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Importance of Moral Education Essay

November 28, 2020 by Son of Ghouse Leave a Comment

In the modern era, when people around the world are civilized, we have an unprecedented boom in technology and science. Consequently, the quality and standard of life of the average person are at an all-time high. Though human history is comparatively newer on this 4.35 billion years old earth, we have managed to successfully hone the forces of nature to not just survive but thrive as a species. This write-up is an essay on importance of moral education essay.

Our ancestors started as hunters and gatherers, but now we are writing complex computer programs to make artificial intelligence carry out our space explorations. When you search for the reasons behind this huge evolution of human development, you can easily conclude that the system of education has made us more capable and competent.

Education is one of the most important processes that help an individual to be enlightened about his or her existence. Education provides us with knowledge in accessible and practical ways that guide future generations. This process provides an individual with skills, habits, beliefs, and values that will help him or her attain a successful and prosperous life.

There are various systems of education in different parts of the world. But no system of education can be complete without students getting proper moral education as a part of their curriculum.

Moral education consists of a set of beliefs and guidance acquired in the philosophical journey of our society. It makes a student well mannered, courteous, vigorous, non-bullying, obedient, and diligent. It guides the behavior, attitudes, and intentions of the students towards others and nature. It helps a person throughout his or her life to decide what is right or what is wrong.

Definition Of Moral Education

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Some educational theories suggest that new avenues of the future can only open when the previous generation makes a path for it by staying out of the way. Though adults can take their moral understanding further with their ability of critical thinking that they acquire from systematic education, children require more careful attention as they are easily impressed and influenced. That is why the guidance of past generations and traditions remain very important in the form of moral education.

Moral education is very ambiguous as a term as different cultures, based on where they live and how they live, have a different set of moral values. But one thing that can be agreed upon universally is that moral education intends to shape the idea of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in young minds.

By the term ‘good’, you can assimilate deeds like contributing towards a healthy society, not harming a fellow member of the society, helping others, being civic, and being productive. The term ‘bad’ however refers to any thought or force that opposes the good deeds.

Although the modern education system is very new and still developing, the branch of moral education has been taught to pupils since ancient times. Earlier, the duty of imparting moral lessons used to be carried out by the religious leaders and educators who specialized in uplifting the moral value of the society by both adhering to and reforming the old traditions. In the modern age, especially after the colonization of several parts of the world, moral education has been reinforced by the new age educationists.

In the contemporary world moral education has become more universal in approach. More and more humanitarian aspects like human rights, rights for specially-abled people, women’s rights, animal rights, and rights of other marginalized sections of the society have been included.

This progressive approach towards moral education results in a more harmonious society where students become more inclusive and compassionate towards each other along with being successful individually.

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Essay On Importance Of Moral Education In 150 Words

The purpose of an individual’s education is their all-round development, and not just securing high paying jobs, no matter how much the rat-races of the world may have convinced us otherwise.

The education of an individual can never be complete unless they have learned the lessons of tolerance, compassion, pluralistic values, respect, faith, honesty, and many other great virtues that are essential for an upright social life.

These lessons are acquired from the moral education that kids are imparted through stories, skits, interactions, dialogues,  and discourses, and are expected to come from the elder members of the society.

Moral lessons teach young children about ideas that take them towards the ‘good’ life and help them identify the ‘bad’. A life that is not guided by these lessons can easily go astray, and an individual leading such a life, instead of being useful and productive, turns out to be harmful to society.

Essay On Importance Of Moral Education In 250 Words

For a young student moral lessons are just as important as technical and scientific ones as these help in shaping their entire personality. The word moral comes from the Latin root ‘moris’ which means the code of conduct of a people, and the social adhesive that holds a community together.

Moral lessons teach students the importance of positive virtues like honesty, responsibility, mutual respect, helpfulness, kindness, and generosity, without which no society can ever function. At a personal level, this knowledge is essential for a healthy and meaningful life.

These lessons are also aimed at conveying the vital message that negative qualities like greed, vengeance, hatred, and violence can hinder the functioning of a productive society and can cause immense personal damage to the individual.

Since young minds are easily impressionable and assimilate both positive and negative influences easily, moral lessons are vital in helping them make righteous choices as adults. Moral education makes sure that children grow up to develop a virtuous character and lead a decent life.

History bears witness, whenever a society has deterred from the path of these moral values, calamities have befallen humankind. Had Adolf Hilter been taught the right lessons in tolerance and diversity, the world would have been spared the horrors of the Holocaust and a World War.

A proper system of moral education becomes instrumental in shaping the present and the future of a harmonious society. For the betterment of individuals and the community they live in, imparting the right values to children as students are therefore essential.

Essay On Importance Of Moral Education For Class 7&8

Moral education as a process of learning enables a child to acquire socially acceptable skills that make them a useful resource for society. In the present times, moral education is a necessity, keeping the changing systems of the world in mind.

Moral education should not begin in the confines of a classroom but should start in the comfort and security of a home. Parents should be the first idols of children from whom they learn the basics of moral conduct.

Imparting moral lessons to young kids who have just begun developing their thoughts and are yet to attain individuality is a task of great responsibility. They can only be shaped into righteous human beings if proper care and due guidance are provided.

It is to be remembered, in this relation, that kids learn more from observation and modeling than from lectures and discourses. The kind of environment they develop in and the kind of individuals they find as models play a vital role in shaping them as individuals.

It is, therefore, of utmost importance to make sure that children always find a healthy atmosphere of productivity and righteousness around them, with healthy, meaningful relationships with their parents and other elders.

However, when we allow kids to grow in an atmosphere of immoral conduct, we should only expect them to lead lives bereft of all morality. In such cases, the consequences can be dangerous.

A community whose children, the symbols of its future, develop without proper moral education is doomed to be submerged in the darkness of crimes, immorality, violence, hatred, discrimination, selfishness, and greed.

The benefits of moral education are numerous. Apart from teaching children socially useful values to guide their everyday life, an efficient system of moral education imparts lessons of cooperation. As a value, cooperation is not just vital to an individual’s everyday life, but also for the survival of human society.

There can be no future for human civilization if this value is left out of children’s education as we, as a society, need each other to survive. Morals of respect, love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and honesty help in imbibing this essential value among kids early on in life.

Moral education also helps in teaching children values of responsibility and independence which is otherwise difficult to make them learn. An effective curriculum of moral education would help children build a positive approach to difficult situations, and make them self confident. It helps children in realizing their purpose in life, their motivations, and goals, and make them dedicated to the cause of social well being.

Moral education is the only hope of humanity in the process of eradicating social evils like gender discrimination, animal abuse, oppression, violence, racial discrimination, and violence against minorities.

In order to create a better tomorrow and ascertain the continuation of human civilization, imparting moral education to children is a must. As an integral part of education as a whole, moral lessons should be focussed on, making sure that children receive an all-round education that enhances their personality.

Relevance Of Moral Education During The Present times

The present world is ever-changing. With the advent of technology and globalization, changes in family structure, the evolution of the education systems, changes in patterns of recreation, emergence of the ‘virtual’ world, and variations in the interpersonal relationships, children’s lives, thought patterns, and learning needs have undergone tremendous changes. Under these circumstances, the need and relevance of moral education have also changed.

With the virtual world casting a lasting impression on children, they have now become a lot more vulnerable to negative influences. Misuse of technology nowadays leads many young children and teenagers astray.

The damage caused in many cases is beyond repair. The distortions in the nature of human relationships and their consequences are having lasting impacts on young minds.

Under these changed circumstances, moral education has to assume a changed, and probably more important role. Due to the changes in most major spheres of life, moral values have also suffered major distortions.

Greed, violence, discrimination, and jealousy are becoming common among people. With social media, hatred spreads like wildfire. Values like honesty and generosity are only found in textbooks these days and their practical implications are becoming a rare sight.

Moral education is the only way in which the situation can be expected to improve. Proper moral education in classrooms and at home can help in boosting the morale of the students. But these lessons have to be provided in a more time-adjusted way to suit the need of the hour.

Making proper use of technology, a more visual and engaging curriculum can be drafted to engage the students in a practical and life-like manner.

Including moral education in school curriculums and adding extra weightage to these lessons is, therefore, a vital step to take in this direction.

As a society, the value of moral education is immense for us. If we are to produce sensible, kind, generous, responsible, and sensitized individuals to lead the future, moral education cannot be left out. In fact, our very existence as a civilization stands on how morally righteous and upright our future generations are.

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Paragraph on Moral Values for 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Paragraph on Moral Values: Many of us know right from wrong, but why do these choices matter so much? This question takes us straight to the heart of moral values, the invisible guidelines that shape our lives and the world around us. Moral values, like kindness, honesty , and respect, are not just words; they are powerful tools that help us navigate life’s challenges.

They make our communities stronger, our friendships deeper, and our world a better place. As we dive into the importance of these values, we’ll explore how they influence everything we do, from the way we treat our friends to the decisions we make every day. Understanding moral values can help us become better people and inspire others to do the same. Let’s embark on this journey together, learning how to build a foundation that will support us throughout our lives.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Moral Values – 100 words

Moral values are the principles that guide us in making the right choices in life. They include honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness. In the context of academic endeavors, these values help students to be truthful in their studies, respect their teachers and classmates, take responsibility for their learning, and show kindness to everyone around them.

Upholding moral values leads to a harmonious and supportive school environment where everyone can thrive and achieve their best. It is important for students to learn and practice these values from a young age, as they lay the foundation for becoming responsible and respectful citizens in the future.

Paragraph on Moral Values

Paragraph on Moral Values – 150 words

Moral values are essential qualities that every person should embody, especially students. These values, such as integrity, compassion, perseverance, and fairness, play a crucial role in shaping one’s character and actions. In the academic setting, adhering to these moral principles means not only being honest in one’s work but also showing respect towards teachers and peers, helping others, and being fair in all situations.

Practicing these values enhances the learning environment, making it more inclusive and conducive to everyone’s success. It encourages students to be better learners and individuals, preparing them for challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, moral values instill a sense of responsibility and empathy, enabling students to understand and value different perspectives, and to contribute positively to society. It’s through these daily actions and decisions that students truly learn the importance of moral values in life.

Paragraph on Moral Values – 200 words

Moral values, such as honesty, compassion, diligence, and respect, are fundamental virtues that shape our interactions and decisions. For students, these principles are particularly important as they navigate through their academic journey. Honesty encourages them to be truthful in their studies and exams, fostering a culture of integrity. Compassion allows them to understand and empathize with their peers, creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment.

Diligence motivates them to persevere in their studies, even when faced with challenges, highlighting the importance of hard work and dedication. Respect ensures that they value the opinions and rights of others, leading to a respectful and harmonious classroom atmosphere.

Incorporating moral values in academic endeavors not only enhances personal growth but also contributes to the overall development of society. By practicing these values, students learn to make ethical decisions, build strong relationships, and contribute positively to their community. Schools play a crucial role in imparting these values through curriculum and extracurricular activities, preparing students to be responsible citizens. Ultimately, moral values are the cornerstone of a well-rounded education, equipping students with the skills and ethics necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world with grace and integrity.

Paragraph on Moral Values – 250 words

Moral values are the principles that guide us to make decisions about right and wrong. These values, such as honesty, kindness, respect, and responsibility, play a crucial role in our academic journey. In the Indian educational system, the importance of moral values is taught from a young age to ensure that students grow up to be ethical individuals.

For example, honesty in exams and assignments helps maintain integrity in education. Showing respect to teachers and peers creates a positive learning environment, while kindness encourages teamwork and reduces conflict. Responsibility, on the other hand, teaches students to take charge of their learning, manage time effectively, and meet deadlines, which are essential skills for academic success.

Moreover, practicing these moral values in school prepares students for future challenges in life. It’s vital for educational institutions to incorporate moral education into their curriculum to nurture well-rounded individuals. This approach not only enhances academic performance but also contributes to the development of a morally upright society.

Paragraph on Moral Values – 300 words

Moral values are fundamental principles that shape our behavior and decision-making process in every aspect of life, including our academic pursuits. These values encompass honesty, respect, compassion, integrity, and perseverance, which are essential for creating a respectful and productive academic environment in Indian schools.

Honesty encourages students to be truthful in their studies and assessments, fostering a culture of trust and fairness. Respect for teachers and classmates promotes harmony and cooperation, making the learning experience more enriching for everyone involved.

Compassion leads to understanding and support among students, helping them to work together effectively, especially in group projects or during challenging times. Integrity involves sticking to one’s principles, even when faced with difficult choices, ensuring that students strive to do their best honestly and ethically. Perseverance teaches students the value of hard work and persistence, qualities that are vital for overcoming obstacles and achieving academic goals.

Educators in India emphasize moral education through stories, activities, and real-life examples, aiming to instill these values deeply in students ‘ minds. This holistic approach not only prepares students for academic success but also for becoming responsible and ethical citizens of society.

The integration of moral values into the educational curriculum helps in the all-round development of students, equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of life with dignity and respect. In this way, moral education acts as a cornerstone for building a strong foundation for the future leaders of our country, ensuring that they are not just academically proficient but also morally upright and compassionate individuals.

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Paragraph on Importance Of Moral Education

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Importance Of Moral Education in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Importance Of Moral Education in 100 Words

Moral education is like a special guide helping us to choose what is right. Imagine it as a little voice in our heads, reminding us to be kind, honest, and respectful. It teaches us good manners like saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘sorry’. It helps us make good friends because when we are nice, others want to be our friends too. It also tells us not to lie, steal, or hurt others. It’s like a superhero power that helps us grow into good people. So, learning about morals is very important for us.

Paragraph on Importance Of Moral Education in 200 Words

Moral education is like a light that guides us in life. It helps us know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We learn to be kind, honest, respectful, and loving towards all, not just people, but also animals and nature. It teaches us to share, help others, and to say sorry when we make a mistake. When we have good morals, we make better choices. We can avoid problems and lead a happier life. It is like a friend who helps us when we are in doubt. For example, if we find a lost wallet, moral education tells us to return it to its owner, even if no one is watching. Just like we need food for our bodies, we need moral education for our minds and hearts. It helps us grow into good human beings. So, just like we learn math and science in school, we should also learn moral education. It is an important part of our life that guides us to be the best we can be.

Paragraph on Importance Of Moral Education in 250 Words

Moral education is a key part of our learning, just like science or math. It teaches us the difference between right and wrong, helping us make good choices. It forms an important part of our character and behavior, setting the basis for us to grow into responsible adults. This kind of learning doesn’t just happen in school, but also at home and in our communities. We learn to respect others, to be honest, kind, and fair. We learn to help those who need it and to stand up against unfairness. Without moral education, we may struggle to understand the impact of our actions on others. It helps us live in harmony with others, making our homes, schools, and communities better places to be. Moral education also encourages us to take care of our environment, to respect all life forms, and to value the resources we have. In a world that is becoming more complicated, we need this more than ever. We need to know how to make the best decisions, not just for ourselves, but for everyone around us. So, moral education is not an extra part of our learning, it’s a necessary part. It helps us grow into the best version of ourselves, making us better friends, students, and future leaders.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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Essay on Importance of Moral Education For Students

In today’s society, morality and etiquette are both subjective and often defined by the individual. In this article, we will discuss some of the major perspectives on moral education for students.

Table of Contents

The Importance of Moral Education Essay for Students

Moral education is essential for students to have in order to create good, ethical citizens. It teaches students about right and wrong, values, and the responsibilities that come with having those values. It also helps students make informed decisions and handle difficult situations.

Moral education should start early in a student’s life. Many people believe that moral education starts with kindergarten or preschool, when children are still developing their sense of right and wrong. However, moral education can also be taught in high school or college.

There are many benefits to teaching moral education in schools. For one, it helps students develop a strong character. Character is critical in life, and it’s important for students to learn how to build healthy relationships, cope with stress, and handle adversity. Moral education also teaches students how to think critically and solve problems. This skill set is valuable in any field, but is especially important in fields such as law, business, journalism, engineering, and medicine.

Unfortunately, not all schools provide adequate moral education. In fact, according to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), only about one-third of U.S. schools offer any type of moral education at all (NASP 2013

How to Increase Moral Education for Students

Moral education is an important part of a child’s development. It teaches them how to make good decisions and behave ethically. It also helps them understand the consequences of their actions.

There are many benefits to moral education for students. They learn to think critically and to be self-aware. They also learn how to cooperate and work together. In addition, they learn how to treat others ethically, which can help them become responsible citizens in the future.

Moral education is important for all students, but it is particularly important for students who are growing up in a time when there are more choices than ever before. Today’s children face difficult decisions every day, and they need guidance in making the right ones. Moral education gives them the skills they need to make well-informed choices, and it helps them develop a sense of responsibility and compassion for others.

Moral education is an important part of any student’s education. It can help them become more responsible, compassionate and ethical individuals who are able to navigate the complexities of life with greater ease. In order to develop these qualities, students need to be exposed to a variety of moral theories and arguments. Moral education should not be limited to religious institutions; it should be available in all schools so that every student can benefit from it.

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1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology

1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology

Philosophy, One Thousand Words at a Time

Moral Education: Teaching Students to Become Better People

An elementary school classroom.

Author: Dominik Balg Categories:  Philosophy of Education , Ethics , Social and Political Philosophy Word Count: 999

Moral guidance is an integral part of primary and secondary schooling. For instance, students are praised for being helpful and kind, and told that this is right and good. They are also told not to cheat, bully, and steal, as these actions are wrong and bad.

So schools are engaged in some forms of moral education. [1]

What are the proper goals of this moral education, and how should those goals be pursued?

Theories of moral education try to answer that question: they provide ideas about how we can, and should, try to teach morality and shape students into morally better people.

This essay introduces some of the most influential theories.

An elementary school classroom.

1. Directive vs. Non-directive Theories of Moral Education

Theories of moral education can be divided into directive and non-directive theories. [2]  

According to directive theories, schools should directly teach students that some actions are wrong, that some actions are right, and tell them which is which and why . They should also teach students some about what’s fair and just, and some about what makes a person morally better and worse: what character traits are virtues and which are vices. 

In contrast, non-directive theories do not aim to teach any specific moral views: they focus on developing students’ abilities to discover for themselves what’s moral. These theories do, however, usually propose that moral education involves giving students some knowledge, e.g., about moral concepts and arguments.

2. Directive Theories

There are several influential directive theories, each with a different proposal for which specific moral views should be taught in educational settings:

  • knowledge-transmission theories recommend that schools should teach moral views that their proponents reasonably believe are known to be true [3] ;
  • transcendental theories urge the teaching of values that are presupposed by a wide variety of moral outlooks, the moral foundations that people with different moral views on broader social and political issues agree on;
  • pragmatic theories propose that schools should teach those moral views that are useful for well-functioning societies. [4]

These theories share a common idea: to become functioning members of society, to make responsible decisions, and to lead good lives, students need to know something about what’s right and wrong, and good and bad. They need to understand and accept some basic rules of conduct: e.g., they need to accept that one should not be violent or treat other people unfairly. Since moral rules can conflict with students’ immediate desires and preferences, we can’t expect students to make good moral decisions without explicit instruction: directive theories attempt to provide this guidance. [5]

While this all may seem plausible, there are, however, concerns about directive approaches. Beyond many of the basic rules of conduct for functioning classrooms and societies, moral issues are often controversial. Concerning ethical questions where there are reasonable disagreements, teaching specific answers as knowledge might amount to wrongful indoctrination , not moral education. [6]  Furthermore, people often disagree on the details of which moral views everyone must accept or agree on—what might be “transcendent”—and which exact moral views people need to accept for a functioning society—what’s “pragmatic.”

Finally, even advocates of directive theories should agree students should also learn how to make responsible moral decisions independently: teaching some specific moral views won’t help them develop the skills they need to make well-reasoned moral judgments on their own. [7]

3. Non-Directive Theories

The common aim of non-directive theories of moral education is to enable students to reasonably and responsibly answer moral questions independently. Different theories propose different ways to achieve that aim.

3.1. Skill-based Theories

Skill-based theories aim at the development of critical reasoning skills. [8]  These include the ability to give reasons for one’s views, to assess the quality of different arguments, and to reconsider one’s views in light of new evidence. [9]  By developing such skills, students can better make their own reasoned moral judgments.

3.2. Emotion-based Theories

According to emotion-based theories , moral education should help students develop emotional skills that should guide their moral judgment: e.g., by engaging in role-plays or reading literary narratives and watching films, students can develop empathy and sympathy . [10]  They can also learn how to use techniques like meditation or breathing exercises to cultivate attentiveness or feelings of compassion , hopefulness, or gratitude . [11]  Such emotional skills might contribute to students’ own well-being and help them make better moral choices.

