Equip your workforce with Critical Core Skills (CCS), as identified by SkillsFuture Singapore

Critical Core Skills is developed by SkillsFuture Singapore, in close consultation with employers, comprising 16 Critical Core Skills (CCS) competencies which are deemed essential soft skills in the workplace.

The 16 competencies are categorised under 3 clusters of skills:

Thinking Critically

Staying relevant, interacting with others, singapore institute of management (sim) is appointed by the skillsfuture singapore to deliver ccs courses:.

Support Your Employees’ Career Growth

94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it offered learning and development opportunities. Aid new hires in adapting to your work culture by equipping them with necessary skills and provide support to promoted employees for a seamless transition into their new roles.

The CCS for Career-Learning-Planning programme feature 4 courses:

  • Self-Management
  • Learning Agility
  • Developing People
  • Transdisciplinary Thinking

Develop an adaptable and agile workforce

Any business that is not resilient and prepared to transform to adapt to new market conditions is taking a significant risk and jeopardising its survival.

The 4-day Business Resilience programme is designed to help your organisation develop talents with adaptability and complexity management skills.

  • Adaptability
  • Sense Making
  • Decision Making

Adapt and innovate to move forward

In today’s dynamic business landscape, the competition is constantly stepping up, and companies cannot afford to stand still. The pursuit of constant innovation is crucial to maintain a competitive edge and staying relevant in the market.

Build the innovation competency of your workforce with the CCS for Innovation Programme, featuring 4 courses:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Customer Orientation
  • Problem Solving

Build a high-performing global team

To navigate the complexities of the global market, you need a workforce armed with a global mindset and essential employability skills.

Develop a globally competitive workforce with CCS for Employability programme, comprising 4 courses:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Digital Fluency
  • Global Perspective

Stay ahead in the Green Economy

Beyond technical proficiency, driving successful sustainability initiatives requires a strong blend of stakeholder engagement, effective communication skills and influencing skills.

The CCS for Sustainability Programme is designed to equip your workforce with the essential soft skills to thrive in this green economy, featuring 4 courses:

  • Building Inclusivity

Transform your Workforce with SIM Critical Core Skills Today We can work with you to create in-house course runs – tailored to your schedule.

Developed in conjunction with project zero, harvard graduate school of education.

“Those with the right skills will be able to seize opportunities and enjoy corresponding rewards, while those who are unable to adjust and adapt will face even greater challenges,” said Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Our Critical Core Skills programme places a strong emphasis on unlearning the past to relearn for the future.

We live in a constantly changing world. Unlearning serves as a tool that allows us to learn from previous experiences or patterns while creating space for new knowledge. In order to keep up with the transformations occurring in all aspects of life, it becomes necessary to let go of outdated operating systems and practices to make room for new ones. In other words, to adapt to new means and methods, it is important to unlearn the old ones.

However, unlearning is just a part of the ultimate goal. Before that, we need to learn how to unlearn.

(Company Sponsored)
Singapore Citizens
Aged ≥ 40 Years Old
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs –
70% of course fee
SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy –
70% of course fee
Singapore Citizens (SCs)
SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy –
50% of course fee

Skills Framework for Design

Key sectoral information, career pathways, job roles and skills in line with Industry Transformation Maps (ITM)

Skills Framework for Design

What is it?

The Skills Framework (SFw) is a SkillsFuture initiative, designed to promote skills mastery and lifelong learning for the Singapore workforce. It is an integral component of the Professional Services Industry Transformation Plan.

The Skills Framework for Design is jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG), and Design Singapore Council (Dsg), along with industry associations, training providers, organisations and unions.

The Skills Framework for Design identifies Sector Information, Occupations and Job Roles within the industry, and Existing and Emerging skills required for skills and facilitating mastery. View the Skills Framework for Design here .

Who is it for?


Individuals who wish to join or progress within the Design sector

Assess their career interests and aspirations within the sector

Identify relevant training programmes to upgrade and enhance their skills

Prepare for the desired job roles and opportunities within the industry.

Recognise and understand the vital skills required for success in the Design industry

Invest in training and development programmes to enhance their employees' skills and support their career progression

Training providers:

Gain insights on the latest sector trends and emerging skill sets that are in demand

Design and develop training programmes that cater to the specific needs of the industry

How does it work?

Sector Information

Sector Information

This section provides information on the SFw for Design, including information on trends and workforce profiles in the sector.

Download the Guide to Occupation and Skills for the Design sector.

Skills Map

The Skills Maps covers a total of 25 job roles, critical work functions, key tasks and skills and competencies aligned to four tracks.

Download the Skills Map, Skills and Competencies of 34 ITM sectors.

Skills and Competencies

Skills and Competencies

Each of the job roles identified are accompanied by a list of skills and competencies under two broad categories:

(a) Technical Skills and Competencies , which comprises of occupation/job-specific knowledge, skills and abilities that a person needs to have to perform the various tasks.

(b) Critical Core Skills (CCS) , as identified for each job. CCSs are employability/transferable skills and competencies. Click here to learn more.

Training Programmes

Training Programmes

For new entrants and in-service employees in the Design sector to identify and enroll in relevant training programmes to acquire the necessary skills.

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Cultivate Creative and Critical Thinking for Workplace Success (14 hrs)

  • All Courses
  • Our Courses
  • Critical Core Skills
  • Thinking Critically

Cultivate Creative and Critical Thinking for Workplace Success

  • Nov 09, 2022

Course Code: TGS-2022016803 | SSG Funded

Note: Classroom-based learning will be conducted through virtual classroom until further notice. Terms and conditions apply.

Intermediate Level

This course equips participants with skills to develop solutions and discover new ways of working.

