short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay | Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold for Students and Children in English

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay: Appearances are often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive but when they are examined from close quarters, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior portion only. Every shinning metal is not gold.

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Long and Short Essays on All That Glitters is Not Gold for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘All That Glitters is Not Gold’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 400-500 words. This long essay about All That Glitters is Not Gold is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

In reality, many times it is the fake one that glitters more. Even that useless broken piece of a glass that can do nothing but cut through flesh and make it bleed will shine with great glory as the sun rays fall and dance upon its surface. But that reflection of prismatic colours do not change that wounding piece of glass into gold.

“All that glitters is not gold”, is a popular saying, which means that not everything that looks valuable or true, turns out to be like that. This applies to people, places or things that claim to be more worthful than they actually are. This expression was used by William Shakespeare in his famous play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’.

Looks can be greatly beguiling. Gold is a valuable metal. It has an attractive shine to it but it is not necessary that everything which shines like gold is precious. Some of the pale dull things may also possess immense value. This is true in case of humans too. A person may put up false show of kindness, charity, love, respect and other kinds of virtues. People even get swayed by that artful pretence of such people showing their true colours.

Very often, things are not what they seem to be. We often form our opinion about objects on the basis of superficial impression. One should always try to find out the true nature of things. We should try to find out the reality hidden behind their glittering facade. A book with a beautiful cover has no guarantee of its being interesting.

A person may pretend to be noble, hiding his defects. One cannot judge a person from his smiling face or cheerful appearance. Most of the times, they are covered by false masks, faces and appearances. In fact, history has repeatedly proved that people have worn multiple masks in order to reach the highest ladder of success. People often make use of trickery, cunningness, hypocrisy and flattery in order to achieve their dreams. They belie their inward reality of shallowness and hollowness by a fantastic and blinding show of grave morality.

And due to such false appearances, morally depraved have easily passed as great moralists before the world, fools have passed as wise, dishonest people have been thought of as honest, liars as great protectors of truth, wicked as sincere friends and traitors as great patriots. The garb of fine dresses, good manners, sweet voice, kind behaviour and honey-dripping personality works out well with such persons as people at large are often swayed by such sweetness. But rarely do they realise that under this rosy appearance lies the serpent quietly coiled up ready to sting at the slightest provocation.

It is in fact very easy to be fool and misguide people by putting on a garb of goodness by means of fine dresses and speeches. People fall prey to good manners and good appearances. Human mind is gullible and foolish. It is often taken captive by what is shown and does not care to see what lies behind. Hence, people are often deceived because of such appearances. A thirsty traveller in a desert mistakes the sand shining under the sun for an oasis of water. If mother nature can play games with humans, then humans, no doubt, can take their fellow humans for a ride.

Sycophancy and hypocrisy can, of course, help people for sometime to climb the social and economic ladder but concealment cannot work for long. Gold proves itself as purer than ever before when tried and tested, but it is the fake one that fails at the slightest touch of test.

Thus, it has been rightly and aptly said that everything is not exactly as it seems. A shiny piece of metal shining gloriously in the sun from afar, turns out to be a useless piece of sharp-edged tin if examined closely.

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay

Short Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

With consumerism on the rise in today’s times, we find so many products to choose from, in the market. A beautifully packaged product, advertised aggressively attracts more number of customers. However, more often, these products prove useless in the long run. Similarly, we have witnessed the rise of men donning saffron robes, the so-called ‘Godmen’, claiming to use the masters of supernatural powers. But they are mere mortals like each one of us, who have taken to fooling innocent people in the name of religion and spirituality.

Thus, before making hasty judgements based on what seems to be, one should take time to try and peep behind the facade of make-believe sweetness and politeness. One should use wisdom and discretion to weigh the appearance against what lurks behind as truth. Then only one can learn to differentiate between gold and the rest that glitters as gold.

“Beauty is skin -deep “.

We must remember that the real beauty is the beauty of heart, mind, and soul. In simplicity, lies Godliness. Gold symbolises purity. Let us imbibe it in our character.

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay Story Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Prismatic – bright spectral colours
  • Beguiling – charming, interesting, pleasing, attractive
  • Swayed – influenced
  • Grave – serious, important, significant
  • Depraved – corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil
  • Traitors – one who betrays one’s country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason
  • Provocation – aggravation, irritation
  • Gullible – naive and easily deceived or tricked
  • Captive – one held in the grip of a strong emotion or passion
  • Facade – a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant
  • Sycophancy – self-seeking or servile flattery
  • Donning – put on (an item of clothing)
  • Discretion – consideration, judgment, caution, diplomacy
  • Hypocrisy – to pretend to have beliefs, qualities virtues, etc which one does not actually have

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All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay for Class 7 Students

Essay on all that glitters is not gold.

“All that glitters is not gold”, is a popular adage, which implies that not everything looks valuable or true, turns out to be like that. This applies to people, places, or things that claim to be more worthy than they actually are. William Shakespeare used this expression in his famous play, “The merchant of Venice”. Thus one must not form opinions about things or people based on their superficial appearance only. There is a need to ascertain their real nature and intrinsic value rather than being swayed by the glittering facade.

Appearances are often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive but when they are examined very closely, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior only. Every shining metal is not gold. We often form our opinion about objects on the basis of impersonation. One should always find out the true nature of things. We should try to find out the reality hidden behind their glory.

Good and beautiful objects have always swayed human nature. Nevertheless, people fall prey to the temptation of external beauty, for only wise people learn from the experience of others. A person may put up a false show of kindness, charity, love, respect, and other kinds of virtues. That artful pretense of such people showing their true colors even sways them. 

A person may pretend to be virtuous, hiding his flaws. One cannot judge a person from his smiling face or cheerful appearance. Most of the time, false masks, faces and appearances cover them. In fact, it has been proven many times that people have hidden their true selves in order to reach the highest ladder of success. People often make use of tricks, cunningness, hypocrisy, and flattery in order to achieve their dreams. They hide their inner reality of vanity and hollowness by amazing and blinding shows of grave morality. 

It is in fact very easy to fool and misguide people by putting on a garb of goodness by means of fine dresses and speeches. The human mind is so gullible and naive that good manners and good appearances of such people often sway them. Celebrities from the entertainment industry and leaders from the world of politics are notable examples. From the outside, the show business looks attractive and enticing to figure in. The glamorous world of entertainment depends on the outer beauty of the actors. People are often influenced by glamour, following these actors without knowing what they really are from inside and how they struggle to achieve a position. 

Similarly, the politicians place on a mask of goodness and kindness to induce votes from the public during the elections. They provide influential speeches on how they might work for the development of the community and win the confidence of the public to urge votes, which they have an inclination to forget after winning the elections. 

This is further accentuated by the spread of consumerism, which has caught the burgeoning middle and socio-economic class of the society in a very vice-like grip. They fall easy prey to the consumer goods advertised in print and the electronic media. Being unable to procure the good brands, they are tricked into buying fake and imitated products of inferior quality, which pose serious peril. Thus cheap cosmetics and health care products attractively packaged are sold in the market, to extend the business of unscrupulous manufacturers. 

The above adage is a vital lesson that one must imbibe early in life. One should be smart enough to be logical and reasonable before jumping to any kind of conclusion. Simple living with high thinking is the mantra for a good living.

10 Lines on All that Glitters is Not Gold Essay in English

The proverb “All that glitters is not gold” means that the appearance of a person or an object can be deceiving in more than one way, hence you should not create opinions on just the outer glitter of it, but first try to find the inner darkness lying behind.

In the present world, the reality of a thing may be quite a lot different, from what appears on the outside.

It is not necessary for everything that glitters to be Gold, but they might just hold the same characteristics as the element gold.

A man in a fancy, well-dressed suit might get the praises but may not be as good as it appears.

The proverb tries its best to teach the people not to judge anything by their outer appearance, as the person that is really good might not have the best appearance.

A poorly dressed person might be a very kind-hearted character.

While shopping, pick only those products, which you really need and add value to your life, not the ones that got an apple sticker on them.

A person is considered smart when he/she leaves behind the glamour and glitter-filled world and chases the inner purity of a person’s heart.

In this world, people often have to disguise themselves under those shiny and glittery appearances to survive.

A smart person should first use logical thinking and rationality to judge someone’s inner self.

FAQs on All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay for Class 7 Students

1. What does the proverb - ‘All that glitters is not gold’ mean?

The proverb, “All that glitters is not gold” means that not everything that looks superficially attractive is valuable. The element of gold emits spectacular glitter, but it is not the only metal that does so. Many other elements/metals show the characteristics of glitter but they are not gold and in most cases are of inferior value. And from here the saying comes, all that glitters is not gold.

2. Which Famous Writer Quoted this Statement “All that Glitters is not Gold”?

William Shakespeare used this quote in one of his works “The Merchant of Venice” as “All that glitters is not gold”. The word “glisters” (a 17th-century synonym for "glitters”) becomes “glitters” over a period of time. The lines come in Act II - Scene VII - Prince of Morocco of the screenplay “The Merchant of Venice”. After William Shakespeare many poets and lyricists started using this proverb, many used this phrase as the opening line of their play or poem.

3. What are the steps to write a good essay?

Following are the steps to write a good essay: 

Read divers books

Write about different topics

While writing an essay make a list of the points first

Build your essay around those points

Make sure your essay has a beginning, middle and end. 

4. Where can I find reliable essays according to my school curriculum?

Vedantu, the leading online education platform in India, offers numerous essays on various topics as per the English syllabus to help students score better in English.

5. How do Advertising Companies try to Take Advantage of the Socio-Economic Class?

They try to trick the consumers with their attractive packages and false information about the product. Using film stars and actors, they make their products look appealing to the masses, but everything on their ads is false. They advertise that the person consuming the product will be able to get slim or children will be able to grow their height, but the nutritional information signs the other way around.

6. How do the Actors in the Entertainment World Sway People?

The actors in the entertainment world sway people by their outer beauty and glamour. They don’t reveal their true self and the struggles that they have gone through in order to reach that position. The Entertainment World is in reality considered darker than most of the other industries. It is Especially worse for the newcomers entering the industry of nepotism and they are also made to do disgusting things in order to succeed.

7. What are the real-life examples of the proverb “All that Glitters is not Gold”?

The proverb “All that Glitters is not Gold” has a great significance in our daily life. If a person starts to Identify the application of this proverb in real life, they will be able to find a number of scenarios that take place in our regular life cycle. Some of the examples for these scenarios are as follows:-

Most people (who are not very rich) often get fascinated by the lifestyle of wealthy people and develop a strong desire to also become rich and wealthy like them by any means. However, what they don’t realize is that the rich people have their own set of problems like many rich people suffer from depression and many rich families have family issues. Other examples for this proverb in real life will be the entertainment industry, the glitter of fame appears appealing to many people and people nowadays are becoming obsessed with this industry. But it has really dark aspects too, most noteworthy is the treatment with the newcomers in the industries. Several struggling actors are made to do disgraceful things in order to succeed and there is the issue of nepotism too. People in fancy clothes might win the admiration of many, but such people can be very unethical and in some cases, harbour evil.

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Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

All that glitters is not gold is a popular saying which means that just because something sparkles or shines, it does not mean that it is valuable or true. It is very easy to be swayed by the sparkle of something and believe that it is worth more than it actually is. The saying is often used to caution against false appearances. This saying is also used to caution people against accepting anything without finding out the truth.

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Long and Short Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold in English

Here are essay on all that a glitter is not gold of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any All that Glitters is not Gold Essay as per your need:

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 1 (200 words)

In life we meet a lot of people and come across numerous things. Many people appear to be extremely warm and friendly initially. However, in most cases as we get to know them we find out that they are not that nice. Their actual personality is hidden behind the fake mask they wear to build relationships for their personal gain.

Similarly, we see several attractive things in the market. We feel the urge to purchase them and bring them home as they seem irresistible. However, when we begin to use them, we often realise that it only looks good at the surface level and is not very useful or is low quality. The famous saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ implies just the same.

As per this saying, we must not trust anyone easily. We must take our time to learn about a person before we establish a deep bond with them. Likewise, we must not purchase anything big only because it looks good. We must assess it, check its quality and utility and only then we must go for it. This also holds true for job and business opportunities and almost everything in life. Many things appear to be good from a distance but they are not actually good for us.

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All that Glitters is Not Gold Essay 2 (300 words)


The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is old but it is relevant even in the current times. It suggests that we must be very cautious about everything in life as we may be deceived by pretty faces and attractive packages that may only look good but in reality are fake and deceitful.

The Origin of the Phrase

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ has evolved from the old phrase ‘all that glisters is not gold’ which was coined by the famous English author, William Shakespeare. It found mention in his play, The Merchant of Venice published back in 1596. ‘Glister’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitter’ as the phrase gained popularity.

John Dryden used the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ in his poem, The Hind and the Panther in the year 1687. “All, as they say, that glitters, is not gold”, he wrote. The phrase is used universally to emphasize the fact that everything that seems beautiful or good may not actually be nice.

All that Glitters is Not Gold – A Warning

The phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a sort of warning. It warns people not to trust anything just by its external appearance. This has been done with the example of gold. It implies that everything that appears appealing to the eye may not be all that great. We must stay cautious at all times. We must scrutinize people, situations, things and opportunities and try to understand them well before we accept them. If we fail to do so, we may be fooled and deceived. The phrase has been passed on from generation to generation and is commonly used to emphasize the mentioned point.

Several phrases are coined by various poets and authors from time to time, however only few remain popular even after centuries of their origin. ‘All that glitters is not gold’ is one such phrase.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 3 (400 words)

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ means that everything that has a shiny and attractive exterior may not be good in the inside too. It says that the appearance of something cannot determine its real character. It may be glittery as gold but it may not necessarily be as precious.

All that Glitters is not Gold – A Lesson for Life

My grandfather often uses the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He uses it to warn us against several things. As a little kid, I was often attracted towards eye-catching things. I couldn’t think and analyze whether those things were actually useful for me or not. I also did not have a sense of whether they were right for me or not. Besides, I never really understood whether they were worth the amount being paid.

