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Strategy Case Studies

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Examples of Strategic Management: Learn from Industry Leaders

Examples of Strategic Management

Welcome to the world of strategic management, where businesses navigate the complex landscape of competition, innovation, and growth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of strategic management by exploring real-world examples of how some of the most successful companies and organizations have used strategic thinking to achieve remarkable results.

Strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional  decisions that enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. It’s a critical aspect of business leadership, driving sustainable success and ensuring that companies not only survive but thrive in dynamic markets.

Our journey will take us through various sectors, from technology giants and automotive pioneers to startups, nonprofits, and government entities. By examining both successes and failures, you’ll gain valuable insights into the principles and practices of strategic management, allowing you to apply these lessons to your professional endeavors.

So, without further ado, let’s embark on this enlightening exploration of strategic management through the lens of remarkable examples from the business world.

Strategy Management

Strategy management is the systematic process of formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies to achieve organizational goals and sustain a competitive advantage.

Understanding Strategic Management

Before we dive into the captivating examples of strategic management, let’s establish a solid understanding of what strategic management entails.

Strategic management is the comprehensive process of defining an organization’s direction,  making decisions  decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this direction and guiding the implementation of these  decisions .

It’s not a one-time task but rather an ongoing, dynamic process that aligns an organization’s internal capabilities with the demands of its external environment.

Key Components of Strategic Management

  • Setting Clear Objectives: Strategic management begins with establishing clear, specific, and measurable objectives. These objectives provide a sense of purpose and direction for the entire organization.
  • Environmental Analysis: Understanding the business environment is crucial. This includes analyzing industry trends, competitive forces, market dynamics, and potential risks and opportunities.
  • Strategy Formulation: Once the organization’s objectives are defined and the external environment is assessed, the next step is developing a strategy. This involves determining how the organization will achieve its objectives, often considering factors like differentiation, cost leadership, or niche focus.
  • Strategy Implementation: Formulating a strategy is only the first step; implementing it is equally important. This phase involves aligning the organization’s structure, processes, people, and culture with the chosen strategy.
  • Evaluation and Control: Continuous evaluation and control mechanisms are necessary to ensure that the chosen strategy is producing the desired results. If not, adjustments may be required.

Now that we have a solid foundation in place, let’s explore how these principles are put into action with real-world examples of strategic management across diverse industries.

Strategic Management Frameworks and Tools

Strategic management involves the use of various frameworks and tools to analyze, plan, and execute strategies effectively. Understanding these tools is essential for any business professional.

Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

1. SWOT Analysis: A framework that helps organizations identify their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s a fundamental tool for  strategic planning .

2. PESTEL Analysis: This tool evaluates the Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors that can impact an organization.

3. Porter’s Five Forces: Developed by Michael Porter, this framework assesses the competitive forces within an industry, helping organizations determine their competitive position.

4. BCG Matrix: It’s a portfolio analysis tool that helps organizations assess their product offerings and allocate resources effectively. Products are categorized as Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, or Dogs.

5. Balanced Scorecard: This performance measurement framework considers financial and non-financial factors, allowing organizations to track progress toward their strategic goals.

6. Scenario Planning: In an uncertain environment, scenario planning involves creating multiple future scenarios to prepare for various outcomes.

7. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): These are specific metrics that organizations track to measure progress toward strategic objectives.

The 5 Phases of the Strategic Management Process

Strategic management is a comprehensive and iterative process that guides organizations in making informed  decisions , formulating strategies, implementing them effectively, and evaluating their outcomes.

Understanding the various phases of the strategic management process is essential for achieving strategic objectives.

Let’s delve into each phase:

Examples of Strategic Management in Action

In this section, we’ll delve into captivating examples of strategic management from various sectors. These case studies offer valuable insights into how organizations leverage strategic thinking to thrive in competitive markets, innovate, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Stay tuned as we explore the strategic moves and  decisions made by industry leaders that have shaped their success.

1. Strategic Management at Apple Inc.

Our first stop on this tour of strategic management excellence is none other than Apple Inc. Founded in 1976, Apple has become a household name synonymous with innovation and cutting-edge technology.


Apple’s Strategic Vision: Apple’s co-founder, Steve Jobs, was known for his visionary approach to product development. He famously said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Apple’s strategic management has been deeply rooted in this philosophy, focusing on creating products that are not just technologically advanced but also beautifully designed and user-friendly.

Key Strategic Moves:

  • Product Diversification: Apple started as a computer company, but it didn’t stop there. The introduction of the iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch showcased Apple’s ability to diversify its product portfolio strategically.
  • Ecosystem Integration: Apple’s ecosystem is a prime example of strategic management. The seamless integration between devices, software (iOS, macOS), and services (Apple Music, iCloud) fosters customer loyalty and increases brand stickiness.
  • Retail Strategy: Apple’s retail stores are strategically positioned in high-traffic locations, offering not just products but experiences. The design of Apple Stores, along with well-trained staff, creates a unique customer journey.
  • Supply Chain Mastery: Efficient supply chain management allows Apple to deliver products to customers promptly. The company’s ability to source components globally and assemble them on time is a strategic advantage.
  • Brand Image: Apple has meticulously cultivated its brand image as an innovator that challenges the status quo. This strategic positioning has helped Apple command premium prices for its products.

Takeaway: Apple’s strategic management demonstrates the importance of a clear vision, innovation, diversification, and a relentless focus on the customer experience.

2. Toyota: Pioneering Operational Excellence

Our next example hails from the automotive industry, and it’s none other than Toyota. Toyota’s approach to strategic management has revolutionized manufacturing processes and set new standards for operational efficiency.

Toyota Signboard

Toyota’s Strategic Vision: Toyota’s vision revolves around “delivering better products and better services.” Its strategic management is grounded in the philosophy of “continuous improvement” or Kaizen.

  • Lean Manufacturing: Toyota pioneered the concept of lean manufacturing, aiming to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and improve quality. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a renowned example of strategic management focused on operational excellence.
  • Global Expansion: Toyota strategically expanded its operations globally, becoming one of the largest automakers in the world. Its diverse product range caters to different markets and customer segments.
  • Innovation in Hybrid Technology: Toyota’s introduction of the Prius, the world’s first mass-produced hybrid car, showcased its strategic commitment to sustainability and innovation.
  • Quality Control: Toyota’s relentless pursuit of quality and its “stop the line” policy emphasizes its commitment to delivering exceptional products.
  • Supply Chain Resilience: Toyota’s strategic management includes building a resilient supply chain. This was evident when the company navigated supply chain disruptions caused by Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Takeaway: Toyota’s strategic management teaches us the importance of operational excellence, continuous improvement, and a long-term commitment to quality and sustainability.

3. Airbnb: Disrupting the Hospitality Industry

Our final example brings us to the world of sharing economy and disruptive innovation—Airbnb.


Airbnb’s Strategic Vision: Founded in 2008, Airbnb’s strategic vision is to “create a world where anyone can belong anywhere.” It disrupted the traditional hospitality industry by leveraging technology to connect travelers with hosts offering unique accommodations.

  • Platform-Based Model: Airbnb’s strategic management centers on its platform-based business model. It doesn’t own properties but provides a marketplace for hosts and guests to transact.
  • Global Expansion: Airbnb strategically expanded its presence to become a global platform with listings in nearly every country. This expansion was supported by localization efforts and strategic partnerships.
  • User-Centric Design: Airbnb’s focus on user experience and design thinking has been a strategic advantage. The platform is user-friendly, with features like reviews, secure payments, and personalized recommendations.
  • Community Building: Airbnb strategically built a sense of community among hosts and guests through its branding and initiatives like host meetups and the “Airbnb Community Center.”
  • Diversification: Over time, Airbnb strategically diversified its offerings beyond accommodations to include experiences and adventures, further enhancing its value proposition.

Takeaway: Airbnb’s strategic management illustrates the power of disruptive innovation, platform-based models, user-centric design, and the importance of building a strong community.

4. Amazon: Mastering Customer-Centricity

Amazon, the e-commerce giant founded by Jeff Bezos, epitomizes strategic management in the digital age. Its relentless focus on customer-centricity has propelled it to the forefront of the global retail industry.

Amazon inc.

Amazon’s Strategic Vision: Amazon’s vision is “to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” Their strategic management revolves around leveraging technology to enhance customer experience.

  • eCommerce Dominance: Amazon strategically disrupted the retail industry by pioneering e-commerce. They focused on providing customers with vast product selections, competitive prices, and convenient delivery options.
  • Amazon Prime: The introduction of Amazon Prime, a subscription service offering free shipping and access to streaming services, was a strategic move that boosted customer loyalty and retention.
  • Innovation Hub: Amazon’s strategic management includes heavy investments in innovation. They introduced the Kindle e-reader, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Amazon Echo, expanding their reach into various tech sectors.
  • Marketplace Model: Amazon’s strategic  decision to allow third-party sellers on its platform broadened its product offerings and created a win-win situation for sellers and customers.
  • Supply Chain Optimization: Amazon’s strategic brilliance extends to supply chain management, allowing them to fulfill orders efficiently. This includes investments in robotics and a vast distribution network.

Takeaway: Amazon’s strategic success highlights the significance of customer-centricity, innovation, and adaptability in today’s dynamic business landscape.

5. Coca-Cola: Branding Mastery

Coca-Cola, a global beverage giant, is renowned for its strategic management in brand building and marketing. It’s a classic example of how a company can turn a product into an iconic global brand.


Coca-Cola’s Strategic Vision: Coca-Cola’s vision is “to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit.” Their strategic management revolves around creating an emotional connection with consumers through their brands.

  • Brand Portfolio: Coca-Cola strategically expanded its brand portfolio beyond Coca-Cola to include a variety of beverages such as Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite, catering to diverse consumer preferences.
  • Global Reach: Coca-Cola’s strategic global expansion made its products available in over 200 countries. This extensive reach bolsters its brand recognition and market presence.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Coca-Cola’s iconic marketing campaigns, including the “Share a Coke” campaign and memorable Super Bowl ads, showcase its strategic emphasis on advertising and brand promotion.
  • Sponsorships and Partnerships: Coca-Cola’s strategic partnerships with major sporting events like the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics demonstrate their commitment to associating their brand with positive experiences.
  • Product Diversification: Recognizing evolving consumer preferences, Coca-Cola has strategically diversified its product offerings to include healthier options and reduced-sugar beverages.

Takeaway: Coca-Cola’s strategic management illustrates the power of branding, marketing, and diversification in building a globally recognized and cherished brand.

6. Netflix: Pioneering Digital Streaming

Netflix, the global streaming giant, is a prime example of a company that strategically disrupted the entertainment industry by transitioning from DVD rentals to digital streaming.

