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  • How to Add Self Employment on...

How to Add Self Employment on Your Resume + Examples

11 min read · Updated on April 17, 2024

Ken Chase

Learn the secrets to highlighting self employment on your resume.

Chances are that you already realize the importance of including relevant work experience in your resume. Employers always want to see that you have the experience they're looking for, after all. 

But what if your relevant experience includes freelance work or other forms of self-employment? 

Can you include self-employment in your resume? 

More importantly, how can you include that information in a way that entices employers to offer you an interview?

In this post, we will explore when and why you should include this type of experience and provide some tips and examples you can use to effectively highlight self-employment in your resume.

What is self-employment and why does it matter?

When most people think of self-employment, they envision a small business owner running a shop offering products and services to their community. While that is one type of self employment, it's important to recognize that people engage in this type of work in a variety of different ways. Self employment can include:

Independent contractors like construction workers, business consultants, and other service providers

Freelancers like writers, graphic artists, and others who engage multiple clients on a per-project basis

Entrepreneurs who own and operate formal business enterprises

Any type of work that you've done that didn't involve working as a formal employee of another company can be properly considered a form of self employment. In other words, if you're the boss and you define your duties, schedule, and project terms, chances are that you're self-employed.

Should you always include self employment in your resume?

Of course, it's important to recognize when you should include self employment on your resume. In most instances, this work experience can be an invaluable addition to any resume. When you work for yourself, you employ a wide range of skills that employers might be looking for in their new hires. It's also likely that your experience included many relevant achievements that you'll want to share with those employers.

Moreover, if you spent any serious time being self-employed, omitting that experience could leave a significant gap in your work history – a gap that you'll probably need to explain during an interview. To avoid that issue, it's wise to include self employment in your resume. Just make sure that you focus on relevant skills and achievements when you're detailing those jobs.

On the other hand, if you've done a little freelancing as a side gig throughout your career – and that work has no relevance for your current career goals, then you may want to leave that information off your resume. As a rule, irrelevant information is always a distraction. You'll need to decide whether your self-employment experience enhances your resume.

Tips to include self employment in your resume

It's important to ensure that you include this information in the most effective way possible. While you should add self employment to your work experience section, you may need to adjust your details to properly convey your qualifications. The following tips can help to guide you through that process.

1. Give yourself a job title that reflects the nature of your freelance work

Treat this work experience as other independent contractors and freelancers would on their resumes — give yourself a title that reflects the type of work you did during your time of self employment, and add the word "Contract," "Consultant," or "Freelancer" to that title.

You should also try to avoid using titles like Chief Executive Officer or other upper-echelon positions – unless you're applying for a higher-level management position. Use a title that accurately describes your work, but that also aligns as much as possible with the role you're seeking.

2. Consider adding a company name for consistency on your resume

Some people like to provide a company name so that the format looks like their other work, but that's entirely up to you. If you operate under a company name, then use it. If not, you can just describe the type of work you've done and reference the job title you've assigned to yourself.

3. Provide a summary of the services you offer

Below your job title and dates of employment, write a blurb that explains the type of work you performed as a freelancer. If you worked for multiple employers, you could mention how you did X, Y, and Z types of work for several clients in A, B, and C industries.

4. Use bullet points to highlight noteworthy projects or clients

If there are any specific projects you worked on that demonstrate your marketable skills and achievements, use bullet points to call attention to this relevant work. Try to focus on measurable achievements that highlight the type of value that you provided to each client.

Related post : 47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

Self employment on resume: example

To help you better understand how one of these self-employment listings might look in your resume, we've included an example below. This example doesn't include any mention of specific clients, but you could add a brief mention of notable customers if you think that it might help to reinforce your qualifications.

Communications & PR Consultant (Contract), San Diego, CA | 2022 to Present

Offer communications and public relations support for clients in the pharmaceutical sector. Address clients' needs, from message development and media outreach to materials creation and planning. Manage media relations, medical meeting support, competitive intelligence, and materials development for OTC health and pharmaceutical clients. Key projects include:

Increased consumer awareness for cervical cancer by developing campaign materials, including banner ads, print collateral, and copy for the microsite, resulting in a documented 45% increase in consumer outreach.

Doubled coverage and blog backlinks for a client with an OTC treatment for acid reflux by developing a new blogger sweepstakes.

Researched, hired, and media trained new spokesperson to represent biotechnology company's new treatment for exercise-induced asthma.

Self employment on resume: skills

Of course, your work experience section is not the only place where your self-employment history can be highlighted. As you were working independently, you developed and used certain skills that are likely to be relevant to your career goals. Those skills should be highlighted within your skills section too. Below are some tips to help you emphasize those marketable skills to employers.

Include relevant hard skills

Your hard skills will include all the relevant abilities that you'll need to possess to qualify for your desired position. Before you create your skills section, review the job posting to identify any skills that the employer has listed as required qualifications for the job. Create a list that includes those exact terms. Now add to that list any additional technical abilities or job-related knowledge that you've acquired and used while self-employed.

Pro tip : Using the exact terms you find in the job posting can be critical for making sure that your resume contains the keywords that applicant tracking systems are looking for during any automated screening process. Check out our post, How to Make an ATS-Friendly Resume – Tips for ATS 2024 for more details!

Don't forget your interpersonal abilities and other soft skills

In addition to those hard skills, you'll also want to include soft skills and interpersonal abilities. In fact, you could put yourself at a huge disadvantage if you fail to highlight your people skills. Many employers who see self employment on a resume may wrongly assume that the candidate lacks key interpersonal skills. Chances are that you've done most of your self-employed work on your own, so you'll need to highlight skills that demonstrate your ability to work with others.

To counter any concerns about your ability to be a team player, you can include bullet point achievements that describe your collaborative efforts with clients, vendors, or other contractors. These achievements can include things like:

Communicating regularly with clients, project liaisons, and other members of a team

Consistent use of communication platforms like Zoom, including an estimate of your time spent using those tools

Descriptions of how you used active listening, negotiation, and customer advocacy skills

Related post : 11 Best Communication Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

The goal, of course, is to highlight the many ways in which your self employment has involved regular collaboration and interaction with other people. The fact is that independent contractors and freelancers usually work as part of a team – even if they're just acting on instructions provided by their project contact. Your job is to translate that experience into a compelling story that proves you're a team player.

Other important soft skills that you may want to add to your resume can include:

Time management

Attention to detail



For an explanation of these and other skills, and a more in-depth guide to soft skills and their importance, check out our post, Soft Skills Explained - and the Top 7 for Your Resume .

Self-employed resume summary example

In addition to your work experience and skills sections, self employment can also be mentioned in your resume summary. This section should be no more than three to five sentences in length and should include a concise summary of your experience, skills, and major quantifiable achievements. If you were a salesperson, this part of your resume would function as your elevator pitch – a brief but punchy statement designed to capture the reader's attention and inspire them to read the rest of the document.

For example:

Results-focused digital artist with five years of experience building and leading creative art agency from the ground up. Skilled at concept development, theme organization, and full-process campaign creation and implementation designed to increase target audience engagement. Serve as Consulting Lead on ABC Corp. design, development, and execution of mobile applications used by 2 million customers.

Self-employed resume template

Sometimes, it's easier to start with a basic template that you can use to guide you as you create your own resume. We've included a simple template below that you can use by simply inserting your own career details – including self-employment history – into the brackets for each section. Once you've completed that process, you can adjust this basic resume to tailor it to your individual career needs and the job you're seeking.

[Your Full name]

[Address] | [Phone number] | [Email address] | [Website] | [LinkedIn URL]]

[Resume headline] This should be a one-line headline that includes your desired job and some descriptive language that differentiates you from your competitors.

[Resume summary paragraph]

[List of relevant hard and soft skills] Use bullet points for each skill and format the entire section into two or three columns to optimize resume space and improve readability.

Professional Experience

[Company name, dates of employment]

[Job title]

  • [Bullet point achievement #1, including real numbers to show value]
  • [Bullet point achievement #2, including real numbers to show value]
  • [Bullet point achievement #3, including real numbers to show value]
  • [Bullet point achievement #4, including real numbers to show value]

Use this same template format to list as many jobs as you need to cover the last ten years of employment – including any self employment.

[Degree | Major, Name of college, Date you graduated]

You can also list coursework if you believe that it will enhance your qualifications or help the employer understand your area of competency.


[List all relevant certifications, licenses, etc.]

For more advice about organizing your resume sections, read Seven Key Resume Sections and How to Organize Them .

Including self-employment on a resume can boost your chances of landing an interview!

Whether you've spent your career working for yourself or have had a combination of traditional and self-employed positions, including self-employment on your resume can be vital for job search success. That relevant work experience can help you highlight your skills and notable achievements that demonstrate your unique value proposition to employers. Good luck with your job search!

Want to make sure that the self-employment on your resume is truly highlighting your qualifications? Get a free resume review from our team of experts today!

This article was originally written by Amanda Augustine and has been updated by Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

17 Resume Tips to Get Seen and Hired Faster

11 Key Things to Put on Your Resume

What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

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How to Include Self-Employment on Your Resume

Hailey Hudson

3 key takeaways

  • What self-employment is
  • Best practices for creating a self-employed job description
  • How to put self-employed on a resume using the free Teal AI Resume Builder

If you’ve ever worked as a contractor, a freelancer, or a small business owner, you are someone who has been self-employed.

Thanks to this experience, you know that even when you’re working for yourself, this absolutely counts as real work experience. Beyond what you’d learn in a more traditional job, you’re also growing in areas like time management, taking initiative, and problem-solving.

The key is learning how to take this valuable work history and translate it onto self-employed resumes to increase your chances of landing a job.

Sound like a tall order? Here’s what you need to know about the best method of how to put self-employed work on your resume (with self-employed resume examples included).

Teal's AI Resume Builder

Including self-employed on resumes: Why it matters

"Self-employed" is a fairly broad term. At its most basic level, it means that you worked independently, for yourself (rather than, for example, working with one specific company). But the life of a self-employed professional can vary widely, looking like:

  • Freelancing: With freelance work, your schedule is highly flexible, working with multiple clients (whom you choose) on short-term projects. 
  • Sole proprietorship: Most freelancers are sole proprietors. In other cases, sole proprietors are considered business owners who can do things like hire employees.
  • Contract work: An independent contractor generally has a working relationship with a single client on longer, fixed-term projects.
  • Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs make money by starting and building a business.
  • Partnership: A partnership is the next step up from a sole proprietorship. It’s a business owned by two or more people.
  • Consulting: Consultants are often independent contractors—people who offer expert advice to private companies. 

While these are all types of self-employed experiences, many of these terms carry some overlap. If you don’t know which one best describes your work and employment history, fall back on “self-employed.”

Should you put self-employment on your resume?


Including career-focused experiences—such as freelance writing on the side, contract work between full-time jobs, or even opening a small business—can help prove your flexibility and resourcefulness. (But remember, listing every job title or experience you’ve ever had might not be relevant. Hiring managers probably don’t care about that lemonade stand you had in middle school.)

Outside of more general job skills (like interpersonal skills), people who are self-employed also commonly specialize in a certain type of work. You can showcase any technical competencies or hard skills in the " About Me" section of your self-employed resume and beyond.

Practical guide: Listing self-employment on your resume

In many ways, adding self-employed work to your resume will look the same as adding any other job or work experience on your resume . You’ll want to include:

  • A job title (that clearly signals you were self-employed)
  • A company name
  • The dates you started and ended each position or gig (dividing up certain freelance projects, for example)
  • Bullet points with compelling descriptions of what you did
  • A well-written resume summary
  • Additional skills, certifications , or successes 

But figuring out what to put for the company name when self-employed can be tricky. One option is to include a header that says “Freelance” or “Contract” and list multiple independent contracting clients as subheaders under that:

  • Freelance Writer 
  • XYZ Company
  • ABC Company

Another is to name your job title and the client or company on the same line, with further description underneath:

  • ABC Company — Freelance Graphic Designer

If you have your own business, you can include your business name. Just make sure to denote that you’re an entrepreneur rather than an employee.

Finally, if you don’t have much space to include your self-employed experience, it’s okay not to name any companies at all. Simply say “Consultant” or “Freelancer” with a couple of brief sentences about your self-employed work experience, mentioning specific personal projects where you achieved results:

  • Freelance Developer: Helped five clients design and maintain websites, lowering bounce rate to 30% and increasing conversion rate to 3%. Worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

Write your self-employed resume with Teal

The Teal AI Resume Builder offers one tool to create, optimize, and manage your resume. You can build one from scratch or upload an existing resume (or your LinkedIn profile!) to get started. Then, use Resume Analysis and Matching Mode to bridge any gaps between your self-employed experience and each unique role you apply for.

Articulating your self-employed role: Creating a compelling job description

Once you’ve figured out a good header, the next step is writing a self-employed job description for a resume that explains exactly what you did as your own boss. 

This means adding relevant bullet points (with metrics, wherever possible); using strong action verbs (achieved, exceeded, generated); and staying honest about what you did or didn’t do

But as you list self-employment experiences on a resume, you’ll want to specifically highlight any self-employed skills you acquired or honed during those experiences that you might not have gotten during a traditional 9-5. For example, did you:

  • Improve your time management and organizational skills by working on multiple new client projects at once?
  • Market yourself and your personal brand on social media to gain more clients?
  • Adapt your work to fit the different guidelines of each company you worked with?

These are all great details that you should weave into a self-employed resume summary.

Should you put your small business on your resume? Sure! If you’ve ever started your own small business, this is a great detail to include on your resume—this is something that not everyone has done. Describe yourself as business owner, CEO, or manager, whichever one feels most appropriate for you as a self-employed professional. If you have a company website, you can add it as a bullet point along with your contact details.

Self-employed resume examples

Full-time self-employed sample resume.