I wanted to purchase every toy that appealed to my eye without caring about whether it was useful for my age or not. However, I was often disappointed later as most of these toys didn’t turn out the way I expected them too. These were mostly wrapped in beautiful packing but as I opened them, there was hardly much material to play with. Often times, they were not even of my interest.

Seeing me disappointed with my newly bought toy, my grandfather once sat with me and explained a useful concept at length mentioning the phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He told me that market is flooded with numerous things and most of these are covered with fancy exteriors in order to lure the customers and increase sale. We cannot bring home everything that appeals to us as not everything is useful to us and not everything is worth purchasing. We need to check its utility and also assess whether we really need it or not before opting for it instead to just purchasing it for its face value.

He also explained that this holds good even for people and relationships. In life, we may meet many people. It is natural for us to get attracted to those who are beautiful and dress up nicely however we need to understand that these people may not necessarily be good at heart. So, before making friends and other relationships, we must observe the person properly to avoid getting hurt later.

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a warning and a lesson that everyone should learn. A person who understands it is likely to take wiser decisions in life.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 4 (500 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ literally means that everything which is sparkling and shiny isn’t gold. This applies to almost everything. We come across numerous attractive things in life however not all of them are as pure as gold. Some of them only appear good but are evil or fake in reality. The phrase is commonly used across the globe since centuries.

Objection on Replacing ‘Glisters’ with ‘Glitters’

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ that has become so popular has been accredited to the 16th century English poet and playwright, William Shakespeare. However, what he had originally written was ‘all that glisters is not gold’. ‘Glisters’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitters’. Though the phrase has grown extremely popular and is used worldwide the replacement of ‘glisters’ with ‘glitters’ has offended many literature lovers even though both the terms have the same meaning. They see it as a misquotation and insist that the phrase originally written by Shakespeare is actually the correct version.

‘All that Glitters is not Gold’ Holds True for People

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ especially holds true for people in the current times. People these days have grown extremely cautious about their external appearances. They want to wear good clothes, dine in fancy restaurants and make rich friends. The growing craze of posting pictures on the social media platforms is the best example of how people want to look good and seek attention from those around them. The pictures posted on the social media are often deceptive.

These are an echo of the expression ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Many people admit to have dysfunctional families however their social media posts show that the picture is all rosy. Similarly, a simple picture is made to look exceedingly good by using filters and all sorts of applications. This is a perfect example of the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Research shows that most people who appear to be beautiful and joyful on their social media pages are in reality just faking it all.

Besides, most people these days have grown quite greedy and self-centred. They often befriend others to fulfil their selfish motives. Many people bond with rich and influential people just so that they can brag about their friendship. Many people also fake being nice and friendly just to establish business links or grab a job opportunity.

Once their job is done, they change colour like a chameleon. The phrase can aptly be used to warn us against such people. We must be very cautious while allowing people in our lives as often the most charming and friendly people turn out to be the most mean and egocentric people. We must thus assess people properly before establishing deep connection with them else we may end up in trouble.

Many similar phrases have been coined from time to time but none has gained as much popularity as ‘all that glitters is not gold’. It is commonly used to warn people of the misleading exteriors of things.

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All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 5 (600 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is an expression that emphasizes the fact that everything that appears to be beautiful and attractive may not be so. Many things that have a fancy exterior and shine like gold may not be as valuable. This holds true for people too. Many people appear to be beautiful and friendly but in reality they may not be so.

Fable Related to the Phrase

There are many moral stories and fables that echo similar thoughts as the saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. One such popular fable is that of two friends, Anil and Sunil.

The two friends lived in a village. It was for the first time that they were travelling to the city. They were all quite excited about their trip. They had planned to visit many places within the city and do a lot of shopping. Anil especially wanted to purchase a watch. He had been saving for it since a long time. Sunil was discussing about his plan of purchasing a watch from the city with his friend just when the passenger sitting next to them overheard their conversation.

He took out two sparkling watches from his bag and showed it to the two friends. Anil was enticed by the beauty of those watches. He decided to purchase one of them at once. However, Sunil was a bit sceptic about his decision. He could not trust the man selling the watches as he said that the glistening strap of those watches was made of gold. He charged heavily for the watches.

Sunil warned Anil not to purchase the watch from the man as he suspected he was lying. However, Anil was so attracted to the beauty of the watch that he did not listen to Sunil. He happily handed a large sum of money to the stranger in exchange for a watch.

Few days later, the watch stopped working. Anil took it to the nearby shop to get it repaired. It was then that he learned that his watch was made of an ordinary material that only sparkled like gold but was not precious at all. He realized that all his money had gone down the drain and felt extremely disappointed.

Since then, Anil took all the decisions very cautiously after assessing all the pros and cons. This is how each one of us should act in life as ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

Phrases Similar to ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is an improvised version of the original saying, ‘all that glisters is not gold’ which appeared in Shakespeare’s popular play, The Merchant of Venice in the year 1596. Many similar phrases have been coined by various writers from time to time. For instance, Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem, The House of Fame’ included, ‘Hit is not al gold, that glareth’. The poem was published in the year 1380. Alian de Lille, the 12th century French theologian wrote, ‘Do not hold everything gold that shines like gold’. The Latin version of the phrase is ‘Non omne quod nitet aurum est’

Other similar phrases include, ‘appearances are deceptive’, ‘never judge by appearances’ and ‘never judge a book by its cover’. These are all used commonly and convey the same meaning however none is as popular as Shakespeare’s ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is a warning for each one of us especially for those who take hasty decisions just by looking at a thing, situation or person at the surface level. It is a warning for those who just look at the external beauty of things rather than analyzing their actual worth. This is because everything that is appealing to the eye may not be actually good. Just as there are many things that sparkle and shine but not all of them are as precious as gold.

Long Essay on All That Glitters is not Gold – Essay 6 (800 Words)

“All that Glitters is not Gold” is a well known proverb, meaning that everything that shines or has a pleasing appearance, isn’t always good. It stresses on the fact that appearance could be deceiving and we must refrain from trusting completely on someone or something, just because that person or thing looked promising or beautiful from a distance.

The phrase warns us and also suggests to not blindly falling for anything or for any person, based solely on their shiny appearances and must do other verifications before trusting them.

Origin of “All That Glitters is not Gold”

Origin of the phrase “All That Glitters is not Gold” dates back to the 12th century or even before. Some experts are of the opinion that the phrase originated in Greece, during the time of a Greek storyteller, Aesop (620 BCE – 524 BCE).

However, the English version of the phrase, as we know today, became popular only after William Shakespeare (1564-1616) mentioned it in his play named “The Merchant of Venice”.

Meaning of the Phrase

The phrase “All that Glitters is not Gold” means that everything that shines bright or looks beautiful in appearance isn’t necessarily good from inside also. This phrase is uniformly applicable on all three – person, place or a thing.

The phrase warns us to exercise caution before trusting someone or something, based completely on shiny or beautiful appearance. For example, a person looking handsome and charming from outside might have a dark heart or a negative personality.

Similarly, if a place or house looks enticing from outside, it could be dangerous or unhealthy to enter. That doesn’t mean that you start suspecting the places you are familiar with, rather the phrase advices you to take precautions before moving into a new alluring place.

Real Life Examples of “All That Glitters is not Gold”

There could be many real life situations where the phrase appropriately fits in and also there are many real life examples providing credence to the phrase “All That Glitters is not Gold”. Some of the most common real life examples are explained below.

There had been many attractive and good looking serial killers in history; those have lured their victims by their charm and beauty. But, the poor victims were so much impressed by the killers’ outer appearance that they failed to see the devil within them. Some of the most famous, charming yet brutal serial killers are Ted Bundy, Andrew Cananan etc. Hence, the phrase warns us against dropping our guards against someone, purely on our perception based on that person’s looks.

How tempting does the pastry displayed in a bakery’s glass shelve looks to you? Definitely it will be the most desirous consumable item and any vegetable in the world couldn’t replace it. But, is it as healthy as vegetables? No! And it doesn’t take a super brain to come to that conclusion. Junk food looks and smells more tempting than nutritional food, but is not good for our health.

You must have come across many commercials on television; trying to lure you into buying products those look beautiful and useful on TV, but are not so, in reality. The charming sales person could be telling nothing more than lies and the product could be a real waste of money and time.

Have you ever come across a sober looking man or woman, asking for money at bus stands or other public places, making excuses like losing money or straying away from family or friends? Most of the times, such people are alcoholics and drug addicts, trying to lure other travelers in paying them.

Likewise, we can make use of the phrase “All That Glitters is Not Gold” while choosing a new friend, buying new clothes or ornaments, believing in anyone’s promises or seizing a career opportunity.

It would be a mistake to judge a person based only on his good looks and neglecting his inner traits. The same principle also applies to everything that we come across in our everyday life.

The phrase “all that glitter is not gold” cautions us from making wrong decisions based on the appearance of something, and advises us to carefully analyze the situation, thing, or person so as not to be deceived.

Frequently Asked Questions on All that Glitters is not Gold

What is the meaning of golden glitter.

Golden glitter refers to the shiny, reflective particles that mimic the appearance of gold. They're often used in art, makeup, and decorations to give a sparkly, luxurious effect.

What is the story of All that glitters is not gold?

The phrase All that glitters is not gold originates from a proverb warning that not everything that looks valuable or true on the surface might actually be so. Over time, it has been used in various literary works, including Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, where its modern version became popular.

What does the paragraph All that glitters is not gold mean?

The paragraph All that glitters is not gold implies that appearances can be deceptive. Just because something looks precious or genuine doesn't mean it truly is. It's a reminder to look deeper and not be fooled by surface appearances.

Is All that glitters is not gold a simple sentence?

No, All that glitters is not gold is a complex sentence. It has a main clause (All that glitters) and a dependent clause (is not gold).

How to write expansion of an idea to All that glitters is not gold?

An expansion of the idea All that glitters is not gold

Who said not all that is gold glitters?

This variant of the phrase, Not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes, a fire shall be woken; a light from the shadows shall spring; renewed shall be blade that was broken: the crownless again shall be king, is from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring.

What glitters are not gold quotes?

Apart from the original All that glitters is not gold, similar quotes include Appearances can be deceiving and Beauty is only skin deep. These quotes all emphasize the idea that external appearances might not reveal the true nature or value of something.

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A foolish stag story

  • All that glitters is not gold
  • Appearances are often deceptive
  • Pride hath a fall

This story is Amazing for learning 🙌.... Everyone's should be able to learn it

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All that Glitters is not Gold – Proverb Meaning and Expansion of idea

The proverb ‘all that glitters isn’t gold’ means that everything that looks beautiful or tempting to eyes may not be good for us. In other words, the proverb implies that appearance may be deceiving. We shouldn’t judge a thing purely based on its appearance, but rather, should have a closer and deeper look.

For instance, there are many fruits found in the wild that look sweet and juicy but are rather poisonous. The main purpose of the proverb is to warn us before putting our trust in something or someone, based purely on appearance.

Expansion of idea

All that glitters is not gold states that not everything that shines and looks like gold is actually so. Something that appears good from outside may be harmful and unworthy in reality. The proverb applies to things as well as humans.

How many times did you come across a good looking and handsome person who rather has a mean and devious heart? Who looks beautiful and is well dressed but doesn’t care about other’s emotions and feelings. This is exactly what the proverb teaches us. It tells us that appearance alone can’t be a criterion to judge the true worth of a person. On the other hand, a person looking dirty and filthy by appearance might have a golden heart.

The same philosophy applies to things as well. Many things that look shiny and brand new from outside aren’t so durable and trustworthy from inside. You may have bought a second-hand car that looked just brand new but didn’t last for a year. You never know what lies inside if you make your judgment based on appearance.

Short Stories on ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’

A well-written story on the proverb will make you better understand the meaning of the proverb; hence, I am giving below a couple of fresh stories on the proverb ‘All that glitters is not gold.’

Short Story 1

Amar was a teenage boy from a middle-class family studying in a reputed school. He had a classmate named Kishore, who was good looking and was also soft-spoken. Kishore also belonged to a wealthy family and everything he used was costly.

Being from a normal background, Amar was instantly attracted to the glamour of Kishore and wanted to befriend him. He approached Kishore and they became friends, eating and playing together while in school.

Amar used to think that everything in Kishore’s family must be possible as good as Kishore himself. The boy had conceived an opinion about Kishore and his family just on the fact how cool Kishore looks in a school. Amar shared his thoughts with his father, who would reply saying that ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ But, Amar just wouldn’t understand what it means.

One day it was Kishore’s birthday and Amar was invited. Being a close friend he went a little early than others. There a new personality trait of Kishore revealed itself. It wasn’t a polite and soft-spoken Kishore, but a harsh, mean and ill-mannered boy who was scolding his servants for small mistakes. Amar didn’t like this revelation about his friend’s personality and was back home too soon, thinking that he failed in judging the true personality of Kishore. Suddenly a realization came to his mind that he finally understands the true meaning of his father’s words – ‘All that glitters is not gold.’

Short Story 2

Once, in a forest, there lived a family of beautiful Kingfisher birds – mother, father, and their two newborn chicks. The chicks were curious and always enthusiastic about exploring new horizons. They peck on bright fruits and bright insects, without ascertaining the facts. This worried the mother woodpecker as she knew that many bright and beautiful things in the forest are often dangerous. She would often warn her chicks to stay away from bright fruits and insects.

One day the parents flew out in search of food and the chicks decided to explore the surroundings. There was this big tree with bright yellow fruits, which they had always wanted to eat. However, their mother had always warned then to not do so. Despite their mother’s warnings, the little chicks flew to the tree and started eating that bright yellow fruit. The fruit was sweet and they have happily savored it for some time. What they don’t realize was that in such a big forest, there was no other bird that was eating that fruit. It was just those two of them.

After some time they fell unconscious and fell to the ground. They were spotted by their parents when they returned. Mother kingfisher desperately tried to revive her chicks by giving water through her beak. Thankfully, the chicks’ consciousness returned and they started crying. The parents consoled them and told them to remember the most useful advice in the forest – ‘All that glitters is not gold.’

An example is a better way to understand the true meaning of a proverb. Keeping this in mind I am giving below some interesting examples based on the proverb ‘All that glitters is not gold’.

