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EPSO training

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Situational Judgement Test
  • Prioritising and Organising
  • Accuracy and Precision
  • EPSO E-Tray

EPSO Assessment Centre

  • Group Exercise
  • Oral Presentation
  • EPSO Sample Tests
  • EPSO Administrators
  • EU Traineeships

A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Nothing beats practice when you want to ace a test. That is why when competing in highly sought-after competitions that have a volume of participants each year like the EU exams, you need to amp up your skills and prepare well to rise above everyone else.

To help you with that, we have compiled some helpful sample tests with some know-hows that will guide you with their logic while helping you practice; providing you with deeper understanding on what goes on with the tests at EPSO as you glide your way through the top.

EPSO Computer-based Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) Tests

One of the commonly known tests in any EPSO competitions is its MCQ test or Computer-based Multiple-Choice Question. The majority of the tests are in this form, employing various formats that will best fit to assess your abilities according to the skills required in the competitions. It is taken individually at a test centre.

EPSO Reasoning Tests

The MCQ reasoning tests are divided into 4 kinds: Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning, and Situational Judgment.

EPSO Verbal Reasoning Sample Tests  

In a verbal reasoning test, you will be given one question with four choices, of which only one is the correct answer. The question will be based from a short abstract, which contains vital information that will lead you to the exact answer, weeding out the other given choices.

This test will assess your ability to think logically and understand verbal information. As such, it is expected that the tests on verbal reasoning are highly specific. You may encounter moments where statements will not be straightforward. That is why it is very important to choose your final answer solely through the information provided in the paragraph.

Here is an example of an EPSO verbal reasoning test:

The “new kind of aurora” discovered earlier this year, and subsequently named “STEVE” has been rumbled. It seems Steve isn’t an aurora after all. Physicists have concluded that the erstwhile aurora is in fact an entirely new celestial phenomenon. Steve – which manifests as gorgeous glowing purple ribbons across the sky – has been around for a few decades now, known to photographers and aurora chasers, but was only brought to the attention of scientists in 2016. Earlier this year, researchers announced that the purple and white streamers, while very different from the shimmering green auroral curtains, were indeed a new kind of aurora. But the light produced by Steve isn’t the same as the light produced by an aurora, so a new team of researchers worked on figuring out Steve’s mechanism by studying a Steve event from March 2008. (sciencealert.com)

  • The new kind of aurora is called after Steve, the scientist who discovered it.
  • The purple and white streams in the sky have been discovered in 2016 by scientists.
  • Aurora is a gorgeous glowing lights in the sky in different colors.
  • It took researchers over 7 years to confirm the nature of Steve.
  • False: There is no evidence in the document to support this claim.
  • False: It has been known to photographers and aurora chasers for few decades before 2016. Also, researchers have been studying Steve event from 2008.
  • False: Aurora has shimmering lights , not glowing. That what makes Steve different from normal Aurora, and drawn the attention that Steve may not be an Aurora.
  • True: Researchers began studying Steve in 2008. By 2016 , it was brought to attentions of scientists. The article mentions that earlier this year (which should be 2016 or beyond) , the researchers announced that it is a new type of Aurora.

For more questions, you can go to: https://epsotraining.eu/demo.html

You can find additional verbal reasoning tests here:

  • For EPSO AD competition you can go to: https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AD-Cycle-Self-Assessment.aspx
  • For EPSO AST-SC competition, go to : https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AST-SC-Cycle-Self-Assessment-Language-Options.aspx
  • For EPSO AST competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/AST3-Exam-landing.aspx

EPSO Numerical Reasoning Sample Test

The EPSO Numerical Reasoning test aims to assess your ability to think logically and understand numerical information. Unlike the verbal test, you will be given a question with five choices, of which you will have to choose one correct answer. You will be presented with graphs, charts, and other numerical data, which resembles the figures that you would normally find in a report or a format article. It is through these things that you will have to carefully analyze the given information.

This is an example of a numerical reasoning test:


Question: What was the number of live births in total in the three most populous EU capitals in 2017?

Option A: 35.08

Option B: 14,729

Option C: 151,764

Option D: 231,973

Option E: None of the above

Answer Details:

The three most populous EU capitals in 2017 were London, Paris, and Berlin.

The number of live births in London = 8,790 * 8.6 = 75,594

The number of   live births in Berlin = 3,711 * 11.58 = 42,973

The number of live births in Paris = 2,228 * 14.9 = 33,197

Total number of live births in the three most populous EU Capitals in 2017 = 75,594 + 42,973 + 33,197 = 151,764

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Question: In 2009, % of Boston population aged 30-54 was greater by 3.2 points than in 2008. What is the difference between the number of persons aged 30-54 in 2009 and 2008 in Boston, given that the Boston population didn’t change between 2008 and 2009?

  Option A: 1.42 million

Option B: 0.21 million

Option C: 0.52 million

Option D: 0.25 million

  • The percentage of population aged 30-54 in Boston in 2009 = 25.9 + 3.2 = 29.1%
  • The number of persons aged 30-54 in Boston in 2009 = 6.46 * 0.291 = 1.88 million
  • The number of persons aged 30-54 in Boston in 2008 = 6.46 * 0.259 = 1.67 million
  • The difference is = 1.88 – 1.67 = 0.21 million. Correct answer B
San Francisco102215152031312520
Los Angeles122520412525252020
San Bernardino42515222520182215
San Diego112110141419151310
Palm Springs78106111015910

What store actually sold less units per one employee than any other store during the first week?

Option A: San Francisco

Option B: Los Angeles

Option C: San Bernardino

Option D: San Diego

Option E: Palm Springs

Number of units sold per one employee in San Francisco during the first week = 22 / 10 = 2.2

Number of units sold per one employee in Los Angeles during the first week = 25 / 12 = 2.1

Number of units sold per one employee in San Bernardino during the first week = 25 / 4 = 6.3

Number of units sold per one employee in San Diego during the first week = 21 / 11 = 1.9

Number of units sold per one employee in Palm Springs during the first week = 8 / 7 = 1.1

For more examples, you can go to: https://epsotraining.eu/demo.html

If you are applying for an:

  • EPSO AD competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AD-Cycle-Self-Assessment.aspx
  • EPSO AST-SC – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AST-SC-Cycle-Self-Assessment-Language-Options.aspx
  • EPSO AST – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/AST3-Exam-landing.aspx

EPSO Abstract Reasoning Sample Tests  

The EPSO Abstract Reasoning Test assesses your ability to think logically and understand the relations between concepts involving no linguistic, spatial or numerical elements. You will likewise be given a question in the form of an image/s with five choices of which you will have to choose the best one.

Every question of the test will have a series of five diagrams and five new options. It is then your task to select the diagram which would complete the series in a logical manner. Here are examples of Abstract Reasoning Tests:

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

You only have to look at the first vertical line of figures. If you observe the bottom diamond, it moves by one position in each figure on the diagonal from bottom left to top right. Once it reaches the top in the 4 th figure, it goes towards the left. The correct answer is C.

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Look at the figures shaped in L at the bottom left of the first figure. They are made of filled triangle (top), empty square (second figure), empty diamond (third figure), filled circle (last figure). All these figures move by 2 positions counter-clockwise in each large figure. The correct answer is D.

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Answer and explanation: Letter C. The arrow turns 45 degrees counterclockwise.

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Answer and explanation: Letter D. The colors of the square and circle alternate. The inside square turns every 2 turns and rotates counterclockwise along the circle every turn. When the circle is black, it is incremented with +1.

  • EPSO AD Competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AD-Cycle-Self-Assessment.aspx
  • AST-SC Competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AST-SC-Cycle-Self-Assessment-Language-Options.aspx
  • EPSO AST Competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/AST3-Exam-landing.aspx

EPSO Situational Judgment Sample Test

Since the EPSO Situational Judgment Test works to asses your typical behavior in a working context, this test usually differs from the rest. You will be given questions, each describing a work-related scenario linked to a block of four possible actions. Among these, you will then have to choose the most effective one as well as the least effective action to take.

The EPSO Situational Judgment Tests is known to be one of the most important EPSO tests. It makes up 66% of the final mark. It is through this test that you will be assessed with a realistic but hypothetical situation that could occur on the professional environment.

Furthermore when answering, you should keep in mind to only take into account the information which has been provided. You should keep your own experiences at bay so that you may not run the risk of selecting answers that are not appropriate.

To give you a feel of the Situational judgment Test, here are two sample questions:

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

B – This is the most effective decision. Discuss directly with your colleague in order to clear the doubts. Based on the output of the discussion, take the issue to the management.

D – This is the least effective decision. Spying on your colleague is a waste of time.

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Answer details:

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

  • EPSO AST Competition – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/archive/apply/sample_test/pdf/sit_judg_en.pdf

EPSO Competency-based Sample tests

Competency-based tests aim to assess multiple abilities that are specifically important for a career with EPSO. It looks at certain skills that relate to the nature of competition you are applying for.

Those applying for the EPSO AST competition, will have to take the following competency-based tests:

EPSO Accuracy and Precision Sample Test

The Accuracy and Precision test will consist of 40 questions, which you will have to finish in six minutes. You will have to be assessed in whichever one of your chosen second language: English, French, or German.

In each of the question are two tables, which contain several pieces of information both written and drawn. You will have to compare these tables to discover the inaccuracies in one of them. Due to the time constraints, it is very necessary that you learn to manage your time. And what’s the best way to do so than to practice. Here is a sample question to get you started:

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Answer and explanation: The correct answer is the third choice: Price, Accessories. On the first table, we can clearly see the details of number three, which are as follows:

  • Manufacturer: Marty Company
  • Order No: O00T7P3
  • Price: $2568.14
  • Accessories: Belt, Sunglasses, Necklace

However, on the table below that goes over the information of number three, we can see that the price is incorrect with $2588.14 instead of $2568.14. Furthermore, the accessories are also checked inaccurately with the belt missing.

For more examples, you can go to:

  • https://epsotraining.eu/demo.html
  • http://europa.eu/epso/doc/archive/apply/sample_test/images/instructionssample_item_accuracy_en.jpg

EPSO Prioritising and Organising Sample Test

The EPSO Prioritising and Organising Test consists of 24 questions, which need to be answered within 30 minutes. This test aims to assess the speed of your deduction skill as well as your ability to organize a schedule while analyzing information.

The questions would be of particular situations usually related to travel or commuting. You will be given 5 choices of which you are to choose the answer.

This is an example of this test:

Answer and explanation: The correct answer is A: 5:00 AM. The best time for you to wake up to catch the 6:45 AM public bus, given that you need to prepare for an hour and 40 minutes until you need the bus stop, is 5:00 AM. Waking up at 5:00 AM will give you exactly an hour and 45 minutes before 6:45.

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Question: If you want to go to Paris but you do not want to fly direct, which flight should you take if you want the cheapest flight that takes between 4 to 5 hours?

Answer: Flight I511 to Istanbul

From the given information, the correct answer is Flight I511. It is not a direct flight to Paris with Istanbul as a destination. Moreover, it is the cheapest with 400 euros and takes only 4.5 hours.

If you are taking an:

  • EPSO AST-SC Competition – https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AST-SC-Cycle-Self-Assessment-Language-Options.aspx

EPSO CAST Sample Test  

Just like EPSO AST tests where your skills will be tested according to the nature of the competition, the EPSO CAST tests also aim to assess particular skills akin to the job or the specific profile you are applying.

Those of you seeking to be contract agents will have to take a series of 25 multiple-choice questions, designed to test the inherent competence to the duties required for the specific profile. Therefore, you will need to familiarize yourself with the duties described in the Call for Expression of Interest.

Each of the questions is based on a scenario linked to four different answer options, of which only one is correct. You will have 50 minutes in total to answer the questions. The competency tests will be taken in your second language of choice.

The pass mark is 13 out of 25 points for both function groups II and III whereas for function group IV, candidates need to score 16 out of 25 points to pass.

Below are some sample questions specific to the profile sought for by the candidates:

EPSO CAST Finance Sample Test

  The questions are on financial procedures, accounting management, analysis and advice (audits and controls), and may also cover economic theories and tools to monitor and analyse economic and financial trends, developments and data.

