Free AI Writing Assistant & Text Editor

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  • English style editing for more natural vocabulary
  • Helpful feedback on grammar and style issues

Example of AI Proofreader

Transform your text & ensure your unique voice.

  • Our AI Paraphrasing Tool helps improve your vocabulary
  • Revise and paraphrase to avoid plagiarism
  • Multiple paraphrasing modes to control your output text

Example of AI Paraphraser

Translate ideas seamlessly between languages.

Explanation of AI Summarizer

Sum up the main points of any document.

Example of Plagiarism Checker result

Guarantee the authenticity of your submitted work.

Various AI model icons

Check for AI-created content in your text.


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Wordvice AI Text Editor Overview

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Benefit from sophisticated AI text editor tools that refine academic papers to meet publication standards.

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Elevate assignments with an AI essay editor to achieve academic success with targeted improvements.

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Gain a competitive edge with clear, error-free communication that helps you stand out in your industry.

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Collaborative writing assistant solutions to streamline projects and maintain consistency across documents.

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Learning Resources

Articles and videos provide valuable tips for improving writing skills and utilizing AI tools effectively.

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Expanding AI Toolbox

Continuous tool updates give you access to the latest advancements in AI-powered writing tool technology.

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Although our AI Writing Assistant is pretty great at preparing any kind of document, sometimes you just need a human touch. We also provide English editing by qualified native English-speaking editors with PhDs and Master’s degrees.

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Academic Editing Services

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Admissions Editing Services

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Business Editing Services

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Writer Editing Services

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Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

What is an ai paragraph rewriter.

An AI paragraph rewriter is a powerful tool that uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand and rephrase text automatically.

These systems analyze the semantics and syntax of your original paragraph, then rewrite it while preserving the core meaning and message. An AI paragraph rewriter tool creates high-quality, grammatically correct, and contextually relevant rewritten content.

The key goals of an AI paragraph rewriter are to:

  • Improve readability and flow
  • Generate unique, plagiarism-free content
  • Optimize text for search engine optimization (SEO)

There is an ongoing debate over whether AI-generated content should be considered plagiarism, highlighting the importance of using AI writing tools responsibly and ethically.

Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or student, an AI paragraph rewriter can save you time and effort while enhancing the quality of your written work.

Working as a content creator as part of a go-to-market team? Then you need to check out the following resources:

  • GTM AI: What Is It?
  • Introducing the First GTM AI Platform
  • GTM Bloat: Causes & Solutions

These resources will have everything you need to know to start creating more content at scale! 

How Paragraph Rewriting Works

Paragraph rewriting with AI is a straightforward process that can be broken down into a few key steps:

  • Input original text: Start by pasting or typing in the paragraph you want to rewrite into the AI tool. This could be a sentence, a few sentences, or an entire paragraph.
  • AI analysis of semantics and syntax: Once the text is inputted, the AI algorithm goes to work. Using advanced natural language processing (NLP), the AI analyzes the semantics (meaning) and syntax (structure) of the original text. It breaks down the paragraph to understand the core ideas, context, and relationships between words and phrases.
  • Rephrasing while preserving meaning: With a deep understanding of the original text, the AI then begins the rephrasing process. It generates alternative word choices, reorders sentences, and restructures the paragraph while ensuring the original meaning is preserved. The AI draws upon vast language models to find the most appropriate and natural-sounding rephrasing options.
  • Outputting rewritten paragraph: After the AI finishes its rewriting process, it outputs the rewritten paragraph for you to review. The output aims to convey the same ideas as the original but with improved clarity, readability, and flow. You can then easily copy the rewritten text and use it in your content.

The AI paragraph rewriting tool makes this process quick, easy, and effective by suggesting edits and changes to original content.

What might take a human writer minutes or even hours to manually rephrase can be accomplished by AI in just seconds.

Benefits of Using an AI Paragraph Rewriter

Using an AI paragraph rewriter like the one offered by provides numerous benefits that can greatly improve your writing process and output.

Some of the key advantages include:

  • Save time and increase productivity : Manually rewriting paragraphs can be a time-consuming and tedious task. With an AI rewriter, you can quickly generate multiple variations of your text in just a few clicks, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your work. AI-powered paragraph rewriter tools can speed up the content creation process and maintain originality.
  • Improve readability and flow : AI paragraph rewriters use advanced language models to analyze and rephrase your text in a way that enhances its clarity, coherence, and overall readability. This helps ensure that your ideas are conveyed effectively and engagingly to your target audience.
  • Generate unique, plagiarism-free content : One of the biggest challenges in writing is avoiding plagiarism and creating original content. AI rewriters can help you generate unique versions of your text by rephrasing sentences and paragraphs while maintaining the core meaning, thus reducing the risk of unintentional plagiarism.
  • Optimize content for SEO : Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving your content’s visibility and rankings on search engines. A free AI paragraph rewriter tool can assist in generating unique, SEO-friendly content by naturally incorporating target keywords into the rewritten versions, helping you attract more organic traffic to your website.

With the power of AI technology, paragraph rewriters like‘s tool can significantly streamline your writing process, enhance the quality of your content, and ultimately help you achieve your goals more efficiently.

The Evolution of Paragraph Rewriting

Before AI, rewriting paragraphs was a manual, time-consuming process.

Writers and editors had to rely on their own skills and tools like thesauruses to rephrase text while preserving its meaning. This traditional approach had several limitations:

  • Slow and inefficient, especially for large volumes of content
  • Inconsistent quality, depending on the writer’s skill level
  • Difficulty maintaining the original meaning and context
  • Limited ability to optimize for keywords and SEO

The introduction of artificial intelligence revolutionized the field of paragraph rewriting. AI-powered tools leverage natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context and semantics of text, enabling them to generate more human-like and coherent rewrites.

Advances in NLP have allowed AI rewriters to:

  • Analyze and interpret the meaning behind words and phrases
  • Identify and maintain the main ideas and key points
  • Rephrase sentences using natural, fluent language
  • Adapt to different writing styles and tones

AI tools are particularly valuable in refining and refreshing existing content, ensuring that the original ideas are maintained while creating fresh, engaging material.

By harnessing the power of AI, paragraph rewriters can now produce high-quality, unique content in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer. This has opened up new possibilities for content creation, SEO optimization, and more.

Key Features of the

The AI paragraph rewriter from is packed with powerful features to help you rephrase and optimize your content effortlessly. Here are some of the key capabilities:

  • Rewrite full paragraphs or sentences: Whether you need to rephrase an entire paragraph or just a single sentence, the AI paragraph rewriter tool can handle it. Simply input your text and let the tool work its magic.
  • Multiple rewrite modes: Choose from different rewriting modes to get the results you need.
  • Control uniqueness and output length: Fine-tune your rewritten content by adjusting the uniqueness and output length settings. Increase the uniqueness percentage to generate text that is more distinct from the original, or decrease it for a closer match. Similarly, you can specify the desired length of the rewritten paragraph.
  • Preserve original meaning: The AI rewriter uses advanced natural language processing to understand the context and semantics of your text. This ensures that the rewritten version maintains the same meaning and message as the original, even with significant changes to the wording.
  • Improve readability and coherence: By rephrasing awkward or complex sentences, the tool can enhance the overall readability and coherence of your paragraphs. It smooths out transitions between ideas and makes your writing more clear and concise.

AI-powered content creation is transforming the way we produce and optimize text.

With the paragraph rewriter, you have a versatile tool at your fingertips to streamline your writing process and create compelling, high-quality content.

How to Use the AI Paragraph Rewriter

Using the AI Paragraph Rewriter is a breeze. Just follow these simple steps to use our paragraph rewriter and rephrase your text in seconds:

  • Input your text : Paste the paragraph or sentence you want to rewrite into the input box. The rewriter can handle anything from a short phrase to a multi-paragraph passage.
  • Run the rewriter : Click the “Rewrite” button and let the AI work its magic. In just a few seconds, you’ll have a freshly rephrased version of your text.
  • Review and refine : Read through the rewritten paragraph and make any necessary tweaks or adjustments. You can always run the text through the rewriter again for even better results.

For an even more streamlined rewriting process, try out‘s workflows to automate multiple rewrites with your preferred settings.

