Kahoot! Business Model

How Does Kahoot! Make Money? Analyzing Its Business Model

Executive Summary:

Kahoot! is a learning platform that enables users to create and participate in quiz-based games, which are known as kahoots.

Kahoot! makes money from premium subscription packages, advertising, merchandise sales, and by licensing its game-based content to other companies. It operates under a freemium business model.

Founded in 2012, Kahoot! has grown to become one of the world’s leading EdTech companies. The company went public in October 2019.

What Is Kahoot!?

Kahoot! Is a game-based learning platform that allows users to create and play educational games as well as quizzes. These games are referred to as kahoots .

In essence, Kahoot! presents the player with a question and then optional multiple-choice answers. The question can be accompanied by additional media files such as images and videos to add context and promote interactivity.

Teachers and other educators can either create a quiz themselves or choose from the thousands of questionnaires that had already been developed by Kahoot!’s user base.

On top of that, Kahoot! provides a slew of additional features that enhance a student’s learning progress. With Ghost, for instance, students can play against their own previous high scores.

Teachers then receive detailed reports on how each of their students has performed and where there’s room for improvement.

Kahoot! can, furthermore, be integrated with almost any modern video conferencing tool, such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom . That also allows teachers to host remote learning sessions.

Apart from its games, Kahoot! also offers a variety of other products. Examples include a digital whiteboard, an online academy for others to exchange content and tips, or a corporate learning platform named Motimate .

Kahoot! itself can be accessed by visiting the company’s website or by downloading any of its mobile and tablet apps (available on Android and iOS devices).

How Kahoot! Started: Company History

Kahoot!, headquartered in Oslo, Norway, was founded in 2012 by Alf Inge Wang, Åsmund Furuseth, Jamie Brooker, Johan Brand, and Morten Versvik.

Whilst the business was formally launched in 2012, its inspiration dates back all the way to 2006.

Back then, Alf Inge Wang, a professor from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU) in Trondheim, was overseeing Morten Versvik’s master’s thesis.

Out of his research arose a game called Lecture Quiz , which formed the eventual basis for what later turned into Kahoot.

Over the coming years, the duo had been joined by Brand, Booker, and Furuseth who provided them with additional skills in the fields of coding (Brand), design (Booker), as well as financing (Furuseth).

Finally, after six years, they ended up incubating the company in Oslo while raising a small seed round to finance the launch. The team, furthermore, rebranded the company from Lecture Quiz to Kahoot!.

In March 2013, they rolled out the first beta version of the product while presenting it live on stage at SXSWedu in Austin, Texas. Then, in August of the same month, the product was finally unveiled to the public.

kahoot old website

Within a matter of months, Kahoot! had already managed to attract millions of players to its game. Kahoot! pretty much grew by word of mouth when teachers, who saw immediate benefits in terms of class engagement, recommended it to their fellow colleagues.

On top of that, given that users could create their own games (and thus, for instance, adapt it to their own curriculum) allowed for the creation of millions of games. These games could then be used by others as well.

Lastly, since Kahoot! was (and the basic version still is) free to use, it wasn’t creating any budgetary concerns for the notoriously underfunded education industry.

The continuous growth allowed the team to raise their first official round of funding. In June 2015, the company raised $6.5 million in funding. At that point, it had managed to attract over 35 million unique users to its platform.

In 2016, the company was able to hit the next stage of growth when it introduced its first-ever mobile phone apps for the Android and iOS ecosystem. Just days after the launch, those apps were already topping the respective store’s educational charts.

The growth was rewarded with another round of funding. In September, Creandum, Northzone, as well as Microsoft’s Venture Fund M12 poured another $10 million (Series A) into the company. However, not everything was always going according to plan.

A month after the funding announcement, long-time CEO and founder Johan Brand stepped down from his role due to burnout (which he only revealed much later). His replacement became Erik Harrell, an experienced executive from Opera Software.

Harrell helped to take Opera from a free product to a company with over $700 million in annual revenues. Given that Kahoot! was still free to use, his mission became pretty clear: figure out how to make some money.

However, most of his time was still spent on growing the product. In May 2017, for instance, Kahoot! announced an integration with Microsoft Teams to engrain itself more with corporations.

Then, in July, Kahoot! joined the Disney Accelerator program as one of 11 companies. Being in the program would allow the platform to launch features and products in cooperation with Disney.

Its continuous growth (the company counted over 50 million active users when it joined the accelerator) netted them an extension of their Series A round, adding another $10 million to the round (for a total of $20 million).

Weeks later, in October, the company finally began to generate revenue. It launched a premium product aimed at corporates in need of employee training (more on that in the next chapter).

By January 2018, the company had over 70 million monthly active users. Additionally, more than 50 percent of all the students in the United States, kindergarten through twelfth grade (or 30 million out of an estimated 60 million), were playing Kahoot! games on a regular.

Despite the exponential growth, the company had to face another leadership change. In February, Harrell stepped down from his position as CEO due to disagreements about the firm’s future monetization strategy. Åsmund Furuseth, the firm’s co-founder, became his replacement.

Weeks after his stepdown, Kahoot! managed to raise another round of funding (Series B), this time netting them $17 million. That round was eventually extended in October, which allowed the team to raise another 126.5 million Norwegian krone (around $15.4 million). As a result, Kahoot!’s valuation rose from $100 million to $300 million in a matter of seven months.

These two funding rounds allowed Kahoot! to invest in growth – this time by means of acquisition. First, the company launched its own accelerator program (named Kahoot! Ignite ) to be able to incubate and invest in other EdTech startups, which it could potentially either partner with or outright acquire.

Then, in May 2019, Kahoot! acquired its first business. It bought DragonBox, a startup that builds math apps, for $18 million. Six days later, it acquired reading app Poio for $6.5 million.

Later that year, in October, Kahoot! went public on the Norwegian Merkur Market, which is a quasi-stepping stone between being a fully private company and a publicly-listed one. As such, it only made a small portion of its shares available to the public. The lightweight IPO yielded them another $25 million to work with.

However, the firm had to go through another leadership change yet again. Åsmund Furuseth stepped down as CEO to become the firm’s Chief Product Officer. His replacement became Eilert Hanoa, a previous investor in the company who sat on its board since 2015.

Despite the constant executive shakeups, 2020 would turn out to be an extremely successful year nonetheless. Millions of students and teachers across the world, fueled by lockdown measures due to the coronavirus pandemic, were flocking to the platform to continue their classwork.

Essentially, the whole EdTech sector was lifted to heights it couldn’t have imagined. Companies like Coursera or Duolingo were raising hundreds of millions and, in some instances, even able to go public after almost a decade in business.  

Kahoot! was certainly no exception. Between June and October, the company announced three rounds of funding, injecting $62 million, $28 million, and $215 million into the Kahoot!, respectively.

When SoftBank invested the $215 million in October, Kahoot!’s business was valued at a whopping $2.4 billion, a fivefold increase from when it went public a year prior.

Furthermore, Kahoot! continued to double down on its strategy to become a full-stack education platform for all kinds of organizations and use cases. In September and November 2020, it acquired Actimo (employee engagement and onboarding platform) and Drops (maker of language learning applications) for $33 million and $50 million, respectively.

The company also announced integrations and partnerships with the likes of Bitmoji, Disney (for branded games), as well as Zoom. Throughout 2021, Kahoot! simply doubled down on its expansion efforts.

Over the course of three months, from February to May, the company announced three acquisitions. In February, it snatched up Whiteboard.fi for $6 million. Corporate learning platform Motimate was purchased for around $25 million in April. Yet, in May, its biggest acquisition to date would be announced.

