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How to Properly and Effectively Conduct Research in Five Steps

Researching is a valuable skill that can help you in school, work, and beyond. This blog post breaks down the research process into five easy-to-follow steps to teach you how to conduct research properly and effectively.

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Conducting Research: Table of Contents

What is Research?

Steps to Conducting Research

In an age where misinformation is rampant, knowing how to correctly conduct research is a skill that will set you apart from others. This blog post goes over what research is and breaks down the process into five straightforward steps.

What Is Research?

The word research is derived from the Middle French word “recerche,” which means “to seek.” That term came from the Old French word “recerchier,” meaning “search.” But what exactly is being sought during research? Knowledge and information.

Research is the methodical process of collecting and analyzing data to expand your knowledge, so you can have enough information to answer a question or describe, explain, or predict an issue or observation.

Research is important because it helps you see the world as it really is (facts) and not as you or others think it is (opinions).

The meaning of research may sound quite heavy and significant, but that’s because it is. Proper research guides you to weed out wrong information. Today, having that skill is vital. Below, we’ll teach you how to do research in five easy-to-follow steps.

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. - Zora Neale Hurston

It’s essential to note that there are different types of research:

  • Exploratory research identifies a problem or question.
  • Constructive research examines hypotheses and offers solutions.
  • Empirical research tests the feasibility of a solution using data.

That being said, the research process may differ based on the purpose of the project. Take the measures below as a general guideline, and be prepared to make changes or take additional steps.

Also, keep in mind that conducting proper research is not easy. You should start with a mindset of being ready to use a lot of time and effort to obtain the information you need.

1. Prepare for Research

Preparing for research is an extensive step in itself. You must:

  • Choose a topic or carefully analyze the assignment given to you.
  • Craft a research question and hypothesis.
  • Plan out your research.
  • Create a research log.
  • Transform your hypothesis into a working thesis.

2. Understand and Evaluate Sources

Once you have meticulously prepared for research, you should have a thorough understanding of the different types of sources. Doing this helps you learn which types would best fit your research project.

  • Primary sources provide direct knowledge and evidence based on your research question.
  • Secondary sources provide descriptions or interpretations of primary sources.
  • Tertiary sources provide summaries of the primary or secondary sources without providing additional insights.

The data and information you’re seeking can be found in various mediums. The following list shows the types most commonly used in academic research and writing:

  • Academic journals
  • Books and textbooks
  • Government and legal documents

The information you need doesn’t always have to come in the form of printed materials. It can also be found in:

  • Multimedia (like radio and television podcasts, or recorded public meetings)
  • Social media

Evaluate Your Sources

You must evaluate your sources to ensure that they are credible and authoritative. The information you find on websites, blogs, and social media is not as reliable as that found in academic journals, for example. Always verify the information you find, and then verify again!

To evaluate sources, you should:

  • Find out as much as you can about the source
  • Determine the intended audience
  • Ask yourself if it is fact, opinion, or propaganda
  • Analyze the evidence used
  • Check how timely the source is
  • Cross-check the information

3. Use the Library, Internet, and Conduct Field Research

So, where can you find all these sources? The library is a good place to start because the library staff may be able to guide you in the right direction as to where you should begin your research. If you’re a student, your school library can provide access to:

  • Reference works
  • Encyclopedias
  • Almanacs and atlases
  • Catalogs and databases
  • And countless books

The internet does provide easy and fast access to all sorts of data, including incorrect information. That’s why it’s important to verify everything you find there. However, the internet is also home to reliable and credible information.

You can find trustworthy sources online, including scholarly works on Google Scholar , for example. Government sites, like the Library of Congress, provide online collections of articles. There are also many websites for reputable publications, such as the New York Times . Make sure to include the latest information on the specific topic.

Lastly, you can also conduct research by collecting data yourself. You can do this in the form of interviews, observations, opinion surveys, and more.

Don’t Forget

Update your working bibliography as you conduct your research, and keep track of everything in your research log!

4. Think Critically and Takes Notes

When you’re researching, it’s important to read everything through a critical lens—don’t just accept what you see at face value. Always ask yourself questions like:

What’s the main idea?
What are the supporting ideas?
Who is the intended audience?
What’s the purpose?
Is there anything else I need to know that was left out?

Take as many notes as you can and look up anything confusing or unclear.

5. Decide on How To Integrate Sources Into Your Research Paper

Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to figure out how you are going to integrate sources into your research paper.

Are you going to quote your sources directly? Doing so can help you establish credibility, but be sure to limit this, as your research paper should be mainly your ideas and findings (based on theoretical framework). You can also paraphrase or summarize your sources, but make sure to precede them with the author of the source.

If you’re using visuals in your research project, make sure to include them seamlessly. Ensure that there’s a purpose for the visual content (it can demonstrate something better than words alone can). Add the visual immediately after an explanation of it, and take some time to clarify why it’s relevant to the research project.

The most important part of this step is that you do not plagiarize! Always cite your sources. The only information that need not be cited is:

  • Common knowledge
  • Your findings from field research

How to Properly Conduct Research: 1) Prepare for Research 2) Understand and evaluate sources 3) Use the library, internet, and conduct field research 4) Think critically and take notes 5) Decide on how to use sources in your research paper

Research Takes Time

The truth is that if you want to conduct proper research, you must be willing to dedicate a significant amount of time to it. And properly conducted research is essential to a well-written and credible research paper.

In other words, there are no cutting corners when it comes to research. However, as an advanced, multilingual writing assistant, LanguageTool can take care of the grammar, spelling, and punctuation aspects of your research project. It can help you in paraphrasing sentences to align with the formality required for an academic paper while also ensuring simplicity, conciseness, and fluency when necessary.

LanguageTool lets you focus on the most important aspects of writing a research paper—research and writing—while it focuses on correcting all types of errors. Its advanced technology can also help you avoid plagiarism through paraphrasing. In this case, it’s imperative that if you use this feature, you still include the source in the references or works cited page.

LanguageTool is free to use! Give it a try.

Lunsford, Andrea A. The Everyday Writer with Exercises , 2010.

Types of Sources - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University. “Types of Sources - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University,” n.d.

General Guidelines - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University. “General Guidelines - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University,” n.d.

Ryan, Eoghan. “Types of Sources Explained | Examples & Tips.” Scribbr, May 19, 2022.


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Conducting research.

  • The Process
  • Step 1: Exploring an idea
  • Step 2: Finding background info.
  • Step 3: Finding Print/E-Books
  • Step 4: Finding Articles (Current Research)
  • Step 5: Evaluating your sources
  • Step 6: Citing your sources
  • FAQs This link opens in a new window
  • Library Vocabulary
  • Research in the Humanities
  • Research in the Social Sciences
  • Research in the Sciences

The Research Process

If you have any questions, please reach out to a Subject Librarian.

The Research Process can be broken up into many steps. For the purposes of this guide, it has been broken into six (6) steps:

  • Exploring an Idea
  • Finding Background Information
  • Gathering More Information
  • Locating Current Research
  • Evaluating your Sources
  • Citing your Sources

Additionally, the guide also provides information on conducting research in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences.

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Research Process Steps: What they are + How To Follow

There are various approaches to conducting basic and applied research. This article explains the research process steps you should know.

There are various approaches to conducting basic and applied research. This article explains the research process steps you should know. Whether you are doing basic research or applied research, there are many ways of doing it. In some ways, each research study is unique since it is conducted at a different time and place.

Conducting research might be difficult, but there are clear processes to follow. The research process starts with a broad idea for a topic. This article will assist you through the research process steps, helping you focus and develop your topic.

Research Process Steps

The research process consists of a series of systematic procedures that a researcher must go through in order to generate knowledge that will be considered valuable by the project and focus on the relevant topic.

To conduct effective research, you must understand the research process steps and follow them. Here are a few steps in the research process to make it easier for you:

10 research process steps

Step 1: Identify the Problem

Finding an issue or formulating a research question is the first step. A well-defined research problem will guide the researcher through all stages of the research process, from setting objectives to choosing a technique. There are a number of approaches to get insight into a topic and gain a better understanding of it. Such as:

  • A preliminary survey
  • Case studies
  • Interviews with a small group of people
  • Observational survey

Step 2: Evaluate the Literature

A thorough examination of the relevant studies is essential to the research process . It enables the researcher to identify the precise aspects of the problem. Once a problem has been found, the investigator or researcher needs to find out more about it.

This stage gives problem-zone background. It teaches the investigator about previous research, how they were conducted, and its conclusions. The researcher can build consistency between his work and others through a literature review. Such a review exposes the researcher to a more significant body of knowledge and helps him follow the research process efficiently.

Step 3: Create Hypotheses

Formulating an original hypothesis is the next logical step after narrowing down the research topic and defining it. A belief solves logical relationships between variables. In order to establish a hypothesis, a researcher must have a certain amount of expertise in the field. 

It is important for researchers to keep in mind while formulating a hypothesis that it must be based on the research topic. Researchers are able to concentrate their efforts and stay committed to their objectives when they develop theories to guide their work.

Step 4: The Research Design

Research design is the plan for achieving objectives and answering research questions. It outlines how to get the relevant information. Its goal is to design research to test hypotheses, address the research questions, and provide decision-making insights.

The research design aims to minimize the time, money, and effort required to acquire meaningful evidence. This plan fits into four categories:

  • Exploration and Surveys
  • Data Analysis
  • Observation

Step 5: Describe Population

Research projects usually look at a specific group of people, facilities, or how technology is used in the business. In research, the term population refers to this study group. The research topic and purpose help determine the study group.

Suppose a researcher wishes to investigate a certain group of people in the community. In that case, the research could target a specific age group, males or females, a geographic location, or an ethnic group. A final step in a study’s design is to specify its sample or population so that the results may be generalized.

Step 6: Data Collection

Data collection is important in obtaining the knowledge or information required to answer the research issue. Every research collected data, either from the literature or the people being studied. Data must be collected from the two categories of researchers. These sources may provide primary data.

  • Questionnaire

Secondary data categories are:

  • Literature survey
  • Official, unofficial reports
  • An approach based on library resources

Step 7: Data Analysis

During research design, the researcher plans data analysis. After collecting data, the researcher analyzes it. The data is examined based on the approach in this step. The research findings are reviewed and reported.

Data analysis involves a number of closely related stages, such as setting up categories, applying these categories to raw data through coding and tabulation, and then drawing statistical conclusions. The researcher can examine the acquired data using a variety of statistical methods.

