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Sep 20, 2022

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities and How To Build Your Own Team-Building Template

team building ppt presentation free download

Heather Harper

Company Culture Writer

Team building PowerPoint presentations allow us to build a strong team , where teamwork is at the forefront of all operations and everyone is working together to reach the same common goal. 37% of workers consider teamwork, team building, and team collaboration to be incredibly important. In fact, if workers feel that these things aren’t happening within their team, they are more likely to leave. 

As we all know, high employee turnover costs money that most companies just can’t afford to lose. So, to prevent this from happening all teams need to make connections, foster communication, build trust, and promote problem-solving. One way to integrate these things is to include PowerPoint presentations, with complementing activities, in your team building program. 

These PowerPoints need to be inspiring, not boring, and in this article, we will give you PowerPoint presentation ideas for team building. To start, you’ll discover free PowerPoint presentations for team building and complementing activities, before learning how to make your own engaging team building presentation that WOWs.  

cartoon woman giving powerpoint presentation

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities

Free team-building powerpoint presentation: communication.

Effective communication in the workplace generates 4.5 times higher talent retention . As a result, it is crucial that all workplaces that don’t want to pour money down the drain on constant talent acquisition invest time and effort into enhancing communication within their teams. Along with plenty of team building activities, the best place to start building strong communication is with an effective and purposeful PowerPoint presentation. 

The best communication PowerPoint template 

This team building PowerPoint presentation free download is offered on Slideshare and consists of 29 slides that break down the important aspects of communication into manageable, bite-sized chunks. 

Targeted to improve communication between co-workers and clients, this free team building PowerPoint presentation begins with a brief overview of what communication is, its history, and why you should care about it. After, you will take a look at the goal of the PowerPoint, which is to maximize client communication, improve satisfaction and enhance personal productivity. 

You’ll then go over different ways groups communicate, organizational communication, the various principles of conflict, the effects of conflict, and so much more. By the end of all 29 slides, your team should have the information and knowledge they need to meet and understand these goals. 

Activities that support communication within teams

  • Team sports day

Working as part of a team during a sporting activity is an excellent way to build trust and positivity within a team, which in turn promotes healthy and effective communication. Plus, if you want to make your team more productive at work , improve mood , and prevent chronic health conditions , there’s no better way than some good old fashioned exercise! 

team members playing tug of war at team sports day

  • Build a tent blind

By finding a few old tents from your garage, you can throw your team into an activity that promotes communication, as well as encourages listening, leadership and teamwork. 

To play, organize your team into pairs and ask one player to be blindfolded. They must listen to instructions from the other player in their pair on how to put up a tent and will race the other teams to be the first to put their tent up. 

  • Take part in an Escape Room

Escape rooms are great ways to allow your team to escape regular workplace tasks and relax and unwind. The fact that they have to work together, as opposed to separately, means that this activity is perfect for supporting your communication PowerPoint presentation. 

Prison Break The Escape Game

At the Team Building Hub , your team can immerse themselves in a prison break-out, explore the dark depths of the ocean, or participate in a thrilling gold rush… all without even having to leave the office. Together, they can work through clues and puzzles to beat the clock and escape the room. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Conflict Management

Employees in the United States spend approximately a tremendous 2.8 hours each week involved in workplace conflict. This equates to around $359 billion in hours paid that are focused on conflict, rather than completing productive workplace tasks. To make this worse, 60% of employees have never received basic conflict management training, meaning that millions of organizations are unnecessarily losing money every year. 

Fear not, however, as there are plenty of free conflict management team building PowerPoint presentation templates that can help you to overcome any conflict issues within your team. Below is our favorite of them all. 

conflict management with seesaw

The best conflict management PowerPoint template

Slideshare’s conflict management in teams PowerPoint Presentation is free to download and includes 18 slides on how to manage and resolve all types of various workplace conflicts. 

To start, your team will learn exactly what conflict is and how it applies to the workplace. They’ll look at various types of workplace conflict, such as interpersonal conflict and intragroup conflict, before exploring when workplace conflict might be constructive, and when it might be destructive. Afterwards, the presentation offers some useful ways to prevent and manage conflict in your workplace. The Slideshare PowerPoint even makes its conflict management and prevention section engaging and entertaining by including clips from the sitcom The Office . 

Activities that aid conflict management team building 

  • Take a personality test

Getting your team to take a personality test will allow them to explore themselves so that they can understand their personality and, in turn, their trigger points for conflict and how they can work to resolve it. Tests such as the Myers-Briggs or Disc allow team members to rate their agreement with certain statements and can then make a conclusion on that person’s personality. Team Building Hub even has a package with Maxwell Leadership that adds a DISC assessment before any game, to help increase the learning and connection during the experience.

  • Play the compliment circle game

Everyone loves to feel that someone appreciates them and thinks something nice about them. It promotes strong bonds within a team, creates trust, builds a sense of psychological safety, and, as a result, is likely to limit the amount of conflict that occurs. To play, simply sit in a circle and get each team member to go around the room and pay a compliment to the person sitting to their right. 

Designed to allow team members to understand how to work through conflict and understand differing opinions, four words is the perfect activity to complement your conflict management PowerPoint presentation. 

To play, give each team member a piece of paper and ask them to write 4 words that they associate with conflict. Pair them up and between the two of them, they must decide on the best four words out of the combined eight they have. During this, each pair will have to negotiate in a considerate and efficient manner. At the end of the game, you can bring the team back together to discuss how the process went and whether there was any conflict. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are more common than ever before and, as a result, it is important to have the correct tools in place to build strong virtual teams. The benefits of virtual team building are priceless: it connects remote workers, enhances collaboration and co-working, increases productivity, boosts morale, encourages healthy communication, and prevents burnout and loneliness. 


The best virtual team PowerPoint template 

Geared toward virtual team leaders, this template covers all the challenges of having a virtual team and gives expert solutions to each challenge. Offering 14 slides of content, this team building PowerPoint presentation starts with a bold quote to instantly grab your team’s attention and engage them. After, the presentation then moves on to cover the top three common challenges within a virtual team, before summarizing how to solve these challenges. 

