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136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Our list of persuasive and informative topics about animals.

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List of speech topics about animals.

speech topics animals

  • The life of deep sea fish.
  • How to train your dog .
  • Why are monkeys so good at climbing trees?
  • The breeding of elephants and hippopotamuses.
  • Do penguins have long legs?
  • Why gods shiver.
  • What alligators eat.
  • How elephants swim.
  • Dangerous exotic pets you should not keep at home.
  • Ancient and Asiatic horse breeds.
  • The different types of whales.
  • How animals survive the extreme cold of Antartica.
  • The difference between dolphins and porpoises.
  • Why all kids should have pets.
  • Why snakes are good pets.
  • Have your pet spayed or neutered.
  • Why you should own a horse.
  • Why should you own a dog?
  • We need to protect dolphins better.
  • Wild animals should stay wild.
  • Why save endangered animals?
  • People should be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys.
  • In order to save the orangutans, we should say “no” to palm oil.
  • A vegetarian diet is unhealthy for cats and dogs
  • Should people have pet monkeys?
  • Children should be taught to take care of pets
  • Animal health is useless and expensive
  • Performance animals have a risk of death
  • We should be aware of pros and cons of a pet before adopting it
  • Animal testing – vicious or beneficial
  • Are circus animals respected and appreciated?
  • Venomous and poisonous looking spiders are often harmless.
  • The use of animals in medical research is a necessary evil.
  • Not all species belong in marine aquariums.
  • Sharks don’t attack tourists all the time.
  • Pets deserve a Bill of Rights.
  • Forbid the wearing of fur coats.
  • Purchasing animal tested cosmetics is wrong.
  • Ban animal fight games.
  • Animals do not belong in zoo’s.
  • Animals don’t belong in circuses or folklore events.
  • Animal sports banning campaigns are not effective enough.
  • Cats should get annual vaccinations.
  • A pet is not a child’s birthday present.
  • Effective animal conservation laws and other legal regulations are improving.
  • Food production livestock should be welfare protected till the end.
  • Is rooster fighting fun?
  • Monkeys are more intelligent than other mammals
  • Giving drugs to cows to increase their milk is advantageous – right or wrong?
  • Should dogs be outdoor pets?
  • Is it right or wrong to use pig’s skin for making cosmetics?
  • Should pet birds have a right to fly?
  • Fishes are great for relaxation, everyone should have an aquarium
  • Should animal breeding be banned?
  • Should cats be treated humanely?
  • Painting cattle for a trademark should be banned
  • We should not be kind to snakes
  • Why poisonous insects should be killed
  • Animal extinction caused by humans should be stopped
  • Hybrid animals – natural or not?
  • Reforesting the world is the most effective way to save the animals from becoming extinct
  • Extinction of rhinos for selling their horns is inevitable
  • Should the hunting of wild animals be banned?
  • Trading animals-made products is a good way to earn money – right or wrong?
  • Should the hunting of seals for fur be banned to avoid their extinction?
  • Euthanasia is ethical for animals – right or wrong?
  • Should lonely people have companion animals?
  • Should fish be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control?
  • Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving other animals – right or wrong?
  • We should not be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless
  • Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane
  • Chaining or tethering dogs outside is unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect
  • Zoos should be big enough for wild animals
  • Strays should be eliminated to make the environment healthy
  • Should foxes be bred into companion animals?
  • Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research?
  • Should pets be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation?
  • Genetic modification of livestock is unethical and potentially dangerous for humans – right or wrong?
  • Why female lions are more dangerous than male lions?
  • Is animal dissection justified as a learning tool for students?
  • Should we adopt new pets from a shelter instead of buying them from a shop?
  • Should we get our pet microchipped?
  • Should we use animals to test beauty products?
  • Is it right or wrong for circuses to use animals in their shows?
  • Is deforestation leading to loss of diversity in wildlife?
  • Should we make use of reward and appreciation to train our pet?
  • Is “dogs breeding” ethical to create mixed hybrids?
  • Should a dog be euthanized if it bites someone?
  • Poaching affects the economy and should be banned
  • Why you should avoid eating pork?
  • A natural disaster caused dinosaurs to become extinct – right or wrong?
  • Is smog dangerous for animals’ health?
  • Why you should get your pet insurance?
  • Should we be more tolerant of spiders, ants, and flies?
  • Should animal rights be limited – right or wrong?
  • Should we eat healthy snakes?
  • Why is it unethical to keep birds in cages?
  • Should we use animals to make future predictions?
  • Rats and mice affect us badly and should be killed
  • Building bonds between children and pets is important – right or wrong?
  • Why are flies important to the ecosystem?
  • A dog is the best service animal – right or wrong?
  • Why should you own an eagle as pet?
  • People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
  • Why a wagging tail should not be considered as a sign of happiness in dogs
  • A nose is a dog’s “fingerprint” – right or wrong?
  • Why zoos are important and necessary sources of conservation and research on exotic animals?
  • Dogs are better pets than cats – right or wrong?
  • Should we use animals for entertainment purposes?
  • Why you should stop your kids to ride elephants?
  • Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people?
  • Why pet’s hair should be brushed each evening?
  • The main cause of animal abuse is irresponsible and uneducated owner – right or wrong?
  • “The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (AWA)” is outdated and should be revised
  • Why you should own a parrot as a bird pet?
  • Should we build awareness to animal abuse in Puppy Mills?
  • Why hamsters are best pets for kids?
  • Committing an immoral act against animals is justified – right or wrong?
  • Does your pet dog help you make new friends?
  • Why we should know about animals’ thinking and feeling?
  • Should we make use of TISSUE ENGINEERING to get leather and meat without killing animals?
  • Should we revive extinct species by recovering their ancient DNA?
  • Why you should be thankful for your cat, dog, or other pets?
  • Why you should own a cat?
  • Why we should feed wildlife?
  • Is it right or wrong to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
  • Why animals should not be kept in captivity?
  • Why domestic pigeons and doves make great pets?
  • Why you should not own exotic pets?
  • Should there be harsher laws for animal cruelty?
  • Why you should prefer keeping more goldfishes in an aquarium than other fishes?
  • Humans are affecting wildlife – right or wrong?
  • Why polar bears should not be kept in zoos?
  • Why you should prefer goat milk to cow milk?
  • Dogs have better eyesight than human – right or wrong?
  • Why wearing fur or leather is unethical and is a sign of animal neglect?
  • Why you should own a horse for riding?
  • Why busy people should not adopt fishes as pets?
  • Why you should own a raven as a pet?
  • Owning pets reduces your risk of various diseases – right or wrong?
  • We should adopt friendly attitude to train our pet dogs quickly
  • Why you should own pigeons?
  • Should marine mammals be kept in captivity?
  • Animal abuse should be stopped in zoos.

