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16 Curriculum Innovations

“Curriculum holds an outstanding place when seeking to promote innovation in education, as it reflects the vision for education by indicating knowledge, skills, and values to be taught to students. It may express not only what should be taught to students, but also how the students should be taught.”- – Kiira Kärkkäinen


Innovation means doing things in new ways, and in curriculum, it means adopting different designs for learning to help make learning more meaningful for 21st-century learners. Some practices in education have become outmoded, and learning experiences should be redesigned to be more relevant to student interests, abilities, and cultures. An additional challenge is that with a more diverse population of students who have a broad range of abilities, innovations must be linked to curriculum goals as well as being challenging and differentiated to provide for an array of learning experiences.

Essential Questions

  • What are the three main models of curriculum innovation? How are they the same? How are they different?
  • What are the most important change agents in a school?
  • What are the STEM and STEAM initiatives?
  • What are the implications regarding what has been learned about curriculum in the past ten years according to Sal Khan?

Curriculum Change

From Curriculum Studies , pp. 108-113

Curriculum change is inevitable in any society. These changes occur because there is not perfect curriculum, and there is most often a need to adjust to the economic, technological, social, political, and ideological needs in the society. Change can be perceived at three levels.

Minor changes involve re-arrangement of subject content, learning activities, re-organization of personnel, addition of topics or methods in the curriculum project.

Medium changes involve not only organizing of content, materials or facilities, but it involves integration of subjects or new approaches to the existing subjects. On the other hand;

Major change involves an overhaul of the existing curriculum. It may entail a complete re-organization of the conceptual design of the curriculum, changes in structure, content, methods and approaches.

Changes in resources and facilities can also lead to a totally new curriculum plan or program. For curriculum change to occur, there are certain agencies involved in the process. Let us examine some of them.

Agencies of Curriculum Change

Agencies of change include institutes of education, curriculum development centers, research institutes, schools, colleges, universities, departments of education, publishing companies, school districts, school boards, and communities.

Curriculum Innovations

Innovation involves the introduction of something new in curriculum that deviates from the standard practice, often because society has changed and so must the curriculum. To meet these changes, innovations are created.

An innovation must fit in with the goals and objectives of education which usually reflect the needs, interests, values and problems of the society. An innovation must be appropriate, economical in terms of time, space and resources and be aligned with the philosophy of the society and the school and rooted in sound educational theory.

Models of Curriculum Innovation

Various scholars have proposed different models of innovation. For instance, Ronald Havelock (1969) identified three main models of innovation:

  • Research, Development, and Diffusion (RD&D) model
  • Social Interaction (SI) model
  • Problem-Solving (PS) model

The Research, Development and Diffusion (RD&D) Model

In this model, an idea or practice is conceived at the central planning unit and then fed into the system. RD&D is effective where curriculum development is done on a large scale and ideas have to reach wide geographical areas and isolated users. It is a highly organized, rational approach to innovation. Following is a logical sequence of activities in using the RD&D model:

  • basic research by a central project team which develops a new curriculum, devises and designs prototyped materials,
  • field trials of the prototyped materials, and redesigns them where necessary,
  • mass dissemination or diffusion of the innovation through courses, conferences, and workshops, and
  • implementation of the innovation by the users (school, teachers, and pupils).

The model can be summarized as follows:

Research, Development and Diffusion Model

This model is used in areas that have centralized systems of education, such as universities or departments of education.

The Social Interaction (SI) Model

The model grew out of the progressive education movement in the 1930s when it split into two camps: one that focused on the individual student as a learner and the other on society as an education laboratory (Ellis, 2004). This view sees students as capable of reforming society with support from leadership to provide a curriculum that may become “a classroom without walls” and a community where students and teachers can ultimately change the world (Ellis, 2004).

This model operates through social interaction and emphasizes communication. It stresses the importance of interpersonal networks of information, opinion of leadership, personal contacts, and social integration. The model also has its roots in the notion of democratic communities “helping students to be as well as to become.” (Sergiovanni, 1994).

The SI model also stresses the relationship of the individual to other people and society, and the instructional methods used by teachers in the classroom to facilitate group work. The model is student-centered, and students are encouraged to interact with each other in a structured setting. When implementing this strategy, students often serve as facilitators of content and help their peers construct meaning. The students are to question, reflect, reconsider, seek help and support, and participate in group discussions. The three most common strategies include:

  • group projects,
  • group discussions, and
  • cooperative learning (Patel, 2013).

The interactions are often face-to-face but may also be interactive using online tools and technologies. The steps of instruction using social interaction often vary, but they have these steps:

Flowchart outlining the steps of the SI Model

The Problem Solving (PS) Model

The PS model is based on the assumption that innovation is part of a problem-solving process. The following steps are characteristic of the PS model.

The Problem-Solving Model

The PS model is referred to as a “periphery-center” approach to innovation.  The innovations are initiated, generated, and applied by the teachers and schools based on their needs. Such innovations have strong user commitment and the best chance for long term survival.

In this model, the receiver is actively involved in finding an innovation to solve their own unique problem. The model is flexible enough to encompass all types of innovations, including materials, methods, and groupings of learners.

Thus, the PS model is local in nature, usually limited in size, and may not be of high quality compared with more centralized approaches to curriculum development.

The following STEM and STEAM initiatives incorporate innovative strategies to promote problem-solving as part of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curriculums.

STEM Initiative

The term “STEM” was introduced as a way to refer to careers and curriculum centered around Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These curriculum disciplines are closely connected to many industries in the U.S. and other countries. The government and private companies are continually challenged to develop cutting-edge technological innovations to stay competitive globally. For this reason, the integration of more STEM education in school curriculums has gained a lot of traction (Thomas, 2020).

The STEM initiative falls under the first innovation model, RD&D, because of the various components of the initiative that are research-based. One of the innovative strategies that has been successful in spreading is the Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies (SCALE-UP). This modifies the way of teaching and the classroom design so that interaction and activity-based learning is maximized (Foote, et al, 2014).

STEM Explained

From Wikipedia Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

In 2018, Pew Research revealed that Americans identified several issues that influence STEM education, including unconcerned parents, disinterested students, obsolete curriculum materials, and too much focus on state parameters.