Netflix streaming

Netflix’s Strategic Vision: Netflix’s vision is “to become the best global entertainment distribution service, licensing entertainment content around the world.” Their strategic management focuses on providing high-quality content to subscribers.

  • Content Creation: Netflix strategically shifted from being a content distributor to a content creator. Their original content, like “House of Cards” and “Stranger Things,” has garnered critical acclaim and subscriber loyalty.
  • Global Expansion: Netflix strategically expanded globally, making its streaming service available in over 190 countries. This global reach is a testament to their strategic vision of becoming a global entertainment powerhouse.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Netflix’s strategic use of data analytics enables it to personalize content recommendations for each user, enhancing the viewing experience and subscriber retention.
  • Subscription Model: Netflix’s strategic  decision to adopt a subscription-based model allows it to generate steady revenue and invest heavily in content creation.
  • Technology Investment: Netflix’s strategic investment in streaming technology ensures a seamless and high-quality streaming experience for subscribers.

Takeaway: Netflix’s strategic management highlights the significance of content creation, global expansion, data-driven personalization, and subscription-based revenue models in the digital entertainment industry.

7. Google: Dominating Online Search and Advertising

Google, led by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, is a strategic management powerhouse that transformed online search and digital advertising.

Google Offices

Google’s Strategic Vision: Google’s vision is “to provide access to the world’s information in one click.” Their strategic management revolves around organizing information and making it universally accessible and useful.

  • Search Engine Dominance: Google’s strategic focus on delivering highly relevant search results and a user-friendly interface made it the world’s leading search engine.
  • Advertising Model: Google’s strategic monetization through pay-per-click advertising, primarily through Google Ads (formerly AdWords), revolutionized digital advertising.
  • Android Ecosystem: Google strategically developed the Android operating system, powering a significant portion of the world’s smartphones and expanding its ecosystem.
  • Cloud Services: Google Cloud, part of Alphabet Inc. (Google’s parent company), is strategically positioned to compete in the cloud computing market.
  • Innovation Ventures: Google’s strategic approach to innovation includes projects like Google X, focusing on moonshot technologies like self-driving cars, and Project Loon for internet connectivity in remote areas.

Takeaway: Google’s strategic management highlights the importance of search engine dominance, advertising revenue models, ecosystem development, and moonshot innovation.

8. Facebook (Meta Platforms): Connecting the World

Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook, under Mark Zuckerberg’s leadership, is a strategic management example that transformed social networking and digital communication.


Meta Platforms’ Strategic Vision: Meta’s vision is “to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.” Their strategic management centers on connecting people globally.

  • User Base Expansion: Meta strategically expanded its user base by acquiring platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp, diversifying its social media portfolio.
  • Advertising Monetization: Meta’s strategic monetization primarily relies on targeted advertising, offering advertisers extensive user data for precise targeting.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Meta is strategically investing in VR and AR technologies, envisioning a future of interconnected virtual experiences.
  • Metaverse: The strategic focus on building the metaverse, a collective virtual shared space, aims to redefine digital interactions and experiences.
  • Data Centers and Connectivity: Meta’s strategic investments in data centers and internet connectivity infrastructure support its global operations.

Takeaway: Meta Platforms’ strategic management emphasizes user engagement, advertising-driven revenue models, innovation in VR and AR, and the vision of a metaverse future.

9. Nike: Mastering Branding and Innovation

Nike, led by visionary figures like Phil Knight and Mark Parker, showcases strategic brand management and innovation in the sportswear industry.


Nike’s Strategic Vision: Nike’s vision is “to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.” Their strategic management revolves around innovation, athlete endorsements, and brand identity.

  • Iconic Branding: Nike’s strategic branding includes the creation of the famous “Swoosh” logo, making it one of the world’s most recognizable brands.
  • Endorsement Deals: Nike’s strategic partnerships with athletes like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and Serena Williams bolster brand recognition and aspiration.
  • Innovation in Footwear: Nike’s strategic focus on footwear innovation, such as Air Max and Flyknit technologies, sets industry standards.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Nike’s strategic marketing campaigns, like “Just Do It,” resonate with consumers and reinforce the brand’s message.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Nike’s strategic commitment to sustainability includes efforts like “Reuse-A-Shoe,” recycling old athletic shoes into sports surfaces.

Takeaway: Nike’s strategic management underscores the power of iconic branding, athlete endorsements, product innovation, emotionally resonant marketing, and sustainability in the sportswear sector.

10. Tesla: Revolutionizing Electric Vehicles

Tesla, spearheaded by visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk, represents a paradigm shift in the automotive industry and strategic management.


Tesla’s Strategic Vision: Tesla’s vision is “to create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.” Their strategic management revolves around sustainability, innovation, and disruption.

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Leadership: Tesla’s strategic focus on electric vehicles disrupted the automotive industry and accelerated the transition to sustainable transportation.
  • Autonomous Driving: Tesla’s strategic integration of autonomous driving features, such as Autopilot, showcases a commitment to innovation and safety.
  • Gigafactories: Tesla’s strategic establishment of Gigafactories globally ensures efficient EV production and battery technology development.
  • Direct-to-Consumer Sales: Tesla’s strategic approach of selling directly to consumers disrupted traditional dealership models.
  • Energy Solutions: Tesla’s strategic diversification into solar energy and energy storage with products like Solar Roof and Powerwall demonstrates a broader vision beyond EVs.

Takeaway: Tesla’s strategic management exemplifies the transformative power of innovation, sustainability, direct sales models, and diversification into complementary industries.

Examples of Strategic Failures

1. nokia: missed opportunities in the smartphone era.

Nokia, once an undisputed leader in mobile phones, serves as a notable example of strategic failure. While they had a strong market presence, Nokia failed to adapt to the smartphone revolution effectively.


Strategic Missteps:

  • Lack of Innovation: Nokia was slow to innovate and adapt to changing consumer preferences. They stuck to their traditional mobile phone models while competitors were developing smartphones.
  • Ignoring the Ecosystem: Nokia underestimated the importance of a robust app ecosystem, an area where Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android thrived.
  • Ineffective Leadership: Frequent changes in leadership and organizational restructuring led to a lack of focus and direction.

Takeaway: Nokia’s downfall underscores the importance of innovation, adaptability, and staying attuned to market trends, even for industry leaders.

2. Blockbuster: Failing to Embrace Digital Streaming

Blockbuster, a giant in the video rental industry, faced a catastrophic strategic failure due to its inability to embrace digital streaming.


  • Lagging Technology: Blockbuster was slow to adopt digital streaming technology and underestimated its potential.
  • Failure to Adapt: While Netflix was disrupting the industry with its subscription-based streaming service, Blockbuster clung to its brick-and-mortar rental model.
  • Missed Opportunities: Blockbuster had the chance to acquire Netflix early on but declined, which proved to be a costly  decision .

Takeaway: Blockbuster’s demise highlights the critical importance of staying ahead of technological trends and being open to strategic partnerships.

3. Kodak: Missed the Digital Photography Wave

Kodak, a pioneer in photography, failed to adapt to the digital photography revolution, leading to a decline in its market presence.


  • Overreliance on Film: Kodak was heavily reliant on film-based photography and underestimated the shift toward digital photography.
  • Failure to Innovate: While they did develop digital camera technology, Kodak didn’t effectively commercialize it due to concerns about cannibalizing their film business.
  • Lack of Vision: The company failed to envision a future where digital photography would dominate.

Takeaway: Kodak’s story emphasizes the importance of continuously innovating and not being afraid to disrupt your business model when necessary.

4. Blackberry: Ignoring the Smartphone Revolution

Blackberry, once synonymous with secure mobile communication, faltered when it failed to adapt to the rise of touchscreen smartphones.


  • Innovation Gap: Blackberry’s failure to innovate and transition to touchscreen devices left it behind competitors like Apple and Samsung.
  • Inadequate App Ecosystem: Blackberry’s app ecosystem couldn’t compete with the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Complacency: Blackberry’s leadership was slow to recognize the competitive threat posed by touchscreen smartphones.

Takeaway: Blackberry’s decline underscores the need for established companies to remain agile and innovative in the face of evolving technologies and consumer preferences.

5. Xiaomi: Expanding Too Quickly

Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone manufacturer, experienced a strategic setback when it expanded too rapidly into international markets.


  • Overseas Expansion: Xiaomi aggressively expanded into markets outside China, including India and Europe, which stretched its resources.
  • Supply Chain Issues: Rapid expansion led to supply chain challenges, including shortages of products in key markets.
  • Brand Awareness: Xiaomi faced challenges in building brand awareness and trust outside China.

Takeaway: Xiaomi’s experience emphasizes the importance of measured, sustainable international expansion and the need for strong supply chain management.

These examples of strategic failures serve as cautionary tales, illustrating the significance of adaptability, innovation, foresight, and market awareness in the world of strategic management.

Lessons Learned from Strategic Management Examples

1. innovation is a game-changer.

  • Key Lesson: Innovating in products, services, or business models can disrupt industries and create new market leaders.
  • Examples: Apple’s continuous innovation in consumer electronics, Tesla’s pioneering electric vehicles, and Dollar Shave Club’s subscription-based razor service.

2. Customer-Centric Approach Pays Off

  • Key Lesson: Prioritizing customer needs and preferences can lead to strong brand loyalty and business growth.

Examples: Amazon’s customer-centric e-commerce, Airbnb’s focus on user reviews and trust, and Warby Parker’s “Home Try-On” program.

3. Adaptability is Crucial

  • Key Lesson: Being adaptable to changing market conditions and consumer trends is essential for long-term success.
  • Examples: Netflix’s shift from DVD rentals to streaming, Slack’s evolution as a workplace collaboration platform, and Airbnb’s expansion into experiences.

4. Effective Marketing Matters

  • Key Lesson: Creative and effective marketing strategies can generate significant attention and customer acquisition.

Examples: Dollar Shave Club’s viral marketing video, Airbnb’s storytelling approach, and Apple’s iconic advertising campaigns.

5. Ecosystem Development Drives Growth

  • Key Lesson: Building an ecosystem of products, services, or partnerships can enhance value for customers and drive business growth.

Examples: Apple’s ecosystem of devices and services, Slack’s third-party integrations, and Tesla’s Supercharger network.

6. Sustainability is a Competitive Advantage

  • Key Lesson: Incorporating sustainability and environmental responsibility into business strategies can attract socially conscious consumers and enhance brand reputation.

Examples: Tesla’s commitment to sustainable transportation, Airbnb’s Green Hosting program, and Patagonia’s eco-friendly practices.