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15 thoughts on “136 Speech Topics About Animals [Persuasive, Informative]”

history of tomato

Why you should never leave your goldfish alone for more than 1 day.

History of christmas

History and develeopments of book publishments

How to help shelters

Why Canada is the best country in the world (cuz it is)

Canada is not the best in the world ( cause its true )

the history of yarn

I want an speech of animals struggle

pros and cons of organic farming

Cats should have the same laws that dogs have.

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Animal cruelty speech

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Animal cruelty speech. (2016, May 08). Retrieved from

"Animal cruelty speech." StudyMoose , 8 May 2016,

StudyMoose. (2016). Animal cruelty speech . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Aug. 2024]

"Animal cruelty speech." StudyMoose, May 08, 2016. Accessed August 18, 2024.

"Animal cruelty speech," StudyMoose , 08-May-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Animal cruelty speech . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Aug-2024]

  • Animal Cruelty In Fashion Industry: A Threat To Animal Species Pages: 4 (955 words)
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  • Corporal Punishment and its Correlation to Animal Cruelty Among Children Pages: 9 (2419 words)
  • Napoleon's Cruelty in "Animal Farm" Pages: 9 (2446 words)
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  • Why Animal Cruelty Should Receive Maximum Jail Time Pages: 6 (1580 words)
  • How we can Fight Against Animal Cruelty Pages: 8 (2282 words)
  • Definition of Animal Cruelty and Abuse Pages: 2 (387 words)
  • Ingrid Newkirk About Animal Cruelty Pages: 2 (573 words)
  • What Is Animal Cruelty and How Can We Stop It? Pages: 4 (1176 words)

Animal cruelty speech essay

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How do we stop animal cruelty?

By Rachael Bale , ANIMALS Executive Editor It may sound surprising, but animal cruelty is only just becoming a federal crime. The PACT Act (“Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture”) passed unanimously in both houses of the U.S. Congress, and President Trump is expected to sign it. The soon-to-be law makes it a felony to do a number of sickening things to animals. Each state already has felony animal cruelty laws, but PACT fills some gaps, covering crimes on federal property or perpetrators who traveled across state lines, Humane Society’s Tracie Letterman told me. The move also is important for public health. Animal abuse is clearly linked to other violent crimes, such as domestic violence, assault, and sex crimes. The FBI now tracks animal abuse because it could be a warning of more violent acts. Today we know all animals feel pain . It’s clear they think and feel, as well. As conservationist Carl Safina told Nat Geo:

Life is very vivid to animals. In many cases they know who they are. They know who their friends aree eand who their rivals are. They have ambitions for higher status. They compete. Their lives follow the arc of a career, like ours do. Carl Safina , Ecologist and conservationist

Today in a minute

Flipper, indeed : How creative are bottlenose dolphins at finding food? They “punt” fish up in the air, then eat the stunned prey when they hit the water. Stephanie Garza, a University of Florida biologist, calls it “fish whacking,” Nat Geo’s Douglas Main reports . Destroyed no more : Retired police K-9s in Texas used to be treated as “surplus” equipment, meaning they had to be auctioned off or even euthanized when they retired. Last week, Texans voted to change the law, letting the loyal dogs be adopted by the handlers or others, the Washington Post reports . Where chimps and humans clash : Desperate chimpanzees in western Uganda raided a family’s crops, took jackfruit from their tree, and killed their two-year-old son. Losing their habitat to farmers, chimps have killed at least two other children in the area since 2014. Why so many songbirds? An extra chromosome may have allowed songbirds to diversify, Scientific American reports . They make up roughly half of the 10,000 bird species.