Step 8: The Report-writing

After completing these steps, the researcher must prepare a report detailing his findings. The report must be carefully composed with the following in mind:

  • The Layout: On the first page, the title, date, acknowledgments, and preface should be on the report. A table of contents should be followed by a list of tables, graphs, and charts if any.
  • Introduction: It should state the research’s purpose and methods. This section should include the study’s scope and limits.
  • Summary of Findings: A non-technical summary of findings and recommendations will follow the introduction. The findings should be summarized if they’re lengthy.
  • Principal Report: The main body of the report should make sense and be broken up into sections that are easy to understand.
  • Conclusion: The researcher should restate his findings at the end of the main text. It’s the final result.

LEARN ABOUT: 12 Best Tools for Researchers

The research process involves several steps that make it easy to complete the research successfully. The steps in the research process described above depend on each other, and the order must be kept. So, if we want to do a research project, we should follow the research process steps.

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How to Do Research: A Step-By-Step Guide: Get Started

  • Get Started
  • 1a. Select a Topic
  • 1b. Develop Research Questions
  • 1c. Identify Keywords
  • 1d. Find Background Information
  • 1e. Refine a Topic
  • 2a. Search Strategies
  • 2d. Articles
  • 2e. Videos & Images
  • 2f. Databases
  • 2g. Websites
  • 2h. Grey Literature
  • 2i. Open Access Materials
  • 3a. Evaluate Sources
  • 3b. Primary vs. Secondary
  • 3c. Types of Periodicals
  • 4a. Take Notes
  • 4b. Outline the Paper
  • 4c. Incorporate Source Material
  • 5a. Avoid Plagiarism
  • 5b. Zotero & MyBib
  • 5c. MLA Formatting
  • 5d. MLA Citation Examples
  • 5e. APA Formatting
  • 5f. APA Citation Examples
  • 5g. Annotated Bibliographies

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  • Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Research Process Overview

Step 1.  Develop a topic Select a Topic | Develop Research Questions | Identify Keywords | Find Background Information | Refine a Topic

Step 2. Locate information Search Strategies | Books | eBooks | Articles  | Videos & Images | Databases | Websites | Grey Literature

Step 3. Evaluate and analyze information Evaluate Sources | Primary vs Secondary | Types of Periodicals

Step 4. Write, organize, and communicate information Take Notes | Outline the Paper | Incorporate Source Material

Step 5. Cite sources Avoid Plagiarism | Zotero & MyBib | MLA | APA | Chicago Style | Annotated Bibliographies

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  • Next: Step 1: Develop a Topic >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 3:10 PM
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Research Methods | Definitions, Types, Examples

Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Developing your research methods is an integral part of your research design . When planning your methods, there are two key decisions you will make.

First, decide how you will collect data . Your methods depend on what type of data you need to answer your research question :

  • Qualitative vs. quantitative : Will your data take the form of words or numbers?
  • Primary vs. secondary : Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use data that has already been collected by someone else?
  • Descriptive vs. experimental : Will you take measurements of something as it is, or will you perform an experiment?

Second, decide how you will analyze the data .

  • For quantitative data, you can use statistical analysis methods to test relationships between variables.
  • For qualitative data, you can use methods such as thematic analysis to interpret patterns and meanings in the data.

Table of contents

Methods for collecting data, examples of data collection methods, methods for analyzing data, examples of data analysis methods, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about research methods.

Data is the information that you collect for the purposes of answering your research question . The type of data you need depends on the aims of your research.

Qualitative vs. quantitative data

Your choice of qualitative or quantitative data collection depends on the type of knowledge you want to develop.

For questions about ideas, experiences and meanings, or to study something that can’t be described numerically, collect qualitative data .

If you want to develop a more mechanistic understanding of a topic, or your research involves hypothesis testing , collect quantitative data .

Qualitative to broader populations. .
Quantitative .

You can also take a mixed methods approach , where you use both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Primary vs. secondary research

Primary research is any original data that you collect yourself for the purposes of answering your research question (e.g. through surveys , observations and experiments ). Secondary research is data that has already been collected by other researchers (e.g. in a government census or previous scientific studies).

If you are exploring a novel research question, you’ll probably need to collect primary data . But if you want to synthesize existing knowledge, analyze historical trends, or identify patterns on a large scale, secondary data might be a better choice.

Primary . methods.

Descriptive vs. experimental data

In descriptive research , you collect data about your study subject without intervening. The validity of your research will depend on your sampling method .

In experimental research , you systematically intervene in a process and measure the outcome. The validity of your research will depend on your experimental design .

To conduct an experiment, you need to be able to vary your independent variable , precisely measure your dependent variable, and control for confounding variables . If it’s practically and ethically possible, this method is the best choice for answering questions about cause and effect.

Descriptive . .

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Research methods for collecting data
Research method Primary or secondary? Qualitative or quantitative? When to use
Primary Quantitative To test cause-and-effect relationships.
Primary Quantitative To understand general characteristics of a population.
Interview/focus group Primary Qualitative To gain more in-depth understanding of a topic.
Observation Primary Either To understand how something occurs in its natural setting.
Secondary Either To situate your research in an existing body of work, or to evaluate trends within a research topic.
Either Either To gain an in-depth understanding of a specific group or context, or when you don’t have the resources for a large study.

Your data analysis methods will depend on the type of data you collect and how you prepare it for analysis.

Data can often be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. For example, survey responses could be analyzed qualitatively by studying the meanings of responses or quantitatively by studying the frequencies of responses.

Qualitative analysis methods

Qualitative analysis is used to understand words, ideas, and experiences. You can use it to interpret data that was collected:

  • From open-ended surveys and interviews , literature reviews , case studies , ethnographies , and other sources that use text rather than numbers.
  • Using non-probability sampling methods .

Qualitative analysis tends to be quite flexible and relies on the researcher’s judgement, so you have to reflect carefully on your choices and assumptions and be careful to avoid research bias .

Quantitative analysis methods

Quantitative analysis uses numbers and statistics to understand frequencies, averages and correlations (in descriptive studies) or cause-and-effect relationships (in experiments).

You can use quantitative analysis to interpret data that was collected either:

  • During an experiment .
  • Using probability sampling methods .

Because the data is collected and analyzed in a statistically valid way, the results of quantitative analysis can be easily standardized and shared among researchers.

Research methods for analyzing data
Research method Qualitative or quantitative? When to use
Quantitative To analyze data collected in a statistically valid manner (e.g. from experiments, surveys, and observations).
Meta-analysis Quantitative To statistically analyze the results of a large collection of studies.

Can only be applied to studies that collected data in a statistically valid manner.

Qualitative To analyze data collected from interviews, , or textual sources.

To understand general themes in the data and how they are communicated.

Either To analyze large volumes of textual or visual data collected from surveys, literature reviews, or other sources.

Can be quantitative (i.e. frequencies of words) or qualitative (i.e. meanings of words).

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See an example

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If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Chi square test of independence
  • Statistical power
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Pearson correlation
  • Null hypothesis
  • Double-blind study
  • Case-control study
  • Research ethics
  • Data collection
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Structured interviews

Research bias

  • Hawthorne effect
  • Unconscious bias
  • Recall bias
  • Halo effect
  • Self-serving bias
  • Information bias

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question .

A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population . Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of 100 students.

In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population.

The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question .

  • If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis , use quantitative methods . If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods .
  • If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
  • If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables , use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.

Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of your research project . It involves studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches your objectives.

Methods are the specific tools and procedures you use to collect and analyze data (for example, experiments, surveys , and statistical tests ).

In shorter scientific papers, where the aim is to report the findings of a specific study, you might simply describe what you did in a methods section .

In a longer or more complex research project, such as a thesis or dissertation , you will probably include a methodology section , where you explain your approach to answering the research questions and cite relevant sources to support your choice of methods.

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Research: Where to Begin

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Research isn't something that only scientists and professors do. Any time you use sources to investigate claims or reach new conclusions, you are performing research. Research happens in virtually all fields, so it’s vitally important to know how to conduct research and navigate through source material regardless of your professional or academic role.

Choosing and Narrowing Your Research Topic

Before beginning the process of looking for sources, it’s important to choose a research topic that is specific enough to explore in-depth. If your focus is too broad, it will be difficult to find sources that back up what you’re trying to say.

If your instructor gives you the flexibility to choose your own research topic, you might begin by brainstorming  a list of topics that interest you ( click here to visit an OWL page that can help you get started brainstorming or prewriting ). Once you find something that grabs your attention, the next step is to narrow your topic to a manageable scope. Some ways to narrow your focus are by sub-topic, demographic, or time period.

For example, suppose that you want to research cancer treatments. Cancer treatment is a fairly broad topic, so you would be wise to at least consider narrowing your scope. For example, you could focus on a sub-topic of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. However, these are still broad topics, so you might also narrow your topic to a narrower sub-topic or even examine how these topics relate to a specific demographic or time period. In the end, you might decide to research how radiation therapy for women over fifty has changed in the past twenty years. In sum, having a specific idea of what you want to research helps you find a topic that feels more manageable.

Writing Your Research Question

Writing your research topic as a question helps you focus your topic in a clear and concise way. It ensure that your topic is arguable. While not all research papers have to offer an explicit argument, many do.

For the above example, you might phrase your research question like this: "How has radiation therapy changed in the past twenty years for women over fifty?" Of course, phrasing this topic as a question assumes that the research has, in fact, changed. Reading your sources (or, to begin with, at least summaries and abstracts of those sources) will help you formulate a research question that makes sense.

Knowing What Types of Sources You Need

Depending on the type of research you’re doing, you may need to use different types of sources. Research is usually divided into scholarly and popular, and primary and secondary. For more information on specific details about these types of sources, visit our "Where to Begin" page in our "Evaluating Sources" subsection.  This subsection contains additional pages that explore various kinds of sources (like, e.g., internet sources) in more detail.

Asking Productive Questions

Before you begin your research, you should ask yourself questions that help narrow your search parameters.

What kind of information are you looking for?

Different types of research will require different sources. It’s important to know what kinds of sources your research demands. Ask whether you need facts or opinions, news reports, research studies, statistics and data, personal reflections, archival research, etc. Restricting yourself to only the most relevant kinds of sources will make the research process seem less daunting.

Where do you need to look for your research?