“The instructor shouted at the hikers – don’t dare to eat that cashew. Don’t you know that raw cashew is poisonous? Perhaps, all that glitters is not gold!”

“In today’s life, everyone wants to live a life of luxury and fame, without knowing that such life has its own problems and complications. We must understand that all that glitters is not gold.”

“One of my friends bought a very beautiful speaker from the second-hand market. The piece looked brand new but didn’t even last a month. Someone has rightly said that ‘all that glitters is not gold’.”

“Never ever judge a man based on his appearance – the clothes he wears or the car he drives, because many deceitful men in history have been charming and handsome. After all, all that glitters is not gold.”

“My Shimla trip was a nightmare. I had checked in a hotel that looked cozy from outside but was rather filthy and below standard. Wish, I would have known that all that glitters is not gold.”

Not exact the proverb but rather a phrase with similar meaning appeared in the 12th century, credit to the French monk, Alain de Lille who wrote ‘do not hold everything gold that shines like gold’. The monk, very clearly states that everything that looks shiny and tempting as gold, might not be so, after all. The phrase has the same inference as ‘all that glitters isn’t gold’.

Chaucer, who is considered the greatest English poet of the middle ages, has also mentioned similar phrases in his couple of poems. In Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale, he wrote “but all that thing, which shines as the gold, is not gold, as that I have heard it told.”

The more exact phrase as the proverb appears in William Shakespeare’s play the Merchant of Venice. But instead of glitters another synonym ‘glisters’ is used. I am giving below just a couple of lines from the play, for your reference – These lines have been written in the context of a Prince of Morocco and Portia (A beautiful and wealthy woman). She asks the prince to choose a box that contains her portrait without watching inside. Then she will marry him, the prince thinks she is so beautiful that she will keep it in the gold cage. He chooses the golden cage and fails. Then Portia said these lines:

“All that glisters is not gold –

Often have you heard that told.

Many a man his life hath sold

But my outside to behold.”

Today, the proverb is in popular use across the world.

The proverb warns us against making an opinion about a person, place, or thing, purely based on their appearance alone. Such opinion or judgment may be flawed as appearances are deceptive. What we see might only be an illusion while the truth can’t be seen with naked eyes.

The proverb is advice for students as well as working professionals. While deciding about their future career, many youths just look at the glamour associated with different career options. They tend to choose a career that offers a glamorous and comfy life, without understanding the true experiences of it. A career that looks promising and rewarding at first glance might not be so. This is what the proverb teaches us. We must not take important decisions in haste, just based on how beautiful and rewarding something looks on outside.

Similarly, the proverb has morale for everyone from every walk of life. It teaches us to make more practical and insightful decisions in the case of people, places, careers, or things.

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Essay on “All that Glitters is Not Gold” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

All that glitters is not gold, things are not what they seem, 4 best essay on “all that glitters is not gold”.

Essay No. 01

Life is something really strange.  In life, we come across several things and persons that are entirely different from what they look at in life.  Outward shows are generally misleading.  The same is the case with certain experiences of life.  Adversity, for example, is painful and ugly. But Shakespeare tells us that even adversity sweet. Adversity, according to him, is like the toad.  It is ugly and poisonous but it wears a precious jewel on its head.  Autumn is a season of death, decay, and dullness.  But to Keats, it is a season of mellow fruitfulness and joy.  He says:

                “Where are the songs of springs?                 Ay, where are they?                 Think not of them, thou hast thy music too.”

                Similarly, a happy experience may turn out to be very harmful in the long run while a delicious dish may be poisonous in effect.  On a battlefield, deceptive scenes are too common.  In Israel’s first war against Egypt, the Jewish planes dropped large tin foils in the air at great heights.  The Egyptian radars took them to be fighter planes and this created panic in their ranks. All this shows that appearances are often deceptive.

                Shakespeare wrote the line ‘All that glitters is not gold’ about four hundred years ago.  It is as true today as it was when the great dramatist wrote it.  In fact, it has been true right since the dawn of creation.  Poor Adam, leading a life of joy in the garden of Eden was deceived into eating the forbidden fruit by glittering talk of Satan.  As a result, the poor fellow was thrown out of the garden forever. The glittering golden deer captivated the heart of Sita.  She compelled Lord Rama to go and bring that prized animal to her.  She was carried away to Lanka and the battle of Ramayana had to be fought to bring him back.  Things, it proves, are never what they seem to be.  All that glitters is not gold.

                This world is full of human beings who pose to be men of God, pious, and religious.  But in fact, they are rogues and villains.   A man may smile and smile and yet be a villain.  A woman in a shining dress and golden tresses may well turn out to be a flirt.  What happens to be a devoted moth? It stands dazzled in the glowing beauty of the lovely flame.  Lost in its outward glitter, it keeps on droning around it blissfully.  It burns its wings in the process and falls down dead.

                Look at the flood of advertisements attacking one’s ears day in and day out.  Shining labels are displayed and tall claims are made.  The poor customer is cheated into buying worthless things and wasting his hard-earned money. Appearances are often deceptive.  We should not run after outward beauty.  Real beauty does not lie in the superficial appearance of a thing or a person.  A lovely skin may be hiding a heart full of cruelty within.  A soft, sweet, voice may be hiding a ruthless attitude.  On the contrary, a rough exterior may be having a heart of gold within; a dirty-looking stone may be a real gem.  A man should be judged not from his looks but from his actions.  Gold is a shining thing but all shining things are not gold.  All that glitters is not gold.

Essay No. 02

All That Glitters is Not Gold

This sentence occurs in Shakespeare’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’. It tells us that appearances are mostly deceptive. It is dangerous to judge a person or a thing from a mere outward show. Gold is a precious metal. It has a bright appearance. It does not mean that every bright thing is precious like gold. Now whatever is true in the case of gold, may not be true in the case of man. A man may look gentle from appearance and yet he may be a villain at heart. A person in a saffron dress may turn out to be a cheat. This world is full of hypocrites. The face is not always the index of the mind. Many impostors go about in the garb of honest men. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are very harmful to our society. He who judges them by their outward appearances are likely to be misled. They should be cautious about them. Therefore not much importance should be attached to the outward appearance while making an assessment of a person.

Essay No. 03

All that Glitters is not Gold

Appearances are often deceptive. One cannot judge the quality of things by seeing their exterior face only. Every shining metal be not necessarily gold. We often form our opinion about objects on the basis of super facial impressions. The quality of anything can be judged only if we understand the reality of the thing.

One cannot judge a person from his external appearance. A person may pretend to be noble. A wise person does not accept things at face value. Sometimes, even the wise get duped and deceived. All men wearing saffron clothes cannot be saints. Today, fake and imitation goods have flooded the cities, Education and knowledge can improve awareness among the masses. One should use one’s discretion to judge persons and things around him. A beautifully packaged product launched in the market after massive advertising campaigns may attract the consumer. If the products are of poor quality, nothing can change the buyer’s mind. A wise discerning Peron does not accept things at face value. He gets suspicious of a person or a thing that appears too good to be true. His trained eyes can see beyond the superficial appearance of an object.

The quality of anything can be judged only if we come to know the reality of a thing. Gold is gold if the inner metal is also gold. Many things are made of inferior metal and to hide their defect, they are given a shine. They look beautiful and attract many persons who love beautiful objects. An object with a glittering shin of gold cannot le be gold unless the whole object itself is gold. All that glitters is not gold. All people wearing saffron clothes cannot their saints.

A person may pretend to be noble. One cannot judge a person from his cheerful appearance. The wearing of a gown cannot make an idiot an advocate. A person is often tempted towards external beauty. Sometimes, even the wise fall prey to such temptations. He falls into trouble or is deceived in similar situations. Simplicity can also be deceptive. One may pretend to be simple though one is not.

One often gets tempted towards buying consumer goods advertised in electronic and print media. One who cannot afford to buy most of the goods is easily tricked to buy fake goods. These goods flood the markets in many cities in India. People get easily duped by these fake products. Education and knowledge alone can improve awareness among the masses. One should. use one’s discretion to judge persons and things from the right perspective. One should not be misled by facial appearances.

Essay No. 04

Success and failure in life depend on the way we judge and understand ourselves, as well as the things around us. It is, therefore, important that we develop the ability for correct judgments. Mistaken judgments, particularly in the case of people, can often be dangerous. Good manners and pleasing behavior may be a cover for vicious and evil minds. In the case of material objects, the effects of misjudgments may also be about as disastrous. What seems genuine may actually be a fake. But by taking due care in judgments and by considering all aspects of a subject, we can insure ourselves against the disadvantages of mistakes.

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All that Glitters is not Gold Essay

All that Glitters is not Gold is an old phrase that indicates that everything that looks good may not actually be all that good. By way of this phrase people are being cautioned.

Long and Short Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold in English

Here are essay on all that a glitter is not gold of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any All that Glitters is not Gold Essay as per your need:

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 1 (200 words)

In life we meet a lot of people and come across numerous things. Many people appear to be extremely warm and friendly initially. However, in most cases as we get to know them we find out that they are not that nice. Their actual personality is hidden behind the fake mask they wear to build relationships for their personal gain.

Similarly, we see several attractive things in the market. We feel the urge to purchase them and bring them home as they seem irresistible. However, when we begin to use them, we often realise that it only looks good at the surface level and is not very useful or is low quality. The famous saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ implies just the same.

As per this saying, we must not trust anyone easily. We must take our time to learn about a person before we establish a deep bond with them. Likewise, we must not purchase anything big only because it looks good. We must assess it, check its quality and utility and only then we must go for it. This also holds true for job and business opportunities and almost everything in life. Many things appear to be good from a distance but they are not actually good for us.

All that Glitters is Not Gold Essay 2 (300 words)


The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is old but it is relevant even in the current times. It suggests that we must be very cautious about everything in life as we may be deceived by pretty faces and attractive packages that may only look good but in reality are fake and deceitful.

The Origin of the Phrase

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ has evolved from the old phrase ‘all that glisters is not gold’ which was coined by the famous English author, William Shakespeare. It found mention in his play, The Merchant of Venice published back in 1596. ‘Glister’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitter’ as the phrase gained popularity.

John Dryden used the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ in his poem, The Hind and the Panther in the year 1687. “All, as they say, that glitters, is not gold”, he wrote. The phrase is used universally to emphasize the fact that everything that seems beautiful or good may not actually be nice.

All that Glitters is Not Gold – A Warning

The phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a sort of warning. It warns people not to trust anything just by its external appearance. This has been done with the example of gold. It implies that everything that appears appealing to the eye may not be all that great. We must stay cautious at all times. We must scrutinize people, situations, things and opportunities and try to understand them well before we accept them. If we fail to do so, we may be fooled and deceived. The phrase has been passed on from generation to generation and is commonly used to emphasize the mentioned point.

Several phrases are coined by various poets and authors from time to time, however only few remain popular even after centuries of their origin. ‘All that glitters is not gold’ is one such phrase.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 3 (400 words)

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ means that everything that has a shiny and attractive exterior may not be good in the inside too. It says that the appearance of something cannot determine its real character. It may be glittery as gold but it may not necessarily be as precious.

All that Glitters is not Gold – A Lesson for Life

My grandfather often uses the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He uses it to warn us against several things. As a little kid, I was often attracted towards eye-catching things. I couldn’t think and analyze whether those things were actually useful for me or not. I also did not have a sense of whether they were right for me or not. Besides, I never really understood whether they were worth the amount being paid.

I wanted to purchase every toy that appealed to my eye without caring about whether it was useful for my age or not. However, I was often disappointed later as most of these toys didn’t turn out the way I expected them too. These were mostly wrapped in beautiful packing but as I opened them, there was hardly much material to play with. Often times, they were not even of my interest.

Seeing me disappointed with my newly bought toy, my grandfather once sat with me and explained a useful concept at length mentioning the phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He told me that market is flooded with numerous things and most of these are covered with fancy exteriors in order to lure the customers and increase sale. We cannot bring home everything that appeals to us as not everything is useful to us and not everything is worth purchasing. We need to check its utility and also assess whether we really need it or not before opting for it instead to just purchasing it for its face value.

He also explained that this holds good even for people and relationships. In life, we may meet many people. It is natural for us to get attracted to those who are beautiful and dress up nicely however we need to understand that these people may not necessarily be good at heart. So, before making friends and other relationships, we must observe the person properly to avoid getting hurt later.

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a warning and a lesson that everyone should learn. A person who understands it is likely to take wiser decisions in life.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 4 (500 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ literally means that everything which is sparkling and shiny isn’t gold. This applies to almost everything. We come across numerous attractive things in life however not all of them are as pure as gold. Some of them only appear good but are evil or fake in reality. The phrase is commonly used across the globe since centuries.

Objection on Replacing ‘Glisters’ with ‘Glitters’

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ that has become so popular has been accredited to the 16 th century English poet and playwright, William Shakespeare. However, what he had originally written was ‘all that glisters is not gold’. ‘Glisters’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitters’. Though the phrase has grown extremely popular and is used worldwide the replacement of ‘glisters’ with ‘glitters’ has offended many literature lovers even though both the terms have the same meaning. They see it as a misquotation and insist that the phrase originally written by Shakespeare is actually the correct version.

‘All that Glitters is not Gold’ Holds True for People

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ especially holds true for people in the current times. People these days have grown extremely cautious about their external appearances. They want to wear good clothes, dine in fancy restaurants and make rich friends. The growing craze of posting pictures on the social media platforms is the best example of how people want to look good and seek attention from those around them. The pictures posted on the social media are often deceptive.

These are an echo of the expression ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Many people admit to have dysfunctional families however their social media posts show that the picture is all rosy. Similarly, a simple picture is made to look exceedingly good by using filters and all sorts of applications. This is a perfect example of the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Research shows that most people who appear to be beautiful and joyful on their social media pages are in reality just faking it all.

Besides, most people these days have grown quite greedy and self-centred. They often befriend others to fulfil their selfish motives. Many people bond with rich and influential people just so that they can brag about their friendship. Many people also fake being nice and friendly just to establish business links or grab a job opportunity.

Once their job is done, they change colour like a chameleon. The phrase can aptly be used to warn us against such people. We must be very cautious while allowing people in our lives as often the most charming and friendly people turn out to be the most mean and egocentric people. We must thus assess people properly before establishing deep connection with them else we may end up in trouble.