Your Instagram photo of the day

animal cruelty informative speech

Kelp at the end of the world . In Argentina's remote Thetis Bay, giant kelp forests harbor one of the most magnificent marine ecosystems on the planet. Climate change, writes Enric Sala , hasn’t made a permanent mark here—yet.

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Overheard at Nat Geo

Make way for ducklings . We search out wildlife from all over the world. Sometimes wildlife comes to us. Every year, a pair of mallard ducks visits National Geographic’s headquarters to lay eggs and hang out in our courtyard fountain. Sometimes, however, the ducklings hatch early, when the Washington winter is still occasionally frigid. We added a ramp to help the ducklings get out of the fountain, and one year, an editor brought a box and a heating pad to help the ducklings make it through , Natasha Daly writes. This spring, they shared space with goslings .

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One last glimpse

a silver-backed chevrotain

Long time, no see! A camera trap in southern Vietnam has captured a photo of the silver-backed chevrotain, a rabbit-sized species last seen in 1990. Also known as the Vietnamese mouse-deer, the fanged animal was spotted tiptoeing through the forest. “I was overjoyed,” An Nguyen of Global Wildlife Conservation told National Geographic .

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Animal Testing — Persuasive Speech On Animal Abuse


Persuasive Speech on Animal Abuse

  • Categories: Animal Testing

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Words: 746 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 746 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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animal cruelty informative speech


Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals

Cruelty towards animals is a grave issue that demands your attention. It’s about the harsh treatment that our innocent furry friends often face.

You might see it around you, perhaps without realizing what it truly means. It’s time to understand and act against it.

1-minute Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you today to talk about a problem that breaks my heart – cruelty towards animals.

Imagine if you were hurt by someone bigger and stronger than you. It would be scary, right? That’s how animals feel when people are cruel to them. They can’t speak or ask for help. They can only suffer in silence.

But we can help them! We can be their voice. We can stop others from being cruel to them. We can tell people that it’s wrong to hurt animals. We can show them that animals have feelings too.

We can also help animals by taking care of them. We can give them food, water, and a safe place to live. We can play with them and make them happy. And if they are sick, we can take them to a vet.

Remember, every time we are kind to an animal, we make the world a better place. So let’s promise today to be kind to all animals. Let’s promise to stop cruelty towards animals. Because animals are our friends, and friends should never be hurt.

2-minute Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today I’m here to talk about a topic that affects us all. It’s about the way we treat our fellow creatures, the animals. You see, animals are not just creatures; they are our friends, our helpers, and an essential part of our world. But, sadly, not everyone treats them with the kindness they deserve.

First, let’s talk about what animal cruelty is. It’s when a person hurts an animal or does not care for an animal’s needs, like food, water, shelter, and love. It’s not just hitting an animal; it’s also leaving a pet without food or water or keeping it in a place where it can’t move around. Can you imagine being stuck in a tiny space with no food or water? It’s not a nice thought, is it?

Now, you might wonder, why should we care? Well, animals, like us, can feel pain. They can feel happy or sad, just like we do. When we hurt them, they feel it, and it’s not fair. They have as much right to live a happy life as we do. After all, they were here on this Earth long before we were.

So, what can we do to stop animal cruelty? It’s simple. We can start by treating animals with kindness. If you have a pet, make sure it has food, water, and a safe place to live. If you see an animal in pain, try to help it or tell an adult who can. And remember, animals are not toys. They are living beings who deserve respect.

We can also teach others about animal cruelty. Tell your friends, your family, and your teachers. The more people know, the more they can help. And if you see someone being mean to an animal, don’t be afraid to speak up. It’s not always easy, but it’s the right thing to do.

Remember, every creature has a role to play in this world. By showing kindness to animals, we are also showing kindness to ourselves and to our planet. Let’s promise today to treat animals with the love and respect they deserve. Thank you.