More than 50 percent of survey respondents pointed out that one main problem of STEM is the lack of students’ concentration during learning.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) recently included  Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL) assessment measures that reported how students could apply technology and engineering skills to real-life situations. TEL uses interactive scenario-based tasks to gauge what students know and can do. The TEL assessment was given in 2018 to approximately 15,400 students in grade 8. The report showed a gap of 28 points between low-income students and their high-income counterparts. The same report also indicated a 38-point difference between white and black students (NAEP, 2021).

The Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) announced the release of a five-year strategic plan by the Committee on STEM Education of the National Science and Technology Council on December 4, 2018. The plan is entitled “Charting a Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education.” The objective is to propose a federal strategy anchored on a vision for the future so that all Americans are given permanent access to premium-quality education in STEM. In the end, the United States can emerge as a world leader in STEM mastery, employment, and innovation. The goals of this plan are building foundations for STEM literacy; enhancing diversity, equality, and inclusion in STEM; and preparing the STEM workforce for the future.

Employment in STEM occupations has grown 79 percent since 1990, from 9.7 million to 17.3 million, outpacing overall U.S. job growth. There’s no single standard for which jobs count as STEM, and this may contribute to several misperceptions about who works in STEM and the difference that having a STEM-related degree can make in workers’ pocketbooks.

National funding for K-12 STEM programs increased from $700 million to almost $1 billion from 2005 to 2007 alone (US DOE, Report of the Academic Competitiveness Council, 2007, p. 51).

STEM education is more than just a new name for the traditional approach to teaching science and mathematics because it crosses the traditional barriers between the four disciplines by integrating them into a cohesive means of teaching and learning. The engineering component emphasizes the process and design of solutions instead of just the solutions themselves. This allows students to explore math and science in a more meaningful context and helps students develop critical thinking skills that can be applied to their work and academic lives. The technology component allows students to apply what they have learned, by using computers with specialized and professional applications like CAD and computer animation. These and other applications of technology allow students to explore STEM subjects in greater detail and in a practical manner (National High School Alliance, 2010).

Many STEM programs focus on post-secondary education, but there is an increasing number that focus on K-12 programs. This is a serious STEM challenge at the K-12 level. What are the characteristics of high-quality STEM programs? Research has identified the following characteristics of effective STEM programs:

  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE),
  • National Research Council (NRC), the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM),
  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).
  • Programs should address student engagement (by illustrating the value of STEM in students’ lives, as well as building interest in STEM fields and encouraging students to pursue STEM-related careers).
  • Programs should have an over-arching STEM “framework” which maps standards for knowledge, skills, and dispositions to curricular activities.
  • Programs should integrate the teaching of all four STEM areas into a “meta-discipline.”

STEM in Action

From BIO-MED Science Academy STEM School

One example of an exemplary STEM school is the Bio-Med Science Academy in Ohio which opened in 2012. This STEM school serves students in grades 2nd-12th on three campuses, and the students experience STEM learning within the framework of a balanced curriculum that integrates the arts, humanities, and sciences. Additionally, BMSA leverages our region’s great scientific, medical, academic, and business assets to engage students directly with practicing professionals. Students gain exposure to a range of industries through speakers, internships, field experiences, and other opportunities that prepare them for real-world living and working. The result is an inquiry-based, individualized learning experience that positions students to succeed in any number of career fields, including, perhaps, fields yet to be created. The Academy seeks to produce not just future mathematicians, engineers, doctors, and scientists, but leaders in all fields.

  • The first class of 69 ninth graders came from 27 school districts across 5 counties, and the school received formal STEM designation in 2013. It is a member of the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN), and is recognized with other STEM schools across the state and the nation.

The Academy is the only STEM school in the United States housed on an academic health center campus, and one of few located in a rural area. This unique positioning gives rural Ohio students and their teachers direct access to sophisticated research laboratories, scientists, professors, and medical professionals. The environment creates a dynamic learning experience for the Academy students. There are many excellent STEM programs across the country.

Students working on STEM projects at Biomedical Science Academy

OER Commons has an overwhelming amount of STEM resources. Finding STEM OER that works for you can be quite a task. Access the OER Commons website and utilize the following STEM OER Commons Scavenger Hunt to guide you through strategies for accessing the different STEM resources OER Commons has to offer. Have fun!

STEM OER Scavenger Hunt

Steam education.

After STEM became a force in the world of education, a new, and very similar term emerged — STEAM. The “A” in steam refers to arts. And this addition plays a critical role in how we need to be preparing our youth for the future.

Why Add Art to The STEM Framework?

To provide a better understanding of how STEAM came about and the importance of implementing a STEAM learning environment, it is important to look at what the “A” or art brings to the table, and how educators can implement this framework to enhance students’ education and development.

STEAM is a progression of the original STEM acronym, with an additional element: art. Why the change? The integration of the arts into STEM learning has allowed educators to expand the benefits of hands-on education and collaboration in a variety of ways, promoting creativity and curiosity at the core. (Thomas, 2020).

Another reason for the addition of arts is that creative scientists are needed in a world with a greater population, global interconnection, technological advancement, and more large-scale problems than ever before in human history. Complex problems require sophisticated problem-solving skills and innovative, complicated solutions (Madden, et. al, 2013). In the United States, scientists are educated in colleges and universities using an approach that began decades ago, even though there are now different demands on science with new challenges. Traditional science training is built on a solid foundation of facts and basic science techniques, but it seldom includes creative, cross-disciplinary problem identification, and solving skills (Madden, et. al, 2013). Many leading corporations are eager to identify ways to promote creativity in science that encourage innovations and will be needed to solve complex problems.

It is important to empower students with creativity and critical thinking skills because it will give them additional opportunities to be successful in real-world, professional settings, and problem-solving situations (Thomas, 2020).

In a report titled “ Critical Evidence: How the ARTS Benefit Student Achievement ,” the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) shared data showing why it is important to keep the arts strong in schools, and how students benefit from the integration of arts in the curriculum. In the study, researchers found that students scored higher on standardized tests when they were more active in the arts — compared to those who were less active in the arts. The same students reportedly also watched less TV, felt less bored in school, and participated in more hours of community service (Thomas, 2020).