3.3. Character-based Theories

According to character-based theories , moral education should build moral character. This view is usually spelled out in terms of cultivating moral virtues such as honesty , courage , humility, and compassion [12] : by promoting the development of such virtues, teachers can help students to become better people. [13]  For example, teachers can read and discuss texts of virtuous exemplars like Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King with their students to motivate them to emulate these persons’ attitudes or characters. [14]

4. Conclusion

Any particular choice between these theories of moral education must respect students’ autonomy and acknowledge that moral questions are often controversial: this will constrain the use of directive approaches, which recommend teaching specific moral views. But the fact that moral questions are often not controversial will constrain non-directive approaches also: if a student concludes from some attempt at non-directive moral education that there’s nothing ever wrong with cheating, bullying, and stealing, or that arrogance and cruelty are virtues, then that “moral education” has failed. 

A general challenge is that successful moral education should ideally not just have an impact on how students think and feel, but also on how they act . People often believe they should act a certain way, but can’t bring themselves to do so. So students not only need to be brought to have appropriate moral beliefs—which often isn’t easy—they also need to learn to put their moral beliefs into practice: that’s often even harder, for anyone, at any age, and at any level of education. [15]  

While many open questions remain, the above considerations should also give rise to some optimism: there are many theories that schools and teachers can experiment with as they try to help students become better, and hopefully genuinely good, people.

[1] This essay is about moral or ethical education, but what is morality or ethics anyway? (Philosophers often consider ethics and morality to be the same thing: what’s ethical is moral, what’s immoral is unethical, and so on.).

This is a challenging philosophical question, and one way to answer it—among many other ways—is that ethics or morality concerns behavior that ethical or moral theories would condemn as wrong, or support as right . Two influential ethical theories include consequentialism , which focusses on promoting overall good consequences, and Kant’s ethics , or Kantian deontology , which focuses on respecting persons and following rules that we’d accept that everyone follow. For introductions to these theories, see Consequentialism and Utilitarianism by Shane Gronholz and Deontology: Kantian Ethics by Andrew Chapman.

To better understand what morality and ethics are, readers are encouraged to review these and other morally theories, and reflect on how they might be relevant to personal ethical choices and ethical questions about law and social policy: many essays in the Ethics section of 1000-Word Philosophy can provide guidance in reflecting on particular ethical issues.

[2] For a more detailed explanation of the distinction between directive and non-directive theories of moral education, see, e.g., Hand 2014, 526; 2020, 14.

[3] Advocates of knowledge-transmission theories, of course, presume that there is some moral knowledge , or that some moral claims are known . While the idea of moral knowledge is sometimes controversial, many people would think and say that they know it’s usually good to be a helpful and kind person and that it’s always wrong to bully innocent people, and that stealing is usually, if not always, wrong: so most people seem to think there is some knowledge. For introductions to moral epistemology —the application of epistemology, or theory of knowledge, to moral claims—see Epistemology, or Theory of Knowledge by Thomas Metcalf and Ethical Realism by Thomas Metcalf.

[4] On knowledge-transmission theories see, e.g., Balg 2023. On transcendental theories, see, e.g., Hirst 1974 and Tiedemann 2019. On pragmatic theories, see, e.g., Hand 2014, 2018.

[5] For a more detailed discussion of the indispensability of moral education, see, e.g., Hand 2018, 7-10.

[6] On what indoctrination is and why it’s often problematic, see Indoctrination: What is it to Indoctrinate Someone? by Chris Ranalli. For an introductory discussion of how we might respond when reasonable people disagree in their views on an issue, see The Epistemology of Disagreement by Jonathan Matheson.

[7] See Moral Testimony by Annaleigh Curtis for a discussion of how gaining knowledge from others might not result in understanding that topic. Applied to moral education, the concern is that someone might know that some action is wrong, yet not understand why the action is wrong in a manner that will allow them to apply that understanding to other moral issues. A concern about directive theories of moral education is that they won’t provide this type of understanding.

[8] For a defense of skill-based theories, see, e.g., Meyer 2023, Musschenga 2009.

[9] See Critical Thinking: What is it to be a Critical Thinker? by Carolina Flores and Arguments: Why Do You Believe What You Believe? by Thomas Metcalf. These essays review critical thinking and argument analysis concepts and skills in general, and these concepts and skills can be applied to ethics and moral education.

[10] People often think of empathy as a moral virtue: it’s good to be a person who would respond with empathy. But many philosophers and psychologists define empathy as a specific emotional capability , i.e., the ability to imagine other people’s feelings (see, e.g., Eisenberg and Strayer 1987; Goldman 2006; Hoffman 2000). Against the background of such an understanding, empathy shouldn’t be conceived of as a virtue because virtues and capabilities are two different things: while the former indicate what a person would (not) do under certain circumstances, the latter indicate what a person is able to do (Battaly 2011). Given this, a person could use her empathetic capabilities for purposes that are morally problematic: e.g., to manipulate or exploit other people. So, empathy is not, in itself , a moral virtue: it is a virtue only when it is used to promote right and good ends, so to speak.

For a defense of emotion-based theories that specifically appeal to the emotion of empathy, see, e.g., Nussbaum 2003, Slote 2009. For a defense of an emotion-based theory that specifically appeals to the emotion of sympathy, see, e.g., Noddings 2002.

[11] For an emotion-based approach that specifically recommends the use of such techniques, see e.g., Ash et al. 2019.

[12] See Virtue Ethics by David Merry for a discussion of what virtues , or good character traits are

[13] For a defense of this view, see, e.g., Arthur et al. 2017, Kristjánsson 2015 or Miller 2022.

[14] For a discussion of this strategy, see, e.g., Vos 2017.

[15] Indeed, it has been observed that too many philosophers and ethicists (and other thinkers), even ones who develop moral theories and theories of moral education, sometimes have false, unjustified, or bad ethical views and/or behave badly. For discussion about how to respond to this, see Responding to Morally Flawed Historical Philosophers and Philosophies by Victor Fabian Abundez-Guerra and Nathan Nobis.

Arthur, J., Kristjánsson, K., Harrison, T., Sanderse, W., and Wright, D. (2017). Teaching Character and Virtue in Schools. Routledge: London.

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Hand, M. (2014). Towards a Theory of Moral Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education 48(4): 519-532.

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Hand, M. (2020): Moral Education in the Community of Inquiry. Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7(2): 4-20.

Hirst, P. (1974): Moral Education in a Secular Society . London: University of London Press.

Hoffman, M. L. (2000). Empathy and moral development: Implications for caring and justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kristjánsson, K. (2015): Aristotelian Character Education. Routledge, New York.

Meyer, K. (2023): Moral Education Through the Fostering of Reasoning Skills. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Online first.

Miller, C. (2022): How Situationism Impacts the Goals of Character Education. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Online first.

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Noddings, Nel (2002): Educating Moral People: A Caring Alternative to Character Education. New York: Teachers College Press.

Nussbaum, M. (2003): Cultivating humanity. A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Tiedemann, M. (2019): Philosophical Education and Transcendental Tolerance. Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 39(2), 32-40.

Vos, P. H. (2017): Learning from exemplars: emulation, character formation and the complexities of ordinary life. Journal of Beliefs & Values 29(1): 17-28.

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About the Author

Dominik Balg is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Mainz. He received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Cologne. He specializes in philosophy of education and philosophical issues in teaching philosophy.

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Essay on Moral Education – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on Moral Education

Essay on Moral Education: Moral education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals into responsible and ethical members of society. In this essay, we will explore the importance of moral education in developing values, empathy, and integrity in individuals. We will discuss how moral education can help in creating a harmonious and respectful community, and how it can contribute to the overall well-being of society. Join us as we delve into the significance of moral education in today’s world.

Table of Contents

Moral Education Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the concept of moral education and its importance in shaping individuals’ character and behavior. You can also mention the role of schools and parents in imparting moral values to children.

2. Define moral education: Provide a clear definition of moral education, explaining that it is the process of teaching individuals about right and wrong, good and bad, and ethical values.

3. Discuss the need for moral education: Explain why moral education is essential in today’s society. Highlight the increasing instances of unethical behavior, moral decay, and lack of empathy in individuals. Emphasize the importance of instilling moral values in children from a young age.

4. Benefits of moral education: List the benefits of moral education, such as fostering empathy, compassion, integrity, and respect for others. Explain how moral education can help individuals make ethical decisions, build strong relationships, and contribute positively to society.

5. Role of schools in moral education: Discuss the role of schools in promoting moral education. Explain how schools can incorporate moral values into their curriculum, teach students about ethical principles, and provide opportunities for moral reflection and discussion.

6. Role of parents in moral education: Highlight the crucial role of parents in shaping their children’s moral development. Discuss how parents can set a good example, teach moral values through their actions and words, and engage in meaningful conversations about ethics and values with their children.

7. Strategies for promoting moral education: Provide practical tips and strategies for promoting moral education in schools and at home. This can include creating a moral education curriculum, organizing moral education workshops, fostering a culture of empathy and respect, and encouraging moral reflection and critical thinking.

8. Challenges in moral education: Acknowledge the challenges in promoting moral education, such as cultural differences, conflicting values, and the influence of media and technology. Discuss how these challenges can be overcome through collaboration, communication, and a shared commitment to moral education.

9. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and reiterate the importance of moral education in shaping individuals’ character and behavior. Emphasize the need for a collective effort from schools, parents, and society to promote moral education and cultivate a more ethical and compassionate world.

Essay on Moral Education in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Moral education is the process of teaching individuals about values, ethics, and principles that guide their behavior and decision-making. 2. It aims to develop a sense of right and wrong, empathy, and responsibility in individuals. 3. Moral education helps individuals understand the consequences of their actions and how they impact others. 4. It promotes respect for others, tolerance, and acceptance of diversity. 5. Moral education helps individuals develop a strong moral compass and make ethical decisions in various situations. 6. It instills virtues such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and fairness in individuals. 7. Moral education is essential for creating a harmonious and ethical society. 8. It helps individuals build strong relationships, resolve conflicts peacefully, and contribute positively to their communities. 9. Moral education can be taught through formal education, role modeling, and experiential learning. 10. Ultimately, moral education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals into responsible, ethical, and compassionate members of society.

Sample Essay on Moral Education in 100-180 Words

Moral education is essential in shaping individuals into responsible and ethical members of society. It teaches values such as honesty, compassion, respect, and integrity, which are crucial for building strong character and making ethical decisions. By instilling these values in individuals from a young age, moral education helps create a more harmonious and just society.

Moral education also plays a significant role in promoting empathy and understanding towards others, fostering a sense of community and unity. It encourages individuals to consider the consequences of their actions on others and to act in ways that benefit the greater good.

In today’s complex and diverse world, moral education is more important than ever. It helps individuals navigate ethical dilemmas and make decisions that align with their values and beliefs. By incorporating moral education into school curriculums and promoting it in families and communities, we can create a more compassionate and ethical society for future generations.

Short Essay on Moral Education in 200-500 Words

Moral education plays a crucial role in shaping the character and values of individuals. It is the process of instilling ethical principles, values, and beliefs in individuals to guide their behavior and decision-making. Moral education is essential in developing a society that is just, compassionate, and respectful of others.

One of the key aspects of moral education is teaching individuals the difference between right and wrong. This involves helping individuals understand the consequences of their actions and the impact they have on themselves and others. By teaching individuals to make ethical decisions, moral education helps to promote a sense of responsibility and accountability.

Moral education also plays a vital role in fostering empathy and compassion in individuals. By teaching individuals to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, moral education helps to promote understanding and tolerance. This is particularly important in a diverse and multicultural society, where individuals must learn to respect and appreciate the differences among people.

Furthermore, moral education helps individuals develop a sense of integrity and honesty. By teaching individuals to act with honesty and integrity, moral education helps to build trust and credibility. This is essential in personal relationships, as well as in professional settings, where individuals must demonstrate ethical behavior and values.

Moreover, moral education helps individuals develop a sense of fairness and justice. By teaching individuals to treat others with fairness and respect, moral education helps to promote equality and social justice. This is crucial in creating a society that is inclusive and equitable for all individuals.

In conclusion, moral education is essential in shaping the character and values of individuals. By teaching individuals to make ethical decisions, fostering empathy and compassion, promoting integrity and honesty, and developing a sense of fairness and justice, moral education helps to create a society that is just, compassionate, and respectful of others. It is important for individuals to receive moral education from a young age, as it helps to instill ethical principles and values that will guide their behavior and decision-making throughout their lives.

Essay on Moral Education in 1000-1500 Words

Moral education is a crucial aspect of a child’s development, as it shapes their character and values, guiding them to make ethical decisions and behave responsibly in society. In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, where material success often takes precedence over moral values, the need for moral education has become more important than ever. This essay will explore the significance of moral education, its impact on individuals and society, and the ways in which it can be effectively implemented in educational institutions.

First and foremost, moral education plays a vital role in shaping the character of individuals. It instills in them a sense of right and wrong, teaching them to distinguish between good and bad behavior. By imparting moral values such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and respect for others, moral education helps individuals develop a strong moral compass that guides their actions and decisions. This, in turn, leads to the development of a strong and virtuous character, which is essential for leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Moreover, moral education also has a significant impact on society as a whole. A society composed of morally upright individuals is more likely to be peaceful, harmonious, and just. When individuals are guided by moral values, they are less likely to engage in unethical behavior such as lying, cheating, or harming others. This, in turn, fosters trust, cooperation, and mutual respect among members of society, leading to a more cohesive and inclusive community.

Furthermore, moral education helps individuals develop empathy and compassion towards others. By teaching them to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, moral education promotes a sense of social responsibility and encourages individuals to act in ways that benefit the greater good. This is particularly important in a world that is increasingly marked by social and economic disparities, as it helps individuals develop a sense of solidarity and empathy towards those who are less fortunate.

In addition to shaping character and promoting social cohesion, moral education also plays a crucial role in fostering personal growth and self-improvement. By encouraging individuals to reflect on their actions and values, moral education helps them develop self-awareness and self-discipline. This, in turn, enables them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals for self-improvement, and work towards becoming better versions of themselves. Ultimately, moral education empowers individuals to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives, guided by a strong sense of ethics and values.

Given the importance of moral education in shaping individuals and society, it is essential that it be integrated into the curriculum of educational institutions. Schools, in particular, play a crucial role in imparting moral values to students, as they are the primary institutions responsible for their intellectual and moral development. By incorporating moral education into the curriculum, schools can ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

There are several ways in which moral education can be effectively implemented in educational institutions. One approach is to incorporate moral education into existing subjects such as history, literature, and social studies. By exploring moral dilemmas, ethical issues, and the lives of moral exemplars in these subjects, students can develop a deeper understanding of moral values and their importance in society. Additionally, schools can organize moral education workshops, seminars, and discussions to engage students in meaningful conversations about ethics, values, and moral decision-making.

Another effective approach to moral education is to promote moral values through extracurricular activities such as community service, volunteering, and leadership programs. By engaging students in activities that promote empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, schools can help them develop a strong sense of moral purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Furthermore, schools can collaborate with parents, community organizations, and religious institutions to reinforce moral values and provide students with opportunities to apply them in real-life situations.

In conclusion, moral education is a crucial aspect of a child’s development, as it shapes their character, values, and behavior. By instilling in individuals a sense of right and wrong, moral education helps them develop a strong moral compass that guides their actions and decisions. Moreover, moral education promotes social cohesion, empathy, and personal growth, leading to a more harmonious and just society. To ensure the effective implementation of moral education, it is essential that educational institutions integrate it into their curriculum and provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions and activities that promote moral values. Ultimately, by prioritizing moral education, we can empower individuals to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives guided by a strong sense of ethics and values.

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Moral Values in Education Essay

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The responsibility of educating a child falls on both the parents and the teachers. In most instances, teachers are always trying to get the parents to be part of their children’s education. On the other hand, parents tend to handle any communication from their children’s teachers delicately. For instance, notes and phone calls from teachers are a cause of serious concern for parents. Furthermore, whenever parents do not hear from teachers they often assume that all is well with their children.

Therefore, it is likely that students will be at a disadvantage because of the lack of communication between parents and teachers. Consequently, it is only natural for schools to teach moral values to students. Schools are relied upon by the community and parents to instill and reinforce moral values among students.

Teaching moral values to students eliminate the bias that is common with children from different backgrounds. Some students could be major beneficiaries of a school system that teaches moral values as they lack this foundation at home. Therefore, schools should teach moral values so as to contribute to social and educational harmony.

Schools are mostly public or private owned institutions that are expected to pass knowledge to students. Consequently, when schools are given the role of teaching moral values, this job is passed on to either the government or a few individuals. Most people feel that when schools teach moral values, the government is the organ that dictates what should be taught to students. Teaching moral values that are set up through government institutions elicits sharp emotions among various individuals.

On the other hand, most people are aware of the fact that parents teach their children moral values at a very tender age. Therefore, there is a possibility of moralities clashing when schools start introducing opposing points of view as part of the students’ curriculum.

The dominance of personal opinions among various teachers presents a challenge to the validity of teaching moral values in schools. Schools should not teach moral values because this creates several dimensions of conflict that involve teachers, students, the government, and parents.

Those people who support the argument that schools should teach morality are of the view that it is futile for students to gain all other skills in life and end up lacking in moral values. Consequently, students will go to school and learn scientific applications, events in history, how to calculate, among other skills. However, this knowledge can be highly improved by a student’s ability to express honor, kindness, empathy, and integrity towards others.

Therefore, when schools teach moral values, they create a worthwhile balance in the students’ lives. Furthermore, when too much value is attached to end results and achievements, moral transgressions are likely to occur. Teaching moral values in schools do not involve a tyrannical activity that is engineered by the government and other forces.

Moral curriculums can be developed jointly by the staff, parents, sociologists, religious leaders, and other stakeholders. Consequently, a moral curriculum does not only consist of controversial biases, as most people believe. The fears that moral education can be easily highjacked by third parties and individuals with self-interests are unfounded. For instance, in schools where moral education is instituted through a joint effort, positive results are achieved.

The relationship between moral values and the education system is far-fetched. Moral education is more aligned with culture than it is related to the education system. Furthermore, all education systems are streamlined and standardized. Moral values and systems are flexible and it is unlikely that a standard education curriculum can accommodate this flexibility. For example, accommodating moral education in the school system would mean that different students receive different types of education by their cultural backgrounds.

Those who argue in favor of moral values being taught in schools claim that students need more than formal education for them to be good citizens. However, there is evidence that indicates that the most valuable citizens are the ones who explore and question authorities with the view of understanding the basis of rules and laws.

There are concerns that most moral curriculums are only meant to suppress the curiosity of the citizenry with the aim of subjecting individuals to imperialist regimes. Moreover, political and economic factors are more likely to influence the moral behaviors of children in school systems.

The debate on whether schools should teach moral values to students stretches far and wide. One school of thought believes that it is not the school’s responsibility to teach morality to students. On the other hand, another group feels that an educational experience is not complete without moral values. There are concerns that teaching moral values in schools undermines the role of culture in students’ lives.

Furthermore, it is often argued that teaching morality would create confusion in schools because different students subscribe to different moral systems. This latter view is opposed by the argument that not all moral values are subject to controversy. Proponents of teaching moral values in schools also point out that this system has proved to be helpful in the past.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 13). Moral Values in Education.

"Moral Values in Education." IvyPanda , 13 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Moral Values in Education'. 13 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Moral Values in Education." April 13, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Moral Values in Education." April 13, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Moral Values in Education." April 13, 2020.


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Essay on “The Importance of Moral Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The importance of moral education .

There is a special need today for evolving a new system of education in India which must be in tune with our major values of national tradition and integration. This system can only nourish and strengthen our national consciousness. Before 1976, education was the exclusive responsibility of the states. By the constitutional amendment of 1976, education was included in the Concurrent List. While the role and responsibility of the states in education remained largely unchanged the union government accepted a larger responsibility for reinforcing the national system of education to bring about uniformity in education.

Education means the fostering of the personality through the continuous development of innate qualities of a person. It aims to adjust the rhythm of the individual life with the rhythm of the society. This adjustment involves strengthening of one character and consolidation of the moral fiber. Today our education system lacks these moral standards.

From ethical point of view human actions can be judged as good or bad right or wrong moral or immoral. These judgments are always determined by the common moral standard of our society. Morality is not a law imposed upon us by our fellow men. It is a law that we ourselves can understand and choose for our guidance because we see that it is good sense to do. Broadly morality means honesty of character, fairness in attitude, absence of evils like hatred, jealously, greed, telling lies, etc.  The ultimate objective of education is to inculcate these human values in the students.

Today life has become mechanical. Modern man has become very materialistic and is totally preoccupied in pursuit of material things. This excessive urge for materialistic gains has made him ignore the spiritual and moral aspects of his life. It is a fact that today the educational system has failed to inculcate in young people moral values. Despite the phenomenal increase in the number of educational institutions, there has been a deterioration of human values in our society. Charity, sympathy, selfless service, helping others and such other qualities are found only in a few people nodes. This is matter of great concern of reductionists, not only in India but all over the world. According to the parliamentary standing committee on human resources Development the concerted efforts made during the last six decades have failed to achieve the desired results. Well chalked out plans and strategies for making our education value oriented still remain on paper.