It supports the training and capability building of participants with relevant, current and in-demand soft skills along the following:

  • CCS Cluster: Thinking Critically
  • CCS Competency: Creative Thinking
  • CCS Theme: Support Change Management at the Workplace & Business Resilience

Participants who fulfil all requirements will receive a Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

  • Key Benefits
  • Course Contents
  • Learning Methodology
  • Who Should Attend
  • Course Details
  • Understand the principles and foundations of creative and critical thinking
  • Learn about the different phases of the critical thinking process
  • Cultivate an attitude necessary for critical thinking
  • Able to use brainstorming methods to aid creative thinking

Introduction to creative and critical thinking

  • Understand components essential for creative and critical thinking
  • Discover the importance and benefits of creative and critical thinking
  • Understand the barriers to creative and critical thinking
  • Learn innovation strategies

Critical thinking process and categories

  • Reflect on ideas to change or innovate
  • Analyse findings
  • Acquire information
  • Improve creativity
  • Structure arguments
  • Make decisions
  • Establish commitment
  • Deconstruct results

Establish habits to improve critical thinking

  • Build self-awareness
  • Understand your mental process
  • Develop foresight
  • Ask questions
  • Evaluate existing evidence

Creative thinking process and categories

  • Understand the components of creativity
  • Understand and practice the creative process
  • Identify methods of group creative brainstorming

Develop your creative thinking

  • Define creative visualisation
  • Understand the benefits of visualisation
  • Practice the techniques for visualisation
  • Outline the visualisation into imagery for communication
  • Understand convergent and divergent thinking
  • Learn how to balance creativity with rationality

The delivery of learning is by way of interactive and experiential practices that keep participants motivated and help them make connections. The methods enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of training, with skills practice and immersion that encourage recall, retention, and transfer.

This course is suitable for supervisors, individuals in small businesses, and those who need to lead and guide their subordinates through the process of creative thinking.

Duration : 2 days (14 hrs) Time : 9:00am to 5:00pm

With effect from 1 Jan 2024

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (Aged ≥ 21 years old)Employer-sponsored and Self-Sponsored Singapore Citizens aged ≥ 40 years oldSME-sponsored Singapore Citizens and Permanent ResidentsNon-SME-sponsored Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents
Type of Funding
SkillsFuture Funding (Baseline)SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced SubsidySkillsFuture Enhanced Training Support for SMEsSkillsFuture Training Support for Non-SMEs
Course Fee$450.00$450.00$450.00$450.00
Less: SkillsFuture Funding$225.00$315.00$315.00$225.00
Total Nett Fee$225.00$135.00$135.00$225.00
Add: GST @ 9% of Course Fee$40.50$40.50$40.50$40.50
Total Fee Payable to SQC$265.50$175.50$175.50$265.50

Skill Code: CCS-CTH-I002-1 Skill Title: Creative Thinking (Intermediate) Funding valid till 25 Sep 2025

* Please click HERE for detailed information on general terms and conditions.

* Please click HERE for detailed information on course fee funding schemes, SkillsFuture credit, and complete listing of funded courses. This course is eligible for use of SkillsFuture credit.

Course Application

Details Registration
January 25, 2024 - January 26, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
February 27, 2024 - February 28, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
March 27, 2024 - March 28, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
April 23, 2024 - April 24, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
May 30, 2024 - May 31, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
June 20, 2024 - June 21, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
July 30, 2024 - July 31, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Closed
August 29, 2024 - August 30, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) Filling Fast!
September 18, 2024 - September 19, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
October 28, 2024 - October 29, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
November 28, 2024 - November 29, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
December 19, 2024 - December 20, 2024 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)

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CX Human Capital Development

We develop holistic and flexible training programmes and learning paths that support organisational CX goals and develop employees’ personal growth at all levels, from management to team members. The use of interactive training aids and equipment offers our learners a differentiated learning experience that is highly enriching, engaging, and enjoyable. Through the training programmes, employees will embrace the change in mindset and develop relevant skills for CX Transformation.

What you will get:

  • Customised training programmes for different job levels
  • Follow-up sessions with employees
  • Coaching sessions for employees

The first stage of a CX Transformation programme is to diagnose the current level of service standards in your business. We will conduct an in-depth analysis and research on your organisational strengths and weaknesses in the delivery of services and products, as well as identify the gaps between your current service level and customer expectations. The series of comprehensive reports indicate the breakdown of the internal and external factors influencing the customer experience touchpoints of your business. At the end of this exercise, we will provide you with detailed recommendations on how you can bridge the service gaps.

Mystery Shopping Report

Customer satisfaction analysis report, sq scan© report, qualitative data analysis report, employee engagement survey report.

The mystery shoppers deployed are trained to use customised checklists / observational lists to perform data collection for your business. It is to assess and understand the service level rendered by your employees and the customer impression from every customer experience touchpoint.

Report highlights:

  • Analyse the overall performance of the service team
  • Determine areas of strengths and weaknesses in service quality
  • Implement service quality initiatives and manage consistency within the organisation and more

Real-time information is gathered through various platforms to understand your current customer satisfaction levels and the perceived quality of products and services.

  • Customer Satisfaction Score
  • Net Promoter Score and more

The SQ Scan helps your business to obtain an objective and quantitative assessment of the current state of customer experience as perceived by internal stakeholders (employees, managers, etc.).

  • Provide an objective finding on customer’s current CX, as perceived by internal stakeholders
  • Identify strengths and uncover potential areas of barrier in delivering a unique CX
  • Establish customer satisfaction levels based on a set of critical service quality dimensions and more

Qualitative data is collected through one-on-one interviews and focus groups with your senior management team, employees, and customers. The sessions with the senior management team provide insights into understanding expectations and challenges in the organisation’s journey to service excellence. We engage your employees from various departments and levels to gather data on current service culture and customer issues. Selected customers for the sessions will help you better understand the level of customer experience that they encountered.

Report highlights: Understand and discover current experiences with your organisation in terms of strength and areas of improvement, not limited to the following factors:

  • Customer expectations and current experience of service
  • Customer’s perception of your competitors
  • Service standards and standard operating procedures
  • Challenges encountered by employees and more

This report gives you a clear understanding of the employees’ perceptions and address their concerns.

  • Recognise strengths and identify areas for improvement, as perceived by employees
  • Determine employees’ understanding and belief in the organisational MVV and objectives
  • Measure employees’ opinion of success of current organisational policies and initiatives

CX Strategic Intent (SSI©)

The second stage of a CX Transformation programme is to design and develop the CX strategic intent for your business. We will help you to frame and create a strategic service thrust that allows your customers to undergo a singular differentiated experience which is highly memorable. You will receive a detailed implementation plan to ensure that the strategic service intent is understood and embraced throughout the organisation and aligned to the organisation’s direction to achieve its vision and mission.