Looking for a sample self-employed resume to impress a hiring manager? Take a look at the work experience section of this self-employed photographer resume . As one of the best resume templates, this self-employed resume example breaks down the job seeker's self-employed projects into bullet points:

Self Employed Photographer

01/2023 – 04/2023

Captured Moments Photography

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive marketing plan, resulting in a 30% increase in client inquiries and a 20% increase in bookings within the first year.
  • Collaborated with industry professionals to organize and host a successful photography exhibition, attracting over 500 attendees and generating significant media coverage.
  • Established a streamlined system for organizing and storing client images, improving efficiency by 25% and ensuring quick and easy access to files for future projects.

Photography Business Manager

09/2022 – 12/2022

  • Created a visually stunning and user-friendly website to showcase portfolio and services, resulting in a 40% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in client conversions.
  • Developed a pricing structure that maximized profitability while remaining competitive in the market, leading to a 10% increase in average project revenue.
  • Implemented a client payment tracking system, reducing late payments by 20% and improving cash flow management.

Photography Assistant

07/2022 – 09/2022

  • Researched and invested in high-quality photography equipment and software, resulting in enhanced image quality and increased client satisfaction.
  • Stayed up-to-date on industry trends and techniques, incorporating new styles and editing methods into work, resulting in a 15% increase in client referrals.
  • Developed an efficient system for editing and retouching images, reducing editing time by 30% and ensuring timely delivery of final products to clients.

Part-time Self-employed sample resume

If your self-employment experience is more of a side project, here’s what this freelance work on your resume might look like for a freelance artist , who has a full-time job while also doing freelance work:

Freelance Artist

ArtistFreelance Solutions

  • Collaborated with a team of designers and developers to create a series of digital illustrations for a popular mobile game, resulting in a 25% increase in downloads and a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Managed a project to create a series of sculptures for a public art installation, completing the project on time and within budget, resulting in positive feedback from the community and local media.
  • Created a series of logos and branding materials for a startup company, resulting in a 50% increase in brand recognition and a successful launch of their product.

3D Animator and Illustrator

ArtFreedom Freelance

  • Developed a series of 3D models and animations for a virtual reality experience, resulting in a 40% increase in engagement and positive feedback from users.
  • Collaborated with a team of artists and designers to create a series of illustrations and animations for a children's book, resulting in a successful launch and positive reviews from readers.
  • Created a series of digital paintings for a client's website, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and engagement.

Illustrator and Animator

FreelanceArtistry Solutions

  • Collaborated with a team of artists and designers to create a series of storyboards for a video game, resulting in a successful launch and positive reviews from players.
  • Created a series of illustrations and animations for a social media campaign, resulting in a 20% increase in engagement and positive feedback from followers.
  • Developed a series of sculptures for a public art installation, resulting in positive feedback from the community and local media.

Self-employed entrepreneur sample resume

For a freelance event planner , a self-employed resume sample might look like this:

Freelance Event Planner

Nexus Networks

  • Developed and executed a high-profile corporate gala, resulting in a 30% increase in attendance and a 25% increase in sponsorships, exceeding client expectations.
  • Managed a team of 15 event staff and volunteers, ensuring seamless coordination and execution of all event logistics, resulting in a flawless attendee experience.
  • Implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy, including social media campaigns and targeted email marketing, resulting in a 40% increase in event registrations.

Event Coordinator

Lyra Logistics

  • Organized and executed a series of fundraising events for a non-profit organization, raising over $100,000 in donations and exceeding fundraising goals by 20%.
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors and suppliers, achieving cost savings of 15% without compromising the quality of services and products.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive event timeline and budget, resulting in efficient resource allocation and cost control, saving the client 10% on overall event expenses.

Palladium Partners

  • Created and executed a large-scale conference for a technology company, managing a budget of $500,000 and achieving a 15% cost savings through strategic vendor negotiations.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive safety plan, ensuring compliance with all regulations and guidelines, resulting in zero safety incidents during the event.
  • Evaluated event success through attendee surveys and feedback, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate and valuable insights for future event planning.

Additional ways to showcase your self-employment experience

Once you’ve finished describing the bulk of your self-employment work experience, you may want to consider adding additional sections to highlight any of the following:

  • Certifications: Certifications you’ve earned can help add credibility.
  • Publications: If you were interviewed or featured in an industry publication, this may be worth including on your self-employed resume.
  • Awards: Extra space in your self-employment resume can be filled with any awards you may have won as a result of your self-employed skills. 

Mentioning specific projects can be helpful, too. For instance, maybe you worked on a huge website revamp or created a marketing strategy from the ground up. These are good projects to include on a self-employed resume. 

The significance of self-employment on your resume

Including freelance, consulting, or entrepreneurship work on your resume is a helpful way to give hiring managers a comprehensive view of your experience and soft skills.

And you don't need to hire a certified professional resume writer to create a standout resume. Once you learn how to list self-employment on a resume (like the self-employed resume samples shown above), it’s not so hard after all.

Make the process easier with Teal’s free AI Resume Builder. From your contact information to your resume summary all the way down to skills, the Resume Builder uses AI to help you quickly and accurately write a self-employment resume that helps you put your best foot forward for a hiring manager. (Hint: The Work Experience section is especially helpful if you’re looking to add multiple self-employment experiences.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Are freelance and self-employed the same.

Yes—since freelancers work for multiple clients and control their own schedule, they are self-employed. Other types of self-employment include consulting, contract work, and entrepreneurship.

What should I put on my resume if I’m self-employed?

A good self-employment resume will include details of the clients you worked with, the type of work you did for each one, and the results your client saw as a result.

What do I put for my employer when self-employed?

State that you are self-employed (such as a freelancer or consultant). Then name a few of the clients you’ve worked with.

self employed work experience resume

Hailey Hudson

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How to List Self-Employment on a Resume

Trevor Richfield

  • Aug 30, 2024

Knowing how to put self-employed experience on a resume requires more than just detailing your roles—it's about framing your entrepreneurial journey to highlight leadership skills and achievements effectively.

Whether you're a freelancer, consultant, or small business owner, strategically presenting your self-employment on a resume can make a compelling case to recruiters.

This guide offers actionable insights and best practices to ensure your resume not only reflects your entrepreneurial spirit but also positions you as a valuable asset in today's competitive job market.

Should I put self-employed on my resume?

Whether or not to add self-employment on your resume depends on how important it is to the job you're applying for. Below are some considerations to keep in mind.

If your self-employment experience directly relates to the position you're applying for, definitely include it.

For example, if you were self-employed as a graphic designer and you're applying for a design position, this experience is highly relevant.

Highlighting skills

Use your self-employed job description to showcase responsibilities that demonstrate your ability to excel in the role you're applying for.

Focus on measurable accomplishments and skills gained during this period.

Use bullet points to list them:

  • Achievements could include milestones like revenue growth, successful project completions, or client testimonials.
  • Skills could range from technical abilities ( e.g., programming languages, design software ) to soft skills ( e.g., client communication, project management ).

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with numbers or percentages. This adds credibility and demonstrates the impact of your work.

Transferrable skills

Even if your self-employment wasn't directly related to the job you're applying for, consider including it to demonstrate transferrable skills. These can include entrepreneurship, project management , client relations, or financial management.

Gaps in employment

If you have periods that would otherwise appear as gaps in your work history , including self-employment on your resume can provide clarity. It is your chance to show that you were actively working during those times.

If the gap requires more explanation than can fit on a resume with self-employed jobs, you can address it briefly in your cover letter . Focus on how your experience has prepared you for the role and why you are now ready to return to a traditional job.

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self employed work experience resume

Honesty and transparency

Be prepared to discuss your self-employment during interviews . Employers may be curious about why you chose this work model and what you learned from the experience.

How to list self-employment on a resume?

Adding self-employment to resumes involves highlighting your experience and achievements in a structured manner.

What to use as a job title?

Your job title should reflect the work you do and the services you offer.

Here are some common titles used across different industries:

  • Freelancer . If you offer services on a project basis, such as graphic design , writing, or consulting.
  • Consultant . Often used if you provide expert advice or guidance in a specific field.
  • Contractor . Common for those in construction, home improvement, or specialized trades.
  • Entrepreneur . If you're starting and running your own business.
  • Owner/Proprietor . Simple and straightforward, indicating you own the business.
  • Creative Director . Suitable if you manage creative projects or have a leadership role in a creative industry.
  • Designer . Appropriate for those in various design fields like graphic design, interior design, etc.
  • Coach/Mentor . Used if you provide coaching or mentoring services in personal development, career guidance, etc.
  • Artist/Artisan . For individuals in the arts and crafts industry.
  • Developer . Suitable for software developers , app developers, or website developers.

What to put for a company name when self-employed?

Many self-employed individuals simply use their own name as their business name. Alternatively, if you prefer to keep it simple and straightforward, you can use "Self-Employed" .

If you have a partner or co-founder, you could combine your names or initials, such as "Smith & Jones Consulting" .

Dates of self-employment

Provide the start and end dates ( month and year ) for each period of self-employment. This gives employers a clear timeline of your entrepreneurial activities.

Use a reverse-chronological format where your most recent experience is listed first. This allows hiring managers to see your most current activities quickly.

If your business primarily serves a specific region or if location played a significant role in your work, mention the city and state or country (for remote jobs ) where you operated.

However, if your clients were spread out globally or if your work was primarily conducted online, it is possible to avoid adding a specific location to a resume for self-employed individuals.

Self-employed job description

Clearly state the services or products you offer as a self-employed individual. For example, if you're a freelance fitness trainer , you might say, "Provided personal training services both in-person and online" .

If possible, quantify your achievements . For instance, you could mention the number of clients served, successful projects completed, or revenue generated .

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Self-employed resume examples, freelance writing resume example.

Objective Detail-oriented and creative writer with 4+ years of experience in freelance writing. Seeking to leverage strong research and writing skills to contribute high-quality content to a dynamic organization. Professional Experience Freelance Writer Self-Employed January 2020 - Present Weekly produce over 20 articles and blog posts for clients in technology, finance, travel, and health industries, with an average length of 1000 words per piece. Achieve a 90% client satisfaction rate by delivering high-quality, well-researched content on time and within budget. Increase organic traffic for client websites by an average of 30% through SEO-optimized content strategies. Manage a portfolio of 8-10 clients concurrently, generating $50,000 in annual revenue through repeat business and referrals. Marketing Assistant Tech Solutions Inc., Springfield, IL June 2018 - December 2019 Created and executed content marketing campaigns that contributed to a 25% increase in lead generation and a 15% growth in social media engagement. Authored and optimized 50+ blog posts and articles, resulting in an average of 1000 views per post and improved search engine rankings. Managed company social media accounts, growing the LinkedIn follower base by 1500+ in 12 months. Coordinated 3 major industry events, attracting over 300 attendees per event and generating $100,000+ in new business opportunities. Education Bachelor of Arts in English Illinois State University, Normal, IL Graduated: May 2018 Skills Proficient in content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and HubSpot. Strong research, writing, and editing skills with a keen eye for detail. Experienced in SEO best practices and digital marketing strategies. Excellent project management and organizational abilities, adept at managing multiple priorities and deadlines. Certifications Content Marketing Certification (HubSpot) - 2024 SEO Fundamentals Certification (Google) - 2023

Self-employed tutor resume sample

Self-employment consulting resume example.

Summary Results-oriented consultant with over 10 years of experience in advising global clients across healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Proven track record in strategic planning and implementation, driving transformative initiatives that enhance operational efficiency and profitability. Experience Independent Consultant Self-Employed January 2023 - Present Provide strategic advisory services to small pharmaceutical companies, focusing on market entry strategies and competitive analysis. Develop business plans and financial models that facilitated $1 million in seed funding for a startup client. Manage client relationships independently, maintaining a 95% client satisfaction rate and securing repeat business. Senior Consultant Strategic Vision Advisors, New York, NY June 2019 - January 2023 Led a team of 10 consultants in delivering strategic initiatives for pharmaceutical clients. Advised clients on market access strategies, resulting in a 15% increase in product penetration within 6 months. Developed and implemented a pricing optimization model, which improved client profitability by 20%. Managed client relationships, ensuring satisfaction and securing additional $2 million in project extensions. Consultant Catalyst Partners, Boston, MA June 2014 - May 2019 Conducted market research and analysis for a healthcare startup, providing insights that guided a $5 million investment decision. Prepared comprehensive reports and presentations for C-level executives, facilitating informed decision-making. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement a new product launch strategy, resulting in 30% revenue growth in the first year. Education Master of Business Administration (MBA) Harvard Business School, Boston, MA August 2015 - May 2017 Bachelor of Science in Economics Yale University, New Haven, CT August 2010 - May 2014 Skills Strategic Planning & Implementation Financial Analysis & Modeling (Proficient in Excel and Tableau) Market Research & Competitive Analysis Project Management Client Relationship Management Data Analysis & Visualization Certifications Certified Management Consultant (CMC) - 2024 Project Management Professional (PMP) - 2023 Languages Proficient in Spanish

Putting self-employed roles on your resume is a powerful way to demonstrate initiative, adaptability, and valuable skills gained outside traditional employment.

By carefully structuring your experience, emphasizing achievements, and aligning them with the job you're applying for, you can effectively showcase your entrepreneurial background to prospective employers.

Remember, clarity and relevance are key—craft your resume to highlight how your self-employment journey uniquely qualifies you for the opportunities ahead.

Trevor Richfield

Trevor Richfield

Career Coach & Professional Resume Writer

Trevor is a professional resume writer, career coach, and Nationally Certified Online Profile Expert (NCOPE) with well over 1,000 resumes under his belt. He emphasizes the importance of building an authentic professional brand you are proud to display to potential collaborators and employers. From recent graduates to executive leaders, Trevor has helped professionals land jobs at Fortune 500 companies and expand their own independent ventures.It's not only about results with Trevor, but about a continuous journey of professional and personal empowerment.

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  • Career Blog

Self-Employment on Your Resume: Sample and Tips for 2024

self employed work experience resume

In today’s world, where job security is a distant dream, a lot of people have adopted self-employment as a way of life. Working as your own boss can bring enormous satisfaction and financial benefits, but it does come with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges for self-employed individuals is finding the right way to present their experience on their resume.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of including self-employment on a resume, along with a sample to help you get started.

