Career Sidekick

Crafting the Perfect Resume For Teens (Template & Expert Advice)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 16, 2024

Teen Employment

Ammar Ahmed

Ammar Ahmed

Writer & Career Coach

Stepping into the job scene as a teenager might feel overwhelming, especially with little to no work history. If you’re drawing a blank on how to put together a resume for teens, you’re not alone. This article is here to help, offering simple tips and examples that’ll guide you in creating a resume that shines, even if it’s your first.

The Modern Job Market for Teens

Teenagers seeking jobs today face a different landscape than previous generations did. With the digital age in full swing, there’s a new playground that’s opened up.

Evolving Job Market

Today’s job market has seen a significant evolution. Gone are the days when teens were limited to jobs at local stores or summer camps. The digital revolution has ushered in opportunities in the form of remote work and participation in the gig economy. Whether it’s freelance writing , graphic design , or even virtual assistance, the horizon has expanded tremendously for teens.

Digital Presence & Resumes

Having an online presence is almost as crucial as having a well-crafted resume for teens. Just as a resume showcases your skills and achievements, online platforms, such as personal websites, LinkedIn profiles, and even certain social media accounts, act as an extension of this presentation. It’s where potential employers or educators can get a holistic view of who you are, both as a potential employee and as an individual.

Crafting a Professional Online Image

  • Professional Profile & Headshot: Just as a resume needs to be polished, so does your online image. Start with a clear, professional headshot. This doesn’t necessarily require hiring a professional photographer; even a well-lit, high-quality photograph against a neutral background can work wonders.
  • Bio/Summary: Draft a brief bio or summary focusing on your main interests, strengths, and future aspirations. This isn’t a space to be overly formal but be succinct and genuine. Let it reflect who you are and where you see yourself in the future.
  • Engage with Relevant Companies: Identify and follow organizations or companies in fields you’re passionate about. This will not only keep you informed about the latest trends and job opportunities but will also demonstrate your genuine interest in that domain.
  • Recommendations: As you build connections, don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations or endorsements, especially from individuals you’ve worked with or under whose guidance you’ve achieved something notable. These serve as testimonials, lending credibility to your skills and achievements.

To sum it up, today’s job market for teens is a blend of the traditional and the digital. By combining a well-prepared resume with a thoughtful online presence, teenagers can stand out and make their mark in this evolved job environment.

Teen Resume Template

Mapping out a resume for teens can feel like a maze, but with the right structure, it can be simplified. Here’s a tailored template to guide teenagers in creating a resume that captures attention:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Summary
  • Work Experience
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • Achievements and Awards

1. Contact Information

Your contact details offer the first impression, even before face-to-face interactions.

  • Name: Clearly state your full name. If common, include a middle initial, e.g., “James T. Kirk.”
  • Phone Number: Provide a reliable contact, ensuring a professional voicemail greeting.
  • Address: List your city and state, or a full address if comfortable.
  • Email Address: Select a mature, straightforward email format, such as [email protected] . Avoid playful or quirky IDs.

This section is your gateway for potential opportunities, so it’s essential to appear polished and easily reachable.

2. Resume Summary

Your resume summary gives a quick overview of who you are and what you’ve achieved. Think of it as a brief snapshot of your abilities and goals.

  • Introduction: Begin by identifying yourself. For instance, you might be a “committed high school junior” or a “tech-focused sophomore.”
  • Your Achievements & Experiences: Reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far, even if it’s just within school or your local community. This can range from leading a successful school project to mastering a difficult subject or skill at home.
  • Connect With Your Desired Role: Make sure that what you mention aligns with the job or position you’re aiming for. This shows that you understand what’s expected and that you’ve prepared yourself for it.
  • State Your Goals: This is where you mention what you want to achieve, be it learning new skills, gaining work experience, or exploring a particular interest further.

Example Summaries:

“High school junior deeply involved in environmental projects. Successfully headed the school’s Earth Day event. Aiming to apply and grow these organizational skills in an environment-focused role.”
“Math-loving senior who’s excelled in advanced courses. Participated in school budgeting activities. Seeking an opportunity to further explore the world of finance and accounting.”
“Computer-savvy teen with experience in coding simple applications. Completed an online course in app development. Eager to contribute and enhance tech abilities in a related job setting.”

Your summary is essential. It’s the first main thing people read about you , so make sure it tells them about your strengths and how you want to use them in the future.

3. Education

Your education section shines a spotlight on your academic achievements and the courses you’ve taken that make you a fit for the job or opportunity you’re seeking.

  • High School & Graduation Year: Start by stating the name of your high school and the year you’re set to graduate. This gives a clear picture of where you are in your academic journey.
“Springfield High School, Expected Graduation: 2026”
  • Courses & Certifications: Here, highlight any courses that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. Also, if you’ve taken any additional certifications—like first aid or computer programming—this is the place to mention them.
“Relevant Courses: Advanced Math, Business Studies, Computer Programming Certification from XYZ Online”
  • Achievements: Your academic accomplishments can be an asset, showcasing your dedication and hard work. Mention if you’ve consistently been on the honor roll, completed a standout project, or participated in any school-wide competitions.
“Achievements: Honor Roll for 3 consecutive years, Winner of the School Science Fair (2024), Lead Organizer for School’s Annual Charity Event.”

By neatly listing out these details in the education section of your resume for teens, you effectively communicate your academic foundation and the extra efforts you’ve put in during your school years.

4. Work Experience

The work experience section paints a picture of your real-world exposure, even if it seems minor or unrelated. Remember, every experience teaches something, whether it’s time management, responsibility, or teamwork.

  • Part-time Jobs & Internships: Begin with any formal roles you’ve held. Include the job title, company or organization name, and the dates you worked there.
“Cashier, Green Grocer Shop, June 2022 – August 2022”
  • Volunteer Roles: Volunteering can be as valuable as paid work. Mention any initiatives or community projects you’ve been a part of.
“Volunteer, Springfield Animal Shelter, September 2022 – December 2022”
  • Extracurricular Activities: Being part of a school club, sports team, or drama group can showcase teamwork, dedication, and other valuable skills. Example: “Member, School Debate Team, 2021-2022”
  • Job Shadowing: If you’ve spent a day or more observing a profession, it shows curiosity and a proactive approach. Example: “Shadowed, Springfield Town Hospital’s Pediatric Department, January 2023”
  • Tasks & Odd Jobs: Babysitting , lawn mowing, or dog walking may seem mundane but highlight a sense of responsibility. Example: “Babysitter, neighborhood kids, various weekends 2022”

In crafting a resume for teens, the objective is to convey reliability, growth, and a willingness to learn. Your experiences, no matter how big or small, contribute to that image.

Skills are the tools in your toolkit that make you valuable in different settings, from the classroom to the workplace. As a teen, you might be surprised at the range of skills you’ve already developed.

  • Foreign Language Proficiency: Being bilingual or even having basic knowledge of a second language can be a huge asset. Example: “Fluent in Spanish, Basic knowledge in French.”
  • Basic Coding: In this digital age, understanding even the basics of coding can set you apart. Example: “Familiar with Python and HTML.”
  • Graphic Design: If you’ve dabbled with design tools or taken a class, don’t hesitate to list it. Example: “Proficient with Adobe Illustrator.”
  • Teamwork: Have you been part of group projects, sports teams, or clubs? This demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively. Example: “Experienced in collaborating with peers in school projects and sports teams.”
  • Problem-Solving: This skill can be showcased through various instances, like finding a solution to a challenge during a school event. Example: “Handled scheduling conflicts during the school fest by creating a new event timetable.”
  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial. This can be both written, like in essays, and verbal, like during class presentations.
  • Example: “Gave multiple presentations in school and wrote articles for the school magazine.”

When creating a resume, it’s essential to recognize and present both hard and soft skills. These, combined with your education and experiences, form a comprehensive picture of what you bring to the table. To get a comprehensive understanding of what you can do in this section, review more examples of resume skill sections . 

6. Hobbies and Interests

Going beyond academics and work, the hobbies and interests section offers a unique window into who you are as an individual. It highlights your passions and showcases additional facets of your personality that might resonate with potential employers or institutions.

  • Sports: Active involvement in sports indicates discipline, teamwork, and often, leadership skills.
“Varsity Basketball Player – Led the team as captain in 2022 and won the inter-school championship.”
  • Music: Whether you play an instrument, sing, or even just appreciate certain genres, music can communicate dedication, creativity, and cultural awareness.
“Violinist – Played in the school orchestra for three years and performed in multiple concerts.”
  • Arts: This could be anything from painting and drawing to drama. Artistic pursuits indicate creativity, patience, and a unique way of viewing the world.
“Drama Club Member – Acted in two school plays and helped with set design.”
  • Crafts : Engaging in crafts suggests attention to detail, persistence, and sometimes, entrepreneurial spirit.
“Handmade Jewelry – Craft and sell necklaces and bracelets at local craft fairs.”

While this section might seem less formal, it’s integral to a holistic resume for teens. The activities you pursue in your free time can often provide valuable insights into your character, work ethic, and personal strengths. It allows potential employers or educators to see you as a well-rounded individual, not just a list of achievements.

7. Achievements and Awards

This section magnifies the moments where your dedication, skills, and efforts were recognized. It’s a testament to the hard work you’ve put into both your academic and extracurricular endeavors, helping to distinguish you from your peers.

