Department of Neuroscience

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Master's Degree in Neuroscience

New class starts September 2023

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The Department consists of 30 research groups working within different areas of neuroscience

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Cocaine discovery could pave way for treatment for substance abuse

Younger researchers recive dff-grants to explore their best ideas, dkk 80 million to eight sund researchers, two sund researchers receive fellowship grants from the lundbeck foundation.

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Address Department of Neuroscience University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B DK-2200 Copenhagen N

Main Locations Maersk Tower, building 7, level 4+5 Panum, building 33, level 3 Panum, building 24, level 4+6

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The Graduate Programme for Neuroscience

Welcome to the website of The Graduate Programme for Neuroscience. The graduate programme offers a variety of intriguing courses most relevant to PhD students in the research-related fields.

Medical surgery

The Graduate Programme for Neurosciences covers research education within all areas of Child and adolescent psychiatry, Neuro biology, Neuro surgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychotraumatology and Health psychology.

The most important tasks for the graduate programme are:

  • to ensure the presence of a regionally relevant course programme within the research field of neuro science. The regional programme is coordinated nationally so that the range of courses nationally is as wide as possible. 
  • to convey a contact between the PhD students associated with the graduate programme and a highly qualified corps of supervisors
  • to promote the formation of networks among the PhD students associated with the graduate programme and to generate contact to international research networks.
  • to attract means to co-financed PhD programmes 
  • to offer the best possible conditions for PhD students in cooperation with the Graduate School at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The Graduate Programme in Neuroscience offers a great variety of courses and activities.

The courses are open to all PhD students, regardless of which university they are enrolled at. Students enrolled at other universities than the University of Southern Denmark pay course fees in accordance with the standard agreement between the relevant universities.

The courses also function as a meeting place for supervisors and researchers in Public Health and are therefore open to everyone in this field, and not only PhD students. Other interested persons can participate after agreement with the programme director (se the section "Contact" below). We are continually establishing new courses, so if you have an idea for a new course, please contact the programme director.

See the courses we offer as well as all other PhD courses here.

On 23. march 2017 in an Auditorium filled beyond its limits, Jonathan Stone delivered an amazing lecture on "Functional psychogenic disorders in neurology, turning the negative to the positive".  

Jonathan Stone gave, through a couple of examples, a long line of very good instructions to diagnosing and treating patients  in both the neurological and psychiatric clinic. Jonathan Stone introduced some new and exciting treatments based on research related evidence. A couple of good English guidelines are available for this.

At the meeting, Psychiatrics, Neurologists and Psychologists from all over Denmark participated.

The meeting were organised by the Graduate Programme for Neuroscience at SDU along with the two focused research units in Neurology and Psychiatry in Åbenrå. 

Jon Stone Workshop 2017

Is your question  of a scientific nature or concerning course content?

Please contact the programme director:

Elsebeth Stenager Psychiatric ward, (University function) Odense Sdr. Boulevard 29 DK-5000 Odense C

Phone: +45 6541 4188 E-mail: [email protected]

or of a practical nature?

Please contact the Graduate School,  [email protected]

Relevant links

  • Graduate programmes at Aarhus University
  • Graudate Programmes at University of Copenhagen

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The PhD programme Faculty of Health Sciences University of Southern Denmark

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Last Updated 19.10.2023

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At the danish research institute of translational neuroscience (dandrite), aarhus university and the nordic-embl partnership for molecular medicine.

If you want to pursue a Ph.D. degree within the neuroscience research field, DANDRITE offers eminent opportunities. Ph.D. positions at DANDRITE are advertised through general open calls with application deadlines four times every year in February, May, August/September, and November.  Please note that potential candidates, who would like to apply for a Ph.D. position at DANDRITE, must contact a relevant Group Leader to prepare for a joint application, except for project-specific calls with open applications.

Ph.D. students at DANDRITE will be enrolled in the Ph.D. degree programme for Molecular Medicine,  an interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree programme at Aarhus University (PDF)  that is mutually organized by the  Graduate School of Natural Sciences  and the  Graduate School of Health . The courses included in the degree can be put together from a wide variety of subjects in neuroscience, molecular medicine, bioinformatics, biophysics and, molecular and structural biology.

Ph.D. projects in a research group at DANDRITE

DANDRITE Ph.D. students are under the supervision of at least one of the current 4 Group leaders or 2 Team Leaders at DANDRITE. The research groups at DANDRITE cover a broad range of neurosciences:

Logistic vulnerabilities of brain synapses

Group Leader Chao Sun's group investigates protein machines that manage the molecular logistics of brain synapses using quantitative spatial proteomics approaches. They are particularly interested in protein machines that manage the molecular logistics of synapses, e.g. the protein synthesis and degradation machines, the transport machinery for ions, nutrients, and neurotransmitters, and the machinery involved in lipid and energy consumption.

phd neuroscience denmark

Molecular basis of neuroplasticity

Group Leader Taro Kitazawa's group is focusing on the molecular basis of neuroplasticity, especially at the levels of epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms underlying memory engram plasticity using mice as a model organism.