  • Specially curated organisation’s service DNA

CX Journey Mapping

At this stage, we help you to understand the actual customer experience through identifying their motivation, feelings, and thought process while receiving a service. The CX Journey Mapping is a pictorial and descriptive tool to identify and design a unique customer experience journey. The CX mapping is useful when an organisation needs to design a new service, evaluate a service, prepare clients in their service engagements, and train new service employees to improve and maintain a current service.

  • A comprehensive evaluation on the quality of organisation’s products and services in comparison with those of similar nature
  • A guide to resolving service gaps and redesigning service processes for improvement
  • A well-designed servicescape on various touchpoints
  • A better service design and template for training
  • New service standards that complement and correspond to the new journey maps

CX Measurement (3-Year or 5-Year Service Masterplan)

The last stage of a CX Transformation programme is to achieve any of the following organisational outcomes/KPIs:[a] Improvement in service productivity to grow company value-add[b] Increase in competitiveness to develop attitudinal brand loyalty among customers

  • A checklist to monitor service standards and improvements on a weekly or monthly basis
  • An annual action plan based on CX Audit, Strategic Service Intent, Journey Mapping and Human Capital Development for a 3-Year or 5-Year Service Masterplan
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16 critical core skills for the future of work: Sensemaking, influence, global perspective, and more

16 critical core skills for the future of work: Sensemaking, influence, global perspective, and more

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The digital economy, the green economy, and the care economy — these are three high-growth areas identified in Singapore for the next three years, that present "increasing opportunities" for the local workforce.

The digital economy, the green economy, and the care economy — these are three high-growth areas SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) has identified for the next three years, that present "increasing opportunities" that the local workforce can tap on for long-term career progression.

The details of these areas, which include priority skills and job opportunities to capitalise on, were released in SSG's inaugural  Skills Demand for the Future Economy Report ,  launched in December by Minister for Education Chan Chun Sing.

The skills, such as critical core skills (also called 'skills-to-build' skills) and skills for each high-growth area, are listed below.

16 critical core skills for the future of work 

With automation and digitalisation driving business transformations and job content changes across a wide range of sectors, soft skills such as creativity, persuasion, collaboration, and adaptability are most in-demand by employers today, the report stated.

Overall, the 16 key skills have been classified into three clusters:

Cluster #1: Thinking critically

These are cognitive skills needed to think broadly and creatively, in order to see connections and opportunities in the midst of change. Cognitive skills are at the root of technical skill development and progression.

  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Problem-solving
  • Sensemaking
  • Transdisciplinary thinking

Cluster #2: Interacting with others

Being effective at interacting with others means thinking about the needs of others, as well as being able to exchange ideas and build a shared understanding of a problem or situation. Increasingly, individuals need to be able to combine their technical skills with others to succeed.

  • Building inclusivity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Customer orientation
  • Developing people

Cluster #3: Staying relevant

Managing oneself effectively, and paying close attention to trends impacting work lives, helps create strategies, direction, and motivation for technical skill development.

  • Adaptability
  • Digital fluency
  • Global perspective
  • Learning agility
  • Self-management

Priority skills needed in the digital economy

Simply putting it, the report cites the digital economy as "a marketplace defined, organised, enabled, and facilitated by digital technologies".

The majority of digital economy jobs in Singapore, it adds, are tech-lite roles that can be found in many industries. These are not necessarily new job roles; they can include existing ones that evolve through digitalisation, requiring digital skills to perform new job functions and/or processes.

Top 20 clusters of priority skills for tech-lite roles in the digital economy:

  • Technology application 
  • Data analysis/analytics
  • Market research/trend
  • Technology scanning/evaluation
  • Automation application
  • Statistical analysis
  • Business environment analysis
  • Systems thinking
  • Knowledge management
  • Internet of Things management
  • Consumer intelligence analysis
  • Computational modelling
  • Internet of Things application
  • Financial analysis
  • Big Data analysis/analytics
  • Data visualisation
  • Data governance
  • Building information modelling application
  • Artificial Intelligence application
  • Business needs analysis

Technology application (skills to operate, adopt, and apply new technology), data analysis/analytics (skills covering data collection, data management, data interpretation and data visualisation, applied in research or business), and market research/trend (skills to enable businesses to make informed decisions on their business directions) have been identified as the top three clusters.

These skills are required in two-thirds of all tech-lite roles across 23 Industry Transformation Map (ITM) sectors . These sectors include, most commonly, financial services, retail, and sea transport.

Meanwhile, the report also pointed out another set of job roles in the digital economy — tech-heavy job roles, which entail specialised and highly complex functions. The clusters of skills required for these job roles are critical to lead digital transformation in tech-reliant industries and organisations.

Top 20 clusters of priority skills for tech-heavy roles in the digital economy:

  • Technology development
  • Data engineering
  • Technology application
  • System integration
  • Augmented Reality application
  • Software configuration
  • Infrastructure strategy/management
  • Digital techniques application
  • Database administration
  • Application development

Technology development (skills to analyse, review, formulate and lead new digital transformation efforts with organisations’ IT systems and technologies), Internet of Things management (skills to enable working with interconnecting computing devices, equipment and machine data, in a networked environment), and data engineering (skills to develop and implement data management systems and tools) have been identified as the top three clusters. 

Due to the diverse job roles classified under tech-heavy roles, the top three clusters of skills are required in half of the tech-heavy roles across 15 ITM sectors, the report noted. These sectors include, most commonly, ICT and media, aerospace and land transport. 

Refer to pages 20 and 21 in the report here for specific skills required in the financial services and retail sectors.

Priority skills needed in the green economy

Per the report, the green economy is about living, working, and pursuing growth, while taking care of the environment and using the limited resources available as efficiently and sustainably as possible. It is an economy that achieves balance among three types of outcomes:

  • Environmental outcomes: Sustainable use of environmental resources, thriving for net-zero carbon emissions;
  • Economic outcomes: Sustainable use of economic/organisational resources; and
  • Social outcomes: Equitable distribution of resources. 