Activities that aid virtual team building 

  • Ice breakers games

Virtual icebreaker games provide a remarkable way for people scattered across the world to introduce themselves in a fun and charming way. They are designed to create a relaxed atmosphere, which in return can build trust, enhance communication, and improve productivity. Some of our favorite icebreaker games include repeat performances, guess the acronym, and rank your favorites. 

  • Play some zoom games

Zoom games for large virtual groups are designed to allow teams to stay connected, be sociable, and keep happy. Games such as Jeopardy, Trivia, and Scavenger hunt are perfect for involving your whole team and promoting virtual problem-solving and communication. 

  • Team online games show

Online game shows are exciting and upbeat ways to encourage your virtual team members to improve morale and communication! With five fast-paced rounds, your team members can practice their communication skills and problem-solving ability, and they can create trusting bonds with each other.

online game show example

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving in the workplace is important for everyone, from entry-level employees to senior staff. Those with fantastic problem-solving skills are better equipped to solve all sorts of unexpected challenges that might be thrown at them. As a result, they are the type of employees that help a business run smoothly, and, therefore, all teams should be investing in developing these skills in their members. 

The best problem-solving PowerPoint templates

Offered for free by WorkshopBank , this PowerPoint is a 30-45 minute presentation where your team will cover everything from brainstorming and issue analysis, to action planning and solution finding. It is designed to allow your team to make breakthrough progress with their problem-solving and have the skill set to tackle any problems that may arise at work. 

All you need to do is download the PowerPoint template and work through the activities given. It’s an excellent interactive and fun way to get your team to understand problem-solving and how they can apply it to their jobs. 

Activities that support problem-solving 

  • The Art Thief 

The Art Thief is an in-person game designed specifically to help your team unlock a new level of problem-solving. Designed by industry experts, your team will tear into a box filled with clues. They will use their teamwork and problem-solving skills to work together to connect the dots and solve the mystery of the art thief. 

art thief

  • Quick team building activities 

Learning a new skill can be frustrating and daunting to many, so a fantastic way to help promote problem-solving is to include quick team building activities to ensure everyone remains inspired and engaged. Activities such as word association and ‘what’s my name?’ are designed to be simple and quick, but to encourage your team members to solve complicated problems and, as a result, learn new problem-solving skills.

  • Paper tower challenge 

The paper tower challenge is a creative way to promote trust, communication, and, most importantly, problem-solving in a workplace team of any size. To play, split your team into small groups and give them three minutes to build the largest freestanding tower possible. The only catch – they can’t use anything but paper! Award a prize to the team whose tower is the tallest and still standing at the end of the game. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Trust

Trust within teams promotes the highest levels of productivity and effectiveness because it allows every single team member to feel valued, and appreciated and that they are safe to share opinions, problems, and ideas. Therefore, it is of no surprise that workplace teams who trust each other have 50% higher employee productivity, 106% more energy at work, and 13% fewer sick days. 

team members swinging trust fall

The best trust PowerPoint Presentation template

Comprised of 48 engaging and eye-catching slides, you can download Slideshare’s trust building PowerPoint for free. 

Created to help co-workers build healthy relationships, the PowerPoint presentation begins by explaining to your team why they are here and enlightening them about the importance of trust within teams. Looking at a model of trust, you and your team will explore what happens in the absence of trust and will take a look at examples of teams that have no trust. Next, you will explore the various types of trust, the essential ingredients of trust, and how it can be created in your workplace team. Your team will then partake in a reflection activity, whereby they will discuss what they’ve learned and how they can help develop and enhance trust within the team. 

Activities that support trust building

  • Constantly incorporating trust building activities 

Trust is something that, once built, needs to be constantly reinforced and worked on. As a result, to ensure optimal workplace trust it is crucial to keep using plenty of team building tools throughout the year. Introducing virtual meeting platforms, having a joint calendar, constantly using icebreakers and team building activities, and sending out Google forms are all fantastic ways of ensuring that trust is constantly worked on within a team. 

  •  Team skydive 

If your budget can be stretched to allow this, a team skydive is a fantastic way to get your team members bonding at 10,000 feet in the air. To make this a trust building exercise, you can pair your team members up and get them to do a skydive at the same time (whilst being attached to a professional, obviously). Team members will learn how each other behaves when scared and pumped full of adrenaline, and will learn to trust the other person as a result.  

team skydiving trip

  • Trust fall 

Quick, simple, and easy to coordinate, a trust fall is a fantastic activity to chuck in at the end of your team building PowerPoint presentation. To play, get your team to work in pairs and one person must turn to face away from their partner and allow themselves to fall back into their partner’s arms. The partner must then catch them, proving to the other person that they are trustworthy. 

How to Build Your Own Team Building Powerpoint Presentation Template

Building your own PowerPoint presentation is something that can be time consuming, but worth it for a presentation that will wow your team. In order to engage and inspire, you need your presentation to be insightful, unique, interesting, and tailored to the needs of your team. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to create your own. 

If you’d like to give creating your own PowerPoint presentation a shot, here is everything to include: 

  • Make sure you have PowerPoint. This is a no-brainer. In order to create a Powerpoint presentation, you must have access to PowerPoint. You can buy the whole Microsoft Office package for as little as $69.99 a year. If you don’t have the budget for Powerpoint, Google Slides is a great free alternative!
  • Decide precisely what you want to talk about. The best presentations are concise and straight to the point. You don’t want to bore your team by talking aimlessly about every team building topic under the sun. So think about what it is your team needs to work on. Conflict management? Problem-solving? Training? Onboarding? Morale in the workplace? It can be anything that will make your team stronger. 
  • Get your facts right. One fantastic way to show facts is to include accurate and up-to-date statistics to reinforce what you’ve said. Using bold statistics, especially in the first section of your presentation, will grab your team’s focus and encourage them to pay attention. 
  • Make your presentation visually appealing . Getting your facts straight is all well and good, but if your presentation is dull and boring, you’re never going to inspire a group of people. Utilize visuals and animations to help bring your slides alive and allow information to be digestible. 
  • Find a way to get everyone involved. Sitting in a meeting room with information being relayed off a screen will take most of your team back to school, leaving them feeling bored, frustrated, and uninspired. To avoid this, find a way to involve your team in your presentation. You can use a variety of techniques to do this, such as quizzes, polls, questions, and answers. It will make your team feel seen and valued, which will inspire them in return.
  • Include meaningful takeaways. The whole purpose of this team building presentation is to teach your team something important about team building and the team they are in. To make sure your presentation has been worth the time, include an essential takeaway from the meeting. For example, it could be about steps your team can take to improve performance, communication, and/or trust. 

powerpoint presentation


That’s a wrap on the best team building activities and PowerPoint presentations. Whether your team is in-person or virtual, they are likely to need to work on their trust, problem-solving, communication, or conflict management. Offering exciting PowerPoint presentations, backed up with fun team building activities, is a fantastic way to teach them new and relevant skills. 