phd neuroscience denmark

Molecular mechanisms on cell state transitions

Group Leader Thomas Kim's group focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling microglial subtypes in neurodegenerative disorders and evaluating potential approaches to target these microglia as therapeutic interventions and as biomarkers.

phd neuroscience denmark

Better treatments of affective disorders and neurodegenerative diseases

Group Leader Anna Mathia Klawonn's group evolves around deciphering the neural circuits and immune-to-brain signaling mechanisms involved in regulating affective state during disease. For this we are exploring the function of several brain circuits and neural populations (such as microglia and astrocytes); and are specialized in striato-nigral and mesolimbic connectivity. 

phd neuroscience denmark

Gut-brain axis and the enteric nervous system

Team Leader, Gilles Vanwalleghem Lab's overarching goal is to understand how dysregulation of the bidirectional communication between the gut microbiome and the nervous system can affect behavior and lead to mental health disorders.

phd neuroscience denmark

Memory selectivity and knowledge updating

Team Leader, Tomonori Takeuchi's group has an overall research goal to understand how memories of everyday events, initially stored in the hippocampus, are ‘selected’ and then ‘assimilated’ into a relevant knowledge structure, called schema, in the neocortex.

phd neuroscience denmark

Molecular cell biology of intracellular signaling networks with focus on Parkinson disease and dementia

Senior Group Leader Poul Henning Jensen's group wants to understand how neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia, and multiple systems atrophy develop, progress, and elicit their many symptoms. The studies are centered on how the protein alpha-synuclein contributes to these processes. This is investigated in studies of alpha-synuclein aggregates in vitro, in cell models, cultures brain slices, live animals, and human tissue and involves the development of new tools and models.

phd neuroscience denmark

Trans-synaptic communication and signaling in nerve cells as mediated by sortilin receptors

Senior Group Leader Anders Nykjær's lab wants to understand the group of type-1 receptors denoted the Vps10p-domain family and their functions in the healthy brain, dissect their mode of action, investigate how genetic variation contributes to disease development - in particular of neuropsychiatric disorders and memory impairment.

phd neuroscience denmark


DANDRITE is an interdisciplinary research center of neuroscience at Aarhus University that combines molecular and circuitry neuroscience with animal models and translational neuroscience. The aim is to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying behavior and sensory functions, and to reveal pathophysiological mechanisms and new intervention strategies of neurological, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders. The research integrates technologies spanning from biochemistry, structural biology, and cryoEM to advanced imaging, neuronal circuitry mapping, behavioral models in fruit fly and mouse, and stem cell applications.

DANDRITE encompasses a thriving, international research community with many PhD students and postdocs and with well-established research infrastructure and support at Aarhus University and within the NeuroCampus Aarhus community shared with the Aarhus University Hospital.

More information

Maria Thykær Jensen

Maria Thykær   Jensen

phd neuroscience denmark

Ph.D. degree programme at Health

Read more about the Ph.D. degree programme at Health 

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Ph.D. degree programme at Natural Sciences

Read more about the Ph.D. degree programme at Natural Sciences

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Why do a Ph.D. at Aarhus University

Join an ambitious, dynamic research environment

  • Four universities and ...

Four universities and Lundbeck Foundation boost Danish brain research and talent development with a new neuroscience academy

With a programme grant of DKK 187 million from Lundbeck Foundation, the framework is established for an ambitious new growth dynamo for neuroscience in Denmark – the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD). The aim of this decentralised academy for brain research is to promote talent development at Danish universities and pave the way for new research and breakthroughs within brain-related disorders.

X-ray photos of human brains.

Disorders of the brain and the central nervous system represent a constant – and costly – threat to our welfare society and public health, and with an ageing population, the human and economic costs will only increase in future.

And while Denmark is keeping pace with international neuroscience research, additional funding and better study programmes are needed to attract more keen minds to the field and enable Denmark to take a more prominent position at the forefront of international neuroscience research in coming years.

The establishment of the Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) puts Danish universities and Lundbeck Foundation a big step closer to that goal. NAD’s remit is to promote talent development and secure the future of Danish neuroscience, which seeks to expand our understanding of the brain, the central nervous system and the biology behind a wide range of brain disorders, including Parkinson’s, ALS, cancers of the brain, epilepsy, migraine, depression, schizophrenia, autism and ADHD. The ultimate aim is to increase the chances of developing effective treatments.

‘It’s a dream come true to be able to offer an ambitious four-year programme that gives PhD students a world-class education in neuroscience research and the opportunity to work on projects that will increase their chances of understanding and treating brain disorders. These students will be trained at the best laboratories in Denmark, and we expect this to result in new collaborations across the country and between basic research and clinics. We’re very much looking forward to opening the doors and getting to know the new PhD students. We want to recruit the best of the best from Denmark and abroad – and make them even better,’ says Professor Jakob Balslev Sørensen, NAD Scientific Director from the University of Copenhagen.

48 projects in six years

Many years in the making, the neuroscience academy is the result of close collaboration between the Danish Society for Neuroscience, the University of Copenhagen (KU), Aarhus University (AU), Aalborg University (AAU), and the University of Southern Denmark (USD) – with special support from Lundbeck Foundation. As an advanced research school, this is the first academy of its kind in Denmark within neuroscience.

