Estructura y recomendaciones para que tu opinion essay sea perfecto

opinion essay

Si piensas estudiar una carrera en ingl茅s o vas a presentar una prueba de nivel, este art铆culo es para ti. Te explicaremos todo lo referente al opinion essay , lo que en espa帽ol ser铆a como un ensayo o art铆culo de opini贸n. Si no eres estudiante pero te interesa mejorar tu ingl茅s escrito, tambi茅n te funcionar谩.

Un opinion essay es un escrito formal en el que su autor puede plasmar su opini贸n sobre un tema en espec铆fico. La idea es que no solo presentes tu punto de vista, sino que adem谩s argumentes tu posici贸n, ya sea a favor o contra, con datos s贸lidos para poder generar una conclusi贸n final. Adem谩s de presentar los argumentos a favor, tambi茅n es importante presentar la visi贸n contraria a nuestra posici贸n. Este tipo de art铆culo es com煤n en las pruebas para obtener certificaciones de ingl茅s, en niveles como B1, B2 o C1. 

Recomendaciones para escribir un opinion essay

Antes de conocer la estructura para escribir un opinion essay en ingl茅s, veamos algunas recomendaciones que te ayudar谩n:

  • Usa siempre un lenguaje formal , en este tipo de art铆culo no es v谩lido el lenguaje informal. No uses contracciones, phrasal verbs , ni idioms .
  • Utiliza conectores que te permitan unir un p谩rrafo con otro con sentido. Evita repetirlos constantemente.
  • Para redactar un opinion essay efectivamente, tu ingl茅s debe ser bueno , sino est谩s en un nivel intermedio o avanzado es mejor que te prepares antes de hacerlo.
  • Cada p谩rrafo deber铆a tener una idea principal a desarrollar . Evita p谩rrafos y oraciones largas que cansan al lector.
  • Antes de comenzar tu art铆culo define cu谩l ser谩 tu opini贸n , esto te ayudar谩 a estructurarlo adecuadamente. Esta posici贸n debes dejarla clara desde el inicio de tu escrito. 
  •  Para hacer este tipo de art铆culos debes investigar ya que necesitas datos, hechos, fuentes que sustenten tu posici贸n.
  • Escribe en un solo tiempo verbal , si es en presente simple , mantenlo en todo el art铆culo. 
  • El t铆tulo es un punto clave en tu escrito, debes pensarlo bien. Evita titular con una pregunta. En el t铆tulo debe quedar claro tu opini贸n sobre el tema a tratar. 
  • Mant茅n la objetividad en tu escrito, a pesar de que es un art铆culo de opini贸n no debes dejarte llevar solo por las emociones, trata de ser objetivo.
  • Antes de escribir ten claro el objetivo de tu ensayo y el p煤blico al que va dirigido. Haz un bosquejo de las ideas principales, selecciona las m谩s importantes y descarta aquellas que no son v谩lidas.

Estructura para escribir un opinion essay

Antes de comenzar a escribir un ensayo opinion essay debes conocer la estructura correcta, que se divide b谩sicamente en tres puntos: introducci贸n, cuerpo y conclusi贸n. Veamos en detalle uno por uno para que comiences a escribir tu propio ensayo de opini贸n:


En este primer punto de nuestro escrito debemos ubicar al lector sobre qu茅 leer谩 . Como su nombre lo dice, la introducci贸n hace referencia a introducir nuestra visi贸n, es decir, dar una idea de qu茅 tratar谩 nuestro ensayo.

En este pre谩mbulo debes exponer el tema a tratar y enganchar al lector. Para esto puedes ayudarte con cifras, datos o hechos reales que sean atractivos y determinantes. Si tu introducci贸n no es lo suficientemente atractiva tendr谩s pocas posibilidades de que el lector contin煤e. As铆 que debes esmerarte por comenzar fuerte, claro y contundente. Para comenzar a introducir estos datos o hechos te dejamos algunas frases en ingl茅s que te funcionar谩n en tu opinion essay :

En general se cree que
Se cree que
De acuerdo a
Es ampliamente conocido que
Definitivamente hay
Es un hecho que
Por ejemplo
rSeg煤n este autor
La investigaci贸n ha demostrado que

Cuerpo principal

Tras realizar la introducci贸n debemos comenzar a desarrollar nuestro art铆culo de opini贸n. Aqu铆 debemos exponer todos los argumentos que sustentan nuestra opini贸n. La recomendaci贸n es trabajar por cada p谩rrafo un argumento. Recuerda que los argumentos pueden ser en contra o favor de una posici贸n, todo depender谩 de la postura que te plantees asumir. 

Lo ideal es que comiences tu primer p谩rrafo del cuerpo del ensayo con el argumento m谩s fuerte, el que sustenta tu opini贸n. En el segundo p谩rrafo podr谩s exponer el segundo argumento m谩s importantes y as铆 vas sucesivamente explicando por p谩rrafo cada argumento en orden de prioridad. Normalmente los ensayos se componen de aproximadamente cinco p谩rrafos.

Para que tus p谩rrafos sean f谩ciles de leer debes estructurarlos bien. Evita las oraciones largas y p谩rrafos complejos. Ve al grano sin dejar de usar un lenguaje formal y siempre con un argumento que justifique lo que est谩s escribiendo. Para expresar opini贸n tendr谩s que usar algunas frases que te ayudar谩n a presentar tu punto de vista sobre el tema que est谩s escribiendo. 隆Toma nota!

En mi opini贸n
Desde mi punto de vista
Mi punto de vista personal es que
A mi modo de ver
Me parece que
En mi opini贸n
Desde mi punto de vista
En otras palabras
En pocas palabras
Personalmente siento que
Teniendo esto en cuenta
En lo que a m铆 respecta
Creo firmemente que
Siento fuertemente que
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con
Estoy completamente en desacuerdo con 
Estoy de acuerdo con la afirmaci贸n, porque
Estoy en desacuerdo con la afirmaci贸n, porque
Estoy seguro que
Estoy convencido de que
Estoy a favor de
Yo considero
Honestamente, creo
Me gustar铆a agregar un punto m谩s
Lo que quiero decir es
La manera en que lo veo
Personalmente, no tengo dudas de
Me gustar铆a dejar claro
Se pudiera argumentar que
Esto sugiere que
Pareciera que

Todas estas frases te ayudar谩n al momento que expreses tu opini贸n en ingl茅s en tu art铆culo de opinion essay . Debes escoger la m谩s apropiada seg煤n sea el caso, como ves hay unas m谩s formales y otras m谩s coloquiales y directas. Para que no siempre uses las mismas, puedes ir variando en cada p谩rrafo a medida que vayas explicando los argumentos.

Veamos algunos ejemplos para expresar opini贸n:

In my opinion, educator salaries need to be improved. / En mi opini贸n, es necesario mejorar los sueldos de los educadores. From my point of view, you have to regulate internet content. / Desde mi punta vista hay que regular los contenidos de internet. I disagree with current public policies. / No estoy de acuerdo con las pol铆ticas p煤blicas vigentes.

Para poder estructurar tus p谩rrafos con sentido utiliza como te mencionamos arriba los famosos conectores. Aqu铆 te dejamos algunos 煤tiles, pero te invitamos a leer nuestro art铆culo de conectores en ingl茅s (linking words) donde encontrar谩s much铆simos m谩s.

En realidad
En efecto
Adem谩s de esto
Sobre todo
En primer lugar
Sin embargo
Mientras que
Sin embargo
En segundo lugar
En tercer lugar
Otro punto
Por 煤ltimo, pero no menos importante
Incluso si
Por lo tanto
Por otra parte / Por otro lado

Hay much铆simos conectores que puedes usar, no uses siempre los mismos. De igual forma en la lista anterior te dejamos algunos que sirven para estructurar el orden de tus ideas. Aqu铆 tienes algunos ejemplos:

If you can consume energy, you can do work and, therefore , create more. / Si eres capaz de consumir energ铆a, puedes trabajar y, por lo tanto, crear m谩s. It’s very romantic, even if the language is a bit stilted. / Es muy rom谩ntico, incluso si el lenguaje es un poco forzado. But above all , I think it lost touch with its subjects. / Pero sobre todo, creo que perdi贸 el contacto con sus temas.

En la 煤ltima parte de tu opinion essay deber谩s realizar una conclusi贸n que concentre las ideas principales de tu escrito y termine de reforzar tu opini贸n al respecto. Muchas veces los estudiantes subestiman la conclusi贸n y no se esfuerzan en hacer un buen cierre, lo cual es un grave error. Tu conclusi贸n debe ser igual de importante que el resto del escrito, as铆 que no lo tomes a la ligera solo por poner fin. 