Overview of self-employment on a resume

Self-employment offers a unique set of experiences and skill sets to potential employers. Many people hesitate to include self-employment on their resume, worrying that it might give the impression of instability or lack of focus. However, if presented effectively, self-employment on a resume can actually showcase an individual’s entrepreneurial spirit, ability to multitask, and versatility.

Importance of including self-employment on a resume

In today’s job market, employers appreciate individuals who have taken the initiative to work for themselves. Self-employment experience can demonstrate that an individual possesses qualities such as problem-solving skills, time-management capabilities, and financial acumen. Moreover, self-employment experience can set a candidate apart from others who have only worked traditional jobs.

Understanding Self-Employment

Being self-employed is often an attractive option for individuals who want the freedom to work on their own terms and control their income streams. Understanding what self-employment entails is crucial if you’re considering transitioning to this type of work or want to highlight your experience on your resume.

A. Definition and scope of self-employment

Self-employment refers to individuals who work for themselves instead of working for an employer. These individuals typically provide a product or service and are responsible for their own taxes, insurance, and other business expenses. Self-employment can include a wide range of work, such as freelancing, consulting, owning a small business, and more.

self employed work experience resume

B. Different types of self-employment

There are many different types of self-employment, each with their own unique characteristics. Some of the most common types of self-employment include:

  • Freelancing: Working on a project-by-project basis for clients.
  • Consulting: Providing specialized advice and services to clients for a fee.
  • Small business ownership: Owning and operating a business with fewer than 500 employees.
  • Gig work: Performing short-term jobs or tasks for various clients.
  • Entrepreneurship: Starting and running a business from scratch.

While each type of self-employment comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, what they have in common is that individuals who pursue these career paths do so with a high level of independence and control over their work.

C. Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment

Self-employment can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with a unique set of challenges. Some of the advantages of self-employment include:

  • Flexibility: The ability to set your own schedule and work from anywhere.
  • Control: The power to make your own decisions and control your work environment.
  • Unlimited earning potential: The opportunity to earn as much as you can based on your skills and work ethic.

However, self-employment also has some disadvantages to consider, such as:

  • Lack of stability: A lack of consistent work or income can be stressful for some individuals.
  • Increased responsibility: Being self-employed means you are responsible for everything from taxes to insurance to marketing.
  • Limited benefits: Unlike traditional employment, self-employed individuals don’t typically receive benefits like healthcare, paid time off, or retirement plans.

Self-employment can be a viable option for those seeking greater independence and control over their careers, but it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making the transition. Understanding the scope and nuances of self-employment will also help you integrate this experience effectively on your resume.

Why Self-Employment on a Resume Matters?

In this section, we will explore the reasons why self-employment is an important aspect to include on a resume for both employers as well as job seekers.

A. Employer’s Perspective on Self-Employment

From an employer’s perspective, self-employment on a resume can be seen as a valuable asset. It shows that a candidate possesses the entrepreneurial spirit and has the ability to take initiative and manage their own business. Employers are always on the lookout for candidates who possess these qualities, as they are essential to the success of any organization.

Moreover, self-employment experience can be particularly useful for small businesses, startups, and other organizations looking for candidates who are resourceful, resilient and able to wear many different hats. It also proves that the candidate is self-motivated, goal-oriented, and possesses excellent communication and problem-solving skills – all of which are crucial for any role in the modern job market.

B. Influence of Self-Employment on the Recruitment Process

Having self-employment experience on a resume can also play a crucial role in the recruitment process. According to various studies, recruiters and hiring managers take self-employment experience seriously, particularly if the candidate can demonstrate that their business was profitable, well-managed and achieved quantifiable outcomes.

In fact, in some cases, self-employment experience can be the deciding factor for being selected over other candidates. It shows that the candidate can take on various leadership and management responsibilities, has experience navigating different industries and has a strong work ethic.

C. Benefits of Including Self-Employment on a Resume

Including self-employment on a resume can have many benefits for the job seeker. It can help to distinguish them from other candidates, highlight valuable skills that may not be showcased in traditional employment settings and demonstrate a unique perspective that can be of great value to employers.

In addition, having self-employment experience can open up new opportunities for freelancing or consulting work, which has become increasingly popular in today’s gig economy. It also shows that the candidate is willing to take risks and is committed to developing their professional and personal brand.

self employed work experience resume

Self-employment can be a valuable asset to include on a resume. It showcases an entrepreneurial spirit, highlights valuable skills and demonstrates initiative and resourcefulness. For employers, it provides crucial insights into a candidate’s leadership potential and ability to take on new challenges. For job seekers, it opens up new opportunities and can set them apart from the competition in a crowded job market.

How to list self-employment on a resume?

If you’re a self-employed worker inserting your work history on a resume can be daunting, but it’s crucial to show potential employers that you’re a dependable, skilled professional. Here are some tips on how to list your self-employment on your resume effectively.

A. Choosing the right format for your resume

Ensure that you choose the most appropriate format for your work experience. Use a functional, chronological or combination format depending on your type of work, skills and experience level. Consider what layout best highlights your accomplishments and will catch the attention of prospective employers.

B. Tips for highlighting self-employment on a resume

When listing your self-employment, make sure you emphasize your achievements and major-day-to-day responsibilities. List relevant accomplishments such as, “Developed and implemented a successful marketing campaign resulting in a 50% increase in annual profit.” Highlight the duties that show your transferable expertise, such as, “Comprehensive business management, including consulting, project management and accounting.” When listing your experience, make use of terms that are transferable, such as “managed and developed customer relationships,” and “oversaw project timelines and budgets.” Also ensure that you use active, descriptive verbs that communicate your work’s quantitative or qualitative impact, like “established, grew, increased or improved.”

C. Examples of incorporating self-employment on a resume

Here is an example of how to list self-employment on your resume:

Title:  Freelance Marketing and Social Media Consultant

Company:  Your name and contact information

Timeframe:  November 2017 – Present

Industry:  Marketing

Location:  Remote

A results-driven freelance consultant specializing in social media and digital marketing with over three years of expertise in crafting engaging content, developing brand identities and increasing online engagement, traffic and presence through well-planned campaigns. Proficient in managing multiple projects simultaneously with minimal supervision and delivering quality client satisfaction.

Key Accomplishments:

Developed and executed successful digital marketing campaigns for clients resulting in an average 40% increase in engagement rates.

Maintained profitable relationships with over 20 satisfied clients leading to repeat business and referrals through exceptional communication and customer service.

Major Responsibilities:

Created custom social media strategies, calendars and content for various platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Developed brand messaging, and improved website user experience and design leading to increased website traffic, sales and customer acquisition.

Managed and executed all aspects of social media campaigns, including analytics, reporting and budget management.

It’s crucial to always highlight your key self-employment accomplishments and responsibilities while putting them front and center on your resume. Using the appropriate format, active verbs and transferable skills will increase interest and get you ahead of the pack.

Key elements of self-employment on a resume

When you’ve worked as a self-employed individual, it’s important to highlight the key elements that will impress potential employers. Here are the four critical categories to make sure you include:

A. Role and job title

First and foremost, list the job title(s) you held while self-employed. If you had multiple roles, make sure to list each one separately. Be sure to use industry-standard job titles whenever possible, and avoid gimmicky or hard-to-understand titles.

B. Company name and duration

Include the name(s) of your company/companies and the duration of your self-employment. This will give potential employers a clear understanding of how long you were self-employed and the name(s) of the companies you worked for. If you had multiple businesses or projects, make sure to list them separately.

C. Industry experience and responsibilities

List your industry experience and responsibilities while self-employed. This means describing your primary duties – such as managing clients, planning projects, creating marketing materials, and so on – and the specific skills you used to perform them. Use job descriptions or online resources to ensure that your duties and skills align with industry standards.

D. Achievements and accomplishments

Finally, don’t forget to include your accomplishments and achievements while self-employed. Include metrics if possible – such as sales growth, client acquisition, or project completion rates – to demonstrate your value as a self-employed individual. This will show potential employers that you were able to achieve measurable results while working on your own.

By following these four key elements, you’ll be able to present yourself as a competent and valuable self-employed individual on your resume.

How to explain self-employment on a resume?

Self-employment can be an impressive addition to your resume, but it can also be tricky to explain to potential employers. Here are some tips for addressing gaps in employment history, explaining the reasons behind your self-employment, and framing your self-employment experience in a way that showcases your skills and achievements.

A. Addressing gaps in employment history

If you have gaps in your employment history due to self-employment, don’t try to hide them. Instead, be honest about your time spent running your own business. You can frame your self-employment as a period of professional and personal growth that has given you valuable skills and experience that you can now bring to a new role.

B. Explaining reasons behind self-employment

When explaining why you chose to become self-employed, make sure to emphasize your passion for your industry and your desire for greater flexibility and control over your career. You can also highlight any challenges you faced as a self-employed individual and how you overcame them to achieve success.

C. Techniques for framing self-employment experience

When framing your self-employment experience, focus on specific achievements and quantifiable results. Use action verbs to describe your responsibilities, and highlight any new skills or knowledge you gained as a result of your self-employment. You can also include any positive feedback or testimonials from clients or customers. Finally, make sure your self-employment experience is relevant to the position you are applying for, and tailor your resume accordingly.

By following these tips, you can successfully explain your self-employment experience on your resume and showcase your skills and achievements to potential employers.

Tips for Highlighting Self-Employment Skills

As a self-employed individual, identifying and showcasing transferable skills can often be a challenge. However, it is important to highlight these skills to potential employers to land a job. Here are a few tips to help you highlight your self-employment skills on your resume:

A. Identifying Transferable Skills

Self-employment provides ample opportunities to develop transferable skills that you can apply in multiple contexts. These may include project management, sales and marketing, budgeting, time management, communication, leadership, and problem-solving. Take some time to analyze your experience, projects, and responsibilities to identify these skills.

B. Integrating Self-Employment Skills with Job Requirements

Once you have identified your transferable skills, the next step is to showcase how they match the job requirements. Look at the job description, and tailor your resume to emphasize skills and experience that align with the position. Use the same language and keywords as the job posting to ensure that your resume stands out.

C. Demonstrating Self-Employment Skills through Quantifiable Outcomes

Employers always look for candidates who can deliver quantifiable results. Therefore, when highlighting your self-employment skills, use measurable outcomes to demonstrate your success. Use statistics, data, or any other quantitative measures to show how your skills have impacted your business. For example, if you managed a social media campaign, you could quantify your success by highlighting the increase in followers, click-through rates, or website traffic.

Showcasing your self-employment skills on your resume can be challenging but rewarding. By identifying transferable skills, integrating them with job requirements, and demonstrating quantifiable outcomes, you can stand out from the competition and land your dream job.

Overcoming Potential Challenges

When it comes to including self-employment on your resume, there are a few potential challenges you may face. Here are some strategies to overcome them:

A. Addressing Negative Connotations Around Self-Employment

Unfortunately, there are still some negative connotations associated with self-employment, such as the belief that it is less stable or reliable than traditional employment. To address these concerns, emphasize the following:

  • The skills and experience you developed through self-employment that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. For example, if you ran your own business, highlight your managerial, marketing, and customer relations skills.
  • Any successes you achieved, such as winning contracts or achieving business growth.
  • The initiative, resilience and adaptability required to succeed as your own boss.
  • The fact that self-employment requires a high level of personal responsibility and accountability, which are traits many employers value.

B. Strategies for Minimizing Impact of Self-Employment Bias

Even if self-employment is becoming more accepted, some employers may still display a bias against job seekers who are or have been self-employed. Here are strategies to minimize any negative impact:

  • Use industry-specific language and acronyms that show you’re knowledgeable about the sector and can speak its unique language.
  • Emphasize your professional network and any industry contacts you’ve gained during self-employment that can vouch for your skills and reliability.
  • Get certified, accredited, or take online classes to keep your skills current and your resume up-to-date.

C. Knowing When to Include and When Not to Include Self-Employment on a Resume

Deciding whether to include self-employment on your resume ultimately depends on each situation. Here are some factors to consider to help you make the decision:

  • If the self-employment was in the same field as the job you’re applying for, highlight the skills and experience gained and how they relate to the role.
  • If the self-employment was in a different field, consider leaving it out or briefly mentioning it as a supplemental activity for gaining experience in another area.
  • Always be honest and transparent about your self-employment adventures. Hiring managers can check your work experience, so being upfront is always the best policy.

By employing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your resume for your next job opportunity while appropriately highlighting your self-employment achievements.

Sample self-employment resume

As a self-employed individual, crafting a resume that highlights your skills and experiences can be challenging. To help guide you in creating an effective self-employment resume, it can be helpful to analyze the structure of a sample resume and extract tips and techniques.

A. Analyzing the structure of sample resume

When analyzing the structure of a self-employment resume, it’s important to look at the layout, formatting, and overall organization. A well-structured self-employment resume should follow a similar format to traditional resumes. This means starting with a clear and concise objective or summary statement that highlights your key skills and experiences.

Next, include a skills section that lists your top skills and abilities related to your self-employment experience. Follow this with a detailed work history section that provides specific details about your self-employment experiences, including project descriptions, client relationships, and achievements.

B. Highlighting key elements of self-employment on the resume

When highlighting key elements of self-employment on a resume, it’s important to showcase your ability to work independently, manage projects, and build client relationships. Additionally, providing concrete examples of your achievements and contributions can help set you apart from other candidates.

It’s also important to address any gaps in your work history that may be a result of your self-employment. This can be done by providing a brief explanation for the time between traditional employment and starting your own business.

C. Extracting tips and techniques from the sample resume

By analyzing a sample self-employment resume, you can extract valuable tips and techniques for creating an effective resume. Some of these may include:

  • Using clear and concise language to showcase your skills and experiences
  • Providing detailed project descriptions that highlight your contributions and achievements
  • Emphasizing your ability to work independently and manage projects effectively
  • Addressing any potential gaps in your work history to provide context for your self-employment experience

Creating a strong self-employment resume requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of what sets you apart as a candidate. By analyzing a well-crafted sample resume and extracting valuable tips and techniques, you can create a winning self-employment resume that showcases your skills and experiences effectively.