Now moral education is not included in any syllabus whether of science or humanities. But our ancient universities of Nalanda and Taxila focused on imparting moral education to the students. Then teachers laid emphasis on the need to become a perfect human being. Values like respect to elders and teachers, discipline and restraint in life were taught by the teachers. in ancient times children were sent to the guru’s ashram not only to imbibe education which could equip them to earn lively hood, it also to imbibe moral and spiritual values. Such value she lapped them to sustain themselves in their moments of confusion and anxiety. Today these values are completely overlooked by our education system.

Educationists opine that morality cannot be taught as a subject in any educational institution. It is something which child learns from its parents an family. As our country is secular country, it is not possible to include religion as a syllabus in schools of colleges. The moral education can be given through discipline and punishment for violating the codes of conduct.

Moral education can be given through value education curriculum by all boards and universities. At school level, the syllabus should include folk tales. Stories of patriotism, biographies of great men,, poems, parables providing valuable lessons for the student. At university level the university grants commission has introduced a scheme of value education among students. Imparting human values to the students is the need of the hour. Moral education is most successful  when it is passive and indirect.

Our indifference to morality is clear from the widespread corruption in our society. There is no sphere of public administration where this evil does not rule supreme. Bribery has become a common feature of our public life we have to start form the grassroots level to impart moral education to our children.

Moral character is very important in our life. No individual can become a great man without character. All great men like Gandhiji, Vivekanand Subhash Chandra Bose and Abraham Lincoln were men of strong and noble character. As character is necessary for individuals, it is also necessary for a nation. A nation cannot make progress if it has lost its character. Thus introduction of moral education from grassroots to university level is very necessary.

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essay on moral education 150 words 200 words


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to build character moral education plays important role conclusion in modern society to become perfect man it plays major role to develop personality inculcate values to become bold and strong only when honesty integrity truthfullness mercyetc with the help of all these things in the modern world where corruption is at every step the article provide great knowledge and from the stories of great leaders patriotitst

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thank you very much for your help , inspiring us and teach us with new things.

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Very very nice essay

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Thanks for giving this essay

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It’s a nice essay and it can literally teach our society about morality. It also helped in completing my homework

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Thanks a lot❤

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Importance of Moral Education in Students Life

Why Moral Education is Important in Students Life

L K Monu Borkala

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Over the years, the term moral education has been defined in various ways by numerous scholars. There is no particular definition for the term.

However, to understand it in simple and plain language we can say that moral education is the teaching of values that distinguish between right and wrong. It is this set of values that finally guides your behaviour and intentions towards others around you.

For centuries, academicians and intellects have debated the world over whether moral values should be taught in schools or not. Many believe that moral and ethical values cannot be taught but can only be learned through the actions of peers and elders.

In this case, the foremost question that may arise is how do we distinguish the right action from a wrong one if we are not taught the same. One act may be considered right for a particular person and wrong to another.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to universally consolidate a certain set of values and morals to enable community living. Moral values in education are as important as a Doctor of Philosophy.

The debate about adopting moral education in schools may go on for a long time, but the importance of moral education cannot be undermined.

The importance of moral education in schools can be determined through the objectives of moral education.

The objectives of moral education can be summarized as below.

  • Moral education helps to differentiate between what is universally accepted as right and what is accepted as wrong.
  • It defines an individual’s personality. A person may be classified as a moral or immoral person.
  • Moral education helps to eliminate or minimise the vices like jealousy, greed, etc.
  • Inculcating or adopting moral values can positively impact one’s self, and it can build a positive attitude and develop self-confidence .

Need for Moral Education

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Theodore Roosevelt

With the rapid development of the internet and technology over the past few years , the world has become a global village.

With distances being shortened, high-speed communication, and closer interactions between different groups, the world has become a single community linked together by telecommunications.

This fast-paced world has brought about the need for the introduction of ethics, values, and morals to promote community living. Moral education has never been felt more required than today.

Surveys reveal that the early 1980s saw a drastic decline in students’ academic performance and behavioural patterns. It was then that educators reintroduced the term “character” in their tutoring sessions.

Character can be defined as the moral qualities that are distinct to an individual. Educators emphasized on introducing students to good character and eliminating bad habits.

Educators then believed that an early introduction to good habits or ethical values was conducive to building harmony in society. Therefore, it can be clearly seen why moral education is essential.

Moral and Ethical Values

As Albert Einstein once said “The most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life”

The term moral and ethics is more often interchangeably used though in practice the two words have entirely different connotations.

Morals are more like values that define an individual in society. Morals are values that protect and respect life.

Not only the life of one’s self but the life of everyone around. Every moral value function to enhance the quality of life. Here, it is pertinent to note that moral values may differ according to the situation one is in.

For example, one of the core moral values in society today is honour and respect for oneself and another. However, this same honour may be construed as disrespect and conceit for another to protect one’s own dignity.

The real moral value of honour should therefore be taught as universal respect and honour for another life irrespective of other catalysts.

Ethics on the other hand can be defined as an individual who possesses moral values and expresses willingness to do only the right thing despite the difficulty in performing the morally right act. A person is said to be ethical if he possesses and practices moral values.

Listing out a set of defined moral or ethical values is not a realistic task.

However, religious texts, philosophers, and preachers have laid down the principle of moral and ethical values that ought to be followed by every individual for a harmonious society.

However, ethics and morality have little to do with religion. The values have more to do with living in a civilized society , graciously and amicably.

The Four Pillars of Moral Education

The four pillars of moral education describe the foundation upon which moral education rests.

1. Character and Morality

Here moral education are individual-centric. It concentrates on individual character building.

2. Individual and Community

Moral education concerning the individual and the community is how each individual behaves himself and concerning the community at large.

The focus is on building an individual that will be part of a greater community.

3. Civic Education

The main aim of cultural education in moral education is to learn how the nation came to be what it is today.

The ideals of our forefathers and the teachings of great scholars are contributing factors that have shaped humanity and the nation.

4. Cultural Education

Close on the principles of civic education, cultural education also forms an integral part of moral education. Culture denotes the customs and traditions of a particular nation or ethnic group.

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Why Is Moral Education Important in Schools ?

Children Studying in School

“Education without morals is like a ship without a compass, merely wandering nowhere.” – Martin Luther King

Imparting moral values to a child begins with elders at home. This education however does not end in the formative years and before the child is ready for school.

Imparting value education requires years of understanding and absorption. Every age and stage of the child entails different levels of perception.

Therefore, it becomes imperative that teachers would have to continue this education in schools to ensure continuity of moral education from the elders at home.

Schools are the heart and soul of a child’s life. The formative years of a child are the most important. It is at this time that the child’s character can be moulded and defined.

School teachers and peers are the greatest influence on these impressionable minds. Laying a standard set of values and morals to be taught in school can go a long way in building student character.

Moral education in schools is an effective method of inculcating values in children.

How Schools Can Adopt Better Methods to Impart Moral Education for Students?

Imparting moral values for students is a difficult mission. Keeping students engaged in value-based classes can be a daunting task.

Young minds often wander and get distracted soon. Keeping students engaged and at the same time imparting moral values is the key.

One of the tried and tested methods in many schools is by introducing community activities in the form of designated dates such as lend a helping hand day, share a smile day or even a visit to an orphanage or an old age home.

Practicing activities that involve community assistance can give students first-hand experience. Such activities can inculcate a sense of belonging right from a tender age.

What Is the Right Age to Teach Moral Values in Students?

As there are no defined set of rules or a particular curriculum or syllabus related to moral education, the question of when to initiate this value education comes into picture.

Is there a right age? Is there a time when it becomes too late to initiate value education? To answer these questions, one must necessarily reflect on life as a whole.

Value education begins at a very tender age. The process of growing and evolving involves the inculcation of values.

Learning to share, learning to respect, learning to help others in need are all virtues imbibed in us in our formative years. Some of these values are not even taught. They are learned from experience.

At later stages of life, one may make mistakes, minor or grave errors. Such situations demand a reiteration of values. That is why moral education is essential in schools.

There is no particular age that is considered the right age to impart moral education to students. The earlier one is introduced to moral and value education, the easier it is to mould a character. Moral education is a lifelong learning skill.

In conclusion, it must be noted that imparting value and moral education in schools is as important as a subject in mathematics or science.

A doctorate in these subjects is of no use without a sound moral character. Knowledge will most definitely give the students the power, but good character will earn respect.

The truth of one’s character is judged by a choice of actions. These actions are guided by moral principles learned over the years. The importance of moral education can never be undermined.

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Essay on Moral Values 500+ Words

Moral values are the guiding principles that shape our character and influence the choices we make. In this essay, we will explore the importance of moral values in our lives and society, how they contribute to personal growth, and why they are essential for building a just and compassionate world.

Ethical Decision-Making

Moral values provide a moral compass, helping us distinguish right from wrong. They play a crucial role in ethical decision-making. Statistics show that individuals with strong moral values are more likely to make ethical choices in their personal and professional lives.

Personal Growth and Integrity

Moral values are the foundation of personal growth and integrity. They inspire us to be honest, truthful, and principled. Experts believe that a strong sense of integrity leads to a sense of self-respect and confidence.

Building Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are vital in any relationship, whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues. Moral values such as honesty, loyalty, and empathy are the cornerstones of trust and respect. Studies show that individuals who practice these values have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Social Harmony and Compassion

Moral values foster social harmony and compassion. They teach us to be kind, considerate, and empathetic toward others. Experts emphasize the role of moral values in reducing conflict and promoting understanding among diverse communities.

Encouraging Good Citizenship

Good citizenship is about contributing positively to society. Moral values guide us to be responsible citizens who respect laws and regulations. Statistics reveal that individuals who uphold moral values are more likely to engage in community service and volunteer work.

Nurturing Empathy and Tolerance

In an increasingly diverse world, empathy and tolerance are essential. Moral values encourage us to understand and accept people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Experts highlight the importance of empathy and tolerance in building inclusive and harmonious societies.

Resilience in Adversity

Moral values provide strength and resilience in times of adversity. They help us cope with challenges and maintain our moral compass even in difficult situations. Research shows that individuals with strong moral values are more likely to bounce back from setbacks.

Teaching Responsibility to Future Generations

Passing on moral values to future generations is a responsibility we carry. It ensures that the values we hold dear continue to shape the world positively. Experts stress the importance of moral education in schools and families to instill these values in young minds.

Addressing Ethical Dilemmas

Life often presents us with ethical dilemmas. Moral values offer guidance when we face difficult choices. They enable us to make decisions that align with our principles and beliefs. Experts emphasize the role of moral values in ethical problem-solving.

Conclusion of Essay on Moral Values

In conclusion, moral values are not just abstract concepts; they are the foundation of a virtuous and compassionate society. They guide our ethical decision-making, promote personal growth and integrity, and foster trust, respect, and social harmony. Moral values encourage good citizenship, empathy, and tolerance, and provide resilience in the face of adversity.

As a fifth-grader, you can start by practicing moral values in your daily life. Be honest, kind, and considerate to others. Respect differences and treat everyone with fairness and empathy. By embracing moral values, you are not only enriching your own life but also contributing to a more just and compassionate world. Remember, the power of moral values lies in their ability to inspire positive change in ourselves and in the world around us.

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Essay on Moral Values

List of essays on moral values, essay on moral values – short essay for kids and children (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on moral values – written in english (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on moral values – for school students (class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 standard) (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on moral values (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on moral values –  importance in society and challenges (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on moral values – how to cultivate and inculcate it in human beings (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on moral values (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on moral values – long essay (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Moral values are the key essence of life and it is these values that come along with us through the journey of life. Moral values are basically the principles that guide our life in the righteous path and do not allow us to do any harm to others.

Audience: The below given essays are especially written for kids, children and school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Standard).

Moral values define the humankind. Moral values empower us to stand as the most unique creatures in the whole animal kingdom. These values are the basis to almost every religion. Thousands of years ago, Buddha described the essence of moral values in his sermons and spread it all over the world.

Since our childhood, we are taught about the good habits and their powers by the elders at home and school. Some of the most significant moral values are kindness, honesty, truthfulness, selflessness, compassion, and love.

The things we learn as a child mould us as an adult. That is why it is crucial to inculcate the pious values in the children. For the younger generation to be transformed into citizens with mighty characters, they must possess strong ethical and moral values. Only then, we can dream of making India great and emerge as an ethical leader in the world.

So, from where do we get these moral values?

Moral values are the first thing that every child learns from their homes . What is right and what is wrong is something that we see and learn from our parents as well as from our own experiences. Many religions preach moral values are part of their belief systems.

Importance of Moral Values

Moral values are very important to each and everyone because it is these values that transform us into better human beings.

i. Without knowing and learning moral values, we will not be able to differentiate between good and bad.

ii. Moral values define us and help us to be surrounded by good people.

iii. One who practices moral values will have courage to handle any situation in life.

Role of Parents

Parents of today think that providing all luxuries to their children is their only responsibility. But they miss to offer them the most important wealth – moral values. When parents deny this, they fail in their duty to give a good human being to the society.

Honesty, kindness, truthfulness, forgiveness, respect for others, helping others etc., are some of the moral values that every parent must teach their children.

“It is not what you do for your children , but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings” – Ann Landers.

Moral Values are the practices followed by human beings to be good and to live in a society. Moral values or ethics, are taught to us by our parents and teachers. These include being honest, kind, respecting others, helping those in need, being faithful and cooperating with others, to name a few, are good moral values.

What are Moral Values?

The norms of what is right or good and what is wrong or bad, define the moral values which are based on many factors like region, society, religious beliefs, culture etc. These defined norms tell the people how they must act or behave in different situations and expect similar behaviours form others.

Importance of Moral Values:

Moral values give an aim to life. Knowing difference between right and wrong is the foundation to imbibe moral values, which are taught from the birth, and bring out the best in individuals.

Moral Values in Workplace:

In every workplace, people look for individuals with good moral values. For a job interview, the interviewer looks for a candidate with good moral values. Every organization has a defined ethical code of conduct that the people in the organization are expected to follow, in addition to basic societal moral values. Organizations with people having good moral values runs more systematically and efficiently.

Moral Value in coming Generations:

People are not aware or conscious about moral values and have different outlook towards life. Parents and teachers are too busy to inculcate moral values in younger generations.


Moral values are a type of law defined by the culture, society or other factors, to guide individuals on how to or not to behave in daily life. Sometimes, one may have different views and feel the moral guidelines too harsh or wrong. Such guidelines should be advocated for the good of the society.

Moral values are those characters or values seeded in a person’s mind and behavior towards oneself, others and on the whole. It can be the way a person consider other person’s life and space or the way they value each other’s feelings. The basic moral values like honesty, kindness, respect towards others, helpful mannerism, etc., will be the keys to be noted to judge a person’s character.

Moral values are the main characteristics that define the goodness in a person. These should be taught by the parents and teachers to the kids from their childhood. Moral values will help everyone in taking better decisions in life and attain the heights in an ethical way.

Instead of just thinking about our success and goals, moral values will give us the courage to take into account other’s happiness too. A person with better moral values is motivated and finds all possible ways to spread good vibes in and around them as well. Suppressing the people around you for attaining the goals you desire is the most dangerous violation of moral values.


A person without moral values is considered to possess a bad character and the society will start to judge the person due to this behavior. This competitive world of ours has made every moral value in a person to die for their own development and growth. Such inhuman and unethical activities like dishonesty, telling lies for your own benefit, hurting others and even worst things, should be avoided.

Inculcating the importance of moral values in a kid from their growing age will help them in sticking to those values forever. It is a necessity of our society to bear such responsible youths and younger generations with good moral values so that they will help our nation to attain better heights.

This society of ours is filled with immoral people who find every scope to deceive others through their activities. The young ones learn more things by observing their elders and they mimic the way their elders behave. It is the responsibility of elders like parents, teachers, etc., to grow a future generation with more moral values seeded in them by improving their own behavior.

Moral values can be taught to students by making them listen and understand more moral stories and the rewards they will get if they show it to others as well. Such way of teaching will help them grab the importance easily rather than taking mere lectures on moral values.


The society helps individuals to grow in culture and learn through experiences of all aspects of life. Societies instill culture, religion, economy and politics in individual because as people grow up, they tend to pick something from dynamics of life and the societal opinions on certain aspects of life. Moral values are also instilled by a society. The values that a person grows up with are the values that will be displayed in his or her character. Society plays a big role in influencing moral values of individuals. Moral values are a set of principles that enable an individual to distinguish between the proper and improper things or right versus wrong. The moral values that are highly valued in the society are integrity, honesty, loyalty, respect and hard work.

Importance of Moral Values in the Society:

In a society, there is interactions among people and the possession of moral values is important in those interactions. Establishment of good relationships is reliant on good moral values. Values like honesty, trust, faithfulness and loyalty are essential in establishment and sustainability of good relationships. Lack of those values causes strained relationships and misunderstanding among members of the society.

Moral values are important in building the economy. Through determination and hard work, people are able to conduct activities that contribute largely to the economic growth of a society. Also through establishment of good relationships, trade is conducted smoothly and there is teamwork in trade and performance of business transactions. The growth of the economy is important in the life quality in the society.

Moral values also play a role in prevention of conflict and ease in conflict resolution. Good relationships seldom end in conflict and whenever conflict arises, it is minimum and can be resolved easily. In a society that peace thrives, there is growth and development which results in an improved quality of life.


The society is required to thrive in good moral values. Development of moral values is challenged by migration and interactions between different cultures and societies. The interactions dilute the morals of one society through adaption and assimilation of a different culture e.g., westernization in Africa.

Poverty is a challenge to the moral values because it creates vices like theft and deceit among members of the society. In poor economic status, everyone struggles to keep up with the hard times and moral values become a thing of the past due to strive for survival.

Education is both a challenge and promoter for development of moral values. Depending on the environment of education, students pick either good or bad morals. In modern education, students tend to pick immorality because of peer pressure.


In conclusion, it is evident that moral value are an important consideration in the development of the society. Moral values go a long way in impacting the lives of an individual and the entire society. The development of moral values varies with the environmental exposure in societies. Each society should strive to uphold good moral values.

Moral values cultivated by human beings dignify the worth of human life. The morality existed from time immemorial and sustained among the communities. It amalgamated into the cultures which made the life of human beings secure and advanced. We can observe the ethical integrity in all the aspects of the individual as well as societal discourses. The moral values have been evolving with the inter-personal relationships between human beings as well as intra-personal relationships.

What are the moral values cultivated among us?

Religions have played a vital role in formulating and promoting moral values. The fundamental human values of love, respect, trust, tolerance, compassion, kindness are commonly practiced among people. Love and respect are significant in family relationships.

Love and respects are the cornerstones for the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, elders and children. The sharing and caring qualities should be encouraged among children to make them compassionate personalities in the future.

The integrity and trust plays a prominent role in maintaining professional relationships. Similarly, kindness and empathy are the two powerful units to measure the gravity of human values. Patience and forgiveness are the right symbols of a human being’s dignity.

The Relevance of Moral Values:

Nowadays, humans tend to be more focused into self-centered life. Whatever happens outside the family roof is least mattered to the modern people. The social commitment of humans towards their community gets ignored for their personal conveniences.

The compassion, brotherhood, and love are hardly found. We do not have time to spend with our parents or even have time to look after our old and sick parents. Husbands leaving their wives and vice versa have become common these days. The increased number of divorces, old age homes, and orphanages clearly show where our compassion and love stay.

The social values like secularism, religious tolerance, and universal fraternity are the most threatened moral values these days. Religious fanatics have made the lives of ordinary people terrible in many places. The violence by the fanatics are the denial of the fundamental rights of people. People do not identify the fellow beings as brothers and sisters instead they seem to recognize others on racial, economic, gender, caste, and religious terms. It affects the balance of our social system.

The increasing terrorism, revolts, violence against children and gender inequalities are the instances of the denial of fundamental rights. The refugees who wander from nations to nations, the war for food and water, robbery, child labor are still prevalent in today’s civilized society. The civilization and culture acquired through education have made our lives more primitive considering the aspect of moral values.

How to inculcate the values among the children?

Although we acquired many information and knowledge, skills and technical knowledge through our education, our curriculum gives less importance to teach human values and moral values to our children. Nowadays, children become addicted to electronic gadgets, social media, and other entertainment modes.

It is our responsibility to teach our children and students human values within our family as well as through the education system. We should help grow moral values like sharing, helping, caring, and being considerate and tolerance in our children and encourage them to practice those at an early age.

Though various cultures have different perspectives towards moral values, the fundamental human values remain the same in every culture. It is relevant to project the human values and cultivate them in our daily lives.

