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Journal of Dairy Science ®

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Journal Impact Factor: 3.7

© 2024 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics

Ranked 7th out of 80 journals in Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category JDS is ranked 5th for the 5-year Impact Factor (4.354), 1st by Eigenfactor (which removes self-citations), and 1st by total citations in this category.-->

Ranked 57th out of 173 journals in Food Science and Technology category JDS is ranked 40th for Impact Factor, 5th by Eigenfactor (which removes self-citations), and 3rd by total citations.-->

An official journal of the American Dairy Science Association, the  Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) is the leading general dairy research journal in the world. JDS readers represent education, industry, and government agencies in more than 70 countries with interests in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment, food science, genetics, microbiology and food safety, nutrition, pathology, physiology, processing, public health, quality assurance, and sanitation.

There is no better way to remain up to date on important advances in the dairy industry than having electronic access to JDS. The journal publishes original research, technical notes, current news items, and articles of general interest to leaders in the dairy industry. Every issue of JDS, starting with the first issue published in 1917 and continuing up to the present, is available as part of the ADSA membership package. ADSA members also receive discounted author publication costs. 

Important Links

  • Submit a Manuscript to JDS
  • Standard Abbreviations for JDS and JDS Communications
  • JDS Open Access FAQ
  • JDS Editorial Board Page
  • JDS Reviewers Volunteer Form Page
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Journal of Dairy Science Launches Loyalty Program  

research journal on dairy

Curious about the academic publishing process in general, or looking for tips to help improve your publishing experience? Explore the American Dairy Science Association’s webinar series for authors and reviewers, including:

  • Choosing a peer-reviewed journal and highlighting your scholarly and creative activity
  • How to review a scientific paper
  • Graphical abstracts to enhance your paper’s visibility


research journal on dairy

Get all the details on the update— including a detailed FAQ —in a letter from JDS Editor in Chief Paul Kononoff.  Read more

The Journal of Dairy Science Editor’s Choice features articles selected by the Editor in Chief as especially notable regarding their contribution to dairy science, specifically in dairy foods and dairy production (physiology, management, nutrition, and genetics). Scroll through some of the recent selections:

  • Use of high-pressure processing and low-temperature storage to extend the performance shelf life of 2 types of string cheese
  • A comparison of free amino nitrogen and yeast-assimilable nitrogen measurement methods for use in alcoholic fermentation of whey
  • Effects of extending dairy cow longevity by adjusted reproduction management decisions on partial net return and greenhouse gas emissions: A dynamic stochastic herd simulation study
  • Effect of oxytocin use during colostrum harvest and the association of cow characteristics with colostrum yield and immunoglobulin G concentration in Holstein dairy cows

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JDS Top 100 Papers

  • JDS Top 100 Papers for 2023
  • JDS Top 100 Papers for 2022
  • JDS Top 100 Papers for 2021
  • JDS Top 100 Papers for 2020

Member-Author Loyalty Rewards Program (2014–2018)

To provide page charge relief to loyal ADSA members who are core contributing authors to the Journal of Dairy Science ®, ADSA has created a Member-Author Loyalty Rewards Program, effective immediately.

Corresponding authors who have been members of ADSA for at least 5 consecutive years, have published at least 4 articles in the 3 most recent complete volumes, and are active reviewers for the journal qualify automatically. The recipients listed below are acknowledged for having published papers in the Journal of Dairy Science .

The Reward: One article published or accepted in the year following the qualifying period will be free of page charges (up to 10 pages; an $850 value). The qualifying corresponding author must be a professional member in good standing in the year in which the free pages are redeemed. The free pages must be used for one article, even if it is shorter than 10 pages, and cannot be transferred to another author or carried over to the following year. Free papers do not count toward qualifying papers for subsequent rewards. Qualifying authors will receive a separate e-mail with information on how to redeem their free pages.

ADSA recognizes and thanks the following ADSA members for their significant contributions to, and support of, the Journal of Dairy Science , ADSA, and the global dairy industry.

2018 Recipients

  • Adegbola Adesogan
  • Michael Allen
  • Jayendra Amamcharla
  • Divakar Ambrose
  • Jill Anderson
  • Louis Armentano
  • Kayanush Aryana
  • David Barbano
  • Herman Barkema
  • Jeffrey Bewley
  • Rodrigo Bicalho
  • Barry Bradford
  • Andre Brito
  • Rupert Bruckmaier
  • Victor Cabrera
  • Zhi-Jun Cao
  • Ronaldo Cerri
  • Stephanie Clark
  • Wayne Coblentz
  • Robert Collier
  • David Combs
  • Milena Corredig
  • Albert De Vries
  • Trevor DeVries
  • Shawn Donkin
  • James Drackley
  • MaryAnne Drake
  • Jocelyn Dubuc
  • Todd Duffield
  • Marcia Endres
  • Richard Erdman
  • Peter Erickson
  • Jeffrey Firkins
  • Paul Fricke
  • Julio Giordano
  • Christiane Girard
  • Sandra Godden
  • Mary Beth Hall
  • Harald Hammon
  • Kevin Harvatine
  • Arlyn Heinrichs
  • Wolfgang Heuwieser
  • Alexander Hristov
  • Pekka Huhtanen
  • Margit Jensen
  • Ermias Kebreab
  • David Kelton
  • Paul Kononoff
  • Peter Krawczel
  • Pierre Lacasse
  • Matthew Lucy
  • Marcos Marcondes
  • Jessica McArt
  • Joseph McFadden
  • Donald McMahon
  • John McNamara
  • Michael Miller
  • Carmen Moraru
  • Paolo Moroni
  • Kasey Moyes
  • Timothy Mutsvangwa
  • Daryl Nydam
  • Masahito Oba
  • Thomas Overton
  • Pablo Pinedo
  • Yves Pouliot
  • Pamela Ruegg
  • Jose Eduardo Santos
  • Marcos Santos
  • Gustavo Schuenemann
  • Nagendra Shah
  • Randy Shaver
  • Lorraine Sordillo
  • Michael Steele
  • Jeffrey Stevenson
  • Cassandra Tucker
  • Michael Van Amburgh
  • Jose Luiz Vasconcelos
  • Elsa Vasseur
  • Marina von Keyserlingk
  • Michel Wattiaux
  • Daniel Weary
  • William Weiss
  • Joel Weller
  • Martin Wiedmann
  • George Wiggans
  • Qendrim Zebeli

