How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

  • You can submit an assignment in Google Classroom under the "Classwork" section on the desktop site or mobile app. 
  • To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you must first "View assignment" and then select the "Add or create" option under the "Your work" menu. 
  • Links and Google Drive attachments, including a document, slide, sheet, drawing, or PDF file, can all be uploaded and submitted in Google Classroom.
  • You can upload multiple files, unsubmit assignments, and leave notes for your instructor in Google Classroom.  

You've logged in to Google Classroom , have joined a class, and accessed class materials. Now, it's time to submit an assignment. 

To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you'll first need to navigate to the "Classwork" section. You can then find your assignment and attach your work. 

From there, it's as easy as turning it in. Google Classroom also allows users to unsubmit their assignments if you need to make changes or leave a private comment for a teacher about the status of your work. 

It's important to note that if you don't click "Turn in" after you attach your work, it won't be submitted. To verify the status of your assignment, double-check to see if it is labeled as "Turned in." 

When submitting assignments to Google Classroom on mobile, you'll also need to make sure you have the iPhone or Android app installed. You can search and download Google Classroom through the app store on your phone. 

Here's how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

1. Open your web browser and go to . 

2. Select your class. 

3. At the top of your dashboard, choose "Classwork." 

4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment."

5. Under "Your Work," choose "Add or Create."

6. From there, click "Google Drive" to attach a document you've already created and saved in your Drive by selecting it from the file window that appears. If you have multiple documents, attach them all this way.

  • Note: You can add a link to a Drive document or attach a file from your computer. You may also start an assignment here by creating a new document, slide, sheet, or drawing on this page. 

7. To leave a private comment for your teacher, enter it in the appropriately labeled text box on the right. Then click the small triangular "paper airplane" icon to post it. 

8. Next, click "Turn in" or "Mark as done" to confirm your submission and change the assignment status to "Turned in."

  • Note: If your teacher has assigned a collaborative document that you worked on or another kind of outside assignment, you may see "Mark as done" instead of "Turn in."

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

If you've submitted a document, but find that you need to edit out errors or add in missing content, Google Classroom offers a way to retract your submission. Navigate to the page you turned your assignment in, click "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again by following the above steps. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on the mobile app

1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device. 

2. Tap on your class.

3. Choose "Classwork" from the bottom of the app screen.

4. Select the assignment and expand the "Your work" card. 

5. Tap "Add attachment" in the "Your work" card.

6. From there, click "Drive" to attach a document you've already created in Drive. 

7. Tap "Turn in" or "Mark as done" and re-confirm. 

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on iPhone or Android 

If you turned in the wrong thing or need to go back and add something to the assignment, you can unsubmit it. Navigate to the assignment, expand the "Your work" card, tap "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again the same way you did first.

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Start, revise & submit assignments

To start your assignment, you first need to link your Google Account to Assignments. You can then open your assignment and, when you are finished, submit it for grading. If you edit your work before the due date, you can resubmit your assignment.

You can attach any file type from Google Drive or your hard drive to your assignment, including:

  • Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides
  • Microsoft ®️ Word ®️ , Excel ®️ , or PowerPoint ®️
  • Image files
  • Video files (WEBM, MPEG4, 3GPP, MOV, AVI, MPEG-PS, WMV, FLV, OGG)

Assignments automatically converts Microsoft Office ®️ files to Google Docs, then saves the files to the Assignments folder in your Google Drive.

Complete an assignment

Link your google account to assignments for the course.

The first time you use Google Assignments in a course, you link the Google Account you want to use with that course with your LMS account. 

Linking your Google Account to Assignments allows it to:

  • Access your Google Drive to attach files to your assignments.
  • Archive copies of your submissions.
  • Create an Assignments folder in your Drive that organizes files by course and assignment.

To link your account:

  • Go to your LMS.
  • Open the assignment.
  • Sign in with your Google Account.
  • If it's your first time using Assignments for the course, link your Google Account to the course.  

Attach files to an assignment

Important: If your assignment is set up to grade with your LMS’s grader tool, there’s a 10 MB size limit per file.

You can attach up to 20 files to your assignment. 

and then

  • To upload a new file, click Create and select a file type.

Turn in an assignment

  • When you turn in an assignment, a copy is saved to your Google Drive in the Assignments folder.
  • Ownership of your original file transfers to your instructor when it is graded and you can't edit your file.
  • You regain ownership of your file when your instructor returns your work.
  • You will never lose ownership of your files.
  • Work that has been submitted to the instructor is not unsubmitted.
  • The instructor sees a time stamp of the most recent submission.