It’s a dream come true to be able to offer an ambitious four-year programme that gives PhD students a world-class education in neuroscience research and the opportunity to work on projects that will increase their chances of understanding and treating brain disorders.. Jakob Balslev Sørensen

The vision behind NAD is to educate the neuroscientists of the future by creating in Denmark a unique learning, development and research environment at PhD level for younger scientists holding degrees in a range of neuro-related disciplines, including biology, chemistry, medicine, pharmacology, genetics and psychiatry.

The new PhD programme will include a very wide selection of advanced courses within neuroscience – and, as a first in Denmark, it will begin with an introductory year before the start of the three-year PhD programme.

Lundbeck Foundation has pledged to support NAD with a grant totalling DKK 187.3 million over the period 2022-2028 – paving the way for 48 PhD projects.

The preparations are now so far along that from autumn 2022, NAD expects to be able to welcome the first group of junior researchers. In all 16 researchers, selected from among top-qualified candidates in Denmark and from abroad will be offered ‘enrolment in this outstanding four-year PhD programme which has now been created within neuroscience,’ explains Jan Egebjerg, Director of Research at Lundbeck Foundation:

‘The programme prioritises interdisciplinary collaboration – that is collaboration between a wide array of academic disciplines, such as medicine and pharmacology. These collaborations are a prerequisite for creating the kinds of translational research environments that make up the backbone of NAD. These are research environments with a clear focus on producing results to achieve the ultimate aim of improving treatment of brain-related disorders. And it will take a new approach to research for Denmark to become a world leader in neuroscience within the next ten years. NAD will be a dynamo for talent development and a key factor in efforts to reach that goal,’ emphasises Jan Egebjerg.

Danish neuroscience with an international outlook

The PhD students who enrol in the NAD programme will meet a very ambitious research and development environment that alternates between the acquisition of new theoretical knowledge, laboratory research, and continuous contact to patient treatment within each researcher’s individual field of study.

The experienced neuroscientists who will be teaching and providing guidance come from four major Danish universities – KU, AU, AAU and SDU – all of which will be making their best minds available to the programme. Furthermore, NAD will enter into collaboration agreements with a large number of distinguished neuroscientists from academic environments and treatment institutions outside Denmark. As part of these agreements, it will also be possible for the PhD students to study abroad and work in the laboratories of the international experts affiliated with NAD.

The first year of the PhD programme comprises a special combination of introductory courses and preparatory work in different laboratories – and with guidance, the individual student will draw up a plan for the PhD project they each which to conduct.

Once all the prerequisites for embarking on the actual PhD project are met, the students then have three years to complete their project – and throughout the period, they will be paid at a level corresponding to the State’s rate for a PhD scholarship. Furthermore, during the final three years, NAD will – in addition to providing PhD guidance – offer courses and seminars, and facilitate collaborations with other students conducting research within the same main field.

‘The establishment of NAD is an important part of Lundbeck Foundation’s strategy for developing future research talents,’ according to Peter Thostrup, Scientific Director of Lundbeck Foundation’s talent programmes:

‘The academy will serve as a national “hub” – we want to maximise the benefit from all the excellent qualifications within neuroscience and the treatment of brain disorders that exist all around Denmark. And combining this with international collaborations will create an environment that enables us, in future, to educate more talented PhDs within neuroscience.’

The four universities will share responsibility for NAD’s day-to-day operations through a joint secretariat to be located at the University of Copenhagen. NAD will have its own board, where the Danish Society for Neuroscience and Lundbeck Foundation will each be represented as observers with no voting rights.

Media contact:

Jan Egebjerg, Director of Research, Lundbeck Foundation:   [email protected]

Jesper Sloth Møller, Media Relations Manager, Lundbeck Foundation:   [email protected] , tel. +45 2233 8601

Jakob Balslev Sørensen, Professor at UCPH and Scientific Director of Neuroscience Academy of Denmark:   [email protected] , tel. +45 5168 0499

Nicolas Caesar Petersen, CEO of Neuroscience Academy Denmark:   [email protected] , tel. +45 3020 9304.

Mathias Traczyk, Communication Consultant, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen:   [email protected] , tel. +45 3533 0887 / +45 9356 5835

Anne-Mette Hvas, Dean of Faculty of Health, Aarhus University:   [email protected] , tel. +45 8715 2007

Vibe Bregendahl Noordeloos, Communication Partner, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University:   [email protected] , Tel.: +45 9352 2487

Ole Kæseler Andersen, Vice Dean for Research, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University:   [email protected] , tel. +45 9940 8816 / +45 2671 3038

Ole Skøtt, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark:   [email protected] , tel. +45 6550 3752 / +45 6011 3752

Tomas Homburg, Head of Communications, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark:   [email protected] , tel. +45 6011 3069.

Graduate Program in Neuroscience

  • Neuroscience

Courses in Neuroscience

Phd courses within the field of neuroscience.

All PhD courses run by SUND, UCPH are listed in the course catalogue prior to the course taking place. There is no list of past courses, nor one of what may come, so please stay updated with the course catalogue. Upcoming courses will be announced by email and on the NeuroGrad website, if NeuroGrad is made aware of a given course being offered.

