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Petrographic, structural and textural analysis of the Atuba Complex, Southern Ribeira Belt: Case study in the Greca quarry

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Daniel Lemire's blog

Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor at the Data Science Laboratory of the Université du Québec (TÉLUQ) in Montreal. His research is focused on software performance.

The PhD Paradox: A Journey into Academia’s Upside-Down World

Imagine a world where becoming a doctor isn’t about years of rigorous study, but about showcasing your life’s work. That’s how doctorates used to roll. You’d write a book, make a groundbreaking discovery, and voila, a doctorate was yours. Fast forward to today, and we’ve flipped the script. Now, a PhD is less about what you’ve done and more about preparing you for a career in academia, often at a subsidized cost. Sounds great, right?

Here’s the catch: this system works like a charm as long as universities are expanding. But what happens when they hit the brakes? You guessed it – a PhD glut. With more PhDs than professorships, the job market turns into a gladiatorial arena where only the most politically savvy survive. This isn’t just about competition; it’s about who can navigate the labyrinthine politics of academia.

Universities, with their pristine campuses and lofty ideals, market themselves as bastions of brilliance and nurturing. But peel back the curtain, and you might find a different story. Professors, often out of touch with the real world, teach subjects they’ve never truly experienced. Take entrepreneurship, for example. You’d think those teaching it would have started a business, right? Nope. Many haven’t even stepped into a startup, let alone run one.

Then there’s the publishing game. Tenured professors, the supposed engines of new knowledge, might not even produce a paper a year when you account for co-authorships. And when they do publish, well, let’s just say the quality can be…variable. Even at the pinnacle of academia, like Harvard, the standards can slip, as seen with its former president’s less-than-stellar publication record.

So why do we keep pushing our youth into this system? It’s all about signaling. A degree, especially a PhD, is like a badge, a shiny sticker that says, “I’m educated.” But here’s the kicker – this badge might not make you more productive or happier. In fact, less time in school and more time in the real world could be the real recipe for success.

Imagine if we recruited professors not just for their academic credentials but for their real-world achievements. People who’ve actually built things that work, could revolutionize how we teach software engineering or entrepreneurship. But we’re not there yet. We’re still caught in a system that values form over function, prestige over practicality.

Our love affair with academia might be making us less productive and more miserable. Maybe it’s time we rethought this whole PhD business, not as a rite of passage into an elite club, but as a tool for real-world impact. After all, isn’t education supposed to prepare us for life, not just for more education?

Daniel Lemire, "The PhD Paradox: A Journey into Academia’s Upside-Down World," in Daniel Lemire's blog , September 11, 2024, .

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Daniel Lemire

A computer science professor at the University of Quebec (TELUQ). View all posts by Daniel Lemire

4 thoughts on “The PhD Paradox: A Journey into Academia’s Upside-Down World”

I work at Meta and have plenty of Software Engineer colleagues with PhDs, often not in EE/CS or related fields, e.g. in Physics. A doctorate does not always relegate you to a life of penury in academia.

What is clear is that graduate students are a cheap source of labor and cannon-fodder for interdepartmental turf wars, specially in the humanities, and the way university departments market graduate school is often nothing short of fraud.

Dropping out my PhD program was one of the best (and hardest) life choices I have made.

What’s your take on professors of practice (also known as clinical professor)? Do you think it’s a worthy compromise?

It is a very nice concept.

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Postdoctoral Researcher Salary: Average Salary of Postdocs Explored

Postdocs maybe one of the more natural paths to take after completing Ph.Ds, but like many jobs, salary matters. What is postdoctoral researcher salary like?

Postdoctoral researcher salary vary significantly depending on the country and sector. In the United States, the average postdoc salary is around $72,798 per year. You may earn around $60,000 a year in Canada, or up to 70,000 Euro annually in Europe.

In this post, we break down the average postdoctoral researcher salary, across places around the world. We also explore factors that determine the salary, and how you can land a postdoc position yourself.