RD&D Initiative That Supports PS and SI

There are several examples of the RD&D curriculum model, but one of the most established initiatives that is research-based and designed to support K-12 curricula is the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education or CIESE at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. For the past 20 years, it has strengthened the STEM initiative by designing and promoting multidisciplinary STEM curricula for educators that can be accessed globally for K-12 school curriculums. The lessons and projects are research-based, and also promote problem-based learning, collaboration, higher-order thinking skills, and critical analysis through the integration of science, technology, engineering, mathematics as well as language arts and social studies. Many of the CIESE projects use real-time data from scientific and government databases. These curricula engage students in global collaboration using pooled data from shared databases, and also involve student publishing on the Web.

Unique and primary source information is available to students. One of the innovative features of the CIESE program, the Real-World Learning Objects, has a library of instructional activities that supports the teaching of discrete topics such as exponential functions in mathematics or genetic traits in biology that are appropriate for high school (CIESE, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2020).

Access the catalog of projects, lessons, and activities that are currently offered as part of the CIESE K-12 Curriculum and Resources for more information.

The interdisciplinary STEM projects that make use of online real-time data focus on collaborative projects that connect students to peers and experts around the world, so there is an element of the SI as well as the PS models. This initiative fits into all three categories of curriculum innovation at varying levels.

The project catalog is organized by science (life, Earth, physical, environmental); technology (real-time data, online collaboration, primary sources, robotics); engineering (systems, civil, mechanical, electrical, general); math (numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, data analysis). Most of the projects overlap more than one category.

SI Technology

With the swift progression of in-class to online teaching, technology has taken center stage with online learning platforms, remote class and small group meetings, and individual student-teacher conferences, and a host of tech tools that are being developed. Since the SI model depends on the students interacting with each other, technology can support learning in other ways such as discussion forums and chat rooms.

Teachers can monitor students, promote on-task behaviors, and help students through e-conversations. The primary source of information is the internet which opens the door to a vast amount of data that may or may not be accurate or relevant.  It is up to the teacher to show students strategies for sifting this information.  

Since the curriculum is based on social issues and democracy in the classroom, students must have a say in the curriculum (Bean, 1997). It also requires students to practice social skills so they can learn effectively in a group.

Innovative Curriculums Can Be Built by Teams

The Alain Locke PK-8 Charter School in Chicago, Illinois, has been designated as a demonstration site for urban schools. The school’s goal is to produce globally competitive students. It has a learner-centered approach that prepares students for college, as well as an extended day center, and a year-round academic program with a short summer break. Ninety-four percent of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch prices.

The curriculum includes Spanish, technology, the arts, music, library, and physical education as well as personal and social development. It has an additional 10 days of instruction per year with three-in-a-half extra hours of instruction a day.

The Alain Lock School was profiled by the U.S. Department of Education for making significant growth towards closing the achievement gap in their community.

Pat Ryan, co-founder of the Alain Locke Charter School has stated that there are three counterintuitive truths about great schools:

new curriculum presentation

Figure 16.6 – Three Counterintuitive Truths about Great Schools

Visit the Alain Lock School for more information.

In another interpretation of Great Schools, Dr. John Hattie of Melbourne University believes there are many great schools that “invite kids to learn” and they are the schools that students find inviting because they are a great place to learn. Students get information on their progress, and teachers know they can influence character development and a moral purpose. It is the effort that makes the difference.  The excellent teachers are the ones who make an impact on students by helping them achieve and also build character.

Dr. Hattie explains this in more detail in What Great Schools Do – John Hattie – VASSP2012 .

Innovations Can Be Built by One Person

(The following is taken from an interview with Sal Khan from The Harvard Business School Alumni Stories by Garry Emmons in 2012).

Sal Khan had three degrees from M.I.T. and an MBA from Harvard and was working for a hedge fund in Boston when he got a phone call from his nine-year-old cousin, Nadia. “Sal,” she asked, “can you please help me with my homework?” That simple question led to amazing and dynamic innovation in education. Using Yahoo! Doodle as a shared notepad, Sal tutored Nadia in math via computer and telephone. Soon, other cousins and their schoolmates wanted help, too. Khan said,  “It was getting crazy, so in 2006, a friend suggested that rather than reteaching the same points over and over again to different kids, he should make videos of each lesson and put them on YouTube.” He was skeptical. YouTube was for cats playing the piano, not serious mathematics! Then he had an idea and made a couple of videos. The initial feedback from the cousins was good so he kept going.

By 2009, Khan had quit his job to work on the videos—and the software—full time. To date, he has made around 3,000 videos—and loves doing them—on dozens of subject areas, ranging from physics to finance to history. It’s all free to everyone and anyone, and all kinds of learners seem to like them. As the website says, the tally as of early February is now “119,074,255 lessons delivered.”

What is the Secret of the Success of the Videos?

Khan tries not to talk down or be judgmental, and he is off-camera—the less distraction the better—so it’s just a voice-over—and informal and without a script. He does his best to give students a deeper understanding rather than just learning things by rote. The screen image is of a chalkboard, simulated through software, and he “writes” on it as the lesson develops. His cousins have told him they like this “virtual Sal” better than the real-life one. In response Sal said, “They can start and stop and repeat me at will.”

The Khan Academy and Experimentation with Nearby Schools

The Los Altos school system, which is close to where Khan lives, is using his Academy on an experimental basis. It’s early, but the results look promising. Students spend part of class time—and some time at home—working at their own pace on videos and exercises. They get immediate feedback, and there are game mechanics—points and badges—to provide even more motivation. Every interaction with the system is logged, and this data is used to give students, teachers, and parents real-time reports on student progress. In the same classroom, there will be some fifth graders working on trigonometry and some reviewing basic arithmetic. The teacher no longer spends class time lecturing but focusing instead on small-group interactions with students who need help. The students also teach each other. Every student is working at their own pace, and time is freed up in class to work on more open-ended projects. Khan says that even more than the student-to-teacher ratio, this optimizes the student-to-valuable-time-with-the-teacher ratio.

This model gels with the best learning experiences Khan had in his own public school in Louisiana. “Whether it was being on the math team, the school paper, or the wrestling team, the teachers in those situations were more like mentors with whom you worked collaboratively to achieve personal and team goals. Teammates would help, too. Everybody was trying to get the best possible result, without that teacher versus student antagonism. That’s the way learning should happen.”

Future Plans for the Khan Academy

Khan plans to eventually open a brick-and-mortar school because he believes they are effective, but it will have a different environment and setup because he believes that traditional schools “can be dehumanizing, and students are sometimes belittled, not allowed to talk, interact or be creative. They don’t allow students to move at their own pace.”