Turn in

After your instructor grades and returns your work, you regain ownership of your file. 

Note : If you resubmit files, the instructor sees a time stamp of the most recent submission.

Unsubmit an assignment

Important:  This only applies to assignments graded with Google Assignments.

If your assignment has a due date, you can unsubmit your work before the due date. Be sure to resubmit your work before the due date, so it’s not marked late. After the due date, you can’t unsubmit your work. 

If your assignment doesn’t have a due date, you can unsubmit your work at any time. Be sure to check with your instructor for specific requirements.

  • Open your assignment.

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How to Turn in Assignments in Google Classroom

how to submit the assignment

Lee Stanton Lee Stanton is a versatile writer with a concentration on the software landscape, covering both mobile and desktop applications as well as online technologies. Read more December 21, 2023

Google Classroom makes it easier for teachers to create, share, and grade assignments. Better still, students can easily submit their work on the platform.

If you’re wondering how to submit assignments on Google Classroom, you’re in the right place. This article will explain everything you need to know.

Google Classroom – How to Turn in Assignments

Google Classroom lets students submit assignments via various devices such as PCs, Android phones, and iPhones. The platform also offers an organized way for teachers to collect and view submissions.

Here’s how to turn in assignments on Google Classroom:

how to submit the assignment

Turn in Assignments on Mobile

It’s easy to submit Google Classroom assignments using a mobile device, whether you’re working with an Android or iPhone. The procedure is generally the same for both systems.

how to submit the assignment

To submit a file, include a Google Drive file, link, or photo from your camera roll. Alternatively, you can create a new Google Doc, Slide, Sheet, or PDF. In addition to its other features, the Classroom app has an inbuilt scanner that allows you to convert several pictures into one PDF for assignment submission.

how to submit the assignment

  • The mobile app allows learners to submit their homework assignments before the due date using the core functionality of their smartphones. Open the Classroom app, go to the assignment, and attach your work. Tap on turn-in to submit the completed assignment and change its status to “turned-in.”

Attach Files From Google Drive

Here’s how to attach a file from Google Drive to your Google Classroom assignment:

how to submit the assignment

Now you can add images, spreadsheets, videos, and documents from your files located from Google Dive straight into Google classroom assignments. This will save you from having to download them first and then re-upload to access your work.

To Attach a New Google Doc

To attach a new Google document, slide presentation, spreadsheet, or drawing to your assignment, do the following:

how to submit the assignment

This way, you can generate many Google files. Al of which can be included as attachments in one Classroom task to keep your work organized.

Attach a Link to Your Assignment Submission in Google Classroom

You can attach a link to a website or other online resource for your assignment submission in Google Classroom. This allows you to provide supplementary materials from the web to support your work.

how to submit the assignment

The link will now be attached to your assignment submission. Your teacher can click the link to access the online resource you provided

Submit an Assigned Document

If the teacher attaches a document with your name in the title, that should be your personal copy to edit and review. You can click “Turn in” after your teacher reviews your progress.

how to submit the assignment

Once submitted, this changes an assignment’s status from Not Done to Done.

How do you locate the specific assignment you want to turn in?

To find a particular assignment in Google Classroom, click on your class from the main page. This will bring up all materials. Under the Classwork tab, you can find the assignment. Assignments are listed with the most recent at the top. Clicking on the title or image shows where your work can be added.

How do you submit an assigned document in Google Classroom?

When assigned a document by your teacher, open it from the assignment page by clicking on the image of your name. Edit the file and save changes before turning it in either through the Turn in button on the doc or the submission page of assignments.

How can I submit my assignment using a mobile device such as an Android or an iPhone?

To turn in the assignment using a smartphone, launch the Classroom app from your mobile device, go to the specific assignment, attach any files, and click on Turn in .

Where are the directions for the assignments posted on Google Classroom?

Open the Classwork page and go to Assignments. Once you have done so, assignment details will pop up. Above it is a link entitled View instructions which will lead you to a full set of teacher’s instructions.

Can I attach files from Google Drive to an assignment in Google Classroom?

To attach Google Drive files, click Add or create under Your work . Go to Google Drive , then pick your file. Finally, click Add so that you can have the file attached.