Salary Of Postdoc Researcher Salary Per Year

CountryAverage Salary (Annual)
United States$72,798
Germany€51,000 – €71,000
SwitzerlandCHF 80,000 – CHF 100,000
CanadaCAD 60,658

Postdoctoral researcher salary vary significantly depending on the country and sector. In the United States, the average postdoc salary is around $72,798 per year , but this can vary with:

  • experience,
  • employer. 

Postdoctoral Researcher Salary

For example, researchers in R&D roles within tech or pharmaceutical sectors might earn more than those in academia.

In higher-cost cities like Boston or San Francisco, the compensation is often higher but adjusted for the local cost of living​, so postdoctoral researcher salary in these areas are higher.

In Europe, postdoctoral researcher salary are also influenced by the country and institution. In Germany, postdocs typically earn between €4,253 and €5,951 per month depending on experience and the type of position.which amounts to an annual salary of around €51,000 to €71,000.​

In Switzerland, postdoctoral researcher salary are among the highest in Europe, with postdocs earning approximately CHF 80,000 to CHF 100,000 per year​.

Canada also offers competitive salaries for postdocs, with the average salary being about CAD 60,658 per year​.

Recent policy changes in Canada are aiming to improve postdoctoral researcher salary, especially in high-demand fields like biomedical and AI research.

What Factors Determine A Postdoctoral Researcher Salary?

When it comes to determining postdoctoral researcher salary, a variety of factors are at play.

Job Title & Field Of Work

The first is the job title and the specific field in which you work. Postdoctoral researcher salary in some fields are higher than others.

Postdocs in R&D roles in pharmaceutical companies often command higher salaries compared to those working in academia.

A postdoc in machine learning at a tech company could see an annual salary well above the national average for a postdoctoral researcher. In fields like AI and biomedical research, the postdoctoral researcher salary tend to be higher.

Postdoctoral Researcher Salary

In machine learning or AI, a graduate with extensive industry experience might bypass the traditional PhD route and still get paid postdoc-level salaries. 

The second factor is the funding source.

Some postdoctoral researcher salary are supported through institutional funds, while others rely on fellowships or grants . The latter can make a big difference in your salary range.

In academia, a postdoctoral position funded by a prestigious fellowship might offer a more competitive salary than a standard postdoc position funded by an internal department budget.

Postdoctoral researcher salary with funding by federal grants or private foundations like the NIH or National Science Foundation typically pay more than roles supported by university funds alone.

Location plays a huge role in determining your salary. Postdoctoral researchers in the United States, especially in high-cost living areas such as Boston (Harvard, MIT), New York, or California, tend to make more annually compared to those in other regions.

However, the cost of living in these locations also significantly eats into that higher salary.

A postdoc in the Midwest might earn less per year, but with a much lower cost of living, the actual quality of life could be comparable to their coastal counterparts.

Your PhD Institution & Connections

Your PhD institution and connections can also influence salary. Graduates from prestigious universities often have more leverage in negotiating pay.

Those with high-impact publications or experience in in-demand fields may find themselves in a better position to secure higher salaries.

Alumni networks and career path mentorship also play a pivotal role, helping you land positions with better pay and benefits.

Overall Budget

The employer or hiring organization sets the salary range based on the overall budget, the field’s demand, and the seniority of the position.

Some companies, particularly in the tech or pharmaceutical sectors, offer generous benefits, stock options, and bonuses, in addition to the base postdoc salary.

This makes working outside of academia a lucrative option for many postdoctoral researchers looking to maximize their earnings.

Must All Postdoc Have A PhD?

Not all postdoctoral researchers need a PhD, but in most fields, it’s almost mandatory. 

From my experience in academia, a PhD is essential for a postdoc position, especially if you want to get a job as an assistant professor or move into a full-time research role. The PhD provides the foundation for executing independent research and securing funding.