Top 20 clusters of priority skills for the green economy:

  • Green process design
  • Carbon footprint management
  • Environmental management system framework/policy
  • Sustainability management
  • Design for manufacturing & assembly
  • Waste management
  • Green buildings and facilities management
  • Design for maintainability
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Sustainable food production design
  • Environment management in landscape ops
  • Energy management
  • Environment & social governance
  • Sustainability design
  • Solar photovoltaic systems design
  • Irrigation management
  • Space design
  • Smart facilities
  • Utilities management
  • Energy trading

Refer to pages 32-34  in the report here for specific skills required in the built environment, energy & power, and agricultural sectors.

Priority skills needed in the care economy

The care economy, the report shared, refers to the professional cluster of jobs and skills that provides care and support services involved in the nurturing and teaching of current and future populations.

The sectors delivering these services typically involve healthcare, wellness, community care, early childhood (EC), general education, and training and adult education (TAE).

Looking at the drivers of growth in this economy, developments in new care models, technological innovations, and community resources to meet increasing needs, the report highlighted three ways jobs and skills could be impacted:

#1 Tech enablement to support quality care management, outcomes, and empowerment

Technological advancements have afforded new capabilities that enable more accurate diagnosis, intervention, and targeted care plans. On the consumer front, innovative health and learning solutions have empowered consumers to be more proactive in their own wellness and learning management, prompting client-centric design and delivery to become the core of care and learning services.

#2 Multi-disciplinary skills and community collaboration to provide more holistic and inclusive care

Community partnerships and strong collaborations across different disciplines create and foster stronger networks to provide innovative, integrated, and comprehensive services and solutions.

#3 Alternate sources of workers as valuable community resources for care organisations

Non-traditional workers and the informal workforce, such as volunteers and part-timers, are important resources to lighten manpower crunches, enhance care services and strengthen engagement within the community; using technology to augment and roll out services is an emerging practice as well.

Top 20 clusters of priority skills for the care economy

  •  Conduct & ethics
  • Stakeholder management
  • Inclusive practices
  • Change management framework
  • Reflective practice
  • Emergency management
  • Strategy development
  • Safety management framework
  • Collaborative practices
  • Supervision/mentorship
  • Inter-professional collaboration
  • Curriculum design
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Audit management
  • Social sector policy influence
  • People management
  • Healthcare/social policy formulation/development
  • Organisation training needs
  • Infection control
  • Healthcare/social service programme implementation

Based on the ranking of priority skills, the top three clusters of skills (i.e. conduct and ethics, stakeholder management, and inclusive practices) are required in two-thirds of job roles in the care economy. Sector-specific skills form the bulk of the other top skills clusters, with at least 25% of the job roles requiring skills in these clusters.

Besides these priority skills, digital skills are also fast-emerging in the care economy, according to the report. Digital skills in care focus mainly on tech-lite roles, to develop predictive insights, track efficacy, and enhance outreach.

Refer to pages 45-49  in the report here for specific skills required in the healthcare, community care, social service, EC, and TAE sectors.

Image /  123RF

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Follow us on Telegram and on Instagram @humanresourcesonline for all the latest HR and manpower news from around the region!

Related topics

  • Recruitment
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Employee engagement
  • Corporate training
  • Upskilling & reskilling
  • Industry 4.0
  • Digital transformation
  • National guidelines


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SkillsFuture for Business

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COURSE ID: TGS-2023018441

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What types of skillsfuture funding schemes are available for businesses, how much course fee subsidies can i get, what is the difference between courses found in myskillsfuture and skillsfuture for business, how do i make an sme declaration, what is skillsfuture enterprise credit (sfec), what was the qualifying criteria for sfec eligibility.

View all questions at SkillsFuture for Business FAQ .

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WSQ Display Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills powered by Wiley

Course overview, about this course.

This skill describes the ability to apply critical thinking and analytical skills for problem-solving. It also includes challenging and rethinking ideas, analysing business issues to put forth recommendations to stakeholders and enhancing creative thinking among team members.

What you'll learn

  • Learning Unit 1: Develop Critical Thinking Mindset
  • Learning Unit 2: Find the Right Problem
  • Learning Unit 3: Solve the Problem
  • Learning Unit 4: Execute the Solution

Keyword tags

From s$ 165.00, fee details.

Course Fee and Absentee Payroll Funding support are available for employers who sponsor employees for all training. You can find a breakdown of all SkillsFuture training subsidies for employers .

If your business meets SME criteria , you are eligible to enjoy up to 90% in Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) for any SC, PR or LTVP+ employee that you sponsor for training, on top of baseline subsidies.

Calculate your payable amount after subsidies

Get a quick estimate of the nett course fees payable for an SSG-funded course, after all applicable training subsidies are applied.

Looking to pay for your own training? You can find out more about course fee funding for self-sponsored individuals .

Please check with the training provider for the most updated course information and course run dates.

  • 16 hours | 2 - 3 days

Minimum entry requirement

Be able to speak, listen and read English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills Workforce Skills Qualification (ES WSQ) Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 8

Have no less than 3 years’ experience in a supervisory or managerial role

Contact person(s)

Please register directly with the training provider.

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How to develop critical core skills to future-proof your career, while technical skills may land you the job, soft skills such as critical thinking and interacting well with others can help give you an edge.

skillsfuture critical thinking

In an ever-evolving job market where technological advancements and disruptions are the norm, the importance of soft skills cannot be underestimated.

Technical skills may get you the job, but it is the mastery of soft skills such as critical thinking, innovative problem-solving, effective collaboration and adaptability that propels professionals towards success, says NTUC LearningHub chief core skills officer Anthony Chew. He heads a team that is dedicated to researching, developing and delivering cutting-edge courses that align with industry demands to improve learners’ employability and future-proof their careers.

"Work-related challenges are also growing in complexity," says Mr Chew. "To effectively and efficiently tackle these problems, workers must have the ability to think critically and also interact well with others to leverage each other’s strengths," he adds.