Many similar phrases have been coined from time to time but none has gained as much popularity as ‘all that glitters is not gold’. It is commonly used to warn people of the misleading exteriors of things.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 5 (600 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is an expression that emphasizes the fact that everything that appears to be beautiful and attractive may not be so. Many things that have a fancy exterior and shine like gold may not be as valuable. This holds true for people too. Many people appear to be beautiful and friendly but in reality they may not be so.

Fable Related to the Phrase

There are many moral stories and fables that echo similar thoughts as the saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. One such popular fable is that of two friends, Anil and Sunil.

The two friends lived in a village. It was for the first time that they were travelling to the city. They were all quite excited about their trip. They had planned to visit many places within the city and do a lot of shopping. Anil especially wanted to purchase a watch. He had been saving for it since a long time. He was discussing about his plan of purchasing a watch from the city with his friend just when the passenger sitting next to them overheard their conversation.

He took out two sparkling watches from his bag and showed it to the two friends. Anil was enticed by the beauty of those watches. He decided to purchase one of them at once. However, Sunil was a bit sceptic about his decision. He could not trust the man selling the watches as he said that the glistening strap of those watches was made of gold. He charged heavily for the watches.

Sunil warned Anil not to purchase the watch from the man as he suspected he was lying. However, Anil was so attracted to the beauty of the watch that he did not listen to Sunil. He happily handed a large sum of money to the stranger in exchange for a watch.

Few days later, the watch stopped working. Anil took it to the nearby shop to get it repaired. It was then that he learned that his watch was made of an ordinary material that only sparkled like gold but was not precious at all. He realized that all his money had gone down the drain and felt extremely disappointed. He regretted taking hasty decision even after being warned by Sunil.

Since then, Anil took all the decisions very cautiously after assessing all the pros and cons. This is how each one of us should act in life as ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

Phrases Similar to ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is an improvised version of the original saying, ‘ all that glisters is not gold’ which appeared in Shakespeare’s popular play, The Merchant of Venice in the year 1596. Many similar phrases have been coined by various writers from time to time. For instance, Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem, The House of Fame’ included, ‘Hit is not al gold, that glareth’. The poem was published in the year 1380. Alian de Lille, the 12 th century French theologian wrote, ‘Do not hold everything gold that shines like gold’. The Latin version of the phrase is ‘Non omne quod nitet aurum est’

Other similar phrases include, ‘appearances are deceptive’, ‘never judge by appearances’ and ‘never judge a book by its cover’. These are all used commonly and convey the same meaning however none is as popular as Shakespeare’s ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is a warning for each one of us especially for those who take hasty decisions just by looking at a thing, situation or person at the surface level. It is a warning for those who just look at the external beauty of things rather than analyzing their actual worth. This is because everything that is appealing to the eye may not be actually good. Just as there are many things that sparkle and shine but not all of them are as precious as gold.

Long Essay on All That Glitters is not Gold – Essay 6 (800 Words)

“All that Glitters is not Gold” is a well known proverb, meaning that everything that shines or has a pleasing appearance, isn’t always good. It stresses on the fact that appearance could be deceiving and we must refrain from trusting completely on someone or something, just because that person or thing looked promising or beautiful from a distance.

The phrase warns us and also suggests to not blindly falling for anything or for any person, based solely on their shiny appearances and must do other verifications before trusting them.

Origin of “All That Glitters is not Gold”

Origin of the phrase “All That Glitters is not Gold” dates back to the 12 th century or even before. During the 12 th century the proverb was popularly used in other world languages as well. Some experts are of the opinion that the phrase originated in Greece, during the time of a Greek storyteller, Aesop (620 BCE – 524 BCE).

However, the English version of the phrase, as we know today, became popular only after William Shakespeare (1564-1616) mentioned it in his play named “The Merchant of Venice”.

Meaning of the Phrase

The phrase “All that Glitters is not Gold” means that everything that shines bright or looks beautiful in appearance isn’t necessarily good from inside also. The phrase is uniformly applicable on all three – person, place or a thing.

The phrase warns us to exercise caution before trusting someone or something, based completely on shiny or beautiful appearance. For example, a person looking handsome and charming from outside might have a dark heart or a negative personality.

Similarly, if a place or house looks enticing from outside, it could be dangerous or unhealthy to enter. That doesn’t mean that you start suspecting the places you are familiar with, rather the phrase advices you to take precautions before moving into a new alluring place.

Real Life Examples of “All That Glitters is not Gold”

There could be many real life situations where the phrase appropriately fits in and also there are many real life examples providing credence to the phrase “All That Glitters is not Gold”.  Some of the most common real life examples are explained below.

There had been many attractive and good looking serial killers in history; those have lured their victims by their charm and beauty. But, the poor victims were so much impressed by the killers’ outer appearance that they failed to see the devil within them. Some of the most famous, charming yet brutal serial killers are Ted Bundy, Andrew Cananan etc. Hence, the phrase warns us against dropping our guards against someone, purely on our perception based on that person’s looks.

The beauty of the phrase “All That Glitters is Not Gold” is that it could be associated with many of our everyday activities like food habit, shopping, socializing etc.

How tempting does the pastry displayed in a bakery’s glass shelve looks to you? Definitely it will be the most desirous consumable item and any vegetable in the world couldn’t replace it. But, is it as healthy as vegetables? No! And it doesn’t take a super brain to come to that conclusion. Junk food looks and smells more tempting than nutritional food, but is not good for our health.

You must have come across many commercials on television; trying to lure you into buying products those look beautiful and useful on TV, but are not so, in reality. The charming sales person could be telling nothing more than lies and the product could be a real waste of money and time.

Have you ever come across a sober looking man or woman, asking for money at bus stands or other public places, making excuses like losing money or straying away from family or friends? Most of the times, such people are alcoholics and drug addicts, trying to lure other travelers in paying them. However, it doesn’t mean that you don’t help someone genuinely in need, but to take precaution and not get fooled.

Likewise, we can make use of the phrase “All That Glitters is Not Gold” while choosing a new friend, buying new clothes or ornaments, believing in anyone’s promises or seizing a career opportunity.

The inference of the phrase “All that Glitters is not Gold” is that a person should be judged based on his inner purity and quality, rather than his looks, however charming they may be. It would be a mistake to judge a person based only on his good looks and neglecting his inner traits. The same principle also applies to everything that we come across in our everyday life.

The phrase “All That Glitters is not Gold”, warn us from making wrong judgment based on looks of something, and advices us to carefully analyze the situation, thing or person in order to not get deceived.

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All That Glitters is not Gold Essay in 100 Words for Students

All That Glitters is not Gold Essay in 100 Words

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All That Glitters Is Not Gold

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All That Glitters Are Not Gold essay

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No Sweat Shakespeare

‘All That Glitters Is Not Gold’, Meaning

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is a saying that refers to a line in the Shakespeare play, The Merchant of Venice , read from a note in act 2, scene 7.

The phrase ‘All that glitters is not gold’ expresses in a beautiful metaphor, the idea that the things that seem most valuable on the surface – like gold – are often deceptive: that frequently, the more modest-looking things in life have the kind of substance that makes them more valuable.

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is an expression that can be dated back long ago to the 12th century. In 1175 French monk Alain de Lille wrote “Do not hold everything gold that shines like gold”, however, it was Shakespeare who coined the current version of the phrase and brought it into public consciousness.

Meaning of ‘All that glitters is not gold’

Using a substance like gold as an image of the thing that is most valuable in the material world, recognising its shiny appearance, and pointing out that there are other things that are also shiny, then concluding that because they are shiny doesn’t mean they are valuable, makes a universal statement about our values. We could so easily be taken in by shiny objects , both in the material sense and in more abstract areas like relationships. Often, the most modest appearances hide an inner ‘gold.’

‘All that glitters is not gold’ in context

The original line in the play is ‘all that glistens is not gold’, and some people use the word ‘glisters’. The modern idiom uses the word ‘glitters,’ which is a variance  of the early modern English word ‘glistens.’ (See our piece on misquoting Shakespeare .) The full quote reads:

O hell! what have we here? A carrion Death, within whose empty eye There is a written scroll! I’ll read the writing. All that glistens is not gold; Often have you heard that told: Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold: Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old, Your answer had not been inscroll’d: Fare you well; your suit is cold.

This full ‘All that glitters is not gold’ quote requires some context and an explanation.

The beautiful, educated and highly accomplished young Portia has been left with a fortune on the death of her wealthy father. Concerned, before his death, that his daughter would be vulnerable to fortune hunters he stipulated in his will that all suitors would be subjected to a test. They would have to correctly pick one of three caskets that contains Portia’s picture, to claim her hand in marriage. One of the caskets is made of gold, one silver, and the last one is made of base lead.

Suitors line up to undergo the test. The first suitor (the Prince of Morocco) chooses the gold casket and opens it to find a skull with a rejection letter including this ‘all the glistens’ quote. His preference for gold has proved to be deceptive, and Portia’s comment as he leaves is ‘a gentle riddance’.

The second suitor chooses the silver casket and finds a puppet of a jester.

A poor young Venetian, who is poor and has to borrow money comes to Belmont to woo Portia. He chooses the lead casket and reveals her picture within. She returns to Venice with him to marry.

In ‘all that glitters is not gold,’ Shakespeare finds a perfect, beautiful image to express a profound truth, and as such has become one of his most recognised quotes . In this case, that love is not a matter of a superficial shiny object but is full of some more dreary things like responsibility and obligation.

Prince of Morocco reads the 'all that glitters is not gold' note from the gold casket

The Prince of Morocco reads the ‘all that glitters is not gold’ note from the gold casket.


All that glitters is not gol nice

Thomas Shilgalis

“All that glitters is not gold” implies that gold does not glitter, and is surely not what Shakespeare meant to say. The logically correct saying would be, “Not all that glitters is gold.” A related statement by a professor on day one is, “Be aware that all of you will not pass this course.” Most likely the professor meant to say, “Not all of you will pass this course,” meaning that at least one student will fail. Be careful where you put the “not.”

Stanley Vardy

It’s a given that gold glitters. Shakespeare is just pointing out that everything else that glitters doesn’t mean that that thing is gold.

Victoria Zielinski

The phrase in my Riverside Shakespeare is “All that glisters, ” not “all that glistens”.

Michael Batchelor

At last, someone got it right!

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All That Glitters is Not Gold

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Student Essays

Essay on All that Glitters is Not Gold

Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold For Students

This Proverbial Essay sheds light on very important aspects of our life. There are a few things in life that look very beautiful from a distance but when looked closely they manifest a different scenario. This essay has been written with expression on topic all that Glitters is not Gold with central meaning, real life examples for students.

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The quote states that there is visible difference between perception and reality. What we see is not always what it is. The truth may be hidden behind the veil of beauty. We should not believe everything that we see. This proverb can be applied in every walk of life.

Essay on All that Glitters is Not Gold

We often come across people who are very rich and successful but are unhappy from within. They have everything that they could ever dream of, but they are not content with what they have. On the other hand, there are people who are not as wealthy but are very happy and satisfied with their lives.

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This proverb teaches us that we should not be fooled by appearances. We should look beyond what is on the surface and try to understand the real meaning behind it. Just because someone has a lot of money or is popular, it does not mean that they are happy. We should not judge people by their looks or their possessions.

This proverb also teaches us to be content with what we have. We should not always crave for more. We should appreciate the things that we have and be thankful for them. Just because someone has more than us, it does not mean that they are better than us. We should not compare ourselves to others.

This proverb is a reminder for us to be careful in our dealings and to always think twice before making any decisions. We should not let appearances deceive us. We should look at the situation as a whole and then come to a conclusion.

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In conclusion, the proverb ‘All that glitters is not gold’ teaches us to be careful in our dealings and to always think twice before making any decisions. We should not let appearances deceive us. We should look at the situation as a whole and then come to a conclusion.

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All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring ; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.

Summary of All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter

Analysis of literary devices used in all that is gold does not glitter, analysis of poetic devices used in all that is gold does not glitter, quotes to be used.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.

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Paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold in 100 Words

The phrase “All That Glitters Is Not Gold” means everything shiny and pretty may not always be good and valuable. Imagine you see a shiny toy in the shop. It looks very nice because it’s bright and sparkly, but when you play with it, it breaks easily. That’s because it was not made well, even though it looked nice. So, just like that toy, not everything that looks good is actually good. We should always check things properly before we decide if they are good or not. This is what “All That Glitters Is Not Gold” teaches us.

Paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold in 200 Words

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Paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold in 250 Words

The phrase “All That Glitters Is Not Gold” is a famous saying that means not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This can be applied to the people, places, or things that we find in our everyday lives. For example, a person might look very kind and friendly on the outside, but they might not be so nice on the inside. They could be pretending to be good just to gain your trust. It’s like a shiny gold object that catches your eye, but when you take a closer look, you realize it’s not gold at all, just something made to look like it. The same goes for places. A place might look beautiful in pictures, but in reality, it might be dirty or dangerous. This is why it’s important not to judge things based on their appearance alone. We should always try to learn more about them before making a judgment. So, remember, just because something looks good doesn’t mean it is good. This phrase teaches us to be careful and not to be fooled by appearances. It reminds us to always look deeper and not to trust things just because they look nice. This is a valuable lesson for all of us, especially in today’s world where appearances can be very deceiving.

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Interesting Literature

The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase ‘All That Glitters Is Not Gold’

In this week’s Dispatches from The Secret Library , Dr Oliver Tearle explores the meaning – and literary origins – of a well-known phrase

‘All that glitters is not gold’. Who gave us that famous expression? William Shakespeare? Thomas Gray? That prolific but elusive author, ‘Anon’?

Many people attribute the phrase to Shakespeare – although, if we’re being pedantic, Shakespeare never said ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Nor (unless you think I’m being deliberately sly) did any of his characters.

However, a virtually identical expression does appear in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice . There are two main plot strands to The Merchant of Venice , both closely intertwined. The first involves Portia, the wealthy heiress of Belmont, who decides that she will marry whichever suitor picks the right casket when faced with a choice of three (made of gold, silver, and lead). A series of suitors present themselves to Portia and attempt to guess the correct casket.