Kahoot! paid a whopping $500 million to acquire Clever, a U.S.-based single sign-on portal for educators, students, and their families. The acquisition allowed Kahoot! to double down on its platform strategy in which it plans to serve the educational needs of everyone, ranging from corporations all the way to schools.

Much of the rest of 2021 as well as 2022 was spent on inking more partnership deals with the likes of NASA, Star Wars, or Vimeo, among others.

In recent times, namely September 2022, Kahoot! announced that it had received a strategic investment from General Atlantic. The investor is now Kahoot!’s largest shareholder with an ownership stake of 15 percent, thus replacing previous backer SoftBank.

How Does Kahoot! Make Money?

Kahoot! makes money from premium subscription packages, advertising, merchandise sales, and by licensing its game-based content to other companies.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the firm’s revenue streams in the section below.


The vast majority of the revenue that Kahoot! generates comes from the subscription packages that it sells to both corporations as well as educational institutions.

The company has a variety of offerings available, including:

  • Kahoot! Starter as well as Kahoot! 360 Standard, Presenter, or Pro targeted at individuals
  • Standard, Presenter, or Pro for teams
  • Kahoot! 360 for Enterprises
  • Kahoot! Event Bronze, Silver, or Gold for one-time events

On the enterprise side, Kahoot! works together with world-leading corporations such as Facebook, Google, Indeed , Amazon, Salesforce, and more.

Kahoot!, apart from offering subscriptions to enterprise customers, also sells them to individuals, teams, and even for one-time events.

A different set of features will be made available depending on what type of package is chosen. Generally speaking, the costlier the package, the more participants someone can host.

Back in December 2021, Kahoot! also introduced a new plan called AccessPass , which enables users to access educational content for as little as $3 per month. The course content itself is created by trusted creators and publishers on Kahoot! Marketplace. 

Furthermore, Kahoot! also generates subscription revenue from the various acquisitions it has made since 2019. The acquiree’s products were then either bundled into the above offerings or remain standalone products (such as in the case of Clever).

The goal hereby is to become a full-fledged educational platform that is able to serve the needs of every imaginable customer. This, in turn, increases the firm’s total addressable market (TAM) and provides them with additional opportunities for cross-selling at different user touchpoints.

Another income stream for Kahoot! is licensing its content out to other publishers. Dubbed Kahoot! Publisher , the offering “helps educational publishers, brands, and content creators transform their content into interactive learning experiences while ensuring control over commercialization.”

That essentially means that these publishers can embed Kahoot! games and other content natively into their own platform.

Partners using that solution include world-renowned brands like Time Magazine, National Geographic, or Merriam-Webster.

Kahoot! monetizes its Publisher product by charging an annual fee. The company has two available plans, namely P1 and P2, which cost €6,000 and €12,000 per year, respectively.


Kahoot! sells branded merchandise, namely clothing and various accessories, via its own online shop.

kahoot business plans

Selling branded merchandise probably isn’t a huge revenue driver for the company. Instead, it enables fans of the company to show their association with Kahoot!.

This, in turn, can be an additional and free marketing channel for the firm, which should further boost growth.


The last source of income for Kahoot! comes from the banner ads that it runs next to its content and tools.

Seeing ads can be avoided when users opt into one of the firm’s subscription packages.

With that being said, since Kahoot! runs Google ads, it makes money whenever a user clicks on an advert (CPC).

Interestingly, other companies in the EdTech space also monetize free users with ads. Duolingo, which now generates hundreds of millions in revenue , displays ads within its language courses.

The Kahoot! Business Model Explained

Kahoot! has largely adopted a freemium business model strategy . This means that a majority of its content can be accessed at no cost while premium features incur a fee.

That fee, as I’ve outlined above, is charged in the form of the various subscription plans that Kahoot! offers.

One of the greatest advantages of adopting a freemium strategy is that it it enables companies to significantly boost user growth.

In the case of Kahoot!, it means that the firm offers its games at no cost. Those free users then become advocates for those games, which aids the company in selling it into the enterprise and to schools.

That concept is referred to as bottom-up sales. By already having people within an organization using the tools, Kahoot!’s sales reps have a substantially easier time explaining the benefits of their offering, which should increase the likelihood of a sale.

One unique aspect of Kahoot!’s business model strategy is its extensive focus on content.

It has created a dedicated marketplace where world-renowned organizations, including Disney, Intuit, or Microsoft, are creating content aimed at all kinds of learners.

Kahoot! and its publishers are thus engaged in a symbiotic relationship, meaning content creators benefit from added exposure while Kahoot! makes its platform even more appealing to all kinds of learners.

Additionally, Kahoot! can then monetize the content its partners create via the AccessPass subscription mentioned above.

While still in its early stages, it is evident that Kahoot! is trying to tackle the whole educational journey of a person. It already offers different content aimed at minors, teenagers, and college students.

Going forward, it wouldn’t be unfathomable to assume if it also goes after learners that try to upskill themselves, which would put it in competition with the likes of Coursera or Udemy .

Kahoot! Funding, Revenue & Valuation

According to Crunchbase , Kahoot! has raised a total of $517.3 million across 10 rounds of equity funding.

Notable investors include General Atlantic, Northzone, the Disney Accelerator, Creandum, Microsoft, and many others.

When Kahoot! Went public back in October 2019, its business was being valued at about $500 million. Today, its valuation floats at around $1 billion.

For the fiscal year 2021, Kahoot! generated revenues of $90.89 million, up almost 300 percent from the $30.85 million it made in 2020.

kahoot business plans

Viktor Hendelmann

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Last Updated on January 2, 2023 by Viktor Hendelmann

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How Does Kahoot Make Money? The Kahoot Business Model In A Nutshell

  • Kahoot is a Norwegian game-based learning platform founded in 2012 by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker, and Morten Versvik. It is based on a university-developed interactive learning game called Lecture Quiz.
  • Kahoot is free to use for players. Instead, the company makes money by selling access to various adaptations of the game fit for educational or enterprise contexts. Prices depend on the number of game participants and the level of functionality.
  • Kahoot also makes money by licensing its gaming platform to third-party publishers that want a grow an engaged audience.

kahoot business plans

Table of Contents

Kahoot origin story

Kahoot is a Norwegian game-based learning platform used in educational and other institutions.

The platform was founded in 2012 by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker, and Morten Versvik in a joint project with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

The idea for the platform came from NTNU Professor Alf Inge Wang, who in 2006 developed an interactive learning game called Lecture Quiz .

The game was based on research conducted by Versvik – a student of Wang’s at the time who happened to be completing his master’s thesis. 

Essentially, Wang and Versvik designed the game to be based on social learning.

Students gather around a common screen with their devices and connect to a game with a specific PIN.

They then use their devices to answer questions, with higher points awarded to students who give a correct answer quickly.

Wang and the team refined Lecture Quiz over the following six years before the co-founders were able to raise funding and rebrand the game as Kahoot.

The beta version was launched in Texas in March 2013, with the game spreading virally across North America and the world thereafter. 

Since it was launched, some 6 billion players have utilized the Kahoot platform.

In addition to schools and universities, the game is also used during corporate training sessions and sporting or cultural events.

The game can be found in over 200 countries and 87% of the world’s global top 500 universities .

Revenue for 2021 is forecast to be in the order of $90 to $100 million .

Value Proposition:

  • Engaging Learning: Kahoot provides an engaging and interactive learning experience for students, making education more enjoyable and effective. Its game-based approach encourages active participation and knowledge retention.
  • Versatile Usage: Kahoot’s platform is versatile, serving educational institutions, businesses, and events. It offers a range of features suitable for classrooms, corporate training, presentations, and large-scale events.
  • Global Reach: With a presence in over 200 countries and adoption in 87% of the world’s top 500 universities, Kahoot offers a global platform for learning and engagement, connecting educators and learners worldwide.
  • Scalable Plans: Kahoot offers flexible subscription plans tailored to the needs of educational institutions and businesses of all sizes. Users can choose plans based on the number of participants and desired features.
  • Content Licensing: Through its Publisher program, Kahoot enables content creators to gamify their materials and engage their audiences using Kahoot games, expanding its reach beyond its platform.