Get Your Free Game

The 3-minute non-cringey ice breaker for your next meeting.

A ready-set-go game to run at your next fully remote or hybrid meeting without the hassle or added pressure of developing a team-building exercise yourself. Get it here →

team building ppt presentation free download

Heather Harper has a Masters in Occupational Psychological from the University of Manchester. She currently works as an editorial writer specializing in organizational psychology – helping teams work better together.

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Table of Contents

Free Meet the Team Template 

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Home / Business / Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

team building ppt presentation free download

Does this phrase detract your attention towards effective team building? Team building is an approach to creating a team that works cohesively towards a specific goal. And to build a successful team, each team member needs to establish a bond with each other.

One of the most prime reasons for forming a team is to get results. A series of team-building activities that can be fun, motivational, brainstorming, or educational builds skills like communication, planning, conflict resolution, etc.

According to a survey, when in a group of 1000 team members, communication, mutual respect, and honest feedback were encouraged, it was reported that team members were 80 per cent more emotional well-being.

Team building is the most influential step for organizational success. It turns individual contributing employees into a cohesive team.

Best Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Now educate your colleagues, team about effective team building methods using these team-building PowerPoint templates. So, without further, let’s delve into some of the best free team-building PowerPoint templates straight away.

meet the team template

Every successful organization is a collective of dedicated individuals, each contributing their unique talents and passions. In the spirit of celebrating your team’s accomplishments and fostering a deeper connection with your audience, we proudly present our free Meet the Team Presentation Template .

alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates

Take your presentation to the next level using these alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates. The template comes with modern, sophisticated, and highly impressable slides that guarantee you catch the audience’s eyeballs. Get ready to exhibit your points flawlessly with these team-building PowerPoint slides.

TechO free pitch deck PowerPoint Template

Browse our free Techo pitch deck PowerPoint template an ultimate pitch deck presentation template that can be used by CEOs, managers, business professionals for any business presentations, advertisements, fundraising, crowdfunding, or any related presentations.

apex free PowerPoint templates

Don’t know how to elaborate on team-building ideas or strategies in a presentation. Then there’s nothing to fret about. Using these apex Free PowerPoint templates by Slidebazaar , you can draft a compelling presentation that engages with your audience.

team building ppt presentation

Download our business team-building PowerPoint template by Slidehunter , an excellent illustration for teamwork and collaboration-related presentations. The template includes astonishing templates and presentation backgrounds perfect for any presentation.


Free team building plan template by Best PowerPoint Templates is an amazing slide for business presentations. The templates comprise eight high-quality slides that will help you build effective team building and training-related presentations.

free team building layout

This free team building layout by Slidecarnival is a modern, elegant and polished template that will let you communicate your ideas successfully. With illustrated scenes of professionals at work, you can highlight the concepts like teamwork, collaboration, team efforts, etc. So instantly download these free team building layouts and don’t miss the opportunity to outshine at the next meetings.

free leadership team building PowerPoint templates

These leadership team-building PowerPoint templates by Best PowerPoint Templates are the ideal templates for clear and concise demonstration of team-building efforts, management strategies, team guidance, etc. It can be used by any team manager, leader, CEO’s and any executive with the aim to guide or instruct its team.

free team building jigshaw puzzle diagram template

This Free Teamwork Jigsaw Puzzle PowerPoint Diagram Template by Slidehunter is an amazing template to showcase concepts like team building, group effort, leadership, etc. Like each piece of the jigsaw completes the puzzle, each team member’s contribution leaders the business to success. Download these jigsaw puzzle diagram templates and create awesome teamwork presentations.

Organizational chart PowerPoint template

During a presentation, what captures the attention of the audience. It’s the presentation template that clings to the focus of your audience. Org charts are the best illustration to feature a team of upcoming projects in a presentation. Get ready to draft a remarkable presentation using these infographic organization chart templates by Slideheap . Get access to 1000+ premium PowerPoint templates for just a membership fee of $29.40.

team building analysis PowerPoint Template

Encourage or motivate your team to perform better by giving them a detailed overview of the work structure, team, management using these team-building analysis PowerPoint Templates by Slidebazaar. The team building analysis PowerPoint template is a common PowerPoint diagram for information dissemination. Regardless of the topic, you create any PowerPoint presentation using the simple ppt template. You can download this team building template on a monthly membership of $9.99 and get access to 100 premium PowerPoint templates.

Oftentimes in MNC’s team-building efforts are overseen. Such negligence, in the long run, can cost heavy for the business.

Many organizations undertake team-building activities with the aim of enriching communication and trust. While it’s the general goal in every office, you can find several areas focused on.

Successful team-building efforts guarantee a comfortable, successful work environment. With these team building PowerPoint templates, you can precisely reflect the concepts.

Promote team-building ideas, develop an employee-friendly workplace, encourage the team to boost performance with these team-building slides. All templates in the selection can be tweaked accordingly.

Get ready to stun your audience. Also, comment on which templates you liked the most.  

About The Author

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu is a copywriter who loves to tune into what makes people tick. He believes in presenting his ideas with flair and wit, which has made him an expert at standing on stage and charming the pants off of any audience he's faced with. Priyanshu lives for learning as much as he can, so if you ever need help understanding something - just ask!