7. Digital Transformation is Inevitable

  • Key Lesson: Embracing digital technologies and online platforms is crucial in today’s business landscape.

Examples: Amazon’s digital retail dominance, Netflix’s streaming platform, and Tesla’s over-the-air software updates.

8. Diversification Reduces Risk

  • Key Lesson: Diversifying product or service offerings can mitigate risk and expand revenue streams.

Examples: Tesla’s expansion into solar energy and energy storage, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Apple’s ecosystem diversification.

9. Trust and Transparency Build Loyalty

  • Key Lesson: Establishing trust through transparent practices and customer reviews can foster loyalty and credibility.

Examples: Airbnb’s user review system, Tesla’s commitment to safety and quality, and Amazon’s customer feedback-driven improvements.

10. Long-Term Vision is Essential

  • Key Lesson: Maintaining a clear and ambitious long-term vision guides strategic decisions and sustains business growth.
  • Examples: Amazon’s focus on long-term value over short-term profits, Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, and Apple’s dedication to innovation.

These lessons illustrate the diverse strategies and approaches employed by successful companies across various industries.

By studying these examples and applying the core principles to your own business, you can develop more effective strategic management practices and enhance your organization’s competitiveness and growth prospects.

In this comprehensive exploration of strategic management, we’ve dissected a multitude of examples, both successes and failures, from diverse industries. Through these cases, we’ve unearthed invaluable lessons that can guide businesses towards prosperity and sustainability.

Key takeaways include the paramount importance of innovation, adaptability, customer-centricity, and sustainability.

It’s not enough to merely acknowledge these lessons. To thrive in today’s competitive landscape, businesses must actively apply strategic management principles. Whether you’re a startup seeking growth, a corporate giant aiming to stay agile, or an organization striving for a brighter, more sustainable future, strategic management offers the compass to navigate these endeavors.

Lastly, it’s crucial to understand that strategic management is not static; it evolves alongside technology, market trends, and consumer behaviors. The examples we’ve examined serve as beacons of innovation and adaptation.

As we move forward, new case studies will emerge, reshaping our understanding of effective strategic management. Stay vigilant, stay adaptable, and continue learning from the ever-changing landscape of strategic management.

Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang Bogwasi

2X Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Empowering Brands to Generate Leads, Grow Revenue with Business Strategy and Digital Marketing | Founder, CEO of Fine Group

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Strategic Management Process

strategic management process case study

Strategic management is an essential component of business success and involves setting a direction for a company and guiding it toward its objectives. The strategic management process consists of steps designed to identify and implement strategies to help a company achieve its goals.

The strategic management process is not linear but cyclical – each step provides information that feeds into the other steps, making adjustments as necessary.

Everything you need to know about “strategic management”

strategic management process case study

Here’s an outline of the typical strategic management process:

1st step: mission and objectives.

The first step in the strategic management process, establishing the mission and objectives, is a foundational step that lays the groundwork for all future strategic decisions.

Mission : The mission statement concisely explains the organization’s reason for existence. It describes what the organization does, whom it serves, and how it differs from similar organizations. A well-crafted mission statement gives employees a clear direction and helps customers and stakeholders understand the organization’s purpose. Here are a few characteristics of effective mission statements:

  • Customer-oriented : They describe the company’s purpose in terms of the value or benefits it provides to customers rather than describing its products or services.
  • Motivating : They inspire employees and give them a sense of purpose.
  • Distinctive : They make clear how the company stands apart from its competitors.

For example, Google’s mission statement is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” This explains what Google does (organizes information), whom it serves (the world), and what makes it unique (making information universally accessible and useful).

Objectives : The objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that the organization sets to guide its efforts and to provide benchmarks for assessing performance. Objectives should align with the company’s mission and vision. They could relate to various areas like sales, customer service, product development, market share, etc. For instance, a company might want to “increase sales by 10% over the next 12 months.”

Objectives serve multiple purposes:

  • Direction : They provide direction to the organization and help align the efforts of all departments and individuals.
  • Performance Evaluation : They serve as a standard against which the actual performance can be measured and evaluated.
  • Motivation : They motivate employees by setting a clear target for them to aim for.
  • Resource Allocation : They help decide where to allocate resources based on the more important objectives.

The mission and objectives are critical elements of the strategic management process because they help define where the organization is going (the mission) and how it plans to get there (the objectives). They provide a unifying focal point for the organization and help to guide decision-making at all levels.

2nd Step: Situation Analysis

Situation analysis, sometimes referred to as internal and external environment analysis, is a crucial step in the strategic management process. It allows a company to understand its current context to develop effective strategies.

Situation analysis generally involves evaluating both internal and external factors:

Internal Analysis : This involves evaluating an organization’s internal environment, including its resources, capabilities, and core competencies. It allows an organization to understand its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Resources : These include the company’s physical, financial, and human resources.
  • Capabilities : The company can do these based on its resources, processes, and past experiences.
  • Core Competencies : These unique capabilities give a company a competitive advantage in its industry.

Techniques such as a resource-based view (RBV) or a value chain analysis can be used to perform the internal analysis.

External Analysis : This involves evaluating factors outside the organization that could affect its performance, including opportunities and threats in its industry and the broader environment.

  • Industry Analysis : This involves examining the competitive forces in a company’s industry. Tools like Porter’s Five Forces model can be useful here. This model considers the competition among existing firms, potential new entrants, substitute products or services, suppliers’ bargaining power, and customers’ bargaining power.
  • PESTEL Analysis : This tool analyzes broader macro-environmental factors that can impact an organization. It considers Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. PESTEL Analysis Framework: Explained with Examples
  • Opportunities and Threats : Based on the industry and PESTEL analysis, an organization can identify opportunities (environmental conditions that could benefit the company if leveraged properly) and threats (conditions that could hinder company performance). SWOT Analysis: Meaning, Importance, and Examples

The situation analysis results are often summarized in a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) matrix. The SWOT analysis helps create strategies that align with a company’s strengths and opportunities and address its weaknesses and threats.

Understanding the current situation is necessary for setting appropriate goals and formulating strategies to enable the organization to achieve these goals. This is why a thorough situation analysis is important in strategic management.

3rd Step: Strategy Formulation

Strategy formulation is the third step in the strategic management process and one of the most critical stages. During this step, strategies are developed to determine the direction in which the organization should head based on its mission, objectives, and the analysis of its internal and external environments.

The strategy formulation step aims to create a strategic plan that leverages the company’s strengths and opportunities while addressing or mitigating its weaknesses and threats.

Key activities during the strategy formulation stage often include:

  • Identifying Strategic Alternatives : Several strategic alternatives can be considered based on the SWOT or PESTEL analysis. These could involve entering new markets, launching new products, alliances with other firms, cost leadership, differentiation, or focus strategies.
  • Strategy Evaluation : Each alternative is evaluated based on feasibility, suitability, and acceptability. The feasibility analysis checks whether the organization has the necessary resources and capabilities to implement the strategy. The suitability analysis checks whether the strategy would help the organization achieve its objectives. The acceptability analysis checks whether the strategy is acceptable to the stakeholders.
  • Choosing a Strategy : One or more strategies are determined based on the evaluation. This choice must consider the external competitive environment and the company’s internal capabilities and resources.
  • Developing the Strategic Plan : This detailed plan lays out the chosen strategy and how it will be implemented. It includes defining the strategic objectives, tactics, timelines, resource allocation, roles, and responsibilities.

Strategy formulation requires a clear understanding of the organization’s mission and objectives, a comprehensive analysis of its internal and external environments, and a good measure of foresight about future market trends and changes.

Once the strategy is formulated, the next step is strategy implementation, where the organization mobilizes its resources and executes the strategic plan. Remember, strategy formulation and implementation should be a dynamic and flexible process that allows for adjustment based on feedback and changes in the business environment.

4th Step: Strategy Implementation

Certainly, strategy implementation is the fourth step in the strategic management process and involves putting the developed strategies into action. It’s the stage where planning meets execution. Although it comes after strategy formulation, it is often considered the most challenging step in the strategic management process.

Here are the key aspects involved in the strategy implementation process:

  • Mobilizing Resources : At this stage, the necessary resources—financial, human, and material—are allocated to support the strategy. This may involve securing funding, hiring or training staff, or investing in new facilities or equipment.
  • Establishing Organizational Structure : The organization’s structure may need to be adjusted to facilitate strategy implementation. This could involve creating new departments or teams, changing reporting relationships, or developing new roles.
  • Executing Strategic Plans : The specific actions outlined in the strategic plan are executed. This includes launching new products or services, entering new markets, or initiating new processes.
  • Setting Performance Metrics : To track progress and ensure the strategy is moving the organization toward its objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs) are established. These metrics provide a way to measure success and identify areas for adjustments.
  • Monitoring Progress : Strategy implementation is not a “set it and forget it” process. Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that actions have the intended effect and to identify necessary adjustments. This might involve regular reporting, meetings, or reviews.
  • Change Management : Strategy implementation often involves change, and managing this change is a critical aspect of this step. This might involve clear communication about why changes are being made, what they involve, and how they will benefit the organization. Additionally, providing training and support to help employees navigate changes can also be a key aspect of this stage.

Strategy implementation requires strong leadership, clear communication, and managing change effectively. It’s the step where conceptual and strategic planning is transformed into practical, actionable steps. Even the most brilliant strategy can fail if it’s not implemented effectively, so this stage is critical in the strategic management process.

Strategy Implementation: Process, Models & Example

5th Step: Strategy Evaluation and Control

Sure. Strategy Evaluation and Control is the fifth step in the strategic management process. It involves the continuous assessment of the progress toward achieving the strategic objectives and determining if the implemented strategy is meeting expectations or if adjustments are needed.

Here are the primary elements involved in this phase:

  • Performance Measurement : Key performance indicators (KPIs) defined during the implementation phase measure the strategy’s effectiveness. These could be financial metrics (like revenue, profit, and return on investment), customer-related metrics (like customer satisfaction and market share), internal process metrics (like operational efficiency and product quality), or learning and growth metrics (like employee satisfaction, training effectiveness).
  • Comparing Actual vs. Expected Results : The organization’s actual performance, as indicated by the KPIs, is compared with the expected results or targets. This comparison helps to identify any deviations from the plan and understand their causes.
  • Identifying Deviations : If there are significant deviations from the expected results, it’s important to understand why these have occurred. Deviations could be due to changes in the external environment (like market conditions, competition, and technology) or internal factors (like resource availability and execution issues).
  • Taking Corrective Action : Based on the analysis, corrective actions are taken. This could involve making minor adjustments to the strategy or its implementation, or it could require a major overhaul if it’s not delivering the desired results.