Aqu铆 te dejamos unas frases 煤tiles que te servir谩n al momento de indicar la conclusi贸n de tu opinion essay :

En conclusi贸n
Para resumir brevemente
Para resumir
Para concluir
En resumen
En t茅rminos generales
En otras palabras
Entonces, mi conclusi贸n es
Es evidente que
Como se muestra arriba
Como puede verse
Esto sugiere que
Como se muestra arriba

Veamos a continuaci贸n un ejemplo de un opinion essay partiendo de una pregunta ya formulada, es decir no partimos de un tema libre. Este es m谩s un estilo de prueba oficial, por ejemplo IELTS, donde te dan un tema en concreto y deber谩s presentar tu posici贸n al respecto:


It is argued that earning lots of money has more significance to people than being content in their work. This essay totally disagrees with that statement. I believe that people are increasingly concerned about the risk of stress-related ill-health frequently experienced by people in highly paid positions and they care more about feeling fulfilled at work. Employees who earn a large income are generally under significant mental and emotional pressure to perform well and achieve targets. This causes many individuals to suffer high levels of stress which can result in mental health problems. This happened to my uncle. He used to boast about his huge salary but the boss kept increasing his sales targets and in the end, the stress became too great and he had a nervous breakdown. Now he regrets being driven by the money. Having a job that they enjoy doing, and in which they feel valued, is a major concern for most of the modern workforce. A significant number of people are giving up well-paid positions to do jobs which pay less but that they find more enjoyable and less stressful. I am an example of this myself. A year ago I left the teaching profession because the workload had become too great, and I am now a gardener. I feel really fulfilled in this work and I am much more relaxed and happy even though I earn far less money. In conclusion, for a high percentage of the population, earning a substantial wage is less important than job satisfaction because of the negative effects of work-related stress and the desire to feel happy and fulfilled at work. (272 words)

Mientras domines todas las frases propuestas en este art铆culo, te ser谩 muy sencillo escribir tu opinion essay si ya tienes claro cu谩l es tu opini贸n y argumentos. Al finalizar la redacci贸n puedes recurrir a un corrector gramatical como herramienta para evitar cualquier error en tu escrito. As铆 que te invitamos a leer nuestro art铆culo sobre 驴cu谩l es el mejor corrector gramatical? para que tengas las mejores opciones a la hora de revisar tus art铆culos y as铆 entregar algo profesional sin errores gramaticales ni ortogr谩ficos.

Ahora que ya sabes que es un opinion essay , conoces su estructura y tienes claras las principales recomendaciones es momento de practicar. Para complementar lo aprendido te dejamos este video sobre c贸mo escribir un opinion essay , te ser谩 muy 煤til si vas a presentar una prueba en el nivel intermedio o alto para obtener una certificaci贸n del idioma. Este tipo de ensayos te ayudar谩n a mejorar tu writing , mientras m谩s escribas ver谩s que cada vez se te har谩 m谩s sencillo y adem谩s estar谩s enriqueciendo tu vocabulario, ya que te obliga a investigar palabras nuevas acordes a los temas a escribir.

Si necesitas ayuda de un profesor puedes inscribirte en nuestras clases de ingl茅s online en donde contar谩s con el apoyo y las herramientas necesarias para aprender el idioma. Te ofrecemos clases particulares y tambi茅n soluciones para empresas. Adem谩s, en Phone English ponemos a tu disposici贸n una clase gratis para que puedas conocer nuestro servicio. 隆Cont谩ctanos ya! 

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  • Post author By phone english
  • Post date 29/04/2021
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Teacher Julieta

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estructura opinion essay b1

How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in which you share your thoughts on a specific topic. You should express your opinion clearly and give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Remember that when we write in formal style , we must not use contractions or informal words or expressions.

Parts of an opinion essay

An opinion essay must have 3 parts:

1. Introduction

In this paragraph you have to introduce the topic. You introduce the topic by restating the question or the title of the essay in your own words. Here you have to say if you agree or not with the question or the title of the essay. You can agree, disagree or partially agree.

In this section you have to support your opinion with reasons and examples. You must include at least three reasons. Break it into several paragraphs. Write one paragraph for each supporting reason. Don’t forget to include examples or facts.

3. Conclusion

Summarize your ideas and restate your opinion using different words.

Transition words and phrases

In your essay you have to organize all your ideas in a logical and coherent way. You can use different transition words or phrases to connect your ideas . Transition words and phrases help the reader understand your point of view easily.

In the table below there is a list of common transition words that you can use in your opinion essays.

estructura opinion essay b1

Essay question: A1/B2 English learners should learn how to write an opinion essay. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

estructura opinion essay b1

Here you can download a simple template that you can use to organize your ideas. You can replace the red words with other transition or linking words from the chart. You can also add more transition words to connect your ideas more clearly.

estructura opinion essay b1


Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Write your answer in the comments below.

How to Express your Opinion in English

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24 thoughts on “ How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1 ”

Dogs are better pets than cats.

Nowadays, many people prefer to adopt dogs or cats, but which of them are the better pets? Personally, I think that it is better to have cats as pets for the following reasons:

First of all, cats are more independent than dogs. For example, if you need to go on a trip, cats can live alone for 3 or 4 days. In addition, you only need to put enough water and food in a bowl and a sandbox so they can pee and poop when they need.

Secondly, cats are very clean and you don´t need to pay for someone to bathe them, unlike dogs, which must be bathed at least every week, because they smell bad. In my experience, I had a cat 7 years ago and only needed to bathe him 3 times during 5 years, because, he used to bathe himself.

Finally, cats are more calm and quiet than dogs. For instance, cats sleep during the day and at night they wake up. However, they are very quiet so you can sleep relaxed. In addition, cats only meow softly and do not bark loudly like dogs.

In conclusion, cats are more lovely and better pets than dogs because they are very independent, clean, and calm animals. They are beautiful and they do not need a lot of care.

Great job Camila!!!! Please read the final essay and compare it with your draft.

Nowadays most people say that dogs are better compared to cats. However, I consider that you couldn’t say who is better because just by existing they are incredible. Therefore, I do not agree that any one is better than the other for the following reasons.

First of all, dogs and cats are house pets adaptable to any home. However, it depends a lot on the space where they are going to be. However, in terms of size, they can be perfectly adapted to each home.

Secondly, dogs and cats, if you educate them correctly, will have good grooming habits. So both of them are going to do the right thing and we wouldn’t say that one is better than the other.

Finally, I consider that dogs and cats are the best friends of humans in the world. They both give love unconditionally in any situation. Also, on the contrary, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have a health problem.

To conclude, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapt to each place and lifestyle, it only depends on us humans giving them love and care.

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Nowadays more and more pets walk into human families and become a member of them. Some people like dogs and others like cats. In my opinion cats are better pets than dogs.

First of all, you could have a cat no matter how big your family room is. Cats are smaller than most dogs so you do not need to have a big place for cats. Cats could sleep anywhere in your house and what you need to do is just prepare some food for them. However, if you have a dog, you need to prepare a big doghouse. So it is a little difficult if you live in a small apartment.

Second cats are more friendly than dogs. Most cats will not bark at people but dogs often do that to someone who is not familiar with them. It is a terrible feeling when your dogs bark at your neighbors.

Finally, the time you spend on taking care of your pets is less for cats. For instance, you do not need to take the cat out of your house every day if you are very busy after work.

In conclusion, cats are easy to take care of, for that reason I think cats are better pets than dogs.

Great job Li Yang. Please compare the final essay with your initial draft. 🙂

Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

There is a dispute between those who love dogs and those who love cats. Each side believes that their pet is the best. In my opinion, every animal has pluses and minuses. However, I will say that cats are better pets than dogs.

Firstly, cats are 100 percent pets. They can sleep for hours, play, and look out the window.

Secondly, cats do not need a walk. And this means that cats do not need to wash their paws. They keep their bodies clean.

Thirdly, if cats love their owners, they like to sleep on them. Cats say mur-mur and calm their owners when they are sad or something hurts them.

Finally, cats behave calmly to guests. They can leave the room if they do not like something or someone.

Let’s sum it up. Should people buy a cat or a dog?. It is up to us. However, I will buy a cat. A cat is an ideal pet for me because I am an introvert.

Well done Olga! Please compare your first draft with the final version ☝️

Thank you very much for your help, Julietta! It’s so important to look at yourself from the outside.

Excellent material (for an otherwise dull topic)- Thanks a million from faraway Argentina!

Hi Maria! I’m happy to hear that this post was helpful. I know! Teaching/learning writing sometimes is quite challenging.

