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School-based management and its influence on school improvement efforts: a case study of a community-based secondary school in karachi, pakistan.

Mohammad Nasir Khan , Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, Karachi

Date of Award

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Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)

Institute for Educational Development, Karachi

School-based management (SBM) has increasingly become an agreed-upon model for the operation of schools around the world. A critical element of the model is devolving enhanced levels of decision-making from the centre (head office) to the schools. SBM is usually acclaimed as a positive step for principals, teachers, parents, students, and the wider community to get involved in the decision-making processes and other school activities that affect students' learning outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to see what SBM is and how it works in a multi-layer school context. The ultimate purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school-based management on school improvement efforts. This study was conducted in one of the cooperative schools of AKU-IED. The key stakeholders (principal, teachers, honorary secretary, parents and students) of the school were engaged in the study as research participants. The field work lasted for six weeks during which I used qualitative case study research instruments, such as; semi-structured interviews, non-participant observations, informal discussions and document analysis in order to collect the relevant data. The data was analyzed and discussed with my own interpretation. The analysis of the data examines the stakeholders' perceptions about SBM and its implementation in the context of a community-based school. The study further highlights the roles that the stakeholders play in the SBM School and their level of involvement in different decision-making processes and the overall school activities. The analyses of the data reveal that the implementation of SBM has helped the key stakeholders decide and manage different activities and programs in the school. For example, utilization of budget within a given scale, management of teaching and learning processes, and personnel in the school. Furthermore, teachers and students have been engaged and authorized in different management committees. There are mechanisms for capacity-building, rewards and communication in the school. As a result, students' learning outcomes and school's performance have enhanced. The analysis of the findings uncovers a number of issues such as role ambiguity, lack of workable mechanism for monitoring and evaluation, lack of resources and time constraints that may interest other reformers and research in education in general.

Recommended Citation

Khan, M. (2005). School-Based management and its influence on school improvement efforts: A case study of a community-based secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan (Unpublished master's dissertation). Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library

Since August 10, 2012

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10 Ways Integrated School Management Systems Transform Education 

  • EdTech / School management systems

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  • EdTech School management systems
  • Date: 28 August 2024

thesis on school management system

Okay, let’s face it: school life can be a whirlwind. Mountains of paperwork, endless email chains, and the constant struggle to keep everyone on the same page can leave you feeling more like a frazzled air traffic controller than an educator. But what if there was a magic wand to wave away the chaos and bring a sense of calm to your school?  

That’s where an Integrated School Management System (ISMS) , like Classter, comes in. Think of it as your school’s trusty sidekick, streamlining everything from admissions to alumni relations in one user-friendly platform. 

Here’s a snapshot of what an ISMS can do:  

  • Cut admin work ✂️ 
  • Boost communication 📣 
  • Track student progress 🚀 
  • Manage resources better 📊 
  • Link learning tools 🔗 
  • Use data for smarter decisions 🧠 
  • Keep information safe 🔒 
  • Simplify money matters 💰 
  • Improve attendance tracking 📅 
  • Help everyone work together seamlessly 🤝 

In other words, ISMS help schools run smoother by:  

  • Going paperless ♻️ 
  • Giving parents real-time updates ⚡️ 
  • Using data to teach better 🎯 
  • Making the most of resources ♻️ 
  • Keeping student info secure 🛡️ 

Still not convinced? Let’s take a quick look at the before-and-after:  

Lots of paperwork 📝 Automated tasks 🤖 
Slow updates 🐌 Fast, multi-channel communication 💬 
Manual progress checks 🧐 Ongoing, automatic tracking 📈 
Often wasted resources 🗑️ Data-driven resource use 💡 
Less secure data ⚠️ Better protected info 🔐 

The result? Happier teachers, more engaged students, and better outcomes overall. 🎉 

So, if you’re ready to ditch the chaos and embrace a more streamlined, connected, and efficient school experience, an ISMS like Classter might just be the answer you’ve been looking for. Let’s dig in deeper. 