NeuroGrad hosts four core courses that run most years (clinical neuroscience every other/third year, depending on the interest): 

Core courses in NeuroGrad

PhD course in Basal Neuroscience  (yearly) Course timing: Fall Place: Department of Neuroscience, the Panum Institute Time: Longer-duration course, 5 ECTS Course director:  Jakob Balslev Sørensen

PhD course in Clinical Neuroscience  (bi/tri-yearly) Course timing: Variable Place: Hospitals in Region H Time: Three-day course, appr. 2.4 ECTS Course directors:  Christina Kruuse  and  Steen Hasselbalch

PhD course in the Anatomy of the Central Nervous System  (yearly) Course timing: Variable Place: Department of Neuroscience, the Panum Institute Time: Two-day course, appr. 1.5 ECTS Course director:  Martin Fredensborg Rath

PhD course – NeuroGrad Winter School  (yearly, mandatory to join at least twice) Course timing: January Place: Department of Neuroscience, the Panum Institute and Marienlyst hotel Time: three-day course, 2.2 ECTS Course director:  Nanna MacAulay

Courses offered on a regular basis

PhD course in Human induced pluripotent stem cell culture, neural differentiation and gene editing; in theory and practice  Course timing: Variable Place: Dept. of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences, SUND, Frederiksberg Time: 5-day course, 4.4 ECTS Course director: Kristine Freude

PhD course in Basic Kinetic Modeling in Molecular Imaging   Course timing: Variable Place: Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet Time: 5-day course, 3.6 ECTS Course directors:  Gitte Moos Knudsen  and  Henrik Larsson

PhD Course in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative dementias Course timing: Variable Place: Danish Dementia Research Centre, Rigshospitalet Time: Four-day course, 2.5 ECTS Course directors:  Gunhild Waldemar ,  Kristian Steen Frederiksen , and  Steen Hasselbalch

PhD Course in Brain Imaging   The course has been established in 2012 and topics vary from year to year (2014: Linking magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to the neuro-anatomy of the human brain; 2016: Tracing brain and behavioral changes across the life span: Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors; 2017: Human Brain Stimulation; 2019: Cognitive and computational neuroimaging) 2020: Tracing brain and behavioural changes across the life span: Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors and personalized health care.  Place: Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre Hospital  Time: One-week course, 6 ECTS  Course directors:  Oliver Hulme ,  Anke Karabanov , and  Hartwig R. Siebner

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Neuroscience Academy Denmark - NAD PhD Programme

Press/Media : Press / Media


Neuroscience Academy Denmark offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships per year for candidates who are willing to pursue a career in neuroscience researche. Neuroscience Academy Denmark is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation and is a national effort, which involves Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and the University of Southern Denmark. (Summary provided by Infomedia) Sources:Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ., 17-05-2023

Period17 May 2023

Media coverage

TitleNeuroscience Academy Denmark - NAD PhD Programme
Media name/outletΓραφείο Διασύνδεσης Δ.Π.Θ.

Job ID: 118727

PhD positions – Neuroscience Academy Denmark

Position: Ph.D. Student

Deadline: 12 August 2024

Employment Start Date: 1 April 2025

Contract Length: 4 years

City: Copenhagen, Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense

Country: Denmark

Institution: Neuroscience Academy Denmark - Universities in Denmark


Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships to exceptional and highly motivated candidates pursuing a career in neuroscience research. The fellowship programme is a nationally concerted effort involving all neuroscience research environments Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and the University of Southern Denmark.

NAD’s fellowship programme runs over 4 years: thus, 1 pre-PhD year followed by 3 years as a PhD fellow.

Programme highlights

  • 3 laboratory rotations in excellent neuroscience labs across Denmark
  • Specialised neuroscience courses and workshops
  • Retreats and networking events
  • The opportunity to design your own PhD project
  • 3 years as a PhD student in a research lab that fits your specific neuroscience interests


To qualify for the NAD Fellowship programme, you must have a documented background in neuroscience and hold an MD or master’s degree in neuroscience, molecular biomedicine, biomedical engineering, pharmacology, biochemistry, bioinformatics etc. What matters is your sincere and documented interest in neuroscience.

To read the full call and to apply, go to NAD’s website: .

DENMARK: 16 PhD Fellowships in the field of Neuroscience


Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) will recruit 16 excellent, highly motivated PhD Fellows to join a newly established neuroscience academy and PhD program to be launched the 1 st of January 2023. The candidates should be 16 talented students eager to pursue a career in basic or clinical neuroscience research, and with the ambition to excel. NAD is funded by the Danish Lundbeck Foundation and is a nationally concerted effort involving the neuroscience research environments at the medical faculties of Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and The University of Southern Denmark involved in both preclinical and clinical research.

The vision of NAD is to bring training and education in neuroscience in Denmark to the highest international level, to ensure interdisciplinarity, high-quality teaching and training to educate Danish and international PhD students.