Develop your critical thinking skills

In today's fast-paced professional world, critical thinking has become an indispensable soft skill. Mr Chew emphasises its importance in helping professionals make sense of complex situations and arrive at well-informed decisions. "It is important to see the bigger picture because it enhances your understanding of the problem and enables you to come up with more robust solutions," he says.

For example, ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model that can facilitate dynamic conversations, allows users to explore different perspectives and gain deeper insights — a perfect match for honing critical thinking skills.

Imagine a team facing a complex business challenge. By leveraging ChatGPT's vast knowledge and analytical capabilities, they can generate diverse solutions and weigh their pros and cons. This fosters a holistic understanding, leading to more effective problem-solving.

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it complements rather than replaces human cognition. Mr Chew stresses the importance of striking a balance between leveraging technology and nurturing human critical thinking, including empathy and ethical considerations.

Elevate your communication with others

skillsfuture critical thinking

Effective communication is another crucial core skill for working professionals, and teams must collaborate more to achieve common goals. To do so, sharing knowledge, leveraging each other's strengths and building a cohesive team dynamic is key.

"The word 'communication' seems simple but it's actually difficult to do it right, especially to communicate information clearly and to communicate it with influence," Mr Chew points out.

Take a software developer for example. She may be knowledgeable in her field but in order to get valuable feedback from the product’s users, she would need to explain technical terms and concepts in an easily understandable manner.

Similarly, healthcare professionals need to practise empathy and active listening in addition to having strong interpersonal skills so as to collaborate effectively across multidisciplinary healthcare teams. The end goal is to provide quality care for patients.

Stay agile and future-ready

"Skills that are relevant today may become obsolete tomorrow, so continuous learning and becoming adaptive are essential to staying relevant in your work," says Mr Chew.

Learning agility – which includes adaptability, digital fluency – is essential to keep up with the fast-paced work environment. Given the dynamic nature of work, professionals must prioritise agility to develop soft skills that enable them to seize new opportunities within and outside their fields.

Recognising the importance of lifelong learning, professional development courses and workshops offer individuals, teams and organisations the opportunity to stay ahead of fast evolving workplace demands and to equip themselves with up-to-date knowledge.

"While hard skills may help you land a job, it is adaptive skills that drive your success and growth in your career," explains Mr Chew. The sooner working professionals focus on developing their soft skills, the sooner they can grow within any organisation.

"The future is changing. If we remain oblivious to these changes, we will be left behind. We need to cultivate curiosity and a thirst for learning and taking up courses to upskill ourselves. We must continuously grow in our knowledge and skills to stay relevant," says Mr Chew.

Skills that are relevant today may become obsolete tomorrow, so continuous learning and becoming adaptive are essential to staying relevant in your work.

Hone your critical core skills

NTUC LearningHub offers a holistic suite of over 50 courses designed to empower working professionals with the necessary critical core skills for effective influence, collaboration, decision-making, problem-solving and creative thinking, among others.

NTUC LearningHub's core skills academy head Gerald Gan says the courses focus on problem-solving, communication and collaboration, which are based on the critical core skills framework released by SkillsFuture Singapore earlier this year.

For working professionals looking to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills , the Professional Development Series: Develop Problem Solving Skills for Professionals course can help you make an objective evaluation of the situation and make better informed decisions, while business leaders and managers can take the Business Stratagem: Sun Tzu Art of Strategic Decision course to develop strategic decisions that are aligned with your business goals and priorities.

For those looking to hone their communication skills , courses such as Presenting with Influence are offered to working professionals who want to establish authority and credibility in presenting their thoughts and ideas to influence others in decision making, while the WSQ Deliver Impactful Business Presentations Powered by Wiley course is offered to professionals required to deliver business presentations and undertake public speaking engagements.

And for those who want to be better in collaborating with others , the Champion Employee Wellness: Coach for Mental Well-being is designed for working professionals who want to learn how to support their peers in their mental wellness journey, while middle managers can pick up effective management skills from the Lead with Passion: Effective Management with EQ course, to help them navigate through diverse teams and individuals.

Enhance your adaptive skills with NTUC LearningHub

To take up a course, participants can use their SkillsFuture credits, while NTUC Union members can enjoy up to $500 Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) funding.

Developing these critical core skills in today’s work environment can help to set you apart from others and enable you to thrive in your career. For more information, visit the NTUC LearningHub website here .

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Course overview


Course date

16-09-2024 to 16-09-2024

25-11-2024 to 25-11-2024

Course type


(including GST)

Course Fee GST 9% : $545.00


SkillsFuture Credit

SkillsFuture Funding

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Course Overview

The problems facing the world, countries and organisations are increasingly complex. Challenges relating to climate change, trade and energy are felt in many parts of the world. Countries face varying levels of problems with food security, falling birth rate and employment. Organisations have to deal with a greying workforce, building engagement across various employee groups and managing ever-rising customer expectations. Many of these challenges require a multi-faceted approach to resolving them.

The application of transdisciplinary thinking provides a useful approach to solving difficult problems. By bringing various disciplines to bear on the problems, various perspectives are considered. A variety of ideas may then be created and the final solution may benefit from integrating some of the best ideas from different disciplines.

Course benefits

The course, Transdisciplinary Thinking , is a critical core skill endorsed by SkillsFuture Singapore. It aims to provide learners with the principles and techniques to understand the benefits of being transdisciplinary, use of quantitative and qualitative methods, identify data patterns, apply integrative thinking, prioritise ideas, engage stakeholders, evaluate performance and build ambidexterity. When learners apply these competencies, they will be able to work with various stakeholders representing various disciplines and harness the power of transdisciplinary thinking to resolve problems more effectively.