Strategy Evaluation and Control is a crucial step that ensures the organization remains on track to achieve its objectives. It creates a feedback loop to the strategy formulation and implementation steps, allowing continuous improvement and adaptation to changing circumstances. Regular evaluation and control help the organization to stay agile and responsive to both internal and external changes.

6th Step: Feedback and Adjustment

Feedback and adjustment are integral to the strategic management process, ensuring the strategies remain relevant and effective in a dynamic business environment. This process is often considered the final step, but it’s part of an ongoing cycle. Here are the key elements of this phase:

  • Feedback : This involves collecting information about the company’s performance and the strategy’s effectiveness. The feedback could come from a variety of sources, including employees, customers, stakeholders, market research, or the performance metrics defined during the strategy implementation phase.
  • Analysis : The feedback is then analyzed to identify trends, opportunities for improvement, and potential issues. The organization examines what’s working well and what’s not, whether goals are being met, and whether the strategy is still aligned with the company’s mission and objectives.
  • Adjustment : Based on the feedback and analysis, the company then makes necessary adjustments to the strategy or its implementation. This could involve fine-tuning certain tactics, reallocating resources, changing processes, or in some cases, redefining the strategy entirely.
  • Communication : Any changes to the strategy or its implementation are then communicated to relevant stakeholders. This ensures everyone in the organization understands the changes and why they were made, which is crucial for effective implementation.
  • Continuous Monitoring : After adjustments are made, the company continues to monitor performance and collect feedback, creating a continuous improvement cycle. This ongoing process helps ensure the strategy stays relevant and effective in a changing business environment.

The Feedback and Adjustment phase emphasizes that strategic management is not a static, one-time process but a dynamic, ongoing cycle. It allows the organization to be agile and responsive, adapting its strategies to achieve its goals and objectives in a constantly evolving business landscape.

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What is the strategic management process + how to get started

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Every day in every department of your organization, people are making decisions.

It’s important that all of those decisions are aligned with the same goals — goals that give your business a competitive edge.

But how do you determine your company’s strategy? How can you be sure you’re headed in the right direction?

The answer lies in the strategic management process. The strategic management process guides you through planning, implementing, and maintaining the strategies that lead to the best business performance.

This article introduces the strategic management process and gives you tips on how to do it right.

  • What is the strategic management process?

Strategic management is the process of defining and implementing an organization’s strategy. It involves analyzing current circumstances, developing a plan to reach important goals, and executing that plan.

All businesses can benefit from strategic management to help them meet long-term objectives. The process is especially important when the organization is going through big changes or facing aggressive competition. For example, a start-up moving into the scale-up phase can implement strategic management to guide growth.

  • Why is strategic management important?

Strategic management ensures that the actions of everyone in your organization are aligned with your major goals. It helps departments and business leaders make better, faster decisions.

Strategic management keeps departments on the same page.

Instead of every department head making their own choices about what the company needs, a strategic plan provides a framework for prioritizing projects.

It helps your organization find new opportunities and anticipate new challenges.

Strategic management involves an in-depth analysis of your current circumstances, the market, and the competitive landscape. This helps you discover new opportunities for success.

Strategic management allows for more efficient organizational performance.

Having a strategy helps people in your organization make tactical decisions more quickly, and it keeps you from wasting time on projects that don’t align with the company’s mission.

This streamlines your processes and creates greater operational efficiency.

  • What are the 5 steps of the strategic management process?

Now you know why strategic management is so important, let’s take a look at the 5 essential steps in the strategic management process:

The 5 steps of the strategic management process

1. Goal setting

The strategic management process is all about creating a roadmap to help you achieve your vision. So before you go any further, you need to clarify what your company wants to achieve.

Many companies kick off the strategic management process by writing a vision statement. A vision statement communicates where you want to be in the future. It’s different from your mission statement — which describes why your company exists — but both statements should inform your strategic plan.

Once you’ve created or reviewed your vision statement, it’s time to pick some broad areas of focus. You don’t need to have specific, measurable goals yet, but you should go into the planning process with an idea of what you want to work on.

For example, growing revenue or improving customer service could be goals at this point.

Miro's strategy map

2. Environmental scanning and analysis

The next part of the process is analysis. Before you can define strategies and tactics, you need to know where you stand currently. That includes internal factors, like your location, structure, and talent, as well as external factors like your competition and market forces.

The more information you have, the stronger the foundation of your strategic plan. Here are some tips for conducting an analysis.

1. Solicit feedback.

Talk to team leaders to get a better understanding of internal operations. Employee surveys, interviews, and discussion groups can be used to learn about the perspectives of everyone in the company.

2. Learn about your customers.

You can survey your existing customers or email list to learn more about how your customers and prospects feel. For example, if they’re generally frustrated with your customer service team’s response time, then improving that can be a strategic objective. Or maybe you’ll learn about new product features they want, and you can plan to develop them.

3. Research the competitive environment.

Researching your competitors can help you find your weak spots and learn where you stand out from the crowd.

You can use Miro’s competitor analysis template to analyze and evaluate the competitive landscape for products, services, and companies.

4. Consider your resources.

When you’re setting your goals, you’ll have to know if you have the people and resources to accomplish them. Having a clear idea of your resources from the start will help you set realistic objectives.

5. Conduct a SWOT analysis.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can organize your SWOT analysis visually by using Miro’s SWOT Analysis template .

What does a SWOT analysis look like

3. Strategy formulation

It’s finally time to write your strategic plan. In addition to your mission and vision statement, a strategic plan has a few key components.

Strategic objectives

Strategic objectives are high-level goals that help you accomplish your mission. Some examples of strategic objectives include:

  • Grow earnings per share by 10% per year
  • Launch two new products per year
  • Increase NPS to 50 by 2024

For each strategic objective, use tactics that tell you specific actions to achieve the goal. For example, if your strategic objective is to increase awareness of your brand, a tactic could be to create profiles on the major social media sites.

Part of the strategic planning process is determining how you’re going to measure your progress toward your objectives. Choose a metric for each goal and make sure you have the ability to track it.

What about projects?

Your strategic plan doesn’t need to go into the projects that each department will undertake. Projects are related to strategic planning as the vehicle for accomplishing a strategic objective. However, projects can be planned by individual departments once the plan is complete.

For example, if your strategy is to improve customer loyalty and your tactic is to implement a rewards program, the marketing or customer experience teams will be put in charge of managing the creation of the program.

Strategic plan template from Miro

4. Strategy implementation

You’ve determined your organization’s strategy, but the work has just begun. Now you need to make a plan for implementing your strategic objectives.

Secure any resources you need.

Make sure you have the resources, budget, and approvals necessary to execute your plan.

Delegate the work.

Roles should be clearly defined at this point. Who’s in charge of communicating the plan to teams? Who will report on plan progress? Which departments will be responsible for which tactics?

Launch the plan.

Communicate the details of the plan to the company.

Depending on your organization, you may also need a plan to communicate your strategy with the board, key customers, investors, or the public.

Communication is a two-way street. Give people a way to ask questions or submit concerns about the plan.

Offer training.

If business decisions are going to be based on your company strategy, decision-makers need to know what that strategy is.

For people who require a deep understanding of your strategic plan, like department leaders, offer educational sessions to get them up to speed.

Make a plan to share your progress.

The whole company is working toward common goals — make sure you keep everyone updated on how they’re doing. Regular communication about how the strategic plan is going will increase buy-in.

5. Strategy evaluation

Most strategic plans cover the next three to five years. But that doesn’t mean you can’t adjust your strategies along the way.

Part of your implementation plan should be a schedule for continually reviewing your strategic plan, including its relevance to your current circumstances, its practicality, and how much progress you’ve made so far.

If any of your strategic objectives or tactics haven’t been implemented on time, ask yourself:

  • Are we still making progress toward this goal?
  • Do we have the resources to achieve the goal?
  • Can the goal be accomplished if the deadline is extended?
  • Is the goal still relevant to our current circumstances?
  • Can the goal be changed slightly to accomplish something similar?

Some strategies may need to be removed from the plan or updated.

  • Strategic management process secrets for success

The strategic management process has many points of possible failure. Some organizations never agree on a plan, while others have great ideas that fall apart in the implementation process.

Following these best practices will give you the best chance of strategic management success.

A list of strategic management best practices

Start with a core team that owns the process.

Brainstorming and collaboration are easiest if you start with a small group of stakeholders. This shouldn’t just be a few executives. Bring in a diverse group of thinkers from around the organization.

These people will help make and implement the plan. Their buy-in will also be important in making sure that every department is enthusiastic about the company’s new direction.

Make your goals optimistic but realistic.

Setting your strategy for the next several years is exciting — you get to decide the direction your company is headed and what you intend to accomplish. It’s okay to be optimistic about your vision.

But don’t get too carried away. If your objectives aren’t realistic, the plan will fall by the wayside quickly.

Agree on due dates.

To make sure your plan is carried out, everything should be on a schedule. That includes your strategic objectives (like “increase revenue 30% by the end of 2023 ) as well as elements of the strategic management process, such as holding the planning meeting, communicating the plan to your company, and reporting on your progress.

Have a plan for communication.

Part of the strategic planning process is letting everyone in the company know about the plan — and inspiring them to be enthusiastic about it.

Consider having a company-wide strategic plan kickoff event. When you introduce the plan, you can also let employees know about any rewards that will be given to teams or individuals that exceed the plan’s goals.

Use tools that make collaboration easy.

The strategic management process involves the entire organization, so collaboration is key. But group work can be disorganized and unproductive if you don’t have methods to stay on track and share ideas.

The right tools can help you keep planning sessions organized, share ideas, make collaborative decisions, and convey your ideas to others.

Miro’s visual workspace is a full-featured digital space that makes it easy to plan, share, discuss, and review information in real-time. Try brainstorming ideas, add comments and questions using sticky notes , and vote on potential courses of action using our plugin .

strategic management process case study

The strategic management process sets the long-term direction for your organization, so it’s important to get it right. That means bringing teams together to share ideas and work toward a common goal.

Miro can aid and enhance collaboration on your strategic management process. Get started with one of the fully-customizable templates from our strategic planning suite. Try it for free .

Miro is your team's visual platform to connect, collaborate, and create — together.

Join millions of users that collaborate from all over the planet using Miro.

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Case Studies in Strategic Management

How Executive Input Enables Students’ Development

  • © 2019
  • Gunther Friedl 0 ,
  • Andreas Biagosch 1

TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

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  • Merges theoretical knowledge, strategic thinking and specific analysis with practical business decisions
  • Presents a new approach to case studies applied at the TUM School of Management
  • Includes two case studies that won the international case writing competition at EFMD

Part of the book series: Management for Professionals (MANAGPROF)

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Similar content being viewed by others, is there a prescription for strategic it decisions.

