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2022 WAEC Biology Essay and Objective Answers Now Available


Friday, 10th June 2022

Biology 2 (Essay) 09:30am – 11:10am

Biology 1 (Objective) 11:10am – 12:00noon



BIOLOGY-ESSAY- INSTRUCTION:  Answer Three Questions In All. Two Questions in Section A and the Compulsory Question in Section B.

A cell can be defined as the basic structural and functional unit of life. All living organism are made up of cells

(i) Robert Hooke

(ii) Felix Dujardin

(iii) Mathias Schleiden

Draw the Diagram

2022 waec biology essay answers

Red blood cell

It does not replicate itself but rather die off

(i) Nucleus

(ii) Cell membrane

(iii) Cytoplasm

(iv) Chloroplast

(v) Mitochondrion

(vi) Golgi body


2022 waec biology essay answers

(i) – ELEMENT-


(ii) – ELEMENT-


(iii) – ELEMENT-

(iv) – ELEMENT-

(v) – ELEMENT-

(vi) – ELEMENT-

(vii) – ELEMENT-

(viii) – ELEMENT-

(ix) – ELEMENT-


(2bi) TABULATE =HERBIVORE= (i) Absence of canine (ii) Presence of diastema (iii) Weak molar

=CARNIVORE= (i) Presence of canine (ii) Absence of diastema (iii) Strong molar

(2bii) TABULATE =HUMAN= (i) Absence of diastema (ii) Presence of canine (iii) Presence of upper incisors (iv) Presence of upper premolar

=GOAT= (i) Presence of diastema (ii) Absence of canine (iii) Absence of upper incisors (iv) Absence of upper premolar

(2c) Milk teeth are the first set of teeth that grows in an infant when they want to start feeding on solid food. It starts to grow 6months after birth. There 20 milk teeth

(3a) An ecological niche is the role and position a species has in its environment; how it meets its needs for food and shelter, how it survives, and how it reproduces.

(3aii) (i) Organic matter for soil amendment (ii) Provides fruits (iii) It serves as a wind breaker (iv) It absorbs carbon dioxide (v) It serves as shelter to Animals

(3bi) (i) Selecting a sample requires less time than selecting every item in a population (ii) Analysis of the sample is less cumbersome and more practical than an analysis of the entire population

(3bii) (i) Cluster sampling (ii) Systematic Sampling (iii) Simple random sampling (iv) Stratified Sampling

(3c) (i) arch (ii) loop (iii) whorl (iv) Plain arch

(3di) Garden pea plant (Pisum sativumI)

(3dii) (i) Pea plant are easy to grow, have a short life period, and produce larger flowers. (ii) Pea plants can also self-pollinated.

Conservation law states that the amount of the conserved quantity at a point or within a volume can only change by the amount of the quantity which flows in or out of the volume.

(i)Conservation of mass and energy

(ii)Conservation of linear momentum, conservation of angular momentum

(iii)Conservation of electric charge

(i)Lax and broken regulation systems

(ii)Highly-priced and valued animal parts, products, and pets

(i) Elephants

(ii) Rhinos

(iii) Tigers

(iv) Gorillas

(v) Sea turtles

(i) Loss of biodiversity, migration of wildlife

(ii) Exological imbalance

(iii) Soil erosion

(iv) Disruption in hydrological cycle of water catchment area

A blood transfusion is a routine medical procedure in which donated blood is provided to you through a narrow tube placed within a vein in your arm.

An antigen is any substance to which the immune system can respond. For example, components of the bacterial cell wall can trigger severe and immediate attacks by neutrophils.

SECTION B Answer All The Questions In This Section.

(5a) TABULATE =EARTHWORM= (i) Straight (ii) Simple (iii) It feeds on fluid

=COCKROACH= (i) Curve (ii) More enveloped (iii) It feeds on both fluid and solid

(5aii) (i)Possession of crop (ii)Possession of gizzard (iii)Possession of pharynx

(5b) (i) Water cycle (ii) – Plant contribute through transpiration – Animals contribute through respiration – Animals contribute through perspiration (iii) – X: Condensation – Y: Transpiration – Z: Evaporation


=ORGAN= (i) Kidney (ii) Skin

=DISEASES= (i) Kidney stones, diuresis and oedema (ii) Eczema, acne, vitiligo

(5di) This is a process whereby heterotrophic organisms utilize the remains of one living tissue as a source of nutrition

(5dii) (i) Fungi (ii) Bacteria

(5diii) Temperature

(5div) Carbon cycle

(5e) They exhibit heterotrophic nutrition known as carnivorous or insectivorous feeding. They have attractive colours that attracts insects to them. Once the insect lands in their spine, they are killed and digested.

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2022 WAEC Biology Objectives and Essay Questions with Solutions

2022 waec biology essay answers


  • Objectives Questions
  • Theory Questions
  • Objectives solutions
  • Theory solutions


1. Which of the following statements about living things is correct? A. Animals respire using carbon (IV) oxide as a raw material B. Growth in plants is limited after some time C. Most plants respond to stimulus slowly D. Higher animals can reproduce asexually.

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2. Organ level of organization in living things is found in A. water leaf plant. B. virus particle. C. kidney. D. spermatozoon.

Diagrams X and Y below are illustrations of transverse sections of a part of plants. Study them and answer questions 3 to 5.

2022 waec biology essay answers

3. Which of the following statements is not correct? Diagrams X and Y are sections of A. roots. B. a dicotyledonous root and a monocotyledonous root respectively. C. vascular bundles. D. stems.

4. The part responsible for conducting water and dissolved mineral salts from the soil to the leaves is labelled A. I. B. II. C. III D. IV.

5. The part labelled II is the A. pith. B. xylem. C. phloem. D. endodermis.

6. The organelles in cells which are also referred to as suicidal bags are the A. mitochondria. B. lysosomes. C. ribosomes. D. nuclei.

7. The process that brings about the shrinking of a Spirogyra cell when placed in a strong solution is A. osmosis. B. autolysis. C. plasmolysis. D. diffusion.

8. The region of a plant stem in which cells divide to increase its diameter is the A. cambium. B. phloem. C. xylem. D. collenchyma.

9. The total number of caudal vertebrae in animals X and Y is 4 and 27 respectively. The animals are likely to be A. fish and human. B. toad and rat. C. toad and fish. D. humans and rat.

