
Essay on My Hobby Singing

In the symphony of my life, there exists a melody that resonates with the rhythm of my soul – my hobby of singing. Beyond being a mere pastime, singing is the thread that weaves through the fabric of my existence, providing solace, expression, and unbridled joy. This essay embarks on a journey into the world of my singing hobby, exploring the emotional connection it fosters and the sheer delight it brings to my life.

Quick Overview:

  • Singing is my chosen avenue for emotional expression. Whether exuberant or melancholic, each note becomes a vessel for my feelings. The act of singing is a cathartic release, allowing me to articulate sentiments that words alone cannot convey.
  • My hobby embraces a diverse repertoire. From classical compositions to contemporary hits, I find joy in exploring various genres. This versatility not only broadens my musical horizons but also adds layers of richness to my singing experience.
  • Singing connects me to my cultural roots and traditions. Whether rendering folk tunes, devotional songs, or regional melodies, my hobby becomes a bridge between the past and the present, preserving the essence of our rich musical heritage.
  • Participating in choirs and collaborative projects is an extension of my singing hobby. The harmonious blend of voices creates a sense of community and shared passion. It is a reminder that music, like life, is best experienced in harmony with others.
  • Stepping onto a stage to perform is both exhilarating and empowering. My hobby of singing has nurtured my self-confidence, teaching me to embrace vulnerability and share my voice with an audience. Each performance is a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Conclusion: In the chorus of my life, the echoes of my singing hobby reverberate with a distinct joy. It is not merely a recreational activity; it is a lifeline that connects me to my emotions, heritage, and the universal language of music. Each note becomes a brushstroke, painting the canvas of my existence with the vibrant hues of melody.

As I continue to traverse the musical landscapes of my hobby, I am reminded that singing is not confined to the act of vocalization; it is a holistic experience that touches hearts, evokes emotions, and fosters a deep appreciation for the beauty inherent in the world of sound. My hobby of singing is more than a passion; it is a melodic journey that unfolds with each lyrical verse, resonating with the essence of my being.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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Singing is a form of meditation. It’s about living in the moment and being present. It’s about breathing and letting go of judgment and fear. It’s about connecting with yourself and others on a deeper level. Idina Menzel
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Singing is a fun and rewarding hobby that anyone can enjoy. Singing can improve your mood, health, confidence, and creativity. It can also help you express yourself and connect with others. To get started with singing, you need a few things: a passion for music, a willingness to learn, and some basic tools and guidance. You can find many resources online or in your community to help you improve your singing skills.

Helpful content to start singing as a hobby

We aim to provide accurate information, but errors might be found. Always exercise judgment and discretion.

Short visual inspiration.

Your FIRST Singing Lesson (Beginner Lesson from a REAL Vocal Coach)

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Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth. Edith Piaf

Basic lingo for orientation.

  • Pitch : The frequency or highness/lowness of a sound. Singing in tune means matching the pitch of a note or a melody.
  • Tone : The quality or color of a sound. Singing with a good tone means producing a clear, pleasant, and consistent sound.
  • Range : The span of pitches that a singer can produce. Singing with a wide range means being able to sing high and low notes comfortably.
  • Register : The part of the range where a singer produces a certain type of sound. Singing in different registers means switching between chest voice, head voice, falsetto, etc.
  • Breath support : The use of the diaphragm and other muscles to control the airflow and pressure for singing. Singing with breath support means having enough air to sustain long phrases and avoid strain.
  • Resonance : The amplification and enrichment of sound by the vocal tract. Singing with resonance means using the mouth, nose, and throat to create a fuller and louder sound.
  • Vibrato : The slight variation in pitch and volume that adds expression to singing. Singing with vibrato means having a natural and controlled oscillation of the voice.
  • Harmony : The combination of two or more pitches that sound pleasing together. Singing in harmony means blending your voice with another singer or an instrument.
  • Melisma : The technique of singing multiple notes on one syllable. Singing with melisma means adding embellishments and ornaments to a melody.

❗ How to start singing as a hobby

First moves for getting acquainted and breaking the ice.

Before getting serious with singing, have fun with it: download a karaoke app and sing along.

Once you become aware of your beginner’s voice limitations, you’ll get inspired to expand them. Your next step could be YouTube tutorials for some basics, followed by online courses or in-person lessons .

Get read-y.

Find Your Own Singing Voice: Vocal Training from Fundamentals to Mastery

Singing can make you happier. Singing can release endorphins and oxytocin, hormones that make you feel good and reduce stress and anxiety. Singing can also increase your self-esteem and confidence by giving you a sense of achievement and expression.

Step-by-step tutorials.

How To Sing Without Disturbing Neighbors | Warm Up Quietly

Further reading.

  • Benefits of Singing: 10 Ways Singing Boosts Your Health | Healthline
  • The ice-breaker effect: singing mediates fast social bonding | Royal Society Open Science

Go-tos for information.

Singing can improve your memory and cognition. Singing involves multiple brain functions, such as auditory, motor, and emotional processing. Singing can stimulate these areas and enhance your neural connections, which can improve your memory and cognition.

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

Pitch Perfect - Trailer (HD)

Get a clue.

Is singing a hobby?

Yes, singing is a hobby. A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time, and singing definitely fits the bill. Singing is a great way to express yourself creatively, relieve stress, and connect with others.

Can anyone learn to sing?

Yes, anyone can learn to sing with proper training and practice. Singing is a skill that can be improved with time and effort. You don’t need to have a natural talent or a perfect voice to enjoy singing as a hobby.

What are the benefits of singing as a hobby?

Singing as a hobby can have many benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Singing can relieve stress, boost your mood, improve your immune system, enhance your memory and concentration, increase your confidence and self-esteem, and expand your social network. Singing can also be a source of joy, creativity, and fulfillment.

What are the challenges of singing as a hobby?

