Noble Intent Studio

7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

October 29, 2012

Author: Angela Noble

Author: Angela Noble

Prezi is a presentation tool that helps transform lack-luster, static presentations into engaging presentations that tell a story.

Instead of moving slide to slide, like a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, Prezi presentations capture content in a spatial context. Because of this, your audience may be more engaged with your presentation.

If you’ve been using PowerPoint, you can import an existing PowerPoint presentation and transform it into a Prezi.

Let’s take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level.

1. Prezi Overview


This Prezi shows the company’s history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi.

This is a great example of how to effectively use Prezi and also gives you an idea of the features you will find in the program. It does a great job of illustrating Prezi’s story  using images , facts and statistics.

By featuring a how-to on importing a PowerPoint file, Prezi highlights one of it’s main selling points.

To close, showing specific examples of people who use Prezi is a great way to show the value Prezi brings to a market that otherwise hasn’t seen much innovation.

2. Obama vs Romney


This Prezi states the simple facts about each candidate in the 2012 election. The presentation flows from one segment to the next rather than jumping from slide to slide.

It presents the facts in an understandable way, and because of the format and segmented design, it’s easy to compare the two candidates.

Most successful presentations end in some sort of  call to action . Appropriately, this one calls you to vote!

3.  Prezi Book – Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations


Russel (The Prezenter) Anderson-Williams  wrote the book on using Prezi for business presentations (literally!). This is his presentation to promote his book.

In it, he uses embedded video, audio and hyperlinks to tell his story and walks the listener through how to do all these things within Prezi.

The illustrative style of the presentation puts the watcher in the learning seat which goes hand-in-hand with the educational nature of the presentation. Tying the design to the objective of the presentation helps make this Prezi successful.

To conclude the presentation, there are a couple calls to action including clicking on links to purchase the book and signing up for his online Prezi training course.

4. A Presentation on Presentations


In this Prezi about how to effectively make a Prezi, the presenter walks you through the reasons why Prezi’s format is conducive to creating a memorable experience and triggering action among your audience.

It walks you through important aspects of any presentation, like making you feel emotion and telling a story, while also showcasing the templates and features Prezi has available.

The presentation is sprinkled with facts and examples throughout, which adds interest and lends credibility to the presenter.

5.  The Magical Theory of Relativity


Can Prezi make learning about the theory of relativity fun? See for yourself in this great Prezi created by Petra Marjai.

The Prezi tells the story of how the theory came about and also uses illustrative examples from everyday life to explain the theory.

Aside from great story telling and examples, this Prezi is also a great example because of the simple color palette that is used consistently throughout the presentation.

Another of its successes is good typographic hierarchy. The main points are in large text, while the smaller points are in smaller text – similar to cascading bullet points in a traditional PowerPoint, but much more differentiated and engaging.

6. Red Bull Stratos


This Prezi on the Red Bull Stratos free-fall stunt was created to tell the story around the stunt. It gives background on the purpose, facts and goals about the process as well as a link to more information. It also utilizes an embedded video and link.

The last screen of the presentation shows the full context of the story in one large view. With longer presentations, it might not be realistic to zoom out and show the whole story in one view, but for a short story like this, it’s a great method to show how all the points relate back to the larger context of the story.

7. Mathematweets


This last example of a successful Prezi was created by  Maria Andersen  to illustrate how Twitter can be used in the education system. It uses well-crafted illustrations to go beyond teaching about what Twitter is and how it can be used, to telling the story of how it was used (both successfully and unsuccessfully) in the cyber classroom.

The illustrator uses cartoon people and branches of a tree to ask and answer questions, seamlessly transitioning from point to point and question to question. The branches and people, and the ability to see the entire frame in view at once, shows the correlation and context of the various questions and answers.

A call to action, story telling, and using spatial context to visualize ideas are all key elements that make these presentations successful.

See original post on Crazy Egg’s Blog “The Daily Egg”.

7 Outstanding Example Presentations Using Prezi

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Prezi is a presentation tool that helps transform lack-luster, static presentations into engaging presentations that tell a story.

Instead of moving slide to slide, like a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation, Prezi presentations capture content in a spatial context. Because of this, your audience may be more engaged with your presentation.

If you’ve been using PowerPoint, you can import an existing PowerPoint presentation and transform it into a Prezi.

Let’s take a look at some example presentations using Prezi that demonstrate how this tool can be used to take your presentations to the next level.

1. Prezi Overview

Prezi overview

This Prezi shows the company’s history, some of the people using Prezi, and how to import a PowerPoint and get started with Prezi.

This is a great example of how to effectively use Prezi and also gives you an idea of the features you will find in the program. It does a great job of illustrating Prezi’s story using images , facts and statistics.

By featuring a how-to on importing a PowerPoint file, Prezi highlights one of it’s main selling points.

To close, showing specific examples of people who use Prezi is a great way to show the value Prezi brings to a market that otherwise hasn’t seen much innovation.

2. Obama vs Romney

prezi obama vs romney/

This Prezi states the simple facts about each candidate in the 2012 election. The presentation flows from one segment to the next rather than jumping from slide to slide.

It presents the facts in an understandable way, and because of the format and segmented design, it’s easy to compare the two candidates.