I won’t offer too many spoilers here, but the Prince of Morocco, upon choosing the appealing gold casket, is greeted with failure – and some verse:

O hell, what have we here? A carrion death, within whose empty eye There is a written scroll. I’ll read the writing.

(reads) ‘All that glisters is not gold— Often have you heard that told. Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold. Gilded tombs do worms enfold. Had you been as wise as bold, Young in limbs, in judgment old, Your answer had not been inscrolled. Fare you well. Your suit is cold— Cold, indeed, and labour lost.’ Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost! Portia, adieu. I have too grieved a heart To take a tedious leave. Thus losers part.

‘All that glisters is not gold’, then: not quite ‘glitters’, although ‘glister’ has the same meaning as ‘glitters’.

The meaning of the phrase in Shakespeare’s play, of course, is that not everything is as good as it looks: the gold casket looks as though it promises riches of all kinds in the form of Portia’s dowry, but anyone choosing the gold casket is after her hand in marriage, not out of love for her, but for more mercenary reasons.

I’ve always thought that this scene must have influenced the writers of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade , in which the villain, Donavan, is attracted to the gold, bejewelled vessel which he believes must be the Holy Grail; but he’s been tricked and outvillained by Elsa, his accomplice. The real Grail is a much simpler cup, such as would have been made by a carpenter’s son.

It’s curious that one of the screenwriters on that film was Tom Stoppard, one of the leading playwrights of his generation, and someone who knows his Shakespeare inside out.

But Shakespeare’s use of ‘all that glitters is not gold’ (sorry, glisters ) – to mean that something which appears to be brilliant may not be all it’s cracked up to be – wasn’t the first use of the phrase.

The proverb, it turns out, was centuries old even when Shakespeare used it. Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice in the 1590s. But we have to go back not to earlier in the sixteenth century, nor to the fifteenth century, nor even to the fourteenth, to find the earliest instance of ‘all that glitters is not gold’ (or a proverb with similar wording).

Hali Meidenhad was written in the West Midlands in around 1220. (It’s difficult for scholars to pin it down to a precise date, but they’ve narrowed it down to between 1190 and 1225.) Hali Meidenhad (i.e. ‘Holy Maidenhood’) is a prose tract: specifically, a religious homily whose main purposes was to encourage young women to enter religious life.

The poem is not just pro-church, but anti-marriage – at least where women are concerned. Don’t get married, the anonymous author commands them, but enter into a life of religious service: ‘get thee to a nunnery’, if you like.

And in Hali Meidenhad , we find these lines: ‘Nis hit nower neh gold al þat ter ſchineð’. Or, to render that semi-alien (but also semi-recognisable) Middle English into slightly more modern language: ‘nor is it not all gold that shineth’ (they had a thing about double and triple negatives in the Middle Ages: rather than two negatives cancelling each other out, they saw one as reinforcing another).

But in fact, the proverb was common currency in the Middle Ages. Later, in the fourteenth century, we find Geoffrey Chaucer writing in The House of Fame (c. 1380): ‘Hit is not al gold, that glareth’ (no need to translate that one). Indeed, Chaucer seems to have liked the phrase, for he used it again in his Canterbury Tales , in the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale:

But al thyng which that shineth as the gold Nis nat gold, as that I have herd it told.

And in around 1440 we find Chaucer’s successor, John Lydgate , writing in his House of Princes : ‘Al is not gold that shyneth briht’.

So, in conclusion, as is made clear by the line which follows Shakespeare’s use (the most famous and oft-quoted of all instances of the phrase) of ‘all that glisters is not gold’: ‘Often have you heard that told’. Shakespeare often gets the credit for ‘coining’ words which were in existence before he was even born, but we tend to be more confident that the phrases and sayings he used were new when he used them. But certainly not in this case.

After Shakespeare, other writers picked up the proverb which had become something of a cliché already by then. Perhaps the most celebrated of these was Thomas Gray (1716-71), who concluded his ‘ Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes ’ with the proverb, with Gray, like Shakespeare, opting for the more poetic ‘glisters’:

From hence, ye beauties, undeceived, Know, one false step is ne’er retrieved, And be with caution bold. Not all that tempts your wandering eyes And heedless hearts, is lawful prize; Nor all that glisters, gold.

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

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3 thoughts on “The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase ‘All That Glitters Is Not Gold’”

Once again Shakespeare manages to create a more polished and memorable borrowed.

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All That Glitters is Not Gold ( Moral Story)

Gold coins with the caption ''All That Glitters is not Gold ''


short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

Hi Aunt Mary, your story contains a very valuable message. We all strive for more, but sometimes it pays to be grateful for what we already have.

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

Thank you so much Barbara for your kind,encouraging words:)

Love ur essay very lovely

good job congrats

I love the story

It is a very good and wonderful story

It makes sense

Such a beautiful story

I love this story dearly

The story is interesting, i love the story, good job keep it up

thank you this story will help me in school and daily life

Wow this story is good

thank you so much fo writing this story its very helping

story is amazing I loved it a lot when I was reading it.

Wow very interesting

The story is a nice one

Hi anty Mary your story is very interesting and loving


I love your stories

I love that story

Very good story

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

Such a beautiful story, touched my heart. Bad phases in life can also open our eyes to so many good things about life.

Thank you very much Arti, I truly appreciate your kind words:)

Thank u aunt Mary

👍🏾 to Aunt Mary

I so much love the story

I love your story so sweet and good moral lesson

l love your story so sweet and good moral lesson. Aunt Marry

Thank you for your hospitality

This story had help me alot thanks the writer

Wow 😲😳 i love 💕😊 it 🥰🤩💚💙💜

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

Loving these stories Aunt Mary, thank you.

Thank you so much Tracy for the lovely comment:)

Loving these stories thanks Anuty Mary

It is a good story for children in school

I love the story 🥰😍

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

So many lessons to be learned here...thank you for sharing these stories of wisdom :)

Thank you so much, I am really glad that you liked the moral story :)

I love your story just keep it up 😉

I love your story alot keep it up I love you

Loving the red spotted camel of this tale.

Yes it is so cute, thankfully he learnt the lesson that 'All that glitters is not gold'. Have a great day Tracy:)


Nice one it helps me in completing my assignment at time for this my teacher gave excellent.thank u aunt mary

I am so glad that you got excellent, thank you so much for the sweet comment :)

What a lovely story

Thanks aunt Mary

I loved the story

Great story head off to aunt mary

Great story Aunt Mary it helped me to finish my holiday project.Thank you

Thanks aunt Mary I love your story

I love this story, it is very inspiring

short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

The story is too good but can suggest another title for the story

A nice story.Keep it up.

Nice one aunt Mary you help alot in many of my assignments


I love the way it was attached

Thank you aunty,may the Lord God bless ypu

Thank aunty for such a beautiful lesson

Thank aunty for teaching me a lesson

Thanks aunt Mary you helped me a lot for my school homework. Thanks a lot

I love the is very interesting.Thanks for such a story....

The story is so helpful Thankyou Aunt Mary 👍

Very helpful

I love the story Keep it up

A very valuable lesson thank you aunt mary 💖💖

You have saved me.thanks for helping moi for my homework.

Such a pleasant story helped me in my homework💋💖💋💖

Wow that's awesome

To be honest I don't understand the story you showed me

I love the story. Nice one aunty Mary. Love it ♥💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💓💓.

hi aunty i realy love the story its touching

Thanks so much Aunty Mary it really halpe me in doing my Assignment

Thank you so much, you really help me doing my Assignment may god continue to bless you and your families 🙏🙏🏾

Thank you so much aunty

Thank u very much u have help me solved my issue

I love 💘💗♥💓💛💖💘this story

So inspiring a n d helping

i realy love this i was asked to write a story for school and this just popped up thanks a lot aunt Mary i really really enjoyed it keep it up ma'am

Ahh wht a story.Love the story Thanks very much for this lovely and 💓 touching story!!!!!!!!

So lovely and interesting

Thanks auntie Mary you have helped me out

i used to think that sometimes we do things for a reason and there is no mistake in what we do but i know this story has inspired people especially when the camel reached the city therefore it tells us to think before we react we need to know what we are doing before we do it so i just want to say this story is the best

Thanks aunty you help me escape cane from my English teacher. And also I want to say thank you for you help me with my assignment Thanks aunty.

Thank you very much for your help, may God bless you 🙏

This story is so interesting 👍👍

This story you,is interested story

It's so interesting story

Wow ma this story is really interesting and I have realized that all that glitter are not good 🤙👍👍👍👍👍

I love 💕 this story so much thank you May God bless you

Thanks unty

You are the best

Thank you aunty Mary for your kind words God bless you Amen.

💓💔💖💕💘💞💝🖤💜🧡💛 I love this story

Thank you so much.

Good story. Well can do more

What a good and valuable lesson 👏🙂👌😌😊☺

This story was good

Love this, it encourage my children very much

Aunt Mary your story had just taught me a great lesson

I love the red sport on the camel head

I love it story 💖💗💓💞💞💕

Thanks u help me with my assignment

I used this story as my assignment

Love it too

Thank you aunt mae

I love the way it is well written

I love it Thanks

I love the story it's nice

Well it's a very nice and educative story

This is a good story anty mary. This teach us alot. Thanks

I love the story auty Mary

That is good

I love this story

Thanks a lot . I really enjoyed and I love the story

It helped me so much 💞💜💞💜

Iuv ur story aunty mary they make sense to me could u pls wtite more thanks

I love this story and am a student teacher gave me assignment on this story thank you very much

This story is really interesting and I even use is for my assignment

Thanks very much

I love 💕💕💕 this story And it's help me doing my assignment may the almighty God continue to bless you and your families in Jesus name 🙏🙏🙏🙏

The story is very nice I like it

Wow this story is very educative

Very interesting to read, couldn't leave line untouched.

What nice story

Thanks your story was epic

Its fantastic story

Wonderful blog...keep blogging Gold & Silver Rate Today in Chennai

This is very educative

What a story

Nice story awesome

That's a good story I enjoy it

I learnt so many lessons

Wow that is so lovely

I❤️this storyy

What a beautiful story. Thank you Aunt Mary

Great. Story💞💞💞

Wonderful story i Love it

What a nice story 😊

Beautiful love it

Very interesting 👍👍

The story is very nice.It will teach people not to be carried away

It is a very good story it indeed a great story

An interesting story am using this for my essay in school thanks.


All that glitters is not gold

This page is about the saying "All that glitters is not gold"

Possible meaning: The attractive exterior of something is not a good indicator of its real nature. It may look valuable, but not be valuable.

Origin : This is an old saying and has existed in various forms for many centuries, possibly dating back to Aesop. It is found in Chaucer in the form "Hyt is not al golde that glareth." The modern form of the saying is a derivative of a line in Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice which uses the word "glisters", a 17th-century synonym for "glitters": "All that glisters is not gold"

The saying "All that glitters is not gold" reminds us that something glittering

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger

Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph

All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph: The Importance Of Seeing Beyond Appearances

All That Glitters Is Not Gold ParagraphAll That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph: The phrase “All That Glitters Is Not Gold” is a reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and we should be careful not to judge things solely on their surface-level qualities. In today’s society, we are constantly bombarded with images and messages that promote the idea that success, happiness, and fulfillment can be achieved through external means, such as material possessions or social status. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this article, we will explore the danger of false appearances, how to spot them, and the value of authenticity.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph

In this blog All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph, we include All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also, cover the All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students.

You can read more  Essay writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph is also available in different languages. In All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Examples Of False Appearances

False appearances can be found in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and material possessions. For example, in relationships, people may present themselves in a certain way to impress others, only to later reveal their true selves. In the workplace, employees may use deceitful tactics to gain an advantage over their colleagues.

Similarly, material possessions, such as flashy cars or designer clothes, can give the impression of wealth and success, but in reality, they may be obtained through debt or other dishonest means.

The danger of false appearances lies in their ability to deceive and mislead people into making poor decisions. When we judge people or situations solely on their external qualities, we run the risk of missing important information that could impact our decisions.

The Dangers Of False Appearances

Falling for false appearances can have significant consequences, such as disappointment, betrayal, and financial loss. For instance, someone who enters into a relationship based on false appearances may find themselves in a situation where they are incompatible with their partner, leading to heartache and pain.

Similarly, someone who invests in a company based on false appearances of success may end up losing their money when the truth is revealed.

False appearances can also lead to missed opportunities. For example, someone may dismiss a job opportunity because they are not impressed by the company’s appearance, without realizing that the company has a strong track record of success and growth.

The Dangers Of False Appearances

How To Spot False Appearances

To avoid falling for false appearances, it is important to learn how to spot them. One way to do this is to look beyond surface-level qualities and seek evidence and verification.

For example, in a job interview, ask to speak with current employees or request more information about the company’s performance. Similarly, in a relationship, take the time to get to know the person on a deeper level and observe their behavior over time.

Trusting intuition is also important in spotting false appearances. Our instincts are often a reliable guide, and if something feels off, it’s important to investigate further. Questioning and investigating appearances before making judgments or decisions is critical in avoiding the danger of false appearances.

The Value Of Authenticity

The value of authenticity cannot be overstated. Being true to oneself and others can lead to genuine relationships, informed decisions, and a fulfilling life. By prioritizing authenticity over appearances, we can avoid falling for false representations of success, happiness, and fulfillment.

  • Authenticity also allows us to live a more meaningful life. When we are true to ourselves, we can pursue goals and passions that align with our values and bring us true satisfaction. Furthermore, being authentic encourages others to do the same, leading to a more authentic and compassionate society.
  • One of the key benefits of prioritizing authenticity is the development of strong and genuine relationships. When we are authentic with others, we open the door for deeper and more meaningful connections.
  • Authenticity allows us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and desires honestly, which can create a foundation of trust and respect in our relationships. This level of trust and respect can lead to more fulfilling and long-lasting relationships.

Moreover, authenticity also helps us to build a strong sense of self-awareness. When we are true to ourselves, we develop a better understanding of our values, beliefs, and goals. This self-awareness can help us make more informed decisions and pursue opportunities that align with our authentic selves. It also allows us to identify and address areas of growth and development in our lives.