The Key to Successful Assignment Submissions

The efficiency of Google Classroom depends on how well you navigate the submission process. Students who want to complete their assignments in good time will benefit most from this process. After all, handing in assignments on time is part of being a good student who values the teacher’s feedback.

Are you a student or an educator? Have you been impressed with Google Classroom? Let us know in the comments section.

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Create and Edit Assignments

You are viewing Original Course View content

Your institution controls which tools are available in the Original Course View . Assignments are always available to instructors in the Ultra Course View .

You can create assignments alongside other content.

With assignments, you can create coursework and manage the grades and feedback for each student separately. You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, lesson plans, and folders.

how to submit the assignment

When you create an assignment, a Grade Center column is created automatically. From the Grade Center or Needs Grading page, you can see who has submitted their work and start grading. Students access their grades from their My Grades pages or the assignment's Review Submission History page.

You can also create a group assignment and release it to one or more groups in your course. Each group submits one collaborative assignment and all members receive the same grade. You can create a single assignment and assign it to all groups, or create several unique assignments and assign them to individual groups.

More on group assignments

Create an assignment

You can create assignments in content areas, learning modules, lesson plans, and folders.

In the Blackboard mobile app, assignment instructions for Original courses show after students begin an attempt.

Drag files from your computer to the "hot spot" in the Attach Files area. If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn't allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attach in the folder's row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again.

You won't be able to drag files to upload if your institution uses an older version of Blackboard Learn.

You can use the file name or provide another name for the file.

how to submit the assignment

  • Optionally, select a Due Date . Assignments with due dates automatically show in the course calendar and in the To Do module. Submissions are accepted after this date but are marked late. If you don’t want students to access an assignment after the due date, choose the appropriate display dates.

If you set the points possible to a non-whole number, letter grades may not be assigned correctly.

  • Optionally, add a rubric . Expand the sections to make selections such as anonymous grading, how the grade is displayed, and the number of attempts. You can allow more than one attempt on an assignment.
  • Make the assignment available when you're ready for students to access it. Select the appropriate options for availability, tracking, and display dates. Display dates don't affect an assignment's availability, only when it appears.
  • Select Submit .

More on assignment grade settings

More on adding files in the editor

More on Course Files vs. the Content Collection

Video: Create an Assignment

Watch a video about creating an assignment.

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube , navigate to More actions , and select Open transcript .

Video: Create an assignment explains how to create an assignment.

Late assignments

When you assign a due date for an assignment, students can still submit attempts after the date passes. Submissions after the due date are marked late. If you penalize late submissions, inform students in the assignment instructions.

You can view the late label in these areas:

  • Student's submission page in the grade panel
  • Student's Grade Details page
  • Needs Grading page

how to submit the assignment

From the Grade Center, you can also view a list of all submissions with the Assignment File Download option in an assignment's menu. View who has submitted, submission dates, and the grading statuses. You can sort by date to easily see who submitted after the due date.

how to submit the assignment

If you don’t want students to access an assignment after the due date, choose the appropriate display dates. Inform students that you won’t accept submissions after the due date and the assignment will no longer be available.

Students see the late label after they make a submission after the due date.

how to submit the assignment

Student assignment submission confirmations

When students submit assignments successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about their submitted assignments and a success message with a confirmation number. Students can copy and save this number as proof of their submissions and evidence for academic disputes. For assignments with multiple attempts, students receive a different number for each submission. If your institution has enabled email notifications for submission receipts, students will also receive an email with a confirmation number and other details for each submission.

You and your students won't be able to view confirmation numbers if your institution uses Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2016 or earlier. Student email notifications and student access to receipt history were introduced in Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q2 2017.

how to submit the assignment

You and your administrators have a retrievable record in the system even if an attempt, assignment, or student is later deleted. These records are maintained in the course and also retrievable after the archive and restore process.

You can access all of your students' confirmation numbers from the Grade Center. Open the Reports menu and select Submission Receipts .

how to submit the assignment

On the Submission Receipts page, you can view information for each assignment, such as who submitted and when. Group assignments are also logged and the Submitter column lists who submitted for the group. In the Submission column, view if a student submitted a file or wrote the submission in the assignment's editor.

Use the menus at the top of the page to filter the items. In the second menu, select Not blank and leave the search box empty to show all of the submission receipts. Select a column heading to sort the items.