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Topics For Seminar

200 Informative and Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals

200 Informative and Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals For Students

Informative Speech and Essay Topics

  • Anatomy of the animal cell from a biological point of view, using diagrams.
  • Ancient and Asiatic horse breeds.
  • Animals that can make great pets
  • Australia has a unique fauna, different from the rest of the world. Highlight the reason and some unusual animals.
  • Can an animal and a person develop a bond as strong as interpersonal relationships can do?
  • Can Penguins live in the North Pole?
  • Can Polar Bear live in the South Pole?
  • Dangerous exotic pets you should not keep at home.
  • Differences between the cat family and the dog family
  • Different classification of birds as swimming, flying and running birds with examples.
  • Different types of mammals that are available on the planet.
  • Discuss mitosis from the point of view of an animal cell
  • Discuss why Africa is considered the cradle of mankind
  • Do penguins have long legs?
  • Dog training. What is the most intelligent thing a dog can be taught to do?
  • Domestication of wild animals and keep them as pets.
  • Effects of plastic on marine life.
  • Elephant & evolution. If the brain of the elephant is so large, why isn’t it the most intelligent creature in the world?
  • Endangered species. What animals will become history in the next 5 years?
  • Explain some weirdest animals in the world
  • Explain why cats and dogs barely ever get to see eye to eye when left together in the same room
  • General information on the way in which ants live
  • How animals survive the extreme cold of Antarctica.
  • How elephants swim.
  • How global warming has affected particular animals, citing examples of species that are almost on the verge of extinction.
  • How human activity changes the way life exists in oceans and rivers.
  • How modern zoos keep animals happy, well-developed and psychologically healthy?
  • How poaching affects the biodiversity and economy of a nation.
  • How to keep a rabbit as a pet
  • How to keep a snake as a pet
  • How to take care of hermit crabs
  • How to tell a difference between venomous and non-venomous snake
  • How to train your dog.
  • Is it true that penguins feature long legs?
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Explain categories, current status
  • Ivory trade. Is it a luxurious industry or the representation of the cruelty of the animal-exploiting business?
  • Mass extinction: Dinosaurs, plant kingdom, and related theories.
  • Migratory birds and their behavior.
  • Natural Park conservation. Explain the role of scientists, government and public?
  • Ornithologist: as an interesting career
  • Raising exotic pets at home.
  • Smart Animals: Several members of the animal kingdom have impressed cognitive chops and cerebral skills. Explain some of them
  • Tardigrade, the strongest living creature. They can even survive exposure to outer space.
  • The animal species which got extinct in the last decade.
  • The better ways in which a dog can be trained
  • The breeding of elephants and hippopotamuses.
  • The cat family members from largest to smallest. You can also explain the cross-breeding like Liger (Lion+Tiger)
  • The difference between cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals
  • The difference between dolphins and porpoises.
  • The difference in appearance between desert animals and animals in the tropical areas, using the same animal class as inference.
  • The different types of whales.
  • The distinct exotic species of cats
  • The distinct species of tropical aquatic animals
  • The evolutionary chain, up to homo-sapiens
  • The functions exerted by cats in the course of time
  • The importance of feathers/fur to animals
  • The life cycle of a butterfly
  • The life cycle of chicken from the moment the egg is laid to the moment the egg hatches.
  • The life of deep-sea fish.
  • The way in which oceanic animals lead their lives
  • There are different biomes on earth where animals reside. Discuss the difference between chaparral and coniferous animal territories.
  • What animals are the most expensive to keep and home
  • What do the American alligators eat?
  • What to do if you want to adopt a dog
  • Why are monkeys so good at climbing trees?
  • Why Dolphins Are the Most Intelligent Ocean Creature
  • Why it is necessary for the zoo caregivers for animals to be well trained and professional in their approach?
  • Why pets have a closer connection to human?
  • Why tigers and raccoons have not replaced cats and dogs?
  • Wolf Ecology and Behavior. Their social structure
  • Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