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Team Building Workshops

All activities on this page work well in Team Building Workshops. Each helps you build a strong cohesive team while simultaneously achieving valuable learning objectives.

We believe the best kind of team building is when people work on real professional challenges together. Solving issues, coming up with creative solutions, building action plans together are all platforms for creating a supportive and productive team.

[…] Team Building Ideas […]

Its an excellent contribution to knowledge…….A generous and philanthropic initiative of the author!

Thank you for such great ideas of team building games! I especially like the “Build a Bridge” activity you listed. I think this type of activity can really demonstrate how well people work together and share ideas and leadership. I will keep this in mind for the future!

Thank you for sharing these great informations. All methodologies are very helpful!

Pleasure Flavio 🙂

Much appreciate to share all useful workshop guidance! Very helpful for me to organize internal workshop within my team! Great ideas!

Very useful information has been provided here. Thanks for sharing such a good information with us! Keep updating

Thank you for making these workshops open to all. Some great inspiration for me to work with my team – in a charity where funds are not as available as they might be in other organisations.

It’s a pleasure Kathy!

wonderful set of topics

Great work guys. Very consolidated info, very high quality of content. A big thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for this list of activities!! Excellent job!!!

Thank you very much for this initiative, Nick. I have been asked to run a 2 hour workshop on partnership working with a group of individual creatives who do not necessarily know each other, may consider each other as competitors, and will have significantly different levels of experience. Oh, and for good measure some will be listening via translation! Some stimulating ideas in your collection which will be very helpful.

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20+ Best Free Teamwork PowerPoint PPT Slide Templates for 2024

Barni Rajah

Collaboration of different parties can solve problems effectively and get things done quickly. Use Teamwork PowerPoint templates to plan task divisions for projects. 

Teamwork- Powerpoint Template, a premium file from Envato Elements

Teamwork- PowerPoint Template , a premium file from Envato Elements

There are loads of premium and free teamwork presentation templates online. View as many as you can for inspiration. Pick a suitable template for your brand, content, and audience. 

This article explores top teamwork PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. They're modern, creative, and featureful. You'll also find a curated list of 20 free team PowerPoint templates found online. 

Find the Best Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements for 2024 (Unlimited Use)

An excellent premium pre-built template comes with loads of features. Other relevant slides and infographics help you create a complete presentation. Envato Elements has loads of on-theme premium templates. 

Get millions of unlimited creatives under one monthly subscription at Envato Elements. Enjoy the freedom to play, experiment, and create!  

Explore teamwork PowerPoint presentation templates

If you need teamwork PowerPoint slide templates for 2022, visit Envato Elements

If you need teamwork PowerPoint slide templates for 2024, visit Envato Elements

5 Best Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Templates for 2024 (Envato Elements)

Premium PPT templates make it easy to impress your audience with modern slides. Build your presentation deck using a premium teamwork PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. 

Here are some sample teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements:

1. TeamWork PowerPoint Template

Teamwork PowerPoint Template

Here's a modern minimalistic template that's fully customizable. It comes with matching charts, diagrams, and tables. Customize any elements and have a complete deck within minutes. 

2. Teamworks PPT Template

Teamworks PPT Template

This template comes with 30 unique slides and five color schemes. Elements come with gradient colors that look modern and creative. Use the handcrafted infographics to turn data into visuals. 

3. Teamwork Business Presentation Template

Teamwork Business Presentation Template

This template comes with over 25 unique slides. Use them as a base to create loads of other slides. You'll also find the mockups and social media slides very handy.

4. Teamwork PowerPoint Templates, Models, Strategies

Teamwork Powerpoint Templates, Models, Strategies

This is a bundle of teamwork infographics. Get your hands on 30 unique slides that you can use for any professional presentation. Examples of diagrams are: 

  • Belbin’s Team Roles Model (Thinking-Oriented Roles, Action-Oriented Roles, People-Oriented Roles),
  • Team Role Contribution and Allowable Weakness,
  • Team Role Triangle,
  • GRPI Model of Team Development,
  • GRPI Checklist Template (Role definition, Building the Team),
  • Focusing on Team Basics Model (Katzenbach and Smith Model)

5. UDEA Bundle 5 in 1 PowerPoint

UDEA Bundle 5 IN 1

UDEA is a bundle of over 2000 infographic slides. Get loads of matching infographics in different categories. It'll come in handy for any future business presentations. 

20 Top Free Teamwork PowerPoint PPT Slide Templates to Download (2024)

We've explored some best teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements. Direct your focus to the content of your presentation by leaving the design to experts. Work smart and save time! 

This section covers 20 teamwork slides and backgrounds found online. Before we move on, let's first check out Envato's free offerings. 

Get 12 free unique monthly files from Envato Elements

Get 12 free unique monthly files from Envato Elements

What are Envato Elements' premium freebies? Envato Elements offer 12 free files every month . You can download and test photos, plugins, templates, music files, and others. All you need to do is create a free account! 

Here's a list of 20 free team PowerPoint slides and backgrounds found online: 

1. Diagram - Teamwork Templates Free

This single slide template comes with a diagram, intertwined shapes with crossed arms. Each shape is a different color. 

2. Metaphor - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Metaphor comes with three background choices: red, white, and black. On the right side of the slide, there's a graphic of six colorful silhouettes joining hands at a round table. On the left is space for text. 

3. Abstract - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Abstract - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This is an abstract and minimalistic illustration of four people in top view. It comes with a light and dark background. 

4. Idea - PPT Teamwork Templates Free

This template comes with four pairs of hands holding a light bulb. There are seven text placeholders for text. 

5. Check-In - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

This is a background image of a cork board and three blue post-it notes. Green pins are holding the notes to the board. 

6. Clean - PPT Teamwork Templates Free

Clean - PPT Teamwork Templates Free comes in neutral colors. Minimal and cute illustrations of people working add a nice touch to this template.  

7. Blue - Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

This is a multipurpose blue template with line drawings that represents teamwork. You can change the background color and edit elements if you need to. 

8. Group Work - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Group Work Slide Presentation

Here are ten different slides with a light gray background. These slides work well for topics like office team, remote team building, and other group work. 