Khan also believes that he and his team of about 20 people are creating something that hasn’t existed before (true innovation!) that will still be around in 200 or 300 years. He wants his website to be something that has the content and tools of a world-class that is free or provides a low-cost education for everyone, the way clean drinking water and electricity are today. His website is free, but he knows there is a cost for computers and bandwidths, which are relatively inexpensive and are becoming cheaper.

Sal Khan believes there is a hunger for deep learning, and he wants to remain a not-for-profit so Khan Academy is accessible to everyone who wants to learn. In fact, he would like to feel that he has helped give “billions of people around the world access to a truly first-rate education.”

What Have We Learned About Curriculum in the Last Decade?

As an innovator, Sal Khan sums up what he thinks we have learned about curriculum in the past decade:

Graphic outlining the three things learned about curriculum.

It is inspiring to find out about the many innovations that are taking place in education today.  Some are the result of changes in society, some are born out of a simple question like, “Can you please help me with my homework?”

It is interesting to me, as an educator with several decades of teaching experience, to find out that innovators in education see teachers as the “unwavering center of schooling,” and that students need a grade-level curriculum that is rigorous.  Despite today’s challenges, public schools are making progress.  The new, not-so-secret piece of the puzzle that also helps make it work for everyone is the ethic that education can and should be available to all people who want to learn at low or no cost, such as the Khan Academy and other Open Educational Resources.

As an educator, I am excited to see these innovations in education. It makes my personal curriculum journey very interesting and one well worth continuing.

Curriculum changes occur because societies have new needs and issues. These changes may be in response to curriculum evaluations or reviews, or the culture. Curriculum may also change in response to economic, social, and political issues as well as access to technology and curricular innovations. On the other hand, it is the introduction of something new that makes the difference from previous practices. Exemplary initiatives, programs, and schools make use of innovations. STEM and STEAM curriculums can support students to achieve in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics, as well as art, social studies, and literacy by integrating these subjects. Many exemplary schools focus on closing the achievement gap for students who live in high needs areas. Sal Khan is an innovator who has a vision for the future of education that will benefit people in the U.S. and globally.

Curriculum Essentials: A Journey Copyright © 2021 by Linda J. Button, Ed.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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New Teachers: Lesson and Curriculum Planning

A collection of curriculum-planning tips, guidance, and other resources to help new teachers plan effective activities, lessons, and units.

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Curriculum-Planning Tips and Strategies

  • Countdown to Your First Year: Making Planning Manageable : Need help figuring out where to start when planning for your first year of teaching? Discover answers to general questions, and find a few go-to resources. (Teaching Channel, 2014)
  • Backwards Planning Takes Thinking Ahead : Review five steps to backwards-plan your lessons—it’s like preparing for a vacation. (Edutopia, 2012)
  • Understanding by Design Overview : Bookmark this step-by-step overview of the book  Understanding by Design  to better understand this approach to designing courses. (Vanderbilt University)
  • 3 Ways to Plan for Diverse Learners: What Teachers Do : Focus on content, process, and product during lesson planning to give students opportunities to grow and shine as individuals. For more on differentiating instruction, the other posts in this series are great resources—also visit Edutopia’s Differentiated Instruction page. (Edutopia, 2014)
  • Designing Learning That Matters : Explore four ideas for bringing the characteristics of deep learning to classrooms and school learning. (Edutopia, 2015)
  • To Teach Students First : Meet diverse learners’ needs through a range of classroom strategies: lecture, discussion, experiential learning, games, student presentations, technology integration, and free response writing. (Edutopia, 2015)

Crafting Unit and Lesson Plans

  • Planning the Best Curriculum Unit Ever : Focus on the granular aspects of planning ahead for the new school year. Be sure to download the printable checklist associated with this post. (Edutopia, 2014)
  • 9 Ways to Plan Transformational Lessons : Craft transformational lessons through planning, mindfulness, and a commitment to shift away from educational approaches of the past. Includes a printable tip list for easy reference. (Edutopia, 2014)

Aligning Instruction to Standards

  • Common Core and Planning: Organizing a Unit of Instruction : Discover several strategies to help you exercise creativity while planning units that align to the standards. (Edutopia, 2014)
  • Lesson Planning and Common Core: A Unit Based on TED.com : Learn from one teacher’s experience planning a Common Core–aligned blended genre unit where students researched and wrote their own persuasive speeches in the TED format. (Edutopia, 2011)
  • Resources for Understanding the Common Core State Standards : Looking for resources to help you navigate the Common Core State Standards? Explore Edutopia’s educators’ guide to websites, organizations, articles, and other resources looking at this system of standards and how they’re assessed. (Edutopia, 2013)

Finding Open Resources

  • Free Is Good : An argument for why you should use open educational resources (OER) and information on where to find them. Includes a link to a Google Sheets compilation put together by the writer that lists more than 100 repositories of OER (Edutopia, 2017)
  • Academic Sponge Activities : Find examples of activities to soak up precious time that would otherwise be lost. Hint: They should be fun as well as educational. (Edutopia, 2014)

Implementing Project-Based Learning

  • Getting Started With Project-Based Learning : Hoping to pilot project-based learning (PBL) this year? Explore Edutopia’s curated compilation of online resources for understanding and beginning to implement PBL. (Edutopia, updated 2016)

For more curriculum-planning resources, visit Edutopia’s Curriculum Planning page. Looking for additional resources for new teachers? Visit the Resources Toolkit for New Teachers  page for other curated guides and check out all of Edutopia’s content on the New Teachers page.

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Employee Resume PowerPoint Template 4

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Curriculum PowerPoint Templates for Presentations:

The Curriculum PowerPoint templates go beyond traditional static slides to make your professional presentations stand out. Given the sleek design and customized features, they can be used as PowerPoint as well as Google Slides templates . Inculcated with visually appealing unique and creative designs, the templates will double your presentation value in front of your audience. You can browse through a vast library of Curriculum Google Slides templates, PowerPoint themes and backgrounds to stand out in your next presentation.

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What is a curriculum powerpoint template.

A Curriculum PowerPoint template is a ready-made presentation template that provides a structured framework for creating professional Curriculum presentations. The Curriculum PPT presentation template includes design elements, layouts, and fonts that you can customize to fit your content and brand.

How To Choose The Best Curriculum Presentation Templates?