Persuasive Speech and Essay Topics About Animals For Students

  • A dog is the best service animal – right or wrong?
  • A natural disaster caused dinosaurs to become extinct – right or wrong?
  • A nose is a dog’s “fingerprint” – right or wrong?
  • A pet is not a child’s birthday present.
  • A vegetarian diet is unhealthy for cats and dogs
  • Animal abuse should be stopped in zoos
  • Animal extinction caused by humans should be stopped
  • Animal health is useless and expensive
  • Animal sports banning campaigns are not effective enough.
  • Animal testing – vicious or beneficial
  • Animal testing is justifiable in some cases (e.g., medical), but not in others (e.g., cosmetics)
  • Animals do not belong in zoos.
  • Animals don’t belong in circuses or folklore events.
  • Are circus animals respected and appreciated?
  • Ban animal fight games.
  • Building bonds between children and pets are important – right or wrong?
  • Cats should get annual vaccinations.
  • Chaining or tethering dogs outside are unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect
  • Children should be taught to take care of pets
  • Committing an immoral act against animals is justified – right or wrong?
  • Companion animals can help people who are lonely
  • Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving other animals – right or wrong?
  • Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving others, due to their respective ecological roles
  • Does petting and talking to animals lower stress in people?
  • Does your pet dog help you make new friends?
  • Dogs are better pets than cats – right or wrong?
  • Dogs have better eyesight than human – right or wrong?
  • Effective animal conservation laws and other legal regulations are improving.
  • Euthanasia is ethical for animals – right or wrong?
  • Euthanizing stray animals is a humane solution
  • Euthanizing stray animals is unethical
  • Extinction of rhinos for selling their horns is inevitable
  • Factory farm conditions are conducive to the spread of avian influenza among chickens and other domestic fowl
  • Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane
  • Fish should not be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control
  • Fishes are great for relaxation, everyone should have an aquarium
  • Food production livestock should be welfare protected until the end.
  • Forbid the wearing of fur coats.
  • Foxes should be bred into companion animals
  • Foxes should not be bred into companion animals
  • Genetic modification of livestock is unethical and potentially dangerous for humans – right or wrong?
  • Giving drugs to cows to increase their milk is advantageous – right or wrong?
  • Has your pet spayed or neutered?
  • Humans are affecting wildlife – right or wrong?
  • Hunting for sport is a normal, acceptable pass time
  • Hunting for sport is unethical and inhumane
  • Hybrid animals – natural or not?
  • In order to save the orangutans, we should say “no” to palm oil.
  • Is “dogs breeding” ethical to create mixed hybrids?
  • Is animal dissection justified as a learning tool for students?
  • Is deforestation leading to loss of diversity in wildlife?
  • Is it right or wrong for circuses to use animals in their shows?
  • Is it right or wrong to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
  • Is it right or wrong to use pig’s skin for making cosmetics?
  • Is rooster fighting fun?
  • Is smog dangerous for animals’ health?
  • It is necessary and acceptable to use higher animals, such as monkeys and chimpanzees, in laboratory research
  • It’s irrational to be afraid of spiders since most of them are harmless
  • Keeping animals in zoos is inhumane
  • Keeping wild-caught exotic pets is inhumane
  • Medical animal testing is ethically wrong
  • Medical animal testing is justifiable
  • Monkeys are more intelligent than other mammals
  • Not all species belong in marine aquariums.
  • Owning pets reduces your risk of various diseases – right or wrong?
  • Painting cattle for a trademark should be banned
  • People should be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys.
  • People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
  • Performance animals have a risk of death
  • Pets deserve a Bill of Rights.
  • Pets should be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation
  • Poaching affects the economy and should be banned
  • Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research?
  • Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research
  • Protecting endangered animal species is important
  • Protecting the Giant Panda is ecologically important
  • Purchasing animal-tested cosmetics is wrong.
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How to Give a Speech on Animal Cruelty

Kristine tucker.

Close-up of microphone in large auditorium.

A speech on animal cruelty needs to be organized and executed to motivate action. Focus on the definition of animal cruelty, examples of abuse, tips for contacting agencies to report abuse and ways to proactively support animal rights. Include information about animal protection laws to educate your audience on what legally constitutes animal abuse.The goal is to encourage awareness and persuade your audience to get involved in the mission to enforce this legislation and stop animal cruelty.

Explore this article

  • Definition of Animal Cruelty
  • Animal Abuse Presentation Slideshow
  • Ways to Help
  • Personal Connection

1 Definition of Animal Cruelty

Define the type of behavior that constitutes animal cruelty. Explain that each state has its own animal protection laws but most have the same basic regulations. For example, in California, Ohio, New York and Colorado, abandoning or purposefully injuring, neglecting and poisoning animals are prosecutable offenses. In most states, any type of intentional mistreatment or purposeful neglect is considered animal cruelty. In your discussion, you might also initiate debate over animal cruelty as it relates to undomesticated animals, such as their use in medical testing or their slaughter for fur and for human consumption.

2 Animal Abuse Presentation Slideshow

Incorporate a presentation slideshow into your speech, and display a list of animal protection laws in your state. Explain the legal consequences for animal cruelty in your state, such as fines and punishments for misdemeanors and felonies. For example, those convicted of animal-cruelty charges must forfeit their animals to appropriate agencies, such as animal shelters. Show examples of animal cruelty, ensuring that the pictures are appropriate to the age range of your audience. Besides photos, look for other forms of multimedia to make an impact. Help listeners learn to recognize animal abuse so they know when and how to intervene.

3 Ways to Help

Discuss avenues for helping abused and mistreated animals. Provide contact information for local agencies, such as animal shelters, emergency hotlines and animal hospitals. Use your presentation slideshow to list important tips as to what your listeners should do if they encounter abused animals. For example, you might advise them to beware of biting and instruct them to quarantine sick animals to avoid spreading diseases to other animals. At the end of your speech, pass out flyers that detail animal safety tips and list important telephone numbers, so your listeners have something tangible to take with them.

4 Personal Connection

Make it personal. Because animal cruelty is a highly emotional topic, engage your audience by passionately explaining why the topic is important to you. You might tell a personal story of rescuing an animal in distress or discuss how you first became an advocate of animal rights. Provide compelling, heartfelt evidence so your listeners want to get involved in the cause. The goal is to leave your audience with a sense of duty or responsibility. If you connect your audience's outrage over the plight of vulnerable, abused animals to concrete acts to prevent it, your speech is a success.

  • 1 Purdue University Online Writing Lab: Effective Persuasion Presentation
  • 2 University of Pittsburgh: Persuasive Speaking
  • 3 Animal Legal Defense Fund: Animal Protection Laws of the United States and Canada

About the Author

As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) over the years. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials.

