masters compared to phd

  • Masters vs PhD – Differences Explained
  • Types of Doctorates

The decision of whether or not to pursue a Masters or PhD (or both) after you complete your undergraduate studies is not necessarily a straightforward one. Both are postgraduate degrees but are different in terms of the academic experience and the career paths taken afterwards.

In short, a Masters degree involves a year of study, primarily through taught lectures and a final dissertation research project, whilst a PhD (also referred to as a doctorate degree) is a three-year commitment of independent research on a specific subject.

There’s more to it than that, however – read on for more information.

What Is a Masters Degree?

A Masters degree is the next level of education after the completion of an undergraduate degree, commonly known as a Bachelors.

These degree levels are often referred to in terms of cycles so that a Bachelor’s is a first-cycle degree, a Masters is a second-cycle and finally, a PhD is the third-cycle of higher education (and the highest).

Masters degrees demand an intense period of study, usually centred around a core series of lectures and taught modules, coupled with coursework assignments and exams, followed by the completion of a contained research project usually taking students 3-4 months to complete.

These types of degrees are attractive to recent graduates who want to delve deeper into their specific field of study, gaining some research experience and more specialised knowledge beyond what an undergraduate degree can offer.

Equally, some pursue a Masters degree program in a subject that is only tangentially related to their Bachelors degree, helping them gain a broader depth of knowledge.

These degrees also serve as a significant stepping stone for those already in employment who want to progress their current career development and earn a higher salary. They can also be an excellent method for helping in changing careers completely by learning new skills and subject knowledge.

What Is a PhD Degree?

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest academic degree that can be awarded and is the third and final cycle in the progression of higher education.

A doctoral degree is earned on the basis of producing a significant, independent and novel body of work (a Thesis) that contributes new knowledge to a particular research topic.

These are research degrees that are a significant investment of a candidate’s time, resources and energy and are all but a pre-requisite for anyone considering a career in academia, such as eventually becoming a professor.

There are some exceptions to this, such as those with a medical background who may earn an MD (Doctor of Medicine), which is the equivalent of a PhD.

Doctoral degrees can also have a significant positive impact on career development outside of academia, especially in fields such as engineering, business and finance that have a high demand for highly qualified and capable people.

A graduate student engaged in PhD study is commonly known as a PhD student, PhD candidate or doctoral student.

What are the Benefits of a Masters Degree?

There are several reasons one might consider doing a Masters degree rather than a PhD in their graduate education. These include:

  • It takes approximately a third of the time to do compared to a doctorate degree and costs less too.
  • It’s a good way to differentiate yourself from those that hold only an undergraduate degree without having to commit to a substantial research degree.
  • The end goal is more career-focused as opposed to research-focused. For example, it is practically an ‘easier’ route to changing or progressing your career if that aligns with your professional goals.

What are the Benefits of Doing a PhD?

You may continue on into a doctoral program after a Masters or you may even dive straight in after completing your undergraduate studies. So, what are the advantages of completing this third-cycle?

  • You’ll have developed a wealth of transferable skills at graduate school, such as effective communication of complex concepts, multi-tasking time-management and the ability to adapt to and solve unexpected problems.
  • A doctorate helps to establish you as an expert within your chosen subject area; your work will hopefully have furthered the knowledge in this.
  • It will open up career paths and teaching positions within academia that may otherwise be very difficult to get a hold in (although these career paths will still be very competitive).
  • You can add the title ‘Dr’ in front of your name!

Which Degree Is More Impactful: A Masters or a PhD?

On paper, the answer should be clear: A doctorate degree is the highest degree you can earn, so has more impact than a Masters, which in turn has more impact than a Bachelors.

The reality is that the size of the impact (if any) really depends on the subject area and the career path you choose (if the measure of impact is how it positively improves your career prospects, that is).

For someone with aspirations of becoming a professor, a PhD will be of greater value than a Masters alone.

Equally, it’s also possible that someone with a PhD entering a different field or one that doesn’t require a PhD may find that their degree has no bearing on their career or in some cases may even be seen as a ‘negative’ with a concern of the person being ‘over-qualified’ for a position. There are many scenarios in which professional experience would be more valuable to an employer than a doctorate degree.

Check out the links below to our interviews with Prof. Debby Cotton and Dr Nikolay Nikolov to read their experiences of when a going through a PhD program has had a clear benefit (Prof. Cotton) and when it hasn’t been helpful (Dr Nikolov).

Debby Cotton_Profile

Do You Need to Have a Masters to do a PhD?

This really depends on the university, department and sometimes even the project and supervisor.

From a purely application process perspective, some institutions may formally require you to hold a Masters degree relevant to the subject of the PhD project before you can enter their doctoral program.

In another scenario, most universities are unlikely to accept candidates that were awarded below a 2:1 (in the UK) in their undergraduate degree but may consider someone who has ‘made up’ for this with a high-grade Masters.

Lastly, some universities now offer PhD programmes that incorporate an additional year of study in which you would complete a Masters degree before carrying directly on into a PhD project. As you’d expect, even if a university doesn’t formally require you to hold one, a Masters degree can help separate you from other applicants in being accepted on the project.

Check out our detailed guide to doing a PhD without a Master’s .

Why Do a Masters before Your PhD?

Even if you don’t need to have one, it could still be beneficial to begin your postgraduate study by doing a Masters first before you embark on your doctorate journey.

As mentioned previously it’ll help you stand out from applicants that don’t have one, but beyond that, it’ll give you a taster of what research life could be like, especially if you stay at the same university and department for your PhD.

The one-year commitment (in the UK at least) of carrying out a Masters first, and in particular your research project, will help you better understand if this is truly something you want to commit the next three or more years to.

You’ll learn some of the skills of independent research, from performing detailed literature searches to more complex, analytical writing.

At the end of it, you should be in a stronger position to consider your options and decide about whether to continue into a PhD at graduate school.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Masters Degree?

In the UK, a full-time Masters degrees take students one calendar year to complete: The programme of study usually starts in September, the final research project the following April and final project viva around August. Part-time degrees are usually double the time.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

In the UK, most PhD projects take 3-4 years to complete , as reflected by the majority of funded projects offering stipends to cover living expenses of about 3.5 years.

For many reasons, projects may end up taking longer to complete, however. This might be because of difficulties in collecting enough data, or if the project is being done part-time.

Which One is More Expensive to Do?

As you’d expect, as a PhD takes three times as long to complete as a Masters degree, it will cost you more to do as far as university fees are concerned.

Another thing to consider is that many PhD projects come with some level of funding equivalent to a low salary, which may cover the cost of tuition fees and living expenses, whilst it is usually more difficult to obtain funding for Masters study.

Conversely, a Masters graduate may progress into a higher (versus PhD funding) salary sooner whilst a PhD student will endure three years of a comparatively low income.

A Masters vs a PhD: Conclusion

If you’re considering continue further graduate study after your undergraduate degree, the question of doing a Masters vs a PhD is likely to come up. They are both considered an advanced degree, each with their own advantages.

There are benefits to doing either of these graduate programs or even both of them; your decision here can be easier if you have an idea of the career you want to follow or if you know you have a love for research!

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Master’s vs. Ph.D.: What’s the Difference and Which One to Choose?

If graduate school is on your radar, one of the first things to consider is what type of degree you should pursue . While a bachelor’s degree is required for any postgraduate study, many people think you need a master’s to pursue a Ph.D., but that isn’t always the case. While there are benefits to receiving your master’s degree before your Ph.D., it’s not always necessary or required. However, there are important differences to note when deciding which type of program to apply to.

Master’s degree

A master’s degree usually takes about two years to complete full time. There are programs that allow a student to attend on a part-time basis, but that of course extends the completion time. Many master’s programs require a thesis to be completed, but not all. A thesis is a research project that is completed during the final year of a master’s program under the guidance of your program chair or advisor.

Under the master’s umbrella, there are quite a few specific degrees you can obtain. Your professional path will determine which of these you pursue.

  • Master of Arts (MA) is given for disciplines in the arts and social sciences.
  • Master of Science (MS) is given for sciences, health, engineering and statistics.
  • Master of Research (MRes) is focused on training students to become researchers. This is advantageous to a student if they’re pursuing a research-based career or planning to apply for a Ph.D. program.
  • Master by Research (MPhil) is similar to a MRes but is more advanced and focuses on research topics to be explored in depth. It’s often considered a precursor to a Ph.D. program.

Specialized master’s degrees

There are numerous specialized master’s degrees that are categorized by profession. These are often (not always) preceded by some professional experience prior to undertaking these types of advanced degrees.

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Library Science (MLS, MLIS, MSLS)
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA)
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Social Work (MSW)
  • Master of Laws (LLM)
  • Master of Education (MEd, MSEd, MIT, MAEd, MAT)
  • Master of Engineering (MEng)
  • Master of Architecture (MArch)
  • Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
  • Master of Divinity (MDiv)

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

There are many Ph.D. programs and, in general, it’s considered the most advanced type of research degree you can obtain. Ph.D. candidates are required to complete a dissertation to obtain their degree. Unlike a thesis, a dissertation is longer and consists of original research conducted throughout the entire doctoral study. In some cases, students may be awarded a stipend, or pay, to complete the doctoral program and dissertation.

Ph.D.’s take a considerably longer time to complete than a master’s, five to eight years on average, and they carry a rather high rate of noncompletion due to time and financial commitments. Many Ph.D. programs have stipends available, so it’s important to inquire about that when researching a particular program.

Specialized doctorate programs

As with master’s degrees, there are several specialized doctorate programs specific to different disciplines and areas of study:

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Engineering (EngD/PhD)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD/D.Ed)
  • Doctor of Social Science (DsocSci)
  • Doctor of Professional Studies (DProf)
  • Doctor of Architecture (DArch)
  • Doctor of Theology (Th.D)
  • Doctor of Divinity (DD/DDiv)
  • Doctor of Science STEM (Dsc/ScD)
  • Doctor of Science Arts & Humanities (DLitt/LitD)

When deciding which one to get, consider your immediate or long-term career goals — which degree would serve you best? In some cases, you can obtain a Ph.D. with just a bachelor’s degree, but often it’s recommended you get a master’s first for the research experience that will be required for a Ph.D.

As with anything, there are exceptions. Students in law school obtain a J.D. (Juris Doctor) but can then further obtain a master’s in a sub-specialty like tax or immigration law. The health care occupations of physical therapist and pharmacist are also doctorate programs obtained post undergrad.

Making your choice

As with any decision, weigh your options, list pros and cons, and go from there. Once you’ve narrowed your options , you’ll have a precise list of programs and institutions generated for your specific goals.

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Master’s vs PhD — These are the Main Differences

masters compared to phd

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: October 31, 2019


The consideration between earning a master’s vs PhD is not always an easy choice. While many careers and personal aspirations may be complete with just an undergraduate degree (Associate’s or Bachelor’s), a lot of people continue their higher education to obtain graduate degrees. These include a master’s and/or a PhD.

Neither a master’s degree nor a PhD is considered to be a walk in the park. Therefore, it’s useful to understand why you would earn either and then decide how far to go.

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Definitions: master’s vs phd.

Bost a master’s and PhD are defined as postgraduate degrees, but they require different commitments and styles of learning.

1. Master’s Degree:

Mostly all master’s degrees will require the completion of an undergraduate bachelor’s degree to enroll. They generally all share the same common requirement for a thesis or dissertation to graduate.

Earning a master’s degree through a taught program will result in the completion of a Master of Art (MA), Master of Science (MS), or Master of Philosophy (MPhil). For those who earn their master’s degree through research, they will earn a Master of Research (Mre), in a tailored field of study. There are also degree-specific master’s programs like Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Education (M.Ed).

After earning a master’s degree, the next step is a PhD, which entails both working and performing research at an institution. A PhD is an abbreviation for “Doctor of Philosophy.” It is the highest academic degree one can achieve. As such, it is a time-consuming pursuit that requires a lot of studying and research.

You may be wondering, “Do you need a master’s to get a PhD?”

Technically, the answer is not always. Some students skip a master’s and go straight for their PhD, but they may lack research experience. While it could save money, the transition between a bachelor’s and a PhD is incredibly sharp. It may be harder to complete a PhD without the experience from a master’s.

Yet, some institutions may allow for the possibility to earn both your master’s and PhD in conjunction with one another. This will alleviate the transition between skipping a master’s and going straight to earning a PhD.

Should You Get a Master’s or PhD?

There are many considerations to factor when deciding between a master’s of PhD. For starters, it’s useful to consider the amount of time it will take, the cost, and the benefits and disadvantages of each. It is also of utmost importance to explore your own personal goals and reasons for wanting a graduate degree.

If your desired career of choice requires a PhD, like becoming a university professor, then you have your answer. If you want to start a business and benefit by networking while in school, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) could be a good idea. Consider what you want to pursue as a career and find out the requirements first.

Another useful thing to note is that a master’s degree can be used for a shift in careers. For example, if you attended college and earned a bachelor’s degree in humanities, but now you want to pursue science, you can still earn your master’s degree in a scientific discipline. On the other hand, a PhD is tailored to your field of study and specialty, so it will require that you are sure of your direction when you first earn your master’s degree.

Length of Time

A typical master’s degree program takes about two years full-time. However, there are accelerated programs that can be completed in just a year or so.

A PhD, in general, requires five to six years of studying, teaching, and research. However, it may even take some students up to eight or nine years to graduate. With this significant investment in time, it’s necessary to know if a PhD is right for you before starting.

The cost of both programs varies by institution and enrollment status of part-time versus full-time. However, since a PhD takes longer to complete, it will end up costing more. With that said, if you look into your return on investment, a PhD could end up yielding a higher salary, and therefore end up “costing less.”