  • Academic Accomplishments: Recognition received for outstanding performance in school subjects or projects.
“Gold Medalist – Springfield High Math Olympiad 2022.”
  • Extracurricular Recognition: Awards or commendations received outside of the regular curriculum but within the school environment.
“First Place – Schoolwide Poetry Slam 2023.”
  • Competition Wins: Taking part in competitions, whether local, regional, or national, showcases your commitment and expertise in a specific field.
“Winner – Regional Science Fair 2023 for a project on sustainable energy.”
  • Special Recognitions: These can be from outside of school, such as community awards or recognitions from workshops you’ve attended.
“Community Service Award – Recognized for 100+ volunteer hours at the Springfield Community Center in 2022.”
  • Leadership Roles: If you’ve been entrusted with leadership positions, it’s worth mentioning as they underline qualities like responsibility, management, and guidance.
“Student Council President 2022-2023 – Led a team of 15 council members in organizing school events.”

In crafting a resume for teens, it’s vital to illuminate these achievements as they vouch for your capabilities and drive. They’re solid proof points of your dedication in various fields, making your application stand out. If you are still confused about how you should list your accomplishments, our guide will help you out!

8. References

References act as a bridge between you and potential employers or educational institutions. They vouch for your character, skills, and the authenticity of your accomplishments, providing an external voice that supports your claims.

  • Character References: These individuals can speak about your personal qualities, work ethic, and attitude. They’ve seen you in action, whether in the classroom, in clubs, or during school events.
“Mr. John Doe, English Teacher , Springfield High. Witnessed my growth as a writer and communicator over two academic years.”
  • Club Advisors and Coaches: If you’ve been active in extracurriculars, mentors from these activities can offer insights into your leadership, teamwork, and dedication.
“Ms. Jane Smith, Debate Club Advisor, Springfield High. Supervised and guided me during various inter-school debate competitions.”
  • Professional References: For those who’ve dipped their toes into the work world, whether it’s a part-time job, an internship , or volunteering, references from these arenas are invaluable.
“Mrs. Emily Brown, Manager, GreenCafe. Oversaw my tasks during my summer job where I managed inventory and assisted customers.”

Always remember to ask for permission before listing someone as a reference . Inform them about the role or opportunity you’re applying for, so they’re prepared to give relevant insights if contacted.

In essence, a reference section complements the rest of the resume for teens. It doesn’t just vouch for what you’ve achieved but more importantly, how you’ve achieved it and the impact you’ve made. While it’s crucial to have a well-structured and informative resume, it’s equally important to show that you’re a passionate individual ready to grow and contribute. With this balanced approach, you’re sure to make a lasting impression.

How to Format a Teen Resume

Presenting your skills, experiences, and achievements in a structured and visually appealing manner is crucial. Here’s a guide on how to format a resume for teens, ensuring it stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

1. Functional Resume Format

A functional resume emphasizes skills and achievements over chronological work history. This format is ideal for teenagers as it allows you to spotlight your strengths and relevant experiences, even if you don’t have an extensive employment history.

Why It Works for Teens: The functional format is suited for those with minimal experience because it allows you to focus on your skills and potential. Instead of listing jobs in order, you’ll be showcasing qualities and achievements that make you a desirable candidate.

2.  Visually Appealing Layout

Your resume should be easy to read and navigate. A clean layout ensures the hiring manager or reviewer can easily spot essential information.

  • Font & Size: Stick to professional fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, usually in sizes 11 or 12. These fonts are universally recognized and easy to read.
  • Font Color: Always use a black font color. It’s classic, formal, and readable in both print and digital forms.
  • Bullet Points: Use bullet points to list skills, experiences, or achievements. It helps in breaking up large chunks of text, making the document more scannable.
  • Concise Professional Language: A resume for teens should be straightforward and to the point. Avoid jargon or overly complex terms.

3.  Page Margins and Length

When setting up your resume, use spaces (margins) of about 1 inch on all sides; this makes your page look clean and organized. For most resumes, especially for teens, sticking to a one-page resume is a good idea. It’s long enough to show off what you can do but short enough to keep the reader’s interest.

4. Save as PDF

Always save and send your resume as a PDF. This format ensures that the layout, fonts, and formatting remain consistent, no matter where or how it’s viewed. Moreover, a PDF is universally accessible and maintains the integrity of your document.

Formatting plays a significant role in ensuring that your resume isn’t just informative but also engaging. By following these guidelines, teens can present a resume that reflects professionalism, attention to detail, and genuine enthusiasm for the opportunities they seek.

Tips for Writing a Resume as a Teenager

Crafting a stellar resume as a teenager might seem challenging at first. However, by adopting a strategic approach and being attentive to details, you can create a resume that resonates with potential employers. Here are some vital tips to guide your resume-writing journey:

Read the Job Description Carefully

When you look at a job description, pay attention to specific words they use to describe the skills and experiences they’re looking for. These are called keywords. By including these keywords in your resume, you show potential employers that you’ve paid attention to what they want and that you might be a good fit.

Seek Feedback

It’s always a good idea to get a second pair of eyes on your resume. Talk to trusted adults, like teachers, family friends, or mentors, and ask them to look over your resume. They might give you helpful advice on making it better or point out things you missed.

Proofread for Errors and Clarity

Mistakes on a resume can make it look like you didn’t care enough to check your work. Before you send it off, read through it a few times. Look for spelling mistakes, grammar issues, and places where things might be confusing. This shows potential employers that you’re careful and pay attention to details.

Wrapping up, remember that lack of formal work experience doesn’t limit your opportunities. Many roles are perfectly tailored for teenagers. Interested in exploring further? Dive into our articles on summer jobs and internships for teens to kickstart your journey.

CareerSidekick’s Resume Checklist

resume sample for 15 year old

About the Author

Read more articles by Ammar Ahmed

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Resume for Teens: Examples, Skills, Templates

Elena Prokopets

Do teenagers need a resume? Not long ago, the answer was no.

Most employers were not that open to hiring high schoolers. Today, however, that’s changing. With the gig economy and freelancing on the rise, landing a quick side job or seasonal employment is way easier. But considering that most companies now recruit online (including for temp/seasonal positions and internships), you are expected to act like an “adult” applicant and file your resume.

And here’s the deal: a fine-written resume can impress potential employers. Even if you do not have much job experience, most employers will appreciate your effort and the fact that you have followed the corporate formalities. Even if you were not asked to provide a resume, bringing one to your in-person job interviews is best. In fact, it is better to get two copies. One you will give to the hiring manager, and the other you can give to anyone else who attends your interview.

Teenage Resume Examples To Swipe 

We’ve rounded up some of our fave examples to help you craft a standout application. From proper formatting tips to persuasive language, these resume examples have got it all.

Teenager Resume Example 

Palm Springs High School Senior looking for a summer job in retail or hospitality.  Experienced in salesmanship, cash handling, order picking, and packing.  Dedicated, approachable, and customer-oriented. 

Work Experience:

Temporary Store Assistant  Beauty Supplies  Palm Springs, Florida October 2023-Dec 2023 

Worked evening shifts during the holiday season, helping the core team with back store operations: ecommerce order fulfillment (picking, packing, label creation), gift wrapping, and cash desk handling during busy hours. 

  • Maintained a fast rate of order fulfillment with high accuracy rates
  • Demonstrated strong teamwork skills, helping as needed with extra tasks 
  • Expertly handled customer payments (cash, mobile POS, and gift cards). 

Junior Associate  Skater Store  Palm Springs, Florida June 2023-September 2023 

Worked full-time shifts three times per week as a junior retail associate, introducing customers to the latest streetwear trends. Helped with outfit selection and styling; handled product exchanges and returns. 

  • Learned the full product catalog of 150+ items in the first week. 
  • Helped with styling in-store mannequins using trending items from TikTok. 
  • Provided friendly and fast customer service. 
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficient with Square register and mobile payment app 
  • Skilled in counting, labeling, and organizing inventory
  • Capable of multi-tasking and working well in high-paced environments. 

Palm Springs High School Senior Palm Springs, Florida  Expected graduation: 2025 

References Available upon request

Sample Resume for First Job as a Teenager

Fitness buff and professional runner looking for a summer position as a fitness instructor associate. Golden winner of the 2023 regional track and field competition. Experienced in endurance training and strength training. 

Skills & personal qualities 

  • Physical endurance
  • Mental resilience
  • Teamwork 
  • Dedication 
  • Persistence 
  • Honesty 
  • Approachable personality 

Work Experience 

Volunteer Weekend Coach  Margret Nursing Home Columbus, Ohio  April 2023-present 

Host bi-weekend core strength training classes for the population of Marget Nursing Home. Adapt the regiment to the trainees’ level of mobility and general health. Helped increase patient participation from 5 people to 25 on average in 3 months. 

Coach Assistant  Columbus General High Columbus, Ohio  September 2022-present 

Help track and field coaches organize and execute team practices. Provide mentorship and emotional support to team members during pre-competition drills and regular workout sessions. Help recruit new team members each year. Assist with basic admin tasks like inventory management and record-keeping. 


Columbus General High  September 2021-present  GPA: 3.5 

Captain of the Track and Field team (two times, state champions). Recipient of Ohio State Sports Association Scholarship for young athletes. 

Teenager Resume With No Work Experience

resume example for teens

Download resume (.docx)

Resume Example For Teens (Text Version)

Metro high school senior in search of part-time employment in the food service industry. Responsible, communicative, and result-driven A+ student and cricket team captain.

Hardworking and friendly student with academic and work experience in food preparation and service seeks a part-time position at a local restaurant or cafe. Team player, coachable, problem solver who is able to show empathy towards customers and coworkers. 

  • Cash handling
  • Food service sanitation
  • Customer service
  • Time management
  • Walk-in management
  • Restocking and inventory
  • Dish machine operation
  • Cold and hot food preparation
  • Catering and event set up and tear down
  • Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel

Metro High School  Sept. 2022 to Present Culinary Arts Program GPA: 4.0

Treasurer Future Farmers of America. Winner of Illinois State Student Bakers Association Pastry Championships. Created an on-campus food pantry program to help solve the problem of food insecurity facing 20% of the students attending Metro High.