Moral values demand to have conviction, integrity and rational sense to dissect between right and wrong. It is not just a technical understanding of right and wrong. It is more than that. In life, even if things happen against the morale of our best belief, we tend to manage the situation which may be the right decision of the occasion. We can say morally is wrong but it is morally right too, because a concession in the moral standard might have saved a situation here.

Moral values are relative. Standing firm to the moral values should be the motto in everyone’s life. It should satisfy your conscious even if it is disadvantageous. Moral values are subject to change, and it should continue to change upon the progression of society. It should reflect on what we are standing and the kind of impact it can create on others.

Moral values can be said to simply mean the values that are good that our teachers and parents taught us. Some very important moral values include being kind and honest, always trying to help those who are in need, show respect to other people, working with others when there is a need to and faithfulness to a partner or friend. When we imbibe moral values that are good, we are building ourselves to become very good humans. A very good character is synonymous to moral values that are good. Moral values can be basically defined as values that are defined by our society so that they can help in guiding people to live a life that is disciplined. Moral values that are basic like cooperative behaviour, kindness and honesty are most times constant, some other values can change or get modified over time. Other habits that portray good moral values include integrity, helpfulness, love respectfulness, compassion and hard work.

The importance of good moral values in our lives:

Life is full of many different challenges. Each day we live, morals are very necessary in helping us differentiate between things that are wrong and things that are right. Our morals and moral values affect both us and the society around us. Good moral values can help us improve our decision making in life.

Aspects of moral values:

Moral values cut across every area of our lives and even the society at large. For us to be able to have a good society and environment, it is important for each and every one of us to have solid and good moral values. It is important that we respect each other irrespective of the age or social status of the individual we are relating to. This can help in gaining good relations in every aspects and area of life whether it is in the workplace, family or the society. Good moral values can also help us in discovering our true purpose in life.

If it is true that moral values and habits are extremely important and beneficial to us humans, why then do we have a lot of people that do not have any of the moral values and do not follow the rules of morality in this world. Why do we have a lot of crimes happening all around us in the world today? Why is there so much disbelief and distrust among all of us?

The world we live in is an extremely tempting place and there are quick fixes for all of the problems facing us and this eventually turns our attention back to the main problem. Abiding to moral values in this life requires a lot of patience and also sacrifice but eventually, it helps one in analysing the difficulties and problems one faces and help in getting a solution to them.

Overall, someone who is ready and very determined to do their best in following a life that is meaningful in a patient way ends up following moral values without any fear of the person getting judged and such person ends up standing out from among the crowd.

Imbibing and inculcating good moral values:

The best time to imbibe good moral values into a person is when the person is still young and can still learn new characters and habits. Therefore, teachers and parents should endeavour to put in their best efforts into helping students and their children imbibe very solid moral values. Most children are very observant and they copy and learn habits and behaviours of their elder siblings, parents and teachers.

Children are bound to pay solid attention to the manner of action and behaviour of people older than them and they simply do the things they do. Children tend to speak only the truth if they have noticed that the elders around them are always truthful no matter the situation.

Likewise, it is important as elders to not be engaged in any form of bad behaviour as the children tend to assume they can also do these things and that they are not wrong because the elders around them are doing it. We should try to always demonstrate good and solid moral values to children around us. The best way to teach children good and solid moral values is through our own actions and habits.

It is very important for us as human beings to bear good and solid moral values like helping others, honesty , righteousness, decency, and even self-decency. People that have great moral values are very indispensable asset to others and even the society at large.

Moral values are the models of good and bad, which direct a person’s conduct and decisions. A person may adopt moral values from society and government, religion, or self. They are also inherited from the family as well.

In past ages, it was uncommon to see couples who lived respectively without the advantage of legal marriage rules. Of late, couples that set up a family without marriage are about as common as conventional wedded couples. There has been a shift in the moral values from time to time. For instance, in earlier times, the laws and ethics essentially originated from the cultures of a family and society as a whole. As society moved into the advanced time, these have largely disintegrated and people today tend to sue their own morals they want to follow.


Moral values, as the name says, implies the significance of the moral qualities in the conduct of the kids, the youth and everyone one in life. Primarily the moral values are the qualities which one gains from life through the journey of life. They also depict the standards of what is right and what is wrong for us which we learn in the schools and in the workplace and from our surroundings as well. The beliefs which we gain from the family and the society that directs us how we lead our lives is what moral values are all about.

Moral Values in India:

India is a country which has been known for its values since the ancient times. We start to learn moral values from our family. In India, children are taught to respect their elders, greet them properly whenever they meet them. This a way of showing respect towards the elders. A child knows that he is supposed to obey whatever is asked by the elders. Such a moral value inculcates obedience in the mind of a child. Moral values are important for all of us in order to make us live a life of a good human being.

Important Moral Values in Life:

Although there are numerous moral values which one should follow in life, there are some of them which should be followed by almost everyone in the world. Firstly, always speaking the truth is one such moral value. We should never speak lies no matter what the circumstance is. Also, we should respect our elders. Our elders have seen and experienced the world better than us. It is always good for their blessings and advice in our important decisions. Loyalty towards our work and integrity are other such moral values which should be practised by one and all.

Examples from History:

There have been many examples from history which have depicted the importance and rightful following of moral values in life. One such example which we all are familiar with is from our epic Ramayana. Lord Ram was asked to go to fourteen years in exile just because his father King Dasaratha had granted a wish to the queen Kaikeyi. He could have refused it as well as it was not he who had granted the wish. But just to keep his father’s words he accepted the exile graciously and went into exile. Not only this, his wife Sita and his younger brother Laxman also followed his footsteps as they believed that it was their prime duty to follow him.

The Scenario Today:

Such was the moral value depicted during that period. But, now things are so different. People seem to have forgotten their moral values and are more focused on modern life. There are a number of instances every day where parents are left alone by their children to live a lonely old life. Many of them even die in isolation and there is no one to look after them during the last years. Apart from this, there are frequent quarrels between families over petty matters which could have been avoided if the people remembered the moral values our ancestors stood for.

Nowadays, people smoking and drinking and that too in front of their parents and children is a common sight. This is so against our moral values. We should not teach our children the evils ,such habits can do harm them in later years of their life.

The Remedy Available:

Since there has been a strong drift in the moral values of the people, the government has initiated to make the students learn about moral values in life and their importance to us. In order to execute this, schools of today teach moral values to the children in a greater sense. This is important as the students are the future of tomorrow. If the schools and the families alike teach the children such values from childhood, they shall turn into good human beings when they grow up.

Moral values depict our character to the outer world. They are of extreme importance in our lives. In earlier times, people were so determined to follow these values inherited from our ancestors. Such was their determination that once committed they never went back on their words. But with modernisation and urbanisation, we have seemed to have lost our moral values somewhere. Children disrespecting their parents are a common sight nowadays.

But, we should not blame the children for this. It is perhaps our own upbringing which has led to such immoral practices all over. It is we who should inculcate the moral values in our life first. Children will follow what they observe around them. If they shall see people living in joint families together and respecting each other, even they shall do so when they grow up. If we speak lies to our children even they shall do so. For the children imbibe the habits they see in their parents, teachers, peers at school and others around them.

So, it is we who have to take the first step forward. The children shall surely follow us. Moral values give us character and strength. If each one us practice some moral values in life, there would be peace and harmony all around. Moreover, we shall have a bright future for our next generations as well.

Moral Science , Moral Values , Values

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Paragraph on Moral Values 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Moral Values: Moral values are the critical essence of life, and it is these values come along with us through the journey of life. Moral values are the principles that guide our lives in the righteous path and do not allow us to harm others.

Moral values empower us to stand as unique creatures. These values are the basis for almost every religion. Since childhood, we were taught about being kind to others, empowering good habits at home and school. Some significant moral values are kindness, honesty, truthfulness, selflessness, compassion, and love. Moral values are principles that guide our life on the right path and do not allow us to do any harm to others.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph on Moral Values – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves will make them successful human beings” – Ann Landers.

Moral values are a pioneer; that every child learns from their homes. What is wrong and what is right is something that we see and learn from our parents and our own experiences. Most families in India are unusually strict when it comes to imbibing moral values. They emphasize the importance and try to help their children embed the same from an early age.

Many religions talk about moral values as part of their belief systems. Moral values are fundamental to each and everyone because it is these values that transform us into better human beings. The two perspectives of moral values are; firstly, a person must bear ethical, moral values even at the cost of his/ her happiness, and secondly, a person must not be too strict with oneself.

Paragraph on Moral Values - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

Paragraph on Moral Values – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, and 8 Students

Moral values are the principles of good and evil, which shows a person’s behavior and judgments. A person may embrace moral values from society and government, religion, or self. They are derived from the family as well. Moral values can be adjusted to some extent if they become a cause of pressure. Teens these days are more inclined towards seeking happiness rather than esteeming moral values. This may be attributed to the growing influence of western culture.

A person without good values is considered to hold a disagreeable character, and the society will start judging the person according to his/her behavior. The competitive world of ours has made every person kill his/her moral Value for their development and growth. Such mean and unethical activities like dishonesty, telling lies for your benefit, hurting others, and even many worse things should be avoided.

Our society is filled with immoral people who find every scope to deceive others through their activities. The young ones acquire more things by observing their elders, and they mimic the same way their elders behave. It is the duty of elders like parents, teachers, etc., to grow the future generation with more moral values sowed in them by improving their behavior.

The goal of including moral values into education is to ensure that, upon graduation, students have the awareness and skills required to work and be a part of a safe, peaceful, and cooperative society.

Paragraph on Moral Values – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exam Students

India is a country known for its values since biblical times. We begin to learn moral values from our family. Here children are taught to respect their elders, greet them properly whenever they meet them. A child knows that he should obey his elders whatever is ask him to do. There are many examples from history which have represented the importance of moral values in life. One such example was when Lord Ram was asked to go to fourteen years in exile. Lord Ram could have denied it, But to keep his father’s words, he accepted the exile graciously and went into exile.

Such values teach obedience in the mind of a child. Moral values are essential for all of us to make us live a life of a good human being.

Moral values are principles that enable an individual to differentiate between proper and improper things or what is right and what is wrong. A society also instills moral values. A person grows up with the values which are displayed in his or her personality. Community plays a significant role in influencing the moral values of individuals.

The moral implications that are valued in society are integrity, honesty, loyalty, respect, and hard work. Moral values even happen to be applied in our workplace; people look for individuals with ethical values. In every organization, a defined ethical code of conduct is expected to be followed by the employees for fundamental societal moral values. Organizations with people having ethical, moral values run more orderly and efficiently. Instead of just thinking about success and goals, moral values will give us the courage to look for others’ happiness. A person with better values is motivated and finds all possible ways to spread good vibes in and around them. Pulverizing other’s happiness around you for attaining the goals you aspire is the most terrible crime of moral values.

Moral values are the type of law defined by society to guide people on how to behave in daily life. Sometimes, one may have a different view and feel the moral guidelines too harsh or wrong. Such guidance can be advised for the welfare of society.

Importance of Moral Values

  • To Prepare Children for Their future roles to play in society.
  • To Provide an Alternative to the Violence and Dishonesty Students See Around Them
  • To understand the bad and the good for society and even for themselves
  • The Values Will Stick With Them for Life
  • Respect for Others, hard work, honesty, and Forgiveness is an essential part of moral Value.

We need to bear right and stable moral values. Honesty, Righteousness, decency, hard work, and even self-decency are part of having a good moral value. People with high moral values are a very indispensable asset to others and also the society at large. So, it is us who have to take the first step forward. The children shall surely follow us. Moral values give us character and strength. If each of us follows some moral values in life, there would be peace and harmony. Besides, we shall have a bright future for the next generations as well.

Paragraph on Moral Values - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exam Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Moral Values

Questions 1. What is Moral Value?

Answer: Moral values are the principles that guide our lives in the righteous path and do not allow us to harm others. It empowers us to stand as unique creatures.

Question 2. Why is Moral Value important?

Answer: Moral values are essential to each and everyone because it is these values that transform us into better human beings. Moral values are principles that enable an individual to differentiate between proper and improper things or what is right and what is wrong.

Question 3. How do moral values help in the workplace?

Answer: In every workplace, a defined ethical code of conduct is expected to be followed by the employees. Moral implications valued in every workplace are integrity, honesty, loyalty, respect, and hard work. Organizations with people having good moral values run more orderly and efficiently.

Question 4. What moral values a person should develop?

Answer: A person should develop Respect, honesty, gratefulness, kindness, helpfulness, and compromising quality. These qualities help a person to become better in life.

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Essay on importance of moral education in 150 words


Essay on importance of moral education

  • Moral education comprises a set of notions and guidance developed in the journey of philosophy of our society.
  • Moral Education makes a student nicely mannered , thoughtful , active , non-bullying , obedient , and helpful . Moral Education guides the attitude, personalities, and ambitions of the students toward others and essence. It helps a person throughout his or her life to determine what is true or what is false.
  • Education furnishes us with knowledge in available and logical ways that guide future generations. The moral studies system provides an individual with abilities, manners, attitudes, and values that will help him or she attain a prosperous and affluent life.
  • There are several procedures of education in various parts of the world. But no system of education can be precise without students getting ethical moral education as a part of their curriculum. This progressive approach towards moral education has resulted in a more unified society where students become more unconditional and compassionate towards each other along with being prosperous individually.


The future of our country depends on the moral values imparted to them in their student life. Moral lessons should be properly taught among students in schools and colleges. It is the duty and responsibility of the teacher to impart moral based values in order to develop moral qualities such as humility, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, tolerance, sacrifice etc among the youth. It will help in developing positive social attitudes in new generation which prompt them to raise their voice against social evils. The harmonious coexistence of different ideologies in society requires respect for moral and ethical values. Value education inculcates these virtues in a systematic manner. Morality is essentially the knowledge of knowing what is right and what is wrong. Only with morality we can preserve our sense of humanity and empathy for others’ sorrows while at the same time we can retain our sense of altruism for others.

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Essay on Importance of Education for Students

500 words essay on importance of education.

To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.

essay on importance of education

Importance of Education in Life

First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology . Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.

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Importance of Education in Society

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread. Important developments in war equipment, medicine , computers, take place due to Education.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all countries must ensure to spread Education.

FAQs on Essay on Importance of Education

Q.1 How Education helps in Employment?

A.1 Education helps in Employment by providing necessary skills. These skills are important for doing a high paying job.

Q.2 Mention one way in Education helps a society?

A.2 Education helps society by spreading knowledge. This certainly is one excellent contribution to Education.

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Write a paragraph of about 150 word, on the following topic. Need for Moral Education in schools - English


Write a paragraph of about 150 word, on the following topic.

Need for Moral Education in schools

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Education is only complete when it leads to the all-round development of the individual, not only mental but also moral development. Moral Education influences the social thinking of the individual and makes him or her distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Moral Education is important as it teaches diversity, tolerance mutual respect, and moral values.

Moral values are values that express ideas about the good life. Honesty, responsibility, and respect for others is the domain of moral education. The study of morality is vital because we live in a world of rapid change. Education should make children learn moral values such as truthfulness, honesty, charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness, and simplicity. Moral education should be taught as a separate subject like moral science. Thus moral education is important in schools as it teaches many good things.


Sounds are tiny vibrations that can travel through air and other materials. The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels (db). Typical sound level in decibels: (1) Silence                                        0db (2) Rustle of leaves                           10 db (3) Breathing                                    10 db (4) Radio music inside home              50-60 db (5) Loud television                            70 db (6) Road traffic Noise                        60-90 db (7) Powerful rock music                    100 db (8) Motor cycle                                105 db (9) Heavy truck traffic                      90-100 db (10) Wind in the trees                       20 db

Read the following information and prepare a fact life: Delhi, capital of India, has an area of 1,483 Haryana and U.P are its neighbours. It has a literacy rate of 81.7%: (males 87.3 %, females 74.7%). People generally speak Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English. It is known for its Roshnara festival Shalimar, Qutab, mango festivals, garden Tourism and winter carnival.

Imagine you are Gitika. Road the following conversation and write a suitable message for your mother in 50-60 words:

Ankita  : Hi, didi ! I'm Ankita on the line. Is aunty at home?

Gitika   : No, she has gone to visit my grandparents. Is there any problem?

Ankita  : No, I just wanted to inform her that we have a special havan tomorrow at 9 a.m. at our place. My mother has specially invited all of you.

Gitika   : Okay, Thanks ! I'll inform her and we will definitely come.

Wrestling mostly a male sport – Sakshi born in conservative surroundings – most unfavourable gender ratio for females – parental encouragement – one can't forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout.

Read the following extract carefully and present the information in the form of notes with the help of the given clues : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of India. He was a teacher, a philosopher and 'an author. He had introduced the thinking of Western idealist philosophers like Plato, Plontinus, Bergson into Indian thought. He was born on 5th of September, 1888 in a poor Brahmin family. As his father could not afford his education expenses, Radhakrishnan supported most of his education through scholarships. He completed his B.A. and M.A. with majors in philosophy. He went on to become a professor of philosophy. He showed that Indian Philosophy, once translated into standard academic jargon, is worthy of being called philosophy by Western standards. He thus, placed Indian Philosophy on world map. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had established a strong relationship with the Soviet Union when he w Is appointed as the ambassador to the Soviet Union. He has been honoured with many awards for his achievements nationally and internationally. He was honoured with the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He is also acknowledged with the Templeton Prize, Peace Prize of German Book Trade, Order of Merit and many other honours. Title : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Birth : 5th September, 1888 Qualifications : B.A. ___________ Introduced thinking of : _________,_________and ____ into Indian thought. Work : Translated_____________ into standard____________ Ambassador : __________________________________ Honours : National___________                 International Order of Merit

Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : They whisper like drizzle as they roam the streets with a lost gaze as though something they had thrown up never returned to earth.

They shiver like December nights in their dreamless sleep on shop verandahs.

(1) Why do the old women in this extract roam the streets?

(2) What would you like to do for the betterment of the old people? 

(3) Find out an example of 'onomatopoeia' from the first stanza of the extract.

(4) Pick out the expressions from the extract showing the sad situation of the old women.

Read the following extract and complete the note with the help of the clues provided :  Vitamins are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin C). They consist mainly of the elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in bod)' fat, while water-soluble vita1nins are used or quickly excreted in the urine. Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair, and bones; the B vitamins help enzymes to function; C is essential for the formation of collagen; D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage, and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and so must be obtained directly from food.

B Vitamins Fat-soluble
Vitamins consist of 1.
2. Oxygen
4. Hydrogen
Vitamin A
Essential for eyes, skin, etc.
Formation of collagen
Prevents cell damage

Write an application in response to the following advertisement using information given in the CV provided :

Smart, English speaking salesman for an electronic
showroom. Good salary offered. An experienced candidate will be preferred.
Write giving details to : The Proprietor, Ganesh Electronics, M.G. Road, Solapur.
(1) Name: Suhas Randive
(2) Age: 29 years
(3) Address: 105, Roshan Apartment, L.T. Road, Pune - 11
(4) Educational: B. A. (First class), Pune University qualification
(5) Experience: 3 years' experience of working as a salesman in a textile shop.
(6) Interests: Travelling, photography, reading.

Suggest two measures to increase the number of birds.

Complete the table :

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Give your suggestions that will help the people to make Maharashtra prosperous.

     Have you are wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in the jungles, their green attire blends into the surrounding trees and shrubs, making it difficult for the enemies to spot them.

        Long before man-made use of camouflaging, insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators.

       Butterflies and moths have developed a variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenceless and their predators are abundant. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around.

   Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world would be so dull and colourless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colours of bees and wasps to escape from being pursued by their predator. Long ago, birds have already learnt to avoid brilliantly coloured wasps and bees in fear of their painful stings. Hence, over millions of years, many harmless insects have assimilated the bees and wasps by imitating. their bright body colours and shapes. In this way, they appear dangerous and hence ward them off.

      The beefy, not only appears like the bumblebee in terms of body colour, even its hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the beefy does not have a stirring and is hence harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates. the body colours of the wasps. Their bodies are striped yellow and black. The only deviations are that hoverflies do not have stings, and they have only one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each. These variations are hardly noticed by the predators and hence help them to escape.

A1. Complete the table with the information from the passage : (2)

Insects Similarity Difference
Bumblebee - Beefy    
Wasp - Hoverfly    

A2. Complete the tree diagram : (2)

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

A3. Find out : (2)

‘Nature has given a self-protection mechanism to insects’. Find out at least two examples from the passage to prove this statement. 

A4. Vocabulary - (2)

Find the words from the passage for : (i) animal or bird that hunts other for food (ii) to get free from danger (iii) to prevent something from harming (iv) to make a copy

A5. Personal response - (2)

‘Soldiers disguise themselves to prevent enemies to spot them’. Give two more examples when the disguising technique is used by humans.