Additionally, there is also the possibility of being paid to complete your PhD. Some students may receive an academic stipend, a university fellowship or apprenticeship or a reduced fee to earn their PhD while completing research (or teaching) at an institution. It’s also possible to get financial aid through a scholarship or grant.

As tuition rates continue to rise, it’s useful to look into alternative institutions for affordable education. For example, the University of the People offers a tuition-free master’s program in Business Administration and Education. This means you can study 100% online and graduate for less than the cost of most programs.

Weighing the Benefits

When comparing the two degree types, here are some benefits of each:

  • Career-oriented
  • Can open the door for more job opportunities
  • Costs less than a PhD
  • Takes less time than a PhD
  • Helps you stand out from those with only an undergraduate degree
  • You can perform research in your field of choice
  • You become an expert in your field
  • The prefix Dr. is added to your name
  • You can teach in academia at the highest level

Required Commitment and Reasons to Pursue

Both a master’s and a PhD require a huge amount of hard work and utter commitment. You must be dedicated and motivated to complete either degree. Since most careers only may require a bachelor’s degree, having a master’s or PhD will set you apart from the competition. However, this should not be the sole reason to pursue either.

You may be wondering why would you earn either degree. Here’s a look at some motivational factors:

Reasons to Study for a Master’s

  • Your career requires it (see next section)
  • You want to advance your subject knowledge
  • You want to experience graduate school and network with peers

Reasons to Study for a PhD

  • You want to contribute new research to your field of choice
  • Your career requires a PhD
  • You want to earn the title of Dr.

Careers in the medical field often require a PhD

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Required degrees by career.

Most people are motivated to pursue higher education because their desired careers require they do so. Here, we will break down those fields that require the completion of a master’s degree as it’s high on the list of reasons why to get one.

  • Education Administration: To work as an administrator in an educational institution, you need to hold an advanced degree. A Master’s in Education (M.Ed) will provide you with the necessary knowledge and required skills to succeed in the field.
  • Executive Level Business: A Master’s in Business (MBA) will not only place you ahead of the competition to land high-level positions in the field of business, but it can also be the jumping off point for becoming your own boss.
  • Environmental Science: With issues in climate change and technological advancement, careers in Environmental Science are growing. As with most scientific careers, it requires a master’s degree where you will learn Applied Ecology, Environmental Policy, Environmental Chemistry, and more.
  • Mental Health: To become a licensed practitioner and assist in mental health counseling, you will continue your education through a master’s degree in the field.
  • Physical Therapy: Employers of physical therapists often prefer them to obtain a master’s degree in the discipline as the field is highly specialized.

Of course, some careers require a PhD. These careers are easy to spot because they have the prefix Dr. in front of them or the suffix like J.D. (Juris Doctor). To become a lawyer, doctor of medicine, veterinary medicine or psychologist/psychiatrist, you must obtain a PhD in the respective field.

Salary Differences Between Master’s and Ph.D. Graduates

According to a study performed by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce , the overall evidence shows that the higher the degree you have, the higher your salary potential. However, the differences vary by subject level and field.

In general, the expected lifetime earnings of those with each degree level is as follows:

  • High School Diploma: $973,000
  • Bachelor’s Degree: $1.3 million
  • Master’s Degree: $2.7 million
  • Doctorate Degree: $3.3 million

The Bottom Line

Aside from the financial cost and length of time, the opportunity to earn a master’s and a doctorate degree can offer several benefits.

However, it is an undertaking that requires a lot of dedication and motivation on behalf of the student. As such, it’s important to perform research on your desired career’s requirements, as well as your personal interest in pursuing either a Phd vs master’s.

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Demystifying Graduate Degrees: Comparing Master’s vs. Doctorate

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You want a graduate degree — to continue exploring your passions, make discoveries or advance your career — but how do you turn that decision into a plan?

It starts with understanding the difference between a master’s and a PhD in your field. They differ in length, intensity, curriculum and career paths, so you’ll also need a clear idea of why you want to pursue a graduate degree to determine which one you should get.

What Is a Master’s Degree?

If you’ve completed your undergraduate degree, it might be time to ask, “What’s next?”

That’s where Master’s degrees can come in.

Whether you want to specialize in a particular area or get advanced skills in your profession, a master’s degree can help you get there in 1-2 years.

The most common types of master's degrees include:

  • Master of Arts (MA),
  • Master of Science (MS),
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA),
  • Master of Education (MEd),
  • and Master of Fine Arts (MFA). 

What do you learn in a master’s program?

The short answer? A lot.

Master’s degree programs are designed to build on the foundational knowledge gained during your undergraduate studies, and the curriculum focuses on advanced knowledge and skills in a particular field.

Here’s what you can expect to encounter in a master’s program:

Advanced coursework:  Master's programs provide advanced courses that build upon the foundational knowledge gained during your undergraduate studies. These courses delve deeper into specific topics within your field and often explore the latest research and developments. 

Specialization:  One of the primary goals of a master's program is to allow you to specialize in a particular area. Whether pursuing a Master of Arts, Master of Science, or a professional degree like an MBA, you can focus your studies on a specific subfield or concentration within your discipline. 

Research and analysis:   Many master's programs require you to engage in research projects and analytical work. This could involve conducting independent research under the guidance of a faculty advisor or participating in group research projects with fellow students. Through these research experiences, you’ll develop critical thinking and analytical skills, learn how to gather and evaluate relevant data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Practical applications and internships:  Some master's programs incorporate practical training opportunities like internships, practicums, or field experiences; hands-on experiences allow you to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to real-world settings.

Collaboration and networking:  A Master's program is a rich collaboration and networking environment. Collaborative projects, group discussions, and professional events allow you to exchange ideas and build connections within your field, often leading to long-lasting professional relationships and potential career opportunities.

Thesis project:   Outside of building skills like project management, problem-solving, project management, and effective communication, thesis projects in master's degree programs serve as a cornerstone for building advanced skills, expanding professional networks, and contributing to the body of knowledge in your respective field. 

Why get a master’s degree?

Career advancement: One primary advantage of getting a master’s degree is an edge in the job market. Employers value the specialized knowledge and advanced skills that come with a master’s degree, opening up new and exciting career opportunities.  The cherry on top? Individuals with a master’s degree often earn more than those without an advanced degree — you can take that to the bank, especially if you set yourself up for financial success during your studies. Flexibility: Another aspect to consider is the flexibility that a master’s degree offers. Many programs offer part-time or online options, allowing you to balance your studies with work or other commitments.  This flexibility can be particularly helpful if you’re already established in your career but want to gain additional qualifications.  Growth opportunities: Depending on your field, a master’s degree can be a stepping stone toward a PhD or other doctoral programs. It gives you a solid foundation in research methods and academic rigor — a boon if you want to pursue a career in academia or conduct advanced research.

What is a Doctoral Degree or PhD?

A doctoral degree is a terminal degree — it represents the pinnacle of academic achievement and is the most advanced degree you can attain. Doctoral students want to become authorities in their chosen fields and develop the skills to conduct independent and original research. 

Doctoral programs usually span 3-6 years of full-time study, during which students complete advanced coursework, pass comprehensive examinations, engage in extensive research and ultimately produce a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field. 

There are several types of doctoral degrees based on different academic and professional aspirations, including:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),
  • Doctor of Education (EdD),
  • And Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), among others. 

What do you learn in a doctoral program?

When you successfully defend your dissertation and complete your degree, you also become an expert in your field — but it doesn’t happen overnight. Here's what you can expect to encounter in a doctoral program:

Advanced research: If you’re looking for a hard emphasis on research, a doctoral program is the place to be. Over several years, PhD students engage in extensive research activities — including conducting independent research, producing scholarly publications, and contributing to the knowledge base of their field through original research contributions.

Theoretical and conceptual frameworks:  PhDs are an incredible opportunity to deepen your understanding of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in your field of study. You'll critically analyze existing theories, evaluate their applicability, and develop your theoretical frameworks to advance knowledge and understanding in your chosen area of research.

Advanced methodological training:  Because a dissertation is an original research project, you’ll gain advanced training in research methodologies and data analysis techniques, like designing robust research studies, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing valid and reliable conclusions from your research findings.

Critical thinking and intellectual independence: Both academia and industry employers highly value independent thinkers and workers. Doctoral programs foster critical thinking and intellectual independence by challenging you to evaluate existing research, identify gaps in knowledge, and propose innovative research ideas. Teaching and Mentoring Experience: Being a teacher or mentor is a great opportunity to share your hard-earned knowledge, and universities agree. Doctoral programs often provide opportunities to teach and mentor undergraduate students, develop effective pedagogical skills, and contribute to the academic community.

Dissertation project:  Your dissertation is the culmination of years of hard work within your field. By enrolling in a doctoral program, you’re also given the chance to participate in a significant and original research endeavor that demonstrates the expertise you’ve worked so hard to cultivate.

Why Get a Doctorate?

Having a doctorate doesn’t just open doors; it can kick them down. A doctorate might be right for you if you’re looking for a door to these things:

Expertise and specialization:  Doctoral degrees can be a labor of love. They help you delve deeper into a specific subject area, gaining expertise and specialization.

Research opportunities:  Extensive research training, opportunities for conducting original research, and contributing new knowledge to the academic community — these three things make a doctorate coveted by students, universities, and employers.

Salary potential and career advancement: In some fields, having a doctorate can lead to higher earning potential and increased salary opportunities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , doctoral degree holders made an average of $1,885 per week in 2020, while master’s degree holders made an average of $1,545 per week.

Contribution to society:  Doctoral research often addresses pressing societal issues, contributing to advancements in technology, healthcare, education, and other areas for the benefit of society — for many students, contributing to the greater good is just as rewarding as career advancement or personal development.

What’s the difference between a dissertation and a thesis?

You might have heard “thesis” and “dissertation” used interchangeably, but they’re not quite the same. Here are the general distinctions to consider:

  • A thesis is usually associated with a master's degree program. Students undertake a research project in the final stage of their degree.
  • It typically involves conducting original research or analyzing existing research to answer a specific research question.
  • The length of a thesis varies based on the field and program requirements, but it’s usually shorter than a dissertation.


  • A dissertation is typically associated with a doctoral degree program. It is an extensive, in-depth research project that marks the culmination of a doctoral program.
  • in-depth exploration of a research topic
  • comprehensive literature review
  • methodology section
  • data collection and analysis
  • substantive discussion of findings and conclusions.
  • Dissertations are usually longer than theses and may take several years to complete.
  • Once you’ve completed your dissertation, you participate in a formal defense of the research, where you’ll present your findings to a committee of experts in the field.

Key Differences: Master's vs. PhD


Master's Degree:

Doctoral Degree:

Time Commitment

1-2 years

4-6+ years


More focused on providing an advanced understanding of established knowledge within a field

Emphasis on creating new knowledge through original research




Admission Requirements

Less stringent

May require additional materials like recommendation letters, writing samples, and examples of previous research

Career Advancement

Often more geared toward professional practice in various industries

Designed to prepare students for careers in academic research

Deciding Between Master's vs. PhD Programs

“Should I get a master’s degree or a PhD?”

Answering that question can be exciting — and a bit intimidating. You must consider long-term career objectives, personal interests, and the time you can commit. Plus, the level of specialization you wish to achieve based on your career path is also a factor. Typically, a PhD is a prerequisite for those aspiring to research careers in academia, while professional roles in various industries may require only a master's degree. 

It’s still worth noting that students have the option of completing a master's degree first and then, based on their experiences and career aspirations, deciding whether to pursue a PhD.

Find the right graduate degree at SMU 

A graduate degree is a big investment, so investing in the right program is important.

SMU offers a diverse array of master's and PhD programs tailored to align with your unique interests and career goals, and personalized support, from the applicant to the graduate, is always available. 

Whether you're interested in pursuing a PhD in Chemistry or are almost finished with your MBA, we can help you find the right advanced degree.

This could just be the beginning of your journey. Get a closer look at applying to graduate programs of your choice with our guide, How to Get a PhD: A Guide to Choosing and Applying to PhD Programs .


Learn More About

Doctoral degrees at SMU, and how you can choose the right program and thrive in it, in our Guide to Getting a PhD.


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masters compared to phd

PhD or Masters? It’s a tricky choice to make! There’s no one simple answer as both can be great choices and there are several angles to consider. In this post we’ll look at the differences between the two and compare various factors to consider when deciding between a Masters vs PhD.

Note – This post was a reader request. If you’d like me to cover any particular topics let me know here .

Key Differences Between a Masters and a PhD

Before we delve into the details of what factors to consider in your decision, here is a brief summary of the main differences between Masters and PhD programmes:

  • Typically 1 year long (in the UK)
  • You’re part of a cohort with course mates studying the same things as you
  • There are different types of Masters: MRes, MSc, MEng etc. Sometimes they’re fully “taught” (i.e. all lectures and exams). Other times they’re “research” (lectures and a research project) or a mixture of both. Look at the syllabus of Masters courses you’re considering for details
  • They cost money – unless you manage to secure a scholarship
  • 3-4 years long in the UK (and longer elsewhere)
  • Always involve a significant research component: that’s all they are!
  • Typically you’re not part of a cohort, the exception are CDTs (details here )
  • Although PhDs cost money, it is not normal for STEM PhD students to personally pay for a PhD. Usually you’ll get funding which covers the fees plus pays a nice tax-free stipend. See my whole analysis of how PhD stipends compare to grad salaries

Factors to consider when deciding between a Masters and a PhD

Now let’s dive into some specific comparisons of a Masters vs PhD:

  • Financial cost
  • Potential salary boost
  • Opportunity gain
  • Opportunity cost

Masters vs PhD Cost

How much does a masters degree cost in the uk.