Edit, reorder, and delete assignments

You can edit, reorder, and delete your assignments. Change the order of assignments with the drag-and-drop function or the keyboard accessible reordering tool. For example, reorder the assignments to keep the current one at the top.

how to submit the assignment

From an assignment's menu, select on option:

  • Move an assignment to another location in your course. When you move an assignment, it's removed from its original location. You can't copy an assignment.
  • Edit an assignment. If you change the instructions, students who have already made submissions will see the new instructions only on subsequent attempts.
  • Apply release criteria, tracking, metadata, and review status.

More on options you can apply

Delete assignments

You can delete an assignment from a course area and if no student submissions exist, the Grade Center column is also deleted.

When you delete an assignment that has student submissions, you also delete all the submissions. You have two options:

  • Preserve the scores in the Grade Center, but delete the assignment and all submissions. Though the scores remain in the Grade Center, you can't access the students' submissions again. The action is irreversible.
  • Delete the assignment, the Grade Center column, all assigned grades, and all submissions. The action is irreversible.

Alternatively, make the gradable item unavailable in your course to preserve the submissions and the scores in the Grade Center.

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How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-13


An email is an essential tool for communication in the modern world, especially in the academic world. Whether you're a student, teacher, or professional, writing emails has become a crucial part of our daily lives. In the academic world, emails are a common way of submitting assignments, communicating with teachers and professors, and collaborating with classmates.

In order to make a good impression, it would be considered beneficial to write an email to submit an assignment properly. Before moving forward in the blog, let's talk about why is it important to write an email before submitting an assignment. 

Importance of writing an email before turning in an assignment:

An email to submit an assignment allows students to communicate with their teachers in a professional and organized manner. This helps to establish a clear line of communication between the student and teacher and sets the tone for the rest of the course. What happens when you form communication before turning in an assignment is that it gives you a chance to convey the particulars, context, or any other important information that you feel like sharing with the teacher before he or she can keep it in mind before evaluating your paper. 

Moreover, emails can provide a permanent record of communication between the student and teacher. This is useful for both parties, as it allows the teacher to easily refer back to previous correspondence if necessary, and the student to have a record of the communication for their own reference. In addition, emails can be easily saved, archived, and searched, making them a great tool for record-keeping purposes.

In this blog, we'll go over the 6 steps you need to follow to write an effective email for submitting an assignment.

1. Use a professional email address

The first step in writing an email to submit an assignment is to use a professional email address. Your email address is often the first impression people have of you, so it's crucial to choose a professional email address that reflects your identity. Avoid using personal email addresses that include nicknames, humor, or casual language. Instead, use an email address that includes your first and last name, or your initials and last name.

For example, go for "[email protected]" which is a professional email address, whereas "[email protected]" on the other hand is not.

2. Give a clear subject line

The subject line of your email is the first thing people see, so it's important to keep a clear and concise subject line. The subject line should provide an overview of the content of your email, so the recipient knows what to expect.

For example, "Assignment Submission: [Name of Assignment]" is a clear and concise subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of the email. Avoid using vague or misleading subject lines, as this can lead to confusion and can make it more difficult for the recipient to understand the content of your email.

3. Start with a formal greeting

When writing an email to submit an assignment, it's important to start with a formal greeting. The greeting should include the recipient's name if you know it, and a polite salutation such as "Dear [Name],".

If you don't know the recipient's name, use a general greeting such as "Dear Sir/Ma’am,". The greeting sets the tone for the rest of the email, so it's better to choose the right words and tone.

4. Provide a brief introduction

In the next section of your email, provide a brief introduction. This section should briefly introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the email.

For example, "My name is [Your Name] and I am a student in [Name of Course]. I am writing to submit my [Name of Assignment] for your review and feedback." This section should be short and to the point, so the recipient knows who you are and why you're writing.

5. Attach the assignment

The most important part of your email to submit an assignment is to attach the assignment itself. Make sure that the attachment is saved in a file format that is compatible with the recipient's computer, and that the file is clearly labeled with your name and the name of the assignment.

For example, "Name - [Name of Assignment].pdf". It's also a good idea to include a brief description of the attachment in the body of your email, to ensure that the recipient knows what the attachment is.

6. Provide additional information

In this section of your email, provide any additional information that the recipient may need. This could include a brief summary of the assignment, any specific instructions or guidelines that the recipient should follow, and any other relevant information.

For example, "The assignment is based on [Name of Topic] and includes [Number of Pages/Words]. I have followed all the guidelines and instructions provided in the guidebook and as given in the problem statement. 