Keep the following points in mind while choosing a Curriculum Presentation template for PowerPoint (PPT) or Google Slides:

  • Understand your presentation goals and objectives.
  • Make sure the Curriculum template aligns with your visual needs and appeal.
  • Ensure the template is versatile enough to adapt to various types of content.
  • Ensure the template is easily customizable.

Are Curriculum PowerPoint Templates Compatible with Google Slides?

Yes, all our Curriculum presentation templates are compatible and can be used as Curriculum Google Slides templates.

What Are the Advantages of Curriculum Presentation Templates?

Curriculum PPT presentation templates can be beneficial because they:

  • Add multiple visual and aesthetic layers to your slides.
  • Ensure that complex information, insights and data is presented in a simplistic way.
  • Enhance the overall visual appeal of the content.
  • Save you a lot of time as you don’t have to start editing from scratch.
  • Improve the professional outlook of your presentation.

Can I Edit The Elements In Curriculum PowerPoint Templates?

Yes, our Curriculum PowerPoint and Google Slides templates are fully editable. You can easily modify the individual elements including icons, fonts, colors, etc. while making your presentations using professional PowerPoint templates .

How to Download Curriculum PowerPoint Templates for presentations?

To download Curriculum presentation templates, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the resolution (16*9 or 4*3).
  • Select the format you want to download the Curriculum template in (Google Slides or PowerPoint).
  • Make the payment (SlideUpLift has a collection of paid as well as free Curriculum PowerPoint templates).
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Elementary Teaching Blog

Last updated by Linda Kamp on June 27, 2023 • 3 Comments

What to Include In Your Curriculum Night PowerPoint

The first open house of the year, Curriculum Night allows parents to spend time in your classroom, without their student, so they can explore the school curriculum and learn important information about the upcoming school year. Most importantly, it is an opportunity for teachers to begin to form relationships with parents, answer any questions, and familiarize them with classroom expectations, school procedures, and the curriculum their student will be using. In this post, I’ll share what to include in your Curriculum Night PowerPoint so you can confidently present to your parents.

On the day of your open house, have students write a note to their parents and leave it on their desk. As parents arrive for the open house, ask them to sit at their student’s desk. Parents are always delighted to be greeted by a note from their child.

How to make a Curriculum Night PowerPoint 

Make a PowerPoint slide for each of the following topics to help you communicate key information to your parents. For examples and templates, I have  open house PowerPoint templates in my shop that you can easily customize to fit your classroom. Click here for a colorful brights theme, and Click here for a burlap & chalkboard theme.

Curriculum Night PowerPoint example

Farmhouse theme PowerPoint template source

For things like homework, behavior logs, and spelling lists, it is helpful to take a screenshot of the pages and include them on the appropriate slides so that parents know what to look for when homework begins coming home.

Using a Curriculum Night PowerPoint slideshow ensures that you cover all of the important things you need to communicate, even when you’re nervous about presenting to your parents. However, there are always parents who can’t attend. I place printable copies of some of this information on students’ desks so parents have it at home to refer to. 

Topics to include in your parent presentation

Teacher Contact Information

Provide your contact information and let parents know how to reach you, whether by phone, email, notes sent to you in the homework folder, etc. Parents appreciate you being available and listening to their questions or concerns. At the beginning of the year there will always be lots of questions, so do your best to answer them as families get into a school routine.

Student Expectations

Provide parents with a clear and concise list of student expectations. This could include things such as coming to school on time and prepared, eating a healthy breakfast, following school and classroom rules, behavior expectations , chool uniform policies, etc. Providing parents with the policies and expectations upfront can reduce problems later.

Classroom Schedule

Provide parents with a daily classroom schedule as well as a special classes schedule. Parents appreciate knowing what their child’s day looks like and it is helpful when they have to schedule appointments that can’t be made after school. Sharing your class schedule helps parents remind their younger students when to wear tennis shoes for P.E. and when library books are due back.

Grading Policies

List any grading policies for students and provide grade level rubrics. Make sure to include grading rubrics specific for all subject areas. 


Communicate the formal assessments and informal assessments that students will complete during the school year. This could include state testing, district quarterly assessments, Acadience Reading (formerly DIBELS), Accelerated Reader, etc. It’s also important to let parents know when these assessments take place.

School Wide Character Programs

If your campus has a school wide character education program, provide your parents with that information. Explain how it works, and why it is important. These programs might include Leader In Me, Character Counts, Values in Action, The Character Effect, Giraffe Project, etc.

Communicate Classroom Procedures & Expectations

Homework Procedures and Behavior Expectations

Curriculum night is a golden opportunity to explain your weekly homework routine to parents. Communicate what the homework requirements are and exactly what it will look like. 

Curriculum Night PowerPoint example

For example, including a picture of what spelling lists, reading logs, or anything you’ll send home weekly, will familiarize parents with the routine. Make sure to include when homework is due and how their child should turn it in. 

Explain your behavior plan and procedures. Show parents where they can check their child’s behavior each day and communicate with you if needed.

Curriculum Night PowerPoint example

Brights theme PowerPoint template source

Curriculum & Standards

Make a slide for each of the different subject areas taught. Explain what programs are used and the different features of those programs. Provide login information for any websites used with the curriculum and explain home practice expectations if you  have them.

Make parents aware of the key standards in your grade level. Consider making a list of priority standards or sharing links to a website for parents to read later.

Volunteer Information

Provide parents with a list of ways they can volunteer in and out of the classroom. Have volunteer forms available so parents can sign up if they wish. If your school requires background checks for all volunteers, have that paperwork available as well.

Curriculum Night PowerPoint example

Curriculum Night PowerPoint template source

Provide Time for Questions

Thank parents for coming to Curriculum Night and allow time for a Q&A. Remind parents that they can always contact you with any questions that come up later so you can avoid confusion the first weeks of school.

Curriculum Night Parent Forms

Make copies of the following forms and information and place a set at each student’s desk.    