Customer Segments:

  • Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities are major customers of Kahoot. Teachers and educators use the platform to create interactive quizzes, assessments, and lessons to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Corporate Clients: Businesses utilize Kahoot for employee training, presentations, and team-building activities. Kahoot’s platform adds an element of gamification to corporate learning and development.
  • Event Organizers: Event organizers leverage Kahoot to make events more interactive and engaging. It is used in conferences, workshops, and seminars to facilitate audience participation and knowledge sharing.
  • Content Creators: Publishers, brands, and content creators are part of Kahoot’s ecosystem through its Publisher program. They license Kahoot games to gamify their content and engage their audiences.

Distribution Strategy:

  • Online Platform: Kahoot operates as a web-based platform, making it easily accessible to users globally. Educators, trainers, and event organizers can create accounts and use Kahoot’s services online.
  • Mobile Apps: Kahoot offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to access and participate in Kahoot games from their smartphones and tablets.
  • Integration Partnerships: Kahoot partners with educational technology providers, learning management systems, and productivity platforms to integrate its services seamlessly into existing educational and corporate ecosystems.

Marketing Strategy:

  • Educational Partnerships: Kahoot collaborates with educational institutions and organizations to promote its platform among educators and students. It offers resources, case studies, and success stories to demonstrate the benefits of gamified learning.
  • Corporate Outreach: For corporate clients, Kahoot markets its platform as a tool for employee engagement, training, and team building. It showcases how gamification can enhance corporate learning and development.
  • Event Promotion: Event organizers are targeted with the promise of making their events more interactive and memorable through Kahoot’s engagement features. Case studies and event-specific use cases are highlighted.
  • Content Creator Engagement: Through its Publisher program, Kahoot attracts content creators and publishers by offering a gamification solution for their content. It promotes the benefits of gamified content engagement.
  • Community Building: Kahoot nurtures a community of educators, trainers, and event organizers through forums, social media, and user-generated content. It encourages user-generated Kahoot games and fosters a sense of belonging among its users.

Kahoot revenue generation

Kahoot operates under the freemium business model . In most cases, the platform is free to use for the players themselves. 

However, the company does charge educational institutions and corporate clients for access to the game via multiple subscription plans. 

Kahoot! 360

Kahoot! 360 allows businesses to make training, presentations, events, and employee collaboration more fun and engaging.

There are several plans here:

  • Kahoot! 360 Standard ($17 per host per month or $204 billed annually) – great for engaging small audiences and evaluating knowledge retention. 
  • Kahoot! 360 Presenter ($39 per host per month or $468 billed annually) – best suited for delivering presentations during meetings with up to 50 participants per session.

In both the Standard and Presenter plans, businesses can receive a discount on the purchase if they require at least three separate licenses. This option is called Kahoot! 360 for Teams. 

  • Kahoot! 360 for Enterprises – a robust and security-conscious enterprise solution for employee engagement across meetings, presentations, and training sessions. Prices are available on request.
  • Kahoot! Event Bronze ($250) – for customers who want to hold a smaller, one-time event for up to 100 attendees. 
  • Kahoot! Event Silver ($500) – for customers who want to run an event for up to 2000 attendees. Extra features include word clouds, customizable branding , and the ability to track player progress and participation.
  • Kahoot! Event Gold ($750) – encompassing the functionality from the Silver plan plus professional onboarding support.

Kahoot! for schools

In an educational setting, Kahoot! empowers teachers to motivate their students, increase class participation, and assess learning.

Below is a look at the Kahoot! for schools plans:

  • Basic (free) – for up to 50 players per game.
  • Kahoot! Pro ($3 per teacher per month or $36 billed annually) – for up to 100 players per game. Additional features include polls, puzzles, multiple choice answers, advanced slide layouts, and a premium image library.
  • Kahoot! Premium ($6 per teacher per month or $72 billed annually) – a more customizable plan for up to 200 players per game.
  • Kahoot! Premium+ ($9 per teacher per month or $108 billed annually) – featuring unlimited teacher groups, lesson plans, apps, and as many as 2000 players per game. 
  • Kahoot! EDU ($12 per teacher per month or $144 billed annually) – this plan includes advanced tools for teachers and administrators, including school branding , brainstorming, and learning progress reports. There is also the ability to connect the entire school or district to Kahoot through a single site license. In this case, the institution must request a custom quote.

The company also makes money by licensing its content to third parties as part of its Kahoot! Publisher program.

This allows publishers, brands, and other content creators to incorporate Kahoot games into their respective platforms and gamify their content.

The Kahoot! Publisher program has two options:

  • P1 ($500 per brand per month, billed annually) – for up to 150,000 players per year.
  • P2 ($1000 per brand per month, billed annually) – for clients wishing to engage and grow an audience of up to 1 million players per year. Importantly, the P2 plan allows Kahoot games to be added to a commercial offering.