2017 Recipients

  • Adegbola T. Adesogan
  • R. M. Akers
  • Michael S. Allen
  • J. K. Amamcharla
  • Sanjeev Anand
  • David M. Barbano
  • Jeffrey M. Bewley
  • R. C. Bicalho
  • Rupert M. Bruckmaier
  • Victor E. Cabrera
  • R. L. A. Cerri
  • Wayne K. Coblentz
  • M. Corredig
  • Geoffrey Dahl
  • Albert de Vries
  • S. S. Donkin
  • J. K. Drackley
  • Mary Anne Drake
  • Todd F. Duffield
  • M. I. Endres
  • P. S. Erickson
  • J. L. Firkins
  • P. M. Fricke
  • K. N. Galvao
  • J. O. Giordano
  • C. L. Girard
  • S. Govindasamy-Lucey
  • H. M. Hammon
  • M. D. Hanigan
  • Kevin J. Harvatine
  • Arlyn (Jud) Heinrichs
  • W. Heuwieser
  • A. N. Hristov
  • P. Huhtanen
  • Margit Bak Jensen
  • P. J. Kononoff
  • Limin Kung Jr.
  • Juan J Loor
  • J. A. Lucey
  • T. Mutsvangwa
  • Thomas R. Overton
  • Jennie Pryce
  • Chris K. Reynolds
  • J. R. Roche
  • Pamela L. Ruegg
  • J. E. P. Santos
  • Randy D. Shaver
  • Lorraine M. Sordillo
  • D. M. Spurlock
  • Judith R. Stabel
  • Charles Staples
  • J. S. Stevenson
  • P. M. Tomasula
  • Cassandra B. Tucker
  • Marcos Veiga dos Santos
  • D. M. Weary
  • W. P. Weiss
  • Joel I. Weller
  • M. Wiedmann
  • George R. Wiggans
  • Milo C. Wiltbank

2016 Recipients

  • M. Albenzio
  • Chaouki Benchaar
  • R. C. Chebel
  • Rodolfo Luzbel de la Sota
  • Sandra M. Godden
  • Jud (Arlyn) Heinrichs
  • Hasan Khatib
  • Bjorn Kuhla
  • Helene Lapierre
  • Noah B. Litherland
  • Matt C. Lucy
  • Peiqiang Yu

2015 Recipients

  • Michael Ballou
  • David Beede
  • Stephen Butler
  • Gerardo Caja
  • Ricardo Chebel
  • Yves Chilliard
  • Peter Constable
  • Benjamin Corl
  • Klibs Neblan Galvao
  • Phil Garnsworthy
  • Mark Hanigan
  • Peter Hansen
  • Bradley Heins
  • Noah Litherland
  • Jian-Xin Liu
  • Brian McBride
  • Scott Rankin
  • Tonya Schoenfuss
  • Kathy Soder
  • Milo Wiltbank

2014 Recipients

  • Dale E. Bauman
  • David K. Beede
  • Glen Broderick
  • V. E. Cabrera
  • Chad Dechow
  • Lorraine Doepel
  • Peter S. Erickson
  • Paul M. Fricke
  • Federico Harte
  • Jud Heinrichs
  • Bradley J. Heins
  • Alex Hristov
  • Helen Lapierre
  • Juan J. Loor
  • John A. Lucey
  • Lloyd E. Metzger
  • Filippo Miglior
  • C. I. Moraru
  • H. D. Norman
  • Scott A. Rankin
  • Robert F. Roberts
  • John R. Roche
  • Ynte H. Schukken
  • Jeff Stevenson
  • H. H. Swalve
  • William Thatcher
  • Paul VanRaden

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Journal of Dairy Research

research journal on dairy

Subject Area and Category

  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Food Science
  • Medicine (miscellaneous)

Cambridge University Press

Publication type

00220299, 14697629


How to publish in this journal

[email protected]

research journal on dairy

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Animal Science and Zoology1999Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2000Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2001Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2002Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2003Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2004Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2005Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2006Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2007Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2008Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2009Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2010Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2011Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2012Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2013Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2014Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2015Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2016Q1
Animal Science and Zoology2017Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2018Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2019Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2020Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2021Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2022Q2
Animal Science and Zoology2023Q2
Food Science1999Q1
Food Science2000Q1
Food Science2001Q1
Food Science2002Q1
Food Science2003Q1
Food Science2004Q1
Food Science2005Q1
Food Science2006Q1
Food Science2007Q1
Food Science2008Q1
Food Science2009Q1
Food Science2010Q1
Food Science2011Q1
Food Science2012Q2
Food Science2013Q2
Food Science2014Q1
Food Science2015Q1
Food Science2016Q2
Food Science2017Q2
Food Science2018Q2
Food Science2019Q2
Food Science2020Q2
Food Science2021Q3
Food Science2022Q2
Food Science2023Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)1999Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2000Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2001Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2002Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2003Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2004Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2005Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2006Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2007Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2008Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2009Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2010Q1
Medicine (miscellaneous)2011Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2012Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2013Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2014Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2015Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2016Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2017Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2018Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2019Q2
Medicine (miscellaneous)2020Q3
Medicine (miscellaneous)2021Q3
Medicine (miscellaneous)2022Q3
Medicine (miscellaneous)2023Q2

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)19991.396
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20001.446
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20011.511
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20021.538
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20031.677
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20041.852
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20052.136
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20061.880
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20072.227
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20081.937
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20091.979
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20101.938
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20111.958
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20121.819
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20131.807
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20141.888
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20151.819
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20161.857
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20171.591
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20181.687
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20191.639
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20201.957
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20211.946
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20222.096
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20232.091
Cites / Doc. (3 years)19991.396
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20001.370
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20011.432
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20021.404
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20031.769
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20041.743
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20051.953
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20061.878
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20072.148
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20081.858
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20091.776
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20101.933
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20111.822
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20121.764
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20131.706
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20141.928
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20151.726
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20161.796
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20171.541
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20181.571
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20191.667
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20201.844
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20211.781
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20222.115
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20231.993
Cites / Doc. (2 years)19991.363
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20001.211
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20011.351
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20021.346
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20031.419
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20041.323
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20051.814
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20061.556
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20071.698
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20081.607
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20091.636
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20101.907
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20111.664
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20121.542
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20131.649
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20141.841
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20151.586
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20161.636
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20171.291
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20181.477
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20191.555
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20201.747
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20211.735
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20222.005
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20231.667

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites199933
Self Cites200030
Self Cites200129
Self Cites200221
Self Cites200327
Self Cites200423
Self Cites200536
Self Cites200624
Self Cites200731
Self Cites200824
Self Cites200923
Self Cites201036
Self Cites201127
Self Cites201217
Self Cites201322
Self Cites201411
Self Cites201525
Self Cites201620
Self Cites201712
Self Cites201821
Self Cites201931
Self Cites202039
Self Cites202125
Self Cites202226
Self Cites202316
Total Cites1999282
Total Cites2000274
Total Cites2001285
Total Cites2002278
Total Cites2003345
Total Cites2004333
Total Cites2005373
Total Cites2006400
Total Cites2007464
Total Cites2008407
Total Cites2009364
Total Cites2010406
Total Cites2011388
Total Cites2012374
Total Cites2013348
Total Cites2014376
Total Cites2015328
Total Cites2016352
Total Cites2017316
Total Cites2018341
Total Cites2019395
Total Cites2020461
Total Cites2021520
Total Cites2022609
Total Cites2023552