[…] factual information using a formal tone. As with other pieces of formal writing (for example, essays, formal emails, articles, etc.), there is a special format used to write reports in […]

Most people can say dogs are good pets for humans compared to cats. Personally, I think, it is not possible to say who is better because both are amazing pets. For this reason , I disagree that dogs are better than cats.

First of all, dogs and cats are perfect domestic pets. Nowadays, people live in different spaces and dogs and cats can live perfectly in this place only depending on the size of the pets. Additionally, both can adapt perfectly to a different lifestyle for families or single people.

Secondly, dogs and cats are amazing because they have facial expressions closer to humans and sometimes they are more expressive than humans. For example, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have any health problems.

Lastly, dogs and cats are humans’ best friends in the world. Both give love unconditionally to people and stay at all times (good and bad) with them . Furthermore, it is so difficult to say one love is better than the other .

That is clear, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapted to every place and lifestyle only depend only that humans give love and care.

Well done Karla!! ⭐

Nowadays, adopting dogs and cats is hands down the most popular option for people who want to get a pet . Personally, I consider, it is imposible to say which one is a better option because both are awsome. However, I think that cats are good pets for a number of reason s . To begin with, cats are loving. For instance, when you are upset or depressed, they always try to cheer you up with their company. Furthermore, they love sleeping with you. Secondly, cats do not need to go for a walk . And this means that you have more spare time for yourself or for playing with them. In addition, you can go out all day knowing that your cat is going to be fine all by itself . Last but not least, cats are friendlier than dogs. If they do not like something or somebody they will simply go out of the room. What is more, they sometimes enjoy playing alone. To sum up, cats are more affectionate than dogs, making then better pets than other animals.

Amazing job Gloria!!!

Nowadays dogs and cats have become part of the family, they are like people who cannot talk, but communicate through different acts, I particularly prefer dogs.

First of all, I prefer dogs because they are more friendly, affectionate and loyal. These pets have easily won anyone is heart. Their willingness to be part of the family, their enthusiasm when we come home and their ability to provide emotional support are irreplaceable qualities.

Secondly, walking with them not only helps with exercise, but is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between us and the dogs. Their playful nature and willingness to learn make living with a dog an exciting and joyful experience.

Finally, I think dogs are ideal for those looking for an active and affectionate companion, while cats are great for people who value independence and feline elegance.

In conclusion, although I love dogs more, the choice between a dog and a cat as a pet depends a lot on each person’s personal preferences and lifestyle.

In almost every home there is a pet, whether cats, dogs or other animals that become part of the family. However, everyone has their own preferences, in my opinion dogs are better than cats for the following reasons. First of all, if you have a more active lifestyle. Dogs are very active animals that like to walk, run and play to stay healthy and happy, while cats are more sedentary and prefer to sleep all day. Secondly, dogs are very obedient animals. If trained correctly, they can learn tricks and commands. In addition to being very affectionate animals. Lastly, dogs are very protective and loyal animals. If they see something they don’t like or something that could be a threat to their family, they will be willing to protect them. In conclusion, dogs are very good companions, they are affectionate, active, protective, and they are the best if you have a more active lifestyle, but I also think that it depends a lot on the person in charge, on their type of life.

Moderation in cell phone use is crucial in contemporary society for various reasons. Firstly, the abuse of mobile devices can have negative impacts on mental health, contributing to increased stress and anxiety due to constant exposure to social networks and notifications. Additionally, excessive use can affect interpersonal relationships by distracting people during face-to-face encounters.

Additionally, cell phone dependency can affect productivity and concentration in daily activities. The constant interruption by notifications and the compulsion to check the phone can undermine the quality of work and academic performance.

On the other hand, moderation in cell phone use is essential for road safety. Distracted driving due to phone use has been a major cause of traffic accidents. Implementing limits on cell phone use while driving is a necessary measure to prevent tragedies.

to conclusion, moderation in cell phone use is imperative to safeguard mental health, strengthen personal relationships, improve productivity and guarantee public safety. Setting conscious boundaries and encouraging responsible use of technology is essential for a healthy balance between digital life and reality.

Today, dogs and cats are the perfect companion in the home of the world. However, in my opinion, I prefer cats, this pet is wonderful and special partner of adventures and madness. Following, I say three reason for that cat is the best friend for human.

First, cat isn´t noisy, this pet is very quiet and calm, inside of house cat keep silence, because theirs legs are padding and when walking not make noise. In addition, meows of cats are soft and do not bark loudly like dogs.

Secondly, I considerer cats are clean because, this pet bathe with their tongue for this reason your cat not needed take shower always. For example, I bathe my cat « Mihos » every six months.

Finally, cats are more independent than dogs. In my experience, my pet go for a walk alone. For this reason, my cat not need to that stroll with me.

To conclude, cats are excellent domestic pets, they are pretty and mystics. And they will take care of your home and your heart. I always adore cats.

In Defense of Dogs: Man’s Best Friend The age-old debate of whether cats or dogs make better pets has long been a topic of discussion among animal lovers. While both animals have their merits, I firmly believe that dogs hold a special place in our lives as faithful companions. In this essay, I will present the reasons, in my opinion, why dogs are superior pets, offering unwavering loyalty, companionship, and numerous other qualities that make them man’s best friend.

First of all, dogs are renowned for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their owners. They form deep emotional bonds and are always there to provide comfort and support, making them invaluable companions in both good and challenging times.

Secondly, dogs thrive on social interaction and physical activity, encouraging their owners to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle. Their enthusiasm for outdoor activities and playtime fosters a strong and positive relationship between humans and their pets, promoting a sense of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, dogs come in a wide variety of breeds, each with its unique personality and traits. Whether as service animals, working dogs, or loving family pets, they display remarkable adaptability and versatility, making them suitable for a diverse range of roles and environments.

In conclusion, the qualities that dogs possess, including unwavering loyalty, companionship, and their ability to enhance our physical and emotional well-being, make them exceptional companions. Their impact on human lives is immeasurable, as they provide love, support, and joy to countless individuals and families worldwide. Therefore, I firmly believe that dogs are, without a doubt, man’s best friend and make superior pets in numerous ways.

Chat GPT diserves full marks 100%

Why are dogs better than cats? In my opinion, dogs are better than cats for many reasons. In this essay I will address various topics, such as fidelity, company, cleanliness, protection, among others, and I will try to defend man’s best friends.

First of all, dogs are man’s best friends because they are very faithful to humans. For instance, in risky situations for their owners they act as defenders and help detect risky situations. Dogs can also work in the police department as detectors of prohibited substances, and they can also serve as a company for people with mental illnesses who need support .

Second, dogs are more affectionate with their owners. They can recognize their owners after a long time. They have a super developed and very effective sense of smell. This is why in many occasions when people disappear, dogs track them alone .

Finally , dogs have a lower loss rate compared to cats. In addtion, dogs are kept in their homes, and there are many cases in which lost dogs lead people to their “wanted” files in order to return to their homes. Dogs often defend their owners even if they get hurt or, in many cases dogs die.

To sum up , dogs are better than cats due to their loyalty, their defense tactics towards their owners, and in many cases also their intelligence, which is why they are called man’s best friends.

Good effort!

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Preparation for the IELTS Exam

How to write an IELTS opinion essay

Ielts opinion essay: structure, model answer, and analysis..

Updated: February 2023

There are 5 types of essays in IELTS writing task 2 and a common one is an opinion essay.

So how do you know if it is an opinion essay?. You will first need to study the instruction words. These words tell you what you should write about and this should be the first step to take before you even begin to plan. Analyse the task and especially the instruction words so you do not go off-topic or write a different essay altogether.

Here are 2 essay tasks below, which one do you think is the opinion essay?

1.  Most people agree that money cannot buy happiness. Why is happiness difficult to define? How can people achieve happiness? 2.  Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Looking at the instruction words we can see that the second one is an opinion essay as it asks ‘ To what extent do you agree or disagree? ‘

The first task is called a ‘Two-part question essay’ or sometimes called a ‘Direct question essay’.

Instruction words

Opinion essays will have various instruction words such as:

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Do you agree or disagree?
What is your opinion?
Do you think…?
What do you think….?
In your opinion what is ….?

In some cases the instruction words ask your opinion it may be a discussion essay such as:

‘Discuss both views and give your own opinion’ 

The structure of a discussion essay is different from an opinion essay as you will need to explain peoples views before you go into your own opinion.

This task below is a 2 part question essay and the second question asks your opinion.

Most people agree that money cannot buy happiness. Why is happiness difficult to define? How can people achieve happiness?