1. Wave Goodbye to Paper Mountains  

  • Student records 
  • Attendance 
  • Scheduling 
  • Resource planning 

Mountains of paperwork, endless spreadsheets, and juggling multiple tasks can leave even the most organized school staff feeling overwhelmed. But what if there was a way to reclaim those precious hours and focus on what truly matters – educating students? 

Here’s how an ISMS can transform your admin experience:  

  • Attendance tracking: No more manually marking rolls or chasing down absent students. The system does it all automatically, saving teachers valuable time and ensuring accuracy. 
  • Fee management: Say goodbye to chasing late payments and manually updating spreadsheets. The system sends reminders, tracks payments, and generates financial reports with a few clicks. 
  • Student records: Forget those dusty filing cabinets filled with paper records. With an ISMS, all student information is stored digitally , making it easy to access and update whenever you need it. 
  • Scheduling: Creating timetables and managing room allocations can be a logistical nightmare. An ISMS simplifies the process, helping you create conflict-free schedules and optimize resource utilization. 

Here’s a quick comparison of the old way vs. the ISMS way:  

Attendance Teachers mark daily System tracks automatically 
Fees Staff record payments manually System sends reminders and tracks payments 
Student Records Paper files, difficult to search and update Digital, easy-to-search records 
Scheduling Manual timetables, potential for conflicts System generates schedules based on inputs 

As one school manager put it:

It saves us time and lets us send updates to parents easily.
2. Chat like it’s 2024 (because it is!)   Quick messaging  Automatic updates  Online info portals  Remember the days of sending notes home in backpacks, hoping they wouldn’t get lost in the abyss? Or the endless phone calls trying to reach busy parents? Well, those days are over! With an ISMS like Classter, communication gets a serious upgrade.  Here’s how everyone benefits:   Who   How It Helps   Parents  Get quick updates on their child’s progress  Teachers  Send messages to many parents at once  Students  Ask teachers questions anytime  Admin  Share school news and updates easily  Think instant messages, automatic notifications about grades and attendance, and online portals where parents can access all the important information about their child’s education. No more missed messages or frantic last-minute calls!  And it’s not just about everyday communication. In emergencies, ISMS like Classter enable schools to send alerts quickly through email, text, and even social media, ensuring everyone stays informed and safe.  As one parent put it:
I feel more connected to my child’s education now 3. Student Progress, Supercharged!   Set learning goals  Gather performance data  Compare progress  Update parents  Progress reports, finding the right paper in pile of the assessments… Ugh, the struggle was real.   But with an ISMS like Classter, those days are gone. .  Here’s how ISMS take student progress tracking to the next level:   Feature   Benefit   Real-time data  Spot issues fast  Auto grading  More time for teaching, less for grading!  Easy reports  Share progress quickly with parents & students  Goal tracking  Students see their own improvement  Imagine having your finger on the pulse of your students’ learning. You’ll be able to quickly identify who’s excelling, who needs a little extra help, and adjust your teaching accordingly. It’s like having a superpower!  As one school leader put it
Data helps us respond to student needs better. And it’s not just about the average student. ISMS are fantastic for supporting special education programs, too.  Track the progress of students who need additional support  Streamline the creation and management of individual learning plans  Ensure every student receives the personalized attention they deserve 

4. Resource management made easy  

Let’s face it, schools aren’t exactly rolling in cash. Every penny counts, and so does every textbook, laptop, and square foot of classroom space. That’s where an ISMS can be a game-changer. 

Think of it as your school’s trusty sidekick, helping you keep track of everything you’ve got and make sure it’s being used wisely. 

So, how does it work?  

Save money Less waste, smarter buying decisions 
Save time Automate those tedious supply orders 
Plan better Use data to guide your decisions 
Track better Know where things are and how they’re used 

Real-world examples:  

  • A college in Dublin uses Classter to track its expensive lab equipment, ensuring they always know where each item is, when it needs maintenance, and when it’s time for a replacement. 
  • A school in Lithuania faced budget cuts but was able to stretch their resources further thanks to Classter’s insights into spending patterns and inventory levels. 