Use Case: Improving Readability and Flow

One of the most powerful applications of an AI paragraph rewriter is its ability to enhance the readability and flow of your writing. Whether you're working on a blog post, article, or even a novel, the tool can help you:

  • Rephrase awkward or confusing sentences : The AI analyzes your text and suggests alternative phrasing that is clearer and more concise. This ensures your message is conveyed effectively to your readers.
  • Smooth transitions between ideas : By rewording sentences and paragraphs, the rewriter helps create a more logical flow from one idea to the next. This improves the overall coherence of your writing.
  • Enhance clarity and conciseness : The AI identifies redundant or unnecessary words and phrases, allowing you to streamline your content. It helps you get your point across in fewer words without sacrificing meaning.

Here's an example of how the AI paragraph rewriter can improve readability:

Original : The cat, which was black and white in color, sat on the mat that was placed near the door, waiting for its owner to come home and feed it some delicious cat food.

Rewritten : The black and white cat sat on the mat near the door, waiting for its owner to come home and provide a meal.

As you can see, the rewritten version is more concise and easier to read, while still preserving the core meaning of the original sentence.

Imagine applying this optimization to an entire article or blog post - the improvement in readability can be significant.

Use Case: Generating Unique, Plagiarism-Free Content

One of the most powerful applications of the AI Paragraph Rewriter is its ability to generate unique, plagiarism-free content.

Whether you’re a student, writer, or content marketer, avoiding plagiarism is crucial to maintain your credibility and avoid penalties.

Here’s how the AI Paragraph Rewriter can help:

  • Rewrite existing text to make it original: If you have a piece of content that you want to use as inspiration or reference, simply input it into the rewriter. The AI will analyze the text and rephrase it in a way that preserves the core meaning while making it completely original.
  • Avoid duplicate content issues: For content marketers and SEO professionals, duplicate content can lead to search engine penalties and lower rankings.
  • Maintain consistency in voice and tone: When rephrasing content to make it original, it’s important to maintain a consistent voice and tone. The rewriter uses advanced language models to understand the style of your input text and generate rewrites that match it closely.

To get the most out of the rewriter for creating unique content, try using the feature. You can set up a workflow that automatically runs your content through the rewriter and checks for plagiarism, ensuring that every piece of content you publish is 100% original.

By using the AI Paragraph Rewriter to generate unique, plagiarism-free content, you can save time, improve the quality of your writing, and avoid the risks associated with duplicate content.

It’s a powerful tool for anyone who wants to create original content efficiently and effectively.

Use Case: Optimizing Content for SEO

One of the most powerful applications of an AI paragraph rewriter is optimizing your content for search engines.

Here's how the paragraph rewriter can help level up your SEO game:

  • Rewrite to naturally incorporate target keywords: The AI understands the context and meaning of your content, so it can seamlessly weave in your target keywords and phrases as it rephrases. This helps you rank for the right search terms without keyword stuffing or sounding forced.
  • Improve keyword density and distribution: Getting your keyword frequency right is a balancing act. Too little and you may not rank, but too much looks spammy. The rewriter optimizes keyword density and spreads them evenly throughout your text for maximum SEO impact.

The rewriter becomes an invaluable tool in your SEO arsenal, helping you create keyword-rich content that both search engines and humans will love.

Use Case: Repurposing Old Content

One of the most powerful use cases for an AI paragraph rewriter is breathing new life into your old, outdated content.

Over time, even the most evergreen articles can start to feel stale or irrelevant.

But with the help of a tool like‘s AI rewriter, you can quickly and easily refresh that content to make it feel brand new again.

Here are a few ways you can use the AI paragraph rewriter to repurpose your old content:

  • Update outdated information: If your old articles contain statistics, facts, or references that are no longer accurate, you can use the rewriter to update those details while still preserving the overall structure and flow of the piece. The AI tool can efficiently rewrite paragraphs to ensure the information is current and relevant.
  • Adjust the tone and style: Maybe you wrote an article a few years ago in a very formal, academic tone, but now you want to make it more casual and conversational. The AI rewriter can help you rephrase sentences and paragraphs to match your desired style.
  • Optimize for new keywords: If you’re looking to re-optimize an old piece of content for new search terms, the rewriter can help you incorporate those keywords naturally without sacrificing readability. By running specific sections through the rewriter, you can improve the keyword density and distribution.
  • Rewrite for new formats: Have an old blog post that you think would make a great video script, social media post, or email newsletter? Use the AI rewriter to quickly rephrase and condense the content to fit your new desired format. This can save you a ton of time versus starting from scratch.
  • Translate to other languages: If you’re looking to expand your content’s reach to new audiences, you can use the rewriter to help translate articles into different languages. While not a replacement for human translation, it can give you a solid first draft to work from.

The beauty of an AI paragraph rewriter like‘s is that it makes the process of repurposing content fast, easy and cost-effective.

Rather than spending hours or days manually rewriting old articles, you can use the power of AI to refresh them in a matter of minutes.

So go ahead and dust off those old blog posts - with a little help from AI, they could become your next big traffic drivers!

The Future of AI Content Rewriting

As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more impressive capabilities from AI content rewriting tools. Here are some key areas where we'll likely see significant progress:

  • Advances in Language Models and NLP : The natural language processing models powering AI rewriters will become increasingly sophisticated. They'll develop an even deeper understanding of context, semantics, and the nuances of human language. This will enable them to produce rewrites that are virtually indistinguishable from those crafted by skilled human writers.
  • Integration with Other AI Writing Tools : AI paragraph rewriters won't exist in isolation. We'll see more seamless integration with other AI-powered writing assistants, such as AI blog post generators , article outliners, and grammar checkers. This will enable end-to-end content creation workflows where different AI tools work together to streamline the entire process from research to publishing.
  • Ethical Considerations and Responsible Use : As AI rewriters become more powerful, it will be crucial to consider the ethical implications and establish guidelines for responsible use. There are risks of misuse, such as generating spam content or spreading misinformation. It will be important to implement safeguards and emphasize the need for human oversight to ensure AI rewriters are used in a beneficial and ethical manner.

Looking ahead, AI content rewriting is poised to become an indispensable tool for writers, marketers, and businesses of all sizes.

So why wait? Start exploring the possibilities of AI paragraph rewriting today with ‘s free paragraph rewriter. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or simply looking to improve your writing, this powerful technology is here to help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Who's it for?

Content writer.

The AI Paragraph Rewriter tool will be valuable for the Content Writer persona because it allows them to easily rewrite paragraphs in their articles and blog posts to create fresh, unique versions of existing content without having to manually rewrite everything from scratch. This saves the Content Writer significant time and effort while still producing high-quality, original content.

Marketing Copywriter

The AI Paragraph Rewriter tool will be invaluable for the marketing copywriter, allowing them to easily rewrite paragraphs in their content marketing materials to create fresh variations without having to manually rework each one.

Content Marketer

The content marketer uses the AI Paragraph Rewriter tool to quickly generate multiple unique versions of the same content, so they can repurpose and republish articles and blog posts without duplicating content. This saves them time while still providing fresh content for their audience.

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AI Paragraph Rewriter

Paste your paragraph below and try Frase’s Paragraph Rewriter for free!

Take AI-powered content creation to the next level with Frase ✨

What is a paragraph rewriter?

A paragraph rewriter is a tool that alters or rewords sentences or paragraphs by changing the sequence of words to improve readability or make it easier to understand.

How to use our paragraph rewriter tool?

  • Input – Paste a paragraph with up to 400 words.
  • AI Writer – Frase AI will perform some magic to rewrite your paragraph.
  • Output – Your new paragraph is re-written by Frase AI.

Why Use a Paragraph Rewriter?

There are several reasons people rewrite content or copy.

Improve communication

Sometimes it isn’t easy to translate the words in your head into the words on a page.

For example,

The introduction to this page is

You could rewrite this as

An alternative to copywriting editor

Many content marketing agencies and writers use an editor to review and propose grammar changes to article drafts.

A paragraph rewriting tool takes on the role of proposing edits and changes to your original content by suggesting improvements.

This saves time, but it can also save money if you pay for an editor’s service.

Reword a long paragraph or single sentence.

According to Statistica , mobile traffic accounts for over 50% of total website traffic.

A lengthy paragraph can consume the entire depth of a mobile screen, so condensing long paragraphs and writing short sentences helps the user experience and communicate more clearly.