The opinion essay that I am referring to asks ‘ To what extent do you agree or disagree?’ means how much do you agree/disagree? , do you completely agree/disagree?  or somewhat agree/disagree?  or do you neither agree nor disagree?

You can write in your thesis statement something like:  ‘ I completely agree because…..’ or if you don’t agree, something like: ‘ I absolutely disagree because…..’

What is an effective opinion essay structure?

There is no magic Band 9 structure but my students have found that the structure below works well in an opinion essay.

estructura opinion essay b1

Tips on structure:

  • The main body paragraphs will cover the reasons for your opinion; however, do not list ideas just use one central idea and explain and support it.
  • Don’t wait until the conclusion to give your opinion. It must be throughout the whole essay .
  • Don’t give 2 different opinions. Do not agree then disagree as it will confuse the examiner. You can balance it with why someone would hold an opposing view but it is not a discussion essay.
  • I advise keeping the introduction under 60 words , each body paragraph should be approximately 90 to 105 words , the conclusion needs to be shorter than the introduction and no new ideas should be added to the conclusion
  • Aim for between 270 to 295 words , over 300 words is not realistic as you only have 40 minutes to write the essay .

Which body paragraph is better?

Take a look at these 2 main body one paragraphs to the task below, what do you think will score higher?

Task question:

Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

A long time ago people used to go to market places and they bought basic daily necessities, now people can buy online and go to many high street shops. In addition, we can choose any hotel we like at cheap prices. Also, businesses compete with each other which means customers can buy items at low cost as well as a bigger selection of goods. Furthermore, the economy benefits because people can select from so many different products. For example, has millions of products that are much cheaper than buying at a shopping mall.

Admittedly, these days there are far too many choices which can be overwhelming; however, I think that for consumers this is an advantage because it forces businesses to compete with each other. This means that shoppers can benefit greatly from lower prices. For example, over the past two decades, Ryanair and EasyJet budget airlines have considerably reduced the cost of airfares for flights all over Europe. Before this, there was only one airline to choose from at exorbitant costs. Presently, many more budget airline options are serving destinations worldwide with incredible bargains for customers.  

Click below for the answer.

The 2nd example is better because I wrote one central idea (lower prices for consumers) and expanded on that. The example given is not entirely true but it looks very feasible. You can just make up examples but they have to be specific and realistic looking. The point of an example is to support your main idea.

At the start of the paragraph I mentioned that too much choice is overwhelming but then contrast that with my opinion (Admittedly, these days there are far too many choices which can be overwhelming; however, I think that…) .

To see how to balance the essay click here for a lesson on balancing your opinion .

In example 1 above this has too many ideas and too many points. It jumps around and is not focusing on one central idea. The points are relevant but there is too much going on.

You will also notice an opinion is not given directly in the first example (I think / I believe etc)  the whole paragraph affects coherence and cohesion as well as task response. The example given about is also quite weak and not well explained.

Analysing the question.

As with all IELTS essays, it is crucial to spend a couple of minutes analysing the task and underling the keywords so that you are writing relevant points in the essay. If you go off-topic or write irrelevant points it will affect your score.

This is the task question for my model answer below and it is clear that the essay is about having too many choices these days . This means that there is something negative about having many choices, as the word ‘too’ implies something negative. In my model answer, I disagree with this being a negative and in fact, many choices are beneficial.

Click here for the 5 steps you need to take before writing.

I advise 10 minutes of planning time, this includes time analysing the question and getting relevant ideas.

Click here for a lesson about examples in main body paragraphs.

Model Answer

Some people believe that n owadays we have too many choices . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is argued that in recent times people are overwhelmed by so many choices. Although I agree with this to some extent, for consumers I believe that having so many options enables them to purchase more competitively priced and higher quality products.

Another reason why I believe that more choice is beneficial is that the quality of products has improved in recent years. This is because many businesses are vying for customers’ attention, so their main selling points are not only low prices but also much higher quality. For instance, smartphone costs have decreased in the past 5 years and these devices are more powerful and more durable than ever before. This is primarily because manufacturers have focused on quality control to compete with rival products. I would argue that this has been a benefit to consumers which would not have been possible with one or two companies monopolising the smartphone market.

To conclude, despite the argument that there is too much freedom of choice nowadays, I hold the view that this is a positive trend as so many options allows customers to buy inexpensive items without compromising on quality.

Click below to see more detail and an analysis

1. My thesis statement says: Although I agree with this to some extent, for consumers I believe that having so many options enables them to purchase more competitively priced and higher quality products.

I am giving a balanced opinion here and focusing specifically on choice for consumers.

2. I have covered the points about how more choices have resulted in lower prices in main body one, while in main body two I cover the point about higher quality products because of the fact there are more choices. Notice how I have balanced my view: Admittedly, these days there are far too many choices which can be overwhelming; however, I think that for consumers this is an advantage because it forces businesses to compete with each other. .

3. The examples I gave are made up and not entirely true but they look realistic, the examiner does not check your examples for validity. Examples are there to support your main ideas. Do not put statistics in the examples either.

4. The points I have made in the essay connect with consumerism and shopping, but I have linked them to the points about how having many choices are of benefit to customers or consumers , because my opinion is that having many choices is a good aspect

5. In this type of essay, you could write about other areas where having many choices are relevant such as the choices of universities we can attend, the choices of work we might engage in, The choice of health care options available….and so on.

Here is a good news article from ‘ Business Insider’ that connects with this task question. Reading is a very good way to get ideas for IELTS essays.

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estructura opinion essay b1

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Opinion Essay: cómo escribir un artículo de opinión

estructura opinion essay b1

¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos un jueves más!  Hoy vamos a ver cómo escribir un artículo de opinión, es decir, un OPINION ESSAY. 

Saber redactar un opinion essay conlleva conocer la estructura del texto así como algunos conectores y formas para introducir nuestra opinión. Pero lo cierto es que este post no solo nos ayudará a aprender a redactarlo, sino que además aprenderemos expresiones para que en nuestro día a día sepamos expresar nuestra opinión de manera oral. 

Espero que os acordéis de los linkers and connectors del post anterior de escritura, ¡porque hoy os van a resultar útiles! Aunque, no os preocupéis, repasaremos los más útiles para este essay concreto.

¿Preparados? ¡Vamos allá!

¿Qué es un opinion essay?

Para aprender a redactarlo, es esencial saber qué es. Un opinion essay es una redacción en la que damos nuestra opinión sobre algún tema determinado. 

Es importante mostrar una opinión clara desde el principio, es decir, desde la introducción de la redacción. A lo largo del texto, acompañaremos nuestra opinión de razones y ejemplos que argumenten nuestro punto de vista. Además, podemos ofrecer también una visión opuesta a la nuestra y explicar por qué nuestra opinión  es mejor . 

Estructura del opinion essay

El opinion essay, al igual que cualquier otro tipo de essay (o redacción), debe estar dividido en párrafos. Así, la información estará visualmente dividida y el lector podrá fácilmente diferenciar cada parte correspondiente a cada párrafo. 

Podemos resumir la información que debemos dar en el essay así: di lo que quieres decir, arguméntalo y resúmelo. Suena lioso, pero vamos a verlo de forma detallada en cada parte de la redacción. 

Introduction – Introducción

Un opinion essay debe comenzar siempre con una introducción. En ella, ofrecemos nuestro claro punto de vista sobre el tema que vayamos a tratar. Debemos introducir de forma clara y concisa qué pensamos, es decir, cuál es nuestra opinión, pero aún no hace falta que argumentemos los motivos. 

Hay varias formas de introducir una opinión:

In my opinión,

En mi opinión,

From my point of view,

Desde mi punto de vista,

I think / I believe (that)…

Creo que / Pienso que…

As I see it,

A mi modo de ver,

As far as I am concerned,

En lo que a mí respecta,

It seems to me that…

A mí me parece que…

I agree / disagree with…

Estoy de acuerdo / en desacuerdo con…



If you ask me,

Si me preguntas a mí,

Consejo – ¿Qué son los intensificadores?

Las expresiones como ‘I think’ o ‘I believe’ son muy fáciles y sencillas, pero se corresponden con un nivel básico. Sin embargo, es posible utilizarlas si queremos redactar un texto más formal o de más nivel, y para ello tendremos que añadirles intensificadores . Los intensificadores son palabras que dan fuerza a nuestra opinión. Aquí os dejo algunos:

  • Completely – I completely agree – Estoy completamente de acuerdo…
  • Amazingly – I amazingly believe – Sorprendentemente creo… 
  • Totally – I totally think – Totalmente pienso…
  • Utterly – I utterly believe – Totalmente creo…
  • Quite – I quite agree – Coincido en que… / Estoy bastante de acuerdo en que… 

Body – Cuerpo 

En el cuerpo presentamos ideas que argumenten nuestra opinión. Es importante que cada idea se corresponda con un párrafo, es decir, no debemos escribir dos ideas distintas en el mismo párrafo. Esto facilitará mucho la lectura y la compresión al lector y mostrará que somos personas ordenadas y con una opinión clara. El cuerpo suele variar entre uno y tres párrafos. Si queremos ofrecer algún argumento más, podemos añadir algún párrafo más, pero no recomiendo que sean más de 5. Realmente, lo ideal son 3. 

