illustrative in case study

Designing and Conducting Case Studies

This guide examines case studies, a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Researchers collect data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of records, and collections of writing samples. Starting with a definition of the case study, the guide moves to a brief history of this research method. Using several well documented case studies, the guide then looks at applications and methods including data collection and analysis. A discussion of ways to handle validity, reliability, and generalizability follows, with special attention to case studies as they are applied to composition studies. Finally, this guide examines the strengths and weaknesses of case studies.

Definition and Overview

Case study refers to the collection and presentation of detailed information about a particular participant or small group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves. A form of qualitative descriptive research, the case study looks intensely at an individual or small participant pool, drawing conclusions only about that participant or group and only in that specific context. Researchers do not focus on the discovery of a universal, generalizable truth, nor do they typically look for cause-effect relationships; instead, emphasis is placed on exploration and description.

Case studies typically examine the interplay of all variables in order to provide as complete an understanding of an event or situation as possible. This type of comprehensive understanding is arrived at through a process known as thick description, which involves an in-depth description of the entity being evaluated, the circumstances under which it is used, the characteristics of the people involved in it, and the nature of the community in which it is located. Thick description also involves interpreting the meaning of demographic and descriptive data such as cultural norms and mores, community values, ingrained attitudes, and motives.

Unlike quantitative methods of research, like the survey, which focus on the questions of who, what, where, how much, and how many, and archival analysis, which often situates the participant in some form of historical context, case studies are the preferred strategy when how or why questions are asked. Likewise, they are the preferred method when the researcher has little control over the events, and when there is a contemporary focus within a real life context. In addition, unlike more specifically directed experiments, case studies require a problem that seeks a holistic understanding of the event or situation in question using inductive logic--reasoning from specific to more general terms.

In scholarly circles, case studies are frequently discussed within the context of qualitative research and naturalistic inquiry. Case studies are often referred to interchangeably with ethnography, field study, and participant observation. The underlying philosophical assumptions in the case are similar to these types of qualitative research because each takes place in a natural setting (such as a classroom, neighborhood, or private home), and strives for a more holistic interpretation of the event or situation under study.

Unlike more statistically-based studies which search for quantifiable data, the goal of a case study is to offer new variables and questions for further research. F.H. Giddings, a sociologist in the early part of the century, compares statistical methods to the case study on the basis that the former are concerned with the distribution of a particular trait, or a small number of traits, in a population, whereas the case study is concerned with the whole variety of traits to be found in a particular instance" (Hammersley 95).

Case studies are not a new form of research; naturalistic inquiry was the primary research tool until the development of the scientific method. The fields of sociology and anthropology are credited with the primary shaping of the concept as we know it today. However, case study research has drawn from a number of other areas as well: the clinical methods of doctors; the casework technique being developed by social workers; the methods of historians and anthropologists, plus the qualitative descriptions provided by quantitative researchers like LePlay; and, in the case of Robert Park, the techniques of newspaper reporters and novelists.

Park was an ex-newspaper reporter and editor who became very influential in developing sociological case studies at the University of Chicago in the 1920s. As a newspaper professional he coined the term "scientific" or "depth" reporting: the description of local events in a way that pointed to major social trends. Park viewed the sociologist as "merely a more accurate, responsible, and scientific reporter." Park stressed the variety and value of human experience. He believed that sociology sought to arrive at natural, but fluid, laws and generalizations in regard to human nature and society. These laws weren't static laws of the kind sought by many positivists and natural law theorists, but rather, they were laws of becoming--with a constant possibility of change. Park encouraged students to get out of the library, to quit looking at papers and books, and to view the constant experiment of human experience. He writes, "Go and sit in the lounges of the luxury hotels and on the doorsteps of the flophouses; sit on the Gold Coast settees and on the slum shakedowns; sit in the Orchestra Hall and in the Star and Garter Burlesque. In short, gentlemen [sic], go get the seats of your pants dirty in real research."

But over the years, case studies have drawn their share of criticism. In fact, the method had its detractors from the start. In the 1920s, the debate between pro-qualitative and pro-quantitative became quite heated. Case studies, when compared to statistics, were considered by many to be unscientific. From the 1930's on, the rise of positivism had a growing influence on quantitative methods in sociology. People wanted static, generalizable laws in science. The sociological positivists were looking for stable laws of social phenomena. They criticized case study research because it failed to provide evidence of inter subjective agreement. Also, they condemned it because of the few number of cases studied and that the under-standardized character of their descriptions made generalization impossible. By the 1950s, quantitative methods, in the form of survey research, had become the dominant sociological approach and case study had become a minority practice.

Educational Applications

The 1950's marked the dawning of a new era in case study research, namely that of the utilization of the case study as a teaching method. "Instituted at Harvard Business School in the 1950s as a primary method of teaching, cases have since been used in classrooms and lecture halls alike, either as part of a course of study or as the main focus of the course to which other teaching material is added" (Armisted 1984). The basic purpose of instituting the case method as a teaching strategy was "to transfer much of the responsibility for learning from the teacher on to the student, whose role, as a result, shifts away from passive absorption toward active construction" (Boehrer 1990). Through careful examination and discussion of various cases, "students learn to identify actual problems, to recognize key players and their agendas, and to become aware of those aspects of the situation that contribute to the problem" (Merseth 1991). In addition, students are encouraged to "generate their own analysis of the problems under consideration, to develop their own solutions, and to practically apply their own knowledge of theory to these problems" (Boyce 1993). Along the way, students also develop "the power to analyze and to master a tangled circumstance by identifying and delineating important factors; the ability to utilize ideas, to test them against facts, and to throw them into fresh combinations" (Merseth 1991).

In addition to the practical application and testing of scholarly knowledge, case discussions can also help students prepare for real-world problems, situations and crises by providing an approximation of various professional environments (i.e. classroom, board room, courtroom, or hospital). Thus, through the examination of specific cases, students are given the opportunity to work out their own professional issues through the trials, tribulations, experiences, and research findings of others. An obvious advantage to this mode of instruction is that it allows students the exposure to settings and contexts that they might not otherwise experience. For example, a student interested in studying the effects of poverty on minority secondary student's grade point averages and S.A.T. scores could access and analyze information from schools as geographically diverse as Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, and New Mexico without ever having to leave the classroom.

The case study method also incorporates the idea that students can learn from one another "by engaging with each other and with each other's ideas, by asserting something and then having it questioned, challenged and thrown back at them so that they can reflect on what they hear, and then refine what they say" (Boehrer 1990). In summary, students can direct their own learning by formulating questions and taking responsibility for the study.

Types and Design Concerns

Researchers use multiple methods and approaches to conduct case studies.

Types of Case Studies

Under the more generalized category of case study exist several subdivisions, each of which is custom selected for use depending upon the goals and/or objectives of the investigator. These types of case study include the following:

Illustrative Case Studies These are primarily descriptive studies. They typically utilize one or two instances of an event to show what a situation is like. Illustrative case studies serve primarily to make the unfamiliar familiar and to give readers a common language about the topic in question.

Exploratory (or pilot) Case Studies These are condensed case studies performed before implementing a large scale investigation. Their basic function is to help identify questions and select types of measurement prior to the main investigation. The primary pitfall of this type of study is that initial findings may seem convincing enough to be released prematurely as conclusions.

Cumulative Case Studies These serve to aggregate information from several sites collected at different times. The idea behind these studies is the collection of past studies will allow for greater generalization without additional cost or time being expended on new, possibly repetitive studies.

Critical Instance Case Studies These examine one or more sites for either the purpose of examining a situation of unique interest with little to no interest in generalizability, or to call into question or challenge a highly generalized or universal assertion. This method is useful for answering cause and effect questions.

Identifying a Theoretical Perspective

Much of the case study's design is inherently determined for researchers, depending on the field from which they are working. In composition studies, researchers are typically working from a qualitative, descriptive standpoint. In contrast, physicists will approach their research from a more quantitative perspective. Still, in designing the study, researchers need to make explicit the questions to be explored and the theoretical perspective from which they will approach the case. The three most commonly adopted theories are listed below:

Individual Theories These focus primarily on the individual development, cognitive behavior, personality, learning and disability, and interpersonal interactions of a particular subject.

Organizational Theories These focus on bureaucracies, institutions, organizational structure and functions, or excellence in organizational performance.

Social Theories These focus on urban development, group behavior, cultural institutions, or marketplace functions.

Two examples of case studies are used consistently throughout this chapter. The first, a study produced by Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988), looks at a first year graduate student's initiation into an academic writing program. The study uses participant-observer and linguistic data collecting techniques to assess the student's knowledge of appropriate discourse conventions. Using the pseudonym Nate to refer to the subject, the study sought to illuminate the particular experience rather than to generalize about the experience of fledgling academic writers collectively.

For example, in Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman's (1988) study we are told that the researchers are interested in disciplinary communities. In the first paragraph, they ask what constitutes membership in a disciplinary community and how achieving membership might affect a writer's understanding and production of texts. In the third paragraph they state that researchers must negotiate their claims "within the context of his sub specialty's accepted knowledge and methodology." In the next paragraph they ask, "How is literacy acquired? What is the process through which novices gain community membership? And what factors either aid or hinder students learning the requisite linguistic behaviors?" This introductory section ends with a paragraph in which the study's authors claim that during the course of the study, the subject, Nate, successfully makes the transition from "skilled novice" to become an initiated member of the academic discourse community and that his texts exhibit linguistic changes which indicate this transition. In the next section the authors make explicit the sociolinguistic theoretical and methodological assumptions on which the study is based (1988). Thus the reader has a good understanding of the authors' theoretical background and purpose in conducting the study even before it is explicitly stated on the fourth page of the study. "Our purpose was to examine the effects of the educational context on one graduate student's production of texts as he wrote in different courses and for different faculty members over the academic year 1984-85." The goal of the study then, was to explore the idea that writers must be initiated into a writing community, and that this initiation will change the way one writes.

The second example is Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composing process of a group of twelfth graders. In this study, Emig seeks to answer the question of what happens to the self as a result educational stimuli in terms of academic writing. The case study used methods such as protocol analysis, tape-recorded interviews, and discourse analysis.

In the case of Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composing process of eight twelfth graders, four specific hypotheses were made:

  • Twelfth grade writers engage in two modes of composing: reflexive and extensive.
  • These differences can be ascertained and characterized through having the writers compose aloud their composition process.
  • A set of implied stylistic principles governs the writing process.
  • For twelfth grade writers, extensive writing occurs chiefly as a school-sponsored activity, or reflexive, as a self-sponsored activity.

In this study, the chief distinction is between the two dominant modes of composing among older, secondary school students. The distinctions are:

  • The reflexive mode, which focuses on the writer's thoughts and feelings.
  • The extensive mode, which focuses on conveying a message.

Emig also outlines the specific questions which guided the research in the opening pages of her Review of Literature , preceding the report.

Designing a Case Study

After considering the different sub categories of case study and identifying a theoretical perspective, researchers can begin to design their study. Research design is the string of logic that ultimately links the data to be collected and the conclusions to be drawn to the initial questions of the study. Typically, research designs deal with at least four problems:

  • What questions to study
  • What data are relevant
  • What data to collect
  • How to analyze that data

In other words, a research design is basically a blueprint for getting from the beginning to the end of a study. The beginning is an initial set of questions to be answered, and the end is some set of conclusions about those questions.

Because case studies are conducted on topics as diverse as Anglo-Saxon Literature (Thrane 1986) and AIDS prevention (Van Vugt 1994), it is virtually impossible to outline any strict or universal method or design for conducting the case study. However, Robert K. Yin (1993) does offer five basic components of a research design:

  • A study's questions.
  • A study's propositions (if any).
  • A study's units of analysis.
  • The logic that links the data to the propositions.
  • The criteria for interpreting the findings.

In addition to these five basic components, Yin also stresses the importance of clearly articulating one's theoretical perspective, determining the goals of the study, selecting one's subject(s), selecting the appropriate method(s) of collecting data, and providing some considerations to the composition of the final report.

Conducting Case Studies

To obtain as complete a picture of the participant as possible, case study researchers can employ a variety of approaches and methods. These approaches, methods, and related issues are discussed in depth in this section.

Method: Single or Multi-modal?

To obtain as complete a picture of the participant as possible, case study researchers can employ a variety of methods. Some common methods include interviews , protocol analyses, field studies, and participant-observations. Emig (1971) chose to use several methods of data collection. Her sources included conversations with the students, protocol analysis, discrete observations of actual composition, writing samples from each student, and school records (Lauer and Asher 1988).

Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) collected data by observing classrooms, conducting faculty and student interviews, collecting self reports from the subject, and by looking at the subject's written work.

A study that was criticized for using a single method model was done by Flower and Hayes (1984). In this study that explores the ways in which writers use different forms of knowing to create space, the authors used only protocol analysis to gather data. The study came under heavy fire because of their decision to use only one method.

Participant Selection

Case studies can use one participant, or a small group of participants. However, it is important that the participant pool remain relatively small. The participants can represent a diverse cross section of society, but this isn't necessary.

For example, the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study looked at just one participant, Nate. By contrast, in Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composition process of twelfth graders, eight participants were selected representing a diverse cross section of the community, with volunteers from an all-white upper-middle-class suburban school, an all-black inner-city school, a racially mixed lower-middle-class school, an economically and racially mixed school, and a university school.

Often, a brief "case history" is done on the participants of the study in order to provide researchers with a clearer understanding of their participants, as well as some insight as to how their own personal histories might affect the outcome of the study. For instance, in Emig's study, the investigator had access to the school records of five of the participants, and to standardized test scores for the remaining three. Also made available to the researcher was the information that three of the eight students were selected as NCTE Achievement Award winners. These personal histories can be useful in later stages of the study when data are being analyzed and conclusions drawn.

Data Collection

There are six types of data collected in case studies:

  • Archival records.
  • Interviews.
  • Direct observation.
  • Participant observation.

In the field of composition research, these six sources might be:

  • A writer's drafts.
  • School records of student writers.
  • Transcripts of interviews with a writer.
  • Transcripts of conversations between writers (and protocols).
  • Videotapes and notes from direct field observations.
  • Hard copies of a writer's work on computer.

Depending on whether researchers have chosen to use a single or multi-modal approach for the case study, they may choose to collect data from one or any combination of these sources.

Protocols, that is, transcriptions of participants talking aloud about what they are doing as they do it, have been particularly common in composition case studies. For example, in Emig's (1971) study, the students were asked, in four different sessions, to give oral autobiographies of their writing experiences and to compose aloud three themes in the presence of a tape recorder and the investigator.

In some studies, only one method of data collection is conducted. For example, the Flower and Hayes (1981) report on the cognitive process theory of writing depends on protocol analysis alone. However, using multiple sources of evidence to increase the reliability and validity of the data can be advantageous.

Case studies are likely to be much more convincing and accurate if they are based on several different sources of information, following a corroborating mode. This conclusion is echoed among many composition researchers. For example, in her study of predrafting processes of high and low-apprehensive writers, Cynthia Selfe (1985) argues that because "methods of indirect observation provide only an incomplete reflection of the complex set of processes involved in composing, a combination of several such methods should be used to gather data in any one study." Thus, in this study, Selfe collected her data from protocols, observations of students role playing their writing processes, audio taped interviews with the students, and videotaped observations of the students in the process of composing.

It can be said then, that cross checking data from multiple sources can help provide a multidimensional profile of composing activities in a particular setting. Sharan Merriam (1985) suggests "checking, verifying, testing, probing, and confirming collected data as you go, arguing that this process will follow in a funnel-like design resulting in less data gathering in later phases of the study along with a congruent increase in analysis checking, verifying, and confirming."

It is important to note that in case studies, as in any qualitative descriptive research, while researchers begin their studies with one or several questions driving the inquiry (which influence the key factors the researcher will be looking for during data collection), a researcher may find new key factors emerging during data collection. These might be unexpected patterns or linguistic features which become evident only during the course of the research. While not bearing directly on the researcher's guiding questions, these variables may become the basis for new questions asked at the end of the report, thus linking to the possibility of further research.

Data Analysis

As the information is collected, researchers strive to make sense of their data. Generally, researchers interpret their data in one of two ways: holistically or through coding. Holistic analysis does not attempt to break the evidence into parts, but rather to draw conclusions based on the text as a whole. Flower and Hayes (1981), for example, make inferences from entire sections of their students' protocols, rather than searching through the transcripts to look for isolatable characteristics.

However, composition researchers commonly interpret their data by coding, that is by systematically searching data to identify and/or categorize specific observable actions or characteristics. These observable actions then become the key variables in the study. Sharan Merriam (1988) suggests seven analytic frameworks for the organization and presentation of data:

  • The role of participants.
  • The network analysis of formal and informal exchanges among groups.
  • Historical.
  • Thematical.
  • Ritual and symbolism.
  • Critical incidents that challenge or reinforce fundamental beliefs, practices, and values.

There are two purposes of these frameworks: to look for patterns among the data and to look for patterns that give meaning to the case study.

As stated above, while most researchers begin their case studies expecting to look for particular observable characteristics, it is not unusual for key variables to emerge during data collection. Typical variables coded in case studies of writers include pauses writers make in the production of a text, the use of specific linguistic units (such as nouns or verbs), and writing processes (planning, drafting, revising, and editing). In the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study, for example, researchers coded the participant's texts for use of connectives, discourse demonstratives, average sentence length, off-register words, use of the first person pronoun, and the ratio of definite articles to indefinite articles.

Since coding is inherently subjective, more than one coder is usually employed. In the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study, for example, three rhetoricians were employed to code the participant's texts for off-register phrases. The researchers established the agreement among the coders before concluding that the participant used fewer off-register words as the graduate program progressed.

Composing the Case Study Report

In the many forms it can take, "a case study is generically a story; it presents the concrete narrative detail of actual, or at least realistic events, it has a plot, exposition, characters, and sometimes even dialogue" (Boehrer 1990). Generally, case study reports are extensively descriptive, with "the most problematic issue often referred to as being the determination of the right combination of description and analysis" (1990). Typically, authors address each step of the research process, and attempt to give the reader as much context as possible for the decisions made in the research design and for the conclusions drawn.

This contextualization usually includes a detailed explanation of the researchers' theoretical positions, of how those theories drove the inquiry or led to the guiding research questions, of the participants' backgrounds, of the processes of data collection, of the training and limitations of the coders, along with a strong attempt to make connections between the data and the conclusions evident.

Although the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study does not, case study reports often include the reactions of the participants to the study or to the researchers' conclusions. Because case studies tend to be exploratory, most end with implications for further study. Here researchers may identify significant variables that emerged during the research and suggest studies related to these, or the authors may suggest further general questions that their case study generated.

For example, Emig's (1971) study concludes with a section dedicated solely to the topic of implications for further research, in which she suggests several means by which this particular study could have been improved, as well as questions and ideas raised by this study which other researchers might like to address, such as: is there a correlation between a certain personality and a certain composing process profile (e.g. is there a positive correlation between ego strength and persistence in revising)?

Also included in Emig's study is a section dedicated to implications for teaching, which outlines the pedagogical ramifications of the study's findings for teachers currently involved in high school writing programs.

Sharan Merriam (1985) also offers several suggestions for alternative presentations of data:

  • Prepare specialized condensations for appropriate groups.
  • Replace narrative sections with a series of answers to open-ended questions.
  • Present "skimmer's" summaries at beginning of each section.
  • Incorporate headlines that encapsulate information from text.
  • Prepare analytic summaries with supporting data appendixes.
  • Present data in colorful and/or unique graphic representations.

Issues of Validity and Reliability

Once key variables have been identified, they can be analyzed. Reliability becomes a key concern at this stage, and many case study researchers go to great lengths to ensure that their interpretations of the data will be both reliable and valid. Because issues of validity and reliability are an important part of any study in the social sciences, it is important to identify some ways of dealing with results.

Multi-modal case study researchers often balance the results of their coding with data from interviews or writer's reflections upon their own work. Consequently, the researchers' conclusions become highly contextualized. For example, in a case study which looked at the time spent in different stages of the writing process, Berkenkotter concluded that her participant, Donald Murray, spent more time planning his essays than in other writing stages. The report of this case study is followed by Murray's reply, wherein he agrees with some of Berkenkotter's conclusions and disagrees with others.