Sample Question: A fixed asset costs € 13 000 and has a terminal value of € 2 000. If its life is 5 years, what amount should be set aside for depreciation each year, using the straight-line method?

EPSO CAST Project / Programme Management Sample Test

The questions test your knowledge of project/programme management (planning, monitoring, evaluation, etc.) which also cover relevant financial aspects, communication and quality assurance.

Sample Question:

Which is the correct sequence of phases to follow in managing a project?

  • Realisation, planning, control, evaluation
  • Planning, realisation, evaluation, control
  • Planning, realisation, control, evaluation
  • Evaluation, planning, control, realization

Secretaries / Clerks Profile

Questions are on a range of secretarial tasks/clerical duties such as organising meetings, preparing missions, filing documents and mail, sorting post, maintaining appointment diaries, etc. Basic knowledge of MS Office software products is also tested.

  Sample Question:

You are compiling a report in electronic format which requires reviewing by several colleagues. What should you ask them to do?

  • Make any changes they would like to make and email the document back
  • Review the document with Track Changes switched on
  • Print, annotate a hard copy and return it by mail
  • Read the document and phone you with their comments

Administration / Human Resources Profile

Questions are mostly related to personnel management and professional training.

An interviewer is very impressed by the smart appearance and confident manner of a candidate for a post. The interviewer tends to seek positive information from this candidate and readily overlooks any negative information. This is known as:

  • Stereotyping
  • The contrast effect
  • Closed questioning
  • The halo effect

Communication Profile

The questions are about practical tools such as, but not limited to, briefings, factsheets, online communication, social media as well as on pertinent project management aspects related to e.g. definition/implementation/execution of communication strategies.  

The Head for ‘Budget’ communicates to the Head of ‘Communication’ the resources available for running a social media campaign in the following month. This is called:

  • Upward communication
  • horizontal communication
  • downward communication

Political Affairs / EU Policies Profile The questions test your knowledge in political areas, both on general and EU level, but can also cover legal and economical subjects.

Sample Questions:

The members of the European Committee of the Regions are nominated by:

  • the European Commission, after consulting the European Parliament
  • the Council of the European Union, acting on proposals from individual Member States
  • the Council of the European Union
  • the European Parliament

Law Profile The questions test your knowledge of EU, national and international law which may also cover political and economic subjects.

  Sample Questions:


  • An alternative designation for the European Court of Justice
  • an organisation that replaces the European Court of Human Rights
  • European Judicial Cooperation Unit
  • A special legal Advisory Committee attached to the European Council

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Profile

The questions are about a variety of ICT related topics such as, but not limited to, the use of programming languages such as JAVA, Visual Basic, Visual C#, etc., user environment administration (e.g. Windows and Unix) and network and telecommunications management.

What is the maximum data transfer rate for a USB 2.0 device?

Child Care Staff Profile Questions are on childcare in after-school facilities and outdoors (children aged 3.5-14), kindergarten teaching and nursery/nurses and childcare work for children aged 0-3 in crèches.

During the group nap, a child wakes up before the other children in his group. It is clear to you that he has had enough sleep. What do you do?

  • You ask him to go back to bed and wait until the other children wake up. To promote relaxation, you offer a transitional object to him
  • You take the child back to bed and stay by his side to encourage him to sleep
  • ​You ask him to leave the quiet room and to choose an activity to do until the other children wake up
  • You ask him to leave the quiet room but to remain seated without doing anything so that he doesn’t disturb the other children who are still asleep

Educational Psychologists Profile The questions cover different aspects such as the coordination of work of a nursery or after-school centre and its staff,  the quality of life of the children and interaction with the parents, the development and monitoring of the educational mission statement (including training).

Mary Ainsworth, through the paradigm of the strange situation, speaks of anxious-ambivalent attachment when:

  • the mother leaves the child and he cries and shows signs of anxiety at the moment of separation and does not explore his environment. He calms down only when his mother comes back and takes him into her arms
  • the child who is left alone without his mother shows no signs of stress. When the mother comes back, the child avoids all contact with her and avoids looking at her or interacting with her
  • the mother leaves and the child becomes extremely anxious. When the mother returns and tries to establish contact, the child has trouble calming down and does not respond well to attempts to comfort him
  • none of the above

EPSO E-Tray Sample Test

The E-Tray is a computer-based test in which candidates are asked to answer a number of questions using the documentation provided in an e-mail inbox. Its relevance is to the organizational environment that one encounters on a daily basis.

The e-mail, addressed to you, will contain a call to action such as a request, a complaint, etc. You are then provided with a short description of the circumstances. Together with the e-mail are few optional courses of action which you are tasked to select the most appropriate one.

With the EPSO E-tray exercises, you need to mark each possible course of action, deciding between the following: – – totally disagree / – disagree / – + neutral / + agree / ++ totally agree. The E-tray part of the test is conducted in the candidate’s second language (English, French or German).

Here is a sample email in an e-tray exercise:

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

To give this test a try, you can go to the following:

  • For those taking an EPSO AST-SC competition – https://epso.europa.eu/sites/epso/files/documents/general/sample_tests/e-tray_ast-sc/en_e-tray_en_final.pdf
  • For those taking an EPSO AD Competition – https://epso.europa.eu/documents/2743_en

After succeeding in the preselection tests, successful candidates will be invited to the assessment centre, from which they will have to take another set of tests. Here are the following tests you may encounter:

EPSO Case Study

The case study is generally a computer-based test based on a relevant scenario. Candidates are faced with numerous problems for them to solve or must react, relying solely on the material provided.

Here are the links to some samples of an EPSO Case Study:

  • For AD Generalists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/archive/apply/sample_test/pdf/casestudy2_en.pdf
  • For AD Specialists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/mock_casestudy_en.pdf

EPSO Group Exercise

Candidates are put in a group with several other participants to discuss their conclusions and reach a collective decision from a certain amount of information given on their own.

Here are the links to some samples of an EPSO Group Exercise:

  • For AD Generalists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/group_exercise_en.pdf
  • For AD Specialists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/group_exercise_en.pdf

  EPSO Oral Presentation

The EPSO Oral Presentation will test an individual’s analysis and presentation skills. They will be asked to come up with a proposal about a fictitious work-related problem. After analysing the documentation provided, candidates have to present their ideas to a small group of people.

Here are the links to some samples of an EPSO Oral Presentation:

  • For AD Generalists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/archive/apply/sample_test/pdf/oralpresentiation2_en.pdf
  • For AD Specialists – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/mock_oral_en.pdf

Just like the tests for the EPSO CAST competitions, there are certain skills that must be tested which are specific to the kind of EPSO competition applied. We have compiled here some of these tests for you to familiarize yourself with:

EPSO Basic IT Literary Test

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

For more sample tests, go to:

  • https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/EPSO-AST-SC-Cycle-Self-Assessment-Language-Options.aspx
  • https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/epso/pages/AST3-Exam-landing.aspx

  EPSO Finance Skills Test

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

For more sample tests, go to: http://europa.eu/epso/doc/archive/apply/sample_test/pdf/finance_skillsen.pdf

EPSO Language Comprehension Test

In this test, you will be presented with an essay from which a couple of questions are generated. You will have to answer the questions  correctly from the given information you have read.

You can visit this website for a sample of this test: http://europa.eu/epso/doc/sa-en002t_en.pdf

EPSO Main Language Skills Test

This test is specific to those applying for the EPSO AD Translators competition. As what its name implies, you will be tested for your main language:

You can visit this website for a sample of this test: https://epso.europa.eu/sites/epso/files/documents/general/sample_tests/main_language_skills_test.pdf

EPSO Microsoft Office Skills Test

The test is a computer-based simulation to assess your skills in the preparation and/or processing of MS Word and Excel documents. It is a mix of practical and theoretical questions with multiple choice format (MCQ). Those who are applying for an EPSO AST-SC competition will most likely have to sit through this test under their second language (French, German, English):

EPSO Sample Tests, A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

For more samples, go to: https://epso.europa.eu/documents/2847_en

EPSO Summary Tests

The summary test is applied in a Lawyer-Linguist (AD) competition. It consists of a text given in language 3 from which you will have to write on computer a summary of it in language 1 or the language of the competition. You will be given approximately 2 hours to finish the test without using dictionaries.

You can visit this website for a sample of this test: https://epso.europa.eu/sites/epso/files/documents/general/sample_tests/lawyer-linguists_summary_test/en.pdf

EPSO Translation Tests </;h2>

As with the name, this test is applied to Lawyer-Linguists (AD) competitions and Translators (AD).

You can refer to the following for more samples:

  • Lawyer-Linguists (AD) – http://europa.eu/epso/doc/en_lawyling.pdf
  • Translators (AD) – https://epso.europa.eu/documents/2833_en

Š Epso Training 2020

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11 Completely Free EPSO Test Resources

Are you trying to prepare for an EPSO competition but don’t feel like investing in EPSO test preparation package from various prep services like ours? Maybe you are on a budget or don’t know yet if you actually will sit the test? Relax, we have you covered. Below we have compiled 11 completely free and trusted resources that will help you prepare for the EPSO exam.

We recommend you going through each resource as all of them will help you in their own way. Also, if you know of any other resources that you think we should include, drop us an email at [email protected] so that we can make this list even more extensive.

1. EPSO Sample Test

EPSOs own sample question database also called self-assessment test. Do not miss this website. It holds a great deal of valuable information and among them is the sample test part that can be accessed at the EPSO website . The number of questions included in the samples is mostly limited to 10 per category which doesn’t provide a lot of material to practice with but as it is directly from the source it should not be underestimated.

The tests are also available in all EU official languages, giving you the opportunity to practice in your native language. Expert tip: some of the questions included in the EPSO sample tests are known to show up on the real EPSO tests.

Unfortunately, EPSO doesn’t provide the correct answers or explanations to the questions but does inform you how many correct questions you had in each category. If you would like to know the correct answers and the explanations login on EPSOprep.com and find the videos containing the answers and explanations under the “Lessons” section.

2. Facebook groups

Facebook is the biggest social network where applicants to various concourses create groups and discuss questions, share tips, example questions and solutions, news & concerns. Some of these groups have been active for several years and hold very valuable materials that will give you great insights in how the competitions work. Users post comments about their experiences, what kind of questions they encountered and help each other out. This is especially valuable for those that are new to the competitions and have never sat an EPSO test or applied for a job through EPSO. Links to some of the biggest groups:

Assessment center group :

EPSO CAST group :

E-Tray group


Administrator Generalist Exams (AD5)

3. EPSOprep demo with 70 free online EPSO test questions

All users that sign up on www.epsoprep.com for free get 70 questions with full explanations across 7 categories. After each test you can see the correct answer and read the explanations. Several abstract reasoning questions also have video explanations. It is also useful to analyze how you performed compared to other users and see how fast you answered each question in comparison to others. Click here to log in and get started with your EPSO training

Other articles

EPSO Verbal reasoning test guide

EPSO Abstract reasoning test guide

EPSO Numerical reasoning test guide

What is an EPSO test

4. National resources

All EU countries actively encourage their citizens to apply for EPSO jobs. For that reason, many of them offer free offline and sometimes online material and seminars across their country. They will usually invite ESPO employees or experts to share their experience but also tips and actual test material. This can be a very useful source as the information is usually coming straight from EPSO and can offer helpful info especially for those applying to an EPSO competition for the first time. The best way to find your country resource is to get in touch with the country specific EU careers Facebook page or local EU Parliament and Commission pages and websites.

The Swedish University Board for example holds annual seminars where they invite EPSO experts to share tips and experiences and hands out free material across some categories.

On the below link you can find free questions and although verbal reasoning test is in Swedish there are more then 50 EPSO test online questions in English.

The Swedish University Board

The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade similarly arranges training sessions to help Irish candidates prepare ahead of the main EU Concours. They also provide free sample questions for EPSO exam in English on the link below.