Key Highlights

  • Founding and Origin Story: Kahoot is a Norwegian game-based learning platform founded in 2012 by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker, and Morten Versvik. It originated from a university-developed interactive learning game called Lecture Quiz.
  • Business Model: Kahoot offers free access to players and generates revenue by selling subscriptions to educational institutions and corporate clients. They also make money by licensing their gaming platform to third-party publishers.
  • Global Reach: Kahoot is used in over 200 countries and adopted by 87% of the world’s top 500 universities. It is utilized in schools, universities, corporate training, and events.
  • Value Proposition: Kahoot provides engaging and interactive learning experiences, versatility for various user segments, scalability in subscription plans, and content licensing options through its Publisher program.
  • Customer Segments: Kahoot serves educational institutions, corporate clients, event organizers, and content creators through its platform.
  • Distribution Strategy: Kahoot is accessible through its web-based platform and mobile apps. It also partners with educational technology providers and integrates its services into existing ecosystems.
  • Marketing Strategy: Kahoot collaborates with educational institutions, markets itself as a tool for corporate engagement, promotes event interactivity, engages content creators, and fosters a user community.
  • Revenue Generation: Kahoot operates under the freemium model , offering free access to players and charging educational institutions and corporate clients for premium features. They offer various subscription plans tailored to different needs .
  • Kahoot! 360: Kahoot! 360 offers plans for businesses to enhance training, presentations, and events. It includes options for small and large audiences, with pricing variations.
  • Kahoot! for Schools: Kahoot! offers plans for educators to motivate students and assess learning, with options for varying class sizes and additional features.
  • Licensing: Kahoot generates revenue by licensing its content through the Kahoot! Publisher program, allowing third parties to gamify their content using Kahoot games.
Kahoot! offers a compelling for its users, including: – : Providing an interactive and gamified platform that makes learning fun and engaging. – : Offering tools to create quizzes, surveys, and polls for assessing knowledge and gathering feedback. – : Making education accessible anytime, anywhere, and on various devices. – : Encouraging collaboration and social learning through multiplayer quizzes and challenges. – : Allowing educators and businesses to tailor content to their specific needs. – : Providing analytics and data insights to track progress and performance. – : Offering a vast library of user-generated quizzes and educational content. – : Fostering a community of educators, learners, and content creators.
Kahoot!’s core products and services encompass: – : The primary platform for creating, sharing, and playing interactive quizzes and games. – : Mobile applications for iOS and Android devices, enabling on-the-go learning and engagement. – : A tailored solution for corporate training, employee engagement, and presentations. – : A premium subscription offering enhanced features, such as no ads, faster gameplay, and advanced reports. – : A platform for educators to access and share curriculum-aligned content. – : A marketplace for educators to purchase and sell high-quality learning content. – : A program certifying educators in effectively using Kahoot! for teaching. – : A subscription service designed for schools with additional features and administrative tools. – : A family-friendly version for at-home learning and entertainment.
Kahoot! serves a range of , including: – : Primary and secondary school teachers, university professors, and instructors using Kahoot! for classroom engagement and assessment. – : Learners of all ages, from elementary school to higher education, who use Kahoot! for study and review. – : Businesses and organizations using Kahoot! for employee training, onboarding, and engagement. – : Individuals and organizations creating and selling educational content on the platform. – : Families using Kahoot! for homeschooling, family quizzes, and entertainment. – : School and district administrators managing Kahoot! accounts and usage. – : Professionals using Kahoot! for interactive presentations and events. – : Users interested in gaming and learning experiences on the platform. – : Schools, universities, and educational institutions integrating Kahoot! into their curricula.
Kahoot! generates revenue through various : – : Charging schools and educational institutions a subscription fee for premium features and administrative tools. – : Offering a premium subscription with enhanced features to individual users. – : Providing corporate customers with subscription plans for training and engagement. – : Earning a commission from content creators for content sales on the marketplace. – : Offering a premium version with additional features and revenue sharing with content creators. – : Displaying advertisements to free users, generating ad revenue. – : Collaborating with brands and organizations to create sponsored quizzes and content. – : Offering paid certifications and training programs for educators. – : Licensing Kahoot! for events and presentations. – : Providing access to Kahoot!’s API for integration into third-party applications and services.
Kahoot! employs a strategic to reach educators, students, and corporate users: – : Offering a user-friendly web platform for creating, sharing, and playing Kahoot! games and quizzes. – : Providing mobile applications for iOS and Android devices for learning on the go. – : Building a community of educators who share and access curriculum-aligned content on Kahoot! Academy. – : Collaborating with schools and educational institutions to integrate Kahoot! into curricula. – : Engaging with businesses and organizations to promote Kahoot! for corporate training and presentations. – : Attracting content creators to publish and sell their educational content on the platform. – : Leveraging social media channels to engage with users, share content, and promote Kahoot! events. – : Sending newsletters and updates to educators and users. – : Encouraging users to explore premium features and subscriptions within the app. – : Participating in educational conferences and events to showcase Kahoot!’s offerings.

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Kahoot! Terms and Conditions

1. welcome to kahoot.

These Terms apply to your use of the Kahoot! Services and our Platform, and we encourage you to read them carefully. Please also refer to the definitions set out at the bottom of this page. The Terms and any attachments related to it, including our Acceptable Use Policy , applicable guidelines and any Service Plan(s), forms a legal Agreement between you and Kahoot! for your use of the Kahoot! Services. If you, or an Organization you are affiliated with, have entered into an Enterprise Agreement with Kahoot!, your use of the Kahoot! Services and Resources will be governed by the Enterprise Agreement and the documents incorporated therein.

These Terms define the terms and conditions under which you are allowed to use the Kahoot! Services and consume Resources. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must immediately discontinue your use of the Kahoot! Services and Resources.

In addition to these Terms, our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy describe how we process the personal information we may collect when you use the Kahoot! Services, and how we protect your privacy. Details about our processing of student’s personal data, that we collect as a processor or ´school official´on the school or teacher´s behalf, can be found in our Student´s Privacy Policy .

2. Responsible use and conduct

2.1 general.

You agree to only use the Kahoot! Services and Resources for the purposes intended and as permitted by the Agreement and in accordance with applicable laws. If you use the Kahoot! Services in breach of the Agreement or applicable laws, we may terminate your account and/or suspend your use of the Kahoot! Services. Your account is personal and for your use only, whether in a private or professional capacity, and your account may not be shared with or used by other people.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and any non-public authentication credentials associated with your use of the Kahoot! Services. You must promptly notify our customer support team about any possible misuse of your accounts, authentication credentials or any security incident related to the Kahoot! Services.

You represent and warrant that information you provide when registering for an account is accurate and you shall not misrepresent personal information or otherwise be untruthful about your identity in connection with your use of the Services. Kahoot! reserves all rights to take legal action against anyone who misrepresents personal information or is otherwise untruthful about their identity in connection with their use of the Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you acknowledge that Kahoot! cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information submitted by any user or the identity of any user who chooses to use the Services. We are not obliged to verify the identity of any user.

2.2 Administrator assumption of control

If you use an email address provided by an Organization you are affiliated with (e.g. an employer or a school) to order the Kahoot! Service, you represent that you have authority to use that Organization’s domain to sign up for a Service Plan in your capacity as a member of that Organization. The Organization, as the owner of the domain associated with your email address, may assume control over and manage your use of the Kahoot! Services. In such a case, your Organization’s designated Administrator may (i) control and administer your account, including modifying and terminating your access and (ii) access and process your data, including the contents of your communications and files. Kahoot! m ay inform you that your associated Organization has assumed control of the Kahoot! Services covered by your Service Plan, but Kahoot! is under no obligation to provide such notice. If your Organization is administering your use of the Kahoot! Services or managing the tenant associated with your Service Plan, direct your data subject requests and privacy inquiries to your administrator. If your Organization is not administering your use of the Kahoot! Service or managing such tenants, direct your data subject requests and privacy inquiries to Kahoot! by contacting us at  [email protected] .

3. Licensed rights

The Kahoot! Services and the Resources are the property of Kahoot! and Kahoot!’s content licensors (as applicable). We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to make use of the Kahoot! Services and the Resources (the “ License “) in accordance with the Agreement.

In our Free Service Plans, the License permits use for non-commercial purposes only. If you wish to use the Kahoot! Services and Resources for professional or commercial purposes you must have a Paid Service Plan. In any event, you are not allowed to use Kahoot! for advertising, marketing or sales activities unless expressly authorized by Kahoot! in an agreement or under your Service Plan. You agree to abide by our Acceptable Use Policy and any other user guidelines which at any time apply to your use of the Kahoot! Services and the Resources.

Except for the rights expressly granted to you in the Agreement, Kahoot! grants no right, title, or interest to you in the Kahoot! Service or Resources. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not charge any fees or require any payment as part of your use of the Service or the Resources, except as expressly authorized by Kahoot!.

All trademarks displayed on the Kahoot! Platform are the sole property of Kahoot! or its licensors. The Agreement does not grant you any rights to use any mark for any purpose, whether for commercial or non-commercial use.

Kahoot! reserves the right to upgrade and/or change the Services at any given time. Upgrades may regularly be notified to you either by email your registered email account, in-App or in-Service notifications.

4. Kahoot! Service Plans and Content Subscriptions

4.1 available service plans.

The Kahoot! services are available under different Service Plans. Our Websites provide details of the available Service Plans, which can be categorized as one of the following:

  • Free Service Plans: Our free Service Plans offer access to a limited set of features in the Kahoot! Services. The free Service Plans can be used for non-commercial purposes only.
  • Paid Service Plans : Our paid Service Plans give access to more features and functionality. The Paid Service Plans are permitted for use in professional and commercial settings, such as training, surveys and events, both for internal and external audiences. The features and functionalities available depend on the plan type. Each plan has limitations on the number of licenses and participants.

The Service Plans vary based on the Kahoot! Service you have chosen to subscribe to, and the content and features of a Service Plan may vary based on when you signed up and whether you have signed up through our Website or via the App. Details about the different Service Plans are available on our website.