A6. Grammar - (2)

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (i) They have only one pair of wings. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (ii) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. (Replace infinitive with gerund and rewrite)

(B) Summary : (3)

Summarise the above extract with the help of the points given and suggest a suitable title. Camouflage of soldiers and insects - reason and ways for disguising - assimilation of insects - need of imitation.

Point out -  Point out two instances where you find Chaitanya's victory over his disability.

Give reasons - Chaitanya’s silver medal in a running race was very special for the writer, because : (i) __________________ (ii) __________________

Answer of these question in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

Punctuation Use capital letter, full stops, question marks, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. an arrogant lion was wandering though the jungle one day he asked the tiger who is stronger than you you O lion replied the tiger who is more fierce than a leopard asked the lion you sir replied the leopard he marched upto an elephant and asked the same question the elephant picked him up in his trunk swung him in the air and threw him down look said the lion there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.

Here is a topic for you to

1. think about;

2. give your opinion on.

Find out what other people think about it. Ask your friends/seniors/parents to give you their opinion.

‘Career Building Is the Only Goal of Education.’

‘Getting a Good Job Is More Important than Being a Good Human Being.’

You can use the following phrases

(i) while giving your opinion:

• I think that...

• In my opinion...

• It seems to me that…

• I am of the view that...

• As far as I know...

• If you ask me...

(ii) saying what other people think:

• According to some...

• Quite a few think...

• Some others favour...

• Thirty per cent of the people disagree...

• Fifty per cent of them strongly feel...

(iii) asking for others’ opinions:

• What do you think about...

• What do you think of...

• What is your opinion about...

• Do you agree...

• Does this make you believe...

Imagine that you are Santosh Yadav, or Maria Sharapova. You have been invited to speak at an All India Girls’ Athletic Meet, as chief guest. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to think and dream big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them. The following words and phrases may help you.

• self confident/confidence/sure of yourself

• self assured/assurance/belief in yourself

• morale/boost morale/raise morale

• giving somebody a boost/fillip/lift

• demoralising/unsure of yourself/insecure/lack confidence

Working in pairs, go through the table below that gives you information about the top women tennis players since 1975. Write a short article for your school magazine comparing and contrasting the players in terms of their duration at the top. Mention some qualities that you think may be responsible for their brief or long stay at the top spot.

Top-Ranked Women Players

I. The roll of honour of women who enjoyed life at the summit since everybody’s favourite player, Chris Evert, took her place in 1975.

Maria Sharapova (Russia) 22 August 2005 1
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.)

October 2004

Amelie Mauresmo (France) 13 September 2004 5

Justine Henin-Hardenne (Belgium)

20 October 2003 45
Kim Clijsters (Belgium) 11 August 2003 12
Serena Williams (U.S.) 8 July 2002 57
Venus Williams (U.S.) 25 February 2002 11
Jennifer Capriati (U.S.) 15 October 2001 17
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.) 12 October 1998 82
Martina Hingis (Switzerland) 31 March 1997 209
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (Spain) 6 February 1995 12
Monica Seles (U.S.) 11 March 1991 178
Steffi Graf (Germany) 17 August 1987 377
Tracy Austin (U.S.) 7 April 1980 22
Martina Navratilova (U.S.) 10 July 1978 331
Chris Evert (U.S.) 3 November 1975 362

Which of these words would you use to describe Santosh Yadav? Find reasons in the text to support your choices, and write a couple of paragraphs describing Santosh’s character

contented determined resourceful polite adventurous considerate
weak-willed fearful



patient persevering

Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Transform the following sentence as per the given instruction.

The old woman said to Arun, “Can you help me to cross the street?” (Begin: The old woman asked Arun……………….) 

As soon as the sun rose over the hills, the fog disappeared. (Begin: No sooner ……………………..) 

How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh! (Begin: It was cruel………………….) 

You had gone on a trekking expendition with a group of friends. As night closed in, you realised that you were separated from the group. Describe your initial feelings and the place where you got lost. How did you spend the night alone before you were reunited with your group? 

It is easy to advise others not to worry, but difficult for oneself to follow the same. Narrate an experience which made you realise the truth of this statement. 


You are Nitin / Nitin from XYZ School. You wish to start applying to various colleges for admission after your ISC examination. In about 300 words, draft your personal profile using the guidelines given below : 

Your name, year spend in the school you are passing out from – academin interests and performane – cultural activities you participated in – sports  - positions of leadership held during your staty in the school – your future plans and goals – two characteristics that your consider to be your strengths – two characteristics that set you apart from the others.

As a member of the Student Council of you school, you wish to start an old clothes collection drive. These clothes are to be donate to an orphanage nearby. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, stating the steps you would take to make it a seccess. 

In the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A.  Write sentence B.

(A) He is so old that be cannot remember events of the past. (B) He is too ............................................................................

(A) No other planet is as big as Jupiter. (B) Jupiter ............................................................................... 

In the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A.  Write sentence B. (A) He is forgetful as well as careless with his work. (B) Besides ............................................................................. 

(A) She said that she would return the book to the library the next day. (B) She said, “.........................................................................” 

Fill in the blank with the suitable word. 

Her aunt looks _____________ her aging grandparents. 

What does the tree symbolise in the poem?

Pick out aparadox from the poem.

Explain the expression, ‘wonder-waiting eyes.’

How can the heart dance?

The poet compares the flowers to the milky way. Is the comparison apt?

What are the fears of the caged bird? Answer with examples from Maya Angelou’s poem.

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage Can seldom see through his bars of rage His wings are clipped and his feet are tied So he opens his throat to sing.

Read the above lines and answer the question that follow.

What docs the word “clipped” mean in this poem?

Examine how cross cultural differences bring out humor in “A Horse and Two Goats.”

Discuss theme of kindness and compassion in “Hearts and Hands” by O. Henry?

The story propagates the idea that dreams are necessary to remain happy, even if for a short while.

What is the central conflict of the story “All Summer in a Day”?

What is the setting of “All Summer in a Day”?

Write a composition (350 - 400 words) on the following:

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow: 

Benedick: I can see yet without spectacles, and I see no such matter. There's her cousin, she were not possessed with a fury, exceeds her as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December. But I hope you have no intent to turn husband, have you?

Claudio: I would scarce trust myself though I had sworn the contrary if I Hero would be my wife.

(i) Whom is Benedick referring to in the above lines?  (ii) Benedick says: 'I see no such matter.' What does he mean by it? (iii) Explain the lines:

"There's her cousin, she was not possessed with a fury, exceeds her as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December".  (iv) What does the comparison of Beatrice with May suggest about Benedick? (v) What does Claudio mean by 'sworn the contrary'?  (vi) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: possessed; fury; intent 

You are the editor of your school magazine. You have recently attended a cultural program in your city. Write an account of this program (in approximately 300 words) using the points given below:

Date and venue — occasion — Chief Guest — other invitees — inauguration — events —other important features — highlights — reaction of audience — conclusion.

Don John: Come, let us to the banquet                   [Exeunt all but Claudio] 

Claudio: Thus answer 1 in name of Benedick, But hear this ill news with the ears of Claudio. 'Tis certain so; the prince woos for himself. Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love. Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues. Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. This is an accident of hourly proof, Which I Mistrusted not. Farewell, therefore, Hero. [Enter Benedick] 

Benedick: Count Claudio?

Claudio: Yea, the same. 

(i) Where are the speakers? Describe Claudio's state of mind? (ii) What has Don John just revealed to Claudio?  (iii) Explain the lines:

"Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues. Let every eye negotiate for itself, And trust no agent;" (iv) How does Don John succeed in conveying his thoughts to Claudio? What is his intention in doing so?  (v) Why is 'beauty' said to be a 'witch'? Which aspect of Claudio is seen here?  (vi) Give the meanings of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage: ill; save; office; 

(A) It is such a wonderful opportunity that we must not miss it. (B) It is too………………………….. 

(A) I am afraid you cannot get admission to the college without clearing the admission test. (B) I am afraid you cannot be……………….

(A) If Rita had finished her work earlier, she would have gone to the market. (B) Had…………………………

Every family has a black sheep. (Begin: There is no ………….) 

Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow:

Come away from the window (She takes him firmly back to the middle of the room. The moment she releases him he turns mechanically towards the window again. She seizes him and turns him back, exclaiming) Please! (He becomes motionless, like a hypnotized rabbit, his fatigue gaining fast on him. She releases him, and addresses him patronizingly). Now listen. You must trust to our hospitality. You do not yet know in whose house you are. I am a Petkoff. 

The Man: A pet what? 

Raina : [rather indignantly] I mean that I belong to the family of the Petkoffs, the richest and best known in our country. 

The Man: Oh yes, of course. I beg your pardon. The Petkoffs, to be sure. How stupid of me! 

Raina: You know you never heard of them until this moment. How can you stoop to pretend! 

The Man: Forgive me. I'm too tired to think, and the change of subject was too much for me. Don't scold me.

(i) Why did the man keep turning to the window?  (ii) Which examples of the social superiority of the Petkoff's does Raina give the man? (iii) Which opera does Raina mention? With whom does she compare herself? What does this tell you about her?  (iv) In Raina's opinion, what should the man have done instead of threatening her?  (v) What does the man tell Raina about his father? Why does he do so?  (vi)  What does the man do at the end of the scene? 

The chairman says that he will look________their complaints.

The soldier laid________their lives defending their country.

The programme ran________six hours.

I have appointment________the dentist.

The best candidate should be appointed________the post.

Louka! (she stops and looks defiantly at him) A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any ` circumstances. [with profound humility, uncovering his head]  beg your pardon. 

That sort of apology may satisfy a lady. Of what use is it to a servant? 

[rudely crossed in his chivalry, throws it off with a bitter laugh, and says slightingly) Oh! Do you wish to be paid for the hurt? [He puts on his shako, and takes some money from his pocket].

[her eyes filling with tears in spite of herself] No: I want my hurt made well.

Sergius : [sobered by her tone] I low?

(i) Why does Sergius ask Louka's pardon?  (ii) Why had he hurt her?  (iii) Why does Louka remind Sergius that she is a servant?  (iv) Why do Louka's eyes fill with tears?  (v) How does Louka want her hurt made well?  (vi) How does Sergius react to the suggestion 

Write an original short story that begins with the words : “The day started off well enough, whoever thought it would ……….”

[timidly] Nine thousand hotels? 

Bluntschli :

Hotels! Nonsense. If you only knew! Oh, it's too ridiculous. Excuse me: I must give my fellow orders about starting. [He leaves the room hastily, with the documents in his hand]. 

[knowing instinctively that she can annoy Raina by disparaging Bluntschli] He has not much heart, that Swiss. He has not a word of grief for his poor father. 

[bitterly] Grief! A man who has been doing nothing but killing people for years! What does he care about? What does any soldier care about? [She goes to the door, restraining her tears with difficulty].

Major Saranoff has been fighting too, and he has plenty of heart left. [Raina, at the door, draws herself up haughtily and goes out].

(i)  What news has Bluntschli just received?  (ii)  What makes Raina ask, `Nine thousand hotels'?  (iii)  Why is Bluntschli in such a hurry to leave? What does Louka comment about him?  (iv)  Why is Raina upset with Bluntschli?  (v) Why in your opinion, does Louka compare Bluntschli to Sergius? What does she comment when Raina leaves the room? (vi)   Who enters the room at this point? What news does he give Louka? 

Referring closely to specific instances in the play 'Arms and the Man', discuss how Shaw presents class distinctions and social snobbery. 

With close reference to the novel Ivanhoe discuss how the central plot revolves around the conflicts and tensions between the Normans and the Saxons. 

The character of King Richard I is presented in Ivanhoe not only with all his admirable qualities but also with his shortcomings. Elaborate with close reference to the text.

When did he realise that there was something wrong? 

Ichabod Crane, the central character of the short story 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow', is a person who arouses both our amusement and pity. Discuss. 

The anthology `ISC Collection of Short Stories' includes several stories in which a woman is a central character. Which female character has awakened your admiration, sympathy or interest and why? 

Wilfred Owen paints a horrific picture of a nightmarish memory on the battlefield. How does Duke et Decorum Est become Owen's condemnation and bitter response to war?

Write an original short story that begins with the words: “It's not my fault”, he shouted………”

Write a composition (350 – 400 words) on the following: 

Describe in detail the view from your bedroom window. Does your room overlook a park? A busy street? What are the sights, sounds, and smells that you would typically see, hear, and experience at different times of the day? What do you most enjoy about the view? Early in the morning, in the evening, or late at night?

‘Working women make better mothers than women who stay at home’. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Describe an early morning walk through your city or town in winter. Give details of the smells, sights, sounds, and feelings you experienced.

Your uncle has promised to give you a gift of Rs. 1000/-. Write a letter thanking him for the offer, tell him how you plan to spend the money; and why you wish to spend it in this way.

Give an account of how lies were against Snowball after his expulsion, in order to paint him as a traitor.

Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. 

Example: (0) From his perch behind the clock, Hugo could (0)……. (see) everything.

Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

  • As soon as we lit the candle, the power supply was restored. (Begin: No sooner………. )
  • The bee is more industrious than all other creatures. (Use: ‘most industrious’)
  • The old woman was too slow to catch the bus. (Begin : The old woman was so……… )
  • “I’ll do it tomorrow,” he promised. (Rewrite in indirect speech)
  • Though Reema got an expensive gift she was not happy. (Begin: In spite of……… )
  • I prefer reading a book to watching a movie. (Begin: I would rather…….. )
  • I have never seen Mr. Roy lose his temper. (Begin: Never…….. )
  • She found your keys in the garage. (Begin: The keys……… )

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: “That only leaves October, November, and December,”’ said the Queen. "And after that, we shall have to begin all over again.” “No, we shan’t,” said the King, “because I think twelve daughters are enough for any man and after the birth of dear little December I shall be reluctantly compelled to cut off your head.” He cried bitterly when he said this, for he was extremely fond of the Queen.

(i)  Why did the king change the names of his daughters so many times? 

(ii) In what way was Princess September different from her sisters?  What reason does the author give for this difference in their temperaments? 

(iii)  Which unusual birthday tradition did the King of Siam observe? Mention some of the gifts that he gave. 

(iv)  Why did Princess September put the Nightingale in a cage? What reasons did she give to the bird for putting it in a cage and then keeping it there? 

(v)  How did the bird behave upon being locked in a cage? What is the message of the story? 

What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with danger?

Here are the terms of different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your language.

The following are the meaning listed in the dictionary against the phrase `take on’. In which meaning is it used in the third paragraph of the account:

Take on sth:

to begin to have a particular quality or appearance; to assume sth

take sb on:

to employ sb; to engage sb
to accept sb as one’s opponent in a game, contest or conflict

Take sb/sth on:

to decide to do sth; to allow sth/sb to enter e.g. a bus, plane or ship; to take sth/sb on board

In what ways do you think we could help prevent the extinction of languages and dialects?

Given below is an interesting combination of words. Explain why they have been used together.

casket grey

virtual body

Name some leaves and flowers that are used as adornments in our country.

Words with the sound ‘ch’ as in ‘chart’ and ‘tr’ as in ‘trembles’ in the poem.

(i)  Contrast the Chinese view of art with the European view, with examples.

(ii)  Explain the concept of shanshui.

Discuss the following statement in groups of four.

“The landscape is an inner one, a spiritual and conceptual space.”

The following common words are used in more than one sense.







Examine the following sets of sentences to find out what the words, ‘panel’ and ‘essence’ mean in different contexts.

1. (i) The masks from Bawa village in Mali look like long panels of decorated wood.

(ii) Judge H. Hobart Grooms told the jury panel he had heard the reports.

(iii)The panel is laying the groundwork for an international treaty.

(iv)The glass panels of the window were broken.

(v) Through the many round tables, workshops and panel discussions, a consensus was reached.

(vi)The sink in the hinged panel above the bunk drains into the head.

2. (i) Their repetitive structure must have taught the people around the great composer the essence of music.

(ii) Part of the answer is in the proposition; but the essence is in the meaning.

(iii)The implications of these schools of thought are of practical essence for the teacher.

(iv) They had added vanilla essence to the pudding.

Combine the following sets of ideas to show the contrast between them.

(i)  European art tries to achieve a perfect, illusionistic likeness.

(ii) Asian art tries to capture the essence of inner life and spirit.

(i)  The Emperor may rule over the territory he has conquered.

(ii)  The artist knows the way within.

Find out about as many Indian schools of painting as you can. Write a short note on the distinctive features of each school.

Find out about experiments in recycling that help in environmental conservation.

Why are the last two lines put within brackets?

Notice the following sentence patterns.

For song…duly with love returns

Rewrite the above sentences in prose.

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics. Those who can bear all can dare all

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics. Public Health In Transition

What does the notice 'The world's most dangerous animal' at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, signify?

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics.

Success begins in the mind

Discuss in groups of four.

The problems of over population that directly affect our everyday life.

Does Frank seem to encourage Taplow's comments on Crocker-Harris?

Discuss with your partners

The manner you adopt when you talk about a teacher to other teachers.

A sadist is a person who gets pleasure out of giving pain to others. Given below are some dictionary definitions of certain kinds of persons.

Find out the words that fit these descriptions. 

1.  A person who considers it very important that things should be correct or genuine e.g. in the use of language or in the arts: P... 

2.  A person who believes that war and violence are wrong and will not fight in a war: P... 

3. A person who believes that nothing really exists: N... 

4.  A person who is always hopeful and expects the best in all things: O... 

5.  A person who follows generally accepted norms of behaviour: C... 

6.  A person who believes that material possessions are all that matter in life: M... 

Based on the text enact your own version of the play. Work in pairs.

What according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up?

Distinguish between the following pairs of sentences.

The librarian spoke respectfully to the learned scholar.

Explain the following phrase Spinning yarns

Use it in a sentence of your own.

How did Holmes guess that John Garrideb would go to 136, Little Ryder Street? Did he expect to find what he ultimately did before he went there?

‘It was worth a wound—it was worth many wounds—to know the depth of loyalty and love that lay behind that cold mask’— how does this comment throw light on the kind of relationship between Holmes and Watson?

The cleverest of criminals leave behind clues to their crime.

How does Mammachi stand out as an independent resilient woman in the text?

Approval from the outside world and approval within the family.

How does the author succeed in raising crucial social issues not through open criticism but through subtle suggestion?

Entomologist  and  lepidopterists are mentioned in the text and you must have guessed the meanings of these words or found them out in the dictionary.

Now match the kinds of scientists given with the work they do:


study of the skin


study of cells


study of birds


study of old age


study of the design of equipment

Guess what these words and phrases mean from the context


Grundig reel-to-reel





forsythia bushes






Indicate the details that tell us that the narrator was not very financially comfortable during his stay in London.

How did the narrator adjust to the ways of life first in London and then in Cambridge, U.S.A.?

Discuss in pairs or in small groups

Living abroad is challenging in many ways.

The eccentricities of the old are often endearing.

Discuss the manner in which the author interweaves details of the narrator’s family with the flow of the main narrative.

There are many instances of gentle humour in the story. Point out some of these and state how this contributes to the interest of the narration.

‘Don’t expect  an English cup of tea ’—how does this phrase bring out the contrast between English and American attitudes?

How did the narrator learn to distinguish between 'a flask' and 'a thermos'?

Give reasons for the following.

Satyajit attending the village wedding.

Satyajit’s recollection of the forgerer when he was on the train.

Satyajit should have revealed his predicament to his uncle.

The author's comment on crime and punishment.

The author is a humorist

a. How does the story reflect his sense of humour?

b. What makes his lady friend remark - 'You are quite a humorist'?

c. Give instances of the author's ability to laugh at himself.

‘Forgiveness is often better than punishment’. Write two paragraphs – one for and another against this notion.

You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an interview of a cop. Frame 8-10 questions with the help of the following points, give introduction and conclusion.

  • reasons for joining the department
  • special training
  • developing the skill to identify and locate criminals
  • dealing with criminals
  • achievements and awards.

Make a list of jobs which would give you an opportunity to help the society or serve the country. Also mention the different ways in which they can be beneficial to the people and also the country.

Go to your school/college library and read some other stories by O’Henry like, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Last Leaf’ and ‘After Twenty years’. Write the stories in short in your notebook.

Interview the students of your class regarding the career they would like to pursue and the reason for selecting that particular career. Collect the data from your class and analyze the information you have collected.

Surf the net and obtain more information about the conservation work done by Shaaz. Prepare posters to inspire others and display them on your college noticeboard.

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wild life such as:

Forest officer / Ranger

Wildlife photographer

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wildlife such as:


There are certain words that are repeated in the poem. For example, ‘no more’ (Line 7). Find out other similar expressions. Explain the effect they have created in the poem.

The use of personal pronoun ‘I’ is evident and prominent in this poem. Give reasons.