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Asking Higher Education Students to Write Research Case Studies—A Way to Develop Engagement and Critical Thinking

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Case Studies

  • Case Method
  • Executive Education
  • Business School
  • Commerzbank AG

Table of contents (4 chapters)

Front matter, case: the renewed case seminar.

  • Andreas Biagosch

Supporting Companies and Participating Managers in Case Study Presentations

Case: unu gmbh: sharing is caring—a suitable business model for e-scooter in germany.

  • Franziska Beck, Michael Krauß, Frieder Weidenbach

Case: UBS—Acquisition of Commerzbank AG as a Possible Growth Strategy

  • Fahrudin Abazi, Philipp Deisler, Michael Eisenlauer

Back Matter

Editors and affiliations.

Gunther Friedl, Andreas Biagosch

About the editors

Andreas Biagosch worked for McKinsey & Company for more than 30 years. He is now member of several supervisory boards of large family firms and lectures at the Technical University of Munich.

Gunther Friedl is a Professor of Management Accounting at the Technical University of Munich and Dean of its Business School TUM School of Management.

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Case Studies in Strategic Management

Book Subtitle : How Executive Input Enables Students’ Development

Editors : Gunther Friedl, Andreas Biagosch

Series Title : Management for Professionals


Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Business and Management , Business and Management (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-319-95554-4 Published: 22 September 2018

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-030-07057-1 Published: 08 February 2019

eBook ISBN : 978-3-319-95555-1 Published: 08 September 2018

Series ISSN : 2192-8096

Series E-ISSN : 2192-810X

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XX, 91

Number of Illustrations : 21 b/w illustrations, 45 illustrations in colour

Topics : Accounting/Auditing , Management Education , Innovation/Technology Management , Start-Ups/Venture Capital , Financial Accounting

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Walmart’s Operations Management: 10 Strategic Decisions & Productivity

Walmart 10 decisions of operations management, strategic decision areas, productivity measures, retail business case study analysis

Walmart Inc.’s operations management involves a variety of approaches that are focused on managing the supply chain and inventory, as well as sales performance. The company’s success is significantly based on effective performance in retail operations management. Specifically, Walmart’s management covers all the 10 decision areas of operations management. These strategic decision areas pertain to the issues managers deal with on a daily basis as they optimize the e-commerce company’s operations. Walmart’s application of the 10 decisions of operations management reflects managers’ prioritization of business objectives. In turn, this prioritization shows the strategic significance of the different decision areas of operations management in the retail company’s business. This approach to operations aligns with Walmart’s corporate mission statement and corporate vision statement . The retail enterprise is a business case of how to achieve high efficiency in operations to ensure long-term growth and success in the global market.

The 10 decisions of operations management are effectively addressed in Walmart’s business through a combination of approaches that emphasize supply chain management, inventory management, and sales and marketing. This approach leads to strategies that strengthen the business against competitors, like Amazon and its subsidiary, Whole Foods , as well as Home Depot , eBay, Costco , Best Buy, Macy’s, Kroger, Alibaba, IKEA, Target, and Lowe’s.

The 10 Strategic Decision Areas of Operations Management at Walmart

1. Design of Goods and Services . This decision area of operations management involves the strategic characterization of the retail company’s products. In this case, the decision area covers Walmart’s goods and services. As a retailer, the company offers retail services. However, Walmart also has its own brands of goods, such as Great Value and Sam’s Choice. The company’s operations management addresses the design of retail service by emphasizing the variables of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Walmart’s generic strategy for competitive advantage, and intensive growth strategies emphasize low costs and low selling prices. To fulfill these strategies, the firm focuses on maximum efficiency of its retail service operations. To address the design of goods in this decision area of operations management, Walmart emphasizes minimal production costs, especially for the Great Value brand. The firm’s consumer goods are designed in a way that they are easy to mass-produce. The strategic approach in this operations management area affects Walmart’s marketing mix or 4Ps and the corporation’s strategic planning for product development and retail service expansion.

2. Quality Management . Walmart approaches this decision area of operations management through three tiers of quality standards. The lowest tier specifies the minimum quality expectations of the majority of buyers. Walmart keeps this tier for most of its brands, such as Great Value. The middle tier specifies market average quality for low-cost retailers. This tier is used for some products, as well as for the job performance targets of Walmart employees, especially sales personnel. The highest tier specifies quality levels that exceed market averages in the retail industry. This tier is applied to only a minority of Walmart’s outputs, such as goods under the Sam’s Choice brand. This three-tier approach satisfies quality management objectives in the strategic decision areas of operations management throughout the retail business organization. Appropriate quality measures also contribute to the strengths identified in the SWOT analysis of Walmart Inc .

3. Process and Capacity Design . In this strategic decision area, Walmart’s operations management utilizes behavioral analysis, forecasting, and continuous monitoring. Behavioral analysis of customers and employees, such as in the brick-and-mortar stores and e-commerce operations, serves as basis for the company’s process and capacity design for optimizing space, personnel, and equipment. Forecasting is the basis for Walmart’s ever-changing capacity design for human resources. The company’s HR process and capacity design evolves as the retail business grows. Also, to satisfy concerns in this decision area of operations management, Walmart uses continuous monitoring of store capacities to inform corporate managers in keeping or changing current capacity designs.

4. Location Strategy . This decision area of operations management emphasizes efficiency of movement of materials, human resources, and business information throughout the retail organization. In this regard, Walmart’s location strategy includes stores located in or near urban centers and consumer population clusters. The company aims to maximize market reach and accessibility for consumers. Materials and goods are made available to Walmart’s employees and target customers through strategic warehouse locations. On the other hand, to address the business information aspect of this decision area of operations management, Walmart uses Internet technology and related computing systems and networks. The company has a comprehensive set of online information systems for real-time reports and monitoring that support managing individual retail stores as well as regional market operations.

5. Layout Design and Strategy . Walmart addresses this decision area of operations management by assessing shoppers’ and employees’ behaviors for the layout design of its brick-and-mortar stores, e-commerce websites, and warehouses or storage facilities. The layout design of the stores is based on consumer behavioral analysis and corporate standards. For example, Walmart’s placement of some goods in certain areas of its stores, such as near the entrance/exit, maximizes purchase likelihood. On the other hand, the layout design and strategy for the company’s warehouses are based on the need to rapidly move goods across the supply chain to the stores. Walmart’s warehouses maximize utilization and efficiency of space for the company’s trucks, suppliers’ trucks, and goods. With efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and cost-minimization, the retail company satisfies the needs in this strategic decision area of operations management.

6. Human Resources and Job Design . Walmart’s human resource management strategies involve continuous recruitment. The retail business suffers from relatively high turnover partly because of low wages, which relate to the cost-leadership generic strategy. Nonetheless, continuous recruitment addresses this strategic decision area of operations management, while maintaining Walmart’s organizational structure and corporate culture . Also, the company maintains standardized job processes, especially for positions in its stores. Walmart’s training programs support the need for standardization for the service quality standards of the business. Thus, the company satisfies concerns in this decision area of operations management despite high turnover.

7. Supply Chain Management . Walmart’s bargaining power over suppliers successfully addresses this decision area of operations management. The retailer’s supply chain is comprehensively integrated with advanced information technology, which enhances such bargaining power. For example, supply chain management information systems are directly linked to Walmart’s ability to minimize costs of operations. These systems enable managers and vendors to collaborate in deciding when to move certain amounts of merchandise across the supply chain. This condition utilizes business competitiveness with regard to competitive advantage, as shown in the Porter’s Five Forces analysis of Walmart Inc . As one of the biggest retailers in the world, the company wields its strong bargaining power to impose its demands on suppliers, as a way to address supply chain management issues in this strategic decision area of operations management. Nonetheless, considering Walmart’s stakeholders and corporate social responsibility strategy , the company balances business needs and the needs of suppliers, who are a major stakeholder group.

8. Inventory Management . In this decision area of operations management, Walmart focuses on the vendor-managed inventory model and just-in-time cross-docking. In the vendor-managed inventory model, suppliers access the company’s information systems to decide when to deliver goods based on real-time data on inventory levels. In this way, Walmart minimizes the problem of stockouts. On the other hand, in just-in-time cross-docking, the retail company minimizes the size of its inventory, thereby supporting cost-minimization efforts. These approaches help maximize the operational efficiency and performance of the retail business in this strategic decision area of operations management (See more: Walmart: Inventory Management ).

9. Scheduling . Walmart uses conventional shifts and flexible scheduling. In this decision area of operations management, the emphasis is on optimizing internal business process schedules to achieve higher efficiencies in the retail enterprise. Through optimized schedules, Walmart minimizes losses linked to overcapacity and related issues. Scheduling in the retailer’s warehouses is flexible and based on current trends. For example, based on Walmart’s approaches to inventory management and supply chain management, suppliers readily respond to changes in inventory levels. As a result, most of the company’s warehouse schedules are not fixed. On the other hand, Walmart store processes and human resources in sales and marketing use fixed conventional shifts for scheduling. Such fixed scheduling optimizes the retailer’s expenditure on human resources. However, to fully address scheduling as a strategic decision area of operations management, Walmart occasionally changes store and personnel schedules to address anticipated changes in demand, such as during Black Friday. This flexibility supports optimal retail revenues, especially during special shopping occasions.

10. Maintenance . With regard to maintenance needs, Walmart addresses this decision area of operations management through training programs to maintain human resources, dedicated personnel to maintain facilities, and dedicated personnel to maintain equipment. The retail company’s human resource management involves training programs to ensure that employees are effective and efficient. On the other hand, dedicated personnel for facility maintenance keep all of Walmart’s buildings in shape and up to corporate and regulatory standards. In relation, the company has dedicated personnel as well as third-party service providers for fixing and repairing equipment like cash registers and computers. Walmart also has personnel for maintaining its e-commerce websites and social media accounts. This combination of maintenance approaches contributes to the retail company’s effectiveness in satisfying the concerns in this strategic decision area of operations management. Effective and efficient maintenance supports business resilience against threats in the industry environment, such as the ones evaluated in the PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis of Walmart Inc .

Determining Productivity at Walmart Inc.