Singing as a hobby can also have some challenges that you need to overcome. Singing can be demanding on your voice and your body, so you need to take care of your vocal health and avoid habits that can damage your voice. Singing can also expose you to criticism and judgment from others, so you need to develop a positive attitude and cope with feedback.

How can I practice singing without interrupting the neighbors?

– Practice at reasonable hours . – Practice in a quiet room . You can also use curtains, carpets, or blankets to absorb some sounds and make the space more acoustically friendly. – Practice softly . You don’t have to sing at full volume to practice your vocal skills. – Try following this guide .

Smart assistance.

Join Smule! Choose from millions of karaoke songs.

  • Christina Aguilera Teaches Singing | MasterClass
  • Singing Like a Star: 5 Steps to Discover Your Voice | Valerie Morehouse | Skillshare
  • 30 Day Singer: Online Singing Lessons That Work!
  • SINGING SIMPLIFIED #1: The Fast-Track to Singing Like a Pro | Udemy

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  • Singing groups | Meetup
  • Group Singing groups | Meetup
  • Singing for Beginners groups | Meetup
  • Vocal Workshops groups | Meetup
  • Vocal Training groups | Meetup
Singing is like a celebration of oxygen. Bjork

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Hobby Singing: How To Enjoy Singing As A Hobby And Improve Your Skills

Hobby Singing: How To Enjoy Singing As A Hobby And Improve Your Skills

Hobby Singing: Hobby singing is a fun and rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy, regardless of their age or skill level. Singing as a hobby has many benefits, from improving physical and mental health to boosting self-confidence and creativity. Whether you enjoy singing in the shower, karaoke nights with friends, or performing in local open mic nights, hobby singing can be a great way to express yourself and have fun.

Table of Contents

Hobby Singing

In this blog Hobby Singing, we include About Hobby Singing, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Hobby Singing for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more  Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Hobby Singing is also available in different languages. In this Hobby Singing, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Benefits Of Hobby Singing

Singing as a hobby has been shown to have numerous physical and mental health benefits. One study found that singing can improve lung function, increase aerobic capacity, and improve overall physical health. Singing also releases endorphins, which can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, singing has been shown to improve posture and strengthen core muscles, leading to better overall physical health.

In addition to physical benefits, singing as a hobby can also boost mental health. Singing requires focus and concentration, which can help to clear the mind and reduce negative thoughts. Singing in a group or community can also provide a sense of belonging and connection, leading to improved social well-being. Finally, singing can improve self-confidence and self-esteem, helping individuals to express themselves more confidently and creatively.

How To Get Started With Hobby Singing

If you’re new to hobby singing, getting started can seem daunting. However, with a few simple tips, anyone can begin to enjoy singing as a hobby.

  • The first step is to find a genre of music that suits your voice and style. Whether you enjoy pop, rock, or jazz, there is a genre of music that will work for you. Once you’ve found your preferred genre, start by practicing simple songs that are easy to sing and memorize.
  • Next, it’s important to invest in good-quality equipment. A microphone and audio interface can help to improve the quality of your sound and make it easier to record and share your singing. You don’t need to break the bank to get started – there are many affordable options available that are suitable for hobby singers.
  • Finally, practicing regularly is essential for improving your skills and enjoying hobby singing even more. Set aside time each day or week to practice, and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Remember, hobby singing is all about having fun and expressing yourself, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes.

How To Get Started With Hobby Singing

How To Improve Your Singing Skills

Improving your singing skills can take time and practice, but there are many techniques and exercises that can help you to get better.

  • First and foremost, it’s important to focus on your breathing. Good breathing technique is essential for producing a strong, clear voice. Practice deep breathing exercises and focus on breathing from your diaphragm rather than your chest.
  • Next, vocal warm-ups can help to improve your singing range and flexibility. Scales, arpeggios, and other exercises can help to strengthen your vocal cords and improve your pitch accuracy. It’s also important to practice ear training, which involves listening to and identifying notes, intervals, and chords. This can help to improve your overall musicianship and make it easier to sing in tune.
  • Finally, it’s important to listen to music and practice singing along to your favorite songs. Pay attention to the melody, rhythm, and lyrics, and try to replicate the style and tone of the original singer. This can help you to develop your own style and improve your vocal technique.

Resources For Hobby Singers

There are many resources available for hobby singers, from online lessons to community forums and apps.

  • Online lessons are a great way to improve your singing skills from the comfort of your own home. Many online singing programs offer structured courses and personalized feedback, making it easier to improve your skills and track your progress.
  • In addition to online lessons, there are many apps and tools available for hobby singers. Apps like Sing! Karaoke and Smule offer a wide range of karaoke tracks and allow you to record and share your performances with others. Tools like Vocal Pitch Monitor and Voice Recorder can help you to track your pitch accuracy and monitor your progress over time.
  • Finally, joining a local choir or singing group can be a great way to improve your skills and connect with other hobby singers in your community. Many local choirs and groups welcome singers of all skill levels and can provide a supportive and fun environment for practicing and performing.

Hobby singing is a fun and rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy, regardless of their age or skill level. Singing as a hobby offers many physical and mental health benefits, from improving lung function and posture to reducing stress and anxiety. Getting started with hobby singing is easy, and with regular practice and dedication, anyone can improve their skills and develop their own unique style.

Remember, the most important thing about hobby singing is to have fun and express yourself creatively. Don’t be afraid to try new things, experiment with different genres and techniques, and share your performances with others. With the right mindset and a little bit of practice, hobby singing can be a truly enriching and enjoyable activity for years to come.

Read More: My Favourite Hobby Drawing Essay

FAQ’s On Hobby Singing

Question 1. Can singing be a hobby?

Answer: Yes, singing can be a hobby. It is a fun and rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy, regardless of their skill level. Singing as a hobby offers many physical and mental health benefits and can be a great way to express oneself creatively.

Question 2. How do I write a singing hobby?