Most successful presentations end in some sort of call to action . Appropriately, this one calls you to vote!

3. Prezi Book – Mastering Prezi for Business Presentations

prezi book mastering prezi for business presentations/

Russel (The Prezenter) Anderson-Williams wrote the book on using Prezi for business presentations (literally!). This is his presentation to promote his book.

In it, he uses embedded video, audio and hyperlinks to tell his story and walks the listener through how to do all these things within Prezi.

The illustrative style of the presentation puts the watcher in the learning seat which goes hand-in-hand with the educational nature of the presentation. Tying the design to the objective of the presentation helps make this Prezi successful.

To conclude the presentation, there are a couple calls to action including clicking on links to purchase the book and signing up for his online Prezi training course.

4. A Presentation on Presentations

prezi copy of presentation on presentations/

In this Prezi about how to effectively make a Prezi, the presenter walks you through the reasons why Prezi’s format is conducive to creating a memorable experience and triggering action among your audience.

It walks you through important aspects of any presentation, like making you feel emotion and telling a story, while also showcasing the templates and features Prezi has available.

The presentation is sprinkled with facts and examples throughout, which adds interest and lends credibility to the presenter.

5. The Magical Theory of Relativity

prezi the magical theory of relativity/

Can Prezi make learning about the theory of relativity fun? See for yourself in this great Prezi created by Petra Marjai.

The Prezi tells the story of how the theory came about and also uses illustrative examples from everyday life to explain the theory.

Aside from great story telling and examples, this Prezi is also a great example because of the simple color palette that is used consistently throughout the presentation.

Another of its successes is good typographic hierarchy. The main points are in large text, while the smaller points are in smaller text – similar to cascading bullet points in a traditional PowerPoint, but much more differentiated and engaging.

6. Red Bull Stratos

Red Bull Stratos

This Prezi on the Red Bull Stratos free-fall stunt was created to tell the story around the stunt. It gives background on the purpose, facts and goals about the process as well as a link to more information. It also utilizes an embedded video and link.

The last screen of the presentation shows the full context of the story in one large view. With longer presentations, it might not be realistic to zoom out and show the whole story in one view, but for a short story like this, it’s a great method to show how all the points relate back to the larger context of the story.

7. Mathematweets

prezi mathematweets/

This last example of a successful Prezi was created by Maria Andersen to illustrate how Twitter can be used in the education system. It uses well-crafted illustrations to go beyond teaching about what Twitter is and how it can be used, to telling the story of how it was used (both successfully and unsuccessfully) in the cyber classroom.

The illustrator uses cartoon people and branches of a tree to ask and answer questions, seamlessly transitioning from point to point and question to question. The branches and people, and the ability to see the entire frame in view at once, shows the correlation and context of the various questions and answers.

A call to action, story telling, and using spatial context to visualize ideas are all key elements that make these presentations successful.

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5 simple steps to create great Prezi presentations

Meet jimmy....

One day, life gave our fictitious friend Jimmy quite a few lemons. Being the optimist that he is, Jimmy promptly decided to start his own business by turning them into lemonade. However, he needs to get a few “investors” on-board first. Therefore, turning his vision into a reality requires a presentation that captivates an audience, is visually compelling, and lets the brilliance of his ideas shine. For this, he needs Prezi Present.

Since we at Prezi want to see Jimmy succeed (and love lemonade) we put together 5 simple steps he can use in his presentation to make certain that he does.

1. Give the story some background

Jimmy wants to make a spectacular first impression on his potential investors. Thus, he needs to make sure the overview of his presentation is clear, crisp, and conveys his message.

The first step to doing this is to choose a background image that is visually meaningful and easy on the eyes. This requires some careful consideration, but here are some general tips to point Jimmy in the right direction.  

Choose a meaningful background image that brings out the message and theme of the presentation. This can be done through metaphor  by using a relevant visual in the image, customizing the color scheme , and utilizing negative space*.

  • Consider how many topics will be on the overview and plan their placement. Use lines, curves, and negative space to align topics and show the direction the presentation will follow.  

Use an image that is crowded, busy, or has too many colors. This might confuse and distract the audience.

  • Put too much text and information on the overview. Instead, use topics to cover the main ideas, then organize related content within them into subtopics (see “structure” below).

*Negative space is an area without text or graphics.


2. Structure to success

Now that Jimmy has the perfect background image and topic layout, he needs to build out the structure of his presentation. To do so, he should organize his ideas and content into topics and subtopics. By grouping similar information together, Jimmy’s presentation will be understandable and follow a clear flow.  

Drawing a mind map of a presentation before starting is an easy and effective method for planning the structure. Sketch out ideas and draw lines between them to see how they connect. Then, use the mind map to build layers of planet and stack topic structures to hold the content and information.

3. Hit the mark with text and visuals

We all know a picture says a thousand words, and we think Jimmy should use this to his advantage in his big presentation. The key to making a powerful impact with an audience is to connect with them visually. Getting this right is all about creating balanced design of  text and images .  