For Masters courses in the UK there are typically both tuition fees and bench fees. Bench fees are for covering costs involved with practicals and research experiments, including consumables and training.

In the UK, if you’re a home student you’ll often pay upwards of £11,500 for tuition fees. Overseas students may get charged £21,800 or higher. Bench fees can vary a lot, typically they may be around £5000.

The course page will usually list the cost of the Masters pretty clearly, see this example from Bristol:

masters compared to phd

In addition you will have living costs on top of these fees. You’ll therefore have to budget for all of this ahead of starting the Masters unless you’re planning to work while studying. If so, here are some ideas I put together for ways to make money as a student .

There are sometimes bursaries and scholarships available for Masters students so do look at your options. The university website should list the main funding options available to you. However in my experience the majority of Masters students tend to self-fund or take out a loan.

How much does a PhD cost in the UK

In theory a PhD would incur bench fees like a Masters. Yet unlike with Masters degrees, it is pretty rare to self-fund a PhD, at least in the sciences. Instead it is normal for prospective PhD students to try and secure funding.

Usually PhD students will only embark upon a project once funding has been secured for the duration of the project: often 3.5 years.

Typically a PhD student will secure funding both to pay for the university fees, plus a stipend to cover their living expenses. For the 2021/2022 academic year a typical annual PhD stipend is £15,609 per year outside of London, or £17,609 per year in London. To be clear: this is money you get paid for doing the PhD, not that you have to pay! On top of the stipend all other costs relating to the PhD also get covered by the funding body.

If you want to find out more about PhD funding, see my separate relevant posts here:

  • How to Find PhD Funding in the UK
  • PhD Student Salary in the UK: Comparing a PhD Stipend to a Grad Salary

I lived pretty comfortably on this kind of amount of money in London, so it’s certainly possible!

Masters vs PhD Potential Salary Gain

If you’re considering a Masters or PhD to help you climb the career ladder more quickly, you may be wondering how much they could each boost your salary.

Whether or not a Masters or PhD is worth it for the potential salary gain really depends on what job you’re looking to go into. Generally, yes, the more highly qualified you are the more money you may be able to earn:

masters compared to phd

If you’re looking to boost your earning potential, from these US figures someone with a Masters could expect to earn approximately 18% more than someone with just a Bachelors degree. Furthermore, someone with a PhD may be able to earn 43% more than just a Bachelors. Therefore, on average PhDs earn 21% more than people with a Masters. There are loads of caveats though and this figure isn’t really comparing a like-for-like situation.

As a rule of thumb: if you’re going into a technical job, especially one requiring specialist knowledge you pick up from your studies, then you’re more likely get rewarded for your extra degree(s). Also notice how in the above figure across all workers the unemployment rate is lowest for those with PhDs. The unemployment for those with a Masters vs a PhD is 73% higher.

For certain companies and roles the more highly qualified you are the more they’ll reward you with a higher salary. Other companies, especially ones which wouldn’t utilise the skills from your degree, won’t pay you any higher than someone with a Bachelors degree.

There may be certain professions where getting a Masters or PhD are really beneficial for boosting your salary but I’d urge caution if this is your primary motivation for earning one of these degrees. This is especially true if you consider that instead of earning an extra degree you could spend your time gaining work experience on the job.

Consider looking up different potential employers you may be interested in working for to get a sense of whether your extra qualifications could secure you a higher salary. If the company is transparent with sharing salaries for different pay grades then you may be able to find details on their website. If not I suggest looking on glassdoor .

Masters vs PhD Opportunity Gain

What opportunities open up to you by doing a Masters vs a PhD? How beneficial could either be for your career? We’ll consider categories:

Technical knowledge

  • Lab experience

Independent thinking & problem solving

Student life.

The obvious benefit to doing either degree is that you’ll gain expertise and knowledge in a certain technical topic. Not only may this be interesting to you in its own right but the degree can be used to demonstrate your technical know-how for your upcoming career. Either degree could help with your career prospects and enable you to potentially expand your horizons and go and work abroad. Though this depends a lot on your field and specific situation!

There is a quite obvious tradeoff between breadth and depth of technical knowledge between a Masters vs PhD.

A Masters degree is considerably shorter than a PhD, therefore your opportunity to pick up deep technical skills across the period of the programme is likely to be lower.

However, it is worth noting that Masters courses involve lectures, whereas in the UK PhDs don’t. Therefore it may actually be the case that with the Masters you’re picking up knowledge more quickly than the PhD. This does of course depend a lot on the skills you want to learn and how you work. Plus, you can sometimes go to lectures if you want as a PhD student. I’d say this one is a draw.

Practical lab experience

If you do a Masters involving a research project you’ll likely spend at most 4-6 months of the year in the lab. With a PhD you’ll spend considerably longer!

In the first year of a PhD you can try out different things and with the following years of a PhD you’re learning things at a much deeper level than a Masters. Though again, this depends quite a bit on what you’re trying to learn and why. For a lot of purposes you may gain enough practical experience in just a Masters project.

With either degree I think you’ll have ample opportunities to pick up new skills and challenge yourself to think independently.

A Masters is usually a little more like a Bachelors degree. By this I mean, besides your research project, the course leaders will be setting pretty well defined questions which often come with relatively well defined answers. When it comes to conducting research (for either degree) you’ll of course be answering questions for the first time and usually this will require some problem solving.

Compared to a PhD project a Masters research project is much smaller in scope and well defined. Plus, you’ll typically be paired with a more senior lab member (PhD student or postdoc) which doesn’t often happen for PhD students. There are also sometimes group projects for Masters degrees which adds another useful skill to the mix.

A PhD is the ultimate test of independence and problem solving. A lot of us see this as a fun challenge but bear in mind the importance of having a supporting supervisor. I wrote a separate post about choosing a PhD project and supervisor .

Masters Networking Opportunities

One perk of a Masters degree compared to a PhD is that you’ll always have a group of course mates with you. Not only can this be reassuring and give you social opportunities, it also means that you can network with like-minded individuals who are interested in the same topic as you. It is very easy to see how this could lead to starting a company with a course mate or business relationships later in your career.

PhD Networking Opportunities

PhDs on the other hand may be more solitary. It really depends on the group and department you join. If you join a small group with very few other PhD students it could be a much less exciting, and potentially more difficult, environment to be doing research in. Plus less people to bounce ideas off of and network with.

Some departments are very good at putting on social and networking events for their PhD students. Others less so. My PhD involved working in two different departments and each took very different approaches. One department had an annual research day and several parties throughout the year specifically for their PhD students. On top of that were lecture series’ plus Christmas and Summer parties for the whole department. The other department organised practically nothing.

PhDs do afford you more time to build connections with other researchers in the department and collaborations with other universities and institutions. In my PhD I spent time working with two other research groups in London (at UCL and the Royal Veterinary College) as well as the Natural History Museum. I doubt I’d have formed these connections through doing a Masters.

Whether it be a Masters or PhD, remember that you’ll be a student again. Therefore for either degree you can attend all student events on campus, join clubs and societies at the students’ union which could bring with it many opportunities to enrich your life. Of course a PhD gives you more time to enjoy these benefits!

Whichever degree you decide to go for, see my post about making the most of opportunities !

Also if you’re interested, I wrote: Do PhD Students Have a Social Life? Sharing My Experiences Making Friends and Avoiding PhD Loneliness

Masters vs PhD Opportunity Cost

The main opportunity cost I can think of for either is the length of time that they take. If you’re trying to decide between a Masters or PhD, or perhaps even aren’t sure about doing either, I suggest thinking about what you’d otherwise be doing and what you’d like to do afterwards.

There is no getting around the fact that a PhD takes longer to complete than a Masters. Maybe that extra time spent deep in research is well spent, or maybe you’d be better off just doing a one year Masters degree and using that remaining time to progress a career in industry, start a business or make the most of some other opportunities.

It will come down to why you’re interested in doing either degree in the first place and what you’re hoping to do with your life afterwards.

If you enjoy research but are worried that a PhD would take too long, I don’t think you should worry too much. Firstly, I think enjoying research is reason enough to do a PhD. Secondly, in comparison to your whole career a PhD doesn’t really take up much time.

I don’t think that the time you’ll have spent doing a PhD would ever meaningfully take away from other things you could do with your life:

masters compared to phd

See my whole post about how long a PhD takes .

Masters vs PhD Difficulty

How hard is a masters.

I can’t speak for all Masters courses! How difficult you’ll find a Masters will depend a lot on the specific course and how different the topic is to your undergraduate degree. Of course if you’re jumping to a different field than your undergraduate degree you’d expect to find the Masters challenging!

What I can say is that there can be a lot of content to try and cram in during a one year Masters. The pace can be fast and there isn’t much time for you to digest the content before getting assessed on it. You have to be able to learn quickly and juggle lots of things going on at once, with regular assessments throughout the year. This is all in stark contrast to the PhD where you’ll usually have ample time to ensure you understand a concept well and there are few formal assessments to deal with.

How difficult is a PhD?

A PhD involves working independently on your own project for the whole duration of your studies. With this comes having to solve problems yourself and find the motivation to keep going with the project for several years. There is a component of luck as to how your project pans out but it is safe to say that a lot of people do go through difficult parts of their PhD related to these issues.

There are very few formal assessments throughout a PhD. Typically at around 9-12 months in, then 18-24 months in there are intermediate checkmarks and then the big one, the viva, right at the end. On the upside this means that you don’t need to worry about getting assessed on assignements or exams like with the Masters, but on the flip side it can be difficult to figure out how well you’re doing.

From what I’ve observed, some people who have difficulties during the project often face them because of a poor relationship with their PhD supervisor. I personally didn’t find my PhD hard, but that in part comes down to enjoying the content, having good supervisors and treating it like a 9-5 job. No you shouldn’t need to dedicate all your evening and weekends to it, and it doesn’t need to be a hellish experience.

Yes this is anecdotal but I also worked with many other postdocs and PhD students who shared their experiences with me. Also check out the PhD Profiles series for more insights.

See my much longer analysis about PhD difficulty here: How Hard is a PhD?

Masters vs PhD: What did I do?

My own path from undergrad to PhD was made slightly more simple because I did a combined four-year undergraduate engineering degree which took me straight to a Masters qualification (MEng). Even so, I still wasn’t exactly clear on whether I wanted to a PhD or what topic it might be in. Therefore after graduating I worked for a few years whilst also putting out applications:

masters compared to phd

This gave me an opportunity to build up my experience and work in different fields, all while getting some more research outputs which were useful for PhD applications. If you want to read more about my journey, check out my PhD profile here . While you’re there, look at other PhD students’ journeys in the other PhD Profiles too.

Whether you should do a Masters or PhD really comes down to: why are you interested in further study?

I would urge caution in getting extra degrees just to try and boost your salary. There are cases where this can pay off but consider what other work experience you could be getting outside of the university. A Masters for example will typically cost you money, whether it be eating up savings or through a loan, so do think carefully if you’re doing the degree for financial reasons.

If on the other hand you’re motivated to take on either degree because you’re interested in the topics and simply want to learn then go for it!

A Masters can be a nice introduction to a field, especially if you’re transitioning from a different Bachelor’s degree. Having lectures covering a wide variety of topics can get you up to speed and you can spend a few months on a research component if that’s what you fancy.

If you actively enjoy doing research and like the idea of spending three or four years exploring one topic then doing a PhD could be a nice option. Though I would suggest that for many people a PhD may be overkill and that for most career purposes a masters is probably enough!

If you’re wondering whether or not you need a Masters to do a PhD, see my separate post exactly about that topic here: Do You Need a Master’s To Do a PhD? TLDR: No you don’t necessarily need one in advance, and CDTs are another option to consider which combine the benefits of both . See details about CDTs here . If you are interested in research, and already know what kind of topic you’d like to spend several years studying, then I’d consider applying for a PhD without a Masters.

I know it can be difficult making these choices. Remember though that you don’t need to rush your decision. There is nothing wrong with working for a few years then coming back to do a Masters or PhD. That is what I did!

It might feel like you need a clear plan but you really don’t so please don’t let it stress you out too much! Whatever you decide I wish you all the best for your career.

I hope this post has been useful if you’re trying to decide between a Masters vs PhD! If you have any other questions, feedback or suggestions be sure to let me know and I’ll try my best to help.

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4 Comments on “Masters vs PhD: Which is Right For You?”

Great article! I completed my MEng in Mechanical from Cardiff in 2018 and am now looking for an Industrial PhD (I think it’s also known as an EngD or DEng?). As I’d like to pursue an academic role in future but after a PhD I’d like to go into industry to really test the knowledge I gain (or maybe start a company).

I’d like to learn more and become a specialist who really understands and grasps all aspects of Mechanical Engineering. Plus, I really like the calculation side of things, but have had difficulty finding jobs, so I think a PhD would be a significant benefit to me. Though, I found it interesting that you state that having a PhD doesn’t increase salary expectations necessarily; I thought salary rise would be a bonus (from other articles) but I guess this depends on the companies that appreciate PhDs and whether you apply to the right ones.

Do you have an article showing how to make your PhD applications stand out?

Keep it up!

Kind regards, Y

PS Just a minor detail the last section on which is right for you (first line) has a typo: Masters of PhD… should be Masters or PhD.

Thanks very much for your comment and for pointing out a typo! Hey, mech eng MEng and Cardiff, nice! Yep I’ve known people doing EngDs and they look like a nice option.