Here are a few more ways schools can use an ISMS to manage resources like a pro:  

  • Use barcodes for lightning-fast inventory checks 
  • Set up alerts so you know when supplies are running low 
  • Track equipment maintenance schedules to avoid unexpected breakdowns 
  • Analyze spending data to identify areas for savings 

An ISMS like Classter isn’t just about fancy tech, it’s about making your school run more efficiently and effectively. By optimizing resource management, you free up time and money that can be better spent on what truly matters – providing a fantastic education for your students.    

5. All your Learning Tools in One Place  

  • One login 
  • Easy assignments 
  • Auto grade syncing 
  • Central content 
  • Progress tracking 

Dozens of logins and passwords for different platform and the frustration of trying to piece together student progress from scattered platforms is a real issue. Here’s how it’s changed. 

An ISMS acts as a central hub, seamlessly connecting all your favorite edtech tools and resources. It’s like having a universal remote for your school’s digital ecosystem. 

Here’s how it simplifies the learning experience:  

One login Saves time, eliminates login frustrations 
Easy assignments Create and grade work in one place, no more jumping between platforms 
Auto grade syncing All grades in one place, always up-to-date 
Central content Find all learning materials in one convenient location 
Progress tracking Monitor student performance across all tools 

By integrating your edtech tools, your school can: 

  • Save precious time on administrative tasks 
  • Make learning more streamlined and intuitive for students and teachers 
  • Easily incorporate a wider variety of educational resources into your curriculum 

As a recent report highlights,

“Learning Management Systems let you gather all data in one place. This makes it easier to update learning materials and track student progress.” And it’s not just about convenience. This integrated approach is gaining serious traction in the education world. In fact, the market for ISMS is projected to reach a whopping $25.7 billion by 2025! 

6. Using Data to Make Choices  

  • Quick insights 
  • Personalized learning 
  • Early intervention 
  • Strategic spending 
  • Program evaluation 

ISMS collect a wealth of information about student performance, attendance, course enrollment, and more, transforming raw data into actionable insights that can revolutionize how your school operates. 

Here’s a glimpse into the possibilities:  

  • Quick insights: Identify struggling students or attendance patterns early on, allowing for timely interventions and support. 
  • Personalized learning: Tailor teaching methods and resources to meet the unique needs of each student, fostering greater engagement and success. 
  • Early help: Set up alerts to flag potential issues, empowering teachers to proactively offer assistance before problems escalate. 
  • Smart spending: Analyze course enrollment and popularity to make informed decisions about resource allocation and future program offerings. 
  • Program evaluation: Measure the effectiveness of new initiatives and interventions, ensuring that your efforts are truly making a difference. 

Here’s how different types of data can guide decision-making:  

Grades Identify students who need extra help 
Attendance Spot patterns of absenteeism or tardiness early on 
Course sign-ups Plan future classes and programs based on demand 
Spending vs. budget Adjust budget allocations and identify cost-saving opportunities 
Teacher performance Plan professional development and support for teachers 

But remember, data is just one piece of the puzzle. As one education expert wisely notes:

Working together with data helps teachers see how their work fits into the bigger picture of helping students.

By combining the power of data with the invaluable insights of your teachers, you can create a truly student-centric learning environment. An ISMS like Classter provides the tools to make informed decisions that enhance teaching, improve student outcomes, and ultimately, shape the future of your school. 

7. Fort Knox Level Security  

  • Strong security 
  • Compliance with regulations 
  • Controlled access 
  • Minimal data collection 
  • Regular security checks 
  • Staff training 

In today’s digital age, safeguarding sensitive student information is more crucial than ever. From personal details to academic records, schools hold a treasure trove of data that requires the utmost protection. ISMS acts as a vigilant guardian for your school’s most valuable asset. 

How does an ISMS enhance data security?  