Tips to get it right:

  • Group content into easily digestible segments. Don’t give too much information to an audience in one frame of view.
  • Make sure the layout of each view in the presentation is visually balanced. Move and place objects throughout the entire view to create harmony and symmetry.
  • To avoid large blocks of text, compliment small text snippets of the main idea with a relevant image. It should be visually clear what the message is by first glance.
  • Use easily readable fonts and text colors. As a general rule, mixing multiple fonts or colors together in the same box of text is a recipe for confusion.

4. Animate and inspire 

With the fundamentals of Jimmy’s presentation looking good, it’s time to add some pizzazz. The next way Jimmy can spiff up his presentation is to add some animations and zoom . This will create smooth transitions between ideas and bring life to his content.

The ability to zoom in and out of the presentation canvas to create impactful visual transitions is what makes Prezi Present presentations unique. With zoom and animation effects, the creative possibilities are endless.

5. Timing is everything

There’s nothing like a little suspense, and a bit of surprise, to make a story more interesting. To make sure that Jimmy’s potential investors don’t lose interest along the way, it’s best to keep some content hidden until just the right moment.

Jimmy, and you, have the tools to do this by using:

  • Fade-in, and fade-out, animation to show and hide content when presenting.
  • Zoom areas to dive and pan throughout key spots on the canvas.
  • Topic cover visuals to reveal content within your topics and subtopics.
  • A little creativity to make your entire story come together.

Just like the secret ingredient in the lemonade recipe, Jimmy has another ace up his sleeve. He already has a “secret investor” for his project, and it’s someone his dad knows well. All he has to do is hide that compelling piece of information until the time is right. Then, he can be sure his lemonade stand will get the funding it deserves.

Happily (presenting) ever after

With a presentation like this, Jimmy will surely get his first business off the ground. Even more, he can continue to use these simple steps to create memorable presentations for all his future endeavours.

Want to check out the lemonade stand for yourself?

Press the play button , then use the arrows to browse through the final version of Jimmy's big presentation.

Related articles

  • Creating a new presentation in Prezi Present
  • Using animations in Prezi Present
  • Adding and editing images and shapes in Prezi Present
  • Logging in to your Prezi account
  • Getting started with creating in Prezi Present

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I’m Glad You’re Here, We’ve Got Some Free Prezi Presentation Templates for You

Making a Presentation is hard work, so we wanted to make it a bit easier for you! Enjoy our collection of Free Prezi templates that you can use to jump-start your next presentation. Let us handle the design part, so you won’t have to waste your time!

Free prezi presentation template on topic of multimedia

Interactive Media Prezi

A media and technology related template with a multimedia display screen. A great Prezi suitable for any presentation topic.

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Circle Diagram Template

Get creative with colors! A multipurpose Prezi Next template with a colorful circle diagram on a dark world map background.

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Prezi Business Overview

Want people to learn about your company? Use this urban themed Prezi template for introducing your business or organization.

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The Future Template

Use this free Prezi Next template for presenting about new technology solutions or talk about virtual and augmented reality.

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Prezi Mind Map

Ready to create a mind map? There’s no better way than using this Free Prezi template with a classic and colorful hive design.

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Prezi Calendar Timeline

Use this Free Prezi template for introducing your plans and projects. Make a custom timeline Prezi with this calendar template.

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Solve the Puzzle

Is something puzzling your mind? A free template for Prezi Next featuring a 3D puzzle wall and a man carrying a large puzzle piece.

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Prezi Line Chart

Use this free Prezi Next template for building a custom line chart and turn boring numbers into a visually engaging presentation.

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Prezi Bar Graph

Use this free Prezi Next template for building a unique bar graph with colorful squares forming columns on a 3D grid background.

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World Map Prezi

The world is a small place, so here’s a minimal world map Prezi template for zooming and presenting your ideas on a large scale.

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Medical Screen Template

Use this free Prezi Next template for talking about healthcare, hospital or any other medical related topic or business.

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Prezi Next CV

Showcase your skills, talents and impress your future boss with a creative online CV presentation made in Prezi Next.

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Climb to Success

BEST REUSABLE PREZI DESIGN in the Prezi Awards 2015 competition. A creative 3D business graph free prezi template with business people silhouettes climbing.

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A Few Things About Me

Prezi Template for a Prezume (CV, Prezi resume) presentation. Present about yourself: education, hobbies, work, things you love or hate

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Creative Cubes Free 3D

A simple yet very powerful free Prezi Template with just 1 design element: A single 3D cube: create endless designs concepts.

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Free Workflow Prezi Template

Free Prezi template for creating a workflow related presentation. Describe a process and the necessary steps. Includes various blue shapes that you can combine.

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3D Modular Prezi Template

Free prezi template with a modular concept. 3D white cubes on a blue gradient background. Simple, clean and professional-looking template.

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Free World Map Prezi Template

Free Prezi Template with a world map. Countries separated with a white line. 100% vector and zoomable graphics. Use markers and lines to add details.

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Blue Circles Prezi Template

Blue Circles is a simple Prezi Template with a blue bokeh effect background. Duplicate, delete or rearrange the circles and create a unique layout. 13 frames already added to speed up your work.

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3D Magnet Prezi Template

Free Prezi template with a magnet concept. Introduce your topic and list the pros and cons which are drawn by a magnet. Rearrange elements and create your own unique layout.