Your research topic will also dictate where you find your sources. This extends beyond simply whether you use the internet or a print source. For example, if you are searching for information on a current event, a well-regarded newspaper like the  New York Times  or  Wall Street Journal  could  be a useful source. If you are searching for statistics on some aspect of the U.S. population, then you might want to start with government documents, such as census reports. While much high-level academic research relies mainly on the sorts of academic journal articles and scholarly books that can be found in university libraries, depending the nature of your research project, you may need to look elsewhere.

How much information do you need?

Different research projects require different numbers of sources. For example, if you need to address both sides of a controversial issue, you may need to find more sources than if you were pursuing a non-controversial topic. Be sure to speak with your instructor if you are unclear on how many sources you will be expected to use.

How timely does your research need to be?

Depending on your research topic, the timeliness of your source may or may not matter. For example, if you are looking into recent changes in a specific scientific field, you would want the most up-to-date research. However, if you were researching the War of 1812, you might benefit from finding primary sources written during that time period.

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Research – Types, Methods and Examples

Table of Contents

What is Research


Research refers to the process of investigating a particular topic or question in order to discover new information , develop new insights, or confirm or refute existing knowledge. It involves a systematic and rigorous approach to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and requires careful planning and attention to detail.

History of Research

The history of research can be traced back to ancient times when early humans observed and experimented with the natural world around them. Over time, research evolved and became more systematic as people sought to better understand the world and solve problems.

In ancient civilizations such as those in Greece, Egypt, and China, scholars pursued knowledge through observation, experimentation, and the development of theories. They explored various fields, including medicine, astronomy, and mathematics.

During the Middle Ages, research was often conducted by religious scholars who sought to reconcile scientific discoveries with their faith. The Renaissance brought about a renewed interest in science and the scientific method, and the Enlightenment period marked a major shift towards empirical observation and experimentation as the primary means of acquiring knowledge.

The 19th and 20th centuries saw significant advancements in research, with the development of new scientific disciplines and fields such as psychology, sociology, and computer science. Advances in technology and communication also greatly facilitated research efforts.

Today, research is conducted in a wide range of fields and is a critical component of many industries, including healthcare, technology, and academia. The process of research continues to evolve as new methods and technologies emerge, but the fundamental principles of observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing remain at its core.

Types of Research

Types of Research are as follows:

  • Applied Research : This type of research aims to solve practical problems or answer specific questions, often in a real-world context.
  • Basic Research : This type of research aims to increase our understanding of a phenomenon or process, often without immediate practical applications.
  • Experimental Research : This type of research involves manipulating one or more variables to determine their effects on another variable, while controlling all other variables.
  • Descriptive Research : This type of research aims to describe and measure phenomena or characteristics, without attempting to manipulate or control any variables.
  • Correlational Research: This type of research examines the relationships between two or more variables, without manipulating any variables.
  • Qualitative Research : This type of research focuses on exploring and understanding the meaning and experience of individuals or groups, often through methods such as interviews, focus groups, and observation.
  • Quantitative Research : This type of research uses numerical data and statistical analysis to draw conclusions about phenomena or populations.
  • Action Research: This type of research is often used in education, healthcare, and other fields, and involves collaborating with practitioners or participants to identify and solve problems in real-world settings.
  • Mixed Methods Research : This type of research combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon or problem.
  • Case Study Research: This type of research involves in-depth examination of a specific individual, group, or situation, often using multiple data sources.
  • Longitudinal Research: This type of research follows a group of individuals over an extended period of time, often to study changes in behavior, attitudes, or health outcomes.
  • Cross-Sectional Research : This type of research examines a population at a single point in time, often to study differences or similarities among individuals or groups.
  • Survey Research: This type of research uses questionnaires or interviews to gather information from a sample of individuals about their attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, or experiences.
  • Ethnographic Research : This type of research involves immersion in a cultural group or community to understand their way of life, beliefs, values, and practices.
  • Historical Research : This type of research investigates events or phenomena from the past using primary sources, such as archival records, newspapers, and diaries.
  • Content Analysis Research : This type of research involves analyzing written, spoken, or visual material to identify patterns, themes, or messages.
  • Participatory Research : This type of research involves collaboration between researchers and participants throughout the research process, often to promote empowerment, social justice, or community development.
  • Comparative Research: This type of research compares two or more groups or phenomena to identify similarities and differences, often across different countries or cultures.
  • Exploratory Research : This type of research is used to gain a preliminary understanding of a topic or phenomenon, often in the absence of prior research or theories.
  • Explanatory Research: This type of research aims to identify the causes or reasons behind a particular phenomenon, often through the testing of theories or hypotheses.
  • Evaluative Research: This type of research assesses the effectiveness or impact of an intervention, program, or policy, often through the use of outcome measures.
  • Simulation Research : This type of research involves creating a model or simulation of a phenomenon or process, often to predict outcomes or test theories.

Data Collection Methods

  • Surveys : Surveys are used to collect data from a sample of individuals using questionnaires or interviews. Surveys can be conducted face-to-face, by phone, mail, email, or online.
  • Experiments : Experiments involve manipulating one or more variables to measure their effects on another variable, while controlling for other factors. Experiments can be conducted in a laboratory or in a natural setting.
  • Case studies : Case studies involve in-depth analysis of a single case, such as an individual, group, organization, or event. Case studies can use a variety of data collection methods, including interviews, observation, and document analysis.
  • Observational research : Observational research involves observing and recording the behavior of individuals or groups in a natural setting. Observational research can be conducted covertly or overtly.
  • Content analysis : Content analysis involves analyzing written, spoken, or visual material to identify patterns, themes, or messages. Content analysis can be used to study media, social media, or other forms of communication.
  • Ethnography : Ethnography involves immersion in a cultural group or community to understand their way of life, beliefs, values, and practices. Ethnographic research can use a range of data collection methods, including observation, interviews, and document analysis.
  • Secondary data analysis : Secondary data analysis involves using existing data from sources such as government agencies, research institutions, or commercial organizations. Secondary data can be used to answer research questions, without collecting new data.
  • Focus groups: Focus groups involve gathering a small group of people together to discuss a topic or issue. The discussions are usually guided by a moderator who asks questions and encourages discussion.
  • Interviews : Interviews involve one-on-one conversations between a researcher and a participant. Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, and can be conducted in person, by phone, or online.
  • Document analysis : Document analysis involves collecting and analyzing written documents, such as reports, memos, and emails. Document analysis can be used to study organizational communication, policy documents, and other forms of written material.

Data Analysis Methods

Data Analysis Methods in Research are as follows:

  • Descriptive statistics : Descriptive statistics involve summarizing and describing the characteristics of a dataset, such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and frequency distributions.
  • Inferential statistics: Inferential statistics involve making inferences or predictions about a population based on a sample of data, using methods such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression analysis.
  • Qualitative analysis: Qualitative analysis involves analyzing non-numerical data, such as text, images, or audio, to identify patterns, themes, or meanings. Qualitative analysis can be used to study subjective experiences, social norms, and cultural practices.
  • Content analysis: Content analysis involves analyzing written, spoken, or visual material to identify patterns, themes, or messages. Content analysis can be used to study media, social media, or other forms of communication.
  • Grounded theory: Grounded theory involves developing a theory or model based on empirical data, using methods such as constant comparison, memo writing, and theoretical sampling.
  • Discourse analysis : Discourse analysis involves analyzing language use, including the structure, function, and meaning of words and phrases, to understand how language reflects and shapes social relationships and power dynamics.
  • Network analysis: Network analysis involves analyzing the structure and dynamics of social networks, including the relationships between individuals and groups, to understand social processes and outcomes.

Research Methodology

Research methodology refers to the overall approach and strategy used to conduct a research study. It involves the systematic planning, design, and execution of research to answer specific research questions or test hypotheses. The main components of research methodology include:

  • Research design : Research design refers to the overall plan and structure of the study, including the type of study (e.g., observational, experimental), the sampling strategy, and the data collection and analysis methods.
  • Sampling strategy: Sampling strategy refers to the method used to select a representative sample of participants or units from the population of interest. The choice of sampling strategy will depend on the research question and the nature of the population being studied.
  • Data collection methods : Data collection methods refer to the techniques used to collect data from study participants or sources, such as surveys, interviews, observations, or secondary data sources.
  • Data analysis methods: Data analysis methods refer to the techniques used to analyze and interpret the data collected in the study, such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, qualitative analysis, or content analysis.
  • Ethical considerations: Ethical considerations refer to the principles and guidelines that govern the treatment of human participants or the use of sensitive data in the research study.
  • Validity and reliability : Validity and reliability refer to the extent to which the study measures what it is intended to measure and the degree to which the study produces consistent and accurate results.

Applications of Research

Research has a wide range of applications across various fields and industries. Some of the key applications of research include:

  • Advancing scientific knowledge : Research plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of the world around us. Through research, scientists are able to discover new knowledge, uncover patterns and relationships, and develop new theories and models.
  • Improving healthcare: Research is instrumental in advancing medical knowledge and developing new treatments and therapies. Clinical trials and studies help to identify the effectiveness and safety of new drugs and medical devices, while basic research helps to uncover the underlying causes of diseases and conditions.
  • Enhancing education: Research helps to improve the quality of education by identifying effective teaching methods, developing new educational tools and technologies, and assessing the impact of various educational interventions.
  • Driving innovation: Research is a key driver of innovation, helping to develop new products, services, and technologies. By conducting research, businesses and organizations can identify new market opportunities, gain a competitive advantage, and improve their operations.
  • Informing public policy : Research plays an important role in informing public policy decisions. Policy makers rely on research to develop evidence-based policies that address societal challenges, such as healthcare, education, and environmental issues.
  • Understanding human behavior : Research helps us to better understand human behavior, including social, cognitive, and emotional processes. This understanding can be applied in a variety of settings, such as marketing, organizational management, and public policy.

Importance of Research

Research plays a crucial role in advancing human knowledge and understanding in various fields of study. It is the foundation upon which new discoveries, innovations, and technologies are built. Here are some of the key reasons why research is essential:

  • Advancing knowledge: Research helps to expand our understanding of the world around us, including the natural world, social structures, and human behavior.
  • Problem-solving: Research can help to identify problems, develop solutions, and assess the effectiveness of interventions in various fields, including medicine, engineering, and social sciences.
  • Innovation : Research is the driving force behind the development of new technologies, products, and processes. It helps to identify new possibilities and opportunities for improvement.
  • Evidence-based decision making: Research provides the evidence needed to make informed decisions in various fields, including policy making, business, and healthcare.
  • Education and training : Research provides the foundation for education and training in various fields, helping to prepare individuals for careers and advancing their knowledge.
  • Economic growth: Research can drive economic growth by facilitating the development of new technologies and innovations, creating new markets and job opportunities.