You can manage your Service Plans from your Kahoot! user account. If you have purchased a Paid Service Plan through a distribution platform such as Google Play or Apple App Store, you must manage your account through such platforms.

4.2 Content Subscriptions

In addition to your chosen Service Plan, you may purchase certain Content Subscriptions from the Kahoot! Platform, such as the Kahoot!+ AccessPass or subscriptions to Verified Creator channels.

A Content Subscription gives you access to a library of content that is curated at Kahoot!’s sole discretion. You acknowledge that the content available through each Content Subscription is subject to change at Kahoot!’s sole discretion, including without limitation the removal and addition of content or change of existing content.

You agree to only use the content available through Content Subscriptions in accordance with all terms and conditions applicable to Kahoot! Services and Resources, including without limitation the Acceptable Use Policy. In particular, you are not entitled to change, resell, or share such content in any other way than expressly permitted herein.

Kahoot! does not verify and cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, integrity, fitness for a particular purpose, availability, or quality of any content included in Content Subscriptions.

You can manage your Content Subscriptions from your Kahoot! user account.

5. Payments, cancellations, upgrades

5.1 general.

Paid Service Plans and Content Subscriptions can be purchased directly from Kahoot! in the App or on our Website, through third parties or through an Enterprise Agreement with Kahoot!. This section of the Terms only applies where you have signed up for one of our paid Service Plans or Content Subscriptions directly from us through our App or website.

You promise that your registration information, payment details (if you have signed up for a paid Service Plan subscription) and any other information that you submit to us are true, accurate, and complete, and you agree to keep it that way at all times. If you have provided incorrect or inaccurate information, you should return to the log-in screen or correct such information in your account settings. You promise that no other person shall be allowed to use or access your account, or in any other way make use of the rights conferred to you pursuant to the Agreement.

5.2 Payments and Subscription Periods

All Paid Service Plans and Content Subscriptions are payable in advance of each Subscription Period, non-cancelable and, except as expressly stated in an Enterprise Agreement or to the extent permitted by applicable law, non-refundable.

You will be charged prior to being granted access to your Paid Service Plan or Content Subscriptions. At the end of your current Subscription Period, your Paid Service Plan and/or Content Subscriptions will automatically renew and you will be charged for the next Subscription Period in accordance with your registered payment information.

If you don’t pay for your Paid Service Plan on time, Kahoot! reserve the right to suspend your account or remove Paid Service Plan features.

5.3 Right to Withdraw

If you are a Consumer you may cancel your Service Plans within 14 days from the day you subscribed, depending on your jurisdiction.

If you want to use your right to withdrawal, send your cancellation to us within the 14 day period. If the 14 day period ends on a Saturday, Sunday or any public holiday, the period is extended to the next working day.

If your cancellation is made within the 14 day period, the cancellation is timely. The burden of proof for making a timely cancellation rests with you. You should therefore cancel in writing. You can use our support request form to cancel your subscription.

You may test the Services to determine the nature, characteristics, or functions of the Services before using your withdrawal right. We cannot charge you for using your right to withdrawal, and we will refund you all payments made to Kahoot! for the Services, without undue delay.

Exception for Content Subscriptions However, if you are a Consumer purchasing Content Subscriptions or other content, you will lose your right to withdraw and receive a refund since you gain access to the content immediately. You will be asked through the purchase process to consent to the delivery of the Services starting immediately, and to acknowledge that the right of withdrawal therefore does not apply.

5.4 Cancellations

If you do not wish to renew your Subscription Period for a Paid Service Plan or Content Subscriptions, you are entitled to cancel your Paid Service Plan and/or Content Subscriptions before the end of your current Subscription Period. If you are a consumer in Norway, we will notify you of your right to cancellation every sixth month during your Subscription Period, either by email to your registered email account, in-App or in-Service notifications. You can cancel by notifying customer service  here . Any cancellation will become effective on the first day after the last day of your current Subscription Period. Upon cancellation, your access to features that are exclusive to the Paid Service Plans or Content Subscriptions will cease, and your subscription will be automatically downgraded to a Free Service Plan for the Kahoot! Service you subscribe to (if available).

5.5 Upgrades and downgrades

You may at any time upgrade or downgrade your Paid Service Plan subscription to a different Paid Service Plan. If you downgrade your subscription to a lower tier Service Plan, the downgrade will take effect on the day after the last day of the current Subscription Period. If you upgrade your subscription to a higher tier Service Plan, the upgrade will take effect immediately subject to payment of the applicable upgrade fee.

Upon upgrading, your Paid Service Plan will be subject to the new subscription term. You will be credited for any remaining term under your previous Paid Service Plan.

5.6 Price changes and new Service Plans

Kahoot! may change the price for a Paid Service Plan and/or Content Subscription.  If such price change applies to you, it will not be effective until the beginning of your next Subscription Period. Your continued use of the Kahoot! Services constitute your acceptance of the price change. If you do not agree with the price changes, you have the right to reject the change by cancelling your subscription prior to your next Subscription Period renewal.

If you are a Consumer in Norway Kahoot! will notify you of a price change within reasonable time before it becomes effective, either by email to your registered email account, or by in-App or in-Service notifications. If the price change exceeds the annual change of the consumer price index in Norway, you may terminate the Agreement with effect from when the price change starts to run.

We do not provide any refunds if the price for a Paid Service Plan or Content Subscription drops, or if we offer subsequent promotional pricing or change the content or features of a Service Plan.

Kahoot! may decide to change or replace our Service Plans. If the Service Plan you have subscribed for is changed or replaced, your subscription will automatically be for the Service Plan that corresponds with the pricing of your original plan unless you chose to upgrade your subscription.

We may, at our own sole discretion, offer you a Trial. We reserve the right to revoke the Trial and put your account on hold in the event that we determine that you are not eligible. Separate terms and conditions, including restrictions on available features or areas of use, may apply when using a Kahoot! Service under a Trial.

For some Trials, we’ll require you to provide your payment details to start the Trial. In such cases, your Trial will automatically be converted to a paid subscription for the selected Service Plan and/or Content Subscription as of the first day after the end of your Trial period. We will use the payment details you provided when you started the Trial to charge you. If you do not want to continue using your selected Service Plan on a paid subscription basis, or a Content Subscription, you must cancel your subscription before the end of the Trial period.

5.8 Pre-paid subscription Codes

If you have received a Code, separate terms and conditions presented to you along with the Code may also apply to your access to the Service and you agree to comply with any such terms and conditions.

Paid subscription Codes purchased from third parties or through other platforms (e.g. Google Play or Apple App Store) are subject to the refund policies of those platforms. Kahoot! cannot be held responsible for these platforms’ policies.

Prices listed may not include sales or value added tax and applicable tax may be calculated and added at the time you complete a transaction and, depending on where you made the purchase, such tax may not be visible to you until you receive a receipt for your purchase. In certain jurisdictions, local laws require that prices include all applicable taxes, in which case this will be indicated at the time of purchase.

6. User content

6.1 kahoot’s license to user content.

User Content is available to you only, kept with limited visibility and only used by Kahoot! for the purposes of providing the Services and Resources. We will keep all data which you submit to the Services, including any User Content, secure and only process your data for the purpose of providing the Kahoot! Services to you.

You hereby grant Kahoot! a worldwide, non-exclusive, limited term license to access, use, process, and display User Content as reasonably necessary: (a) to provide, maintain, update and develop the Services, including development of new functionality and services connected to the Services; (b) to prevent or address service, security, support or technical issues; (c) as required by law; and (d) as expressly permitted by you.

Kahoot! will delete all User Content from your account upon termination of the Agreement, except for any Public User Content licensed to Kahoot! as explained herein, or otherwise in accordance with Kahoot!’s Privacy Policy (as applicable).