State of Illinois Department of Health

Advanced Food Service Sanitation 100% Test Score

Completed 16 hours of training on food safety and sanitation issues commonly encountered in restaurants and other businesses. This course is in addition to the mandated food service training.

What to Put on a Resume as a Teenager?

A well-written resume provides the reader with a quick presentation of your skill, personality, and qualification levels. It should have the following information:

  • Contact details: Full name, phone number, and email address.
  • Resume objective or summary — a brief statement on what type of job you are looking for and what you can bring to the table. 
  • Skills – abilities acquired through education, after-school activities, volunteering, or work experience.
  • Education : Add your high school name, location, and graduation year (expected or actual). 
  • Work experience : Any work you’ve been hired to do. Volunteering and club activities also count! 

Let’s take a look each each one in detail. 

Teenager Skills for Resume

“Ugh, how do I prove that I’m qualified if I never held a job,” you may be thinking. Probably more than enough an employer needs. No one expects you to bring heaps of experience or practical knowledge. But you must still showcase some favorable qualifications and personal qualities. 

You can create a resume as a teen by listing knowledge and skills you’ve acquired through:

  • School courses and practical workshops 
  • Extracurricular activities 
  • Volunteering 
  • Online courses 
  • Hobbies and interests 

For example, if you’re applying to a hostess position, you can mention how you helped welcome and seat guests during a recent school play. Likewise, you can put relevant research work on your resume to demonstrate your theoretical knowledge and indicate eagerness to apply it in practice. 

Finally, emphasize soft skills — different personality traits and qualities that make you a good worker. Employers are willing to show you the ropes — e.g., explain how to operate a cash desk or package goods. What you need to bring to the table is good attitude, reliability, and strong communication skills. 

Here are several types of soft skills to mention on a teenager resume: 

Interpersonal skills 

  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Cultural sensitivity 
  • Conflict prevention 
  • Feedback 
  • Integrity 

Self-management skills 

  • Task prioritization 
  • Adaptability 
  • Maturity 
  • Self-discipline 
  • Goal-setting 

Analytical skills 

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Logical reasoning 
  • Online research 
  • Information synthesis
  • Digital literacy  

Work Experience

Include any part-time jobs, internships, volunteer work, or babysitting gigs in the work experience section. 

List the position, company or organization name, dates of employment, and key responsibilities. Use bullet points to structure information better for each entry. 

Let’s say you want to put babysitting on your resume . Here’s how a sample work entry may look: 

Evening Babysitter,  Columbus, Ohio. June 2023-present  

Assist three neighboring families with childcare, on-demand. Take care of kids, aged 3 to 9 years with whom I’ve developed warm relationships. 

  • Heat and feed evening meals as per the parents’ instructions. 
  • Play board games together or read books. 
  • Put kids to bed according to their schedules. 

References available on request.   

If you don’t have any work experience yet, go straight to the Education section as well. Put down your current school and expected graduation date. 

Mention all relevant academic achievements, specialized courses, or extracurricular activities. For example, emphasizing that you’re a member of the local chess club suggests that you have strong logical and analytical skills. 

You should also bring up any relevant online courses or tutorials you’ve completed. Again, these should be relevant to the job you’re after. If you’re applying as a fitness instructor assistant, do mention that you’ve completed Joe Wicks High-Intensity Interval Training workouts. 

Remember, your goal is to showcase how your background and personality help you be successful in the job. 

Recommended Resume Templates for Teens

Don’t start with a blank page. At Freesumes, we have over 180 professionally made and absolutely free resume templates . Modern, creative, minimalistic, or colorful, there are plenty of styles to choose from. Here are three of our top picks for teenager resumes. 

is modern resume style with some funky red accents. It provides ample room for a resume summary, a featured skills section, your work experience, and education.    flips the script in resume writing. You’ve got a big header area in the bottom and more space at the top to describe your background and talents.  is a simple, but effective resume template, oozing professionalism. The education sector is bigger here, so that you can easily compensate for your lack of experience. 

Try Our Free Resume Builder 

Wanna get the job even faster? Check out our free resume builder for teens (well, and for adults too!). Generate a professional resume using one of the six available styles and contextual prompts from our team. 

resume creator

Best Resume Tips for Teens

To effortlessly create a killer resume, there are some quick guidelines you should learn. These resume writing tips are designed to ensure that you can look as appealing as possible to potential employers, even when you don’t have a significant amount of work experience.

Remember that many companies now use an applicant tracking system (ATS) . This software automatically scans resumes and filters irrelevant entries. How does ATS determine the qualifications? By looking for keywords, describe your skills and qualifications. 

For example, if a job listing says, ‘Must be able to use Microsoft Excel,’ the ATS software will scan resumes for the keyword phrase, ‘Microsoft Excel.’ If that’s not in your resume, it would likely be discarded. When you read a job listing, note and incorporate relevant keywords to your resume.

List your accomplishments. This is different from listing your duties. Sweeping the floors at a fast food restaurant is a duty. Maintaining a safe and clean restaurant is an accomplishment. Show proof when you can. This could be an award you’ve received for good work or another honor.

For accomplishments, It’s okay to focus on academics. As a teenager, you aren’t expected to have much, if anything, in the way of work experience. So, you can show your dedication and experience through academic and extracurricular work. For example, you can say that you’ve been “voted as the debate club captain” or that your choir team has won several regional competitions. 

Another must-do thing is to match the entries on your resume with the work requirements. Are you applying for a job at your local library? Highlight your excellent grades in English and Literature. If you want to work as a cashier, mention that you’re an A student in math. Finally, remember that sports and activities count as well. So do your community service hours.

Be honest! Don’t exaggerate or lie on your resume . Companies will often check your work experience or ask for references. The last thing you want to do is be embarrassed by your own dishonesty.

Proofread your resume carefully . Use spell check, but don’t rely on that entirely. Read your resume, and ask a friend or family member to also look at it. You want to show that you’re careful and that you pay attention to detail. Also, use a professional-looking email address. Don’t sweat too much on crafting the perfect resume . Get a good enough version that gives employers a sense of your personality, motivation, and skills, and start applying!

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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How to Make a Resume for Teens With Examples

Teen giving their resume to adult in interview

You’ve scoured the job postings, picked the best of the bunch, and now it’s “game on” for getting hired. But before hitting “apply,” the first step is to learn how to make a resume for teens. It’s an ultra-important document that makes the first impression on your employer, and it’s your ticket for putting your best foot forward.

From advice about what to include (or exclude!) to writing a resume with no work experience to resume examples for teens, we’ve got the scoop on how to write a resume.

View our favourite Resume Examples for Teens .

What is a resume?

A resume is a formal written document that outlines your qualifications, such as your education, skills, work experience, and any notable accomplishments.

“The purpose of a resume is to showcase your skills and experience and to convince a prospective employer that it is worth calling you in for a job interview,” says Sabrina McTaggart , a career coach for young adults based in Ottawa, Ontario.

Most employers require a resume to apply for a job and it’s typically two pages maximum. It’s often accompanied by a cover letter—a one-page letter of introduction that summarizes why you’re applying for the job and what makes you an ideal candidate. 

Learn more about Best Summer Jobs for Teens in Canada

What should be on a resume for a teenager?

A resume is your chance to shine to a prospective employer. But avoid listing all things you’ve ever accomplished in your life. Here’s what should make the cut:

1. Your contact information

Your contact information should be front and centre. Specifically, the heading at the top of the first page should contain your name, address, email address, website, LinkedIn URL, and phone number.

Tip: Now is the time to create a professional email address. [email protected] is appropriate for corresponding with your peeps, but not with hiring managers. It doesn’t have to be complicated: you can use your name ([email protected]) or create a generic address ([email protected]). 

2. Summary/objective

Consider this section to be the “Coles Notes” version of your entire resume. Write a bullet-point listicle that rounds up the reasons why you’re the prime candidate for the job: from your educational achievements to your mad computer skills to awards and accolades. For example:

  • Entering fourth year of secondary school studies at Pleasantville High School.
  • Five years of experience caregiving for children.
  • Proficiency in Word, Adobe, and Excel software.
  • First Aid and CPR Certified.
  • Strong attention to detail, superior organizational and project management skills.
  • Familiar with social media.
  • Hold a valid Ontario driver’s licence.

Teen girl looking after boy drawing with chalk

3. Relevant experience

This section should be a snapshot of past and present experiences that demonstrate your ability to do the job. 

You should include:

  • Job or position title
  • Name of employer or organization
  • Dates of employment or participation
  • A summary of responsibilities and accomplishments (written as a bullet point list is acceptable).

“Briefly outline your relevant work experience and volunteer experience and what skills you developed in that work,” says McTaggart. “You can add any relevant extracurriculars that might make you a more attractive candidate, such as athletic accomplishments or music competitions.”

It’s standard to list your experiences in reverse chronological order (e.g., start with the most recent and work backwards) and only include what’s relevant and recent. A laundry list of everything you’ve ever done is TMI. Instead, highlight unique or noteworthy experiences that demonstrate your ability to handle the job. 

Tip: Show, don’t tell. You may have been elected to the student council (e.g., “Student Council Treasurer 2022-2023”), but it’s more impressive to share what you accomplished in that position (e.g., “Managed the council’s annual budget of $25,000 and fundraised an additional $10,000 to kickstart a Gender and Sexuality Alliance Network at school”).

Learn more: 14 best part-time jobs for teens .

What to put on a resume with no experience

’If you’ve never had a job, think outside the box. Did you house sit for your neighbour? Do you coach your younger sibling’s soccer team? Did you volunteer for a beach clean-up last summer? A hiring manager is looking to see examples of when you’ve acted responsibly, which could translate to on-the-job cred.