9. Abstract - Teamwork Templates Free

This background image comes with an abstract design in blue and yellow. You can also see silhouettes of people holding hands in this background. 

10. Circle Team Achievement - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This is a single-slide template. It comes with four blue circles to represent team achievements. 

11. Company Team Meeting - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This template comes with ten slides in gradient green and pink. It also comes with editable charts and maps. 

12. Idea Goals - Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

This is a gradient blue template. There are seven unique multipurpose slides to work with. 

13. Teamwork Collaboration - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Teamwork Collaboration - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Teamwork Collaboration comes with slides that have blue waves design and illustrations. The colors used are blue and orange tones.

14. Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

You'll find nine slides within this template. They were designed with project collaborations and all forms of teamwork in mind. 

15. Puzzle Infographics - Teamwork Templates Free

This free template has 20 slides to pick from. Each team member is a piece of the puzzle. You can use these slides to speak about everyone's contribution. 

16. Free Teamwork PowerPoint Template

This is a background image in gray. It's got a silhouette of seven business people in front of business buildings.

17. Free Team Work People Backgrounds

This background image is of eleven silhouettes of people in various colors. They're holding hands in a circle. This represents teamwork. 

18. Free Team Work Backgrounds

Free Team Work Backgrounds

Here's a background image that's got four arms holding each other. It symbolizes working together as a team. The background is blue and has four different icons. 

19. Infographic - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

This template comes with a dark and light background slide. The main graphic is of seven silhouettes of people holding hands in a circle. There are also graphics of gear wheels. These symbolize individuals working well together for a bigger purpose.  

20. Team Members Roles Infographics

There's a graphic of a gear wheel with a light bulb inside it. Around the gear wheel are eight graphic people. This slide helps illustrate how eight team members played a role in a project.

5 Quick Tips To Make Great Teamwork-Themed Presentations in 2024

Now that you've got your template in hand, it's time to start working on it. Keep in mind the message you need to convey and the objectives you need to meet. 

Here are a few tips to help create a great presentation deck: 

1. Use Colors to Show Separation

Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Infographics, a premium template on Envato Elements that uses color to show separation within diagrams

Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Infographics , a premium Envato Elements template that uses color to show separation within diagrams

Colors come in handy when you need to show separation within a diagram. This helps audiences follow your presentation and stay focused. A few colors on a slide also quickly become part of your design element. 

2. Add Animations and Transitions

Phase in sections of your teamwork diagram one at a time as you discuss that part. This helps your audience focus better. Check out these articles to learn how to use motion on slides and diagrams: 

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3. Keep It Minimal

KULA Powerpoint Template, a premium minimalistic template from Envato Elements

KULA PowerPoint Template , a premium minimalistic Envato Elements template

Minimalism is a very practical trend that benefits your audience too. A minimalistic slide is easy to follow and looks professional.  

Stick to the number of elements that are on each slide of your premium template. Chances are, by adding more elements it'll look cluttered. And you'll be moving away from minimalism. 

4. Gray Fonts Make a Difference

Mind Map - PowerPoint Infographics Slides, a premium template from Envato Elements with gray fonts

Mind Map - PowerPoint Infographics Slides , a premium Envato Elements template with gray fonts

Black font on a white background creates a strong contrast. To create a calmer feel try using gray font. It immediately softens the feel of your presentation. 

Picking softer or faded colors for other elements on your slides is a good next step too. 

5. Use Custom Image Masks

Aleva - Beach Powerpoint Template, a premium Envato Elements template that uses create custom image masks

Aleva - Beach PowerPoint Template , a premium Envato Elements template that uses create custom image masks

Traditional square, rectangle and even round images get boring fast. Spice up your presentation with custom image masks. All you've got to do is drag and drop your images into the placeholders. 

Discover More Top PowerPoint PPT Template Designs

Explore other infographic PPT templates you can use for your presentation. These are free and premium options that'll help you work smart. Below are three selections to start with:

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Learn More About Making Great PowerPoint Presentations in 2024

A quick PPT reference guide, helps you learn how to use PowerPoint as you go. Here's an Ultimate PowerPoint Tutorial Guide with bite-sized how-to tutorials. Pin it to your browser and use it whenever you get stuck creating. 

Here's three tutorial samples from the guide: 

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Download a Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Template Today!

We've checked out 20 free teamwork PowerPoint slides. The selection was mostly background images and single-page infographic slides. There were a few presentations that contain teamwork slides. But the choices are limiting. 

Pre-built templates help you work around your limitations and work fast. If you find that free templates can't help you do this, it's time to go premium. 

Envato Elements has a great collection of top teamwork PPT templates . These templates are modern, creative, and easy to customize.  

Get premium teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements and work smart. Explore, subscribe, and download it now! 

Barni Rajah


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Choose and download Team Building PowerPoint templates , and Team Building PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes. And with amazing ease of use, you can transform your "sleep-inducing" PowerPoint presentation into an aggressive, energetic, jaw-dropping presentation in nearly no time at all. These from free or premium Team Building PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds are a great choice for a wide variety of presentation needs.

Our Free and Premium PowerPoint Templates are "pre-made" presentation shells. All graphics, typefaces, and colors have been created and are pre-set by an expert graphic designer. You simply insert your text. That's it!

Free vs. Premium Team Building PowerPoint Presentation Templates

PoweredTemplate offers a wide range of free Team Building PowerPoint Presentation Templates. You can find them by filtering by “Free”, from the “Filters” option on the site, on the top left corner of the screen after you search. This content is completely free of charge.

If you download our free Team Building PowerPoint templates as a free user, remember that you need to credit the author by including a credits slide or add an attribution line “Designed by PoweredTemplate”, clearly and visibly, somewhere in your final presentation.

PoweredTemplate also offers premium PowerPoint templates, which are available only to Premium users. There is no difference in product quality between free and premium Team Building PowerPoint Presentation Templates.

Best Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Are you looking for professionally designed, pre-formatted Team Building PowerPoint templates so you can quickly create presentations? You've come to the right place - PoweredTemplate has created these templates with professionals in mind. At PoweredTemplates, we understand how busy you are and how you love to save time.