One of the goals of Walmart’s operations management is to maximize productivity to support the minimization of costs under the cost leadership generic strategy. There are various quantitative and qualitative criteria or measures of productivity that pertain to human resources and related internal business processes in the retail organization. Some of the most notable of these productivity measures/criteria at Walmart are:

  • Revenues per sales unit
  • Stockout rate
  • Duration of order filling

The revenues per sales unit refers to the sales revenues per store, average sales revenues per store, and sales revenues per sales team. Walmart’s operations managers are interested in maximizing revenues per sales unit. On the other hand, the stockout rate is the frequency of stockout, which is the condition where inventories for certain products are empty or inadequate despite positive demand. Walmart’s operations management objective is to minimize stockout rates. Also, the duration of order filling is the amount of time consumed to fill inventory requests at the company’s stores. The operations management objective in this regard is to minimize the duration of order filling, as a way to enhance Walmart’s business performance.

  • Reid, R. D., & Sanders, N. R. (2023). Operations Management: An Integrated Approach . John Wiley & Sons.
  • Szwarc, E., Bocewicz, G., Golińska-Dawson, P., & Banaszak, Z. (2023). Proactive operations management: Staff allocation with competence maintenance constraints. Sustainability, 15 (3), 1949.
  • Walmart Inc. – Form 10-K .
  • Walmart Inc. – History .
  • Walmart Inc. – Location Facts .
  • Walmart’s E-commerce Website .
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A strategic management process: the role of decision-making style and organisational performance

Journal of Work-Applied Management

ISSN : 2205-2062

Article publication date: 16 February 2023

Issue publication date: 24 April 2023

The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for integrating strategic thinking factors, organisational performance and the decision-making process.


The methodology involves a synthesis of literature and proposes a framework that explores the relationship between strategic thinking enabling factors, organisational performance and the moderating effect of decision-making styles.

The framework includes strategic thinking enabling factors (systems perspective, focused intent, intelligent opportunism, thinking in time and hypothesis-driven analysis), organisational performance and the moderating effect of decision-making styles (intuitive and rational).

Research limitations/implications

This research results in a conceptual model only; it remains to be tested in actual practice. The expanded conceptual framework can serve as a basis for future empirical research and provide insights to practitioners into how to strengthen policy development in a strategic planning process.


A paradigm shift in the literature proves that strategic management and decision-making styles are vital in determining organisational performance. This paper highlights the importance of decision-making styles and develops a framework for strategic management by analysing the existing strategic management literature.

  • Strategic management
  • Intuitive decision-making
  • Rational decision-making
  • Strategic thinking process
  • Organisational performance

Sinnaiah, T. , Adam, S. and Mahadi, B. (2023), "A strategic management process: the role of decision-making style and organisational performance", Journal of Work-Applied Management , Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 37-50.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Tamilarasu Sinnaiah, Sabrinah Adam and Batiah Mahadi

Published in Journal of Work-Applied Management . Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Managers are appointed to achieve the organisation's objectives and goals. As these objectives gradually increase with competition, managers must become strategic thinkers with excellent decision-making skills. The strategy towards the organisational outcome highlighted in this section has been widely debated among academic scholars and practitioners. Organisational strategies are essential in sustaining an organisation's competitive advantage to face a complex and uncertain future.

Effective strategic management frameworks enable managers to focus on the complex issues that must be prioritised to hasten decision-making processes ( Dlamini et al. , 2020 ). Whilst enabling managers important to make the decisions needed to direct the organisational effort towards overcoming specific issues ( Wang et al. , 2021 ). The organisation's effectiveness in addressing critical issues with solutions that best fit the current environmental factors will ensure the vitality and image of the organisation. Strategic management is pertinent to manage the organisation in a continuous, systematic manner.

The first segment of strategic management is the effective action programs chosen to reach these goals and objectives.

The second segment is the resource allocation pattern that relates the organisation to its environment.

Moreover, strategic management is defined as translating the thinking process into an action plan that benefits the organisation to sustain its competitive advantages. Strategy also can be categorised as strategic thinking and strategic planning. Strategy is also the commitment of the top-level management to attaining outcomes aligned with the organisation's strategic objectives. Strategy can be realised when there is consistent outcomes or patterns over the years. Therefore, strategy is planning for the future or determining patterns based on consistent outcomes. Organisations must develop plans and also evolve patterns derived from previous organisational outcomes. These phases can be explained as intended strategy and realised strategy.

The effectiveness of the strategies employed can indicate the organisation's performance in achieving its objectives and goals. Organisations need to measure the outcome of the strategies employed by having measurable objectives that will enhance the employees' commitment towards achieving the goals. Conversely, organisational learning and financial measures such as organisational profitability can also benchmark organisational performance. The responsiveness of organisational performance has a direct relationship and is influenced by management efforts to emphasise leadership within the organisational structure. This is done by observing the support and strategies utilised by managers to achieve the objectives and goals. This paper aims to enhance an understanding of strategic management processes involving decision-making styles towards organisational performance. First, this paper highlights strategic management's operational and theoretical approach towards organisational performance. Moreover, this study enhances the result of previous literature on strategic enablers by explaining the effort involving decision-making to strengthen the organisational structure, particularly the decision-making styles (intuitive and rational), that moderates the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performances ( Ritter, 2014 ).

Academic scholars and practitioners have highlighted the importance of strategic management in measuring organisational performance in terms of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, knowledge, economics, healthcare and organisational performance ( Adam et al ., 2018 , 2020 ; Alosani et al. , 2020 ). Conversely, there is a knowledge gap on the effective judgement practices of strategic management enablers and organisational performance during decision-making ( Abuhjeeleh et al ., 2018 ; Acciarini et al. , 2021 ; Elrehail et al ., 2020 ; Nguyen, 2020 ). This paper analyses the relationship between strategic management and organisational performance and suggests a framework to elucidate the relationship variables such as moderators, rational and intuitive decision-making styles.

2. Literature review

Strategic management is applying strategic decisions towards the organisational vision to achieve strategic competitiveness and sustain competitive advantages ( Alosani et al. , 2020 ; Rodrigues and Franco, 2019 ). Strategic management is a cognitive impairment of structuring the internal capabilities to fulfil external demands and involves plans, patterns, positions, perspectives and plots ( Mintzberg et al ., 2020 ). Strategic management is the managerial discourse involving a framework of the decision-making process, which highlights how the strategy process is formulated in organisations, acknowledging the cognitive management structure of the organisations. Additionally, the organisation's members need to respond effectually to the decisions made by the management and cooperate to ensure that the organisational vision is reached, given that this will affect the organisational adaptability, legitimacy and performance ( Johnsen, 2015 ). Organisations must be aware of the uncertain environments that can influence their welfare.

Consequently, the strategic management process can be reflected in two directions: strategic planning and strategic thinking. Strategic planning emphasises formulating strategies or disciplined efforts to produce strategic decisions to achieve the organisation's objectives ( Bryson, 2018 ). Strategic planning also can be reflected as a system that enhances the decision-making process among the members of an organisation. The strategic management process needs to be fulfilling for the organisation to sustain its competitive advantages. Moreover, strategic thinking is creative, disruptive, future-focused and experimental and often contradicts traditional notions of strategic planning ( Liedtka, 2000 ). Strategic planning is the principal element of the strategic management process involving resource management, implementation, control and evaluation of strategies ( Poister et al ., 2010 ). Strategic planning focuses on formalising existing strategies and employing creativity to enhance perspectives ( Mintzberg et al ., 2020 ). The uncertainties of environments and conflicting perspectives can be evaluated and addressed using strategic thinking as a part of the organisational decision-making process ( Chin et al ., 2018 ). Studies by Goldman et al . (2015) indicated that organisational members are not actively involved during the strategic decision-making process, leading to the decline in the organisation's performance.

The importance of the strategic decision-making process towards organisational performance was emphasised by Steptoe‐Warren et al. (2011) . The research suggested that evaluating, identifying and validating the process will enhance the strategic thinking process to positively impact performance ( Norzailan et al ., 2016 ). Moreover, strategic thinking plays a vital role in analysing the external factors influencing the process. If the organisational members take it lightly, it will lead to perception deficiencies ( Kızıloglu and Serinkan, 2015 ). Additionally, the study highlighted that strategic planning occurs after strategic thinking ( Alatailat et al ., 2019 ; Bonn, 2001 ; Mintzberg, 1994 ). Consequently, this study will focus on strategic thinking as the fundamental phase in the strategic management process.

A conceptual framework that highlights the management principles among the business process in delivering effective solutions for problems is shown in Figure 1 .

3. Strategic management

Strategic management is defined as a framework for achieving success, and it is pivotal for organisations to achieve their objectives and continuously perform better ( Elliott et al ., 2020 ). Additionally, strategic management is a continuous process of looking for a better action plan to ensure the organisation's competitiveness.

3.1 Strategic thinking

The most challenging issue an organisation faces is awareness of the strategic vision and missions, available resources and identifying opportunities for growth within the organisation ( Bryson, 2018 ). Therefore, strategic thinking is a vital element in the chain of processes, which must be carried out effectively and systematically ( Sahay, 2019 ). Nevertheless, organisations need to be aware that strategic thinking can fail miserly if the decision-makers do not realise the strategic enablers or the factors responsible for the effective strategic thinking process. Strategic enablers influence the thoughts and decision process of the organisational members ( Goldman et al ., 2015 ). Therefore, strategic enablers will lead the organisation's members towards idea growth and personal development, while strategic thinkers expedite the organisational performances ( Alatailat et al ., 2019 ).

Individuals involved in the organisational structure utilise their experiences and thought processes in managing conflicts to enhance strategic thinking ( Alaarj et al ., 2016 ). Strategy managers or thinkers recognise the relationship between business responsibilities and departments and organisations and their business stakeholders ( Cabral et al. , 2019 ). This relationship is known as “system thinking”, where an organisation explores the structure reflected in the action and environment that causes the incident. Additionally, the direction or the organisational destiny is a type of strategic intent utilised to help achieve the business objectives. This occurs when all the employees can concentrate on their purpose until it is achievable.

Strategic intent is pertinent in increasing competitive advantages and improving organisational performance ( Chen et al ., 2015 ). Intelligent firms must be considered before becoming competitive to ensure the organisation can create intelligent opportunities to lead the business emerging strategies towards their vision ( Alaarj et al ., 2016 ). Conversely, the organisation should integrate previous events with the current situation to achieve and align with the organisation's objectives. This is vital for organisations to connect to the past and present environment to envision the firms and prepare for any internal or external challenges in their business ( Abubakar et al ., 2019 ). A hypothesis-driven analysis is the core element in the strategic thinking process to gather relevant information regarding the business. Therefore, the challenges faced must be transformed into a hypothesis-driven analysis to understand better the measures needed to be taken by the stakeholders to improve the organisational performances.