“Employers are aware that teens often have little formal work experience when they are hiring for student jobs and entry-level positions,” says McTaggart. “Consider how you might demonstrate that you have some useful skills, such as organizing, planning, writing, communication, and a strong work ethic.” She suggests including skills you learned while doing chores for neighbours and relatives, babysitting, dog-walking, or tutoring peers in school.

4. Education

List any past, current, and future educational achievements in reverse chronological order (most recent first and work backwards). This should be the shortest section on your resume and include: 

  • The name of your school(s)
  • Any diploma/degree in progress or attained
  • Major/field of study
  • Enrollment dates
  • Expected graduation date
  • GPA (if above 3.5)
  • Any notable awards

If you’ve just graduated, list your high school, and if applicable, any post-secondary institution that you will attend next year.

If you’re still a student with limited job experience, you can put this section at the top of your resume. But if you’ve graduated and have ample work experience under your belt, your education is slightly less important and can be parked near the bottom.

Tip: “Include details about your education, including any awards such as Honour Roll or Dean’s List,” says McTaggart. Just keep it short and simple: “Graduated third in a class of 200 students, with a GPA of 3.8.”

Teenage boy sitting at computer screen coding

5. Relevant skills

Showcase personal and professional skills that are relevant to the position and give concrete examples. For instance, if you’re applying to a summer camp, spelling out that you’re “First Aid and CPR certified” may give you a leg up over other candidates. If driving is an essential part of the job, mention that you have a valid driver’s licence (as well as list the licence class and how long you’ve held it). 

This is also the place to park any computer skills; fluency in languages; and certifications, licences, or professional courses that you’ve completed (or are currently completing). 

“Are you proficient with any software?” asks McTaggart. “Be sure to note, for example, if you can use document, spreadsheet or presentation software, and especially if you have any experience coding at any level.” 

Possible skills could include:

  • Customer service
  • French language
  • Basic coding
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Social media
  • Communication skills
  • Microsoft Office
  • Fundraising
  • Valid drivers licence

To understand what skills to include, study the job description. Does the position require using a computer? Are you handling cash? Will you be communicating with customers? Read between the lines and pick out the most important competencies for the job.

“For example, if you volunteered to help seniors with their technology in a retirement home, you have demonstrated strong communication skills, patience, and reliability,” says McTaggart.

Tip: Resist the urge to embellish your skills. Hiring managers often do background checks to confirm details. They may even request a copy of your purported credentials.

Read more: Job interview questions for teens with sample answers .

6. Awards and achievements

This is your chance to humblebrag about your awesomeness! List any scholarships, bursaries, awards, or achievements. These could be through school, the community, or extracurricular activities. If you’re applying for your first job, these seemingly small achievements can help your resume sparkle above the rest. 

7. References (optional)

While not mandatory, you can list up to three professional contacts who can speak to your character and/or professional experience. Always ask before listing a potential reference on your resume. No one likes surprises, and a courtesy “heads up” gives the person time to think about what to say. 

Learn more about How to prepare for your first job interview . 

Teen girl working at deli counter hands ticket to woman

Tips for writing a resume for teens

  • Stick to one to two pages : If you exceed that length, you risk overloading the hiring manager with information. Less is more!
  • Make a professional email address : “Avoid things like hunnybunny@hotmail,” says McTaggart.
  • Make your resume visually appealing : “This does not mean getting fancy,” says McTaggart. “It simply means making good use of white space and avoiding dense blocks of text.” Also, be consistent with fonts and formatting.
  • Keep it simple: A resume should be eye-catching but not gaudy. “Unless you are applying for a role where a lot of creativity is required, it is advisable to avoid flashy colours and fonts,” says McTaggart. “The key to a good resume is to make it readable and professional.”
  • Think about what the employer wants : Then, customize your resume to fit those qualifications. “Put yourself in the shoes of your prospective employer: they want a teen who is reliable, punctual, has a good attitude, can follow instructions and communicate clearly,” says McTaggart.
  • Study the job posting : It gives clues about what the employer wants in a job candidate, as well as keywords to include in your resume. It might also give intel on possible interview questions.
  • Prove you’re a leader: “Leadership skills are highly regarded by employers,” says McTaggart. “If you have ever been captain of a team, coached the younger members of your basketball club or taken a leadership role in your school play, be sure to highlight this.
  • Use “action” words to paint a picture . Use descriptive language to leverage your skills and experience, as well as what you’ve achieved. Instead of simply saying you “did a thing,” consider if you could use these verbs such as led, researched, created, managed, delivered, resolved, founded, developed, tracked, collaborated, grew, or promoted. The thesaurus is your BFF!
  • Proofread: Your resume should be squeaky-clean before you hit send. Run a spelling and grammar check—ideally, twice. Read the resume out loud to catch any awkward sentences or to trim length. Get a friend or family member to proofread for typos too.
  • Ready your references : “If you have done good work for someone, even if informally like babysitting or snow shovelling, consider asking them for a letter of reference,” says McTaggart. “You can then list these folks under your ‘References’ section.” She also recommends making the request in person and routinely after you finish a job. While few people do this, it’s a good habit that can pay off later.
  • Minimize your digital footprint : Hiring managers typically do online searches for job candidates. If you’ve got a digital presence that you’d rather not share with a potential boss, switch your social media settings to private. 

Tip: Include a cover letter with your resume. Learn more about how to write a cover letter for students .

resume sample for 15 year old

Resume Examples for Teens

Need some help crafting your perfect resume? We’ve got you! Here are some resume template for teens that can help:

Resume with no work experience for teens

A sample resume for a high school student with no job experience:

resume sample for 15 year old

Resume with work experience for teens

A sample resume for a first-year university student with job experience:

resume sample for 15 year old

Last word about how to make a resume for teens

If you’ve made it this far, you should be well-equipped to take on the task of creating a resume. Start by studying the job description and brainstorming what skills and experiences might be highly valued by the hiring manager. Using these pro tips, draft a resume that showcases your skills and uses concrete examples that are directly relevant to the position. Remember to have a friend or family member proofread it before you hit send.

One last piece of advice: avoid the pressure to be perfect. At this age and stage, no one expects you to have a jam-packed resume with fancy awards and job experience. Avoid “padding” your resume with complicated or overblown achievements.

“As a teen, you’re not applying for Senior Vice President roles!” says McTaggart. “Keep it simple.”

Download the Mydoh app to help your tweens and teens gain real-life experience managing their money. 

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.

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How to Write a Resume for a 15 Year Old

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Activities That Look Good on Teacher Resumes

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Teenagers in the labor force can explore the world of work, gain a sense of independence and learn marketable skills. But before this can happen regularly, a teen needs to secure a job. The Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA , sets 14 as the golden age for employment.

Helping your 15-year-old craft an appropriate, well-thought-out resume – whether it’s for babysitting, lawn-mowing gigs, computer tutoring or working at a pet store – can make all the difference in capturing that coveted job. Online resources offer teenage CV examples.

Start at the Top

Center the teen’s name at the top of the resume in a font that's larger and bolder than the rest of the information on the resume. His contact information should follow either centered under his name or aligned to the left. It should include his full name and the school he attends. Indeed Career Guide states that a teenager's street address is not needed; the city and state is acceptable.

Include an e-mail address rather than his cell phone number because you don’t want an unfamiliar adult having access to a teen’s phone. By providing just an email address, you’ll have a written record of information if you need documentation for any reason. If you feel an email address isn’t enough, include a parent’s or other trusted adult’s phone number for contact.

Job and Life Experiences

If your teenager has a job or previous work experience, include this information in a section titled “Experience” under her contact information. Indicate the name of the employer, the dates worked, the job title and duties. If no jobs exist, there are ways to transfer life skills and experiences into valuable, useful skills in the workplace. For example, if a teen impresses family and friends at Halloween with her costume designing and sewing skills, it’s a good bet that a local seamstress or clothing store will find these skills impressive as well.

Achievements and Abilities

You should also include academic and extra-curricular achievements and awards in a section titled “Achievements and Abilities.” List everything from winning the school spelling competition, to membership on the student council, to sports-associated trophies and medals. If the teen made the honor roll during elementary school and one year into high school, you should note that in this section, too. Good grades show employers a teenager's motivation and strong work ethic.

Involvement and Skills

In a section titled “Extracurricular Activities,” highlight the teen’s activities -- such as playing football, running track, or dancing – noting the dates of participation. Include any clubs and positions the teen held in the community and at school. If he helped organize a food drive for a religious organization, you should note it, as this kind of involvement shows dedication, a willingness to help others and compassion for the world at large. If your child is a three-sport athlete, this shows reliability. In addition, include any skill that pertains to a desired job, such as computer skills for a research assistant position.

Language and Presence

Eye-catching prose stands out on a resume. Express achievements by using action-driven words such as “formed,” initiated,” “improved” and “arranged.” Finally, make sure the resume is free of grammar and spelling errors. There's no room for error when writing a resume for a student with no work experience. The Indeed Career Guide website offers teen resume examples that you may find helpful.

  • United States Department of Labor: Youth and Labor
  • Indeed Career Guide: Resume Examples for Teens: Template and Writing Tips

Based in Los Angeles, Lisa Finn has been writing professionally for 20 years. Her print and online articles appear in magazines and websites such as "Spa Magazine," "L.A. Parent," "Business," the Famous Footwear blog and many others. She also ghostwrites for mompreneurs and business owners who appear regularly on shows such as Ricki Lake, HGTV, Carson Daly and The Today Show.

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Resume Example for Teens + templates and tips

Resume Example for Teens + templates and tips

As a teen, looking for a job can be overwhelming, but it shouldn't be with a good teen resume.