The successful applicants will first be hired as research assistants for 1 year. Provided that you obtain a positive assessment by the end of the pre-PhD year, acceptance of your PhD study plan, and enrolment at one of the participating graduate schools (i.e., PhD schools), the candidates will proceed to a 3-year PhD fellowship employment.

Program presentation

During your first year as research assistant (i.e., during the pre-PhD period), you will perform laboratory work and attend courses in neuroscience. You will also be invited for networking and career events. Go to NAD’s website to get familiar with the opportunities ( laboratories and potential supervisors ) that NAD and neuroscience in Denmarks offer.

3 x lab rotations

During the pre-PhD period, you will take part in a mandatory laboratory rotation program in 3 NAD laboratories (basic and/or clinical). The labs are located at different geographical locations (in Denmark), and you must be prepared to travel to and stay at the different sites in Denmark for 10 weeks at a time. During each lab rotation, you will be included in the research group and be part of its research activities, journal clubs etc. You will be introduced to the labs’ primary research focus areas and techniques. In parallel, you will join neuroscience courses offered by NAD. By the end of each lab rotation, you must prepare a report and presentation of your laboratory experience that you will present to the other NAD fellows. As a NAD Pre-PhD fellow, you will plan your lab rotations together with NAD.

Half-way through your third and final lab rotation, you must have identified your preferred NAD lab/supervisor and NAD co-supervisor that together will match your research interests. Together with your supervisor and co-supervisor, you will formulate a PhD project and a study plan, which will have to be approved by the NAD office. The conditions for proceeding to a 3-year PhD fellowship are 1) a satisfactory completion of the pre-PhD year, where the evaluation criteria are active participation in courses and rotations, approved lab reports and presentations, 2) approval of your PhD research plan by NAD’s Scientific Board, and 3) enrolment at a graduate school at one of the Health Faculties at one of the four participating universities.

The overall aim of the pre-PhD year is to strengthen your knowledge and basic understanding of neuroscience. NAD will offer workshops, seminars, symposia, and high-level courses in all areas of relevance for neuroscience research. You will be introduced to various techniques, methodological approaches, and viewpoints that you may use and combine to create your own PhD research plan.

Once enrolled at the relevant Health Graduate School at one of the participating universities, you will report to your supervisor(s) in the lab(s) where you will do your PhD thesis work.

During the 3 years as PhD Student, you must carry out your PhD research project, be actively involved in your research lab and take courses offered by your graduate school corresponding to 30 ECTS. In addition, NAD will offer several activities and events where you will be expected to participate. Here, you will get the chance to network with other PhD fellows, postdocs, and scientists from the Danish neuroscience environment, take part in NAD’s mentor program and join career events.

Responsibilities and tasks during 3 years as PhD Fellow

Carry out an independent research project under supervision

Complete PhD courses corresponding to 30 ECTS

Participate in active research environments, including a stay at another research institution, preferably abroad

Teaching and knowledge dissemination activities

Write scientific papers aimed at high-impact journals

Write and defend your PhD thesis based on your project

Follow rules of the individual department and graduate school.

Candidate profile

You are expected to hold a MSc/MD in, e.g., neuroscience, medicine, molecular biomedicine, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy, engineering, etc.

All interested candidates with a background in neuroscience are encouraged to apply. At the time of entry to the NAD program, it is a prerequisite and an indispensable condition that you must qualify for formal enrolment as a PhD student at any of the graduate schools at the Faculties of Health of the participating Danish universities. To qualify for the program including for employment, you must at the time of application hold a Danish master’s degree, or a master’s degree equivalent to a Danish master’s degree (120 ECTS). Note that for international applicants, we might send your master’s degree to be assessed at the Danish Ministry of Education and Research, where it will be determined whether your degree is equivalent to a Danish master’s degree. Only candidates at the required level will be considered.

To be considered for the NAD program you should:

Have a curious mindset and a genuine and heartfelt interest in neuroscience

Be organized, self-motivated, result-oriented, and capable of working independently

Be a fast learner of new methods and techniques

Possess strong English written and oral communication skills

Be a team player

Terms and conditions

The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week. The position is a fixed-term position limited to 1 year as a pre-PhD student with an employment at the University of Copenhagen at the level of a research assistant + 3 years as a PhD Student enrolled with one of NAD’s listed research laboratories. All students will start the pre-PhD-year 1 January 2023.

The applicant must meet the enrolment criteria of the graduate schools of the Danish Universities by the time of submitting this application. This will be screened by NAD’s Executive Office. The PhD study must be completed in accordance with The Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme (2013) and each university’s rules on achieving the degree.

Salary, pension and terms of employment are in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Taxation and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

Application requirements

The following must be uploaded to your application:

A pitch of yourself as a future NAD fellow (600 characters)

A cover letter explaining your motivation and suitability for the NAD program (2400 characters)

CV (2 pages) clearly stating your educational background, experience, techniques, language skills and other skills or experiences relevant for this position

Bachelor and master diploma as well as transcripts of records in original language, including an authorized English transcription if issued in another language than Danish or English (1 PDF)

Publication list (if any)

English language proficiency test, if relevant

Names + e-mail addresses of 1-2 referees. You must obtain their consent to give reference before submitting your application

Indicate the NAD research column you are most interested in, and a brief explanation (1500 characters) of your motivation for this field. Also indicate a second choice. See NAD’s seven research columns here: ( ) Do NOT include this information in any other document in your application.