The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs

5. EPSOprep Youtube channel

Here you can find example questions with video explanations and watch introduction videos to various categories. Our psychometric test experts share their knowledge and show what methodologies to apply to maximize your score. You will also find the correct answers and video explanations to real EPSO test sample questions. Visit our YouTube channel to view the channel

6. EU Careers & EU Careers Staff Ambassadors

The national EU Careers and their Ambassadors usually offer sample material in either physical form like printouts or leaflets or online. The amount of questions and the format can vary significantly between each countries local EU Careers offices, but it often serves as a good introduction into an EU career in general as well as giving you a good picture of the nature of the tests and giving you a helping hand in your EPSO preparation.

How do I get in touch with the EU careers? The fastest way is usually to email them directly or message your local EU Careers Facebook page directly. The “ambassadors” working are also often out on various events and visiting universities to inform students and others about the advantages of working for the EU organizations and some might even bring the preparation material with them at these times.

--- Category specific resources ---

7. numerical reasoning – practice mental calculation.

One of the most important factors in succeeding at the numerical reasoning tests is time management. A big part of the time is lost on typing the numbers in a calculator and performing the calculations. Mastering mental calculus skills will save you from performing some of the easier calculations and thus save valuable time. Practice your mental calculus skills on the below websites.

Practice with these quizzes that test your mental calculus speed.

8. Numerical reasoning - Get familiar with searching data in tables

Another aspect of numerical reasoning tests that takes time to master quickly identifying the needed data from tables and learn what data to disregard. Quia.com offers a tool to test your ability to quickly find the needed data from tables. The tests remind very much of the EPSO numerical reasoning tests.

EU’s own statistics agency hold an ocean of EU related data and statistics. Browse through the various data and practice interpreting the tables and finding various data. The data from Eurostat is especially relevant as the themes in EPSOs own numerical reasoning tests often resembles the one you will find in Eurostat although in much smaller format.

9. Verbal reasoning - Improve your reading with relevant resources

Test takers often find EPSOs verbal reasoning tests a bit intimidating. Being overwhelmed by the language and the amount of data in the text on top of the time pressure can be a stressful experience. There is however a way of preparing for the test. Try building up your reading skills by finding suitable reading material with a similar topics and difficulty level.

Find a text with similar reading complexity : make sure that the complexity of your reading resources resembles the one of EPSO. The readability score of EPSOs questions usually vary between 12 and 15 on the Flesch-Kincaid scale which is used to measure the reading difficulty of a text. Use the Datayze tool to check how the texts you are reading rank on the scale. Simply copy and paste the text into the tool to find out how it rates on the scale.

Find the relevant topics : EPSO verbal reasoning texts cover a wide range of topics from science, current news, studies, history, literature and so on. Make sure to diversify your reading accordingly. Obviously, you would need to adjust the reading sources to the language you are taking the test in but generally speaking business or science oriented newspapers tend to use appropriate complexity of language. Suggested English language resources are The Economist, Scientific American, National Geographic.

Jump into an unknow passage : EPSO verbal reasoning text passages are often excerpted from longer articles or texts which adds to the difficulty. For that reason, try to find a passage of about 150-250 words from the middle of the text and only read that passage. While you are reading, try to understand the main point of each passage.

10. Verbal reasoning - EU´s own websites

EU´s own websites contain data heavy articles where the reader needs to sort through to find relevant data. The advantage of reading these articles is two-fold.

Firstly, the topics and the language are often similar to the ones encountered in the real test making it easier for you to familiarize with the terminology and the subject. Additionally, even though no outside knowledge is needed apart from what the test question contains, it does help if you are knowledgeable in the topic of the question particularly in verbal reasoning and E-tray tests. Being familiar with the language and topics saves time understanding and reading the questions.

Secondly, it gives insight into the workings and the terminology of the organization, something that can prove very valuable in the later stages of the selection process such as E-tray and case study.

11. Verbal reasoning - Practice speed reading

The most important factor for success in verbal reasoning tests is of course understanding the text but if that comes at the cost of slow reading then you might have problems making it through the very time limited EPSO tests. That is why you need to make sure that you are reading at a competitive speed that doesn’t lose you too much time but also allows you to retain and understand what you have read.

Measure you speedreading skills on Freereadingtest and aim at performing at a level of at least 400 words per minute. There you can chose between numerous texts with varying difficulty and get a score that measures how many words per minute you read and your comprehension level. A very useful tool indeed! On Accelareader you can also input your own text and have the tool present the word one by one so that you find the right tempo.

Dont forget to read our guides to verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning.

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Got that invite to the Assessment Centre? Congratulations! You are now in the last few stretch of the EPSO competition. But before any celebrations, make sure that you are making the best of these final stages and have all your study efforts leading up to this count.

Coming this far means you have met the eligibility requirements and scored one of the highest overall combined marks for the preselection tests. In this phase, you will be tested for your general and specific competencies through four tests. The EPSO Case Study is one of those.

Helping you to ace the EPSO Case Study test, we have prepared a great backgrounder just for you. After all, the foundation of success is getting the basics right. We got you covered with the things you need to know before taking the test, keeping you in the loop and helping you prepare for what is to come.  

EPSO Case Study: What Is It?

The EPSO Case Study exam is part of the Assessment Centre phase. Through it, you will be assessed for the following four competencies:

  • Analysis and Problem Solving  â€“ the ability to identify critical facts in complex issues and develop creative and practical solutions.
  • Delivering Quality and Results  â€“ the ability to take responsibility and initiative for delivering work to a high standard of quality within set procedures.
  • Prioritising and Organising  – the ability to prioritise important tasks, work flexibly, and organize own workload efficiently
  • Communicating  – the ability to communicate clearly and precisely both orally and in writing.

According to the official EPSO website, a case study is “generally a computer-based test based on a relevant scenario, in which candidates are faced with various problems that they are asked to solve or to which they must react, relying solely on the material provided”.

However, not all EPSO competitions are made equal. Some of them don’t require you to take a Case Study test. So before you dig deep, it helps to check what kind of competition you are in.

What Happens During the EPSO Case Study?

Now that you have an understanding of the areas that you need to focus on when taking the EPSO Case Study, it is time to look at them in the grand scheme of things. Below is a view of how the EPSO Case Study will go:

During the actual computer-based test, you will be given approximately 15 pages worth of information regarding a subject matter that relates to the competition you are applying for.

You will have to analyse a problem, interpret data, and produce a written report that describes your proposed solutions and recommendations. From this, you will have to formulate the report within 90 minutes.

Below is an example of an actual case study test:

case study epso example

As you can see, you will be given what is called the ‘Assignment”. This is the most important document that you will receive during the case study. It contains important instructions about the exercise as well as the necessary role you have to assume in the given situation together with the time and questions you are about to solve.

EPSO Case Study Practice Tests

Are you ready to apply what you have learned so far? You are in luck. With the vast resources available out there, you can freely practice with some great mock case study tests.

One great place you can look for all your EPSO test essentials is at EPSO Training. To help you start the lifetime EU career you deserve, EPSO Training has the most realistic and efficient way to train for EU competitions. Check out their question packs here .

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Prepare for the EPSO Case Study

case study epso example

Are you about to take the EPSO tests? One aspect of the EPSO recruitment process is the EPSO case study. Learn what to expect on this test and how you can prepare for the case study in the best possible way.

  • A full practice case study (45 minutes)
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During the EPSO case study, you are given approximately 15 pages containing various pieces of information about a subject relating to your application.

You are provided a computer to answer the case study and formulate a report within the 90-minute time limit. 

Please note that on the real assessment, you are required to produce a written report. In this pack, the report is in the form of a presentation.

Even though the formats are different, the main skills needed to either create a presentation or write a report are the same.

The most important thing is to summarise your findings in a clear, cohesive manner. Use the proposed presentations as notes for your report.

EPSO Case Study Preparation: The Basics

The EPSO case study is either taken as part of the assessment centre in Brussels or at a separate location beforehand in your county of application.

This is generally the same location you took your EPSO computer-based tests .

During the EPSO case study, you are given materials to read through ranging from emails, memos, reports, and other relevant articles—approximately 15 pages in all. Although in some EPSO competitions you are asked to take a pen-and-paper case study, most candidates are now asked to complete the assignment using a computer.

However, even in computer-based EPSO case studies, there is no spell check, nor is there the ability to use any 'normal' word-based features like copy, paste, underline, bold, etc.

In fact, you are not even given a paper and pen to take notes with. Instead, you are allowed the use of a small white board for notes. You must write a detailed report on the subject; it should include an introduction, a main body, and a full conclusion. The time limit for this test is 90 minutes. 

EPSO Case Study Example Questions

The style of the questions is such that you are basically asked to perform three separate tasks. In fact, completing these tasks is very similar to answering questions using the STAR method . You are asked to write a report detailing the following:

  • An executive summary of the situation at hand.
  • What are the problems facing the company/ situation at present?
  • What do you recommend that would increase profits etc.?

It is your task to create a report detailing each step of the process. Firstly, you must demonstrate your knowledge of the area by elaborating the main concepts and details covered in the EPSO case study example.

Following this, you must detail any problems that are either covered intrinsically in the materials provided or that you can think of based on them. Finally, you must come up with possible solutions and recommendations that you think will increase the efficiency/profit margin of the company.

Your report should be between 500 and 1,000 words and should be a complete discussion of the subject. As there is a 90-minute time limit for this test, you have enough time to read through all the source material and write a detailed report if you work quickly.

EPSO Case Study Competencies

In your EPSO case study preparation, you need to be aware of the competencies that are being assessed. In fact, your case study report score is determined by the EPSO competency framework.

In general, there are four competencies measured. However, for some specialist roles, there is a fifth competency that is defined in your notice of competition. The four competencies are as follows:

Analysis and problem-solving – This means identifying critical facts in complex issues and developing creative and practical solutions. There are many facts to deal with as you can see in the official EPSO case study examples . You must show that you cope well with complex information and possess practical awareness to find good solutions to problems.

Communicating – This means communicating clearly and precisely in your writing. A good way of showing this is through the creation of a good plan at the top of your report and then going through the points in a clear and concise manner.

Delivering quality and results – There are very clear instructions informing you how to go about writing your report in the EPSO case study. Following these is not only a good idea but also vitally important, as these are the markers for the assessors scoring your report.

In the EPSO tests, there are set procedures that you must follow if you want to get a high score. Following these procedures demonstrates you are able to deliver quality and results.

Prioritising and organising – This means prioritising the most important tasks, working flexibly, and organising your workload efficiently.

These are a lot of items in the EPSO case study samples. Although much of the information is necessary to compile your report correctly, some of it is not. You must show that you are not distracted by this information and can select the important material and leave aside the 'chaff'.

How to Prepare for the EPSO Case Study

The most important thing to remember is the necessity of practising. Without a full understanding of what you need to do, you will not show your full potential and skill. JobTestPrep offers a variety of resources to help you prepare for the EPSO case study.

While our case study pack is generic, it does include a sample case study and a 3-steps solution to get a grasp of the main guidelines for approaching these kinds of assessments.

Please bear in mind that although the case studies in this pack are not 90 minutes in length, they do follow the same style as the EPSO case study.

Indeed, to answer these practice exercises well, you must possess the same skills required for the EPSO case study. As well as this, the pack also includes two model EPSO case study answers. 

Since 1992, JobTestPrep has stood for true-to-original online test and assessment centre preparation. Our decades of experience make us a leading international provider of test training. Over one million customers have already used our products to prepare professionally for their recruitment tests.

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Pefect preparation on your EPSO case study

You have been invited by EPSO to take a case study on the computer and are looking for sample tasks to help you prepare? Then you are right here

  • The case study

Train the assessed competencies!

The case study confronts the applicant with a "real" problem that needs to be solved. This involves a series of documents, such as e-mails, reports, newspaper articles, etc., which must be analysed. Applicants write a text at a computer which is evaluated.

By our case study the following competencies can be trained:

  • Analyis and problem solving
  • Quality and result orientation
  • Written communication
  • Prioritising and organising

The case study is available in German and English:

Case study with individual evaluation or without

Case study "Mining" (as pdf) - with solution - EUR 29,00 (incl. VAT)

Case study "Mining" (as pdf) - with solution + individual evaluation of your text - EUR 89,00 (incl. VAT)

Case study "Mining" (as pdf) - with solution + individual evaluation of your text + De-briefing session (max 30 minutes) - EUR 129,00 (incl. VAT)

If you are interesed in receiving a case study, contact us! We will send all further information to you!