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Free CV Resume Template

A free Prezi Resume template for self promotion. Your classical paper CV is presented on a wooden desk with papers, pen and cup of coffee. Move the elements and make a unique layout.

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Angry Birds Prezi Template

Complete Prezi template with the Angry Birds theme. Add your text or images anywhere. Reveal extra info on the level complete screen that fades in in the end with an animation.

Free 3D Atom Prezi Template

3D Atom Prezi Template

3D remake of the free atom Prezi Template. Includes an atom image and a 3D background Add your content inside the circular blue frames. Duplicate the frames to add more placeholders

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Healthy Life Prezi Template

Present all the elements of a healthy life. A white plate is divided into 4 colorful pieces that can be used to visualize different ingredients of a healthy life. Add your own icons or images

Free Halloween Prezi Template

Free Halloween Prezi Template

Free Halloween Prezi Template for sending your greetings or scaring your friends? Includes a witch and other horror elements on orange sky and moon background.

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Christmas Card Free Prezi

Send a Christmas eCard to your friends. Christmas related icons forming a tree shape. Customize text, add your own images and logo.

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Free Valentines Template

Time to show some love with a very simple and minimalistic free Valentine’s Day Prezi Template with a big heart and wings formed from small red hearts.

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Build Your Ideas Prezi

A free Prezi template with a “Build Your Ideas” concept. A good presentation template for demonstrating how you formulate your ideas. Includes construction visuals.

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Piece of the Puzzle

Prezi Template with Puzzle Pieces concept. Zoom in and add your content anywhere. Combine the pieces and create a unique layout.

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Around the World

A 3D earth concept with various elements for your story. Zoom and add your own content or graphics anywhere in the Prezi.

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Valentine’s Day Prezi Template

A funny Valentine’s day Prezi Template with a 3D design. Surprise your Valentine and add your own message!

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3D Frames Prezi Template

A minimalistic 3D Prezi Template colorful 3D frames on a world map background. Customize the layout and add as many frames as needed.

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Prezi Door to Success

A motivational Prezi Template for presenting the way to success. An open door and light shining through. Zoom in and reveal a sky background.

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Climb The Mountain

How to reach the top? Show your journey and present it on a simple winter mountain background.

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Creative Launch Prezi

Show to to launch a successful project. Free prezi with a mountain and winter theme background.

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Prezi Success Elements

Free Prezi template with a periodic table of ideas. Present all the success elements and zoom in for the details.

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Back in Time

Take your audience back time. A free timeline presentation template with a creative zoom effect.

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Ideas Fly Prezi Template

Do ideas fly? Show your ideas on a simple airplane style Prezi with a creative effect on zooming in.

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Hexagon Infographic

A very simple and free infographic prezi template with hexagon shapes in a circle, on a world map background.

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Input Output Diagram

A minimalistic and simple input output diagram. Create a colorful flow chart with your ideas

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Topic Puzzle 3D Prezi

Can you solve the cube puzzle? Illustrate your topic with a free Rubik’s cube themed Prezi Template

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Business Flourish

How do you plan to grow your business? Show your plans and future visions.

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Urban Infographic

A Free Prezi template with modern infographic template with a night city background and hexagon elements.

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Graduation Prezi Template

A simple graduation themed Prezi template with people throwing their hats into the air.

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3D Elements Prezi

Free Prezi template containing various colorful 3D geometric shapes and elements for building creative infographic Prezis.

Didn’t Find What You Need? We Have Over 1000 Prezi Templates!

Browse our shop for some Premium Prezi Templates. With our collection of 1000+ templates you’ll be sure to find a template to fit your needs! If you need a custom-made Prezi Template, do not hesitate to contact us and we can discuss on how to create a perfect Template for you or your company that will fit inside your budget.


This a collection of the best free templates designed by . To view the full list of all available free templates visit our shop archive page . For presenting with a free template you will need to create an account on (NB! Prezibase is not affiliated with, we are independent designers). All our templates can also be used with the Free and Public Prezi account type which can be created on this page.  With a free account, all Prezi presentation will  be public, and they can be edited and presented online.

With the free license you can also download the 30 free trial version of Prezi Desktop, which means you can edit your presentation offline without internet  and also export your presentation for example onto a USB stick. (all this can also be done with the online editor version). Interested in the old free & reusable Prezi Classic templates that come with Prezi online editor? View a full list of all Free Prezi Templates published by developers.

Check out this blog post for some our best Creative Presentation Templates which includes a list of our best 25 Prezi Next templates. You can also find additional free Prezi Next templates from the collection published by Many of these templates are also designed by Prezibase.

Will These Work with Prezi Classic or Next?

All of the above Prezi Templates will open in the new Prezi Next presentation software. Originally these were Prezi Classic templates, but have now been converted into Prezi Next. If you specifically need the Prezi Classic version (why would you? all Classic functionality is now also in Prezi next 😊 ) then contact us and we can share the original Classic version to your account. NB: the new Prezi version is not called Next anymore, but simply Prezi Present.

Using Prezibase Classic Templates with Prezi Next?