In the pharmaceutical or tech industries, the situation can be different. While many postdocs in R&D roles still hold PhDs, some companies allow candidates with equivalent experience to take on similar roles.

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Fellowships often require a PhD for eligibility. Still, some postdoctoral researchers may take on administrative or project associate roles that don’t require a doctoral degree.

These positions can offer lower salaries but still provide valuable research experience. If you are still stuck on whether to pursue a PhD for a postdoc, consider your long-term career path.

Tech companies may offer higher salaries without a PhD, but academic careers nearly always demand it.

How To Get A Postdoc Position?

Getting a postdoc position starts with finding the right job search strategies. You need to identify positions that align with your research interests, whether it’s in academia, industry, or R&D.

Job and researchers’ websites usually advertises available postdoctoral positions, like:

  • National Postdoctoral Association, or
  • Specific university job sites.

If you’re aiming for high-paying postdoc roles in the pharmaceutical industry or tech, look for positions with job titles in AI, machine learning, or biomedical research.

Networking plays a pivotal role. Connecting with mentors, attending academic conferences, or participating in webinars can lead to valuable insights on upcoming positions.

A postdoc in machine learning might learn about roles at tech companies directly through a former PhD advisor or industry connections.

Universities like Harvard or MIT may have exclusive job boards or connections to top employers.

Your CV and cover letter should emphasize not just your PhD, but also your publications, grants, and any research that aligns with the postdoc’s requirements.

Employers in academia typically look for strong publication records, while those in industry may prioritize specific project experience.

Funding is another important factor. Some postdoc positions are supported by fellowships, while others depend on institutional funds. A fellowship can offer higher salaries and more independence.

Remember that location impacts salary too. Postdocs in the United States, especially in high-cost cities, may earn more per year, but the cost of living should factor into your decision.

With persistence and the right connections, you can land a postdoc that suits your long-term career goals.

What Are The Benefits For Postdoctoral Researchers?

As a postdoctoral researcher, the benefits you receive go beyond your salary. Although postdocs are considered temporary roles, many employers offer comprehensive benefits packages.

In academia, government research labs, and the private sector, these benefits can significantly enhance your overall compensation.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a common benefit, especially for full-time postdoc positions. In countries like the United States, postdoctoral researchers working at universities or large research institutions often receive:

  • dental, and
  • vision coverage.

The type and extent of the coverage depend on the employer and the job title, but it is generally aligned with the university or institution’s benefits for other full-time employees.

Pharmaceutical companies and tech firms offering postdoc positions often include top-tier health benefits, making industry roles particularly appealing.

Retirement Benefits

Retirement benefits can also be part of your package. While postdoctoral roles are typically short-term, many institutions still offer retirement savings plans, such as:

  • 401(k) matching programs in the U.S.,
  • Superannuation programs in Australia, or
  • Pension contributions in Europe. 

This adds long-term value to your overall compensation, even if you’re only staying in the position for a few years.

Professional Development 

Professional development opportunities are another key benefit for postdocs. You may get paid to:

  • attend conferences,
  • present research, and
  • access exclusive training. 

These opportunities not only enhance your CV but also offer valuable networking chances. Many postdocs also have the chance to publish as lead authors, boosting their career profile.


Fellowships may come with extra perks.

A prestigious fellowship might offer additional research funds or travel allowances, allowing you to attend international conferences or collaborate with researchers abroad.

Some postdocs also receive relocation assistance, making it easier to move for a new position, whether in academia or industry.

Stock Options and Bonuses

Postdocs working in high-demand fields like IT , AI or biomedical research might even receive stock options or bonuses in private-sector roles.

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While this is less common in academia, tech companies and R&D labs often offer these benefits to attract top talent.

Many postdoctoral researcher salaries, especially in these sectors, include performance-based bonuses and access to company shares.

Postdoctoral Researcher Salary:  Get Paid Properly

Postdoctoral researchers’ salaries vary significantly depending on the country, institution, and field of study. Additional factors such as funding sources, experience, and cost of living influence pay.