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Where did you store that file, attachments uploading papers and projects.

If there’s a secret to using this feature, it’s knowing how to upload and hitting the Submit button until you receive confirmation. In most systems, you look for a button labeled Add a File or Upload. This prompts you to browse your computer to find the file. (See why knowing where you stored it is important?) Usually, you click Open after you identify the file you want and then click Submit. The next screen you see should be a confirmation that the file has been uploaded. This figure shows what this looks like from the Student view in Canvas.

A dropbox in Canvas.

If your instructor doesn’t have this tool available, they may ask you to attach your work to an email. This process works the same as attaching photos to send to your dear cousin Ted. You find the Attachment icon (usually a paper clip), browse for the file, and upload. The uploading skill seems to be universal, whether you’re attaching a document to an email or a discussion board posting.

Some learning management systems connect to your Microsoft 365 or Google file structure, so you may be able to upload files from there.

Post, Emily! Submitting discussion posts

  • Compose: Look for this button if you need to start a new discussion, one that isn’t attached to anyone else’s idea.
  • Reply: Use this button when you want to respond to something another person wrote. Here’s a super tip: Copy and paste one or two lines from the original text (delete the rest) so that you can quote the first author and focus your comments.
  • Post: After you have composed or replied, you must remember to hit Post or Submit. Otherwise, your great ideas don’t appear on the discussion board.

The Submit button on quizzes and tests

Submit button

Tips for submitting any assignment

Whether you’re working with papers, projects, discussion posts, quizzes, or tests, consider the following general pointers: Submit early, have a backup plan, and keep a copy. Here’s why these are important:

  • Submit early, when possible, in case of problems: What if you plan to submit your assignment at 11:56 p.m. on the night it’s due by midnight and the whole system crashes or your hard drive freezes? You don’t have a lot of time to remedy that situation. A safer bet is to submit your work during normal working hours, well before you need to. That way, if you encounter a problem, you’re more likely to contact a real-life tech support person who can assist you.
  • Attach to email when technology fails: Still on the 11:56 p.m. track? When all else fails, send the same assignment as an attachment to an email to your instructor. Include a polite note explaining that the system wasn’t cooperating and that you wanted to be sure to get the assignment turned in, one way or another. This shows good problem-solving skills.
  • Keep a copy: Always, always keep copies of your work for the term of the course. You never know when you might need them. It’s common for the system to freeze up when you’re trying to submit a great discussion post (always when you’ve written something worthy of a Pulitzer), so if you first compose in a word processor and then copy and paste to the discussion area, you’re safe in knowing that you have the original text. Should there be any question, you can find the file and resubmit it.

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How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

Welcome to this informative article that will guide you on how to write an effective email for the submission of your assignment. If you’re unsure about how to draft an email for submitting your assignment, this article is here to help you!

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

What to include in the email.

When composing your email for assignment submission, it’s important to include the following parts:

Subject Line

Choose a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email. For example, “Assignment Submission – [Course Name]”. This helps the recipient identify the email’s content quickly.

Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as “Dear Professor [Last Name],” or “Hi [Instructor’s Name],”. Use the appropriate salutation based on your relationship with the recipient.


In the body of the email, mention any relevant details or specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clearly state that you are submitting your assignment and acknowledge the due date. If there are any additional comments or questions related to the assignment, include them here.

End your email with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name and contact information. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for the recipient to respond if necessary.

Email Template – Assignment Submission

Subject: Assignment Submission – [Course Name] Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date]. If you have any further instructions or clarifications, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]
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Assessment Submission in Moodle

There are several assessment submission types in Moodle. The two most popular ones are Moodle Assignment and Turnitin. 

Moodle Assignment can be submitted as an online text (when you have to enter text in the text field box directly in Moodle), as a file upload (when you have to upload a document file from your device) or as a media gallery (when you have to upload an image or a video from your device).

Turnitin can be submitted only as a document file (in a .pdf or .doc file format) from your device. Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention tool that checks submitted written work for improper citation, plagiarised content or AI written text. Each Turnitin assignment is checked against other students' work, the Internet and key resources selected by your instructor.

Moodle Assignment

The Moodle Assignment activity is used as a general assignment submission box where you have to upload your written work. It can be used for group submissions or individual work submissions.

Before you upload an assignment file, ensure that:

  • all files are in formats that readers will be able to access
  • the file name observes any naming conventions that are current for your course.