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Animal Abuse Speech | Animal Cruelty and Prevention to Cruelty Speech

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Animals Abuse Speech: Animals are being mishandled regularly and they are not contemplated when you see them being manhandled. They are enduring and they are being mishandled ordinary and all of you need to stop it. Creature cold-bloodedness isn’t something that simply disappears the individual doing it will continue to do it until somebody stops them. Everybody needs to stop creature misuse and if everybody begins to have an effect others will too. Creatures need assistance with this and everybody needs to help them. Creatures everywhere in the world are being mishandled each and every day the majority of them won’t make it to see tomorrow or have the adoration for a family they want.

Animals are not simply protests utilized for your amusement or for your games yet they are intended to either be wild or to be adored by a family who won’t manhandle them. You ought not maltreatment them or deserted them to battle for themselves when all they need is a tad of adoration to fulfill them.

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The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, is an Act of the Parliament of India authorized in 1960 to forestall the punishment of pointless torment or enduring on creatures and to revise the laws identifying with the counteraction of remorselessness to creatures. According to the arrangements of the law, the public authority of India shaped the Animal Welfare Board of India.

Speech on Animal Abuse

Speech on Animals Cruelty

At regular intervals, another creature is mishandled. That is a lot of creatures, taking into account that measurement is worldwide. By definition, creature savagery is: “… at the point when somebody harms a creature or could do without a creature mindfully, as not giving a canine or feline food and water. It is illegal to be pitiless to or hurt creatures, even your own pets. It’s additionally called creature misuse, or disregard.” Most everybody is completely mindful that creature savagery is unlawful and deserving of prison time and additional fines. Notwithstanding, there have been numerous situations where creature misuse had gone unseen and unpunished. Possibly this is because of the way that creature misuse takes numerous structures, and at times it’s difficult to discern whether it’s truly unlawful or not.

Creature remorselessness is poor people and vicious treatment towards innocent organic entities. Creature brutality is completed in numerous associations under the cloak of exploration and experimentation. It has been tracked down that specific zoo and natural life sculptures have helpless everyday environments for the creatures. This has prompted the danger and eradication of numerous creatures.

No law in the generous human progress permits savagery towards creatures of any sort. Be that as it may, in our everyday life, we experience creature pitilessness or items got from creature cold-bloodedness. The restorative business utilizes creatures to test their items, the clinical business utilizes creatures to test their meds, the material business utilizes creature skin and hide to make textures, and the food business utilizes portions of creatures to plan luxuries. Consistently a huge number of creatures are killed to give human development.

Creature cold-bloodedness is a culpable offense, anyway least advances and moves are made to guarantee the blame-ridden are rebuffed. Regular brutality to creatures is done, and human civilization ventures down in the ethical steps.

Cruelty Towards Animals

Mercilessness implies delivering agony and causing languishing. Creature mercilessness is a cross-country issue quickly filling in the present society. Creatures are being pulsated and starved each day and a great many powerless creatures kick the bucket every year on account of coldblooded proprietors. There are numerous types of creature remorselessness; the absolute most basic structures are logical exploration, relinquishment, and abuse. The logical examination is a need of life, so it is said.

Society needs to research to improve the economy and the results of regular day-to-day existence. This is fine and dandy until something needs to endure. Commonly organizations test items on creatures for the wellbeing of people. Monkeys, rodents, mice, canines, and felines are a portion of the competitors utilized for lab research. The serious issue with creature testing is the creatures as a rule endure in a damaging encounter.

Numerous creatures suffer consumption, balding, rashes, and slashes. A few organizations venture to put metal wires and bars in the creature’s head. Be that as it may, analysts legitimize this unpardonable treatment with, “it’s for science”. However, you need to contemplate whether researchers figure how they would feel around there. There are numerous organizations out there that don’t utilize creatures for testing their items.

Animal Abuse

FAQ’s on Animal Abuse Speech

Question 1. How to start with animal abuse speech?

Answer: Start with what are the types of animal abuse and animal test conducting. Speak about the animal cruelty going on in the world and why it should be stopped. Speak about the preventions and laws applied for animal abuse and how it is a strict offence.

Question 2. What is the most common type of animal abuse?

Answer: While direct viciousness is the clearest type of creature misuse, creature disregard is a more normal sort of misuse. A huge number of canines bite the dust every year because of disregard. On the off chance that you see any of the signs underneath, don’t stop for a second to call your neighborhood creature control.

Question 3. What are the effects of animal cruelty?

Answer: Abuse against creatures has been connected to a higher probability of criminal savagery and homegrown maltreatment. Ceaselessly anchoring or tying a canine outside can prompt excruciating bruises on the neck, expanded tension and other adverse consequences on the creature’s physical and mental prosperity.

Question 4. What is animal abuse?

Answer: Animal brutality includes needlessly perpetrating hurt, harming, or executing a creature. The brutality can be deliberate, like kicking, consuming, cutting, beating, or shooting; or it can include disregard, for example, denying a creature of water, a safe house, food, and fundamental clinical treatment.