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Booklet no. 13 "The case study"

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EPSO Test Preparation: Free Practice Questions & Tips – 2024

Civil Service Exam Preparation, Tips, Sample Questions & Free Practice Test - 2024

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EPSO testing is the European Union’s Civil Service test battery. They give a wide variety of assessments to ensure that the candidates hired are the best fit for the role, and the process has quite a few steps from the time an application is submitted to when the candidate is hired. If you are looking at this article, chances are you are considering applying with the EU for civil service or already have. Either way, this article will give you what you need to know about EPSO tests.

What Is EPSO Testing?

EPSO testing is a set of computer-based multiple-choice tests and assessment center activities . The first set of EPSO tests are the computer-based cognitive ability tests. If candidates pass these with a high enough score, they will be invited to join the assessment center activities. These are ordinarily held in Brussels or Luxembourg and may take one or more days.

Of note is the fact that specialist roles are not given the computer-based cognitive ability tests and are instead judged based on qualifications alone for the initial selection. Their goal in testing or using qualifications is to measure key reasoning abilities, not just to cut out candidates.

What Is on EPSO Tests?

All candidates applying for non-specialist roles will take computer-based, multiple-choice tests for their first round of testing. These are taken, for the most part, in the candidates’ main languages, which must be official EU languages.

Candidates may also have tests specific to their roles, and most assessment center participants will be required to take a field-related test in addition to the computer-based ones they already finished. Other requirements vary widely based on the position within the government agency.

The main tests are covered below.

Numerical Reasoning Assessment

The numerical reasoning test is done in the candidate’s main language as long as that language is an EU-official language. The test has ten questions which should be answered in twenty minutes. The information is presented in a tabular manner with questions in multiple-choice format. The test assesses the candidate’s ability to work with percentages , ratios , and the four basic mathematical functions . It usually focuses on EU economic topics.

Verbal Reasoning Assessment

The verbal reasoning test focuses on getting the right answer more than it does speed in answering. Therefore, the test is comprised of twenty questions, which must be answered in thirty-five minutes. The assessment has passages on economics, geography, politics and more. The candidate’s task is to choose the best answer option in relation to the passage.

Abstract Reasoning Assessment

The abstract reasoning test contains ten questions to be completed in ten minutes. Candidates are shown a sequence of five images that have various logical relationships between them. The goal is to identify the patterns and choose the right answer from the options by deducing the correct image to complete the pattern using the relationships identified. The test is closely related to the classic inductive reasoning tests that trace back to the Ravens Matrices Test . The assessment may require test-takers to identify multiple rules to find the correct answer.

Situational Judgment Test

The SJT has twenty scenarios that should be worked through in thirty minutes. The situations given are ones that candidates may face on the actual job. Four answer choices are provided for dealing with the situation, and candidates must select two options: least likely to do and most likely to do. This assessment is taken in a secondary language—English, French, or German. Candidates need twenty-four out of forty marks to even be considered for the assessment center.

Accuracy and Precision Test

This is an assessment center test depending on the position applied for. The test lasts six minutes and has forty questions. The goal is to find discrepancies and mistakes between two tables of information quickly and accurately.

Prioritizing and Organizing Test

Another assessment center test, this exam provides tables of information and asks candidates to answer questions about the information provided. There are twenty-four questions, and the test is timed at thirty minutes maximum. The test requires rudimentary math skills, fact finding capabilities, and logical thinking.

Case study exercise may be given either at the Brussels assessment center or at a location in the county of application. The exercise is not required for every candidate in the recruitment process but is fairly common. Candidates are given fifteen pages of information on a subject relating to their application. Then they are given a computer to answer and formulate a report. The report is a written report for the actual assessment, but some study materials may ask for a presentation instead. The report should include an introduction, main body, and a full conclusion.

How to Prepare for the EPSO Assessments?

Most of the EPSO assessments have very reasonable time limitations. You should be able to complete the assessments within the given time limits with very little trouble as long as you are prepared. For those with stricter time limits, more preparation should be done to ensure accuracy in a short amount of time. You should take the time to review practice problems, look over free sample tests, and brush up on any reasoning skills that might be a bit lacking.

For the case study and verbal reasoning aptitude sections, you can also spend time reading business reports and newspapers to get used to the types of information you may see. On the numerical side, practice simple math problems and work with tables to become accustomed to the test style. For the abstract test, you should do logical puzzles that involve solving pattern-based problems to improve your speed on the test.

Although the sheer volume of material being tested for EPSO may seem daunting at first, it is entirely possible to succeed and stand out above the crowd. Doing this will require dedication and practice on your part, however, since you will need to score 80% or above on most of the tests due to the high competition for these positions. Keep this in mind as you practice and do your best to score above this on the practice assessments so that you know you are well-prepared to ace the real tests.

Practice for the EPSO Test with the Following Free Sample Questions:

  • Inform your supervisor about the situation as is.
  • Ask your co-worker to complete his share of work on time no matter what.
  • Submit your complete share of work along with your co-worker’s incomplete share of work.
  • Finish your co-worker’s share of work yourself.
  • Ask your supervisor to extend your deadline.
  • Abigail saw John’s friend earliest.
  • Monica saw John’s friend earlier than Rachael.
  • Abigail saw John’s friend later than Monica.
  • Rachael and Susy saw John’s friend at the same time.
  • Jennifer saw John’s friend later than Susy.
  • Take sole responsibility for the issue.
  • Report the issue to your supervisor’s superiors.
  • Ask your supervisor to not fire you.
  • Argue with your supervisor that it is not your fault.
  • Try to find the missing document in the office.
  • will be completed
  • will complete
  • will have completed
  • will have been completed
  • will be completing
  • Discuss this issue directly with your supervisor first.
  • Disregard the issue.
  • Go straight to your supervisors superiors about the issue.
  • Try to get your co-workers to share your workload.
  • Start performing worse just like your other co-worker.

Explained Answers:

  • There can usually be no right or wrong answers when it comes to situational judgment assessments. Some response options, however, may speak better of you as a job candidate than other response options. In this case, response option A demonstrates stronger work ethic than the remaining response options.
  • Based on the facts provided, Rachael saw John’s friend later than Jennifer, and Jennifer saw John’s friend later than Monica. Jennifer is the key piec of information that allows to compare Rachael and Monica. With this information, the statement that Rachael saw John’s friend later than Monica is the accurate choice (option B).
  • Situational judgement assessments are designed in such a way that there are no right or wrong response options. Certain response options still. showcase your aptitude for a given job position better than others. In this case, option B can be considered as demonstrating strongest work ethic while the remaining options are not.
  • Options D is the correct answer since both Future Perfect tense and passive voice are needed in this case.
  • Situational judgement assessments tend to imply that there is no “right” response option. More often than not, however, some response options still tend to showcase your aptitude better than others. In this case, options A and C may be considered as the ones displaying strongest work ethic. The remaining response options are inferior when it comes to work ethic.

Civil Service Tests

  • US Civil Service Exam – Free Practice
  • US Federal Civil Service Exam
  • USA Hire Assessment
  • UK’s Civil Service Tests
  • Ireland’s Civil Service Aptitude Test
  • EU’s EPSO Test
  • Australian Public Service (APS) Assessment

Civil Service Tests by Positions

  • Library Clerk Test
  • Toll Collector Exam
  • FBI Entrance Exams
  • Legal Secretary Test
  • School Secretary Test
  • Office Technician Exam
  • Corrections Officer Exam
  • Supervisory Test Battery
  • Civil Service Secretary Exam
  • Civil Service Maintenance Test
  • Air Traffic Controller (AT-SA) Test
  • Secret Service Special Agent Exam
  • Motor Vehicle Representative Exam
  • NSA Assessments
  • CIA Assessment

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Preparing for the EU Concours

New competition model, support and training, before applying, application stage, the first stage | computer-based tests, the second stage - the e-tray exercise, the third stage – assessment centre, general tips, supports for irish language: the ultimate eu test book as gaeilge.

EPSO are introducing a new competition model.

The first competition under the new competition model was published on 22 June 2023 (Economics).

Please note that EPSO published an update on 16 October 2023 indicating that, regrettably, some competitions are being postponed from the schedule that was published during the summer.

The intention behind the new competition model is that new competitions will put greater emphasis on candidates’ qualifications and on a set of written tests, all to be conducted in one testing session. All tests will be done online via remotely proctored testing. The ‘competition phase’ will be faster, with EPSO reducing competition timelines to just 6 months. Following the competition, the selection board draws up the reserve list containing the names of the successful candidates. The list is then made available to the institutions for recruitment purposes.

The overview of the new model is available on the EU Career website .

Concours or EU concours is a recruitment competition and examination to select staff to all institutions of the European Union. The Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Permanent Representation of Ireland in Brussels, arrange free information and training sessions to help Irish candidates prepare ahead of upcoming EU Concours. These sessions are open to all Irish citizens who have registered for a specific competition, or those who intend to do so.

You can join our mailing list to be notified of any upcoming webinars. To join our mailing list, please  contact us .

The Department of Foreign Affairs offers Irish candidates support at all stages of the EU recruitment process. To help candidates prepare for the preliminary tests, we provide training packs from EU Training. The packs includes sample tests for the numerical, abstract and verbal reasoning exam, as well as for the language comprehension test.  Please  contact us  for more information.

While every effort has been made to ensure the integrity and accuracy of all referenced material, candidates should be aware that the Department of Foreign Affairs can take no responsibility for the information provided by any external source, including those listed below. Nor should the listing of any text or firm be considered an endorsement of same.

Before you can apply for any position in the European institutions you should create an EPSO account via the EU Careers Website . Remember, you can only have one EPSO account.

You will usually be asked to complete a questionnaire and attempt some sample tests before you begin an application process. This is a self-evaluation mechanism that EPSO uses so that prospective candidates can determine whether or not a career in the EU institutions is something that would suit them.  EPSO does not record or use the results of these tests.

For certain, more specialised selection procedures, you will be required to answer some additional detailed questions about your qualifications and experience as part of the application form. This information will be used by the Selection Board as they decide which candidates best fit the needs of the Institutions and thus which candidates to invite to the Assessment centre. 

Before starting with your application, you should make sure that all the details in your EPSO account are up to date.

When the application process for an EPSO competition opens, you should:

  • Give yourself lots of time to fill out the online application form
  • Make sure you validate your application before the deadline – t his is your responsibility
  • Complete the application in the language specified in the notice of competition
  • If you copy-paste text into your application form from another document, make sure you only copy-paste from a pure text file (.txt). This will help to avoid unnecessary spaces or incompatible characters.
  • Avoid using the ‘forward’ and ‘back’ buttons in your browser. Use the on-screen ‘forward’ and ‘back’ buttons instead.
  • Use the Online Application Manual provided by EPSO for the competition to help guide you through the process. This manual will expand on the points mentioned here.

Remember that the application form of this selection procedure is split in 2 parts, each with a different deadline:

  • in the first part candidates declare their languages and confirm their eligibility;
  • in the second part candidates choose their languages 1 and 2 and fill in the remainder of the application form (diploma, motivation, work experience etc.).
  • The first part or the application form can be filled in in any EU official language (it is very short and mostly drop-down menus and quantitative information), while the second part must be filled in in the language chosen by the candidate as language 2.
  • Candidates must meet the two deadlines (one for each part of the application form) in order to qualify for the next stage of the competition.

The first stage of the concours is the computer based tests (CBTs for short). These cognitive reasoning exercises are also known as psychometric tests or aptitude tests and are used by EPSO as a filter to identify a manageable number of candidates for the next stages. These are general aptitude tests and do not require detailed specific knowledge of the EU.

These tests are conducted through a candidates “language 1” and take place in testing centres worldwide.

In order to succeed at the CBTs, and make it to a competition’s second stage, you need to score amongst the top percentile taking that test. While this might sound difficult, with some advanced planning and deliberate practice you can give yourself every chance of success.

The CBTs test a candidate’s verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning and are taken in the candidates’ listed first language, which can be any one of the EU’s 24 official languages (including Irish). In order to help you prepare for the CBTs, we have also compiled short guides to each of the test types, with hints and tips on how to prepare and useful links and references.