Moodle Assignment Submission

The Moodle Assignment can be set up to accept different file types. Below are indicated different types of file submissions and how they look like.

Click ' Get Started'  to view the step-by-step guide.

If you are completing an assessment or activity that will be graded, please use a recommended browser on a desktop or laptop computer. Tablets or phones are not fully supported for use with UNSW Moodle.

When submitting an assignment, keep in mind that if you are inactive for too long your Moodle session will time out and you will need to log in again.

What if something goes wrong?

If you receive an error, cannot upload your assignment or cannot find the submission link, the first point of contact should be your lecturer. Make sure to take recordings or screenshots of the error messages you are receiving, so you have proof to show later.

Some assignments can be restricted to be visible only from a certain date and time, so you may not be able to see the submission link due to this.

Media Gallery submissions can be done in different ways that your lecturer will explain in advance. Please follow these instructions as advised by your lecturer.

Files saved in different formats may not be readable on different devices, so it's best practice to convert them to .pdf format before submitting.

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Turnitin Assignment

Turnitin is commonly used as an originality-checking service to help identify potential plagiarism by checking submissions against a wide range of databases including the web, and papers submitted to UNSW, as well as other institutions. Your papers submitted to the Turnitin database will remain in the database for some time and will be used for similarity checking. Even if you submit the same or similar paper yourself, it will be displayed having high percentage of similarity as the same work is already in Turnitin's database. 

Submit a Turnitin assignment in Moodle

Turnitin assignment only accepts MS Word and PDF files. The best practice is to save your work in .pdf format before uploading. Turnitin cannot read images, so it will give an error if you try uploading a file with no readable text.

View your assignment’s Turnitin Similarity Report

The similarity score is a percentage of your assignment's matches to other sources. The tool provides instructors and students to easily find matches or similar text within submitted work. In the Submission Inbox page, the similarity index for your submitted assignment will display almost immediately.

Note: Your lecturers may choose to allow students to view Similarity score or not. Your lecturers also may allow you to be resubmit your paper before the due date if your similarity score is too high. After the 3rd resubmission, the similarity score will take 24 hours to generate.

For information on academic integrity issues and UNSW plagiarism policy, see  Plagiarism .

Restrictions on all Turnitin submissions

The following restrictions apply to Turnitin submissions:

  • All submissions must be text-based. Scanned documents must be passed through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software prior to submission.
  • MS Word (.doc/.docx)
  • WordPerfect (.wpd)
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
  • PostScript (.eps), HTML (.htm), and
  • plain text (.txt) format.
  • Some formats such as hwp, odt, wpd, ps or PowerPoint may be accepted if it contains computer readable text. No other file types are accepted.

If you need to submit uncommon file types or those not listed above, it is recommended to convert it to a PDF first.

  • You can cut and paste files from other word processing programs into the Turnitin submit paper page.
  • Only one file per student can exist for each assignment.
  • Files must have at least 20 words
  • The file size limit for text files is 100MB.

As soon as you submit your assignment, Turnitin will display a digital receipt on the screen—if it doesn't, your assignment has not been successfully submitted. Turnitin will also email you a submission receipt.

Other settings may apply

Assignment settings determine whether you can:

  • make multiple submissions during a specified period, or only one submission
  • receive, if multiple submissions are possible, an originality report every time you submit, or only once
  • view the originality reports generated when OriginalityCheck checks your assignment against its databases.

Individual course conveners or your School policy determine these settings. If you have any questions about how OriginalityCheck is being used in your course, ask your course convener.

Access Marks in Moodle Gradebook

Your marks for all gradable activities are available in the Grades section at the top of each course.


View Marks and Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria are tables that list all the aspects of an assignment on which you will be graded, and all the levels of achievement you can reach with regard to each aspect. These are also called rubrics or marking guides. 

Rubrics and marking guides tell you exactly what you will be marked on. They are generally more objective than a single mark. When you get your assignment back, you can tell exactly what you did right, and where you might make efforts to improve your work.

It's a good idea to look at the Grading Criteria your teacher has created for an assignment  before  you complete it, so that you can focus your efforts on demonstrating the skills specifically required by the criteria.

To look at the Grading Criteria before submitting your assignment, go to the relevant assignment and look under  Submission status > Grading criteria , to find the rubric or marking guide that has been set up for the assignment.