As is the case with other research methodologies, issues of external validity, construct validity, and reliability need to be carefully considered.

Commentary on Case Studies

Researchers often debate the relative merits of particular methods, among them case study. In this section, we comment on two key issues. To read the commentaries, choose any of the items below:

Strengths and Weaknesses of Case Studies

Most case study advocates point out that case studies produce much more detailed information than what is available through a statistical analysis. Advocates will also hold that while statistical methods might be able to deal with situations where behavior is homogeneous and routine, case studies are needed to deal with creativity, innovation, and context. Detractors argue that case studies are difficult to generalize because of inherent subjectivity and because they are based on qualitative subjective data, generalizable only to a particular context.


The case study approach is a comparatively flexible method of scientific research. Because its project designs seem to emphasize exploration rather than prescription or prediction, researchers are comparatively freer to discover and address issues as they arise in their experiments. In addition, the looser format of case studies allows researchers to begin with broad questions and narrow their focus as their experiment progresses rather than attempt to predict every possible outcome before the experiment is conducted.

Emphasis on Context

By seeking to understand as much as possible about a single subject or small group of subjects, case studies specialize in "deep data," or "thick description"--information based on particular contexts that can give research results a more human face. This emphasis can help bridge the gap between abstract research and concrete practice by allowing researchers to compare their firsthand observations with the quantitative results obtained through other methods of research.

Inherent Subjectivity

"The case study has long been stereotyped as the weak sibling among social science methods," and is often criticized as being too subjective and even pseudo-scientific. Likewise, "investigators who do case studies are often regarded as having deviated from their academic disciplines, and their investigations as having insufficient precision (that is, quantification), objectivity and rigor" (Yin 1989). Opponents cite opportunities for subjectivity in the implementation, presentation, and evaluation of case study research. The approach relies on personal interpretation of data and inferences. Results may not be generalizable, are difficult to test for validity, and rarely offer a problem-solving prescription. Simply put, relying on one or a few subjects as a basis for cognitive extrapolations runs the risk of inferring too much from what might be circumstance.

High Investment

Case studies can involve learning more about the subjects being tested than most researchers would care to know--their educational background, emotional background, perceptions of themselves and their surroundings, their likes, dislikes, and so on. Because of its emphasis on "deep data," the case study is out of reach for many large-scale research projects which look at a subject pool in the tens of thousands. A budget request of $10,000 to examine 200 subjects sounds more efficient than a similar request to examine four subjects.

Ethical Considerations

Researchers conducting case studies should consider certain ethical issues. For example, many educational case studies are often financed by people who have, either directly or indirectly, power over both those being studied and those conducting the investigation (1985). This conflict of interests can hinder the credibility of the study.

The personal integrity, sensitivity, and possible prejudices and/or biases of the investigators need to be taken into consideration as well. Personal biases can creep into how the research is conducted, alternative research methods used, and the preparation of surveys and questionnaires.

A common complaint in case study research is that investigators change direction during the course of the study unaware that their original research design was inadequate for the revised investigation. Thus, the researchers leave unknown gaps and biases in the study. To avoid this, researchers should report preliminary findings so that the likelihood of bias will be reduced.

Concerns about Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability

Merriam (1985) offers several suggestions for how case study researchers might actively combat the popular attacks on the validity, reliability, and generalizability of case studies:

  • Prolong the Processes of Data Gathering on Site: This will help to insure the accuracy of the findings by providing the researcher with more concrete information upon which to formulate interpretations.
  • Employ the Process of "Triangulation": Use a variety of data sources as opposed to relying solely upon one avenue of observation. One example of such a data check would be what McClintock, Brannon, and Maynard (1985) refer to as a "case cluster method," that is, when a single unit within a larger case is randomly sampled, and that data treated quantitatively." For instance, in Emig's (1971) study, the case cluster method was employed, singling out the productivity of a single student named Lynn. This cluster profile included an advanced case history of the subject, specific examination and analysis of individual compositions and protocols, and extensive interview sessions. The seven remaining students were then compared with the case of Lynn, to ascertain if there are any shared, or unique dimensions to the composing process engaged in by these eight students.
  • Conduct Member Checks: Initiate and maintain an active corroboration on the interpretation of data between the researcher and those who provided the data. In other words, talk to your subjects.
  • Collect Referential Materials: Complement the file of materials from the actual site with additional document support. For example, Emig (1971) supports her initial propositions with historical accounts by writers such as T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and D.H. Lawrence. Emig also cites examples of theoretical research done with regards to the creative process, as well as examples of empirical research dealing with the writing of adolescents. Specific attention is then given to the four stages description of the composing process delineated by Helmoltz, Wallas, and Cowley, as it serves as the focal point in this study.
  • Engage in Peer Consultation: Prior to composing the final draft of the report, researchers should consult with colleagues in order to establish validity through pooled judgment.

Although little can be done to combat challenges concerning the generalizability of case studies, "most writers suggest that qualitative research should be judged as credible and confirmable as opposed to valid and reliable" (Merriam 1985). Likewise, it has been argued that "rather than transplanting statistical, quantitative notions of generalizability and thus finding qualitative research inadequate, it makes more sense to develop an understanding of generalization that is congruent with the basic characteristics of qualitative inquiry" (1985). After all, criticizing the case study method for being ungeneralizable is comparable to criticizing a washing machine for not being able to tell the correct time. In other words, it is unjust to criticize a method for not being able to do something which it was never originally designed to do in the first place.

Annotated Bibliography

Armisted, C. (1984). How Useful are Case Studies. Training and Development Journal, 38 (2), 75-77.

This article looks at eight types of case studies, offers pros and cons of using case studies in the classroom, and gives suggestions for successfully writing and using case studies.

Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1997). Beyond Methods: Components of Second Language Teacher Education . New York: McGraw-Hill.

A compilation of various research essays which address issues of language teacher education. Essays included are: "Non-native reading research and theory" by Lee, "The case for Psycholinguistics" by VanPatten, and "Assessment and Second Language Teaching" by Gradman and Reed.

Bartlett, L. (1989). A Question of Good Judgment; Interpretation Theory and Qualitative Enquiry Address. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco.

Bartlett selected "quasi-historical" methodology, which focuses on the "truth" found in case records, as one that will provide "good judgments" in educational inquiry. He argues that although the method is not comprehensive, it can try to connect theory with practice.

Baydere, S. et. al. (1993). Multimedia conferencing as a tool for collaborative writing: a case study in Computer Supported Collaborative Writing. New York: Springer-Verlag.

The case study by Baydere et. al. is just one of the many essays in this book found in the series "Computer Supported Cooperative Work." Denley, Witefield and May explore similar issues in their essay, "A case study in task analysis for the design of a collaborative document production system."

Berkenkotter, C., Huckin, T., N., & Ackerman J. (1988). Conventions, Conversations, and the Writer: Case Study of a Student in a Rhetoric Ph.D. Program. Research in the Teaching of English, 22, 9-44.

The authors focused on how the writing of their subject, Nate or Ackerman, changed as he became more acquainted or familiar with his field's discourse community.

Berninger, V., W., and Gans, B., M. (1986). Language Profiles in Nonspeaking Individuals of Normal Intelligence with Severe Cerebral Palsy. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2, 45-50.

Argues that generalizations about language abilities in patients with severe cerebral palsy (CP) should be avoided. Standardized tests of different levels of processing oral language, of processing written language, and of producing written language were administered to 3 male participants (aged 9, 16, and 40 yrs).

Bockman, J., R., and Couture, B. (1984). The Case Method in Technical Communication: Theory and Models. Texas: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.

Examines the study and teaching of technical writing, communication of technical information, and the case method in terms of those applications.

Boehrer, J. (1990). Teaching With Cases: Learning to Question. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 42 41-57.

This article discusses the origins of the case method, looks at the question of what is a case, gives ideas about learning in case teaching, the purposes it can serve in the classroom, the ground rules for the case discussion, including the role of the question, and new directions for case teaching.

Bowman, W. R. (1993). Evaluating JTPA Programs for Economically Disadvantaged Adults: A Case Study of Utah and General Findings . Washington: National Commission for Employment Policy.

"To encourage state-level evaluations of JTPA, the Commission and the State of Utah co-sponsored this report on the effectiveness of JTPA Title II programs for adults in Utah. The technique used is non-experimental and the comparison group was selected from registrants with Utah's Employment Security. In a step-by-step approach, the report documents how non-experimental techniques can be applied and several specific technical issues can be addressed."

Boyce, A. (1993) The Case Study Approach for Pedagogists. Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (Address). Washington DC.

This paper addresses how case studies 1) bridge the gap between teaching theory and application, 2) enable students to analyze problems and develop solutions for situations that will be encountered in the real world of teaching, and 3) helps students to evaluate the feasibility of alternatives and to understand the ramifications of a particular course of action.

Carson, J. (1993) The Case Study: Ideal Home of WAC Quantitative and Qualitative Data. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. (Address). San Diego.

"Increasingly, one of the most pressing questions for WAC advocates is how to keep [WAC] programs going in the face of numerous difficulties. Case histories offer the best chance for fashioning rhetorical arguments to keep WAC programs going because they offer the opportunity to provide a coherent narrative that contextualizes all documents and data, including what is generally considered scientific data. A case study of the WAC program, . . . at Robert Morris College in Pittsburgh demonstrates the advantages of this research method. Such studies are ideal homes for both naturalistic and positivistic data as well as both quantitative and qualitative information."

---. (1991). A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing. College Composition and Communication. 32. 365-87.

No abstract available.

Cromer, R. (1994) A Case Study of Dissociations Between Language and Cognition. Constraints on Language Acquisition: Studies of Atypical Children . Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 141-153.

Crossley, M. (1983) Case Study in Comparative and International Education: An Approach to Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Australian Comparative and International Education Society. Hamilton, NZ.

Case study research, as presented here, helps bridge the theory-practice gap in comparative and international research studies of education because it focuses on the practical, day-to-day context rather than on the national arena. The paper asserts that the case study method can be valuable at all levels of research, formation, and verification of theories in education.

Daillak, R., H., and Alkin, M., C. (1982). Qualitative Studies in Context: Reflections on the CSE Studies of Evaluation Use . California: EDRS

The report shows how the Center of the Study of Evaluation (CSE) applied qualitative techniques to a study of evaluation information use in local, Los Angeles schools. It critiques the effectiveness and the limitations of using case study, evaluation, field study, and user interview survey methodologies.

Davey, L. (1991). The Application of Case Study Evaluations. ERIC/TM Digest.

This article examines six types of case studies, the type of evaluation questions that can be answered, the functions served, some design features, and some pitfalls of the method.

Deutch, C. E. (1996). A course in research ethics for graduate students. College Teaching, 44, 2, 56-60.

This article describes a one-credit discussion course in research ethics for graduate students in biology. Case studies are focused on within the four parts of the course: 1) major issues, 2 )practical issues in scholarly work, 3) ownership of research results, and 4) training and personal decisions.

DeVoss, G. (1981). Ethics in Fieldwork Research. RIE 27p. (ERIC)

This article examines four of the ethical problems that can happen when conducting case study research: acquiring permission to do research, knowing when to stop digging, the pitfalls of doing collaborative research, and preserving the integrity of the participants.

Driscoll, A. (1985). Case Study of a Research Intervention: the University of Utah’s Collaborative Approach . San Francisco: Far West Library for Educational Research Development.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Denver, CO, March 1985. Offers information of in-service training, specifically case studies application.

Ellram, L. M. (1996). The Use of the Case Study Method in Logistics Research. Journal of Business Logistics, 17, 2, 93.

This article discusses the increased use of case study in business research, and the lack of understanding of when and how to use case study methodology in business.

Emig, J. (1971) The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders . Urbana: NTCE.

This case study uses observation, tape recordings, writing samples, and school records to show that writing in reflexive and extensive situations caused different lengths of discourse and different clusterings of the components of the writing process.

Feagin, J. R. (1991). A Case For the Case Study . Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.

This book discusses the nature, characteristics, and basic methodological issues of the case study as a research method.

Feldman, H., Holland, A., & Keefe, K. (1989) Language Abilities after Left Hemisphere Brain Injury: A Case Study of Twins. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 9, 32-47.

"Describes the language abilities of 2 twin pairs in which 1 twin (the experimental) suffered brain injury to the left cerebral hemisphere around the time of birth and1 twin (the control) did not. One pair of twins was initially assessed at age 23 mo. and the other at about 30 mo.; they were subsequently evaluated in their homes 3 times at about 6-mo intervals."

Fidel, R. (1984). The Case Study Method: A Case Study. Library and Information Science Research, 6.

The article describes the use of case study methodology to systematically develop a model of online searching behavior in which study design is flexible, subject manner determines data gathering and analyses, and procedures adapt to the study's progressive change.

Flower, L., & Hayes, J. R. (1984). Images, Plans and Prose: The Representation of Meaning in Writing. Written Communication, 1, 120-160.

Explores the ways in which writers actually use different forms of knowing to create prose.

Frey, L. R. (1992). Interpreting Communication Research: A Case Study Approach Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

The book discusses research methodologies in the Communication field. It focuses on how case studies bridge the gap between communication research, theory, and practice.

Gilbert, V. K. (1981). The Case Study as a Research Methodology: Difficulties and Advantages of Integrating the Positivistic, Phenomenological and Grounded Theory Approaches . The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration. (Address) Halifax, NS, Can.

This study on an innovative secondary school in England shows how a "low-profile" participant-observer case study was crucial to the initial observation, the testing of hypotheses, the interpretive approach, and the grounded theory.

Gilgun, J. F. (1994). A Case for Case Studies in Social Work Research. Social Work, 39, 4, 371-381.

This article defines case study research, presents guidelines for evaluation of case studies, and shows the relevance of case studies to social work research. It also looks at issues such as evaluation and interpretations of case studies.

Glennan, S. L., Sharp-Bittner, M. A. & Tullos, D. C. (1991). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Training with a Nonspeaking Adult: Lessons from MH. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 7, 240-7.

"A response-guided case study documented changes in a nonspeaking 36-yr-old man's ability to communicate using 3 trained augmentative communication modes. . . . Data were collected in videotaped interaction sessions between the nonspeaking adult and a series of adult speaking."

Graves, D. (1981). An Examination of the Writing Processes of Seven Year Old Children. Research in the Teaching of English, 15, 113-134.

Hamel, J. (1993). Case Study Methods . Newbury Park: Sage. .

"In a most economical fashion, Hamel provides a practical guide for producing theoretically sharp and empirically sound sociological case studies. A central idea put forth by Hamel is that case studies must "locate the global in the local" thus making the careful selection of the research site the most critical decision in the analytic process."

Karthigesu, R. (1986, July). Television as a Tool for Nation-Building in the Third World: A Post-Colonial Pattern, Using Malaysia as a Case-Study. International Television Studies Conference. (Address). London, 10-12.

"The extent to which Television Malaysia, as a national mass media organization, has been able to play a role in nation building in the post-colonial period is . . . studied in two parts: how the choice of a model of nation building determines the character of the organization; and how the character of the organization influences the output of the organization."

Kenny, R. (1984). Making the Case for the Case Study. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 16, (1), 37-51.

The article looks at how and why the case study is justified as a viable and valuable approach to educational research and program evaluation.

Knirk, F. (1991). Case Materials: Research and Practice. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 4 (1 ), 73-81.

The article addresses the effectiveness of case studies, subject areas where case studies are commonly used, recent examples of their use, and case study design considerations.

Klos, D. (1976). Students as Case Writers. Teaching of Psychology, 3.2, 63-66.

This article reviews a course in which students gather data for an original case study of another person. The task requires the students to design the study, collect the data, write the narrative, and interpret the findings.

Leftwich, A. (1981). The Politics of Case Study: Problems of Innovation in University Education. Higher Education Review, 13.2, 38-64.

The article discusses the use of case studies as a teaching method. Emphasis is on the instructional materials, interdisciplinarity, and the complex relationships within the university that help or hinder the method.

Mabrito, M. (1991, Oct.). Electronic Mail as a Vehicle for Peer Response: Conversations of High and Low Apprehensive Writers. Written Communication, 509-32.

McCarthy, S., J. (1955). The Influence of Classroom Discourse on Student Texts: The Case of Ella . East Lansing: Institute for Research on Teaching.

A look at how students of color become marginalized within traditional classroom discourse. The essay follows the struggles of one black student: Ella.

Matsuhashi, A., ed. (1987). Writing in Real Time: Modeling Production Processes Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

Investigates how writers plan to produce discourse for different purposes to report, to generalize, and to persuade, as well as how writers plan for sentence level units of language. To learn about planning, an observational measure of pause time was used" (ERIC).

Merriam, S. B. (1985). The Case Study in Educational Research: A Review of Selected Literature. Journal of Educational Thought, 19.3, 204-17.

The article examines the characteristics of, philosophical assumptions underlying the case study, the mechanics of conducting a case study, and the concerns about the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the method.

---. (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Merry, S. E., & Milner, N. eds. (1993). The Possibility of Popular Justice: A Case Study of Community Mediation in the United States . Ann Arbor: U of Michigan.

". . . this volume presents a case study of one experiment in popular justice, the San Francisco Community Boards. This program has made an explicit claim to create an alternative justice, or new justice, in the midst of a society ordered by state law. The contributors to this volume explore the history and experience of the program and compare it to other versions of popular justice in the United States, Europe, and the Third World."

Merseth, K. K. (1991). The Case for Cases in Teacher Education. RIE. 42p. (ERIC).

This monograph argues that the case method of instruction offers unique potential for revitalizing the field of teacher education.

Michaels, S. (1987). Text and Context: A New Approach to the Study of Classroom Writing. Discourse Processes, 10, 321-346.

"This paper argues for and illustrates an approach to the study of writing that integrates ethnographic analysis of classroom interaction with linguistic analysis of written texts and teacher/student conversational exchanges. The approach is illustrated through a case study of writing in a single sixth grade classroom during a single writing assignment."

Milburn, G. (1995). Deciphering a Code or Unraveling a Riddle: A Case Study in the Application of a Humanistic Metaphor to the Reporting of Social Studies Teaching. Theory and Research in Education, 13.

This citation serves as an example of how case studies document learning procedures in a senior-level economics course.

Milley, J. E. (1979). An Investigation of Case Study as an Approach to Program Evaluation. 19th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research. (Address). San Diego.

The case study method merged a narrative report focusing on the evaluator as participant-observer with document review, interview, content analysis, attitude questionnaire survey, and sociogram analysis. Milley argues that case study program evaluation has great potential for widespread use.

Minnis, J. R. (1985, Sept.). Ethnography, Case Study, Grounded Theory, and Distance Education Research. Distance Education, 6.2.

This article describes and defines the strengths and weaknesses of ethnography, case study, and grounded theory.

Nunan, D. (1992). Collaborative language learning and teaching . New York: Cambridge University Press.

Included in this series of essays is Peter Sturman’s "Team Teaching: a case study from Japan" and David Nunan’s own "Toward a collaborative approach to curriculum development: a case study."

Nystrand, M., ed. (1982). What Writers Know: The Language, Process, and Structure of Written Discourse . New York: Academic Press.

Owenby, P. H. (1992). Making Case Studies Come Alive. Training, 29, (1), 43-46. (ERIC)

This article provides tips for writing more effective case studies.

---. (1981). Pausing and Planning: The Tempo of Writer Discourse Production. Research in the Teaching of English, 15 (2),113-34.

Perl, S. (1979). The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers. Research in the Teaching of English, 13, 317-336.

"Summarizes a study of five unskilled college writers, focusing especially on one of the five, and discusses the findings in light of current pedagogical practice and research design."

Pilcher J. and A. Coffey. eds. (1996). Gender and Qualitative Research . Brookfield: Aldershot, Hants, England.

This book provides a series of essays which look at gender identity research, qualitative research and applications of case study to questions of gendered pedagogy.