Test guides and support

As these guides suggest, the best way to prepare for the CBTs is to familiarise yourself with the test style and format through deliberate practice. EPSO and the Public Appointments Service provide test material freely online, while material can also be purchased through various private companies, many of whom offer free samples. Additional sample questions and answers for the asbtract, numerical and verbal reasoning tests are also provided below.

The Department offers support for the Computer Based Tests (CBT) to interested candidates in partnership with EU Training, a leading provider of practice material for EPSO tests. If you would like to avail of these supports, which includes practice material for the numerical and abstract reasoning tests as well as verbal reasoning and language comprehension tests, please email us requesting a pack along with the following documents:

  • A scanned copy of your Passport, proving Irish citizenship;
  • Proof that you have submitted a full and valid application (a scan or screenshot of the completed application page will suffice).

Finally, there are many books available on how best to prepare for the competition process. The following texts are some of the best known:

  • The Ultimate EU Test Book, Administrators 2018 edition , Andras Baneth: Covers both stages of the EU competition (i.e. the numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning ability and the tests to be expected in the assessment). Provides practice tests, tips and strategies.
  • Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institution Competitions , Emmanuel Hetru and Jean - Luc Bizeur: Methodology, strategies and practice tests for numerical reasoning skills.
  • Verbal Reasoning MCQ for the European Institution Competitions , Emmanuel Hetru and Jean - Luc Bizeur: Methodology, strategies and practice tests for verbal reasoning skills
  • Abstract Reasoning MCQ for European Institution Competitions , Emmanuel Hetru and BenoĂŽt Crepin: Methodology, strategies and practice tests for abstract reasoning ability.
  • Situational Judgement Test for European Institution Competitions , Jean - Luc Bizeur, Pascal and Isabelle Maen Farchy: Provides information, strategies and exercises for the behavioral test in the first round
  • Ultimate Psychometric Tests , Mike Bryon: Provides over 1000 practice exercises in the field of numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning ability.

This stage takes place in testing centres throughout the EU member states and is conducted in a candidates “language 2”.

The e-tray stage is a computer-based test in which candidates are asked to answer a number of questions using the documentation provided in an e-mail inbox.

Please note, for specialised competitions, stage 2 may not consist of an E-Tray.

A detailed  official guide to the assessment centre  is available. It consists of four key exercises, with some variation depending on the specific competition. Please note, for specialised competitions, stage 3 may differ.

  • A  case study  in which candidates are provided with a text or texts of the kind you might encounter as an EU official and tasked with preparing a written document. The case study is ninety minutes in duration and primarily designed to test candidates competencies in analysis and problem solving, communication, prioritising and organising.
  • An  Oral Presentation  in which candiates are presented with a workplace scenario which requires them to analyse a text or texts and prepare an oral presentation. Again, the key competencies tested here are analysis and problem solving, communication, prioritising and organising.
  • A Structured Interview in which candidates are asked a series of questions about specific competencies (and specific skills, in the case of specialist competitions). In each case, candidates should be prepared to outline concrete examples of how they have demonstrated these competencies in the past.
  • A  group exercise , in which candidates are assigned to teams of five or six, presented with a typical EU workplace scenario and tasked with discussing conclusions and reaching a collective decision. Key competencies assessed here include working with others, prioritizing and organizing, analysis and problem solving, communicating and potential to lead.

The languages used in the Assessment Centre are English, German and French and two other languages that will be announced following the application stage. Candidates will have identified one of the Assessment Centre languages as their second language (“language 2”) ahead of the Computer Based Tests.

Two types of competencies are tested for, general and specific, with eight key competency criteria:

  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Communicating
  • Delivering quality and results
  • Learning and developing
  • Prioritising and organising
  • Working with others
  • Potential to lead  

Candidates must demonstrate each of the above in the course of the assessment centre exercises.

In preparing for the assessment centre, candidates may wish to consult some of the following resources:

  • Seven Things You Need to Know about the EU Assessment Centre
  • Nine Amazing Ideas for Your EPSO Assessment Centre Preparation
  • EPSO Guide to Open Competitions
  • EU Careers Administrator Blog
  • Check your EPSO account at least twice a week during the selection procedure.
  • You can view your application form at any time by going to your EPSO account.
  • Additional information about the selection procedure and information about the timing of the different stages will be available and regularly updated on the EPSO website.
  • For any questions you may have please  contact us  at the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The University of Galway, with the support of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media, has translated the Ultimate EU Test Book into Irish . This will be very useful to those who are taking part in the EPSO recruitment competitions and using Irish.

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Zoning and density - case study examples for article

Linda C. Reeder FAIA

Linda C. Reeder FAIA 03-27-2024 10:13 AM

Ivan contreras aia 03-28-2024 05:36 pm, daniel gerard steger aia 03-28-2024 06:05 pm, matthew s. hutchins aia 03-28-2024 07:17 pm, mark mcdonald assoc. aia 03-30-2024 03:51 pm.

Robert B. Ross AIA

Robert B. Ross AIA 03-29-2024 10:54 AM

Matthew s. hutchins aia 03-30-2024 05:04 pm, emily a. hagen aia 04-01-2024 07:04 pm, 1.  zoning and density - case study examples for article.

case study epso example

Municipalities around the country are revising zoning regulations to increase density in an effort to address housing shortages. Have you designed an ADU or other residential project that takes advantage of zoning revisions that increase density? Have you discovered unintended consequences of these zoning revisions related to residential projects? In either case, I would like to hear about your project or experience at  [email protected] . I am collecting case studies and information for possible inclusion in a magazine article. Thank you!

2024 CRAN Symposium

2.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

As a residential Architect / Builder, I am very interested in this topic. It is a great opportunity to mitigate shortages in housing, by effectively increasing allowed density, as well as reducing suburban sprawl.

In the US, municipalities are only slowly starting to adopt the mixed-use concept. It will be long before they start discussing minimum density (not maximum).

For some weird reason, I was drawn to learn about the finance side of things. 

At a housing summit in Washington DC, last year, I spoke with someone from Fannie Mae, to try to understand how an ADU gets financed. The answer was, whether attached or detached, unequivocally, the ADU cannot be a second mortgage, it must be a refi. It was also said that this refi would take into account the credit of the applicant, as well as the economic viability of the ADU. 

So, on one hand, you now have an opportunity to make a part of your house an income-producing property, yet on another, you would have to relinquish your favorable mortgage rate to a new higher rate

Once again, we see policies that do not favor the middle class or below. The policies could/should be an integral part of fighting gentrification and being able to stay in your neighborhood.

Another idea came up: someone could rent an empty piece of his/her lot to have a tiny home installed, which did not belong to the homeowner, but to a third party, who could rent the home and pay rent to the homeowner for using the land.

------------------------------ Ivan Contreras, LEED AP, AIA CONTRERAS MUNOZ & CO Miami FL ------------------------------ Original Message Original Message: Sent: 03-27-2024 10:12 AM From: Linda Reeder Subject: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

Municipalities around the country are revising zoning regulations to increase density to address housing shortages. Have you designed an ADU or other residential project that takes advantage of zoning revisions that increase density? Have you discovered the unintended consequences of these zoning revisions related to residential projects? In either case, I would like to hear about your project or experience at  [email protected] . I am collecting case studies and information for possible inclusion in a magazine article. Thank you!

------------------------------ Linda Reeder FAIA New Haven CT ------------------------------

3.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

Linda, I have not designed an ADU...yet!  However, I think you may find what Boston is doing rather interesting.  Check out their ADU zoning program here -   Additional Dwelling Unit Program

Boston.gov remove preview
Additional Dwelling Unit Program
The Additional Dwelling Unit Program allows owner occupants in the City of Boston to carve out a new space within their homes. They can create smaller, independent units, known as Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) once the design has been approved. For those who qualify, we offer loans to build approved ADU designs.

The city is attempting to expand the program as well - Expanding ADU Access in Boston

Boston.gov remove preview
Expanding ADU Access in Boston
The Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a self-contained residential living unit. They can provide additional income for homeowners and flexible, separate living arrangements for families to age in place, or support relatives or children while still maintaining their privacy.

4.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

We have designed 50+ We also have a pre-approved plan that has been used in Seattle 15-20 times. We also help cities and towns recognize barriers and rewrite their ADU code to reduce those barriers. Washington state allows ADUs to be sold independently of the primary residence if you create a condominium association which we've done.  Big fan and I'm happy to talk.  Email me at [email protected]

5.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

At the most fundamental level, zoning changes allowing ADU's and similar additions, reduces affordability for first-time and low-income buyers. Zoning that allows higher density on a property and the ability to rent spaces, increases the value of the property to investors, who price out first-time buyers and low-income. It increases available rental opportunities which only slow rental price increases. All of the proposed housing solutions have the same effect. When rental income restrictions are enacted, investment in rental properties drop, reducing the quality of housing. Too many times the complexity of problems is ignored in favor of single-point actions that cannot achieve the desired outcome.

6.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

I've designed ADU's but think there application to create affordable housing is minimal at best. Most of the ADU's that I'm aware of actually end up as short term rentals, further exacerbating the problem. The size requirement imposed by most municipalities would not support a small family. Families are the ones most being affected by a lack of affordable housing options. I would look to the revision of single family zoning to include small 6-8 unit apartments within a single family district as a step in the right direction and a more impactful way to address the issue. 

7.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

Linda--Seattle builds nearly 1000 ADUs per year--It is one of the most popular forms of new housing here because:

New residents can live in excellent established neighborhoods, with walkable access to neighborhood amenities like parks, schools and local businesses that need new customers. 

They can be rented or purchased at a lower price point than a traditional larger new detached house. I would never call ADUs 'affordable' per se, because they cost more per foot than other types, and aren't subsidized or have fixed rent typically, but they are way less than houses. It is silly to demand ADUs be price controlled for lower income folks when we'd never do that for adjacent single-family houses on the open market.  

There is very little impact on neighboring properties. In 15 years of building ADUs, I've never had a complaint, however I have had tons of neighbors inquire about building one themselves! 

Today's household sizes are getting smaller (Seattle's is 1.83 people), and smaller DADUs serve many people who don't need as much house.

They serve multigeneration households really well, as well as those aging in place (the AARP has been a huge proponent of ADUs for a decade because the smaller houses in often more walkable neighborhoods are better for the lifestyle needs of our silver wave of downsizing seniors). About 1/4 of our ADUs were built for the grandparents, sometimes by the grandparents on the adult kid's parcel.  

Because zoning changes to allow them are citywide, property taxes don't increase just because cities institute ADU programs. Cities do get to leverage those new residents to make other contributions to the tax base like sales tax etc. 

Honestly for me, the only downside is that ADUs are not the vehicle for addressing housing crisis--they're just a little too bespoke, and as one-offs don't have enough impact given the scale of the challenge. We actually need way more flexibility with middle housing types like multiplexes and townhomes if we want to scale up urban housing production beyond what we see in the current large apartment building market.  

8.  RE: Zoning and density - case study examples for article

I have designed a few in Seattle and the surrounding area, but I've also run into current zoning issues that are limiting in the design of ADUs (both attached and detached units). I'm personally super excited about a WA state house bill that passed and is making it's way down into jurisdictions to allow for more models of residential density (up to six units per lot!) and would hopefully not restrict zoning for these additional units to only be sized for 1-2 bedroom units. Have a look - https://www.commerce.wa.gov/serving-communities/growth-management/growth-management-topics/planning-for-middle-housing/.  

  • Final Model Ordinance for cities 25,000 and over (PDF)

It's a fun read that I'm excited about! :) 

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Why vertical integration is the path to strategic advantage.

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Marc Emmer is president of Optimize Inc. and an author, speaker and consultant specializing in strategy and strategic planning.

Tesla's ascent in the automotive world is a story of innovation, not only because of technology and engineering but also because of a shrewd business strategy. Spearheaded by Elon Musk, Tesla has not just revolutionized the automotive industry but also provided a masterclass in vertical integration. In a world where supply chains have gone from being long and slow to short and agile, Tesla controls almost every facet of production.