In addition, prioritizing authenticity can also lead to increased resilience and emotional well-being. When we are true to ourselves, we are less likely to be swayed by external pressures or opinions. This allows us to weather difficult situations and challenges with greater ease and confidence. Furthermore, authenticity can help us to build a stronger sense of self-worth and self-esteem, which can lead to improved mental and emotional health.

In a world that often values appearances over substance, it’s important to remember that all that glitters is not gold. False appearances can be deceiving and lead to poor decisions and missed opportunities. By learning to spot false appearances, trusting and prioritizing authenticity, we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Also Read: Reflective Essay Topic

FAQ’s On All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph

Question 1. What is the moral of all that glitters is not gold?

Answer: The moral of “all that glitters is not gold” is that appearance can be deceiving, and things that appear valuable or attractive on the surface may be worth less than they seem. The phrase encourages people to look beyond surface-level qualities and consider the substance and true value of things. It can also caution against being swayed by external appearances and urges people to make decisions based on deeper evaluation and understanding.

Question 2. How to write expansion of an idea to all that glitters is not gold?

Answer: To expand on the idea that “all that glitters is not gold,” one could discuss the importance of looking beyond appearances and considering the substance and value of things. This idea can apply to many aspects of life, including relationships, job opportunities, and consumer products.

By being mindful of this principle, one can avoid being misled or deceived by superficial qualities and make more informed decisions. It is essential to evaluate things carefully and not be swayed by external appearances, as what may seem appealing on the surface may be worth far less in reality.

Question 3. What is an example of all that glitters is not gold in real life?

Answer: An example of “all that glitters is not gold” in real life could be a luxury car that looks shiny and expensive on the outside, but has a poorly functioning engine and requires constant repairs. Another example could be a celebrity who appears to live a glamorous and perfect life on social media, but is struggling with personal and mental health issues behind the scenes. In both cases, the external appearance does not reflect the true value or substance of the situation.

Question 4. What is the theme of all that glitters?

Answer: It is not clear what you are referring to with “all that glitters”. Could you please provide more context or information so that I can better understand your question and provide a relevant answer?

Question 5. What is all that glitters about?

Answer: “All that glitters” is a phrase that means appearances can be deceiving and things that appear valuable or attractive on the surface may be worth less than they seem. The phrase encourages people to look beyond surface-level qualities and consider the substance and true value of things. It can also caution against being swayed by external appearances and urges people to make decisions based on deeper evaluation and understanding.

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All that Glitters is not Gold Essay

Long and short essay on all that glitters is not gold in english for children and students.

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All that Glitters is not Gold is an old phrase that indicates that everything that looks good may not actually be all that good. By way of this phrase people are being cautioned.

Long and Short Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold in English

Here are essay on all that a glitter is not gold of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any All that Glitters is not Gold Essay as per your need:

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 1 (200 words)

In life we meet a lot of people and come across numerous things. Many people appear to be extremely warm and friendly initially. However, in most cases as we get to know them we find out that they are not that nice. Their actual personality is hidden behind the fake mask they wear to build relationships for their personal gain.

Similarly, we see several attractive things in the market. We feel the urge to purchase them and bring them home as they seem irresistible. However, when we begin to use them, we often realise that it only looks good at the surface level and is not very useful or is low quality. The famous saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ implies just the same.

As per this saying, we must not trust anyone easily. We must take our time to learn about a person before we establish a deep bond with them. Likewise, we must not purchase anything big only because it looks good. We must assess it, check its quality and utility and only then we must go for it. This also holds true for job and business opportunities and almost everything in life. Many things appear to be good from a distance but they are not actually good for us.

All that Glitters is Not Gold Essay 2 (300 words)


The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is old but it is relevant even in the current times. It suggests that we must be very cautious about everything in life as we may be deceived by pretty faces and attractive packages that may only look good but in reality are fake and deceitful.

The Origin of the Phrase

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ has evolved from the old phrase ‘all that glisters is not gold’ which was coined by the famous English author, William Shakespeare. It found mention in his play, The Merchant of Venice published back in 1596. ‘Glister’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitter’ as the phrase gained popularity.

John Dryden used the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ in his poem, The Hind and the Panther in the year 1687. “All, as they say, that glitters, is not gold”, he wrote. The phrase is used universally to emphasize the fact that everything that seems beautiful or good may not actually be nice.

All that Glitters is Not Gold – A Warning

The phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a sort of warning. It warns people not to trust anything just by its external appearance. This has been done with the example of gold. It implies that everything that appears appealing to the eye may not be all that great. We must stay cautious at all times. We must scrutinize people, situations, things and opportunities and try to understand them well before we accept them. If we fail to do so, we may be fooled and deceived. The phrase has been passed on from generation to generation and is commonly used to emphasize the mentioned point.

Several phrases are coined by various poets and authors from time to time, however only few remain popular even after centuries of their origin. ‘All that glitters is not gold’ is one such phrase.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 3 (400 words)

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ means that everything that has a shiny and attractive exterior may not be good in the inside too. It says that the appearance of something cannot determine its real character. It may be glittery as gold but it may not necessarily be as precious.

All that Glitters is not Gold – A Lesson for Life

My grandfather often uses the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He uses it to warn us against several things. As a little kid, I was often attracted towards eye-catching things. I couldn’t think and analyze whether those things were actually useful for me or not. I also did not have a sense of whether they were right for me or not. Besides, I never really understood whether they were worth the amount being paid.

I wanted to purchase every toy that appealed to my eye without caring about whether it was useful for my age or not. However, I was often disappointed later as most of these toys didn’t turn out the way I expected them too. These were mostly wrapped in beautiful packing but as I opened them, there was hardly much material to play with. Often times, they were not even of my interest.

Seeing me disappointed with my newly bought toy, my grandfather once sat with me and explained a useful concept at length mentioning the phrase ‘all that glitters is not gold’. He told me that market is flooded with numerous things and most of these are covered with fancy exteriors in order to lure the customers and increase sale. We cannot bring home everything that appeals to us as not everything is useful to us and not everything is worth purchasing. We need to check its utility and also assess whether we really need it or not before opting for it instead to just purchasing it for its face value.

He also explained that this holds good even for people and relationships. In life, we may meet many people. It is natural for us to get attracted to those who are beautiful and dress up nicely however we need to understand that these people may not necessarily be good at heart. So, before making friends and other relationships, we must observe the person properly to avoid getting hurt later.

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is a warning and a lesson that everyone should learn. A person who understands it is likely to take wiser decisions in life.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 4 (500 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ literally means that everything which is sparkling and shiny isn’t gold. This applies to almost everything. We come across numerous attractive things in life however not all of them are as pure as gold. Some of them only appear good but are evil or fake in reality. The phrase is commonly used across the globe since centuries.

Objection on Replacing ‘Glisters’ with ‘Glitters’

The saying ‘all that glitters is not gold’ that has become so popular has been accredited to the 16 th  century English poet and playwright, William Shakespeare. However, what he had originally written was ‘all that glisters is not gold’. ‘Glisters’ was eventually replaced by ‘glitters’. Though the phrase has grown extremely popular and is used worldwide the replacement of ‘glisters’ with ‘glitters’ has offended many literature lovers even though both the terms have the same meaning. They see it as a misquotation and insist that the phrase originally written by Shakespeare is actually the correct version.

‘All that Glitters is not Gold’ Holds True for People

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ especially holds true for people in the current times. People these days have grown extremely cautious about their external appearances. They want to wear good clothes, dine in fancy restaurants and make rich friends. The growing craze of posting pictures on the social media platforms is the best example of how people want to look good and seek attention from those around them. The pictures posted on the social media are often deceptive.

These are an echo of the expression ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Many people admit to have dysfunctional families however their social media posts show that the picture is all rosy. Similarly, a simple picture is made to look exceedingly good by using filters and all sorts of applications. This is a perfect example of the phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. Research shows that most people who appear to be beautiful and joyful on their social media pages are in reality just faking it all.

Besides, most people these days have grown quite greedy and self-centred. They often befriend others to fulfil their selfish motives. Many people bond with rich and influential people just so that they can brag about their friendship. Many people also fake being nice and friendly just to establish business links or grab a job opportunity.

Once their job is done, they change colour like a chameleon. The phrase can aptly be used to warn us against such people. We must be very cautious while allowing people in our lives as often the most charming and friendly people turn out to be the most mean and egocentric people. We must thus assess people properly before establishing deep connection with them else we may end up in trouble.

Many similar phrases have been coined from time to time but none has gained as much popularity as ‘all that glitters is not gold’. It is commonly used to warn people of the misleading exteriors of things.

All that Glitters is not Gold Essay 5 (600 words)

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is an expression that emphasizes the fact that everything that appears to be beautiful and attractive may not be so. Many things that have a fancy exterior and shine like gold may not be as valuable. This holds true for people too. Many people appear to be beautiful and friendly but in reality they may not be so.

Fable Related to the Phrase

There are many moral stories and fables that echo similar thoughts as the saying, ‘all that glitters is not gold’. One such popular fable is that of two friends, Anil and Sunil.

The two friends lived in a village. It was for the first time that they were travelling to the city. They were all quite excited about their trip. They had planned to visit many places within the city and do a lot of shopping. Anil especially wanted to purchase a watch. He had been saving for it since a long time. He was discussing about his plan of purchasing a watch from the city with his friend just when the passenger sitting next to them overheard their conversation.

He took out two sparkling watches from his bag and showed it to the two friends. Anil was enticed by the beauty of those watches. He decided to purchase one of them at once. However, Sunil was a bit sceptic about his decision. He could not trust the man selling the watches as he said that the glistening strap of those watches was made of gold. He charged heavily for the watches.

Sunil warned Anil not to purchase the watch from the man as he suspected he was lying. However, Anil was so attracted to the beauty of the watch that he did not listen to Sunil. He happily handed a large sum of money to the stranger in exchange for a watch.

Few days later, the watch stopped working. Anil took it to the nearby shop to get it repaired. It was then that he learned that his watch was made of an ordinary material that only sparkled like gold but was not precious at all. He realized that all his money had gone down the drain and felt extremely disappointed. He regretted taking hasty decision even after being warned by Sunil.

Since then, Anil took all the decisions very cautiously after assessing all the pros and cons. This is how each one of us should act in life as ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

Phrases Similar to ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’

The phrase, ‘all that glitters is not gold’ is an improvised version of the original saying,  ‘ all that glisters is not gold’ which appeared in Shakespeare’s popular play, The Merchant of Venice in the year 1596. Many similar phrases have been coined by various writers from time to time. For instance, Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem, The House of Fame’ included, ‘Hit is not al gold, that glareth’. The poem was published in the year 1380. Alian de Lille, the 12 th  century French theologian wrote, ‘Do not hold everything gold that shines like gold’. The Latin version of the phrase is ‘Non omne quod nitet aurum est’

Other similar phrases include, ‘appearances are deceptive’, ‘never judge by appearances’ and ‘never judge a book by its cover’. These are all used commonly and convey the same meaning however none is as popular as Shakespeare’s ‘all that glitters is not gold’.

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is a warning for each one of us especially for those who take hasty decisions just by looking at a thing, situation or person at the surface level. It is a warning for those who just look at the external beauty of things rather than analyzing their actual worth. This is because everything that is appealing to the eye may not be actually good. Just as there are many things that sparkle and shine but not all of them are as precious as gold.

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech on All that Glitters is not Gold in English

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. A wonderful morning to all of you. Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic- All that Glitters is not Gold.

Taking things at surface value is deceptive since it blinds us to their true nature. Another phrase closely associated with the aforementioned one is “Do not judge a book by its cover.” Similarly, this too warns us against taking things at face value. 

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Jesse Wegman

Jesse Wegman

Editorial Board Member

In Plain Sight, Republicans Are Still Trying to Undermine the Election

Some of the most important and alarming reporting during the 2024 election cycle has centered on what used to be one of the sleepiest and least divisive corners of election administration — the vote certification process. Specifically, the nationwide effort by Republicans to install state election officials who are prepared, if not motivated, to undermine and possibly block the certification of vote totals. If that were to happen in the right counties in the right states, it could tip the outcome of the entire election.

Republicans are not being secretive about this. According to an investigation by Rolling Stone , nearly 70 battleground-state election officials have openly “questioned the validity of elections or delayed or refused to certify results.”

Certification has long been a routine ministerial task, unencumbered by partisanship, as the investigation points out. Increasingly, though, that’s not the case in the Trump era, now that Republicans have reprogrammed themselves to believe that it is impossible for them to lose any election except by fraud.

The danger comes not only from isolated kooks who get their news from Rudy Giuliani news conferences. Last week in Georgia, the Republican-controlled state election board approved a measure that could unleash local election officials to do their own research and delay certifying vote counts (those that Trump doesn’t win outright, anyway).

Put aside for the moment that this new rule appears to be in conflict with longstanding Georgia law that requires certification in absence of a court challenge. The bigger problem here is in how we choose our president — via the Electoral College — and how much power that winner-take-all system gives a single state to influence the outcome of the entire election.

Americans experienced this firsthand in 2000, when the quirks of Florida’s ballot design allowed George W. Bush to win the whole state — and with it the White House — by a mere 537 votes . In 2016 and 2020, battleground states like Arizona and Georgia were decided by extraordinarily tight margins; as Trump’s threatening phone call to the Georgia secretary of state demonstrated, a swing of just a few thousand votes would have shifted all 16 of the state’s electoral votes from Joe Biden to him.

Thankfully, key election officials that year put their civic obligations above their partisan preferences, ensuring that the vote count in 2020 was reliable. Today, most local election officials and poll workers are still honest, hardworking citizens doing a thankless job. But as political rhetoric becomes more toxic and infused with partisanship, many of those workers are leaving or being driven out, replaced by single-minded people with a partisan agenda instead of a patriotic spirit.

None of this would be an issue under a national popular vote. Biden eked out his 2020 win in the Electoral College, but all together he won seven million more votes than Trump. A few dozen or hundred or even a few thousand well-placed votes would not have made any difference. In 2000, 2016 and 2020, of course, they made all the difference.