Hay varios conectores que nos pueden ayudar a introducir nuestros argumentos.

Para el primer párrafo argumentativo del cuerpo:

First of all,

Antes de nada,


En primer lugar,

To begin with,

Para empezar,

Para el segundo y/o tercer párrafo argumentativo del cuerpo:


En segundo lugar,



In addition to this,

Además de esto,


En tercer lugar,

Para el último párrafo argumentativo del cuerpo:


Por último,

Last but not least (important),

Por último pero no menos importante,

En el caso de que queramos añadir una opinión opuesta a la nuestra: 

On the other hand,

Por otra parte,


Sin embargo,


Sin embargo,

Conclusion – Conclusión

La conclusión será el último párrafo que escribiremos. En ella, debemos resumir de nuevo nuestra opinión y enumerar los argumentos de forma realmente breve. No tenemos que explicar nada, sino simplemente mencionarlos.

Algunos conectores útiles para introducir la conclusión:

In conclusion,

En conclusión,

To sum up,

Para resumir,

In short,

En resumen,

  • No utilicéis nunca abreviaturas. Un opinion essay debe ser una redacción formal, así que las abreviaturas, como bien sabéis, no son bienvenidas.
  • Argumentad siempre vuestra opinión, es decir, si afirmáis algo, argumentad por qué. No basta con decir ‘I do not agree’, debéis decir por qué no estáis de acuerdo. 
  • Intentad utilizar conectores distintos. No digáis en cada párrafo ‘I think’, la variedad en el lenguaje es riqueza. 
  • No escribáis una conclusión demasiado larga. Debe ser clara y breve. 

Los opinion essays son un tema muy común en exámenes de inglés. Pero, además, saber expresar en el día a día lo que pensamos es esencial.

Espero que con los conectores y los consejos que hemos visto hoy, ¡os resulte ahora mucho más fácil dar vuestra opinión!

¡Ah! Y si queréis repasar los conectores para cualquier tipo de essay y para nuestro día a día, os dejo este artículo:

L inkers and connectors : los conectores el inglés 

See you soon!

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Muy claro, fácil de leer y entender. Con buenos ejemplos. Excelente 🙂

Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales Muévete a mi ritmo, siente el magnetismo Tu cadera con la mía (boom), hacen un sismo Ahora da lo mismo, el amor ahora es turismo Diciéndole que no al que viene con romanticismo Si te dan ganas de bailar, pues dale En esta disco todos somos iguales Te ves bonita con tu swing salvaje Sigue bailando que pa eso te traje Si te dan ganas de bailar, pues dale En esta disco todos somos iguales Te ves bonita con tu swing salvaje Sigue bailando que pa eso te traje Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales Y yo hoy estoy aquí imaginando Sexy baila y me deja con las ganas Y yo hoy estoy aquí imaginándolo Sexy baila y me deja con las ganas Que bien te queda a ti esa faldita Ella es señora, no es señorita Sexy baila y me deja con las ganas Cómo te luces cuando lo meneas Cuanto quisiera hacerte el amor Enséñame lo que sabes Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales Si necesitas reggaetón, dale Sigue bailando, mami, no pares Acércate a mi pantalón, dale Vamos a pegarnos como animales One, two, three Leggo’ J Balvin, man, the business Sky, Rompiendo El Bajo Mosty (Leggo’) Bull Nene, fame Kenedy (leggo’ leggo’ leggo’) Ginza (leggo’ leggo’ leggo’) C’mon (leggo’ leggo’ leggo’) Reggae-Reggaetón, dale dale

[…] opinion essay debe comenzar siempre con una introducción. En ella, ofrecemos nuestro claro punto de vista sobre […]

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Home > Blog > Estructura de un essay: mejora tus ejercicios escritos

Estructura de un essay: mejora tus ejercicios escritos

El essay es un ejercicio escrito muy habitual a partir del nivel B1, así que es importante aprender a hacerlo bien. De hecho, es uno de los posibles ejercicios de la parte Writing del First Certificate , y aparece también en otros exámenes oficiales . Te contamos cómo estructurar tu texto para ayudarte a mejorar tu redacción.

¿Qué es un essay ?

Este ejercicio consiste en argumentar sobre un tema concreto, propuesto por el enunciado, presentando tu opinión respaldada por argumentos a favor y en contra. Todo esto de forma clara y ordenada, y dentro de un límite de palabras.

Cómo empezar

Lo primero que deberías hacer al encontrarte con un ejercicio de este tipo es decidir qué quieres decir. Párate a pensar en cuál es la opinión que vas a defender. Relee el enunciado y toda la información disponible con detenimiento y asegúrate de que lo has entendido.

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En los de FCE, además tendrás que aportar una idea propia. El enunciado te dará el tema y dos ideas, a la que tendrás que añadir una más. Añade tu idea, y que sea algo de lo que haya bastante que decir.

Haz un pequeño esbozo de tu essay , sin entrar en detalle, pero marcando qué vas a decir en cada párrafo. Cuando tengas claro qué rumbo vas a tomar, empieza a escribir el texto en sí.

Seguir la estructura correcta te ayudará a escribir un texto ordenado y más fácil de entender. Si se trata de un examen oficial, parte de tu nota dependerá de que el texto tenga la forma correcta, así que no la descuides.

Hay varias estructuras posibles según el ejercicio. Aquí te mostramos la de los ejercicios de FCE, pero deberías seguir siempre las instrucciones que tengas delante.

Nos basaremos en este enunciado:

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

Write about:

1. Transport

2. Rivers and seas

3. ……………………… (your own idea)

Write 140 — 190 words in an appropriate style.

La estructura ideal es:

  • Introducción : explica el tema con claridad, resumiendo brevemente por qué es importante.
  • Desarrollo de la primera idea : aporta razones y ejemplos con cada idea.
  • Desarrollo de la segunda idea
  • Desarrollo de la tercera idea
  • Conclusión : resume lo dicho y expresa claramente tu opinión.

Las claves para hacer un buen essay son:

  • No expresar tu opinión explícitamente hasta el final. Es mejor guiar al lector hacia esa conclusión con tus argumentos sin decir «yo creo que» hasta la conclusión.
  • Que cada punto sea relevante . Tienes un límite de palabras, no te vayas por las ramas. Si algo no aporta a tus argumentos, mejor no lo pongas.
  • Ofrece razones y ejemplos .
  • Utiliza conectores . Si los empleas correctamente, pueden subir tu nota muchísimo.
  • Utiliza un registro semiformal .
  • Asegúrate de tener tiempo para releer y corregir .

Con esto, ya puedes empezar a practicar. Puedes encontrar ejemplos de ejercicios en la página oficial de Cambridge , y pedirle a tu profesor que te los corrija. Ya verás como en seguida estás escribiendo essays estupendos.

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What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

English level B1 is the first level in the independent user level group. It indicates that the knowledge of English is at an intermediate level . If it is explained in general terms, “as an English learning level, people who have received an average of 200 lessons in the English course and can speak English at an intermediate level” can now switch to B1 level. At this level in English you easily could be able to communicate about common topics such as culture, work, social events and leisure with the four skills of English, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

With the B1 level of English, you can meet all your needs during your travels abroad, communicate on familiar topics and make new friendships. Your ability to understand English at B1 level is higher than at A2 level and you can speak at an intermediate level. Usually in speaking, you express yourself with short and repetitive sentences instead of long and complex sentences.

How Do You Know If You Are at B1 Level in English?

The best way to understand your English level is to take a test. You can measure your English level with exams such as TOEFL and IELTS.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are likely the best and most commonly known English proficiency tests. They are widely accepted by American universities too.