Course outline

Pre-read: Personal Mindset

• Introduction to learning and unlearning for Good Work 

• Unlearn to Learn 

• Influences on Mindset

Unit 1: Discovering Opportunities

• Qualitative vs Quantitative Methods 

• Types of patterns 

• System Archetypes 

Unit 2: Innovative Thinking

• Breadth vs Depth of knowledge 

• Going beyond the T-Shaped person 

• The Opposable Mind and Constructive Tension 

Unit 3: Organising

• Process of Integrative Thinking and Choice Making 

• Comparison Matrix and Analysis 

• Prioritisation Framework 

• Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Matrix 

• Communicate for collaboration 

Unit 4: Evaluating

• Novel ideas vs Performance 

• Benchmarking 

Unit 5: Improving

• Curiosity and Growth Mindset 

• Ambidexterity and Organisational Learning

Course runs

Date Time Venue Registration Closing Date Register
16-09-2024 to
08.30 - 17.30 SIM Management House 02-09-2024
25-11-2024 to
08.30 - 17.30 SIM Management House 11-11-2024

Who should attend?

Level 2 - Supervisor, Executive, & Emerging Managers Level 3 - New Managers Level 4 - Managers

Programme leader

Programme Fee Amount (including GST) Remarks
Course Fee GST 9% $545.00 -

Mapped to Critical Core Skills – Thinking Critically – Transdisciplinary Thinking (CCS-TRA-I002-1)

Programme Fees

Full Course Fee: $ 545 (incl of 9% GST)

Nett Fee (after funding) *:

For Employer Sponsored Participants:

SME: $ 195 Non-SME: $ 295

For Participants eligible for SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy:

40 years old and above

(Singapore Citizen only): $ 195

For Self Sponsored Participants:

SkillsFuture Credit is applicable for Singapore Citizens aged 25 years old and above only

Inclusive of 9% GST (GST is based on Full Course Fee)

*Terms and conditions apply

Programme Executive In Charge : Patricia Lee

Telephone : 62489447

Email : [email protected]

To register for the programmes now, select the preferred programme run-dates below through the register icon.

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Critical Thinking for the 21st Century Workplace

Course overview.

Critical thinking has been identified as an essential competency for the 21st century workplace. It also fosters teamwork and increases productivity.

Key critical thinking skills to have in the workplace include perspective-taking, analysis, evaluation, inference, and synthesis leading to effective communication and problem-solving.

This course is designed to achieve several learning outcomes which include fostering a collaborative environment where different perspectives and possibilities can be considered, distinguishing between fact, opinion, and value judgments. Additionally, analysing and synthesising information and ideas from a variety of sources, using information ethically, and using reasoning to reach successful outcomes.

  • Who Should Attend
  • Anyone in professional services in the industry from entry-level to managerial level
  • What You Will Learn
  • Components of critical thinking
  • Perspective-taking
  • Ethical use of information
  • Logical reasoning
  • Decisive problem-solving
  • Critical thinking through reflection
  • Teaching Team

Padma Rao

Assistant Professor, Centre for Professional Communication, Singapore Institute of Technology

Dr Padma Rao is an Assistant Professor with the Centre for Communication Skills at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Prior to SIT, she has taught at institutions such as Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Institute of Management University, Singapore Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic. Dr Rao has a doctoral degree in Education from The University of Western Australia and a Masters in Applied Linguistics from The National University of Singapore. Furthermore, she is certified by the Institute of Adult Learning (IAL) as Specialist Adult Educator in Curriculum Development. In addition to teaching and curriculum development, Dr Rao plans and implements communication related modules in varied instructional modes such as Flipped Learning, and eLearning. She has conducted several workshops, both in Singapore and overseas on Problem-based learning, Active learning, and Authentic assessments for the workplace.

Lee Hwee Hoon

Lee Hwee Hoon

Dr. Hwee Hoon is an experienced instructor in the use of language for communication. She possesses a doctorate in education from University of Leicester and a master in English Language teaching from University of Lancaster. Throughout her career, she has taught undergraduates and adult learners technical and professional communication, career skills, interpersonal communication, critical thinking, and presentation. Her message to learners has always been that language is a means through which we think and act, express ourselves and connect with others. She believes in empowering individuals with understanding to handle language and communication challenges they encounter at the workplace.

Time Date
9:00 am - 6:00 pm 4 October 2023
  • Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who

  • Attend at least 75% of the course
  • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course
  • Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$981.00.

Category After SF Funding
Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$294.30
Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$114.30
Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$294.30
Non-Singapore Citizen S$981.00 (No Funding)

Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

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Related Insights

Redefining thinking and learning at skillsfuture festival.

08 Sep 2022

insights-Redefining Thinking and Learning at SkillsFuture Festival-banner

The annual SkillsFuture Festival to promote lifelong learning was hosted by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) this year on 23 July. Riding on the theme of ‘Design for the Future Economy’, the single-day event featured 53 learning workshops and talks, with SIT faculty staff sharing their expert insights on thinking and learning.

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Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Decision-Making


Course Completion Outcomes

when you approach problems systematically and analytically

by discovering the right mindset to embrace diverse perspectives and inclusive problem-solving within your team

by learning how to make well-reasoned decisions for your team by interpreting and exploring information comprehensively

and problem solving with sharp critical thinking and information assessment skills

in dynamic business environments and learn how to grasp complex situations

by improving your ability to gather, interpret and explore information

Course Overview

Certification of completion.


Outcome-Driven Learning

Hands-on learning activities, competency assessment.

Determine appropriate research methodologies for information gathering

Identify stages for critical thinking development

Review the strengths and weaknesses of alternative interpretations

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Course Fees & Subsidies

Course Fees
Nett Fee
Non SMEs
Course Fees
Nett Fee
Additional Support

Additional Support via Absentee Payroll

Enterprise Innovation Scheme
Up to 400% Tax Deduction 20% Cash Payout Based On Nett Fee

Up to 90% Additional Subsidy from SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)

  • Nett Fee is subject to 9% GST charged based on the full course fees before subsidy.
  • Absentee payroll is claimable up to $4.50 per hour, capped at $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year.
  • Subjected to individual company’s budget availability for the Enterprise Innovation Scheme. Each company can only either the 400% Tax Deduction option OR the 20% Cash Payout option. For more information, please refer to https://www.iras.gov.sg/schemes/disbursement-schemes/enterprise-innovation-scheme-(eis)
  • Subjected to individual company’s budget availability for SFEC. For more information, please refer to https://www.enterprisejobskills.gov.sg/content/upgrade-skills/sfec.html
  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Employment size of not more than 200 (at group level) or with annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than $100 million
Singapore Citizens (40 years and above)
Course Fees (Before GST)
9% GST
Nett Fee
Singapore Citizens (21-39 years old) & PR
Course Fees (Before GST)
9% GST
Nett Fee
Additional Support

eligible for Singapore citizens aged 25 & above

PSEA eligible for Singapore citizens aged below 30

NTUC UTAP members have up to 50% auto reimbursement on out-of-pocket cost

  • Nett Fee are inclusive of GST charged based on the full course fees.
  • Subjected to individual’s eligibility and availability of SkillsFuture Credit .
  • NTUC UTAP reimbursement is capped at $250 for members aged below 40 or $500 for members aged 40 & above.