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document19991.233
External Cites per document20001.220
External Cites per document20011.286
External Cites per document20021.298
External Cites per document20031.631
External Cites per document20041.623
External Cites per document20051.764
External Cites per document20061.765
External Cites per document20072.005
External Cites per document20081.749
External Cites per document20091.663
External Cites per document20101.762
External Cites per document20111.695
External Cites per document20121.684
External Cites per document20131.598
External Cites per document20141.872
External Cites per document20151.595
External Cites per document20161.694
External Cites per document20171.483
External Cites per document20181.475
External Cites per document20191.536
External Cites per document20201.688
External Cites per document20211.695
External Cites per document20222.024
External Cites per document20231.935
Cites per document19991.396
Cites per document20001.370
Cites per document20011.432
Cites per document20021.404
Cites per document20031.769
Cites per document20041.743
Cites per document20051.953
Cites per document20061.878
Cites per document20072.148
Cites per document20081.858
Cites per document20091.776
Cites per document20101.933
Cites per document20111.822
Cites per document20121.764
Cites per document20131.706
Cites per document20141.928
Cites per document20151.726
Cites per document20161.796
Cites per document20171.541
Cites per document20181.571
Cites per document20191.667
Cites per document20201.844
Cites per document20211.781
Cites per document20222.115
Cites per document20231.993

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents19990
Non-citable documents20000
Non-citable documents20010
Non-citable documents20020
Non-citable documents20030
Non-citable documents20040
Non-citable documents20050
Non-citable documents20060
Non-citable documents20070
Non-citable documents20080
Non-citable documents20090
Non-citable documents20100
Non-citable documents20110
Non-citable documents20120
Non-citable documents20130
Non-citable documents20140
Non-citable documents20150
Non-citable documents20160
Non-citable documents20174
Non-citable documents20188
Non-citable documents201911
Non-citable documents202011
Non-citable documents202112
Non-citable documents202214
Non-citable documents202314
Citable documents1999202
Citable documents2000200
Citable documents2001199
Citable documents2002198
Citable documents2003195
Citable documents2004191
Citable documents2005191
Citable documents2006213
Citable documents2007216
Citable documents2008219
Citable documents2009205
Citable documents2010210
Citable documents2011213
Citable documents2012212
Citable documents2013204
Citable documents2014195
Citable documents2015190
Citable documents2016196
Citable documents2017201
Citable documents2018209
Citable documents2019226
Citable documents2020239
Citable documents2021280
Citable documents2022274
Citable documents2023263

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents199985
Uncited documents200080
Uncited documents200182
Uncited documents200277
Uncited documents200361
Uncited documents200467
Uncited documents200558
Uncited documents200661
Uncited documents200755
Uncited documents200868
Uncited documents200971
Uncited documents201046
Uncited documents201158
Uncited documents201255
Uncited documents201356
Uncited documents201448
Uncited documents201550
Uncited documents201663
Uncited documents201764
Uncited documents201866
Uncited documents201985
Uncited documents202072
Uncited documents202197
Uncited documents202285
Uncited documents202387
Cited documents1999117
Cited documents2000120
Cited documents2001117
Cited documents2002121
Cited documents2003134
Cited documents2004124
Cited documents2005133
Cited documents2006152
Cited documents2007161
Cited documents2008151
Cited documents2009134
Cited documents2010164
Cited documents2011155
Cited documents2012157
Cited documents2013148
Cited documents2014147
Cited documents2015140
Cited documents2016133
Cited documents2017141
Cited documents2018151
Cited documents2019152
Cited documents2020178
Cited documents2021195
Cited documents2022203
Cited documents2023190

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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research journal on dairy

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Advances in dairy cattle reproduction—a foreword.

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López-Gatius, F. Advances in Dairy Cattle Reproduction—A Foreword. Animals 2024 , 14 , 2650. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14182650

López-Gatius F. Advances in Dairy Cattle Reproduction—A Foreword. Animals . 2024; 14(18):2650. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14182650

López-Gatius, Fernando. 2024. "Advances in Dairy Cattle Reproduction—A Foreword" Animals 14, no. 18: 2650. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14182650

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A 100-Year Review: Advances in goat milk research

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  • adulteration
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Advances in goat milk research from 1917 to 2017, goat milk and human nutrition, goats serve as surrogates to cows, advances in goat milk composition research.

MonthTotal solids (%)Fat (%)Solids nonfat (%)Lactose (%)Proteins (%)Ash (%)Protein:fat ratio
December and January14.55.089.424.783.990.840.78
May, June, and July12.243.798.454.663.340.770.86
  • Open table in a new tab
SpeciesTotal solids (%)Fat (%)Lactose (%)Protein (%)Ash (%)
ItemNMean ± SDRange
Fat (%)503.61 ± 0.473.00–4.40
Lactose (%)504.47 ± 0.154.13–4.73
CP (%)503.47 ± 0.213.19–3.86
Casein (%)502.57 ± 0.152.34–2.86
NPN (% of CP)495.04 ± 0.344.40–5.65
Total solids (%)5012.38 ± 0.7111.17–13.44
Ash (%)500.82 ± 0.040.79–0.89
Ca (%)500.15 ± 0.010.12–0.17
P (mg/kg)500.13 ± 0.020.10–0.16
Na (mg/kg)49672 ± 125380–977
Mg (mg/kg)49160 ± 24100–217
Zn (mg/kg)494.59 ± 1.931.30–9.50
Specific gravity501.0235 ± 0.00071.0224–1.0262

Studies with Somatic Cells

Findings with fatty acids.

Fatty acidHumanJersey cowHolstein cowGoatSheep
Fatty acidNubian goats Alpine goats Holstein cows
Butanoic acid304.51 202.67 226.12
Hexanoic acid385.66 239.44 235.45
Heptanoic acid5.31 4.63 4.46
Octanoic acid520.68 297.80 162.28
4-Ethyloctanoic acid13.66 12.52 10.46
Decanoic acid1,513.70 766.99 256.10
9-Decenoic acid36.22 18.34 19.66
Undecenoic acid10.07 7.26 3.69
Dodecanoic acid792.72 437.79 302.35


Variation of the BoLA-DRB3 gene in dairy cattle and its effect on the viability parameters

  • Animal Genetics
  • Published: 15 August 2012
  • Volume 48 , pages 819–822, ( 2012 )

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research journal on dairy

  • N. V. Kovalyuk 1 ,
  • V. F. Satsuk 2 &
  • A. E. Volchenko 1  

100 Accesses

4 Citations

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Genotyping of the BoLA-DRB3 alleles was performed in dairy cattle of Krasnodar krai and Holstein stud bulls. Loss of heterozygosity, which decreased the reproductive parameters, was observed. It was proposed that stud bulls be selected on the basis of their genotyping at the BoLA-DRB3 gene to prevent further decay of cattle viability.

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North-Caucasian Institute of Animal Breeding, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Krasnodar, 350055, Russia

N. V. Kovalyuk & A. E. Volchenko

ASTER Research-and-Production Agricultural Enterprise, Krasnodar, 350055, Russia

V. F. Satsuk

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Correspondence to N. V. Kovalyuk .

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Original Russian Text © N.V. Kovalyuk, V.F. Satsuk, A.E. Volchenko, 2012, published in Genetika, 2012, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp. 962–965.