You can also check your English level here and your test your English skills here.

estructura opinion essay b1

English B1 Level Subjects

In order to get a B1 level in English you need to learn these subjects.

present simplepresent progressive
stative verbsadverbs of frequency
past simplepast progressive
prepositions of timepresent perfect simple
present perfect progressivecomparisons
future will / going tofuture progressive
future perfectmust / have to / need
defining and non-defining relative clauseszero, 1st and 2nd conditionals
articlespast perfect simple
past perfect progressivetime linkers
had better, would rathershould + present and perfect infinitive
may,might,could,must,can’t,couldn’tpresent and perfect infinitive
clauses of concessionpassive voice 1
present participleparticiple clauses
infinitives and -ing formspassive voice 2
causativeinfinitive of purpose, for + ing form
reported speechwishes and unreal pst
clauses of result3rd conditional
wishes in the past

B1 Level Paragraph Writing Sample

Topic : What are the consequences of traffic congestion?

Suggested ideas for this topic:

-delays -stress -tiredness -frustrating time -frustrated drivers -road rage -increasing fuel consumption costs -increasing amount of CO2 emission -increasing air pollution

Paragraph Sample

There are lots of vehicles everywhere and the number of cars in big cities is increasing. This causes serious traffic congestion. Traffic congestion can have some negative effects not only on drivers but also on the people who live in cities. First of all, due to traffic jams, lots of people are late to their work. Therefore, they can’t start their work on time. For example, the people who work for big companies can be late. When people can’t finish their job on time, they have to stay in their office longer. This limits their free time so they feel unhappy. Secondly, the cars which are stuck in traffic jams cause air pollution. This air pollution has negative effects not only on nature but also on people who live in cities. Air pollution causes serious health problems. Finally, traffic congestion causes people to feel angry so some people can make dangerous things. To give an example, they can argue and fight with other drivers in traffic jams. Briefly, traffic congestion has negative effects on people’s psychology.

B1 Level Writing and Essay Ideas

Ideas for how do you write an opinion for B1 essay.

Essay 1: Social Networking Websites

Subject : These days most young people spend a lot of time on social network sites. Do you think this is a good thing or not? Write an essay about the good and bad sides of social media websites!

In your essay you should: • introduce the subject • present arguments in favour of and against using social media sites • write about your own habits concerning social networking

Your essay should be about 300 words long !

Essay 2: School and Part-Time Work

Subject : Many students work part-time while they are still at school or get a job in their summer holidays. What are the arguments for and against working and going to school at the same time?

Write an essay in which you • state the advantages and disadvantages • describe jobs you would work in if you had the opportunity • explain how working at an early age can affect your future life

Essay 3: Discrimination of Women

Subject : On Women’s Day, a famous American feminist visited your school. Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion on today’s situation of women in an essay: “Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of discrimination. Do you agree?” In your essay you should:

• evaluate which disadvantages working women face • judge if a woman’s position in society has improved over the years • analyse whether discrimination is still a problem today.

Write an essay of about 300 words and give it a title.

Essay 3: Home By Ten ?

An American magazine is running an essay competition about rules teenagers have to follow. As a teenager you are used to hearing your parents say: “Be home by ten.” So, you have decided to send in an essay.

In your essay you should: • compare what you and your friends are allowed to do. • argue whether 10 p.m. is too early for teenagers to come home. • discuss the legal situation in your country. • comment on why some parents give their children strict guidelines on when to come home.

Write about 300 words and give your essay a title!

Essay 4 : Becoming Happy By Helping Others

Subject : A youth magazine is planning an essay competition on happiness. You decide to take part in the competition. It wants you to write about the following statement: “The only way to happiness is by helping other people.”

In your essay you should • analyse the reasons for helping other people. • give examples • express your opinion on why it can make you happy

Write an essay of about 250 – 300 words and give your essay a title.

Essay 5 : Immigrants In A New Country

Subject : A magazine is planning to publish a special section on immigration. It has asked readers to send in their opinions on the problems that immigrants have in their new country. You have decided to take part and send in an essay.

• why people want to leave their home country • the kind of life immigrants leave behind • the problems that they face in their new country • how long it may take them to fit in with their new environment

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estructura opinion essay b1

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English Writing Exercises for B1 – Article: a film review

  • English Writing Exercises for B1


Your teacher has asked you to write a film review for the school magazine. Write your review describing the film and say what you liked and didn’t like about it.

1. Read the task above. Then read Writing Strategy 1 and the review below. Answer the questions.

Where does each paragraph end?

Paragraph 1: A  ◻ or B ◻

Paragraph 2: C ◻ or D ◻

Paragraph 3: E ◻ or F ◻

Has the writer followed the second piece of advice in the Strategy? Yes ◻ No ◻

Writing Strategy 1

1   Give your review a logical structure. Divide it into paragraphs, each with its own topic or focus.

2   The conclusion should restate the main idea given in the introduction, but using different words. It should also include the writer’s opinion and, if appropriate, a recommendation.

An extraordinary film about an extraordinary man!

If you’re looking for a film that has romance and drama and makes you think, this is the one for you! I loved The Theory of Everything , from start to finish. [ A ] And I have no doubt that it’ll remain one of my favourite films for many years to come! I’d definitely recommend it. [ B ] It is mostly set in Cambridge, England, and it tells the story of Stephen Hawking, a physicist at Cambridge University, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease while still in his early twenties. We see how, with the help of Jane – his girlfriend and then wife – he overcame great physical disabilities to become probably the world’s most famous scientists. [ C ] What I really loved about the film is the way it involves you in the characters. I felt that I really got to know them, and found their story incredibly moving. [ D ] I thought the acting was first-class, with superb performances from Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones. The film was also beautifully filmed, with lots of atmospheric shots of Cambridge. [ E ] I have only one small criticism. We learn a lot about Jane and Stephen’s relationship, but we learn nothing about Stephen Hawking the scientist, and what motivates him. [ F ] Overall, however, this is a fantastic film. If you haven’t seen it yet, get the DVD. You won’t be disappointed! I guarantee it.

1 a Paragraph 1: B, Paragraph 2: C, Paragraph 3: F   b Yes

Writing Strategy 2

1   Choose a good title for your article.

2   In the first paragraph, attract the reader’s attention. You can do this by addressing him / her directly, especially with questions.

3   Use an appropriate style and register for the target audience.

2. Read Writing Strategy 2 and answer questions 1-3 below.

1   Underline the sentence that attracts the reader’s attention in the first paragraph.

2   Is the overall style formal ◻  or informal ◻  ?

3   Has the writer addressed both elements of the task?

      Yes ◻ No ◻

1 If you’re looking for a film that has romance and drama and makes you think, this one is for you!

2 informal   3 Yes

3. Tick the phrases for describing stories that the writer uses in the article. Which phrase cannot be used to describe a film?

1   It’s set in (place and / or time). ◻

2   There are lots of twists and turns. ◻

3   It tells the story of (character). ◻

4   I would definitely recommend it. ◻

5   It’s a real page-turner. ◻

Phrase ◻  can’t be used for films.

1, 3, 4 . Phrase 5 can’t be used for films.

Writing Guide

4. you are going to do the task in exercise 1. make notes about a film of your choice..

What I liked: ………………………………………

What I didn’t like: …………………………………………

Overall opinion: …………………………………………

your own answers

5. Write your review. Follow the structure of the model review in exercise 1, and use your notes from exercise 4. Use some phrases from exercise 3.

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English Writing Exercises for B1 – An opinion essay


1. Read the task and the essay. In which paragraph (A-D) does the writer ___

1) give his opinion?

2) introduce the topic?

3) make his proposals?

4) sum up the essay?

Some people think that the school curriculum should include subjects such as ‘leading a healthy lifestyle’. Write an essay in which you give your own opinion on this issue and propose ways in which this subject might be taught in schools.

[ a ]   If we can believe recent reports in the press, many teenagers are overweight and unfit. Some people argue that teaching children at school about a healthy lifestyle would help to solve this problem.

[ b ]   In view , it would be very sensible to teach students how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health problems later in life often start because people get into bad habits during their teenage years. It is sometimes said that this is the responsibility of the parent and not the school. But as I see it , everyone in society would benefit from this.

[ c ]   In order to tackle this problem , time should be set aside in the school timetable to teach children about the benefits of eating healthily and getting lots of exercise. Moreover , doctors could also play a part by coming into school and talking to students. I suggest that one or two hours a week should be spent on this topic.

[ d ]   To sum up , I agree with those people who believe that healthy living should be taught in schools. It seems to me that the students themselves and society in general would benefit from this proposal.

Show answers

1) B    2) A    3 C    4) D

2. Complete the gaps with the underlined phrases from the essay.

1   Introducing your opinions

 in opinion,  1) _____  2) _____  3) _____

2   Introducing other people’s opinions

 It is a widely held view that

 Most people agree that

 It is a common belief that

    4 _____

3   Making an additional point

     What is more,      Not only that, but      Furthermore,

4   Introducing proposals and solutions

     One solution might be to

     What I propose is that

     I would strongly recommend that

     It is vital that

5   Concluding

      In conclusion,      To conclude,       9) _____

1) In view    2) as I see it    3) It seems to me that

4) Some people argue that    5) It is sometimes said that

6) Moreover    7) In order to tackle this problem

8) I suggest that    9) To sum up

Writing Guide

Many people think that teenagers spend too much time using electronic gadgets. Write an essay in which you give your own view of the problem and propose ways of solving it.