Despite the relatively modest salary, postdocs are critical contributors to scientific advancement and academic research, often working long hours to further their expertise and career prospects.

How Much Is Postdoctoral Researcher Salary In The US?

In the United States, the average postdoc salary is around $72,798 per year

Location, job title, funding, your PhD, workload

Not necessarily, but most Postdoc position requires a PhD.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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PhD Valorization program

THRIVE Institute and the KTO of Tilburg University present: the annual edition of the PhD Valorisation Program 2024-2025

Are you a PhD candidate and aspiring to make a positive impact on society? The PhD Valorisation Program is designed for motivated doctoral candidates who want to (learn to) translate their research into impactful applications for society. In collaboration with the Tilburg University Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO), THRIVE Institute offers a four-month course in which PhD candidates will learn (and do!) step-by-step how to apply your research in practice, to create maximum societal value.

Why the Valorisation Program?

Many PhD candidates want to make an impact, hence the reason for pursuing a PhD. This leads to academic progress, but don’t you sometimes wonder: what could I create from this research and knowledge to make real-world societal impact? In the PhD Valorisation Program we help you to apply your knowledge in practice, having a positive societal impact as a result. 

We use the potential of your research and help you create a service, tool, method, or business that will make a positive impact on society.

PhD Valorisation Program 

The PhD Valorisation Program is a high pace, action-focused program where experienced trainers help you apply (relevant parts of) your research in practice to create maximum societal value. We do this step by step through a ‘learning by doing’ approach. The program starts with an introduction to the world of valorisation in three on-campus workshops. After the introductory course, you will be divided into two groups according to the valorisation track, your specialization, you want to pursue, either by pursuing science to policy or building an impactful business. The specialization track contains an additional four on-campus workshops. 

In between sessions, your homework is to develop your valorisation project further. YOu do this with the support of yourTHRIVE coaches that are available for support. Let’s say, the next key component of your valorisation track is collecting feedback from potential users on your idea. Your homework would be to find three people who give feedback on your idea. This way, you will learn what it means to put your impact into practice in real-time. 

We go from thinking about impact to doing impact.

What will you gain and learn from the program:

During the Valorisation Program you will focus on: 

  • Developing entrepreneurial skills  that help you to make your impact ambitions become reality; and
  • Fine-tuning your impact proposition through which you can maximize your positive impact on society through your PhD research; and
  • Enhancing your valorisation network  with relevant actors that help you put your ideas into practice; and
  • Finding your valorisation specialization by either   creating an impactful business or by translating your research insights to policy interventions.

As a PhD candidate, you are very talented when it comes to elaborate writing, swiftly finding relevant information, and creating new knowledge. However, there are also some valorisation-skills that you may need help with, think of writing convincingly (instead of elaborately and academically), presenting yourself to various stakeholders, creating clear solutions, selling your ideas to others, making actual sales, concept development, and more. 

The Valorisation Program focuses on adding skills to your existing skill set that will boost your ability to realize your ambitions. These skills will also help you in your professional career, inside or outside academia.

You will create a research-driven ‘impact proposition’ for a tangible service, product, toolkit, company, blog, or any other ‘product’ that fits your ambition. We help you to make your big and abstract impact wishes, into concrete products with which you can storm the world. We are going to make it as clear as we can, because clarity is important when trying to find partners and collaborators. Your impact proposition offers a blueprint for your valorisation endeavors, which you will further develop during the specialization track of the course.

Having a relevant network is important for making a positive impact. In almost every case you need people that help you land your impact proposition. We help you to build a relevant network around your ambition. Think of people that can give feedback on your idea from an expert perspective, set up collaborations with interesting companies, or find potential clients. It all depends on your idea and belief. We focus on identifying the right people, getting in contact, and telling your convincing story.