Answer: To write about a singing hobby, first, introduce the topic and discuss the benefits of singing as a hobby. Next, provide tips on how to get started with hobby singing and how to improve singing skills. Finally, recommend resources and tools for hobby singers to explore and enjoy their hobby to the fullest.

Question 3. Why is singing a good hobby?

Answer: Singing is a good hobby for several reasons. It promotes better lung function and posture, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, singing is a fun and creative way to express oneself and connect with others who share the same passion.

Question 4. What can I write about my hobby?

Answer: To write about your hobby, start by introducing the hobby and explaining what you enjoy about it. Discuss the benefits you’ve experienced from pursuing the hobby and share any tips or techniques you’ve learned along the way. Finally, offer recommendations for resources or tools that have helped you to enjoy and improve your hobby.

Question 5. Is singing a hobby or talent?

Answer: Singing can be both a hobby and a talent. Some people may have a natural talent for singing, while others may develop their skills through practice and dedication as a hobby. Singing as a hobby offers many benefits, regardless of natural ability, and can be enjoyed by anyone who loves to sing.

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Essay on My Hobby

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 16, 2023

How to Write a Winning Essay on My Hobby

Having a meaningful hobby is an integral part of human life. Taking out a few moments in your busy life to pursue your hobby which genuinely satisfies you will make your life more stress-free. There might be many instances in life where people would like to know more about your hobby. You can refer to this blog on such occasions where you need to explain your hobby in detail in the form of essays. Essay writing is an integral part of the English subject. Mastering the skill of essay writing is not easy but can be perfected over time through practice. This blog explores what an essay on my hobby is, how to write it, valuable tips and sample essays on my hobby!

This Blog Includes:

What is an essay on my hobby, how to write an essay on my hobby, sample essay in 100 words, sample essay in 200 words, sample essay in 500 words, tips for writing an essay on my hobby .

An essay on ‘my hobby’ gives the admission committee insight into your life and you as a person. It shows them how your interests and hobbies have a role in your life and how much of a creative and intellectual person you are, apart from your academic excellence. It also gives a clear view of your skills and values. So it is important that you curate an essay that helps to sway the admission committee in your favour and make you stand out from the rest of the candidates. 

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Start by choosing which hobbies you are going to talk about in the essay. You can choose to list several different hobbies and you can only focus on one. The key is to be true and not make up your hobbies. Your hobbies are a description of your personality. In your essay, you can start by stating what your hobby is followed by how your love for that hobby originated, what inspired you to take up that hobby and how it helps you emotionally. Describe how it helped you develop new skills or helped in certain life situations and helped you become a better person. You can also describe the impact it had on somebody else, like suppose you love nature, so you planted trees which in turn helped the environment or how you like to do social work and helped a homeless shelter. This way, through the essay, a person can understand your values, your vision and your character. 

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A hobby is an activity that one loves to do in free time with passion and dedication. A hobby is a recreation that brings about personal pleasure and amusement. It is an interesting pursuit which we adopt as an occupation for our free time. It enables a  person to find some soothing work that can relax the mind and soul. I have a variety of different hobbies. As an active sociable individual, I enjoy staying fit and going to the gym. I also like to keep my commercial awareness up to date and enjoy reading the Financial Times. I enjoy meeting new people, and I am also part of a fundraising committee for a charity called the St Matthew’s Children.

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Check out this 200-word sample essay on my hobby.

A hobby is work which a person does with much satisfaction and amusement. It is a kind of recreation, a shadow from the scorching beam of the sun and also getting fruit from it. I have been interested in gardening since my childhood. I like to see the green velvety grass, different colours of flowers and beautiful plants. So, I have selected a piece of land in my house and planted different kinds of flowers. I have planted a red rose, yellow and black rose plants and have arranged them one after another. The flowers of -Night Queen”, “Jasmine” and “King of the day” have filled the atmosphere with attractive fragrance. In the evening my family spend their time in the garden. I have also planted Guava and Neem trees, which give shade from the scorching beam and also get fruit from it. I have also reserved a piece of land for growing vegetables and getting different seasonal vegetables. Though gardening is hard work and expensive, the hard labour makes my health sound and we get fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers.

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Here is a sample essay on my hobby that students can refer to.

Routine work makes us monotonous. To break it we often look for interesting and exciting things to do. Hobbies are the best way to divert attention side by side with work. We need entertainment from time to time. At such times a good hobby is very useful. Hobbies provide recreation. They entertain us and at the same time are valuable in the sense that they develop a personality.

My hobby is singing. People often resort to gardening, reading, stamp collecting, bird watching, etc. However, I love to listen to music and also to sing. I have a large collection of tapes and I listen to all kinds of music. My collection ranges from classical music to Rock and from Indian music to the Western one. My hobby is to listen to these songs carefully and then to learn them. I sit with a paper and a pen and write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear. Then I hum along and soon I know the tunes too.

I switch the tape recorder off and then I pretend to be the singer myself. I sing the song exactly the way it was sung by the playback singer. I succeed at times and sometimes fail. Once I feel that I have begun to sing perfectly I tape my own voice. When I listen to the recording I listen objectively and try to locate my faults in singing. This helps me to improve on my singing and I find that also helps me to use my talent to my advantage.

Whenever I go to a party, my friends persuade me to sing. Once I begin, the party livens up, people join in and the place is filled with the sound of music. I feel proud of myself and my friends also praise me because they feel that I become the life of the party. I play the guitar and sing when we go on a picnic or when I have a free period in school.

My hobby makes me happy and also brings joy to all my relatives and friends. It is necessary that everybody must have some hobby. It educates man, gives him pleasure, and helps him to utilize his free time fruitfully. If a person has no hobby, his spare time will turn him into a useless, irritated and restless person. “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. It is, therefore, essential to remain busy even during leisure hours. Hobbies always come to one’s help.