10. Which of the following blood components has the greatest affinity for oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide? A. Lymphocyte B. Erythrocyte C. Blood plasma D. Thrombocyte

Use the following processes to answer questions 11 and 12. I- Ribs move upward and outward II- Diaphragm relaxes I- Volume of thorax increases IV- Air is forced out of the lungs

11. Which of the processes take place during inspiration? A. I and III only B. l and Ill only C. II and IV only D. III and IV only

12. Which of the processes is a direct result of contraction of the intercostal muscles? A. I B. II C. III D. IV

13. The process by which the amount of water and solutes in the blood are controlled is known as A. haemolysis. B. diffusion. C. turgidity. D. osmoregulation.

The table below shows the effect of hormones I, II, III and IV on some parts of the human body. Where (✓) represents effect and (x) represents no effect of hormone on the corresponding part of the body. Study it and answer questions 14 and 15.

2022 waec biology essay answers

14. Which of the following hormones are I, II, III and IV respectively? A. ADH, Glucagon, Oestrogen, Adrenaline B. Adrenaline, Glucagon, Oestrogen, ADH C. Glucagon, ADH, Oestrogen, Adrenaline D. Adrenaline, ADH, Oestrogen, Glucagon

15. The hormone responsible for anxiety is A. I. B. II C. IM D. IV

The diagram below is an illustration of some parts of a mammalian car. Study it and answer questions 16 to 18.

2022 waec biology essay answers

16. The parts labelled I are the A. semi circular canals. B. ossicles. C. cochlea D. external auditory meatus.

17. Which of the parts are correctly grouped? inner ear Middle ear Outer ear

2022 waec biology essay answers

18. The middle ear is connected to the pharynx by the part labelled A.. I. B. II C. III D. IV.

The diagrams below are illustrations of two different cells involved in a biological process in mammals. Study them and answer questions 19 to 21.

2022 waec biology essay answers

19. Which parts of P and Q fuse to complete the biological process’? A. III and I. B. IV and I C. III and II D. IV and I

20. Which of the following statements about P and Q is correct? A. Both cells are structures for asexual reproduction B. Both cells normally belong to the same individual C. Both cells are found in plants D. The union of both cells gives rise to a new mammal.

21. If the number of chromosomes in the skin cells of mammals is 46, how many chromosomes would be found in P and Q respectively? A. 23 and 23 B. 23 and 46 C. 46 and 23 D. 46 and 46

22. In which of the following structures is simple sugar produced? A. Vacuole B. Cytoplasm C. Chloroplast D. Cell wall

23. An evidence of the occurrence of photosynthesis in an experiment is the A. release of carbon (IV) oxide. B. release of Oxygen. C. formation of water molecules. D. formation and release of fructose.

24. The major sources of vitamin A are A. egg yolk, carrot and palm oil. B. mango, pawpaw and eggs. C. sorghum, soya bean and liver. D. rice bran, green vegetables and milk.

Diagram J is a protease while diagrams K, L, M and N are food substances. Study them and answer questions 25 to 27.

2022 waec biology essay answers

25. Which of the illustrated food substances would form a reaction with protease J? A. KB. LC. M D. N

26. Protease J would react with the particular illustrated substance because enzymes A. are denatured at a high frequency. B. are specific in their action. C. remain unchanged after a reaction. D. speed up the rate of chemical reaction.

27. After a reaction between protease J and the food substance, the end-product would be A. fatty acids. B. glucose. C. amino acids. D. water.

28. The property of clayey soil that prevents it from supporting thick vegetation is its A. composition of chemically weathered granite rocks. B. inability to retain much water. C. tendency of becoming waterlogged. D. porosity and low water-retention ability.

29. Which of the following practices will not maintain soil fertility? A. Preventing soil erosion B. Bush fallowing C. Leaving the land bare D. Planting cover crops.

30. A group of organisms of the same species living in a particular place is known as A. colony. B. community. C. ecosystem. D. population. The diagram below is an illustration of an experiment on sedimentation of soil. Use it to answer questions 31 and 32

2022 waec biology essay answers

31. The organic component of the soil is labelled A. I. B. II C. III D. IV

32. The part labelled IV is A. silt. B. sand. C. humus. D. clay.

33. Which of the following pyramids is not used in ecology? Pyramid of A energy B. numbers C. biomass D. organisms.

Study the food chain illustrated below and use it to answer questions 34 to 36

2022 waec biology essay answers

34. Organism J is normally sustained by energy from A. green plants. B. carbohydrates. C. organism K. D. sunlight.

35. Which of the following statements about organism L is correct? It A. feeds on organism MB. is a primary Consumer C. is the producer D. is a secondary consumer

36. The position occupied by each of organisms J, K, L, M and N in the food chain is known as the A. energy level. B. trophic level. C. food web. D. pyramid of numbers.

37. Which of the following features is not an adaptation of plants to aquatic habitats? A. Breathing roots for entry of air B. Flowers are raised above water to attract pollinators C. Spongy tissues containing gases for buoyancy D. Hairy structures on the leaves to reduce water loss

38. The biological association that contributes directly to succession in a community is A. competition. B. predation. C. parasitism. D. commensalism.

39. The conservation of natural resources is enhanced by the following practices except A. controlling farming activities. B. protecting endangered species. C. poaching in game reserves D. establishing parks and gardens.

40. The burning of farmlands should be discouraged because it A. destroys the organic components of the soil. B. increases the population of wild animals on the farm. C. increases the dormancy period of some seeds. D. destroys some plant pests.

41. The use of a lighter instead of match sticks is a way of conserving A. petroleum. B. forest. C. water. D. wildlife.

42. An accident victim was successfully transfused with blood from the father whose blood group is AB. The blood group of the accident victim is A. B, . B. O,. C. AB,. D. A,.

43. Which of the following traits in humans is an example of physiological variation? A. Skin colour B. Fingerprint C. Tongue rolling D. Height

44. Individuals belonging to blood group O are universal donors because A. antigens are absent in their blood cells. B. members of the group constitute the highest number of humans. C. there are no antibodies in their blood plasma. D. the antigens in their blood cells are easily destroyed.

45. Two tall plants were crossed and all the F1 plants were tail. When the F1 plants were selfed, some of the F, plants were tall while others were short. What are the possible genotypes of the original plants? A. Tt and tt B. TT and TT C. tt and tt D. TT and Tt

46. Which of the following statements best describes a test cross? It is A. to determine the genotype of an individual whose phenotype is known B. to determine the phenotype of an individual whose genotype is known C. between the progeny of parents to ascertain their external expressions D. between two homozygous recessive individuals to confirm the genotypes of the offspring.