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Udemy collaborates with republic polytechnic to offer 27,000 skillsfuture credit eligible courses on essential skills.

Available today, Udemy Business courses will help empower individuals in Singapore with lifelong learning and skills mastery

SINGAPORE, August 06, 2024 --( BUSINESS WIRE )-- Udemy , a leading online skills marketplace and learning platform, today announced that it will be making learning more accessible for millions of Singaporeans by providing them with flexible and continuous skills development and validation opportunities to optimize their career journeys and help future-proof the nation’s workforce.

Today, Singaporeans will be able to use their SkillsFuture Credit 1 for a 12-month subscription plan for Udemy Business via the MySkillsFuture portal , which offers individuals access to 27,000 online courses in areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, language learning, and marketing. In addition, Singaporeans will be able to access bite-sized courses on critical skills and acquire knowledge at their own convenience.

To access Udemy Business, Singaporeans will subscribe to " Udemy Business – Republic Polytechnic ," a unique collaboration between Udemy and one of the country’s leading polytechnics, to explore the complete catalog of curated learning paths and high-demand courses across critical business, technical, and professional skills. Learners will also have the opportunity to leverage Udemy’s Intelligent Skills Platform , gaining access to a diverse range of upskilling opportunities. This is Udemy’s first collaboration with a local polytechnic in Singapore to offer subscriptions, and the company plans to expand its offerings in the region over time.

"We are thrilled to collaborate with Republic Polytechnic to bring accessible, high-quality upskilling opportunities to Singaporeans, making our courses eligible for SkillsFuture Credit," said Greg Brown, President and CEO at Udemy. "This collaboration aligns with our mission to transform lives through learning and provide an environment where everyone, everywhere has access to the skills they need to unlock their potential and create opportunities for themselves and others. We are confident that access to Udemy will positively impact Singaporeans and the region's economy."

Sim Choon Hou, Director of the Academy for Continuing Education at Republic Polytechnic added, "This collaboration allows Singaporeans to access quality courses on the Udemy Business platform provided by Republic Polytechnic, while giving them the flexibility to learn at their own pace as they gain relevant skills needed to succeed in their careers today and into the future."

According to a study by Economist Impact , while Singaporean employees are invested in upskilling, 61% rely on government awareness programs to dictate which competencies they should be prioritizing and often lack direction, as skills are quickly becoming obsolete. In examining the market, new research from SkillsFuture Singapore highlights a number of skills that will be essential to support its future economy, including digital skills, green economy skills, and foundational power skills like critical thinking and adaptability. The report also identified high-demand job sectors such as information and communications technology, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing, of which Udemy has a significant number of courses to help address these needs.

The research underscores the critical need for continuous learning, and this new collaboration extends Udemy’s commitment to leading the transformation to a skills-based economy and the role it plays in supporting skills development and validation. To get started today, learners can register via: https://for.edu.sg/udemy .

About Udemy

Udemy transforms lives through learning by ensuring everyone has access to the latest and most relevant skills. Through the Udemy Intelligent Skills Platform and a global community of diverse and knowledgeable instructors, millions of learners gain expertise in a wide range of technical and professional skills — from generative AI to leadership . The Udemy marketplace provides learners with thousands of up-to-date courses in dozens of languages, offering a variety of solutions to achieve their goals. Udemy Business empowers enterprises to offer on-demand learning for all employees, immersive learning for tech teams through Udemy Business Pro, and cohort learning for leaders through Udemy Business Leadership Academy. Udemy Business customers include FenderⓇ, Glassdoor, On24, The World Bank, and Volkswagen. Udemy is headquartered in San Francisco with hubs in Austin and Denver, USA; Ankara and Istanbul, Türkiye; Dublin, Ireland; Melbourne, Australia; and Chennai, Gurugram and Mumbai, India.

About Republic Polytechnic

The first educational institution in Singapore to leverage the Problem-based Learning approach for all its diploma programmes, Republic Polytechnic (RP) has seven schools and two academic centres offering 37 full-time diplomas in Applied Science, Engineering, Management and Communication, Hospitality, Infocomm, Sports, Health & Leisure, and Technology for the Arts.

RP is committed to nurturing professionals with strong problem-solving capabilities through an innovative and entrepreneurial learning environment, based on a holistic and industry relevant curriculum. RP's Academy for Continuing Education also offers a comprehensive suite of lifelong learning programmes to provide adult learners with skills upgrading opportunities. For more information, visit: http://www.rp.edu.sg .

1 Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their base tier of SkillsFuture Credit (i.e., Opening SkillsFuture Credit $500 and One-off Top-Up $500) to offset the Udemy subscription fee.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240805614967/en/

Ellen D. Kiehl Director, Corporate Communications [email protected]


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  1. SSG

    What is it? Critical Core Skills (CCS) comprises of 16 competencies across three skills cluster, that workplaces deem essential. They are: Thinking Critically: Cognitive skills are the root of technical skill development and progression. It is needed to think broadly and creatively to see connections and opportunities during change.

  2. Critical Core Skills

    This cluster sums up the cognitive skills needed for broad and creative thinking. These skills help individuals see connections and opportunities. Cognitive skills are the root of technical skills development and progression. Creative Thinking considers and connects multiple ideas and information to form solutions or develop new ways of working.