Question 5. What are the signs of animal cruelty?

Answer: If any animal seems to be in a poor body condition, or in conditions such as lack of food and shelter, lack of sanitation, animal’s abnormal behaviour, too many animals living in a single room, etc., are the signs of animal cruelty.

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Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Research Paper

Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Research Paper

Animals are often forced to fight to the death, and if they are seriously wounded, left to die by their owners. B. Animal fighting rings have close ties to criminal organizations and attract illegal activities to the communities where they are located. (“4 tied”, 2013) . Animal hoarding is another form of abuse. It often leads to hoarders not being able to take care of the animals they own. A. In more serious cases the homes of hoarders become public health hazards as animal waste builds up.

In the case Of a home in Huber Heights, Ohio, on Octahedron Drive, over 150 animals were kept in a residential house. The animals had to be taken to an emergency shelter because over half were considered ill and in need of medical treatment (Matthews, 2013). B. Hoarding can lead to mass amounts of animals being abused, much like the case of dog breeding farms ND exotic pet where thousands of animals are held in unlivable conditions and then sold for profit Cannibals Abused and Abandoned”, 2013). TRANSITION: The abuse of animals is significant, and it is a widespread problem in US.

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B. INHERENTLY: Animal cruelty is still prevalent across the nation in millions of homes. Many people who abuse animals turn out to be criminals later in life, therefore it is important for society as a whole to not only report, but to prevent animal abuse. Animal abuse often goes unreported and unnoticed. Many pets are abused by their owners, but no nee ever sees it so the abuse continues. 1. In his article “Animal Abuse and Youth Violence,” Frank R. Action lists multiple reasons why abusers harm animals.

These reasons include “To control an animal, to retaliate against an animal, to satisfy a prejudice against a species or breed, to express aggression through an animal, to enhance ones own aggressiveness, to shock people for amusement, to retaliate against other people, to displace hostility from a person to an animal, and to experience nonspecific sadism (Action, 2001). ” 2. Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. “More than 80 percent of family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals.

In one-third of the cases, a child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet (“The animal abuse home violence connection”, 2013). ” 1. In a study done in 2005 by Christopher Henley and Suzanne E. Tallahatchie, it was discovered that “inmates who were younger when they first witnessed someone hurt or kill animals and those who witnessed a friend hurt or kill animals were more keel to commit animal cruelty more frequently (Duckiest,Henley, and Tallahatchie, 2011). ” 1. Violent criminals often have a history of abusing animals.

In fact, “The FBI sees animal cruelty as a predictor of violence against people and considers past animal abuse when profiling serial killers (“The animal abuse violence connection”, 2013). ” A. Because of this, we need to take cruelty towards animals seriously. It is a sign of aggression and violence and can often lead to even more gruesome crimes, not just towards animals, but towards humans as well. B. If left alone, abuse towards an animal can quickly exult in the death of animal. If abusers continued behavior is ignored, their violence can rapidly escalate to include more crimes and violence against people. . Animal abuse goes unreported frequently because people are either not aware it is occurring, are afraid to report it, or don’t know how to report it. TRANSITION: Now we will discuss ways that you can be aware of animal abuse and the many ways in which you can report it. C. Taking action and taking a stance against domestic animal violence is all about awareness. The CAPS offers articles and sources that inform viewers of the signs that an animal has been abused, how to report the abuse, and how to become involved with the issue. 1.

One way that you can help fight the issue is to become aware of the signs that an animal has been abused. 2. Warning signs of animal abuse can be physical or environmental. Physical signs are seen on the animal itself and environmental signs relate to where the animal is being kept or found. 1 . These physical signs include collars so tight they are almost strangling an animal, open wounds or cuts that are left untreated and may become infected, an animal looking tarred, limping or missing patches of fur (“How to Recognize Cruelty’, 2013). . Environmental signs include being tied or chained up for extended periods of time with insufficient food and water, over crowded areas (in kennels or shelters) and animals being kept in unsanitary areas (that to do about substandard conditions are your local shelter”, 2012). 1. Once a case of animal has been observed it can be difficult to know what to do. 1. The first step is contact the correct authority. For noise complaints like a barking dog it is recommended to contact police because this isn’t considered animal buses.

However for clear cases of animal abuse it is recommended to contact animal control or a local humane society (“Investigations”, 2013). 2. It can be intimidating to step up and make a report but it can be done anonymously and doing so is better than doing nothing. 1. This is an issue that many are aware of so there are many ways to volunteer and make a difference. 1 . There are many local shelters in the San Diego area in need of volunteers to drive animals around, fund raise, foster animals and work at adoption events.

Some examples of organizations that are currently cooking for volunteers are the San Diego Animal Support Foundation and the Helen Woodward Animal Shelter (volunteer Opportunities”, 2006). TRANSITION: Now that I have discussed how this issue can be resolved we will conclude with a brief summary of the important points. Ill. Conclusion 1. REVIEW: The human population needs to be informed on the issues Of animal cruelty in order to put an end to this worldwide issue and enhance our own society. 1 . First we told you what animal cruelty is, how it happens and what issues it can cause.