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Kovalyuk, N.V., Satsuk, V.F. & Volchenko, A.E. Variation of the BoLA-DRB3 gene in dairy cattle and its effect on the viability parameters. Russ J Genet 48 , 819–822 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1022795412070083

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Received : 12 October 2011

Published : 15 August 2012

Issue Date : August 2012

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1134/S1022795412070083

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'Excited to have us back': Fast food business to open in Morton next year

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Dairy Queen is on its way back to Morton.

Peoria Ice Cream Company Inc. , which operates the central Illinois storefronts, is working to open the new Grill & Chill location next year.

Brooke McClaskey, director of marketing and cakes, said the company was drawn to the Morton community and its “hometown feel.”

The news comes just over a year and a half after the Carius family announced it would no longer be a part of the Dairy Queen brand. The longtime family business reopened as Carius Creamery in 2024.

"We've heard a lot of customers say that they're so excited to have us back," McClaskey said. "So, that's really cool."

Here’s what to know about the new Morton Dairy Queen .

Where will the Morton Dairy Queen be located?

The new building will be situated at 127 E. Ashland St. in Morton. The location was previously home to Ruby Tuesday, which closed in 2016 .

When will the business open?

Operations manager Roger Cox said work began Sept. 9 with the demolition of the former Ruby Tuesday. He said the lot will be cleared of debris, a new foundation will go in and work on the building will begin.

While progress on the site will be weather dependent, Cox said the goal is to open in April 2025.

Previously: This popular fast food business is preparing to open in East Peoria

‘Everything finally came together’

Getting to this point has been over a year in the making, according to Cox. He said they initially selected a different location for the new Dairy Queen but said plans fell through after they learned the lot “wasn't stable enough to build on.”

Cox said the former Ruby Tuesday, which is highly visible for drivers exiting the highway, stood out as another ideal option. He described the lot as “a main focus in the Morton community.”

Yet, purchasing the location was not easy. From finding the former owner to purchasing the property, Cox said there were moments when they weren’t sure how things would turn out.

“Luckily, everything finally came together for us,” Cox said.

When asked what it was like to finally break ground on the project, Cox turned to operations manager Scott Buffington, a Morton native who still lives in the area with his family.

"It's my hometown, and being back there and having a restaurant there's gonna be very special to our entire family," Buffington said.

What is a Dairy Queen Grill & Chill?

Although the chain may be best known for its Blizzards and dessert options, Cox said new storefronts are designed to house Dairy Queen Grill & Chill restaurants. He said the concept, which began in 2002, has allowed the business to expand "into the food market."

The restaurant's menu will feature a variety of meals, along with Dairy Queen's staple treats. McClaskey said the four-piece chicken strip basket is the "number one seller always," but Cox added the Stackburgers are a good option, as well.

"They are excellent," Cox said. "I think they're probably underrated a little bit."

More: This popular late-night cookie business is now open in Peoria

'A great fit for the Morton community'

Once open, Cox expects the location will provide plenty of first-time job opportunities for the community.

McClaskey said staff from other locations will come to help operations run smoothly, as well. Cox said this will likely include Megan Boland, who works at the Grand Prairie location. Both Cox and McClaskey said Boland is always coming up with new ways to interact and engage with the community.  

"One of the reasons why we chose Megan for that role is because of all the community events and fun activities she's been doing here," Cox said. "I think that would be a great fit for the Morton community."

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  • > Journals
  • > Journal of Dairy Research
  • > Volume 87 Special Issue S1: DairyCare: Husbandry f...
  • > Systems for evaluation of welfare on dairy farms

research journal on dairy

Article contents

Introduction, major programs for welfare evaluation on dairy farms, comparisons across welfare evaluation systems for dairy cattle, concluding remarks, systems for evaluation of welfare on dairy farms.

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  30 July 2020

Animal welfare is an essential component of dairy production and several systems exist to evaluate the welfare of dairy cows. Here, we review and compare three well-known systems that operate at farm level from around the world (FARM, Welfare Quality ® , and The Code of Welfare) and discuss their advantages and limitations. Despite having some commonalities, the programs evaluate different elements. We also briefly review an emerging system (Integrated Diagnostic Welfare System) that might address some of the shortcomings of the existing systems, especially the possibility of automating the evaluation of animal well-being and identifying any cause of poor welfare. None of the aforementioned systems has been fully validated for their ability to assess animal welfare using independent measurements. The future holds increased attention around the well-being of dairy cows and increased use of sensing technologies. There is an urgent need for dairy welfare evaluation systems that are scientifically validated, holistic, and that can take advantage of the use of sensing technologies to continuously monitor animal welfare.

Animal welfare is an essential component of dairy production. As a scientific field, animal welfare originated around 1990 after decades of ethical and scientific debate that really got started after the Brambell report of 1965 (Dawkins, Reference Dawkins 1980 ) and subsequent work in animal-based sciences such as behavior, nutrition, anatomy, and veterinary medicine (Brown and Winnicker, Reference Brown, Winnicker, Fox, Anderson, Otto, Pritchett-Corning and Whary 2015 ). Scientific interest was not the only reason this field developed. The public's concern about how animals were being treated and raised also influenced the formation of animal welfare sciences (Fraser, Reference Fraser 1995 ).

Sectors of animal agriculture, including the dairy industry, have developed systems to evaluate animal welfare. However, global standardization is limited because dairy welfare evaluation programs have been independently created around the world. The programs evaluate dairy farms differently and place unique weights on different components of animal welfare. Despite these differences, evaluation programs have been created to establish a baseline for dairy cattle welfare and to help assure consumers that farmers are being held to a high standard.

To help identify the similarities and differences, we have provided a review of some of the commonly used dairy welfare programs around the world that operate at farm level. These three programs are summarized and compared and are also compared to a new welfare assessment tool. We also offer some commentary on the types of measures that should be included in a dairy farm animal welfare evaluation.

Although hundreds of welfare evaluation programs exist around the world today, here we consider the European Welfare Quality ® Assessment Protocol dairy cattle ( WQ ), the U.S. National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management Program ( FARM ), and the New Zealand Code of Welfare: Dairy Cattle ( The Code ). Each of these programs is currently being used in its country of origin to evaluate welfare on dairy farms. Along with these three programs, a fourth and upcoming program, the Integrated Diagnostic System Welfare ( IDSW ), is also considered.

Welfare quality ® assessment protocol for cattle (European Union)

Before 2006, the various states of the EU had their own national standards under the supervision of national veterinary systems, with a focus of helping to improve health and hygienic conditions of animals and barns. In 2006, the EU adopted the Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals. The main objectives included defining the direction of animal welfare and promoting welfare principles and animal welfare research (European Commission, 2006 ). This action plan led the way for the WQ animal research project, which was completed in 2009 with the release of animal welfare assessment protocols. WQ was designed by a team of senior scientists in animal welfare, who were interested in bettering animal well-being on farms across the EU. Taking into account public concerns and market demands, the developers of WQ created on-farm monitoring programs (Blokhuis et al ., Reference Blokhuis, Veissier, Miele and Jones 2010 ).