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Here are some tips you should keep in mind while writing an essay on my hobby:

Essay on My Hobby

Lastly, we hope this blog has helped you in structuring a terrific essay on your hobby. In case you have other queries regarding study abroad options and college applications, our experts at Leverage Edu are here to help you through the entire process.

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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Yona Marie Music

The Act Of Singing Is Many Things 

Using your voice as a musical instrument can be considered many things, including a skill, a hobby, a talent, a career, and surprisingly even a workout .

If you're considering picking up singing as a hobby, get ready for a fun adventure that can take you very far into a series of complicated interests, cultures, skills, and career paths, depending on how far you'd like to take it!

Singing Was First Just A Hobby For Me

I grew up singing for fun around the house with no intention of taking it seriously.

I learned early on that many people like to sing in the shower, in the car, with friends, and in churches, but most people wouldn't bother taking up singing as a real skill to develop into something that could make them a living.

As I got more and more interested in singing, it became more than just a hobby. There are several places singing can take you if you let it. Here are just a few examples that I want to share my experience with. 


Your Singing Hobby Can Combat Depression

When I started singing as a hobby in grade school, it was a great way for me to release the negative emotions I was going through during those awkward puberty years.

I'd be getting teased at school or be left out from after-school hangouts with the cool kids and sadly make my way home alone to sing. It sounds like a boring life, but it actually got me through some pretty dark times. 

Singing releases endorphins into your brain that lift your spirits. It doesn't even matter if you're a good singer or not. The act of singing and really tapping into the passion you have for your favorite songs can help you feel emotionally lifted. 

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Your Singing Hobby Can Be A Great Method Of Worship

I still struggle with my attentiveness in a house of worship, but I am a devout Christian. One thing that keeps me connected spiritually is the worship experiences that almost always involve really good music .

I love singing worship songs alone, but it's even better to sing along with a crowd of people surrounding you and connecting with you while everyone is also connecting to God. 

If you're not a Christian, you can still get greatly in tune with your God or even nature itself with the hobby of singing. The spirituality that flows through music is something from which anyone can feel a blessing, no matter what they do or don't believe.

Do you want to just give thanks for the gift of music itself? Use your voice! You'll really feel that appreciation warming your soul as you indulge in this beautiful hobby of ours. 


Your Singing Hobby Can Turn Into A Career

If you're like me and have an interest in becoming a great singer, you should consider getting paid for your talents. The music industry offers a variety of ways to get paid as a singer.

Granted, it is tough to do since a lot of people in the world have the talent for singing, but if you use some creativity and perseverance, you can get quite far with singing as a career. 

I personally turned my hobby into a career, particularly in the field of studio singing . My career is not really well-known, and I often have to explain it when people ask, but I'm a session singer.

This means I get paid to record my singing in a studio (I have a home studio) where I sing for all types of projects from various clients, including other singers, musicians, producers, podcasts, and songwriters who need quality recorded vocals. 

Related Post: How To Get Noticed And Discovered As A Singer

My clients are from all over the world, which really helps with the scalability of my business.

If I was confined to only doing local singing gigs, I wouldn't be able to pay my bills in the current pandemic, but thanks to the internet, I'm able to connect with people in need from thousands of different locations.

I record vocal work in many genres, including R&B, house, jazz, funk, rap, and pop. Check out some of my samples if you'd like!


In the end, singing is a multi-faceted activity that can be enjoyed in various ways, from simply singing in the shower to turning it into a lucrative career .

As a hobby, singing can be therapeutic and help combat depression by releasing endorphins in the brain.

It can also serve as a method of worship, connecting us spiritually to a higher power or nature. And for those with talent and perseverance, singing can turn into a career, as there are many opportunities in the music industry for paid singers.

As someone who turned their singing hobby into a career as a session singer, I can attest to the many benefits and opportunities that come with pursuing this passion.

With the help of the internet, I'm able to connect with clients from all over the world and record vocals in various genres.

So whether you're just singing for fun or considering a career in music, know that singing is a valuable and rewarding activity that can bring joy, healing, and success into your life.

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As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify , her Youtube and share if you like it! If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page .

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4 benefits of singing as a hobby.

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All of us are not gifted singers, but we’re connected to music in some way or the other. If music is a part of your daily functioning, you’d surely be found humming your favorite tunes throughout the day. While it’s a great thing to be in touch with music, if you’re passionate about music and want to think about it further, you should start treating singing as a hobby. 

You can improve your singing voice by following proper vocal techniques, and taking care of your voice. Singing as a hobby is not just fun, but it’s also quite beneficial. If you want to know about its benefits, read along.

  • Improves Body Posture 

Singing would automatically correct your posture because if you don’t sit or stand straight, your voice wouldn’t come out to its full potential. Your body posture affects your singing. Thus, singing as a hobby is good for maintaining the flexibility of your body muscles. 

  • Lessens Stress 

essay on hobby singing

Singing is something that would make you happy, and feel at peace. It would soothe your nerves, and decrease the levels of cortisol in your body. Cortisol hormone is the stress hormone that’s responsible for making you feel stressed out. If you invest a considerable amount of time singing regularly, you’re going to stay away from stress and anxiety. Thus, singing is beneficial for both your physical, as well as mental health. 

  • Improves Memory 

Teachers often advise us to remember theories that are hard to remember, by adding a melody to the words. In this way, we’re able to remember the lessons more vividly. Musical notes are known to improve our memory. When you learn songs, you’re supposed to memorize the lyrics. You wouldn’t be able to sing if your memory isn’t good enough to remember the lyrics of songs. Thus, practicing music would train you to memorize and remember things better. 

  • Improves Sleep Cycle 

essay on hobby singing

Insomnia patients are often asked to listen to music, or practice singing. This is because singing reduces tension, calms our nerves, and improves our sleep cycle. Moreover, sleeping is very effective for the development of your singing voice. So if you want to enhance the sound coming out of your vocal cords, you should maintain a proper sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation could have a negative impact on your voice. 