Neel V. Patel

Neel V. Patel

Opinion Staff Editor

Discovering Life on Mars Should Be NASA’s Top Priority

In the last decade, scientists have found evidence of liquid water pooling up seasonally on the surface of Mars in scant amounts. They’ve also seen indications that there are huge reservoirs of water deep underground. This week, researchers published more evidence to suggest there’s a vast ocean of water seven to 13 miles below the planet’s surface.

Where there’s water, there’s the potential to find signs of life, but scientists won’t know if there’s life in that water unless they get a chance to study Mars’s water up close. Based on NASA’s current priorities, the opportunities for them to do so seem very, very distant.

NASA does many things, but its crown jewel programs are focused on human exploration of outer space. In recent years, the agency’s Artemis program, intended to return American astronauts to the moon, has been given a greater priority than Mars exploration. Since its inception in 2017, Artemis has been mired in delays and its centerpiece technologies have come under enormous scrutiny for billions in overrun costs. The first Artemis flight with a crew is supposed to take place in September 2025, followed by a human landing on the moon in 2026 and, eventually, a sustainable, permanent moon base.

But it’s unlikely that this timeline will hold , given frequent hardware snags and testing delays . To make matters worse, NASA recently canceled VIPER, a lunar rover mission meant to look for ice at the moon’s south pole, a prerequisite for a lunar base. The agency already spent $450 million on the mission; the rover, already built, is now destined to collect dust.

It’s not as if all this sunk cost came at the behest of the American public. A 2023 Pew survey found that only 12 percent of Americans believe sending astronauts back to the moon should be a top priority for the agency. Just 11 percent say the same about sending humans to Mars.

But the possibility of life on Mars grows stronger and stronger with every finding. The Curiosity and Perseverance rovers have found tremendous evidence of complex organics on the planet. Combined with water, there is so much rich potential that life on Mars once existed. Maybe it still does. But scientists won’t know unless space agencies start building and launching scientific missions with the express purpose of finding out.

Sending humans to extraterrestrial worlds is not a worthless goal. But this achievement pales in comparison to answering the question of whether we are alone — an answer that would change how humanity thinks about its place in this universe. Attaining that knowledge would be a worthwhile mission for an agency renowned for achieving what was once unimaginable.


Peter Coy

Opinion Writer

Harris’s Economic Plans: The Good, the Bad and the Unnecessary

I understand why Vice President Kamala Harris is going hard against inflation. Politically, it’s the right thing to do. Economically, though, she’s like a general fighting the last war.

Prices are rising much more slowly, mostly because economic growth is cooling. On Wednesday the government announced that consumer prices rose just 2.9 percent in the 12 months through July, the lowest annual increase since 2021.

Inflation is headed lower even if the White House does nothing: Economists surveyed by Blue Chip Economic Indicators this month predicted the Consumer Price Index would rise just 2.3 percent in 2025 from 2024.

Better yet, the economists predicted that the personal consumption expenditures price index — the one targeted by the Federal Reserve — will rise just 2.1 percent next year. That’s a mere tenth of a point above the Fed’s target.

In other words, inflation is more or less a solved problem. Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, could do nothing more than stand at a podium and declare that high inflation is history, and she would be right — already now, and even more in the future.

But political considerations won’t allow Harris to be nearly so calm. Voters are still angry about the inflationary burst of 2022 and 2023.

The problem is that some of the things that Harris wants to do to protect voters could end up being counterproductive. We will hear more about her ideas in a speech planned for Friday in Raleigh, N.C., but what she has spoken about so far is a mix of pretty good and pretty bad ideas.

On the good side, I’d list an expanded child tax credit, which, depending on how it’s structured, could lift 400,000 children above the poverty line. She may also call for incentives to get state and local governments to build more affordable housing, which is badly needed.

I’m much less enthusiastic about Harris’s agreement with Donald Trump that tip income for service and hospitality workers should be exempted from federal income tax. It wouldn’t help lower-income workers who don’t get tips or tipped workers who already don’t pay federal income tax. And it would encourage employers to shift more workers into getting paid partly with tips, which is unsteady compared with a fixed wage.

I also think Harris’s campaign against “price gouging” is misplaced. Not every price increase, even one that increases a company’s profit, should be regarded as potentially criminal. The best fix for high prices is promoting competition, not prosecution. I hope that will be a big focus of Harris’s speech on Friday.

Zeynep Tufekci

Zeynep Tufekci

Opinion Columnist

Wealthy Nations Must Prioritize the Global Fight Against Mpox

The W.H.O. has declared a new global public health emergency for an outbreak of deadly mpox, primarily in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In response, wealthy nations must do everything possible to stop the disease’s spread.

Mpox, formerly known as the monkeypox virus, made the news in 2022 when a global outbreak, including in the United States, prompted a public health emergency. But by May 2023, cases in wealthy nations had receded, largely because of vaccination drives and behavior change among those most at risk of contracting the virus. The W.H.O. ended that mpox emergency.

But the virus hadn’t disappeared, and it’s now back on the rise, potentially with a vengeance.

The mpox virus has two types : a much deadlier Clade I and a less severe Clade II. In 2022, the United States experienced an outbreak of Clade II. But lacking support for eradication efforts, including vaccination drives, Clade II simmered in African countries. Worse, Clade I — estimated to have a 3 percent to 6 percent fatality rate — also spread, though it was confined to the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite all the global attention heaped on this disease at the time, African countries never received enough vaccines or sufficient support to eradicate the virus.

Now, Clade I cases are sharply on the rise in Congo, where the disease has claimed the lives of more than a thousand people, most of them children . It has reached more urban areas . Cases have begun to pop up in other African countries, including Burundi, Kenya and Uganda.

So far, wealthy nations have failed to send enough vaccines to counter the disease’s quick spread. The African Union’s health agency Africa C.D.C. has said it has only about 200,000 mpox vaccine doses available out of the 10 million needed. The global vaccine alliance GAVI told Reuters it needs $84 million to respond in areas at most risk, but it has raised only $8 million.

But providing vaccines alone is not enough. In Congo, stigma, regulatory obstacles and other crises — including measles and cholera outbreaks — have made a coordinated response difficult. The country finally approved two mpox vaccines just a few weeks ago, Reuters reported , but it has only about 65,000 vaccines available in the short term (for a population of about 100 million people) and vaccination campaigns appear unlikely to begin before October. Comprehensive international support may be the only thing that could beat back the disease.

Will we get it right this time around? If not, the United States and the rest of the world may get an unfortunate shot at a Round 2 of the virus too, perhaps in its much deadlier form.

Jonathan Alter

Jonathan Alter

Contributing Opinion Writer

Harris Shouldn’t Forget That Democracy Is Still on the Ballot

Kamala Harris is running an artful campaign so far, thanks in part to her upbeat, hopeful message. She has shrewdly positioned herself as the change candidate — no small feat for a sitting vice president — and has tagged Donald Trump as representing the weird past we should leave behind.

In her often joyful stump speech, Harris talks more about freedom than about threats to democracy. That makes strategic sense. Polls show that voters are more concerned with specific issues than about the specter of authoritarian government. But going too far in this direction risks letting some of the terrifying stakes move to the periphery of the campaign. Defending democracy was a potent issue for Democrats in avoiding a red wave in 2022, and it should remain a critical part of their argument.

It’s smart to make fun of Trump and treat him like a loser, which gets inside his head and causes more unforced errors. But jibes about his Willie Brown helicopter fantasies and crowd size nonsense should be matched with reminders that Trump inspires violence (including the attack on Paul Pelosi and Trump’s vile jokes about it), has promised to be “a dictator” on his first day and proposed the “termination” of the Constitution.

Democrats shouldn’t forget to emphasize that Trump said Russia could “ do whatever the hell they want ” to NATO countries that displeased him, a position that, as his own former aides say, could cause a world war.

While these arguments will not sway hard-core MAGA supporters, there are still plenty of undecided voters and Trump leaners who might yet be persuaded to consider Harris or at least stay home instead of reluctantly voting for Trump and JD Vance. Many have a little Liz Cheney in them that can be brought to the surface with a reasonable conversation.

So ask your uncle Bob: Would you like to see violent Jan. 6 protesters pardoned and the Jan. 6 Choir perform at Trump’s inauguration? Do you think the three living former Republican vice presidents — Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney and Mike Pence — were wrong to stay away from the Republican convention?

Meanwhile, a little naming and shaming wouldn’t hurt, including making sure the members of the Georgia Election Board who advocate Election Day chaos — and the more than 70 other election officials around the country who have said they would not certify the results if Harris won — hear from the other side. While almost no Fortune 500 chief executives are endorsing the Republican nominee (a big change from the past), Elon Musk and Steve Schwarzman are among those backing Trump. As they and too many others fail the character test of their generation, it’s up to the rest of us to call them out on it.

Parker Richards

Parker Richards

Why Democrats Should Sing the Union’s Civil War Anthems

The Kamala Harris campaign has adopted a song by the recording artist Beyoncé (who has recently seen some mainstream success ) as its main musical anthem. But it shouldn’t stop there. The campaign could also go back in time and fully embrace a previous century’s patriotic musical heritage in a way that could unite progressives.

The right has recently seemed almost averse to a pre-eminent American flag, preferring corruptions like the so-called thin blue line flag. That provides an opportunity for liberals and progressives to reclaim the country’s iconography, and the next step is to remold and proudly sing the songs of the Civil War-era Union.

Crushing the breakaway slaveholding terror state known as the Confederacy — a nightmare built on America’s worst impulses — is among this country’s proudest moments. The music celebrating that victory is beautiful and patriotic — and already known to many Americans.

“ While We Were Marching Through Georgia ” and “ Union Dixie ” might be a stretch too far for the Harris campaign (though what could be more unifying, really, than bringing traitors back into the fold?), but “ The Battle Cry of Freedom ” and “ The Battle Hymn of the Republic ” are surely fitting.

“The Battle Hymn” is particularly evocative. Its lyrics, written by Julia Ward Howe in the midst of the Civil War, evoke peace and war alongside each other. The goal of a peaceful country, embracing equality as its purpose, goes hand in hand with its willingness to fight for that outcome: The “righteous sentence” can be enacted only by willingness to fight for it and to “make men free”; to that end, America’s musicians must “never call retreat.”

The song expresses a martial Christianity, an understanding that slavery was a sin and that it must be cleansed, by flame and sword and through a war comparable in its moral scope to the Crucifixion itself. It presents a redemptive, just vision of Christianity, one that — unlike the exclusionary narrative advanced by Christian nationalists — seeks to use one faith tradition as a way to uplift rather than to repress.

And the Harris campaign seems to know this: At a rally in Eau Claire, Wis., this month, the folk band Bon Iver performed “ The Battle Cry of Freedom .” Surrounded by red, white and blue bunting, flags flying above, it presented an unabashedly patriotic vision of American liberalism writ large. It’s an image with appeal across party lines, like Abraham Lincoln’s 1864 “National Union” electoral alliance, which combined Republicans, Democrats and Unconditional Unionists into one bloc to support the continued war against slavery and secessionism.

Music has power. It can convey ideological messages, appeal to a mass audience and carry through lines in politics across decades or even centuries better than any other form. As the Jacobite movement of the 18th century used its songcraft to carry a proscribed ideology to a mass audience, Harris and her party have a unique opportunity to use America’s auditory history to build the iconography of a 21st-century political movement. They should seize it — as they trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.

Liriel Higa

Liriel Higa

Opinion Audience Director

Let Jordan Chiles Keep Her Bronze Medal

What has become the most notable epic fail of the Paris Olympics began with heartbreak. Ana Barbosu, a Romanian gymnast, appeared to place third in the floor event finals of the artistic gymnastics competition and prematurely celebrated her victory. Moments later, she wept as another gymnast moved into bronze medal position.

Jordan Chiles, Barbosu’s American competitor, initially appeared to place fifth in the competition. But after an inquiry by her coach, the judges agreed that Chiles deserved full credit for a leap they hadn’t scored and bumped her up to third place, above Barbosu and another Romanian gymnast, Sabrina Maneca-Voinea. The two Romanians had, in fact, received the same overall score, but in a tiebreaker, Barbosu was ranked higher based on her higher execution score.

The online backlash against Chiles’s bronze medal win was immediate, intense and unwarranted. But the slipshod nature of what has become a seemingly endless saga of inquiries and international rulings has cast a shadow over what should have been the sporting career highlight for three tremendous gymnasts.

The Romanian Gymnastics Federation appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, an international body that settles disputes in international sporting competitions. It ruled that Chiles’s coach’s inquiry had come four seconds too late, voiding her appeal and revised score. The panel then ruled that the International Gymnastics Federation should determine the final ranking of the gymnasts. The federation subsequently passed the decision on to the International Olympic Committee, which has stripped Chiles of her bronze.

There are additional complicating factors in this murky moral mess, including whether Chiles’s coach had in fact submitted the inquiry too late or whether Maneca-Voinea, the other Romanian, should not have received an out-of-bounds deduction that lowered her score. (Video replays showed that she did not step out of bounds.) If the judges had awarded Chiles full credit for her leap and more accurately scored Maneca-Voinea, then Maneca-Voinea would have finished third, Chiles fourth and Barbosu fifth.

There’s also a timeliness factor: If the Chiles inquiry was indeed too late, then it should not have been accepted. But it was accepted, and now the International Olympic Committee has decided to take back a bronze medal days after it was awarded, a dishonor usually reserved for athletes who have doped.

The Romanian Gymnastics Federation has proposed a solution that would ameliorate the mistakes made by officials that make sense: rank all three gymnasts third and give them all bronze medals. There is precedent for awarding duplicate medals (albeit in figure skating ), and such a move would duly acknowledge that these three gymnasts were failed more by their judges than their own skill.

For sports like gymnastics, which are arbitrated by judges instead of, say, the click of a finish line camera, crediting gymnasts with the appropriate difficulty levels and accurately determining whether they stayed in bounds is crucial for the sport to function fairly. Given the incompetence of these officials, awarding each of these athletes a medal would be the most just outcome.

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman

Inflation: Put a Pork in It

The data keep telling us that inflation is basically over as a problem.