When to use Research

Research is typically used when seeking to answer questions or solve problems that require a systematic approach to gathering and analyzing information. Here are some examples of when research may be appropriate:

  • To explore a new area of knowledge : Research can be used to investigate a new area of knowledge and gain a better understanding of a topic.
  • To identify problems and find solutions: Research can be used to identify problems and develop solutions to address them.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions : Research can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions in various fields, such as healthcare, education, and social services.
  • To inform policy decisions: Research can be used to provide evidence to inform policy decisions in areas such as economics, politics, and environmental issues.
  • To develop new products or technologies : Research can be used to develop new products or technologies and improve existing ones.
  • To understand human behavior : Research can be used to better understand human behavior and social structures, such as in psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

Characteristics of Research

The following are some of the characteristics of research:

  • Purpose : Research is conducted to address a specific problem or question and to generate new knowledge or insights.
  • Systematic : Research is conducted in a systematic and organized manner, following a set of procedures and guidelines.
  • Empirical : Research is based on evidence and data, rather than personal opinion or intuition.
  • Objective: Research is conducted with an objective and impartial perspective, avoiding biases and personal beliefs.
  • Rigorous : Research involves a rigorous and critical examination of the evidence and data, using reliable and valid methods of data collection and analysis.
  • Logical : Research is based on logical and rational thinking, following a well-defined and logical structure.
  • Generalizable : Research findings are often generalized to broader populations or contexts, based on a representative sample of the population.
  • Replicable : Research is conducted in a way that allows others to replicate the study and obtain similar results.
  • Ethical : Research is conducted in an ethical manner, following established ethical guidelines and principles, to ensure the protection of participants’ rights and well-being.
  • Cumulative : Research builds on previous studies and contributes to the overall body of knowledge in a particular field.

Advantages of Research

Research has several advantages, including:

  • Generates new knowledge: Research is conducted to generate new knowledge and understanding of a particular topic or phenomenon, which can be used to inform policy, practice, and decision-making.
  • Provides evidence-based solutions : Research provides evidence-based solutions to problems and issues, which can be used to develop effective interventions and strategies.
  • Improves quality : Research can improve the quality of products, services, and programs by identifying areas for improvement and developing solutions to address them.
  • Enhances credibility : Research enhances the credibility of an organization or individual by providing evidence to support claims and assertions.
  • Enables innovation: Research can lead to innovation by identifying new ideas, approaches, and technologies.
  • Informs decision-making : Research provides information that can inform decision-making, helping individuals and organizations make more informed and effective choices.
  • Facilitates progress: Research can facilitate progress by identifying challenges and opportunities and developing solutions to address them.
  • Enhances understanding: Research can enhance understanding of complex issues and phenomena, helping individuals and organizations navigate challenges and opportunities more effectively.
  • Promotes accountability : Research promotes accountability by providing a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of policies, programs, and interventions.
  • Fosters collaboration: Research can foster collaboration by bringing together individuals and organizations with diverse perspectives and expertise to address complex issues and problems.

Limitations of Research

Some Limitations of Research are as follows:

  • Cost : Research can be expensive, particularly when large-scale studies are required. This can limit the number of studies that can be conducted and the amount of data that can be collected.
  • Time : Research can be time-consuming, particularly when longitudinal studies are required. This can limit the speed at which research findings can be generated and disseminated.
  • Sample size: The size of the sample used in research can limit the generalizability of the findings to larger populations.
  • Bias : Research can be affected by bias, both in the design and implementation of the study, as well as in the analysis and interpretation of the data.
  • Ethics : Research can present ethical challenges, particularly when human or animal subjects are involved. This can limit the types of research that can be conducted and the methods that can be used.
  • Data quality: The quality of the data collected in research can be affected by a range of factors, including the reliability and validity of the measures used, as well as the accuracy of the data entry and analysis.
  • Subjectivity : Research can be subjective, particularly when qualitative methods are used. This can limit the objectivity and reliability of the findings.
  • Accessibility : Research findings may not be accessible to all stakeholders, particularly those who are not part of the academic or research community.
  • Interpretation : Research findings can be open to interpretation, particularly when the data is complex or contradictory. This can limit the ability of researchers to draw firm conclusions.
  • Unforeseen events : Unexpected events, such as changes in the environment or the emergence of new technologies, can limit the relevance and applicability of research findings.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Conduct Academic Research

Last Updated: January 31, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Chris Hadley, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Chris Hadley, PhD is part of the wikiHow team and works on content strategy and data and analytics. Chris Hadley earned his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from UCLA in 2006. Chris' academic research has been published in numerous scientific journals. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 370,736 times.

Whether you are a student or a professional, you may need to conduct academic research. Strong research involves accessing and evaluating various forms of information. You then analyze the information you find to answer a question or come to a conclusion about an issue. Once your research is complete, you'll present your findings, typically in a research paper or a presentation. [1] X Research source

Defining Your Research Question

Step 1 Determine a broad topic for your research.

  • For example, if you're taking a history course on Europe in World War II, the title of the course may be your broad topic. Your instructor might limit your topic further, such as asking you to focus on France.

Step 2 Explore the broad topic to find a potential question.

  • For example, you may decide you want to research the activities of the French Resistance in aiding the Allies during World War II. A potential research question might be "How did the French Resistance provide intelligence to the Allies?"
  • Some instructors may provide a list of research questions, or other information to help you narrow your topic. If you want to deviate from the list, talk to your instructor about your interests.

Step 3 Conduct an initial search to test your question.

  • Identify key words to search, and try different combinations to fully test your question. For example, if you are researching the French Resistance during World War II, you might do a search for "French Resistance intelligence" and another for "French assistance Allies."
  • If you find articles or books that address your research question exactly, choose a different question. You might review the article or book you find to see if it mentions additional questions that still haven't been answered.

Step 4 Reevaluate your research question based on what you've learned.

  • If you're writing a research paper, consider its length. Generally, a shorter paper should cover a narrower topic. Make sure you have enough sources available.

Finding Research Sources

Step 1 Use non-academic sources as a starting point.

  • Documentary films can also serve as good introductory sources.
  • You won't necessarily be referencing any of these sources in your project, you're simply using them to get a better feel for your topic, the experts in the field, and the sources available.

Step 2 Identify locations of likely sources.

  • For example, if you're researching history, your likely sources will be published books and scholarly articles by historians. If you're researching the development of smart phones, on the other hand, you'll probably find most of your sources online or in tech magazines.
  • You may need to use a university or specialty library, which likely has resources that aren't available at libraries open to the general public. Contact the library you want to use to find out how you can gain access.

Step 3 Search for books and scholarly articles.

  • Depending on your topic, it may be possible to do all of your research online. This is likely if you're researching something trendy or cutting edge, such as a new tech development.
  • Many scholarly articles can be found in electronic databases. University libraries typically allow free access to these databases for students and faculty.

Step 4 Get a research librarian to assist you.

  • In the library, look for the desk called the "research desk" or "reference desk." These desks are often towards the back of the library. You can ask at the main desk or circulation desk if you aren't sure where to go.
  • Tell the research librarian your research question, and let them know what sources you've found so far, as well as what types of sources you're looking for. They may have additional sources or different search terms to suggest.

Step 5 Keep organized notes on each of your sources.

  • If you read material that you want to quote, write the quote exactly on a note card, then write the page number where that quote can be found. This will differentiate quotes from other notes.
  • It can also help to write a key word that identifies the issue the notes on the card relate to, so you can organize cards related to different sections of your paper as you go. This way you'll be able to tell at a glance if there's a part of your paper that needs more sources or information.

Step 6 Synthesize your information and tie up loose ends.

  • If your research raises additional questions that are outside the scope of your project, you could simply acknowledge that they exist and would require further research.

Step 7 Craft your thesis statement based on what you've found.

  • Your thesis statement makes a claim, or takes a position, and tells your readers why your position is important.
  • For example, if you're writing a paper about the French Resistance in World War II for a history class, your thesis statement might be "By providing intelligence to the Allies, sabotaging German efforts, and rescuing Allied pilots whose planes were shot down, the French resistance weakened the Nazi regime."

Evaluating Your Sources

Step 1 Identify what type of source you're using.

  • If you have a secondary source, look in the footnotes or bibliographies to get information about the original source. The citation should allow you to find the primary source and evaluate it yourself.
  • You may need to use a secondary source if the primary source is not available to you. For example, if you read an article in which a book is quoted, you would want to find the quoted book if at all possible. However, if the book was published a long time ago and is out of print, you may have no choice but to use the secondary source.

Step 2 Review the credentials of the author or producer of the source.

  • For science or tech topics, professionals working in the field are often just as reliable as professors or other academic experts.
  • If you find the author's name mentioned by other sources, that often means they are respected in the field. If other professionals have relied on their work, that's a good sign that you can rely on it as well.

Step 3 Check the year the source was published.

  • Whether the year of publication affects the reliability of the information depends on your overall topic. For example, if you're conducting research on ancient Greek philosophy, the date of publication wouldn't necessarily matter. However, if you were conducting research on social media and voting, you would want to use sources published within the last year.

Step 4 Assess the reputation of the publisher of the source.

  • Be wary of small, independent presses or self-published books. They don't have robust fact-checking and editing like larger, established presses do.
  • Reputation is particularly important for online sources. Search for reviews or complaints about websites to find out if people in the field consider it to be a good source of information. You can also ask your instructor or supervisor if you're not sure.

Step 5 Consider the reliability of online sources.

  • For example, a website run by a university history department would likely be considered a reliable online source.

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Chris Hadley, PhD

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About This Article

Chris Hadley, PhD

To conduct academic research, define your research question by considering a broad topic and narrowing your interests to a more specific question that hasn't yet been answered. Then, consult books and online resources, like academic journals, to find more information about your topic. Remember to keep a running list of the resources that you use, and take notes of the supporting information for your main arguments. To begin a research paper, craft a thesis statement based on your research, and begin drafting your argument. For tips on evaluating sources to make sure they're reliable, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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5 Easy Steps for Conducting Research

  • Posted on December 14, 2023 December 14, 2023

Have you received your first term paper assignment and are wondering how to start? Or are you a social science graduate student starting your research project? You may even be a new marketing consultant with a big presentation coming up, and you need to research competitors to determine your product marketing position. 