After your submission has been graded, the awarded criteria will be displayed in the Feedback section of your assignment.

Access Marks and Feedback in Turnitin

There are two ways to check your Turnitin submission mark. You can check it in the Gradebook or you can access it through the Turnitin submission link. If you access your grades via Turnitin submission link, you will also be able to see any feedback provided by your lecturer or tutor.

This following video provides step-by-step instructions on accessing your mark and feedback for assignments submitted via Turnitin.

View the transcript of this video .

Created by: Mike Bogle, UNSW Arts & Social Sciences.

Why can't I resubmit my Assignment?

A resubmit button or option may not be immediately available to students depending on the design of the assessment task and the due date. Course convenors will usually provide details about this in the assessment summary.

If you have questions, accidentally made an incorrect submission, or require a resubmission, please contact your lecturer. They will be able to allow resubmission, or delete existing submissions depending on their judgement.

Why can't I see my Turnitin grades?

Turnitin assignments have two key dates. The due date  indicates the latest time and date that you can submit your paper, and the post date  indicates the time when your grades and feedback will be released. You will generally only see your grades after the post date. Check with your lecturer if you believe your marks should be visible but are not appearing.

Unable to submit your Turnitin assignment?

There are a number of reasons why you may be unable to submit an assignment to your course's Turnitin Submission box, each with a recommended course of action.


Check that you are within the advised submission dates. Late submissions may be disabled by your instructor, preventing you from submitting.



If you have checked that you are within the advised submission dates and still cannot submit, your instructor may have incorrectly set the dates.



Check that you are submitting a compatible format/size (as listed above, in the Restrictions of all Turnitin Submissions section).



Check that your web browser and computer matches the .




The Turnitin service may be temporarily unavailable due to planned/unplanned outages.

Planned outages are rare within standard business hours, and are typically announced ahead of time on Moodle homepage.

Unplanned outages are typically short and are resolved within a few minutes.


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  • Logging in to Moodle
  • Files and uploading
  • Assessment submission
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how to submit the assignment

How to submit an Assignment on myModules

how to submit the assignment

Watch the video below on how to submit a written assignment:  

Follow the steps below to complete an Written Assignment assessment:

  • Open the Assignment  assessment.

how to submit the assignment

  • Complete the Take-Home assessment in MS Word or on paper. Note: MS Word documents needs to be saved as a PDF document and paper based answers needs to be scanned in to a combined PDF document.

how to submit the assignment

  • Note the file requirements such as:
  • File size limit.
  • Number of files that can be submitted.
  • File formats allowed.

how to submit the assignment

Watch the video below on drafts vs submission for grading:  

Watch the video below on editing or replacing an assignment submission:  

Watch the video below on improving on an attempt:  

Watch the video below on checking your grades and feedback:  

Watch the video below on the assignment submission status page:  

Complete the  Assignment Activity  next before continuing to the next section.


  1. How do I submit an online assignment?

    Before submitting an assignment, you may want to review all assignment information, such as the assignment rubric, if any. This lesson shows how to turn in a standard online assignment. Learn how to submit a peer review assignment. Third-Party File Application Submissions.

  2. Submit Assignments

    Submit an assignment. When you finish your assignment, you must select Submit. If you don't, your instructor won't receive your completed assignment. If your instructor hasn't allowed multiple attempts, you may submit your assignment only once. Before you select Submit, be sure that you have attached any required files.

  3. How to Submit an Assignment in Google Classroom in 2 Ways

    Select "Classwork" from the menu. 4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment." Click "View assignment" after selecting the assignment you want to submit for. Sophie Putka/Business ...

  4. How to submit assignment in Google Classroom tutorial

    In this Google Classroom tutorial, you'll see Google Classroom for students examples on how to submit assignments. Subscribe for more!...

  5. UPDATED: Google Classroom

    Learn how to submit an assignment in Google Classroom

  6. Submit Assignments

    Submit an assignment. Your instructor provides all the information and files you need to complete an assignment. Be mindful of the time. If your instructor put a time limit on the assignment, you can keep track of how much time is left. A countdown appears at the top left of your screen and warns you as the time limit gets closer.

  7. Google Classroom

    In this video tutorial, I show you how to submit assignments in Google Classroom. With or without an attachment.Get a FREE DOMAIN NAME and 50% Off Web Hostin...