Write four to six lines of Free Verse on the topic ‘The road that leads to my college’. Express that it is the road to knowledge and bright future. You may begin like this: Every day I tread with the bag of books …

Take help from the sources available on the internet and make a list of proverbs and quotations about ‘road’.

Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost.

A handicraft exhibition is being organized in your college. You are given the task to compere the inaugural function. Write the script for compering.

Go to your college library and collect and read the poems written by Sarojini Naidu.

Find various career opportunities in Small-scale Industries like Handloom, Art and Craft, Block Printing, etc.

Find out information about the Mahavastra of Maharashtra - Paithani.

Compose 4-6 lines on your own on ‘Good deeds’.

Find out different career opportunities in the field of social work.

Write a character sketch of your family member.

Now write a paragraph or two about these two stories, comparing them.

Multiple Choice Question:

The quarrel finally ended when ______

Use the phrase in a sentence of your own, after finding out its meaning.

We add ‘un-’ to make opposites. For example, true — untrue. Add ‘un’– to the word below to make its opposite. Then look up the meaning of the word you have formed in the dictionary.

identified ______

interesting: ____________

qualified: ____________

In her message to students of her college, Kalpana Chawla said, “May you have the vision to find the path from dreams to success … Wishing you a great journey.”

Form pairs. Use “May you…” and “I wish you/Wishing you” to wish your partner good luck and success in

  • a sports event,
  • a quiz or a competition, and
  • a test or examination.

Be sure to thank your partner when she/he wishes you in turn. You may also look up a telephone directory, or go to a post office, and get a list in English and Hindi of standard phrases that can be sent in greeting telegrams anywhere in India. Discuss which of these you might use, and when. Compare the English and Hindi phrases for expressing good wishes. Do you know such phrases in any other language?

How did Kalpana Chawla meet her end? When did this tragedy in space take place?

A poem for you to read

All but Blind*

All but blind In his chambered hole Gropes for worms The four-clawed Mole.

All but blind In the evening sky The hooded Bat Twirls softly by.

All but blind

In the burning day The Barn Owl blunders On her way.

And blind as are These three to me, So, blind to Someone I must be.

Make a short list of things you find difficult to do. For example:

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Compare your list with the others in the class. Can you explain why you find these things difficult to do?

Narrate in 100 words an incident, that illustrates the way a friend of yours ‘made you feel happy and accepted’, at some point in your life.

Give reasons, for us being reluctant to make friends with some strangers, but being comfortable with some, even after meeting them for the first time.

Are friends different from neighbors? Are you friends with your neighbors? Give examples and write.

Complete the web highlighting the feelings/emotions of Tenzing after reaching the summit.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': husiar.

Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': Ice axe.

After reading the text one can easily understand that there is a lot of risks involved in mountaineering. Write in short about any adventure sport that you like and the risk involved in it.

Give your opinion: Whether we should or should not participate in adventure sports because __________________.

Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the sentence is wrong give reasons.

Discuss with your partner and complete the web of different activities related to climbing.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Go through the text once again and note down Devu Handa’s fond memories of Kasbai in your exercise book. One is done for you.

Devu Handa has fond memories of Kasbai. They are as follows!

(a) It needs ______________ rain.

(b) _________________

(c) _________________

Planting and growing more crops a year seems to be progressed by normal standards, but the chapter makes a case against it. Give reasons.

Describe in about 150 words your experience similar to the writer’s when you pursued something and reached your goal.

Discuss with your partner and choose the correct alternative.

A democratic country is governed by, its - __________________.

Imagine that you are the fellow - pilgrim and you wish to share your experience of the incident in the poem. Write a short article about it for a magazine/journal. Also, convey what change it has brought in your life.

Write your views/opinions in brief on the following topic.

Role of youth in creating social awareness.

Imagine that Revathi’s father is abroad on business and she wishes to convey the news of her prize-winning plants. Draft an email for the above subject. Use an email format.

Recall your favorite crime story on TV. Discuss with your friend how you could prevent the villain/thief from committing the crime/theft.

Imagine your friend/younger brother or sister has committed a grave mistake that has resulted in a great loss to the college property or to your family. He/she seeks your advice to come out of the situation/problem. Write a dialogue between you and your friend/brother/sister who describes the entire situation and seeks help from you. Take the help of the following points.

  • Introduction
  • Confessing the mistake
  • Seeking help
  • Your advice/suggestion
  • Concluding part

Search in your college library or on the internet for at least five stories where a king or any great person has forgiven a losing king, culprit, or offender. There are many such stories that you might have read in your history books. One such story is of Alexander and Porus. Find at least five stories and write their summarised version in your notebook.

Refer to a standard dictionary and find out the meaning of the following word:

Narrate in your own words a similar based on text to the class.

Prompt reporting is of strategic importance during a war. explain it.

Read and understand the following poem ‘Paper Boats’ and write its paraphrase in your own simple language. (You may take the help of a dictionary or the internet.) The first line is done for you.

Rewrite the given statements in their order of occurrence.

The most difficult task of maintaining the hold on Tiger Hill was achieved in this way:

  • 8 Sikh was ordered to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate.
  • Bodies of the Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.
  • During the ferocious artillery duels, the Grenadiers hung on their precarious perch with grit and determination.
  • Sikh fought back successfully two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel.
  • An ad-hoc column of 8 Sikh climbed the steep rock and captured India Gate.
  • In spite of heavy casualties, 8 Sikh captured Helmet on 5 July.

Frame a pointwise Analysis of the poem ‘The worm’. Use the following points.

  • Poem and poet:
  • Structure and stanzas:
  • Rhyme and Rhythm:
  • Language and Imagery:
  • Figures of Speech:

Would you like to join the Indian Army/Navy/ Air force? If not, suggest other ways in which you could serve your nation.

Report writing

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Study the web diagram and write the characteristics of report writing.

The cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

Characters are referred to.

Incidents are arranged in sequence.

Compose 8 to 10 lines. Narrate an incident in your life without using any rhyming pattern.

You have studied the lesson 'The Call of the Soil' from prose 1.3. Compare 'Cherry Tree' with 'The Call of the Soil' and find out the element of the joy of nurturing for the author and the poet.

If you could change the end of the story i.e. after the Swallow refused to fly to Egypt, how would you change it? Summarise your idea in 10 to 12 lines.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality’ which means one who has reached the highest position in his workplace.

Explain this using the following point.


Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

  • About the poem/poet/title.
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features/ novelties/focusing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem.

Visit your college library or through the web, quest collects information on the ‘Green Revolution’ and ‘White Revolution’ in our country.

The poet has described two different shades of human feelings by using imagery of various forces of Nature in the poem. Pick out the terms or phrases that describe them. Complete the table given below. One is done for you.

Faded forests Sad/gloomy

You have just returned after your first experience of the kite - festival in Gujarat / Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.

You have a friend who lives abroad. Write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the kite-festival.

Use the following points and write an appreciation of the poem:

  • About the poem, poet, and title
  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices used in the poem
  • Special features
  • Message/values/morals in the poem
  • Your opinion about the poem

Write a summary of the poem with the help of the points given below:

  • Introductory paragraph (about the poem/ type/nature/tone)
  • Main body (central idea/gist of the poem)
  • Conclusion/ opinions/views/appeal.

Let’s compose a poem. Two lines are given. Add two of your own.

There is another sky, Ever serene and fair

The poem describes the beauty of Nature. Make a list of careers that are related to Nature, the environment, and the forest. One is done for you.

  • Forest Department - (Forest officer, Ranger, etc.)
  • _____________________

Choose the correct alternative for the given line. Focus on the inference of the poet.

‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’

The line means - __________________.

‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’

This line expresses the poet’s feelings. The sight he saw from the bridge is beautiful. There are a few more lines similar to the above. With the help of your partner find them and discuss what they express.

Find out the words and phrases which describe the following. One is done for you.

sight touching in its majesty

Compose an imaginary dialogue between Sue and Johnsy, when they realise about what Behrman had done for Johnsy.

The pride of any city is its skyline.

Write 5 lines about the place where you reside and what makes you feel proud of it.

Comment on the following characters depicted in the poem, in a sentence or a phrase.


Write a summary of the poem.

Write in short about at least five cities in India that are considered to be the most developed cities.

Writing is considered to be one of the most challenging, demanding, and lucrative careers in the world. Match the professions in table (A) with their descriptions in a table (B) and also what they are called from the table (C).

1. Blog Writing Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc as a result of their Studies and Research a. Translator
2. Story Writing Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column every day or weekly b. Blogger
3. Song/Lyric Writing Writes in National, State, and local newspapers as a staff member c. Journalist
4. Academic Writing Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction, and other genres d. Story Writer
5. Translating Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. e. Song Writer/Lyricist
6. Newspaper Writing Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic. f. Academic Writer
7. Column Writing Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www-World Wide Web) g. Dramatist/ Playwright
8. Screen Writing Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/ in magazines, anthologies, etc. h. Novelist
9. Fiction/Novel Writing Translates an original work from one language into another i. Screenplay Writer
10. Drama/ Play Writing Writes Scripts for Films/ Movies/ TV etc. j. Columnist

Project Gather information about the following insects. Draw their images or get pictures. On one sheet each, fix the image/picture and below it write the information. Compile these pages and make a file of ‘Insects - our friends’. Insects: Bee/Praying mantis/Butterfly Beetle/Wasp/Dragon-fly

Interview Question.

A brilliant student from your school has won a Mathematics Quiz at the National Level.

Frame questions to interview him/her when the school felicitates him/her.

Follow the steps given below.

  • Introduction of the interviewee and achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about growing years.
  • 4 to 6 questions about the achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about future plans and prospects.
  • Expression of thanks and good wishes.

Understand the quotation and expand it in a paragraph format.

‘Pride goes on horseback, but returns on foot’.

Convert the stories into dialogues and read the dialogues aloud in the class.

You are going to meet a Great Indian Bustard very soon. Prepare at least 10 questions to interview him.

Write a letter to your friend about the Great Indian Bustard. You may use the following points :

  • Why we need to protect the bird.
  • What you plan to do to help the bird.

Multinational companies expect a different type of Professional CV. Browse through the net to gather information about it.

Complete the table. One is done for you.

1. Callous Caring for people, environment, life
2. Violent  
3. Greedy  
4. Corrupt  

Visit a library. Find a school poem. Recite it to your parents.

Note down ways in which you can make your life less ordinary in terms of nurturing relationships.

Think of different ways of classifying them, for example, electric and non-electric, day-time sources and night-time sources

What is your favourite source of light? Write its autobiography. (10 - 15 lines)

Complete the following sentences.

The factors that have made 'The Jungle Book' a great movie are - _________________.

  • It's a fantasy world of wonder.
  • _____________________________

'Narnia' (part 1,2,3 and 4) is a film about 4 children who find a path to Narnia. Discuss in your class, the special effects, and direction. Write a review with the help of the following points in about 100 to 150 words.

  • Music Director
  • Characters/ casting (major and minor)
  • Setting / location
  • Significance of the title.

Start a collection of proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known sentence or phrase that gives advice or tells you what is generally true. For example, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means ‘If one does something in time or immediately, it saves a lot of work later’. A proverb is also known as a saying. Here are some proverbs for your collection.

  • Appearances can be deceptive.
  • Do not judge by appearance; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  • Clothes do not make the man.

There are ample career opportunities in film making and producing films.

The following professions which require different professional skills, and write them accordingly.

1. Actor-Male or Female Acting, voice modulation, Body language, facial expressions, etc.
2. Director  
3. Producer  
4. Music-director  
5. Script-writer  
6. Lyrist  
7. Cameramen  
8. Cinematographer  
9. Set-designer  
10. Costume-designer  

Mass media events often need comperes. Find out the area or sector in which a compere is a must. Write about the special skills needed to take up compering as a career and give some clues about how to acquire these skills.

The priorities of the Sergeant are shifted. Complete the given table by using the given clues.

in the beginning patriotism
law and duty  -

Interpret the following lines in simple English.

Puck : I’ll follow you.

Bottom : The Finch, the sparrow.

Make a ‘pair presentation’ of the poem, in the class.

Write the character sketch of Dr. Stockmann.

Describe the climax scene in your own words. Write your comments on it.

Write down the consequences of the following occurrences with the help of the play.

Dr. Thomas Stockmann wants an article exposing social evils to be printed in the newspaper.

Watch the advertisements on TV. Choose any one of them for group discussion and analysis. Write your report in the advertisement.

Divide the class into groups of 4-6. Each group selects for itself, one of the difficult situations listed below. Each group imagines itself to be in that situation.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

(a) marooned on an island

A group of passengers is marooned on an island in the middle of the ocean.

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(b) lost in a forest

A group of pilgrims walking through a thick jungle have lost their way.

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(c) stranded on the highway

A team of players from an office has got down at the wrong place on a highway at night. It is a lonely spot.

  • Describe their surroundings in 4-5 sentences.
  • Write the reactions of the companions using exclamations.
  • Using your imagination, write what is the only ray of hope for them.
  • Two members of the group are going out to try to get help. They can take any five things with them. Write what they choose, and why they choose it.

Given in a mixed order below are some good human attributes of the family. Pick out from the box and write it against the line that reflects it.

Thinking ahead of winter, the father decided to create a place safe from the elements.

Narrate the story of Sushruta in your own words.

Write a few lines about yourself - your name, appearance, family, the place where you live, your school, your friends, neighbours, relatives, your likes, dislikes, hobbies, what you are good at, etc.

Now create an imaginary ‘persona’ for yourself. It can be quite different from your real self. Or, you may choose a fictional character - a character from a novel, story, etc. Write a few lines about this imaginary persona and introduce yourself in that role.

Hi, I am ____________________



Hi, I am ____________________



Write a few lines about what Mathilde had and what she dreamt about.

Prepare a formal invitation using the following format:

Mr and Mrs _______________________ solicit the pleasure of your company on the occasion of the ____________________ of their __________________ on _______________ (day), date _______________.

Venue __________________ Time ____________________

(Include other requests like RSVP, No presents please, etc. at the bottom.)

Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde :

Mathilde told her friend about the lost necklace.

Form pairs. Discuss how ‘Part II’ of the story could have been different. Write your storyline in the form of bullets showing the main events.

Discuss the following and write about the following in your own words in 5-6 lines.

What opinion do you form about Mathilde’s husband from her story?

Which events in the story (Part I and Part II) changed Mathilde’s life?

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally.

Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Use the details given in the story and your imagination and prepare a timetable for the trip to the moon.

Write a letter from Abdul to the Emperor, requesting the Emperor to give Abdul a suitable job.

Rewrite the play in the form of a short story.

Prepare a formal invitation card for the Art Festival.

Gather information on any one of the following by talking to your elders, family members, and from other sources in your mother tongue and write a short note on it in English.

A special dish that is prepared on a special occasion at home.

Think and write in your own words.

In which season does a greenwood turn to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season?

The story is written in an informal, colloquial style - the way it would be told orally. Find and write the expressions where the author addresses the audience directly in the story - for example, ‘but we, O Best Beloved, will...’, ‘Now attend and listen !’

Write a short autobiography of a brook.

Form pairs. List the things on which you have the same opinion and also the ones on which you have different opinions. Prepare a list of ten things in all and see how far you agree or disagree with your friend. Some useful phrases are given alongside. You could talk about:

  • Clothes, latest fashion.
  • Performance of sportsmen and women.
  • Traffic/Transport in your area.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene in your area.
  • Future occupations/Careers.
  • Latest news items.
  • TV programs
  • Mobile Apps
  • Any subject of your choice.
I totally agree with you. Do you think ...? No, I don’t think so.
Exactly/Absolutely! Do you agree ...? I totally disagree.
You are right. What do you think? Not necessarily.
I don’t know, I need to think about it. (partial agreement) What is your opinion? I’m not sure about that.
I suppose so. How do you feel about that? Let’s agree to disagree!

Find and write the descriptions of different people given in this story.

Study the following format of an informal letter carefully. Using the format,

Write an informal letter to your friend who has gone to another town for a month.

‘The Storyteller’ has a story within a story.

Search from the Internet or your library books for other stories that have another story within. Enlist at least 3 to 5 of them.

Say ‘WHY’?

The writer grew less dogmatic and more open-minded.

When a family member is very ill for long, the grandmother of the family urges everyone to send for a person who claims he can cure victims of black magic. Compose a dialogue with her, in which her granddaughter politely convinces her that she should not believe in such things.

Write about your own daydream in short.

Form groups of 3. Read aloud the conversations in the story, each group presenting one piece of conversation.

Hold a story-telling competition in which each one narrates a folk-tale or fairy-tale.

Name the occasion or reason for which the announcements are being made. Then think of an occasion and prepare an announcement for it as a group activity.

Prepare an announcement for an occasion.

Read the following Headline and write the dateline, intro, and a short continuing paragraph.

Ask the students to read different news from English Newspapers and write the given points in the news. 

Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Write a letter to any one of the following to tell them how much you appreciate them.

  • Your mother
  • Your father
  • Any one of your relatives
  • Your teacher

Imagine you are the lion and someone is interviewing you. Write the answers to the following questions.

  • Who were your companions on the way to Oz?
  • How did you take the others across the ditch? Were you afraid?
  • Were you afraid of the Kalidahs? Why did you decide to fight with them?
  • What did it feel like after you were out of the forest?

Write a short book review of any one of your favourite books. Your review should include the following things.

  • Title of the book
  • Name of the author/ authors
  • Name of the illustrator (artist)
  • The central idea of the book (what the book is about)
  • The important characters in the book and what they do
  • What you like about the book
  • Why you want others to read the book/what you learn from the book

Prepare and present a short speech on the following.

An inspiring incident in the life of a great leader.

Find more topics from your Environmental Studies or Mathematics textbooks for drawing tree diagrams. Draw and label the diagrams.

Life on earth began with unicellular I organisms known as protozoa. The following are the stages of evolution of animals. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone, for e.g., a snail. The vertebrates are animals which have a backbone. E.g. Aquatic animals like fish. Animals which: live in water and also on land are called amphibians. E.g. A frog. A few invertebrates are worms and mosquitoes and a few I vertebrates are reptiles.

Read about the space mission of Sunita Williams. Imagine you are going to interview her. Frame 10 to 12 interview relevant questions regarding-

  • her early life, training
  • her actual flight into space
  • future plans
  • her message to viewers.

Expand the theme in a write-up of about 20 lines.

‘Books are our real friends’

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Expand the theme in a write -up of about 20 lines.

‘Rumours are spread by fools and accepted by greater fools’.

Look inside your thinking hat. Read the evidence/sentences given below and offer a possible explanation of what happened in this house? Make up some questions to gather more information. Now collect all your evidences and write a story in your notebook. Give a suitable title.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Divide the class in four groups. Collect four different stories written by Sudha Murthy. Select a story for every group and write it in the form of a play. Enact it in front of the class.

Prepare a set of questions to interview-

a person who has just returned from a trek in the woods

a person who has recently scaled Mt. Everest.

Read the extract beginning from - “Her name was Sulekha..... find bridegrooms for them.” Narrate this extract in short, making Sulekha (Bholi) the narrator. Write it in your notebook. Begin with “I was named Sulekha __________________ ”

Prepare a set of 10-12 questions that you would ask at an interview of a person who has strongly acted against social injustice and has achieved success inspite of a long struggle against so many odds in his/her life. Write them down in your notebook.

The poem describes the sad demise of the Captain. How would you console the son of the Captain? Write a short paragraph using the points given below.

  •  Expressing grief on the death.
  • An act of God.
  • Words/sentences giving strengths and courage to face the situation.
  • Add your own points.

Write a short paragraph describing the life and work of Mary Kom. Take help of the points given below.

  • Achievements
  • Future plans

‘What Men Can Do, Women can do better’ Divide your class in 2 groups. Let one group offer points ‘For the topic’ and the other, ‘Against the topic.’ Note down the points in your notebooks, expand the points in two separate paragraphs of about 15 to 20 lines each. Suggest suitable titles for each.

Prepare attractive advertisements using the hints given below.

Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% - Special Combo Offers – Muthusamy & Co., Raja Street, Gingee.

Prepare attractive advertisement using the hints given below.

Mobile Galaxy – Smartphones – accessories – SIM cards – Recharge – Free Power banks on Mobile purchase – No.1, Toll gate, Trichy

Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words.

‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.

Write a speech for your school Literary Association celebration with the given lead.

1) Opening  
2) Purpose  
3) Audience  
4) Language – Some Good Describing Words (Adverbs And Adjectives), Emotive Words, Imagery etc.  
5) Ending  

Imagine yourself as the writer. Narrate the story of your visit to your ancestral house.

The man who came to the house gave the cross as a gift to the girl. Why did he do this? What do you think would have happened if he had taken back the cross with him?

Make a poster of any natural disaster, giving details about the devastation caused.

Look at the two trees. One is a green flourishing tree and the other, a brown withering tree.