Whatever the case, you must research to understand your material better. 

Research allows deeper understanding, prevents lies, and spreads knowledge to promote informed decision-making. It is critical to ensure well-done research and always to utilize reliable sources, but this can seem like a huge task, especially when your education or career is on the line.

Conducting research is not as complicated as it seems; good research comes down to having the right process and skills. What are research skills ? Research skills include doing a literature review, working on collaborations, understanding the full text, and much more. 

We’ve outlined below the simple step-by-step process of conducting research to help complete your project easily.

Step 1: Define Your Research Question Clearly

The first step you need to do in your research is to define your research question clearly. Having a specific research question in mind will help you stay sharp and pay attention to the details of what you’re reading on the page.

You can develop an excellent research question by following these steps:

  • Start with a broad topic . Something like ‘Trash accumulation in the ocean.’
  • Do some basic research . See what people are saying lately about your topic; this will help you find your focus. 
  • Narrow down your topic .  Based on current issues, it looks like the growth of plastic litter might be a good focus.
  • Construct your research question. Be as specific as possible regarding what you’ll research.

Take a look at these examples of good and bad research questions using our topic about trash accumulation in the ocean:

Bad: How does trash accumulation happen in our oceans?

Good: How quickly is plastic litter accumulating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and what is causing it?

By precisely formulating your question, you save time in searching for information, scanning pages, and randomly clicking on links that may not be relevant. 

Step 2: Determine Which Research Methods You’ll Use

Next, decide what type of research methods you’re going to use. Base your research methods on the research question you plan to address. 

There are many research methods to choose from when writing a research paper. But only some approaches are appropriate for some research questions. There are several research methodologies you may use, including:

  • Qualitative research:   Based on qualities or descriptors.
  • Quantitative research : Focuses on numbers and data.
  • Descriptive research: All about describing an item’s nature, appearance, function, or other ways.
  • Experimental research: Includes actual experimentation to reach a conclusion.

Depending on the type of research you’re doing, you may use any of the methods above in research you conduct yourself, such as surveys, interviews, or experiments. Research that you manage yourself is known as primary research . Alternatively, you may use secondary research , which analyzes the data collected or ideas argued by someone else. Most research papers will benefit from some form of secondary research so long as the source is reliable.

Step 3: Find Data From Reliable Sources

The sources you use in your research must be reliable; using even one unreliable source may cause readers to doubt the validity of the rest of your research. Reliable sources are easy to find when you start your research at a university library, and sources like peer-reviewed journal articles and government agencies are usually safe bets.

Using a search engine to find information can also uncover great sources—but you may find some unreliable information that way. When finding new sources, always make sure they’re credible by looking for things like:

  • a recent publication date
  • author and publisher credentials
  • sources that directly address your research question
  • sources that do not have any known bias

Researchers are always encouraged to use various sources of information from different points of view. Research that shows opposing sides of an argument from academic and non-academic sources shows that you’ve fully researched your topic.

Step 4: Focus on Your Note-Taking

Once you’ve discovered credible and relevant sources, it’s time to take detailed notes.

When taking notes, use whatever style works for you. You may prefer to copy and paste content from an online source to your digital notepad. Or, maybe you like writing notes down by hand on index cards. Make sure you take pertinent notes no matter what type of note-taking you like.

Browse the table of contents with your sources or do a keyword search within a digital source to quickly find information that relates to your topic. As you gather information, note exact phrases or sentences that provide data, insight, or opinions about your research question. Take notes on anything that appears useful information you can include in your findings. Include smaller details that may be helpful to note as background information to help bolster your argument.

Include the source title, author, page number, or URL in your notes so you can easily go back and find that information again later. Often, it helps to take another look at your research paper 

outline and headings to ensure you find enough facts to fill in each section. 

Step 5: Draft Your Research Paper

Once you have all your research and notes, it’s time to start working on the draft of your research paper. If your outline and notes were thorough and your sources were strong, then good news: this is the easiest part!

Match your detailed notes with your outline, and start drafting your research paper in a way that connects the dots from one source and supplemental point to another. Add in your analysis and opinions as relevant. 

At this stage in your research, ensuring proper citation of all ideas and information mentioned in your paper is more important than ever. It always helps to use a free plagiarism checker to double-check that no citations get accidentally overlooked.

After penning your draft, proofread your text for punctuation, grammar, and readability, and double-check that there are no occurrences of accidental plagiarism before turning in your research paper. If you’re worried, check out our tips on recognizing and avoiding plagiarism in your research paper.

Conducting good research ensures that you can have accurate and convincing work. Whether you’re writing your high school term paper or preparing your research project for your Master’s degree, you must do your research. These research tips help you confidently begin your research journey.

When compiling your research to write your paper, a citation generator can help you organize and properly cite your research sources in any format, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. It also ensures that your work is not flagged as plagiarized . Plagiarism is a severe offense that can cost your grades and possibly your degree.

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How to Conduct Scientific Research?

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines research as systematic and creative actions taken to increase knowledge about humans, culture, and society and to apply it in new areas of interest. Scientific research is the research performed by applying systematic and constructed scientific methods to obtain, analyze, and interpret data.

Scientific research is the neutral, systematic, planned, and multiple-step process that uses previously discovered facts to advance knowledge that does not exist in the literature. It can be classified as observational or experimental with respect to data collection techniques, descriptive or analytical with respect to causality, and prospective, retrospective, or cross-sectional with respect to time ( 1 ).

All scientific investigations start with a specific research question and the formulation of a hypothesis to answer this question. Hypothesis should be clear, specific, and directly aim to answer the research question. A strong and testable hypothesis is the fundamental part of the scientific research. The next step is testing the hypothesis using scientific method to approve or disapprove it.

Scientific method should be neutral, objective, rational, and as a result, should be able to approve or disapprove the hypothesis. The research plan should include the procedure to obtain data and evaluate the variables. It should ensure that analyzable data are obtained. It should also include plans on the statistical analysis to be performed. The number of subjects and controls needed to get valid statistical results should be calculated, and data should be obtained in appropriate numbers and methods. The researcher should be continuously observing and recording all data obtained.

Data should be analyzed with the most appropriate statistical methods and be rearranged to make more sense if needed. Unfortunately, results obtained via analyses are not always sufficiently clear. Multiple reevaluations of data, review of the literature, and interpretation of results in light of previous research are required. Only after the completion of these stages can a research be written and presented to the scientific society. A well-conducted and precisely written research should always be open to scientific criticism. It should also be kept in mind that research should be in line with ethical rules all through its stages.

Actually, psychiatric research has been developing rapidly, possibly even more than any other medical field, thus reflecting the utilization of new research methods and advanced treatment technologies. Nevertheless, basic research principles and ethical considerations keep their importance.

Ethics are standards used to differentiate acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Adhering to ethical standards in scientific research is noteworthy because of many different reasons. First, these standards promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote truth and minimize error. In addition, ethical standards promote values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. Many ethical standards in research, such as guidelines for authorship, copyright and patenting policies, data-sharing policies, and confidentiality rules in peer review, are designed to protect intellectual property interests while encouraging collaboration. Many ethical standards such as policies on research misconduct and conflicts of interest are necessary to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public. Last but not the least, ethical standards of research promote a variety of other important moral and social values, such as social responsibility, human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, and public health and safety ( 2 ). In conclusion, for the good of science and humanity, research has the inevitable responsibility of precisely transferring the knowledge to new generations ( 3 ).

In medical research, all clinical investigations are obliged to comply with some ethical principles. These principles could be summarized as respect to humans, respect to the society, benefit, harmlessness, autonomy, and justice. Respect to humans indicates that all humans have the right to refuse to participate in an investigation or to withdraw their consent any time without any repercussions. Respect to society indicates that clinical research should seek answers to scientific questions using scientific methods and should benefit the society. Benefit indicates that research outcomes are supposed to provide solutions to a health problem. Harmlessness describes all necessary precautions that are taken to protect volunteers from potential harm. Autonomy indicates that participating in research is voluntary and with freewill. Justice indicates that subject selection is based on justice and special care is taken for special groups that could be easily traumatized ( 4 ).

In psychiatric studies, if the patient is not capable of giving consent, the relatives have the right to consent on behalf of the patient. This is based on the idea of providing benefit to the patient with discovery of new treatment methods via research. However, the relatives’ consent rights are under debate from an ethical point of view. On the other hand, research on those patients aim to directly get new knowledge about them, and it looks like an inevitable necessity. The only precaution that could be taken to overcome this ambivalence has been the scrupulous audit of the Research Ethic Committees. Still, there are many examples that show that this method is not always able to prevent patient abuse ( 5 ). Therefore, it is difficult to claim autonomy when psychiatric patients are studied, and psychiatric patients are considered among patients to require special care.

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What is Research? – Purpose of Research

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  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • September 10, 2020

Purpose of Research - What is Research

The purpose of research is to enhance society by advancing knowledge through the development of scientific theories, concepts and ideas. A research purpose is met through forming hypotheses, collecting data, analysing results, forming conclusions, implementing findings into real-life applications and forming new research questions.

What is Research

Simply put, research is the process of discovering new knowledge. This knowledge can be either the development of new concepts or the advancement of existing knowledge and theories, leading to a new understanding that was not previously known.

As a more formal definition of research, the following has been extracted from the Code of Federal Regulations :

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While research can be carried out by anyone and in any field, most research is usually done to broaden knowledge in the physical, biological, and social worlds. This can range from learning why certain materials behave the way they do, to asking why certain people are more resilient than others when faced with the same challenges.

The use of ‘systematic investigation’ in the formal definition represents how research is normally conducted – a hypothesis is formed, appropriate research methods are designed, data is collected and analysed, and research results are summarised into one or more ‘research conclusions’. These research conclusions are then shared with the rest of the scientific community to add to the existing knowledge and serve as evidence to form additional questions that can be investigated. It is this cyclical process that enables scientific research to make continuous progress over the years; the true purpose of research.

What is the Purpose of Research

From weather forecasts to the discovery of antibiotics, researchers are constantly trying to find new ways to understand the world and how things work – with the ultimate goal of improving our lives.

The purpose of research is therefore to find out what is known, what is not and what we can develop further. In this way, scientists can develop new theories, ideas and products that shape our society and our everyday lives.