That's why we've created a set of PowerPoint design templates with a Team Building theme. These Team Building PowerPoint templates are a great choice for a wide variety of presentation needs. Spend your time wisely - download the Team Building PowerPoint Templates today.

Team Building PowerPoint Presentation Themes FAQ

What are team building powerpoint templates.

A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint for your slides that you save as a .pptx or .potx file.

All the Team Building PowerPoint templates are natively built in PowerPoint, using placeholders on the slide master, color palettes, and other features in PowerPoint, and can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content (according to Microsoft Office).

How to choose Team Building PowerPoint templates for presentations?

Choose after carefully studying the template features and viewing the big preview images. All the product information is on the product page in the description and a list of the features can be found in the horizontal scrolling bar under the Download button. You may download a few free templates before making the final decision.

Who are Team Building PowerPoint templates suitable for?

Why do i need team building powerpoint templates.

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12 Top Team Building PowerPoint Topics

By: Grace He | Updated: May 11, 2023

Here is our list of the best team building PowerPoint topics .

Team building PowerPoint topics are ideas for presentation slides that teach about and foster team building. Examples include the goals of team building, team building topics, and five-minute team building activities. The purpose of these PowerPoints is to teach audiences about the benefits of team building and have them conduct some team building exercises.

Team building PowerPoint presentations are similar to virtual team meeting ideas , online team huddle ideas , and out-of-the-box team meeting ideas .


This list includes:

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  • team building presentations
  • team building PowerPoint presentation
  • team building slide ideas

Let’s get to it!

List of team building PowerPoint topics

When writing a PowerPoint on team building, it is important to create engaging slides. This way, audience members will want to focus on your presentation and implement your team building tips. To learn about the top subjects you can cover in your team building presentation, check out these team building slide ideas.

1. What is team building?

To start, some folks may not even be familiar with the idea of team building. Depending on your industry and your employees’ backgrounds, they may have never gotten the chance to bond with their team members. In that case, explaining what team building is creates a strong foundation for future interactions.

Here are some topics your slides can cover:

  • Definition of team building
  • Who can participate in team building
  • Benefits of team building
  • Examples of team building activities

At the end of this session, you can host a team building activity as an example. After sharing this info with your team, be sure to keep hosting regular team building activities. That way, employees can experience the many benefits of these exercises.

Learn more about the history of team building .

2. How to do team building

Staff members may be excited to get the team building experiences rolling, but they may not know where to begin. In that case, hosting a presentation on how to host these exercises may be beneficial.

  • General event planning tips
  • How to focus games and activities on your team’s needs
  • Types of exercises teams can try
  • When to schedule team building activities
  • How to make team building accessible for all members

After this session, consider asking attendees to take what they learned and plan a team outing together. This plan could be hypothetical, or you could implement it at the end of the meeting. As a bonus, planning an activity together counts as a team building experience!

For more information, check out these articles on the team building process and team building elements .

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3. Goals of team building

Generally, team building activities are fun and exciting. However, if you set up clear expectations beforehand, then members may get more out of the event than a little relaxation. Thus, consider sharing some slides about the overall goals of building strong teams.

  • Reiterate company missions, goals, and culture statements.
  • Brainstorm what skills your team could improve on.
  • Discuss how games and exercises foster different skills.
  • Outline how chosen events can improve said skills.

Ultimately, team building is a great way to get to know colleagues better. However, depending on your chosen exercises, these sessions can develop techniques that staff can apply to the workplace.

Here is some more information on the goals of team building .

4. Importance of team building

Some organizations may be new to team building, so it may be helpful to share why it is important to integrate it into your routine.

  • Helps coworkers bond
  • Teaches soft skills like communication and problem-solving
  • Prevents stress and burnout
  • Acts as a reward after team successes
  • Promotes workplace diversity and understanding
  • Demonstrates team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Fosters innovation and employee engagement
  • Increases overall productivity

Team building is one of the most essential aspects of leading a successful organization, and sharing this with your staff may encourage participation.

Read more about the importance of team building .

5. How to build strong teams

Building strong teams does not end after the hiring phase. While selecting the right candidates for the job is important, continuing the professional development process after hiring is equally essential. Sharing information with your leaders on building strong teams can help improve the organization at its core.

  • Diversifying your talent pool
  • Encouraging open communication
  • Offering professional development opportunities
  • Fostering a caring and collaborative environment
  • Cultivating soft skills

Hiring smart employees is a great foundation for a strong team. However, maintaining and improving that strength is where true success lies.

Learn more about how to build a strong team .

6. The power of teamwork

Colleagues will all be familiar with the adage that teamwork makes the dream work. However, knowing motivational phrases and putting them into practice is different. Thus, sharing why teamwork is essential to success is a great idea.

  • Increases productivity and efficiency
  • Encourages innovation and creativity
  • Leads to improved work-life balance

Understanding the importance of teamwork can create excitement about team building and group projects. This excitement can lead to improved efficacy and culture.

To learn more about the power of teamwork, check out these articles on the benefits of team building activities and teamwork books .

7. Team building topics

Team building can cover a wide range of subjects, making it a versatile tool that can fit any team’s size and needs. When discussing team building topics, you can get a read on your staff and see what aspects interest them the most. Thus, you can find new ways to build your team that they will find engaging.

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Training courses
  • Games, icebreakers, and activities
  • Comedy and storytelling
  • Communication skills
  • Company culture
  • Giving and receiving feedback

Team building can take many forms, so presenting several subjects can help you narrow down the best avenues for your staff.

For more team building topic ideas, check out these lists of team building trends and team building examples .

8. Five-minute team building activities

Some folks think team building is a huge time commitment, but even hosting five-minute activities before a meeting is a huge step. Gathering several ideas into a presentation is a great way to have team building ideas prepared at any time. Plus, you can find out what interests your team most.

  • Icebreaker questions
  • Employee-guided pep talks
  • Five-minute trivia
  • Show-and-tell
  • Meditation or yoga

Many five-minute team building exercises require little to no preparation, making these a great addition to any workday.