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The class will now be divided into two groups. Group A will list down the agents that support a tree’s growth. Group B will list down those that prevent it. Once the groups are ready with their lists, a few representatives from each group will write down the lists on the black board.

Work in pairs. Create three slogans on ‘Saving Trees’. Read this example Save a Tree Get Oxygen for Free.

  • Use catchy, meaningful phrases.
  • Do not write complete sentences.
  • Ensure that the words at the end rhyme.

What is the name of her diary?

Write a meaningful paragraph using the hints given below.

Mahesh – celebrates – 14th birthday – an old-age home – family, friends – informs home in advance – delegates tasks – friends buy things necessary – arrives home early – decorates place – balloons, colour papers – inmates gathered – cuts cake – sing-song, claps – distributes cakes – expresses his feelings – gets blessings – offers things – bedsheets, footwear, etc. needed – fun, entertainment – happy and content.

Write a Diary entry each day for a month and compile them into a book. You may also name your diary as Anne Frank did.

Write a four-line poem with rhyming words describing your family.

Look at the image of the familiar advertisement given below. Identify the product and try to frame your own slogan for them.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Look at the picture given below and frame your own slogan.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Read the telephonic conversation between Malar and Selvi. Malar needs to leave a message for her father.

Malar: Hello, my name is Malar. Could I talk to Mr. Rao, please? I’m his colleague Mr.Vishvanath’s daughter. 

Selvi: I’m sorry, my father is out for his morning walk. Do you want to leave a message for him?

Malar: Yes, please. My father had to leave for Madurai all of a sudden since my grandfather is ill. So he won’t be able to come to work for a few days. It would be really nice if your father could inform the office.

Selvi: Don’t worry, I’ll leave the message for my father. 

Malar: Thanks a lot.

Selvi: You’re welcome.

This is the message that Selvi left for her father the previous day. Write a similar message based on her conversation with Malar.

 ______(Date)                                                                    4.30 p.m. (Time)

Dear Papa,

I have my music class at 5.00 p.m. so I am leaving now. I’ve prepared tea and samosa and kept it in the kitchen. Please come and pick me up at 7 p.m.

______(Date)                                                       ______(Time)

Dear Papa,


Your mom made your favourite dinner. ______

The first day at school ______

Nalan’s grandfather showed him an old treasure trunk. A road map was stuck on the trunk. It showed the spot where a key was hidden. Look at the road map and write five directions to reach the spot where the key is hidden. Discuss with your partner and compare your directions with those of your classmates.

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  • ____________
  • ____________ 

You are the receptionist of your school. Your Head master instructs you to send a message to all the parents of class ten to attend a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meet which is to be held on 22.12.2019





Fill in the template given for limerick.

There once was a ______(8 syllable)

______(8 syllable)

______(5 syllable)

______ (5 syllable)

Create a poster for the following.

Good handwriting is the index of an individual. Design a poster on the importance of good handwriting. Use catchy slogans or phrases. Your poster should not exceed 50 words.

Write a letter of enquiry for the following.

Your a librarian in a newly established school. Write a letter to the book dealer inquiring about the list of newly arrived English children's story books and various subject books relevant to 10-14 age groups.

Your friend has presented a beautiful art piece on your birthday. Write a letter to her appreciating her art work.

Your friend is coming to your city/town to spend a week with you. He/she wants to visit some tourist places and enjoy the special food items of the place. Prepare a two-day itinerary for the visit.

8.00 am Market Go shopping for  Auto

Develop the following hints.

Tortoise - hare - forest - tortoise walking- seen by a hardware laughs - tortoise speed - tortoise sad - bet - race - tortoise moving- slow speed -hare moves - fast - sleepy tortoise - reaches a winning point - first - wins the bet.

“I met you yesterday.” Sam told me that he had met me ______

“I will pay tomorrow.” He said that he would pay ______.

Collect all the poems. Compile an Anthology of BioPoems of Class VII.

Write a character sketch of any character from fiction that has made an impact on you.

  • Introduce the person.
  • Highlight his/her character as revealed in the story.
  • Talk about what others say about the character.
  • Write if the character appealed to you, with reasons.
  • Support your views with evidence from text.

Describe the picture in about fifty words and give a suitable title. Make use of the words/phrases given below.

many sea animals wonders ocean fishes different colours
sizes varieties rare species deep sea under the sea  

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

What does the poet say about the crocodile? Write in your own words. (in about fifty words)

How do you cook rice in your house?

Fill in the gaps in this recipe for cooking rice. Use the words in the box











What you'll need 

  • 1 cup uncooked white rice 
  • 2 cups water 
  • pinch of salt

How to make it

  • ______the rice until the ______runs clear. 
  • Drain the water and ______ aside.
  • In a medium sized pan, bring water to ______. 
  • Add the salt, stir, and then add the rinsed and drained ______.
  • Reduce the heat, cover the rice, and let it simmer on ______ heat for 20 minutes.
  • Check after 15 minutes to see if all the ______ has evaporated. If it has, the rice is ______.
  • If not, replace the ______ and let the rice simmer for 5 ______
  • Remove from ______ and serve

Your mother has written a message for you before going out. Write a message to her after finishing your lunch.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Write about the following in your message.

  • You ate lunch______. 
  • What you liked______ (mention the dish). 
  • You have cleaned the kitchen ______. 
  • You are going out to play. ______(mention when you will be back).

Fill in the form given below.


essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Make a diary entry on the impact of a sports personality who is an inspiration to you.

  • Date your entry. 
  • Write naturally and truthfully.
  • Use first person. (I read about Mithali, I like her playing style, etc.,)
  • Make your entry informal and expressive.
  • Use words that express feelings and write what you feel about it.

The Pooja holidays are about to start. Prasanth and Deepak are friends. Both their families have planned to go on a trip to Munnar. Develop a conversation on how they plan for their trip.

Pick out the nouns from the poem. Write as many Cinquain poems as you can.

Find example of alliteration and write them in the blank.

in a blaze of heat

with sunny smiles.

Work in groups and write a paragraph on “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Make the children write their own story. The following questions will help them to write. Ask them to gather information from their parents before writing and to give a title.

  • When were you born?
  • Where were you born?
  • What is your father’s name and what is he?
  • What is your mother’s name and what is she?
  • What is your birth order?
  • Do you have any nickname, if yes, reason for that?
  • An interesting incident that happened in your life.

Imagine a conversation among your friends about the four characters in the play – Tabaqui, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. Use the hints to write it.

  • The characters' entry in the play. 
  • Compare and contrast their character traits. 
  • The reaction of the characters on seeing the man cub.

Write the hungry fox story on your own by looking at the pictures and using the clues given under each picture.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Application form annual day participation.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Write some sentences about the picture. 

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

It, is, has, walks, elephant, legs, tusk, trunk, big, long, slowly, strong.

Write the dialogue and complete the story.

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Fill in the blank by choosing the preposition from the option.

The girl was thrilled ______ see her new bicycle.

______ do you play?

Can we try to complete another dialogue now?

Rathi is visiting a shop to buy a pen. Let us try and complete the dialogues between her and the shopkeeper.

Hi Akka!
Hi! How can I help?
I need a______.
Sure. Which colour?
Give a______ pen.
Do you need a ten rupee pen or a five rupee pen?
Give me the ______rupee pen.
Do you want anything else?
Thank you. Goodbye.

The word in the sentence is jumbled. Write them in order.

I around me looked.

Narrate an incident when you have experienced happiness, excitement, surprise. You can use the following clues.

With whom... When did it happen... Why... Where...

Do you want to try to write your own paragraph now?

Write a paragraph on Cow.

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  •  ______

Write a paragraph on Palm tree.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Fill up the withdrawal form to withdraw Rs.200 from your Savings Account.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Use the following clues to complete the following exercise.

play stop buy learn see meet learn
 be eat go travel start read visit

Write three new things you have done in the last three years.

  • I have started ______

The child got an ______ for winning the race.

I got ______ to see his favourite heroine.

play stop buy learn see meet learn
 be eat go travel start read visit

Write three things you have not done in the last three years.

  • I have not played ______

Complete the following picture board.

Now complete the following suitably.

I was sitting in a taxi yesterday when _________

Now complete the following, in the same way, using the words easy or strong.

Skipping is ______. Jumping is ______ than skipping. Walking is the ______ of all.

Use the option to fill in the blank.

The flowers ______kept in a vase.

Answer the question by looking at the picture.

Example: What is happening in picture 5?

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Give another word for the ones given below with similar meanings and make sentences. Now write the opposites of these describing words and make sentences with them –


Imagine you are going on a journey to the centre of the earth. What do you think you will see? What would you feel?

Alice follows the strange rabbit because she wants to know a number of things. Re-arrange the words to make the questions that Alice has in her mind, and put a question mark (?).

talk rabbit a how can

Match with and write the complete sentences below.

Whenever I go, I have friends.
Whoever I am hungry, I eat.
Wherever comes first, wins.

Some words have similar sound, but different meaning. Choose the correct word from the option and fill in the blank.

The squirrel has a long ______.

Write rhyming words for the words given below. One has been done for you.

  • morning - evening

Words like morning, evening, watering end in ing. Write six more words to which ing can be added at the end to form a new word.

Add ‘–er’ or ‘–r’ to the doing words below to make new words.


Which do you think would be more fun — travelling by aeroplane or sailing on a ship? Write why you think so.

The travellers rested under the ______ of trees.

Read the following sentences.

  • Bhaiya has been studying in the same class for two years. (for a period of time)
  • Munna was flying kites since morning. (from a time in the past till the present)

Choose a story that you like.

In groups of four, write down dialogues for the story and make it into a short play. You may then present it in the class.

The hunter shot at the ______of birds.

Do your work ______[neat]

I can do the sum ________. [easy}

Describe the grandfather as seen in the portrait.

Why didn’t the grandmother feel sentimental when the author went abroad for higher education?

How did the grandmother spend the last few hours of her life?

The children in the picture are watching an exciting sporting event, where their school team is winning. Suggest suitable utterances reflecting their feelings:

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

State whether the following statement are true or false

Both Jimmy and Bob were of the same age.

Jimmy grew a little taller after he was twenty.

What does each of the following mean in the story? Choose the right option.

on the beat:

arm in arm:

Bob’s life in the West was not a bed of roses. Give reasons.

Who do you think has been more successful of the two? Give reasons.

‘Tell me who your friends are and I shall tell you who you are’. How will you explain this statement in the light of Jimmy’s and Bob’s friendship?

Why was Mary Kom named the ‘Queen of Boxing’ and ‘Magnificent Mary'?

How would Sletherby gain from his friendship with Honoria Saltpen–Jago?

Rearrange the sentences given below and write a summary of the story in a paragraph. Begin with:

Philip Sletherby was travelling by train to Brill Manor.

  • The young man introduced himself as Bertie, the son of Saltpen Jago.
  • Bertie needed three pounds desperately and asked Sletherby to lend it to him.
  • All the time Sletherby was gazing at the door panel of the car, on which were the two crests – a demi-lion and a greyhound courant.
  • He was received by Claude People. K.C., who had kept on talking about various things.
  • Bertie had left his purse behind, after sealing an envelope with the crest on the purse.
  • Bertie stated that it was the Jago crest. He further added that his mother’s hair was dark brown similar to his.
  • While describing the appearance of Honario Saltpen-Jago, K.C. referred to her altered hairstyle.
  • Sletherby realized that Bertie had not lied to him, but that he had mistaken him for fraud.
  • He explained that the Saltpen crest was that of a demi-lion.
  • Sletherby sat dumbstruck on learning that Mrs. Honario Saltpen Jago had changed her dark brown hair to a blonde, just five weeks ago.
  • Sletherby pointed out to him that his mother’s letter had a greyhound courant crest.
  • His companion in the train was a young man who was searching for something frantically
  • Suspecting foul play, Sletherby did not give him any money, as he knew Mrs. Saltpen-Jago was a blonde.

‘Seeing is believing’. How is this humorously disproved in this story? Bring out the irony in the situation.

Explain the following phrase selected from the story in your own word and work with a partner to make sentence using these phrase:

a double-distilled idiot

Summarising is to briefly sum up the various points given in the notes made from the original passage. It is a retrieval of information from the notes made. Hence, while writing it, one need not go back to the original passage but refer only to the notes made. A first draft will help us to write a fair summary.

What were the strange instruments the nurse carried to the surgery? How did the waiting patients interpret her act?

Write conversation on the following situation.

Between two friends about the importance of reading newspapers

Between two friends about the uses of the internet

Between you and a bookseller on buying books

What are the occasions when photographs are taken?

e.g. birthday parties  

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Why did the author go to the photo studio?

Why did the photographer feel happy after taking the photograph?

What are all the factors that influence our moods?

How would Miss Meadows usually treat Mary? How did her behavior towards the girl change that day?

Briefly explain the cause of Miss Meadows' joy at the end.

Aunt Jane seemed to think that there was a mistake in the wedding present she had given Jack. Why?

Why is there a double negative in the title: The Never – Never Nest? Elucidate with reasons from the play.

Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing Director of a company. Include the following details: Educational qualification, experience, various other qualifications required for the post.

The Government of Tamil Nadu has imposed a ban on the use of plastic. Effective implementation of this ban depends on public awareness and individual responsibility.

Write an article of 150 words for your school magazine to create an awareness of the dangers posed by indiscriminate use of plastic. Expand the ideas given below as notes.

a. Introduction

(i) Plastic – synthetic material – doesn’t decompose in soil

(ii) Inevitable role of plastic – man’s day-to-day life

b. Human Health Hazard

(i) Leeching of plastic into food – micro plastic entering food chain

(ii) Human body’s inability to deal with this unnatural substance

(iii) Reaction of microplastic in human body and ill effects

c. Adverse Effects on Plants and Animals

(i) Plastic particles choking waterways – affect aquatic animals

(ii) Ingestion by aquatic and terrestrial animals–blocking of intestines and respiratory passages

d. Environmental Degradation

(i) Manufacturing process and burning of plastics–pollute atmosphere

(ii) Plastic–non-biodegradable – interferes with soil microorganisms – affects soil fertility

e. Conclusion

(i) Suggestions for restricted use – alternatives for one-time use of plastics

(ii) Segregation of plastic waste – for recycling

Write an essay of about 200 word 

The profession you would like to choose

A memorable journey

How does nature communicate with the poet?

The poet immortalizes the tree. Elucidate.

Reading a map

Nowadays though locations are traced easily using GPS, (Global Positioning System) one should know what to look for in the map to reach the destination. Here are a few general instructions to be followed while reading a map.

  • Identify and understand the elements of the map correctly.
  • Look out for the title to know what the map shows.
  • Study the symbols/colors that are used on the map and find what they stand for.
  • Look at the scale of the map. (whether to be scaled or not to be scaled)
  • Look for the pointer to know the direction.

Let us together scale the summit. Here is a drawing of the Everest showing the way to the summit, and the position of the camps with their heights. Trace the trekking trail to reach the summit with the given details and write an interesting paragraph in about 100 words.

The Summit of Mount Everest

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

The teacher I like the most

The value of discipline

The importance of Good Health

The importance of Reading

Observe the following picture and write a paragraph in about 150 word about each one of them.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Why did one of the girls wail?

What does the title of the story convey?

The sun brought about a positive change in the attitude of the children. Illustrate the statement.

Preparation of apple juice

You plan to delight your parents and sister, serving them chilled apple juice. Here is the process: (Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs)

Four or five apples ______ (take) and ______(wash) well. They ______(wipe) dry and cut into pieces of medium size. The seeds ______(remove). Then the apples ______(put) into the mixer. Some milk ____(add) .The apples ______(crush) and a fine liquid ______(obtain). This liquid ______(filter) and the juice ______(store) in the refrigerator. It is ______(take) out whenever needed, and after adding sugar, it ______(serve) in cups.

Installing a computer

The description of installing a computer in your study room is given in the form of jumbled sentences. Rearrange the sentences in the right order and form a coherent paragraph.

1. Once you connect the CPU, connect the keyboard and mouse.
2. Before turning on the power, check that all parts are connected to the CPU.
3. First, open the box and take out the computer parts.
4. Plug both the computer and the monitor with a power cord.
5. Set the computer on a table or flat surface.
6. Finally, turn on the power.

Attempt a description of the following process, in about 100 word each, either using the imperative or the passive.

Organising a birthday party in your house

Sending a letter by courier service

Obtaining a demand draft from a bank

Write a composition in approximately 350 – 400 words on the following subjects:

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.)

You have recently shifted to a new city. Describe the area where you live, your next-door neighbours, the difficulties you faced while shifting and why you like/dislike the place.

Write a composition in approximately 350 – 400 words on the following subject:

International sports promote friendship between nations. Argue FOR or AGAINST the given statement.

Answer the following question as briefly as possible and with close reference to the relevant text.

“Then paint the cut with iodine.” With reference to this line, what is your understanding of Klausner? Do you sympathise with him? Give your reasons.

Referring closely to the poem, We are the Music Makers, refer to any two examples given by the poet which identify poets and singers as “movers and shakers.”

You have recently watched an interesting film. Write a review of this film, in about 200 – 250 words, based on the points given below.

Name of the film and its director – actors in the film – type of film – plot – quality of direction/acting – cinematography/costumes/sets – reaction of audiences – recommended/not recommended

Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on the following:

Imagine a situation where a child runs away from home but later returns. Why did he or she run away? What made him/her come back? Write an original short story entitled: 'Finding My Way Home'.

Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Describe an area in your city or hometown which is famous for its street food. Give details of the familiar sights and sounds you would experience on this street.

It is very important for young people to spend time quietly or alone for a short while every day. If you were given an hour to spend on your own, how will you spend it? What will you learn from the process?

Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

You have been given a small sum of money to buy a gift with for a friend. What gift would you choose (specify) and why would you choose this? Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the gift and how it will benefit him/her.

You have planned to organize a health camp at school. Write a letter to the Manager of a supermarket requesting sponsorship for the event. Name the event and explain how it will benefit both the community as well as the supermarket.

Write an e-mail to the General Manager of a local hospital requesting him/her to send a senior doctor to talk to the participants at the event about the quality of mask which would give them the best protection.

Write the contraction for the following phrase.

have not - ______

Read the given sentence and underline the no word.

Can no one help him?

Was Gopal nowhere around?

I have no coat.

Read the following passage and write a summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to the summary.

According to some experts, a staggering 93 percent of our daily communication is non-verbal. Facial expressions are easy to decipher. One can readily detect happiness, sadness, anger. Physicians can tell a patient is doing well (or not) by looking at his/her face.

Eye contact is another type of non-verbal communication, which can tell a lot about the other person. The eyes convey a range of emotions-happiness, sadness, boredom, surprise, confidence ..... even emotional interest. Staring at someone's forehead may intimidate the recipient, staring at the mouth is sometimes interpretated as a sign of emotional interest. In fact staring into someone's eyes is a sign of lying, and so is looking away. In certain cultures, lack of eye contact is taken as a sign of respect.

If body language is to be defined, it is a combination of facial expression, gestures, eye contact, body movements and posture and voice.

Frequent blinking is a sign of the person feeling distressed or uncomfortable. If the pupils are dilated, it often indicates interest, even emotional interest. The lips also reflect our body language, and lip biting indicates worry and/or anxiety; tightening of the lips may be an indication of disapproval. Slightly turned-up lips indicate happiness and slightly turned-down lips indicate sadness.

Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences:

  • It will reach Nagpur at 7: 15 a.m.
  • What is the departure time of the Vidarbha Express?
  • When will it reach Nagpur?
  • The departure time is 8:30 p.m.

Complete the dialogue:

Manas: How much is the SSC exam fee?
Clerk: __________________
Manas: When is the last date to submit the exam form?
Clerk: __________________

Write a dialogue between a student and teacher on 'Importance of Yoga'.

On returning home, Tishani Doshi writes her thoughts reflecting on how her decision to enrol for the Students on Ice programme has been the single most important decision of her life that has completely transformed her.

Imagine yourself to be Tishani and express these thoughts.

You may begin like this:

I can’t thank my stars enough for having cashed in on the opportunity of........

The given bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different games over the span of six years. Write an analytical paragraph about the given information in about 109 words:

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

“What man calls civilization always results in deserts. Man is never on the square he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth. Each generation wastes a little more of the future with greed and lust for riches”- Don Marquis

With our modern awareness of ecology are we likely to make sufficient progress in conservation, or are we still in danger of damaging the earth beyond repair? Write a discursive essay discussing the issue being raised.