Although research can take many forms, there are three main purposes of research:

  • Exploratory: Exploratory research is the first research to be conducted around a problem that has not yet been clearly defined. Exploration research therefore aims to gain a better understanding of the exact nature of the problem and not to provide a conclusive answer to the problem itself. This enables us to conduct more in-depth research later on.
  • Descriptive: Descriptive research expands knowledge of a research problem or phenomenon by describing it according to its characteristics and population. Descriptive research focuses on the ‘how’ and ‘what’, but not on the ‘why’.
  • Explanatory: Explanatory research, also referred to as casual research, is conducted to determine how variables interact, i.e. to identify cause-and-effect relationships. Explanatory research deals with the ‘why’ of research questions and is therefore often based on experiments.

Characteristics of Research

There are 8 core characteristics that all research projects should have. These are:

  • Empirical  – based on proven scientific methods derived from real-life observations and experiments.
  • Logical  – follows sequential procedures based on valid principles.
  • Cyclic  – research begins with a question and ends with a question, i.e. research should lead to a new line of questioning.
  • Controlled  – vigorous measures put into place to keep all variables constant, except those under investigation.
  • Hypothesis-based  – the research design generates data that sufficiently meets the research objectives and can prove or disprove the hypothesis. It makes the research study repeatable and gives credibility to the results.
  • Analytical  – data is generated, recorded and analysed using proven techniques to ensure high accuracy and repeatability while minimising potential errors and anomalies.
  • Objective  – sound judgement is used by the researcher to ensure that the research findings are valid.
  • Statistical treatment  – statistical treatment is used to transform the available data into something more meaningful from which knowledge can be gained.

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Types of Research

Research can be divided into two main types: basic research (also known as pure research) and applied research.

Basic Research

Basic research, also known as pure research, is an original investigation into the reasons behind a process, phenomenon or particular event. It focuses on generating knowledge around existing basic principles.

Basic research is generally considered ‘non-commercial research’ because it does not focus on solving practical problems, and has no immediate benefit or ways it can be applied.

While basic research may not have direct applications, it usually provides new insights that can later be used in applied research.

Applied Research

Applied research investigates well-known theories and principles in order to enhance knowledge around a practical aim. Because of this, applied research focuses on solving real-life problems by deriving knowledge which has an immediate application.

Methods of Research

Research methods for data collection fall into one of two categories: inductive methods or deductive methods.

Inductive research methods focus on the analysis of an observation and are usually associated with qualitative research. Deductive research methods focus on the verification of an observation and are typically associated with quantitative research.

Research definition

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a method that enables non-numerical data collection through open-ended methods such as interviews, case studies and focus groups .

It enables researchers to collect data on personal experiences, feelings or behaviours, as well as the reasons behind them. Because of this, qualitative research is often used in fields such as social science, psychology and philosophy and other areas where it is useful to know the connection between what has occurred and why it has occurred.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a method that collects and analyses numerical data through statistical analysis.

It allows us to quantify variables, uncover relationships, and make generalisations across a larger population. As a result, quantitative research is often used in the natural and physical sciences such as engineering, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, finance, and medical research, etc.

What does Research Involve?

Research often follows a systematic approach known as a Scientific Method, which is carried out using an hourglass model.

A research project first starts with a problem statement, or rather, the research purpose for engaging in the study. This can take the form of the ‘ scope of the study ’ or ‘ aims and objectives ’ of your research topic.

Subsequently, a literature review is carried out and a hypothesis is formed. The researcher then creates a research methodology and collects the data.

The data is then analysed using various statistical methods and the null hypothesis is either accepted or rejected.

In both cases, the study and its conclusion are officially written up as a report or research paper, and the researcher may also recommend lines of further questioning. The report or research paper is then shared with the wider research community, and the cycle begins all over again.

Although these steps outline the overall research process, keep in mind that research projects are highly dynamic and are therefore considered an iterative process with continued refinements and not a series of fixed stages.

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How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

how to write a research proposal

Table of Contents

Before conducting a study, a research proposal should be created that outlines researchers’ plans and methodology and is submitted to the concerned evaluating organization or person. Creating a research proposal is an important step to ensure that researchers are on track and are moving forward as intended. A research proposal can be defined as a detailed plan or blueprint for the proposed research that you intend to undertake. It provides readers with a snapshot of your project by describing what you will investigate, why it is needed, and how you will conduct the research.  

Your research proposal should aim to explain to the readers why your research is relevant and original, that you understand the context and current scenario in the field, have the appropriate resources to conduct the research, and that the research is feasible given the usual constraints.  

This article will describe in detail the purpose and typical structure of a research proposal , along with examples and templates to help you ace this step in your research journey.  

What is a Research Proposal ?  

A research proposal¹ ,²  can be defined as a formal report that describes your proposed research, its objectives, methodology, implications, and other important details. Research proposals are the framework of your research and are used to obtain approvals or grants to conduct the study from various committees or organizations. Consequently, research proposals should convince readers of your study’s credibility, accuracy, achievability, practicality, and reproducibility.   

With research proposals , researchers usually aim to persuade the readers, funding agencies, educational institutions, and supervisors to approve the proposal. To achieve this, the report should be well structured with the objectives written in clear, understandable language devoid of jargon. A well-organized research proposal conveys to the readers or evaluators that the writer has thought out the research plan meticulously and has the resources to ensure timely completion.  

Purpose of Research Proposals  

A research proposal is a sales pitch and therefore should be detailed enough to convince your readers, who could be supervisors, ethics committees, universities, etc., that what you’re proposing has merit and is feasible . Research proposals can help students discuss their dissertation with their faculty or fulfill course requirements and also help researchers obtain funding. A well-structured proposal instills confidence among readers about your ability to conduct and complete the study as proposed.  

Research proposals can be written for several reasons:³  

  • To describe the importance of research in the specific topic  
  • Address any potential challenges you may encounter  
  • Showcase knowledge in the field and your ability to conduct a study  
  • Apply for a role at a research institute  
  • Convince a research supervisor or university that your research can satisfy the requirements of a degree program  
  • Highlight the importance of your research to organizations that may sponsor your project  
  • Identify implications of your project and how it can benefit the audience  

What Goes in a Research Proposal?    

Research proposals should aim to answer the three basic questions—what, why, and how.  

The What question should be answered by describing the specific subject being researched. It should typically include the objectives, the cohort details, and the location or setting.  

The Why question should be answered by describing the existing scenario of the subject, listing unanswered questions, identifying gaps in the existing research, and describing how your study can address these gaps, along with the implications and significance.  

The How question should be answered by describing the proposed research methodology, data analysis tools expected to be used, and other details to describe your proposed methodology.   

Research Proposal Example  

Here is a research proposal sample template (with examples) from the University of Rochester Medical Center. 4 The sections in all research proposals are essentially the same although different terminology and other specific sections may be used depending on the subject.  

Research Proposal Template

Structure of a Research Proposal  

If you want to know how to make a research proposal impactful, include the following components:¹  

1. Introduction  

This section provides a background of the study, including the research topic, what is already known about it and the gaps, and the significance of the proposed research.  

2. Literature review  

This section contains descriptions of all the previous relevant studies pertaining to the research topic. Every study cited should be described in a few sentences, starting with the general studies to the more specific ones. This section builds on the understanding gained by readers in the Introduction section and supports it by citing relevant prior literature, indicating to readers that you have thoroughly researched your subject.  

3. Objectives  

Once the background and gaps in the research topic have been established, authors must now state the aims of the research clearly. Hypotheses should be mentioned here. This section further helps readers understand what your study’s specific goals are.  

4. Research design and methodology  

Here, authors should clearly describe the methods they intend to use to achieve their proposed objectives. Important components of this section include the population and sample size, data collection and analysis methods and duration, statistical analysis software, measures to avoid bias (randomization, blinding), etc.  

5. Ethical considerations  

This refers to the protection of participants’ rights, such as the right to privacy, right to confidentiality, etc. Researchers need to obtain informed consent and institutional review approval by the required authorities and mention this clearly for transparency.  

6. Budget/funding  

Researchers should prepare their budget and include all expected expenditures. An additional allowance for contingencies such as delays should also be factored in.  

7. Appendices  

This section typically includes information that supports the research proposal and may include informed consent forms, questionnaires, participant information, measurement tools, etc.  

8. Citations  

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Important Tips for Writing a Research Proposal  

Writing a research proposal begins much before the actual task of writing. Planning the research proposal structure and content is an important stage, which if done efficiently, can help you seamlessly transition into the writing stage. 3,5  

The Planning Stage  

  • Manage your time efficiently. Plan to have the draft version ready at least two weeks before your deadline and the final version at least two to three days before the deadline.
  • What is the primary objective of your research?  
  • Will your research address any existing gap?  
  • What is the impact of your proposed research?  
  • Do people outside your field find your research applicable in other areas?  
  • If your research is unsuccessful, would there still be other useful research outcomes?  

  The Writing Stage  

  • Create an outline with main section headings that are typically used.  
  • Focus only on writing and getting your points across without worrying about the format of the research proposal , grammar, punctuation, etc. These can be fixed during the subsequent passes. Add details to each section heading you created in the beginning.   
  • Ensure your sentences are concise and use plain language. A research proposal usually contains about 2,000 to 4,000 words or four to seven pages.  
  • Don’t use too many technical terms and abbreviations assuming that the readers would know them. Define the abbreviations and technical terms.  
  • Ensure that the entire content is readable. Avoid using long paragraphs because they affect the continuity in reading. Break them into shorter paragraphs and introduce some white space for readability.  
  • Focus on only the major research issues and cite sources accordingly. Don’t include generic information or their sources in the literature review.  
  • Proofread your final document to ensure there are no grammatical errors so readers can enjoy a seamless, uninterrupted read.  
  • Use academic, scholarly language because it brings formality into a document.  
  • Ensure that your title is created using the keywords in the document and is neither too long and specific nor too short and general.  
  • Cite all sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism.  
  • Make sure that you follow guidelines, if provided. This includes rules as simple as using a specific font or a hyphen or en dash between numerical ranges.  
  • Ensure that you’ve answered all questions requested by the evaluating authority.  

Key Takeaways   

Here’s a summary of the main points about research proposals discussed in the previous sections:  

  • A research proposal is a document that outlines the details of a proposed study and is created by researchers to submit to evaluators who could be research institutions, universities, faculty, etc.  
  • Research proposals are usually about 2,000-4,000 words long, but this depends on the evaluating authority’s guidelines.  
  • A good research proposal ensures that you’ve done your background research and assessed the feasibility of the research.  
  • Research proposals have the following main sections—introduction, literature review, objectives, methodology, ethical considerations, and budget.  