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Self Employed Resume Samples [+ 3 Examples]

This page provides you with Self Employed resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Self Employed resume.

Self Employed Resume Sample and Template

“You are self-employed! I don’t get why you would need to work on a resume!”

How many times have you heard your peers asking you this question? How often do you get frustrated at them because they just don’t understand?

Well, you have done the right thing, looking for the best self-employed resume sample on the web. Even professionals like you need a resume (actually, a standout resume!). It’s quite likely you just want to know your worth in today’s market or perhaps you want to send out a few resume to see if you could get a once-in-a-lifetime call that might change your mind regarding your future.

We have helped thousands of entrepreneurs like you probe the market and see if it’s worth staying in their position as a self-employed or if they actually want to take the leap. Let us inspire you, as well, with the most effective self-employed resume sample you could think of: we are ready to start building your future!

Also, check out our collection of 500+ resume samples .

You are or have been the mastermind behind the creation of your business: you do not know what fear feels like! You have an outstanding amount of talents, from conceptualizing organizational operations, budgets and branding to implementing them through careful feedback and research. You have had stellar ideas and you most likely have outstanding leadership and motivational skills...and don’t forget about your exceptional problem-solving skills!

As a business innovator, you have so many different and desirable strengths and your biggest challenge in creating a strong resume is to remain concise.

One of the first steps you should take is to format the resume so that your strengths are highlighted, along with your best achievements.

Ensure clear layouts are used to make sure the recruiters keep on scrolling down: white space and legible fonts make for easy reading and give the recruiters’ eyes a rest

Last but not least, make sure you save your resume as a .pdf.

We won’t have anything against you, Microsoft, but the Word formatting can sometimes be an issue whereas a .pdf is set in carbonite.

create a resume

How to Write a Self Employed Resume?

To write a professional Self Employed resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Self Employed resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Self Employed’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Self Employed resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a Self Employed professional.
  • List your top Self Employed skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Self Employed Resume Header?

Write the perfect Self Employed resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Self Employed to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Self Employed resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Self Employed Resume Example - Header Section

Deon 696 Rock Maple St. South Lyon, MI 48178 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Self Employed Resume Example - Header Section

Deon Nguyen, Lyon, MI, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Self Employed email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

The Self Employed Resume Summary Section

Summaries don’t sound the most appealing or even necessary elements of a resume and yet they are needed. Most times recruiters don’t have the time to read every single detail of your resume and all they want is summaries. Make sure you captivate them with your most impressive business achievements and your excellent and unrivaled networking ability.

There are one or two tips from us to help you today:

DO (Summarize your employment)

  • Keep the list of your skills short.
  • Ensure you highlight one or two important skills above the others.
  • Use numbers, percentages and figures to demonstrate measurable success

DON’T (Summarize your life)

  • Try to be too funny, this is a professional resume
  • Use a smart or pompous tone in the summary.
  • Talk as if you are better than the recruiter.

import a resume example

Self Employed Resume Examples - Summary

  • Owner - Self Employed Resume Sample - Summary

Highly motivated, articulate, creative and versatile sales professional with several years of technology sales management experience and an entrepreneurial flair. Especially skilled at building productive working relationships with clients and staff. Adept at developing effective tactics to execute long-term results in the most efficient means possible.

  • Self Employed Resume Example - Summary

A highly resourceful general management and marketing communications professional with years of experience in strategic planning, improving operational efficiency, building and managing teams across multiple departments, financial management, and project management.

Work Experience

This section might get tricky - you have had a couple (or more!) of experiences working on your own business. The biggest mistake you could do is to say something like: “That business didn’t do that well, I should not include it”.

That is so wrong - as a self-employed, you have worn so many hats that it does not really matter if you have failed, because you will never really fail as long as you have learnt from something. We suggest you list any experience you have had, as an entrepreneur and even any previous one as an employee. Show your future employer your level of experience and be as detailed as possible!

Self Employed Resume Examples - Work Experience

  • Owner, Self Employed Resume - Work Experience
  • Guiding SMEs to break through growth barriers via Sales and Marketing strategies.
  • Coaching business owners and professionals to boost revenue, attract new customers, and optimize marketing spending.
  • Developing competitive business and pricing models. Create motivational workshops that increase collaboration and growth.
  • Self Employed Resume - Work Experience

Self Employed

  • Preparing individual and sole proprietorship tax returns.
  • Prepare offer in compromise on behalf of the client to resolve tax debt.
  • Building new and maintaining existing client relationships.
  • Conduct research and analyze state and federal tax issues.

Here are tips to help with this part:

Do (Summarize your work history)

  • Showcase why you are the perfect candidate for the job.
  • Be concise and detailed
  • Experience should be added where applicable.

DON’Ts (Summarize your relationship history)

  • Bring your ego to the table.
  • Have more than 3 references at the bottom of the work history.
  • Fake references or work history is a no!

For more tips on writing the best work experience section for a self-employed like you, check out our detailed resume guide .

We get it, lots of successful self-employed professionals are dropout miracles. That does not have to apply to everyone though. Your education is very valuable and recruiters want to know what made you the professional you currently are. It’s very important to have even a brief section covering your education, where these points should be covered:

  • Which learning institutes you attended and what you studied.
  • The number of years you studied.
  • The outcome of the education – i.e. qualifications.

It doesn’t matter if you’re only able to provide the most basic elements of your educational background, it still counts. Employers are often suspicious of people who leave their education out of a resume as it gets them wondering what they’re hiding. Even if it’s limited, it’s good to list and in truth, not everyone will have university degrees or education to list. If that’s the case, don’t worry, list what education you can.

Top Self-Employed Resume Skills

Recruiters aren’t going to spend hours and hours going through hundreds of resumes; they are going to use simple but effective methods to narrow their search down.

One of the simplest methods they will use is to opt for a keyword search, which is why the skills you list must be relevant to the job at hand. Remember, if you aren’t using relevant keywords you won’t get far!

We believe it’s fundamental that you add both hard and soft skills. These will make the difference and potentially get your name to the top of the list. Of course, if you start listing skills which aren’t really relevant to your job, we doubt you’ll get a callback, so think carefully before you list any skill!

Soft SkillsHard Skills
LeadershipFinancial Forecasts
Team WorkManagement Structure
CollaborationBusiness Plan
Dealing With PressureStrategy formulation

Top Self Employed Resume Skills for 2022

  • Microsoft Office
  • Communication
  • Strategic Planning
  • Hyperion Planning, HFM, Essbase, SAP
  • Budget Preparation & Implementation
  • Reporting, IFRS and USGAAP
  • Applications
  • General: Business Development
  • People Management

How Long Should my Self Employed Resume be?

Your Self Employed resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Self Employed, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

How to List Self Employed on a Resume?

In addition to the ones at top, these additional self-employed resume examples serve as an excellent examples of how to list self employed on a resume.

  • How to List Self Employed on Resume Sample

self employed resume example

  • Cover Letter: yes or no?

If you want an advantage over other candidates, we strongly suggest you use a cover letter.

If you need help, we’ve got you covered !

Should I Add my Self-Employment to a Resume?

Yes, self-employment should be added to your resume. Apart from displaying your relevant work experience, adding self employment to your resume also ensures that there are no unexplained gaps in your work history.

How to List Self-Employment on Your Resume?

To list self employment on your resume, consider adding a job title for the period of self-employment and add relevant work experience under it. If you were a self-employed freelancer who worked for multiple clients - consider adding a line for each of your relevant client work under your work history.

What is your job title if you are self employed?

If you are self employed, your job title should be either "Self Employed" or "Freelance". You can also put a specific title e.g. "Editor" or "Freelance Editor".

How to write own business experience in resume?

If you ran your own business, list yourself as the Owner, CEO or Managing Director of the business under your work experience. List your relevant responsibilities in the form of a bullet list.

How to add your small business to your resume?

While adding your small business experience to resume, make sure you select on the most relevant roles and responsibilities. Most small business owners wear multiple hats, but listing specific responsibilities keeps your relevant to the job that you are applying for.

How to put independent contractor on resume?

To list yourself as an independent contractor on resume, create a separate entry under your work experience. Add “Independent Contractor” as title followed by the responsibilities in a bulleted list.

How to write entrepreneur experience on resume?

Create an entry in your work experience section with a title of Entrepreneur/CEO/Self Employed and list your duties below it. Make sure to display the impact of work done. Keep your responsibilities relevant to the job that you are applying for.

We really, really want you to get your dream job, and we’ve come up with some additional tips!

DO (make yourself look great)

  • Include awards, they are always welcomed.
  • Promotions or how you’ve climbed the ranks can show your quality.
  • Create a brief list of hobbies, if they fit the job.
  • Honesty goes a long way.
  • Include a link to your LinkedIn page

DON’T (embarrass yourself)

  • Avoid adding information which might be sensitive about other businesses or organizations.
  • Avoid having a link to your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts!
  • Sell yourself short.

We have given you tips for the best self-employed resume sample: now, if you are also looking for the best self-employed resume templates, you should check this masterpiece we have been working on ; many professionals like you have successfully used it to take their career to the next level.

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3 Self-employed Resume Examples and Templates for Your Successful 2024’s Job Search

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Tesla Logo

  • • Delivered exceptional service to customers by completing 90-120 stops per day with high accuracy.
  • • Utilized DPD's branded vehicles to provide professional and reliable delivery service.
  • • Achieved flexibility in working schedule by accommodating weekend shifts and longer hours.
  • • Received comprehensive training and continuous support to enhance delivery skills.
  • • Utilized handheld tech to plan optimal routes and ensure on-time and efficient deliveries.
  • • Consistently maximized earnings through efficient delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • • Efficiently managed a high volume of deliveries while ensuring exceptional customer satisfaction.
  • • Developed strong time management and organizational skills to optimize delivery schedules.
  • • Adapted quickly to changing routes and traffic conditions to meet delivery deadlines.
  • • Utilized own van to provide reliable and flexible delivery service.
  • • Maintained accurate records of deliveries and collections, ensuring efficiency and accountability.

Modern Self-employed Resume Example

Modern Self-employed Resume Example Resume Example

Creative Self-employed Resume Example

Creative Self-employed Resume Example Resume Example

When it comes to creating a resume for a self-employed position in 2024, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Length, design, and format are all important considerations that can make or break your chances of landing the job. Here's what you need to be aware of:

Keep your resume concise and to the point. Aim for a maximum of two pages, but one page is ideal for most self-employed positions. Employers have limited time to review each application, so make sure every word counts.

Going for a clean and professional design is essential for a self-employed resume. Avoid using overly decorative fonts or excessive colors. Stick to a simple and readable font, and use bold and italics sparingly to highlight important information. Utilize white space effectively to create a visually appealing layout.

In terms of format, the reverse-chronological order is typically the most effective for self-employed resumes. Start with your most recent job and work your way back. This allows employers to see your progression and highlights your most recent experience. Use bullet points to list your responsibilities and accomplishments for each role.

While the specific sections you include in your self-employed resume may vary depending on the job and industry, there are a few popular sections that are commonly included:

Contact Information

  • Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile at the top of your resume. Make it easy for employers to reach you.

Summary/Objective Statement

  • Write a concise statement that summarizes your skills and experience. Tailor it to the specific job you're applying for.

Work Experience

  • Highlight your self-employed experience, detailing the projects you worked on and the results you achieved. Use the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework to effectively communicate your accomplishments.
  • List your relevant skills, both hard and soft, that are essential for the job you're applying to.
  • If education is relevant to the job, include your degrees and certifications.

The CAR framework is an effective way to showcase your accomplishments as a self-employed individual. Here are a few example bullet points:

  • Context: Managed social media accounts for multiple clients.
  • Action: Developed and implemented a strategic content calendar, resulting in a 50% increase in engagement rates.
  • Result: Generated over 1,000 new followers and increased brand awareness for clients.
  • Context: Launched and operated an e-commerce business.
  • Action: Developed marketing campaigns and implemented SEO strategies to drive traffic and increase sales.
  • Result: Achieved a 200% increase in monthly revenue within the first year of operation.

By using the CAR framework, you can clearly demonstrate your impact and showcase the value you brought to your clients or business.

As a self-employed individual, formatting your resume effectively is crucial in catching the attention of employers. Remember these key takeaways:

  • Keep your resume concise and to the point, aiming for one page if possible.
  • Focus on a clean and professional design that enhances readability.
  • Utilize the CAR framework to highlight your accomplishments and the value you brought to your clients or business.

Follow these guidelines, and you'll be well on your way to landing your dream job as a self-employed professional in 2024!

Top 7 Soft Skills for Self-employed Resume

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability

Top 7 Hard Skills for Self-employed Resume

  • Web development
  • Mobile app development
  • Database management
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Graphic design
  • Network administration
  • Programming languages (Java, Python, C++)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a self-employed resume.

A self-employed resume is a document that showcases your skills, experiences, and accomplishments as a self-employed individual, highlighting the projects or businesses you have worked on independently.

What should I include in a self-employed resume?

In a self-employed resume, include a summary or objective statement, a skills section, a list of relevant projects or businesses you have worked on, a section highlighting your accomplishments and results, and your educational background.

How do I format a self-employed resume?

Format your self-employed resume in a professional and organized manner. Use clear headings, bullet points, and concise sentences. Maintain consistency in formatting, fonts, and spacing throughout the document. Consider using a chronological or functional resume format.

How do I showcase self-employment on a resume?

To showcase self-employment on a resume, clearly state your role as a self-employed individual or freelancer in the professional summary or work experience section. Provide details about the projects or businesses you have undertaken, highlighting the skills utilized and results achieved.

Should I include client names on my self-employed resume?

Including client names on your self-employed resume is optional. If you have obtained permission from clients and mentioning their names will add value to your resume, you can include them. Otherwise, focus on describing your accomplishments and the type of clients or industries you have worked with.

How should I explain why I became self-employed on my resume?