Non-native English writers

With globalization, businesses seek the lowest production costs, so many writers tend to be based in China, India, or Indonesia, where English may not be the first language.

Rewriting words helps non-native speakers write better.

Multiple suggestions

When you enter a paragraph into our tool, it rewrites and provides 3 suggestions. You can use the option you prefer or combine the best of all 3 versions.

Who is a paraphrasing tool for?

A paraphrasing tool is ideal for anyone who writes a lot as part of the education, career, or pastime; typically, bloggers, copywriters, marketers, and students.

According to Statista , there are an estimated 31.7 million bloggers in the USA, and of the 1.9 billion websites, there are more than 600 million blogs .

Writing is at the heart of how bloggers make a living, and anything that helps improve the quality of their writing is beneficial.

Freelance writers and content marketers

In a Semrush study, 38% said that updating and repurposing existing content was the tactic that made their content successful.

You can use a rewriter tool to go back over your pages, posts, and articles and refresh the key elements like the introduction, headings and definitions, explanations, and conclusion.

Students want to write better papers and dissertations to help them secure better grades and qualifications.

Rewriting use cases and examples

Here are a few examples of how rewriting paragraphs and sentences is useful in content writing.

Rewrite your introduction

The introduction to an article or blog post invites the reader to learn about the topic and the benefits or outcomes of reading it.

Here’s an introduction to an article that’s a little wordy.

Here’s the rewritten version

Rewrite body copy

You can rewrite and concise the 5 sentences in this paragraph into more concise, clearer sentences.

This is rewritten as

Rewriting from paragraphs to lists

Frase has developed some custom AI templates that will translate paragraphs into lists that, in some instances, are easier for readers to digest on a long article or blog post.

Rewrite a long conclusion

A conclusion reminds the reader of the article’s findings, outcome, or results and can provide the reader with the next steps or actions to take.

Rewrite your headings

Headings divide your web page into different parts and help readers quickly find the information they need.

For example, a how-to article will have headings outlining the different steps to reach an outline.

Rewrite social media posts

You can rewrite your LinkedIn headline or summary and rewrite tweets and Instagram captions.

Rewrite product or service descriptions

Product descriptions tend to be short-form copy containing product benefits and some bullet points, which you can rewrite with our tool.

We have a Product Description generator if you need to write unique descriptions for your products. Enter your product name and keywords, and we’ll generate copy.

Yes, you can use this tool for free!

This tool was created to give you a taste of AI-powered content creation.

Start a Frase Subscription to gain access to more features.

Not ready to subscribe yet? Learn more about Frase, or schedule a demo .

Frase uses a proprietary AI model trained on billions of web pages from across the Internet. Think of Frase AI as a large-scale autocomplete system – feed it some text and it will predict what goes next.

Frase AI can be trained and fine-tuned to perform specific tasks. This is accomplished through “AI Templates”, such as:

  • Blog title generator
  • Paragraph rewriter
  • Outline generator

No, Frase uses its own proprietary AI model. This allows us to provide more flexibility, custom features, and competitive pricing.

In general, AI written content is unique and passes plagiarism checks. However, it is best practice to use a plagiarism checker tool like Grammarly or Copyspace before publishing AI written content.

Frase AI helps you research, write, and optimize high-quality SEO content in minutes instead of hours.

Frase is trusted by 30,000+ content, SEO, and marketing teams.

Learn more about Frase

Frase is designed for agencies, marketing teams, and SEOs looking to scale their content creation process.

  • Frase Solo: $15/mo
  • Frase Basic: $45/mo
  • Frase Team: $115/mo

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Other Free Tools

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Paraphrasing Tool

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Download and review changes in your .docx

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Download the .docx document to accept or reject the corrections inside your document. You can also accept all changes with one click.

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I thought AI Proofreading was useless but..

“I’ve been using Scribbr for years now and I know it’s a service that won’t dissapoint. I want to seem professional and straight to the point when I submit my work. I’m happy with the correction. It does a good job spotting grammar mistakes”

Michelle Kossoi

Going beyond correcting your grammar


The Scribbr AI proofreader fixes grammatical errors like:

  • Sentence fragments & run-on sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement errors
  • Issues with parallelism


Basic spell-checks often miss academic terms in writing and mark them as errors. Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized (academic) words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.



The AI Proofreader takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Apostrophes
  • Parentheses
  • Question marks
  • Colons and semicolons

commonly confused words

Wrong word choice

Fix problems with commonly confused words, like affect vs. effect, which vs. that and who vs. that.


The proofreader suggests fluency corrections to make your writing easier to read.

Unclear sentences

Unclear sentences

Long, complex sentences can make your writing hard to read. The AI Proofreader makes sure you express your ideas clearly.

passive voice checker

Passive voice

Active voice makes your sentences clear and concise. The AI proofreader reduces the overuse of passive voice in your text.

Overused expressions

Overused expressions

Clichés can make your writing seem lazy and predictable. Eliminating them will make your text more engaging and compelling.

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Value: $9.95

Free bonus feature: citation checker.

Get your citations checked on all APA guidelines. You’ll receive an interactive report highlighting all errors and an outline of their solutions. Normally $9.95, now included with the AI Proofreader for free.

Find out if your writing is submit-ready

Ask our team.

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Our AI Proofreader has been trained on academic texts. It also addresses commonly confused words, and it’s more accurate than Word’s autocorrect feature. Word’s autocorrect feature usually operates on a word level, whereas our AI Proofreader can proofread on the sentence and, to an extent, even the paragraph level. Because it’s more accurate and fixes more than just grammar mistakes, our AI Proofreader identifies and corrects more mistakes overall. Furthermore, because you check your document with our AI Proofreader after you’ve finished writing it, your workflow won’t be interrupted.

Rest assured: Your documents are safe. The document you upload is deleted immediately after it’s been processed by our AI Proofreader, and your processed document will automatically be deleted from our servers after 12 months. If you’d like to delete the stored copy of your document sooner, you can do so manually through your user profile at any time. For more information, please consult our articles on how we ensure the security of your documents.

For now, the AI Proofreader only corrects based on the conventions of US English. We will add other dialects at a later stage.

You can only upload .docx (Word) files to the AI Proofreader.

Absolutely! The AI Proofreader is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

There’s no need for any downloads! You can use our AI Proofreader right in your web browser. Just upload your document and sit back; you’ll receive a revised version of your document within 10 minutes.

No; the AI Proofreader currently focuses on grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. If you’re interested in detecting any potential plagiarism in a document, we recommend that you consider our Plagiarism Checker . The AI Proofreader is included for free in that service.

Absolutely! Every change suggested by the AI Proofreader is indicated as a tracked change in Word. You can decide which changes to accept or reject in your document, and, if you’re feeling confident, you can even accept all of the changes with just one click.

The cost is $9.95 per document, no matter the length. You won’t pay more based on the number of words or characters. Our AI Proofreader is ideal for academic papers and dissertations!

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases, the proofreading will be completed within a maximum of 10 minutes.

No.To make sure that your reference list isn’t disrupted, we’ve implemented suppression rules in our model.

No. You can, however, get a free report that tells you exactly how many and what kinds of mistakes there are in your document.

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AI for Essay Writing — Exploring Top 10 Essay Writers

Sumalatha G

Table of Contents

Let’s admit it — essay writing is quite a challenging task for students. Especially with the stringent deadlines, conducting research, writing , editing, and addressing to-and-fro reviews — consumes a whole lot of time and often becomes stressful. Therefore, students are always on the lookout for tools that speed up the essay writing process.

And that’s when AI writing tools make their debut! Using the best AI for essay writing makes the lives of students much easier by automatically generating the essay for them.

The rise in the popularity of artificial intelligence technology and deep learning has paved the way for the numerous AI writer tools available today. To help you understand the different types of AI tools and their benefits, we’ve uncovered the features of the top 10 AI essay generators in this article.

Let’s explore the tools and learn how they are transforming the tedious task of essay writing!

What is essay writing?

Essay writing is a part of academic writing that emphasizes formulating an idea or argument. The main objective of academic essay writing is to present a well-reasoned argument or idea. Evidence, analysis, and interpretation are the three major components of essay writing . It should have a logical structure to support the argument or idea of the essay so that it communicates clearly and concisely.

What is an AI essay writer?