  • Robust security measures: ISMS employ cutting-edge technologies like encryption to shield data from unauthorized access . It’s like having a digital fortress guarding your information. 
  • Compliance with regulations: ISMS help schools navigate the complex landscape of data privacy laws, ensuring that you stay on the right side of the legal framework. 
  • Controlled access: Granular access controls ensure that only authorized personnel can view and manage sensitive student data. It’s like having a bouncer at the door of your data vault! 
  • Minimal data collection: ISMS are designed to collect only the essential data needed, reducing the risk of unnecessary exposure. 
  • Regular security checks: Reputable ISMS providers conduct frequent audits and vulnerability assessments to stay one step ahead of potential threats. 
  • Staff training: ISMS often include training modules to educate staff on best practices for data handling and security. 

Here’s a quick look at some key security features:  

Encryption Scrambles data to prevent unauthorized access 
Multi-step login Adds an extra layer of protection 
Access tracking Records who views student data 
Auto backups Prevents data loss in case of a system failure 
Regular updates Fixes security vulnerabilities 

However, it’s important to remember that not all ISMS are created equal. As one education expert warns: “There’s no official stamp of approval for following student privacy laws.” It’s crucial to choose a provider that prioritizes data security and compliance. 

Here are some essential steps schools should take when using an ISMS:  

  • Thoroughly vet potential vendors: Ask detailed questions about their data privacy policies and security practices. 
  • Establish clear guidelines: Set rules for choosing and using educational technology tools to ensure they meet your data security standards. 
  • Educate your staff: Provide regular training to help staff recognize and respond to potential data threats. 
  • Implement off-site backups: Store backups of critical data in a secure, off-site location for added protection. 

8. Easier Money Management  

  • Auto billing and payments  
  • Real-time money tracking  
  • Better budgeting  
  • Less paper waste  
  • Quick reports  

Implementing ISMS in a school is like having a personal financial advisor for your school, helping you streamline everything from fee collection to budgeting and reporting . 

Here’s how an ISMS can transform your school’s financial management:  

  • Auto billing and payments: Say goodbye to manual invoices and chasing down payments. The system automatically sends fee reminders and enables online payments, reducing late payments and administrative burden. 
  • Real-time money tracking: Get a clear, up-to-the-minute picture of your school’s financial health. This allows you to identify potential issues early and make informed decisions. 
  • Better budgeting: Move beyond guesswork and spreadsheets. ISMS provide powerful tools for data-driven forecasting and real-time budget adjustments, helping you make the most of your resources. 
  • Less paper waste: Embrace a greener approach with digital processes that eliminate the need for endless paper invoices and receipts. 
  • Quick reports: Generate comprehensive financial reports in seconds, not weeks. This saves valuable time and ensures accuracy. 

Let’s see how an ISMS changes the game:  

Collecting fees Manual tracking, cash handling Auto reminders, online payments 
Planning budgets Spreadsheets, guesswork Data-driven forecasts, real-time changes 
Financial reports Slow, prone to errors Fast, accurate, on-demand 
Tracking expenses Paper receipts, manual entry Digital receipts, auto sorting 

The impact is real:  

Schools using ISMS for finances often see significant improvements, such as: 

  • 32% more completed enrollments 
  • 35% more cash flow from registration fees 
  • 16% fewer program cancellations 

Here are a few tips to maximize the financial benefits of an ISMS:  

  • Set up auto-approval for certain purchases to streamline procurement 
  • Maintain a list of approved vendors within the system 
  • Use the system’s forecasting tools to estimate costs and plan budgets effectively 
  • Review your financial data regularly to identify and address any potential issues early on    

9. Attendance & Scheduling, Sorted  

  • Fast Attendance 
  • Quick Updates for Parents 
  • Spotting Patterns 
  • Smart Scheduling 

Good attendance is linked to better academic performance. As experts point out, students who attend more classes are more likely to succeed. By making attendance tracking easier and providing timely updates to parents, ISMS can play a key role in boosting student success. 