Pirie, B. S. (1993). The Case of Morty: A Four Year Study. Gifted Education International, 9 (2), 105-109.

This case study describes a boy from kindergarten through third grade with above average intelligence but difficulty in learning to read, write, and spell.

Popkewitz, T. (1993). Changing Patterns of Power: Social Regulation and Teacher Education Reform. Albany: SUNY Press.

Popkewitz edits this series of essays that address case studies on educational change and the training of teachers. The essays vary in terms of discipline and scope. Also, several authors include case studies of educational practices in countries other than the United States.

---. (1984). The Predrafting Processes of Four High- and Four Low Apprehensive Writers. Research in the Teaching of English, 18, (1), 45-64.

Rasmussen, P. (1985, March) A Case Study on the Evaluation of Research at the Technical University of Denmark. International Journal of Institutional Management in Higher Education, 9 (1).

This is an example of a case study methodology used to evaluate the chemistry and chemical engineering departments at the University of Denmark.

Roth, K. J. (1986). Curriculum Materials, Teacher Talk, and Student Learning: Case Studies in Fifth-Grade Science Teaching . East Lansing: Institute for Research on Teaching.

Roth offers case studies on elementary teachers, elementary school teaching, science studies and teaching, and verbal learning.

Selfe, C. L. (1985). An Apprehensive Writer Composes. When a Writer Can't Write: Studies in Writer's Block and Other Composing-Process Problems . (pp. 83-95). Ed. Mike Rose. NMY: Guilford.

Smith-Lewis, M., R. and Ford, A. (1987). A User's Perspective on Augmentative Communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 3, 12-7.

"During a series of in-depth interviews, a 25-yr-old woman with cerebral palsy who utilized augmentative communication reflected on the effectiveness of the devices designed for her during her school career."

St. Pierre, R., G. (1980, April). Follow Through: A Case Study in Metaevaluation Research . 64th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (Address).

The three approaches to metaevaluation are evaluation of primary evaluations, integrative meta-analysis with combined primary evaluation results, and re-analysis of the raw data from a primary evaluation.

Stahler, T., M. (1996, Feb.) Early Field Experiences: A Model That Worked. ERIC.

"This case study of a field and theory class examines a model designed to provide meaningful field experiences for preservice teachers while remaining consistent with the instructor's beliefs about the role of teacher education in preparing teachers for the classroom."

Stake, R. E. (1995). The Art of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

This book examines case study research in education and case study methodology.

Stiegelbauer, S. (1984) Community, Context, and Co-curriculum: Situational Factors Influencing School Improvements in a Study of High Schools. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Discussion of several case studies: one looking at high school environments, another examining educational innovations.

Stolovitch, H. (1990). Case Study Method. Performance And Instruction, 29, (9), 35-37.

This article describes the case study method as a form of simulation and presents guidelines for their use in professional training situations.

Thaller, E. (1994). Bibliography for the Case Method: Using Case Studies in Teacher Education. RIE. 37 p.

This bibliography presents approximately 450 citations on the use of case studies in teacher education from 1921-1993.

Thrane, T. (1986). On Delimiting the Senses of Near-Synonyms in Historical Semantics: A Case Study of Adjectives of 'Moral Sufficiency' in the Old English Andreas. Linguistics Across Historical and Geographical Boundaries: In Honor of Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of his Fiftieth Birthday . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

United Nations. (1975). Food and Agriculture Organization. Report on the FAO/UNFPA Seminar on Methodology, Research and Country: Case Studies on Population, Employment and Productivity . Rome: United Nations.

This example case study shows how the methodology can be used in a demographic and psychographic evaluation. At the same time, it discusses the formation and instigation of the case study methodology itself.

Van Vugt, J. P., ed. (1994). Aids Prevention and Services: Community Based Research . Westport: Bergin and Garvey.

"This volume has been five years in the making. In the process, some of the policy applications called for have met with limited success, such as free needle exchange programs in a limited number of American cities, providing condoms to prison inmates, and advertisements that depict same-sex couples. Rather than dating our chapters that deal with such subjects, such policy applications are verifications of the type of research demonstrated here. Furthermore, they indicate the critical need to continue community based research in the various communities threatened by acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) . . . "

Welch, W., ed. (1981, May). Case Study Methodology in Educational Evaluation. Proceedings of the Minnesota Evaluation Conference. Minnesota. (Address).

The four papers in these proceedings provide a comprehensive picture of the rationale, methodology, strengths, and limitations of case studies.

Williams, G. (1987). The Case Method: An Approach to Teaching and Learning in Educational Administration. RIE, 31p.

This paper examines the viability of the case method as a teaching and learning strategy in instructional systems geared toward the training of personnel of the administration of various aspects of educational systems.

Yin, R. K. (1993). Advancing Rigorous Methodologies: A Review of 'Towards Rigor in Reviews of Multivocal Literatures.' Review of Educational Research, 61, (3).

"R. T. Ogawa and B. Malen's article does not meet its own recommended standards for rigorous testing and presentation of its own conclusions. Use of the exploratory case study to analyze multivocal literatures is not supported, and the claim of grounded theory to analyze multivocal literatures may be stronger."

---. (1989). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage Publications Inc.

This book discusses in great detail, the entire design process of the case study, including entire chapters on collecting evidence, analyzing evidence, composing the case study report, and designing single and multiple case studies.

Related Links

Consider the following list of related Web sites for more information on the topic of case study research. Note: although many of the links cover the general category of qualitative research, all have sections that address issues of case studies.

  • Sage Publications on Qualitative Methodology: Search here for a comprehensive list of new books being published about "Qualitative Methodology"
  • The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education: An on-line journal "to enhance the theory and practice of qualitative research in education." On-line submissions are welcome.
  • Qualitative Research Resources on the Internet: From syllabi to home pages to bibliographies. All links relate somehow to qualitative research.

Becker, Bronwyn, Patrick Dawson, Karen Devine, Carla Hannum, Steve Hill, Jon Leydens, Debbie Matuskevich, Carol Traver, & Mike Palmquist. (2005). Case Studies. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University.

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Types of Case Studies

There are several different types of case studies, as well as several types of subjects of case studies. We will investigate each type in this article.

Different Types of Case Studies

There are several types of case studies, each differing from each other based on the hypothesis and/or thesis to be proved. It is also possible for types of case studies to overlap each other.

Each of the following types of cases can be used in any field or discipline. Whether it is psychology, business or the arts, the type of case study can apply to any field.


The explanatory case study focuses on an explanation for a question or a phenomenon. Basically put, an explanatory case study is 1 + 1 = 2. The results are not up for interpretation.

A case study with a person or group would not be explanatory, as with humans, there will always be variables. There are always small variances that cannot be explained.

However, event case studies can be explanatory. For example, let's say a certain automobile has a series of crashes that are caused by faulty brakes. All of the crashes are a result of brakes not being effective on icy roads.

What kind of case study is explanatory? Think of an example of an explanatory case study that could be done today

When developing the case study, the researcher will explain the crash, and the detailed causes of the brake failure. They will investigate what actions caused the brakes to fail, and what actions could have been taken to prevent the failure.

Other car companies could then use this case study to better understand what makes brakes fail. When designing safer products, looking to past failures is an excellent way to ensure similar mistakes are not made.

The same can be said for other safety issues in cars. There was a time when cars did not have seatbelts. The process to get seatbelts required in all cars started with a case study! The same can be said about airbags and collapsible steering columns. They all began with a case study that lead to larger research, and eventual change.


An exploratory case study is usually the precursor to a formal, large-scale research project. The case study's goal is to prove that further investigation is necessary.

For example, an exploratory case study could be done on veterans coming home from active combat. Researchers are aware that these vets have PTSD, and are aware that the actions of war are what cause PTSD. Beyond that, they do not know if certain wartime activities are more likely to contribute to PTSD than others.

For an exploratory case study, the researcher could develop a study that certain war events are more likely to cause PTSD. Once that is demonstrated, a large-scale research project could be done to determine which events are most likely to cause PTSD.

Exploratory case studies are very popular in psychology and the social sciences. Psychologists are always looking for better ways to treat their patients, and exploratory studies allow them to research new ideas or theories.

Multiple-Case Studies or Collective Studies

Multiple case or collective studies use information from different studies to formulate the case for a new study. The use of past studies allows additional information without needing to spend more time and money on additional studies.

Using the PTSD issue again is an excellent example of a collective study. When studying what contributes most to wartime PTSD, a researcher could use case studies from different war. For instance, studies about PTSD in WW2 vets, Persian Gulf War vets, and Vietnam vets could provide an excellent sampling of which wartime activities are most likely to cause PTSD.

If a multiple case study on vets was done with vets from the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Iraq War, and it was determined the vets from Vietnam had much less PTSD, what could be inferred?

Furthermore, this type of study could uncover differences as well. For example, a researcher might find that veterans who serve in the Middle East are more likely to suffer a certain type of ailment. Or perhaps, that veterans who served with large platoons were more likely to suffer from PTSD than veterans who served in smaller platoons.

An intrinsic case study is the study of a case wherein the subject itself is the primary interest. The "Genie" case is an example of this. The study wasn't so much about psychology, but about Genie herself, and how her experiences shaped who she was.

Genie is the topic. Genie is what the researchers are interested in, and what their readers will be most interested in. When the researchers started the study, they didn't know what they would find.

They asked the question…"If a child is never introduced to language during the crucial first years of life, can they acquire language skills when they are older?" When they met Genie, they didn't know the answer to that question.


An instrumental case study uses a case to gain insights into a phenomenon. For example, a researcher interested in child obesity rates might set up a study with middle school students and an exercise program. In this case, the children and the exercise program are not the focus. The focus is learning the relationship between children and exercise, and why certain children become obese.

What is an example of an instrumental case study?

Focus on the results, not the topic!

Types of Subjects of Case Studies

There are generally five different types of case studies, and the subjects that they address. Every case study, whether explanatory or exploratory, or intrinsic or instrumental, fits into one of these five groups. These are:

Person – This type of study focuses on one particular individual. This case study would use several types of research to determine an outcome.

The best example of a person case is the "Genie" case study. Again, "Genie" was a 13-year-old girl who was discovered by social services in Los Angeles in 1970. Her father believed her to be mentally retarded, and therefore locked her in a room without any kind of stimulation. She was never nourished or cared for in any way. If she made a noise, she was beaten.

When "Genie" was discovered, child development specialists wanted to learn as much as possible about how her experiences contributed to her physical, emotional and mental health. They also wanted to learn about her language skills. She had no form of language when she was found, she only grunted. The study would determine whether or not she could learn language skills at the age of 13.

Since Genie was placed in a children's hospital, many different clinicians could observe her. In addition, researchers were able to interview the few people who did have contact with Genie and would be able to gather whatever background information was available.

This case study is still one of the most valuable in all of child development. Since it would be impossible to conduct this type of research with a healthy child, the information garnered from Genie's case is invaluable.

Group – This type of study focuses on a group of people. This could be a family, a group or friends, or even coworkers.

An example of this type of case study would be the uncontacted tribes of Indians in the Peruvian and Brazilian rainforest. These tribes have never had any modern contact. Therefore, there is a great interest to study them.

Scientists would be interested in just about every facet of their lives. How do they cook, how do they make clothing, how do they make tools and weapons. Also, doing psychological and emotional research would be interesting. However, because so few of these tribes exist, no one is contacting them for research. For now, all research is done observationally.

If a researcher wanted to study uncontacted Indian tribes, and could only observe the subjects, what type of observations should be made?

Location – This type of study focuses on a place, and how and why people use the place.

For example, many case studies have been done about Siberia, and the people who live there. Siberia is a cold and barren place in northern Russia, and it is considered the most difficult place to live in the world. Studying the location, and it's weather and people can help other people learn how to live with extreme weather and isolation.

Location studies can also be done on locations that are facing some kind of change. For example, a case study could be done on Alaska, and whether the state is seeing the effects of climate change.

Another type of study that could be done in Alaska is how the environment changes as population increases. Geographers and those interested in population growth often do these case studies.

Organization/Company – This type of study focuses on a business or an organization. This could include the people who work for the company, or an event that occurred at the organization.

An excellent example of this type of case study is Enron. Enron was one of the largest energy company's in the United States, when it was discovered that executives at the company were fraudulently reporting the company's accounting numbers.

Once the fraud was uncovered, investigators discovered willful and systematic corruption that caused the collapse of Enron, as well as their financial auditors, Arthur Andersen. The fraud was so severe that the top executives of the company were sentenced to prison.

This type of case study is used by accountants, auditors, financiers, as well as business students, in order to learn how such a large company could get away with committing such a serious case of corporate fraud for as long as they did. It can also be looked at from a psychological standpoint, as it is interesting to learn why the executives took the large risks that they took.

Most company or organization case studies are done for business purposes. In fact, in many business schools, such as Harvard Business School, students learn by the case method, which is the study of case studies. They learn how to solve business problems by studying the cases of businesses that either survived the same problem, or one that didn't survive the problem.

Event – This type of study focuses on an event, whether cultural or societal, and how it affects those that are affected by it. An example would be the Tylenol cyanide scandal. This event affected Johnson & Johnson, the parent company, as well as the public at large.

The case study would detail the events of the scandal, and more specifically, what management at Johnson & Johnson did to correct the problem. To this day, when a company experiences a large public relations scandal, they look to the Tylenol case study to learn how they managed to survive the scandal.

A very popular topic for case studies was the events of September 11 th . There were studies in almost all of the different types of research studies.

Obviously the event itself was a very popular topic. It was important to learn what lead up to the event, and how best to proven it from happening in the future. These studies are not only important to the U.S. government, but to other governments hoping to prevent terrorism in their countries.

Planning A Case Study

You have decided that you want to research and write a case study. Now what? In this section you will learn how to plan and organize a research case study.

Selecting a Case

The first step is to choose the subject, topic or case. You will want to choose a topic that is interesting to you, and a topic that would be of interest to your potential audience. Ideally you have a passion for the topic, as then you will better understand the issues surrounding the topic, and which resources would be most successful in the study.

You also must choose a topic that would be of interest to a large number of people. You want your case study to reach as large an audience as possible, and a topic that is of interest to just a few people will not have a very large reach. One of the goals of a case study is to reach as many people as possible.

Who is your audience?

Are you trying to reach the layperson? Or are you trying to reach other professionals in your field? Your audience will help determine the topic you choose.

If you are writing a case study that is looking for ways to lower rates of child obesity, who is your audience?

If you are writing a psychology case study, you must consider whether your audience will have the intellectual skills to understand the information in the case. Does your audience know the vocabulary of psychology? Do they understand the processes and structure of the field?

You want your audience to have as much general knowledge as possible. When it comes time to write the case study, you may have to spend some time defining and explaining terms that might be unfamiliar to the audience.

Lastly, when selecting a topic you do not want to choose a topic that is very old. Current topics are always the most interesting, so if your topic is more than 5-10 years old, you might want to consider a newer topic. If you choose an older topic, you must ask yourself what new and valuable information do you bring to the older topic, and is it relevant and necessary.

Determine Research Goals

What type of case study do you plan to do?

An illustrative case study will examine an unfamiliar case in order to help others understand it. For example, a case study of a veteran with PTSD can be used to help new therapists better understand what veterans experience.

An exploratory case study is a preliminary project that will be the precursor to a larger study in the future. For example, a case study could be done challenging the efficacy of different therapy methods for vets with PTSD. Once the study is complete, a larger study could be done on whichever method was most effective.

A critical instance case focuses on a unique case that doesn't have a predetermined purpose. For example, a vet with an incredibly severe case of PTSD could be studied to find ways to treat his condition.

Ethics are a large part of the case study process, and most case studies require ethical approval. This approval usually comes from the institution or department the researcher works for. Many universities and research institutions have ethics oversight departments. They will require you to prove that you will not harm your study subjects or participants.

This should be done even if the case study is on an older subject. Sometimes publishing new studies can cause harm to the original participants. Regardless of your personal feelings, it is essential the project is brought to the ethics department to ensure your project can proceed safely.

Developing the Case Study

Once you have your topic, it is time to start planning and developing the study. This process will be different depending on what type of case study you are planning to do. For thissection, we will assume a psychological case study, as most case studies are based on the psychological model.

Once you have the topic, it is time to ask yourself some questions. What question do you want to answer with the study?

For example, a researcher is considering a case study about PTSD in veterans. The topic is PTSD in veterans. What questions could be asked?

Do veterans from Middle Eastern wars suffer greater instances of PTSD?

Do younger soldiers have higher instances of PTSD?

Does the length of the tour effect the severity of PTSD?

Each of these questions is a viable question, and finding the answers, or the possible answers, would be helpful for both psychologists and veterans who suffer from PTSD.

Research Notebook

1. What is the background of the case study? Who requested the study to be done and why? What industry is the study in, and where will the study take place?

2. What is the problem that needs a solution? What is the situation, and what are the risks?

3. What questions are required to analyze the problem? What questions might the reader of the study have? What questions might colleagues have?

4. What tools are required to analyze the problem? Is data analysis necessary?

5. What is your current knowledge about the problem or situation? How much background information do you need to procure? How will you obtain this background info?

6. What other information do you need to know to successfully complete the study?

7. How do you plan to present the report? Will it be a simple written report, or will you add PowerPoint presentations or images or videos? When is the report due? Are you giving yourself enough time to complete the project?

The research notebook is the heart of the study. Other organizational methods can be utilized, such as Microsoft Excel, but a physical notebook should always be kept as well.

Planning the Research

The most important parts of the case study are:

1. The case study's questions

2. The study's propositions

3. How information and data will be analyzed

4. The logic behind the propositions

5. How the findings will be interpreted

The study's questions should be either a "how" or "why" question, and their definition is the researchers first job. These questions will help determine the study's goals.

Not every case study has a proposition. If you are doing an exploratory study, you will not have propositions. Instead, you will have a stated purpose, which will determine whether your study is successful, or not.

How the information will be analyzed will depend on what the topic is. This would vary depending on whether it was a person, group, or organization.

When setting up your research, you will want to follow case study protocol. The protocol should have the following sections:

1. An overview of the case study, including the objectives, topic and issues.

2. Procedures for gathering information and conducting interviews.

3. Questions that will be asked during interviews and data collection.

4. A guide for the final case study report.

When deciding upon which research methods to use, these are the most important:

1. Documents and archival records

2. Interviews

3. Direct observations

4. Indirect observations, or observations of subjects

5. Physical artifacts and tools

Documents could include almost anything, including letters, memos, newspaper articles, Internet articles, other case studies, or any other document germane to the study.

Archival records can include military and service records, company or business records, survey data or census information.

Research Strategy

Before beginning the study you want a clear research strategy. Your best chance at success will be if you use an outline that describes how you will gather your data and how you will answer your research questions.

The researcher should create a list with four or five bullet points that need answers. Consider the approaches for these questions, and the different perspectives you could take.

The researcher should then choose at least two data sources (ideally more). These sources could include interviews, Internet research, and fieldwork or report collection. The more data sources used, the better the quality of the final data.

The researcher then must formulate interview questions that will result in detailed and in-depth answers that will help meet the research goals. A list of 15-20 questions is a good start, but these can and will change as the process flows.

Planning Interviews

The interview process is one of the most important parts of the case study process. But before this can begin, it is imperative the researcher gets informed consent from the subjects.

The process of informed consent means the subject understands their role in the study, and that their story will be used in the case study. You will want to have each subject complete a consent form.

The researcher must explain what the study is trying to achieve, and how their contribution will help the study. If necessary, assure the subject that their information will remain private if requested, and they do not need to use their real name if they are not comfortable with that. Pseudonyms are commonly used in case studies.

Informed Consent

The process by which permission is granted before beginning medical or psychological research

A fictitious name used to hide ones identity

It is important the researcher is clear regarding the expectations of the study participation. For example, are they comfortable on camera? Do they mind if their photo is used in the final written study.

Interviews are one of the most important sources of information for case studies. There are several types of interviews. They are:

Open-ended – This type of interview has the interviewer and subject talking to each other about the subject. The interviewer asks questions, and the subject answers them. But the subject can elaborate and add information whenever they see fit.