All resume examples in this guide

resume sample for 15 year old

Resume example for teens

Marry Jane 1245, West San Jose 734-394-5090 [email protected]

Professional Objective

A dedicated and responsible individual with an attention to detail. Multi-tasker who has handled various tasks while volunteering for an organization. Looking forward to building my skills and explore more by being an asset to the company.

Work Experience

Volunteer experience We Make Change, West San Jose (2018-2019)

  • Organized donation drives that got 3x more donations than previous campaigns
  • Collaborated with fellow volunteers and came up with creative solutions to tackle problems
  • Used social media handles to reach out to more people for donations
  • Set up new methods to carry out the functioning of the organization
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Multi-tasking skills
  • Computer proficiency
  • Detail-oriented

Academic Achievements

  • Won the best presentation award
  • Secured third in an art competition
  • Head of sports club
  • Team leader of group activity

Wonder high school, Ongoing

  • GPA - 3.5/4
  • English - Intermediate
  • French - Basic

best  example for teens resume template

And by good, we don’t mean making it all fancy by adding your experiences to fit the job. Obviously, as a teen, you don't need to have all the experience in the world to land your first job. You may already have the skills required for the job; you just need to describe them in a way that pleases recruiters.

But don't worry about it! We're here to tell you just that with some tips, templates along with resume examples for teens (like you!) for you to land your first job and get your first paycheck.

Before we get into the writing tips to create your teen resume, let’s take a look at one of the teenage resume examples for teens below:

This is just one resume example for teens. If you want to see more, you can check out our other resume examples .

What to Put on a Resume for a Teenager

As a teenager, you don’t have to make your resume look like you’ve had all the experience to fit the job description. So, relax; we’ll show you how to write it outstandingly step by step.

You can add the following sections on your teen resume to attract employers:

  • Contact Information
  • Career Objective
  • Volunteer Experience (Only if you’ve volunteered)
  • Extracurriculars
  • Achievements

Here, instead of a professional work experience section, you can either add your volunteering experience or anything you've done so far, be it babysitting, hosting a birthday party, or anything. It doesn't have to be about professional office jobs, so take it easy.

If you haven’t volunteered anywhere, you can sign up for one. But if there’s a time constraint, you can omit that section in your resume, and it’s totally okay! But you need to add your contact information at the very beginning.

Here are two quick writing tips for writing a good resume to help you:

resume example for teens

The layout for a Teen Resume (and how to make It appealing)

The layout of a resume is how you align your text and use colors. You need to make it visually appealing, as that's what grabs the attention of anyone. Well, even recruiters' attention! We’ll help you make a good first impression with your resume layout here:

Resume for teens with pointers are easy to read, and it’s easy for recruiters to scan. Since recruiters don't spend much time reading every resume, having bullet points would be best for your future employers.

Don’t make the following mistakes:

  • Adding sentences with more than two lines.
  • Keeping the font size too small or too big.
  • Not using numbers or numbering the lists wrong

Use subtle colors and standard font size so that it doesn’t strain the eyes of hiring managers. Don’t use flashy colors like red and neon as they may not look professional. Give attention to these little details to make them appealing.

A well-structured resume will make you stand out of the crowd.

The best resume example format

Formatting your teen resume is the next crucial step. There should be a flow in your resume for teens so that hiring managers don't have to take longer to look for relevant information. The three standard ways to structure your teen resume are as follows:

The best format for a teen is to go with chronological order, where you put your education details in the beginning.

Start with the Header

Let's jump into the basics of creating a teen resume now. It’ll be a great kickstart for your career with a good resume.

The header is the first line that your recruiter sees. Just like the way you clicked this article after reading the heading, your hiring managers will pick your teen resume if your heading is good.

A good & a bad header for teenagers

We’ve given here two resume examples for teens of an incorrect and a correct header to give you an idea.

I am Mary Jane, I live in Texas, I am a babysitter, and I'm looking for a job. My professional email address is [email protected]

As you can see in the resume examples for teens, the first header is unprofessional, and the email address is too. The second one is clear, and the professional email address looks formal too.

Another thing that most people get confused about while writing a resume is adding your photo or not. Well, the thing is, if it is mentioned in the job description, you need to addit. Otherwise, don't include it. Adding a photo can be a distraction and lead to discrimination which is why in the US and the UK, they reject your application right away if there's a photo in your resume.

resume example for teens

About me: how to write a professional objective with no experience

This section is where you talk about yourself and your skills. You should not only add what you do but also add how you do it. It shows how you approach things and whether you're responsible enough to handle them independently or not. This example is perfect for teenagers to tell the hiring managers what they can without having work experience.

If you have any work experience like we mentioned earlier, you can add a professional summary instead of an objective. But, for now, you can stick to the objective to land your first job. To give you a clear picture of how a professional objective should be, here are two examples of the correct and the incorrect.

Responsible individual with attention to detail and people skills. Managed donation drives end-to-end smoothly and gathered 3x donations by actively marketing, participating, and involving everyone in the team.

Hardworking and people-centric individual who can take up marketing roles and be the best in them. I'm looking for a similar job in your company.

The incorrect one does not seem professional, and it just says you can take up marketing roles but nothing but what you have done previously to be best at it. However, the correct example shows your skills and the outcome of managing the drive, which is great.

It means you can take up any responsibility and produce better results. Keep it relevant to the job.

Experience (+ what to do if you have no experience)

You may have no experience or have little experience doing summer jobs . If you have done any, you can add it in this section. It's alright if you have no experience. You can add the little things you have done in your neighborhood and high school.

Likewise, you can add your hobbies and interests, extracurricular activities, babysitting experience, and volunteer work. Add what you did in your high school and focus on your cover letter.

Here is an example of a high school resume:

Resume Example of experience for teens

Volunteer Work

We Make Change Org, 2020

  • Responsible for successful implementation of donation drives in and around the city.
  • Increased donation by 5x in 3 months by reaching out to people on various social media platforms.
  • Collaborated with other volunteers, brainstormed ways to help the needy, and came up with practical solutions.

resume example for teens

Highlight your education

The next section of the resume for teens is your education. You should add the high school you're studying in, your GPA, graduation date, and coursework here. If you have taken up any other courses online or elsewhere, you can include them too.

How to include your education

In this resume example for teens, here is how you write your education details with your high school:

Mountain Academy

Meansville, GA - Ongoing

Skills: best allies of teens with no work experience

Introduce the skills section and include both your hard and soft skills. Here is an example of it in our resume for teens. You can fill in as many you wish:

  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Customer Service
  • Multi-Task Management
  • Cheerful and energetic
  • Computer Literate
  • Team collaboration
  • Resolution-oriented
  • Weekly Payroll
  • Team Leadership
  • Approachable
  • Excellent time management
  • Cold Calling

What are the most sought-after skills for teenagers?

You need to add your hard skills like the software programs you’ve used in your high school or out of your interest and the soft skills in your resume.

If you've participated in a debate competition or any group project in your high school as a high school student, you can add communication and leadership skills too. To give you an idea, you can fill in the following skills:

  • Microsoft excel
  • Microsoft word
  • Graphic design
  • Public speaking
  • Computer skills
  • Coding skills
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Positive outlook
  • Perfect attendance record
  • Dedicated team player
  • Reliable and dependable
  • Excellent multi-tasker
  • Professional and mature

You should add skills relevant to the job you're applying to, as that's what the recruiters will be looking at. They try to map the skills to the job and see how well you can complete the assigned tasks. It's very important not to add skills that are not relevant for the job.

Additional Headings for your Accounts Manager Resume

In a student resume, you need to add a section with a few headings that we'll show you here. In this section, you need to add your interests, languages that you know, and the certifications that you have gained so far. As someone new to the field this section can give you an edge over others.

Say, for example, if you know multiple languages and you're applying for a customer support job, it will quickly catch the attention of recruiters, and you'll get a call for sure . So, this section is very important when you're writing a student's resume. We also have a resume template with this section where you can check out.

Computer skills and certifications

If you've worked on your high school projects or designed posters as a club member for fests, or if you have made a good presentation in your group project, then these are some of the skills that can be added. In our resume examples for teens, we’ll show you what to include.

It can be any software you've worked on. You can write you have photoshop skills, proficient in PowerPoint and Microsoft word or excel. Add them in this section to get a call from the recruiters. People who are hardworking are always preferred.

Here, you need to write about your interests and hobbies. Adding this section shows recruiters your interests beyond the job responsibilities and how you can contribute to the company with a broad range of skills.

Writing a resume is easy when you have a resume template with you. In this section, add all the languages that you know so far. Being multilingual is great in any workforce. It brings people together and helps you network with a wide range of people too in your career. So, this is a perfect addition to your resume if you know several languages.

Formation this section in the following way:

Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Photoshop, Microsoft excel

Blogging, child care, art, volunteer work

  • English (Advanced)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)

resume example for teens

What other sections to include?

You can add references in a separate section after the additional section where you can ask the organization you've volunteered for referring to you. You can ask for references from all the places you've worked and add them in this section, so the hiring managers know how you work through them. You can write a great resume by adding this section. You can also write your accomplishments and certifications you’ve received or online courses you’ve done to make it more impressive.

After completing your resume, you can check out Job search sites (or job search engines) and start applying. You can also go through our resume template to finish writing your resume quickly.

Top 5 resume tips

Summary: Key Points for Writing a resume for teenagers (even without experience)

That’s about it! Now that you know how to create your resume, you should ensure it is not more than one page, and everything is to the point. Let’s take a quick recap here:

  • Format your resume with professional colors and layouts
  • Structure your resume in the chronological order
  • Add a good resume objective
  • Add your experience and the responsibilities held if you have volunteered
  • Make use of resume templates to write impressive resumes
  • Include both your hard and soft skills
  • Write your achievements, languages are known, and certifications in the additional section.
  • Don’t forget to add your contact information such as your phone number, email address, and social media handles (preferable LinkedIn)
  • Add referrals in the end.