Forty-four universities and institutions were involved in the WQ research project in 20 European countries. From 2004 to 2010, scientists traveled to different farms and tested out possible protocols. The standards of the program were based on the retail requirements of agricultural product sellers, consumer demands, and the rigorous scientific evaluation of the WQ program that occurred before the official release of all animal protocols in 2009 (Blokhuis et al ., Reference Blokhuis, Veissier, Miele and Jones 2010 ). The WQ was created with the intention of being used as an assessment tool for third-party verification.

The WQ program has four welfare principles: good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. Within these principles are 12 welfare criteria, and within the criteria are ~30 welfare measures. Each measure is scored on a 0–100 scale. Each criterion is then scored on a 0–100 scale based on the relevant measure scores. The criteria scores are combined to generate a score for each of the four principles, which are again combined to create the final overall assessment score. A farm is then given the classification of excellent, enhanced, acceptable, or not classified based on the final 0–100 score (Welfare Quality®, 2009 ).

Currently, the WQ is a volunteer program. Dairy processors can choose to use the program and require their producers to become WQ certified. Farms selling their milk to such dairy processors must comply with the WQ standards or sell their milk elsewhere. The WQ program is currently being used on over 270 farms in Spain and Finland. The frequency of audits is defined by the dairy processor that requires the WQ protocol. The dairy processor also makes the final decision on what to do with farms that do not pass, on a case-by-case basis (Blokhuis HJ, personal communication). All costs associated with evaluations are covered by the processor. Milk certified using the WQ protocol remains a niche market, although the potential growth for this program is enormous, with the EU being home to around 23 million dairy cows. WQ could end up being one of the world's largest animal welfare programs.

The WQ project was initially funded by the EU, but since its completion, the project has not received any additional support. The Welfare Quality Network (the group that oversees the WQ program) is working to further develop the parameters of evaluation within the current program, despite the challenge of the high costs of further research. The WQ Network hosts annual day-long seminars in connection to the General Assembly of the WQ Network that are open to anyone who would like to learn more about the WQ program (Blokhuis HJ, personal communication).

Farmers assuring responsible management (FARM) animal care program (U.S.A.)

The first version of the FARM Animal Care program was released in the United States in 2009. It was created as a joint effort between the National Milk Producers Federation (organizer) and Dairy Management Inc. (program initiator). A technical writing group was and is accountable for writing and revising the FARM manual. This group comprises animal scientists, veterinarians, dairy farmers, and industry representatives (FARM, 2019 ). The wide diversity of the group helps the program evolve alongside the latest research (Jordan et al ., Reference Jordan, Cook, Darr, DeCoite, Doak, Endres, Humphrey, Keyserlingk, Maddox, Mahoney, Mickelson, Olson, Raasch, Retallick, Riddell, Treichler, Tucker and White 2016 ). The goal of the FARM Animal Care program is to provide assurance to consumers and customers that dairy farms raise and care for animals in a humane and ethical way.

FARM Animal Care was initiated as a voluntary program to help farmers establish best management practices. Even though the FARM Animal Care program is not mandatory, most dairy processors now require their supplying farms to be certified (Jordan et al ., Reference Jordan, Cook, Darr, DeCoite, Doak, Endres, Humphrey, Keyserlingk, Maddox, Mahoney, Mickelson, Olson, Raasch, Retallick, Riddell, Treichler, Tucker and White 2016 ). Today, 98% of the U.S. domestic milk supply comes from FARM Animal Care program-participating farms (FARM, 2020 ). All costs associated with evaluations are paid by the coops/processors. Farmers may accumulate indirect costs if there are changes required following an evaluation (Phifer BH, personal communication).

One of the most important aspects of this program is that it is based on continuous improvement; farms do not pass or fail. Producers follow an Animal Care Manual that dictates the required minimum standards as well as the recommended best practices (Jordan et al ., Reference Jordan, Cook, Darr, DeCoite, Doak, Endres, Humphrey, Keyserlingk, Maddox, Mahoney, Mickelson, Olson, Raasch, Retallick, Riddell, Treichler, Tucker and White 2016 ). Every three years, dairy farms participate in an official second-party evaluation. The second-party evaluation assesses the farmers' execution of the guidelines provided in the manual (Jordan et al ., Reference Jordan, Cook, Darr, DeCoite, Doak, Endres, Humphrey, Keyserlingk, Maddox, Mahoney, Mickelson, Olson, Raasch, Retallick, Riddell, Treichler, Tucker and White 2016 ). Evaluations are conducted by personnel trained by certified FARM trainers; evaluators must have a dairy background and take an annual exam to remain certified (FARM, 2020 ). The FARM program also coordinates third-party verifications, which are conducted by the personnel of an International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-certified third-party verification company. The number of farms selected for third-party verification is determined through statistical sampling and exactly which farms are visited is randomly determined.

Every three years, the Animal Care Manual standards are reviewed and revised by the technical writing group; the most current FARM Manual (Version 4) is in effect for the years 2020–2022. The technical writing group reviews the scientific literature, data from past evaluations and input from a farmer advisory council, then it revises the manual and finally sends it to the National Health and Well-being Committee. From there, it goes to the National Milk Producers Federation Board for a final review before being released to the public.

In the FARM Program Animal Care Version 4.0, failure to meet standards results in particular disciplinary actions depending on the weight of the standard. For example, at the time of evaluation, if a farm does not have a written Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship form annually signed by the farm owner and the veterinarian, that prompts a ‘Mandatory Corrective Action Plan (MCAP)’, where the deficiency must be remedied within nine months. When other standards, such as a benchmark of 99% of all age classes of animals having a body condition score ≥2, go unmet, that precipitates a ‘Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)’, where the farm has to rectify the issue(s) within three years. Failure to meet the requirements of an MCAP or CIP results in a farm being classified with ‘Conditional Certification’ for 60 d. Failure to comply within the 60 d results in a farm being classified with ‘Conditional Decertification’. Co-ops or processors that are FARM participants may not procure milk from farms that have been decertified. In FARM version 4.0, there is one standard for which a failure results in ‘Immediate Action’: complying with the ban on routine tail docking. Failure to meet this standard results in immediate classification with Conditional Certification. If tail docking continues for more than 48 h beyond the day of evaluation, the farm becomes Conditionally Decertified.

Code of welfare: dairy cattle (New Zealand)

Animal welfare legislation in New Zealand began in 1840 when the country started following the Protection of Animals Act that originated in the United Kingdom in 1835. In 1960, New Zealand passed the Animal Protection Act, which included provisions for the treatment of farm animals. The New Zealand Animal Welfare Act of 1999 (known as ‘ The Act ’) replaced the Animal Protection Act.