This specialization track is an exciting opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge and skills in a specific area of interest. Choosing between either building an impactful business or focusing on evidence-based policy, will allow you to tailor your research insights to align with your impact aspirations. This track will allow you to become an expert in your chosen niche. You will gain hands-on experience that will give you a headstart inside or outside academia.

The program lasts approximately four months. Every two to three weeks you will participate in a two-hour workshop on campus at Tilburg University. In total, you will participate in eight workshops. 

The first three workshops will introduce you to the world of valorisation. You will join a cohort of up to 20 participants for two-hour sessions held every two weeks, where you'll learn the fundamentals and essential practices of valorisation.

In the second half of the program, you will focus on your chosen specialization. Working in smaller groups of five to ten participants, you'll translate your research into practical valorisation tools. Between sessions, you'll complete homework and collaborate with coaches to enhance your learning and apply your insights effectively.

At the program's kick-out session, you'll reconvene with the initial group to present your project. This final session will be an opportunity to showcase your work to your peers and an audience from within the university. You will also receive your Valorisation Program certificate, signed by the KTO of Tilburg University and THRIVE Institute.

The first three workshops focus on a valorisation crash course during which, you will: 

  • Gain a comprehensive introduction to the field of valorisation.
  • Understand the role of complexity in addressing societal challenges.
  • Explore various vehicles for change and their potential applications.
  • Align your valorisation endeavors with your purpose 
  • Begin building and implementing your valorisation network.

The introduction into the valorisation track includes a maximum of 20 participants. After the first month of the program, you have defined the vehicle for change you will focus on to develop further in your chosen specialization track. 

We personalize your valorisation endeavours to match your passions and interests in the specialization track of the program. In four dynamic workshops, we'll create a learning experience that is aligned with your chosen specialization. You'll dive into your interests, sharpen your skills, and make a real impact.

Building an impactful business

In this specialization track, you will embark on an exciting journey toward building a thriving (non-profit) business. Our comprehensive approach goes beyond teaching; we guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your business idea starts taking shape both during and after the program. You will acquire essential knowledge and tools to craft a business strategy designed to make a meaningful impact, and you'll learn how to present your unique personal brand to the world.

Science to policy

If you're eager to influence policy and explore the world of evidence-based policy, the science to policy track is the perfect fit for you. This track will immerse you in the principles of evidence-based policy while equipping you with the language and skills needed to effectively communicate with, advize or land your knowledge at governmental agencies at various levels. You'll develop a strategic approach, learn how to position yourself, and create and live your personal brand.

If neither of these two specialization tracks resonate with you, we kindly ask you to mention this in your application letter. This way we can work together to find a suitable way to make your aspired valorisation journey feasible.

You will participate in eight workshops in total, where we focus on different steps of translating your research into impact. Each workshop is scheduled between 13:00-15:00 at the campus of Tilburg University.

1. Introduction to Valorisation-crash course 1| Thursday, October 31st, 2024

Delve into the world of valorisation, learning in complexity and vehicles for change that excel societal challenges.

2. Introduction to Valorisation-crash course 2| Thursday, November 14th, 2024

Define your purpose and the impact your impact proposition n endeavors. 

3. Introduction to Valorisation-crash course 3| Thursday, November 28th, 2024

Start building your valorisation network by learning how to contact and maintain meaningful industry connections. 

Session 1| Thursday, January 9th, 2025

Explore different sources of funding and legal structures for setting up your business. We will look at best practices, but also start to take concrete actions to gain funding.

Session 2| Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Align your valorisation efforts with your target group, while sharpening your business model accordingly. 

Session 3| Thursday, February 6th, 2025

Focus on positioning and sharpening your strategy while balancing profit and impact at the same time. 

Session 4| Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Develop your personal brand centered around your purpose and your valorisation project.

Session 1| Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Explore the world of policy making and evidence-based policy and take the first steps you will need to take to apply knowledge into practice. 