Write a Cover Letter that matches your resume perfectly

If you want to know how to write one, you can check out a few resume samples of cover letters.

Have a look at the Best online jobs for teens and some of our templates to craft a good professional resume.

FAQs about resumes for teens

Yes, of course, a 14-year-old can have a resume. If you're looking for part-time jobs, you need to write a resume to attract the attention of the employers by keeping it relevant to the job. Writing resumes can be a challenging task initially, but we've given you some examples of resumes, sample resumes, and cover letters to help you out in this article.

A 14-year-old should put the relevant skills, education, contact details, volunteer experience, and others on a resume. You can check our resumes template to write one and our sample resumes and cover letters.

You can create a resume using a resume builder where you just have to add your details and choose your template, and the resume builder will automatically make one for you. Whether you're applying for part-time or internships, you can add all the sections we've mentioned for the employers to know better about you.

A teenager can include volunteer experience, babysitting experience, hard skills like computer proficiency and knowledge of different software, and soft skills in a professional resume. You need to keep it relevant to the job you’re applying to. Check out our sample resume and use our resume builder to create a great resume for you.

Create your resume with the best templates

resume sample for 15 year old

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Create your resume in 15 minutes

Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

resume sample for 15 year old

Sample letters to download

resume sample for 15 year old

Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Teenager Resume With No Work Experience

Creating a resume as a teenager can be hard, but it’s not impossible.

Even without formal work experience, there are many ways to showcase your potential and demonstrate your value to prospective employers.

For your convenience, we have created a great sample teenager resume and expert writing tips that will ensure you stand out from the crowd.

This sample resume will provide you with a solid framework to organize your information effectively.

Similarly, our guidance will help you craft compelling sections such as your objective statement, skills, education, and achievements.

Have a look.

resume sample for 15 year old

Sample Teenager Resume With No Work Experience

Maria Johnson Houston, TX (000) 251-5214 [Email]

OBJECTIVE Motivated and responsible high school student seeking a part-time job as a clerical assistant. Bringing strong work ethic, punctuality, and dedication to contribute to the success of the organization.

EDUCATION High School Diploma XYZ High School, Houston, TX Expected Graduation Date: May 2024

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Business
  • Communication Skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Creative Writing


  • Received the “Outstanding Student of the Year” award for exemplary academic performance and dedication to community service
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Quick learner


  • Member of the school debate club: Developed public speaking and critical thinking skills
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter: Demonstrated compassion and responsibility
  • School community service club: Organized and participated in various community events

REFERENCES Available upon request.

resume sample for 15 year old

How to Write a Teenager Resume With No Work Experience?

Creating a resume as a teenager without work experience might seem challenging, but it is an excellent opportunity to highlight your skills, achievements, and potential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an impressive resume:

1. Contact Information

Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address.

2. Objective

Write a short, focused objective that outlines your career goals and why you’re applying for the job.

3. Education

List your educational background, including the name of your school, the year you’re expected to graduate, and any notable achievements or relevant coursework.

Highlight skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. These can include both hard and soft skills.

5. Volunteer Work and Extracurricular Activities

Include any volunteer experience, internships, or participation in school clubs and sports, as these demonstrate responsibility and commitment.

6. Awards and Honors

List any awards or recognitions you’ve received that can showcase your abilities and hard work.

7. References

You can include a statement that references are available upon request or list the contact information for 2-3 references who can vouch for your character and abilities. This can include teachers, coaches, or supervisors from volunteer work.

Final Tips:

  • Keep your resume to one page.
  • Use a clean, professional font and format.
  • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Customize your resume for each job application to match the job requirements.

Following these steps will help you create a polished and professional resume, even without work experience.

  • Work From Home Resume No Experience Sample
  • High School Graduate Cover Letter With No Work Experience
  • Resume Writing Tips for High School Students with No Experience
  • Fast Food Worker Resume With Less or No Experience

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Teen Resume Examples With Writing Tips

resume sample for 15 year old

What to Include in Your Resume

  • Tips for Writing a Resume for Teens
  • Resume Example for a Teenager

More Resume Examples for Teens

If you’re a teenager looking for a part-time job, it’s probably time to write your  first resume . You may not need one to apply, but having a resume can help you get hired. What do you put on a resume when you don't have much, or any, work experience? How do you format a resume for a part-time job?

Due to your limited work experience, you’ll likely need to go beyond your job history, and include related coursework, school activities, and volunteer experience. It’s helpful to look at student and resume examples to get some ideas about what a good one contains. 

Learn about the best information in your resume, the best format to use, review examples, and get a template to use as a starting point for your own resume.

When you are writing a high school resume, it’s important to make sure you include all the pertinent information in an acceptable standard format. At a bare minimum, your resume should include your  contact information  along with your experience  and  education .

Beyond that, most sections are optional—you can include a  skills section  or  objective , but it's not required.  

Highlight academic accomplishments.  As a student, a lot of your experiences are in the classroom. Emphasize achievements like a high GPA or any academic awards.

Success in the classroom is a good indicator of success on the job, and hiring managers know this.

If you have taken courses related to the job you’re applying for, list those as well.

Emphasize extracurricular activities.  Since you likely have limited work experience, emphasize your non-work activities. These might include clubs, sports, babysitting, or volunteer work. All of these activities can show your skills and abilities.

Note any leadership experience.  Have you held a position in a club or student government, or been a captain on a sports team? Be sure to list this experience, as it highlights your leadership ability.

Tips for Writing a Resume for Teenagers

You want your resume to clearly show the employer what kind of employee you’ll be. You don’t want them to have to waste their time deciphering your experiences. Here's how to do that:  

Use a simple format and font.  Use a  resume template  to guide your writing. Looking at examples can help you decide what kind of content you should include, as well as how to format your resume.

Choose a simple, standard format. It should be easy to read and look like a professional document.

A font like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri looks good and will make your information stand out to the hiring manager.

Think about what the employer wants.  Make sure to tailor your resume to fit your own experiences, and the requirements of the position you’re seeking. For example, if you are applying for a job as a camp counselor, highlight any experience you have working with children. If you are applying to be a waiter, emphasize experience in customer service, or working (or playing) on a team.

Use action words.  When describing your achievements, use  action words . Words like  led, researched, tutored,  and  created  emphasize the value of your experiences rather than just listing what you did.

Proofread and edit.  Proofread your resume carefully before submitting it. A clean, error-free resume will show you off as a polished candidate. Ask a friend or family member to read the resume for you as well. It can be tough to spot your own typos and grammatical errors.

Part-Time Job Resume Example for a Teenager

The following is a resume for a teenager seeking a part-time job or internship that involves working with children. Download the resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Part-Time Job Resume (Text Version)

Denise Applicant 777 Walnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 10036 • (444) 555-1212 •


Building positive learning outcomes and life skills with children and students

Hard-working, responsible student with experience taking care of young children. Key skills include:

  • Spanish—intermediate level
  • French—beginner level
  • First Aid, CPR, AED certifications
  • Adobe Photoshop & InDesign
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Experience with children


SMITH HOUSEHOLD,  Philadelphia, PA NANNY  (February 2022—Present) Plan, organize, and implement fun and educational activities for three children younger than 6.

BEACON PROGRAM,  Philadelphia, PA COUNSELOR  (Summer 2021) As co-leader for a group of 10 first-graders, implemented games designed to encourage creative problem-solving in science and engineering. Notable Accomplishment:

  • Named “Counselor of the Week” twice for leadership skills.

MAPLE STREET CONVENIENCE STORE,  Philadelphia, PA CASHIER  (Summer 2020) Managed cash register, restocked shelves, and assisted customers with locating items. Notable Accomplishment:

  • Awarded for “Best Customer Service,” June 2020.


MAIN STREET HIGH SCHOOL , Philadelphia, PA Honor roll each semester, diploma expected 2021

Related Coursework & Activities

Early Childhood Development • Urban Education • Urban Education—Psychology • Urban Education—Instructional Leadership • Modeling Club • Fundraising chair, JROTC Drill Team • Vice president, Drama Club • Cheerleading

  • High School Resume Example
  • High School Resume Template
  • High School Graduate Resume Example
  • Student Resume Examples, Templates, and Writing Tips

Key Takeaways

  • Your resume should include your contact information along with your experience and education.
  • It’s fine to include extracurricular activities if you don’t have formal work experience.
  • Tailor your resume to fit the requirements of the position you’re seeking.

StandOut CV

CV template for 15 year old + examples

Andrew Fennell photo

When you’re still in education and have limited work experience, it can be difficult to create an impressive CV.

But, by using well defined CV structure , and highlighting your transferable skills, you can still get noticed by employers and get job interviews.

I have put together this detailed guide which includes a CV example for a 15 year old, to aid you in producing a CV that will get you hired.

Guide content

  • CV examples
  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Your education
  • Vital skills for your CV

CV templates 

CV for 15 year old example 1

CV for 15 year old - 1

CV for 15 year old example 2

CV for 15 year old 2 - page 1

The above CV examples , show how to correctly format your CV even if you have no work experience and how to make your educational history a focal point.

This guide, will walk you through how to create your own engaging and visually pleasing CV.

CV structure & format

Facilitate ease of reading with a strong CV format , allowing recruiters to pinpoint vital details within your CV.

Make your CV easy to navigate by using defined sections and bold headers, meaning recruiters don’t have to dig through reams of text to find key details.

The below infographic supports you in how to write a CV , giving you the basics of what sections to include.