  8. Turn in an assignment

    Click the class Classwork.; Click the quiz View instructions.; Click the form and answer the questions. Click Submit. If the form is the only work for the assignment, the status of the assignment changes to Turned in.; If there's more work to do for the assignment, click Open assignment.; Turn in an assignment with an assigned doc

  9. Assignment Submissions (Students)

    You can type or copy and paste your assignment text into the Rich Content Editor. To submit a website URL as a submission type, click the Website URL tab. Then type or copy and paste the web address, into the Website URL field. To record or upload audio or video as a submission type, click the Media tab. Click the Record/Upload Media button.

  10. Start, revise & submit assignments

    Start, revise & submit assignments. To start your assignment, you first need to link your Google Account to Assignments. You can then open your assignment and, when you are finished, submit it for grading. If you edit your work before the due date, you can resubmit your assignment. You can attach any file type from Google Drive or your hard ...

  11. How to Turn in Assignments in Google Classroom

    Turn on the Google Classroom app. Check an assignment. Add additional files if necessary. Include any private comments and click/tap the Turn In button to send them out via email for assessment ...

  12. Create and Edit Assignments

    Student assignment submission confirmations. When students submit assignments successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about their submitted assignments and a success message with a confirmation number. Students can copy and save this number as proof of their submissions and evidence for academic disputes.

  13. How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment

    5. Attach the assignment. The most important part of your email to submit an assignment is to attach the assignment itself. Make sure that the attachment is saved in a file format that is compatible with the recipient's computer, and that the file is clearly labeled with your name and the name of the assignment.

  14. Online Learning: How to Submit Assignments

    Usually, you click Open after you identify the file you want and then click Submit. The next screen you see should be a confirmation that the file has been uploaded. This figure shows what this looks like from the Student view in Canvas. A dropbox in Canvas.

  15. Assignment submission with myUnisa

    Assignments submitted online via myUnisa will be marked online. The marked assignments will be returned to students to be viewed online. If you made a mistake and want to re-submit your assignment, you must do so immediately. You will only be able to submit an assignment while the re-submit link shows next to the assignment number.

  16. How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

    Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date].

  17. How do I create an online assignment?

    Select Online Entry Options. Select the online entry options you want to allow for the assignment. You can select up to four options: Text Entry [1]: Students can submit their assignment directly in the Rich Content Editor. DocViewer annotations are not available for text entry submissions. Additionally, text entry submissions cannot be re ...

  18. How do I submit an online assignment in a course using Assignment

    Submit File Upload. To upload a file as your submission, click the Upload button [1] To upload a file from your computer, drag and drop a file [2], or browse your computer files by clicking the Choose a file to upload link [3]. To capture a photo of your assignment using your computer's webcam, click the Webcam button [4].

  19. Assessment Submission in Moodle

    There are several assessment submission types in Moodle. The two most popular ones are Moodle Assignment and Turnitin. Moodle Assignment can be submitted as an online text (when you have to enter text in the text field box directly in Moodle), as a file upload (when you have to upload a document file from your device) or as a media gallery (when you have to upload an image or a video from your ...

  20. How To Resubmit An Assignment on Blackboard

    This video explains how you can resubmit an assignment on Blackboard. You may only resubmit your assignment, if it is allowed by your Professors. Please reac...

  21. myModules Guide: How to submit an Assignment on myModules

    When ready to submit, open the Take-Home (Assignment) assessment again and click on the Add Submission button. File size limit. Number of files that can be submitted. File formats allowed. Check the acknowledgement checkbox and upload your answers document and then click on the Save changes button. Review your submission information regarding ...

  22. remote submit assignments jobs

    The candidate(s) offered this position will be required to submit to a background investigation, which includes a drug screen. Joining our team isn't just a job — it's an opportunity. One that takes your skills and pushes them to the next level. One that encourages you to challenge the status quo.

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    Not sure just where to drop that assignment file? Here's a quick walkthrough of the file submission process in Populi! For more information on submitting wor...

  24. Create assignments

    Project type: You can choose up to five formats for a given assignment, giving students options to choose a blank format for completing the assignment. Template from Your stuff: Students will be directed to create a specific project (for example, a video).

  25. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

    If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer as an assignment submission. Canvas converts specific file types as previews and supports certain media file uploads. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user storage quot...

  26. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    Click the Upload option [2]. If your instructor only allows File submissions, the Upload File tool displays in place of the Choose a submission type section. Notes: If the Upload submission type does not display, your instructor has restricted this submission type. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online.