6.2 Your responsibility for User Content

You promise that with respect to any User Content you post on Kahoot!: (1) you have all rights necessary to upload such User Content to the Kahoot! Service and to grant the above license to Kahoot!, and (2) such User Content, or its use by Kahoot! does not violate the Agreement, applicable law, or the intellectual property (including without limitation copyright), publicity, personality, or other rights of others.

You are solely responsible for all User Content that you publish on Kahoot!. Kahoot! does not endorse the correctness of the User Content or any opinion contained in any User Content.

6.3 Monitoring of User Content

Unless agreed differently in a separate agreement with us, Kahoot! may review, monitor, edit or remove User Content in our sole discretion, but is under no obligation to do so. In all cases, Kahoot! reserves the right to remove or disable access to any User Content that breaches the Agreement, including breach of our  Acceptable Use Policy  and  Editorial Guidelines . Removal or disabling of access to User Content shall be at our sole discretion.

6.4 Public User Content

If you choose to make User Content Public User Content, you hereby grant to Kahoot! a perpetual (or, for as long as permitted under applicable law), non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable, fully paid, universal license to commercialize, use, reproduce, make available to the public (e.g. perform or display), publish, translate, modify, create derivative works from, and distribute your Public User Content through any medium, whether alone or in combination with other content or materials, in any manner and by any means, method or technology, whether now known or hereafter created. Aside from the rights specifically granted herein, you retain ownership of all rights, including intellectual property rights, in the User Content.

7. Verified creators on Kahoot!’s Marketplace

7.1 verified creators.

The Kahoot! Marketplace allows a  Verified Creator  to offer Marketplace Content for sale or subscription to other Kahoot! users.

7.2 Publication of the Marketplace Content

Marketplace Content is created and submitted to Marketplace online by Verified Creators for the fee determined by the Verified Creator in accordance with the Clause below. Publication of any Marketplace Content is subject to Kahoot!’s review and approval in Kahoot!’s sole discretion.

Once submitted, Kahoot! is granted a license to the Marketplace Content to the extent necessary to display, reproduce and otherwise use the Marketplace Content in question in order to make it available to Kahoot! users on the Marketplace.

Marketplace Content purchased by users are available to such users for one (1) year following the date of purchase.

7.3 Marketplace Content Requirements

Verified Creators represent and warrant that all Marketplace Content and Vanity URLs comply complies with this Agreement, including without limitation any applicable Kahoot! guidelines for content, the  Kahoot! Acceptable Use Policy  and the  Editorial Guidelines , and that Verified Creators have the necessary rights to submit the Marketplace Content on the Marketplace.

Verified Creators control the availability of their submitted Marketplace Content and are free to remove it from the Marketplace at any time. However, users who have already purchased Marketplace Content maintain access throughout their applicable subscription period.

Kahoot! reserve the right to remove any Marketplace Content and Vanity URLs in violation of the applicable law, third party intellectual property rights, or this Agreement, including without limitation the applicable Kahoot! guidelines for content.

Kahoot! will promote, market and highlight the submitted Marketplace Content or Vanity URLs at its sole discretion.

7.4 Prices and Payout Rates

The price points, payout rates and other commercial terms applicable to Verified Creators and purchasers of Marketplace Content are detailed  here .

Verified Creators shall choose the preferred price points for users for their Marketplace Content as part of the submission process for the Marketplace Content in question. Marketplace Content may also be offered for free. The price points available depend on the Verified Creator’s Service Plan.

Verified Creators will be entitled to a payout rate depending on their Service Plan for each sale of Marketplace Content, payable at the end of each payout period. The payout rates may be adjusted upon prior written notice from Kahoot!, and the adjusted rates will apply from the beginning of the next payout period.

Verified Creators who submit Marketplace Content in violation of this Agreement will not be entitled to payout.

7.5 Kahoot! Option to Purchase Marketplace Content

Kahoot! may offer to purchase a license to selected Marketplace Content from Verified Creators for a fixed, one-time payment. In the event that the amount offered by Kahoot! is accepted by the Verified Creator in writing, you hereby grant Kahoot! a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide and royalty-free license to use the selected Marketplace Content for Kahoot!’s own purposes, including without limitation incorporating the Marketplace Content into other Kahoot! offerings such as the Kahoot!+ AccessPass, and to promote, sell or bundle the Marketplace Content with other Kahoot! offerings.

For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that Kahoot! is granted a license to Marketplace Content pursuant to this Clause, the Verified Creator will still entitled to payout for sales to users of the Marketplace Content in question.

7.6 Payment

Verified Creators shall set up an account with a third party payment provider designated by Kahoot! as part of the onboarding process, and Kahoot! will facilitate payment of all payouts through such third party payment provider. Verified Creators are solely responsible for ensuring that their user information, including the information pertaining to the payment provider in question, is correct and up to date.

7.7 Changes to Service Plans

In the event that a Verified Creator changes to a Free Service Plan,    the Verified Creator will no longer be able to offer Marketplace Content for sale on the Marketplace and any Marketplace Content already submitted will be removed. Users who have purchased Marketplace Content from the Verified Creator, will maintain access to such Marketplace Content until the end of their subscription period.

In the event that a Verified Creator makes any other changes to its Service Plan or other factors that are relevant in determining the right to payout in accordance with these Terms, such changes shall take effect from the beginning of the next payout period.

8. Third Party Applications

The Services are integrated with Third-Party Applications that make available content, products, and/or other services to You. Use of Third-Party Applications is optional. If You choose to enable or use any of these Third-Party Applications, Your use of such Third-Party Applications will be governed by and subject to the respective terms and conditions and privacy policies of each such Third-Party Application (including, but not limited to, the YouTube Terms of Service located here and GIPHY User Terms of Service located here ). You understand and agree that Kahoot! does not endorse any such Third-Party Application, nor shall Kahoot! be liable for any Third-Party Applications under any circumstances, including the failure of any such Third-Party Applications.

9. Account security

As the creator of your Kahoot! account you have access and control over the Kahoot! account and the devices that are used to access the Service. To maintain control over the account and to prevent anyone from accessing the account, you should maintain control over the devices that are used to access the Service and not reveal the password nor any payment details (if any) associated with your account to anyone. You are responsible for updating and maintaining the accuracy of the information you provide to us relating to your account. You are also responsible for preventing unauthorized access and use of your account by any other than you. We can terminate your account or place your account on hold in order to protect you, Kahoot! or our partners from conducting or attempting to conduct identity theft or other fraudulent activity.

10. Data protection

Where Kahoot! is acting as a data processor under applicable law, the Data Processing Agreement located  here  shall govern with respect to its processing of personal data in connection with this Agreement.

11. Term and termination

The Agreement will continue to apply for as long as you use a free or paid Kahoot! account. Kahoot! may terminate the Agreement or suspend your access to the Kahoot! Service at any time, including in the event of your actual or suspected unauthorized use of the Kahoot! Service and/or Resources, or non-compliance with the Agreement. If you or Kahoot! terminate the Agreement, or if Kahoot! suspends your access to the Kahoot! Service in accordance with the Agreement, you agree that Kahoot! shall have no liability or responsibility to you and Kahoot! will not refund any amounts that you have already paid, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law.

Any License granted to you on the Kahoot! Services and Resources not already terminated by the expiry of your Service Plan shall be terminated as of the termination or expiry of the Agreement.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that the perpetual license granted to Kahoot! by you will continue after expiry or termination of any of the Agreement for any reason.

Sections of the Agreement that, either explicitly or by their nature, must remain in effect even after termination of the Agreement, shall survive termination.