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Frequently Asked Questions  

Q1. How is a research proposal evaluated?  

A1. In general, most evaluators, including universities, broadly use the following criteria to evaluate research proposals . 6  

  • Significance —Does the research address any important subject or issue, which may or may not be specific to the evaluator or university?  
  • Content and design —Is the proposed methodology appropriate to answer the research question? Are the objectives clear and well aligned with the proposed methodology?  
  • Sample size and selection —Is the target population or cohort size clearly mentioned? Is the sampling process used to select participants randomized, appropriate, and free of bias?  
  • Timing —Are the proposed data collection dates mentioned clearly? Is the project feasible given the specified resources and timeline?  
  • Data management and dissemination —Who will have access to the data? What is the plan for data analysis?  

Q2. What is the difference between the Introduction and Literature Review sections in a research proposal ?  

A2. The Introduction or Background section in a research proposal sets the context of the study by describing the current scenario of the subject and identifying the gaps and need for the research. A Literature Review, on the other hand, provides references to all prior relevant literature to help corroborate the gaps identified and the research need.  

Q3. How long should a research proposal be?  

A3. Research proposal lengths vary with the evaluating authority like universities or committees and also the subject. Here’s a table that lists the typical research proposal lengths for a few universities.  

  Arts programs  1,000-1,500 
University of Birmingham  Law School programs  2,500 
  PhD  2,500 
  Research degrees  2,000-3,500 

Q4. What are the common mistakes to avoid in a research proposal ?  

A4. Here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid while writing a research proposal . 7  

  • No clear objectives: Objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable for the easy understanding among readers.  
  • Incomplete or unconvincing background research: Background research usually includes a review of the current scenario of the particular industry and also a review of the previous literature on the subject. This helps readers understand your reasons for undertaking this research because you identified gaps in the existing research.  
  • Overlooking project feasibility: The project scope and estimates should be realistic considering the resources and time available.   
  • Neglecting the impact and significance of the study: In a research proposal , readers and evaluators look for the implications or significance of your research and how it contributes to the existing research. This information should always be included.  
  • Unstructured format of a research proposal : A well-structured document gives confidence to evaluators that you have read the guidelines carefully and are well organized in your approach, consequently affirming that you will be able to undertake the research as mentioned in your proposal.  
  • Ineffective writing style: The language used should be formal and grammatically correct. If required, editors could be consulted, including AI-based tools such as Paperpal , to refine the research proposal structure and language.  

Thus, a research proposal is an essential document that can help you promote your research and secure funds and grants for conducting your research. Consequently, it should be well written in clear language and include all essential details to convince the evaluators of your ability to conduct the research as proposed.  

This article has described all the important components of a research proposal and has also provided tips to improve your writing style. We hope all these tips will help you write a well-structured research proposal to ensure receipt of grants or any other purpose.  


  • Sudheesh K, Duggappa DR, Nethra SS. How to write a research proposal? Indian J Anaesth. 2016;60(9):631-634. Accessed July 15, 2024.  
  • Writing research proposals. Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Harvard University. Accessed July 14, 2024.  
  • What is a research proposal? Plus how to write one. Indeed website. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Research proposal template. University of Rochester Medical Center. Accessed July 16, 2024.  
  • Tips for successful proposal writing. Johns Hopkins University. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Formal review of research proposals. Cornell University. Accessed July 18, 2024.  
  • 7 Mistakes you must avoid in your research proposal. Aveksana (via LinkedIn). Accessed July 17, 2024.  

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Alternatives for "conducted" with respect to research

Literature review is a big part of my life. I usually use “[Scientist] conducted a research using data from” to state a previous study.

Do you have recommendations of other verbs to use? I am tired of keeping using conduct (and I am not sure whether it is correct) and really want to diversify.

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coleopterist's user avatar

  • 2 "Conducted a research" sounds incorrect. Usually, we'd see "conducted a research study" or something. –  Kit Z. Fox ♦ Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 18:20
  • @Kit: I just edited that very thing. OP no doubt made a typo, since the question is "The verb before 'research'," not "The verb before 'a research'." –  Robusto Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 18:20
  • I doubt it was a typo. It's a common ESL marker. I think it should stand unedited in the question, especially since there is already one answer which refers to it. –  MetaEd Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 18:24
  • @MετάEd: I edited before the question was answered. –  Robusto Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 18:29
  • 1 *A research is incorrect. I've only encountered it in Indian and Chinese Englishes, where it appears to be entrenched in academic circles. In the US research is never a singular count noun; researches occurs, meaning different types of, or an awful lot of, research . But individual projects are a research project/paper/thesis/dissertation/lab, etc. And one uses whatever verb is appropriate for those words; none is appropriate for *a research –  John Lawler Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 20:16

3 Answers 3

You actually can’t conduct a research, because it is not a count noun.

But you can conduct, do, pursue, guide, lead, head, preside over , or engage in research.

Other more courageous terms include chaperon, shepherd, and trailblaze .

  • That's a good point. –  Stefanie Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 18:22
  • Carry out seems to have been missed. –  Edwin Ashworth Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 20:10
  • 1 Courageous? Fools rush in where angels (and even Humpty Dumpty ) fear to tread! –  FumbleFingers Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 22:35

Can you use:

Scientists. . . "studied" "researched" "evaluated" "analyzed"

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Besides the suggestions offered already, you could look up synonyms of conduct in a thesaurus . This should give you candidates such as directed , performed , oversaw , etc.

Another alternative is to query a collocations database such as this one . Querying it with the string [v?d*] research threw up words such as established , compiled , and pursued .

  • 1 I'm sure pioneered does indeed often turn up before research , but it wouldn't suit OP's context at all, which specifically mentions a relationship to a previous study . –  FumbleFingers Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 22:38
  • @FumbleFingers Good point. I hadn't noticed that. –  coleopterist Commented Dec 20, 2012 at 3:23

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Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies: Conduct of Research


Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies

Conduct of research.

Commercial vehicles delivering consumer goods must observe the applicable weight requirements and seek permits for oversize loads.

NCHRP WOD 397: Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies: Conduct of Research , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, is a supplement to NCHRP Research Report 1115: Transporting Freight in Emergencies: A Guide on Special Permits and Weight Requirements .

  • Transportation and Infrastructure — Freight Transportation
  • Transportation and Infrastructure — Motor Carriers
  • Transportation and Infrastructure — Security and Emergencies

Suggested Citation

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies: Conduct of Research . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Import this citation to: Bibtex EndNote Reference Manager

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Call for nominations: Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Award

The Engineering Fountain on the Purdue University campus.

The Office of Research at Purdue is accepting nominations for the newly established Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Award.

To advance Purdue’s drive toward research excellence, the RECR Award will recognize exceptional efforts within colleges, departments, centers, institutes or research groups to promote a robust culture of research integrity, an important contributor to delivering reliable, reproducible and unbiased research outcomes.

The Office of Research plans to recognize one or two recipients. Each award provides up to $7,000 in discretionary funds that awardees can utilize to further the training and education of researchers within their units or groups. This may include the development of RECR training materials tailored to their research field or participation in ethics conferences and workshops specific to their research areas.

Nominations of individual researchers, research groups, academic units, institutes and centers are welcome. The deadline for nominations is Aug. 30.

Nominators, including self-nominators, are encouraged to use this online  RECR Award nomination form . For more information, visit the  Responsible Conduct of Research website . 

Writer:  Voichita Dadarlat,  [email protected]  

Source:  Voichita Dadarlat

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Technical Reports & Standards Collection Guide


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  • Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) Collection
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  • Locating Technical Reports and Standards
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  • Using the Library of Congress
  • Jennifer Harbster, Head, Science Section, Researcher Engagement & General Collections Division
  • Sean Bryant, Reference Librarian, Researcher Engagement & General Collections Division
  • Ashley Fielder,  Librarian for Medicine and Life Science. Science Section, Researcher Engagement & General Collections
  • Created:  September 22, 2023

Last Updated: May 7, 2024

Science & Technical Reports : Ask a Librarian

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Owl above door to center reading room on fifth floor. Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C.

Get connected to the Library’s large and diverse collections related to science, technology, and business through our Inside Adams Blog. This blog also features upcoming events and collection displays, classes and orientations, new research guides, and more.

The Library of Congress is completing a project to update and modernize Library reading room websites. As a part of the process, “The Technical Reports and Standards Collection” is in the process of being updated and migrated to this new platform. The process has not yet been completed and the guide remains subject to change.

Researchers with questions about the collection are encouraged to contact a science or business librarian using the Ask-a-Librarian: Science and Technical Reports or Ask a Librarian: Business online form, by phone, at (202) 707-5639, or in person, at the reference desk, in the Science and Business Reading Room, on the fifth floor of the Library's John Adams Building.

Technical Reports

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Technical reports are designed to quickly alert researchers to recent findings and developments in scientific and technical research. These reports are issued for a variety of purposes:

  • to communicate results or describe progress of a research project
  • to convey background information on an emerging or critical research topic
  • to provide lists of instructions or procedures for current practices
  • to determine the feasibility of a technology and recommend if research should be continued (and how to evaluate any further progress made)
  • to detail technical specifications (materials, functions, features, operation, market potential, etc.)

Technical reports first appeared in the early part of the 20th century. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) published a series of professional papers beginning in 1902, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) issued its first report in 1915. But, the format gained importance during World War II, emerged in the postwar era, and remains, to this day, a major tool for reporting progress in science and technology, as well as in education, business, and social sciences research. The names given to series of these publications vary, but are often such generic terms as "technical reports," "working papers," "research memoranda," "internal notes," "occasional papers," "discussion papers" or "gray (or grey) literature." In the physical and natural sciences, "technical report" seems to be the preferred designation. For reports dealing with business, education, and the social sciences, on the other hand, the terms "working paper," "occasional paper," and "memorandum" are often the designations of choice. Other, more specific types of technical reports include "preprints" and "reprints." Preprints generally are versions of papers issued by researchers before their final papers are published by commercial publishers. Preprints allow researchers to communicate their findings quickly, but usually have not been peer reviewed. Reprints are typically released to heighten awareness of the research being conducted in a particular field or at a single institution. The term, "technical report" encompasses all of these designations.