As per the bar chart in the article, on average a PhD leads to higher salaries but in the article I wanted to temper salary expectations and make it clear that it is not necessarily a great idea to do a PhD if earning more money were the main motivation: not only may a PhD prove frustrating if someone doesn’t actually enjoy the research but it’s also pretty inefficient since in a lot of cases simply spending those 3-4 years gaining experience in a job could likely lead to equivilant or larger promotions over that period. Yeah it really depends on the company and industry. As per the article you could have a look at the companies advertising positions in a subfield of mech eng you’re interested in and check the candidate requirements and associated compensation to get a sense of what a PhD could add.

An article I’m actually currently drafting for June is about how I managed to get a PhD scholarship which includes lots about making your application stand out, so I suggest check back later in the month!

Best wishes and good luck,

By the way I forgot to add that each candidate in the PhD Profiles series answers the question of what made their PhD application stand out, you can find the series here:

Thanks Jeff, I think I’ve got a lot of research to do as I’m quite open as to what I want to apply to. After reading your profile I think I have a similar interest in the medical field as I did a placement at Olympus medical and really enjoyed it. Plus working with professional engineers to a specific deadline is quite fun. I might choose to go a similar route to you by emailing the scientists/engineers who are running the PhD(s) I’m interested in and getting work experience until I’m certain of the topic I want to explore. There’s just so many options! Thanks for writing these blogs! Kind regards Yusuf

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Masters vs. PhD

What's the difference.

A Master's degree and a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) are both advanced academic degrees, but they differ in terms of their level of specialization and the depth of research involved. A Master's degree typically requires one to two years of study beyond a bachelor's degree and focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of a specific field or discipline. It involves coursework, exams, and sometimes a thesis or capstone project. On the other hand, a PhD is the highest level of academic achievement and requires several years of rigorous research and independent study. It involves original research, the creation of a dissertation, and a defense of the research findings. A PhD is typically pursued by individuals seeking to contribute new knowledge to their field and often leads to careers in academia or research.

Duration1-2 years4-7 years
FocusSpecialized fieldNarrow research area
Entry RequirementsBachelor's degreeBachelor's or Master's degree
ThesisMay or may not be requiredRequired
ResearchLess emphasisSignificant research component
TeachingMay involve teaching assistantshipsMay involve teaching assistantships or teaching positions
Job OpportunitiesEntry-level positionsAdvanced research or academic positions
Academic TitleMasterDoctor

Further Detail


When it comes to pursuing higher education, many individuals consider obtaining a Masters or a PhD degree. Both degrees offer unique opportunities for personal and professional growth, but they also differ in various aspects. In this article, we will explore and compare the attributes of Masters and PhD programs, shedding light on their differences and helping individuals make informed decisions about their educational journey.

Duration and Scope

A Masters degree typically takes around one to two years to complete, depending on the program and the student's dedication. It involves in-depth coursework, research, and sometimes a thesis or capstone project. On the other hand, a PhD degree is a more extensive and time-consuming commitment. It usually takes around four to six years to complete, involving rigorous research, comprehensive exams, and a dissertation that contributes original knowledge to the field.

While a Masters degree provides a solid foundation in a specific field, a PhD program delves deeper into research and academia, allowing students to become experts in their chosen area of study. The scope of a PhD is broader, requiring students to make significant contributions to their field through original research, while a Masters degree focuses more on acquiring advanced knowledge and skills.

Admission Requirements

When it comes to admission requirements, both Masters and PhD programs have certain criteria that applicants must meet. For a Masters degree, applicants typically need a bachelor's degree in a related field, a competitive GPA, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and sometimes standardized test scores such as the GRE (Graduate Record Examination).

On the other hand, PhD programs often have more stringent admission requirements. In addition to a bachelor's degree, applicants are usually required to have a strong academic background, relevant research experience, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and competitive GRE scores. Some programs may also require applicants to submit a research proposal outlining their intended area of study.

Research Opportunities

One of the key distinctions between Masters and PhD programs lies in the research opportunities they offer. While both degrees involve research, the depth and extent of research differ significantly. Masters programs often provide students with the opportunity to engage in research projects, but the focus is usually on applying existing knowledge rather than generating new knowledge.

PhD programs, on the other hand, place a strong emphasis on original research. Students are expected to contribute to their field by conducting in-depth research, often leading to the publication of scholarly articles and the development of new theories or methodologies. PhD candidates work closely with faculty advisors and are encouraged to explore uncharted territories within their discipline.

Career Opportunities

Both Masters and PhD degrees can open doors to various career opportunities, but the level and type of opportunities may differ. A Masters degree equips individuals with advanced knowledge and skills, making them well-suited for specialized roles within their field. Graduates with a Masters degree often find employment in industries, government agencies, or non-profit organizations related to their area of study.

On the other hand, a PhD degree is often seen as a pathway to academia and research-intensive careers. PhD holders are well-prepared for positions as professors, researchers, or experts in their field. They have the expertise to conduct independent research, publish scholarly work, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their discipline. However, it is important to note that PhD holders can also pursue careers outside of academia, leveraging their analytical and problem-solving skills in various industries.

Financial Considerations

When considering higher education, financial considerations play a significant role. Masters programs are generally more affordable compared to PhD programs. The shorter duration of a Masters degree means fewer tuition fees and living expenses. Additionally, many Masters programs offer scholarships, assistantships, or part-time work opportunities to help offset the costs.

PhD programs, on the other hand, often provide funding packages to admitted students. These packages may include tuition waivers, stipends, or teaching/research assistantships. While this financial support can alleviate the financial burden, it is important to consider the longer duration of a PhD program, which may require individuals to forgo full-time employment for several years.

In conclusion, both Masters and PhD degrees offer unique attributes and opportunities for individuals seeking advanced education. Masters programs provide a focused and efficient way to gain specialized knowledge and skills, while PhD programs offer a more extensive and research-intensive experience. The decision between pursuing a Masters or a PhD depends on various factors, including personal interests, career goals, financial considerations, and the level of commitment one is willing to undertake. Ultimately, individuals should carefully evaluate their aspirations and weigh the pros and cons of each degree to make an informed decision that aligns with their long-term goals.

Comparisons may contain inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. Please report any issues.

What Comes After a Master's Degree?

Know Your Graduate School Options Beyond a Master's

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  • Admissions Essays
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  • College Life
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  • Distance Learning
  • Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, Fordham University
  • M.A., Developmental Psychology, Fordham University

After receiving your master's degree, there are still more options to study in graduate school, including an additional master's degree, doctorate programs (Ph.D., Ed.D., and others) and certificate programs to consider. These degree and certificate programs all vary in level, time to complete, and more.

Additional Master's Degrees

If you have already earned a master's degree and wish to continue your studies, you might consider a second master's degree. Since master's degrees tend to be specialized degrees, as you grow within your career you may find that a new specialty is required or that two specialties will make you an even more desirable candidate when job hunting. In education, for example, many teachers earn a Master's of Arts in Teaching degree but may return to the classroom to study for a degree in the field in which they are teaching, such as English or mathematics. They may also wish to pursue a degree in organizational leadership, especially if they are looking to grow into an administrative role in the school.

Master's degrees generally take two, sometimes three, years to complete (after earning a bachelor's degree), but pursuing a second degree in a similar discipline might allow you to carry over some credits and complete the program sooner. There are also some accelerated master's programs that can earn you a degree in less than a year; just be prepared for a lot of hard work. All master's programs entail coursework and exams , and, depending on the field, possibly an internship or other applied experience (for example, in some fields of psychology ). Whether a thesis is required to obtain a master's degree depends on the program. Some programs require a written thesis; others offer an option between a thesis and a comprehensive exam . Some programs provide capstone courses, which are usually semester-long courses that provide a comprehensive overview of everything learned within the program and ask students to complete several small thesis statements to demonstrate mastery.

A meaningful way in which master's programs differ from many, but not all, doctoral programs is in the level of financial aid available to students. Most programs do not offer as much assistance to master's students as they do for doctoral students, and so students often pay most if not all of their tuition. Many top institutions even offer full scholarships for doctoral students, but a doctoral program is usually a much more comprehensive and time-consuming educational program, requiring a full-time commitment, versus the possibility of working your full-time job while going for a master's degree.

The value of the master's degree varies by field. In some areas such as business, a master's is the unstated norm and necessary for advancement. Other fields do not require advanced degrees for career advancement. In some cases, a master's degree may hold advantages over a doctoral degree. For example, a master's degree in social work (MSW) may be more cost-effective than a doctoral degree, given the time and funds required to earn the degree and the pay differential. The admission offices at the schools you're applying to can often help you determine which program is best for you.

Ph.D. and Other Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree is a more advanced degree and takes more time (often a great deal more time). Depending on the program, a Ph.D. could take four to eight years to complete. Typically, a Ph.D. in North American programs entails two to three years of coursework and a dissertation — an independent research project designed to uncover new knowledge in your field that must be of publishable quality. A dissertation can take a year or more to complete, with most averaging about 18 months. Some fields, like applied psychology, may also require an internship of one year or more.

Most doctorate programs offer various forms of financial aid , from assistantships to scholarships to loans. The availability and types of support vary by discipline (e.g., those in which faculty conduct research sponsored by large grants are more likely to hire students in exchange for tuition) and by the institution. Students in some doctoral programs also earn master's degrees along the way.

Certificate Programs

Certificates can usually be earned in less than a year and are often significantly less expensive than going after additional degrees. If you're wondering what should come after your master's degree and you're not sure if a doctoral program is right for you, this could be the way to go. Certificates range in scope greatly and can allow you to hyperfocus on the areas in which you wish to excel. Some schools even offer certificate programs that are of a masters degree caliber, so you can walk away better prepared for your career and without breaking the bank. Employers who offer tuition assistance may look favorably on a less expensive certificate program as well.

Which Is the Best?

There is no easy answer. It depends on your interests, field, motivation, and career goals. Read more about your field and consult faculty advisers to learn more about which option best fits your career goals. Some final considerations are as follows:

  • What types of jobs do a master's degree, doctoral degree, and certificate holders have? Do they differ? How?
  • How much will each degree cost? How much will you earn after obtaining each degree? Is the outcome worth the cost? What can you afford?
  • How much time do you have to invest in additional schooling?
  • Are you interested enough to pursue many years of schooling?
  • Will earning a doctoral degree offer a substantial benefit in your employment and advancement opportunities?

Only you know which is the right degree for you. Take your time and ask questions, then carefully weigh what you learn about each, its opportunities, as well as your own needs, interests, and competencies. What comes after a master's degree is up to you.

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Should I Pursue A Master’s or A Ph.D.?

Shot of back of graduate looking into the distance with chin resting on hand at hooding ceremony

The first step in deciding on the right graduate program for you is to figure out which degree will best serve you—a master’s or a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.). Here are a few factors to consider.

What are your career goals?

  • Professional master’s: A good choice if you want to develop a particular skill set in order to practice a particular profession. This type of degree provides coursework focused on learning and practicing skills.
  • Research master’s: A good fit if you want to gain expertise in a discipline and know how to teach it. A research master’s typically includes a research project or thesis and comprehensive exams in addition to coursework and provides experience in research and scholarship.
  • Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy): Consider this option if your goal is to ground yourself in a body of research and develop the ability to add to that body of knowledge. Ph.D. study includes a major research project in addition to coursework, and a Ph.D. is the highest scholastic degree awarded by American universities. Contrary to common perception, career paths for Ph.D. graduates are quite varied, not just limited to academia. Ph.D. training helps you hones skills such as writing, research, teaching, data analysis, communicating complex topics—all of which can translate into many sectors, including industry, government, nonprofit, and entrepreneurship.

See career data for Duke graduate programs' alumni

How much time do you have to pursue a graduate degree?

Master’s degrees typically take two years to complete, while Ph.D. programs generally take five to seven years ( see Duke programs' time-to-degree ). That is a significant difference in commitment and opportunity costs. It might also play a key role in deciding which factors take higher priority as you evaluate a program. How does the length of the program fit with your career and family plans? How important is the surrounding community if you are going to be there for seven years instead of two? How long are you able or willing to go on a limited income while in graduate school?

How much can you afford to pay for a graduate degree?

Consider your personal financial situation (e.g., how much savings and student loans do you have), as well as how much financial aid you can get. Master’s and Ph.D. programs differ greatly in the amount of financial aid available. Ph.D. programs tend to offer significantly more financial support than master’s programs (but often will have research or teaching requirements). 

A typical Ph.D. financial aid package usually includes coverage of tuition and fees, a living stipend, and some level of support for health insurance for a set number of years. For instance, Duke’s standard Ph.D. package covers tuition, mandatory fees, and a stipend for five years, as well as health insurance premiums for six years. 

Within an institution, the level of financial support often differs across programs, so be sure to ask your specific program about the financial aid it offers. There are also many national organizations that provide competitive fellowships and scholarships for graduate students.

Know which degree you want to pursue? Here are some key things to look for in a program .

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Master’s vs PhD/Doctorate Degrees – Key Differences

masters compared to phd

So, you are done with your bachelor’s degree but not with studying–according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , this seems like a good idea. In its projections for the years 2019–2029, it lists 36 occupations that typically require a master’s degree and 63 requiring a doctoral or professional degree. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data also shows that the wages for these occupations are higher than the median for all occupations. 

Now you might wonder: What is the difference between master’s and PhD degrees and which one should I get? Read on for all the information you need to make this important decision!

diploma with money and diploma, master's vs PhD

Difference Between Masters and PhD: An Overview

A master’s degree is designed to teach you the knowledge and skills that you will need in your future profession. A PhD or doctorate degree, on the other hand, is designed to develop your critical thinking as well as your analytical and writing skills and is usually a years-long commitment to independent research on a specific subject. The purpose of a PhD is to prepare you for a career in academic research—although it can also help you get into a variety of other professions, and at a higher entry/salary level. In the US, a master’s degree is integrated into a PhD program, as a necessary preparation period involving mostly coursework, while in most other countries, a separate master’s degree is required to enter a PhD program.