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • An ideal CV length is 1 to 2 sides of A4, if you have limited experience it’s okay to submit a CV of 1 side of A4
  • Keep to a simple CV design with a muted colour pallet and clear font, and avoid an over-complicated  design just distracts recruiters’ attention
  • Avoid incorporating imagery such as company or school logos or headshots, these take up valuable space within your CV without adding any value

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Structuring your CV

Enable ease of reading through a clear CV structure, which will help pinpoint key elements of your CV.

Working to the below sections:

  • Contact details – keeping them easily accessible at the top of the page
  • Profile – an opening paragraph that summarises your experience at first glance, emphasising your applicableness for roles
  • Education – featuring your educational history as well as any club involvement
  • Work experience –  record any voluntary work experience or personal pursuits
  • Interests and hobbies – detailing any interests that can demonstrate your transferable skills

I’ll now walk you through what to include  in each section.

CV contact details

Contact details

Make your contact information easily accessible at the top of the page, including key information such as:

  • Phone number (ideally your mobile number)
  • Email address

Avoid adding additional details that aren’t needed in the decision making process such as headshots, date of birth or marital status.

Top Tip –  avoid adding childish email addresses and keep to a professional, work appropriate address.

Your CV profile (or personal statement ) is an opening paragraph between 5-10 lines that gives context to recruiters’ of your educational history, marketable strengths and any voluntary experience.

Highlight your applicableness for roles to recruiters at the top of the page, grabbing their attention and drawing them in to reading further into your CV.

CV profile

These points will support you in crafting your CV profile:

  • Research the industry you’re looking to pursue prior to putting together this section, look to add keywords or sector specific skills
  • Stick to a paragraph length between 5-10 lines, giving an overview of your CV but enabling you to provide extra detail elsewhere
  • Don’t blend into the crowd with overused phrases such as “I am a team player” or “I am hardworking” and instead, highlight workplace skills which are relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

Quick tip:  If you struggle with spelling and grammar, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder

What to include in your CV profile?

  • Qualifications – record the qualifications you have obtained, linking these to the sector you’re applying to
  • Core skills –  detail your core strengths that can help you transition into a range of industries such as communication, dedication or team work
  • Passions –  give insight into the reasons why you’re looking to explore a certain sector

Core skills & achievement section

Underneath your CV profile, add a core skills  and achievement section that is made up of two to three columns of bullet points.

Add strengths that relate to the industry you’re pursuing, ensuring at first glance that employers can see why you’d be the ideal candidate for roles.

CV core skills

Use the vital skills section below for inspiration or your sector research to compile this list.

CV education section for school leaver

In your education section, you should be documenting any qualifications or courses you have obtained.

Employers are keen to see what you’ve achieved during your education so look to include:

  • A list of qualifications gained or that you are completing, in bullet point form (whether GCSE’s or vocational training )
  • Any voluntary work you completed through school
  • Which school you attended and dates of attendance
  • Any awards you achieved during your education (such as top of class or full attendance awards)

Clubs and Memberships

Within your education also incorporate clubs you have been part of or memberships gained.

These could be book clubs, sports team you were part of or even factoring in being a captain of a team or a school prefect.

See also: School leaver CV

Work experience

Work experience isn’t limited to paid employment, so look to include voluntary work, any personal pursuits you have undertaken such as creating logos online or part time jobs such as working in a local cafe or having a paper round.

Structuring your roles

Look to break the information within your role descriptions into three clearly defined sections, helping recruiters easily navigate your experience.

Role descriptions

Provide an overview of any voluntary experience you have gained and what duties you undertook.

“Volunteered at a local vets, helping with any tasks needed from front desk to cleaning duties ”

Key responsibilities

Detail your key duties in each position, in bullet point form.

  • Shadowing the veterinarians as they examined pets
  • Cleaning up the animal cages 

Key achievements

Detail any specific achievements during this time and try to use figures that can verify and boost your examples.

  • Gained excellent feedback from two customers who said I was helpful during their visit to the vet

Interests and hobbies

This section should be used to boost your relevancy for roles, by displaying the transferable skills you have acquired.

Avoid cliche hobbies  such as reading and instead reflect on hobbies that are linked to the sector you’re hoping to pursue.

For example, focus on hobbies such as sporting team involvement, charity participation or accomplishments such as running a marathon as these all show your dedication and hard work.

Essential skills for your CV

Whilst each individual role you apply for may be looking for a different skill set, there are fundamental strengths you need to be featuring within your CV.

Communication –  being able to effectively communicate to customers or colleagues and present your ideas

Dedication –  showing your drive and your ability to commit as well as revealing your work ethic

Organisation and time management –  being able to work to deadlines as well as juggle your time effectively with education and employment

Team Work –  having the capacity to work with others, using examples from school projects or club memberships

Writing your CV

If you have limited work experience, the key to standing out from the competition is all about displaying your transferable skills.

Your CV structure needs to both make your educational history and strengths a focal point whilst also being visually pleasing and easy to navigate.

Following this guide will help you in creating a CV, that aids you in landing plenty of interviews.

G ood luck in your next application!

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  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
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  • Cover Letter Builder

Jobs for 14- and 15-year-olds: examples + advice

Susan Shor

What sort of jobs are near me for 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds?

In-person jobs for 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds, remote jobs for 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds, fast-food chains and restaurants, grocery stores, entertainment .

You’re only 14 years old, but want to earn some extra money. Maybe you want to help out your family or save for a big ticket item like a car. After all, you’ll soon be eligible for a driver's license. It’s great to have goals! 

Good news: There are plenty of jobs for 14-year-olds, whatever your motivation. But you also need to be aware that there are limitations. Child labor laws designed specifically to protect teens aged 14 and 15 may restrict how much and what hours you work.

Luckily, this blog will break it down. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The number of hours 14-year olds and 15-year-olds are allowed to work
  • The best types of jobs for teens
  • What companies hire 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds
  • Tips for getting your first job

How much are 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds allowed to work?

In the U.S., the Fair Labor Standards Act separates work into agricultural and nonagricultural categories, and the rules differ between those two. This law defines how much 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds are allowed to work.

Here are the limitations on work for minors 14 and 15 years old:

  • No manufacturing, mining or hazardous work
  • No more than three hours on a school day, 18 hours in a school week, eight hours on a non-school day, or 40 hours in a non-school week
  • No working before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m., except in the summer (defined as June 1 through Labor Day), when teens in your age group may work until 9 p.m.
  • Students in a Work Experience and Career Exploration Program (WECEP) may work up to 23 hours in school weeks and three hours on school days (including during school hours)
  • Students in a work-study program work during school hours.

State regulations vary. For a complete list, go to the U.S. Department of Labor and choose your state.

What sort of work can 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds do?

If you have a theatrical side, you’re in luck! People of any age may perform in radio, TV, movie or theater. Depending on your view, this next bit may be good or bad: Your parents can have you work in their small business (as long as it does not fall into the above forbidden categories).

If you’re looking for work now, you’re also in luck! Many entry-level positions are going unfilled and employers are beginning to sweeten the pot to attract job seekers. That means you may have more options and better working conditions.

For even more ideas, check out our comprehensive blog on jobs for teens .

So are there really jobs for 14-year-olds?

The very short answer is yes! We may be past the days when youths rode their bikes with a pile of newspapers to throw onto porches, but there are plenty of other opportunities out there. 

For one, teens your age may work in agriculture after school hours as long as the job is not dangerous. If you like the outdoors and don’t mind hard work, this may be for you. But many other environments are out there.

If you have a theatrical side, you’re in luck! People of any age may perform in radio, TV, movie or theater. 

Depending on your view, this next bit may be good or bad: Your parents can have you work in their small business (as long as it does not fall into the legally forbidden categories noted above).

If you’re looking for work right now in any number of fields, you’re also in luck! Many entry-level positions are going unfilled and employers are beginning to sweeten the pot to attract job seekers. That might mean more options and better working conditions than ever for young teens.

For some jobs, you won’t even have to leave your room! But, let’s start with those jobs you have to arrive on-time for and learn to function in a business environment.

You probably know about the classics: non-official work such as mowing lawns, shoveling snow, pet-sitting or dog walking, and babysitting. But you may not think this work counts as "regular," so if you want or need to earn a set amount of income, these may not be the best choices. On the other hand, these entrepreneurial jobs show off your can-do spirit and can lead to greater opportunities.

If you want to get experience working with a team or in a structured work environment, many people start their working careers in fast food or other service industries such as coffeehouses, movie theaters or supermarkets.

40+ hobbies and interests for your resume to impress any interviewer

It has long been a job search rule that experienced professionals should not put hobbies and interests on resumes. However, as work/life boundaries shift, employers are increasingly interested in the broader aspects of a candidate’s personality. Time for a rethink.

If you’re an ace programmer, 3D modeler or have other complex computer skills, you’ll have no trouble finding work. Maybe you’re already selling your apps online or are mixing the audio for your friends’ band. These skills can earn you cash. Here’s a more complete list of computer-based jobs.

Our guide to the top 10 remote jobs will offer more ideas, although not all are teen-oriented.

Like to share your opinion? Did you know you can get paid to review songs online? Or fill out surveys (some sites have a minimum age above 15)? What about watching ads ? 

Blogging, vlogging and freelance writing are also open to teens. But be aware that these jobs require a lot of marketing plus a healthy helping of luck.

Do you have a professional phone voice? A few companies, including U-Haul, will hire 14-year-olds as customer service representatives. Detail-oriented? Data entry may be a great starting point for you. 

Consider all your talents. Are you acing algebra? You can tutor other students. Do you handcraft gifts for friends and family? Etsy may be your ticket. Are you known for your pithy sayings or graphic design skills? Check out CafePress . Creativity will lead you to other jobs you can get as a 14-year-old that will take advantage of your hobbies and talents and may lead to career opportunities.

What companies hire 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds?