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You should say: – How long have you been doing it? – How often do you do it? – What benefits do you get from it? And explain why you enjoy it?

Sample Answer

Well, now I’m gonna talk about my free-time activity which is singing. I consider myself a person who has a talent for singing. I think this talent is passed on from my dad. In case you didn’t know, he used to be a singer at several coffee shops around the town and he made a good living just by performing in such places.

There are several benefits of singing. First of all, it helps people develop a sense of belonging and connection. I mean, people tend to express themselves genuinely and show their emotions while singing. This helps remove emotional barriers that prevent us from getting to know each other closely. When singing in a group, our brain will release oxytocin which is a neurotransmitter of positive feelings, such as happiness and confidence. This is the reason why Vietnamese workmates often go to karaoke to relax and have fun together, or on family reunions during Tet holidays.

Another benefit of this mindful hobby is that it helps improve our concentration and patience. I guess this is because we need to focus on the melody, the rhythm and our breathing while singing. This distracts us from negative thoughts to stay focused and completely enjoy every moment. For this reason, I sing wherever I can, like in the bathroom or on the way to work when I can enjoy my own space.

I believe that singing is a great activity that people should take up. Everyone can sing without having to take part in any classes. It’s all about feelings of the song and control of your tone. However, if you wanted to become a professional singer, you could sign up for singing classes to master the techniques and reach the full potential of your voice.


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My Hobby Singing Essay in English

My Hobby Singing Essay

My Hobby Singing Essay in English Like any other young teenager, I also have hobbies and passions. My hobby is singing and thankfully I am very good at it.  Even my mother is a singer and this is why I have got the skills.  Since my childhood, I am dragged to music automatically and my mum says I love singing since I was in her belly.  She used to sing songs for me and she said I used to respond to her voice.

This s amazing and I know why I have so deep a connection with music because it is in my blood. I can listen to music for hours and even days. I have no particular choice in music, but everything is melodious to my ears. Since my childhood, I had many favorites and I used to listen to songs on repeat.

Even my parents and grandparents used to be mesmerized by looking at my passion for music. In my family everyone likes music and we all have favorites of our own.  My mom has many stories about me about my childhood and music.

I had so many instrumental toys and toys with music. Every toy I had was having some sort of music because these were the only toys that used to attract me. On my 3 rd birthday, I also got a karaoke so that I can practice my singing skills and that beautiful gift helped me realize more about my passion for singing.

My Hobby Singing Essay in English

Essay on My Hobby Singing in English

As I grew older my passion began to rise and I decided to learn to sing professionally so that one day I can become a professional singer. Since my childhood, I was always insisted to sing a song at birthday parties and other events.

In my school, I have participated in many singing competitions and even won some of them. I never feared the stage as it was thrilling for me. I always used to get so excited before my performances. The limelight you get on the stage is beyond anything.  I have a strong bond with music. I feel connected to everything that enters my ears.

I wanted to produce my own music one day and I wish to turn my hobby into a profession one day. I knew my journey of singing had started the day I was born. I have music in my nerves and mind.  I just get mesmerized with the tunes and music whenever I listen to any. 

Music is an emotion, a feeling that I live always to its fullest. I am very grateful to God that he made me so passionate about music. Music is relieving and like mediation to me. It gives me positivity and I feel very peaceful whenever I listen to music and sing.

I can sing many songs both from Hollywood as well as Bollywood. I am also practicing singing in other languages because I don’t want any barrier to stand in front of me when I am learning music. I love to sing songs in multiple languages such s hind, English, Marathi, and South Indian languages.

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My Favourite Hobby Singing Essay in English

From the beginning, I knew what I had to become in the future and that was a popular singer. Musical instruments, my music collection, songs, and melodies are my life. Every day I wake up singing and even sing before I go to bed.

Singing is all that I have and I wish to be superb in this skill. Singing was my hobby till the age of 5, but after that, my hobby changed into my passion and then my career.  Every artist knows how important it is to brush their skills to be professional one day.

The beauty of this hobby of mine was I was god gifted and never had to put an extra effort into learning something new. I wanted to be best in the singing and I was totally dedicated to this hobby since I was a child. In my school days, I was a very popular artist in my school.

Everyone used to know that I am a great singer and no school function ever begin without my Vandana in the opening of the function.  I used to love performing on the stage and the excitement was the most thrilling I had to go through.

I participated in many singing competitions help inside and outside our school. From there I started gaining my singing skills. Till then I was not learning from anywhere, my mother used to teach me a few things about singing and that was all I needed to move ahead and fly.

My neighbors, my parents, friends, and teachers everyone appreciated my talent and always supported me to carry this hobby further. I always feel so lucky about myself and the people around me. Everyone supported me and used to gift me things that were related to singing. 

I can remember when I was14 my neighbor gifted me with audio of our great Indian singers and that was the best gift I ever had. It had 1000 songs from all the popular artists of India like Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar, Asha Bhonsle, Rafi, etc I was so inspired by that gift and started paying attention more to singing.

When I grew up I desired more exposure and wanted to participate in musical events and functions. I used to travel a lot and made many friends who were musical like me. The world is full of talent, I have many friends who sing so differently and have so much knowledge about music. I have friends from all around the world who belong to my music cult.

We have different native languages, but we still sing songs of other nationalities. Music has no language and now when I see people singing songs of different languages proved it. Singing gives a peaceful message and can make you filled with joy.

Anyone can lift up their bad moods by just listening to one beautiful song. I am so excited about music that I have sung many songs in many places and events, but even one request from others to sing a song makes me excited like a baby every time. 

This is my hobby singing essay in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding my hobby singing essay 100 words, my hobby is singing and listening music. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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What's true and false about Paris Olympics: Fact check roundup

essay on hobby singing

The 2024 Paris Olympics officially kicked off on July 26 with an opening ceremony that entertained some, offended others and spurred an array of false claims online.