Tesla's Strategic Mastery: A Case Study in Vertical Integration

Tesla's approach to vertical integration —owning as many aspects of production as possible, from raw materials to final assembly—is a stark contrast to the traditional automotive industry model of outsourcing key components and relying heavily on global supply chains. For example, Nissan recently announced plans to produce batteries through a partner in Great Britain.

This strategy not only allows Tesla to maintain quality control but also to innovate rapidly. By owning the supply chain, Tesla can bypass traditional barriers, accelerate its production cycles and maintain flexibility, which allows it to adapt quickly to new technologies or market demands.

The benefits of this approach became particularly evident during the global semiconductor shortage. While most automotive giants struggled with production halts, Tesla redesigned its software to support alternative chips, which showcases agility in its operations.

Impacts Beyond Risk Reduction

The shift to shorter supply chains has broader implications than mere risk reduction. It marks a significant change in how companies approach production, impacting everything from innovation to consumer relations.

1. Enhanced quality control: With more control over their supply chains, companies can improve quality standards, as this direct oversight can allow for immediate rectification of issues and help ensure the end product consistently meets consumer expectations.

2. Local economic benefits: Shorter supply chains often mean more localized and regional production, which can have positive effects on local economies. By sourcing and manufacturing closer to home, companies can contribute to job creation and economic growth in their regions.

3. Accelerated innovation: Shorter supply chains facilitate quicker feedback loops, which can allow companies to innovate at a faster pace. This rapid iteration is crucial in today's fast-evolving marketplaces, where staying ahead often means being the first to harness new technologies or trends.

4. Sustainability and ethical practices: With greater control over their supply chains, businesses can more effectively implement sustainable and ethical practices. This aspect is increasingly important to consumers, who are more likely to support brands that demonstrate environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing.

The Road Ahead: Challenges And Opportunities

While the move toward shorter supply chains is promising, it is not without its challenges . Establishing a controlled supply chain requires significant investment and expertise.

Companies must be willing to invest in infrastructure, technology and talent to manage this transition successfully.

As industries increasingly adopt this model, the competitive landscape could shift. Companies that are slow to adapt could find themselves at a disadvantage, struggling to keep pace with more agile competitors.

The New Era Of Supply Chains

The Covid-19 pandemic was as a significant disruptor across industries, underlining the fragility and complexities of extended global supply chains. It’s particularly crucial in an era marked by frequent and unpredictable global disruptions.

Alongside the primary objective of risk mitigation, the adoption of shorter supply chains presents a myriad of supplementary benefits. These include an enhanced ability to swiftly adapt to evolving market trends and consumer preferences, leading to more dynamic and responsive business operations.

• Logistics: Companies may observe a reduction in transportation and logistical costs, as shorter supply chains typically involve less complex and more direct routes.

• Carbon footprint: From an environmental perspective, this shift may also lead to a reduction in the carbon footprint, as shorter supply chains could mean less extensive transportation requirements.

• Inventory management: A critical element in this transition is the evolution of inventory management strategies. I've observed many companies that are actively rethinking their approach to inventory management, aiming to revise strategies that include redefining decoupling points and adjusting buffer sizes.

As companies adapt to this evolving landscape, the insights from Tesla's model are invaluable. The future of business success increasingly hinges on adept supply chain management, a domain where Tesla has already set a precedent.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Marc Emmer

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  • EPSO’s Competency Framework
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  • Equal opportunities

multiple choice tests

EPSO competitions or selection procedures include a series of tests aimed at assessing general and specific competencies.

The Notice of Competition is the only official document that contains detailed information about the actual tests used by EPSO for a given competition. All notices are published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This page contains some examples of tests that may be used by EPSO in its competitions, aimed solely at making prospective candidates more familiar with their structure and content. This page is not aimed at training candidates to pass our selection tests. This is outside of EPSO’s mandate.

Please note that candidates are no longer  required to book their testing window in advance. Instead, all candidates are invited to sit for their test at the same time on the specified date and time in their invitation.

If you would like to find out more about EPSO’s selection procedures, we suggest that you also check the  EPSO Tests: Myths and Facts page.

We also invite you to read EPSO’s  general competency framework  for more information about the competencies considered to be essential to perform effectively in any given job, by the EU institutions and bodies that EPSO serves. Some of those competencies are assessed by EPSO during the selection phase, others are assessed by the EU institutions and bodies themselves during the recruitment phase.

Below for each profile you can find the list of possible tests and some samples of questions that candidates may encounter.

Administrators (AD-Generalists)

Administrators (AD–Specialists)

Assistants (AST-Generalists)

Assistants (AST-Specialists)

Assistants (AST-SC)

Lawyer-linguists (AD)

Lawyer-linguists (AD) - Court of Justice

Translators (AD)

  • Eligibility  - evaluation of eligibility criteria and minimum requirements is done by the Selection Board.
  • Talent screener - only used for specialist competitions. In their application form, candidates are asked to list all their professional skills, experience and qualifications, which will then be assessed by the Selection Board.
  • Computer based multiple-choice tests  - verbal, numerical, abstract reasoning tests and, for certain specialist competitions, tests on field-related competencies. All tests are remotely proctored. 
  • Assessment centre phase  - the final stage for the testing of general and field-related competencies under EPSO’s former competition model (published until the end of 2022). Through various tests, Selection Board members evaluate skills such as analysis and problem-solving, communicating, prioritising and organising, delivering quality and results, and others. The Assessment Centre tests are organised in an online format (remote) and the tests usually take place on different dates.

Types of tests

Assistants (AST)

Interpreters (AD)

On this page you will find some sample tests that candidates may have to pass when taking part in the Contract Agents / CAST Permanent selection procedure.

All these tests will be computer-based and you will take them at the same time via remotely proctored testing. 

Reasoning skills tests:

  • Verbal (assesses your ability to think logically and understand verbal, numerical information). Try our verbal sample tests .
  • Numerical (assesses your ability to think logically and understand numerical information). Try our numerical sample tests .
  • Abstract (assesses your ability to think logically and understand the relations between concepts involving no linguistic, spatial or numerical elements). Try our abstract sample tests .

Ready to go one step further? Then try our long version of verbal, numerical and abstract sample tests, also in a quiz format:


 You can also consult an accessible version of these sample tests.

Please note that currently, these sample tests are only available in EN, FR and DE. Learn more about EPSO’s current work on this topic here .

Competency test for each profile

Currently, EPSO is responsible only for organising the reasoning skills tests, but not for the competency tests. The recruiting services of the EU institutions have adapted the selection procedure of Contract Agents accordingly, and keep their relevant services informed of the applicable procedure.

Important information

EPSO does not offer preparatory courses or material apart from the sample tests provided here, nor does it endorse publications or training courses made available by other entities.

Please check the  Member States training and support contact list  to find out the training and support provided by some of them.

Try here our short Sample quiz  

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Q&A: The 2023 New EPSO System

The New EPSO System Q&A from the Live Webinar - All Your Questions Answered

Many of you participated in the live info webinar about the New EPSO system, many more of you have viewed or will view the recording. There were so many attendees at the live event with so many questions that we were not able to answer all the questions. As promised, we collected all your questions from the chat log and created this user-friendly document with quick links to the main subject headings.


  • You can view the recording of the live session here .
  • The transcript is also available for those who prefer to read instead of watching/listening.
  • Learn all about The New EPSO Competency Framework (free pdf download)
  • Read a summary of the new selection process in this article.
  • AD5 Generalist 
  • CONFIRMED!  Master the EPSO CBT  | Saturday, 11 March  | Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning | 14 March   | *starting at 12:30 PM
  • Verbal Reasoning | 21 March  
  • Numerical Reasoning | 22 March 
  • Abstract Reasoning | 23 March  




  • COMPUTER-BASED TESTS  (all competitions)
  • WRITTEN TEST / CASE STUDY (all competitions)
  • EU KNOWLEDGE TEST  (Generalists)
  • FIELD-RELATED MCQ  (Specialists)
  • DIGITAL SKILLS TEST  (not all competitions)


Reserve list.



*This is what happens pre-competition: The Notice of Competition is published in all 24 official EU languages. Any interested applicants must create an EPSO account if they haven't already. Your application must then be submitted through your EPSO account and this is where EPSO will communicate with you during the selection process. 

Does the number of candidates invited to the pre-competition phase coincide with the number of open positions for recruitment?

You do not need to be invited to an EPSO competition. EPSO will always publish a Notice of Competition and anyone (EU citizens) can apply. The eligibility requirements and the number of open positions on the reserve list is always communicated in the NoC.

I have already passed a CBT which is supposed to be valid for 10 years. Does it cover the new pre-competiton requirements?

This question refers to the CAST competition model, where the CBT is valid for 10 years IF you pass all the selection tests. See the full info here . CAST is completely independent of the new EPSO system and the CAST scores do not 'carry over' to the EPSO selection stage. Also, for each EPSO competition, the CBT and other tests need to be passed every time you enrol in a competition, as there is no "passport" system. 

Is there an age ceiling for competitions? Are 50+ candidates welcome to apply for EPSO competitions?

There are no age limits or discrimination. If all the requirements put forth in the Notice of Competition are met, anyone can apply.

Is the experience profiling instrument going to be based on an AI tool or physical persons will be making the assessment?

Experience profiling instruments can be very biased?! How does it work for a generalist profile for example?

Can you give more details on the experience profiling screen?

Will the Experience Profiling Instrument act as TS? Will it assess if a candidate has the minimum requirements or it will choose the candidates with the highest ranking (best educational / professional background)?

What is the difference between Talent Screener and Experience Profiling instrument?

So many questions about the Experience Profiling Instrument and so little information... Yes, it does sound similar to the Talent Screener, and yes, it seems to have replaced it. EPSO has not given much more information about the EPI to this date.

Most likely this will be an automated online tool, accessible through your EPSO account, where you have to input your professional experience. More of an AI tool, yes, than the Talent Screener, because it may automate what was done by assessors up until this point. And that is probably the difference between the two tools. But this is all speculation, as EPSO has not released any concrete info about it.

These types of profiling tools are usually used to help map out an individual's profile of skills, qualifications, and work experiences in a very structured way to make assessing the information easier. 

(In the webinar) you mention there will be no more pre-selection. Does that mean that there won't be a talent screener before tests?

The Talent Screener was always part of the application phase, and there will no longer be a Talent Screener in the new EPSO system,The pre-selection phase used to refer to the phase where candidates had to sit the Computer-Based Tests as a pre-selection tool. The new model is a single-phase competition.

What about the ongoing competitions which are at the Talent Screener review phase? Will the selection procedure change for those ones too?

Ongoing competitions will not be affected, and for most of them candidates have already submitted a Talent Screener, which, if you pass eligibility checks, will be reviewed.

What about the talent screener? How will EPSO assess our experience in the field?

There will no longer be a talent screener. Candidates' experience in the field will be assessed by the MCQ tests (specialist competitions).

  • Will the verbal reasoning questions still be translated from English into the 24 official languages of the EU?

Yes, as far as we know.

  • Will the tests still be in French and English and we can choose ? Or only in ENG (it makes a difference when enrolling for training)?

The language rules will be clarified in the Notice of Competition. As far as we know the Computer-Based Tests will still be available in all the official languages of the EU. Digital Literacy Tests will be in English only.

  • Will the MCQ Test on EU knowledge and Field-Related MCQ be in English?
  • How can I prove the level of my second language (English)? Do I need a certificate or working for an international company is enough evidence?
  • What about the language of the competition? can we choose FR still?

This was not specified by EPSO at this point. The language rules will be made clear in the Notice of Competition. What we do know is that the language rules as we know it now, will no longer apply. There will no longer be Language 1 and Language 2. There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding this subject, so we have to wait and see how EPSO will approach this in the context of the new competition model.

  • Which languages can we choose from to do the Case Study exam?

This will depend on the language specified in the Notice of Competition. Currently it is language 2, usually French or English.

Why choose remote proctoring and eliminate in-person testing? Any solid reason behind this?

Did they explain why they no longer use the in-person test centres? The test centres ensured equal treatment and took away the stress of wondering whether your home situation will be accepted by some random proctor.

EPSO communicated that the aim is to introduce a faster, leaner, cost-effective and more accessible competition model. 