Prezi launched a new presentation software called Prezi Next on the 25th of April 2017. The old version is now called Prezi Classic and most of our free templates have been designed for the Classic version. If your Prezi account was created before the 25th of April, then you will automatically have access to both versions of Prezi. You can easily use all of our templates. There is currently no date set in the future when and even if, Prezi Classic will be dropped. Obviously it was loved by more than 80 million people, so it cannot be simply dropped. Read our article about Prezi Next here .

Update December 2020: All Prezi users should now have access to a Free Conversion tool, which allows you to convert all Classic presentations into the new Prezi Next format in just 1 click.

How Can Prezibase Templates Help Me?

Every presentation is unique and requires a specific concept. Our large collections of Prezi templates helps you find a perfect theme for your presentation topic so you can visualize your ideas better. Using a strong visual concept makes your content more memorable and easily understable. Don’t just take our word for it:

“You had just the right background for my presentation. The background created the right atmosphere and it was perfect for the topic I was discussing. I loved it was easy to use and worked seamlessly with the information I entered.” Chris, Pennsylvania 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I am delighted with your Prezibase templates! Also my audience was very positive. I used the brain mind with the turning cogs to ‘preach’ about the overwhelming clutter that bombards people nowadays and that requires a specific approach to communicate with people. The template fortified the message of my presentation.” Jan Jongbloed, Netherlands 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Prezi is a wonderful replacement for Powerpoint slides when you must have a visual to accompany your talk/training/briefing. With very little training (a few webinars), I was able to complete a template-driven presentation very easily. The templates provide a starting point and helped me work out the mechanics of how Prezi works. “ Eliza, Atlanta 5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Make Your Presentations Unforgettable .

Download our 25 eye-catching presentation templates that will Wow your audience every time.

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  • Inspiration

23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer video from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

prezi business presentation examples

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

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5 Examples of Businesses that Use Prezi Presentations

prezi business presentation examples

Writen by: Pablo Povarchik

, August 14, 2015

Since 2009, Prezi has been fending off “the big sharks” of the booming world of programming and software development. Providing a unique platform for creating and delivering nonlinear presentations, this young software has become a solid contender being used in the business world for taking an ordinary presentation and turning it into a conceptualized work of art. Here are five companies that have vouched for Prezi’s excellent service.

Prezi Example 1 – Hyatt

Hyatt is an example of business using Prezi

Hyatt’s is a very interesting case study. We started with a pilot for a tradeshow where their go-to tool was PowerPoint. The problem with ppts was that in a tradeshow environment agility is key. With our training and hands-on support, they discovered that instead of the embarrassing skipping through slides they could focus on the customer and their questions.

Shortly after the tradeshow Hyatt adopted Prezi across their entire 120 sales people team with incredible results. They report an increase in closed business of 45% and in some cases an incredible shortening of the cycle. Their prospects now get it, faster.

Prezi Example 2 – TED

Example of Prezi that Uses Prezi - TED

Branding the slogan “Ideas worth spreading,”  TED  has been doing just that by taking Prezi on board for its cause. TED “(Technology, Entertainment, Design)”owned by Sapling Foundation “is a group of conferences that use public speakers, renowned personalities” and specialists to spread global awareness about scientific, cultural and academic fields.

TED was brought to life in 1984, initially supporting speakers who were specialized in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design. Gradually with an increase in audience, the growth of the community of “TEDsters” led to TED starting up as a small time project in California to a Global movement where now, religious leaders, philosophers, scientists, musicians, and philanthropists come together to change the world of TED.

Figures such as Ken Robinson, Susan Cain, Imran Khan, and many more have all graced the TED stage and have used Prezi to express their thoughts in an attention getting manner.By using Prezi, an ordinary slide show can easily “be”converted into a powerful tool for communication, and that is precisely what TED accomplishes by using all the features Prezi had to offer.

Prezi Example - Gensler

Prezi Example 3 – Gensler

Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc. commonly known as Gensler , is an American design and architecture firm. The company, headquartered in San Francisco, is known to have generated the greatest revenue out of all US-based architecture firms in the year 2012.

The company was initially founded in 1965 as a firm that dealt with corporate interiors. It has since branched out into architecture and design for buildings that range from offices to retails centers to airports. It is now an international company that runs from 46 cities in 16 countries worldwide. They even include urbanization planning designs, environment graphic, and brand strategy consulting.

Gensler went on to winning awards in their field of expertise. It won the Architecture Firm Award by the American Institute of Architects in 2000 and their proposed design for London Underline was awarded in 2015.

Gensler has to its name buildings such as the  Houston Ballet Center of Dance, and Tower of PNC Plaza in the States. Internationally they are known for the Ritz Carlton Hotel located in UAE, The Avenues in Kuwait, Facebook Inc’s London headquarters, and Shanghai Tower in China.

Gensler is known to employ Prezi for their research and design presentations. Prezi’ s feature of providing 3-D imaging has progressed presentation of architectural layout from 2-D layout to a 3-D interactive experience.

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Prezi Example 4 – Harmonic Inc

Businesses that Use Prezi - harmonic Inc.

Harmonic Inc is an American technology company known for developing and marketing video routing, storage, and server products that allow the distribution of video content to Television and the Internet.