Writing Strategy

1) Divide your essay into an introduction, main body and conclusion.

2) If the task has more than one element, deal with them in different paragraphs within the main body.

3) Use formal language.

4) Support opinions with evidence or examples.

3. Read the task and the Writing Strategy above. In which paragraph (A-D) of your essay will you ___

1) describe the problem?

2) introduce the topic: mention the problem (using different words from the task) and say that you will propose solutions?

3) sum up by saying that you are confident that your proposed solutions will help to solve the problem?

4) propose solutions?

1) B    2) A    3) D    4) C

4. Make notes about the headings below.

view of the problem and its causes: ________

Solutions to the problem: ________

your own answers

Cómo escribir un «Opinion Essay» en inglés (part 1)

opinion essay

Los que estéis preparando la prueba de acceso a la universidad (PAU) , algún examen de certificación de nivel, o los que sencillamente deseéis mejorar vuestro writing en inglés  encontraréis este post especialmente útil .

Empezaremos aclarando en qué consiste un Opinion Essay  y las particularidades de su estructura . También incluiremos los conectores   más útiles en este tipo de ejercicios, así como algunas tips para añadirle un toque extra a nuestro trabajo.

¿Qué es un Opinion Essay ?

Como bien indica su nombre se trata de un ejercicio de redacción en el que  damos nuestra opinión sobre algún tema en concreto. Debemos posicionarnos desde la introducción , dejando perfectamente claro nuestro punto de vista al respecto. Para ello, incluiremos diferentes razones y ejemplos que apoyen nuestros argumentos.

Así mismo, es recomendable mostrar también una visión opuesta a la nuestra, además de la explicación por la cual nos parece discutible tal razonamiento.   Por supuesto, todo ello debe estar perfectamente distribuido en párrafos.


Como se menciona en el apartado anterior, la estructura del Opinion Essay (o de cualquier redacción) debe quedar bien definida . El lector debe ser capaz de distinguir sus partes tan solo echando un vistazo, incluso sin haber comenzado a leer. Tenemos que distinguir cada uno de los párrafos que forman parte de la estructura:


Deberás dejar claro tu punto de vista acerca del tema planteado en el título. Aquí os propongo algunas maneras de expresar vuestra opinión .

, ….  

Tips para la introducción

1. Arrancar

Lo más difícil suele ser arrancar …parece que no se nos ocurre nada. Si es así, os recomiendo que comparéis la situación actual con respecto a ese tema, con el pasado . En todo (o casi todo) se ha producido algún cambio o  evolución . Con lo cual, comenzaremos diciendo algo así como: “ Actualmente pasa esto…en el pasado las cosas eran diferentes”.

Pero por favor…¡no metáis la pata ya desde el principio! ¿Cómo se dice “ actualmente ” en inglés?

Noooo!!! Actually, nooooo!!!!” Es un false friend!! Lo correcto sería: nowadays, currently, now, these days , entre otros. Pincha aquí para descargarte una lista en PDF con los 50 False Friends más comunes en inglés-español.

2. I think that…

Huid del tan manido “ I think that…”. No, no es que esté mal, pero, a estos niveles… resulta cansino, monótono y denota falta de vocabulario . Empezad a usar otras formas . A fin de cuentas, se trata de demostrar vuestro nivel de inglés, ¿no?

3. Intensifiers

Usad intensificadores del tipo “I completely agree” Otorgarán fuerza a vuestras opiniones y además…suman! Recordad que por norma general os pedirán entorno a 100-120 palabras. Otros intensificadores podrían ser: 

En este post enumero más adverbios de grado que te ayudarán a dar  énfasis a tus palabras y mostrar un vocabulario más extenso a la hora de expresar tu opinión en tu fantástico Opinion Essay 😀 .

4. Empieza preguntando 

También existe la posibilidad de comenzar vuestra introducción planteando una pregunta relacionada con el tema. Es original y encaminará al lector a anticipar los futuros argumentos que se derivarán de esa cuestión inicial.

Por ejemplo, en el tema: “Technology is making communication easier nowadays. Do you agree?”  

A lo que nosotros podríamos plantear lo siguiente: “ Can you imagine a world without cell phones or computers? Well, I can’t.” Tras leerlo, el lector tendrá ya claro nuestro posicionamiento . Inconscientemente se hará una idea del tipo de argumentos que se irán sucediendo a continuación .

5. Quien mal empieza…

Ahora bien, esta «creativa idea» de comenzar lanzando una pregunta puede ser un arma de doble filo .

Por un lado, ya vimos sus ventajas . Pero pensemos en sus posibles peligros : ¿Qué pasa si estructuramos mal una simple pregunta ?

Pues que daremos muy mala imagen desde el comienzo. Fallos garrafales en estructuras relativamente sencillas son penalizadas, l o que se traducirá en una nota más baja en nuestro trabajo.

Además, si la pregunta no tiene relación con nuestros futuros argumentos, o nos contradecimos, pecaremos de incoherentes . Y de nuevo, se nos castigará por ello. Así que, usad solo lo que estéis seguros de que os llevará a ganar puntos y no todo lo contrario, en resumen, ¡ no os metáis en jardines!!  

Recurso interesante

Hay un recurso para escribir correctamente en inglés que me encanta y es GRATIS.

Se llama Grammarly .

Es una extensión de Chrome muy útil si tienes que escribir redacciones, essays o cartas en ‪ inglés‬.

Lo que hace la extensión es que, mientras escribes:

-Elimina ERRORES GRAMATICALES (ejemplo: «Has usado el tiempo verbal equivocado..»

-Te ofrece SINÓNIMOS para crear un texto más claro y directo.

-Te avisa sobre errores de puntuación (ejemplo: «Te falta una coma después del conector X»)

¡Échale un vistazo, seguro que lo encuentras súper útil para escribir anything  en inglés! ?

No te pierdas:  Cómo escribir un Opinion Essay (parte 2) .  En la segunda parte me centro en el body y la conclusion (con sus correspondientes tips ).

Mientras tanto os dejo con un vídeo muy interesante para aprender a expresar la opinión en inglés y algunos posts relacionados con el tema de writing , have fun!

Vídeo: How to express your opinion in English

Si no ves el vídeo, pincha aquí .

Posts relacionados:

  • Cómo escribir una carta o e-mail formal en inglés
  • Consejos para aprobar un examen de writing

Crédito foto Carla C.

Comienza a escribir y presiona Intro para buscar




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English Practice Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets

Essay writing (b1).

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  • ESS011 - School and Part-Time Work
  • ESS010 - Discrimination of Women
  • ESS009 - Home By Ten ?
  • ESS008 - Extreme Activities
  • ESS007 - Becoming Happy By Helping Others
  • ESS006 - Time Management
  • ESS005 - Immigrants In A New Country
  • ESS004 - Teenagers and Their Free Time
  • ESS003 - The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages
  • ESS002 - Daily Exercise in Schools
  • ESS001 - Healthy Nutrition
  • Adjective - Adverb
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Modal Verbs
  • Reported Speech
  • Passive Voice
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Quantifiers
  • Relative Clauses
  • Prepositions
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  • General Vocabulary
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  • Key Word Transformation

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  • Blog Posts and Comments
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5 Ejemplos de opinion essay

Opinion essay.

Se trata de un artículo de opinión con respecto a un tema determinado redactado en idioma inglés. En este tipo de redacción o ensayo lo más importante es la conclusión , indistintamente del argumento que uses para poder realizarlo.

estructura opinion essay b1

Es un ejercicio de redacción realizado en inglés. Una de las bases fundamentales de un opinion essay son en primer lugar el vocabulario variado y abundante con sentido , y en segundo lugar, el contenido o frases bien estructuradas con suficientes conectores que te permitan estructurar de la mejor forma (con léxico y vocablo educado) determinada opinión.

La importancia de un opinion essay radica en evitar casi por completo el vocabulario informal, las contracciones y los términos coloquiales .

¿Cómo se debe estructurar un opinion essay?

La estructura de este tipo de ensayos tal como se mencionó anteriormente debe estar lo suficientemente definido . En este sentido, las partes que lo conforman, deben permitirle al lector poder interpretarlo y entenderlo solo con “echar un ojo por encima”.