  • Daily class schedule
  • Specials schedule
  • Memos from the PTA
  • School calendar- including breaks, picture day, etc.
  • Information on where to purchase school uniforms
  • After school programs available
  • Any Meet the Teacher forms that were not returned 

Get a FREE Curriculum Night checklist

Presenting to Parents as a Team

Some schools ask grade level teams to present to parents all together on Curriculum Night. If you are required to present as a grade level team, it is important that your team is consistent with the same grading policies, class schedules, homework routines, assessments, etc. When routines are consistent across the grade level, it prevents confusion and, most importantly, ensures your open house to run smoothly!

curriculum night ideas

For more open house ideas and tips, visit these posts:

How to Plan a Stress-Free Meet the Teacher Night

blog post article on how to plan your Meet the Teacher Night open house

Meet the Teacher Management Tips

Tips for managing meet the teacher night.

Curriculum Night Tips

Curriculum Night Tips for Elementary Teachers with FREE Checklist

Happy teaching!

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Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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Free Grammar Review Activities!

Start the year in grammar off right! Grab a full week of lesson plans, teaching slides, and printables to review and practice parts of speech!

Back to school grammar review activities for 2nd grade

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I’m Linda Kamp, a 20 year primary grade teacher with a passion for creating educational materials that excite students and make learning fun! I'm so glad you're here!

Linda Kamp

new curriculum presentation

মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর

  • মাউশির অবস্থান
  • লক্ষ্য ও উদ্দেশ্য
  • সিটিজেন চার্টার
  • অর্গানোগ্রাম
  • কর্মকর্তাদের তালিকা

অধীনস্ত অফিসসমূহ

  • আঞ্চলিক অফিস
  • জেলা শিক্ষা অফিস
  • উপজেলা মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা অফিস
  • সরকারি টিচার ট্রেনিং কলেজ
  • উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষক প্রশিক্ষণ ইন্সটিটিউট
  • সরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান

কলেজ ও প্রশাসন

  • সাধারণ প্রশাসন
  • সরকারি কলেজ
  • বেসরকারি কলেজ
  • ইএমআইএস সেল
  • সরকারি মাধ্যমিক
  • বেসরকারি মাধ্যমিক
  • শারীরিক শিক্ষা
  • বিশেষ শিক্ষা
  • পরিকল্পনা ও উন্নয়ন
  • মনিটরিং এন্ড ইভালুয়েশান
  • ফিনান্স এন্ড প্রকিউরমেন্ট

প্রকল্পের নাম

  • সেকেন্ডারি এডুকেশন সেক্টর ইনভেস্টমেন্ট প্রোগ্রাম (সেসিপ)
  • ১। শিক্ষার মানোন্নয়নের লক্ষ্যে জেলা সদরে অবস্থিত সরকারি পোস্ট গ্র্যাজুয়েট কলেজসমূহের উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প (২য় সংশোধিত)
  • ২। তথ্য প্রযুক্তির সহায়তায় শিক্ষার মানোন্নয়নের লক্ষ্যে নির্বাচিত বেসরকারি কলেজসমূহের উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প
  • ৩। ন্যাশনাল একাডেমি ফর অটিজম এন্ড নিউরো-ডেভেলপমেন্টাল ডিজএবিলিটি-NAAND
  • ৪। আইসিটি'র মাধ্যমে মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক স্তরে শিক্ষার প্রচলন (২য় পর্যায়) প্রকল্প
  • ৫। ঢাকা শহর সন্নিকটবর্তী এলাকায় ১০টি সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় স্থাপন প্রকল্প
  • ৬। সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালসমূহের উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প
  • ৭। সরকারি কলেজসমূহে বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষার সুযোগ সম্প্রসারণ প্রকল্প (ফোসেপ)
  • ৮। ৯টি সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় স্থাপন প্রকল্প
  • ৯। জেনারেশন ব্রেকথ্রু (২য় পর্যায়)
  • রাজস্ব বাজেট সম্পৃক্ত ফরম
  • অবসর উত্তর ছুটি (পি-আর-এল) মঞ্জুরির তথ্য ছক
  • বিশেষ ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তাদের বেতন,ই-এফ-টি ,ছুটির ফর্ম
  • পিডিএস(শিক্ষা ক্যাডারের জন্য)
  • শিক্ষা ক্যাডার কর্মকর্তাদের সিলেকশন গ্রেড প্রদানের তথ্য ছক (প্রভাষক)
  • শিক্ষা ক্যাডার কর্মকর্তাদের সিলেকশন গ্রেড প্রদানের তথ্য ছক (সহকারী অধ্যাপক)
  • অগ্রিম ইনক্রিমেন্ট ফরম
  • দক্ষতা সীমা অতিক্রমের তথ্য ছক
  • বদলীর আবেদন (মাউশি)
  • এমপিওভুক্তির জন্য আবেদন (বেসরকারি স্কুল)
  • এমপিওভুক্তির জন্য আবেদন (বেসরকারি মাদ্রাসা)
  • এমপিওভুক্তির জন্য আবেদন (বেসরকারি কলেজ)
  • পাসপোর্ট ফরম
  • বুনিয়াদী ট্রেনিং
  • বেসরকারি শিক্ষকগণের প্রভাষক হতে সহকারী অধ্যাপক পদের স্কেল প্রাপ্তির আবেদন(কলেজ)
  • ব্যক্তিগত বিদেশ ভ্রমনের অনুমতির আবেদন – মন্ত্রী ও সচিব
  • বিদেশ ভ্রমনের ছাড়পত্রের জন্য আবেদন (মাউশি)
  • কর্মকর্তার বিগত ৫ বছরের বিদেশ ভ্রমনের তথ্য ছক
  • বিভাগীয় পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণের জন্য অনুমতিপত্র
  • শিক্ষা ক্যাডারের কর্মকর্তাদের (প্রভাষক) চাকুরি স্থায়ীকরণের তথ্য ছক
  • জৈষ্ঠতা নির্ধারণের তুলনামূলক তথ্য ছক
  • বেসরকারি কলেজ শিক্ষক/কর্মচারীদের সিলেকশন গ্রেড/ টাইম স্কেল/স্কেল সংশোধনীর আবেদন
  • অন্যান্য ছুটি
  • পিএইচডি ডিগ্রির জন্য অগ্রিম বর্ধিতবেতনের আবেদনপত্র
  • অন্যান্য ফরম ( কলেজ)


  • সকল ছবি সমূহ

ভিডিও ক্লিপ

জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম রূপরেখা ২০২১.