Regarding remote testing: We just received a notification that the last AST3 competition that was done remotely received a huge number of complaints and contestations because of the technical glitches on the remote proctoring company's side, on top of allegations that cheating was very common and can't be checked. What about this? Doesn't this mean that all future competitions will receive the same complaints and hence risk becoming annulled?

According to EPSO, remote testing is here to stay, despite all the complaints. 

Are desktop PCs acceptable for the remote testing or does it need to be a laptop?

Yes, your own desktop computer is acceptable, as long as it meets the system requirements. Audio and video recording capabilities are required. 

See full info about this topic here: https://epso.europa.eu/en/help/faq/9176

Can we use a big external monitor with our private laptop? Can earplugs be used since an appartment bloc is often not silent?

You can use your own monitor and laptop, or desktop PC, as long as the system requirements are met. These will be detailed in the notification you receive when you are invited to sit the test. Noise-blocking headphones and other wired earphones / headphones are allowed. But, from some feedback we've seen, wireless/bluetooth earbuds are not allowed.

Current remote testing is very restrictive, it is impossible to use work laptops, etc. Is this issue going to be solved to allow everyone to use it? Firewall or not, it is an "internal" computer

I do not own a private laptop. I just have my work one, but I as I understood it I cannot use it. Is EPSO telling me I need to buy a NEW personal laptop in order to pass the exam?

The fact that a laptop is corporate or not doesn't matter as long as you have full administrator access and can install the special software the remote testing will require.

See EPSO's post "Corporate Computers and Online Tests" for more information.


*The Computer-Based Test is multiple choice, with strict time limits, and tests candidates' Verbal, Numerical and Abstract reasoning skills.

  • What is the CBT "pass-mark" mean in the new system? Would it be as currently, the highest scores above a threshold?
  • 50% means that you need to pass 20/40? Or do you think it will be 10 verbal + 10 numerical + asbtract?

In the new system, the EPSO Computer-Based Tests will always be pass/fail. The passmark is not yet known, and will most likely be detailed in the Notice of Competition.

  • Will the pass/fail CBT results be valid for a period of time, or only for the specific competition?

CBT results are only valid for the specific competition. The CBT needs to be retaken every time apply to a new EPSO competition. It is the reserve list (ie. the list of successful candidates called 'laureates') that will have a validity time, usually 1 year or 'until the next similar competition is announced'. (see the Reserve List section for more info).

  • It is simple math: if Reserve List = passing the CBT + Case Study, this means much higher expectations for the CBT + Case Study. Or not?
  • For the CBT, will the exam be more difficult than previous competitions so as to eliminate more candidates?

This is an unknown factor at the moment. But, as AndrĂĄs Baneth stated in the live webinar about the New EPSO System "The stated aim of the new system is to have more people on the reserve list, because the tests and exams you need to sit inevitably lead to a somewhat bigger reserve list. This is what's going to give more flexibility to the institutions, to still be able to select, choose or evaluate certain candidates from the list. So, that is one consideration." Additionally, the CBT is pass/fail only, the digital literacy test (whenever it is part of the competition) will also likely be pass/fail, so the actual candidate ranking in a competition will be based on the EU knowledge (Generalists) or specialist knowledge tests and the written test/case study

  • Do we need to pass the CBT before getting to the next steps (digital test + MCQ)? Or the three tests go in parallel?
  • Will the CBT and EU knoweldge test for EPSO competitions be taken on the same day?

This has not yet been officially detailed by EPSO yet, but the expectation is that all the tests will happen on the same day.

  • Can you confirm that we cannot use a physical calculator for the CBT?

That is correct. There are no physical calculators or notepads/pens/pencils allowed. Only an online calculator and notepad will be made available through the remote testing platform. These online tools can only be used with the mouse, according to feedback from candidates who have done the remote testing.


  • Is the written test / Case Study for specialists knowledge related?

The written test/case study will test competencies, and will be part of both the generalist and specialist competitions. EPSO shared this information that the Case Study will mainly be assessing these four core competencies. 1. Critical Thinking, Analysis and Creative Problem Solving, 2. Decision-Making and Getting Results, 3. Intrapreneurship and 4. Communication. The MCQ will be related to your knowledge in the field.

  • From what I have been told at Sciences Po, the one-phase competition including the numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning will be a pass/fail exam. Therefore, I was told that the written exam (including the case study and digital skills test) will be the most important test. Could you tell us more about this test and how to prepare for it?    

This will be a written test in the form of a case study – at least that is our current understanding. It is a written assignment.  EPSO has not given any more detail about it at this time. Our assumption is that it's going to be very similar to the existing case study component, meaning that there are background documents that you need to read and process. Then you draft perhaps a memo, an essay or a briefing based on that information.

It is important to remember this is not a field-related knowledge test. The case is about your communication / writing skills and competencies. EPSO has already specified that there are three or four competencies that are going to be tested through this particular exam, and this is also ranked. (see previous question).

Scroll down for further info on the Digital Skills test.

  • Will background info for the case study distributed before the written test?

EPSO has one Case Study sample availale on their website currently. Candidates do not receive any documents to prepare from before the exam, they'll receive all the background documents at the beginning of the exam. At least this is how the Case Study is done now, this could possible change in the new system, but we doubt it.

  • So the difference will be made in fact by the 'case-study'?

The difference will me made by all the tests that are not pass/fail tests (field-related MCQ and Case Study, maybe Digital Skills).


  • How will the EU Knowledge tests be marked?
  • Will there be a ranking for EU knowledge too?

As far as we know, most likely there will be ranking based on the EU Knowledge test results. Highest scores will pass, threshold TBD.

  • Will these sources for the EU knowledge and field tests be announced in the call? Or where will we find them?

EPSO announced that the resources used to create the EU Knowledge tests will be published, probably directly on their website.

  • For the EU knowledge test, will the questions be similar to the ones of the internal competitions?
  • For the EU knowledge test, do you think they will re-use the questions usually used for CAST policy - law exams?

EPSO has not published any information on this, so we don't know. Since the Generalist exam is only expected to be officially announced in September 2023, we most likely have to wait until then to find out.

  • When will tests about EU knowledge wil be avalalble on your website?
  • Do you already have a EU knowledge test package to prepare on?
  • How do you recommend practicing for the EU knowledge test?

For current internal competitions we already have EU Knowledge practice tests and resources available on our site. We will create practice questions for the 2023 AD5 Generalist competition once EPSO releases the resources on it's website.

  • Will the EU knowledge test be multiple choice? Will the eutraining.eu  practice questions be enough as a source?

The EU Knowledge test will most likely be multiple choice, although this is not totally clear yet from the announcement. We always strive to do our best to simulate the real exam as closely as possible and to the best of our knowledge. EPSO announced they will publish the source materials for the EU Knowledge test questions, probably directly on their site.

  • Will there be a strict time limit on EU knowladge test?

Most likely, yes. But this will be specified in the Notice of Competition.

  • When will the source material on EU knowledge be published by EPSO?

EPSO has not published any information on this. However, since the generalist competition is scheduled to be released in September 2023, it's possible that the EU Knowledge resources will be published around that time.

Field-Related MCQ

  • Do you already have an MCQ practice package for Economists (the competition coming up in May 2023)?

EU Training will be creating questions for all the specialist fields where possible. We will notify candidates when these are added to the website, through all the usual forums - on the website, in newsletters and on social media.

  • Will the specialist knowledge tests also include EU knowledge questions?
  • Could there be EU knowledge section in tests for specialists?

In their announcement EPSO states that EU Knowledge tests will only be used for generalists and specialists will have an MCQ test in their field. There may, however, be questions about EU policy directly related to your field.

  • As IP is a specialist field, will the specialist MCQ include questions about EU IP law questions or EU law ones in general?

EPSO will only publish this info in the Notice of Competition, but as far as we know, for Specialists the MCQ will be specifically related to your field, so specific EU policy questions related to your field may be included. General EU knowledge will not be included in these tests, most likely.

  • Is there any guidance/examples on the content and type of questions for the specialist knowledge tests?
  • Will there be any preparation materials for the specialist competitions?
  • Yes, good point, do you have info on whether sources and material will be made available?

EPSO will publish the specifics for each exam in the Notice of Competition. For specialists the annexes in the NoC usually provide the info needed to know what can be expected on the field-related MCQ. For example where the relevant duties are listed.


  • When you refer to 'digital tools of the institutions' what do you mean?

Digital tools are all the applications and software (operating systems, programs) used within the institutions. (This question was in reference to the part in the live webinar when the language of these tests was being discussed: "The digital skill test will be in English (because all the digital tools used in the institutions are in English.")

  • Is the digital skills test likely to be included for the generalist test?

Directly from EPSO's announcement: "*A digital skills test may also be introduced for some competitions for specific profiles, in line with the EU institutions’ needs."

  • Won't the absence of oral tests (the Assessment Centre) jeopardise the selection of candidates with the right social skills, which are, let's face it, the single most important set of skills for EU civil servants? Relying on 30 minute interview panels with the Head of Unit during the recruitment phase seems risky.

The institutions will still have the option to take advantage of EPSO's services during the recruitment phase with so called 'mini' AC services. This totally depends on who's doing the hiring and what they are looking for in a new hiree.

  • For the Assessment Centre before recruitment, it will only be pass or fail?

There will be no more Assessment Centre during the main competition phase, (a.k.a. selection phase). This will become an optional service for institutions to add on at the recruitment stage. The only tests that are pass/fail are the Computer-Based Tests (reasoning skills) and maybe the Digital Skills test (there's no info on this yet). For the EU Knowledge and field-related MCQs only those with the highest scores will pass.

In conclusion, it may be easier to reach a reserve list but more difficult to be recruited from that list?

Do you think there will be more people accepted onto the reserve list and less possibility to get hired? 

We think that is a key concern. In all honesty, that is our key concern and also probably for many candidates. But we cannot tell at this point if this will be the case or not.

Will there be more laureates than in the previous model?

Do you think that the reserve lists generated by this one-phase competition will be larger than those under current competitions, in order to provide DGs with a larger pool of candidates?

Does this mean that reserve lists will have a much larger number of successful candidates?

The reserve lists are expected to have more places available and be larger than before. This is one of the concerns, but we cannot tell yet. It would not make much sense to have huge reserve lists from which many people will not be hired.

If you make it to the reserve list but you do not pass the assessment centre then you cannot be sure they will hire you from the reserve list?

Is it possible to lose the laureate position (your place on the reserve list) if you do bad on the assessment centre?

The new EPSO system will not have any "assessment centre" as part of the selection process but further "assessment" or evaluation can be required by the hiring institution or Directorate General (DG) after the reserve list was published. 

You don't "lose" your laureate status because once you passed the selection process and you are on the reserve list, that's a given. If you don't perform well in a subsequent 'evaluation' for a specific position, you still remain on the list and you can be hired or invited for other positions as long as the reserve list is valid (see questions above about the validity period of the reserve lists).

Do you expect that there will be (implicit) geographical/nationality limitations to who gets on the reserve list?

This was answered during the live event: Andras Baneth "The answer is no, because it’s irrelevant for EPSO to a certain degree who gets on the reserve list from a nationality perspective. It's extremely important for all member states to encourage their citizens to apply to these exams and maximise the number of opportunities. But from EPSO's perspective, they're not going to pick and choose anyone on the basis of nationality. 

When it does become more important is at the moment of recruitment, because the institutions need to observe by staff regulations a broad geographical balance among EU staff. It has to be somewhat proportionate to the size of the member state’s population. That's a very tricky thing because they might have 500 people at the institutions as assistants and another country might not have any assistants but have two Directors Generals. How do you compare not just the number of citizens working for the institutions but the seniority level? But then again, that's at the recruitment phase, once you're on the reserve list. It doesn't concern the exams themselves."

How long will these reserve lists be valid?

Is the general rule of maximum of 2 years on the reserve list maintained?

How long will your name be on the reserve list for? does it have some expiry date?

Going by current competitions, reserve lists are usually valid for 1 year which means anyone can be hired from it during that time. Specialist competitions' reserve list is usually valid for a longer time or until a new similar competition is launched. Note that EPSO might change the reserve list validity period, but there is no information about it yet.