To learn more about quick team building activities, check out these articles on one minute games , minute to win it games , and 5 minute team building activities .

9. Team building skills

Team building activities can foster a whole host of skills, which is one of the factors that makes them so valuable. If folks regularly participate in these exercises, then their knowledge will improve.

  • Written and verbal communication
  • Active listening
  • Adaptability and resilience
  • Time management
  • Conflict management
  • Organization and planning

Soft skills are just as important to a worker’s success as hard skills, and team building is a great way to boost these techniques.

Here are some more team building skills .

10. Team building activities

Companies can choose from a whole host of team building activities, from minute to win it games to week-long retreats. Presenting some of these ideas will help leaders gain an understanding of their team’s interests in smaller and larger events.

  • Meal ideas, like lunch and learns, potlucks, and barbecues
  • Mindfulness activities, like yoga, meditation, and nature walks
  • Crafty activities, like pottery, painting, and office decorations
  • Party planning, like holiday celebrations, birthday parties, and retirement parties
  • Games, like video game tournaments, puzzles, and cup stacking
  • Recurring activities, like book clubs, movie nights, and happy hours
  • Longer events, like conferences, workshops, and retreats

No matter which activity you choose, your team will appreciate the opportunity to relax, learn, and connect.

Check out these articles on office team building activities , unusual team building activities , and leadership games and activities .

11. Team building workshop

Team building workshops are a great way to facilitate learning. Even within the category of workshops, there are several categories you can choose from depending on your needs. Alternatively, you can craft your own course and present it through PowerPoint.

  • Types of team building workshops
  • Benefits of attending workshops
  • Workshop goals
  • Team building activities and games

Educational courses are an essential part of professional development. Team building workshops range from relaxed fun to serious skill building, so you can find a workshop for any occasion. As a bonus, many premade courses come with a certificate of completion, bolstering your team’s qualifications.

To find the perfect team building workshop, check out this list of team building training courses and workshops .

12. How to be a team player

The ultimate foundation of team building is creating a group of effective team players. Presenting staff with information on collaborating will improve communication and productivity.

  • Proactively helping when needs arise
  • Willingness to step in
  • Communicating clearly
  • Working well with others
  • Leading a team or project
  • Self-awareness and taking feedback

Overall, team players are the backbone of successful enterprises, so educating your workforce on these techniques is crucial.

Check out more information on good team player characteristics .

Presenting a PowerPoint about team building can help facilitate the conversation about why team building is important, how to do it, and what you can learn from it. These team building presentations can act as a first step to introduce the concept of team building to your staff, or they can be a continuing education on activities you already do. No matter why you present about building teams, these ideas should help you foster a strong workforce.

Next up, check out our lists of lunch and learn topics , TED talks for team building , and annual company meeting ideas .

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FAQ: Team building PowerPoint presentations

Here are answers to common questions about team building PowerPoint presentations.

What are team building PowerPoint presentations?

Team building PowerPoint presentations are speeches that leadership can give to staff members about elements of team building.

Why should you use team building PowerPoint presentations?

Using team building PowerPoint presentations is beneficial because it can introduce your team to the concept of team building, share its benefits, and help you learn what your team may be interested in.

What are some good team building PowerPoint presentation topics?

Some of the best team building PowerPoint presentation topics include the importance of team building, the power of teamwork, and how to be a team player.

Author avatar

Author: Grace He

People & Culture Director at Grace is the Director of People & Culture at She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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People & Culture Director at

Grace is the Director of People & Culture at She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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How to Create a Team Values PowerPoint

How to Create a Team Values PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what is teamwork.

Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal or complete a task. It involves cooperation, communication, coordination among team members, and a shared understanding of the team’s purpose.

What are Teamwork PowerPoint templates?

Teamwork PowerPoint templates are pre-made PowerPoint presentations designed to help teams to communicate and collaborate more effectively. These templates typically include slides to aid discussion and decision-making, charts and graphs to help visualize data, and templates to help organize project plans and team tasks.

Where can we use these Teamwork Slides?

These Teamwork Slides help you in various ways, such as in a company meeting to discuss the importance of working together. In a classroom setting, teach the concept of teamwork or as part of a presentation to the students.

How can I make Teamwork PPT Slides in a presentation?

You can make a teamwork PowerPoint using Microsoft PowerPoint. Designing a teamwork PPT is time-consuming if you are a beginner, and in time constraints, you need pre-built slides for your job. Visit SlideEgg to choose different types of excellent Pre-built slides.

Who can use Teamwork PPT Templates?

Teamwork PPT Templates can be used by anyone, from students and teachers to business professionals and entrepreneurs. Anyone can use these templates for various purposes, including presentations about teamwork and creating training materials for team-building exercises.

Why do we need Teamwork PowerPoint Slides?

Teamwork PowerPoint slides help to communicate concepts related to teamwork, such as team dynamics, team roles, team collaboration, team building, and team success. They can help to explain the key points of partnership, the differences between successful and unsuccessful teams, and the importance of teamwork.

Where can I find free Teamwork PPT Templates?

You can find free Teamwork PPT templates on many websites. However, finding the right one takes much time and effort to examine. SlideEgg is one platform that offers free Teamwork PPT templates to engage your audience. - The best place to view and share online presentations

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Team Building - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Team Building

Here are some effective team building techniques that could be used to maintain good group dynamics within the organization. – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Training Topics
  • Requirements and features of a team
  • Bruce Tuckmans model of team development
  • Understanding team dynamics Johari Window
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Managing a team
  • The Role of the Leader
  • The importance of giving and receiving regular feedback
  • MMM Training Solutions
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  • Credibility of the project leader
  • Unclear project objectives
  • Changing goals and priorities
  • Lack of team definition and structure
  • Confusion about roles and responsibilities
  • Performance appraisals that fail to recognize teamwork
  • Excessive team size (Optimum size 7 25)
  • Reasons for forming virtual teams
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  • 24-hr work on projects
  • The Johari Window model was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950's, while researching group dynamics.
  • Today the Johari Window model is especially relevant due to modern emphasis on, and influence of, 'soft' skills - behaviour, empathy, cooperation, inter-group development and interpersonal development.
  • Feedback should be structured in 3 parts
  • What worked?
  • What did not work or got stuck?
  • What should be done differently?
  • - Analyzing Team roles
  • - Forming the Team
  • - Establishing Team goals
  • - Matching Team to Task
  • - Establishing Team Trust
  • Development
  • - Balancing Skills within the Team
  • - Ways to formulate Goals
  • - Maximizing Team Performance
  • - Improving Team Efficiency
  • Optimizing Performance
  • - Maximizing Performance
  • - Team Dynamics
  • - Four Stages of Team Development
  • - Managing Tactics
  • - Resolving Conflicts
  • - Project or Goal Check
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team building