List up to 3 scientific papers that you find especially noteworthy and interesting. Explain why you have chosen these papers and why you find them interesting (1500 characters). These papers do not have to relate to the research column you have chosen above. Do not include the papers in your application – only citations that clearly identify the papers.

Selection process

Candidates will be recruited both nationally and internationally aiming for diversity in gender, nationality, prior association to different Danish universities, education, and research lab interests. The main goal of the selection process is to identify candidates that are exceptionally motivated and with the potential to succeed in neuroscience research.

The selection committee aims to shortlist 32 applicants, who will then be invited for interviews. After all interviews, the selection committee will recommend the 16 best-qualified candidates to the NAD Governing Board, which will render the final decision.


Application deadline is 22 August 2022

Only fully filled online applications including all enclosures will be considered.

Additional information

Contact NAD’s Executive Office

If you are curious about NAD and have questions to the program or application process, NAD offers information meetings. Check NAD’s events for dates.

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  • How do I register my residence in Denmark?
  • How do I get a Danish ID-number? (CPR)
  • Emergency (112) and police (114)
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  • “My best decision ever!”
  • “In Denmark you always have something to do”
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  • “The safe option is not always the best option”
  • “Hard, but I gained a lot of valuable knowledge”
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Study in Denmark


Master (2 years) of science in neuroscience, 120 ects.

2 years
8400 EUR


Career opportunities, admission requirements.

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology-Biotechnology
  • Biomedicine
  • Medicinal Biology
  • Molecular Biomedicine
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Medicine with Industrial Specialisation
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Cell biology
  • Molecular biology

Further Information

Eu/eea/swiss citizens, application date, non-eu/eea/swiss citizens, university of copenhagen (ucph), north campus.

phd neuroscience denmark

How to apply

Read about the application process and the steps you need to take to study at a Danish Institution of Higher Education

Tuition fees & Scholarships

Tuition fees & Scholarships

Here's the quick guide to all you need to know about tuition fees and scholarships

News from Study in Denmark About Danish research and higher education

Useful websites when preparing to study in Denmark

Before deciding to move to a new country to study, it can provide some reassurance to prepare as best as possible

Application deadline for 2024 is approaching

If you want to be enrolled in a higher education study programme in Denmark, the application deadline is less than a month away.

Time to Mind

Are you planning to study abroad in the future? Then be prepared for a possible "culture shock".

Do you have questions about applying for a study programme in Denmark?

If you want to apply for a higher education study programme in Denmark, then you can participate in a live chat and ask your questions about the application process to a guidance counsellor.

Are you going to apply for an education in Denmark?

If you plan on applying for a higher education in Denmark then you can participate in the live chat.

174 neuroscience PhD positions

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PhD fellowship in Translational Neuroscience at the Department of Neuroscience

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Translational Neuroscience commencing 1 October, 2024 or soon thereafter. The research will take place at the Department of Neuroscience ( ) at University

Looking for PhD students in the field of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Biology, Neuroscience , Computer Sciences, Computational/Electrical/Biomedical Engineering interested in joining this dynamic field.  Requirements include:- B.A. or B.S. in Computer Science, Biomedical

PhD position in Cellular and Circuit Neuroscience

neuroscience approach, combining in vivo electrophysiology (Neuropixels) from cerebellum and forebrain areas with behavioral paradigms in rodents. Specifically, you will investigate neuronal circuits in

PhD student in neuroscience

Published: 2024-06-05 PhD student in neuroscience Are you interested in working with research around emotions and cognitive processes, with the support of competent and friendly colleagues in

Doctoral (PhD) student position in neuroscience

neuroscience and specifically the basal ganglia. Terms and conditions The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time. Application process Submit your application and

Two PhD positions in Cellular imaging and Neuroscience

We have two positions available for a PhD Student in Cellular imaging and in Neuroscience . The two positions are funded by a grant from NWO “Visualizing and manipulating synaptic AMPA-receptor

Researcher Position in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Research Center Researcher Position in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Apply for this job See advertisement Job description A researcher position (SKO 1109) is available in the PROMENTA Research Center

PhD and/or postdoc positions in Cognitive Neuroscience

project will be based at the Institute of Systems Neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. What we offer:-Opportunity to get hands-on supervision for learning

Research Assistant/Associate in Computational Neuroscience (Fixed Term)

: a strong quantitative background demonstrable interest in theoretical and systems neuroscience obtained (or be close to the completion of) a PhD or equivalent in systems neuroscience , computational

Senior researcher for projects in neuroscience , pain and placebo focusing on migraine and development of clinical trials

. Your qualifications Candidates must hold a PhD relevant to the academic areas of e.g. Psychology, Neuroscience , Medicine, Odontology, Physiotherapy or Pain Science. Applicants must possess research

Searches related to neuroscience

  • postdoctoral
  • medical sciences
  • phd neuroscience
  • neuroscience phd
  • phd cognitive neuroscience
  • neuroimaging

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience

Research group

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN)

CCN conducts experimental research in several areas of interests such as perception and attention, emotions, body awareness, executive functions, visual memory, and consciousness.

phd neuroscience denmark

Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience

Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) broadly focus in research in areas of perception and memory, broadly. Not only how information is stored in memory, but also how prior information influence and shape perception.