"That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value."- Thomas Paine

Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. (You may use examples from your reading, observations, and inputs from subjects such as History, Science and literature)

Certainly anyone who insists on condemning all lies should think about what would happen if we could reliably tell when our family, friends, colleagues, and government leaders were deceiving us. It is tempting to think that the world would become a better place without the deceptions that seem to interfere with our attempts are genuine communication. On the other hand, perhaps there is such a thing as too much honesty. - Adapted from Allison Kornet, "The Truth About Lying"

Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

It is widely believed that people do their best work when they are promised rewards for their achievements. Our schools and workplaces operate on the assumption that good work occurs when people are competing for grades, money, or recognition from others. In truth, the prospect of rewards provided by others can inhibit and limit people’s drive and creativity. People do their best work when motivated from within by their enjoyment of a particular challenge and their satisfaction in doing something well.

What do you think motivates people to do their best? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

Write letter to your father asking permission to go on a educational tour.

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Group Discussion:

You along with your friends Sujit, Rohit and Kishore discussing their likes and dislikes. But all are fascinated with the reading habit. Write a short group discussion in the form of dialogue telling the importance of reading for enhancing knowledge.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on any one of the topics given below.

Life is a series of choices that we make every day. Narrate an incident when you had to make a difficult choice. Elaborate on the positive impact it had on you.

As a member of the Student Council of your school, you wish to set up a Food Club to promote healthy eating habits among students. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, outlining the steps that you will take to make this club a success.

Think of an occasion when you did not like the decision/actions of your family members but realised later on that they were right. Write about it in 5-8 lines.

Write a paragraph on ‘Online Shopping’ using the points in the below table.

1. Time-saving 1. Delay in delivery
2. Variety of products 2. Products are not always genuine.
3. Easy to Pay 3. Prone to scams
4. Easy to order 4. At times, it is challenging to return.
5. Good discounts 5. Cannot see or touch the product before purchase.

Find some examples of antithesis from your mother tongue and translate them into English.

You want to convince the customer to buy your product. Prepare a conversation between you and the customer about it.

Write in a few lines, about an experience of your own where you scored in your exams much more than you hoped for. What did that experience teach you?

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write .

Prepare a set of questions to interview -

A famous author

These two passages are examples of a short introduction to works of art - a short review. They cover the following points:

  • The name of the creator
  • The theme or subject matter
  • Type of art
  • Individual style
  • Presentation techniques
  • Its effect on viewers
  • Message or interpretation

Choose a book/film and review it in short using the points you have listed.

If you want to become a tourist guide at the following places, which languages will you need to learn?

Prepare an attractive tourist leaflet for your native place, in English as well as in your mother tongue.

Observe the tourist leaflets given and answer the following.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

  • Which places do these leaflets describe?
  • What are the main points given in each leaflet?
  • How can one reach Tadoba?
  • Which is the best season to visit Tadoba? Why?
  • List tourism-related words, e.g., tourist, booking etc.

Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.

What provisions should be made in public places so that everyone gets the same access to public facilities?

Who is your favourite comedian?

  • One: ______
  • Two: ______
  • Three: ______
  • Four: ______
  • Five: ______
  • Six: ______
  • Seven: ______
  • Forty: ______
  • A hundred: ______
  • Try to imagine a situation/context where all the above items fit in. Describe it in 8-10 lines.
  • Think of a title for your passage.
  • Try to draw a map incorporating your phrases in a meaningful way. (Two examples are given below.) Write a key/index for your map.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Can you think of any events in your own or someone else’s life to support the quote-

‘If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.’

What is likely to happen if you don’t tell the truth?’

Write a letter to your father asking permission to go on an educational tour.

What makes you happy?

Use the following charts to prepare meaningful dialogues.

Use your ideas to fill in the blanks.

essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Do you like to watch plays?

Which is the last play you saw?

Do you like stories from the past? What type of stories do you like?

Complete the dialogue.

Which is your favourite book?
What type of book is it?

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on topic given below.

Write letter to your father asking permission to go on an educational tour.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on the topic given below.

Send a formal letter of invitation · in 50 words to Dr. Mehra, noted novelist and educationist, to speak on, The Importance of Books'. You are Lena/Sanjay, Secretary Literary Club, S. S. Public School. Meritionday, date, time and venue.

Informal Letter -

Write a letter to your friend describing the details of the vacation.

With close reference to Act III, describe Alonso's response to the perceived loss of his son, Ferdinand. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

How do Prospero, Ferdinand and Caliban perceive Miranda? Give one example of each of their perceptions, from the Acts studied, to support your answer. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

With reference to the short story Quality, trace the journey of the Gessler Brothers from “ld is an Ardt!" to the bitter realization of “Dey dake it away from us, who lofe our boods….bresently i haf no work.” Write your answer in about 200-250 words.

Miss Meadows’ need for societal acceptance makes her overlook Basil’s insensitivity and shortcomings. Discuss with reference to the short story. The Singing Lesson is about 200-250 words.

Show how Carol Ann Duffy presents a disturbing picture of confinement and exploitation in the poem, The Dolphins. Write your answer in about 200-250 words.

How does John Brown convey his firsthand experience of war to his mother and evoke a deep emotional response in the readers? Justify your answer in about 200-250 words with supporting details from the poem, by John Brown.

Write a composition (in approximately 400 – 450 words) on the following subject.

You had to go on a train journey with your family. On reaching the railway station, you discovered that your train was delayed by two hours. Describe how you spent those two hours, detailing what you saw, the sounds you heard, and the interactions you had with the people around you. Express your feelings when you saw the train finally approaching the station.

Parents should not influence their children when choosing the subjects they wish to study. Argue either FOR or AGAINST the given statement.

As the Head of Environmental Initiatives at school, you have to deliver a speech on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5 th . Write a speech following the guidelines given below:

  • Greeting or salutation and purpose – the importance of World Environment Day
  • Key issues such as climate change, and pollution – the role of students in fostering a sense of environmental responsibility 
  • Concrete steps required towards a more sustainable and an eco-friendly lifestyle – strong call for action.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions (i), (ii) and (iii) that follow.

(1) “Can I see the Manager?” I said, and added solemnly, “Alone.” I don't know why I said “Alone.” “Certainly,” said the accountant and fetched him.  
(2) The Manager was a grave, calm man. I held my fifty-six dollars clutched in a crumpled ball in my pocket.
“Are you the Manager?” I asked. God knows I did not doubt it.
“Yes,” he said.
“Can I see you …. alone?” I asked.
(3) The Manager looked at me in some alarm. He felt that I had an awful secret to reveal.
“Come in here,” he said, and led the way to a private room. He turned the key in the lock.
“We are safe from interruption here,” he said; “Sit down.”
We both sat down and looked at each other. I found no voice to speak.
“You are one of Pinkerton’s men, I presume,” he said.


He had gathered from my mysterious manner that I was a detective. I knew what he was thinking, and it made me worse.
“No, not from Pinkerton’s,” I said, seeming to imply that I came from a rival agency. “To tell the truth,” I went on, as if I had been prompted to lie about it,
“I am not a detective at all. I have come to open an account. I intend to keep all my money in this bank.”
The Manager looked relieved but still serious; he concluded now that I was a son of Baron Rothschild or a young Gould.
“A large account, I suppose,” he said.
“Fairly large,” I whispered. “I propose to deposit fifty-six dollars now and fifty dollars a month regularly.”








(5) The Manager got up and opened the door. He called to the accountant.
“Mr. Montgomery,” he said unkindly loud, “this gentleman is opening an account, he will deposit fifty-six dollars. Good morning.”
I rose. A big iron door stood open at the side of the room.
“Good morning,” I said, and stepped into the safe. “Come out,” said the Manager coldly and showed me the other way.

(6) I went up to the accountant’s wicket and poked the ball of money at him with a quick convulsive movement as if I were doing a conjuring trick. My face was ghastly pale.
“Here,” I said, “deposit it.” The tone of the words seemed to mean, “Let us do this painful thing while the fit is on us.”
He took the money and gave it to another clerk.

(7) He made me write the sum on a slip and sign my name in a book. I no longer knew what I was doing. The bank swam before my eyes.
“Is it deposited?” I asked in a hollow, vibrating voice.
“It is,” said the accountant. “Then I want to draw a cheque.”
My idea was to draw out six dollars of it for present use. Someone gave me a chequebook through a wicket and someone else began telling me how to write it out. The people in the bank had the impression that I was an invalid millionaire. I wrote something on the cheque and thrust it in at the clerk. He looked at it.





(8) “What! Are you drawing it all out again?” he asked in surprise. Then I realised that I had written fifty-six instead of six. I was too far gone to reason now. I had a feeling that it was impossible to explain the thing. I had burned my boats. All the clerks had stopped writing to look at me. Reckless with misery, I made a plunge.
“Yes, the whole thing.”
“You withdraw all your money from the bank?” “Every cent of it.”
“Are you not going to deposit anymore?” said the clerk, astonished.







(9) An idiot hope struck me that they might think something had insulted me while I was writing the cheque and that I had changed my mind. I made a wretched attempt to look like a man with a fearfully quick temper.  
(10) The clerk prepared to pay the money.
“How will you have it?” he said. This question came as a bolt from the blue.
“How will you have it?”
“Oh!”— I caught his meaning and answered without even trying to think— “in fifties.”
He gave me a fifty-dollar bill. “And the six?” he asked dryly.
“In sixes,” I said.
He gave it to me and I rushed out.
As the big door swung behind me. I caught the echo of a roar of laughter that went up to the ceiling of the bank. Since then, I bank no more. I keep my money in cash in my trousers pocket and my savings in silver dollars in a sock.








My Financial Career
By Stephen Leacock
  • The kind stranger went and got back the ball from where it had rolled into the bush.
  • I took offence at the expression on his face that was clearly meant to insinuate I was a liar.
  • The firm experienced a financial loss when the contract went to a contender who had just entered the business.
  • The silence from the other end set off alarm bells in her head.
  • The pallor of his skin alarmed those standing around.
  • I set my alarm for six o’clock but slept through it.
  • The sound of the approaching jets caused some alarm in the war room.
  • The wicketkeeper was the true saviour of the day for that one match.
  • The team wanted to bat while the wicket was still dry.
  • The man at the window handed us our tickets through the wicket.
  • The quick loss of wickets demoralised the team.
  • After the tragedy, his ability to reason is severely diminished.
  • They reasoned they could get better seats if they arrived early.
  • Recipients of funds were selected without rhyme or reason.
  • We have every reason to celebrate.
  • With reference to the passage, explain the meaning of the expression of the ‘I had burned my boats?’   [2]
  • Cite any two instances of the behaviour of the bank employees that indicate the insignificance of a deposit of fifty-six dollars.    [2]
  • Why do you think the people in the bank thought of the narrator as an “invalid millionaire?”    [2]
  • Summarise why the narrator decided ‘to bank no more’ (paragraphs 6 to 10). You are required to write the summary in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words. Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalised.    [8]

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter about the topic given below. 

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Essay on Moral Values in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Moral Values: Moral values are the good values that our taught to us by our parents and teachers. These include being honest and kind, showing respect towards others, extending help to those in need, being faithful to ones partner and cooperating with others to name a few. Imbibing good moral values make a person a good human being. A person who sticks to his moral values is said to bear a good character.

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Long and Short Essay on Moral Values in English

Here are essays on Moral Values of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any Moral Values essay as per your need:

Moral Values Essay 200 words

Moral values are good values such as compassion, generosity, honesty, kindness, integrity, politeness, perseverance, self control and respect. Individuals who possess these qualities are considered to be an asset to the society. They do not only lead a disciplined life but also help in bringing out the best in those around them. Their dedication towards work, sense of self control and helping nature is appreciated by everyone.

Every parent wants his child to bear a good moral character. Many families in India are especially strict when it comes to imbibing moral values. They stress upon its importance and try to help their children inculcate the same from an early age. However, the moral values in the society are degrading with time.

There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to moral values. As per one, a person must bear good moral values even at the cost of his/ her happiness. On the other hand as per the other one a person must not be too strict with oneself and that moral values may be altered to some extent if they become a cause of stress. The youth these days is more inclined towards seeking happiness rather than valuing moral values. This may be attributed to the growing influence of the western culture.

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Moral Values Essay 300 words

Moral values include being honest, kind, showing respect to others, helping others, having a sense of self control, treating everyone equally and imbibing other such good qualities. A person possessing such qualities is known to bear a good moral character. On the other hand, those who do not possess such qualities are looked down upon by the society.

It requires conviction to follow good habits and imbibe moral values. Not every individual is as strong willed to follow these habits. However, we must try to imbibe these.

Moral Values in Office Setting

People look forward to individuals with good moral values. One of the things that the interviewer examines during a job interview is whether the prospective employee bears good moral values. Besides the basic moral values, every organization has a defined ethical code of conduct that the employees are expected to follow. An organization with disciplined employees who possess good moral values runs more systematically compared to those where these basics things are not sorted. There is less corruption and everyone gets a fair chance to learn and grow in such an environment. This is the reason why employers give special attention to this quality while selecting an employee.

However, unfortunately, the youth today does not give much importance to the moral values. The growing competition these days is one of the reasons for the degradation of these values. In an attempt to grow professionally, people do not hesitate to lie, deceive and use other unethical and immoral practices. This disturbs the work environment. It is because of this that the deserving employees lead a lifetime on the same position while the ones who employ immoral practices reach on the top.

Our society needs more individuals that possess good moral values in order to grow and develop the right way.

Moral Values Essay 400 words

Moral values are the values defined by the society based on which a person’s character is judged. A person is said to be good or bad on the basis of these values. A person’s choices and decisions in life are dependent to a large extent on the moral values he/she bears.

Why Are Moral Values Important?

Moral values define the norms of right and wrong and good and bad. These defined norms help the people understand as how they must act in the society in order to lead a peaceful life. Decision making becomes easy to some extent as a person knows the repercussions of his behaviour based on the moral principles he has been taught since childhood.

Moral values give us an aim in life. We are grounded in reality and are motivated to do good for those around us if we bear good moral values. Helping others, caring for those around us, taking wise decisions and not hurting others are some of the examples of good moral values. These values help in bringing out the best in us.

Moral Values in Indian Society

The Indian society and culture gives high regard to the moral values. From the childhood itself, individuals are expected to behave in a manner which is morally correct. They are taught what is right and wrong as per the society. Talking with respect with the elders and with patience and love with those who are younger to us is one of the first lessons taught to us. One is also taught to bear a good moral character. Indulging in drinking, smoking and other such notorious activities is almost a taboo in the Indian society, particularly for the women. It is considered to be against the custom and tradition of the Indian society. People in India have been known to have broken family ties with those who tread on the path which is not morally correct.

However, with the changing times and growing attraction towards the western culture many people are defying these set norms of morality. Everyone these days wants freedom to live their life their own way and the strict moral values often hamper their happiness. Many people go against the society to seek freedom and happiness.

While individuals must bear good moral values, sometimes they seem too far-fetched. With the changes in the mindset and the way of living, moral values must also be altered and should not remain too stringent.

Moral Values Essay 500 words

Moral values are the good values taught to help people lead a disciplined life. Moral values include good habits such as honesty, helpfulness, integrity, respectfulness, love, hard work and compassion.

Importance of Moral Values in a Student’s Life

A student’s life is full of challenging. This is a growing age wherein a person learns several lessons each day. The lessons learned during this age stay with us for the rest of our lives. It is thus important to help the students inculcate good moral values. After all, they are the future of the nation. Children with good moral values grow up to become responsible youth. Those who are devoid of good values do not only spoil their lives as they grow older but are also a threat to the society.

Imbibing Good Moral Values in Students

Parents as well as teachers must put in special efforts to help students imbibe good moral values. Children are quite observant. Most of the things they learn in life is by observing their teachers, parents and elder siblings. They pay more heed to the way their elders act and behave and imbibe the same rather than what they are instructed to do. For instance, they will be inspired to speak the truth if they see their elders doing the same. On the other hand, if they are repeatedly asked to speak the truth but see their elders doing otherwise, they too shall be tempted to lie. It is thus the responsibility of the parents and teachers to behave properly to demonstrate good values so that the children inculcate the same. They must inspire the students to be polite, help others, speak the truth, be compassionate and take up responsibilities with pleasure.

Schools must also focus on imparting moral values to the students by way of good moral stories and lessons rather than merely lecturing them on the same. Evil practices and bad habits must be condemned so that the students stay away from them. Inculcating good moral values in students is as important as teaching them other subjects.

Moral Values and Today’s Generation

Times are changing and the mindset of people is changing with time. While it is good to move with the time however moving away from ones roots and moral values is not a good thing. Today’s generation is not as conscious about being morally and ethically correct as the earlier ones.

They have a different outlook towards life. Indulging in frivolous act, lying for their benefit, smoking, drinking and having drugs is a common sight these days. While this was considered a taboo a few decades back, youth these days indulges in the same without any inhibitions. Most of this can be attributed to the influence of the western culture. Besides, parents these days have also become extremely busy in their lives that they hardly get time to spend with their children and teach them what is right and wrong.

A person must bear good moral values such as honesty, helping nature, decency, righteousness and self-discipline. Such a person is an asset to the society.

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Moral Values Essay 600 words

Moral values are the values defined by the society to guide individuals to lead a disciplined life. While the basic moral values such as honesty, kindness and cooperative behaviour remain the same some values may change or modify over the time.

Changing Moral Values in the Society

From Joint Family to Nuclear Family System

Moral values differ to some extent based on the society one lives in. They also differ from generation to generation. India is one such country that boasts of its rich moral values and deep rooted culture. Respecting our elders is the first and foremost value taught to us. Our parents emphasize its importance since our childhood. Talking ill to the elders – be it our parents, grandparents, relatives or any other elder is considered offensive. India is known for its joint family system. Children continue to live with their parents and siblings even after their marriage in our country. Until few year back, this was more of a custom. Even if the house was small or there were differences among the family members, people were still expected to stick together and live under one roof.

Sons and daughter in laws were expected to take care of their parents during their old age and anyone who urged to live separately was considered to be disrespectful towards his parents. Such young couples were talked ill about in the neighbourhood and among the relatives. Often, the family disowned their sons because of this reason. However, people these days understand that it is important to give space in relationships in order to nurture them well. Just like the western countries, people in India have also started living in nuclear families these days and the society has slowly and gradually accepted this. It is no longer considered to be morally or ethically wrong.

Arranged Marriages to Love Marriages

People in the west find our arranged marriage system rather weird however in India it is a part of our tradition. While there is a growing trend of love marriages since the last few decades, prior to that having affair and expressing the desire to have a love marriage was considered to be morally wrong. Girls who expressed their wish to marry a boy of their own choice were thrashed severely by their family members and were considered to have low moral values. Young couples in love had to struggle hard to get approval for marriage. It used to get all the more difficult if it was an inter-caste relationship. Many instances of honour killing have also come into limelight in the past owing to this reason.

However, the concept of love marriage has now become quite common in our country and a person’s moral values and character are not judged because of this.

Marriage to Live-in Relationships

Live in relationships are quite common in the western countries however in India these relationships are not considered morally correct. Here, it is advocated that a couple can live together under one roof only when they are married. While live-in relationships were considered a taboo until a few years back, many sections of the society have now begun to accept it. Many young couples these days especially those living in the metropolitan cities have started getting into such relationships. Though, a large section of the society still continues to consider it wrong.

Moral values are thus a type of law defined by the society to dictate an individual on how he should and should not behave. While moral values are important and good for the society some of these are too overrated. These must be inculcated and advocated for the good of the society and not to suffocate the individuals. It is important to alter them from time to time to match the mindset of the newer generation.

Essay on Moral Values FAQs

What are moral values in short notes.

Moral values are principles that guide our behavior, like honesty and kindness.

What is the importance of moral values in a paragraph?

Moral values are crucial in life as they shape our character, help us make ethical choices, and build better relationships with others.

What are moral values in student life?

Moral values in student life include honesty, respect, and responsibility, teaching students to be good citizens.

Why are moral values important in student life?

Moral values are important in student life as they instill integrity, empathy, and strong decision-making skills, preparing students for a better future.

What are moral values in an essay?

Moral values in an essay often highlight virtues like integrity, empathy, and fairness, promoting ethical behavior and social harmony.

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essay on moral education 150 words 200 words

Moral Values : You must regulate your life by the standards you admire when you are at your best.

Moral values are the values journey with an individual as the vital essence of life. Moral values are the basic principles that guide the path and relationships in life. It helps a person behave with good motives and thoughts that do not harm the other.

Every Parent takes pride in his or her kid’s good moral character. Most Indian families follow strict instructions to imbibe ethical values. They highlight the importance of moral values and teach them at an early age. However, today’s society experiences the slow degradation of moral values with time.

A person’ s moral values, behavior, and beliefs should be based on culture or society. It molds the overall personality, conduct, and practice of an individual. My values and beliefs are based on the regulations, education, religion, and law of society. Moral values help to distinguish between right and wrong, thus affect our behavior and attitudes.

Thus, to become a competent, responsible human, it is essential to keep moral values as a top priority. It not only mold their personality but also makes them better citizens of the society.

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