As the Games have progressed, social media users have continued to spread misinformation about the Olympic athletes, team uniforms and demonstrations supposedly organized in response to the opening ceremony.

Here's a roundup of checks about the 2024 Paris Olympics from the USA TODAY Fact Check Team:

More from the Fact Check Team: How we pick and research claims | Email newsletter | Facebook page

Claim: Image shows Eiffel Tower without power in July 2024

Our rating: False

The photo is from March 2021, when the Eiffel Tower shut off its lights as part of a climate awareness campaign.

Full fact check: Image of Eiffel Tower in darkness captured during 2021 climate campaign

Claim: Kamala Harris made a nonsensical statement about Olympians

The quote is fabricated, according to a spokesperson for Harris’ presidential campaign. There is no evidence she made such a remark.

Full fact check: Nonsense comment about Olympics attributed to Harris is fabricated

Claim: Image shows China's Olympic uniform inspired by Palestinian flag

The photo was featured in a 2023 issue of Vogue China and doesn't show the 2024 Olympic design. China's uniform for the Paris Olympics is red and white.

Full fact check: Post shows 2023 photoshoot, not Chinese Olympic uniform

Claim: Algerian judo athlete withdrew from Olympics before match against Israeli opponent

The International Judo Foundation said the athlete was disqualified because he failed his weigh-in. He didn't withdraw from the match.

Full fact check: Judo athlete failed weigh-in, didn't withdraw from Olympics

Claim: Image shows Israel's swim team at Paris Olympics spelling, 'Bring them home now'

Israel's artistic swimming team posted the image to social media in November 2023, more than eight months before the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Full fact check: Image of Israeli swimmers spelling 'bring them home now' predates Paris Games

Claim: Video shows worship service in Paris after Olympics opening ceremony

The scene shown here has nothing to do with the Olympics. The video was captured at a Christian march on May 25, more than two months before the opening ceremony.

Full fact check: Viral prayer video captured months before Paris Olympics  

Claim: Volleyball player convicted of rape is playing for US Olympic team

The beach volleyball player shown in the image, Steven van de Velde, competes for the Netherlands, not the U.S. He was convicted in 2016 of raping a child and served one year in prison.

Full fact check: Beach volleyball player convicted of rape plays for the Dutch team, not US

Claim: Video shows Christians singing in France after Olympics opening ceremony 

The video predates the 2024 Olympic Games by nearly two years. A French religious site posted the clip to social media in August 2022, saying it showed a crowd commemorating a Christian feast.

Full fact check: Video shows crowd during Christian feast, not praying after Olympics

Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or e-newspaper here .

USA TODAY is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network, which requires a demonstrated commitment to nonpartisanship, fairness and transparency. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Meta .

Hobbies and Their Importance in People’s Lives Essay

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Stress relief, educational value, companionship.

Hobbies are favorite activities a person does for fun rather than for gain and does so from time to time, not as a regular business. In a way, one may define hobbies as one’s favorite entertainment. Therefore, it is vital to understand the importance of hobbies in people’s lives. Hobbies are not innate passions that are already within one’s personality at birth – on the contrary, their development is a continuous and systematic process. The primary purpose of a hobby is to get joy from it, which is why a part of its definition is that people do not pursue hobbies to make a profit (Kettering University Online, 2019).

It is an important way to achieve mental and physical relaxation. While people may choose many ways to speed up their time, not every activity can restore their lost energy and invigorate them. One may argue that a hobby that suits one’s interests, nature, and budget is the best way to spend free time due to having numerous benefits.

Hobbies are frequently thought of as activities for people who live a calm and relaxed lifestyle. However, people with a busy and stressful lifestyle require them even more than an average person, and can benefit greatly from having them in their lives. Hobbies provide numerous advantages and are usually well worth the time invested. According to (2019), hobbies provide important psychological relief from the constant work-related responsibility.

It is particularly important for those who feel overwhelmed by their work-related activities. For them, it can be challenging to find sufficient time and opportunity and relax from a busy schedule, especially if they perceive hobbies as a waste of time. But engaging in hobbies can be a meaningful break where people are not merely sitting but doing something productive in their free time. As such, a hobby can provide a psychologically useful break during the working week.

Apart from that, hobbies are a great source of pleasure for those who are not overly stressed and may be lacking in stimulation. They provide the healthy type of stress-free offer that people require to continue enjoying their lives. When the rest of life is boring and hard to go on with, hobbies can give purpose and firmness, as well as break up monotonous schedules. More importantly, still, they do so without making people feel like they are working (Jachimowicz et al., 2019).

Group hobbies are particularly rewarding in this respect – golf rotations, creative writing, and even knitting circles groups are all excellent examples. By bringing people together with others, they can provide much-needed social support. Acquaintances that one gets through hobbies have a considerable potential to become best friends, with all the psychological benefits involved. Positive psychology, which focuses on studying what makes life worthwhile, discovers that joy can be beneficial for relaxing and enjoying the present moment. Hence, Hobbies bring joy and relaxation into people’s lives, and maintaining them is beneficial to overall psychological health.

Having a hobby can be very educational, especially since education is virtually synonymous with training. Practicing different activities outside of one’s professional field is a type of training for all sorts of things, and these hobbies can broaden one’s horizons. By pursuing a hobby, one can acquire a lot of experience, skills, and knowledge and even become an expert on certain matters (Kettering University Online, 2019). Even watching a movie can be educational in many respects because cultural values, styles, and norms of a particular society can be effectively communicated through film. Moreover, the film is also an essential medium for communicating history, geographic information, and remarkable scientific discoveries and inventions – and it is only one example of how hobbies can be educational.

Hobbies and interests other than work are becoming increasingly important in people’s lives, as more and more people remain single for longer periods of time or do not start a family until they are in their forties. Research has discovered that hobbies similar to his profession can make people less confident in their work. However, it is only true if the individual in question is extremely passionate about his hobbies and may not have had the opportunity to fully recover from similar job demands. In this case, it is not so much a hobby as a case of poorly structured time, with work-related activities taking too much of it (Kurtz, 2015).