Lo primero que se debe tomar en cuenta es la introducción . En ella, el punto de vista que vas a plantear debe quedar claro y sin duda alguna. Algunas frases o conectores que puedes usar para ello son los siguientes:

  • believe that / Some / many people feel – cree que / Algunas / muchas personas sienten
  • As I see it – a mi modo de ver
  • It is generally agreed that – en general se cree que
  • According to – según
  • It seems to me that – me parece que

En Segundo lugar pero igual de importante son los argumentos empleados para este tipo de redacción. Estos deben ser organizados en dos grupos o tres, dependiendo de la cantidad del contenido.

La idea es exponer de forma detallada en los argumentos, el punto de vista que se va a plasmar bien sea a favor o en contra. Algunos ejemplos que se pueden emplear son los siguientes:

  • I belive that – creo que
  • For example – por ejemplo
  • In my opinion – en mi opinion
  • On the one hand – por una parte
  • Because of this – debido a esto

En tercer lugar, la conclusión . Debe ser manejada con mucho detalle y palabras adecuadas ya que es aquí donde se expresa el final del artículo redactado. Algunas palabras, conectores o frases que puedes emplear al momento de realizar la conclusión son las siguientes:

  • To sum up – para resumir
  • In conclusion – en conclusión
  • Whereas – mientras que
  • However – sin embargo

Ejemplos de opinion essay

estructura opinion essay b1

Ejemplos relacionados:

Caracteristicas del articulo de opinion, caracteristicas de un texto informativo, cómo se escribe bulling, ejemplo de abstrac.

  • Arte y Cultura
  • Bienestar y Salud
  • Casa y Jardín
  • Ciencias Naturales
  • Ciencias Sociales
  • Contabilidad
  • Economía y Finanzas
  • Familia y Relaciones
  • Informática
  • Lengua y Literatura
  • Matemáticas
  • Otros Ejemplos
  • Cómo se escribe 305000
  • Cómo se escribe 9000
  • 1050000000 en letra
  • Cómo se escribe 500000
  • Cómo se escribe 21000


  1. How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

    estructura opinion essay b1

  2. ≈ Opinion and For & Against Essay ≈

    estructura opinion essay b1

  3. Cómo escribir un artículo para el Writing del B1 Preliminary (PET

    estructura opinion essay b1

  4. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Structure and Writing Tips

    estructura opinion essay b1

  5. How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

    estructura opinion essay b1


    estructura opinion essay b1


  1. Estructura y recomendaciones para que tu opinion essay sea perfecto

    Este tipo de artículo es común en las pruebas para obtener certificaciones de inglés, en niveles como B1, B2 o C1. Recomendaciones para escribir un opinion essay. Antes de conocer la estructura para escribir un opinion essay en inglés, veamos algunas recomendaciones que te ayudarán:

  2. Writing an opinion essay

    An opinion essay has three parts: Introduction; Arguments or reasons that support your view. Conclusion; Introduction. Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement or question. It can be a good idea to use a question to grab the reader's attention. Check the two examples below:

  3. An opinion essay

    Top Tips for writing. Write your essay in clear paragraphs. Use phrases like First of all, In addition and To sum up to start each paragraph. Express your own opinion using I think, In my opinion or I believe. Mention other viewpoints with phrases like Some people think and say whether you agree or disagree with them.

  4. How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

    An opinion essay must have 3 parts: 1. Introduction. In this paragraph you have to introduce the topic. You introduce the topic by restating the question or the title of the essay in your own words. Here you have to say if you agree or not with the question or the title of the essay. You can agree, disagree or partially agree.

  5. IELTS opinion essay, model answer, structure, and analysis

    This is the task question for my model answer below and it is clear that the essay is about having too many choices these days. This means that there is something negative about having many choices, as the word 'too' implies something negative. In my model answer, I disagree with this being a negative and in fact, many choices are beneficial.

  6. Opinion Essay: cómo escribir un artículo de opinión

    Un opinion essay debe ser una redacción formal, así que las abreviaturas, como bien sabéis, no son bienvenidas. Argumentad siempre vuestra opinión, es decir, si afirmáis algo, argumentad por qué. No basta con decir 'I do not agree', debéis decir por qué no estáis de acuerdo. Intentad utilizar conectores distintos.

  7. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Writing Strategy. 1 Divide your essay into an introduction, main body and conclusion. 2 If the task has more than one element, deal with them in different paragraphs within the main body. 3 Use formal language. 4 Support opinions with evidence or examples. 3. Read the task and the Writing Strategy above.


    OPINION ESSAY PARAGRAPH 1 Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement. PARAGRAPH 2 Give a reason to support your opinion. PARAGRAPH 3 Give a second reason to support your opinion. PARAGRAPH 4 Summarize your ideas and repeat your opinion using different words. BASIC DOS IN WRITING AN OPINION ESSAY

  9. Writing B1 Preliminary (PET): Guía Completa con Ejemplos

    Cómo es el Writing B1 Preliminary. En la parte de Writing del PET, los candidatos tienen que realizar tres partes, las cuales se realizan junto con el Reading en un total de 1 hora y 30 minutos ...

  10. Estructura de un essay: mejora tus ejercicios escritos

    Estructura de un essay: mejora tus ejercicios escritos. El essay es un ejercicio escrito muy habitual a partir del nivel B1, así que es importante aprender a hacerlo bien.De hecho, es uno de los posibles ejercicios de la parte Writing del First Certificate, y aparece también en otros exámenes oficiales.Te contamos cómo estructurar tu texto para ayudarte a mejorar tu redacción.

  11. What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

    Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples. English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). English level B1 is the first level in the independent user ...

  12. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Writing Strategy 1. 1 Give your review a logical structure. Divide it into paragraphs, each with its own topic or focus. 2 The conclusion should restate the main idea given in the introduction, but using different words. It should also include the writer's opinion and, if appropriate, a recommendation.

  13. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Writing Strategy. 1) Divide your essay into an introduction, main body and conclusion. 2) If the task has more than one element, deal with them in different paragraphs within the main body. 3) Use formal language. 4) Support opinions with evidence or examples.

  14. Cómo escribir un "Opinion Essay" (artículo de opinión) en inglés

    Los que estéis preparando la prueba de acceso a la universidad (PAU), algún examen de certificación de nivel, o los que sencillamente deseéis mejorar vuestro writing en inglés encontraréis este post especialmente útil.. Empezaremos aclarando en qué consiste un Opinion Essay y las particularidades de su estructura.También incluiremos los conectores más útiles en este tipo de ...

  15. PDF UNA REDACCIÓN DE OPINIÓN Tema 1: Write an essay on the importance of

    UNA REDACCIÓN DE OPINIÓNTema 1: Write. n essay on the importance of speaking foreign languages.-Anota todas las ideas que se te ocurran.(learning a language is essential, English is the language of international communication, learning a language is. ood for knowing about other cultures and for ge.

  16. A for and against essay

    Top Tips for writing. 1. Start each paragraph with a word or phrase so the reader knows what to expect, for example Firstly, On the other hand or To sum up. 2. Link your sentences with these words: In addition; Another advantage is that; However; Also; Another disadvantage is that. 3. Organise your essay in paragraphs. paragraph 1 - introduction.

  17. Writing an opinion essay

    An opinion essay has three parts: Introduction; Arguments or reasons that support your view. Conclusion; Introduction. Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement or question. It can be a good idea to use a question to grab the reader's attention. Check the two examples below:

  18. PDF B2 First for Schools Writing Part 1 (An opinion essay)

    Here's a useful structure for an opinion essay:Paragraph 1Intro. uce the topic using a general statement and give your. hether you agree or disagree with the statemen. .Paragraph 2Give the first reason to support your opinion. Provide specifi. s for your opinion, using examples if necessary.

  19. Essay Writing Tasks(B1)

    ESS006 - Time Management. ESS005 - Immigrants In A New Country. ESS004 - Teenagers and Their Free Time. ESS003 - The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages. ESS002 - Daily Exercise in Schools. ESS001 - Healthy Nutrition. Language in Use - PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1)


    Vídeo explicativo de la estructura y el lenguaje que se debe usar en uno de los 4 tipos de texto que aparecen en EBAU: Opinion Essay.Licencia: CC BY-SA 4.0

  21. 5 Ejemplos de opinion essay

    Se trata de un artículo de opinión con respecto a un tema determinado redactado en idioma inglés. En este tipo de redacción o ensayo lo más importante es la conclusión, indistintamente del argumento que uses para poder realizarlo.. Es un ejercicio de redacción realizado en inglés. Una de las bases fundamentales de un opinion essay son en primer lugar el vocabulario variado y abundante ...