Session 2| Thursday, January 30th, 2025

Learn about the intricacies of conveying your valorisation efforts to various target audiences. 

Session 3| Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Develop your strategy and the team of people you will need to get on board to help excel your valorisation project. 

Session 4| Thursday, February 27th, 2025

Create your personal brand and your unique narrative that translates your research into an engaging and accessible story for diverse audiences.

This session will be your time to shine and present all your hard work to the rest of your program peers and colleagues at the university. The kick-out will prove to be an inspiring session to embrace your personal brand and present your valorisation project. At the end of the session, you will receive your program certificate, and you will have time to network and connect. 

Along the way, you will meet and work with several THRIVE-coaches, experienced in the field of valorisation, (social) innovation, (social) entrepreneurship, and concept development. THRIVE has a track record in working and setting up collaborations with companies such as Coca Cola European Partners, the municipality of Rotterdam, RVO, KPN, ABN AMRO, the Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN), social enterprises and more.

The program is heavily action and result oriented. In former Valorisation Programs participants delivered to the following impact results:

  • started various freelance jobs e.g. at the European Commission;
  • developed and rolled out multiple societal programs;
  • started a consultancy business, such as Gouden Schil;
  • published numerous popular science articles at Donders Wonders, Generatie Rookvrij, NRC and Trouw);
  • organized tens of presentations at (international) congresses, websites, events with over 60 attendees;
  • continued their valorisation journey as  knowledge broker , and more! 

Joining the program

We apply three key selection criteria for participants in the Valorisation Program:

  • You have a motivation to make societal impact;
  • You want to get to concrete results through the program; 
  • You are in the starting phase of valorisation. We can help you best if you are in the starting phase with your ambition, meaning that you are still looking for the best way to do so;
  • You are available to be present during the scheduled workshop dates (refer to workshop dates above).

Applicants that are too advanced in their valorisation process (when they have already undertaken the steps that we will take during the program), are not eligible for the program, but can be referred to other programs/departments that can help them further.

The program is offered through a scholarship provided by the Knowledge Transfer Office and Graduate Schools at the University of Tilburg. This means that if you are selected, the program is free of charge for participants that are selected and meet the application criteria.

You are required to attend at least seven out of the eight workshops and manage a workload of 8-10 hours per month. This time commitment includes attending program sessions, working on your own project, or participating in coaching sessions.

To apply, please send your CV and motivation to Isabelle Hommes at hommes@thriveinstitute end-of-day Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.

After sending your application documents, you will be contacted by the THRIVE program manager. If you are eligible for the program, we will get back to you within a few days to schedule your intake meeting. If the class is full, we will close applications. We follow a first-come-first-serve principle, and have a maximum availability of 20 spots in the program. 

Deadline for application: end-of-day Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.

What is thrive.

THRIVE Institute is a think tank for societal impact. Driven by the belief that knowledge is the key ingredient for innovation with impact, we offer learning and innovation programs for researchers that revolve around learning in practice together with relevant stakeholders.

THRIVE PhD Academy

The THRIVE PhD Academy was founded for and by PhD researchers and is continuously being optimized with feedback from alumni from industry, government, and academia. Within the THRIVE PhD Academy, more than 250 PhD researchers and postdocs have been trained to apply their knowledge and skills to help solve societal issues. The goal of the academy is to prepare young researchers for impactful careers whether they stay in academia or not. 

The academy offers a variety of programs that focus both on enhancing PhD strengths while acknowledging weaknesses. The programs focus on developing the skills and mindset often lacking under doctoral candidates, such as:

  • entrepreneurial skills;
  • knowledge broker skills
  • project management (with real deadlines)
  • working in teams;
  • stakeholder management.

In the THRIVE PhD Academy, we combine this skills set with PhD’s superpowers, such as analytical thinking and absorbing complex information fast, to help PhD candidates excel both inside and outside academia. 

More information?

If you have any questions about the program, please contact our THRIVE PhD Academy program manager Isabelle Hommes at: [email protected] .