Current Projects

  • Expertise, memory, and attention
  • Rehabilitation, assessment and treatment of visuospatial neglect 
  • The nature of synaesthesia  
  • The influence of behavioural and substance addiction  
  • Multisensory perception and food psychology

History and network CCN was established in the fall of 2012 and conducts experimental research in several areas of interests such as perception and attention, emotions, body awareness, executive functions, visual memory, and consciousness. Research is directed on both healthy participants and patients with a variety of neuropsychological disorders.

In spite of such varieties in the exact topic of investigation, all aspects of research share the goal to provide research where developments at one “level of description” sheds light on our understanding of phenomena at different levels of description.

Research is conducted by applying a wide range of methodological tools including behavioural measures, neuroimaging techniques such as EEG/ERPs and fMRI, eye-tracking, autonomic responses, animal models, and clinical neuropsychological assessment. 

The centre operates in close collaboration with its associated research centres and institutes here in Denmark, particularly, CNRU – Aarhus University, and UCN and ReCBIR – University of Copenhagen. Members of CCN will in most cases also be member of one or more of the associated centres.

Conference planner - An overview of relevant conferences and respective deadlines. Researchers from CCN plan to attend ( A ) and present (P) at the following conferences and meetings.

  • Deadline for Full Papers: september 20th, 2018. 
  • Submission Deadline: December 1st.
  • Submission Deadline: TBA.
  • Deadline for Full Papers: closed. 
  • Submission Deadline: closed.
  • Submission Deadline: closed. 
  • ( A ) Oxford Autumn School in Neuroscience, September 27.-28., Oxford, England.
  • ( A ) Bridging senses: new developments in synaesthesia, October 22.-23., London, England.
  • ( P ) Nordic Stroke Congress August 23.-25., Århus, Denmark.
  • ( – ) European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) August 27.-31., Berlin, Germany.
  • ( P ) Annual meeting Society Danish Neuropsychologists (SDN) September 7.-8., Nyborg Strand, Denmark.
  • ( A ) Oxford Autumn School, September 28.-29., Oxford, England.
  • ( P ) The Synaesthesia Project 1. Symposium, 6.-7. December, Beijing, China.
  • ( – ) The Psychonomic Society's 58th Annual Meeting (PS), November 9.-12., Vancouver, Canada.

Contact CCN

Aalborg University Nordkraft Teglgårds plads 1 9000 Aalborg


  1. Denmark: Neuroscience Academy Denmark Open Call

    phd neuroscience denmark

  2. DENMARK: 16 PhD Fellowships in the field of Neuroscience

    phd neuroscience denmark

  3. PhD International Fellowships in Cognitive Neuroscience at University

    phd neuroscience denmark

  4. Neuroscience Academy Denmark

    phd neuroscience denmark

  5. Gallery of BIG Unveils "First of its Kind" Center for Neuroscience and

    phd neuroscience denmark

  6. NAD PhD Programme

    phd neuroscience denmark


  1. cancer, med school, and PhD program update

  2. PhD student about her PhD project in #Neuroscience 🧠 #shorts

  3. HBP Summit 2023

  4. Neuroscience PhD Programme at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, University College London (UCL)

  5. DSCF0041 Aruna & Hari Sharma enjoy in Top floor Rm 1809 Scandic Copenhagen, Denmark, Jul 11, 2024

  6. Countries with well paid PhD students!


  1. NAD PhD Programme

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships per year to exceptional and highly motivated candidates pursuing a career in neuroscience research. NAD is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation and is a nationally concerted effort involving the neuroscience research environments of Aalborg University, Aarhus University ...

  2. Graduate Program in Neuroscience

    Graduate Program in Neuroscience, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Graduate Program in Neuroscience, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. ... NeuroGrads and their supervisors enjoyed a great presentation from Denmark's leading science… NeuroGrad Winter School goes online 2021.01. ...

  3. 20 neuroscience-phd positions in Denmark

    Working at CNAP CNAP offers several PhD scholarships for exploring neuroplasticity and pain. You will be involved in our frontline research to identify novel mechanisms. Prev. 1. 2. Next. for neuroscience-phd positions. 20 scholarship, research, uni job positions available neuroscience-phd positions available on, Denmark.

  4. Department of Neuroscience

    Department of Neuroscience is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. ... PhD Students and postdocs. Master's Degree in Neuroscience. New class starts September 2023 The Department consists of 30 research groups working within different areas of neuroscience

  5. 16 NAD PhD Fellowships in Neuroscience

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships per year to exceptional and highly motivated candidates pursuing a career in neuroscience research. NAD is a nationally concerted effort involving the neuroscience research environments of Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and the University ...

  6. Neuroscience

    The Graduate Programme in Neuroscience offers a great variety of courses and activities. The courses are open to all PhD students, regardless of which university they are enrolled at. Students enrolled at other universities than the University of Southern Denmark pay course fees in accordance with the standard agreement between the relevant ...