When explaining why you became self-employed on your resume, focus on the reasons that highlight your motivation, dedication, and skills. Emphasize your desire for independence, flexibility, or the opportunity to pursue your entrepreneurial ambitions. Connect these reasons with how they make you a valuable asset in your target industry or role.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Law School resume example

When it comes to creating a resume for a law school position in 2024, there are a few key formatting considerations to keep in mind: Length: Keep your resume concise and to the point. Aim for one page, as recruiters often have limited time to review each application. Design: While it's important to showcase your individuality, opt for a clean and professional design. Avoid using overly colorful or elaborate templates that may distract from the content. Format: Use a chronological format, listing your most recent experiences first. This allows recruiters to quickly see your career progression. When crafting your law school resume, consider including the following sections: Contact Information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Education: Highlight your law degree, any relevant coursework, and academic honors. Experience: Detail your legal internships, clerkships, and any other relevant work experience. Skills: Mention legal research, writing, negotiation, and other skills relevant to the position. Publications and Presentations: Include any articles, papers, book chapters, or presentations you have authored or co-authored. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Showcase any leadership roles or involvement in legal organizations, moot court, or pro bono work. The Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework is an effective way to showcase your experience on a law school resume. Here are a few examples: Context: Conducted extensive legal research on complex intellectual property issues. Action: Drafted comprehensive memoranda outlining legal implications and recommendations. Result: Assisted in winning a landmark patent infringement case, resulting in a multi-million-dollar settlement for the client. Context: Managed a team of paralegals during a high-profile criminal trial. Action: Coordinated witness preparation, evidence organization, and courtroom logistics. Result: Contributed to securing a "not guilty" verdict, exonerating the client and maintaining an untarnished record. As you craft your law school resume, remember these key takeaways: Keep your resume concise and professional by limiting it to one page. Include sections such as contact information, education, experience, skills, publications, and leadership activities. Utilize the CAR framework to effectively highlight your achievements and results. Proofread your resume carefully and ensure it is error-free. Tailor your resume for each application, emphasizing the most relevant experiences and skills. By following these guidelines, you'll create a standout law school resume that captures the attention of recruiters and helps you secure your dream position.

Sales Administrator resume example

Sales Administrator

Length: When creating a sales administrator resume in 2024, it's important to keep in mind that recruiters generally spend only a few seconds scanning each resume. Therefore, it's crucial to keep your resume concise and focused. Aim for a one-page resume, ensuring that you include only relevant information that highlights your qualifications. Design: In terms of design, it's recommended to use a modern and professional layout. Keep the visual elements clean and organized, utilizing clear headings and bullet points. Using a clean font, such as Arial or Calibri, and a font size of 11 or 12, will ensure readability. Additionally, consider using a subtle color scheme to add a touch of personality without overwhelming the reader. Format: When it comes to formatting your sales administrator resume, consider using a functional or combination format. These formats allow you to emphasize your skills and accomplishments, making them more appealing to potential employers. Start with a clear and concise summary statement that highlights your key qualifications. Follow it with sections such as Skills, Work Experience, and Education. While the core sections such as Work Experience, Skills, and Education are essential for a sales administrator resume, there are other sections you can include to make your resume stand out: Objective An objective statement can help convey your career goals and provide a quick overview of your skills and aspirations. However, it's important to tailor your objective to the specific job you're applying for, emphasizing your relevant experience and qualifications. Achievements Adding an achievements section allows you to highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your sales and administrative abilities. Include quantifiable achievements, such as exceeding sales targets or implementing efficient administrative processes, to make a strong impression on recruiters. Professional Development While not mandatory, including a section highlighting your professional development shows your commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Include any relevant sales or administrative training, certifications, or workshops you have completed. The Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework is an effective way to showcase your experience in a concise and compelling manner. Here are some examples of bullet points using the CAR framework for a sales administrator role: Context: Managed a high-volume sales pipeline and nurtured leads through the entire sales cycle Coordinated and executed sales strategies to penetrate new markets Action: Developed and implemented a comprehensive sales process, resulting in a 20% increase in conversion rates Collaborated with marketing team to create targeted campaigns, boosting lead generation by 30% Result: Achieved annual sales targets, exceeding quota by 15% for three consecutive years Expanded customer base by 25% within six months, resulting in increased revenue and market share When crafting a sales administrator resume, keep the following points in mind: Keep the resume concise and focused, aiming for a one-page length Choose a modern and professional design with a clean font and subtle color scheme Utilize a functional or combination format to emphasize skills and accomplishments Consider adding sections such as Objective, Achievements, and Professional Development to stand out Showcase your experience using the CAR framework, highlighting relevant contexts, actions, and results By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the specific sales administrator role, you'll increase your chances of catching the attention of recruiters and landing your desired job.

Professor resume example

How to Format Your Resume When creating a resume for a professor position in 2024, it is important to be aware of certain formatting considerations. Here are some key points to keep in mind: Resume Length: While there is no strict rule for resume length, it is generally recommended to keep it to one or two pages. With the increasing competitiveness in the academic job market, concise and focused resumes are preferred. Design: Opt for a clean and professional design that showcases your information effectively. Use a readable font and appropriate font size. Avoid excessive colors or graphics that may distract from your qualifications. Format: Choose a chronological format to highlight your academic and professional progression. Start with your most recent experience and work backwards. Include clear section headings and use bullet points to present information in a concise manner. Sections to Include in Your Resume When it comes to a professor resume, there are several sections that are considered essential, as well as some optional sections that can make a strong impact. Here are the popular sections to include: Contact Information: Include your full name, professional email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile link. Make it easy for employers to reach out to you. Summary/Profile: Write a brief summary highlighting your key qualifications and areas of expertise relevant to the position. Education: List your degrees, institution names, graduation dates, and any honors or awards. Teaching Experience: Describe your teaching roles, courses taught, and any innovative teaching methods utilized. Research Experience: Highlight your research projects, publications, conference presentations, and grants received. Professional Service: Mention any academic committees, departmental responsibilities, or professional memberships you have participated in. Skills: Include both technical and soft skills relevant to the professor position. Awards and Honors: Showcase any recognition or accolades you have received in your academic career. Optional Sections: Depending on your individual experience, you may consider adding sections such as Publications, Grants, Professional Development, or Certifications. Writing About Your Experience with Context-Action-Result To effectively highlight your experience in a professor resume, it is recommended to use the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework. This framework provides a structured way to showcase your accomplishments and impact. Here are some examples of bullet points using the CAR framework: Context: Developed and implemented a new undergraduate course on Environmental Sustainability. Action: Designed the syllabus, selected appropriate textbooks, and designed engaging lesson plans to promote student engagement. Result: Received positive feedback from students and received the "Outstanding Teaching Award" for the course in 2022. Context: Led a research team in a project investigating the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems. Action: Designed and executed field experiments, collected and analyzed data, and collaborated with international experts in the field. Result: Published findings in top-tier scientific journals and presented research at international conferences, garnering recognition in the academic community. Key Takeaways In summary, when crafting a professor resume for 2024: Pay attention to resume length, design, and format to create a professional and focused document. Include essential sections such as Contact Information, Summary/Profile, Education, Teaching and Research Experience, and Skills. Consider optional sections such as Publications, Grants, and Professional Development to further highlight your qualifications. Use the Context-Action-Result framework to describe your experience and emphasize your accomplishments. By following these guidelines and tailoring your resume to the specific professor position, you can increase your chances of standing out in the competitive academic job market. Good luck!

How to Show Self-Employment on Your Resume

Jacob Meade

Company Name

Company description, job description.

If you’ve worked for yourself, you may think you should use the phrase “self-employed” in your resume job description. But this phrase doesn’t belong on a standard (non-federal) resume. It describes an employment condition and therefore falls outside the scope of detail you should give about yourself, similar to your salary, benefits, or reason for leaving a job. There is just one main purpose of a resume: To show the relevant things you have learned and done in your career thus far.

For this reason, you should leave “self-employed” off your resume. However, omitting this phrase can cause another problem. If you make no other changes to your job description, hiring managers may wonder who you worked for or incorrectly assume you worked at a larger company.

To prevent confusion, you’ll need to somehow indicate your self-employment (without stating it outright) in one or more of the four main job description areas. This task might sound tricky, but as long as you have a clear sense of your goals, you can quickly find the right way to frame your experience. Read on for examples of each area you can edit for self-employment and tips on when some options work better than others.

You may have been told you can show self-employment by putting “freelance” or “contract” in parentheses after your job title, as in “Marketing Consultant (freelance).” However, these terms are too vague because they don’t indicate your commitment level – on reading them, the hiring manager won’t know the work was full time. As an option, you can give yourself extra titles such as “Founder,” “Owner,” or “Entrepreneur” to reveal the full scope and nature of your role in developing a business.

Marketing Consultant / Founder / Owner

— Only use this option if you also provide a company name (see below). Otherwise, exactly what you’ve founded or owned won’t be apparent. — Don’t use senior-level job titles like “CEO,” “Business Manager,” or “Director” for this purpose. These titles may accurately reflect the work you’ve done for your venture, but they can mislead the hiring manager to think you hold a leadership position.

If your business goes by an exact name (for instance, just your first/last name and the services you offer), you can rely on that name to help frame the experience as self-employment.

Marketing Consultant / Founder / Owner, Raymond Ortiz Marketing Services

Naturally, you won’t have this option if your business already uses a less descriptive name or acronym. But if you never got around to formally branding or naming your business (maybe it’s just grown organically from client referrals), now is an excellent time to give it a clear, simple name, at least for your resume.

To further indicate self-employment, you can add a description of your business in brackets right below or next to your other standard job details. Use words like “consulting,” “private,” or “independent” to help hiring managers to understand you’ve worked solo.

Marketing Consultant / Founder / Owner, Raymond Ortiz Marketing Services | July 2019 to Present

[Independent consulting business serving local inns and restaurants.]

This won’t be your best option if the business you operate has little in common with your target employers or their industry. For instance, in the example above, Raymond should leave out this company description if he wants to move to a large company outside hospitality.

Finally, you can use the first line of your job description text to frame the work as something you manage and coordinate on your own.

– Established and run all aspects of this personal venture to help client businesses set powerful new market strategies.

In the example above, this option portrays you as someone who can thrive in a versatile startup role. Don’t use it if you’re targeting jobs at larger companies and wish to focus on your transferable skills and experience.


Ultimately, you should only feature your self-employed status to the extent it aligns with your job search goals. If your goal is to work for an organization, use just one or two of the above options, so the job description is accurate but doesn’t distract from your relevant work experience. On the other end of the spectrum, if your goal is to stay self-employed (perhaps using your resume to attract new clients or partners), make all four of the above edits to your job description. Doing so will impress readers with your overall experience and reliability in running your own show.

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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How to Create a Self-Employed Resume in 2024 [+Example]

People who are self-employed depend on successfully advertising their services for a living, and one of the best tools for that is an impactful self-employed resume. Independent professionals can gain a considerable edge in a competitive job market by creating a well-structured, experience-focused resume and sending it out to potential clients.

So, if you don’t have one or if you want to freshen up your current one to increase your chances of expanding your client base, then this article is tailor-made for you.

Our HR experts did a deep dive on the topic and gathered everything that should be on your self-employed resume and more, so make sure you read through to the very end.

Key Takeaways

  • Due to the increased freedom that comes with self-employment, candidates should highlight their initiative, project management expertise, and leadership potential on their resumes.
  • Your resume should have a summary or objective statement, your contact information, your educational and work history, and a section detailing your soft and hard skills.
  • When outlining your background as a self-employed person, it’s a good idea to include information like volunteer work, languages spoken, certifications obtained, and publications.
  • At the end of this article, you can find a sample resume for a digital marketer that covers all the pillars of a good self-employed resume.

What is Self-Employed?

Instead of working for a corporation and receiving a salary, self-employed people choose to either work for themselves and supply certain services or contract with businesses directly.

Being your own boss gives you a lot of freedom to choose your own hours, work from wherever you like, and keep as much or as little of what you make as you like. To keep on top of things, though, a lot of discipline, time management skills, and organizational abilities are also necessary.

Several categories of self-employment exist, including but not limited to:

  • Freelancer. It is common practice for freelancers to provide their services to clients on a contract or project basis.
  • Independent contractor. When businesses need help with a specific project but don’t want to hire full-time employees, they often turn to independent contractors.
  • Sole proprietor. A sole proprietorship is a business that has one owner and is operated under that person’s name. The business is run by the owner, who is also responsible for paying taxes based on the business’s profits.

Should You Include Self-Employment on Your Resume?

You should highlight your self-employment on your resume for the following reasons:

  • It showcases your autonomy. Your ability to take charge and take responsibility for your work is highlighted when you include your self-employment experience on your resume. When you work independently, you are accountable for all of your work and professional decisions instead of hiding behind answering to another person or following the guidelines of an organization.
  • It demonstrates project management experience. You can highlight your ability to see projects through successfully by listing self-employment on your resume. Whether you’re working solo or in a team, you may explain how you identify and implement the most effective methods for getting things done. This exemplifies your problem-solving and analytical abilities.
  • It displays leadership skills. Including self-employment on a resume can show an employer that you are capable of handling several responsibilities. You need leadership abilities to motivate your team to complete assignments on time and to achieve your team’s or organization’s goals.

Self-Employment Resume Contact Information

self-employed resume

Your contact information, which should be listed first on the resume, should include:

  • Full legal name. Put your name at the top of the resume, where it will be clearly seen.
  • Professional job title. Think about your title or the heading that best describes what you do for a living.
  • Contact details. Add your phone number, email, and physical address (if applicable) as a last touch.

The following is an example of how a self-employed resume’s contact information may look:

Madison Miller Digital Marketer 418-555-7979 [email protected]

How to Write a Resume Summary/Objective for Self-Employment

There is a significant distinction between a resume summary and an objective, despite their superficial similarities.

The summary provides the prospective employer with a concise overview of your qualifications for the advertised position. The objective, on the other hand, concentrates on the kind of job that you are looking for and places an emphasis on your long-term professional objectives.