12. Warranty and disclaimer

We can assure you that the Services will perform materially in accordance with the description of the Kahoot! Services and Resources as set out on our Websites. For all Service plans, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding planned downtime. We will notify you in advance of any planned downtime which is expected to result in significant downtime. In the event of any breach of Kahoot!’s obligations in this section 11, Kahoot! shall its own expense (i) use reasonable endeavors to rectify such non-compliance, and if rectification is no reasonable possible (ii) replace all the non-conforming parts of the Services and Resources. Kahoot! disclaims any other warranties than those set out in the Agreement.  Further,  under no circumstances will Kahoot! be liable for any Third Party Applications, including the failure of any such Third Party Applications.

Kahoot! shall not be responsible for breach of these warranties if caused by:

  • hardware, software or other components which are not part of the Services and Resources;
  • errors or problems caused by or contributed to by hardware, software or other components which are not provided by Kahoot!, including any modifications by you or third parties;
  • errors or problems caused by you not complying with this Agreement;
  • if the you has rejected the implementation of any upgrade, change, hot fix, or similar, which would have prevented the error or problem; and
  • errors or problems caused by third parties not acting on behalf of Kahoot!, including in respect of changes to Services and Resources.

13. Limitation of liability



14. Apple specific terms

In addition to the sections above, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Terms, this section applies with respect to your use of any version of our app compatible with the iOS operating system of Apple. Apple is not a party to this Terms and does not own and is not responsible for the app. Apple is not providing any warranty for the app except, if applicable, to refund the purchase price for it. Apple is not responsible for maintenance or other support services for the app and shall not be responsible for any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses with respect to the app, including any third-party product liability claims, claims that the app fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement, claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation, and claims with respect to intellectual property infringement. Any inquiries or complaints relating to the use of the app, including those pertaining to intellectual property rights, must be directed to Kahoot!. The license you have been granted in these Terms is limited to a non-transferable license to use the app on an Apple-branded product that runs Apple’s iOS operating system and is owned or controlled by you, or as otherwise permitted by the Usage Rules set out in Apple’s App Store Terms of Service. In addition, you must comply with the terms of any third-party agreement applicable to you when using the App, such as your wireless data service agreement. Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms and, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Terms, will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as a third-party beneficiary of these Terms. Notwithstanding these rights of Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries, Kahoot!’s right to enter into, rescind or terminate any variation, waiver or settlement under these Terms is not subject to the consent of any third party.

15. Indemnification

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kahoot! and its parent company and affiliates, and their directors, officers, managers, employees, donors, agents, and licensors, from and against any claims and all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from: (1) your breach of the Agreement; (2) any User Content; (3) any activity in that you or anyone using your account engages on or through the Kahoot! Service; and (4) your violation of any law or the rights of a third party. We reserve the right to take over the exclusive defense of any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under these Terms. In such event, you shall provide us with such cooperation as is reasonably requested by us.

16. Miscellaneous

16.1 entire agreement.

Other than as stated in this section or as explicitly agreed upon in writing between you and Kahoot!, the Agreement constitutes all the terms and conditions agreed upon between you and Kahoot! and supersedes any prior agreements in relation to the subject matter of these Agreement, whether written or oral.

16.2 Severability and waiver

Unless as otherwise stated in the Agreement, should any provision of the Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable for any reason or to any extent, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not in any manner affect or render invalid or unenforceable the remaining provisions of the Agreement, and the application of that provision shall be enforced to the extent permitted by law.

Any failure by Kahoot! or any third party beneficiary to enforce the Agreement or any provision thereof shall not waive Kahoot!’s or the applicable third party beneficiary’s right to do so.

16.3 Assignment

Kahoot! may assign the Agreement or any part of them, and Kahoot! may delegate any of its obligations under the Agreement. You may not assign the Agreement or any part of them, nor transfer or sub-license your rights under the Agreement, to any third party.

17. Changes to the Terms

We reserve the right to change these Terms from time to time. Changes may for example be made to accommodate new products or services, to adapt to legal requirements, or otherwise to better adapt the Terms to our business. If there is a material change to these Terms, we will notify you either by email to your registered email account, in-App or in-Service notifications or on our official Websites (as appropriate). It is your responsibility to read any such notice carefully. Your continued use of the Services after such changes will constitute acknowledgment and agreement of the modified Terms. If you do not wish to continue using the Service under the new version of the Terms, you may cancel your Service Plan or terminate the Agreement. We reserve the right to change the Acceptable Use Policy at any time without notice.

18. Governing Law / Jurisdiction

The Agreement is governed by the statutes and laws of Norway without regard to the conflict of laws and the United Nations Convention on the International Sales of Goods. Norwegian law will apply to all matters relating to the use of the Services and the purchase of any products or services through the Services.

Furthermore, any action to enforce the Agreement shall be brought in the courts located in Oslo (Oslo tingrett), Norway. you hereby agree to the jurisdiction by such courts, and waive any jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections to such courts.

19. Definitions

“Acceptable Use Policy”  means the Kahoot! Acceptable Use Policy in force from time to time and accessible here .

“Administrator”  means your Organization’s designated administrator of your Kahoot! account, if applicable.

“Agreement”  is the collective term that encompasses these Terms, the Acceptable Use Policy, any Service Plan and, if applicable, the Enterprise Agreement or Content Subscription.

“App”  means Kahoot!´s software/mobile applications.

“Apple”  means Apple Inc.

“Children”  means U.S. children under age 13 and children outside the U.S under age 16.

“Code”  means a code or other offer provided or sold by or on behalf of Kahoot! for access to a paid Service Plan subscription and/or Content Subscription.

“ Consumer ” means a natural person, who is not subscribing to or using the Services for commercial purposes.

“Content Subscriptions”  means the various libraries of premium content available for purchase on a subscription basis in addition to the Service Plan chosen by each user.

“Enterprise Agreement”  means a separate agreement entered into by Kahoot! and your associated Organization.

“Kahoot!+ AccessPass”  means the Content Subscription that features certain content from the Academy part of the Kahoot! Platform.

“Kahoot!”  means Kahoot! AS.

“Kahoot! Brands”  means all Kahoot! trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, domain names, and any other features of the Kahoot! brand.

“License”  means the license granted to you pursuant to section 3 of these Terms.

“Marketplace”  means Kahoot!’s online marketplace for Kahoot! content.

“Marketplace Content”  means selected Kahoot! content for sale to other users, which may be part of a channel, created by Verified Creators and made available to other users for free or purchase on Kahoot! Platform.

“Organization”  means an organization to which you are affiliated, such as your employer.

“Platform”  means Kahoot!´s Websites and Apps where the Kahoot! Services are available.

“Public User Content”  means, as some Kahoot! Services are based on User Content and relies on users contributing content to the Service, the Content whereby the User, on their own choice and by actively toggling the “publish” button, makes certain User Content, such as Kahoot! games/quizzes, available to the general public.

“Resources”  means the information, resources, services, products, and tools provided for you in the Kahoot! Services.

“Service Plan”  means the various subscription plans for which the Kahoot! Services are available.

“Services”  means the Kahoot! services, including any software, that you subscribe to under these Terms.

“Subscription Period”  means the duration of the applicable Service Plan and/or Content Subscription.

“Terms”  means these general terms and conditions applicable to your use of the Kahoot! Services.

“Third Party Applications”  means websites and services delivered by third parties that are integrated in the Services and Resources in order to make certain features, content, products, and/or services available to you.

“Trial”  means trials of paid Service Plan subscriptions or Content Subscriptions for a specified period without payment or at a discounted rate.

“User Content”  means the content and data which Users upload to the Service, including without limitation quizzes, pictures, video, text, messages, information, user feedback, and any other content.