AI essay writers is a tool that is designed to help students generate essays using machine learning techniques. They can be used to generate a full essay or generate a few parts of the essay, for example, essay titles, introduction, conclusion, etc.

Why should researchers use AI essay generators?

There are infinite benefits to using AI tools for writing unique essays, especially for researchers or students. Here are a few of them —

1. Saves time

Using best AI for essay writing has its own benefits. Students can take care of the research process while these AI tools write the essays for them. Be it an essay topic or a full-length essay generation, it saves a bunch of students' time.

2. Boosts productivity

Writing is a tedious task especially when you want to write an essay about a novel topic, that writer’s block starts haunting and your productivity gets affected. But, with AI, it’s the other way around and increases productivity by quickly generating the essays for you.

3. Enhances writing skills — Vocabulary and Style

Adopting the best AI essay writing AI tool not only help with creating essays but also help us hone our writing skills by giving proper suggestions about grammar, sentence structure, tone, style, and word choice.

4. Reduces stress

Students often undergo a lot of pressure and stress because of deadlines and submissions. With the best AI essay generator, they help you write essays smarter thereby reducing stress and fear in no time.

5. Facilitates multidisciplinary research

AI essay writing tools foster interdisciplinary study through their ability to scan and combine knowledge from multiple domains. That way, it helps us quickly get a grasp of new subjects or topics without a heavy-lifting process.

6. Cost-effective

Most of the AI essay writing tools have lower pricing and also allow certain discounts for students. So, it is also a cost-effective approach to use AI writing tools.

The Top AI Essay Writing Tools and Their Features

Several AI essay writers are available based on the types of essays one would want to generate. Now, let's quickly understand the top 10 AI writing tools that generate essays within just a few minutes.



It is one of the best AI for essay writing that not only creates an essay but also comes up with advanced features including plagiarism detection, auto-referencing, and contextual analysis. As a result, it generates coherent essays that are well-researched and properly cited. It is best recommended for creating academic essays and essay outlines.

How does PerfectEssayWriter work?

  • Pick the right tool for your purpose — Go with an essay writer if you want to generate a full essay or choose the essay outliner if you want to create just the outline of the essay.
  • Enter your specific conditions and preferences. Add essay topic, academic level, essay type, number of pages, and special instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate” and wait for the result
  • Once you have the essay generated, you can review, edit, or refine it and then download it.
  • Generates a large chunk of data up to 2000 words
  • Output is provided within 90 seconds
  • Provides a plethora of other tools like Citation generator, grammar checker, thesis statement generator, and more
  • Comes with 10+ essay writing templates
  • Subscription-based and not a free tool
  • Human review is a mandate

2. Essaybot - Personalized AI writing


Essaybot is the product of a reputed online essay-writing service, MyPerfectWords. It is meant to enhance academic essay writing and streamline the tasks of students. Its user friendly website makes it an instant and hassle-free essay generation saving a lot of time and effort for students.

How does Essaybot work?

  • Enter the essay title or topic
  • Click on “start writing” and wait for it to generate a well-reasoned essay.
  • The tools come for free
  • No sign-up is required
  • 100% unique and High-quality output
  • Very limited features that lack advanced functionalities


FreeEssayWriter is an organization that provides essay-writing services to students worldwide. It has an AI essay typer tool — that helps you generate essays instantly. What sets this essay typer apart is its initiative to help students with their free essay writer providing the students with a 2-page free essay.

How does work?

It works similarly to Essaybot, input the title or the topic of your essay and wait for it to generate the essay. They also have an option to edit and download a free version of the generated essay instantly.

  • Provides high-quality essays and is considered to be one of the reliable and trusted sources of information
  • Students can improve their writing skills and learn more about essays by referring to their free essay database or sources
  • Priority customer support is available 24*7
  • The site is not optimized for mobile devices
  • The quality of the essay output could still be improved

4. MyEssayWriter


This AI essay writing tool is no exception in terms of generating a high-quality essay. You can generate essays for various topics depending on the background of your research study. Be it academic or non-academic essay writing, this tool comes in handy.

How does MyEssay Writer work?

Add your preferences and then click on generate. It will give you a high-quality and 100% unique essay crafted based on your requirements.

  • The tool comes for free — no subscription is required
  • Knows for its consistency in the quality and the tone of the essay output
  • Also has a paid custom writing service that provides human-written essays
  • Might not provide quality output for complex and technical-based keywords or topic

5. College Essay AI


College essay AI stands unique as an ai writing tool as it not only uses an AI-based algorithm to generate essays but it also backs up the output as it is reviewed and approved by a team of professional experts. It is the best AI essay writing tool for college and graduate students where the output adheres to the graduate students' essay writing guidelines.

How does the College Essay AI generator work?

  • Input the required information — essay topic, academic level, number of pages, sources, and specific instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate essay” and wait for the output
  • Conduct plagiarism and grammar check
  • Download the essay
  • High-level output for academic essay writing
  • Pocket-friendly premium plans
  • Doesn’t provide multiple sets of templates
  • Not quite suitable for non-academic essay writing

6. Jasper AI


Jasper AI has been the oldest player in the game of AI content writing. Fast forward to now, its features have been magnified with the inception of natural language processing algorithms and that’s how they are helping students write their essays as well. However, Jasper is the best AI tool for non-academic writing projects like content writing or creative writing.

How does Jasper AI work?

  • Choose a template — if you are about to write an essay, go with the “document”
  • Add your preferences
  • Click “compose” and get the output
  • Generates the essays instantly
  • Provides well-structured output according to the tone and style of your preferences
  • Not quite suitable for academic writing essays

7. Textero AI


Textero AI provides a few writing tools for students that facilitate their various academic papers and writing projects. Its essay generator helps you generate ideas for a full-length essay based on the topic and also suggests new topic ideas or thesis statement ideas for your academic assignments.

How does Textero AI work?

  • Click on “Essay Generator” located on the LHS (Left-hand Side)
  • Input the title and description based on which you want to generate the essay
  • Pick the right citation style
  • Click “generate” and wait for the output
  • It also provides other tools like an outline generator, and summary generator and has an AI research assistant that answers all your questions relevant to the research
  • The output is 100% unique and plagiarism and error-free
  • Might fail to provide an essay focussed on complex or technical topics

8. Quillbot


Though Quillbot is essentially built for paraphrasing and summarizing tasks. It comes as a rescue when you have to revamp, improvise, or refine your already-composed essay. Its co-writer helps you transform your thoughts and ideas and make them more coherent by rephrasing them. You can easily customize your text based on the customization options available.

How does Quillbot Paraphraser work?

  • Import or copy the content
  • Click on “Paraphrase” “Summarize” or “Suggest text” based on your requirement
  • Make the required customizations and save the document.
  • Offers a plethora of tools required for students
  • Both free and premium plans are available
  • Enhances vocabulary and language skills
  • Limited customization options with the free plan
  • Only supports the English language

9. SciSpace Paraphraser


SciSpace is the best AI tool that helps you fine-tune your essay. If you feel your essay writing needs AI suggestions to improve the language, vocabulary, writing styles, and tone of your essay, SciSpace is at your rescue. It has more customized options than Quillbot and improves your essay by rephrasing it according to the required or preferred writing style, and tone. This is a very good alternative to Quillbot.

How does SciSpace Paraphrasing work?

  • Simply paste the content to the screen
  • Choose the length and variation properly
  • Select the language
  • Click “Paraphrase”
  • Has 22 custom tones and all of them are available even on the free plan
  • Supports 75+ languages
  • Comes with an AI-detection report for English paraphrase output
  • Delay in the output

10. ChatGPT


It would be unfair if we talk about AI tools and do not enlist ChatGPT. When it comes to automated essay writing tasks, ChatGPT is not trivial. With proper prompts, you can automate the essay writing process and generate a well-crafted and coherent essay. However, the quality and the accuracy cannot be trusted as the model hallucinates and doesn’t include sources.

How does ChatGPT work?

  • Create a prompt based on your requirement
  • Ask ChatGPT to write an essay about your topic, specify conditions and preferences
  • Click enter and wait for the essay
  • Comes for free
  • Cannot rely on the output as the model hallucinates
  • Lacks the upgraded features that other essay-writing tools have


Writing essays can be a real struggle. But, the inception of the best AI essay-generation tools makes the entire writing process a lot easier and smoother. However, you should be extra vigilant while relying on these tools and consciously use them only as a technological aid. Because over-reliance on these AI tools could diminish student's writing skills and the user can become more gripped by the tools. So, use it wisely without affecting your knowledge and skills.