কনটেন্টটি শেয়ার করতে ক্লিক করুন

National Portal Bangladesh

পোর্টাল সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন

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সংশোধিত নোটিশ: "Dissemination of New Curriculum Scheme" এর আওতায় জেলা পর্যায়ের প্রশিক্ষকদের "নতুন কারিকুলাম বিস্তারণ" বিষয়ক ৭দিনের প্রশিক্ষণে ১ম ব্যাচের প্রশিক্ষণার্থীদের অংশগ্রহণের সংশোধিত অফিস আদেশ

Training Order_Batch-1_Revised.pdf

মহাপরিচালক (গ্রেড ১)

     অধ্যাপক নেহাল আহমেদ 

কেন্দ্রীয় ই-সেবা

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লিংক.

  • প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কার্যালয়
  • শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়
  • All cadre PMIS
  • এমআইএস (রাজস্ব বৃত্তি ও রাজস্ব উপবৃত্তি)
  • MMC Dashboard Website
  • কর্মচারী কল্যাণ বোর্ডের কল্যাণ, যৌথবীমা ও দাফন-অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়ার অনুদান

প্রকাশনাঃ বদলে যাওয়া দৃশ্যপট

বদলে যাওয়া দৃশ্যপট

অভ্যন্তরীণ ই-সেবাসমূহ

  • www.emis.gov.bd
  • বদলির আবেদন (অধ্যক্ষ /উপাধ্যক্ষ, সরকারি কলেজ)
  • Institution Management System (IMS)
  • ILC Dashboard

মাউশি ফেসবুক পেজ

জাতীয় সংগীত, সরকারি অফিসের নতুন ওয়েবসাইটের আবেদন, ইনোভেশন কর্নার.

new curriculum presentation

সামাজিক যোগাযোগ

ডেঙ্গু প্রতিরোধে করণীয়.

new curriculum presentation

জরুরি হটলাইন

new curriculum presentation

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পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে:  মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বিভাগ ,  এটুআই ,  বিসিসি ,  ডিওআইসিটি  ও  বেসিস ।

কারিগরি সহায়তায়:

new curriculum presentation

New agriculture curriculum coming to more EBR Schools

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - This is not just a normal classroom at Westdale Middle School.

“This is the aquaponics lab and so we’re growing fish and plants together,” said eighth grader Miles Johnson.

Johnson is one of the almost 90 students who run the district’s only aquaponics lab. He’s learning how to grow fresh produce in nutrient-rich water from catfish rather than soil.

EBR Agriculture Curriculum

“They get to pick what lettuce they start off with and we start off simple with lettuce and then they get to pick other things to grow,” said aquaponics teacher Dr. Lauraleigh Eddleman.

Eddleman created the program four years ago. She likes to incorporate multiple subjects into her curriculum to help students work through the problems they may face, which is Johnson’s favorite part.

“Taking things that I’ve learned and only learned in classroom settings then being able to apply it in a real-world example,” explained Johnson.

Daniel Whitley with the United States Department of Agriculture said this lab is also a real-world example of the innovative options out there to keep people fed for many years to come.

“We know that there’s a growing population out there and the biggest question is going to be how do we feed them, and these students are learning right now, today, what we’re going to do to solve the problems of tomorrow,” said Whitely.

That’s why Superintendent LaMont Cole is excited to partner with Southern University and Louisiana State University to create more labs like this one throughout the district.

“This is the type of programming we like to expand all across the city of Baton Rouge and the State of Louisiana,” said Cole.

Getting more students excited about careers in agriculture at a younger age.

“It opens the doors to so many careers that they think the stereotype of a scientist is and it’s not, and when they come back the next year and they have all these jobs and plans and careers and they’re just middle schoolers,” said Eddleman.

The district is still deciding which schools will get the curriculum next, but they do plan to expand it to high schools as well.

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Reading scores drop after first year of new literacy curriculum

The mayor and schools chancellor touted a new reading curriculum, NYC Reads, as the way to turn around years of stagnant test scores where only about half of the city’s third through eighth graders are proficient readers.

But one year into the endeavor, those test scores have gone down, NY1 has learned.

What You Need To Know

The city has touted a new literacy curriculum dubbed "nyc reads" as a way to reverse longstanding low proficiency rates for public school readers but one year into the program, scores on state reading exams went down the city says that's to be expected when implementing a new curriculum that's such a drastic change.

“We always want our kids to do better. We always want our kids to achieve,” First Deputy Chancellor Daniel Weisberg told NY1 in an interview Tuesday. “But it is not a shock that we saw a slight dip in the first year of a huge implementation of New York City Reads.”

Just 49.1% of students in grades three through eight scored proficient or better on their state English language arts exam this year, Education Department officials told NY1. That’s down 2.6% from the year before.

Weisberg said it’s called an implementation dip.

“Hundreds of our elementary schools, teachers and principals and support staff and kids and parents are dealing with brand new curriculum, new coaching, really a new approach to literacy,” Weisberg said.

It is a significant overhaul in how reading is taught. Schools must now use a curriculum based in what’s known as the science of reading, focusing on phonics and building vocabulary. That comes after decades of balanced literacy, which encourages guessing, using pictures and context clues

The new approach was used in about half of the city’s elementary schools last school year, and will be used in all of them next month. But last school year, schools using the new curriculum saw lower scores than others.

“The schools that already implemented did very slightly worse than the schools that haven’t implemented yet,” Weisberg said.

There have been similar trends in other states that have embraced new reading curricula. The Education Department asked NY1 to speak with Penny Schwinn, the former education chief for the state of Tennessee, which implemented reading changes.

“We saw some dips, especially in our urban areas,” Scwhinn said, as educators and students adjusted to new ways of teaching and learning. “And then fast forward two years later, we had the highest gains that we've ever seen in the state.”

The city did not share complete data with NY1 Tuesday but said there were some bright spots: students in Central Harlem’s District 5, District 7 in the South Bronx, and District 16 in Central Brooklyn saw increases, as did students in some of the city’s lowest performing schools.

They said there are positive indicators for children too young for state exams. The city has given its own screeners three times a year to children in kindergarten, first and second grade. They have not previously released that data but told NY1 this spring’s scores on those screeners were 1.8 points higher than the spring before.

Weisberg applauded teachers for the work they’ve done to implement the new curriculum, and said he knows the scores may spark skepticism among some educators and parents heading into the school year. He encouraged them to attend literacy events being held around the city and to share their concerns.