If you want to stand out, you should definitely opt for a PhD degree: According to the United States Census Bureau , 24 million people in the US had master’s or professional degrees in 2019, whereas only 4.5 million had PhDs/doctorates. But is it worth the extra effort? And what exactly would the extra effort be? Have a look at the table below to get an idea about the key differences between master’s and PhDs.

Master’s vs PhD

Successful completion of a bachelor’s degreeBachelor’s degree (US), master’s degree (many other countries)
2 years, sometimes shorter (e.g., at some UK universities)5–7 years (US), 3–5 years (countries that require a completed master’s degree)
predominantly coursework, usually with a culmination project/thesis/final exhibition at the end, sometimes called “capstone project”2 years of coursework in the US to make up for the master’s, and 3–5 years of independent work on a dissertation
Varies widely by country, university and program; master’s degrees at US universities can cost anything from $30,000 to $120,000, while degrees in other English-speaking countries are significantly cheaper (<$40,000), and most universities in Europe have very low (sometimes none at all) tuition feesWhile costs for PhD programs can be as high (and vary as widely) as those for master’s degrees, PhD projects often come with some level of funding equivalent to a salary and tuition fees are waived in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant
Master’s degrees usually focus on industry-specific skills for a career outside of academiaEarned on the basis of research that contributes new knowledge to a particular research topic, a PhD prepares you for a research career, inside or outside of universities
According to the , earnings increase from the bachelor’s level to the master’s level by approximately 18%, while unemployment rates go down, from 3.5% (bachelor’s) to 2.6% (master’s)A PhD can increase your salary by approximately 21% compared to master’s degree holders, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The unemployment rate for PhD holders is also exceptionally low, at only 1.5%

Master’s or Doctorate: Which Should You Choose?

You have a specific career or profession in mind and want to develop the necessary practical skills for thatYour goal is to become a university professor or to dedicate your career to researching at companies/other institutions
You are willing to invest more money upfront (since there are fewer scholarship possibilities for master’s degrees) to be able to start your career earlierYou are passionate about a specific field or topic and see yourself still being passionate about it in 10 years
You have a job and want to study part-time to be able to support yourself or simultaneously gain work experienceYou are self-motivated, have solid organizational skills, and are prepared to deal with unexpected challenges along the way

How Long Does a Master’s vs Doctorate Take to Complete?

While the length of time it will take you to complete a PhD or master’s degree varies significantly between institutions and countries, we will focus on the US system here. Obviously, PhDs take much longer, because they are in fact a combination of both degrees and involve a long period of independent research that can get even longer than expected, depending on your topic, the available equipment or support, and a lot of other factors.

How long to complete a master’s degree

In the US, a full-time master’s degree takes students generally 2 years to complete, while part-time degrees are usually double the time.

How long to complete a PhD/doctorate

Since US PhD programs only require a completed bachelor’s degree, they start with an integrated master’s of 2 years of coursework, followed by 3–4 years of independent research into a specific topic. That usually includes publishing results, presenting at conferences, and preparing the final dissertation. Note that stipends/funding do not always cover the entire time it can take you to complete your PhD project—make sure you are aware of alternative options and additional funding at your institution or have at least thought about a backup plan before you start.

Master’s Degree Cost vs. a PhD Cost

Most people assume that PhDs are more expensive because they take many more years to complete. However, since PhD students usually receive scholarships or stipends, sometimes just for their commitment to full-time research and sometimes in exchange for teaching, the direct costs for a dissertation can be lower than those for a master’s degree. 

Additionally, while you are very likely to earn more with both degrees, the additional years of studying for a PhD should be factored into any estimation of costs vs outcomes.

Cost of a master’s degree

Master’s degrees at US universities can cost anything from $30,000 to $120,000, with tuition depending on the type of institution (public, private nonprofit, or for-profit). University rankings and general reputation also affect tuition costs. 

Whether an expensive degree (e.g., MBAs are often notoriously expensive) is worth the money for you personally depends on what kind of salary you think you can expect after graduating from that specific school. The universities you consider applying to should be able to provide you with data on the career and salary outcomes of their students, either on their website or if you contact them and ask for these details.

You can of course try to get a stipend and/or apply for a teaching or research assistant position at your school, depending on your undergraduate degree and experience. Moreover, many institutions offer the possibility to complete a master’s degree part-time, while working, which allows students to fund themselves.

You might also be eligible to transfer credits toward your degree if you have a professional certification or have earned graduate-level course credit—which can significantly reduce your total cost for both degrees.

Cost of a PhD/dissertation

PhDs, unlike master’s degrees, are usually funded, which means that tuition fees are waived and stipends or scholarships take care of living costs. Phd students are, however, often expected to take on teaching or research responsibilities in exchange for their funding. 

There are a variety of scholarships you can apply for if you want to pursue a PhD in the US as an international student—US-based ones like the Fulbright Foreign Student Program or the HHMI International Student Research Scholarships , but there are probably also funding opportunities in your home country for students who want to embark on a PhD abroad.

Pursuing a PhD degree part-time might sometimes be possible, but since students are expected to invest a full workweek into their research and potential teaching responsibilities, this is usually not realistic.

To estimate the overall cost of a doctoral program, the extra years that you could be working a full-time job with a regular salary also need to be factored into the equation—and take into account that projects may end up taking longer than expected, due to difficulties in collecting data, supervisors dropping out or moving on, or unforeseeable crises such as the COVID-19 epidemic.

Career Prospects for a Master’s vs PhD

While both a master’s and a PhD degree will qualify you for a variety of occupations that require higher degrees, they can also get you a higher salary in a profession that is also open to employees with a lower education level. PhD holders can in theory expect the highest wages, but since the two degrees prepare you for very different careers, that alone shouldn’t be what you base your decision on.

Master’s degree jobs and positions

Master’s degrees are overall more versatile than PhDs when it comes to employment opportunities and cover a wide range of fields and professions. The most common master’s degrees are the Master’s of Arts (MA) and the Master’s of Science (MS). 

Master’s programs can generally be divided into three different types:

Research master’s degrees, such as an MA in Comparative Literature or an MS in Biology, prepare students for academic and non-academic research disciplines and usually end with a thesis based on an original piece of research. In some fields, however, you are expected to enter a Ph.D. program after completing your master’s to be competitive when it comes to finding a job later.

Professional master’s degrees teach you practical skills and in-demand competencies that qualify you for a specific field and enable you to understand issues that are relevant in a certain profession. Examples include the Master of Public Health (MPH), the  Master of Business Administration (MBA), or the MA in Teaching (MAT). 

Terminal master’s degrees are the highest academic degree in fields where doctorates are not offered, and prepare students for careers outside of academia. The Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, for example, or the MS in Library Science are as high as you can go in those fields.

To give you an idea, below, we listed the 10 occupations at the master’s level that are projected to have the most openings annually from 2019 to 2029, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the highest-paying occupations for master’s degree holders without required work experience, based on projections from 2016 to 2026.

Lawyers Nurse anesthetists
CounselorsPolitical scientists
Health specialties teachersComputer & information research scientist
Nurse practitionersPhysician assistants
Education administratorsNurse practitioners
Healthcare social workersMathematicians
Postsecondary teachersEconomists
Instructional coordinators
Physical therapists
Speech-language pathologists

Master’s degrees, apart from helping you develop professional skills tailored to the requirements of the profession you intend to enter, can also serve as a stepping stone if you are already in employment and want to progress your career development, earn a higher salary, or change careers by learning new skills and subject knowledge.

PhD/doctorate jobs and positions

PhDs are usually intended to lead to an academic career, and many students aim to eventually become university professors. However, careers in academia are highly competitive, and there are not nearly as many professor positions as there are PhD holders. The good news is that the skills you learn during your doctoral program are often “transferable” and can be applied to other types of careers. 

Some PhD graduates end up (and enjoy) being colleague teachers, while others embark on non-academic research careers, for example at pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, consulting and technology firms, or think tanks. Job prospects vary widely across fields, with some—computer science, engineering, or economics—having very low unemployment rates, and others, for example the humanities, offering fewer and less desirable employment opportunities. Keep in mind, however, that someone with a PhD entering a different field or one that does not necessarily require a PhD may find that their degree sometimes does not help them or that they are even considered to be “overqualified” or as lacking practical skills and relevant professional experience.

Since there is no clear career path for PhD graduates, you should really take your time figuring out what field you want to work in later, what the career prospects for that field are, and if they are worth the time and effort you will have to invest to complete a PhD program. Your university should have data on the careers and salaries of their students, and should either display these details on their website or send you the relevant information if you contact them directly.

Master’s vs PhD: Application Process

The application process for master’s and PhD programs is overall very similar. In general, you will need to provide the following:

Application essay/personal statement/statement of purpose, either as a response to specific prompts provided by the school or as an outline of what you learned during your undergraduate studies and how you will use this experience to make a success of your advanced qualificationStatement of purpose focusing on research you have already done/participated in, publications you have authored so far, and your research interests/future academic career plans
Letters of recommendation from former professors or research supervisors (for research master’s) or current work supervisors (for professional degrees)Letters of recommendation from former professors or supervisors (preferably supervisors who themselves hold a PhD) who have something to say about your potential as a researcher
CV/resume that summarizes your academic, professional and personal achievementsCV/resume focusing on your research background (your bachelor’s thesis/ publications/presentations)
Bachelor’s degree certificate and academic transcriptsBachelor’s degree certificate and academic transcripts
Proof of English proficiency (unless you have already completed a degree in English) if English is not your first language (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, etc.)Proof of English proficiency (unless you have already completed a degree in English) if English is not your first language (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, etc.)
Standardized test, e.g., the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) for law school or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) for business schoolStandardized test, usually the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Frequently Asked Questions about Master’s vs PhD Degrees

How long does a master’s degree take vs a phd.

Full-time master’s degrees usually take 2 years to complete. Many universities offer the option to do a master’s part-time, which takes double the time. PhD programs in the US  start with an integrated master’s of 2 years of coursework (since you enter the program directly after completing your bachelor’s degree), followed by 3–4 years of independent research. 

Is a PhD harder than a master’s degree?

A PhD takes substantially longer and requires more self-motivation, organizational skills, and the willingness to carry on even when things do not go according to plan. You might also have other responsibilities, on top of your research, such as teaching or assisting your supervisor. But whether that is “harder” for you than a master’s degree that consists of mostly coursework and does not take more than 2 years depends on your interests and general working style. 

Is a master’s or doctorate better?

Master’s and doctorate degrees prepare you for different occupations and work positions, and which one is the right for you depends on what kind of career you are planning to pursue. Generally, a master’s degree is right for you if you want to deepen your career-oriented knowledge and skills for a specific profession, while a doctorate degree prepares you for a career in research, whether that is inside or outside a university.

Preparing Your Graduate School Essays

Now that you have figured out whether a master’s or PhD degree is the right choice for you, all that is left to do is to put your application together! Make sure that you focus on your chosen degree and its aim (research or a professional career) in all required documents—for example, highlight your professional and personal development in your CV for an MBA program, but the publication you got out of your bachelor’s thesis and how passionate you are about doing more research on the same topic for your application to a PhD program. 

As always, Wordvice can help with our professional Personal Statement Editing Services or Admission Editing Services , which help ensure that your application is error-free and showcases your full potential so that you get admitted to the graduate or doctoral program of your choice. For more academic resources on writing the statement of purpose for grad school or on how to request a letter of recommendation , head over to our Admissions Resources pages.

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Master's vs Doctorate: Which Degree is Right for You?

Graduate degrees are becoming increasingly popular. 

According to the world’s largest and most sophisticated database of labor market and talent data from Burning Glass Technologies, 19% of U.S. job openings in the year 2018 requested a graduate degree. And that trend isn’t changing any time soon. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects master’s-level occupations to grow by 17% by 2026. Employment for doctoral- and professional-level degree is also projected to grow by about 13%. Both of these projections are much faster than the 7% average for all occupations. 

The demand for both master’s and doctorate degrees is high. But how do you know which level of educational attainment is right for you? Does your industry or career aspirations necessitate one degree or another? Will you personally benefit more from a master's or doctorate?

We’ll show you how to take all these factors into consideration to help choose if you should get a master’s degree, or if you should complete your master's and go on to pursue a doctorate degree.

Master's vs Doctorate: What are typical program requirements?

Whether you pursue a master’s degree or doctorate degree program, it’s a significant commitment of time, energy and finances. Before you choose, you should understand the requirements for not only getting into a program, but also completing your master’s or doctorate degree.

Masters vs Doctorate_ Overview of Degree Requirements2.png

Now that you have an understanding of what committing to a master’s degree or doctorate degree entails, compare the focus of the program and coursework. 

Master's vs Doctorate: What’s the difference in content and coursework?

The focus of master’s degrees and doctorate degrees is different. 

A master’s degree is designed to deepen career-oriented knowledge and skills. A doctorate degree is a heavily research-based degree, designed to develop critical research,analytical and writing skills in an effort to fill industry knowledge gaps.

Because of these different goals, the makeup of the coursework and content is also distinct.

Master’s programs feature three different types of courses:

  • Core courses: These courses are required to complete your master’s degree and are considered essential knowledge to advance your industry expertise.
  • Electives: These are a selection of courses that allow you to further specialize your degree with concentrated knowledge in specific areas. They can also be used to broaden your experience in related subject areas.
  • Capstone course (or thesis): The culmination of a master’s degree, a capstone course or thesis usually involves conducting research and presenting your findings.