You can explore the above tools whenever you need any help with essay writing, and reap the benefits of them without compromising on the quality of your writing.

And! If you're stuck exploring multiple research papers or want to conduct a comprehensive literature review , you know which tool to use? Yes, it's SciSpace Literature Review, our AI-powered workspace, which is meant to make your research workflow easier. Plus, it also comes with SciSpace Copilot , our AI research assistant that answers any question that you may have about the research paper.

If you haven't used it yet, you can use it here !

Choosing the best AI for writing long-form essays depends on your requirements. Here are the top 5 tools that help you create long-form and college essays —

1. Free Essay Writer AI

2. College Essay AI

3. My Essay Writer

4. Textero AI

5. Perfect Essay Writer

The Perfect Essay Writer AI and Textero AI are the two best AI essay generators that help you write the best essays.

ChatGPT is not specifically built to assist you with essay writing, however, you can use the tool to create college essays and long-form essays. It’s important to review, fact-check the essay, and refer to the sources properly.

Essaybot is a free AI essay generator tool that helps you create a well-reasoned essay with just a click.

Unless your university permits it, using AI essay generators or writing tools to write your essay can be considered as plagiarism.

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Free online proofreading and essay editor

A reliable proofreading tool and essay editor for any writer or student, a complete environment.

Typely is more than just a proofreading tool. It's a complete writing environment.

Thousands of checks

More than a thousand checks are being performed and we've only scratched the surface.

Inspired by the greatest writers

Gain access to humanity’s collective understanding about the craft of writing.

A proofreading tool that does not bark at every tree

Typely is precise. Existing tools for proofreading raise so many false alarms that their advice cannot be trusted. Instead, the writer must carefully consider whether to accept or reject each change.

We aim for a tool so precise that it becomes possible to unquestioningly adopt its recommendations and still come out ahead — with stronger, tighter prose. Better to be quiet and authoritative than loud and unreliable.

Relax, focus, write your next masterpiece...

Writing presumes more than simply laying out words on a paper. Typely helps you get in the mood and keeps you focused, immersed and ready to write your story.

Whether you need a distraction-free environment, some chill relaxing sounds or a pomodoro timer to manage your time we got you covered.

Got questions? We have answers.

No. Typely is completely free and we plan on keeping it that way. We are considering some advanced features however that might be available under a premium plan.

The only limit we have applied thus far is on the number of characters you can submit and that is being set at a maximum of 50,000.

In theory yes but that will require a lot of work and professionals dedicated for this job. We are considering a way of letting the community participate somehow.

Typely does not do grammar checking because it's hard and almost impossible to get right. The aim for Typely is to be precise and reliable.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > How AI can help proofread and edit your essays

How AI can help proofread and edit your essays

Don’t let little mistakes hold you back from getting a better grade. Learn how you can use AI to help you proofread and edit your essays.

A notebook and a cup of tea

Before submitting your essay, having a second set of eyes to catch any typos or grammatical errors is invaluable. If human help isn’t available, AI can step in to proofread or edit your work, offering instant feedback even under tight deadlines . Take a look at the different ways you can use AI for essay editing.

Ask AI to help you identify typos or grammatical errors

It’s easy for the human mind to skim over obvious typos and grammar errors. AI can help you identify these spelling mistakes and grammar issues so you can put some professional polish on your paper. If you’re aware of a specific issue that you struggle with in your essays, you can ask AI to proofread specifically on those errors. Copy and paste your essay into your favorite AI platform and try one of these prompts:

  • Can you identify any typos in this paper and explain why they are incorrect?
  • I often put commas in the wrong place. Can you identify any incorrect commas in my essay and tell me why they’re incorrect?
  • Can you help me identify any incorrect homophones in my essay?

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Ask AI to help you refine your sentences

Writing clearly is important for all forms of writing, but it’s especially important for academic works. AI can help you edit your essays so that your sentences are easy to understand. Copy and paste your essay into an AI platform and try these prompts to refine its sentences:

  • Can you find passive sentences in my essay and explain how to rewrite them actively?
  • My teacher is a stickler for dangling modifiers . Can you point out any dangling modifiers in my essay?
  • Are there any sentence fragments in my essay?

Ask AI for style guide assistance

If your instructor has asked you to follow a specific style guide , they may deduct points if your essay doesn’t follow it. Try these prompts to get some essay editing help:

  • Can you review if book titles are correctly italicized according to the Chicago Manual of Style, and check for other style-specific issues?
  • My essay is supposed to follow MLA format. Can you identify any parts of my essay that don’t follow MLA format ?
  • How should I format quotes in APA format ?

Ask AI to fact-check your work

AI can help you identify incorrect facts that could impact your final grade. AI can also provide sources that you can use to back up your work. Try these prompts in your preferred AI platform to fact-check your work:

  • Are the biographical facts I included about Jane Austen in my essay correct?
  • Can you make sure all the dates that I listed in my essay are accurate?
  • Can you confirm that the citations in my essay are from peer-reviewed and reputable sources ?

Getting the best proofreading and editing results from AI

When you use AI to proofread an essay, you’ll get better results when you provide it with as much context about the essay as possible. For example, you should include your teacher’s essay instructions so that the AI tool knows what to look for. If the teacher gave you their grading rubric, you should also give it to the AI tool so that it can provide even stronger proofreading and editing recommendations.

While AI can significantly aid in proofreading and editing, remember to use it responsibly, especially in academic settings. If you’re interested in learning more about AI, see if you can use AI to draft an essay for you .

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Ai-powered tool for enhancing essay quality.

  • Improve academic essays: Enhance the language and structure of your academic essays to achieve higher grades.
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Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphraser is the best AI paraphrasing tool that helps you accurately paraphrase sentences, paragraphs, and essays using state-of-the-art technology.

Features of Paraphraser

Paraphraser has many features that make its paraphrasing tool the best on the market, including rephrasing essays, writing effective content, and creating original copies with AI.

Paraphrase Like Human

Paraphraser has the art of human-level paraphrasing. The final rephrased output will be creative, more readable, sensible, and plagiarism free.

Cutting-edge AI Paraphrase Tool

Our free paraphrase tool is the most advanced AI rephraser based on NLP. Our paraphrase generator can rephrase sentences and complete articles in seconds.

Maintain Original Meaning

Unlike other online paraphrase tools, our AI-based sentence rephraser maintains the original meaning of the context while changing the sentence structure.

Why our Paraphrasing Tool is best?

Our paraphrasing tool uses advanced AI algorithms to accurately paraphrase text. AI-based text rephrasing was never possible before Paraphraser launched.

Some benefits are mentioned below that make Paraphraser the best:

Quality Content

The rephrase tool generates more readable, engaging, and grammatically error-free content without ruining the quality of the content after paraphrasing.

It replaces proper synonyms, rephrases like real humans, and paraphrases better than professional writers.

Plagiarism-free output

Our Paraphrasing tool helps you to  avoid duplication of content . is useful to increase productivity as it quickly and easily generates multiple versions of the same text.

As compared to other tools, Paraphraser provides the fastest results by keeping the best quality. It can provide large text results within a few seconds.

Easy to use

Sentence rephraser by Paraphraser is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. Do you have any suggestions to improve our interface? Please let us know . 

We provide Fluency & Standard mode with 600 words limit free of cost. You can rephrase unlimited text without any daily limit. You can increase the word limit to 1500, by upgrading to pro .

Paraphrasing APIs

Colleges and universities can integrate our rephraser using our paraphrasing APIs .

Customer support

We take care of our users. In case you have any questions or need assistance, You can contact us via chat or open a ticket on our  support page . 

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How to paraphrase online?

To paraphrase online using our rewording tool, follow these simple steps:

  • Type the text in the input box or upload a file. 
  • Click on the submit button and let this paraphrasing tool do the rest of the work. 😊

Paraphrasing tool users

Our tool can be used in a number of ways, so it is up to you to decide how you want to use it. 

We are always here for any alterations or paraphrasing you may need. Our Paraphrasing tool is commonly used by the following people:

If you are a student and looking for an accurate and best solution for paraphrasing, we are here for you. 