Harmonic inc was based in California back in 1988, and since then has gone on to acquire networking software businesses such as Entone Technologies, Rhozet Corporation, and many others. Their products have won Technology and Engineering Emmy Awards. Their products include video editing, post production systems, as well as cable edge products like fiber optics, satellite broadcasting equipment, and hub devices.Their market spreads from the United States all the way to China and they take Prezi’ s name along with them.

The HR department of Harmonic Inc has been using Prezi to engage their employees and business partners, making waves globally.

Businesses that use Prezi - Accel Partners

Prezi Example 5 – Accel Partners

Accel Partners is a firm that supports business deals and entrepreneurs. Accel’s aim is to support companies through their inception and growth stage and have helped founded businesses all over the globe, providing both investment strategies and investors.

It kicked off in 1983 and since then has harnessed partners such as Spotify, Facebook, Etsy with Kayak, and many more including Prezi.

Make sure to check the Prezi Video page. You will find more examples of how companies and speakers worldwide are adapting their virtual presentations to convey their message and boost engagement.

At wOw Prezi, we rebel against PowerPoint’s status quo and are in a mission to save the world from deadly PPTs, helping sales teams to transform stiff, slide-based presentations into fruitful, revenue-generating conversations.

Get in touch with our team of Prezi Experts to find how we can help your salespeople thrive with Conversational Presenting and the Power of Storytelling in Sales.

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Creating engaging teacher presentations: tips, ideas, and tools

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera August 21, 2024

Teacher presentations should effectively convey information, engage students, and enrich the learning process. While business presentations often focus on sales or data analysis, educational presentations aim to foster comprehension and spark curiosity. This article delves into the differences between teacher presentations and other presentation types, provides practical tips for educators, and shares design strategies for creating engaging teacher presentations. Additionally, we’ll highlight Prezi , a tool known for its format that offers a refreshing take on educational presentations.

Back view of a senior professor talking on a class to large group of students.

Understanding teacher presentations

Purpose and audience.

The main objective of a teacher presentation is to educate. Whether the presentations are used to introduce new ideas, revisit old topics, or help students understand complex concepts, the main aim is to make the content easy to understand and interesting. In contrast, business presentations usually seek to convince or update stakeholders. A teacher presentation is tailored for the student audience. Ultimately, it should accommodate learning preferences, keep students engaged, and promote participation.

Design and structure

When preparing a teacher presentation, it’s crucial to maintain simplicity. Steer clear of overcrowding slides with information or incorporating flashy visuals that could divert attention from the main message. Opt for a balanced layout that leverages visuals to complement the delivery rather than overshadowing it. Using Prezi , with its non-linear format, empowers teachers to create compelling presentations that flow seamlessly and engage students effectively.

Tips for creating effective teacher presentations

1. know your audience.

Knowing the age, background knowledge, and learning preferences of your students is essential when creating a teacher presentation. Customize your material to suit their requirements, making sure it strikes a balance between being overly complicated and overly simplistic. When presenting to students, make sure to include plenty of visuals and interactive features, and focus on providing in-depth explanations and fostering discussions.

2. Focus on clarity and simplicity

Avoid cluttering your presentation with too much text or too many graphics. Use bullet points to break down information and keep the slides clean. Remember, presentation is a tool to support your teaching, not to replace your voice. The content on your slides should be clear, concise, and directly related to your lesson objectives.

3. Use engaging visuals and media

Using aids like pictures, videos, and diagrams can help improve comprehension and memory of information. Prezi enables you to design captivating presentations with zoom features that assist students in engagingly exploring the material. In contrast to slide decks, Prezi’s canvas offers a natural progression of content, simplifying the task of emphasizing relationships between ideas.

4. Encourage interaction

Incorporate interactive elements into your presentation to keep students engaged. Ask questions, use polls, or include discussion points that require student participation. Prezi’s format supports this by allowing teachers to zoom in on specific points for discussion, making the presentation feel more like a conversation than a lecture.

5. Rehearse and time your presentation

Practicing your presentation ensures that you can deliver it smoothly and confidently. Time your presentation to fit within the class period, leaving room for questions and discussions. A well-timed teacher presentation keeps students engaged and allows for a natural flow of information.

Things to keep in mind when creating a teacher presentation

When preparing a teacher presentation, it’s important to concentrate on developing a useful resource that improves student’s understanding. Here are some dos and don’ts to consider, especially when incorporating images and text, and designing the layout:

Teacher presentation dos:

Use high-quality visuals: Include clear, high-resolution images and graphics that support your lesson content. Visual aids can significantly improve understanding, especially for visual learners. Infographics, charts, and diagrams can be powerful tools to illustrate complex concepts.

Keep text minimal: When creating slides, opt for bullet points and concise phrases. Ensure that your slide content supports your spoken presentation rather than duplicating it. Also, highlight the points that students should keep in mind.

Incorporate multimedia: Use videos, audio clips, and animations where appropriate. These elements can help bring your lesson to life and maintain student interest. However, ensure that any multimedia used directly relates to and enhances the lesson.

Ensure consistent design: Maintain a consistent design throughout your presentation. Use the same font, color scheme, and layout style across all slides. Consistency helps create a professional look and makes the presentation easier to follow.