47. Which of the following statements about sex-linked traits is not correct? A. Males inherit sex-linked traits from their fathers B. Sex-linked traits are more common in males C. Females can be carriers because they can be heterozygous for the trait D. Males are never carriers since they only receive one sex chromosome

48. When two carriers of sickle cell anaemia produce an offspring, the probability of the offspring being a sickler is A. ¾ B.¼ 4 C. ½ D ⅔

49. Which of the following organisms exhibits adaptive colouration? A. Rabbit B. Chameleon C. Mouse D. Dog

2022 waec biology essay answers


1ai)What is a cell? (ii) Name three scientists that are associated with the discovery of the cell. bi) Make a diagram, 6cm to 8cm long of a plant cell and label only the organelle responsible for cell reproduction. ii) Name one blood cell in humans that does not have the organelle in bi). iii) What is the biological implication of the cell named 1b(ii) not possessing the organelle responsible for cell reproduction? (c) List six organelles found in a plant cell.

2 (a) Complete the table by ticking (✓) the appropriate group to which each of the listed elements required by plants belongs.

2022 waec biology essay answers

(ii) four differences between the dentition of a human and a goat.

(c) What are milk teeth?

3a(i) What is an ecological niche’? i) State five roles played by a mango tree in its ecological niche. bi) State two reasons why ecologists use sampling techniques in population studies.

ii) State four examples of sampling techniques used in population studies. (c) Name four types of fingerprints in humans. di) Name the plant used by Gregor Mendel in his experiment. ii) State two reasons why the plant name in 3d(i) was used

4a(i)What are conservation laws? ii) State three conservation laws. bi) State two reasons why animals are poached i) Name five animals that are commonly poached. c) State four effects of excessive use of the forest.

(d) Explain briefly the following terms: i) blood transfusion, ii) antigen.

5a(i)State three differences between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach.

(i) State three similarities between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach.

(ii) The diagram below is an illustration of a biological cycle. Study it and answer questions 5b(i) to 5b(iii)

2022 waec biology essay answers

) Name the biological cycle. (ii) Explain briefly three roles played by plants and animals in the cycle. (ii) Name the processes that occur in X, Y and Z.

(c) Complete the table below.

2022 waec biology essay answers

di) What is decay of organic matter? (ii) Name two groups of organisms that cause decay of organic matter. iii) State one other factor that causes decay. (iv) Name the biological cycle that involves decay. (e) Explain briefly the mode of nutrition in carnivorous plants.


• Most plants respond to stimulus slowly

. Growth in plants continues as long as the plant lives. In animals however, growth is limited. An animal grows for a while and then growth ceases. • Carbon (IV) oxide is not a raw material for respiration. Instead, it is a product of respiration.

2. C: • Waterleaf plant is Organism level • Kidney is Organ level • Spermatozoon is Cell level • Virus is at the borderline between living and non-living things

3. D: • X represents a dicotyledonous root while Y represents a monocotyiedonous root

NB The presence of root hairs is enough to inform us that the diagrams do not represent stems.

4. A: The part lebelled I’ is xylem. It is re- sponsible for the conduction of water and mineral salts.

5. A: I Xylem II pith III cortex

6. B: The organelles which are referred to as suicidal bags are the lysosomes. They earn this name due to the fact that they can destroy other cell components.

7. C: Plasmolysis is simply the loss of water from a cell when the cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. This loss of water causes shrinking.

8. A: Cambium contains meristematic cells. These cells are capable of active

9. D: Human has 4 caudal vertebrae, rabbit has 16 while rat has 27-30

10. B: The haemoglobin in erythrocytes transports oxygen to individual body cells for tissue respiration. Also, carbondioxide which is a by-product of this energy generating process is transported by haemoglobin to the lungs for elimination.

11. A: I and III are associated with inhalation/inspiration while II and IV are associated with exhalation/expiration.

12. A: The contraction of the intercostal muscles causes the ribs to move upwards and outwards. This then causes an increase in the volume of the thoracic cage, enabling more air to rush into the lungs (as the pressure drops).

13. D: The process by which the amount of water and solutes in the blood are controlled is known as osmoregulation. 14. D: I is Adrenaline II is Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) IIl is 0estrogen IV is Glucagon

15. A: Adrenaline is the hormone responsible for anxiety.

16. B: I refers to the ear ossicles. These bones are reputed as the smallest bones in the body. They are three in number: . Malleus (Hammer) • Incus (Anvil) • Stapes (Stirrup)

17. D: The outer ear comprises the pinna and the auditory canal. The ear drum is at the junction of the outer ear and the middle ear. The middle ear comprises the ear ossicles and the Eustachian tube. The inner ear comprises the cochlea, the semi- circular canals and the nerves.

18. C: The middle ear is connected to the pharynx by the Eustachian tube (labelled as III). This explains why the Eustachian tube is also known as Pha- ryngotympanic tube.

19. A: The process of fertilization involves the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes.

20. D: • Union of male and female gametes occurs in sexual reproduction, not asexual reproduction. The male gamete will be from the male individual while the female gamete will be from the female in- dividual.

21. A: The skin cell is a somatic cell. The number of chromosomes in the sex cell is always half of that in the somatic cell for a given species. Since P and are sex cells, number of chromosomes in each of them will be ½x 46=23

22. C: The chloroplast is the organelle where photosynthesis occurs. Thus, it can be said that simple sugar is produced in the chloroplast.

23. B: Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Thus, its release is an evidence for the occurrence of photosynthesis

24. A: The sources of vitamin A include egg, palm oil, carrot sweet potatoes, mango, papaya etc.

25. B: It is food substance L’ that would form a reaction with protease. The shapes of the enzyme and the food substance conform to the lock and key hypothesis.

26. B: Enzymes are specific in their ac- tion.

27. C: Since the enzyme is a protease, the food class it acts on is protein. The end product of digestion of protein is amino acid.

28. C: Clayey soil has a very high ten- dency of becoming water-logged. 45. This blocks root absorption and consequently limit the access to necessary nutrients.

29. C: Leaving the soil bare does not help soil fertility in any way. Instead, it favours soil erosion.

30. D: A group of organisms of the same species living in a particular place is termed population. A collection of organisms of different species living together constitutes a community.

31. A: The part labelled T is the humus. The humus is the organic component of the soil.

32. B: The bottom-most part comprises stones while the penultimate part (IV) comprises sand.

33. D: We have pyramids of energy, numbers and biomass. There is no such thing as pyramid of organisms.

34. D: J’ is the producer. It obtains its energy from the sun. The energy is harnessed in the photosynthetic manufacture of food.