The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) created 18 different ‘Codes’ for different animal groups/types, in accordance with The Act (New Zealand, 2010 ). Under The Act , individuals and organizations could help draft any of the codes of welfare. A combination of public proposals and relevant scientific literature were used to draft the various codes. In New Zealand, owners and managers of animals must comply with both the Animal Welfare Act of 1999 and the current written codes of welfare, which detail the minimum standards of animal management and care that must be followed and provide recommended best practices (New Zealand, 2010 ).

The ‘Code of Welfare: Dairy Cattle’ (‘ The Code ’) was originally drafted by an industry group assembled by Dairy Insight (the forerunner of DairyNZ) and submitted to the NAWAC, who reviewed the Code, assured its compliance with the New Zealand Animal Welfare Act of 1999, and submitted it to the Minister of Agriculture for approval (Harding N, personal communication). The Code was ultimately created to help dairy cattle owners and managers understand the requirements they must follow under the New Zealand Animal Welfare Act of 1999 and to protect the reputation of the industry. The Code applies to all dairy cattle: dairy calves until weaning (if headed to beef production), ‘house cows’ (a cow kept to provide for the home kitchen), bulls used for breeding, dairy heifers, and dry and lactating cows (New Zealand, 2019 ).

All New Zealand dairy farmers are required by law to follow The Code (New Zealand, 2019 ). In New Zealand, there is no official government-managed auditing program. Instead, dairy processors require farmers to complete annual on-farm audits that focus somewhat heavily on food safety and market access requirements. These annual audits are completed by a third party, who reports the results to the dairy processors. If any animal welfare concerns arise during these audits, inspectors from the Animal Welfare Compliance Division of the Ministry for Primary Industries follow up. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, the response might range from farmer education to prosecution. Because The Code is legally binding, New Zealand primarily focuses on ensuring that their farmers are aware of and understand the requirements of the law. The goal is to encourage compliance with The Code rather than waiting until things have gone wrong and prosecuting farmers. The Code itself provides dairy cattle owners with the information needed to remain compliant under The Act (New Zealand, 2019 ).

Integrated diagnostic system welfare (IDSW; in development)

The computerized Integrated Diagnostic System Welfare (IDSW) was developed based on an original Integrated Diagnostic System created in 1990 and is described in detail by Calamari and Bertoni ( Reference Calamari and Bertoni 2009 ). The IDSW was developed with the aim of assisting farmers in evaluating animal welfare using direct and indirect measurements and in contextually obtaining useful information to improve farm productivity.

The overall IDSW score is a weighted mean of the score for each group of animals that contains the weighted average of three clusters: Environment cluster (information collected about where the animals live, namely housing, equipment and general organization within the housing); Feeding cluster (covering feeding safety, feed quality, feed delivery, daily intake, diet composition and the satisfaction of nutritional requirement for each group of animals) and Animal cluster (which encompasses the evaluation of the behavioral, physiological, performance level and health indices of the animals).

The various indicators were originally developed in the IDSW to successfully fulfill all the requirements for an integrated welfare assessment (Sorensen et al ., Reference Sorensen, Sandoe and Halberg 2001 ; Waiblinger et al ., Reference Waiblinger, Knierim and Winckler 2001 ) and to better assess the animals' current welfare state. The IDSW model evaluates both factors that affect an animal's welfare (such as management) and factors that provide a direct assessment of an animal's welfare (such as body condition score) (Calamari and Bertoni, Reference Calamari and Bertoni 2009 ). The indirect indicators provide information on risk factors for welfare problems. The direct measures provide information on an animal's response to the environment.

In the IDSW all the indicators, including the qualitative ones, are transformed into a unified score that goes from 0 to 10 (worst to best). The scale is designed to quickly provide an intuitive interpretation of the welfare status of the animals. A specific feature of this program is the identification of welfare scores for each group of animals (such as dry cows, fresh pen, etc.) on the farm. The score for each indicator was developed using scientific literature, when available, and approximation using common sense and practicality when data were not available. At the end of assessment, an overall score is generated, as well as individual scores for each cluster and indicator.

A preliminary evaluation of the IDSW was performed on a commercial dairy farm where it was used to determine the primary causes of poor animal welfare and to direct corrective actions to improve the welfare of the animals (Trevisi et al ., Reference Trevisi, Bionaz, Piccioli-Cappelli and Bertoni 2006 ). However, the lack of a stand-alone, user-friendly software and a need for further validation have delayed its implementation by dairy farmers.

The dairy welfare evaluation systems described here – WQ, FARM, and The Code – are used to evaluate dairy cattle welfare in different parts of the world. All programs, including the IDSW, were created with the goals of helping farmers keep up with current animal welfare standards and providing assurance to consumers that animals on dairy farms are treated humanely.

Similarities and differences of the four animal welfare programs examined above are presented in Table 1 . Other than the IDSW, which is still under construction, all the programs have similar start dates, suggesting that demand for animal welfare programs increased in the early 2000s. The Code is unlike the other welfare evaluation programs because it is required by law, however, the audits are still managed by farmer co-ops just like in the FARM and WQ programs. In contrast, the IDSW was not designed for auditors, the computer program was created to be used by producers, as a tool to evaluate a farmer's own operation.

Table 1. Summary comparison of the four examined animal welfare evaluation programs

research journal on dairy

a The year construction started for the IDSW programme, programme is not yet available for public release.

b The goal of the IDSW is to have 24/7 monitoring of animal welfare, currently the program is structured like an audit.

c A visit is when an evaluation or an audit occurs.

d No action/continuous improvement plan/mandatory corrective action plan.

e Number as of May 2019.

f IDSW has been tested on 31 farms in Italy and Oregon (US) (Krueger, Reference Krueger 2019 ; Premi, Reference Premi 2019 ).

g The check symbol denotes the presence of the parameter in the dairy evaluation system.

The most distinct differences across the evaluation programs are among the specific evaluation components. The WQ assessment protocol is largely centered on the animal: of the indicators assessed, 60% are animal-based (de Vries et al ., Reference de Vries, Bokkers, van Schaik, Engel, Dijkstra and de Boer 2016 ), reflecting the belief of the WQ creators that input-based measurements at the animal level are more reliable than environmental measurements. The assessment in the WQ also includes some resource- and management-based measures. The FARM evaluation differs from the WQ program in this sense. Rather than focusing primarily on the animals to determine welfare status, the FARM evaluation consists of a series of assessments that include evaluation of the physical environment and facilities, farm management, recordkeeping, nutrition, and animal health in addition to some direct animal measures (FARM, 2019 ). The structure of The Code is more similar to FARM, where most of the same components are evaluated. The Code only has three direct animal measurements and is, therefore, quite different to WQ and the IDSW.

The other major difference among the programs is the output of the audit or evaluation. The WQ program is scored on a 0–100 scale. The FARM program and The Code are geared more toward continuous improvement of animal welfare. Even though The Code is law, New Zealand focuses on helping the farmer before a major problem occurs by providing resources such as workshops and employee training. An evaluation under The Code does not provide a farmer with a score. Likewise, a FARM program evaluation does not generate a final score but rather a status report, and where there are deficiencies, an improvement plan is developed to address them. The IDSW program produces an overall farm score, on a 0–10 scale. Within that score, a farmer can look at group and individual indicator scores to determine specifically where in the operation there might be room for improvement.