Self-Employment Resume Summary

I am a result-driven digital marketer who has two years of experience working in corporate environments and three years of experience running my own business. I have extensive knowledge when it comes to the areas of social media and SEO.

This self-employed resume summary provides a condensed review of the applicant’s talents, highlighting strengths such as the applicant’s ability to work in a variety of different capacities within the marketing industry.

Self-Employment Resume Objective

To provide digital marketing services while leveraging my understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing in order to assist my clients in expanding their brand awareness, boosting their revenue, and driving more traffic.

This resume objective displays the individual’s ambition as well as their desire to apply their abilities to the benefit of their clients and bring success to those clients.

Education Section of Self-Employment Resume

When you are putting together an education section of your self-employed resume, the first thing you should do is label the section “Educational Background.”

Then, you should provide a comprehensive summary of the academic accomplishments you have achieved. Be sure to put the most recent item at the top of the list.

Include information on the degree that was obtained, the name and location of the educational institution that was attended, and the number of years spent there. If you already possess a degree beyond that of a high school graduate, there is no need to mention your high school diploma.

The following is an example of a potential structure for the education section:

Educational Background

Master of Science in Marketing Science, Columbia University, New York City, NY September 2018–June 2020

Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics, New York University, New York City, NY September 2014–June 2018

How to Add Self-Employment Experience to Your Resume

Consider the following suggestions if you are not sure how to write your own business experience on your resume:

  • Come up with a title. Choose a title that communicates something about the nature of your self-employment and the services you provide.
  • Compose a summary. Summarize your history of self-directed work. Make sure to highlight these accomplishments using metrics like key performance indicators (KPIs) to back up your claims.
  • Create a list. To demonstrate the extent of your business experience, provide a list of relevant clients and projects, as well as the kind of success your work has brought them.

In your self-employed resume, you can demonstrate your experience as a digital marketer in the following ways:

Owner of Madison Miller Marketing: 2020 to present day

  • I worked with clients in the beauty industry and created online advertising and search engine marketing campaigns for them. As a result of my contribution, the clients saw a rise of 25% to 34% in their annual revenue.
  • I developed strategies for marketing through social media for my clients in the health industry. My clients were able to get a minimum of 20,000 social media followers in less than a quarter, thanks to my services.
  • I wrote SEO content for clients in the wellness industry. I assisted the clients in achieving a 700% increase in the amount of organic website traffic they received.

How to Add Skills to Self-Employment Resume

When it comes to adding self-employed resume skills, it is essential to keep in mind that both soft skills and hard skills should be included.

Soft skills, also known as transferable skills, are the kinds of skills that are applicable to a wide range of vocations and work environments. For instance, some of the best-known examples of soft skills include communication, teamwork, dispute resolution, critical thinking, and logical reasoning.

Hard skills, on the other hand, are workplace-specific abilities that may be learned through direct experience. Data entry, maintaining network security, developing original content, conducting market research, and other similar activities are all examples of hard skills.

When it comes to including these abilities on your self-employed resume, the most effective strategy for drawing attention to them is to create a section labeled “skills” and list them all in that section. For the sake of greater clarity, you may want to categorize soft skills and hard skills into different groups.

Also, make sure that you place a strong emphasis on the skills that are required for the position that you are applying for, which can help you differentiate yourself from the other candidates.

This section of your resume could contain information along these lines:

Soft Skills

  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution
  • Critical thinking
  • Effective communication

Hard Skills

  • Campaign management
  • Digital advertising
  • Market research

You can add a phrase or two to each skill that explains how you put them to use if you haven’t already demonstrated the practical application of these skills in the experience section of your self-employed resume.

How to Add Other Sections to Self-Employment Resume

You have the option of deviating from the standard self-employed resume format by incorporating certain additional sections, such as:

  • Volunteer work. Think about including volunteer work that is related to your line of employment. Consider the following sentence as an illustration: As a social media specialist at an NGO, I am responsible for maintaining audience interaction and the consistent uploading of content to social media platforms.
  • Languages. Make a list of all the languages you can communicate fluently in. You can present yourself as a person who is proficient in French, Spanish, and English, which enables you to engage effectively with customers located all over the world.
  • Certifications. You can also include any applicable certifications that you have received. Consider stating: Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP), obtained by completing an intensive online learning program that covers topics such as SEO, social media marketing, and metrics.
  • Publications. Bring employers’ attention to any literary work that you have made or that you have contributed to. Take a look at the following as an illustration: Author of a book about running a business that offers guidance to ambitious folks who are looking to be self-employed.

Should You Write a Cover Letter With Your Self-Employment Resume?

3 people looking at a piece of paper

It is recommended that you accompany your resume with a cover letter . A cover letter gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself and demonstrate why you would be a benefit to the company or client you want to work with.

The following is an example of a cover letter that accomplishes exactly that goal.

Dear HR Manager,

I am writing to express my enthusiasm about the possibility of working for Publicis Groupe in the capacity of a digital marketing specialist. As a professional with five years of experience in the industry, I am certain that my knowledge of SEO, search engine marketing, market research, and digital advertising will contribute to the success of your company.

You will find attached a copy of my resume, which provides an overview of my experience and skills, for your consideration. I would be grateful to discuss with you how my background aligns with the requirements you have at the moment.

Sincerely, Madison Miller

Self-Employment Resume Example

After going over the many parts that make up a resume and looking at several different self-employed resume examples, let’s take a look at a comprehensive example of a resume for a self-employed digital marketer.

Summary I am a result-driven digital marketer who has two years of experience working in corporate environments and three years of experience running my own business. I have extensive knowledge when it comes to the areas of social media, marketing for search engines, and SEO.

Self-employment Experience

  • I worked with clients in the beauty industry and provided them with online advertising and search engine marketing campaigns. As a result of my contribution, the clients saw a rise of 25% to 34% in their annual revenue.
  • I wrote SEO content for clients in the wellness industry. I assisted the clients in achieving a 700% increase in the amount of organic website traffic they received. Skills


HubSpot Academy’s Digital Marketing Certification Course OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers

Final Thoughts

And with that, we’ve reached the end of our resume guidance for self-employed individuals for 2024!

As a professional who is self-employed, it is essential to have a resume that showcases all of your previous work, qualifications, talents, and anything else that is relevant in order to differentiate yourself from the other professionals in your field.

If you were unsure before, after reading this article, you should know everything there is to know about creating a stellar self-employed resume. Good luck with your next career adventure!

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  • How to Ask for a Promotion
  • • Founded business from scratch, successfully growing it to a team of 10 employees
  • • Generated average annual sales growth of 15%, making it a profitable venture
  • • Developed online eCommerce platform, expanding customer reach globally
  • • Implemented strategic marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in brand awareness
  • • Worked with 100+ businesses, aiding to increase their customer reach
  • • Helped increase clients' revenue by an average of 30% through targeted marketing strategies
  • • Managed online ad campaigns with a monthly budget of over $10,000
  • • Consistently recognised for achieving a 95% customer satisfaction rate
  • • Helped drive an average of 6% growth in monthly sales for the department
  • • Suggested new merchandise displays, resulting in a 10% uptick in sales

10 Self Employed Business Owner Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

A Self Employed Business Owner manages all aspects of their business, from operations and finances to marketing and customer relations. Highlight your ability to drive revenue growth, manage budgets effectively, and build strong client relationships on your resume. Consider adding skills such as strategic planning, problem-solving, and digital marketing expertise to attract potential clients or partners. Mention successful projects you've led and any measurable impact you've achieved to illustrate your contributions and effectiveness.

All resume examples in this guide

self employed work experience resume

Double Column

self employed work experience resume

Single Column

self employed work experience resume

Resume Guide

Formatting the layout of your self employed business owner resume: design, length, and more, detailing your relevant experience on your self employed business owner resume, highlighting your hard and soft skills on your self employed business owner resume, optimizing the education and certification sections of your self employed business owner resume, summary or objective: making your self employed business owner resume shine, how to include other relevant sections for your self employed business owner resume, key takeaways.

Self Employed Business Owner resume example

Self-employed business owners often struggle with articulating their varied responsibilities and achievements in a structured, corporate-friendly format on their resumes. Our guide can assist by providing industry-specific templates and actionable cues to help them effectively translate their entrepreneurial experiences into quantifiable accomplishments, making their skills more visible and appealing to potential employers.

Dive into this guide to discover how to craft a compelling self employed business owner resume:

  • Explore top-tier self employed business owner resume samples, spotlighting industry-leading skills and experiences.
  • Uncover over ten tailored strategies to make your self employed business owner resume resonate with the job description.
  • Illuminate your unique value as a self employed business owner candidate, using your professional achievements as a guide.
  • Debunk the myth that education doesn't matter, and learn how to leverage your academic and certification credentials effectively.

Recommended reads:

  • Operations Associate resume
  • Small Business Owner resume
  • Cleaning Business Owner resume
  • Online Business Owner resume
  • Construction Business Owner resume

When it comes to the format of your self employed business owner resume , you've plenty of opportunities to get creative. But, as a general rule of thumb, there are four simple steps you could integrate into your resume layout.

  • If you have plenty of experience, you'd like to showcase, invest in the reverse-chronological resume format . This format focuses on your latest experience items and skills you've learned during your relevant (and recent) jobs.
  • Don't go over the two-page limit, when creating your professional self employed business owner resume. Curate within it mainly experience and skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Make sure your self employed business owner resume header includes all of your valid contact information. You could also opt to display your professional portfolio or LinkedIn profile.
  • Submit or send out your self employed business owner resume as a PDF, so you won't lose its layout and design.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

While color can enhance your self employed business owner resume by emphasizing key details like headlines, job titles, and degrees, moderation is key. Stick to a primary and a secondary color to maintain professionalism and avoid a cluttered appearance.

Essential components for your self employed business owner resume:

  • Header: Feature your name prominently. If you have a notable degree or certification, append it next to your name. Include contact details, a link to your portfolio, and a concise headline.
  • Summary or Objective: Align your professional trajectory and standout achievements with the desired role.
  • Experience: Craft concise bullet points, highlighting tangible successes and contributions.
  • Skills: Showcase them throughout your resume and consider a dedicated sidebar for emphasis.
  • Education & Certifications: Reinforce your credibility and demonstrate your commitment to the industry.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Entrepreneurial Skills: Demonstrating ability to start, develop, and manage a business from the ground up, including defining vision, setting strategic direction, securing resources, and operational management.
  • Financial Management: Showing expertise in managing business finances, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. Evidence of successful cost control and revenue generation is crucial.
  • Sales and Marketing: Having solid experience in marketing strategies, sales techniques, and customer relationship management. Ability to grow a customer base and increase business visibility will be prioritized.
  • Leadership: Displaying strong leadership qualities such as decision-making, team building, and conflict resolution. Recruiters like to see you've managed staff or teams effectively.
  • Industry Knowledge: Possessing deep understanding of industry trends, competition, and regulatory environment. The ability to adapt and innovate based on market conditions is highly valued.
  • Resume Icons
  • Resume Margins

Showcase your credibility in the resume experience section. For an effective self employed business owner resume:

  • Highlight measurable achievements.
  • Scan the job advert for keywords and integrate them throughout your experience section.
  • Emphasize your technical proficiencies and how you've applied them in various roles.
  • Keep it simple: mention your responsibility, relevant skills, and the outcomes.
  • Use this section to convey your unique value, soft skills, feedback received, and the type of company culture you thrive in.

Top professionals ensure their experience section offers a captivating look at their expertise. Check out our sample self employed business owner resumes for guidance.

  • Launched and managed a successful e-commerce platform, resulting in a 150% increase in online sales within the first year.
  • Implemented effective digital marketing strategies, including SEO and social media campaigns, leading to a 200% growth in website traffic.
  • Collaborated with suppliers to negotiate favorable pricing terms, reducing costs by 20% and improving profit margins.
  • Founded and operated a boutique coffee shop, overseeing all aspects of business operations and customer service.
  • Developed a loyal customer base through personalized interactions and consistent delivery of high-quality products resulting in a 30% increase in annual revenue.
  • Managed a team of 10 employees, providing training, scheduling, and performance evaluations to optimize productivity.
  • Established a consulting firm specializing in process optimization for manufacturing companies, resulting in an average cost reduction of 15% for clients.
  • Led cross-functional teams to implement lean manufacturing techniques, streamlining production processes and reducing lead time by 25%.
  • Developed and delivered customized training programs to enhance employee skills, resulting in improved operational efficiency.
  • Operated a freelance graphic design business, providing creative solutions to clients across various industries.
  • Managed multiple design projects simultaneously, consistently meeting deadlines and exceeding client expectations resulting in a 90% client retention rate.
  • Collaborated with clients to understand their brand identity and marketing goals, translating them into visually appealing designs.
  • Founded and currently manage a digital marketing agency, offering comprehensive online marketing solutions to businesses.
  • Developed and executed data-driven strategies to improve clients' website conversion rates by an average of 30%.
  • Led a team of specialists in SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing to drive client success and achieve tangible results.
  • Established a home renovation company, overseeing all project phases from planning to execution resulting in a portfolio of successful home transformations.
  • Managed subcontractors, ensuring timely completion of projects within budget resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Implemented strategic marketing initiatives, targeting affluent neighborhoods resulting in a 40% increase in annual revenue.
  • Founded and operated a pet grooming salon, providing exceptional grooming services to a diverse clientele.
  • Developed customized grooming plans for each pet, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Implemented an online booking system and social media marketing campaigns, resulting in a 50% increase in new customer acquisition.
  • Owned and managed a catering business, specializing in corporate events and private functions.
  • Planned and executed high-profile events for clients, accommodating up to 500 guests, resulting in positive client testimonials and referrals.
  • Negotiated contracts with suppliers, optimizing costs and ensuring high-quality ingredients resulting in a 20% increase in profit margin.
  • Founded and operated a fitness studio, offering personalized training programs and group classes.
  • Implemented innovative marketing strategies, resulting in a 75% increase in membership within the first year.
  • Developed partnerships with local businesses to offer exclusive discounts, attracting a diverse clientele and increasing retention rates.
  • Managed a small-scale farming operation, cultivating organic produce for local markets.
  • Implemented sustainable farming practices, resulting in a significant reduction in resource consumption and environmental impact.
  • Established relationships with local restaurants and farmers' markets, resulting in consistent sales and revenue growth.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of employees you managed or hired to highlight your leadership and human resources capabilities.
  • List the percentage by which you increased sales, revenue, or profit, showcasing your ability to drive business growth.
  • Mention any cost-cutting measures you implemented, specifying the percentage of costs saved, to demonstrate your financial acumen and efficiency.
  • Document quantifiable customer satisfaction metrics if available, to reflect your commitment to service excellence.
  • Note down the number of new clients or accounts you secured, to evidence your strength in business development and relationship management.
  • Add the total value of contracts or deals you closed, indicating your negotiation skills and the scale at which you can operate.
  • Specify the number of projects you led or completed, outlining your project management skills and reliability.
  • Cite any significant increases in website traffic or social media followers under your tenure, demonstrating your digital marketing prowess and ability to build brand recognition.