Doctorate programs are broken down into four distinct parts:

  • Coursework: These advanced courses are required knowledge for passing your comprehensive exam. 
  • Research Core: These courses impart essential research, analytical and writing skills to prepare you to complete your dissertation.
  • Comprehensive exam: The comprehensive exam tests your understanding of key concepts learned through your coursework. Passing your comprehensive exam is essential to beginning your dissertation.
  • Dissertation: You work with a dissertation committee to identify a research topic. Then you complete in-depth research, analysis, and writing before you defend your original research to your dissertation committee. 

As you consider these degrees, decide which better fits your academic and professional goals, as well as your personal interests and learning style.

Master's vs Graduate: How much will the degree cost?

We know that cost is a top concern for individuals deciding what degree to pursue. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult questions to answer. Cost estimates for a master’s degree can be anywhere from $30,000 to $120,000—and costs for doctorates can range just as widely. 

If you’re trying to evaluate the cost of a master’s vs doctorate degree you need to look at important factors like:

  • Type of institution: Whether you choose a public, private nonprofit or for-profit school will impact how much you pay in tuition. The reputation and rankings of a university also affect the cost of tuition. 
  • Time to graduation: How many courses you take at one time and the total number of credit hours you need to graduate affect the cost of both master's and doctorates. Doctorates depend highly on an individual’s time and commitment to completing the research and writing of an original dissertation. Also, keep your other personal and professional commitments in mind when estimating how long it will take to earn your degree (and how that will impact cost).
  • Transfer credit: If you have a professional certification, or have earned graduate-level course credit, you may be eligible to transfer credit toward your degree. Getting transfer credit can significantly reduce your total cost.

Remember: To complete a doctorate degree you must first complete a master’s degree. So if cost is a top concern, evaluate which institution and program will give you the best value. In some cases, you may even be able to complete both a master’s degree and doctorate degree at a lower cost than a master’s degree at a school with high tuition. 

Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? Download this free guide for tips and insights to help you prepare for success.

Master's vs doctorate: what are the outcomes of each degree.

When it comes to the outcomes of a master’s or doctorate degree, you should look at three key factors: skillset, career prospects and salary expectations. Let’s dive into the differences between the outcomes of these two types of graduate degrees.

  • Skillset: Master’s degrees focus on the expert command of industry-specific skills, while working to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, doctorate degrees are nearly the inverse—they heavily focus on research, analysis and writing in support of developing transferable skills that can be used to fill gaps in industry knowledge.
  • Career prospects: Career advancement is a primary goal for people who pursue master’s and doctorate degrees. Master’s degrees are seen as career-oriented degrees that prepare you for management and leadership positions. More and more, doctorate degrees are becoming the norm for top executive positions, as well as opportunities to transition your career into academia.
  • Income: Both master’s degrees and doctorate degrees significantly increase your salary expectations and lifetime earning potential. But which is worth more? According to the BLS, a master’s degree has the power to boost your earnings by 17% when compared to a bachelor’s degree, while a doctorate degree can bring in a salary 30% higher than a bachelor’s degree. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an individual with a master’s degree can also earn more than $2.8 million in their lifetime, while a doctorate degree can earn you over $3.5 million.

Comparing the Benefits of Master's vs Doctorate Degrees

There are a lot of factors that go into choosing a master's vs doctorate degree. But as you evaluate all of the different aspects of these programs, make sure to keep your long-term goals in mind. We’ve outlined four key ways to compare the benefits of master's vs doctorate degrees against your goals.

Masters vs. Doctorate_ Why to Earn Each Degree.png

Master's vs Doctorate: Popularity meets possibility with online degrees

As demand increases for advanced degrees, professionals are looking for ways to make getting their graduate degree more attainable. That’s why online master’s and doctorate degrees are more popular than ever. Online degrees offer working professionals the opportunity to get their degree without stalling their career.


Getting your master’s degree or doctorate degree is a lifetime achievement that can help you advance your career. If you’re considering your options for a master’s or doctorate degree, explore Franklin University’s online master’s degrees and online doctorate degrees to find a program that can help you take your career to the next level.  

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Masters vs PhD – What’s the best degree for me?

In the US, a Master’s degree is not required for a PhD – unlike most European countries, where it is a prerequisite. Thus, in the US, deciding between a Master’s degree and a PhD can be a challenging question. By understanding the distinction, you can determine which program aligns best with your aspirations and goals. This article will provide insights into the structure, requirements, and outcomes of both degrees, helping you make an informed decision.


Students reflecting on Master's vs PhD degree – title

If you’re a recent graduate student looking to further your academic career, a Master’s degree might be the first step. But for those aiming for a career as a tenured university professor or to lead their own research group, pursuing a doctoral program to get a higher degree could be the better option.

Choosing the right degree program requires understanding the main difference of Master’s vs PhD.


The most important difference between Masters and phd programs is the focus and the duration.

A Master’s degree is designed as an advanced study in a specific field following a bachelor’s degree. It typically involves structured coursework, sometimes combined with research, resulting in a thesis or project.

A PhD, commonly known as a doctorate, is a research-focused degree regarded as the highest academic degree in higher education. This doctorate degree usually requires a dissertation based on original research.

This table that summarizes the key differences when considering Master’s vs PhD degrees:

1-3 years3-8 years(see differences between US and Europe)
Coursework and researchResearch
Thesis or capstone projectDissertation
Advanced professional positions, managerial positions in the industry sectorResearch positions in academia and industry; academic teaching positions


A Master’s program typically takes one to three years to complete, depending on the type of degree and the field of study. On the other hand,  a PhD program can take anywhere from four to eight years , with the exact duration varying based on goals of the PhD candidates, the subject, the doctoral program’s requirements, and the time taken to complete the PhD dissertation.


Master Students preparing a doctoral degree

In the United States, a Master’s degree is *not* required for a PhD. In contrast, in most European countries, a Master’s degree is a requirement for a PhD.

In the US , many PhD programs accept applicants with only a Bachelor’s degree. This is because PhD programs in the US typically include a Master’s component in the first few years. Students take coursework, complete research rotations, and pass qualifying exams before advancing to the dissertation phase.

In Europe , PhD programs are typically shorter, lasting 3-4 years. As a result, students are expected to have a stronger foundation in research before starting their doctoral studies. A Master’s degree allows students to develop their research skills, learn about their field of interest, and explore different research topics.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between PhD requirements in the US and Europe:

United StatesNo5-8 years
EuropeYes3-4 years

However, there are some exceptions to the general rule that a Master’s degree is required for a PhD in Europe. For example, in some countries, students with a four-year Bachelor’s degree may be able to apply directly to a PhD program. Additionally, some European universities offer joint Master’s-PhD programs that allow students to earn both degrees in a shorter period. However, these are structured to streamline the educational process and are often very competitive.


In the US, a Master’s is not a prerequisite for a PhD because PhD programs typically include a Master’s component in the first few years.  Thus, a  separate  Master’s degree is probably not necessary in the US.  Most common Master’s degrees cater to professional fields, and a typical Master’s degree program is often designed to be a terminal degree.

In contrast, in most European countries, the discussion about a  separate  Master’s degree does not make sense because a Master’s program is required to reach the qualification for the PhD level.


PhD Students working on a research project

A Master’s degree involves structured coursework which allows students to deepen their understanding of a particular subject . Some Master’s programs may also have a research component leading to a thesis.

In contrast, a PhD is primarily research-focused . While there might be some coursework in the initial years of study, the main focus is on independent research, leading to the creation of new knowledge.

Graduate programs in related fields like social work or clinical psychology may offer  specialized Master’s degrees , such as the Master of Social Work (MSW) or Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, designed to build academic and professional skills.

If you’re wondering whether to take the next step towards a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Juris Doctor (JD), which are considered  professional degrees rather than research degrees , assess the degree level that aligns with your professional goals.

For graduate students who have set their sights on becoming doctoral students, PhD programs offer a deep dive into postgraduate study. However, degree requirements for graduate school can be pretty rigorous, especially for a specialized Ph.D. program.

The life of a PhD student is marked by hard work and a deep commitment to contributing original knowledge to their field. Typically, Ph.D. candidates spend their academic year fully immersed in research projects, including anything from scientific research in clinical psychology to molecular biology.


Opting for a research Master’s degree, such as a Master of Science, allows for a combination of coursework and a research project, often culminating in a thesis.

This path can provide rigorous training programs in research methodology and data analysis, valuable for those considering eventual doctoral degree pursuits.

Additionally, for those questioning if a doctoral degree is a good investment of time and resources, a Master’s program may be a sensible interim step to gain further work experience and professional development.


Students celebrating PhD degree

Yes, a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is often regarded as the highest academic degree in many fields.

However, it is helpful to note that  a PhD is not universally the highest degree in all fields . For example, in professional fields like law and medicine, the  Juris Doctor (JD)  and the  Doctor of Medicine (MD)  are terminal degrees for professional practice but differ from a PhD.

Additionally, other degrees represent the highest level of professional achievement in their respective fields, such as the  Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA),  or  Doctor of Engineering (EngD) .

In some cases, there are also specialized degrees that go beyond the PhD in certain fields. For example, the  Doctor of Science (ScD)  or  Doctor of Letters (DLitt)  may be considered higher or at least on par with the PhD, depending on the institution and country. These are often awarded for a substantial body of academic research and publication.


It is important to consider how each degree can also shape your career in science. A Master’s degree can open up opportunities for higher salaries and specialized job roles that might require a deep understanding of a particular area. You also start earning earlier compared to a PhD candidate. For example, with a Master of Public Health, you might immediately enter the workforce in your specific domain.

A PhD prepares individuals better for a research career in academia or industry. However, many PhD graduates also pursue roles in consultancy or policy-making. Someone with a PhD entering a different field may find that their degree gives them an edge in research and analytical skills.

It is crucial to assess the career and salary outcomes of the respective degrees to determine which is the most suitable for you.


PhD graduation hat representing higher salary with a PhD degree

Generally, individuals with a PhD tend to earn higher salaries than those with just a Master’s degree. The advanced knowledge, specialized skills, and research experience gained during a PhD program make individuals more valuable in the job market, leading to better job prospects and higher earning potential.


The cost of pursuing either a doctorate or a Masters degree is a significant factor. While a Master’s degree can also be costly, PhD programs often come with more opportunities for financial aid such as fellowships or teaching assistantships, which can significantly reduce your total cost.

Prospective students must research and compare the salary outcomes and potential debt of Master’s and doctorate degrees. Salary is one of several crucial factor to choose a position.

When considering graduate programs, financial aid is a significant factor. While the costs of a Master’s program can vary, many students take out student loans.

The cost of a Master’s degree can be offset by working as a research assistant, which helps financially and enhances practical skills and subject knowledge essential for a successful professional career in science. Similarly, doctoral programs often offer substantial financial support, such as stipends.

The availability and extent of financial support can greatly vary depending on the field of study, institution, and country. Not all doctoral programs offer substantial financial support, and some students may still need to rely on loans or personal funding. However, there are many  free or fully funded PhD programs .

The cost of tuition varies widely between institutions and countries. The duration of the programs can also affect the overall cost. Typically, a Master’s program is shorter in duration than a PhD, which might imply that even if the annual costs are higher for a Master’s, the total cost could be less due to the shorter time frame.

Finally, you must consider the indirect costs of graduate education, such as living expenses, which can vary widely and impact the  overall costs and duration of pursuing a graduate degree.


While both a thesis (usually associated with a Masters degree) and a dissertation (associated with a PhD) involve research, the depth and scope differ. A Master’s thesis focuses on a particular topic, offering a new perspective or a deeper understanding. In contrast, a PhD dissertation involves extensive research to create new knowledge or theory in the chosen field.


No. While many with a PhD degree pursue roles in academia, others venture into the corporate world, non-profit sectors, and governmental roles. Industries that require specialized knowledge or research skills often value PhD graduates.

It’s worth noting that some sectors that do not require a PhD may find the expertise of someone with a doctorate advantageous.


When deciding between a Master’s vs PhD, consider the following:

Your scientific career goals : Do you see yourself in academia or research?

Duration of study : Are you ready to commit several years to a doctorate?

Financial aspects : Can you support the cost of tuition or are there scholarships available?

Passion for research : A PhD will require intense, focused research. 

  • Master’s degrees are typically coursework-focused with some research, while PhDs emphasize extensive research.
  • PhDs generally take longer to complete than Master’s degrees.
  • Career opportunities vary, with PhDs preparing individuals mainly for roles in academia and research, though other industries also value doctorate holders.
  • Financial considerations are vital, with PhD programs often providing more financial support than Master’s programs.
  • A passion for research and commitment to the subject are crucial for those considering a PhD.

Deciding whether to complete a PhD or Master’s degree varies greatly depending on personal career goals and academic interests. For a lot of people, graduate studies at the Master’s level provide sufficient qualifications for their intended career paths. However, if you aim to immerse yourself in academia or high-level research, a PhD is likely the better choice.


Which degree is right for me, a master’s or a phd.

Choosing between a Master’s degree and a PhD depends on your scientific career goals and personal aspirations. When considering an advanced degree, it’s essential to contemplate the significant differences between a Master’s degree and a PhD.

A Master’s program typically offers a structured path, often leading to a thesis-driven Master’s degree, which may be the best fit for students seeking to enhance their skills in a specialized area without the commitment to the long haul of a PhD study.

A PhD may be a better fit if you are interested in pursuing a research-oriented career or becoming a subject matter expert in a specific field. However, if you want to gain specialized knowledge and skills in a particular profession or industry, a Master’s degree could be the best choice.


Earning a PhD offers several advantages. It allows you to  become an expert in a particular area of study  and opens up opportunities for advanced research and teaching positions. A PhD also enhances your critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Additionally, individuals with a PhD generally earn higher salaries than those with a Master’s degree.