35. D: K is the primary consumer, L is the secondary consumer while M is the tertiary consumer.

36. B: The position occupied by each organism in a food chain is known as the trophic level. NB The position of an organism in its habitat and the role of the organism constitutes the ecological niche of the organisnm.

37. D: An aquatic plant should not have any compelling need for water conservation. Availability of water is not a problem to such a plant.

38. A: The biological association that contributes directly to succession in a community is competition.

39. C: Poaching does not encourage conservation in any way. Instead, it favours the disappearance of the species.

40. A: The burning of farmlands should be discouraged because it destroys the organic components of the soil.

41. B: Since use is made of wood in the manufacture of match sticks, substituting lighter for match sticks is a way of conserving forest.

42. C: Even though AB’ can receive from any blood group, it can only donate to a fellow AB’.

43. C: Skin colour, fingerprint and height are morphological variations while tongue rolling is a physiological variation.

44. A: Blood 0′ has no antigens but it has antibodies ‘A’ and ‘B’.

45. D: The original plants must be or genotypes TT and Tt. Let us check by crossing

2022 waec biology essay answers

46. A: Test cross involves crossing a homo- zygous recessive individual with an organism of unknown genotype to ascertain the genotype.

47. A: Males can only inherit sex-linked traits from the mothers (since the traits are borne on the X-chromosome and a male inherits his only copy of X-chromosome from the mother).

2022 waec biology essay answers

AS = Carrier AA = Normal SS = Sickler. Therefore, Sickler= one out of four = 1/4

49. B: Chameleon exhibits adaptive colouration. Its adaptive colouration is specifically known as camouflage.

50. A: Schizophyte < Thallophyte < Bryophyte < Pteridophyte < Spermatophyte.

NB • Algae (& fungi) are thallophytes • Liverwort is a bryophyte • Fern is a pteridophyte • Angiosperms (and gymnosperms) are spernmatophytes.


2022 WAEC BIOLOGY (THEORY) 1a (i)The cell is the basic, structural and functional unit of life. (ii) -Theodor Schwann – Matthias Schleiden – Rudolf Virchow

2022 waec biology essay answers

NB: The key organelle responsible for cell reproduction is the nucleus (i) The blood cell that lacks nucleus is the red blood cell/erythrocyte (ii) The absence of a nucleus allows the red blood cell to contain more haemoglobin and, therefore, carry more Oxygen molecules. However, without a nucleus, they cannot divide to make new red blood cells.

– Nucleus – Mitochondria – Chloroplast – Vacuole – Endoplasmic reticulum – Golgi apparatus – Lysosome -Cell wall

2022 waec biology essay answers

c. Milk teeth are the first set of teeth in the growth and development of humans. These teeth are twenty in number. They are later replaced by the permanent teeth.

3a (i) The ecological niche is the position or function of an organism in a habitat. It describes how a species interacts within an ecosystem.

– It provides fruit – It provides firewood – It provides organic matter for soil replenishment – It enhances soil conservation – it has many medicinal applications

– It saves time – It is usually impossible to go and count each species present. Hence, the need for sampling techniques

– Random sampling – Systematic sampling – Convenience sampling – Cluster sampling Stratified sampling

– Arch – loop – Whorl – Compound

4a(i)A conservation law states that a particular parameter of a system does not change as the system evolves over time. (ii)

– Law of conservation of matter – Law of conservation of energy

– Food requirement – For adventure – Medicinal values of some animal parts -Cultural and religion’s views

-Tigers – Rhinos – Gorillas – Elephants – Sea turtles – Amur leopard – African pangolins

– Habitat destruction of wild animals -Climate change – Desertification – Soil – erosion -Flooding

d(i) Blood transfusion is the transfer of blood or a blood component from one healthy person (a donor) toa sick person (a recipient).

(ii) An antigen is a molecule that initiates the production of an antibody and causes an immune response.

2022 waec biology essay answers

– They both have gizzard – They both have pharynx – They both have oesophagus

b(i) Water cycle

-Plants contribute to the water cycle via transpiration – Animals release water into the water cycle when they exhale – Water is also a product of respiration in plants – Animals also contribute to the wate cycle through excretion of waste.

– Xrepresents condensation – Y represents respiration -Zrepresents evaporation.

2022 waec biology essay answers

d(i) Decay is the breaking down of organic matter through the action of some organisms.

– Bacteria – Fungi

– Temperature – Oxygen (aeration)

(iv) Nitrogen cycle

(e) Just like other green plants, carnivorous plants are able to obtain their food through photosynthesis. However, these plants usually grow in areas that are deficient in nitrogen. This is why they trap insects (and other small animals) for nitrogen.

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WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2022/2023 [OBJ & Theory Expo]

  • December 20, 2021

Free WAEC Biology Answers 2021 to WAEC 2021 Biology Questions for OBJ & Theory with free expo guidelines for 2021 candidates is now available on this page.

Our WAEC Biology questions and answers 2021 Materials have been provided to assist candidates to pass this WAEC exam in flying colors in one sitting.

This is why we have provided WAEC candidates with this free WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2021 expo solution guide. Our WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2021 solution guide is free for all subjects…

Check out the free WAEC questions and answers for Biology for paper 1 (OBJ), paper 2 (Theory & essay), and paper three (Practical) below. See Biology practical specimen for 2021 here

WAEC Biology Practice Questions and Answers 2021

Below are sample WAEC questions answers options for Biology. These questions are for practice. Check them out and keep checking back for the correct questions and answers for 2021.

Examination OMR

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Exam Pattern:

WAEC Biology exam comes in theory, OBJ, and practical papers. It has paper one, paper two, and paper three. Paper 1 is the Objective paper (OBJ), Paper 2 is Theory (essay), paper 3 is the practical paper.

1. What is another Name for larva?

  • Caterpillar

2. Which source of energy do plants need to produce food?

  • Photosynthesis
  • Chlorophyll
  • Microorganisms

3. Which of the following is the major difference between animal and plant nutrition?

The plant has the ability to synthesize:

  • Food for plants and animals
  • B Water for plants
  • Water for animals
  • Food for plants only.