A researcher might meet with a subject multiple times, and use the open-ended method. This can be a great way to gain insight into events. However, the researcher mustn't rely solely on the information from the one subject, and be sure to have multiple sources.

Focused – This type of interview is used when the subject is interviewed for a short period of time, and answers a set of questions. This type of interview could be used to verify information learned in an open-ended interview with another subject. Focused interviews are normally done to confirm information, not to gain new information.

Structured – Structured interviews are similar to surveys. These are usually used when collecting data for large groups, like neighborhoods. The questions are decided before hand, and the expected answers are usually simple.

When conducting interviews, the answers are obviously important. But just as important are the observations that can be made. This is one of the reasons in-person interviews are preferable over phone interviews, or Internet or mail surveys.

Ideally, when conducing in-person interviews, more than one researcher should be present. This allows one researcher to focus on observing while the other is interviewing. This is particularly important when interviewing large groups of people.

The researcher must understand going into the case study that the information gained from the interviews might not be valuable. It is possible that once the interviews are completed, the information gained is not relevant.

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A case study focuses on a particular unit - a person, a site, a project. It often uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative data.

Case studies can be particularly useful for understanding how different elements fit together and how different elements (implementation, context and other factors) have produced the observed impacts.

There are different types of case studies, which can be used for different purposes in evaluation. The GAO (Government Accountability Office) has described six different types of case study:

1.  Illustrative : This is descriptive in character and intended to add realism and in-depth examples to other information about a program or policy. (These are often used to complement quantitative data by providing examples of the overall findings).

2.  Exploratory : This is also descriptive but is aimed at generating hypotheses for later investigation rather than simply providing illustration.

3.  Critical instance : This examines a single instance of unique interest, or serves as a critical test of an assertion about a program, problem or strategy.

4.  Program implementation . This  investigates operations, often at several sites, and often with reference to a set of norms or standards about implementation processes.

5.  Program effects . This examines the causal links between the program and observed effects (outputs, outcomes or impacts, depending on the timing of the evaluation) and usually involves multisite, multimethod evaluations.

6.  Cumulative . This brings together findings from many case studies to answer evaluative questions. 

The following guides are particularly recommended because they distinguish between the research design (case study) and the type of data (qualitative or quantitative), and provide guidance on selecting cases, addressing causal inference, and generalizing from cases.

This guide from the US General Accounting Office outlines good practice in case study evaluation and establishes a set of principles for applying case studies to evaluations.

This paper, authored by Edith D. Balbach for the California Department of Health Services is designed to help evaluators decide whether to use a case study evaluation approach.

This guide, written by Linda G. Morra and Amy C. Friedlander for the World Bank, provides guidance and advice on the use of case studies.

Expand to view all resources related to 'Case study'

  • Broadening the range of designs and methods for impact evaluations
  • Case studies in action
  • Case study evaluations - US General Accounting Office
  • Case study evaluations - World Bank
  • Comparative case studies
  • Compasss: Comparative methods for systematic cross-case analysis
  • Dealing with paradox – Stories and lessons from the first three years of consortium-building
  • Designing and facilitating creative conversations & learning activities
  • Estudo de caso: a avaliação externa de um programa
  • Evaluation tools
  • Evaluations that make a difference
  • Methods for monitoring and evaluation
  • Reflections on innovation, assessment and social change processes: A SPARC case study, India
  • Toward a listening bank: A review of best practices and the efficacy of beneficiary assessment
  • UNICEF webinar: Comparative case studies
  • Using case studies to do program evaluation

'Case study' is referenced in:

  • Week 32: Better use of case studies in evaluation

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What is case study research?

Last updated

8 February 2023

Reviewed by

Cathy Heath

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Suppose a company receives a spike in the number of customer complaints, or medical experts discover an outbreak of illness affecting children but are not quite sure of the reason. In both cases, carrying out a case study could be the best way to get answers.


Case studies can be carried out across different disciplines, including education, medicine, sociology, and business.

Most case studies employ qualitative methods, but quantitative methods can also be used. Researchers can then describe, compare, evaluate, and identify patterns or cause-and-effect relationships between the various variables under study. They can then use this knowledge to decide what action to take. 

Another thing to note is that case studies are generally singular in their focus. This means they narrow focus to a particular area, making them highly subjective. You cannot always generalize the results of a case study and apply them to a larger population. However, they are valuable tools to illustrate a principle or develop a thesis.

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  • What are the different types of case study designs?

Researchers can choose from a variety of case study designs. The design they choose is dependent on what questions they need to answer, the context of the research environment, how much data they already have, and what resources are available.

Here are the common types of case study design:


An explanatory case study is an initial explanation of the how or why that is behind something. This design is commonly used when studying a real-life phenomenon or event. Once the organization understands the reasons behind a phenomenon, it can then make changes to enhance or eliminate the variables causing it. 

Here is an example: How is co-teaching implemented in elementary schools? The title for a case study of this subject could be “Case Study of the Implementation of Co-Teaching in Elementary Schools.”


An illustrative or descriptive case study helps researchers shed light on an unfamiliar object or subject after a period of time. The case study provides an in-depth review of the issue at hand and adds real-world examples in the area the researcher wants the audience to understand. 

The researcher makes no inferences or causal statements about the object or subject under review. This type of design is often used to understand cultural shifts.

Here is an example: How did people cope with the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami? This case study could be titled "A Case Study of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and its Effect on the Indonesian Population."


Exploratory research is also called a pilot case study. It is usually the first step within a larger research project, often relying on questionnaires and surveys . Researchers use exploratory research to help narrow down their focus, define parameters, draft a specific research question , and/or identify variables in a larger study. This research design usually covers a wider area than others, and focuses on the ‘what’ and ‘who’ of a topic.

Here is an example: How do nutrition and socialization in early childhood affect learning in children? The title of the exploratory study may be “Case Study of the Effects of Nutrition and Socialization on Learning in Early Childhood.”

An intrinsic case study is specifically designed to look at a unique and special phenomenon. At the start of the study, the researcher defines the phenomenon and the uniqueness that differentiates it from others. 

In this case, researchers do not attempt to generalize, compare, or challenge the existing assumptions. Instead, they explore the unique variables to enhance understanding. Here is an example: “Case Study of Volcanic Lightning.”

This design can also be identified as a cumulative case study. It uses information from past studies or observations of groups of people in certain settings as the foundation of the new study. Given that it takes multiple areas into account, it allows for greater generalization than a single case study. 

The researchers also get an in-depth look at a particular subject from different viewpoints.  Here is an example: “Case Study of how PTSD affected Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Differently Due to Advances in Military Technology.”

Critical instance

A critical case study incorporates both explanatory and intrinsic study designs. It does not have predetermined purposes beyond an investigation of the said subject. It can be used for a deeper explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship. It can also be used to question a common assumption or myth. 

The findings can then be used further to generalize whether they would also apply in a different environment.  Here is an example: “What Effect Does Prolonged Use of Social Media Have on the Mind of American Youth?”


Instrumental research attempts to achieve goals beyond understanding the object at hand. Researchers explore a larger subject through different, separate studies and use the findings to understand its relationship to another subject. This type of design also provides insight into an issue or helps refine a theory. 

For example, you may want to determine if violent behavior in children predisposes them to crime later in life. The focus is on the relationship between children and violent behavior, and why certain children do become violent. Here is an example: “Violence Breeds Violence: Childhood Exposure and Participation in Adult Crime.”

Evaluation case study design is employed to research the effects of a program, policy, or intervention, and assess its effectiveness and impact on future decision-making. 

For example, you might want to see whether children learn times tables quicker through an educational game on their iPad versus a more teacher-led intervention. Here is an example: “An Investigation of the Impact of an iPad Multiplication Game for Primary School Children.” 

  • When do you use case studies?

Case studies are ideal when you want to gain a contextual, concrete, or in-depth understanding of a particular subject. It helps you understand the characteristics, implications, and meanings of the subject.

They are also an excellent choice for those writing a thesis or dissertation, as they help keep the project focused on a particular area when resources or time may be too limited to cover a wider one. You may have to conduct several case studies to explore different aspects of the subject in question and understand the problem.

  • What are the steps to follow when conducting a case study?

1. Select a case

Once you identify the problem at hand and come up with questions, identify the case you will focus on. The study can provide insights into the subject at hand, challenge existing assumptions, propose a course of action, and/or open up new areas for further research.

2. Create a theoretical framework

While you will be focusing on a specific detail, the case study design you choose should be linked to existing knowledge on the topic. This prevents it from becoming an isolated description and allows for enhancing the existing information. 

It may expand the current theory by bringing up new ideas or concepts, challenge established assumptions, or exemplify a theory by exploring how it answers the problem at hand. A theoretical framework starts with a literature review of the sources relevant to the topic in focus. This helps in identifying key concepts to guide analysis and interpretation.

3. Collect the data

Case studies are frequently supplemented with qualitative data such as observations, interviews, and a review of both primary and secondary sources such as official records, news articles, and photographs. There may also be quantitative data —this data assists in understanding the case thoroughly.

4. Analyze your case

The results of the research depend on the research design. Most case studies are structured with chapters or topic headings for easy explanation and presentation. Others may be written as narratives to allow researchers to explore various angles of the topic and analyze its meanings and implications.

In all areas, always give a detailed contextual understanding of the case and connect it to the existing theory and literature before discussing how it fits into your problem area.

  • What are some case study examples?

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Chapter 8: Case study

Darshini Ayton

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Identify the key terms and concepts used in qualitative case study research.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative case study research.

What is a case study?

The key concept in a case study is context .

In qualitative research, case studies provide in-depth accounts of events, relationships, experiences or processes. Stemming from the fields of evaluation, political science and law, the aim of a qualitative case study is to explore a phenomenon within the context of the case 1 and to answer how and why research questions. 2 The contextual conditions are relevant to the phenomenon under study and the contextual factors tend to lie with the case. 1 From the outset it is important (a) to determine who or what is your case – this can be a person, program, organisation or group, or a process – and (b) to articulate the phenomenon of interest.

An example of why context is important in understanding the phenomenon of interest is a study of health promotion action by local churches in Victoria, Australia. 3 The phenomenon under study was health promotion action, with 10 churches comprising the cases, which were mapped across the framework of health promotion approaches. 4 The contextual factors included church denomination (Baptist, Church of Christ, Uniting, Anglican, Catholic and Salvation Army), size (small, medium and large), location (rural and metropolitan), partnerships with external organisations (government, local schools and social welfare organisations) and theological orientation (traditional, modern or postmodern), to understand the phenomenon of health promotion action. Data collection took 12 months and involved interviews with 37 church leaders, 10 focus groups with volunteers, 17 instances of participant observation of church activities, including church services, youth events, food banks and community meals, and 12 documentary analyses of church websites, newsletters and annual reports. The case studies identified and illustrated how and why three different expressions of church – traditional, new modern and emerging – led to different levels and types of health promotion activities.

Three prominent qualitative case study methodologists, Robert Stake, Robert Yin and Sharan Merriams, have articulated different approaches to case studies and their underpinning philosophical and paradigmatic assumptions. Table 8 outlines these approaches, based on work by Yazan, 5 whose expanded table covers characteristics of case studies, data collection and analysis.

Table 8.1. Comparison of case study terms used by three key methodologists

The Art of Case Study Research Case Study Research:
Design and Methods.
Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education.
First author and year Stake, 1995 Yin, 2002 Merriam, 1998
Definition of qualitative case study study of the particularity and complexity of a single case, coming to understand its activity within important circumstances’ empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context…relies on multiple sources of
‘an intensive, holistic description
and analysis of a bounded phenomenon such as a program, an institution, a person, a process, or a social unit’
Paradigm Constructivism Positivism Constructivism
Definition of a case ‘a specific, a complex, functioning thing, more specifically an integrated system’ which ‘has a boundary and working parts’ and purposive (in social sciences and human services) ‘a contemporary
phenomenon within its real life context, especially when the boundaries between a phenomenon and context are not clear and the researcher has little control over the phenomenon and context’
‘a thing, a single entity, a unit around which there are boundaries’

It can 'be a person… a program, a group…a specific policy, and so on'

Table 8.1 is derived from ‘Three Approaches to Case Study Methods in Education: Yin, Merriam, and Stake ‘  by Bedrettin Yazan,  licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. 5

There are several forms of qualitative case studies. 1,2

Discovery-led case studies, which:

  • describe what is happening in the setting
  • explore the key issues affecting people within the setting
  • compare settings, to learn from the similarities and differences between them.

Theory-led case studies, which:

  • explain the causes of events, processes or relationships within a setting
  • illustrate how a particular theory applies to a real-life setting
  • experiment with changes in the setting to test specific factors or variables.

Single and collective case studies, where: 2, 9

  • the researcher wants to understand a unique phenomenon in detail– known as an intrinsic case study
  • the researcher is seeking insight and understanding of a particular situation or phenomenon, known as an illustrative case study or instrumental case study.

In both intrinsic, instrumental and illustrative case studies, the exploration might take place within a single case. In contrast, a collective case study includes multiple individual cases, and the exploration occurs both within and between cases. Collective case studies may include comparative cases, whereby cases are sampled to provide points of comparison for either context or the phenomenon. Embedded case studies are increasingly common within multi-site, randomised controlled trials, where each of the study sites is considered a case.

Multiple forms of data collection and methods of analysis (e.g. thematic, content, framework and constant comparative analyses) can be employed, since case studies are characterised by the depth of knowledge they provide and their nuanced approaches to understanding phenomena within context. 2,5 This approach enables triangulation between data sources (interviews, focus groups, participant observations), researchers and theory. Refer to Chapter 19 for information about triangulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of qualitative case studies

Advantages of using a case study approach include the ability to explore the subtleties and intricacies of complex social situations, and the use of multiple data collection methods and data from multiple sources within the case, which enables rigour through triangulation. Collective case studies enable comparison and contrasting within and across cases.

However, it can be challenging to define the boundaries of the case and to gain appropriate access to the case for the ‘deep dive’ form of analysis. Participant observation, which is a common form of data collection, can lead to observer bias. Data collection can take a long time and may require lengthy times, resources and funding to conduct the study. 9

Table 8.2 provides an example of a single case study and of a collective case study.

Table 8.2. Examples of qualitative case studies

Nayback-Beebe, 2012 Clack, 2018
‘The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative case study… was to gain a holistic understanding of the lived-experience of a male victim of intimate partner violence and the real-life context in which the violence emerged.’ ‘in-depth investigation of the main barriers, facilitators and contextual factors relevant to successfully implementing these strategies in European acute care hospitals’
‘What is the lived experience of living in and leaving an abusive intimate relationship for a white middle class male?’ ‘(1) what are the main barriers and facilitators to successfully implementing CRBSI prevention procedures?; and

(2) what role do contextual factors play?’
A single, intrinsic qualitative research study. Following Yin’s case study approach, the authors wished to uncover the contextual conditions relevant to the phenomenon under study – living in and leaving an abusive intimate relationship as a white, middle-class male. The researchers wanted to understand and explore the contextual conditions related to female-to-male perpetrated intimate partner violence. A qualitative comparative case study of 6 of the 14 hospitals participating in the Prevention of Hospital Infections by Intervention and Training (PROHIBIT) randomised controlled study on the prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infection prevention. The case study examined contextual factors that affect the implementation of an intervention, particularly across culturally, politically and economically diverse hospital settings in Europe.
United States of America, insights from a case study to provide nurses with an understanding that intimate partner violence occurs in the lives of men and women, and to be aware of this in the inpatient and outpatient settings. European acute-care hospitals that were participating in the PROHIBIT randomised controlled trial.
Three in-depth interviews conducted for one month. The participant was a 44-year-old man who met the following inclusion criteria:

• self-reported survivor of physical, emotional, verbal abuse, harassment and/or humiliation by a current or former partner

• the violence occurred in the context of a heterosexual relationship

• was in the process of leaving or had left the relationship
Data collection before and after the implementation of an intervention and included 129 interviews (133 hours) with hospital administration, IPC and ICU leadership and staff, telephone interviews with onsite investigators alongside 41 hours of direct observations
Existential phenomenology following Colaizzi’s method for data analysis. Thematic analysis was inductive (first site visit) and deductive (second site visit), with cross-case analysis using a stacking technique; cases were grouped according to common characteristics and differences, and similarities were examined.
Theme 1. Living in the relationship – confrontation from within

Theme 2. Living in the relationship – confrontation from without

Theme 3. Leaving the relationship – realisation and relinquishment
Overarching theme: Living with a knot in your stomach
Three meta themes were identified

• implementation agendas

• resourcing

• boundary spanning

Qualitative case studies provide a study design with diverse methods to examine the contextual factors relevant to understanding the why and how of a phenomenon within a case. The design incorporates single case studies and collective cases, which can also be embedded within randomised controlled trials as a form of process evaluation.

  • Creswell J, Hanson W, Clark Plano V et al.. Qualitative research designs: selection and implementation. Couns Psychol  2007;35(2):236-264. doi:10.1177/0011000006287390
  • Crowe S, Cresswell K, Robertson A, et al. The case study approach. BMC Med Res Methodol . 2011;11:100. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-11-100
  • Ayton D, Manderson L, Smith BJ et al. Health promotion in local churches in Victoria: an exploratory study. Health Soc Care Community . 2016;24(6):728-738. doi:10.1111/hsc.12258
  • Keleher H, Murphy C. Understanding Health: A Determinants Approach . Oxford University Press; 2004.
  • Yazan B. Three approaches to case study methods in education: Yin, Merriam, and Stake. The Qualitative Report . 2015;20(2):134-152. doi:10.46743/2160-3715/2015.2102
  • Stake RE. The A rt of C ase S tudy R esearch . SAGE Publications; 1995.
  • Yin RK. Case S tudy R esearch: Design and M ethods . SAGE Publications; 2002.
  • Merriam SB. Qualitative R esearch and C ase S tudy A pplications in E ducation . Jossey-Boss; 1998.
  • Kekeya J. Qualitative case study research design: the commonalities and differences between collective, intrinsic and instrumental case studies. Contemporary PNG Studies . 2021;36:28-37.
  • Nayback-Beebe AM, Yoder LH. The lived experiences of a male survivor of intimate partner violence: a qualitative case study. Medsurg Nurs . 2012;21(2):89-95; quiz 96.
  • Clack L, Zingg W, Saint S et al. Implementing infection prevention practices across European hospitals: an in-depth qualitative assessment. BMJ Qual Saf . 2018;27(10):771-780. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007675

Qualitative Research – a practical guide for health and social care researchers and practitioners Copyright © 2023 by Darshini Ayton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Types of Case Studies Explained in Simple Terms

case studies types

In the research world, case studies are like real-life stories that help us understand complex situations better. They're like magnifying glasses that zoom in on specific events or issues, giving us a closer look at how things work in the real world. However, the task isn't just about telling a story – it involves meticulous data analysis to uncover important insights.

Learners use a particular research methodology depending on what they want to find out. These methods can be like tools in a toolbox, each suited to a particular job. Some researchers might use interviews to talk to people involved in the analysis, while others might gather information from documents or observations. Using these types, scholars can gather various information to get a complete picture of the situation they're studying. They also follow strict rules and ethics to ensure their findings are trustworthy and accurate. Now, let's look at the different types of case studies researchers use to explore various topics and phenomena.

Case Study Definition

A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth examination of a particular subject or phenomenon within its real-life context. Unlike other scrutiny types that focus on general trends or statistical analysis, they delve deeply into specific instances to understand the intricacies and complexities of individual instances. Students immerse themselves in the subject matter, collecting detailed data through various methods such as interviews, observations, surveys, and document analysis. By triangulating multiple sources of information, case studies strive to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the issue under investigation.

The research methodology is highly flexible and adaptable, tailored to each research project's unique characteristics and objectives. Scholars may choose from a range of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-type approaches, depending on the nature of the inquiry questions and the available resources. Qualitative research methods, such as interviews and observations, allow learners to explore the rich context and nuances of the matter, uncovering underlying motivations, attitudes, and behaviors. Meanwhile, quantitative techniques, such as surveys and statistical analysis, provide numerical data to supplement and validate qualitative findings.

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Essential Types of Case Studies

The major types of case studies encompass six different categories, each investigating issues within specific situations, environments, or organizations. As research methods, case studies can be used in various subject areas like the arts, psychology, economics, or politics. This isn’t the easiest assignment, so if you lack time or skills to pursue it, click on the write my case study for me link to recruit one of our inquiry methodology experts.

Types of Case Studies


An illustrative case study provides a vivid and detailed depiction of a particular phenomenon or situation, typically to aid in understanding complex concepts or theories. The goal is to offer a clear and accessible illustration of theoretical principles or practical applications through real-world examples. Unlike other types that aim for in-depth analysis or hypothesis testing, the purpose of illustrative research methodology is primarily educational or explanatory. Researchers often select topics that are easily understandable and representative of broader concepts, using qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis to gather rich descriptive data that can be used to illustrate key points.

Illustrative case studies find applications in various educational and professional settings where visual aids or concrete examples are valuable for conveying complex ideas or concepts. For instance, in academic settings, illustrative types may be used in lectures or textbooks to illustrate theoretical principles in fields such as psychology, sociology, or business. In professional contexts, they could be utilized in training programs or presentations to demonstrate best practices or real-world applications of concepts. These case studies are implemented through carefully selecting and presenting issues, often accompanied by detailed analysis and reflection to highlight key insights and lessons learned. The insights gained from such qualitative research enhance understanding and facilitate learning in diverse contexts.


An exploratory case study investigates novel research questions or relatively unexplored phenomena to generate hypotheses and gain initial insights into the subject. Its goal is to lay the groundwork for further inquiry by exploring new territories, identifying key variables, and understanding the context surrounding the phenomenon of interest. Unlike other case studies that delve into established theories or known phenomena, the purpose of an exploratory paper is to pave the way for deeper inquiry and hypothesis testing. Students often use qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and literature reviews to gather preliminary data and develop a foundational understanding of the subject.

Exploratory case studies find applications in fields with limited facts and data or where new phenomena emerge, such as emerging technologies, social trends, or organizational practices. For example, researchers might investigate the adoption and usage patterns of a new digital platform or application in technology. In social sciences, these papers focus on exploring the experiences and perceptions of marginalized communities or understanding emerging forms of social interaction in digital spaces. These case studies are implemented through iterative data collection and analysis, often involving pilot studies or initial fieldwork to refine topic questions and methodologies. The insights from exploratory works contribute to expanding knowledge in diverse fields and inform subsequent homework endeavors.

A cumulative case study is a data analysis method that involves the sequential examination of multiple issues over time to build a comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon or issue. The goal of this type of case study is to gather insights from the accumulation of individual instances, allowing learners to identify patterns, trends, and commonalities across diverse contexts. Unlike other papers that focus on a single topic or event, cumulative assignments synthesize information from multiple sources to develop a holistic understanding of the subject under investigation. Researchers employing this approach often use qualitative and quantitative methods, combining techniques such as interviews, surveys, observations, and statistical analysis to collect and analyze data from each instance.

Cumulative case studies find applications in various fields where broad qualitative research of complex phenomena is required, such as education, healthcare, and business. For example, in education, aspiring scholars might use cumulative case studies to explore the effectiveness of different teaching approaches or interventions across multiple classrooms or schools. Such tasks could examine the outcomes of various treatment approaches or healthcare policies in different patient populations. They are implemented through systematic data collection and analysis, often involving longitudinal studies or meta-analysis to synthesize findings across multiple subject matters. The insights gathered contribute to developing evidence-based practices and inform decision-making in diverse fields.

Critical Instance

A critical instance case study examines a specific event or occurrence considered pivotal or significant within a particular context. This type of case study aims to deeply analyze the circumstances surrounding the critical instance and understand its implications for broader theories or phenomena. Unlike other types of case studies that aim for generalizability or comprehensive understanding, a critical instance case study aims to explore the unique factors and dynamics at play in a singular event. Researchers employing this approach often use qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis to gather detailed data that shed light on the critical instance and its implications.

Critical instance case studies find applications in various fields where understanding the impact of singular events is essential, such as sociology, political science, or organizational behavior. For example, in sociology, students might use critical instance case studies to examine the effects of a specific protest or social movement on societal attitudes and behaviors. In political science, such case studies could focus on analyzing the consequences of a significant policy decision or electoral outcome. These case studies are implemented through thorough investigation and analysis of the critical instance, often involving interdisciplinary approaches to capture its multifaceted nature and implications. The insights gained from critical instance case studies contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics and complexities of real-world events and phenomena.

An intrinsic case study is a research method where the subject is of particular interest rather than being selected for its relevance to a broader theory or phenomenon. The purpose is to deeply understand the unique qualities, intricacies, and complexities of the subject under investigation. Unlike other types that seek generalizability or causal relationships, an intrinsic case study aims to explore and appreciate the richness of the individual issue. Academicians employing this approach often use qualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis to gather rich, detailed data that capture the subject's essence.

Intrinsic case studies are commonly implemented in fields where understanding the particularities of individual instances is crucial, such as anthropology, ethnography, or cultural studies. For example, researchers might conduct an intrinsic investigation in anthropology to explore a specific indigenous community's customs, rituals, and beliefs. Similarly, in cultural studies, intrinsic papers focus on understanding the unique dynamics of a particular subculture or social phenomenon. These case studies are implemented through immersive fieldwork, where you engage with the subject directly, often spending extended periods in the field to develop a deep understanding of the context and culture under study. The insights contribute to understanding human behavior, culture, and society.


A descriptive case study is a research method that provides a detailed description of a particular phenomenon, event, or situation. Its primary goal is to paint a comprehensive picture of the subject under study, capturing its various facets, characteristics, and dynamics. Unlike other case studies that aim for deeper analysis or causal explanations, the purpose of a descriptive exploration is to document and present facts and observations without interpreting them extensively. It often involves collecting data through multiple sources such as interviews, observations, documents, and archival records to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the subject.

Descriptive case studies find applications in various fields and industries. For instance, they can be used in education to examine teaching tactics or classroom dynamics. In healthcare, they may focus on patient experiences or treatment outcomes. Similarly, descriptive papers can explore organizational structures, management practices, or market trends in business settings. They are implemented through careful data collection and analysis, often involving qualitative methods such as interviews or surveys, supplemented by quantitative data when necessary. Descriptive research findings can inform decision-making, guide policy development, or serve as a basis for further inquiry in the respective fields. Here are additional topics for case study for you to explore.

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Main Subjects of Case Studies

Understanding different case study types is essential as they each serve distinct purposes. Each type can delve into one of five critical, cumulative, or exploratory subjects. Let's examine them closely to grasp their nuances and applications.

Case studies focusing on individuals typically delve into a specific person's experiences, behaviors, and characteristics. This could involve exploring their background, personality traits, life events, challenges, and responses to various situations. They are often used in fields such as psychology, counseling, and healthcare to understand human behavior, personality development, or the effectiveness of interventions.

Case studies centered on groups examine the dynamics, interactions, and relationships within a specific group. This could include families, teams, communities, or organizations. Researchers might explore group dynamics, decision-making processes, conflicts, cohesion, and the impact of group norms or culture. They are common in sociology, organizational behavior, and social work to understand group dynamics and social structures.

Case studies focusing on locations analyze specific geographical areas, such as neighborhoods, cities, or regions. Learners might investigate a particular location's social, economic, environmental, or cultural aspects and the impact of urban planning, development projects, or policy interventions. These case studies are relevant in urban planning, geography, environmental studies, and public policy to inform decision-making and community development efforts.

  • Organization

Papers centered on organizations explore the structure, operations, strategies, culture, and performance of a specific company, nonprofit, government agency, or institution. Researchers might examine issues such as leadership, organizational change, corporate social responsibility, or crisis management. These case studies are prevalent in business, management, and public administration to analyze organizational behavior and practices.

Focus on events to investigate specific incidents, occurrences, or phenomena within a defined timeframe. This could include natural disasters, political movements, public health crises, or technological innovations. Researchers might analyze the causes, responses, impacts, and lessons learned from the event. We recommend reading our article about the pros and cons of case studies to enrich your knowledge regarding this academic assignment.

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What is a Case Study? Definition & Examples

By Jim Frost Leave a Comment

Case Study Definition

A case study is an in-depth investigation of a single person, group, event, or community. This research method involves intensively analyzing a subject to understand its complexity and context. The richness of a case study comes from its ability to capture detailed, qualitative data that can offer insights into a process or subject matter that other research methods might miss.

A case study involves drawing lots of connections.

A case study strives for a holistic understanding of events or situations by examining all relevant variables. They are ideal for exploring ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions in contexts where the researcher has limited control over events in real-life settings. Unlike narrowly focused experiments, these projects seek a comprehensive understanding of events or situations.

In a case study, researchers gather data through various methods such as participant observation, interviews, tests, record examinations, and writing samples. Unlike statistically-based studies that seek only quantifiable data, a case study attempts to uncover new variables and pose questions for subsequent research.

A case study is particularly beneficial when your research:

  • Requires a deep, contextual understanding of a specific case.
  • Needs to explore or generate hypotheses rather than test them.
  • Focuses on a contemporary phenomenon within a real-life context.

Learn more about Other Types of Experimental Design .

Case Study Examples

Various fields utilize case studies, including the following:

  • Social sciences : For understanding complex social phenomena.
  • Business : For analyzing corporate strategies and business decisions.
  • Healthcare : For detailed patient studies and medical research.
  • Education : For understanding educational methods and policies.
  • Law : For in-depth analysis of legal cases.

For example, consider a case study in a business setting where a startup struggles to scale. Researchers might examine the startup’s strategies, market conditions, management decisions, and competition. Interviews with the CEO, employees, and customers, alongside an analysis of financial data, could offer insights into the challenges and potential solutions for the startup. This research could serve as a valuable lesson for other emerging businesses.

See below for other examples.

What impact does urban green space have on mental health in high-density cities? Assess a green space development in Tokyo and its effects on resident mental health.
How do small businesses adapt to rapid technological changes? Examine a small business in Silicon Valley adapting to new tech trends.
What strategies are effective in reducing plastic waste in coastal cities? Study plastic waste management initiatives in Barcelona.
How do educational approaches differ in addressing diverse learning needs? Investigate a specialized school’s approach to inclusive education in Sweden.
How does community involvement influence the success of public health initiatives? Evaluate a community-led health program in rural India.
What are the challenges and successes of renewable energy adoption in developing countries? Assess solar power implementation in a Kenyan village.

Types of Case Studies

Several standard types of case studies exist that vary based on the objectives and specific research needs.

Illustrative Case Study : Descriptive in nature, these studies use one or two instances to depict a situation, helping to familiarize the unfamiliar and establish a common understanding of the topic.

Exploratory Case Study : Conducted as precursors to large-scale investigations, they assist in raising relevant questions, choosing measurement types, and identifying hypotheses to test.

Cumulative Case Study : These studies compile information from various sources over time to enhance generalization without the need for costly, repetitive new studies.

Critical Instance Case Study : Focused on specific sites, they either explore unique situations with limited generalizability or challenge broad assertions, to identify potential cause-and-effect issues.

Pros and Cons

As with any research study, case studies have a set of benefits and drawbacks.

  • Provides comprehensive and detailed data.
  • Offers a real-life perspective.
  • Flexible and can adapt to discoveries during the study.
  • Enables investigation of scenarios that are hard to assess in laboratory settings.
  • Facilitates studying rare or unique cases.
  • Generates hypotheses for future experimental research.
  • Time-consuming and may require a lot of resources.
  • Hard to generalize findings to a broader context.
  • Potential for researcher bias.
  • Cannot establish causality .
  • Lacks scientific rigor compared to more controlled research methods .

Crafting a Good Case Study: Methodology

While case studies emphasize specific details over broad theories, they should connect to theoretical frameworks in the field. This approach ensures that these projects contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the subject, rather than standing as an isolated entity.

The following are critical steps in developing a case study:

  • Define the Research Questions : Clearly outline what you want to explore. Define specific, achievable objectives.
  • Select the Case : Choose a case that best suits the research questions. Consider using a typical case for general understanding or an atypical subject for unique insights.
  • Data Collection : Use a variety of data sources, such as interviews, observations, documents, and archival records, to provide multiple perspectives on the issue.
  • Data Analysis : Identify patterns and themes in the data.
  • Report Findings : Present the findings in a structured and clear manner.

Analysts typically use thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes within the data and compare different cases.

  • Qualitative Analysis : Such as coding and thematic analysis for narrative data.
  • Quantitative Analysis : In cases where numerical data is involved.
  • Triangulation : Combining multiple methods or data sources to enhance accuracy.

A good case study requires a balanced approach, often using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

The researcher should constantly reflect on their biases and how they might influence the research. Documenting personal reflections can provide transparency.

Avoid over-generalization. One common mistake is to overstate the implications of a case study. Remember that these studies provide an in-depth insights into a specific case and might not be widely applicable.

Don’t ignore contradictory data. All data, even that which contradicts your hypothesis, is valuable. Ignoring it can lead to skewed results.

Finally, in the report, researchers provide comprehensive insight for a case study through “thick description,” which entails a detailed portrayal of the subject, its usage context, the attributes of involved individuals, and the community environment. Thick description extends to interpreting various data, including demographic details, cultural norms, societal values, prevailing attitudes, and underlying motivations. This approach ensures a nuanced and in-depth comprehension of the case in question.

Learn more about Qualitative Research and Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data .

Morland, J. & Feagin, Joe & Orum, Anthony & Sjoberg, Gideon. (1992). A Case for the Case Study . Social Forces. 71(1):240.

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How to Write a Case Study - All You Wanted to Know

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What do you study in your college? If you are a psychology, sociology, or anthropology student, we bet you might be familiar with what a case study is. This research method is used to study a certain person, group, or situation. In this guide from our dissertation writing service , you will learn how to write a case study professionally, from researching to citing sources properly. Also, we will explore different types of case studies and show you examples — so that you won’t have any other questions left.

What Is a Case Study?

A case study is a subcategory of research design which investigates problems and offers solutions. Case studies can range from academic research studies to corporate promotional tools trying to sell an idea—their scope is quite vast.

What Is the Difference Between a Research Paper and a Case Study?

While research papers turn the reader’s attention to a certain problem, case studies go even further. Case study guidelines require students to pay attention to details, examining issues closely and in-depth using different research methods. For example, case studies may be used to examine court cases if you study Law, or a patient's health history if you study Medicine. Case studies are also used in Marketing, which are thorough, empirically supported analysis of a good or service's performance. Well-designed case studies can be valuable for prospective customers as they can identify and solve the potential customers pain point.

Case studies involve a lot of storytelling – they usually examine particular cases for a person or a group of people. This method of research is very helpful, as it is very practical and can give a lot of hands-on information. Most commonly, the length of the case study is about 500-900 words, which is much less than the length of an average research paper.

The structure of a case study is very similar to storytelling. It has a protagonist or main character, which in your case is actually a problem you are trying to solve. You can use the system of 3 Acts to make it a compelling story. It should have an introduction, rising action, a climax where transformation occurs, falling action, and a solution.

Here is a rough formula for you to use in your case study:

Problem (Act I): > Solution (Act II) > Result (Act III) > Conclusion.

Types of Case Studies

The purpose of a case study is to provide detailed reports on an event, an institution, a place, future customers, or pretty much anything. There are a few common types of case study, but the type depends on the topic. The following are the most common domains where case studies are needed:

Types of Case Studies

  • Historical case studies are great to learn from. Historical events have a multitude of source info offering different perspectives. There are always modern parallels where these perspectives can be applied, compared, and thoroughly analyzed.
  • Problem-oriented case studies are usually used for solving problems. These are often assigned as theoretical situations where you need to immerse yourself in the situation to examine it. Imagine you’re working for a startup and you’ve just noticed a significant flaw in your product’s design. Before taking it to the senior manager, you want to do a comprehensive study on the issue and provide solutions. On a greater scale, problem-oriented case studies are a vital part of relevant socio-economic discussions.
  • Cumulative case studies collect information and offer comparisons. In business, case studies are often used to tell people about the value of a product.
  • Critical case studies explore the causes and effects of a certain case.
  • Illustrative case studies describe certain events, investigating outcomes and lessons learned.

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Case Study Format

The case study format is typically made up of eight parts:

  • Executive Summary. Explain what you will examine in the case study. Write an overview of the field you’re researching. Make a thesis statement and sum up the results of your observation in a maximum of 2 sentences.
  • Background. Provide background information and the most relevant facts. Isolate the issues.
  • Case Evaluation. Isolate the sections of the study you want to focus on. In it, explain why something is working or is not working.
  • Proposed Solutions. Offer realistic ways to solve what isn’t working or how to improve its current condition. Explain why these solutions work by offering testable evidence.
  • Conclusion. Summarize the main points from the case evaluations and proposed solutions. 6. Recommendations. Talk about the strategy that you should choose. Explain why this choice is the most appropriate.
  • Implementation. Explain how to put the specific strategies into action.
  • References. Provide all the citations.

How to Write a Case Study

Let's discover how to write a case study.

How to Write a Case Study

Setting Up the Research

When writing a case study, remember that research should always come first. Reading many different sources and analyzing other points of view will help you come up with more creative solutions. You can also conduct an actual interview to thoroughly investigate the customer story that you'll need for your case study. Including all of the necessary research, writing a case study may take some time. The research process involves doing the following:

  • Define your objective. Explain the reason why you’re presenting your subject. Figure out where you will feature your case study; whether it is written, on video, shown as an infographic, streamed as a podcast, etc.
  • Determine who will be the right candidate for your case study. Get permission, quotes, and other features that will make your case study effective. Get in touch with your candidate to see if they approve of being part of your work. Study that candidate’s situation and note down what caused it.
  • Identify which various consequences could result from the situation. Follow these guidelines on how to start a case study: surf the net to find some general information you might find useful.
  • Make a list of credible sources and examine them. Seek out important facts and highlight problems. Always write down your ideas and make sure to brainstorm.
  • Focus on several key issues – why they exist, and how they impact your research subject. Think of several unique solutions. Draw from class discussions, readings, and personal experience. When writing a case study, focus on the best solution and explore it in depth. After having all your research in place, writing a case study will be easy. You may first want to check the rubric and criteria of your assignment for the correct case study structure.


Although your instructor might be looking at slightly different criteria, every case study rubric essentially has the same standards. Your professor will want you to exhibit 8 different outcomes:

  • Correctly identify the concepts, theories, and practices in the discipline.
  • Identify the relevant theories and principles associated with the particular study.
  • Evaluate legal and ethical principles and apply them to your decision-making.
  • Recognize the global importance and contribution of your case.
  • Construct a coherent summary and explanation of the study.
  • Demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills.
  • Explain the interrelationships between the environment and nature.
  • Integrate theory and practice of the discipline within the analysis.

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Case Study Outline

Let's look at the structure of an outline based on the issue of the alcoholic addiction of 30 people.


  • Statement of the issue: Alcoholism is a disease rather than a weakness of character.
  • Presentation of the problem: Alcoholism is affecting more than 14 million people in the USA, which makes it the third most common mental illness there.
  • Explanation of the terms: In the past, alcoholism was commonly referred to as alcohol dependence or alcohol addiction. Alcoholism is now the more severe stage of this addiction in the disorder spectrum.
  • Hypotheses: Drinking in excess can lead to the use of other drugs.
  • Importance of your story: How the information you present can help people with their addictions.
  • Background of the story: Include an explanation of why you chose this topic.
  • Presentation of analysis and data: Describe the criteria for choosing 30 candidates, the structure of the interview, and the outcomes.
  • Strong argument 1: ex. X% of candidates dealing with anxiety and depression...
  • Strong argument 2: ex. X amount of people started drinking by their mid-teens.
  • Strong argument 3: ex. X% of respondents’ parents had issues with alcohol.
  • Concluding statement: I have researched if alcoholism is a disease and found out that…
  • Recommendations: Ways and actions for preventing alcohol use.

Writing a Case Study Draft

After you’ve done your case study research and written the outline, it’s time to focus on the draft. In a draft, you have to develop and write your case study by using: the data which you collected throughout the research, interviews, and the analysis processes that were undertaken. Follow these rules for the draft:

How to Write a Case Study

📝 Step 📌 Description
1. Draft Structure 🖋️ Your draft should contain at least 4 sections: an introduction; a body where you should include background information, an explanation of why you decided to do this case study, and a presentation of your main findings; a conclusion where you present data; and references.
2. Introduction 📚 In the introduction, you should set the pace very clearly. You can even raise a question or quote someone you interviewed in the research phase. It must provide adequate background information on the topic. The background may include analyses of previous studies on your topic. Include the aim of your case here as well. Think of it as a thesis statement. The aim must describe the purpose of your work—presenting the issues that you want to tackle. Include background information, such as photos or videos you used when doing the research.
3. Research Process 🔍 Describe your unique research process, whether it was through interviews, observations, academic journals, etc. The next point includes providing the results of your research. Tell the audience what you found out. Why is this important, and what could be learned from it? Discuss the real implications of the problem and its significance in the world.
4. Quotes and Data 💬 Include quotes and data (such as findings, percentages, and awards). This will add a personal touch and better credibility to the case you present. Explain what results you find during your interviews in regards to the problem and how it developed. Also, write about solutions which have already been proposed by other people who have already written about this case.
5. Offer Solutions 💡 At the end of your case study, you should offer possible solutions, but don’t worry about solving them yourself.

Use Data to Illustrate Key Points in Your Case Study

Even though your case study is a story, it should be based on evidence. Use as much data as possible to illustrate your point. Without the right data, your case study may appear weak and the readers may not be able to relate to your issue as much as they should. Let's see the examples from essay writing service :

‍ With data: Alcoholism is affecting more than 14 million people in the USA, which makes it the third most common mental illness there. Without data: A lot of people suffer from alcoholism in the United States.

Try to include as many credible sources as possible. You may have terms or sources that could be hard for other cultures to understand. If this is the case, you should include them in the appendix or Notes for the Instructor or Professor.

Finalizing the Draft: Checklist

After you finish drafting your case study, polish it up by answering these ‘ask yourself’ questions and think about how to end your case study:

  • Check that you follow the correct case study format, also in regards to text formatting.
  • Check that your work is consistent with its referencing and citation style.
  • Micro-editing — check for grammar and spelling issues.
  • Macro-editing — does ‘the big picture’ come across to the reader? Is there enough raw data, such as real-life examples or personal experiences? Have you made your data collection process completely transparent? Does your analysis provide a clear conclusion, allowing for further research and practice?

Problems to avoid:

  • Overgeneralization – Do not go into further research that deviates from the main problem.
  • Failure to Document Limitations – Just as you have to clearly state the limitations of a general research study, you must describe the specific limitations inherent in the subject of analysis.
  • Failure to Extrapolate All Possible Implications – Just as you don't want to over-generalize from your case study findings, you also have to be thorough in the consideration of all possible outcomes or recommendations derived from your findings.

How to Create a Title Page and Cite a Case Study

Let's see how to create an awesome title page.

Your title page depends on the prescribed citation format. The title page should include:

  • A title that attracts some attention and describes your study
  • The title should have the words “case study” in it
  • The title should range between 5-9 words in length
  • Your name and contact information
  • Your finished paper should be only 500 to 1,500 words in length.With this type of assignment, write effectively and avoid fluff

Here is a template for the APA and MLA format title page:

There are some cases when you need to cite someone else's study in your own one – therefore, you need to master how to cite a case study. A case study is like a research paper when it comes to citations. You can cite it like you cite a book, depending on what style you need.

Citation Example in MLA ‍ Hill, Linda, Tarun Khanna, and Emily A. Stecker. HCL Technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, 2008. Print.
Citation Example in APA ‍ Hill, L., Khanna, T., & Stecker, E. A. (2008). HCL Technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.
Citation Example in Chicago Hill, Linda, Tarun Khanna, and Emily A. Stecker. HCL Technologies.

Case Study Examples

To give you an idea of a professional case study example, we gathered and linked some below.

Eastman Kodak Case Study

Case Study Example: Audi Trains Mexican Autoworkers in Germany

To conclude, a case study is one of the best methods of getting an overview of what happened to a person, a group, or a situation in practice. It allows you to have an in-depth glance at the real-life problems that businesses, healthcare industry, criminal justice, etc. may face. This insight helps us look at such situations in a different light. This is because we see scenarios that we otherwise would not, without necessarily being there. If you need custom essays , try our research paper writing services .

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What Is A Case Study?

How to cite a case study in apa, how to write a case study.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

illustrative in case study

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Case Study

Last Updated: April 1, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Annaliese Dunne . Annaliese Dunne is a Middle School English Teacher. With over 10 years of teaching experience, her areas of expertise include writing and grammar instruction, as well as teaching reading comprehension. She is also an experienced freelance writer. She received her Bachelor's degree in English. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 82% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 581,077 times.

There are many different kinds of case studies. There are also various uses for writing case studies, from academic research purposes to provision of corporate proof points. There are approximately four types of case studies: illustrative (descriptive of events), exploratory (investigative), cumulative (collective information comparisons) and critical (examine particular subject with cause and effect outcomes). After becoming familiar with the different types and styles of case study instructions and how each applies to your purposes, there are some steps that make writing flow smoothly and ensure the development and delivery of a uniform case study that can be used to prove a point or illustrate accomplishments.

Getting Started

Step 1 Determine which case study type, design or style is most suitable to your intended audience.

  • Whatever case study method you're employing, your purpose is to thoroughly analyze a situation (or "case") which could reveal factors or information otherwise ignored or unknown. These can be written about companies, whole countries, or even individuals. What's more, these can be written on more abstract things, like programs or practices. Really, if you can dream it, you can write a case study about it. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Determine the topic of your case study.

  • Start your research at the library and/or on the Internet to begin delving into a specific problem. Once you've narrowed down your search to a specific problem, find as much about it as you can from a variety of different sources. Look up information in books, journals, DVDs, websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. As you go through each one, take adequate notes so you can find the info later on! [1] X Research source

Step 3 Search for case studies that have been published on the same or similar subject matter.

  • Find out what has been written before, and read the important articles about your case's situation . When you do this, you may find there is an existing problem that needs solution, or you may find that you have to come up with an interesting idea that might or might not work in your case situation.
  • Review sample case studies that are similar in style and scope to get an idea of composition and format, too.

Preparing the Interview

Step 1 Select participants that you will interview for inclusion in your case study.

  • Find knowledgeable people to interview. They don't necessarily have to be on your site, but they must be, actively or in the past, directly involved.
  • Determine whether you will interview an individual or group of individuals to serve as examples in your case study. It may be beneficial for participants to gather as a group and provide insight collectively. If the study focuses on personal subject matter or medical issues, it may be better to conduct personal interviews.
  • Gather as much information as possible about your subjects to ensure that you develop interviews and activities that will result in obtaining the most advantageous information to your study.

Step 2 Draft a list of interview questions and decide upon how you will conduct your study.

  • When you are interviewing people, ask them questions that will help you understand their opinions. I.e., How do you feel about the situation? What can you tell me about how the site (or the situation) developed? What do you think should be different, if anything? You also need to ask questions that will give you facts that might not be available from an article--make your work different and purposeful.

Step 3 Set up interviews...

  • Make sure all your informants are aware of what you're doing. They need to be fully informed (and signing waivers in certain cases) and your questions need to be appropriate and not controversial.

Obtaining Data

Step 1 Conduct interviews.

  • When you ask a question that doesn't let someone answer with a "yes" or a "no" you usually get more information. What you are trying to do is get the person to tell you whatever it is that he or she knows and thinks --even though you don't always know just what that is going to be before you ask the question. Keep your questions open-ended.
  • Request data and materials from subjects as applicable to add credibility to your findings and future presentations of your case study. Clients can provide statistics about usage of a new tool or product and participants can provide photos and quotes that show evidence of findings that may support the case.

Step 2 Collect and analyze all applicable data, including documents, archival records, observations and artifacts.

  • You can't include it all. So, you need to think about how to sort through it, take out the excess, and arrange it so that the situation at the case site will be understandable to your readers. Before you can do this, you have to put all the information together where you can see it and analyze what is going on.

Step 3 Formulate the problem in one or two sentences.

  • This will allow you to concentrate on what material is the most important. You're bound to receive information from participants that should be included, but solely on the periphery. Organize your material to mirror this.

Writing Your Piece

Step 1 Develop and write your case study using the data collected throughout the research, interviewing and analysis processes.

  • The introduction should very clearly set the stage. In a detective story, the crime happens right at the beginning and the detective has to put together the information to solve it for the rest of the story. In a case, you can start by raising a question. You could quote someone you interviewed.
  • Make sure to include background information on your study site, why your interviewees are a good sample, and what makes your problem pressing to give your audience a panoramic view of the issue. [2] X Research source After you've clearly stated the problem at hand, of course. [1] X Research source Include photos or a video if it would benefit your work to be persuasive and personalized.
  • After the reader has all the knowledge needed to understand the problem, present your data. Include customer quotes and data (percentages, awards and findings) if possible to add a personal touch and more credibility to the case presented. Describe for the reader what you learned in your interviews about the problem at this site, how it developed, what solutions have already been proposed and/or tried, and feelings and thoughts of those working or visiting there. You may have to do calculations or extra research yourself to back up any claims.
  • At the end of your analysis, you should offer possible solutions, but don't worry about solving the case itself. You may find referring to some interviewees' statements will do the alluding for you. Let the reader leave with a full grasp of the problem, but trying to come up with their own desire to change it. [1] X Research source Feel free to leave the reader with a question, forcing them to think for themselves. If you have written a good case, they will have enough information to understand the situation and have a lively class discussion.

Step 2 Add references and appendices (if any).

  • You may have terms that would be hard for other cultures to understand. If this is the case, include it in the appendix or in a Note for the Instructor .

Step 3 Make additions and deletions.

  • Go over your study section by section, but also as a whole. Each data point needs to fit into both it's place and the entirety of the work. If you can't find an appropriate place for something, stick it in the appendix.

Step 4 Edit and proofread your work.

  • Have someone else proofread, too. Your mind may have become oblivious to the errors it has seen 100 times. Another set of eyes may also notice content that has been left open-ended or is otherwise confusing.

Expert Q&A

Annaliese Dunne

  • If you are developing many case studies for the same purpose using the same general subjects, use a uniform template and/or design. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be sure to ask open-ended questions while conducting interviews to foster a discussion. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask for permission to contact case study participants as you develop the written case study. You may discover that you need additional information as you analyze all data. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About this article

Annaliese Dunne

To write a case study, start with an introduction that defines key terms, outlines the problem your case study addresses, and gives necessary background information. You can also include photos or a video if they will help your work to be more persuasive. Then, present your findings from the case study and explain your methodology, including how you used your data to come to your conclusions. In your conclusion, offer possible solutions or next steps for research, based on your results. To learn how to select participants for your case study, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Guide to case studies

What is a case study.

A case study is an in depth focussed study of a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time within its real-life context.

There are different types of case study:

  • Illustrative case studies describe an unfamiliar situation in order to help people understand it.
  • Critical instance case studies focus on a unique case, without a generalised purpose.
  • Exploratory case studies are preliminary projects to help guide a future, larger-scale project. They aim to identify research questions and possible research approaches.

We are often looking to develop patient stories as case studies and these will use qualitative methods such as interviews to find specific details and descriptions of how your subject is affected.

Patient stories are illustrative or critical instance case studies. For example, an illustrative case study might focus on a patient with an eating disorder to provide a subjective view to better help trainee nutritionists understand the illness.  A critical instance case study might focus on a patient with a very rare or uniquely complex condition or how a single patient is affected by an injury.

How do you do a case study?

1. get prepared.

  • Be very clear about the purpose of the case study, why you are doing it and what it will be used for?
  • Think about the questions you want to answer? What are your research or evaluation questions?
  • Determine what kind of case study will best suit your needs? Illustrative, Critical Instance or Exploratory?
  • Define the subject of study – is it an individual, a small group of people, or a specific situation?
  • Determine if you need ethical approval to conduct this case study – you may be asked to prove that the case study will do no harm to its participant(s).

2. Get designing!

  • Finalise your research or evaluation questions – i.e. what you want to know at the end of the study. Limit these to a manageable number – no more than 4 or 5.
  • Think about where you will find the information you need to answer your questions.  Interviewing research subjects and/ or observing will likely be the central methods of your case study, but do you need to look to additional data sources as well? For example, desk research or evidence/literature reviewing, interviewing experts, other fieldwork and so on.
  • Create a plan outlining how you will gather the information you need to answer your research or evaluation questions. Include a timeframe and be clear that you have the resources and equipment to carry out the work. Depending on the nature of the case study or the topic being studied a case study may require several meetings/interviews over a period of many months, or it might need just a one off interview. What does yours need?
  • Decide on the exact subject of the study. Is this a specific person or a small group of people? If yes, plan how you will get in touch with them and invite them to take part in the case study. How flexible can you be in terms of time and travel? Does this limit your access to potential participants?
  • Design interview questions that are open and will enable the participant to provide in-depth answers. Avoid questions that can be answered with a single yes or no and make sure the questions are flexible and allow the participant to talk openly and freely.

3. Get recruiting!

  • You may have a specific individual in mind, or specific criteria. You will need to invite people to participate and make very clear that they are able to withdraw at any point.
  • You will need consent from the participants. Make sure the purpose of the case study, why you are doing it and what it will be used, the methods and time frames are extremely clear to the potential participants. You will need written consent that demonstrates that the participant understands this. Additionally, if you intend to digitally record an interview or take notes, make sure you have permission from the participants’ first.
  • If your central method is observation, this will be open observation – the participant must be aware of your presence and agreed to it – you are not allowed to observe without the participants’ permission!

4. Get conducting!

  • Interviewing – Agree a mutually suitable time and venue for the case study interview. This may be a one off or the first of many over several months. Make sure the participant is in an environment they are comfortable and able to talk in. Equally important, however is that the environment is safe for you and is conducive to conducting a case study interview – i.e.  If it is a private space, are you safe? If it is a public space make sure it is not too noisy or likely to be affected by interruptions.
  • Decide what is the best method of recording the interview information – digital recording is less intrusive and you can engage better in the conversation, than if you attempt to just take notes. Taking notes can mean that your concentration is focused on the writing rather than the listening and you can miss vital points. It can also be off-putting for the participant if there is no eye contact because you are scribing throughout the conversation. However, some participants will not like to be digitally recorded – so it is best to discuss this with them first. If you are digitally recording always test the equipment first. Even if you are digitally recording you will still need to take notes on key points, or things that you would like to investigate further, questions that arise or points at which you don’t want to interrupt the conversation or anything that will not be captured by the recording, such as body language or other observations.
  • Depending on the total length of your case study, you might hold a one off interview, interview weekly, once every month or two, or just once or twice a year. Begin with the interview questions you prepared in the preparation and design phases, then iterate to dig deeper into the topics. Ask about experience and meaning — ask the participant what it’s like to go through the experience you’re studying and what the experience means to them. Later interviews are an opportunity to ask questions that fill gaps in your knowledge, or that are particularly relevant to the development of the case study or in answering your questions.
  • Observing – recording observation can be done manually – i.e. taking notes – or digitally via a camcorder or similar. It is important to capture detail about the subject/participant and their interactions with others and the environment, their behaviour and other context an detail that is relevant to your questions.

5. Get analysing!

  • Write up your notes or transcribe (Interviews), make notes (video) from your digital recording. Remember that if you are transcribing it is important to include pauses, laughter and other descriptive sounds and commentary on tone and intonation to better convey the story. Include the contextual information / the external environment and other observations that are important. Such as when and where the interview took place (you will not necessarily make this public) and any issues that arose such as interruptions that affected the interview or if there were multiple interviews anything of significance that happened in the periods between interviews.
  • Thematically code (look for themes) and look for key parts of the interviews that will answer your original questions. Also be very aware that the may be new or unexpected information that has come through the process that is very important or interesting.
  • Arrange the notes or transcriptions from the interviews and, or observations into a case study. It is not likely that you will be able to use the transcriptions without reorganising them, but if you are rewriting the story in your own words, be careful not to lose the meaning and language that reflects the participant.

6. Get sign off!

  • Once you have drafted your case study make sure the participant(s) have sight of it and an opportunity to say whether you have captured their story and are representing it/them as they would like.

7. Get disseminating!

  • Find out more about disseminating evaluations and case studies .
  • Remember case studies are not designed for large group studies or statistical analysis and do not aim to answer a research question definitively.
  • Do background/context research where possible.
  • Establishing trust with participants is crucial and can result in less inhibited behaviour. Observing people in their home, workplaces, or other “natural” environments may be more effective than bringing them to a laboratory or office.
  • Be aware that if you are observing it is likely that because subjects know they are being studied, their behaviour will change.
  • Take notes -Extensive notes during observation will be vital.
  • Take notes even if you are digitally recoding an interview to capture your own thinking, points to follow up on or observations.
  • In some case studies, it may be appropriate to ask the participant to record experiences in a diary – especially if there are periods between your interviews or observations that you wish to capture data on.
  • Stay rigorous. A case study may feel less data-driven than a medical trial or a scientific experiment, but attention to rigor and valid methodology remains vital.
  • When reviewing your notes, discard possible conclusions that do not have detailed observation or evidence backing them up.
  • A case study might reveal new and unexpected results, and lead to research taking new directions.
  • A case study cannot be generalised to fit a whole population.
  • Since you aren’t conducting a statistical analysis, you do not need to recruit a diverse cross-section of society. You should be aware of any biases in your small sample, and make them clear in your report, but they do not invalidate your research.
  • Useful resource: ‘Case Study Research: Design and Methods’, Robert K Yin, SAGE publications 2013.

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What Is a Case Study?

Weighing the pros and cons of this method of research

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  • Pros and Cons

What Types of Case Studies Are Out There?

Where do you find data for a case study, how do i write a psychology case study.

A case study is an in-depth study of one person, group, or event. In a case study, nearly every aspect of the subject's life and history is analyzed to seek patterns and causes of behavior. Case studies can be used in many different fields, including psychology, medicine, education, anthropology, political science, and social work.

The point of a case study is to learn as much as possible about an individual or group so that the information can be generalized to many others. Unfortunately, case studies tend to be highly subjective, and it is sometimes difficult to generalize results to a larger population.

While case studies focus on a single individual or group, they follow a format similar to other types of psychology writing. If you are writing a case study, we got you—here are some rules of APA format to reference.  

At a Glance

A case study, or an in-depth study of a person, group, or event, can be a useful research tool when used wisely. In many cases, case studies are best used in situations where it would be difficult or impossible for you to conduct an experiment. They are helpful for looking at unique situations and allow researchers to gather a lot of˜ information about a specific individual or group of people. However, it's important to be cautious of any bias we draw from them as they are highly subjective.

What Are the Benefits and Limitations of Case Studies?

A case study can have its strengths and weaknesses. Researchers must consider these pros and cons before deciding if this type of study is appropriate for their needs.

One of the greatest advantages of a case study is that it allows researchers to investigate things that are often difficult or impossible to replicate in a lab. Some other benefits of a case study:

  • Allows researchers to capture information on the 'how,' 'what,' and 'why,' of something that's implemented
  • Gives researchers the chance to collect information on why one strategy might be chosen over another
  • Permits researchers to develop hypotheses that can be explored in experimental research

On the other hand, a case study can have some drawbacks:

  • It cannot necessarily be generalized to the larger population
  • Cannot demonstrate cause and effect
  • It may not be scientifically rigorous
  • It can lead to bias

Researchers may choose to perform a case study if they want to explore a unique or recently discovered phenomenon. Through their insights, researchers develop additional ideas and study questions that might be explored in future studies.

It's important to remember that the insights from case studies cannot be used to determine cause-and-effect relationships between variables. However, case studies may be used to develop hypotheses that can then be addressed in experimental research.

Case Study Examples

There have been a number of notable case studies in the history of psychology. Much of  Freud's work and theories were developed through individual case studies. Some great examples of case studies in psychology include:

  • Anna O : Anna O. was a pseudonym of a woman named Bertha Pappenheim, a patient of a physician named Josef Breuer. While she was never a patient of Freud's, Freud and Breuer discussed her case extensively. The woman was experiencing symptoms of a condition that was then known as hysteria and found that talking about her problems helped relieve her symptoms. Her case played an important part in the development of talk therapy as an approach to mental health treatment.
  • Phineas Gage : Phineas Gage was a railroad employee who experienced a terrible accident in which an explosion sent a metal rod through his skull, damaging important portions of his brain. Gage recovered from his accident but was left with serious changes in both personality and behavior.
  • Genie : Genie was a young girl subjected to horrific abuse and isolation. The case study of Genie allowed researchers to study whether language learning was possible, even after missing critical periods for language development. Her case also served as an example of how scientific research may interfere with treatment and lead to further abuse of vulnerable individuals.

Such cases demonstrate how case research can be used to study things that researchers could not replicate in experimental settings. In Genie's case, her horrific abuse denied her the opportunity to learn a language at critical points in her development.

This is clearly not something researchers could ethically replicate, but conducting a case study on Genie allowed researchers to study phenomena that are otherwise impossible to reproduce.

There are a few different types of case studies that psychologists and other researchers might use:

  • Collective case studies : These involve studying a group of individuals. Researchers might study a group of people in a certain setting or look at an entire community. For example, psychologists might explore how access to resources in a community has affected the collective mental well-being of those who live there.
  • Descriptive case studies : These involve starting with a descriptive theory. The subjects are then observed, and the information gathered is compared to the pre-existing theory.
  • Explanatory case studies : These   are often used to do causal investigations. In other words, researchers are interested in looking at factors that may have caused certain things to occur.
  • Exploratory case studies : These are sometimes used as a prelude to further, more in-depth research. This allows researchers to gather more information before developing their research questions and hypotheses .
  • Instrumental case studies : These occur when the individual or group allows researchers to understand more than what is initially obvious to observers.
  • Intrinsic case studies : This type of case study is when the researcher has a personal interest in the case. Jean Piaget's observations of his own children are good examples of how an intrinsic case study can contribute to the development of a psychological theory.

The three main case study types often used are intrinsic, instrumental, and collective. Intrinsic case studies are useful for learning about unique cases. Instrumental case studies help look at an individual to learn more about a broader issue. A collective case study can be useful for looking at several cases simultaneously.

The type of case study that psychology researchers use depends on the unique characteristics of the situation and the case itself.

There are a number of different sources and methods that researchers can use to gather information about an individual or group. Six major sources that have been identified by researchers are:

  • Archival records : Census records, survey records, and name lists are examples of archival records.
  • Direct observation : This strategy involves observing the subject, often in a natural setting . While an individual observer is sometimes used, it is more common to utilize a group of observers.
  • Documents : Letters, newspaper articles, administrative records, etc., are the types of documents often used as sources.
  • Interviews : Interviews are one of the most important methods for gathering information in case studies. An interview can involve structured survey questions or more open-ended questions.
  • Participant observation : When the researcher serves as a participant in events and observes the actions and outcomes, it is called participant observation.
  • Physical artifacts : Tools, objects, instruments, and other artifacts are often observed during a direct observation of the subject.

If you have been directed to write a case study for a psychology course, be sure to check with your instructor for any specific guidelines you need to follow. If you are writing your case study for a professional publication, check with the publisher for their specific guidelines for submitting a case study.

Here is a general outline of what should be included in a case study.

Section 1: A Case History

This section will have the following structure and content:

Background information : The first section of your paper will present your client's background. Include factors such as age, gender, work, health status, family mental health history, family and social relationships, drug and alcohol history, life difficulties, goals, and coping skills and weaknesses.

Description of the presenting problem : In the next section of your case study, you will describe the problem or symptoms that the client presented with.

Describe any physical, emotional, or sensory symptoms reported by the client. Thoughts, feelings, and perceptions related to the symptoms should also be noted. Any screening or diagnostic assessments that are used should also be described in detail and all scores reported.

Your diagnosis : Provide your diagnosis and give the appropriate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual code. Explain how you reached your diagnosis, how the client's symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s), or any possible difficulties in reaching a diagnosis.

Section 2: Treatment Plan

This portion of the paper will address the chosen treatment for the condition. This might also include the theoretical basis for the chosen treatment or any other evidence that might exist to support why this approach was chosen.

  • Cognitive behavioral approach : Explain how a cognitive behavioral therapist would approach treatment. Offer background information on cognitive behavioral therapy and describe the treatment sessions, client response, and outcome of this type of treatment. Make note of any difficulties or successes encountered by your client during treatment.
  • Humanistic approach : Describe a humanistic approach that could be used to treat your client, such as client-centered therapy . Provide information on the type of treatment you chose, the client's reaction to the treatment, and the end result of this approach. Explain why the treatment was successful or unsuccessful.
  • Psychoanalytic approach : Describe how a psychoanalytic therapist would view the client's problem. Provide some background on the psychoanalytic approach and cite relevant references. Explain how psychoanalytic therapy would be used to treat the client, how the client would respond to therapy, and the effectiveness of this treatment approach.
  • Pharmacological approach : If treatment primarily involves the use of medications, explain which medications were used and why. Provide background on the effectiveness of these medications and how monotherapy may compare with an approach that combines medications with therapy or other treatments.

This section of a case study should also include information about the treatment goals, process, and outcomes.

When you are writing a case study, you should also include a section where you discuss the case study itself, including the strengths and limitiations of the study. You should note how the findings of your case study might support previous research. 

In your discussion section, you should also describe some of the implications of your case study. What ideas or findings might require further exploration? How might researchers go about exploring some of these questions in additional studies?

Need More Tips?

Here are a few additional pointers to keep in mind when formatting your case study:

  • Never refer to the subject of your case study as "the client." Instead, use their name or a pseudonym.
  • Read examples of case studies to gain an idea about the style and format.
  • Remember to use APA format when citing references .

Crowe S, Cresswell K, Robertson A, Huby G, Avery A, Sheikh A. The case study approach .  BMC Med Res Methodol . 2011;11:100.

Crowe S, Cresswell K, Robertson A, Huby G, Avery A, Sheikh A. The case study approach . BMC Med Res Methodol . 2011 Jun 27;11:100. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-11-100

Gagnon, Yves-Chantal.  The Case Study as Research Method: A Practical Handbook . Canada, Chicago Review Press Incorporated DBA Independent Pub Group, 2010.

Yin, Robert K. Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods . United States, SAGE Publications, 2017.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Types of Case Studies

Types of Case Studies

Illustrative case studies, description.

Illustrative case studies are descriptive studies that depict one or more circumstances of an event to explain the situation. According to Hayes, Kyer, and Weber (2015), this type of case study is used to “describe a situation or a phenomenon, what is happening with it, and why it is happening” (p. 8). It is used to familiarize students with a topic and introduce them to the common language found in the case study. Illustrative case studies are particularly useful when the targeted audience knows little if anything about the topic because these case studies describe every aspect of the case—for example, what the participants did and their involvement in the case, where the case occurred, and the like—in great detail (Davey, 1991). Illustrative case studies tend to be in-depth and rich in context, and they must provide every aspect of the case in language that is conducive to comprehension. Because these case studies are written using the exact details of the case (or cases), if they are not written in a manner that the reader can understand, they will not maintain audience interest (Hayes et al., 2015). The intent is to provide the reader with visually descriptive details about the environment, how the participants involved acted and reacted during the study, and any other information that is important to support the research. The goal of an illustrative case study is to paint a picture about the topic for the reader (Hayes et al., 2015). When writing an illustrative case study, the researcher should use clear language but avoid oversimplifying the verbiage because the rich description could be lost. For this reason, only a small number of cases, one or two at a time, should be used (Davey, 1991).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Illustrative Case Study : A descriptive study that depicts one or more circumstances of an event to explain the situation.

Exploratory Case Study : A study that involve researching a specific topic to the point where thorough, detailed, and complete understanding occurs.

Narrative Case Study : A qualitative study in which the researcher collects data from an individual or individuals about a specific life event or events that occurred in order to share and retell the story.

Critical Instance Case Study : A study that typically involves investigating one or more phenomena in an attempt to decipher and focus on a single occurrence instead of making a generalization about the situation.

Case Survey Method : A method used in cumulative case studies to quickly and creatively analyze the data collected from multiple cases.

Prospective Case Study : A study that involves the researcher observing a group of participants who have commonalities in an attempt to look for outcomes over a lengthy time period and relate them to other factors.

Program Implementation Case Study : A longitudinal study that involves a large sample size that allows the researcher to make a generalization about the participants in the study. This type of case study can be used to evaluate the implementation of a specific program.

Program Effects Case Study : A study that looks specifically at programs to determine the reasons for their successes and/or failures.

Embedded Case Study : A type of study that uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods, includes a main case study comprised of smaller sub-case studies, and is appropriate if the study needs to describe phenomena in detail.

Cumulative Case Study : A study in which the researcher collects and aggregates information from numerous data sources in order to make a generalization about the phenomena.

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Many writers find themselves grappling with the challenge of crafting persuasive and engaging case studies. 

The process can be overwhelming, leaving them unsure where to begin or how to structure their study effectively. And, without a clear plan, it's tough to show the value and impact in a convincing way.

But don’t worry!

In this blog, we'll guide you through a systematic process, offering step-by-step instructions on crafting a compelling case study. 

Along the way, we'll share valuable tips and illustrative examples to enhance your understanding. So, let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Case Study? 
  • 2. Types of Case Studies
  • 3. How To Write a Case Study - 9 Steps
  • 4. Case Study Methods
  • 5. Case Study Format
  • 6. Case Study Examples
  • 7. Benefits and Limitations of Case Studies

What is a Case Study? 

A case study is a detailed analysis and examination of a particular subject, situation, or phenomenon. It involves comprehensive research to gain a deep understanding of the context and variables involved. 

Typically used in academic, business, and marketing settings, case studies aim to explore real-life scenarios, providing insights into challenges, solutions, and outcomes. They serve as valuable tools for learning, decision-making, and showcasing success stories.

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Types of Case Studies

Case studies come in various forms, each tailored to address specific objectives and areas of interest. Here are some of the main types of case studies :

  • Illustrative Case Studies: These focus on describing a particular situation or event, providing a detailed account to enhance understanding.
  • Exploratory Case Studies: Aimed at investigating an issue and generating initial insights, these studies are particularly useful when exploring new or complex topics.
  • Explanatory Case Studies: These delve into the cause-and-effect relationships within a given scenario, aiming to explain why certain outcomes occurred.
  • Intrinsic Case Studies: Concentrating on a specific case that holds intrinsic value, these studies explore the unique qualities of the subject itself.
  • Instrumental Case Studies: These are conducted to understand a broader issue and use the specific case as a means to gain insights into the larger context.
  • Collective Case Studies: Involving the study of multiple cases, this type allows for comparisons and contrasts, offering a more comprehensive view of a phenomenon or problem.

How To Write a Case Study - 9 Steps

Crafting an effective case study involves a structured approach to ensure clarity, engagement, and relevance. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling case study:

Step 1: Define Your Objective

Before diving into the writing process, clearly define the purpose of your case study. Identify the key questions you want to answer and the specific goals you aim to achieve. 

Whether it's to showcase a successful project, analyze a problem, or demonstrate the effectiveness of a solution, a well-defined objective sets the foundation for a focused and impactful case study.

Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research

Gather all relevant information and data related to your chosen case. This may include interviews, surveys, documentation, and statistical data. 

Ensure that your research is comprehensive, covering all aspects of the case to provide a well-rounded and accurate portrayal. 

The more thorough your research, the stronger your case study's foundation will be.

Step 3: Introduction: Set the Stage

Begin your case study with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Clearly state the subject and the primary issue or challenge faced. 

Engage your audience by setting the stage for the narrative, creating intrigue, and highlighting the significance of the case.

Step 4: Present the Background Information

Provide context by presenting the background information of the case. Explore relevant history, industry trends, and any other factors that contribute to a deeper understanding of the situation. 

This section sets the stage for readers, allowing them to comprehend the broader context before delving into the specifics of the case.

Step 5: Outline the Challenges Faced

Identify and articulate the challenges or problems encountered in the case. Clearly define the obstacles that needed to be overcome, emphasizing their significance. 

This section sets the stakes for your audience and prepares them for the subsequent exploration of solutions.

Step 6: Detail the Solutions Implemented

Describe the strategies, actions, or solutions applied to address the challenges outlined. Be specific about the decision-making process, the rationale behind the chosen solutions, and any alternatives considered. 

This part of the case study demonstrates problem-solving skills and showcases the effectiveness of the implemented measures.

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Step 7: Showcase Measurable Results

Present tangible outcomes and results achieved as a direct consequence of the implemented solutions. Use data, metrics, and success stories to quantify the impact. 

Whether it's increased revenue, improved efficiency, or positive customer feedback, measurable results add credibility and validation to your case study.

Step 8: Include Engaging Visuals

Enhance the readability and visual appeal of your case study by incorporating relevant visuals such as charts, graphs, images, and infographics. 

Visual elements not only break up the text but also provide a clearer representation of data and key points, making your case study more engaging and accessible.

Step 9: Provide a Compelling Conclusion

Wrap up your case study with a strong and conclusive summary. Revisit the initial objectives, recap key findings, and emphasize the overall success or significance of the case. 

This section should leave a lasting impression on your readers, reinforcing the value of the presented information.

Case Study Methods

The methods employed in case study writing are diverse and flexible, catering to the unique characteristics of each case. Here are common methods used in case study writing:

Conducting one-on-one or group interviews with individuals involved in the case to gather firsthand information, perspectives, and insights.

  • Observation

Directly observing the subject or situation to collect data on behaviors, interactions, and contextual details.

  • Document Analysis

Examining existing documents, records, reports, and other written materials relevant to the case to gather information and insights.

  • Surveys and Questionnaires

Distributing structured surveys or questionnaires to relevant stakeholders to collect quantitative data on specific aspects of the case.

  • Participant Observation

Combining direct observation with active participation in the activities or events related to the case to gain an insider's perspective.

  • Triangulation

Using multiple methods (e.g., interviews, observation, and document analysis) to cross-verify and validate the findings, enhancing the study's reliability.

  • Ethnography

Immersing the researcher in the subject's environment over an extended period, focusing on understanding the cultural context and social dynamics.

Case Study Format

Effectively presenting your case study is as crucial as the content itself. Follow these formatting guidelines to ensure clarity and engagement:

  • Opt for fonts that are easy to read, such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Maintain a consistent font size, typically 12 points for the body text.
  • Aim for double-line spacing to maintain clarity and prevent overwhelming the reader with too much text.
  • Utilize bullet points to present information in a concise and easily scannable format.
  • Use numbered lists when presenting a sequence of steps or a chronological order of events.
  • Bold or italicize key phrases or important terms to draw attention to critical points.
  • Use underline sparingly, as it can sometimes be distracting in digital formats.
  • Choose the left alignment style.
  • Use hierarchy to distinguish between different levels of headings, making it easy for readers to navigate.

If you're still having trouble organizing your case study, check out this blog on case study format for helpful insights.

Case Study Examples

If you want to understand how to write a case study, examples are a fantastic way to learn. That's why we've gathered a collection of intriguing case study examples for you to review before you begin writing.

Case Study Research Example

Case Study Template

Case Study Introduction Example

Amazon Case Study Example

Business Case Study Example

APA Format Case Study Example

Psychology Case Study Example

Medical Case Study Example

UX Case Study Example

Looking for more examples? Check out our blog on case study examples for your inspiration!

Benefits and Limitations of Case Studies

Case studies are a versatile and in-depth research method, providing a nuanced understanding of complex phenomena. 

However, like any research approach, case studies come with their set of benefits and limitations. Some of them are given below:

Offer detailed insights into specific real-world situations

Findings may not be easily generalized to broader populations

Provide a holistic view within natural context

Researcher's interpretation and biases can influence analysis

Effective for investigating and addressing real-world problems

Time-consuming and resource-intensive

Flexible nature allows incorporation of various data collection methods

Selection of cases may be biased

Allow deep exploration, uncovering nuances and complexities

Potential for subjectivity in findings

Contribute to theory development by generating hypotheses and empirical evidence

Less feasible for large-scale studies

Humanize data by incorporating personal narratives, quotes, and anecdotes

External validity may be limited due to biased case selection

Tips for Writing an Effective Case Study

Here are some important tips for writing a good case study:

  • Clearly articulate specific, measurable research questions aligned with your objectives.
  • Identify whether your case study is exploratory, explanatory, intrinsic, or instrumental.
  • Choose a case that aligns with your research questions, whether it involves an individual case or a group of people through multiple case studies.
  • Explore the option of conducting multiple case studies to enhance the breadth and depth of your findings.
  • Present a structured format with clear sections, ensuring readability and alignment with the type of research.
  • Clearly define the significance of the problem or challenge addressed in your case study, tying it back to your research questions.
  • Collect and include quantitative and qualitative data to support your analysis and address the identified research questions.
  • Provide sufficient detail without overwhelming your audience, ensuring a comprehensive yet concise presentation.
  • Emphasize how your findings can be practically applied to real-world situations, linking back to your research objectives.
  • Acknowledge and transparently address any limitations in your study, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased approach.

To sum it up, creating a good case study involves careful thinking to share valuable insights and keep your audience interested. 

Stick to basics like having clear questions and understanding your research type. Choose the right case and keep things organized and balanced.

Remember, your case study should tackle a problem, use relevant data, and show how it can be applied in real life. Be honest about any limitations, and finish with a clear call-to-action to encourage further exploration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a case study.

FAQ Icon

The objective of a case study is to do intensive research on a specific matter, such as individuals or communities. It's often used for academic purposes where you want the reader to know all factors involved in your subject while also understanding the processes at play.

What are the sources of a case study?

Some common sources of a case study include:

  • Archival records
  • Direct observations and encounters
  • Participant observation
  • Facts and statistics
  • Physical artifacts

What is the sample size of a case study?

A normally acceptable size of a case study is 30-50. However, the final number depends on the scope of your study and the on-ground demographic realities.

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Case Study Format

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Types of Case Studies Explained: The Complete Guide (2023)

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by  Antony W

January 21, 2023

types of case studies

A case study can prove to be highly beneficial in the realm of academia.

If anything, it’s simpler and more efficient for students to learn if given the opportunity to examine real-world situations. They will also develop the ability to digest information presented to them irrespective of their course or levels of education.

In this guide, we look at the different types of case studies in details. In addition to mentioning the different forms of case studies, we’ll look at what each type signifies.

4 Types of Case Studies Explained

There are four different types of case studies, and each one serves a different function throughout the work.

They are all distinguished from one another by the unique characteristics of their own designs, and their primary objective is to examine issues brought up by a certain topic, which may be an individual, group or organization, an environment, or a situation.

When developing a topic, an opinion, or a concept, everyone has the potential to come across one or more of the following case studies:

  • Illustrative Case Study
  • Exploratory Case Study
  • Cumulative Case study
  • Critical Instance Case Study

1. Illustrative Purposes Case Study

A situation in which a preexisting hypothesis or viewpoint is present will serve as the setting for an illustrative case study.

The purpose of the case study is to develop a representative example in order to better comprehend the whole concept. It discusses all there is to know about a specific topic in as much depth as possible. It is possible that it will even have one or two instances to illustrate the issue for more clarity.

Beginning with a description is the first step in coming up with an illustrative case study. After that, you look for links between the topic of the text and evidence that comes from outside the text. As soon as you are able to demonstrate this proof, you will make a sound conclusion regarding the study.

The findings of an illustrative case study will provide insight into the process of developing a new hypothesis . In addition to this, quantitative data is necessary to achieve a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

2. Exploratory Case Study

To put it more plainly, an exploratory research is a primary project done prior to moving on to a large-scale inquiry. Its primary emphasis is on real-life circumstances and scenarios.

The primary objective of exploratory research is to locate any potential avenues of inquiry that warrant additional examination. It is an efficient strategy for suggesting other approaches to further investigation.

3. Cumulative Case Study

Cumulative Case study is one of the primary case studies utilized in qualitative research. It is an excellent tool for concurrently collecting data from a number of different sources.

The purpose of this case study is to provide a summary of previous research without providing any fresh information or expending any further effort on conducting new investigations.

Finding patterns shared by several reports may be possible with a cumulative case study. Additionally, it can be helpful in identifying discrepancies between case studies that have similar ideas or foundational assumptions.

In the grand scheme of things, a cumulative case study will also result in a greater knowledge of a difficult subject.

4. Critical Instance Case Study

A critical instance case study is significant in determining the causes and effects of a specific occurrence or situation in the ecosystem.

This case study will take a close look at the overarching concept to see what makes it unique so that we can create some primary points from it.

The investigation of a large number of sources, each of which may have distinct interests or none at all, is the primary objective of this form of case study.

Critical Instance case study might offer an argument against an overarching thesis, not to mention determine the issue at hand or the most important aspect of that investigation.

What’s the Main Goal of Writing a Case Study?

Even if a case study just examines one aspect of a problem, it is nevertheless an efficient method of gaining knowledge on a specific subject.

But why is it necessary to write a case study in the first place?

When conducting more research on a topic, the primary objective of a case study is to discover previously unexplored aspects of the topic. In this respect, a case study is a valuable teaching tool that provides students with in-depth knowledge on a variety of subjects.

What are the Benefits of Conducting a Case Study?

You might be wondering:

What are the advantages of doing a case study? Or why should you develop a case study in the first place?

A case study is an important aspect of academic writing because it enables you to:

  • Collect a significant amount of data: As a result of the in-depth study you are going to conduct on the subject, you will get important knowledge that you didn’t have initially.
  • Develop a sound explanation for the problem: You will have access to all of the relevant details that can assist you in formulating a sound plan.
  • Create a compelling argument for conducting more study: You will be able to work further on the subject and describe the existing state of knowledge if you get more information.
  • Develop both trust in the brand and devotion to it: Because of the high quality and effectiveness of your job, customers will have faith in you if you’re in business.
  • Concoct a captivating narrative: Case studies often provide information that is specific and engaging for hooking the reader.

There is no doubt that a case study is an essential component of the modern educational system. Before graduating, the vast majority of students must complete this type of an assignment .

However, in order for them to be able to work, they also need to be familiar with the various types of case studies. So if you’re about to write a case study, this guide should help you a great deal.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Illustrative Structures for Case Study Compositions

The chapters, sections, subtopics, and other components of a report must be organized in some way, and this constitutes your case study report’s composi­tional structure. Attending to such structure has been a topic of attention with other methodologies. For instance, L. Kidder and Judd (1986, pp. 430-431) write of the “hourglass” shape of a report for quantitative studies. Similarly, in ethnography, John Van Maanen (1988) has developed the concept of “tales” for reporting fieldwork results. He identifies several different types of tales: realist tales, confessional tales, impressionist tales, critical tales, formal tales, literary tales, and jointly told tales. These different types may be used in dif­ferent combinations in the same report.

Alternatives also exist for structuring case study reports. This section sug­gests six illustrative structures (see Figure 6.1) that may be used with any type of case study formats just described. The illustrations are described mainly in relation to the composition of a single-case study, although the principles are readily translatable into multiple-case reports. As a further note and as indi­cated in Figure 6.1, the first three are all applicable to descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory case studies. The fourth is applicable mainly to exploratory and explanatory case studies, the fifth to explanatory cases, and the sixth to descriptive cases.

illustrative in case study

1. Linear-Analytic Structures

This is a standard approach for composing research reports. The sequence of subtopics starts with the issue or problem being studied and a review of the relevant prior literature. The subtopics then proceed to cover the methods used, the findings from the data collected and analyzed, and the conclusions and implications from the findings.

Most journal articles in experimental science reflect this type of structure, as do many case studies. The structure is comfortable to most investigators and probably is the most advantageous when research colleagues or a thesis or dissertation committee comprise the main audience for a case study. Note that the structure is applicable to explanatory, descriptive, or exploratory case stud­ies. For example, an exploratory case may cover the issue or problem being explored, the methods of exploration, the findings from the exploration, and the conclusions (for further research).

2. Comparative Structures

A comparative structure repeats the same case study two or more times, com­paring alternative descriptions or explanations of the same case. This is best exemplified in Graham Allison’s (1971) noted case study on the Cuban missile crisis (see Chapter 1, BOX 1). In this book, the author repeats the “facts” of the case study three times, each time in relation to a different conceptual model. The purpose of the repetition is to show the degree to which the facts fit each model, and the repetitions actually illustrate a pattern-matching technique at work.

A similar approach can be used even if a case study is serving descriptive, and not explanatory, purposes. The same case can be described repeatedly, from dif­ferent points of view or with different descriptive models, to understand how the case might best be categorized for descriptive purposes—similar to arriving at the correct diagnosis for a clinical patient in psychology. Of course, other vari­ants of the comparative approach are possible, but the main feature is that the entire case study (or the results of a cross-case analysis when doing a multiple- case study) is repeated two or more times, in an overtly comparative mode.

3. Chronological Structures

Because case studies generally cover events over time, a third type of approach is to present the case study evidence in chronological order. Here, the sequence of chapters or sections might follow the early, middle, and late phases of a case history. This approach can serve an important purpose in doing explanatory case studies because presumed causal sequences must occur linearly over time. If a presumed cause of an event occurs after the event has occurred, one would have reason to question the initial causal proposition.

Whether for explanatory or descriptive purposes, a chronological approach has one pitfall to be avoided: giving disproportionate attention to the early events and insufficient attention to the later ones. Most commonly, an investi­gator will expend too much effort in composing the introduction to a case, including its early history and background, and leave insufficient time to write about the current status of the case. Yet, much of the interest in the case may be related to the more recent events. Thus, one recommendation when using a chronological structure is to draft the case study backward. Those chapters or sections that are about the current status of the case should be drafted first, and only after these drafts have been completed should the background to the case be drafted. Once all drafts have been completed, you can then return to the nor­mal chronological sequence in then refining the final version of the case study.

4. Theory-Building Structures

In this approach, the sequence of chapters or sections will follow some theory-building logic. The logic will depend on the specific topic and theory, but each chapter or section should reveal a new part of the theoretical argu­ment being made. If structured well, the entire sequence and its unfolding of key ideas can produce a compelling and impressive case study.

The approach is relevant to both explanatory and exploratory case studies, both of which can be concerned with theory building. Explanatory cases will be examining the various facets of a causal argument; exploratory cases will be debating the value of further investigating various hypotheses or propositions.

5. Suspense Structures

This structure inverts the linear-analytic structure described previously. The direct “answer” or outcome of a case study and its substantive significance is, paradoxically, presented in the initial chapter or section. The remainder of the case study—and its most suspenseful parts—are then devoted to the develop­ment of an explanation of this outcome, with alternative explanations consid­ered in the ensuing chapters or sections.

This type of approach is relevant mainly to explanatory case studies, as a descriptive case study has no especially important outcome. When used well, the suspense approach is often an engaging compositional structure.

6. Unsequenced Structures

An unsequenced structure is one in which the sequence of sections or chapters assumes no particular importance. This structure is often sufficient for descriptive case studies, as in the example of Middletown (Lynd & Lynd, 1929), cited in Chapters 2 and 3 (BOXES 8 and 14). Basically, one could change the order of the chapters in that book and not alter its descriptive value.

Descriptive case studies of organizations often exhibit the same characteris­tic. Such case studies use separate chapters or sections to cover an organiza­tion’s genesis and history, its ownership and employees, its product lines, its formal lines of organization, and its financial status. The particular order in which these chapters or sections is presented is not critical and may therefore be regarded as an unsequenced approach (see BOX 43 for another example).

Unsequenced Chapters, but in a Best-Selling Book

A best-selling book, appealing to both popular and academic audiences, was Peters and Waterman’s (1982) In Search of Excellence. Although the book is based on more than 60 case studies of America’s most successful large businesses, the text contains only the cross-case analysis, each chapter covering an insightful set of general char­acteristics associated with organizational excellence. However, the particular sequence of these chapters is alterable. The book would have made a significant contribution even if the chapters were in some other order.

If an unsequenced structure is used, the investigator does need to attend to one other problem: a test of completeness. Thus, even though the order of the chapters or sections may not matter, the overall collection does. If certain key topics are left uncovered, the description may be regarded as incomplete. An investigator must know a topic well enough—or have related models of case studies to reference—to avoid such a shortcoming. If a case study fails to pre­sent a complete description, the investigator can be accused of having assembled a skewed version of the case—even though the case study was only descriptive.

Source: Yin K Robert (2008), Case Study Research Designs and Methods , SAGE Publications, Inc; 4th edition.

13 Aug 2021

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Illustrative Case Studies

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  • Michael C. Jackson 3  

Part of the book series: Contemporary Systems Thinking ((CST))

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In this chapter, I provide case studies to illustrate the use of each of the broad categories of methodological approaches outlined in Part II of the book. These cases are meant to draw out the strengths of the different approaches and, at the same time, hint at their weaknesses. In order to consolidate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the various methodologies, each case is analyzed according to the theoretical schemata set out in Chapter 2—to see, for example, what metaphors are being employed to understand the organization in that intervention. The first two cases are well-known and documented in the literature; the other three stem from my own consultancy experience, and the names of the organizations and some of the circumstances of these interventions have been changed. In all instances, the space available makes it impossible to give a detailed account of what actually happened. The purpose of the chapter, in any case, is to demonstrate the logic of use of the methodologies rather than to seek to provide a thorough and “accurate” exposition of the events that took place. What the reader gets lies somewhere between description of actual interventions and what Ackoff (1989) calls “fables.”

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University of Hull, Hull, UK

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© 1991 Springer Science+Business Media New York

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Jackson, M.C. (1991). Illustrative Case Studies. In: Systems Methodology for the Management Sciences. Contemporary Systems Thinking. Springer, Boston, MA.

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Publisher Name : Springer, Boston, MA

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Different Types of Case Study


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is The Case Study Research Method?
  • 2 What Are The Types Of Case Study?
  • 3 Illustrative Case Study
  • 4 Exploratory Case Study
  • 5 Cumulative Case Study
  • 6 Critical Instance Case Study
  • 7 Intrinsic Case Study
  • 8 Descriptive Case Study
  • 9 Main Goal Of Writing Case Study
  • 10 What Are The Benefits Of a Case Study?
  • 11.1 What are the subjects of case study?
  • 11.2 What are the five methods of collecting data?
  • 11.3 What is the objective of a case study method?

Writing with the use of the different types of case study methods is a bittersweet experience. First, you have to go through the herculean task of collecting data to analyze. This is the part where, if you have no grit, you just might give up passing your elephant through the needle. However, once you scale through this, the rest becomes a piece of cake. So, the real question is, how dedicated are you to following through to the end?

These research methods represent one of the best ways to learn in a classroom. This is because when a student can go through real-life examples, learning becomes faster and more effective.

However, there are different types and formats used in research methodology. Generally, all of them are used to provide answers to a question that can only be analyzed through a data breakdown. In this piece, you will learn about all the forms and types of research , as well as the ways they are applied to answer questions in basic daily living.

What Is The Case Study Research Method?

It’s an approach to treating essays like case studies, giving a long and detailed explanation. This means that when a topic is given, it is treated like a real-life scenario in which the key issues are identified and solutions provided after in-depth research.

A rule of thumb states that the purpose of case studies is to apply a procedure where the writer relies on a unique case more than a few others, to which they write down solutions to the problem identified. These projects are favored in many educational institutions. They have served as great tools to develop the thinking of first-year students who have never done any research previously. Focusing only on a project for an extended period is also another great way to explore ideas, as it lets writers prepare materials for future projects.

This concept initially appeared in the work of a 19th-century economist and sociologist. He studied family budgets and was the first person who applied the knowledge of case studies in social science. The process has since gained more popularity and credibility. It has even become a favorite of many a student. However, some aren’t familiar with how to develop this type of text. They usually resort to hiring a case study writing service , a service provider that helps with all the hard lifting for them. Also, there is a common belief that this is among the most common types of case study in sociology.

However, it can also be used in other fields, such as clinical and administrative fields, education, social work, sociology, anthropology, political science, social work, education, etc. This is because case studies are great choices to use to study in school as they target one line of action.

Furthermore, those who work in different fields have learned how to incorporate case studies into their research process. Consequently, this allows the student to research deeper and more carefully to unravel the whole matter.

Thus, it focuses on letting people learn how to research to reach practical conclusions through the proper learning of data collection and analysis.

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What Are The Types Of Case Study?

Now that we have understood the way a case study research methodology works, the next question is, what are the types of case studies in research?

There are different case study examples for students in this piece that are used for several purposes. They are all differentiated based on differences in their design. Their main goal includes analyzing the various problems that arise within a particular topic, entity, group, organization, environment, or scenario. These kinds of studies, which cover a writing case study analysis , have various types of case studies in qualitative research which would be discussed below;

  • Illustrative
  • Exploratory
  • Critical Instance
  • Descriptive

Illustrative Case Study

This type of case study research design appears in scenarios with an existing hypothesis or opinion. It aims to create a typical occurrence to help understand the existing idea being worked upon. It’s one of the most popular variations of research methodology and is renowned for its descriptive nature. They aim to explain all the details relating to that particular subject matter.

To begin this, you must first create a description. An example is the use of an essay service to write long papers. Then, you try to find connections between the subject of the text and external evidence.

Once you can establish the evidence that points to a connection, you can conclude the study. The results will reveal how to develop another theory. This type makes use of concrete results and utilizes quantitative data to gain deeper insight into the topic being studied.

Exploratory Case Study

In simple terms, such a study focuses on an initial project conducted before going ahead with an otherwise large-scale investigation. Usually, it is designed in the form of a self-contained document where it primarily centers on real-life contexts and situations. This type is commonly used in the social sciences, like political sciences, for research.

Generally, this type of case study helps to easily identify the possible research questions and methods, for example, the case study APA format , that will suit a large investigation. This helps to serve as the starting point for investigating studies.

As such, the main goal is to identify any loophole that calls for further investigation. Thus, it provides an effective way to search deeper into the smaller bits of a larger case study format.

Cumulative Case Study

It can be described as one of the main types of qualitative research studies. This is because it is a great tool to collect information from several sources simultaneously. This case study method aims to summarize past studies without sharing additional information or spending time carrying out new investigations. Here, it reflects a type of data analysis.

In addition, it can be used to find patterns between multiple articles and essays, and help see discrepancies in pieces with similar opinions or base theories. Overall, it will also cause a deeper understanding of a complex topic.

Critical Instance Case Study

A critical case study examines the cause and effect of a particular event or scenario on the environment around it. To generate some main points, the process requires that you look critically at the main idea to identify what makes it special and different.

Thus, this study focuses on investigating the numerous sources for unique interests or none. This case study method can be applied to analyze a universal contention. This will help identify the problem hidden in that study.

Intrinsic Case Study

This type of investigation focus is on a Single and unique Individual. This study can also include the people close to the Researcher. The point is to understand how subjects and their history intertwine among themselves to better understand all about them. This simply means studying the subject from the perspective of their surroundings.

Furthermore, the term “intrinsic” encourages researchers who have a genuine interest in a situation to use this approach whose goal is to properly understand the case study at hand in a given situation.

Descriptive Case Study

You need to create a descriptive study format for most hypothesis. It starts with explicitly describing what you are attempting to study. Then you should find links connecting what you’re studying and what has already been said about it.

Having achieved this, you should be able to draw conclusions and know how to extend the findings in your report. Summarily, this method involves starting with a descriptive theory. After which, the results are then observed, set into categories, and the information gathered is compared to an already existing theory.

Main Goal Of Writing Case Study

The main goal is to identify new knowledge about an entity while performing further research. This makes this method a good teaching tool to give a student in-depth knowledge about certain case study topics . This shows a rich history and amazing development for its users.

The entire process of writing, from collecting information to working with past research, analyzing data, and writing the paper’s content, is tasking and will require a lot of research. However, as daunting as it may seem, it can be quite an intriguing experience. As such, your go-to cheat code as a writer is to identify the goals of the study before starting the research.

What Are The Benefits Of a Case Study?

Having learned all of the aforementioned, why should you buy a case study or write one? These benefits include:

  • You gather a lot of information about the topic from the extensive research you’ll carry out.
  • You will have all the essential information to create a solid hypothesis (idea).
  • You build a solid claim for further research to explain the current knowledge you have.
  • You build brand trust and loyalty through the quality and efficiency of your work.
  • You can create a compelling story where the details are intriguing enough to hook the reader.

And that’s all on different case study types. Undoubtedly, it’s an important aspect of the present-day educational sector. Most students have to deal with this type of academic work before graduating. However, they also have to be familiar with the different types of writing to be able to work out the intricacies of this method. If you are looking for information on research studies and the individual types of case study, you’ll find the information in this article very useful.

What are the subjects of case study?

What are the five methods of collecting data.

At the core of using a case method is your ability to collect data properly to establish your case and hypothesis. Thus, its success relies on the strength of the collection of data. There are five methods of collecting data, and they include:

  • Focus Groups
  • Direct Observations
  • Document Review
  • Questionnaire and Survey

What is the objective of a case study method?

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Main Tips On How To Write Case Study Analysis


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illustrative in case study

Quest Diagnostics

Quality Considerations for Mobile Blood Draws and Specimen Collections: Supporting Decentralized Studies and Trials

On-demand webinar:    quality considerations for mobile blood draws and specimen collections: supporting decentralized studies and trials   click the title above to watch the webinar.   to watch the webinar recording you will need to register at this site..


In this webinar, learn from experts with experience in leading mobile blood draws and specimen collections for a wide range of trials and studies.

Pharmaceutical, life sciences, research and healthcare organizations that need laboratory testing to support studies and trials are likely to instinctively consider the importance of quality programs for blood, urine and other specimen collections once they arrive at the lab for testing.

What may be less common to consider — but plays a critical role in overall quality — is the protocol to ensure quality during each step of the process throughout specimen collection, processing, handling and transport that takes place prior to the specimen arriving at the lab.

The considerations grow for decentralized trials and studies where the collection of samples likely will not occur at clinics or hospitals. In fact, blood draws and specimen collection in a decentralized model often occur in the most convenient location possible for participants: their home.

The convenience offered by decentralized trials can boost accessibility and support adherence and retention. However, collecting specimens in a participant’s home and transporting specimens to a laboratory present complexities that should be integrated into an overall quality program.

In fact, a range of quality considerations at each step in the collection process play an important role in the overall quality management. If additional assessments, such as a personal interview or biometric measurements, will be conducted along with the blood draw or other specimen collection, the quality considerations expand.

Attendees will learn about:

 - Significant applications of mobile collection to support decentralized trials and studies

 - Identifying important quality considerations — from collection and processing protocols to

   temperature requirements for transport — for the development of a mobile collections

   program for blood draws or other specimen collections

 - Additional assessments and measurements, such as interviews and biometrics, which

   may be integrated with mobile collection and their quality consideration


  - Dr. Hope Karnes , MD, PhD, Medical Director, Quest Diagnostics

  - Gene Stegeman, Director, Mobile Services for Health & Life Sciences, ExamOne

  - Julia Larsen , RN, Director, Clinical Development Programs, Quest Diagnostics

Time of talk:  58 minutes

Live webinar: July 17, 2024

Posted as on-demand webinar:  August 12, 2024

Disclosure : The views and opinions are those of the presenter. The content was current as of the time of recording in 2024.

Gene Stegeman,  Director, Mobile Services for Health & Life Sciences, ExamOne

Julia Larsen , RN, Director, Clinical Development Programs, Quest Diagnostics

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