Our online paraphrase generator gives different ideas for assignment writing and thesis writing. You can make your assignments plagiarism-free and more readable. Use our rephrasing tool, Get good grades, and Thank us later 😉.


If you are a teacher, we know your feelings. For a teacher, a paraphrasing tool is not less than a life-savour, as they have to prepare notes, reports, quizzes, and helpful study material on a regular basis.  

  • With our tool, teachers can create study notes that are easier to understand.
  • Our professional paraphrasing tool helps teachers save time by automatically rephrasing the text. 
  • Teachers can also use our rewording tool to create quiz questions that are more challenging and varied.

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By rephrasing technical terms researchers can avoid plagiarism and summarize key points in their research papers. You can paraphrase the main ideas of a source to better understand the information. 

A sentence changer can be helpful when writing a review or synthesis of the literature.


To make your copywriting more creative, our word rephraser is a very handy tool . 

Generating your content for advertising, public relations, and media is very easy using word changer, because the choice of the words matters. 

Using our tool, copywriters can 

Craft compelling and persuasive messages to sell products, services, or ideas.

Work with creative teams, including art directors and designers, to ensure that the writing is visually appealing and effective.

Create copy for a wide range of media, including print, digital, and social media.


Write more engaging and killer quality content using our free paraphrasing tool. Different word choices and sentence structures make blog content appealing to blog readers.

Every Blogger should use a rephrasing tool to

Avoid Plagiarism : Our free tool creates original content to avoid plagiarism by changing the words and sentences. 

Improve readability : make blog content readable for all types of users.

Save time : we can save your time and effort by automating the process of rephrasing. For large projects with tight deadlines, our paraphraser tool is super helpful. 

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Create best-performing content for your social media posts, emails, advertisements, and article submissions with our online paraphrase tool. 

Marketers can cut down the writing cost using our free tool.

Get Multiple versions of the content for A/B Testing, for example, email subject lines or social media posts, to test which ones are most effective.

Paraphrase text in a way that is easier to understand for their audience.


Display the best tag lines and descriptions for your website with our advanced paraphrase tool. Writing the best quality content attracts readers and is also good for SEO purposes. We had six different modes; you can choose the most suitable mode for your e-commerce, landing page or a saas website. helps you rephrase text easily and quickly

Our paraphrasing tool online lets you paraphrase text in one go. You can use this free tool to paraphrase your sentences, paragraphs, articles, and even long blogs with advanced AI technology. It further provides several useful features that help you customize the rephrased text to fit your content needs.

🥰 Improves: Readability, fluency, & vocabulary
🚀 Instant Paraphrase: Sentences, paragraphs, & more
✔️ Modes: 3+ Unique AI Modes
🌐 Multilingual: Supports 20+ Languages.

How Does This Paraphrasing Tool Work?

It is an AI-based paraphraser developed with state-of-the-art technology. It rewrites articles, rewords sentences, and paraphrases the text. It also works as a reworder and rewriter for lessness chances of plagiarism.

Paraphrase Anywhere

Our free paraphrasing tool can be used online across all devices, including Android & IOS.

Multiple Languages

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Some of The Most Frequently Asked Questions

Is using a paraphrasing tool is illegal?

No, using a paraphrasing tool is not illegal if used correctly. In academic writing, if you use a word rephraser to create content then it must be correctly cited. Using paraphrased content as original work could be considered academic misconduct.

Can you get in trouble for using a paraphrasing tool?

Sentence rephraser developed using advanced AI algorithms to paraphrase content like a human. You can use our different modes to check which rephrase model is the best fit for you. Pro Tips: Cite the sources to avoid any trouble.

Is using a paraphrasing tool count as plagiarism?

No, Using a paraphrase online tool does not count as plagiarism. As mentioned above, our tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of the context.   Our text paraphraser helps users to rephrase text and avoid plagiarism. The content generated by our tool is completely unique.

Can I use a paraphrasing tool for legal writing?

  • Check plagiarism: Double-check the rephrased text for plagiarism.
  • Cite Sources: Cite any sources used, even if you used a paraphraser tool to rephrase a text.

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What is ChatGPT? Everything You Need to Know About AI Content

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that uses NLP to write human-like AI content & answer questions. Here are some tips to paraphrase AI content effectively ...

ai essay modifier

Best Way to Summarize a Scientific Research Paper Effectively

Crafting content is certainly a challenging task, especially if it’s relevant to academics. Academic content demands extensive research from the...

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Types of Paraphrasing

There are several types of paraphrasing, including:   Direct paraphrasing Indirect paraphrasing Summary paraphrasing Transformation paraph...

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Our goal is to help you take your essay writing to the next level.

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Cut your writing time by more than half using our paraphraser tool

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Get real-time suggestions to improve grammar, spelling, and clarity as well as fluency, style, and tone.

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Summarize any text with a click of a button

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Our AI-powered paraphrasing tool will enhance your writing.

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The online grammar checker is perfect for users who need a quick check for their text. Try the online editor for checking longer papers and essays to make sure your writing is clear and mistake-free.

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The need for text summarizers is increasing day by day, because of time constraints.

A text summarizer helps students to condense difficult concepts by summarizing them. They get the secret of complex articles and books. Moreover, manual summarizing can be very time-consuming. They use a text summarizer to solve their assignments in lesser time.

Why Choose Rewriter AI?

  • Rewriter AI combines Paraphraser, Grammar Checker, and Summarizer together. Whether you want to rewrite text, check grammar, or extract abstracts, Rewriter AI has everything you need.
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  • Rewriter AI offers API for anyone who wants to integrate Rewriter AI into their tools.
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  • Rewriter AI outputs text results without plagiarism and bypassing AI detection.
  • Rewriter AI's grammar checker tool allows you to write with confidence. There will be no more annoying grammar errors in your articles, and you will be considered as a very professional English native speaker.
  • Rewriter AI's summarizer tool allows you to quickly and easily access key information from large documents.

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New api parameter, sentence structure change intensity, auto replace basic settings, auto replace smart settings, spintax settings, grammar repair complete, protect words.

Free users can add up to 2 protection words

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Free users can only generate 3 articles at most.

Warnning: This feature is merely a trial on a free plan. It's not recommended to spin articles with no further modification given of a maximum of 2 synonyms on this plan. Otherwise, it likely results in high similarity between two articles while you won't have this trouble with paid version.

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Advanced Paraphrase

Paraphrased text


Paraphrasing Tool

This is a free AI-powered rewrite tool that offers you rephrasing of your articles, sentences, essays, stories, and other creations. Our tool finds the best options for text rewording thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI software and presents you with a variety of choices.

We are here to offer you the best free tool to enhance your writing and edit any sentence you need

Paraphrase articles, essays, add new words, and phrases to your writing to present your ideas in a novel and fresh way.

Our free AI-powered paraphrase generator works great as a sentence rephraser, word changer, and article rewriter. It doesn’t alter the ideas in your writing but instead adds richness and freshness.


Assignments, Essays

No signup needed


100% Free

Paraphrasing and the functions of a paraphrasing tool

So what is paraphrasing? It is the process of rewriting sentences to present your ideas in a new and clearer way.

The core functions of a paraphraser are as follows:

Rewords the text by offering synonyms

  • Keeps the initial context and provides structure
  • Makes content smoother and more consistent

Our smart free paraphrasing tool takes this process to a whole new level. We integrate innovative solutions with traditional rewording tools to get the best outcome. Our precise software will help you get improved structure and well-written content.

When using our rewrite tool, you get a high-quality and human-level result. The end product is a well-written, appealing, and intelligent piece. We want to help you improve your style and get your ideas across with the best sentence rewriter.

Our interactive tool helps you decide which version you want to use. Select the variant you are most comfortable with to ensure natural and comprehensive results.


Differences between a Paraphrasing Tool and a Paraphrasing Bot



Offer AI-powered rephrasing solutions to provide clarity and consistency

Offer basic algorithm word changes to gain profit

Produce sensible, unique work

Offer synonyms and changes without adjusting to the context

Machine learning NLP algorithms

Basic algorithms

Students, professionals, researchers, poets, and storytellers

High-quality rephrasing and rewording

Elementary vocabulary changes

When using our exceptional tool, you get the following advantages, which we like to call the 4Cs:

Your work stays clear and easily readable.