The duration of a Master’s or PhD program varies depending on the field of study, research topic, and individual circumstances. On average, it takes around 1-3 years to complete a Master’s, while it takes around 4-7 years to complete a PhD, including the time spent on coursework, research, and dissertation writing. Several key factors  influence the duration of a doctorate .


Typically, most European PhD programs require applicants to have a Master’s degree or its equivalent, while US universities accept candidates with only a bachelor’s degree because their PhD programs contain a Master’s component.


Yes, it is possible to transition from a Master’s program to a PhD program. Many universities offer an option to apply for a PhD program after completing a Master’s degree. However, admission is competitive, and you will need to meet the additional requirements set by the PhD program, such as research experience and a strong academic record.


Yes, pursuing a PhD in a different field is possible than your Master’s degree. However, switching fields may require additional coursework and research experience to bridge the knowledge gap. It’s essential to consider the specific requirements and expectations of the PhD program you are interested in.


In a Master’s program, the final project usually focuses on applying the knowledge gained during the program and demonstrating Mastery of the subject. In a PhD program, the emphasis is on conducting original research that contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. A PhD project typically involves a more comprehensive and in-depth study.


Completing a PhD opens up a wide range of scientific career opportunities. Graduates with a PhD often pursue careers in academia as professors or researchers. The path to become a tenured professor is long, thus, reflect carefully whether it is worth it to become a professor.

PhD graduates can also work in research and development roles in industries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and consulting firms. Additionally, a PhD can lead to leadership positions in various sectors and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship.


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Sven Hendrix is a Professor of Neuroanatomy at Medical School Hamburg (MSH) in Germany. He leads a research group dedicated to the neuroimmunology of brain repair and the development of xenofree organoid models as alternatives to animal experiments. Additionally, he serves as the speaker for CENE, a center focused on academic career development across MSH, Medical School Berlin (MSB), and the Health and Medical University (HMU) in Potsdam and Erfurt, Germany.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it more expensive to get a master’s or a phd.

A master’s degree usually has a higher upfront cost, but it also allows you to start earning a higher salary more quickly. The exact cost depends on the country and the school: private universities usually cost more than public ones, and European degrees usually cost less than North American ones. There are limited possibilities for financial aid.

PhDs often waive tuition fees and offer a living stipend in exchange for a teaching or research assistantship. However, they take many years to complete, during which time you earn very little.

Frequently asked questions: Graduate school

In the US, most graduate school applications require you to include:

  • Transcripts from previous educational institutions
  • Standardized test scores (such as the GRE or MCAT)
  • A graduate resume
  • 2–3 letters of recommendation
  • A statement of purpose

Some programs may ask you to write a personal statement in addition to, or instead of, a statement of purpose. You may also be asked to an interview .

Always carefully read the application instructions for the specific program you’re applying to.

Most medical school programs interview candidates, as do many (though not all) leading law and business schools.

In research programs, it depends—PhDs in business usually do, while those in economics normally do not, for example.

Some schools interview everyone, while others only interview their top candidates. Look at the websites of the schools you’re applying to for more information on whether they conduct interviews.

In addition to thinking about your answers for the most commonly asked grad school interview questions , you should reach out to former and current students to ask their advice on preparing and what sort of questions will be asked.

Look back through your resume and come up with anecdotes that you could use for common questions, particularly those that ask about obstacles that you overcame. If you’re applying for a research program, ensure that you can talk about the previous research experience you’ve had.

You should also read as much research in your field as possible. Research the faculty at the schools you’re applying to and read some of their papers. Come up with a few questions that you could ask them.

Graduate schools often ask questions about why you are interested in this particular program and what you will contribute.

Try to stay away from cliche answers like “this is a good program” or “I got good grades in undergrad” and focus instead on the unique strengths of the program or what you will bring to the table. Understand what the program is looking for and come up with anecdotes that demonstrate why you are a good fit for them.

Different types of programs may also focus on different questions:

  • Research programs will often ask what topics you’d like to research and who you would like to work with, as well as specific questions about your research background.
  • Medical schools are interested in your personal motivation, qualities such as integrity and empathy, and how you’d respond to common ethical dilemmas.
  • Business schools will focus on your past work experience and future career prospects, and may be particularly interested in any experience you have managing or working with others.

Some students apply to graduate school straight from undergrad, but it’s also common to go back to school later in life. The ideal time to do so depends on various financial, personal, and career considerations . Graduate school is a big commitment, so you should apply at a time when you can devote your full attention to it.

Your career path may also determine when you should apply. In some career fields, you can easily progress without a graduate degree, while in others—such as medicine, business, and law—it’s virtually impossible to move up the career ladder without a specific graduate degree.

Most graduate school applications for American graduate programs are due in December or January for a September start.

Some types of programs, especially law school, are rolling applications, meaning that the earlier you apply, the earlier you’ll hear back. In this case, you should aim to apply as early as possible to maximize your chances.

Medical school follows a completely separate timeline with much earlier deadlines. If you’re applying for medical school, you should speak to advisors at your university for more information.

A good starting point to aim for is about 18 months before you would start the program, or 6–9 months before the applications are due.

In the first few months of the process, research programs and study for any standardized exams you might need.

You can then begin writing your personal statements and statements of purpose , as well as contacting people to write your letters of recommendation . Ensure that you give recommenders plenty of time to complete their letters (ideally around 2–4 months).

In the US, the graduate school application process is similar whether you’re applying for a master’s or a PhD . Both require letters of recommendation , a statement of purpose or personal statement , a resume or CV , and transcripts. Programs in the US and Canada usually also require a certain type of standardized test—often the GRE.

Outside the US, PhD programs usually also require applicants to write a research proposal , because students are expected to begin dissertation research in the first year of their PhD.

This depends on the country. In the United States, you can generally go directly to a PhD  with only a bachelor’s degree, as a master’s program is included as part of the doctoral program.

Elsewhere, you generally need to graduate from a research-intensive master’s degree before continuing to the PhD.

This varies by country. In the United States, PhDs usually take between 5–7 years: 2 years of coursework followed by 3–5 years of independent research work to produce a dissertation.

In the rest of the world, students normally have a master’s degree before beginning the PhD, so they proceed directly to the research stage and complete a PhD in 3–5 years.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

It’s best to ask in person if possible, so first reach out and request a meeting to discuss your graduate school plans.

Let the potential recommender know which programs you’re applying to, and ask if they feel they can provide a strong letter of recommendation . A lukewarm recommendation can be the kiss of death for an application, so make sure your letter writers are enthusiastic about recommending you and your work!

Always remember to remain polite. Your recommenders are doing you a favor by taking the time to write a letter in support of your graduate school goals.

This depends on the program that you are applying for. Generally, for professional programs like business and policy school, you should ask managers who can speak to your future leadership potential and ability to succeed in your chosen career path.

However, in other graduate programs, you should mostly ask your former professors or research supervisors to write your recommendation letters , unless you have worked in a job that corresponds closely with your chosen field (e.g., as a full-time research assistant).

Choose people who know your work well and can speak to your ability to succeed in the program that you are applying to.

Remember, it is far more important to choose someone who knows you well than someone well-known. You may have taken classes with more prominent professors, but if they haven’t worked closely with you, they probably can’t write you a strong letter.

The sections in your graduate school resume depend on two things: your experience, and the focus of the program you’re applying to.

Always start with your education. If you have more than one degree, list the most recent one first.

The title and order of the other sections depend on what you want to emphasize. You might include things like:

  • Professional experience
  • Voluntary and extracurricular activities
  • Publications
  • Awards and honors
  • Skills and certifications

The resume should aim for a balance between two things: giving a snapshot of what you’ve done with your life so far, and showing that you’re a good candidate for graduate study.

A resume is typically shorter than a CV, giving only the most relevant professional and educational highlights.

An academic CV should give full details of your education and career, including lists of publications and presentations, certifications, memberships, grants, and research projects. Because it is more comprehensive, it’s acceptable for an academic CV to be many pages long.

Note that, outside of the US, resume and CV are often used interchangeably.

No, don’t include your high school courses and grades. The education section should only detail your college education.

If you want to discuss aspects of high school in your graduate school application, you can include this in your personal statement .

A resume for a graduate school application is typically no more than 1–2 pages long.

Note, however, that if you are asked to submit a CV (curriculum vitae), you should give comprehensive details of all your academic experience. An academic CV can be much longer than a normal resume.

Always carefully check the instructions and adhere to any length requirements for each application.

If you’re applying to multiple graduate school programs, you should tailor your personal statement to each application.

Some applications provide a prompt or question. In this case, you might have to write a new personal statement from scratch: the most important task is to respond to what you have been asked.

If there’s no prompt or guidelines, you can re-use the same idea for your personal statement – but change the details wherever relevant, making sure to emphasize why you’re applying to this specific program.

If the application also includes other essays, such as a statement of purpose , you might have to revise your personal statement to avoid repeating the same information.

The typical length of a personal statement for graduate school applications is between 500 and 1,000 words.

Different programs have different requirements, so always check if there’s a minimum or maximum length and stick to the guidelines. If there is no recommended word count, aim for no more than 1-2 pages.

A statement of purpose is usually more formal, focusing on your academic or professional goals. It shouldn’t include anything that isn’t directly relevant to the application.

A personal statement can often be more creative. It might tell a story that isn’t directly related to the application, but that shows something about your personality, values, and motivations.

However, both types of document have the same overall goal: to demonstrate your potential as a graduate student and s how why you’re a great match for the program.

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Our team helps students graduate by offering:

  • A world-class citation generator
  • Plagiarism Checker software powered by Turnitin
  • Innovative Citation Checker software
  • Professional proofreading services
  • Over 300 helpful articles about academic writing, citing sources, plagiarism, and more

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
  • Research proposals
  • Personal statements
  • Admission essays
  • Motivation letters
  • Reflection papers
  • Journal articles
  • Capstone projects

Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .

Fall Registration is Open

Online Master’s Degree Programs

masters compared to phd

Continue Your Education for Lifelong Career Success

  • 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio for personal support from application to graduation
  • Flexible online learning designed for working professionals

Request More Information

If you’d like to learn more about Methodist University’s application process, admissions requirements, tuition and financial aid or specific program details, fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Explore Our Online Graduate Degree Programs

Take the next step in your academic and professional journey with an online master’s degree from Methodist University. Our flexible, career-focused programs deliver the advanced skills you need in a flexible format that allows you to learn from anywhere while continuing to work full-time. Find your program below.

  • Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Master of Science in Criminal Justice
  • MEd in Educational Leadership: Instructional Technology
  • Online Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Online Master of Health Administration
  • Online MSN: Administrative Leadership

Why Choose MU?

The university is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

The Reeves School of Business is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

MU was named #1 Most Diverse University in North Carolina for 2022 by Niche University Rankings and Reviews

The university was ranked among the Top 100 Regional Universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report

71.8% of classes have fewer than 20 students, delivering the personal attention you need to thrive

Compare MU’s Online Healthcare Administration Programs

Ideal CandidateYou are a registered nurse who wants to improve your nursing practice and prepare for leadership opportunities.You want to lead teams, make important decisions, and improve organizational performance as a healthcare administrator.
CurriculumStudy informatics and healthcare technologies, population and global health, transformational leadership, quality assurance practices, and more.Study health management leadership, policy, marketing, legal and ethical issues, statistics, organizational behavior, and more.
Admission Requirements
Graduate OutcomesGain valuable theoretical and practical knowledge to guide clinical decision-making and promote person-centered care as a leader in the nursing field.Prepare to manage, lead, and improve our changing healthcare system through evidence-based practices.

Student Pathways

When you choose to continue your education with one of MU’s online master’s programs, you have options. We offer benefits like a generous transfer policy, best-in-class military student support, and international admissions policies that help put your next degree within reach. Maximize your academic, professional, and life experience with our accessible online graduate programs.

  • Transfer Students
  • Military Affiliated Students
  • International Students

Transfer to MU

We evaluate credits for courses completed with a grade of C or higher from other regionally accredited institutions to help you finish your program faster and maximize your previous academic experience. MU accepts three to nine transfer credits for our online master’s degree programs. We also provide an official, course-by-course evaluation of your specific transfer credit upon admission

Military Student Support

Because we are located just a few miles from Fort Liberty, the largest U.S. military base in the world, MU understands the unique needs of active military members, veterans, and their families. Benefits like a generous transfer credit policy, career-focused programs, and fully online coursework make earning your degree accessible, even if you’re deployed.

International Student Admission

MU welcomes international students to apply to our online programs. If you are a non-native English speaker, scores of 500 (PBT), 173 (CBT), and 61 (IBT) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for admission. For more details about international student admission, please contact us .

Why Study Online?

Enjoy an online learning environment that offers the same quality as in-person courses, including dedicated faculty members and an overall caring, friendly atmosphere for achieving your professional and personal goals.

You’ll also have access to all academic support services. That means you’ll get personalized assistance you need, such as access to the tutoring and writing centers. Experience a distinctive education in a flexible environment that fits your schedule.

Interested in a Different Online Program?

MU also offers Bachelor’s degrees and Graduate Certificates. Learn more about these 100% online programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about graduate study at MU.

While completion time varies by degree option, our online graduate programs are designed for students to complete in two years or less.

Yes. We offer a generous transfer policy designed to help you maximize your previous academic experience. Depending on the program you choose, three to nine transfer credits are accepted for online graduate programs at MU.

Work experience is not required for admission to our online MBA program. Prerequisite requirements include a statistics course; for more information, please contact us .

Our online graduate degree programs are designed to provide maximum flexibility for working adults. The asynchronous format allows you to study on your schedule as you work toward your academic goals.