Lacking experience? Here's what to do.

Candidates with limited experience often fall into two categories:

  • Recent graduates aiming for a self employed business owner role
  • Professionals transitioning from a different field

Both can still land a job in the industry. Here's how to optimize the experience section of your self employed business owner resume:

  • Highlight your strengths, especially if they align with the job requirements.
  • Remove unrelated experiences. Your resume should tell a story that resonates with the self employed business owner role.
  • Showcase your personality. Traits like ambition and diligence can make you an attractive candidate.
  • Align your experience with the job requirements, ensuring your resume speaks directly to the role.
  • Job Shadowing on Resume
  • Can I Leave a Job I was Fired From Off my Resume

Highlight what sets your experience apart. Incorporate metrics, feedback, and the tangible value you've added to organizations. This specificity ensures your resume remains pertinent and memorable.

The skills section of your self employed business owner resume should showcase your capabilities that align with job requirements.

Your hard skills , or technical skills, demonstrate your proficiency with technological innovations and specific software. On the other hand, your soft skills illustrate how you'd excel in the workplace environment with personal attributes like resilience, negotiation, and organization.

For a well-rounded self employed business owner resume, it's essential to include both. Here's how to craft a standout skills section:

  • Prioritize skills listed at the top of the job advert.
  • Highlight unique skills you've honed over time.
  • Choose soft skills that resonate with the company or department culture.
  • Address essential job requirements by listing key skills for the self employed business owner role that haven't been mentioned elsewhere in your resume.

Check out our sample skill list for self employed business owner to get ideas on the most sought-after hard and soft skills in the industry.

Top skills for your Self Employed Business Owner resume:

Accounting Software (e.g., QuickBooks)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

E-commerce Platforms (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce)

Microsoft Office Suite

Digital Marketing Tools (e.g., Google Analytics, SEO Tools)

Project Management Software (e.g., Trello, Asana)

Website Development Tools (e.g., WordPress, HTML/CSS)

Social Media Management Tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Buffer)

Payment Processing Systems (e.g., PayPal, Stripe)

Inventory Management Software

Time Management





Decision Making

Customer Service

When detailing your skills, align them with the job's requirements. Emphasize unique technical proficiencies and provide examples of your soft skills in action.

Your education and certification sections can be game-changers on your self employed business owner resume, showcasing your commitment to professional growth.

For the education section :

  • Highlight advanced education, noting the institution and duration.
  • If you're currently studying, mention your expected graduation date.
  • Exclude degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • If relevant, delve into your academic journey, spotlighting significant achievements.

When listing degrees and certifications:

  • Feature those directly relevant to the role.
  • Highlight recent and significant knowledge or certifications at the top of your resume.
  • Provide essential details like the issuing institution and dates for credibility.
  • Avoid listing irrelevant degrees or certifications, such as your high school diploma or unrelated specializations.

Remember, even if you're tempted to omit your education or certifications, they can offer a competitive edge, signaling a long-term commitment to the industry.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) - NASBA
  • Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) - SHRM
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - (ISC)²

If you have plenty of certifications, prioritize the most relevant and industry-recognized ones. Arrange them based on their relevance to the job at hand.

  • Cum Laude on Resume
  • Continuing Education on Resume

Start your resume with a strong summary or objective to grab the recruiter's attention.

  • Use a resume objective if you're newer to the field. Share your career dreams and strengths.
  • Opt for a resume summary if you have more experience. Highlight up to five of your top achievements.

Tailor your summary or objective for each job. Think about what the recruiter wants to see.

Resume summary and objective examples for a self employed business owner resume

  • With 10 years of successful entrepreneurship in the culinary industry, I bring unparalleled passion for crafting unique dining experiences. My technical skills in restaurant management and financial planning have led to consistent revenue growth. Notably, I increased customer retention by 30% within my first year of business operation.
  • As a seasoned construction business owner with over 15 years of experience, I've honed my skills in project management, budgeting, and client relations. A testament to my success is the sustained 20% year-over-year growth of my business, achieved through strategic planning and effective team leadership.
  • With a 7-year career as a Software Engineer and a lifelong passion for entrepreneurship, I'm looking to apply my skills in a new direction. My background in tech combined with excellent leadership abilities will ensure a seamless transition into a business owner role.
  • After 12 years as an accomplished Corporate Lawyer, I'm ready for a career shift into business ownership. My expertise in negotiation, contract law, and relationship management will be instrumental in driving business growth and achieving operational efficiency.
  • Eager to combine my newly-acquired MBA degree with my innate leadership skills to establish a start-up in the fitness sector. I am confident that my strong organizational skills coupled with a knack for strategic planning can lead to significant growth and sustainability.
  • Passionate about sustainable fashion, I aspire to leverage my recent degree in Environmental Science and Business Administration to launch a clothing brand focused on eco-friendly practices. Aim to utilize my strong project management skills and commitment to ethical sourcing in building a successful business.

Apart from the standard sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative when building your profile.

Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, the department, or the company culture.

Here are the ones we recommend:

  • Language skills - use a profficiency framework to indicate your aptitude level;
  • Hobbies and interests - you can share more about your favorite books or how you spend your time. It's great for culture alignment;
  • Volunteering - helps you highlight the causes you care about and hints at people skills you gained such as teamwork, emotional intelligence, and organizational skills;
  • Awards - the space for your most prominent self employed business owner professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your self employed business owner professional profile. You can add them as a second column to your resume, or on a second page.

  • Craft a self employed business owner resume that's easy to read and aligns with the role's requirements.
  • The top third of your resume should clearly convey your unique value proposition for the self employed business owner role.
  • Tailor your resume to the job, highlighting skills, achievements, and the tangible results of your efforts.
  • Detail your certifications and technical skills to demonstrate proficiency with specific tools and technologies.
  • The sections you choose should collectively present a comprehensive view of your professional expertise and personality.

self employed business owner resume example

Looking to build your own Self Employed Business Owner resume?

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Self employed Business Owner Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Self employed Business Owner Roles

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  • Self employed Business Owner
  • Entrepreneurial Company Founder
  • Small Business Proprietor

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  • Self employed Business Owner Resume Tips

Self employed Business Owner Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., self employed business owner resume sample.

As a self-employed business owner, you're wearing a myriad of hats, encompassing roles from marketing, customer service, operations, to finance among others. The unique aspect about writing a resume for such a role is that you're not just outlining job duties, but diverse entrepreneurial skills and achievements. There's a shift in the trend of businesses now, with many adopting lean methodologies and embracing generalists who can multitask. This necessitates a resume that effectively communicates your adaptability and versatility. Remember, your resume is the story of your business' journey. It'll be distinct from traditional job-based resumes. You're demonstrating a mastery of several sectors, understanding of business operations, and the ability to guide a business to success. This isn't about just stating what you did, but quantifying the impacts made, the revenues earned, and growth achieved.

A self-employed business owner's resume showcasing a mix of entrepreneurial skills and success metrics.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your self employed business owner resume in 2024,    highlight specific success metrics.

As a business owner, tangible, specific metrics tell a powerful story. Did you increase sales by a particular percentage? How many customers do you serve? By presenting solid, quantifiable data and achievements, you underline your ability to deliver results.

Highlight specific success metrics - Self employed Business Owner Resume

   Showcase your versatility

In managing a business, you've likely assumed several roles. List those roles and responsibilities, but also how you successfully managed them. It emphasizes your adaptability and ability to handle diverse aspects of business management.

Every business owner is self-employed, but not every self-employed individual is a business owner. The difference relies on whether you have other people working for you. For example, a freelancer would be self-employed, just like an agency owner, but this last one also operates a business and guides a team. Leadership skills are essential in entrepreneurship. That’s why you should emphasize your ability to motivate others in your resume.

A self-employed business owner resume template including business certifications.

   Use an ATS-friendly resume title.

You should choose your job title wisely when writing your resume. These days most companies use ATS filters to scan resumes, and not having an optimized job title might affect your performance. Try to incorporate keywords that are relevant to your industry and entrepreneurship.

Use an ATS-friendly resume title. - Self employed Business Owner Resume

   Mention your project management skills.

Project management is an essential skill to have in entrepreneurship. You will need to create strategic plans, estimate costs, and resources, delegate tasks, and monitor operations. Hence, it’s a good idea to highlight this skill on your self-employed business owner resume.

Mention your project management skills. - Self employed Business Owner Resume

Entrepreneurial Company Founder Resume Sample

Proprietor resume sample, small business proprietor resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited for top companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon, I've seen countless resumes from self-employed business owners. The best resumes effectively showcase their entrepreneurial skills, business acumen, and the impact they've made in their ventures. Here are some tips to help you craft a strong resume that will catch the attention of potential employers or clients.

   Highlight your business achievements

Instead of simply listing your responsibilities as a business owner, focus on the tangible results and achievements you've accomplished. Use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your impact.

  • Grew revenue from $50,000 to $500,000 within 2 years by expanding into new markets and launching innovative products
  • Achieved a 95% customer satisfaction rating and 80% repeat business rate through exceptional service and quality

Avoid vague or generic statements that don't provide any real insight into your abilities.

  • Responsible for managing all aspects of the business
  • Worked hard to satisfy customers and grow sales

Bullet Point Samples for Self employed Business Owner

   Showcase your entrepreneurial skills

Running a successful business requires a diverse set of skills. Highlight the key entrepreneurial skills you possess and how you've applied them in your venture.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, resulting in a 200% increase in website traffic and 50% more leads
  • Negotiated strategic partnerships with key suppliers, reducing costs by 25% while maintaining high quality standards

Don't just say you have a skill without providing any context or examples.

  • Strong leadership skills
  • Excellent communicator

   Explain your business and its unique value proposition

Provide a brief overview of your business and what sets it apart from competitors. This helps employers understand the context of your achievements and the challenges you've overcome.

Founded and grew a sustainable fashion brand that uses eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices. Differentiated the brand through a strong focus on transparency, quality, and social responsibility, building a loyal customer base and positive brand reputation.

Avoid using industry jargon or assuming the reader is familiar with your business.

  • Operated an e-commerce store selling various products
  • Provided consulting services to clients in different industries

   Include relevant education and certifications

While formal education may not be as critical for self-employed business owners, including relevant degrees, courses, or certifications can enhance your credibility and show your commitment to learning and growth.

  • MBA, Harvard Business School
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Digital Marketing Certification, Google

Only include education and certifications that are directly relevant to your business or target role.

  • High School Diploma
  • Certification in an unrelated field

   Tailor your resume to your target audience

If you're applying for a job or seeking clients, tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to their needs. Use keywords from the job description or industry to show how you're a good fit.

  • Seeking a marketing role: Emphasize your experience in developing and executing successful marketing campaigns for your business
  • Targeting a finance position: Highlight your financial management skills, such as budgeting, forecasting, and securing funding for your venture

Avoid using a generic, one-size-fits-all resume that doesn't address the specific requirements of the role or client.

   Show your leadership and team management skills

As a self-employed business owner, you likely had to lead and manage a team of employees, contractors, or partners. Showcase your leadership skills and how you've built and motivated successful teams.

  • Recruited, trained, and managed a team of 15 employees, fostering a collaborative and high-performing culture that contributed to a 30% increase in productivity
  • Led cross-functional teams of designers, developers, and marketers to launch new products on time and within budget

Don't just say you have leadership skills without providing examples of how you've demonstrated them.

  • Strong leadership abilities
  • Managed a small team

Writing Your Self employed Business Owner Resume: Section By Section


As a self-employed business owner, your resume summary is a chance to provide a high-level overview of your professional background and the value you bring to the table. While a summary is optional, it can be particularly useful if you're looking to change careers or industries, or if you have a wealth of experience that may not be immediately apparent from your work history alone.

When crafting your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments, and tie them back to the specific needs of your target employer or client. Avoid simply repeating information that's already included elsewhere in your resume, and steer clear of generic buzzwords or soft skills that don't add real value.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Self employed Business Owner resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Self employed Business Owner resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Self employed Business Owner Resume Summary Examples , or Self employed Business Owner Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to your target audience

One of the biggest mistakes self-employed business owners make in their resume summary is using a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, take the time to research your target employer or client and customize your summary accordingly.

For example, if you're a freelance graphic designer looking to land a contract with a major tech company, your summary might look something like this:

Versatile graphic designer with 8+ years of experience creating engaging visual content for top-tier tech clients. Skilled in UI/UX design, branding, and digital marketing. Proven ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver high-quality work on tight deadlines.

On the other hand, if you're a self-employed accountant targeting small business clients, your summary might be more along these lines:

Experienced accountant with a track record of helping small businesses streamline their finances and maximize profitability. Expertise in bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial planning. Known for providing personalized, responsive service and building long-term client relationships.

2. Quantify your achievements and impact

When it comes to your resume summary, showing is always better than telling. Rather than simply listing off a bunch of generic skills or traits, look for ways to quantify your achievements and demonstrate the tangible impact you've had in your work.