3.2 Decision-making style

The role of managers within an organisation must be elucidated to help enhance the decision-making process to create competitive advantages for the organisation ( Dionisio, 2017 ). Moreover, Porter (1990) emphasised the differences between competitive strategy and competitors. Decision-making styles also play a vital role in formalising the strategic decision procedure and can be defined as a habitual or formal response pattern taken by managers when there is an incident ( Kulcsár et al ., 2020 ). According to Acciarini et al. (2021) , decision-making styles are directly related to cognitive styles involved in the strategic thinking process. Decision-making style, which can be both at individual and team levels, can be classified into intuition and rationality ( Dayan and Di Benedetto, 2011 ; Dayan and Elbanna, 2011 ; Giermindl et al ., 2022 ; Luan et al ., 2019 ; Sukhov et al ., 2021 ). Therefore, the author highlighted that cognitive styles could be divided into two different categories: “feeling as information evaluators”, where managers actively gather information intuitively, and “thinking as information evaluators”, where managers systematically collect information ( Behling et al ., 1980 ). Alternatively, decision-making styles can be considered intuitive and rational information gathering and evaluating styles ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ).

The intuitive decision-making style can be defined as the episodes of uncertainty patterns of action imposed by managers or the decision-makers based on the current situation. In addition, intuitive decision-makers must be aware of current issues and relate the relationship between cognitive schemes with holistic thinking to resolve problems ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ). It is also believed that the intuitive decision-making process can be influenced by a sudden awareness of information ( Zhu et al ., 2017 ). Decision-makers can determine solutions without fully understanding or realising the extent of information available. Studies agree that the intuitive decision-making process can occur when unsorted information is restructured into an organised pattern of action that transforms into a conscious solution ( Zander et al ., 2016 ). Furthermore, the intuition organisations performance is enhanced when decision-makers utilise the intuition decision-making style when there is no access or relevant analytical data to support them in making strategic decisions that align with the organisation's objectives ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). Conversely, intuition decision-making also contributes positively to the organisations performance when the issues are resolved quickly despite limited resources or knowledge on the current issues.

Studies by Sauter (1999) emphasised that intuition decision-making or illumination is a sudden awareness of information where the decision-makers are unaware of fundamental facts or information. The author also highlighted several ways to establish the intuitive decision-making process. First, detection is an intuition where decision-makers think of several different situations rather than focusing on the current issue ( Kolbe et al. , 2020 ). Working on current strategic issues will enable managers to comprehend related information to help solve the issue by connecting facts or elements that previously did not relate to each other ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). Another form of intuition is evaluation, where the solution appears as an available option creating a sense of certainty or vague feelings towards the analytical data ( Hodgetts et al ., 2017 ).

Conversely, the intuition decision-making process can also be hypothesised as an explicit and implicit decision-making style ( Tabesh and Vera, 2020 ), where explicit decision utilises feelings or emotion and implicit decisions refer to the experience of the relevant situation ( Bhat  et al ., 2021 ; Remmers et al ., 2016 ). Moreover, intuitive decision-making styles also utilise the subconscious processing of verbalised and nonverbalised facts or information ( Tabesh and Vera, 2020 ). A recent study suggests that intuitive decision-making aided managers in enhancing the strategic decision towards the organisation's performance ( Francioni and Clark, 2020 ).

Rational decision-making involves several solutions that will be analysed based on the issues and the relevance of this information towards the current problem before implementing the final decision ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). The structured information consisting of conscious thinking must be evaluated critically ( Acciarini et al. , 2021 ). In addition, the rational decision-making process will enhance the effectiveness of the decision by structuring the decision criteria by highlighting and evaluating the alternatives individually ( Fitzgerald et al ., 2017 ). The decision-makers or the managers who utilise rational decision-making styles are more likely to be vigilant and organised about available information during decision-making ( Zhu et al ., 2021 ).

3.3 Organisational performance

For five decades, organisational performance has been widely researched by academic scholars and business practitioners ( Adam et al ., 2018 ). Organisational performance has been analysed in terms of normative and descriptive explanations in strategic planning research for continuous improvement in managing organisational performance ( Buddika et al ., 2016 ). Organisational performance can be explained by describing how things happen without judging good or bad. Alternatively, the organisational performance also can be elucidated by an evaluation in terms of performance against a benchmarked alternative or standard or by a descriptive statement explaining how the situation occurs without judgement ( Camilleri, 2021 ). Even though most research is done on the continuous improvements of organisational performance, practitioners still have many arguments and discussions on the terminology and conceptual bases to determine organisational performance ( Sarraf and Nejad, 2020 ).

Organisational performance can be reflected based on the results of the organisation's common objectives, given that the methods implemented are coherently used. Consequently, the performance processes' flow or the input resources can be critically analysed ( Tsai et al ., 2020 ). The effectiveness of organisational performance is influenced by the process implemented and can be measured by the achievements. Furthermore, organisational performance is defined as analysing the series of improvements to achieve organisational objectives. Generally, various factors can be associated with organisational performance, such as organisational structures, conflict, cross-cultural and social influences ( Sinnaiah et al. , 2023 ).

Performance measurement is a systematic series to identify the effectiveness and efficiency of people's behaviour to perform to their utmost abilities. Adam et al . (2018) described performance measurement as a unit, department or business process. Therefore, it is conceptualised that there is a structural relationship between organisational performance and performance measurement. Moreover, performance measurement requires substantive and relevant restructuring of input resources and processes to be aligned with the current system to increase productivity level or performance. Failure to analyse the performance measures will weaken the organisational strength and drain the organisation's efforts ( Alosani et al. , 2020 ). Thus, strategic thinking can be a highly effective performance measure for organisations.

4. Propositions

4.1 strategic thinking process and performance.

Strategic thinking is a structured assessment of analysing and synthesising information, intensively assessing the current situation and initiating new ideas or best available options to achieve strategic objectives ( Dhir and Dhir, 2020 ). An organisation's success depends on strategic thinking as it will enhance a decision-maker's skills, abilities and knowledge and help sustain competitiveness in uncertain environments ( Dhir et al ., 2021 ). Consequently, the process of strategic thinking is crucial for any organisation to successfully achieve and survive in the market for a more extended period. Decision-makers need to be effective and cognisant of the business opportunities that arise from innovating new ideas to enhance the strategic portfolio of organisations ( Bryson et al ., 2018 ).

Strategic thinking process will positively influence organisational performance.

4.2 Rational decision-making style, strategic thinking process and performance

In evaluating an organisation's performance and the uncertainties of the environment that influences the complexities in achieving positive growth for the organisation successfully, managers must have decision-making skills that utilise strategic thinking processes. Moreover, managers must be responsible for making fast and effective solutions by analysing, evaluating and prioritising available information to overcome strategic issues and obtain positive results ( Acciarini et al. , 2021 ). According to Calabretta et al . (2017) , there is a positive correlation between the strategic thinking process and decision-making style. Decision-making styles have the same structure as strategic thinking, which involves different levels, such as organisation or individuals.

Rational decision-making will moderate the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performance.

4.3 Intuitive decision-making style, strategic thinking process and performance

Several studies highlight the roles of the strategic thinking process among managers within the boundaries of our cognitive capacities ( Kaufmann et al ., 2017 ) and postulate that mental flexibility can influence it ( Barlach and Plonski, 2021 ). Studies also emphasise that managers or decision-makers often utilise intuition during challenging situations, which is expected compared to the rational way of analysing the issues ( Kaufmann et al ., 2017 ). This intuition process can be a two-fold construct consisting of experience-based and emotionally affected situations. Additionally, this can involve a complex process of information affected by new cues towards previous experiences stored in their memory and transform it into subconscious action in the decision-making process ( Stanczyk et al ., 2015 ). Based on the study done by Simon (1976) , academic scholars and practitioners emphasised that managers are highly keen on inner feelings or gut feelings involving strategic decisions when faced with competitive issues ( Al-Jaifi and Al-Rassas, 2019 ; Bozhinov et al ., 2021 ; Palaniappan, 2017 ). The decision-making process utilising intuition uses available information, which might not have been available in the past, to quicken the process of decision-making. It is also important to realise that decision-making depends on the issues faced by the organisations, and not all issues require a rational decision-making style. For specific issues, managers might only need relevant information, deliberation and formal procedures to derive effective solutions for the organisation compared to instances where the managers are not bounded by any set of procedures or rules to solve the issue.

Therefore, strategic thinking is a process of synthesis, and based on intuitive decision-making style, where the outcome is an integrated perspective of the enterprise, managers can utilise intuition decision-making style to arrive at a solution with complete freedom and flexibility towards the organisational performance. The decision-makers attempt to be involved in the decision-making process while being aware of the current issues and having a sense of relationship among the cognitive schemas with the approach of holistic thinking to determine the solution to the problem ( Khemka and Hickson, 2021 ). It is clear that the intuitive decision-making process would include the issues faced by the organisation in analysing the issues and synthesis ( Zhu et al ., 2017 ) although all the processes occur under the sense of relationship or perception. It is also believed that the intuitive decision-making process could be influenced by the decision-makers upon the sudden awareness of information ( Peng et al ., 2020 ), whereby the decision-makers could propose a solution without the understanding or realisation of why the facts are present.

Intuitive decision-making will moderate the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performance.

5. Discussion and conclusion

This paper reviews strategic management involving the strategic thinking process, organisational performance and decision-making styles with extant empirical work transforming into propositions, with the ultimate goal being to integrate the strategic management process into a systematised and approachable process that needs a fast response. Strategic management plays a vital role in aligning the standard repertoire of an organisation's strategic thinking. Moreover, managers must realise that strategic thinking has a unique process that depends on the situation. The thinking process should be aligned with the specific scenarios to ensure the best solution can be implemented. To sustain competitive advantage, managers should be effectively involved in the strategic thinking process to positively impact their organisations ( Bryson et al ., 2018 ).

The importance of strategic thinking enablers (systems perspective, focused intent, intelligent opportunism, thinking in time and hypothesis-driven analysis) was emphasised in the strategic thinking process and organisational performance. The systems perspective exposes the importance of organisations understanding the relationship between functions and departments internally and externally. Furthermore, organisations need to consider the functional, business and organisation strategies towards a highly competitive environment ( Buddika et al ., 2016 ). Consequently, these systems perspectives will help organisations manage interactions effectively across all departments to enhance productivity. Focus on intent will guide the organisations towards achieving strategic objectives and resisting eccentricity ( Bromiley and Rau, 2015 ). Focus intent will positively aid organisations to be more competitive in the long run as the managers realise the sense of discovery in managing strategic objectives. Therefore, it will improve the performance and consciously push the organisation towards innovation by eliminating limitations and becoming high achievers. Conversely, intelligent opportunism will enhance the strategic objectives by creating new opportunities to be more competitive although the strategies do not align with the current vision of the organisation. This is where intelligent opportunism will play an essential role at the managerial level of the organisation to effectively communicate and measure organisational performances ( Camilleri, 2021 ).

