Read Our Full Review
Rhode Island Student Loan Authority 4.0 N/A 4.05% to 8.64% Read Our Full Review
Prodigy Finance 3.0 13.29% N/A Read Our Full Review
Sallie Mae 3.0 5.37% to 14.97% 3.99% to 14.48% On Sallie Mae's Website
Earnest 3.0 5.89% to 15.97% 3.89% to 14.30% Via Earnest's Website

The process to apply for a graduate student loan will depend on whether you want to get a federal or private student loan.

Federal student loans

If you want to take out a federal student loan, you’ll need to fill out the  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . This form determines your eligibility for all types of federal aid, including student loans and grants. While most undergraduate students must submit both their and their parents’ financial information, graduate students are only required to provide their own information. You’ll have to complete a new FAFSA for each year you plan to attend school.

After the FAFSA is processed, you’ll receive a financial aid award letter from your school detailing what federal student loans and other aid you qualify for. You can then choose which loans to accept and how much you need to borrow. Before the start of the semester, the money will be sent directly to your school. After tuition and fees are taken care of, any remaining amount will be refunded to you to use for other school expenses.

Private student loans

If you’d like to  get a private student loan , be sure to take the time to shop around and consider as many lenders as possible. Since each lender has its own individual rates and terms, comparing them can help you find the right loan for your needs. Many lenders allow you to prequalify for a loan, which will let you see the estimated interest rates you qualify for.

Also review each lender’s policies, including applicable fees, when repayment starts, how long you’ll have to pay off your loans and how the lender can help if you ever have trouble making payments.

When you’re ready to apply, you can typically submit an application directly on the lender’s website. Approval usually only takes a few days, and if you agree with the final terms and conditions, you can sign off on the closing paperwork. Most  private lenders  will send the funds directly to your school, which will apply the funds to your tuition and fees. Any remaining amount will be released to you.

While student loans can help you cover a gap in funding, you may want to keep borrowing to a minimum. Consider these alternatives to graduate student loans to help you pay for school:

  • Grants.  You may qualify for federal, state or school grants, which require no repayment, based on your financial need or course of study. Federal grants for graduate students include TEACH grants and Fulbright grants.
  • Scholarships.  It’s also worth applying for scholarships, which may be awarded based on financial need, academic merit, athletics or other achievements.
  • Work-study.  Students with financial need can qualify for the work-study program, where they can find part-time jobs on or off campus.
  • Part-time job.  If you don’t qualify for work-study, you might still seek out part-time work to make some money for school.
  • Savings.  Drawing on your personal savings can also help you reduce the amount you need to borrow in student loans.
  • Income-share agreements.  Another alternative to graduate student loans is an income-share agreement, through which you get help to pay for school in exchange for a portion of your future earnings for a set period of time.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can graduate students get subsidized loans.

Federal subsidized loans are only available for undergraduate students with financial need. Graduate students are not eligible for direct subsidized loans.

Can you use graduate student loans for living expenses?

You can use student loans to pay for living expenses, whether it’s rent, utilities, transportation costs or food. If you live on campus, those costs are included in your full cost of attendance and get paid directly to your school. Any leftover money from your loans will be refunded to you, which can then be applied to remaining living expenses.

How much graduate student loans can I borrow?

It’s always best to borrow as little as possible in student loans, which means maxing out scholarships and grants first. Make sure to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the  FAFSA , each year you’re in graduate school to get all the financial aid you qualify for.

When deciding how much to borrow, graduate students have the potential added complication of still having outstanding loans from undergrad. Ideally, your total debt after leaving graduate school should be no more than you plan to earn your first year in the workforce with your degree. Undergraduate loans should be included in that total.

So if you are getting a master of arts in industrial and organizational psychology and expect to earn a starting salary of about $70,000 (according to a salary resource like PayScale), you shouldn’t have more than $70,000 in total student loans after graduating.

Does student loan forgiveness include graduate school?

Some types of graduate student loans are eligible for forgiveness. While unsubsidized federal loans are the only type of graduate loan eligible for  Teacher Loan Forgiveness , both unsubsidized loans and grad PLUS loans are eligible for  Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) .

Unsubsidized federal loans and grad PLUS loans may also be eligible for  income-driven repayment (IDR) plans , which promise forgiveness after 20 or 25 years of payments. Not all types of loans are eligible for every IDR plan, so review the requirements carefully.

Both private and federal grad school loans may also be eligible for  state-based repayment programs , which often offer student loan repayment if you work in a qualifying career in high-need areas. Some states or cities even offer loan repayment if you relocate to a qualifying area.

How is the interest rate on a private graduate student loan determined?

Private student loans usually offer variable and fixed interest rates that are based on the borrower’s creditworthiness. Variable rates rise and fall according to the index they follow. For example, the lender may use the prime rate as its benchmark.

If you have good or excellent credit, then you’ll be  eligible for a lower interest rate . But if you have poor or fair credit, prepare for an interest rate on the higher end of the range. Using a creditworthy co-signer can help you get a lower rate.

What is ‘co-signer release’?

Some private lenders offer to release the co-signer from a loan after the borrower makes a certain number of payments. That can protect the co-signer from a credit hit as a result of the primary borrower’s negative payment history. If you plan to use co-signer release, check your loan documents to see when it will be possible (in 36 months, for instance) and what additional requirements you might need to meet.