Use contrasting colors: Choose colors that contrast well, especially between text and background. This ensures that your content is easily readable, even from the back of the classroom. For example, dark text on a light background works well, as does light text on a dark background.

Side view of female hand typing on laptop keyboard. Freelancer working with laptop at cafe. Technology and flexible working.

Teacher presentation don’ts:

Avoid overloading slides with information: Avoid overcrowding a slide with information. Too much content on one slide can be daunting for students, and it may distract from the key messages you intend to communicate. Strive for a clear design instead.

Don’t use distracting fonts or colors: Avoid using fonts or colors that clash. Opt for fonts and colors that improve visibility without taking attention from the content. Limit yourself to two or three fonts, and avoid using more than four colors in your presentation.

Don’t overuse animations or transitions: Avoid using too many animations or transitions when switching between slides. Although these elements can make the presentation engaging, excessive movement might become a distraction and take away from the educational material. It’s best to use them with intent.

Avoid irrelevant visuals: Avoid adding any pictures or illustrations that aren’t closely tied to the lesson. Even though visuals can improve a presentation, unrelated ones might perplex students and lessen the significance of your points.

Don’t neglect accessibility: Remember to take into account the learning requirements of students. Make sure your presentation is easy for all students to access by using clear fonts, including text for images, and providing transcripts for any video or audio materials.

By following these guidelines, you can create a teacher presentation that not only looks good but also effectively conveys your lesson material. Keep in mind that the aim is to leverage visuals and design features to enrich learning rather than detract from the information.

Exploring teacher presentation tools: spotlight on Prezi

When it comes to creating captivating teacher presentations, selecting the right tool is key. Although PowerPoint and Google Slides are commonly used, Prezi presents an option that can revolutionize the way educators deliver information.

What makes Prezi stand out?

Prezi’s unique presentation style allows educators to deliver information in a more captivating manner. Rather than following a slide progression, Prezi empowers teachers to explore various aspects of their presentations by zooming in and out, creating a storytelling experience rather than a traditional lecture. This method can engage students effectively and simplify subjects by visually emphasizing the relationships among concepts.

Prezi AI generated presentation example about visual storytelling

According to research from Prezi, this format is more engaging and memorable compared to traditional slide-based presentations. The study found that Prezi presentations are 25% more effective in keeping audience attention and 20% more effective in making content memorable.

Examples of engaging teacher presentations using Prezi

To illustrate how Prezi can be used effectively in the classroom, here are a few teacher presentation ideas that stand out:

Literacy Genres Prezi Video : This presentation gives a look at types of literary genres using Prezi’s zoom function to delve into each genre extensively. It serves as a method to familiarize students with ideas in an interactive and visually captivating way.

Board Game Lesson Plan Template : This template uses the concept of a board game to structure the lesson, making learning feel like an adventure. It’s perfect for gamifying lessons and keeping students excited about the material.

The Civil Rights Movement VOR : This presentation explores the background of the Civil Rights Movement, showcasing Prezi features to zoom in on events and individuals. It illustrates how Prezi can animate narratives effectively.

Back to School Template VOR : Ideal for the first day of school, this presentation helps teachers introduce themselves and outline class expectations in a fun and engaging way. It’s a great alternative to a traditional teacher introduction PowerPoint.

Light Book Report Template VOR : This is a creative template that inspires students to showcase their book reports, encouraging them to analyze and share their opinions thoughtfully.

For more inspiration, teachers can explore the Prezi Gallery’s Teacher Picks , which offers a variety of templates and examples designed specifically for educational purposes.

Additional teacher presentation ideas

Teacher introduction presentation.

At the start of the year, teachers have a chance to introduce themselves to their students. Using platforms like Prezi, educators can create a narrative that showcases their personality, teaching style, and what learners can expect in the course. Incorporating anecdotes and engaging elements helps in building a rapport with students from the beginning.

Interactive lesson recaps

To enrich learning, think about using Prezi for making summaries of lessons. When wrapping up a unit or lesson, a recap presentation can go over aspects, pose queries, and even incorporate a quiz to improve comprehension. This method strengthens the content and maintains student interest and active participation in their educational journey.

Virtual field trips

The increasing use of tools in education has made virtual field trips more popular as a means to explore the world without leaving the classroom. Teachers can now create tours using platforms such as Prezi, giving students a look at different locations and providing them with an engaging learning experience that improves their knowledge of geography, history, and science subjects.

prezi business presentation examples

Try Prezi for your next teacher presentation

In summary, preparing a teacher presentation entails capturing the needs of your audience, emphasizing clarity, promoting interaction, and sharpening your delivery skills. Through platforms such as Prezi, educators can enhance their presentations to captivate students with engaging content. Whether you’re introducing yourself at the beginning of the year, revisiting topics, or guiding students through a virtual excursion, a thoughtfully prepared presentation can enrich the learning experience and leave a lasting impact on your teaching.

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  1. Prezi

    Prezi's slideless approach helps turn your presentations into visually stunning, powerful conversations rather than run-of-the-mill PowerPoint decks. With Prezi, you can zoom into details, easily incorporate visual storytelling, and let the audience interact with your content from beginning to end. We even have a few business presentation ...