We offer human-level rephrasing.

The original idea of your work is well kept, and the new version fully conveys the original message.


Our tool stays consistent throughout long texts and offers only top-notch changes.

On the other hand, paraphrase bots do not provide any of the above-mentioned points. They are built in a simple way and just offer synonyms, turning your work into an unreadable collection of words.

.css-we6q5k{margin:0;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;border-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:#DEE1E3;border-bottom-width:0;height:100%;border-right-width:thin;} Technology used for our Paraphrasing Tool

We have incorporated the best practices in machine learning to present you with high-quality sentence rewriting options. Our software works wonders and is the best free tool available on the market.

The NLP technique behind the tool helps you create smart copies of your articles that present your ideas even better. This technique makes your content smooth and easily readable.

The paraphrasing tool enhances your writing style and enriches your vocabulary. The best tool for academic writing, professional research, and creative pieces is the AI-powered paraphraser.

Features of our Paraphrasing Tool


AI-powered technology

Due to a highly developed machine learning algorithm, the tool features high-quality options for rewording.


Fast & free paraphrasing service

The free interactive tool is fast and to the point. It does an amazing job as a paraphraser of words, sentences, and paragraphs.


Clear paraphrasing of your ideas

Many online sentence rewriters lose the meaning of the original text when they rewrite it, but our AI-powered tool keeps all of your original ideas.


Unique Text

Our tool offers 100% unique, plagiarism-free text, so you don’t have to worry about the originality of your article being compromised.


Structured Content

With the help of our free tool to rewrite paragraphs, you can be sure that you have paraphrased text in the right way and kept the correct structure for your text.


Rephrasing poems & stories

We understand the importance and difficulty of paraphrasing poems and stories, and that’s why our rephrasing tool is built with proper algorithms to yield high-quality results.

Users of our Paraphrasing Tool

There are numerous ways to make the most of the tool, and we leave it to you to decide. We just want you to know that we are here for you for any of your project alterations and rephrasings. Commonly, our paraphrasing tool is used by the following personas:

If you are a student looking for a fast and easy rephrasing tool that will help you get a better grade on your assignment, we’ve got your back./nOur free paraphrase generator gives you ideas for your assignments that are free of plagiarism and can help you improve your style.


Our rephrasing tool is here to help you get more out of your research and avoid plagiarism. Whether you are working on your PhD, thesis, or brand-new research, we will add creativity and sophisticated words to your work.

Script Writers

Unleash your creative side and write down your script ideas and the most fascinating scenarios. Let the rephrasing tool do the rest of the rewriting to help you better appeal to your audience. Choose this tool to assist you with script changes while preserving the context of your work.

Poets and storytellers

Let inspiration guide you to write down stories and poems that come from your heart and soul. In turn, our paraphrase generator will create all the necessary paraphrases to construct your writing in the necessary tone and style. Make your poems and stories stand out with words that will hook your reader.

Content writers and copywriters

If you need to summarize your copywriting, look no further, because our tool will do the job for you. Using our easy-to-use paraphrase generator, we’ll keep the meaning of the original content but give you a newer version.

Produce your best-performing blog content every time with the help of our free tool. We will help you create unique content every time and keep your readers interested.

Digital Marketers

If you have a task to write ad copy or SEO-related blog posts, we will help you write the best-performing content for your readers.

Why is the best tool?

We are pleased to offer you the best AI-powered solutions to level up your writing. The rich vocabulary of the paraphrase generator will give your great work an extra kick. Here are the reasons that we consider ourselves the best tool out there:

A great user interface

Human-level and professional rephrasing

Machine learning technology

Free access

Adjusted wording without meaning loss

Explore our suite of AI writing tools for grammar checking, summarzing and much more!

How does this tool impact the academic writing skills of students.

Our tool for paraphrasing uses machine learning algorithms to give you a better and wider range of words. While using our tool, students not only learn new words but also see the correct way to use them in text. Using our tool results in better quality text, new words learned, and improved clarity.

Does this tool help in developing the quality of the essay?

Definitely, yes! If you are stuck in a place where you don’t have any ideas on how to proceed with your essay, the tool will come in handy. We will supply you with newer phrases and elevated ideas for you to use.

Is using a paraphrasing tool considered plagiarism?

No. As mentioned, the tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of your work. Each rephrasing is unique and unlike any other piece paraphrased on our website.

Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?

If you are paraphrasing your own ideas or looking for inspiration, it is not cheating. When paraphrasing, you are not stealing any ideas; you are just researching other options for presenting your ideas.

Can teachers tell if you used a paraphrasing tool?

The tool uses special algorithms to paraphre your work with human-like options. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to tell whether you have used a paraphrase tool.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for academic writing?

The tool is structured to help you get new ideas and freshen up your academic work. The paraphraser identifies the subject you are writing about and, with special algorithms, offers you words and phrases relating to your topic.

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Editpad AI Essay Writer only generates essays to help you educate the way of writing. We strictly do not allow users to generate sexual, self-harm, violence, and other NSFW (not safe for work) content.

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AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator
  • Humanize AI Text
  • AI Translator
  • Excel Formula Generator
  • AI Prompt Generator
  • Sentence Rewriter
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Paragraph Rewriter

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Terms and Conditions


Welcome to our AI Writing Generator. By using our AI writing assistants such as AI Essay Writer, AI Story Generator, AI Poem Generator, AI Paragraph Generator, AI Sentence Generator or AI Email Writer, etc., you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our service.

Prohibited Content

Our AI Writing Generator does not allow users to generate content that contain Sexual, Self-Harm, Violence, and other NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users and will take necessary steps to prevent the generation of such content.

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We are continuously working to improve our AI Writing Generator to ensure that it does not generate prohibited content. Despite our efforts, there may be instances where such content is generated due to the nature of AI and its learning processes.

Use of Third-Party APIs

Our AI Writing Generator utilizes third-party APIs, including but not limited to OpenAI ChatGPT , Gemini , and Claude , to generate AI content. As a result, the content generated by the tool is not entirely within our control. We rely on these third-party services to provide the best possible experience, but we cannot guarantee that prohibited content will never be generated.

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As a user of our AI Writing Generator, you are responsible for ensuring that the content you generate complies with these terms and conditions. You agree not to use the tool to generate any content that is Sexual, Self-Harm, Violent, or otherwise NSFW.

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Our AI Writing Generator is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the performance or reliability of the tool. We do not guarantee that the tool will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted or error-free.

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To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our AI Writing Generator. This includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, regardless of the basis of the claim.

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We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of the AI Writing Generator following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at [email protected] .

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JSmol Viewer

Predicting the influence of pulverized oil palm clinker as a sustainable modifier on bituminous concrete fatigue life: advancing sustainable development goals through statistical and predictive analysis.

ai essay modifier

1. Introduction

2.1. materials, 2.2. sample preparation and marshall properties, 2.3. indirect tensile fatigue test, 2.4. statistical modeling and soft computing approaches, 2.4.1. response surface methodology, 2.4.2. artificial neural network, 2.4.3. model efficiency comparison parameters, 3. results and discussion, 3.1. conventional testing for popic-modified bitumen, 3.2. volumetric and marshall characteristics of modified bituminous concrete mixes, 3.3. fatigue life analysis of popic-mb bituminous concrete samples utilizing the s-nf relationship, 3.4. influence of stress levels and popic content on bituminous concrete fatigue life, 3.5. rsm statistical approach, 3.5.1. model fit analysis and validation parameter, 3.5.2. rsm diagnostic plot analysis, 3.5.3. synergistic variables’ effects on fatigue life response, 3.5.4. multi-objective optimization and validation of rsm models, 3.6. soft computing approach, 3.6.1. the artificial neural network (ann) approach, 3.6.2. jmp pro, 3.6.3. matlab, 3.7. model performance evaluation assessment, 3.8. statistical measures for the developed models, 3.9. predictive model data variability, validation, and comparison, 3.9.1. violin plots, 3.9.2. taylors model comparison, 3.9.3. model external validation, 3.10. developed model summary, assumptions, and limitations, 4. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