Of the four programs, WQ is the only one that evaluates just adult dairy cattle; young heifers and calves are excluded (Larsson, Reference Larsson 2014 ). This is one of the biggest flaws in this program as managing young livestock is at least as important as managing adult animals. In addition, the WQ program is largely structured on animal-based evaluations, while the other programs – The Code, FARM and IDSW – account for other factors, such as an animal's environment. An unfit environment might lead to animal welfare problems. For an animal welfare assessment to be truly comprehensive, the program should include evaluations for every stage of an animal's life and evaluate aspects including environment, management, and direct animal measurements. Aspects of an animal's environment are integral to its welfare. Areas where cattle live need to be clean, comfortable, safe, and allow cows to perform their daily routines with minimal stress. This means welfare programs also need to assess the farmer's ability to manage the animal's environment and provide an environment that fits the type of cow on the facility. To be truly comprehensive, welfare programs need to be able to evaluate the types of environments a cow might live in, from a tie stall to a pasture to a pack barn and be able to evaluate the different types of equipment that might be found in those environments.

Animal welfare is the combination of multiple characteristics (Fraser, Reference Fraser 1995 ). It is sensible to consider animal measurements as a way to directly assess an animal's actual welfare state (Capdeville and Veissier, Reference Capdeville and Veissier 2001 ; Whay et al ., Reference Whay, Main, Green and Webster 2003 ), which provides a snapshot of the cow's health at the time of appraisal. Body condition scoring (BCS) and locomotion/lameness scoring are the two animal measures that are similar in all four programs. FARM, WQ, and IDSW include evaluations for animal cleanliness, feces, hock and knee lesion scoring, and herd comfort. Herd comfort evaluates the standing and lying behavior of cows in stalls (assessed in IDSW) and requires that cows are provided with a suitable place to lie and rest that is not concrete (assessed in FARM and The Code). However, WQ and IDWS have the most complete animal evaluations. Six animal-based parameters are only found in WQ and IDSW: lying time/behavior and standing time, nasal/ocular discharge, vulvar discharge, animal behavior tests/stereotype behaviors, and grooming.

Among assessments related to animal management, the only evaluation that is included in all four programs is herd health/veterinary visit. Nutrition plays a vital role in determining the overall well-being of an animal; FARM, The Code, and IDSW all evaluate nutrition. WQ, the only program without a nutrition component, would benefit from adding this evaluation. Disbudding, dehorning, castration, and tail docking are all practices that threaten animal welfare if performed incorrectly. Evaluations of these practices are found in FARM, WQ, and The Code. On-farm milking practices are assessed in FARM, The Code, and IDSW. Eight evaluations, including animal identification, euthanasia, mortality, dystocia, animal handling/moving, social hierarchies, production data/SCC, and bull breeding are found in only two of the four welfare evaluation programs ( Table 1 ).

Evaluating the aspects of animal management on a dairy can be a helpful way to assess the overall health of a herd. Improving the procedures of animal-related tasks on a farm (castration, human–animal interaction, etc.) will help to ensure that animal productivity is maintained and that animals do not experience unnecessary pain and distress. Like direct animal measures, it is important that the evaluation of animal management covers managerial decisions made for all ages and all sexes of animals on a farm.

The complexity of the welfare assessment in dairy animals has led to the development of several evaluation systems with their own strength and weaknesses. Our overview of three relevant animal welfare programs and IDSW has led us to the conclusion that it is important to consider certain aspects of the environment in which animals live, direct animal measurements and animal management decisions. Animal welfare programs should include evaluations for animals of all ages. All programs should help to identify ways to minimize pain and distress and to assess farmers' ability to provide a safe, clean environment. It seems that IDSW covers the majority of potential evaluations, giving it a possible advantage over the other programs. FARM and The Code include a complete assessment of the environment and animal management related measures. However, they are lacking many direct animal measurements, while most measurements within WQ are directly from the animal. WQ might benefit from increasing the range of environmental measurements to help determine what environmental aspects affect welfare outcomes seen in cows.

The availability of systems to evaluate welfare of dairy cows is important to ensure the general public of a high standard of well-being of the animals. It seems useful to set a minimal threshold of acceptable welfare condition under which the farm is required to intervene urgently to address the issues. Systems to evaluate welfare for dairy cows are also good for producers considering that the wellbeing of the animals directly affects performance. Thus, assessment of animal welfare is also a good tool for the producers, revealing critical points of their management that need improvement and can be used to prioritize future investments.

Several limitations of the various dairy welfare evaluation systems need to be improved. None of the available welfare programs have been fully validated with independent measurements (e.g. blood indexes) to ascertain if they accurately capture and measure animal well-being. For the sake of practicality, and because of the independent scientific validation, the number of indicators could be revised and reduced by focusing on the indicators that best represent the level of welfare. Except for the IDSW, the lack of a standalone software for most of the welfare evaluation systems is an important limitation. Lack of such a feature can limit future application, including the inability for dairy producers to self-evaluate. Furthermore, as of now, none of the welfare assessment systems integrate with automated data gathering systems that are in development and are already in use on many farms. This deficiency limits the potential ability of welfare evaluations to become more precise and more automated and to implement some degree of direct on-farm validation. As the trend moves increasingly toward ‘smart’ dairy farms, welfare assessment programs should do likewise.


This article is based upon work from COST Action FA1308 DairyCare, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, http://www.cost.eu ). COST is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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  • Volume 87, Special Issue S1
  • Angela Krueger (a1) , Jenifer Cruickshank (a1) , Erminio Trevisi (a2) and Massimo Bionaz (a1)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022029920000461

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Garage door is blown off of test structure following explosion as a result of thermal runaway test.

Journal Article Investigates Explosion Hazards from Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway Gas

The new peer-reviewed journal article, Experimental Investigation of Explosion Hazard from Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway has been published in FUEL . The paper was authored by Nate Sauer and Adam Barowy from the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, as well as Benjamin Gaudet from UL Solutions . As part FSRI’s Impact of Batteries on Fire Dynamics research project, the paper investigates the explosion hazards of lithium-ion battery thermal runaway gas.

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    research journal on dairy


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  1. Journal of Dairy Research

    The Journal of Dairy Research is an international Journal of high-standing that publishes original scientific research on all aspects of the biology, wellbeing and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce. The Journal's ability to cover the entire dairy foods chain is a major strength.

  2. journal of dairy research

    Welcome to the. Journal of Dairy Research Community site. For more than ninety years the Journal of Dairy Research has published original scientific research. on all aspects of the biology, wellbeing and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce. JDR: the international lactation sciences journal, published by Cambridge ...

  3. Home Page: Journal of Dairy Science

    The official journal of the American Dairy Science Association Opens in new window , Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) is the leading general dairy research journal in the world. JDS readers represent education, industry, and government agencies in more than 70 countries with interests in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment ...