  3. Critical Core Skills That Employers Want

    Based on a study by the Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), out of the 16 Critical Core Skills, the 3 most important ones are: 1. Self Management 2. Influence 3. Creative Thinking. Depending on your job role, some Critical Core Skills could be more important than others. Scroll down to read more about:

  4. PDF Critical Core Skills (CCS)

    Thinking Problem Solving Adaptability Developing People Customer Orientation Digital Fluency Decision Making Communication Learning Agility Transdisciplinary Thinking Collaboration Sense Making INTERACTING WITH OTHERS STAYING RELEVANT THINKING CRITICALLY Global Perspective Influence Self Management SKILLS TO BUILD SKILLS Critical Core Skills (CCS)

  5. Skillsfuture

    Enhanced Training Support for SMEs -. 70% of course fee. SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy -. 70% of course fee. Singapore Citizens (SCs) Aged < 40 years old or, Permanent Residents (PRs) ≥ 21 years old. SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy -. 50% of course fee. Enhanced Training Support for SMEs -.

  6. Course Details

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    It will explain critical thinking competencies needed for the 21st century. Thereafter, participants may look forward to the sharing of tips on how to get the learning of Critical Thinking kick-started in a learning institution, through developing a learner-centric Critical Thinking module and/or infusing Critical Thinking into discipline-based ...

  8. What Are Critical Core Skills And Why Do They Matter?

    Digital fluency skills. Collaboration skills. Problem-solving skills. These competencies are categorised under 3 clusters of skills including Thinking Critically, Staying Relevant and Interacting With Others. By mastering your critical core skills, you'll be able to develop broad and creative thinking skills. These help you to stay relevant ...

  9. Skillsfuture

    Equip your workforce with Critical Core Skills (CCS), as identified by SkillsFuture Singapore. Critical Core Skills is developed by SkillsFuture Singapore, in close consultation with employers, comprising 16 Critical Core Skills (CCS) competencies which are deemed essential soft skills in the workplace. The 16 competencies are categorised under ...

  10. SkillsFuture report pinpoints skills Singaporeans urgently need in the

    The report designates 16 soft skills which it calls "critical core skills", organised into three clusters: thinking critically, interacting with others and staying relevant.

  11. SSG

    The Skills Framework (SFw) is a SkillsFuture initiative, designed to promote skills mastery and lifelong learning for the Singapore workforce. It is an integral component of the Professional Services Industry Transformation Plan. The Skills Framework for Design is jointly developed by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG), and ...

  12. Home

    MySkillsFuture is a one-stop online portal that enables Singaporeans of all ages to make informed learning and career choices, so that they can pursue their skills and career development throughout their lives. Search for SSG-funded courses, submit SkillsFuture Credit claim and find resources and tools to help you make informed decisions on skills upgrading.

  13. PDF Critical Core Skills (CCS) for the Future of Singapore's Workforce

    Soft skills are part of the priority skills identified in SSG's inaugural Skills Demand for the Future Economy Report (2021) Source: SkillsFuture Singapore. 6. The Report highlights 16 in-demand soft skills, which SSG terms the Critical Core Skills (CCS), organised into three clusters: Thinking Critically, Interacting with Others, and Staying ...

  14. Cultivate Creative and Critical Thinking for Workplace Success

    Course Details. Understand the principles and foundations of creative and critical thinking. Learn about the different phases of the critical thinking process. Cultivate an attitude necessary for critical thinking. Able to use brainstorming methods to aid creative thinking. Understand components essential for creative and critical thinking.

  15. 16 critical core skills for the future of work: Sensemaking, influence

    Cluster #1: Thinking critically. These are cognitive skills needed to think broadly and creatively, in order to see connections and opportunities in the midst of change. Cognitive skills are at the root of technical skill development and progression. Creative thinking; Decision making; Problem-solving; Sensemaking; Transdisciplinary thinking

  16. Course Details

    Course Overview About this course. This skill describes the ability to apply critical thinking and analytical skills for problem-solving. It also includes challenging and rethinking ideas, analysing business issues to put forth recommendations to stakeholders and enhancing creative thinking among team members.

  17. Critical Thinking Essentials for Professional Growth

    Critical thinking, therefore, is becoming an in-demand skill, but is also one that is commonly missing. SMU Academy. Main navigation. Home; About Us. Overview Why ... Application to utilise SkillsFuture Credits can be submitted when making payment for the course via the SMU Academy TMS Portal, and can only be made within 60 days of course start ...

  18. How to develop critical core skills to future-proof your career

    For working professionals looking to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, ... To take up a course, participants can use their SkillsFuture credits, while NTUC Union members ...

  19. Transdisciplinary Thinking Course

    The course, Transdisciplinary Thinking, is a critical core skill endorsed by SkillsFuture Singapore.It aims to provide learners with the principles and techniques to understand the benefits of being transdisciplinary, use of quantitative and qualitative methods, identify data patterns, apply integrative thinking, prioritise ideas, engage stakeholders, evaluate performance and build ambidexterity.

  20. Critical Thinking for the 21st Century Workplace

    Key critical thinking skills to have in the workplace include perspective-taking, analysis, evaluation, inference, and synthesis leading to effective communication and problem-solving. ... The annual SkillsFuture Festival to promote lifelong learning was hosted by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) this year on 23 July ...

  21. Critical Thinking Skills

    Critical thinking skills refer to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information in a logical and systematic manner. It involves thinking actively and independently, considering multiple perspectives, and making reasoned judgments or decisions based on evidence and reasoning. ... SkillsFuture Credits eligible for Singapore citizens ...

  22. Courses

    MySkillsFuture is a one-stop online portal that enables Singaporeans of all ages to make informed learning and career choices, so that they can pursue their skills and career development throughout their lives. Search for SSG-funded courses, submit SkillsFuture Credit claim and find resources and tools to help you make informed decisions on skills upgrading.

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    To be successful in the New Age, we need to adopt New Thinking: The 'Essential Thinking Traits for the Digital Age. These thinking traits are powered by a combination of Lean Thinking, Design Thinking, Agile and other cutting-edge management and innovation approaches. This module is available on a standalone basis.

  24. Udemy Collaborates with Republic Polytechnic to Offer 27,000

    1 Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their base tier of SkillsFuture Credit (i.e., Opening SkillsFuture Credit $500 and One-off Top-Up $500) to offset the Udemy subscription fee.