4. The process of converting starch into maltose is known as____?

  • Condensation
  • Translocation

5. What Causes the ascent of water in a tall tree?

  • Adhesive forces
  • Transpiration pull
  • Root pressure
  • Cohesive force

6. Which of these substances digestion will be affected if the duodenum of a patient is removed surgically?

  • Starch and protein only
  • Starch and lipids
  • Starch, protein, and maltose
  • Starch, protein, and lipids.

How to Answer WAEC Biology Theory Questions [Paper 2].

Answering WAEC Biology theory questions can be very intimidating especially when you don’t have self-confidence.

But the advice I will give you if you want to pass this Exam is to always make sure you eliminate fear first before going for the Exam. To Answer any WAEC Theory question, make sure you follow these steps below↓

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  • First, read and understand the instructions and format that Question and Answer must follow and obey before you start answering it.
  • Read a particular question and understand what the questions are looking for. Read like two or three times before you give start providing your answer
  • Your Answers should start by quoting the question if it is an essay question.
  • Make sure to go through entire Answers to make sure that all your answers, writings, and spellings are presented accurately in the required format.
  • Make sure you follow the Theory Answers Structures. Below is the complete WAEC theory answers Structures to take note of↓

Helpful WAEC Materials:

  • Download syllabus for all WAEC subjects here
  • Solved WAEC Questions and Answers for all subjects
  • The secret to prepare and pass WAEC 2021 Exam

WAEC Biology Theory Answers Structures

Whenever you are answering WAEC theory or Essay questions, always make sure you take note of the following answer structures and make sure you present your answers as stated here:

When the Question says:

  • “Describe”: This means you should say what you see – no need for reasons. You can give a detailed account, using examples
  • “State”: This means you should Provide a factual report with no explanation or opinion.
  • “ List ”: This means you should write down listed points, not paragraphs. Keep it brief.
  • “ Explain ”: This means you should give reasons
  • “ Outline ”: This means you should give a brief summary
  • “ Analyse ”: This means you should go into detail
  • “ Compare ”: This means you should state similarities and differences?
  • “ Contrast ”: This means you should state the differences?
  • “ Calculate ”: This means you should use numbers given to work out the value of something
  • “ Define ”: This means you should give the meaning of something.
  • “ Evaluate ”: This means you should consider both sides – pros and cons
  • “ Justify ”: This means you should use evidence to explain something.
  • “ To what extent ”: This means you should Judge the importance or success of something –Tell both the abilities and disabilities of that thing.
  • “ Argue ”: This means you should present a case with evidence or reasons.
  • “ Assess ”: This means you should Weigh up / give an informed judgment.
  • “ Comment on ”: This means you should give your opinion on something.
  • “ Debate ”: This means you should give a different perspective

General WAEC Biology Expos 2020

  • When you notice that your time is far spent and you are about to submit while you still have so many Difficult Questions to attempt, then you may have to stop cracking your brain and use our prediction method as explained above. BUT,
  • Don’t ever leave any Answers space blank. Don’t fail to answer any questions. Just choose an option if you don’t know the correct answers. That is better than leaving a question blank.
  • Ask your neighbor for an answer if possible.
  • Read and Understand what each Question is asking for before making an attempt of giving an answer.
  • Evaluate each answer option: After you might have finished reading and understanding a question, make an attempt of identifying the right type of answer that will answer the question even before looking at the options.
  • Eliminate each clearly wrong Answers. If you’re asked Questions like “what gender Is your father”? You don’t need an Oracle to tell you that the correct option will be “male”.
  • If every other option here fails, then guess like a magician. You may guess and get it correct.

Secrets to WAEC Biology Exam 2020

WAEC Biology Exam has both Objective and theory Questions. So you need to acknowledge the following:

  • Be smart and also recognize and recall all that you have been reading.
  • You have to be smart and conversant with all WAEC Question formats like questions of facts, sentence completion, true-false questions, analogy, multiple-choice, matching questions, etc..
  • The theory part always requires more detailed writing and Explanations.
  • The objective Questions have one, and only one correct answer. So don’t pick more than one answer for any question.
  • This WAEC Exam requires strict preparation and memorization. So read and memorize what you read.

You can get free WAEC Biology Questions and Answers 2021 here on So if you need it, then use the Comment box below to send us a request and we will send them to you anytime there are available.

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2022 waec biology essay answers


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Pls I can the answer Before that day

I love that but I what God to bless me and you guys thanks Sir am grateful

Thanks so much

Pls I will I get answers before that day

Please how will i get answers before the examination day i really your help?

Thanks God bless you

thank’s a lot 4 all this,God will bless u.

Wonderful guide lines, please am interested

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waec/wassce past questions and answers for BIOLOGY-2023 including practical

Apr 24 2024 04:24:00 PM

John Elijah


WASSCE objective, essay, and practical past questions and answer (BIOLOGY 2023)

Table of contents, wassce/waec biology (2023) questions and answers 11 - 20, wassce/waec biology (2023) question and answers 21 - 30, wassce/waec biology (2023) question and answers 31 - 40, wassce/waec biology (2023) question and answers 41 - 50, download wassce/waec biology (2023) paper 2 (essay questions and answer 1 - 5), download wassce/waec biology (2023) paper 3 (practical questions and answer 1 - 3), wassce/waec biology (2023) questions and answers 1 - 10, 1. the ability of organisms to maintain a constant internal environment is known, the diagram below is an illustration of a mango leaf drawn by a student in a biology test. the student failed the test. study it and answer question 2 and 3.

Wassce/waec biology an illustration of a mango leaf

2. From the diagram above, the likely reason why the student failed the test was that the

3. which other features of the diagram, if shown, would have earned the student more marks, the diagram below are illustrations of forms in which a particular group of organisms exist. study them and answer questions 4 and 5.

Wassce/waec biology An illustration in which a bacteria exist

4. From the diagram above, Which group of organisms is illustrated

The diagram above are illustrations of forms in which a particular group of organisms exist. study them and answer questions 4 and 5, 5. in which of the illustrated forms does the organism that causes cholera exists, 6. study the list of organisms below and use them to answer the question below, iii - snake, arrangement of the organisms in order of increasing complexity is, 7. study the list of organisms below and use them to answer the question below, the phylum of the organism labelled iv is, the diagram below is an illustration of a cell in which photosynthesis takes place. study it and answer question 8 and 9.

Wassce/waec biology an illustration of a mango leaf

8. In which of the labelled parts would molecules of water and carbon (IV) oxide combining to form sugar?

9. from the diagram above, the oxygen gas formed in the cell diffuses out of the cytoplasm into the air spaces through the part labelled, 10. an example of a process that involves osmosis is the, 11. growth in animals differs from that in plants because growth in, the diagram below is an illustration of a structure in the skeletal system of humans. study it and answer questions 12.