Here’s how ISMS can transform attendance and scheduling at your school  

  • Fast Attendance: Teachers can mark attendance with a single click, saving valuable time and reducing errors. 
  • Quick Updates for Parents: Parents can check their child’s attendance status in real-time, eliminating the need for phone calls and providing peace of mind. 
  • Spotting Patterns: Identify trends in attendance data to proactively address issues and improve student engagement 
  • Smart Scheduling: Create conflict-free class schedules, optimize room assignments, and even allow students to sign up for classes online 

The ISMS difference in action  

Taking attendance Slow, paper-based Fast, one-click digital 
Telling parents Phone calls needed Instant online updates 
Making schedules Manual, prone to errors Automated, fewer conflicts 
Assigning rooms Often double-booked Smart assignment based on needs 
Tracking patterns Time-consuming analysis Quick, data-driven insights 

Tips to get the most out of ISMS for attendance and scheduling:  

  • Train teachers on how to use the digital attendance tools effectively. 
  • Set up alerts for repeated absences to identify students who may need additional support. 
  • Utilize the scheduling features to balance class sizes and optimize resource utilization. 
  • Regularly review attendance data to identify trends and make informed decisions about school policies and interventions 

10. Teamwork makes the Dream work  

  • Real-Time Teamwork 
  • Better Communication 
  • Easier Group Projects 

Here’s how ISMS foster a culture of collaboration  

  • Real-Time Teamwork: Students can collaborate on projects in real-time, editing documents, chatting, and sharing ideas effortlessly, regardless of their location. 
  • Enhanced Communication: ISMS facilitate open and transparent communication between students, teachers, and parents. Students can ask questions anytime, teachers can provide feedback quickly, and parents can stay informed about their child’s progress. 
  • Easier Group Projects: Managing group work becomes a breeze with features like role assignments, progress tracking, and centralized file storage. 

The Old Way vs The New Way  

Students work in isolation Students collaborate seamlessly 
Slow feedback Quick, ongoing feedback 
Difficult to track group work Clear view of each student’s contributions 

Learning from Peers  

ISMS also encourage peer-to-peer learning: 

  • Students can review and provide feedback on each other’s work 
  • Shared resources promote knowledge sharing and collaboration 
  • Group chats enable quick problem-solving and idea generation 

Building Essential Skills:  

Working together through an ISMS helps students develop vital skills like: 

  • Communication 
  • Time management 
  • Giving and receiving feedback 

These skills are essential for success in both future education and the workplace. 

Teachers Team Up Too  

ISMS aren’t just for students. They also foster collaboration among teachers, enabling them to: 

  • Share lesson plans and resources easily 
  • Discuss teaching methods and strategies online 
  • Collaborate on school-wide projects and initiatives 

Tips to maximize collaboration with an ISMS  

  • Provide comprehensive training for all users on how to leverage the collaboration tools effectively. 
  • Establish clear guidelines and expectations for online discussions and interactions. 
  • Use the system to provide regular feedback and encourage student-to-student interaction. 
  • Foster a culture of shared learning and peer support within the platform. 

Wrapping Up: The Future of Education is Here  

ISMS, like Classter , are transforming schools in remarkable ways:  

Admin Tasks Faster, less paperwork 
Communication Better links between everyone 
Learning More personalized, data-driven teaching 
Resource Use Smarter use of supplies & spaces 
Data Safety Safer storage of school info 

The ISMS revolution isn’t just a passing trend; it’s the future of education. As these systems evolve, we can anticipate even more exciting developments: 

  • Increased AI integration for personalized learning plans 
  • Enhanced online learning experiences 
  • Greener, more sustainable schools with reduced paper usage 
  • Smarter, data-driven decision-making at all levels 
  • Innovative learning approaches, including gamification and immersive technologies 

The bottom line: Schools embracing ISMS are poised to reap significant benefits, including happier teachers, more engaged students, and improved overall outcomes. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of your school? Here are some final tips:  

  • Invest in comprehensive training for all staff members. 
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest software updates and features. 
  • Embrace a data-driven culture and use insights to guide your decisions. 

And remember, with the right ISMS in place, the possibilities are endless.   

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  8. Dissertations / Theses: 'School Management System'

    List of dissertations / theses on the topic 'School Management System'. Scholarly publications with full text pdf download. Related research topic ideas. ... Shipp, J. D. "Professional Development Needs of Elementary School Principals Implementing Site-Based Management in an Urban School System." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1985 ...