The top companies that hire 14-year-olds and 15-year-old are, not surprisingly, those that rely on unskilled labor and a short on-the-job training session. These employers understand that most likely you are not looking for a career, but simply an afterschool job. However, if you choose to stick with them through your high school years, many also offer opportunities for advancement.

If you want to get out of the house, plenty of large companies will give you a chance. Check your state’s regulations and the locations near you for more specific information. For example, in Montana — but only in Montana —   Starbucks hires 14-year-olds.

  • Baskin-Robbins
  • Ben and Jerry’s
  • Boston Market
  • Burger King
  • Chick-Fil-A
  • Dairy Queen
  • Rita’s Italian Ice
  • Giant Eagle
  • King Soopers
  • Stop & Shop
  • Wegmans (minimum age 15)

Many supermarket positions are entry-level so they only require the skills you already possess. Including a cover letter with your job application is vital to highlight the transferable skills and personality traits that hiring managers are looking for. The advice in this writing guide is illustrated with adaptable wording from a supermarket cover letter example.

Supermarket cover letter example

AMC Theaters hires teens under 16, but you may also want to check into the other entertainment options in your community. Here are some ideas:

  • Bowling alleys
  • Indoor skydiving
  • Indoor water parks
  • Rock climbing

If you are unsure which job suits you the best, have a look at our Top 12 Career Aptitude Tests. . 

Summer jobs for 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds

If school is your priority, but you want to earn extra cash in the summer, amusement parks are a great option. Six Flags hires young teens. Your local YMCA or park district are other seasonal employers who rely on teens for a variety of jobs including landscaping, maintenance, reception, concession worker and, of course, camp counselor. Check out your local day camps as well.

You may become American Red Cross certified as a lifeguard if you are 15 or older by the end of your training session.

Not interested in working with young campers? What about these ideas?:

  • Caddying at a golf course
  • Landscaping
  • Care for plants at a nursery
  • Clean pools
  • Work at the zoo

How much do jobs for a 14-year-old or 15-year-old pay?

Companies that hire teens are required to pay them the minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25, but many states and municipalities have a higher minimum wage. However, companies may pay as little as $4.25 for the first 90 calendar days that you are employed.

Exceptions exist for full-time students, student learners, apprentices, and workers with disabilities, so be sure to check with your locality.

The definitive interview guide

Interviewing is stressful. Preparation and practice are the best ways to get yourself ready for the big day. This interview guide helps you to walk into that interview with the best chance of getting a positive result.

How to get your first job as a 14-year-old or 15-year-old

What about jobs for a 14-year-old without experience? If you’re applying online, or even if you are walking into businesses cold and asking about work, you will need to describe your work experience and who you are. You will look a lot more impressive if you have a resume. But how do you do that when you have never had a job? 

Check out our advice on how to write a resume with no experience ! Then, take it a step further with our how-to guide on cover letter writing for your first job.

First impressions matter, so if you apply for a job in-person, make sure you dress appropriately and adopt a professional tone.

Key takeaways:

  • There are plenty of jobs for 14-year-olds and 15-year-olds, although their hours are limited by both federal and state laws.
  • Certain companies are known for hiring young teens and are prepared to teach you on-the-job skills.
  • Don’t forget to consider your own skills and interests — there’s a job for everyone!

resume sample for 15 year old


  1. Resume Examples for Teens: Template and Writing Tips

    Read more: Top Resume Formats: Tips and Examples of 3 Common Resumes. 2. Make your contact details easy to find. You want it to be easy for a recruiter to contact you by ensuring that your contact details are clear. Include your name, phone number, email address and the city and state where you live.

  2. 4 Resume Examples for Teens & Best Templates

    Here's a sample resume for an experienced teenager: Emily R. Davis. ... Change the font size to 11-12 for the contents and 13-14 for the resume headings. Apply 1-1.15 line spacing for better readability. ... Even if you're not an overachiever who can add a degree to a resume at 16 years old, low-key hate school, ...

  3. Resume for Teens: Examples & Writing Tips

    Check out our resume samples for different teen jobs: Babysitter resume. The babysitter resume sample below illustrates how to effectively highlight your childcare ... [Month, Year] [High School Name] [High School City, State] Relevant Coursework: [Relevant Course #1 Name] [Relevant Course #2 Name] [Relevant Course #3 Name] 4. Key Skills. List ...

  4. Teenager Resume: Examples, Templates, and Tips

    Teen Resume Education Sample Good Example. Education—Fairlawn High School . 2015-2018. President of School Yearbook Committee. Used high-level teamwork skills to drive team to deliver yearbook 10 days ahead of schedule, with 15% fewer errors than previous 10 years. With strong work ethic finished layout when editor left due to health.

  5. Great Resume Examples for Teens

    The following is an example of a resume for teens: Brittany Block. 179 Countryway Blvd., Charleston, South Carolina 37291. Cell: (432) 685-5738, Email: [email protected]

  6. Resume For Teens (Template & Expert Advice)

    1. Functional Resume Format. A functional resume emphasizes skills and achievements over chronological work history. This format is ideal for teenagers as it allows you to spotlight your strengths and relevant experiences, even if you don't have an extensive employment history.

  7. Resume Examples for Teens (With Template and Tips)

    Related: Jobs for 17-Year-Olds To Help You Build Professional Skills. 2. Make your contact details prominent. Make your contact information one of the first things people see when they look at your resume. Many people put their name and contact information in a larger font than the rest of the resume.

  8. Teen Resume: Examples, Template & Advice for Beginners

    Last Updated: July 15, 2024. EXCELLENT. 9703 reviews on. Create your resume. As seen in 1. ... Sample teenager resume sample. Create your resume. ... Don is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with more than 10 years' experience creating digital content, including four years helping job seekers develop their careers. ...

  9. 6 Great Teen Resume Examples + Writing Tips

    That's where our trusted Resume Builder comes in to save the day. 1. Type your job title in the search bar to load personalized examples of resume summaries. 2. Pick the one that best fits your profile and qualifications. 3. Customize it with your unique skills and years of experience.

  10. Resume for Teens: Examples, Skills, Templates

    Available full-time during summer and part-time (after 15:00 during the semester). Alternatively, you can choose a resume summary—a longer paragraph describing your job expectations, talents, and competencies. A resume summary works better if you have some work experience (even informal) or completed specialized training at school or elsewhere.

  11. How to Make a Resume for Teens With Examples

    4. Education. List any past, current, and future educational achievements in reverse chronological order (most recent first and work backwards). This should be the shortest section on your resume and include: The name of your school (s) Any diploma/degree in progress or attained.

  12. How to Write a Resume for a 15 Year Old

    Helping your 15-year-old craft an appropriate, well-thought-out resume - whether it's for babysitting, lawn-mowing gigs, computer tutoring or working at a pet store - can make all the difference in capturing that coveted job. Online resources offer teenage CV examples.

  13. Resume Writing Tips for Teens (2024 Guide)

    Writing your resume may be easier if you have some examples to draw on. Here are two: Example resume for 14-year-old with no work experience Kate Smith Richmond, Melbourne 3121 [email protected] 0400 123 456 Objective Enthusiastic student with excellent academic record and artistic skills. I am looking for a retail position that will allow ...

  14. Resume Example for Teens + templates and tips

    Yes, of course, a 14-year-old can have a resume. If you're looking for part-time jobs, you need to write a resume to attract the attention of the employers by keeping it relevant to the job. ... Check out our sample resume and use our resume builder to create a great resume for you. Create your resume with the best templates. Download. Download ...

  15. How to Write a First Job Resume for Teens

    See a sample teen resume. ... Able to start as of June 1 and available to work full time until Aug. 15. Can work part time during the school year. Education: Washington High School, Class of 2022 ...

  16. Teenager Resume With No Work Experience

    Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an impressive resume: 1. Contact Information. Include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. 2. Objective. Write a short, focused objective that outlines your career goals and why you're applying for the job.

  17. Teen Resume Examples & Templates (2024) ·

    Once every 2 weeks, our experts gather the best career & resume tips you can read in 15 minutes or less. Straight to your inbox! Subscribe. ... Check out our adaptable teen resume sample for more ideas on how to get started. 4.5. 41 people rated this article. Tweet. Share. Written by.

  18. Sample Resume for Teens

    Resume for Teens. HOLDEN CAULFIELD. Agerstown, PA 00000 | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected]. Eager and organized go-getter looking for opportunities to build personal and professional skills. Presents numerous examples of using organization and communication skills to positively affect the community and contribute to large projects.

  19. Teen Resume Examples With Writing Tips

    Denise Applicant 777 Walnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 10036 • (444) 555-1212 • [email protected]. CHILDCARE WORKER. Building positive learning outcomes and life skills with children and students. Hard-working, responsible student with experience taking care of young children.

  20. How To Make a Resume for a 16-Year-Old

    16-year-old resume example Use this basic resume for a 16-year-old to guide and inspire your own resume: Mary Kane 5974 Snow Avenue Minneapolis, MN 989-376-6700 [email protected] Resume objective Hard-working individual seeking an office assistant position to apply communication skills and computer literacy and contribute to your office employees' efficiency.

  21. CV template for 15 year old [Get hired while in school]

    CV for 15 year old example 2. CV templates. CV templates. The above CV examples, show how to correctly format your CV even if you have no work experience and how to make your educational history a focal point. This guide, will walk you through how to create your own engaging and visually pleasing CV. CV templates.

  22. Jobs for 14- and 15-year-olds: examples + advice ·

    Here are the limitations on work for minors 14 and 15 years old: No manufacturing, mining or hazardous work. No more than three hours on a school day, 18 hours in a school week, eight hours on a non-school day, or 40 hours in a non-school week. No working before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m., except in the summer (defined as June 1 through Labor Day ...