Wassce/waec biology Illustration of the skull as a part of the skeletal system

12. The illustrated structure is a part of the

13. consider the diagram above, an individual was involved in a car accident and the illustrated structure was badly injured. which of the following structures would most likely be affected, 14. the tricuspid valve is located between the, the diagram below is an illustration of some structures used for gaseous exchange in humans. study it and answer questions 15 and 16.

Wassce/waec biology The lung as a structure for gaseous exchange

15. The part labelled I, II, III and IV respectively are

16. the part labelled iii above would be found in the, 17. which of the following hormones is wrongly paired with its secretory organ, 18. the eye defect caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea or lens or both is, 19. the androecium in a flowering plant is a collection of, 20. placentation in fruits is referred to as the, 21. which of the following processes does not occur during photosynthesis, 22. stunted growth and small yellow leaves in plants are symptoms of the deficiencies of, 23. the structure that its action could result in choking when talking and eating at the same time is, 24. the food substance that would produce the highest amount of energy is, 25. organisms that feed on dead, decaying tissues of other organisms are known as, 26. the type of nutrition in which organisms take in solid organic materials into their body is, 27. the mouthparts of a grasshoppers are adapted for, 28. a group of organisms belonging to different species that coexist in the same habitat and interact is referred to as, 29. which of the following factors is the main problem facing xerophytes, 30. fishes survive in water mainly because they possess, 31. which of the following instruments is not used in measuring abiotic factors in a habitat, 32. which of the following soil types have a high capillarity, 33. the capturing and digestion of insects by a pitcher plant is a special form of nutrition that, 34. which of the following organisms would be the producer in a food chain, 35. the rate of decomposition of dead organisms is faster in the tropical rainforest than in other biomes because, the diagram below are illustrations of organisms in a habitat study them and answer questions 36 and 37.

Wassce/waec biology Illustration of organism in an habitat

36. The feeding relationship between the organisms labelled III and IV in the diagram is

37. the producer in the diagram above is, 38. which of the following activities is against the conservation of natural resoures, use the information below to answer questions 39 and 40, i - making shoes from crocodile skin, ii - making tables with plastic, iii - using elephant tusk for decoration, iv - using firewood for cooking, 39. the act that should be encouraged for the conservation of wildlife and forests is, 40. in order to avoid some of the acts that would have negative effects on conservation, government should, 41. which of the following characteristics shows discontinuous variation implants, 42. a rhesus negative woman may experience stillbirth of the second child that is rhesus positive because, 43. a sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism is termed, 44. paternity disputes could be resolved accurately through, the illustration below is a genetic diagram. study it and answer questions 45 to 47.

Wassce/waec biology Genetic diagram

45. What is the name of the genetic diagram?

46. what do the labels i, ii, iii, and iv respectively represent, 47. the genotypic ratio of the offspring in the genetic diagram above is, 48. what is the probability that a pregnancy would result in a male child, 49. a vestigial structure in humans is, 50. the following activities are associated with termites except, i recommend you check my article on the following:, poscholars team..

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WASSCE (WAEC) Biology Past Questions

LarnEdu has the largest independent WAEC past questions collection on the web existing since 2013. 

We started this page to help students who can’t afford hard-copy WAEC Biology past question papers or who want easy access to the past question papers on their mobile device or computers.

We’re not perfect although have been working towards improving every day in accordance with our mission to inspire and support learning among students in their quest to self-actualisation.

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Quick Link To The WASSCE Biology Past Questions Section

If you’re not interested in reading other essential information on this page, then click this link to quickly navigate to the WAEC Biology Past question papers section you want to visit.

Brief Information About The WASSCE

The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a standardised test taken in West Africa, mostly by students who wish to proceed to the higher institution. It is administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC).

It is only offered to candidates living in Anglophone West African countries namely: Ghana, Gambia, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone and is written 3 times a year ( January/ February, May/June and Nov/Dec).

The WASSCE tests candidates according to the topics on the  WAEC syllabus .

The contents in each WASSCE Biology question paper (for a specific year) is usually similar from one country to another. Questions on the WASSCE Biology theory section may be specified to be answered by candidates from a particular country and this happens mostly in the theory section.

A WASSCE question paper on a particular subject may be entirely cancelled and changed in a region when the West African Examination Council (WAEC) heading that region suspects a leakage of examination papers before the start of the exam.

Benefits Of Regular WAEC Biology Past Questions Practise

Speed: Regular practise of WASSCE Biology past questions can go a long way in increasing your speed on the WAEC Biology exam day. It’s no secret that questions on the WASSCE for each subject are usually similar to questions in previous years since they’re from the same WAEC syllabus . WAEC also sometimes repeats questions  word-for-word.

Exposure: Regular practice exposes you to your weaknesses and gives you a chance to better yourself before the exam.

Decreases chances of anxiety: Regular and efficient practice improves your confidence before the exam.

These and many more are some beautiful benefits of practising WASSCE Biology past questions.

So it’s important you make it a habit to practise with WASSCE past question papers. There’s no doubt that this would help you achieve the grades you desire on the WASSCE on the long run.

Don’t just focus only on the WAEC past questions we provide on this page. We also have other WASSCE related resources that will be of great help to you.

Below this section are the Biology WASSCE past questions we have for now. Use them in accordance to the rules stated on this page and our Terms of Service.

Biology WASSCE Past Questions Papers Section (Download As Pdf Files Or View Directly From Your Browser)










Other Popular And Essential WASSCE Prep Resources On LarnEdu(Recommended)

We go through great lengths to provide the best resources for students preparing for the WASSCE and below are links to some of our top picks for you.  

  • WASSCE Resources (this page contains essential information on the WASSCE with links to every important WASSCE prep resource on LarnEdu including the links below)
  • WASSCE Syllabus (this page contains WASSCE syllabus on virtually all subjects)
  • WASSCE Past Questions  (this page contains the largest archive of WASSCE past questions on various subjects)
  • How To Pass The WASSCE  (this is a definitive guide with the most effective strategies on how to pass the WASSCE)
  • Steps To Take If You Had A Poor WAEC Result  (this is an article on what to do if your WASSCE result is poor including alternative options to get admitted to universities and more)

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33 responses.

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I’m very relief to be part of this platform, I one to do biology but I didn’t have any knowledge in biology

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You’re appreciated. Thank you and best wishes.