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  3. Presentation templates for professionals

    This football-inspired sales plan presentation template conveys a sense of team unity and thoughtful strategy, using a clear metaphor that anyone can connect with. Like all Prezi business presentation templates, this one is completely customizable with your brand colors and content. W W This football-inspired sales plan presentation template ...

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    Don't cramp content. It's best to stick to just one thought per slide. Use images and a lot of them. Images grab people's attention and are infused with more emotional meaning than text alone. Make sure your presentation images support your message and don't seem out of place. Don't use more than three types of fonts.

  9. 5 simple steps to create great Prezi presentations

    How to create a great Prezi presentation: 5 tips to persuade your audience. Watch on. 1. Give the story some background. Jimmy wants to make a spectacular first impression on his potential investors. Thus, he needs to make sure the overview of his presentation is clear, crisp, and conveys his message.

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    Find great prezi ideas in our collection of Prezi staff picks. These favorite prezis are also a great place to find prezi templates to reuse. Create Explore ... Prezi Template for a creative business presentation. Colorful 3D bar graphs and businessman silhouettes climbing to the top using a ladder. Get this... Dec. 13, 2015.

  11. Best Prezi Presentation Examples

    Prezi and Video. Prezi supports video, we all know that! However you can create much more creative presentations if you don't simply insert a video for watching but rather use it as a part of the background. Here is a great example (probably the best) of using a video as a background in Prezi. Create your presentation inside a car with a ...

  12. Mastering Business Proposals with Prezi

    Prezi business proposal presentation example Problem statement. To craft a compelling business proposal, it's essential to articulate the client's pain points and challenges clearly. This showcases your understanding of their needs and positions you as the ideal solution provider. Thorough research and analysis of their industry and ...

  13. Free Prezi Templates

    Prezi launched a new presentation software called Prezi Next on the 25th of April 2017. The old version is now called Prezi Classic and most of our free templates have been designed for the Classic version. If your Prezi account was created before the 25th of April, then you will automatically have access to both versions of Prezi.

  14. 23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

    To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we've gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between. ... Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next ...

  15. 5 Examples of Businesses that Use Prezi Presentations

    Prezi Example 5 - Accel Partners. Accel Partners is a firm that supports business deals and entrepreneurs. Accel's aim is to support companies through their inception and growth stage and have helped founded businesses all over the globe, providing both investment strategies and investors. It kicked off in 1983 and since then has harnessed ...

  16. Prezi for business: presentation and communication tools for business

    Prezi helps you look like a design pro by giving you the resources you need to create stunning presentations. Upload your logos, colors, and fonts. Make your presentations reflect your company. Create with Story blocks. Pick from a collection of predesigned elements that make building a presentation a breeze. Start with professional templates.

  17. 8+ Prezi Business Presentation Templates Free Examples

    You might have to give presentations at the workplace, to a group, conference, corporate meetings. Your family or simply your profile online, so we have some attractive free and Prezi Business Presentation Templates Free Examples. So that you showcase all your presentations more effectively and attractively.

  18. Discover different types of presentations

    Training presentation examples. This Prezi on effective onboarding for PMs is a great example of a training presentation. It goes into detail about onboarding methods. ... Prezi with all its accessible features makes it easy to create content for any industry, from different types of business presentations to classroom and learning environments ...

  19. 6+ Prezi Presentation Templates

    Creative Prezi Presentation Template Example Download. This is a creative Prezi presentation template that is basically aimed to be used by businessmen. It can be effectively used to create a business plan presentation or the like. With the help of geometrical shapes and designs, it shows attractive colors to grab attention of your audience.

  20. How to use Prezi: Learn Prezi with how-tos, videos, and examples

    Inspiration. Recommended videos See how other users use Prezi Video to engage their audiences. Reusable presentations Browse some of our favorite presentations and copy them to use as templates. Reusable infographics Customize the content in these infographics to create your own works of art. Presentation templates Get a big head start when creating your own videos, presentations, or infographics.

  21. Explore 30+ presentation themes and start creating

    The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Prezi presentation offers a stunning example of how visual appeal and effective structure can create an engaging and informative experience. This presentation theme is designed to captivate the audience while conveying the importance of CSR in today's business landscape. Through its creative visuals, dynamic transitions, and organized structure, it ...

  22. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to ...

  23. Business resources: Tips and examples to help you succeed

    Inspiration. Recommended videos See how other users use Prezi Video to engage their audiences. Reusable presentations Browse some of our favorite presentations and copy them to use as templates. Reusable infographics Customize the content in these infographics to create your own works of art. Presentation templates Get a big head start when creating your own videos, presentations, or infographics.

  24. Creative Storyboard Examples

    Storyboard example #2: coffee time. The "Coffee Time" presentation created using Prezi is a storyboard example of the evolution of coffee. It takes you on a journey from where coffee began to how it has changed over time. It's laid out like a timeline, so it's easy to follow along, just like reading a story.

  25. Creating Engaging Teacher Presentations

    The study found that Prezi presentations are 25% more effective in keeping audience attention and 20% more effective in making content memorable. Examples of engaging teacher presentations using Prezi. To illustrate how Prezi can be used effectively in the classroom, here are a few teacher presentation ideas that stand out: