essay examples for upsc

UPSC Essay Topic wise Question Papers of last 31 years (1993-2023) for Civil Services IAS/IPS Exam Free Download

In the UPSC mains examination, essay paper is worth 250 marks and three hours. Here is the topic wise questions from the earlier years for the benefit of civil service IAS IPS aspirants.

1.1 India Since Independence

1.2 federalism, decentralization, 1.3 administration, 1.4 judiciary, 1.5 poverty, social justice, 1.6 indian society, culture and values, 1.7 media, tv & cinema, literature, 2.1 growth vs development, 2.2 environment vs development, 2.4 sectors of economy, 3.1 values in education, 3.2 scheme implementation, 3.3 higher education, 4.1 character, honesty, ethics, 4.2 knowledge, 4.3 compassion, 4.4 truth and reality, 4.5 youth, discipline, 4.6 towards excellence, 5.1 @national politics, 5.2 @world / quote type, 5.3 empowerment overall, 5.4 compared to men, 6.1 globalization, 6.2 international org./ bilateral, 6.3 security, 6.4 history, 7.1 science and religion, 7.2 science and education, 7.3 computer and internet, 7.4 sci-tech: others, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2023, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2022, appendix: model answer pe free lecture & powerpoint, appendix: syllabus of essay paper in upsc, 1 india: democracy, administration, society, culture.

  • Is the Colonial mentality hindering India’s Success? -2013
  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy -2012
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. -2015
  • Why should we be proud of being Indians? -2000
  • Whither Indian democracy? -1995
  • How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? -2003
  • What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. -1997
  • What have we gained from our democratic set-up? -2001
  • My vision of India in 2001 a.d. -1993
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India. -2017
  • Water disputes between States in federal India. -2016
  • Cooperative federalism : Myth or reality. -2016
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implication -2011
  • Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of power to people. -2007
  • Water resources should be under the control of the central government. -2004
  • The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. -1998
  • There are better practices to “best practices”. -2021
  • How should a civil servant conduct himself? -2003
  • Politics without ethics is a disaster. -1995
  • The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy -1996
  • Need for transparency in public administration -1996
  • The country’s need for a better disaster management system. -2000
  • Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. -1994
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. -2017
  • Justice must reach the poor -2005
  • Judicial activism and Indian democracy. -2004
  • Judicial activism. -1997
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।) – 2023
  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless (बिना आर्थिक समृद्धि के सामाजिक न्याय नहीं हो सकता, किन्तु बिना सामाजिक न्याय के आर्थिक समृद्धि निरर्थक है ) -2020
  • Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness. -2019
  • The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. -2009
  • Food security for sustainable national development -2005
  • Reservation, politics and empowerment. -1999
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have (जो हम है, वह संस्कार; जो हमारे पास है, वह सभ्यता ) -2020
  • Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? -2000
  • Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. -2000
  • The composite culture of India. -1998
  • The Indian society at the crossroads. -1994
  • From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? -2010
  • New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion -1996
  • Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy. -2019
  • Responsibility of media in a democracy. -2002
  • Role of media in good governance -2008
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? -2011
  • How has satellite television brought about cultural change in Indian mindsets? -2007
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? -2014
  • Mass media and cultural invasion. -1999
  • The misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. -1998
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world (कवि संसार के अनधिकृत रूप से विधायक होते हैं) – 2022

2 Economy, Development

  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. -2018
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. -2016
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. -2016
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. -2016
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. -2015
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country? -2014
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country-2013
  • Can capitalism bring inclusive growth? -2015
  • Resource management in the Indian context. -1999
  • Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence. -1993
  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence (आर्थिक समृद्धि हासिल करने के मामले में वन सर्वोत्तम प्रतिमान होते हैं।) – 2022
  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. -2018
  • Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country? -2010
  • Urbanisation and its hazards -2008
  • Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. -2006
  • Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. -1997
  • Ecological considerations need not hamper development. -1993
  • Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. -2006
  • Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs -1994
  • Special economic zone: boon or bane -2008
  • Is the criticism that the ‘Public-Private-Partnership’ (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified ?-2012
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India. -2017
  • BPO boom in India. -2007
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? -2014
  • Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? -2009

3 Education

  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in – school. (- शिक्षा वह है जो विद्यालय में विधालय में सीखी गई बातों को भूल जाने के बाद भी शेष रह जाती है।)
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. -2017
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil-2015
  • Independent thinking should be encouraged right form the childhood. -2007
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? -2014
  • Irrelevance of the classroom. -2001
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? -2014
  • Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. -1996
  • Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses ? -2008
  • What is real education? -2005
  • “Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. -2006
  • Restructuring of Indian education system. -1995
  • Privatization of higher education in India. -2002
  • Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges -2011

4 Quote based, Philosophy, Ethics

  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities (हर असमंजस के लिए मुस्कराहट ही चुनिन्दा साधन है) – 2022
  • Philosophy of wantlessness is a Utopian, while materialism is a chimera. -2021
  • Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me. -2021
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (सरलता चरम परिष्करण है ) -2020
  • Ships don’t sink because of water around them ships sink because of water that gets into them (जहाज अपने चारों तरफ के पानी के वजह से नहीं डूबा करते, जहाज पानी के अंदर समां जाने की वजह से डूबता हैं ) -2020
  • Life is a long journey between being human and being humane.  (मनुष्य होने और मानव बनने के बीच का लम्बा सफर ही जीवन है)-2020
  • Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be -2019
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society -2019
  • Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success -2019
  • Wisdom finds truth -2019
  • A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. -2018
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modem file. -2018
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. -2016
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. -2015
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. -2014
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. -2014
  • Attitude makes, habit makes character and character makes a man. -2007
  • He would reigns within himself and folds his passions and desires and fears is more than a king. -1993
  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।) – 2023
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।) – 2023
  • The real is rational and the rational is real. -2021
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self (विचारपरक संकल्प स्वयं के शांतचित्त रहने का उत्प्रेरक है )-2020
  • ‘The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values. -2018
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. -2018
  • There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. -2003
  • Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. -1995
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. -2017
  • Compassion is the basic of all morality of the world -1993
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. -2015
  • Be the change you want to see in others (Gandhi)-2013
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. -2018
  • Truth is lived, not taught -1996
  • When money speaks, the truth is silent. -1995
  • Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. -2002
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining (छप्पर मरम्मत करने का समय तभी होता है, जब धूप खिली हुई हो) – 2022
  • You cannot step twice in the same river (आप उसी नदी में दोबारा नहीं उतर सकते) – 2022
  • Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin -2008
  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret -1994
  • If youth knew, if age could. -2002
  • Youth culture today. -1999
  • Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? -2014
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।) – 2023
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।) – 2023
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है) – 2023
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) – 2022
  • Quick but steady wins the race. -2015
  • Useless life is an early death. -1994
  • Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. -1995
  • The paths of glory lead but to the grave. -2002
  • The pursuit of excellence. -2001

5 Women empowerment

  • Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. -1997
  • Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. -2006
  • The new emerging women power: the ground realities. -1995
  • Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. -2021
  • If women ruled the world -2005
  • The hand that rocks the cradle -2005
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality (पितृ-सत्ता की व्यवस्था नजर मैं बहुत काम आने के बावजूद सामाजिक विषमता की सबसे प्रभावी संरचना है) -2020
  • Fulfilment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. -2017
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered. -2016
  • Whither women’s emancipation? -2004
  • Empowerment alone cannot help our women. -2001
  • Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. -1999
  • Woman is god’s best creation. -1998
  • Men have failed: let women take over. -1993
  • Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal ?-2012

6 International issues, Internal Security, History

  • South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identities. -2019
  • Modernisation and westernisation are not identical concepts. -1994
  • ‘globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’ -2009
  • National identity and patriotism -2008
  • Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. -2004
  • The masks of new imperialism. -2003
  • As civilization advances culture declines. -2003
  • The implications of globalization for India. -2000
  • My vision of an ideal world order. -2001
  • India’s contribution to world wisdom. -1998
  • The world of the twenty-first century. -1998
  • Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. -2010
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंधों मैं मौन करक के रूप मैं प्रौद्योगिकी) -2020
  • Has the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world ? -2017
  • Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities -1996
  • The global order: political and economic -1993
  • India’s role in promoting ASEAN co-operation. -2004
  • Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement -2006
  • Management of Indian border dispute is a complex task. -2018
  • In the Indian context , both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism -2011
  • Are we a ‘soft’ state ? -2009
  • Good fences make good neighbours -2009
  • Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? -2007
  • Terrorism and world peace -2005
  • True religion cannot be misused. -1997
  • History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. -2021
  • Geography may remain the same ; history need not. -2010

7 Science-Technology

  • Spirituality and scientific temper. -2003
  • Science and Mysticism : Are they compatible ?-2012
  • What is research, but a blind date with knowledge! -2021
  • Modern technological education and human values. -2002
  • Value-based science and education. -1999
  • The march of science and the erosion of human values. -2001
  • The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced. -2021
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling. -2019
  • ‘Social media’ is inherently a selfish medium. -2017
  • Cyberspace and Internet : Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run -2016
  • Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. -2006
  • The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. -2000
  • Computer: the harbinger of silent revolution. -1993
  • Technology cannot replace manpower. -2015
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation-2013
  • The modern doctor and his patients. -1997
  • The lure of space. -2004

Section-A (write any one)

  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।)
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।)
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।)
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है)

Section-B (write any one)

  • Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands – two equally harmful disciplines. (-लड़कियां बंदिशों के तथा लड़के अपेक्षा के बोझ तले दबे हुए होते हैं दोनों ही समान रूप से हानिकारक व्यवस्थाएं हैं।)
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।)
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।)

Answer one-one essay from each section in 1000-1200 words

  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man (इतिहास वैज्ञानिक मनुष्य के रूमानी मनुष्य पर विजय हासिल करने का एक सिलसिला है।) – 2022
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) & 2022
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
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Essay: Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

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Essay Writing for UPSC - Weekly Essay Writing Programme

by Vajiram & Ravi

Essay Writing for UPSC: Writing an essay for the UPSC Mains Exam requires a structured and well-organised approach. The UPSC essay paper is not just limited to assessing a candidate's creative writing skills, but rather, the focus is on evaluating a candidate's ability to think critically, express their ideas clearly, and present a balanced perspective on various issues. This article discusses the do’s and don'ts that need to be remembered while writing your Essay for the UPSC Mains Exam.

Check:  UPSC CSE Mains 2023 Essay Question Paper

Essay Writing for UPSC

The UPSC Mains Examination comprises a total of nine papers, inclusive of an essay paper. The Essay Paper is categorised into sections A and B, each containing four topics. These topics hold a value of 125 marks each, thereby totalling 250 marks (125×2). Candidates are required to choose one topic from each section and compose an essay spanning 1,000 to 1,200 words within the allocated three-hour duration. UPSC provides the following guidelines in its Notification on the Essay Paper:

  • Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics.
  • They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion and to write concisely.
  • Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

Essay Writing for UPSC - What is Expected?

When preparing for the UPSC Mains Essay Paper, there are a few basic points that you should remember. The paper tests the diversity of your content and not its creativity .

When writing your Essay Paper for the UPSC Mains Exam, your focus should be on the following points-

  • Diversity of the content: Incorporating diverse content in the essay paper not only enriches the content but also showcases your depth of knowledge, analytical skills, and ability to present a comprehensive perspective on complex topics.
  • Focus on the topic: Centre your essay around the core theme of the chosen topic. By maintaining a clear focus on the topic and consistently reinforcing its relevance, your essay becomes a well-structured and compelling piece that effectively communicates your ideas to the examiner.
  • Clarity, Depth, and Language: Language plays a crucial role in conveying your ideas effectively. Use precise and simple language to articulate your points and maintain a formal and coherent tone throughout the essay. Focusing on clarity of thought ensures that your ideas are easily understood by the examiner, and providing an in-depth analysis supported by relevant examples, data, and arguments, helps showcase your ability to engage with the topic critically.
  • Providing Evidence: While stating a Quote, there should be evidence to support your thought. This helps you to avoid the superficial treatment of the subject and delve into its complexities, showcasing your ability to engage with the topic critically.

How to Write Essay for UPSC Mains?

Writing an essay for the UPSC Mains Exam requires a structured and well-organised approach.

Choose the Right Topic

Read the given UPSC essay topics carefully and choose the one that resonates with your strengths and interests. Pick a topic that allows you to showcase your knowledge and understanding effectively.

Brainstorm Ideas

Spend some time brainstorming ideas related to the chosen topic. Jot down key points, arguments, examples, and relevant data that you could use to support your essay.

Create a Structure

A well-structured essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your introduction should introduce the topic and provide a brief overview of your stance. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point, argument, or example. The conclusion should summarise your main points and reiterate your thesis.

Format for UPSC Essay Writing

The UPSC essay format requires a thoughtful approach to convey your ideas effectively. There are three stages or steps in any essay - Introduction, Body paragraphs, and Conclusion.

essay examples for upsc

Introduction Paragraph of an Essay

Craft a strong introduction paragraph that outlines your main argument or perspective. This paragraph should be concise and provide a roadmap for your essay. You can begin your essay with a quote, and the last line of the introduction paragraph should end with reinforcing the main topic.

For example: Topic: The Health of the Nation is more important than the Wealth of Nation

Start your essay with a quote-

“P ublic Health depends upon winning over Hearts and Minds. It's not enough to just have a good policy; you have to convince people to actually follow it .”

In a country's journey forward, we often talk about how having a lot of money is crucial. But there's another side to this story, which says that the good health of the people in a country is even more vital. If there is something that COVID-19 has taught us, it is how no economy with ample amounts of money can guarantee the health of its nation and how the health of its citizens eventually affects the wealth of the country. This idea highlights how the health of the nation is more important than the wealth of the nation.

Writing in Paragraphs

Writing in paragraphs is important in an essay because it enhances readability and organisation. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea, argument, or point, making it easier for readers to follow the logical flow of your thoughts . Paragraphs create visual breaks, helping to structure your essay into manageable sections. The following points have to be kept in mind while framing your Essay Paragraphs:

Address Counter-arguments:

Acknowledge potential counter-arguments and address them in your essay. This shows that you have considered multiple perspectives and strengthened your argument.

Use Examples:

Incorporate real-life examples, case studies, and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Examples make your essay more relatable and persuasive.

Gather Evidence:

Collect relevant current affairs facts, statistics, historical examples, and real-life incidents to support your arguments. Ensure that your evidence is accurate and well-researched.

Logical Flow:

Maintain a logical flow between paragraphs and ideas. Each paragraph should transition smoothly to the next, creating a coherent narrative.

Use of simple Language:

Write in a clear, concise, and coherent manner. Avoid using overly complex language that might obscure your message. Focus on communicating your ideas effectively.

Avoid Repetition:

Be mindful of repeating the same points or ideas. Each paragraph should contribute something new to the discussion.

Conclusion of the Essay

The conclusion serves the purpose of providing a seamless ending to the essay. It's worth noting that a strong ending holds the same level of significance as a compelling beginning. Both aspects contribute to achieving higher scores.

To effectively conclude an essay, you can utilise various elements, including facts, statistics, reasons, examples, quotes, opinions, experiences, and sensory details . The essay's conclusion can take on several forms: it might involve briefly reiterating the main points, suggesting potential future steps or actions, or injecting an engaging personal comment or relevant anecdote.

An alternative approach to concluding an essay involves revisiting the topic introduced in the introduction. This is known as a 'cyclic return,' and it's a straightforward method employed in many essays to bring the discussion full circle.

Ultimately, a conclusion should carry a positive perspective, seeking out the silver lining amidst challenges. It should also strive for clarity and brevity, ensuring the ideas are expressed concisely.

Proofread and Revise the Essay

Once you've finished writing, take some time to proofread and revise your essay. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and clarity of expression.

Vajiram & Ravi Essay Module

Our Essay Course,by Mr. Brijendra, offers a comprehensive platform to master essay writing, guiding aspirants through the demanding path of UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation.

Course Objectives:

  • Enhance Competency: Develop proficiency across diverse and essential themes.
  • Strengthen Understanding: Utilize provided handouts containing all pertinent information essential for crafting quality essays.
  • Refine Writing Proficiency: Improve language, grammar, and flow through two specialized classes.
  • Evaluate Proficiency: Assess skills with a thorough test series.

This meticulously designed Essay Course assists students in structuring their essay preparation and cultivating a crucial set of skills to enhance their chances of securing high scores. Clear, concise, and well-structured essays are indispensable for aspiring civil servants, and mastery of essential elements of essay writing is paramount.

Through this course, students will:

  • Organize and articulate ideas clearly.
  • Analyze primary sources with critical insight.
  • Apply critical thinking to evaluate information.

Course Features:

  • Comprehensive Classes: 11 sessions covering various themes used for framing essay topics.
  • Well-Curated Handouts: Concise handouts on each theme providing exam-ready content.
  • Special Emphasis: Focus on philosophical and quote-based essays.
  • Mini-Assignments: In-class assignments to master the nuances of essay writing.
  • Simulated Writing Practice: 6 tests (2 half-length and 4 full-length) for exam-like practice.
  • Detailed Evaluation: Objective evaluation of essay scripts with exhaustive feedback.
  • Guidance and Support: Post-test guidance for individual doubt clarification.

This comprehensive essay writing course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the essay component of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Join us to enhance your essay writing skills and significantly boost your chances of success in the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

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essay examples for upsc

The UPSC essay paper is one of the nine papers for the IAS main exam. With this, the scores obtained in the UPSC essay topics will also be considered in the merit list. Hence, it is important to cover all the aspects of the UPSC essay syllabus .

In this paper, candidates need to write two essays, each with a word limit of 1000-1200 words. Moreover, they are required to choose one IAS essay topic out of the four options in each section i.e. A and B.

The UPSC essay paper is conducted for 250 marks with one essay UPSC paper for 125 marks. Therefore, aspirants should use the best books and strategies to excel in this section.

In this article, we have compiled all the details of the UPSC IAS essay for the candidates aspiring for the upcoming civil services exam.

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UPSC Essay Paper 2023 Structure

  • As per the UPSC exam pattern , the essay paper is one of the nine subjects in the civil services main exam. In this paper, aspirants need to write essays on assigned UPSC essay topics .
  • Candidates should practice writing essays on multiple topics in order to learn how to arrange their ideas and execute the same in the proper order.
  • Furthermore, the UPSC essay paper will carry 250 marks with an exam duration of 3 hours.

UPSC Essay Previous Year Papers

The previous year’s UPSC essay paper is one of the finest resources to prepare well for this section. This will strengthen their vocabulary and writing skills and also provide them insights into the type of essay topics UPSC asked over the years.

Hence, we have compiled below the official UPSC essay previous paper PDF link for 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018 for the reference of the candidates.

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Best Strategy for UPSC Essay Writing

UPSC essays must be well-formatted and presented in a manner that the readers can easily understand without any obstacles. Above all, it must include the ideas about the issue mentioned in the question.

Candidates must note that the general essay papers also play an important role in compensating for the less scores in general studies and optional papers. Hence, it is advisable to focus on improving the vocabulary and writing skills from the first leg of the preparation.

Let’s look at the best strategy to score high marks in the UPSC essay topics in the main exam.

  • Go through the entire UPSC essay syllabus to cover all the aspects of the section.
  • Build a habit of reading newspaper editorials and journals every day. Going by the trend analysis, it is found that many essay questions were asked directly from current affairs in the past few years.
  • Next, note down relevant quotes from the books/magazines/journal and implement them whenever required in the essay writing.
  • Focus on IAS essay topics related to democracy, environment/urbanization, judiciary, social justice/poverty, philosophies, media & society, education, economic sector, etc as questions can be asked from these topics.
  • Pick the essay topic very carefully. Also, it is advised to take some time to think about the topic and collect ideas and thoughts.
  • One should make sure that the essay comprises sections like introduction, main body, theme, and conclusion.
  • Moreover, aspirants can also reach out to their mentors, experts, seniors, or teachers for feedback on their essay writing. This will allow them to recognize their mistakes and focus more on their weak points for effective preparation.

Read More: How to write an essay for UPSC here!

Best Books for UPSC Essay Writing

Along with the best UPSC essay strategy , aspirants should also choose the finest books that comprise multiple essay topics UPSC for the exam. Here, we have shared below the best books and resources to strengthen the preparation of the general essay section:

  • Monthly Current Affairs Magazines by OnlyIAS
  • Only IAS Yogana Magazine
  • Only IAS Praarambh Post-Independence India
  • Only IAS Kurukshetra Magazine
  • Only IAS Praarmabh Indian Society
  • The Hindu (editorial articles)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How to score 150 in UPSC essay?

Ans. One can score 150 marks on the UPSC essay paper by managing time effectively throughout the exam and avoiding any kind of deviation from the topic.

Q2. What are the topics for UPSC essay?

Ans. Some of the important IAS essay topics include democracy, environment/urbanization, judiciary, social justice/poverty, philosophies, media & society, education, economic sector, etc

Q3. What is essay paper 1 in UPSC?

Ans. The UPSC essay paper 1 is one of the nine papers for the IAS main exam. In this paper, candidates need to write two essays, each with a word limit of 1000-1200 words. The maximum mark is 250 with a duration of 3 hours.

Q4. Is UPSC essay tough?

Ans. Yes, the UPSC essay paper is moderately tough as per the past year’s exam analysis. However, it also depends on the aspirant knowledge of the topic.

Q5. How many pages is 1,000 words in UPSC?

Ans. 2 pages single-spaced or 4 pages double-spaced is about 1000 words in UPSC.

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  • IAS Preparation
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  • Topic Wise Essay Questions From UPSC Mains 1994 2018

Last 25 Years Topic-wise Essay Questions From UPSC Mains (1994 - 2018)

Paper I of the UPSC Civil Services mains exam is the Essay. Here, prelims-qualified IAS aspirants have to write two essays out of a few given topics. The paper is for a total of 250 marks and its marks are taken into consideration for the Final Merit List. In this article, we have listed all the essay topics asked in the UPSC mains exam from 1994 to 2018. We have also classified the last 25 years essay questions into topics to make your preparation easier.

Latest – See the UPSC Essay Topics in the IAS Mains 2020 Essay Paper. Download UPSC Mains 2020 Essay Paper from the linked article.

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UPSC Essay Topics


  • Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. (1994)
  • Politics without ethics is a disaster. (1995)
  • The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy. (1996)
  • Need for transparency in public administration. (1996)
  • The country’s need for a better disaster management system. (2000)
  • How should a civil servant conduct himself? (2003)

Democracy/India since independence

  • Whither Indian democracy? (1995)
  • What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. (1997)
  • Why should we be proud of being Indians? (2000)
  • What have we gained from our democratic set-up? (2001)
  • How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? (2003)
  • National identity and patriotism. (2008)
  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy. (2012)
  • Is the colonial mentality hindering India’s success? (2013)
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. (2015)
  • Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task. (2018)

Economic growth and development

  • Resource management in the Indian context. (1999)
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country. (2013)
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country? (2014)
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. (2015)
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. (2016)
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. (2016)
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. (2016)
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India. (2017)

Federalism, Decentralisation

  • The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. (1998)
  • Water resources should be under the control of the central government. (2004)
  • Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of power to people. (2007)
  • Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? (2007)
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implication. (2011)
  • Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality. (2016)
  • Water disputes between States in federal India. (2016)

Indian Culture & Society

  • The Indian society at the crossroads. (1994)
  • New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion. (1996)
  • The composite culture of India. (1998)
  • Youth culture today. (1999)
  • Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. (2000)
  • Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? (2000)
  • As civilization advances culture declines. (2003)
  • From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? (2010)
  • Judicial activism. (1997)
  • Judicial activism and Indian democracy. (2004)
  • Justice must reach the poor. (2005)

Social justice/Poverty

  • Reservation, politics and empowerment. (1999)
  • Food security for sustainable national development. (2005)
  • The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. (2009)
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for the majority of farmers in India. (2017)
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. (2018)

Media & Society

  • Misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. (1998)
  • Mass media and cultural invasion. (1999)
  • Responsibility of media in a democracy. (2002)
  • How has satellite television brought about cultural change in Indian mindsets? (2007)
  • Role of media in good governance. (2008)
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? (2011)
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? (2014)


  • Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. (1997)
  • Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. (2006)
  • Urbanisation and its hazards. (2008)
  • Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country? (2010)
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. (2017)

Economic sectors/MNCs

  • Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs. (1994)
  • Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. (2006)
  • BPO boom in India. (2007)
  • Special economic zone: boon or bane? (2008)
  • Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? (2009)
  • Is the criticism that the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified? (2012)
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? (2014)
  • Restructuring of Indian education system. (1995)
  • Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. (1996)
  • Irrelevance of the classroom. (2001)
  • Privatization of higher education in India. (2002)
  • Modern technological education and human values. (2002)
  • What is real education? (2005)
  • “Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. (2006)
  • Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood. (2007)
  • Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses? (2008)
  • Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges. (2011)
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? (2014)
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? (2014)
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil. (2015)
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. (2017)
  • The new emerging women power: the ground realities. (1995)
  • Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. (1997)
  • Woman is god’s best creation. (1998)
  • Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. (1999)
  • Empowerment alone cannot help our women. (2001)
  • Whither women’s emancipation? (2004)
  • If women ruled the world. (2005)
  • The hand that rocks the cradle. (2005)
  • Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. (2006)
  • Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal? (2012)
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered. (2016)
  • Fulfillment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. (2017)


  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret. (1994)
  • Useless life is an early death. (1994)
  • Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. (1995)
  • When money speaks, the truth is silent. (1995)
  • Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. (1995)
  • Truth is lived, not taught. (1996)
  • True religion cannot be misused. (1997)
  • Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. (2002)
  • The paths of glory lead but to the grave. (2002)
  • If youth knew, if age could. (2002)
  • There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (2003)
  • Be the change you want to see in others. (2013)
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. (2014)
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. (2014)
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. (2015)
  • “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values. (2018)
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. (2018)
  • Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man. (2007)
  • Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin. (2008)
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. (2015)
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. (2016)
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. (2017)
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. (2018)
  • A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. (2018)
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life. (2018)


  • Modernisation and westernisation are not identical concepts. (1994)
  • The world of the twenty-first century. (1998)
  • The implications of globalization for India. (2000)
  • My vision of an ideal world order. (2001)
  • The masks of new imperialism. (2003)
  • Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. (2004)
  • ‘Globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’. (2009)
  • Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. (2010)

Science & Tech

  • The modern doctor and his patients. (1997)
  • Value-based science and education. (1999)
  • The march of science and the erosion of human values. (2001)
  • Spirituality and scientific temper. (2003)
  • The lure of space. (2004)
  • Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible? (2012)
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation. (2013)
  • Technology cannot replace manpower. (2015)
  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. (2018)


  • The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. (2000)
  • Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. (2006)
  • Cyberspace and Internet: Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run. (2016)
  • Social media is inherently a selfish medium. (2017)

International organisations/relations

  • Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities. (1996)
  • India’s role in promoting ASEAN cooperation. (2004)
  • Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement. (2006)
  • Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world. (2017)
  • Terrorism and world peace. (2005)
  • Are we a ‘soft’ state? (2009)
  • Good fences make good neighbours. (2009)
  • In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism. (2011)


  • India’s contribution to world wisdom. (1998)
  • The pursuit of excellence. (2001)
  • Geography may remain the same; history need not. (2010)
  • Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? (2014)
  • Quick but steady wins the race. (2015)

When preparing for IAS Mains, aspirants must focus on UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practise as this will improve one’s speed, efficiency and writing skills. It will automatically help in essay writing as well. 

Also, read:

Frequently Asked Questions on UPSC Essay Topics for UPSC Mains

Q 1. how can i write a good essay in upsc, q 2. does handwriting matter in upsc.

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Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2024
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National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2023
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2023
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2023
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Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2023
Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2023
Indian Economic Service - Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2023
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2023
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2023
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2023
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2023
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2023
SO-Steno (GD-B-GD-I) LDCE - 2018
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2022
Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022
Compulsory Subjects
Literature Subjects
Optional Subjects
General Studies
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2022
Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2022
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2022
Combined Medical Services Examination, 2022
Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2022
Indian Economic Service - Indian Statistical Service Examination, 2022
Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2022
Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022
Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2022
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2022
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2022
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2021

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UPSC Essay: Examples, Quotes, Case studies

Environmental dimension, the hornbill festival.

It is a remarkable story of conservation of the bird after which it is named. Today, the Naga people are at the forefront of ensuring the safety of hornbill nests. It is an amazing example of how hunters can turn protectors.

Prof. Wangari Maathai

  • Introduced the idea of planting trees with the people
  • Through the Green Belt Movement she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds.

Case Studies

  • Holy compost in temples at Bengaluru. Leaf decomposters to process flower waste
  • Project Tsang-da aimed at sustainable waste management in rural areas of Leh
  • Norwegian Embassy in Delhi - equipped with eco-friendly technology and techniques — first green embassy in India
  • “We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children”.
  • "We are the first generation to get impacted by climate change, and last who can do something about it" (Barack Obama, Paris COP)

Note: We will keep updating these examples.

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Essay Paper UPSC 2020 (Mains): Question Paper and Analysis

Last updated on January 9, 2021 by ClearIAS Team

Essay Paper UPSC 2020

UPSC conducted the  Essay Paper , as part of the Civil Services Main Exam 2020 on 08-01-2021.

There were 8 Essay topics, out of which candidates were asked to write on two topics in 3 hours.

Table of Contents

Essay Paper UPSC 2020 Instructions

  • Total Marks: 250 marks, Time duration: 3 hours.
  • The essay must be written in the medium authorized in the admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this question-cum-answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided.
  • No marks will be given for answers written in the medium other than the authorized one.
  • Word limit, as specified, should be adhered to.
  • Any page or portion of the page left blank, must be struck off clearly.

Essay Question Paper – UPSC Civil Services Main Exam (Written) 2020

Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each:

  • Life is long journey between human being and being humane
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self
  • Ships do not sink because of water around them,  ships sink because of water that gets into them
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have
  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations

Though aspirants were asked to write only two essays out of eight, most aspirants faced difficulty to select the right combination of two essays.

A philosophical theme was present in most of the essay topics in Section A as well as Section B.

As per most aspirants, the essay topic ‘Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self’ seemed the most tricky one. Only a few attempted that topic.

UPSC CSE 2025: Study Plan ⇓

(1) ⇒ UPSC 2025: Prelims cum Mains

(2) ⇒ UPSC 2025: Prelims Test Series

(3) ⇒ UPSC 2025: CSAT

Note: To know more about ClearIAS Courses (Online/Offline) and the most effective study plan, you can call ClearIAS Mentors at +91-9605741000, +91-9656621000, or +91-9656731000.

UPSC has ensured that the essay topics were much different from the GS questions.

As we have mentioned many times, Essay needs a different approach than GS. Only those candidates with good essay writing skills will score high in this year’s essay paper.

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Anecdotes, Facts, Examples for GS and Essay


|   2 year(s) ago

This thread is meant to be a repository of interesting anecdotes/news articles/facts/examples/case studies which we can use in our essay and GS papers. In my experience, listing these things down somewhere is not enough to ensure that we are able to use them in the exam. Therefore let us discuss and debate so that we can internalize them.

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  • Most useful


sbhati's photo

sbhati   .  

commented 2 year(s) ago

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sjerngal   .  

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nerdfighter   .  

I really love the opening sentences of Nivedita Menon's book 'Seeing like a Feminist'. You can steal it, with some modification, to begin some essay on Gender, Women, Caste Oppression, etc.

essay examples for upsc

sbhati said I will start. As per SIPRI, world spent $2 trillion on military in 2020. Jeffery Sachs estimates that we need around $3.5 trillion spread over 20 years to eliminate global poverty. So if we are able to cut down our military expenditures for few years we will have enough money to deal with problems such as poverty and climate change. A lesson for ethics in international relations?

The thing you wrote about writing & posting the stuff is not enough is so so true. We shall try to discuss when we get off time. I had made some good compilation on various book about poverty including Jeffery Sachs ka books. I'll try pen the crux of it down when I get some time. 

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Some fodder for Essays (Social Media & Democracy)

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sbhati said @nerdfighter  I think "stop, think and apply"  should be motto. The best thing would be if we are able to use such things in the next test or the practice answers we write. But I am myself struggling with this. I have read so much interesting stuff during the course of my preparation, but none of it reflects in my answers. 

Exactly. I actually read shit tonnes of books in college, more than I care to admit. But I did not have any recollection mechanism then. 

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Walter Lippman's Book 'Public Opinion'

For Lippman, the world was too complex for an ordinary individual to comprehend. In order to make sense of it, people carried a mental image of the world inside their heads. These pictures were what drove groups or individuals to act in society in the name of Public Opinion.

A strong democracy, therefore, needs institutions and media that help in creating the most accurate interpretations of the world in the minds of the people.

But this isn’t easy. Lippman was worried democracy relied on something so irrational as a public opinion that takes shape in the minds of poorly informed and easily manipulated people. For Lippman, policymakers and experts should use narratives for ‘manufacture of consent’ among people which enables public opinion to be channelled in a manner that’s consistent with what’s good for society. Lippman believed persuasion and the knowledge of how to create consent through ‘propaganda’ will change politics in the age of mass media. Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion, published in 1922, is one of the most persuasive critique of democracy. Shortly after it was published, John Dewey, the great defender of democracy and the most important American philosopher of the era, called Lippmann’s book “the most effective indictment of democracy as currently conceived.”

(I'll edit this post as I get more time. This isn't very clear. Just copy pasted it from my notes for now)

Further Readings:

chamomile's photo

chamomile   .  

This thread has become my favourite already! Sometimes it simply astonishes me that there are so many people around who have such depth of interest and knowledge in issues and topics. 

Keep sharing guys! If not for mains, these snippets in themselves are much more enlightening in general. 

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DM   .  

Narrow Corridor by Acemoglu & Robinson

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essay examples for upsc

sbhati said @nerdfighter  Is the "narrow corridor" meant to be the ideal state of things? (have not seen the video. it is too long :P)

Yes. And I will try to write down the summary soon. 

iOTA's photo

iOTA   .  

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Patootie   .  

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Patootie said For philosophical essays, I’ve found this YouTube channel “Academy of Ideas” pretty great. Scored 141 in essay last time, and a large part of one of the essays was influenced by this channel. 

More insights on what makes a good essay?

nerdfighter said » show previous quotes Patootie said For philosophical essays, I’ve found this YouTube channel “Academy of Ideas” pretty great. Scored 141 in essay last time, and a large part of one of the essays was influenced by this channel. 

Hi, I think scores may have been different if someone else valued it; so, some of the following , if not all, might be useless. I scored very poorly in all my essay mocks last time, but got decent feedback on forum. 

My learnings are as follows:

1. Adopting an argumentative method of writing the essay, as opposed to a method where you simply elaborate on the given topic may pay rich dividends. For instance, if I got a topic “There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless”, I would broadly engage with the following ideas: a) Can there be social justice without economic prosperity; b) Is economic prosperity a precondition for social justice; c) Is economic prosperity without social justice meaningless or can economic prosperity be a gateway to greater social justice? Rather than adopting an approach where I would simply elaborate on the given topic by touching upon different topics, I adopted a style where I wasn’t afraid of going against the topic if I had cogent reasons to do so. Then of course, where it was apt, I did add in quotes, but only if I could connect it directly with the point I was making. For example, in the above topic, I remember using “The opposite of poverty is not wealth. The opposite of poverty is justice.” 

2. Presenting ideas and arguments, and having a logical flow to them rather than jumping around different dimensions of the same topic helps. 

3. Staying authentic. I felt presenting ideas that are internalised adds more value than giving a great number of facts or examples or quotes. 

4. A run of the mill essay can be boring. An essay which is a bit off beat can be high risk, but highly rewarding. Striking a conversation with the examiner helps, because majority of aspirants fail to do this. 

5. Pick a topic which you can connect with. Popular advice is to avoid philosophical essays as much as you can. I felt comfortable with them because they are open to interpretation. I wrote on the essay “Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self.” That topic, at least to my interpretation, struck I chord with where I was at that point in my life. So, I felt I could present my ideas well. 

6. Spending way too much time brainstorming can be counterproductive. Having a broad idea of the arguments you would engage with, and a reasonable idea about the specific points that you can quote on the way might be enough. If I spend too much time brainstorming, I overcomplicate. I think writing an essay gives you ideas along the way. Do use them because they might be your best ones. However, be careful not to deviate from the topic. 

7. What gets valued is your thought process, not your knowledge. 

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UPSC Main Paper 1 2024: Important essay topics, previous year’s question paper and more

UPSC Main Paper 1 2024: Important essay topics, previous year’s question paper and more

UPSC Mains 2024 Essay paper: Exam pattern

Number of questions

Candidates need to attempt two questions, one from Section A and the other from Section B.

Total marks


Marks carried by each question



3 hours

Type of question


UPSC Mains 2023 question paper for Essay

Upsc mains essay paper: important topics.

  • Justice and mercy balance precariously on the edge of circumstances.
  • The quest for knowledge is an ever-expanding journey toward the boundaries of understanding.
  • True greatness in life is found not in never stumbling, but in the resilience to rise each time we fall.
  • Clarity and comprehension emerge beyond the fog of doubt.
  • A nation’s strength is reflected in the safety and empowerment of its women.
  • Poverty extends beyond financial deprivation, encompassing the denial of opportunities and choices.
  • Progress should not compromise democracy and individual freedoms.
  • The mind holds the power to transform its own reality, creating heaven or hell within.
  • Compassion, empathy, and forgiveness are noble qualities that enhance the human experience.
  • In the face of change, some erect barriers while others harness the power of the winds to propel forward.
  • The greatest punishment for avoiding leadership is to be ruled by someone less capable.
  • The strongest minds often belong to those who speak the least.
  • Some rules are more respected when broken than when followed.
  • The strong do what they must, and the weak accept what they must.
  • True glory lies not in never falling, but in rising each time we do.
  • Power doesn’t corrupt; rather, people corrupt power.

Tips to prepare for UPSC Mains Essay paper


How to Calculate Marks in the UPSC NDA and CDS Exam: The marking scheme of the UPSC NDA and CDS exams is almost similar. There is the provision of a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for each incorrect answer in objective papers of the NDA & CDS exam. The UPSC NDA exam is divided into two subjects: mathematics and general ability, whereas the CDS exam comprises three sections, such as English, general knowledge, and elementary mathematics. The number of questions and maximum marks vary as per the subject. Read on to learn more about how to calculate marks in the UPSC NDA and CDS exams on this page.

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  • NDA Question Paper 2024 
  • CDS Question Paper 2024
  • CDS Exam Analysis 2024

UPSC NDA and CDS Exam 2024: Negative Marking 

  • There will be four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which the candidate has given a wrong answer. One-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
  • If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers is correct and there will be the same penalty as above for that question.
  • If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is provided by the candidate, there will be no negative marking for that question.

UPSC NDA 2024 Exam Marking Scheme

Understanding How to Calculate Marks in the UPSC NDA Exam With Examples

How to calculate marks in the upsc nda exam for mathematics paper.

Let’s consider a student, ABC, who is preparing to attempt the NDA written examination. She has prepared well for the Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT) papers of the NDA exam. ABC attempted 70 questions in the mathematics paper of the NDA exam. Upon analysing her answers, it was discovered that 10 of her responses were wrong.

How to Calculate Marks in the UPSC NDA Exam for GAT Paper?

Let’s consider another student, XYZ, who is preparing to attempt the NDA written examination. She has prepared well for the Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT) papers of the NDA exam. XYZ attempted 100 questions in the GAT paper of the NDA exam. Upon analysing her answers, it was discovered that 20 of her responses were wrong.

How to Calculate Marks in the UPSC CDS Exam?

Understanding How to Calculate Marks in the UPSC CDS Exam With Examples

How to calculate marks in the upsc cds exam.

Let’s consider a student, ABC, who is preparing to attempt the CDS written examination. She has prepared well for the English, General Knowledge, and Elementary Mathematics papers of the CDS exam. ABC attempted 70 questions in the mathematics paper of the CDS exam. Upon analysing her answers, it was discovered that 10 of her responses were wrong.

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  • Is there any negative marking in the UPSC CDS & NDA Exam? + Yes, there is the provision of a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for each incorrect answer in objective papers of the NDA & CDS exam.
  • How many questions are asked in the UPSC CDS & NDA Exam? + The number of questions and maximum marks varies as per the subject. Check the complete details above.
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Tag: sample essay of toppers ias

Sample essay – balaji d k ias rank – 36, cse-2014.

Tags: d k balaji essay , essay by d k balaji , sample essay of toppers ias , upsc essay

  Balaji (Read his story Here) got 70 marks in his Essay paper in his first Mains (first attempt). In his second attempt, after writing many essays before the exam, he has got 138 marks. He has doubled his marks through rigorous practice. Essay plays an important role in deciding one’s rank. Please practice essay regularly. …

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    3. Staying authentic. I felt presenting ideas that are internalised adds more value than giving a great number of facts or examples or quotes. 4. A run of the mill essay can be boring. An essay which is a bit off beat can be high risk, but highly rewarding. Striking a conversation with the examiner helps, because majority of aspirants fail to ...

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  22. How to Calculate Marks in UPSC NDA and CDS Exam 2024 ...

    There is the provision of a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for each incorrect answer in objective papers of the NDA & CDS exam. The UPSC NDA exam is divided into two subjects: mathematics and ...

  23. Tag: sample essay of toppers ias

    Sample Essay - Balaji D K IAS Rank - 36, CSE-2014. Balaji (Read his story Here) got 70 marks in his Essay paper in his first Mains (first attempt). In his second attempt, after writing many essays before the exam, he has got 138 marks. He has doubled his marks through rigorous practice. Essay plays an important role in deciding one's rank.

  24. How to Calculate Marks in UPSC NDA and CDS Exam 2024: Check ...

    The UPSC NDA exam is divided into two subjects: mathematics and general ability Check how to calculate marks in the UPSC NDA Exam of all the subjects with examples shared below.