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Your setting is good easy and adorable

Thank you! Best.

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Í need wassce past question

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Excellent and very resourceful site. Please have past questions on biology practicals.

Thank you! We’re working on adding more WASSCE past questions for various subjects soon. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Best wishes.

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I want past question

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Biology past questions and answers

Hi Vandy, please visit our past questions page ( ) for past questions for the subjects you mentioned. We’re working on adding more WASSCE past questions for various subjects soon. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Best wishes.

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Latest nigerian school news, waec biology questions and answers 2021/2022 (obj and theory).

Searching for WAEC Biology Questions and Answers for the year 2021/2022 both OBJ and Theory? You are in the right place.

We are making these WAEC Biology questions and answers available for free. Hence, you are not required to make any payment for this information. We do, however, request that you share this information using the share buttons if you can.

If you are a student taking the WAEC exams in 2021/2022 and you want the latest WAEC Biology questions and answers, we have that information here for you. So without further ado, let’s get right to why you are here.

WAEC Biology Practice Questions and Answers 2021

Exam Pattern:

WAEC Biology exam comes in theory, OBJ, and practical papers. It has paper one, paper two, and paper three. Paper 1 is the Objective paper (OBJ), Paper 2 is Theory (essay), paper 3 is the practical paper.

1. What is another Name for larva?

  • Caterpillar

2. Which source of energy do plants need to produce food?

  • Photosynthesis
  • Chlorophyll
  • Microorganisms .

3. Which of the following is the major difference between animal and plant nutrition?

The plant has the ability to synthesize:

  • Food for plants and animals
  • B Water for plants
  • Water for animals
  • Food for plants only.

4. The process of converting starch into maltose is known as____?

  • Condensation
  • Translocation

5. What Causes the ascent of water in a tall tree?

  • Adhesive forces
  • Transpiration pull
  • Root pressure
  • Cohesive force

6. Which of these substances digestion will be affected if the duodenum of a patient is removed surgically?

  • Starch and protein only
  • Starch and lipids
  • Starch, protein, and maltose
  • Starch, protein, and lipids.

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Legit WAEC GCE Biology Questions and Answers 2022/2023 ( Essay and Objectives)

The WAEC GCE Biology questions and answers for 2023 can be found here. The 2023 WAEC Biology in English Questions and Answers section welcomes you.

You will be able to find the answers to the WAEC GCE Biology Objective and Theory questions, as well as the WAEC Biology Essay 2023 and WAEC GCE 2023 Biology exams, as well as the study recommendations you need to pass your WAEC GCE Biology exam with ease.

WAEC GCE Biology Essay and Objectives Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)

The 2023 WAEC GCE Biology expo will be posted here during the WAEC GCE Biology examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers. WAEC GCE Nov/Dec. 2023 Biology Answers Loading…


Today’s GCE Biology Answers:

GCE Biology OBJ: Loading…


Note: The answers below are the 2022 Nov/Dec answers.

i. Development and growth. After meiosis has produced a gamete, and this has fused with another gamete to form an embryo, the embryo grows using mitosis. …

ii.Cell replacement. …

iii.Asexual reproduction.


BIOLOGY ASSOCIATION || EXAMPLE Commensalism – Sharks and remora fish, Tigers and golden jackals

Mutualism – Bees and flowers, humans and bacteria in the gut

Parasitism – Humans and tapeworms, cows and ticks

Neutralism – Rainbow trout, and dandevon cactus and tarantulas

(3b) Pollution can be referred to as the introduction of harmful materials or substances into our environment thereby causing adverse charges.

(3ci) (i)It contributes to global warming (ii)It leaves a huge carbon footprints

(3cii) (i)it also contributes to global climate change (ii)It emits mercury which is a neurotoxin as well as carbon dioxide

(3ciii) (i)When it spills in aquatic bodies, it causes loss of aquatic lives (ii)On land, crude oil spills reduce food productivity

6a) (i) Dominance refers to the exertion of a major controlling influence of one or more species upon all other species by virtue of their number, size, productivity or related activities.

(ii) Size: Population size is the number of individual organisms in a population.

(iii) Density: This the number of living organisms per unit area or volume.

(6b) (i) Frog has lungs for breathing but also breathes through its skin. (ii) They have webbed feet, which help them to swim (iii) They have long and strong hind limbs, which help them in leaping and catching their prey.

(6c) (i) This is a mismatched blood transfusion. The blood will agglutinate which will lead to fatality. In such a situation, a reaction known as hemolytic transfusion reaction causes the patient’s body to form antibodies that attack the new blood cells.

(ii) The patient’ blood is tested and to get a matched to be transfused.

(iii) Discontinuous variation

(iv) To know the patient’s rhesus factor and blood group which are parameters necessary for a successful blood transfusion

(6di) (i) Bacteria (ii) Plants (iii) Animals

(6dii) (i) Nitrosomoners (ii) Nitrobacta (iii) Fungi

(6e) (i) Cook the food well (ii) Always cover the food (iii) Ensure the environment is always clean

More Answers Loading …


The questions below are not exactly 2022 WAEC Biology questions and answers but likely WAEC Literature likely repeated questions and answers.

These questions are strictly for practice. The 2022 WAEC GCE Biology expo will be posted on this page on the day of the WAEC GCE Biology examination. Keep checking and refreshing/reloading this page for the answers.

1. Which of the following groups of animals do not possess a nervous system? (a) Porifera (b) Cnidaria (c) Platyhelminthes (d) Nematoda

2. The structural and pointed similarities in paramecium and Euglena are in the (a) Shape of locomotory organs (b) blunt anterior and pointed posterior (c) presence of micro and mega nuclei in both. (d) presence of anterior and posterior contractile vacuoles

3. Which of the following organisms cannot exist freely on its own? (a) Chlamydomonas (b) Amoeba (c) Paramecium (d) Plasmodium

the diagram below is an illustration of an Arthropod. Study it and answer question 4

4. The Arthropod in the diagram is not an insect because it (a) has a big head that is almost equal to the “thorax. (b) has eight lets and no wings (c) does not have visible eyes on it head (d) has head, thorax and abdomen

5. Which of the following cell organelles is the site for the production of ATP? (a) Lysosome (b) Nucleus (c) Mitochondrion (d) Ribosome

6. An example of osmosis in plants is the (a) movement of water through the xylem (b) loss of water vapour from stomata (c) transaction of food through the phloem (d) absorption of water from the soil by the root.