Emerging strategies will boost the organisation's motivation and productivity and should be carefully evaluated from time to time as the future of the organisations might be projected based on the past performance. Therefore, the importance of swift thinking permits the strategic managers to purposefully analyse the mission and vision of the organisation over time. The right action at the right time will help the organisations sustain competitively and save the organisations from self-destruction by limiting the positive changes made to help improve the organisation's performance ( Adam et al ., 2018 ).

Maintaining the balance between thinking creation and cognitive processing ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ) and enhancing organisational performance (education, financial, creative, innovation, e-commerce and quality) is a challenge faced when creating effective management strategies ( Adam et al ., 2018 ; Al-Jaifi and Al-Rassas, 2019 ; Alharbi et al ., 2019 ; Arvis et al ., 2018 ). In addition, based on previous theoretical perspectives, most of the research scenarios will be based on the governance mechanisms of management and the policy development impacts on organisational performance ( Abubakar et al ., 2019 ). Therefore, based on extensive empirical and conceptual research, strategic thinking processes positively contribute to measuring organisational performance. Based on previous research, this study infers that cognitive development plays an effective role in the segregation of control between strategic thinking, which serves as a barrier to becoming more competitive and innovative in the long run ( Adam et al ., 2018 ). In addition, this happens among employees and directly impacts the quality of the organisational harmonies, such as mutual respect, trust and welfare of the employees. A cognitive processing environment is the use of intuition and rationality in decision-making with equal importance. The managers utilise intuition decision-making styles to resolve unrelated information received. During the strategic thinking process, the managers will receive unsorted information without processed knowledge which will be later organised into sorted knowledge using intuition styles ( Zander et al ., 2016 ). However, the rational decision-making style focuses more on the analytical procedure to conclude an issue the organisation faces. This helps the managers build confidence in the solution by eliminating uncertainty during decision-making ( Zhu et al ., 2021 ). Moreover, managers will only accept solutions with clear and less ambiguous information (rational) compared to managers utilising a more subconscious style (intuition) when formulating solutions. Consequently, there will be conflict in the decision-making process within the organisations.

According to Boamah et al. (2022) , the effectiveness of decision-making styles can differ according to the situation and the dependents. Alternatively, both decision-making styles were highlighted as an alternative way of generating a problem–solution approach within organisations ( Kolbe et al. , 2020 ; Stanczyk et al ., 2015 ). This study argues that both decision-making styles have equal importance in resolving problem–solution approaches and can be a harmonious process to achieve an effective performance measure. This argument is supported by Acciarini et al. (2021) , Tabesh and Vera (2020) . Therefore, this study concludes that both decision-making styles (rational and intuition) positively impact the strategic thinking process and organisational performance. Based on the framework in Figure 1 , the proposed framework highlights the missing sections of cognitive processing among businesses when delivering effective solutions for a complex problem. Organisations have only emphasised human capital and treated it as a scarce resource that will determine the organisation's performance. This study proposed that future strategic management researchers should explore the thinking process literature's core principles to investigate policy development further. Future research should transform these academic initiatives into empirical research by implementing this proposed model.

Conceptual framework

Competing interests: The authors reported no competing interests.

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The authors acknowledge the administration of Azman Hashim International Business School, Block T08, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, for providing the facilities and the PhD Scholar room during this research.

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Department : The York Management School Credit value : 20 credits Credit level : M Academic year of delivery : 2022-23 See module specification for other years: 2023-24 2024-25

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Occurrence Teaching period
A Spring Term 2022-23

Module aims

This module is concerned with the strategic management process. Corporate complexity and market uncertainty result in ambiguous and political processes. Many of the concepts, frameworks, and tools that are proffered for strategic managers appear straightforward in theory but can be difficult to apply in practice. This may be for two reasons: First, theories are abstractions used to capture a complex world and inevitably have limiting assumptions; Second, because at its heart strategy is a social process, which can be difficult to quantify or to analyse objectively. The module starts from the premise that it is these social processes that underpin economic performance.

This module aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of strategic management and to integrate knowledge from previous learning and experience to identify and address strategic concerns of firms. Key themes include strategic leadership, social responsibility, and ethics, the context of strategic management, competitive analysis, strategy in the multi-business firm, disruptive innovation, transformation and renewal, and strategic resilience. Themes are based around case studies in strategic management.

The case studies in strategic management that students will examine, provide technology for the application of theory and analysis, providing a proxy for practical decision making and problem-solving. The case method provides an opportunity for students to deal with ambiguity. The module aims to develop important employability skills in persuasive argumentation, critical thinking, problem definition, problem-solving, analysis and application and evaluative and integrative thinking.

Module learning outcomes

Academic and graduate skills

The ability to manage and synthesise relevant information about firms explicitly and rigorously Broad, integrative thinking; The ability to use management concepts to produce persuasive conclusions Ability to apply theories and models to new environments and contexts Ability to evaluate and critique business theories and models Ability to analyse complex business situations

Other learning outcomes (if applicable) Skills of argument development and persuasion Group working and presentation skills The ability to communicate analyses and conclusions clearly and persuasively

Module content

Subject content

The nature and source of competitive advantage and the fundamental drivers of strategic performance;

Business level and multi-business level strategy, organisational design, synergy, and responsiveness

The complexity of strategic management, including organisational purpose, the business environment, competitive analysis, and the firm

Key concepts associated with strategic management processes for formulating and implementing strategy, providing different perspectives for managing strategically;

The current issues being faced by strategic managers, including knowledge, information and technology management, strategic management of social responsibility, sustainability and business ethics

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark

Special assessment rules

Indicative reassessment, module feedback.

A comprehensive module assessment report is released to students after the spring term exam board (within six weeks of the assessment submission). Individual written feedback is made available to students at the same time.

Indicative reading

Carter, C., Clegg, S.R. and Kornberger, M. (2008). Strategy, Theory and Practice , Sage, London

Grant, R. (2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis . Wiley

Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B. and Lampel, J. (2008). The Strategy Safari . NY: Free Press.

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Book description

Through handpicked cases from a variety of areas and business houses, this book illustrates how strategic management can be used to achieve better operational performance and strengthen their services by aligning business goals with performance measures.

Table of contents

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Product information

  • Title: Case Studies in Strategic Management
  • Author(s): Sanjay Mohapatra
  • Release date: June 2011
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9788131759844

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Five Steps for Conducting a Strategic Management Case Analysis

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Strategic Management Case Studies

  • August 2022

Akram Hossain at Comilla University

  • Comilla University

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strategic management process case study

The Power of Software in Managing a City Strategic Plan

The Power of Software in Managing a City Strategic Plan

Sophie Bennani

As part of the sales team, Sophie generates opportunities to create new partnerships.

Discover how city governments can streamline strategy management with automation, data-driven insights, and public dashboards to improve efficiency and transparency.

Table of Contents

City governments face the ongoing challenge of not just solving current issues but also preparing for a future of growth and change. While having a strategic plan is essential, it's only half the battle—how that plan is executed and tracked makes all the difference.

This is where specialized software becomes invaluable. By adopting strategy management software, local governments are able to automate processes, gather crucial data, perform complex calculations, and keep the public informed through real-time dashboards. With the right tools, cities can stay ahead of the curve and deliver on their vision for the future.

The Need for Efficient Strategic Plan Management

Local Government Strategic Plan Dashboard

Cities are complex entities with numerous moving parts—ranging from infrastructure and public services to economic development and environmental sustainability. A strategic plan serves as a roadmap, guiding city officials in making informed decisions and allocating resources effectively. However, managing and monitoring the progress of such a plan can be daunting without the right tools.

Automation: Streamlining Strategic Plan Execution

ClearPoint Strategy Workspaces: Streamlining Strategy

One of the key benefits of using software to manage a city strategic plan is automation. Automation tools within strategic planning software allow city governments to reduce the manual workload involved in tracking progress and updating stakeholders. For instance, recurring tasks such as data entry, report generation, and progress tracking can be automated, freeing up time for city officials to focus on more critical, decision-making activities. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures that the strategic plan stays on track with minimal delays.

Data Collection: Building a Foundation for Informed Decisions

Software for automated data collection

Effective strategic planning relies heavily on accurate and up-to-date data. Software designed for managing city strategic plans often includes robust data collection features, enabling cities to gather and organize information from various sources. Whether it's data on public health, economic indicators, or citizen feedback, having a centralized platform for data collection ensures that city officials have the insights they need to make informed decisions. Moreover, automated data collection reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies, leading to more reliable outcomes.

Complex Calculations: Handling the Numbers Behind the Plan

strategic management process case study

City strategic plans often involve complex calculations to forecast outcomes, allocate budgets, and assess the impact of various initiatives. Advanced software solutions are equipped with tools to handle these complex calculations efficiently. Whether it's financial modeling, scenario analysis, or resource allocation, these software tools provide the computational power needed to process large datasets and generate actionable insights. This capability is particularly valuable when cities need to make quick adjustments to their plans in response to changing circumstances.

Public Dashboards: Enhancing Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is a cornerstone of good governance, and city strategic plans are no exception. Public dashboards, which are often integrated into strategic planning software, allow cities to share progress and outcomes with citizens in real-time. These dashboards can display key performance indicators (KPIs), project timelines, and other critical data points, providing the public with a clear view of how the city is performing against its strategic goals. This not only builds trust but also fosters a sense of community involvement in the city's long-term vision.

strategic management process case study

Real-world example — the City of Coral Springs in Florida leveraged ClearPoint Strategy’s software to create a public dashboard that enhances transparency and accountability. By sharing real-time performance data on their website, Coral Springs keeps residents informed about the city’s progress on strategic initiatives, from public safety to community engagement. This initiative not only fosters trust but also encourages active participation from citizens in shaping the city's long-term vision.

Public dashboards like those used by Coral Springs not only build trust but also foster a sense of community involvement in the city's strategic efforts, helping to align government goals with citizen expectations.

Empowering Cities with the Right Tools

Managing a city strategic plan is a complex task, but with the right software, cities can significantly enhance their ability to execute their plans effectively. Automation, data collection, complex calculations, and public dashboards are just a few of the features that make these tools indispensable for modern city governance. By adopting these technologies, cities can ensure that their strategic plans are not only well-conceived but also well-executed, ultimately leading to better outcomes for their communities.

Ready to take your city’s strategic plan management to the next level? Discover how ClearPoint Strategy's software can ensure your city meets its long-term goals.

Download: 8 Things Missing from your City's Strategic Plan

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