“Vanity URL”  means a Verified Creator’s URL on Marketplace where the Verified Creator has chosen a word or phrase to replace sections of the URL, for instance the chosen URL for the Verified Creator’s channel.

“Verified Creator”  means a Kahoot! user with a Paid Service Plan who has been verified in accordance with Kahoot!’s verification process found  here .

“Website(s)”  means the Kahoot! websites including Kahoot.com, Kahoot.it, create.kahoot.it, play.kahoot.it.


  1. Business pricing

    See our pricing plans for business users, starting from $10 per user / month! Choose the right Kahoot! plan for you. Get the mobile app for the best Kahoot! experience! ... recruitment, consultancy services, or sessions to enhance customer experience. All Kahoot! 360 plans can be used for training and communication among employees, freelancers ...

  2. Plans and pricing for one time events

    to host an unlimited number of kahoots at one event. Buy now. Recommended plan. Kahoot! Event Silver. $500. to host an unlimited number of kahoots at one event. Buy now. Incl. 1 hour onboarding.

  3. Enterprise engagement maximized with Kahoot! 360 Engage

    Engaging learning at every employee's fingertips. The Kahoot! 360 Engage platform motivates employees anywhere to access the knowledge they need to succeed, by turning information into engaging experiences. Save 12% on Kahoot! 360 Engage, now $7 per employee/month until September 1. Contact sales.

  4. Business meeting

    Kahoot! rated Top Rated in Gamification Software 2022 by TrustRadius. Get started today. Join leaders achieving awesome . business results. Thousands of teams in HR, L&D, Marketing, Sales and Consulting use Kahoot! 360 to reimagine training, presentations, and events. "Kahoot is a key component in our learning culture.

  5. Kahoot! for schools: Plans and pricing

    Kahoot!+ AccessPass is the first premium content subscription, representing the launch of a global, digital marketplace on Kahoot!. The new subscription provides access to a comprehensive library of premium ready-to-use resources from Kahoot!, on a wide range of topics for all ages, to take learning, teaching, and having fun in any environment to the next level!

  6. Billing and subscriptions

    Kahoot! Help & Resource Center; Billing and subscriptions Billing and subscriptions. All you need to know about your online subscriptions. Subscriptions. Find the subscription plan best suited to your needs. Billing. Learn about our billing policies and how you can cancel or renew your plan.

  7. Kahoot! Pricing 2024: Compare Plans and Costs

    Kahoot! 360 Business. Enterprise Plan. Kahoot! 360 for Enterprises - Contact Sales for pricing. Kahoot! 360 Business. One-Time Events. Kahoot! Event Bronze - $250. Kahoot! Event Silver - $500. Kahoot! Event Gold - $750. Features you will find in the business options include quiz questions, polls, and presentation slides. These plans are ...

  8. How do I start a subscription?

    How to start a business subscription. To create your own workspace, you need an account. After your account is created, you'll be presented with multiple plan options. Choose the plan that best suits your needs. Next, you'll be prompted to set up a billing profile. We accept debit or credit cards from Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

  9. Kahoot! 360 Catalog

    Best for: Engaging small audiences and testing knowledge retention. Kahoot! 360 Standard is our entry-level 360 plan. It equips users with classic tools for creating and hosting kahoots that reinforce key points while helping participants stay focused and engaged on the topic at hand. Player limit: 20. Key features:

  10. Effective employee engagement strategies

    Learning and development. Build future-ready skills with impactful corporate learning. Problem: 74% of global CEOs say that a lack of key skills is impeding business growth - Source: PWC Solution: From effective learning and development and human resources programs to product knowledge training for sales and customer support, Kahoot!'s personalized learning app engages employees anywhere ...

  11. Subscriptions

    Legacy plans for personal use Updated November 03, 2023 08:59 Do you have an active personal subscription that isn't visible on the pricing pages?Are you wondering what your perso...

  12. Kahoot! for nonprofits

    Kahoot! for nonprofits. Millions in the workplace learn with Kahoot!. Many mission-driven nonprofits have successfully integrated it into their e-learning, interactive presentations, virtual events, public communications and awareness campaigns. Registered nonprofits and NGOs are eligible for a 50% discount on all Kahoot! for business plans.

  13. How Does Kahoot! Make Money? Analyzing Its Business Model

    The Kahoot! Business Model Explained. Kahoot! has largely adopted a freemium business model strategy. This means that a majority of its content can be accessed at no cost while premium features incur a fee. That fee, as I've outlined above, is charged in the form of the various subscription plans that Kahoot! offers.

  14. Content subscriptions vs. feature subscriptions

    Feature subscriptions give you access to specific features depending on your subscription, and provide you with increased functionality on your account. Feature subscriptions help you build your own content. The following are typically only available with a feature subscription: Increased player limit, multi-select answers, up to 6 answers ...

  15. How many players can play a kahoot?

    As you noted, the free business users are on the test drive plan that has a player limit of 3 for the games created by them. However, the games created by the profile Kahoot! at Work allows free business users to host games for up to 50 players, giving you a perfect chance to try our platform out.

  16. Kahoot! Pricing Plan & Cost Guide

    On many plans folders can be made to organize created or copied Kahoots so that they are easily accessible in the future. While the free version does not offer all of the features of Kahoot, if you are on a tight budget and have a small group (under 40), the free version is good enough, especially at the beginning.

  17. Kahoot! Glossary

    Kahoot! plans. Kahoot! at work offers a range of plans for business users, with each plan consisting of varying player limits and feature sets to match the requirements of different use cases. Player limit Depending on your Kahoot! plan, you can host kahoots for up to 2000 participants. Our one-time event plans also come with set player limits ...

  18. Do you offer a free trial?

    The duration of our regular trial period is 7 days unless the offer states otherwise. If you previously had a trial, you will not be able to activate an additional trial. Attempting to do so may result in the activation of the subscription and payment for the billing period. To start a trial, select the Start free trial button on one of our ...

  19. How to upgrade or downgrade Kahoot! plan

    The billing cycle is restarted when your upgrade is confirmed, and the new subscription will last for a whole new cycle (12 months in the case of annual plans and 1 month in the case of monthly plans). Upon upgrading, you will be charged the full price for the new plan (subtracting the value of the remaining unused time in your active billing ...

  20. Kahoot! Pricing: Cost and Pricing plans

    Kahoot! is an impressive education tool that is designed using gamification techniques, for offering a fun-filled learning experience.The software can be run on any web-enabled device and offers remarkable student engagement. With this tool, a student of any age group can enjoy an interactive and interesting learning process.It can be done for any subject and is suitable for holding ...

  21. How Does Kahoot Make Money? The Kahoot Business Model In ...

    The Kahoot Business Model In A Nutshell. Kahoot is a Norwegian game-based learning platform founded in 2012 by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker, and Morten Versvik. It is based on a university-developed interactive learning game called Lecture Quiz. Kahoot is free to use for players. Instead, the company makes money by selling access to various ...

  22. Kahoot! is featured as a must-have app for studying smart

    Students who want to up their studying game can explore tailored offerings and features on Kahoot! As students return to university and other educational institutions for a new school year, José Alberto Lizana shares on Genbeta a roundup of the top apps and digital platforms to use for studying daily, including Kahoot!.

  23. Kahoot! Review

    Kahoot! offers several plan types, depending on how you intend to use the tool. They break down into three categories: education, business, and personal. Similar Products

  24. Terms and Conditions

    5.6 Price changes and new Service Plans. Kahoot! may change the price for a Paid Service Plan and/or Content Subscription. ... or otherwise to better adapt the Terms to our business. If there is a material change to these Terms, we will notify you either by email to your registered email account, in-App or in-Service notifications or on our ...