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    It may sound surprising, but animal cruelty is only just becoming a federal crime. The PACT Act ("Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture") passed unanimously in both houses of the U.S. Congress ...

  5. Stop Animal Abuse

    Kyle Chung shares his passion for animal rights and exposes the cruel practices of animal abuse. Watch his inspiring TEDx talk and join the movement.

  6. Persuasive Speech on Animal Abuse

    Persuasive Speech on Animal Abuse. Imagine a world where animals are subjected to unimaginable cruelty and suffering. A world where their basic rights are violated, and they are treated as mere commodities for human use. Unfortunately, this is not a fictional scenario, but the harsh reality of animal abuse that persists in our society.

  7. Animal Abuse: An Informative Speech On Animal Cruelty

    Two common animal abuse is negligent and intentionally hurting the animals. In the 2007, there was 1,880 reports on animal abuse. 64.5% of it were dogs. 18% of it were cats. 25% of it were other animals. (Animal Cruelty Facts and Statistics) Many people who intentionally hurt the animals were males that were younger than 30 years old.

  8. Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals

    2-minute Speech on Cruelty Towards Animals. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today I'm here to talk about a topic that affects us all. It's about the way we treat our fellow creatures, the animals. You see, animals are not just creatures; they are our friends, our helpers, and an essential part of our world.

  9. 200 Informative and Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals

    The functions exerted by cats in the course of time. The importance of feathers/fur to animals. The life cycle of a butterfly. The life cycle of chicken from the moment the egg is laid to the moment the egg hatches. The life of deep-sea fish. The way in which oceanic animals lead their lives.

  10. How to Give a Speech on Animal Cruelty

    A speech on animal cruelty needs to be organized and executed to motivate action. Focus on the definition of animal cruelty, examples of abuse, tips for contacting agencies to report abuse and ways to proactively support animal rights. Include information about animal protection laws to educate your audience on what ...

  11. Speaking Up For Animals

    U. S. Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia gave an unprecedented speech on behalf of farm animals on the floor of the U.S. Senate. It is so important, that we have provided the actual video below. ... Recently, Mr. Burnett was found guilty of animal cruelty by a jury in a California court, so my faith in the wisdom of juries was restored. Ever ...

  12. Informative Speech : Fighting Against Animal Cruelty

    Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in fines, it is still an issue which occurs on a daily basis across the United States. It is important for these animals to not go unnoticed, which can be achieved if society became more enlightened and educated on the topic of animal cruelty.

  13. Essay on Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty

    Essay on Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty. Introduction 1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in ...

  14. Persuasive Speech about Animal Rights and Need to Defend Them

    For animal rights activists, recent years have shown an outpour of emotion and pledge for help as millions of animals face the suffering of animal cruelty and testing every day. Many campaigns and organizations have been put together on social media and online to reinforce the importance of putting a stop to the suffering of animals.

  15. Informative Speech Of Animal Cruelty: Effects Of Animals

    Animal Cruelty " It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person's pain and despair" (Wiesel). This quote from Elie Wiesel's "Perils of Indifference" perfectly sums up the dangers of indifference.

  16. Animal Cruelty and Prevention to Cruelty Speech

    Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, is an Act of the Parliament of India authorized in 1960 to forestall the punishment of pointless torment or enduring on creatures and to revise the laws identifying with the counteraction of remorselessness to creatures.

  17. Informative Speech: Animal Cruelty To Animals

    It. threatens the survival of endangered species and causes a life of misery and agony for many. animals because the trade is so lucrative to poachers. Another type of animal cruelty is neglect. This abuse usually happens to the animals in the zoo, the. animals with irresponsible owners. They ignore the needs of their pets.

  18. Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty

    Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty. Introduction 1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in fines, it is ...

  19. Informative speech: Animal Cruelty by brenna taylor on Prezi

    Here is a less R- rated video from PETA... Killed in inhumane ways Eggs Pork Throats slit while conscious Plunged into scalding hot water De-feathered or skinned while alive. What are some of the worst companies? According to McDonald's (That's right..

  20. Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Research Paper

    Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Research Paper. Animals are often forced to fight to the death, and if they are seriously wounded, left to die by their owners. B. Animal fighting rings have close ties to criminal organizations and attract illegal activities to the communities where they are located. ("4 tied", 2013) .

  21. Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty

    Animals are much like humans in the way that they can feel pain and have emotions. 1. A main type of abuse is neglection of animals by owners. 1. In the last 10 years, 30% of all animal cruelty cases have been because of neglect. (Animal Neglect Facts, 2012). 2.

  22. Animal Abuse Informative Speech by Rebecca Hall on Prezi

    Blog. April 18, 2024. Use Prezi Video for Zoom for more engaging meetings; April 16, 2024. Understanding 30-60-90 sales plans and incorporating them into a presentation