For instance, instead of saying something vague like this:

  • Skilled project manager with experience leading teams and delivering results

Try getting more specific and using hard numbers to back up your claims:

  • Agile project manager who has successfully led cross-functional teams of up to 15 people and delivered projects with budgets ranging from $50K to $1.5M

Other examples of quantifiable achievements you might include:

  • Increased client satisfaction ratings by 25% through implementing new communication protocols
  • Generated $500K in new revenue by identifying and pursuing untapped market opportunities
  • Streamlined internal processes to reduce project turnaround times by 30%


The work experience section is the heart of your resume as a self-employed business owner. It's where you showcase your entrepreneurial achievements, business growth, and the value you've delivered to clients. Let's break down the key steps to write an impactful work experience section that will impress hiring managers and help you land your next opportunity.

1. Highlight business growth and impact

As a business owner, it's crucial to demonstrate the growth and success of your venture. Quantify your achievements using metrics to paint a clear picture of your impact:

  • Grew revenue from $50K to $500K within 2 years by expanding client base and service offerings
  • Increased profit margins by 15% through cost-saving measures and operational efficiency improvements
  • Built a team of 10 high-performing employees, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration

In contrast, avoid vague or unsubstantiated claims like:

  • Ran a successful business
  • Made a lot of money for my clients

Back up your accomplishments with numbers to lend credibility and make your resume stand out.

2. Showcase relevant projects and client wins

Highlight specific projects or client engagements that demonstrate your expertise and the value you deliver. Use action verbs to describe your role and the outcomes achieved:

  • Spearheaded a digital transformation project for a Fortune 500 client, resulting in a 30% increase in operational efficiency
  • Developed and implemented a customized marketing strategy for a startup, helping them acquire 10,000 users within 6 months
Collaborated with XYZ Inc. to optimize their supply chain processes, reducing inventory costs by 20% and improving order fulfillment speed by 2 days

Focus on projects that are most relevant to your target role or industry, and tailor your descriptions accordingly.

3. Use industry-specific action verbs

Choose powerful action verbs that resonate with your target industry to make your resume more impactful. Some examples for self-employed business owners include:

  • Launched, spearheaded, pioneered
  • Optimized, streamlined, automated
  • Negotiated, partnered, collaborated
  • Developed, engineered, programmed
  • Analyzed, forecasted, strategized

Avoid overused or generic verbs like 'managed' or 'responsible for'. Instead, opt for more specific and engaging language that showcases your initiative and leadership.

Action Verbs for Self employed Business Owner

4. Highlight relevant tools and technologies

As a business owner, you likely wear many hats and use a variety of tools to run your operations. Showcase your proficiency in industry-specific software, platforms, or methodologies that are relevant to your target role. For example:

  • Expertise in CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot for managing client relationships and sales pipelines
  • Proficient in using project management tools such as Asana and Trello to coordinate team tasks and deliverables
  • Skilled in data analysis using tools like Tableau and Google Analytics to derive insights and make data-driven decisions

Highlighting your technical skills demonstrates your ability to adapt to new technologies and stay current in your field.


The education section of your resume is crucial when you're a self-employed business owner. It shows potential clients and partners that you have the knowledge and skills to run a successful business. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out:

How To Write An Education Section - Self employed Business Owner Roles

1. Highlight relevant coursework

If you're a recent graduate or have taken courses related to running a business, highlight them in your education section. This can include classes in entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, or management.

For example:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, XYZ University, Graduated 2020 Relevant coursework: Entrepreneurship, Marketing Strategy, Financial Accounting, Operations Management

Avoid listing coursework that isn't directly related to running a business, such as:

  • Intro to Psychology
  • Art History 101

2. List business-related certifications

In addition to your degree, include any certifications you've earned that are relevant to running a business. This can help you stand out from other self-employed business owners.

Good certifications to list include:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Lean Six Sigma Certification

Avoid listing certifications that aren't substantial or related to your business, such as:

  • Online Marketing 101 Certificate from Unknown Provider
  • CPR Certification

3. Keep it concise if you're experienced

If you've been running your own business for several years, your education section should be brief. Potential clients and partners are more interested in your recent accomplishments than where you went to school.

For experienced business owners, a good education section looks like:

MBA, Business School Name BS, Major, University Name

Avoid providing too many details, like:

Master of Business Administration, 1995-1997, Business School Name, City, State GPA: 3.8 Bachelor of Science in Marketing, 1991-1995, University Name, City, State GPA: 3.6 Relevant Coursework: Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Market Research


As a self-employed business owner, your skills section is crucial to showcase your expertise and capabilities. It's an opportunity to highlight the key skills that make you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your value to potential clients or partners. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of crafting a compelling skills section that effectively communicates your strengths.

1. Tailor your skills to your business niche

When listing your skills, it's essential to focus on those that are directly relevant to your business niche. Consider the specific industry you operate in and the services you provide. Identify the core competencies that are most valuable in your field and prioritize them in your skills section.

For example, if you run a digital marketing agency, you might include skills such as:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Analytics and Reporting

By tailoring your skills to your business niche, you demonstrate your expertise and show potential clients that you have the knowledge and abilities to deliver results in your specific industry.

To ensure your skills section resonates with your target audience, research job descriptions and industry trends to identify the most sought-after skills in your field. Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout your resume to improve your chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and catching the attention of hiring managers or potential clients.

2. Highlight your technical proficiencies

As a self-employed business owner, it's crucial to showcase your technical proficiencies. This includes any software, tools, or platforms that are commonly used in your industry. By demonstrating your familiarity with these technologies, you instill confidence in your ability to leverage them effectively for your clients or projects.

For instance, if you're a freelance graphic designer, your skills section might look like this:

Design Software : Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Sketch Prototyping : InVision, Figma Web Development : HTML, CSS, JavaScript

By categorizing your technical skills and providing specific examples, you give a clear picture of your capabilities and the value you can bring to potential clients.

When listing your technical skills, be mindful of the relevance and recency of the technologies you include. Avoid mentioning outdated or irrelevant skills that may not be applicable to your current business or industry. Focus on the most up-to-date and in-demand tools and platforms to demonstrate your adaptability and commitment to staying current in your field.

3. Quantify your skills with proficiency levels

To provide a more comprehensive view of your skills, consider quantifying your proficiency levels. This helps potential clients or partners gauge the depth of your expertise and determine if your skills align with their requirements. However, be cautious not to oversell your abilities or use subjective terms like "expert" or "guru" without substantial evidence to back them up.

Marketing Strategy - Expert Sales Forecasting - Proficient Budget Management - Skilled

Instead, use more objective terms or a scale to indicate your proficiency levels, like this:

Marketing Strategy (Advanced) Sales Forecasting (Intermediate) Budget Management (Beginner)

By providing a clear and honest assessment of your skill levels, you demonstrate transparency and help set realistic expectations for potential clients or partners.

To ensure your skills section effectively communicates your expertise, consider using a tool like Score My Resume from Resume Worded. This tool provides instant expert feedback on your resume, including an analysis of your skills section. It checks your resume against over 30 key criteria that hiring managers and clients care about, helping you refine your skills section and improve your overall resume quality.

4. Emphasize transferable skills

As a self-employed business owner, you likely possess a range of transferable skills that can be applied across various projects and industries. These skills are highly valuable and should be prominently featured in your skills section. Some examples of transferable skills include:

  • Project Management
  • Client Relations
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management

By highlighting your transferable skills, you demonstrate your versatility and adaptability as a business owner. It shows that you have the ability to navigate diverse challenges and deliver results in different contexts.

However, be cautious not to rely solely on generic soft skills without providing concrete examples or context. Instead, aim to showcase how you have applied these skills in real-world situations to achieve specific outcomes.

When crafting your skills section, strike a balance between showcasing your technical expertise and highlighting your transferable skills. While technical proficiencies are essential, it's the combination of both hard and soft skills that truly sets you apart as a well-rounded and capable business owner.

Skills For Self employed Business Owner Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Self employed Business Owner job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Social Media
  • Small Business
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Customer Service
  • Advertising
  • Inventory Management
  • Entrepreneurship

Skills Word Cloud For Self employed Business Owner Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Self employed Business Owner job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Self employed Business Owner Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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A self-employed business owner's resume showcasing a mix of entrepreneurial skills and success metrics.

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A screenshot of a resume for an entry level supply chain analyst role.

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Self employed Business Owner Resumes

  • Template #1: Self employed Business Owner
  • Template #2: Self employed Business Owner
  • Template #3: Self employed Business Owner
  • Template #4: Entrepreneurial Company Founder
  • Template #5: Proprietor
  • Template #6: Small Business Proprietor
  • Skills for Self employed Business Owner Resumes
  • Free Self employed Business Owner Resume Review
  • Other Other Resumes
  • Self employed Business Owner Interview Guide
  • Self employed Business Owner Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Store Owner
  • All Resumes
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  3. 41+ Self employed resume examples For Your Needs

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  5. How to Put Self-Employed on a Resume: 9+ Examples & Guide

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  6. How to Put Self Employed on a Resume (Sample & Tips)

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  1. How to Put Self-Employed on a Resume

    How to Put Self-Employed on a Resume (and When Not To)

  2. 9 Tips to Creating a Self-Employed Resume

    9 Tips to Creating a Self-Employed Resume

  3. How To List Self Employment on Your Resume [+ Examples]

    How To List Self Employment on Your Resume [+ Examples]

  4. How to Put Self Employed on a Resume (Sample & Tips)

    Let's say these skills were in the job ad: Required Skills: 1) radio infomercial production, 2) corporate training videos, 3) Voice overs. Add them to your self-employed skills list. Then write bullets like this: Produced 8 30-minute (1) radio infomercials for broadcast on national markets.

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    How to Add Self Employment on Your Resume + Examples

  6. How to Include Self-Employment on Your Resume

    How to Include Self-Employment on Your Resume

  7. How to Put Self-Employed on a Resume (With Examples)

    Provide the start and end dates (month and year) for each period of self-employment. This gives employers a clear timeline of your entrepreneurial activities. Use a reverse-chronological format where your most recent experience is listed first. This allows hiring managers to see your most current activities quickly.

  8. Self-Employment on Your Resume: Sample and Tips for 2024

    Importance of including self-employment on a resume. In today's job market, employers appreciate individuals who have taken the initiative to work for themselves. Self-employment experience can demonstrate that an individual possesses qualities such as problem-solving skills, time-management capabilities, and financial acumen.

  9. How to List Self-Employment on Your Resume (+Samples)

    Remember, this summary serves as a strategic introduction to set the tone for the rest of your self-employed resume. Work experience. Your work experience should make up the bulk of your self-employed resume. List the jobs that are relevant to what you're applying for and use terminology that is well understood in their industry. When ...

  10. How to Craft a Self-Employed Resume in 2024 [Example & Tips]

    Choose a clean and professional font for your resume. Think Arial or Helvetica instead of decorative typefaces like Papyrus. Set thefont size to 10-12 ptfor regular text and 14-16 pt for section headings. Adjust margins to at least 1 inchon all sides and use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing.

  11. Self-employed Resume Examples & Templates (2024)

    Since 2020 Emily has collaborated on numerous projects studying the effects of work culture on staff wellbeing and on mental health in the workplace. Self-employed Resume example Complete guide Create a Perfect Resume in 5 minutes using our Resume Examples & Templates.

  12. Best Self-employed Resume Examples for 2024

    Skills. Self-employed skills are very frequently soft skills, although depending on your specialty, you'll have hard skills to pull from as well. A freelance web designer, for example, probably knows SEO and project management. Additionally, freelance work frequently teaches you skills like budgeting and managing extended programs.

  13. How to Include Self-Employment on a Resume (With Sample)

    Here is a list of steps you can take to list self-employment on your resume: 1. Start with your contact details. Begin your resume by including your contact details at the top. Include your complete legal name, city and province, phone number, email address, and, if applicable, your professional website. Verify that your contact information is ...

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    To write a professional Self Employed resume, follow these steps: Select the right Self Employed resume template. Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Self Employed's experience and achievements. Follow the STAR method while writing your Self Employed resume's work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what ...

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    How to Show You Are "Self Employed" On Your Resume

  16. 3 Self-employed Resume Examples for 2024

    The CAR framework is an effective way to showcase your accomplishments as a self-employed individual. Here are a few example bullet points: Context: Managed social media accounts for multiple clients. Action: Developed and implemented a strategic content calendar, resulting in a 50% increase in engagement rates.

  17. How to create a self-employed resume

    1. Pick a job title. Your self-employed resume will look the same as most resumes with a job title and work-related experience. So, when it comes to standing out, selecting the right title for your self-employment can make all the difference. Being a self-employed individual could mean many things, such as being a: Freelancer; Sole proprietor ...

  18. How to Show Self-Employment on Your Resume

    Job Title. You may have been told you can show self-employment by putting "freelance" or "contract" in parentheses after your job title, as in "Marketing Consultant (freelance).". However, these terms are too vague because they don't indicate your commitment level - on reading them, the hiring manager won't know the work was ...

  19. How to Create a Self-Employed Resume in 2024 [+Example]

    Add your phone number, email, and physical address (if applicable) as a last touch. The following is an example of how a self-employed resume's contact information may look: Madison Miller. Digital Marketer. 418-555-7979. [email protected].

  20. 10 Self Employed Business Owner Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    A Self Employed Business Owner manages all aspects of their business, from operations and finances to marketing and customer relations. Highlight your ability to drive revenue growth, manage budgets effectively, and build strong client relationships on your resume. Consider adding skills such as strategic planning, problem-solving, and digital ...

  21. Self employed Business Owner

    A recruiter-approved Self employed Business Owner resume example in Google Docs and Word format, with insights from hiring managers in the industry. Updated for 2024. ... The work experience section is the heart of your resume as a self-employed business owner. It's where you showcase your entrepreneurial achievements, business growth, and the ...

  22. How to write a self-employed CV (with template and example)

    A self-employed CV lists work experience from running a business, working as a contractor or freelancing. It showcases a candidate's duties, skills and accomplishments as a self-employed professional. This CV sometimes includes experiences gained while working for other employers. The primary focus of this CV is highlighting a candidate's ...