“Those are such critical grades. And so that's good to see a little bit of progress there,” he said. “It's not going to be perfect. Give us a little bit of grace as we go through the growing pains, but we are going to get there if we stay the course.”

He said the prior approach simply wasn’t working.

“I mean, we have barely cracked 50% proficiency in E.L.A. for a decade. That's not right. No New Yorker is going to be happy with those kinds of results. If you're not happy with those results, I think almost every New Yorker you talk to would say, ‘Well, listen, they're not going to change this overnight.’ We have to do things differently and we have to stick with it. We can't bend with the wind, bend with a couple of points up or a couple of points down,” he said.

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Curriculum Designer

  • August 18, 2024


Southern New Hampshire University is a team of innovators. World changers. Individuals who believe in progress with purpose. Since 1932, our people-centered strategy has defined us — and helped us grow a team that now serves over 180,000 learners worldwide.

Our mission to transform lives is made possible by talented people who bring diverse industry experience, backgrounds and skills to the university. And today, we're ready to expand our reach. All we need is you.

Make an impact — from near or far

At SNHU, you'll have the option to work remotely in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

We ask that our remote employees have access to a reliable internet connection and a dedicated, properly equipped workspace that is free of distractions. Employees must reside in, and work from, one of the above approved states.

The opportunity

As the Curriculum Designer's (CD), you'll create the curriculum architecture for any kind of learning pathway at SNHU. The curriculum architecture is used by others to develop learning experiences that may be offered across different delivery methods and modalities (online, face-to-face, direct assessment). In collaboration with subject matter experts, SNHU Academics, and other university partners, you will lead the design of the curriculum and articulation of workforce-relevant skills for SNHU's learning experiences. This work includes labor market data research and analysis, and benchmarking of SNHU programs against external offerings. You will report to the Director of Curriculum Design.

We are a remote friendly working environment. #LI-Remote

You'll get to:

  • Manage a portfolio of complex projects, including scheduling of design sessions and partner meetings
  • Apply curriculum design and skills, learning theories, latest innovations in skills mapping and workforce alignment in the design of high-quality curriculum
  • Ensure that workforce skills, external accreditation and professional standards are mapped across the curriculum
  • Manage the development and maintenance of SNHU competency and skill libraries
  • Collaborate with Subject Matter Experts, Learning Design, and Development teams to maximize the value of curriculum architecture and skills maps within the SNHU community
  • Integrate research of industry trends, career profiles and skill needs tied to the future of work into the design of new and revised curriculum offerings
  • Use latest educational technologies, integrating tools and platforms to enhance curriculum design across all modalities.
  • Promote partner negotiation, collaboration, and agreement in the creation of learning pathways
  • Navigate complex, ambiguous challenges while leading curriculum development
  • Align curriculum design processes with institutional goals, diverse modalities, and operational needs, ensuring coherence across academic offerings and delivery systems.
  • Follow project timelines and scope to ensure that deliverables meet established deadlines
  • Contribute to projects and professional development opportunities

What we are looking for:

  • Bachelor's degree in education, educational research, educational psychology, or related area with specific strengths in curriculum review, curriculum and instruction, data analysis and educational assessment. Masters degree preferred.
  • 3+ years of experience in an educational setting

We believe real innovation comes from inclusion - where different experiences, perspectives and talents are celebrated. So if you're wondering whether SNHU is right for you, take the leap and apply. You might be just the person we're looking for.


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Low to no-cost dental and vision plans

5 weeks of paid time off (plus almost a dozen paid holidays)

Employer-funded retirement

Free tuition program

Parental leave

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Global Health Scholars Track

Joseph Iskander and Rhea Marfatia.

Medical students Joseph Iskander, left, and Rhea Marfatia developed the Global Health Scholars Track for fellow students interested in learning how to engage in longitudinal global health projects in an ethical and responsible manner.

Our Global Health Scholars Track (GHST) is a four-year program that trains medical students to be future global health leaders through innovative curriculum, real-world experience, scholarly projects and mentorship.

A new cohort of four first-year medical students will be selected at the beginning of each academic year.

During the first two years of the program, students will receive an introduction to global medicine through faculty/guest lectures, peer-led workshops and global health grand rounds. Students will be paired with a faculty, resident and peer mentors to begin brainstorming service-learning project designs for their community of interest.

During their 3 rd and 4 th years, students may travel to their target community to facilitate implementation of their service-learning project. Students will assume leadership roles within GHST involving curriculum development, mentorship and administration.

At the end of their 4 th year, students will be expected to present their service-learning project goals and conclusions to the Global Health Committee and GHST members. Additionally, if projects involve future work/follow-up students are responsible for handing off to new cohort members.

Community Partner

Jericho Road Community Health Center Clinic locations: Sierra Leone (3 clinics), Nepal and Buffalo

Program Objectives

  • Establish opportunities for students to ethically engage with communities in low- and middle-income countries to promote health equity
  • Promote an interdisciplinary, sustainable and community empowering approach to combating health disparities in low-resource settings
  • Provide local and international experiences and training that expose students to diverse cultures and broaden their cultural perspectives

Program Requirements

  • Development of service learning project to address the needs of a target community
  • Participation in mentorship and leadership roles within GHST
  • Attendance of required didactic sessions and workshops
  • MS4 Cumulative Project presentation for Global Health Committee members

Application and Admissions Calendar

  • Application available: Late August of MS1 
  • Application deadline: Mid-September of MS1 
  • Interview: Mid-September to early October 
  • Acceptance notification: Mid-October of MS1 
  • Orientation/first cohort meeting: Late October of MS1

For more information or an application, please send an email to: [email protected]

  • 8/21/24 Global Health Scholars Track Offers Unique Experiences
  • 7/17/24 UB Ranked Nation’s Best for Impact of Global Health Research
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    Southern New Hampshire University is a team of innovators. World changers. Individuals who believe in progress with purpose. Since 1932, our people-centered strategy has defined us — and helped us grow a team that now serves over 180,000 learners worldwide. Our mission to transform lives is made possible by talented people who bring diverse industry experience, backgrounds and skills to the…

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  24. Global Health Scholars Track

    A new cohort of four first-year medical students will be selected at the beginning of each academic year. ... Students will assume leadership roles within GHST involving curriculum development, mentorship and administration. ... MS4 Cumulative Project presentation for Global Health Committee members; Application and Admissions Calendar .