Once on the reserve list, the CV will be the only difference between candidates, right? Better to have it very well written!

Once on the reserve list, all candidates on the list are in principle 'recruitable'. It will nevertheless be up to each EU institution or Directorate General (DG) to decide if they want to require extra evaluations or 'assessments' from a select number of potential candidates on the reserve, and choose accordingly. The hiring institution or DG will also look at your EPSO profile (in fact, your CV) so indeed it has to be well written. You can also proactively try to look for vacancies and emphasize that you are on a reserve list already. So there are many factors at play and a good CV is surely one of them.

In theory, an institution or DG could choose to hire from the reserve list without following the ranking order, right?

In the past there used to be 'merit groups' or similar sub-categories, but it's highly unlikely that the new system will have any ranking. The reserve lists will be a 'single list' for a given competition from which EU institutions can pick potential new recruits.

Will the number of laureates on the reserve list be the same as the number of positions available in EU institutions?

We cannot tell yet but it would not make much sense to have huge reserve lists with not many having the chance to get hired.

  • Given the fact that the Reasoning tests will be Pass/Fail, how will EPSO filter, for example, 5000 candidates down to 200 laureates on the reserve list? Only with the field-related MCQs and a Case Study?

The Computer-based tests and possibly Digital Literacy tests will be Pass/Fail tests. The rest of the tests (EU Knowledge or field-related MCQ, as well as the case study) will be ranked - only those with the highest scores will make it on to the Reserve List.

  • Will this new system be implemented for CAST competitions as well?

No. The new competition model only applies to EPSO competitions. CAST and internal competitions will remain unchanged for the time being.

  • This new model seems similar to the CAST process then, CBT test + Interview with the Institution directly?
  • Would you say this is more like the CA system as for a TA you do not need to pass a test?

To a point, yes. There will be Computer-Based Tests + MCQ in the field for Specialists or EU Knowledge Test for Generalists. The difference is that there will be a Written Test / Case Study and for some competitions maybe Digital Literacy Skills Test. The interviews will only happen if the institutions deem them necessary and request them.

  • If a candidate passes the FG IV Project Management CAST can they then be directly hired after an CBT/Interview?

This is for CAST exams only: first of all, the CBT and the MCQ in the field must be completed and passed before you get to the interview stage. If you successfully pass the complete set of tests, then yes, you can then be invited directly for an interview and if successful, hired. For more information on CAST exams:

  • https://epso.europa.eu/en/node/108
  • https://epso.europa.eu/en/help/faq/2175
  • https://epso.europa.eu/en/help/faq/2224
  • What about the new EU book?

The new edition of the Ultimate EU Test Book is planned to be published in May 2023.

  • If we buy test training packages on eutraining.eu, for how long will we have access to them?

Forever! :) As long as you need and want them.

  • Will there be examples of digital literacy tests as well as examples of case studies to get prepared?

EPSO usually publishes sample tests directly on their website. They already have one case study example published here . Since the Digital Literacy Tests are in the process of being created, there are no samples yet. EU Training has case studies available for purchase to practice , with or without evaluation by an expert.

  • Do we know for sure EPSO will publish bibliography for specialist competitions?
  • Are there official materials to study provided by EPSO?
  • Does EPSO also communicate the sources for the MCQ tests for the specialist tests?
  • What about whether EPSO will provide sources for the generalist comp?
  • When will EPSO share the sources for their tests (Specialist and EU knowledge)?

There was no mention of specialist exam study resources at all, but the Notice of Competition will provide the necessary information to prepare, and so will the relevant Commission DG's website and annual reports, etc. The EU Knowledge test questions source material will be directly published on their website most likely, according to EPSO.

  • Is there a summary with all the changes in the EPSO system to be found somewhere?

The official source of information is the EPSO website. We also published an article summarising the new EPSO competition model , and you can also view the webinar recording here , with the presentation slides and transcript provdided on the same page.

  • To prepare for a specialist AD6 competition, which material should I buy? AD specialist? Are there different levels for this? or all the same?

For specialist competitions there will be Computer-Based Tests (Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning skills), a field-related MCQ, and the Written Test / Case Study. What you can definitely start preparing for now, ahead of time, is the CBT. We have practice tests and question packages for this. And you can also participate in an online training session with one of our experts - probably the best way to kickstart your prep, so you have a solid foundation for methodology.

We are planning to create field-related MCQ practice test questions once EPSO releases more information about these. We also already have Case Studies available, with or without evaluations. Although with the Written Test it's not 100% clear yet what this will entail.

  • The Unions used to publish books with EU knowledge information. Will be they do it again?

This will most likely be unnecessary, as EPSO plans to publish the sources for their EU Knowledge test questions directly on their website.

  • Are these questions/tests on the EU Training for practice similar to those that appears in the exam i.g. EU knowledge?

Yes, we do our best to simulate the real exam as closely as possible and to the best of our knowledge. The EU Knowledge test will be a bit different with the new system, but the current one for internal competitions is quite close to the real exams - to the best of our knowledge. Hope that helps!

  • Will you be offering packages also for the specialist competitions (related to the "competency" part)?

We hope to do so, but since we also create practice questions based on the most current info from the NoC we have to wait until a competition is released to know exactly what type of duties will be required in the field to create the questions. We will make sure to notify candidates through all available forums if we add practice questions for specialists.

  • What is the name and address of the venue where EPSO candidates can rent space with a laptop to take their exams in a quiet space?

ambiorixcenter.eu / Square Ambiorix 7, 1000, Brussels / [email protected]

*PLEASE NOTE : The official source of information on EU competitions is the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). We at EU Training, however, do everything in our power to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information possible based on the official documents and announcements from EPSO.

Contact us if you have further questions or need assistance with anything on the website.


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  1. EPSO Case Study: A Quick Guide

    The EPSO Assessment Centre is where all of your preparations have come down to. Here, you will be assessed for your ability to work both in teams and independently. In the case study exam, you will be tested on the latter. However, before going in deep, it must be noted that not all competitions have a Case Study.

  2. PDF AD5

    AD5 - Audit. ipant InformationIMPORTANT NOTICE:This exercise should be considered as an example of case study that could be. used in the EPSO Assessment Centre. The problems have not been fully elaborated, but give a global overview of the type of problems you could be confront. ight EPSO, Ofice C-8.

  3. A Complete Guide to EPSO Sample Tests

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  4. PDF 2023-08-update-EPSO-CASE-STUDY-Guide-eBook-EU-Training

    The Case Study is only one of the tests that is part of the new EPSO selection process. All EPSO competitions will have the Computer-Based Test (CBT) which tests verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning skills. Generalists will have an EU knowledge MCQ and a Digital Skills Test, and Specialists will have a Field-Related MCQ.

  5. 11 Completely Free EPSO Test Resources

    Expert tip: some of the questions included in the EPSO sample tests are known to show up on the real EPSO tests. ... something that can prove very valuable in the later stages of the selection process such as E-tray and case study. 11. Verbal reasoning - Practice speed reading.

  6. 8 Steps to Ace the EPSO Written Test

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  7. 8 Steps To Ace The EPSO Case Study

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  8. Your quick guide to the EPSO case study

    The EPSO Case Study exam is part of the Assessment Centre phase. Through it, you will be assessed for the following four competencies: Analysis and Problem Solving - the ability to identify critical facts in complex issues and develop creative and practical solutions. Delivering Quality and Results - the ability to take responsibility and ...

  9. PDF Participant Information

    prior permission of EPSO, avenue de Cortenbergh 25, B-1049 Brussels. ... The case study is designed to assess the following competencies: Analysis & Problem Solving, ... This once booming region has now declined into an unfortunate example of the flaws of the capitalist system, with an outlook that does not offer much hope.

  10. 8 NEW EPSO Case Study Simulations Available

    Included with the webinar is a sample Case Study with solution example, as well as a Q&A on the topic by our EPSO experts. Practice makes perfect, so once you understand the methodology start doing a few practice Case Study simulations before the real thing and put your newly acquired strategies to the test.

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    JobTestPrep offers a variety of resources to help you prepare for the EPSO case study. While our case study pack is generic, it does include a sample case study and a 3-steps solution to get a grasp of the main guidelines for approaching these kinds of assessments. Please bear in mind that although the case studies in this pack are not 90 ...

  12. Pefect preparation on your EPSO case study

    The case study confronts the applicant with a "real" problem that needs to be solved. This involves a series of documents, such as e-mails, reports, newspaper articles, etc., which must be analysed. Applicants write a text at a computer which is evaluated. By our case study the following competencies can be trained:

  13. EPSO Test Preparation: Free Practice & Tips

    Case Study. Case study exercise may be given either at the Brussels assessment center or at a location in the county of application. The exercise is not required for every candidate in the recruitment process but is fairly common. ... Practice for the EPSO Test with the Following Free Sample Questions: You and your co-worker have to categorize ...

  14. Preparing for the EU Concours

    A case study in which candidates are provided with a text or texts of the kind you might encounter as an EU official and tasked with preparing a written document. The case study is ninety minutes in duration and primarily designed to test candidates competencies in analysis and problem solving, communication, prioritising and organising.

  15. EPSO Case Study Simulations Now Available in 5 Languages

    Included with the webinar is a sample Case Study with a solution example, as well as a Q&A on the topic by our EPSO experts. Practice makes perfect, so once you understand the methodology start doing a few practice Case Study simulations before the real thing and put your newly acquired strategies to the test.

  16. Case study

    As of 2023, all competitions are run via remotely proctored tests as decided by EPSO's management board. This brings a significant gain cost and efficiency-wise, and it is also more environmentally friendly. Remote test proctoring via our external contractor enables candidates to sit the tests from any location while maintaining the integrity ...

  17. Sample quiz

    The following questions are used for illustration purposes only. They are not meant to train candidates to pass EPSO selection procedures. This sample mock-test will help potential candidates have a better understanding of the type of questions that may be asked in a test linked to EPSO selection procedures. Some selection procedures may differ.

  18. Introducing a faster, leaner and more accessible competition ...

    Written test. With EPSO's move towards a full 24-language regime a new type of test will be introduced by EPSO in its selection procedures, as of 2024: the written test, a test aimed at assessing candidates' written communication skills. The written test will replace the case study*. Under the term written test, there are three different types of tests that EPSO will use according to the ...

  19. Case Study

    Pre-2023 EPSO selection process: A Case Study is a realistic and relevant business problem. Candidates are asked to analyse a problem, interpret data, consider alternatives, and produce a written report describing their solutions or recommendations. Usually, the EPSO Case Study takes the form of a computer-based written exercise.

  20. Case Study

    EPSO/AST/155/22 Security and safety assistants (AST 3) in the following fields: 1. Operational security ... have been invented purely as examples. Any views expressed should not be ... or to take notes during this case study. Please note: today is Wednesday 9 February 20XX . Last year was 20XX-1, next year will be 20XX+1 . A.

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    Have you discovered unintended consequences of these zoning revisions related to residential projects? In either case, I would like to hear about your project or experience at [email protected]. I am collecting case studies and information for possible inclusion in a magazine article. Thank you!-----Linda Reeder FAIA

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    Tesla's Strategic Mastery: A Case Study in Vertical Integration. ... For example, Nissan recently announced plans to produce batteries through a partner in Great Britain.

  23. EPSO tests

    EPSO competitions or selection procedures include a series of tests aimed at assessing general and specific competencies.The Notice of Competition is the only official document that contains detailed information about the actual tests used by EPSO for a given competition.All notices are published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  24. Methodology Webinars

    EU Training's in-house EPSO Case Study expert; Technical info. Recorded on 31 January 2024; Recording length: 120 minutes; EPSO Case Study Exam Insights | 2023 (Written Test) Trainer: AndrĂĄs Baneth. ... you start preparing for the Verbal Reasoning Test of your EPSO competition utilise this opportunity to work through sample questions with our ...

  25. Q&A: The 2023 New EPSO System

    EPSO has one Case Study sample availale on their website currently. Candidates do not receive any documents to prepare from before the exam, they'll receive all the background documents at the beginning of the exam. At least this is how the Case Study is done now, this could possible change in the new system, but we doubt it. ...