RSMResponse surface methodology
PWDPublic Work Department
POPICPulverized oil palm industry clinker
CCDCentral Composite Design
POPIC-MBPulverized oil palm industry clinker-modified bitumen
ANNArtificial Neural Network
JMPJohn’s Macintosh Project
POPIC-MBCPulverized oil palm industry clinker-modified bituminous concrete
OBCOptimal bitumen content
AC14Asphalt concrete with a nominal maximum aggregate size of 14 mm
IQRInterquartile range (IQR)
ANOVAAnalysis of Variance
CVCoefficient of variance
SDStandard deviation
RASERoot Average Square Error
A. PAdequate precision
R Coefficient of determination
RMSERoot mean square error
MREMean relative error
BSDBulk specific density
VMAsVoids filled with mineral aggregates
VFBsVoids filled with bitumen
AVsAir voids
  • Buritatum, A.; Suddeepong, A.; Horpibulsuk, S.; Akkharawongwhatthana, K.; Yaowarat, T.; Hoy, M.; Bunsong, C.; Arulrajah, A. Improved performance of asphalt concretes using bottom ash as an alternative aggregate. Sustainability 2022 , 14 , 7033. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Cheah, W.Y.; Siti-Dina, R.P.; Leng, S.T.K.; Er, A.; Show, P.L. Circular bioeconomy in palm oil industry: Current practices and future perspectives. Environ. Technol. Innov. 2023 , 30 , 103050. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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  • Yaro, N.S.A.; Sutanto, M.H.; Habib, N.Z.; Napiah, M.; Usman, A.; Muhammad, A. Comparison of Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network approach in predicting the performance and properties of palm oil clinker fine modified asphalt mixtures. Constr. Build. Mater. 2022 , 324 , 126618. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
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Click here to enlarge figure

Chemical CompositionOxide Content (%)
Fe O 4.82
SiO 63.87
Al O 3.96
SO 2.07
P O 2.94
K O6.78
TiO 1.86
PropertiesStandardsUnitMaterialRangeTest Value
AbsorptionASTM C 127%Coarse aggregate<2%0.67
ASTM C128%Fine aggregate<2%1.08
Abrasion lossASTM C131%Coarse aggregate<30%23.48
Specific gravityASTM C 127g/m Coarse aggregate-2.73
ASTM C 128g/m Fine aggregate-2.68
ASTM C188g/m Filler-3.12
PenetrationASTM D5dmmBitumen60–7065
Softening pointASTMD36°C49–5650.26
Specific gravityASTM D70-1.01–1.051.029
ColorDark grey-POPIC
Moisture contentASTM D2216%-0.94
Specific surface areaASTM C1274m /g-1.0843
Loss of ignitionASTM C311%-6.97
Specific gravityASTM C188 -2.59
Input FactorsResponses
Stress Level (MPa)Logarithmic Fatigue Life
Blend TypeSpecific GravityPenetration
Softening Point
Storage Stability
2% POPIC1.0326150.971100.84
4% POPIC1.0395851.09961.45
6% POPIC1.0455551.24821.58
8% POPIC1.0545351.33751.76
Type of MixBSDAV
Stability (kN)Flow (mm)OBC
2% POPIC2.3823.8815.0873.0111.353.145.07
4% POPIC2.3933.7614.9573.9813.973.014.96
6% POPIC2.3983.4814.8774.8715.082.844.91
8% POPIC2.4013.3714.7275.1614.212.864.94
JKR Limits-3–5>1470–80>82–54–6
Temp. (°C)Mixture TypeSample Diameter/
Stiffness (MPa)Stress Level (MPa)Maximum Tensile Strain
(×10 )
Cycles to Failure (N )Logarithmic Fatigue Life
5Reference 101.1/50.733725.650.2347.01210,3775.323
4% POPIC101.01/50.973161.570.2405.41293,0895.467
8% POPIC100.36/50.342242.030.2570.05320,6275.506
20Reference 101.3/51.892483.770.2227.47100,5405.002
4% POPIC100.97/51.372106.350.2268.25121,1525.083
8% POPIC100.59/51.371492.910.2378.47139,1245.143
35Reference 101.84/51.651656.720.2148.9554333.735
4% POPIC101.04/50.721398.910.2181.9173623.867
8% POPIC100.87/50.71991.030.2247.9877803.891
SourceSum of SquaresdfMean SquareF-Valuep-ValueRemark
C—Stress level1.2911.2946.28<0.0001
A 0.008510.00850.30540.5873
B 1.0911.0939.07<0.0001
C 0.005810.00580.20980.6524
Lack of Fit0.206650.04131.820.1774Insignificant
Pure Error0.2946130.0227
Cor Total19.0727
Model ParameterValues
Standard deviation0.167
Mean 4.130
Coefficient of variance 4.040
Adequate precision 26.262
Adjusted 0.961
Predicted 0.924
FactorPOPIC (%)Temperature (°C)Stress Level (Mpa)Logarithmic Fatigue Life
GoalMaximizeIn range In rangeMaximize
Logarithmic Fatigue Life
PredictedAPE (%)Predicted APE (%)PredictedAPE (%)
Statistical MetricsLogarithmic Fatigue Life Models
R 0.9790.9980.984
Standard deviation1.1120.8570.958
Variance 1.2360.7340.918
Coefficient of variance 27.5120.5123.77
Stress Level (MPa)Logarithmic Fatigue Life
ActualValues for Predictive Models
ReferenceApproachInput FactorsResponses
[ ]RSM and various machine learning models using MATLAB Waste denim fiber and nano-silicaRutting parameterRSM > 0.80
Decision tree regression > 0.99
[ ]ANNWater–cement ratio and superplasticizer Flow value and compressive strengthANN > 0.984
[ ]RSM and ANNWaste plastic dosage and temperatureRutting and stiffness modulus of mixturesANN > 0.99
RSM > 0.97
[ ]RSM and ANN Colloidal nano-silica content and surface area Compressive strength at different
aging period
RSM > 0.86
Gaussian process regression > 0.925
[ ]RSM and various machine learning algorithmsNano-silica and denim fiberComplex modulus, phase angle, and rutting parameterRSM > 0.97
Gaussian process regression > 0.99
[ ]RSM and ANNMarble powder and rice husk ashPorosity, thermal conductivity, and compressive and flexural strengthRSM > 0.93
ANN > 0.96
[ ]RSM and ANNPalm waste content and temperatureRutting and stiffness
performance of mixtures
RSM > 0.99
ANN > 0.99
[ ]RSM and various machine learning methodsCrude oil palm and pyrolyzed tire oilShear velocity blending and compacting temperatureRSM > 0.82
Forest regression > 0.93
[ ]RSM and ANNCement, water–binder ratio, aggregates, and silica fumeCompressive strength at 7 and 28 days ANN > 0.912
RSM > 0.892
[ ]RSM and ANNAggregate gradation and compaction levelAir void and permeability RSM > 0.83
ANN > 0.85
[ ]RSM and ANNWashingtonia robusta palm waste and biocharWater absorption, porosity, and compressive and flexural strength ANN > 0.98
RSM > 0.91
Present studyRSM and ANN approach using different softwarePOPIC content, temperature, and stress level Fatigue lifeRSM > 0.97
ANN > 0.98
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Aliyu Yaro, N.S.; Sutanto, M.H.; Habib, N.Z.; Usman, A.; Tanjung, L.E.; Bello, M.S.; Noor, A.; Birniwa, A.H.; Jagaba, A.H. Predicting the Influence of Pulverized Oil Palm Clinker as a Sustainable Modifier on Bituminous Concrete Fatigue Life: Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Statistical and Predictive Analysis. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7078.

Aliyu Yaro NS, Sutanto MH, Habib NZ, Usman A, Tanjung LE, Bello MS, Noor A, Birniwa AH, Jagaba AH. Predicting the Influence of Pulverized Oil Palm Clinker as a Sustainable Modifier on Bituminous Concrete Fatigue Life: Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Statistical and Predictive Analysis. Sustainability . 2024; 16(16):7078.

Aliyu Yaro, Nura Shehu, Muslich Hartadi Sutanto, Noor Zainab Habib, Aliyu Usman, Liza Evianti Tanjung, Muhammad Sani Bello, Azmatullah Noor, Abdullahi Haruna Birniwa, and Ahmad Hussaini Jagaba. 2024. "Predicting the Influence of Pulverized Oil Palm Clinker as a Sustainable Modifier on Bituminous Concrete Fatigue Life: Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Statistical and Predictive Analysis" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7078.

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