  • Best Student Loans For Bad Credit
  • Best International Student Loans

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Best graduate student loans for fall 2024

By Aly Yale

Edited By Angelica Leicht

Updated on: August 2, 2024 / 3:12 PM EDT / CBS News

Pink Piggy Bank with Graduation Cap and Coins in Hand on Pink Background

Depending on what field you're planning to go into, graduate school might be a necessity. But even if it's not, you may still want an advanced degree to improve your earning or employment prospects.

It's an effective strategy . After all, having a master's degree or higher offers earnings about 20% higher than those with only a bachelor's degree, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Unfortunately, those advanced degrees don't come for free. The average cost of graduate school is just under $20,000 per year, the latest data shows — and that's for in-state tuition only. While federal student loans and aid can often help cover some of these costs, it may not be enough. If that's the case for you, private student loans can be an option to fill in the gaps. 

Start comparing the top student loan rates available to you here .

Here are the best private graduate student loans to consider: 

Best overall: College Ave

When it comes to private student loans for graduate school, College Ave is tops overall. The lender offers general graduate school loans as well as loans specifically for graduate students in dental, MBA, medical and law programs. Its interest rates are among the lowest we looked at and come in both fixed and variable options.

There are also four repayment plans to choose from, including a flat $25 payment during school. Loan terms range from five to 15 years. 

Learn more about your College Ave student loan options here .

Best for low rates: Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae offers low interest rates on both fixed-rate and variable-rate graduate loans. Fixed interest rates range from 3.99% to 14.48%, while variable rates range from 5.37% to 14.97% (including an autopay discount). 

There are zero origination fees tied to these loans, and you can get up to 48 months of payment deferment while doing an internship or fellowship. There's also a six-month grace period upon graduation with this lender.

Find out how affordable your student loans could be with Sallie Mae .

Best for no fees: Earnest

If you want to avoid fees when getting your graduate student loan, look to Earnest, which charges no origination, disbursement or late payment fees. You can also skip a payment once a year without penalty, and there are four repayment options to choose from. 

Another standout: Earnest offers a rare nine-month grace period after graduation vs. the six-month option offered by most lenders.

Check your private student loan options with Earnest today .

Best for borrowers with a cosigner: Ascent Funding

If you can find a creditworthy cosigner, you may to look to Ascent Funding for your graduate school loans. The lender offers some of the lowest rates around for cosigned loans, with fixed APRs starting at just 3.79%. Be aware, though, that its non-cosigned loans have APRs much higher (ranging from 8.65% to nearly 15%). 

There are also graduate loans for a number of programs, including MBA, medical school, dental school, law school, PhD programs, master's programs and health professions, and the maximum loan amounts can be as high as up to $400,000.

Start comparing your loan options from Ascent Funding now .

Best for students with bad credit: SoFi

If you don't have great credit, you may want to look to SoFi. Not only does the lender offer a number of cosigner options you can use to qualify , but as a member, you can also check your credit score and get access to financial advisor and career services, too. There are opportunities to earn cash for good grades as well, and there are several options for rate discounts.

Loans are available for graduation programs and certificates, and the minimum loan amount is just $5,000.

See what rate you could get with SoFi here .

Best for students with good credit: LendKey

If you've got good credit and are willing to set up autopay, you can get a rate as low as 3.99% with LendKey (or as low as 6% on variable-rate loans). The marketplace boasts a variety of loan options from credit unions nationwide and streamlines the application process on its digital platform. You can also refinance student loans through LendKey.

The bottom line

When getting any sort of loan — education or otherwise — make sure to shop around for your lender. Rates, fees, and loan offerings can vary widely between companies, so comparing several options can help ensure you get the best deal.

If you need help deciding what private student loan or lender to go with, reach out to a financial professional. They can point you toward the right options for your goals.

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    Gain a comprehensive and balanced training in statistical methods and statistical theory with the doctoral program in statistics. This program emphasizes training students to independently recognize the relevance of statistical methods to the solution of specific problems.

  26. Can 'graduate student' refer to a PhD student?

    Aug 27, 2016. #1. This is the definition of 'graduate student' found in Cambridge dictionary: a student who is studying for a degree that is higher than the one received after four years of study at a college or university. The first impression is that it refers to a master's student (a student studying at a college or university for a master's ...

  27. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master's degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular ...

  28. Best Graduate Student Loans Of August 2024

    Among graduate student loan options, federal direct unsubsidized loans are the best overall deal: Their fixed interest rate is one of the lowest you'll find, and this type of loan isn't credit ...

  29. Best graduate student loans for fall 2024

    There are also graduate loans for a number of programs, including MBA, medical school, dental school, law school, PhD programs, master's programs and health professions, and the maximum loan ...

  30. UCI University Registrar

    * The UC Graduate and Professional Council fee is a non-mandatory fee that graduate students are assessed during the fall, winter and spring terms to support the systemwide UC Student Association. Students may elect to opt-out and once the opt-out is elected students will not be charged the fee unless they change their election for a later term.

Direct unsubsidized loan Grad PLUS loan Private loan

Be enrolled at least half-time and meet Be enrolled at least half-time, pass a credit check and meet general federal lending requirements Typically must have good credit, have consistent income, be a U.S. citizen and be enrolled in an eligible school
Credit check?

No Yes Usually yes
Interest rate for 2022-23 6.54% 7.54% Varies; highly qualified borrowers may receive lower rates than what’s offered on federal loans
Origination fee for 2022-23 1.057% 4.228% Usually none
Borrowing limit

$20,500 annually, $138,500 lifetime limit Up to total cost of attendance minus any other financial aid you’ve received Usually up to the total cost of attendance
Co-signer allowed?

No Yes Yes