On Tuesday morning we got the latest report on producer prices , and it was “soft.” That’s a good indicator for the much more widely watched Consumer Price Index, which we’ll get Wednesday. More important, the details in the report were especially encouraging for yet another price index, personal consumption expenditures, which won’t be released until later this month but which the Federal Reserve prefers as a basis for monetary policy.

This report follows some good news about inflation expectations.

Economists generally believe that the stagflation of the 1970s was so hard to end, requiring years of high unemployment, because expectations of continuing high inflation had become entrenched among businesses and consumers. Two years ago, when inflation was near its recent peak, I argued that disinflation would be much easier this time because it wasn’t similarly entrenched.

I was right. In fact, on Monday the widely followed New York Fed survey of consumer expectations found that expected inflation over the next three years has fallen to its lowest level since the survey began in 2013:

Still, some people are having a hard time letting go of the narrative that America is suffering from runaway inflation. Among those people, of course, is Donald Trump, who ranted about consumer prices in Monday night’s conversation with Elon Musk .

I continue to be especially struck by Trump’s odd obsession with the price of bacon, which he insists costs “four or five times more than it did a few years ago.” This simply isn’t true. Indeed, while bacon prices are up, most workers’ wages are up considerably more:

Honestly, I find Trump’s delusions about smoked pork harder to understand than his conspiracy theories about crowd sizes. After all, grocery prices are part of everyday experience, and easy to check. Why haven’t some big, strong men with tears in their eyes come up to him to say, “Sir, you’re wrong about bacon”?

The Problem Is Not A.I. It’s the Disbelief Created by Trump.

Current artificial intelligence technologies have become surprisingly good at creating realistic images and video, unleashing fears that fake images can be used for political and election manipulation.

Well, yes and no.

Fake A.I. imagery is a challenging problem, and not simply because it looks realistic. The key issue is that these images muddy the waters of credibility for everyone while providing a handy excuse for political operatives willing to lie to their supporters already eager to believe the lie.

Take Donald Trump’s social media post on Sunday in which he accused Kamala Harris’s campaign of manipulating an image to make her crowd seem bigger at a Detroit airplane hangar last week.

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?” he wrote. “There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!”

How do we know an image is real in this day and age? An average person can no longer be certain of the authenticity of images or, increasingly, even videos through individual sleuthing. The A.I. is that good and is getting better. (That’s why the classic media literacy advice — do your own research — doesn’t work anymore.)

This makes it difficult to know what to believe, except through a key mechanism: trusting sources and trusting that they have either taken the image or video themselves or carefully vetted it as authentic.

That’s how we know that the crowd waiting for Harris was real, because there are pictures from photo agencies like Getty, as well as images and reports from multiple other news organizations that were on the tarmac, that match the circulating social media photos that caught Trump’s ire. We know that credible news organizations and photo agencies have very strict rules about images and videos. But that, in turn, requires trusting the photo agency or other media source furnishing the image or video.

While this made-up falsity by Trump & other right-wing provocateurs are posted/viewed by millions, here is video taken by @NnamEgwuon of the Michigan rally — not that this needs to be proven true: — Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) August 11, 2024

It’s no accident that Trump has made it a habit to portray credible news organizations as untrustworthy liars, and many of his supporters seem to have internalized that message they were open to in the first place.

Once trust is lost and all credibility is questioned, the lie doesn’t have to be high quality. It doesn’t have to be supported by highly realistic fake A.I. It doesn’t have to be so easily disprovable. To work, the lie just needs a willing purveyor and an eager audience. The A.I., then, is but a fig leaf.

The U.S. Wasn’t the Most Successful Country at the Olympics

China and the United States tied for gold medals at 40 apiece, and the United States had more medals overall, but the most successful nation at the Paris Olympics was Australia. France was second, followed by Britain and the Netherlands, with the United States coming in fifth and China 89th.

That’s according to a new ranking method that I wrote about ahead of the Games. Its inventors, Robert Duncan and Andrew Parece, wanted a method that wouldn’t overly favor the most-populous nations, but also wouldn’t give the top ranking every four years to a small country that gets a medal or two. (This year Grenada, with two medals, had the most per capita, followed by Dominica and St. Lucia.)

Australia tends to do well by their method. It also came out on top in the Tokyo Games. (It bears repeating, of course, that there is no official national winner, because the Games are a competition among athletes, not countries.)

The Duncan-Parece method ranks countries according to how improbable their medal counts are, on the assumption that all medal-winning nations have an equal propensity per capita for winning medals.

As they wrote in their paper on the subject: “We simply ask: how probable is it, in this idealization, for a given high-performing country (with a given population) to have won as many medals as it actually did, or more medals?”

Their measure of improbability is the one you would use to calculate the likelihood of flipping heads, say, 10 times in a row.

There seems to be growing interest in the subject. Duncan emailed me on Sunday to say that people from 153 countries had visited their website, .

Katherine Miller

Katherine Miller

Opinion Writer and Editor

The Race Is On to Define Kamala Harris

Every Monday morning on The Point, we kick off the week with a tipsheet on the latest in the presidential campaign. Here’s what we’re looking at this week:

Where the candidates physically are and what they’re up to: On Wednesday, Donald Trump is expected to hold a rally in Asheville, N.C., and JD Vance plans to campaign near Grand Rapids, Mich. Kamala Harris has not yet released information about upcoming events but did say over the weekend that her campaign would release an economic policy proposal this week.

Everything changes so fast right now that taking stock of the race can feel like an ephemeral pursuit, but in a series of polls, including the New York Times/Siena poll, Harris has either pulled even with Trump or has moved ahead in some places.

At the very least, the campaign has been reset to a toss-up, compared with the anemic state of President Biden’s polling against Trump. Nate Cohn of The Times observed in a sharp thread on Twitter over the weekend that people’s perception of Harris wasn’t totally stable — it’s changed in the last few weeks as she’s become more popular, and could change again. But, he added, “at least for now, we’re getting a reminder of what happens when the Democrats nominate a broadly acceptable candidate against Trump and his allies: They do pretty well.”

Harris is known to people, but is also totally new as a candidate. One place that the idea of Harris is being shaped for people, especially in battlegrounds, is on TV and in digital advertising. The first weekend of the Olympics, I was in A Battleground State for the weekend, and could see it in real time: It felt as if each commercial break alternated between “Kamala Harris is good” and “Kamala Harris is bad.”

The emphasis in the negative advertising was on the border especially .

Pro-Trump group MAGA Inc. is up on TV with this spot -- Features clip of Harris: "I am radical, I do believe that we need to get radical" — Medium Buying (@MediumBuying) August 7, 2024

The emphasis in the positive advertising was on reintroducing Harris and her bio, including her time as a prosecutor . The Trump campaign and allies have also tried out more of a San Francisco radical theme .

And the Harris campaign is also up with this spot -- — Medium Buying (@MediumBuying) August 9, 2024

As more of Harris’s campaign gets locked in, it has expanded the portfolio of ads running: There are multiple versions of a bio ad that foregrounds her upbringing and middle-class economics (a big focus of the campaign so far) and an ad where she promises, as president, to hire more border agents . Next up in reintroducing Harris and her priorities will be the Democratic convention, which begins next week.


  1. Essay on All That Glitters is not Gold

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

  2. All Glitters Are Not Gold Narrative Essay Example

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

  3. All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

  4. All That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

  5. Essay on all that glitters is not gold

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold

  6. Story

    short narrative essay on all that glitters is not gold


  1. All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay

    The first essay is a long essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 400-500 words. This long essay about All That Glitters is Not Gold is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and ...

  2. All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay for Class 7 Students

    Essay on All that Glitters is Not Gold. "All that glitters is not gold", is a popular adage, which implies that not everything looks valuable or true, turns out to be like that. This applies to people, places, or things that claim to be more worthy than they actually are. William Shakespeare used this expression in his famous play, "The ...

  3. All that Glitters is not Gold Essay in English for Children and Students

    Introduction. 'All that glitters is not gold' literally means that everything which is sparkling and shiny isn't gold. This applies to almost everything. We come across numerous attractive things in life however not all of them are as pure as gold. Some of them only appear good but are evil or fake in reality.

  4. All That Glitters is Not Gold

    The proverb "all that glitters is not gold" means not to trust everything you see. Gold is a precious metal and is rare. Hence it is very expensive. However, there are other metals which are widely sold in the markets which looks like gold. The phrase also means 'do not be deceived by looks because a person may look innocent but they are not.

  5. All That Glitters is Not Gold English Story

    Here is the story with a moral lesson all that glitters is not gold. This is the story of a foolish stag. A foolish stag story for 1st year students is given below. The foolish stag story carries the moral lesson all that glitters in not Gold. A foolish stag story Once, a stag lived in a jungle. He used to drink clear water from a nearby stream.

  6. All that glitters is not gold

    In 1901, the sheet music publishers M. Witmark & Sons released "All That Glitters Is Not Gold", featuring words by George A. Norton and music by James W. Casey. [11] While the title of the song is All That Glitters Is Not Gold, the first reference in the lyrics is all is not gold that glitters. The song is perhaps best remembered today for its ...

  7. All that Glitters is not Gold

    The proverb 'all that glitters isn't gold' means that everything that looks beautiful or tempting to eyes may not be good for us. In other words, the proverb implies that appearance may be deceiving. We shouldn't judge a thing purely based on its appearance, but rather, should have a closer and deeper look. For instance, there are many ...

  8. Essay on "All that Glitters is Not Gold" Complete Essay for Class 10

    On the contrary, a rough exterior may be having a heart of gold within; a dirty-looking stone may be a real gem. A man should be judged not from his looks but from his actions. Gold is a shining thing but all shining things are not gold. All that glitters is not gold. Essay No. 02 . All That Glitters is Not Gold

  9. All that Glitters is not Gold Essay

    John Dryden used the phrase, 'all that glitters is not gold' in his poem, The Hind and the Panther in the year 1687. "All, as they say, that glitters, is not gold", he wrote. The phrase is used universally to emphasize the fact that everything that seems beautiful or good may not actually be nice. All that Glitters is Not Gold - A ...

  10. All That Glitters is not Gold Essay in 100 Words for Students

    We have to understand the inner motive or desire of someone. We shouldn't judge someone with outer appearance. TIPS: This is a very short essay on all that glitter is not gold in 100 words. This essay is only for children from class 1, 2, 3, and 4. They can learn this short essay easily. It is an important topic for the exam.

  11. Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold

    Unpacking the profound truth in the proverb "all that glitters is not gold", this essay navigates its applicability in various facets of life such as relationships, opportunities, and the digital age. Dive deep to differentiate between the superficial glitter and the real gold.

  12. All That Glitters Are Not Gold Free Essay Example

    Essay, Pages 8 (1988 words) Views. 2730. All that glitters is not gold is a well-known saying, meaning that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This can apply to persons, places, or things that promise to be more than they really are. The expression, in various forms, originated in or before the 12th century [1] and ...

  13. 'All That Glitters Is Not Gold' Meaning & Context Of Quote ️

    The phrase 'All that glitters is not gold' expresses in a beautiful metaphor, the idea that the things that seem most valuable on the surface - like gold - are often deceptive: that frequently, the more modest-looking things in life have the kind of substance that makes them more valuable. 'All that glitters is not gold' is an ...

  14. All That Glitters is Not Gold

    Literary Devices. Literary Devices List. All That Glitters is Not Gold. All of a SuddenAll the World's a Stage. Popular Literary Devices. Ad Hominem. Adage. Allegory. Alliteration.

  15. Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold For Students

    This Proverbial Essay sheds light on very important aspects of our life. There are a few things in life that look very beautiful from a distance but when looked closely they manifest a different scenario. This essay has been written with expression on topic all that Glitters is not Gold with central meaning, real life examples for students.

  16. All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter

    Analysis of Literary Devices Used in All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter. R. R. Tolkien has used various literary devices to make his poem relevant to the main idea of the poem. Some of the major literary devices used by Tolkien are as follows. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the same line, such as the sound of /a/ in ...

  17. Paragraph on All That Glitters Is Not Gold

    The phrase "All That Glitters Is Not Gold" is a famous saying that means not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This can be applied to the people, places, or things that we find in our everyday lives. For example, a person might look very kind and friendly on the outside, but they might not be so nice on the inside.

  18. The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase 'All That Glitters Is Not Gold'

    To take a tedious leave. Thus losers part. 'All that glisters is not gold', then: not quite 'glitters', although 'glister' has the same meaning as 'glitters'. The meaning of the phrase in Shakespeare's play, of course, is that not everything is as good as it looks: the gold casket looks as though it promises riches of all ...

  19. All That Glitters is Not Gold ( Moral Story)

    All That Glitters is Not Gold ( Moral Story) In a beautiful desert there lived a camel herder in a village. He had a herd of camels.The camel herder was a kind man and he looked after the camels very well. There was a camel in the herd who was very beautiful and had a red spot on his head which made him look different from other camels.

  20. All that glitters is not gold

    All that glitters is not gold. This page is about the saying "All that glitters is not gold" Possible meaning: The attractive exterior of something is not a good indicator of its real nature. It may look valuable, but not be valuable. Note: glitter (verb) = shine with reflected light | gold (noun) = a yellow precious metal

  21. All That Glitters Is Not Gold Paragraph: The Importance Of Seeing

    The moral of "all that glitters is not gold" is that appearance can be deceiving, and things that appear valuable or attractive on the surface may be worth less than they seem. The phrase encourages people to look beyond surface-level qualities and consider the substance and true value of things. It can also caution against being swayed by ...

  22. Long and Short Essay on All that Glitters is not Gold in English for

    All that Glitters is Not Gold - A Warning. The phrase 'all that glitters is not gold' is a sort of warning. It warns people not to trust anything just by its external appearance. This has been done with the example of gold. It implies that everything that appears appealing to the eye may not be all that great.

  23. 1 Minute Speech on All that Glitters is not Gold in English

    We often come across the phrase "All that glitters is not gold.". It means that the outward appearance of something does not signify what it actually is, just like every object that glitters is not precious gold. Thus, we must always be careful to not judge things or people by their external appearance.

  24. Conversations and insights about the moment.

    It's not as if all this sunk cost came at the behest of the American public. A 2023 Pew survey found that only 12 percent of Americans believe sending astronauts back to the moon should be a top ...