7. The organism that can carry out both autrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition is (a) Chlamydomonas (b) Eudorina (c) Euglena (d) Spirogyra

The diagram below illustrates a part of human skeleton. Study it and answer questions 8 to 10

8. The diagram represent the bones of the (a) upper arm (b) lower arm (c) upper leg (d) lower leg

9. Which of the labeled parts articulates with the head of the trochlea to form a hinge point? (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

10. The labeled part that provides surface for the attachment of the triceps is (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

The diagram below illustrates

11. The transverse section of (a) dicotyledonous root (b) monocotyledonous root (c) dicotyledonous stem (d) monocotyledonous stem

12. Which of the following actions does not occur during exhalation in man? (a) Thoracic cavity decreases in volume (b) Diaphragm flattens (c) Ribs move down and in (d) Air pressure increases in the thoracic cavity

The diagram below is an illustration of the urinary tubule in a mammal. Study it and answer question 13 to 15.

13. Which of the following substances is found in part labeled II only? (a) Lipid (b) Protein (c) Salts (d) Water

14. The part which contain the lowest concentration of urea is labeled (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

15. Which of the following substances is greater in concentration in the part labeled IV when compared to that of the part labeled I? (a) Lipid (b) Glucose (c) Urea (d) Uric acid

16. Deamination of amino acids in the liver produces (a) blood sugar (b) glycogen (c) bile (d) urea

17. Which of the following glands also serves as an exocrine gland? (a) Ovary (b) Pancreas (c) Adrenal (d) Thyroid

18. Which of the following sequences is the correct route of the transmission of impulses along a reflex arc?

(a) Receptor → sensory neurone → synapse intermediate neurone → synapse → motor neurone effector

(b) Receptor → motor neurone → synapse → intermediate neurone → synapse → sensory neurone → effector

(c) Effector → intermediate neurone → synapse → motor neurone → synapse →sensory neurone → receptor

(d) Effector → motor neurone → synapse → sensory neurone → synapse → intermediate neurone → receptor

Solved WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers For 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

19. when viewing an object that is close to the human eye, the (a) eye lens becomes thin. (b) ciliary muscles relax (c) suspensory ligaments become taut. (d) eye lens become fat

The diagram below is an illustration of the human sperm. Study it and answer questions 20 and 21

20. The part labeled I is the (a) acrosome (b) nucleus (c) mitochondrion (d) tail

21. The function of the part labeled II is to (a) fuse with the ovum during fertilization (b) generate the energy for the sperm to swim to the fallopian tube (c) help the sperm to swim forward (d) dissolve the membrane of the egg during fertilization.

22. Which of the following types of placentation is not common amongst syncarpous pistils? (a) Marginal (b) Axile (c) Parietal (d) Free central

23. The complex energy-rich organic matter which living organisms need for life is (a) water (b) air (c) food (d) mineral salts

24. Which of the following processes are associated with photosynthesis? I. Energy from sunlight is absorbed II Carbon dioxide is evolved III Oxygen is given off IV Glucose is synthesized.

I and II only (b) I, II and IV only (c) I, III and IV only (d) I, II, III and IV

25. Which of the following functions is associated with calcium in plants? Formation of (a) Cell wall (b) Ribosomes. (c) Proteins (d) Cell membrane

The aforementioned questions are likely WAEC GCE repeated questions and answers rather than the 2023 Biology questions and answers. These are practise questions. On the day of the WAEC GCE Biology  examination, the 2023 WAEC GCE Biology questions and answers will be available on this page. Continue to check and refresh/reload this page for latest answers.

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WAEC GCE Biology Essay 2023

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WAEC Biology Past Questions | FREE DOWNLOAD

WAEC Biology Questions – Free WASSCE past questions for Biology.

WAEC Biology Past Question

Here is collection of Biology past examination questions to assist you with your studies for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for both School and GCE candidates.

If you are in your last stage of Secondary School Education (May/June) or not in the School system (GCE), the importance of using old exam papers in preparing for your West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), cannot be over emphasised. By using past exam papers as part of your preparation, you can find out what you already know. By the same token you also find out what you do not know well enough or don’t know at all.

See: WAEC Timetable for May/June Candidates and WAEC Timetable for GCE Candidates .

What is more, the WAEC past questions for Biology can also be used as an organisational tool to manage your time better, as you can plan according to each section of the paper.

As a matter of fact, revision is more better than memorising facts and going over notes. You can practise for your Biology WAEC Exam by answering real questions from past papers. This will give you a better chance of passing.

WAEC Past Questions for Biology

Click on the year you want to start your revision.

  • Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – June 1993
  • Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – June 1994
  • Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) – November 2011
Do you have any other past question(s) other than the ones listed here? If yes, don’t hesitate to share them with others by sending it to  [email protected] .

You have to keep trying more than one exam to increase your success in the forthcoming WAEC Exam.


  • WAEC Syllabus For Biology .
  • WAEC Sample Questions and Scheme For Biology
  • WAEC Past Questions and Answers For Other Subjects .

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Biology 2020 WAEC Past Questions

The cell as the basic unit of life consists of 

  • A. cell wall and vacuole
  • B. nucleus and cell wall
  • C. cytoplasm and nucleus
  • D. cytoplasm and vacuole

Use the following Classes of Arthropoda to answer the question below

I. Crustacea II. Insecta III. Arachinda IV. Chilopoda

Which members of the classes live mainly in an aquatic habitat?

Which of the classes is characterised by the possession of two pairs of antennae?

The organism with spiral chloroplasts and nucleus suspended by cytoplasmic strands is

  • B. Spirogyra
  • C. Paramecium

The network of double membrane that conveys materials through the cytoplasm is the 

  • A. plasma membrane
  • B. nuclear membrane
  • C. mitochondrion
  • D. endoplasmic reticulum
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  8. waec/wassce past questions and answers for BIOLOGY-2023 including practical

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  12. Allround


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  17. Legit WAEC GCE Biology Questions And Answers 2022/2023 ( Essay And

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  18. The West African Examinations Council

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    WAEC Past Questions for Biology. Click on the year you want to start your revision. Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) - June 1993. Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) - June 1994. Biology Paper 2 (Objective Test and Essay) - November 2011. Do you have any other past question (s) other than the ones listed here?

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    The cell as the basic unit of life consists of. A. cell wall and vacuole. B. nucleus and cell wall. C. cytoplasm and nucleus. D. cytoplasm and vacuole. View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2020. 2.