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PhD Graduate Education at Northeastern University logo

The PhD in Computer Science prepares students for careers in academia and industry—from conducting research to developing systems to publishing and presenting papers.

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The PhD in Computer Science prepares students for careers in academia and industry—from conducting research to developing systems to publishing and presenting papers. The rigorous curriculum of the PhD program provides a broad background in the fundamentals of computer science, advanced courses in your research area, and an intensive research experience. As a PhD student, you’ll work with our world-class faculty on engaging research projects with the benefit of our location in Boston, and access to collaborations with researchers at innovative companies, tech startups, state-of-the-art labs, and dynamic universities.

  • Admitted PhD students are guaranteed full tuition scholarship and are supported with stipends or fellowships for the first five years of their program
  • Student may enter with a Bachelors or Masters in Computer Science
  • The Khoury College of Computer Sciences offers a diverse range of research areas including Artificial Intelligence, Broadening Participation in Computing, Data Science, Human-Centered Computing, Software, Systems/Security, Theory, Visualization and Games.
  • Research at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences has received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institute of Health (NIH), and private-sector funding from companies like Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple
  • Boston location is a hub for healthcare, education, finance, business, biotechnology, and the life sciences

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain a broad understanding of computer science fundamentals, spanning a substantial portion of the following core areas: artificial intelligence and data science, human-centered computing, software, systems, and theory.
  • Gain significant expertise in at least one research area in computer science.
  • Produce and defend original research in an area of computer science.
  • Be able to communicate research results effectively in both oral and written forms.

Our CS PhD graduates and postdocs have found success in industry and academia including:

Tenure Track Faculty at:

  • Indiana University
  • University of Maryland
  • University College London
  • NC State University
  • UMass Boston
  • City University of Hong Kong

Postdoc and research scientists at:

  • University of Paris
  • Virginia Tech
  • Microsoft Research
  • GE Global Research

Senior software engineers and industry leaders at:

Application materials.

  • Online application and fee
  • Unofficial undergraduate/graduate transcripts (you can submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended at the time of admission)
  • Statement of purpose that should include career goals and expected outcomes and benefits from the program
  • Recent professional resume listing detailed position responsibilities
  • Three confidential letters of recommendation
  • Degree earned or in progress at an U.S. institution
  • Degree earned or in progress at an institution where English is the only medium of instruction
  • Official exam scores from either the TOEFL iBT, IELTS, or PTE exam
  • Applicants seeking enrollment prior to the Fall 2024 term should apply through this link (application is not live yet)


Applicants must submit the online application and all required admission materials no later than the stated deadlines to be considered for admission. Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis.

Applicants are reviewed annually for admission each Fall Term:

  • December 15

Applicants seeking enrollment prior to the Fall 2024 term should apply at the link under application materials below.

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Computer Science

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Leaving Academia is Hard

You’ve invested a decade of your life, but now realised you’re missing...

You’re tired of working long hours, prioritizing your career over your loved ones.

You’re struggling to see your impact beyond the ivory tower, and responding to peer reviews isn’t helping.

You’re tired of bouncing between temporary positions in different cities.

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You knew academic salaries were low, but now feel how feel how difficult life is without earning your worth.

You want a career where you feel appreciated, instead of a career where you never feel good enough.

You just aren’t happy in academia anymore. You dread going to work and dream of something different.

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Resources to help you find a non-academic career

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Tune in to the After Academia Podcast and learn how to build a fulfilling life outside of the ivory tower.

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Join the Incubator

Join my signature 12-week program, giving you all tools to change careers with a supportive group of PhDs.

Hi there :) I'm Ashley.

For over a decade, I worked to become a professor at a top-tier research university. Then, I quit. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, writer, content creator, and mentor to  PhDs who want to grow their careers outside of academia. I'm giving you everything I needed (but didn't have) in my career transition. You don't have to struggle alone like I did. My career advice has inspired 100,000+ followers on social media. I'll see you there!