People can still use leisure activities that are similar to their work, although these should ideally be more playful and less committed to balancing personal and professional life better. However, hobbies that are dissimilar to work generally tend to be more effective in both relaxing and educating. By engaging in activities that differ from the usual working routines, a person may ultimately become well-versed in things other than work while remaining psychologically satisfied at the same time.

Hobbies are essential in providing relaxation after periods of intense labor. Jachimowicz et al. (2019) point out that doing something a person likes is basically a necessity after a hard day of work. Moreover, non-paid work can be every bit as taxing as the paid one and necessitate relaxation upon completion as well. Hobbies, therefore, are an excellent opportunity to relieve the pressures of daily work, whether personal or public (Behson, 2020). They bring the mind away from the usual preoccupations and allow us to revel in something done purely for fun and pleasure.

It is also important to remember the sense of ability and accomplishment that a hobby can provide. Ideally, people choose their jobs based on their preferences and abilities, but external factors, such as wages and education availability, play their role as well. As a result, many people end up with jobs they do not particularly like. Hobbies, on the other hand, are chosen based on people’s desires and inclinations to a much greater degree. While there are still objective limitations – one would not be able to pursue the lifelong goal of becoming a space sourest without sufficient money and health – they are still not as relevant. As a consequence, hobbies can promote a sense of flow – the immensely satisfying feeling of doing something that a person is good at – with relatively little investment (Kurtz, 2015). It is a very rejuvenating feeling, and hobbies are one of the best ways to achieve it.

As mentioned above, a hobby is an opportunity to meet other people with similar interests and make friends. Despite the widespread use of information technology and its use for social purposes, there is no substitute for human intercourse. Most would probably agree that spending free time with like-minded people is one of the most satisfying activities there is. Communities provide health benefits by relieving stress and anxiety and providing opportunities for healthy social interactions and activities (Kurtz, 2015). Keeping in touch with groups of people with similar interests can also help to avoid isolation and loneliness and, as such, serves as a causeway to a more fulfilling social life.

Moreover, research suggests that participating in activities other than work increases community ties and civic engagement. For example, volunteering in one’s free time is known to strengthen connections between community members and foster collective pride (Jachimowicz et al., 2019). Moreover, there is also an evident correlation between hobbies and civic engagement, as the two tend to increase and decrease simultaneously (Kurtz, 2015). Given that, one may reliably conclude that hobbies are not only essential ore personal well-being but also help to foster more tightly-knit and efficient communities.

As one can see, hobbies enable people to develop as individuals and realize their potential to the fullest. To begin with, they are very psychologically satisfying, and engaging in one’s hobby is a particularly effective way of relieving stress. In a similar vein, the benefits of the sense of relaxation and self-confidence that hobbies provide are not to be underestimated. Apart from that, hobbies have a significant educational value that enhances their usefulness and importance even further. Finally, the companionship of like-minded people that are associated with hobbies is one of the best ways to strengthen community ties and instill people a sense of belonging. With this in mind, there can be no doubt that hobbies are not a frivolous waste of time but a valuable and important part of one’s life that is definitely worth pursuing.

Armour, S. (2019). Hobbies can fuel people’s careers, research shows . Phys. Web.

Behson, S. (2020). Working parents, save time for hobbies . Harvard Business Review. Web.

Jachimowicz, J., He, J., & Arango, J. (2019). The Unexpected Benefits of Pursuing a Passion Outside of Work . Harvard Business Review. Web.

Kettering University Online. (2019). Why Hobbies Are Important? Kettering. Web.

Kurtz, J. (2015). Six Reasons to Get a Hobby . Psychology Today. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 1). Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives.

"Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives." IvyPanda , 1 Dec. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives'. 1 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives." December 1, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives." December 1, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Hobbies and Their Importance in People's Lives." December 1, 2022.

Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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Essay on My Hobby Listening to Music

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Hobby Listening to Music in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

100 Words Essay on My Hobby Listening to Music


My hobby is listening to music. It is a delightful activity that brings joy and peace to my mind.

Why I Love Music

Types of music i enjoy.

In conclusion, listening to music is my favourite hobby as it brings me happiness and tranquility.

250 Words Essay on My Hobby Listening to Music

The power of music, music as a learning tool.

Listening to music is not merely a pastime for me; it is a learning tool. By exploring various genres, I’ve broadened my cultural understanding and appreciation. From the intricate ragas of Indian classical music to the soulful strains of blues, each genre has its unique story, reflecting the history, values, and emotions of its people.

Music and Personal Growth

500 words essay on my hobby listening to music, the power of melody: my hobby listening to music.

Music, an art form that transcends cultural, social, and geographical boundaries, has always been a significant part of my life. It is not just a source of entertainment, but a hobby that has shaped my personality, broadened my perspectives, and helped me navigate life’s complexities.

Music: A Universal Language

The therapeutic effect of music, music as a source of inspiration.

Music, with its profound lyrics and emotive melodies, has often served as an inspiration in my life. It has the capacity to spark creativity, motivate, and drive personal growth. Many songs have powerful messages that have encouraged me to overcome challenges and strive for success. They have taught me valuable life lessons, such as resilience, empathy, and the importance of pursuing one’s passions.

The Learning Experience

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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essay on hobby singing

Essay For Students | [Best] Essay writing in English language.

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Essay on My Hobby Singing | [Essay for Students]

Hello, students today we have come up with an essay on My Hobby Singing. In this essay I have told why singing is my hobby and why do I love it. So let us start with the essay.

Boy singing image

My Hobby Singing essay.

My hobby is singing, and I have been passionate about it since I was a child. Singing brings me a great sense of joy and fulfillment, and it has played a significant role in my life.