Since many of these publications are intended to provide just a temporary snapshot of current research in a particular field or topic, they may contain the some of following distinctions:

  • Rapid communication of new research results
  • Dissemination to a targeted audience.
  • Detailed methodologies, in order to facilitate review of research results by others
  • No peer review, though there is often another selection process for publication (grant, contract, or institutional affiliation)
  • Not published by typical commercial publishers (instead reports are issued or sponsored by government agencies, professional associations, societies, councils, foundations, laboratories, universities, etc.)
  • Corporate authorship, where present, is typically emphasized

Unfortunately, uncertain availability, limited print runs, and decentralized distribution patterns with little bibliographic information are also often characteristics of this literature.

The Federal Government issues many different types of technical reports. An overview of some of these can be found in a May 2001 GAO report, " Information Management: Dissemination of Technical Reports ." Government issued or sponsored reports contain an additional characteristic - they may be subject to distribution restrictions linked to their classification status. Although references to classified reports may be found in technical reports literature, the security status or limited distribution of reports may make them unavailable to the general public and to the Library as well, as the Library holds only titles in the public domain. Those interested in locating such materials can consult the U.S. Department of Justice's Freedom of Information Act  site for guidance in obtaining these reports.

To enable them to be identified and located, technical reports are assigned report codes by agencies or organizations involved in their production or distribution. These codes may be referred to as "accession numbers," "agency report series numbers," "contract numbers," "grant numbers" or by other names, and include dates and individual report numbers. Typically, reports are assigned multiple codes and these codes help to identify the sponsoring agency, the organization performing the research or the organization disseminating the report.  Most technical reports held by the Library of Congress are not cataloged, and, for these reports, one or more report codes is required for Library staff to check the collections for a report or to locate and retrieve it. For more information about the current Standard Technical Report Number format (STRN) see ANSI/NISO Z39.23- 1997 (S2015) Standard Technical Reports Number Format and Creation . 

Standards are specifications which define products, methods, processes or practices, and are known to have existed as early as 7000 B.C., when cylindrical stones were used as units of weight in Egypt. According to  Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 , as revised in 2016, the term "standard" or "technical standard" refers to:

  • common and repeated use of rules, conditions, guidelines or characteristics for products or related processes and production methods, and related management systems practices;
  • the definition of terms; classification of components; delineation of procedures; specification of dimensions, materials, performance, designs, or operations; measurement of quality and quantity in describing materials, processes, products, systems, services, or practices; test methods and sampling procedures; or descriptions of fit and measurements of size or strength; and
  • terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labeling requirements as they apply to a product, process, or production method.

Technical standards are not "professional standards of personal conduct; or institutional codes of ethics." (p. 15).

Standards are typically generated by governments or by professional associations and organizations interested in or affected by the subject matter of particular standards. For example, U.S. government standards mandated by the  Fair Packaging & Labeling Act (FPLA)  have standardized the labeling required for packaging in which consumer commodities is sold. Standards set the basis for determining consistent and acceptable minimum levels of reliability and safety, and are adhered to either voluntarily or as mandated by law. For a more complete overview, see the NIST report  " The ABC's of Standards Activities " by Maureen A. Breitenberg (2009).

The Library of Congress standards collection includes military and other federal standards, industry standards, and a few older international standards from Russia, China, and South Africa. Material from the collection is available in various formats, including digital, print, and microform materials. The majority of the Library's standards collection held in the Science Section's Technical Reports and Standards Collection. The collection remains largely uncatalogued, and as a result, most items from this collection are not discoverable in the Library's online catalog. Inquires on Library holdings can be sent to the Science Section using the Science and Technical Reports Ask-a-Librarian form . Some standards, however, are housed in the Library's general collections and discoverable by searching the  online catalog -- the ASTM standards are one example. Other standards are in custody of appropriate specialized research centers, such as the Law Library , which maintains  OSHA standards and some building codes.

About the Science Section

Part of the  Science & Business Reading Room  at the Library of Congress, the Science Section is the starting point for conducting research at the Library of Congress in the subject areas of science, medicine and engineering. Here, reference specialists in specific subject areas of science and engineering  assist patrons in formulating search strategies and gaining access to the information and materials contained in the Library's rich collections of science, medicine, and engineering materials.

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  • Last Updated: Jul 3, 2024 11:51 AM
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Associate Board Awards $150,000 in Research and Clinical Grants to Lurie Cancer Center Scientists

Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center group photo

On August 8th, the Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center held its third-annual summer cocktail reception, where it awarded $150,000 in grants to two scientists conducting novel cancer research at Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University .

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Adam Lin, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, won the $100,000 Innovative Research Award to investigate the use of nanotechnology and laser ablation techniques to treat cancerous tumors. Shira Dinner, MD, associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, was the inaugural winner of the Innovative Clinical Trial Award. She was awarded $50,000 for her Phase 1 trial of tomivosertib, a drug that could treat relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia.

The awards cap another successful year for the Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center, which formed in 2021 to give young professionals a platform for advancing cancer care through fundraising and advocacy. The annual Innovative Research Award is intended to boost high-risk, high-reward oncology research at Northwestern, while the new Innovative Clinical Trial Award provides funding for novel and patient-centric supplements to existing clinical trials.

“We've expanded this year to not only to support innovative research, but also clinical trials. This is really exciting because we're supporting both treatment and the patient care aspect,” board co-chair Louise Arnott Cardillo said in opening remarks.

Past awardees include Marcelo Bonini, PhD, a professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, who investigates how changes in the electrochemical balance of the nucleus alter gene expression patterns and affect cancer growth. Dr. Bonini leveraged his 2022 Innovative Research Award to conduct early-stage experiments that have since led to a new patent for a novel anti-metastatic medication that his laboratory is developing for breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer. This work has also led directly to $5 million in federal grants, part of which will be used to fund translation of his laboratory findings into clinical trials to assess safety and efficacy of his newly-patented medication.

In 2023, the Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center awarded a $150,000 research grant to  Kehinde U.A. Adekola, MD, MS , associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology. Dr. Adekola's research aims to improve outcomes and eliminate health disparities in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and multiple myeloma.

The Associate Board continues to support high-risk, high-reward projects from researchers and clinical scientists, and is integral in furthering the mission and goals of the Lurie Cancer Center.

Watch A Thank You to the Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center

For more information about supporting the Associate Board of Lurie Cancer Center, please contact Nicole Langert at  [email protected]  or 312-503-1656.


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Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong

  • Michael Luca
  • Amy C. Edmondson

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When considering internal data or the results of a study, often business leaders either take the evidence presented as gospel or dismiss it altogether. Both approaches are misguided. What leaders need to do instead is conduct rigorous discussions that assess any findings and whether they apply to the situation in question.

Such conversations should explore the internal validity of any analysis (whether it accurately answers the question) as well as its external validity (the extent to which results can be generalized from one context to another). To avoid missteps, you need to separate causation from correlation and control for confounding factors. You should examine the sample size and setting of the research and the period over which it was conducted. You must ensure that you’re measuring an outcome that really matters instead of one that is simply easy to measure. And you need to look for—or undertake—other research that might confirm or contradict the evidence.

By employing a systematic approach to the collection and interpretation of information, you can more effectively reap the benefits of the ever-increasing mountain of external and internal data and make better decisions.

Five pitfalls to avoid

Idea in Brief

The problem.

When managers are presented with internal data or an external study, all too often they either automatically accept its accuracy and relevance to their business or dismiss it out of hand.

Why It Happens

Leaders mistakenly conflate causation with correlation, underestimate the importance of sample size, focus on the wrong outcomes, misjudge generalizability, or overweight a specific result.

The Right Approach

Leaders should ask probing questions about the evidence in a rigorous discussion about its usefulness. They should create a psychologically safe environment so that participants will feel comfortable offering diverse points of view.

Let’s say you’re leading a meeting about the hourly pay of your company’s warehouse employees. For several years it has automatically been increased by small amounts to keep up with inflation. Citing a study of a large company that found that higher pay improved productivity so much that it boosted profits, someone on your team advocates for a different approach: a substantial raise of $2 an hour for all workers in the warehouse. What would you do?

  • Michael Luca is a professor of business administration and the director of the Technology and Society Initiative at Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School.
  • Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. Her latest book is Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well (Atria Books, 2023).

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    Before conducting a study, a research proposal should be created that outlines researchers' plans and methodology and is submitted to the concerned evaluating organization or person. Creating a research proposal is an important step to ensure that researchers are on track and are moving forward as intended. A research proposal can be defined as a detailed plan or blueprint for the proposed ...

  24. Alternatives for "conducted" with respect to research

    Literature review is a big part of my life. I usually use "[Scientist] conducted a research using data from" to state a previous study. Do you have recommendations of other verbs to use? I am tir...

  25. Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies: Conduct of

    NCHRP WOD 397: Developing a Guide for Transporting Freight in Emergencies: Conduct of Research, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, is a supplement to NCHRP Research Report 1115: Transporting Freight in Emergencies: A Guide on Special Permits and Weight Requirements.

  26. Call for nominations: Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Award

    The Office of Research at Purdue is accepting nominations for the newly established Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Award. To advance Purdue's drive toward research excellence, the RECR Award will recognize exceptional efforts within colleges, departments, centers, institutes or research groups to promote a robust culture of research integrity, an important contributor to ...

  27. Voelcker Fund supports research for early career investigators at UT

    The Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund recently awarded $800,000 to UT Health San Antonio to support research projects from early career investigators. Voelcker Fund Young Investigator Awards The Voelcker Fund Young Investigator Awards provide each recipient with a total of $350,000 in funding allocated over three years to support emerging researchers conducting biomedical research.

  28. Technical Reports & Standards Collection Guide

    Technical standards are not "professional standards of personal conduct; or institutional codes of ethics." ... 202-707-5639, or visit us in person on the fifth floor of the John Adams building in Washington, D.C. Learn more about conducting research in the Science and Business Reading Room. Next: Technical Reports Collections >>

  29. Associate Board Awards $150,000 in Research and Clinical Grants to

    Dr. Bonini leveraged his 2022 Innovative Research Award to conduct early-stage experiments that have since led to a new patent for a novel anti-metastatic medication that his laboratory is developing for breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer. This work has also led directly to $5 million in federal grants, part of which will be used to fund ...

  30. Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong

    The Problem. When managers are presented with internal data or an external study, all too often they either automatically accept its accuracy and relevance to their business or dismiss it out of hand.