    PHD IN NEUROSCIENCE. If you want to pursue a Ph.D. degree within the neuroscience research field, DANDRITE offers eminent opportunities. Ph.D. positions at DANDRITE are advertised through general open calls with application deadlines four times every year in February, May, August/September, and November. Please note that potential candidates ...

  8. Four universities and Lundbeck Foundation boost Danish brain ...

    In all 16 researchers, selected from among top-qualified candidates in Denmark and from abroad will be offered 'enrolment in this outstanding four-year PhD programme which has now been created within neuroscience,' explains Jan Egebjerg, Director of Research at Lundbeck Foundation:

  9. Courses in Neuroscience

    PhD course in the Anatomy of the Central Nervous System (yearly) Course timing: Variable. Place: Department of Neuroscience, the Panum Institute. Time: Two-day course, appr. 1.5 ECTS. Course director: Martin Fredensborg Rath. PhD course - NeuroGrad Winter School (yearly, mandatory to join at least twice) Course timing: January.

  10. Neuroscience Academy Denmark

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships per year for candidates who are willing to pursue a career in neuroscience researche. Neuroscience Academy Denmark is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation and is a national effort, which involves Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and the University ...

  11. 19 phd-neuroscience positions in Denmark

    Phd degree in cognitive neuroscience, cognitive modelling, computational neuroscience, cognitive psychology or related fields.Emphasis will be placed on the following: Research qualifications, which

  12. NAD PHD PROGRAMME at Neuroscience Academy Denmark in ...

    3x 10-week lab rotations in excellent neuroscience labs across Denmark (200+ labs to choose from) during the pre-PhD year Specialised neurosicence courses and workshops Retreats and networking events

  13. PhD positions in neuroscience, in Denmark

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) will recruit 16 excellent, highly motivated PhD Fellows to join a newly established neuroscience academy and PhD program to be launched the 1 st of January 2023. The candidates should be 16 talented students eager to pursue a career in basic or clinical neuroscience research, and with the ambition to excel.

  14. 17 phd-cognitive-neuroscience positions in Denmark

    Postdoc position at the Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain (CNAP) (2023-224-05675) Aalborg University | Denmark | 3 months ago. experience within the respective research field. We imagine that the successful candidate will have a PhD in neuroscience, medicine, biomedical engineering, physiotherapy, physiology, or a related field, and a. 6 ...

  15. PhD positions

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) offers 16 fully funded PhD fellowships to exceptional and highly motivated candidates pursuing a career in neuroscience research. The fellowship programme is a nationally concerted effort involving all neuroscience research environments Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, and the ...

  16. DENMARK: 16 PhD Fellowships in the field of Neuroscience

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) will recruit 16 excellent, highly motivated PhD Fellows to join a newly established neuroscience academy and PhD program to be launched the 1 st of January 2023. The candidates should be 16 talented students eager to pursue a career in basic or clinical neuroscience research, and with the ambition to excel.

  17. NAD PhD Fellowships

    The NAD PhD programme will start January 2nd 2023. More news. All news. August 21, 2024 Great Interest in a 2025 NAD PhD Fellowship. Appplications have closed, and the process to identify 16 recipients of a 2025 NAD PhD fellowship has now begun. ... Neuroscience Academy Denmark is funded by The Lundbeck Foundation.

  18. Neuroscience

    Neuroscience. Master (2 years) of Science in Neuroscience, 120 ECTS. Health care, social services, and care services Interdisciplinary Studies Mathematics, natural- and computer science. Institution. University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Campus. North Campus.

  19. 180 neuroscience PhD positions

    Doctoral (PhD) student position in neuroscience. neuroscience and specifically the basal ganglia. Terms and conditions The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time. Application process Submit your application and.

  20. Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience at Aalborg University

    Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience. Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) broadly focus in research in areas of perception and memory, broadly. Not only how information is stored in memory, but also how prior information influence and shape perception. Current Projects. Expertise, memory, and attention

  21. About

    The vision behind Neuroscience Academy Denmark (NAD) is to educate the neuroscientists of the future by creating a unique learning, development and research environment in Denmark at PhD level as well as motivate national collaboration, networking and awareness of research activities between neuroscience research groups in Denmark.

  22. Graduate Faculty (as of June 2024)

    Abdullah-Matta, Allia (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst). Professor, LaGuardia Community. Africana Studies CP. Abramov, Israel (Ph.D., Indiana University).

  23. Neuroscience Academy Denmark

    Neuroscience Academy Denmark aims to educate the neuroscientists of the future and support and motivate national collaboration, networking and awareness of research activities between neuroscience research groups in Denmark. ... Appplications have closed, and the process to identify 16 recipients of a 2025 NAD PhD fellowship has now begun. June ...

  24. NAD Fellows

    Read more about the excellent young researchers who have received an NAD PhD fellowship. Filters. Fellow Year Reset. 2023. ... Neuroscience Academy Denmark Panum Building, 33.3 Blegdamsvej 3B DK-2200 Copenhagen N. Send us an email. Follow us. Join us on social media: Neuroscience Academy Denmark.