  4. Journal of Dairy Science

    An official journal of the American Dairy Science Association®, Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS) is the leading peer-reviewed general dairy research journal in the world. JDS publishes original research, invited review articles, and other scholarly work that relates to the production and processing of milk or milk products intended for human ...

  5. Current Issue Table of Contents: Journal of Dairy Science

    A metabolomics analysis of interspecies and seasonal trends in ruminant milk: The molecular difference between bovine, caprine, and ovine milk. Diana Cabrera, Karl Fraser, Nicole C. Roy. Published online: May 22, 2024. p6511-6527.

  6. American Dairy Science Association > Publications > Journal of Dairy

    An official journal of the American Dairy Science Association, the Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) is the leading general dairy research journal in the world. JDS readers represent education, industry, and government agencies in more than 70 countries with interests in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment, food science, genetics, microbiology and food safety, nutrition ...

  7. International Dairy Journal

    The International Dairy Journal publishes significant advancements in dairy science and technology in the form of research articles and critical reviews that are of relevance to the broader international dairy community. Within this scope, research on the science and technology of milk and dairy …. View full aims & scope.

  8. All issues

    Please be aware that your Cambridge account is not valid for this OPRS and registration is required. We strongly advise you to read all "Author instructions" in the "Journal information" area prior to submitting. Other actions. All issues. Expand full list. 2020s (Vol 87-91) 2024 - Volume 91. Issue 1.

  9. Journal of Dairy Science

    The official journal of the American Dairy Science Association®, Journal of Dairy Science ® (JDS) is the leading peer-reviewed general dairy research journal in the world. JDS readers represent education, industry, and government agencies in more than 70 countries with interests in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment ...

  10. About

    About JDR. Journal of Dairy Research: the international lactation sciences journal. JDR is an international, peer-reviewed Journal that publishes original scientific research on all aspects of the biology, wellbeing and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce. Our aspiration is to become the lead Journal in our field.

  11. For authors

    JDR is a hybrid Journal. We publish standard articles completely free, without any page charges or submission fees. This includes any online colour images, although there is a fee for including colour images in the hardcopy Journal. Authors also have the option of publishing Gold Open Access. The standard fee for this is £1870.

  12. Latest issue

    Volume 91 - Issue 1 - February 2024 Latest issue of Journal of Dairy Research Page 1 of 2 First « Prev 1 2 Next » Last

  13. Invited review: Qualitative research in dairy science—A narrative

    The use of qualitative research in dairy science has increased considerably in recent years, providing the opportunity to inform research and practice. This review aims to enhance the accessibility of qualitative research among a range of audiences and specifically: (1) provide an overview of what qualitative research is and the value it can ...

  14. Journal of Dairy Research

    The Journal of Dairy Research is an international Journal of high-standing that publishes original scientific research on all aspects of the biology, wellbeing and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce. The Journal's ability to cover the entire dairy foods chain is a major strength.

  15. Advances in Dairy Cattle Reproduction—A Foreword

    Dairy cattle have played an important role in economic development since the beginning of agriculture. In essence, dairy cattle herding had already become a dominant part of the culture and economic development during the Neolithic era [].Subsequently, man-cow interactions have been multifaceted, from a genetic mutation that gave people the ability to produce lactase and drink milk ...

  16. Why knowledge is the best way to reduce the risks associated with raw

    Abstract In an age of flexible conditions about mandatory milk pasteurisation, this opinion-based research reflection supports the view that the knowledge and the awareness of milk-borne infections are key requirements to decrease the risks associated with raw milk. Providing an analysis of the current potential risks related to consumption of raw milk and raw milk products, we discuss the ...

  17. Innovative-Based Development of the Dairy and Food ...

    The paper focuses on the priority directions of innovative development of the dairy and food subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex [AIC] based on the selection of interacting subsystems and considering the nature of production and sales. The paper describes the...

  18. A 100-Year Review: Advances in goat milk research

    In the century of research chronicled between 1917 and 2017, dairy goats have gone from simply serving as surrogates to cows to serving as transgenic carriers of human enzymes. Goat milk has been an important part of human nutrition for millennia, in part because of the greater similarity of goat milk to human milk, softer curd formation, higher proportion of small milk fat globules, and ...

  19. Variation of the BoLA-DRB3 gene in dairy cattle and its effect on the

    Genotyping of the BoLA-DRB3 alleles was performed in dairy cattle of Krasnodar krai and Holstein stud bulls. Loss of heterozygosity, which decreased the reproductive parameters, was observed. It was proposed that stud bulls be selected on the basis of their genotyping at the BoLA-DRB3 gene to prevent further decay of cattle viability.

  20. Evaluation of the dairy sustainability assessment tool (DSAT) for dairy

    The Dairy Sustainability Assessment Tool (DSAT) was developed by Wageningen Livestock Research with similar objectives as other sustainability assessment tools mentioned above but with a focus on the facilitation of discussion among dairy sector actors in East Africa (Ndambi et al., Citation 2020). Besides, the DSAT was specifically developed ...

  21. Research Reflections

    Impact beyond data. Research Reflections provide an opportunity for authors to create impact over and above the direct contribution of original research. There are three categories of Research Reflection: Short review articles. "Opinion" or "Position" papers. "Hypothesis Only" papers.

  22. I.V. Shchukina's research works

    I.V. Shchukina's 3 research works with 61 citations and 292 reads, including: Allelic variation of marker genes of hereditary diseases and economically important traits in dairy breeding cattle ...

  23. Soil and Eco-Economic Substantiation of the Need for Switching to the

    Soil and Eco-Economic Substantiation of the Need for Switching to the Adaptive-Landscape Systems of Agriculture in the Krasnodar Krai May 2020 Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (4):94-102 DOI ...

  24. Journal of Dairy Research: Volume 89

    The prevalence, molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance profiling of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from clinical mastitis cases on large dairy farms in China

  25. Environmental Research: Water

    OPEN ACCESS. Environmental Research: Water is a multidisciplinary, open access journal devoted to addressing important challenges associated with water in a way that bridges efforts relating to global change, nexus, resilience, mitigation, adaptation, security, and solutions in the broadest sense. For detailed information about subject coverage see the About the journal section.

  26. New Dairy Queen location to open in Morton

    Dairy Queen is on its way back to Morton. Peoria Ice Cream Company Inc., which operates the central Illinois storefronts, is working to open the new Grill & Chill location next year. Brooke ...

  27. Systems for evaluation of welfare on dairy farms

    The programs evaluate dairy farms differently and place unique weights on different components of animal welfare. Despite these differences, evaluation programs have been created to establish a baseline for dairy cattle welfare and to help assure consumers that farmers are being held to a high standard.

  28. Read FSRI's Journal Article on Lithium-Ion Battery Explosion Hazards

    The new peer-reviewed journal article, Experimental Investigation of Explosion Hazard from Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Runaway has been published in FUEL.The paper was authored by Nate Sauer and Adam Barowy from the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, as well as Benjamin Gaudet from UL Solutions.As part FSRI's Impact of Batteries on Fire Dynamics research ...