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Real results for PhDs, just like you:

Average salary, more confidence on the job market, ready to leave academia.

person holding a writing implement using a notepad, sitting in front of a computer

Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon's Ph.D. in Computer Science is, above all, a research degree. When the faculty award a Ph.D., they certify that the student has a broad foundation and awareness of core concepts in computer science, has advanced the field by performing significant original research and has reported that work in a scholarly fashion.

When you begin our Ph.D. program, you’ll take the Introductory Course for Doctoral Students — an intense two week program that orients you to the department, introduces you to research and education topics our faculty are interested in, helps you find a faculty advisor and familiarizes you with Carnegie Mellon’s resources. Next, you’ll gain a broad understanding of fundamental research issues in major areas of computer science through coursework and original research. Finally, you’ll write and orally defend a thesis that guarantees you understand the area well enough to advance the state of knowledge in the field.

During the first two years of the program, you’ll gain the foundation of knowledge that will allow you to become an expert researcher in computer science, primarily by

Mastering a body of graduate material, achieved by passing 96 university units worth of graduate courses (equivalent to eight full-time courses).

Learning how to organize and begin to carry out original research, achieved by participating in directed research.

You will also serve as a teaching assistant, hone your writing and speaking skills and maintain your programming prowess. You’ll also receive periodic evaluation of your progress, and must make satisfactory progress to continue in the program.

Time Commitment:

As a Ph.D. student in computer science at CMU, you'll spend roughly five years acquiring a body of technical knowledge that includes a familiarity with the breadth of the field, as well as a deep understanding of your research area. From your second month in the program, you'll work closely with your faculty advisor, who is charged with guiding your education and monitoring your progress through the program. You'll take courses, teach and perform directed research — all to ensure that you leave Carnegie Mellon as an expert in your field. For a complete breakdown of our program requirements, read our Ph.D. Handbook .

Financial Information:

The Computer Science Department offers all Ph.D. students full financial support while they are in good academic standing in their respective programs. To learn more about Ph.D. funding, visit the SCS  Doctoral Programs  webpage.

Graduate Tuition:

Student Fees:

Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Financial Aid:

  • Current Semester Courses
  • Upcoming Semester Courses
  • Schedule of Classes
  • Undergraduate Catalog
  • Bachelor's Programs
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  • Ph.D. in ACO
  • Ph.D. in PAL
  • CNBC Certificate Program
  • Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal
  • Doctoral - How to Apply
  • Degrees Conferred
  • Other SCS Doctoral Programs
  • Student Resources


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    The THRIVE PhD Academy was founded for and by PhD researchers and is continuously being optimized with feedback from alumni from industry, government, and academia. Within the THRIVE PhD Academy, more than 250 PhD researchers and postdocs have been trained to apply their knowledge and skills to help solve societal issues. The goal of the ...

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    The PhD in Computer Science prepares students for careers in academia and industry—from conducting research to developing systems to publishing and presenting papers. The rigorous curriculum of the PhD program provides a broad background in the fundamentals of computer science, advanced courses in your research area, and an intensive research ...

  12. Ashley Ruba, PhD

    Hi there :) I'm Ashley. For over a decade, I worked to become a professor at a top-tier research university. Then, I quit. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, writer, content creator, and mentor to PhDs who want to grow their careers outside of academia. I'm giving you everything I needed (but didn't have) in my career transition.

  13. Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

    Carnegie Mellon's Ph.D. in Computer Science is, above all, a research degree. When the faculty award a Ph.D., they certify that the student has a broad foundation and awareness of core concepts in computer science, has advanced the field by performing significant original research and has reported that work in a scholarly fashion.

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    Unidades de Curitiba. R. Estados Unidos, 1205 - Bacacheri, Curitiba - PR, 82510-050. Av. Sete de Setembro, 3060 - Centro CEP 80230-085. Santa Quitéria. Av ...

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