  9. PDF The Implementation of School-Based Management in Public Elementary Schools

    In the same manner, the primer on SBM and its support system defined School-Based Management (SBM) as "decentralization" of decision-making authority from central and regional and division levels to . Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning Vol 9, Issue 1, 2019 (44-56) ISSN2232-1926/eISSN 2600-870X ...

  10. Short Paper* Designing and Implementing e-School Systems: An

    The School Management System has not been hosted online since the school has not purchased web hosting and a domain name, both of which are necessary for hosting systems such as the School Management System and the creation of a school webpage. As a result, the system can only handle transactions on the school's campus; online ...

  11. PDF Towards School Management System Faculty of Art, Computing and [1 ...

    ABSTRACT. School Management System-SMS (Sistem Pengurusan Sekolah) is a system developed by Ministry of Education Malaysia in order to reduce teachers' burden and for Educational Data Integration. SMS is a type of Management Information System (MIS) and is pivotal for efficient and effective running of schools in Malaysia.

  12. (PDF) Impact of Management Information Systems (MIS) on School

    Extent of decision support informati on technology use by principals in Virginia public schools. Doct oral Thesis. ... Gurr claims the system has changed school management in the areas of ...

  13. (PDF) School Management System

    The use of School Management System has the significance effect and this can be enumerated as follows: 1. Eradicate the frustration student undergo when one student is given another student result or result miscalculation due to manual processes. 2. Reduced the length of time spent in trying to process student results.

  14. "School-Based management and its influence on school improvement effort

    School-based management (SBM) has increasingly become an agreed-upon model for the operation of schools around the world. A critical element of the model is devolving enhanced levels of decision-making from the centre (head office) to the schools. SBM is usually acclaimed as a positive step for principals, teachers, parents, students, and the wider community to get involved in the decision ...

  15. Thesis School Management System PDF

    The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis on a School Management System. It notes that crafting a high-quality thesis requires extensive research, analysis, and addressing complex technical concepts regarding educational technology. Seeking professional assistance can help students overcome hurdles in their thesis writing like synthesizing information and adhering to guidelines ...


    1.2 Objectives. The main objective of the application is to digitize and automate the existing system of manually maintaining the records of the books issued, returned from the student, catalogues and book search. Therefore, time-consuming tasks, such as the issuing of books, returning, and searching will be faster.

  17. 10 Ways Integrated School Management Systems Transform Education

    Think instant messages, automatic notifications about grades and attendance, and online portals where parents can access all the important information about their child's education. No more missed messages or frantic last-minute calls! And it's not just about everyday communication. In emergencies, ISMS like Classter enable schools to send alerts quickly through email, text, and even ...

  18. PDF Design of Graduation Thesis Management System Based on School

    For graduate thesis management system, the students, tutors (school, enterprise) and administrators are three independent module roles, so they are divided into three subsystems as Fig. 1.

  19. Thesis

    SAAS/cloud-based SIS software. Access to financial aid and faculty and student portal. Utilizes Power BI reporting. Learn More. For large colleges and universities in the U.K. and Canada. SAAS/cloud-based SIS software. Build your own business logic for custom workflows. Meets reporting requirements for U.K. and Canada.

  20. TITLE OF THE PROJECT "School Management System

    A DFD, also known as Bubble Chart, has a purpose of clarifying system requirement and identifying major transformation that will become the programs in the system design. DFD SYMBOLS 1. A SQUARE defines a source or destination of system data 2. An ARROW identifies data flow or data in motion.

  21. Open Knowledge Repository

    Abstract. The purpose of this policy note is to assess the current status of school-based management in elementary and high schools in the Philippines. The findings reported in the note are based on a comprehensive survey of the public education system that tracked public education expenditure and assessed the quality of education services.

  22. (PDF) School-Based Management in the Philippines ...

    Implementation of School-Based Management as Perceived by the School Governing Council Volume: 129 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 23 July 2023 Publisher Name: IJRP Views: 12 , Download: 6 ...