Overall, my hobby of singing has brought me many wonderful experiences and opportunities, and it has had a positive impact on my life. I will continue to pursue it with passion and dedication, and I hope to continue to share my love of singing with others.

Students, which is your favourite song you like to sing the most? Do tell us in the comment section below.

This essay can be used by students of classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purposes.

Students, we hope you have liked this essay and if you need an essay on any topic then do tell us in the comment section below.

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Dancing and writing

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My hobby drawing

Singing song

essay on hobby singing

I really liked it though I don't participate in any compitition and I don't go tution for singing to an professional

My hobby is Singing and actually lovedbthe essay soo much and wrote a essay about singing

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Paragraph on My Hobby: Singing – by Jenny

essay on hobby singing


Hobbies are of different kinds and each person would be having different kind of hobbies. Singing, dancing, painting, photography, cooking, gardening and the list is just endless.

It basically depends on the interest of the person on what kind of hobby they possess. In my case, I would say that my hobby is Singing and I just love to sing at every possible chance that I could.

Why singing:

Right from my childhood, I used to love songs and I used to listen to many different kinds of songs. Then when I started picking up on the lyrics, my parents realized that I really had a passion for music. Music classes were searched and finally I was being put to one, under a well-trained teacher. From then on, I never looked back. I was taught from the basics to Carnatic, western, light music and so on. I just fell in love with music each time I learnt something new. The training did help me to get my vocals and modulations right and this enabled me to take part in various competitions that came up, during my childhood.

I have attended so many competitions and I was so glad that in a few of them I could win and beat my competitors while few others I could not and hence could learn my mistakes.


I started taking up singing seriously and with lots of encouragement and support from friends and family, I did make it to bigger heights. I had shows that I could perform and it was indeed a turning path for me at a young age.


No matter what, if you are truly passionate about your hobby and have a vision, then getting to that greatest point is one among the greatest experience you could have in life. Follow your passion and it will make your reach heights with great satisfaction and happiness. The best feeling one could ever get in life that moment when your hobby becomes your career.

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Essay on My Hobby – My Hobby Essay in English for Class 1 to Class 12 Students

February 20, 2021 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Things which we enjoy doing in our free time are called hobbies. Few people have only one hobby and few people may have multiple hobbies. Each person’s hobby varies from one to another. Hobby or hobbies play an important role in every human’s life. Writing essays on My hobby is very interesting. All you have to do is write what is your hobby and why did you choose that particular hobby. 

In order to help you with your hobby essay, on this page, we have provided a sample Essay on My Hobby. Going through the Hobby essay provided on this page, you will get a fair idea of how to write a hobby essay. Read on to find more.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Hobby in 10 Lines

Below we have provided an essay on My Hobby Cricket in 10 lines.

  • My hobby is playing cricket.
  • I play cricket with my schoolmates and neighborhood friends.
  • I choose batting and fielding over bowling or wicket-keeper.
  • My inspiration for playing cricket is Sachin Tendulkar.
  • I dream to beat Sachin Tendulkar’s score one day.
  • Playing cricket keeps me physically fit and mentally strong.
  • I have also learned teamwork and how to win as a team through cricket.
  • My highest score in cricket is 57 runs.
  • I have also enrolled in a cricket academy near my home and made few friends.
  • Seeing my passion for cricket, my father presented me with a cricket kit. I feel it is a valuable gift in my life.

Other My Hobby Essays

Also, check various other my hobby essays below:

  • Essay on My Hobby Dancing
  • Essay on My Hobby Drawing
  • Essay on My Hobby Gardening
  • Essay on My Hobby Badminton
  • Essay on My Hobby Reading Books
  • Essay on My Hobby Cricket

Long Essay on My Hobby Singing 200-500 Words

My hobbies are Singing and listening to music. But singing is my favorite hobby. When I was 4 years old, my parents enrolled me in a Music Class in our Apartment. Our Music teacher’s name was Mrs.Sheela and used to teach me the basics of Music and Singing. From then I used to practice whatever my teacher taught me in Music Class whenever I am free. I used to sing while traveling in the school bus, while walking on the roads etc., This practice turned singing into my hobby.

Singing always keeps me fresh and singing songs helps me forget all the problems. I have a good vocal. I relate my vocal range from F3 to F5 which is an Alto that means low female voice. Whenever some functions or occasions take place in our house or neighborhood, they invite me to grace the occasion with a welcome song. Initially, I used to hesitate to sing in front of others, but now I enjoy singing in front of everyone. Also, my friends encourage me to sing during the lunch breaks and they enjoy my songs and have lunch.

I simply smile while singing a song which makes the listeners/observers smile as well. I have also participated and bagged few prizes in singing and music-related competitions which were organized in our school. 

Besides that my mom is also a renowned singer and she received many awards for the same. But she compromised her dream to take care of my family. Whenever I bag an award or prize from a singing competition, my mom is the first person who will be happy about that. My mom and I enjoy singing together and forget about the time. My mom also suggests to me the correction of tone and rhythm here and there when I am singing along. Sometimes, I feel that I am fulfilling her dream.

Since my Voice range is alto, I stuck only to singing melodious songs. But I dream to become a DJ or pop star in the future. For that I am practicing pop, pop alternative singing methods as well. Once I get familiar with the pop style methods, I will disclose to my friends that I can sing pop songs as well. Someday I wish to become a great singer in the world.

The above-provided My hobby essay can be written in 200, 300, 400, and 500 Words as well. The above essay is also applicable for Class 4 to Class 12 students as well.\

Essay On My Hobby – FAQs

  • What are hobbies for Class 2? A. Kids of age 4 to 5 will usually be playing outdoor games. And students of Class 1 or Class 2 will not have any one specific hobby.
  • Why are hobbies important? A. Hobbies are important because it helps one to do the activity which they love to do. It keeps the mental health productive and keeps them free from stress.

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