Team Building

Apr 10, 2012

20.1k likes | 38.25k Views

Team Building. Sharon Doner-Feldman Training for You. What is Teamwork & Team Building. Teamwork Concept of people working together as a team Team player A team player is someone who is able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a cohesive group Team Building

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  • effective decision systems
  • successful team
  • effective systems
  • cohesive group


Presentation Transcript

Team Building Sharon Doner-Feldman Training for You

What is Teamwork & Team Building Teamwork • Concept of people working together as a team Team player • A team player is someone who is able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a cohesive group Team Building • Process of establishing and developing a greater sense of collaboration and trust between members

Teamwork“Create A Story”

Why Should We Be a Team? • When staff use their skills and knowledge together, the result is a stronger agency that can fulfill its mission “To provide accurate information that would assist individuals in achieving a better quality of life.” • People working together can sustain the enthusiasm and lend support needed to complete the work of each program.

How does a Team Work Best? A Teams succeeds when its members have: • a commitment to common objectives • defined roles and responsibilities • effective decision systems, communication and work procedures • good personal relationships

Team Morale Depends On • Support • Resources • Communication • Personalities

Teamwork Skills • Listen • Question • Persuade • Respect • Help • Share • Participate

Stages in Team Building Forming Storming Norming Performing

The Team defines the problem agrees on goals and formulates strategies for tackling the tasks determines the challenges and identifies information needed Individuals take on certain roles develops trust and communication Stage 1: FORMING

Team Roles - Leader • Encourages and maintains open communication • Leads by setting a good example • Motivates and inspires team members • Helps the team focus on the task • Facilitates problem solving and collaboration • Maintains healthy group dynamics • Encourages creativity and risk-taking • Recognizes and celebrates team member contributions

Other Team Roles – Members Can Formally or Informally Take on These Roles Initiator- Someone who suggests new ideas. One or more people can have this role at a time. Recorder - This person records whatever ideas a team member may have. It is important that this person quote a team member accurately and not "edit" or evaluate them. Devil's Advocate/Skeptic - This is someone whose responsibility is to look for potential flaws in an idea. Optimist- This is someone who tries to maintain a positive frame of mind and facilitates the search for solutions. Timekeeper- Someone who tracks time spent on each portion of the meeting. Gate Keeper - This person works to ensure that each member gives input on an issue. One strategy to do this is to ask everyone to voice their opinion one at a time. Another is to cast votes. Summarizer- Someone who summarizes a list of options.

From Individuals A Group Forms Help members understand each other Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Extraverts ------------------ Introverts Sensors --------------------- iNtuitive Thinker ---------------------- Feelers Judger ----------------------- Perceiver By selecting one from each category, we define our personality type, ESTJ, ENTJ…INFP

Extraverts Need to think aloud Great explainers May overwhelm others Introverts Need time to process Great concentration May not be heard Relevance to Teams (E/I)

iNtuitive Great at big picture See connections May make mistakes in carrying out plans Sensor Great executors May miss big picture, relative importance Relevance to Teams (N/S)

Thinker Skillful at understanding how anything works Feeler Knows why something matters Relevance to Teams (T/F)

Judger Good at schedules, plans, completion Makes decisions easily (quickly) May overlook vital issues Perceiver Always curious, wants more knowledge May not get around to acting Relevance to Teams (J/P)

What Type are You? Online Personality Tests • Jung types • Keirsey types

Stage 2: STORMING During the Storming stage team members: • realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined • have fluctuations in attitude about chances of success • may be resistant to the task • have poor collaboration

Storming Diagnosis • Do we have common goals and objectives? • Do we agree on roles and responsibilities? • Do our task, communication, and decision systems work? • Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?

Negotiating Conflict • Separate problem issues from people issues. • Be soft on people, hard on problem. • Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than specific solutions.

Addressing the Problem • State your views in clear non-judgmental language. • Clarify the core issues. • Listen carefully to each person’s point of view. • Check understanding by restating the core issues.

Stage 3: NORMING • During this stage members accept: • their team • team rules and procedures • their roles in the team • the individuality of fellow members • Team members realize that they are not going to crash-and-burn and start helping each other.

Behaviors • Competitive relationships become more cooperative. • There is a willingness to confront issues and solve problems. • Teams develop the ability to express criticism constructively. • There is a sense of team spirit.

Giving Constructive Feedback • Be descriptive • Don't use labels • Don’t exaggerate • Don’t be judgmental • Speak for yourself

Giving Constructive Feedback • Use “I” messages. • Restrict your feedback to things you know for certain. • Help people hear and accept your compliments when giving positive feedback.

Receiving Feedback • Listen carefully. • Ask questions for clarity. • Acknowledge the feedback. • Acknowledge the valid points. • Take time to sort out what you heard.

Stage 4: PERFORMING Team members have: • gained insight into personal and team processes • a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses • gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflict and resolve differences • developed a close attachment to the team

Recipe for Successful Team • Commitment to shared goals and objectives • Clearly define roles and responsibilities • Use best skills of each • Allows each to develop in all areas

Recipe for Successful Team • Effective systems and processes • Clear communication • Beneficial team behaviors; well-defined decision procedures and ground rules • Balanced participation • Awareness of the group process • Good personal relationships

The Results of Team Work

Every Team Member Can Help!

Everyone Has to Hang in There!

Enjoy your Game! Every team can be successful!

Resource Credit • Bob Mendonsa and Associates • http://www/ •

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