Applications for MU’s online master’s programs are reviewed on a rolling basis. If you miss the deadline for one term, your application will immediately be reviewed and considered for the next term without needing to re-apply.

Start dates include:

  • Fall I: August 19, 2024
  • Fall II: October 14, 2024
  • Spring I: January 6, 2025
  • Spring II: March 3, 2025
  • Summer I: April 28, 2025
  • Summer II: June 23, 2025

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DPhil in Area Studies (Latin America)

  • Entry requirements
  • Funding and costs

College preference

  • How to apply

About the course

The DPhil in Area Studies offers the opportunity to undertake a doctoral project dedicated to the study of a specific country or region, or else to compare more than one region, using social science approaches whilst also generating theories and propositions that are of value across regions.

Looking beyond the big picture of globalisation and development, researchers at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA) examine the interplay between the local, the national, the regional, and the global to offer a better understanding of the contemporary world. Oxford’s Area Studies department is consistently ranked amongst the top echelon and has been recently ranked by QS University Rankings as first in the world.

As a DPhil student, you will have access to outstanding research projects, seminar series, workshops and conferences and will have the chance to develop your work alongside academic staff who are experts in their fields. You will apply for admission to one of seven streams, which each have a distinct country or region of focus. This page describes the Latin America stream of the course.

As a student of the Latin America stream of this course, your research will usually be undertaken in collaboration with the school’s Latin American Centre (LAC). Research at the centre covers topics as diverse as Economics, Politics, Religion, Sociology, and International Relations.

Recent doctoral research projects undertaken by students undertaking the Latin America stream include:

  • Political Leadership in Argentina
  • Economic Technocracy in Colombia

During the first year of the course you will focus on developing your research questions, conceptual framework and methodological approaches for your thesis. You will also participate in the first-year DPhil seminar series and you will have the opportunity to attend other courses offered by the school as identified in your Training Needs Analysis. Your Training Needs Analysis will be discussed with your supervisor and reviewed on a regular basis.

In your second year you will continue to implement your research plan through theoretical engagement and/or fieldwork, data collection and analysis. If you intend to undertake fieldwork as part of your research, you will be expected to attend a fieldwork safety course available through the Social Sciences Division.

Your third year requires you to participate in at least one conference, in the UK or internationally, presenting your work to a non- specialist audience, and to submit materials for Confirmation of Status as a doctoral researcher, as well as working towards the completion of your thesis.

The course aims to empower you to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • develop research skills in ways that are relevant to the study of areas and regions;
  • build an interdisciplinary and/or comparative understanding of different regions;
  • undertake original research which makes a significant contribution to the literature;
  • communicate research to non-academic audiences in ways that ensure real-world impact; and
  • present a lucid and scholarly thesis for examination.

The course can be studied full-time or part-time with both modes requiring attendance in Oxford. Full-time students are subject to the  University's Residence requirements.  Part-time students are required to attend course-related activities in Oxford for a minimum of 30 days each year.

Resources to support your study

As a graduate student, you will have access to the University's wide range of world-class resources including libraries, museums, galleries, digital resources and IT services.

The Bodleian Libraries is the largest library system in the UK. It includes the main Bodleian Library and libraries across Oxford, including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 13 million printed items, provide access to e-journals, and contain outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera.

The University's IT Services is available to all students to support with core university IT systems and tools, as well as many other services and facilities. IT Services also offers a range of IT learning courses for students, to support with learning and research.

The Bodleian Social Science Library (SSL) is the main library for Area Studies. The SSL is housed on the ground floor of the Manor Road Building, and is open seven days a week during term-time. The library offers a variety of study spaces including graduate study rooms, individual study carrels, and group discussion rooms. The Social Sciences Library is complemented by the resources of the Bodleian library.

There is a room at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies which is available to students for study purposes.


For this course, the allocation of graduate supervision is the responsibility of the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies. You will be assigned one or two supervisors, depending on your thesis subject.

These supervisors will advise and guide you as you progress through the different stages of your research. Most students have the opportunity to meet with their supervisor on average two to three times per term. Ongoing support will be provided by your supervisor(s) during your studies and feedback will be received from peers and faculty members at the first-year DPhil seminars. Written feedback will be provided as part of the Transfer and Confirmation of Status procedures and after the final viva voce.

Candidates for the DPhil are normally admitted with Probationer Research Student (PRS) status. As a PRS, you will develop your research proposal and skills, and produce a draft section or sections of your thesis, in order to apply for the Transfer of Status that will end your probationary period as a research student and give you full DPhil status.

Applications for Transfer of Status must be submitted within a maximum of four terms from admissions as a PRS (8 terms for part-time students). Once you have been admitted to full DPhil status, you will also be expected to apply for and gain confirmation of DPhil status, normally within nine terms of admission (18 terms for part-time students), to show that your work continues to be on track.

Both milestones normally involve an interview with two assessors (other than your supervisor) and therefore provide important experience for the final oral examination. Students will be expected to submit their thesis three to four years after the date of admission (6-8 years for part-time students).

After submitting your finished thesis, you will be required to attend a viva voce (viva for short). The viva will be held by two examiners, one internal to the University and one external. The purpose of this is to enable the examiners to assure themselves that the thesis is your own work, to provide you with an opportunity to defend your thesis and to offer any necessary clarifications. A final copy of the thesis, incorporating any corrections, will be submitted after the viva.

Graduate destinations

This course is completing its fifth year and seeing its first graduates now, therefore data on alumni destinations is yet to be captured. However, area studies graduates have found employment in many and diverse fields including business, finance, law, civil service, journalism, government and industry.

Many Oxford School of Global and Area Studies graduates have also undertaken further research into subjects linked with area studies and have pursued successful careers in the academic world and education.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made if a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency occurs. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

Entry requirements for entry in 2025-26

Proven and potential academic excellence.

The requirements described below are specific to this course and apply only in the year of entry that is shown. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

Please be aware that any studentships that are linked to this course may have different or additional requirements and you should read any studentship information carefully before applying. 

Degree-level qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the following UK qualifications or their equivalent:

  • a master's degree with distinction in a subject relevant to your proposed research which includes appropriate research methods training;  and
  • a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in any subject relevant to your proposed research.

Where a distinction has not been achieved for the master's degree, an overall grade of 67% or above in the course examinations and a distinction in the thesis element may be considered.

For applicants with a bachelor's degree from the USA, the minimum overall GPA that is normally required to meet the undergraduate-level requirement is 3.6 out of 4.0.

If your degree is not from the UK or another country specified above, visit our International Qualifications page for guidance on the qualifications and grades that would usually be considered to meet the University’s minimum entry requirements.

GRE General Test scores

No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought.

Other qualifications, evidence of excellence and relevant experience

  • Applicants will be expected to demonstrate their commitment to a specific region for graduate work, and will have had training appropriate to the doctoral research they wish to pursue.
  • Assessment of language ability at a level required for their doctoral research project will also form part of the admissions process. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that they possess an existing level of ability in the language of the country being studied or the archives to be consulted that is appropriate for the proposed research project, or show that they possess the potential to reach the required level within their first year, by combining existing knowledge with further training offered in the school's master's courses.
  • Publications are not expected, but if available, details should be provided in the application form.

English language proficiency

This course requires proficiency in English at the University's  higher level . If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level are detailed in the table below.

Minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level requirement
TestMinimum overall scoreMinimum score per component
IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713) 7.57.0

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition'

(Institution code: 0490)

110Listening: 22
Reading: 24
Speaking: 25
Writing: 24
C1 Advanced*191185
C2 Proficiency 191185

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) † Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Your test must have been taken no more than two years before the start date of your course. Our Application Guide provides  further information about the English language test requirement .

Declaring extenuating circumstances

If your ability to meet the entry requirements has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (eg you were awarded an unclassified/ungraded degree) or any other exceptional personal circumstance (eg other illness or bereavement), please refer to the guidance on extenuating circumstances in the Application Guide for information about how to declare this so that your application can be considered appropriately.

You will need to register three referees who can give an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for the course. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the types of reference that are required in support of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Supporting documents

You will be required to supply supporting documents with your application. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the supporting documents that are required as part of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Performance at interview

Interviews are not normally held as part of the admissions process.  

Offer conditions for successful applications

If you receive an offer of a place at Oxford, your offer will outline any conditions that you need to satisfy and any actions you need to take, together with any associated deadlines. These may include academic conditions, such as achieving a specific final grade in your current degree course. These conditions will usually depend on your individual academic circumstances and may vary between applicants. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide more information about offers and conditions . 

In addition to any academic conditions which are set, you will also be required to meet the following requirements:

Financial Declaration

If you are offered a place, you will be required to complete a  Financial Declaration  in order to meet your financial condition of admission.

Disclosure of criminal convictions

In accordance with the University’s obligations towards students and staff, we will ask you to declare any  relevant, unspent criminal convictions  before you can take up a place at Oxford.

Evidence of ability to study for employed part-time applicants 

If you are applying for part-time study and are currently employed, you may be asked to provide evidence that your employment will not affect your ability to study and that you can commit sufficient time to fulfil all elements outlined in the course description. You may be asked to provide details about your pattern of employment and obtain a statement from your employer confirming their commitment to make time available for you to study, to complete coursework, and attend course and University events and modules.

Other factors governing whether places can be offered

The following factors will also govern whether candidates can be offered places:

  • the ability of the University to provide the appropriate supervision for your studies, as outlined under the 'Supervision' heading in the About section of this page;
  • the ability of the University to provide appropriate support for your studies (eg through the provision of facilities, resources, teaching and/or research opportunities); and
  • minimum and maximum limits to the numbers of students who may be admitted to the University's taught and research programmes.

Oxford School of Global and Area Studies

Join the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA) as a graduate student and become part of a community devoted to innovative research and graduate teaching using a range of academic disciplines which seek to understand the complexity and the interrelatedness of societies and regions.

The work in the school takes into account both insights provided by the separate social science disciplines of anthropology, economics, politics, international relations, history and sociology, and the contextualisation provided by in-depth knowledge of specific regions and countries.

If you are fascinated by a particular area and wish to explore it further and understand it and its people more, then the school is likely to have the graduate course for you. OGSA admits about 150 graduate students each year, across a range of area-based master's courses, the multidisciplinary and comparative MPhil in Global and Area Studies, and the doctoral programme in area studies.

You will find library materials, seminar series, workshops and lectures in abundance in Oxford. Studying a particular region here means mixing with a group of leading academics in their fields and becoming a part of the school's vibrant research community. Join the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies for an inspiring graduate experience.

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For entry in the 2025-26 academic year, the collegiate University expects to offer over 1,000 full or partial graduate scholarships across a wide range of graduate courses.

If you apply by the January deadline shown on this page and receive a course offer, your application will then be considered for Oxford scholarships. For the majority of Oxford scholarships, your application will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria, without needing to make a separate application. There are further Oxford scholarships available which have additional eligibility criteria and where you are required to submit a separate application. Most scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or potential.

To ensure that you are considered for Oxford scholarships that require a separate application, for which you may be eligible,  use our fees, funding and scholarship search tool  to identify these opportunities and find out how to apply. Alongside Oxford scholarships, you should also consider other opportunities for which you may be eligible including  a range of external funding ,  loan schemes for postgraduate study  and any other scholarships which may also still be available after the January deadline as listed on  our fees, funding and scholarship search tool .

Details of college-specific funding opportunities can also be found on individual college websites:

Select from the list:

Please refer to the College preference section of this page to identify which of the colleges listed above accept students for this course.

For the majority of college scholarships, it doesn’t matter which college, if any, you state a preference for in your application. If another college is able to offer you a scholarship, your application can be moved to that college if you accept the scholarship. Some college scholarships may require you to state a preference for that college when you apply, so check the eligibility requirements carefully.

Further information about funding opportunities for this course can be found on the school's website.

Annual fees for entry in 2025-26

Full-time study.


Part-time study


Information about course fees

Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). For courses lasting longer than one year, please be aware that fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges .

Course fees cover your teaching as well as other academic services and facilities provided to support your studies. Unless specified in the additional information section below, course fees do not cover your accommodation, residential costs or other living costs. They also don’t cover any additional costs and charges that are outlined in the additional information below.

Continuation charges

Following the period of fee liability , you may also be required to pay a University continuation charge and a college continuation charge. The University and college continuation charges are shown on the Continuation charges page.

Where can I find further information about fees?

The Fees and Funding  section of this website provides further information about course fees , including information about fee status and eligibility  and your length of fee liability .

Additional information

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees (or, after fee liability ends, continuation charges) and living costs. However, please note that, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses. Standard travel insurance can be provided by the University. However, students may be required to pay any additional insurance premiums associated with travel to areas with an increased level of risk and/or for travel of more than 12 months duration, and should factor this into their planning for fieldwork.

Please note that you are required to attend in Oxford for a minimum of 30 days each year, and you may incur additional travel and accommodation expenses for this. Also, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur further additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses. Standard travel insurance can be provided by the University. However, students may be required to pay any additional insurance premiums associated with travel to areas with an increased level of risk and/or for travel of more than 12 months duration, and should factor this into their planning for fieldwork.

Living costs

In addition to your course fees and any additional course-specific costs, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course.

Living costs for full-time study

For the 2025-26 academic year, the range of likely living costs for a single, full-time student is between £1,425 and £2,035 for each month spent in Oxford. We provide the cost per month so you can multiply up by the number of months you expect to live in Oxford. Depending on your circumstances, you may also need to budget for the  costs of a student visa and immigration health surcharge and/or living costs for family members or other dependants that you plan to bring with you to Oxford (assuming that dependant visa eligibility criteria are met).

Living costs for part-time study

Your living costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances but you will still need to cover your cost of living on a full-time basis for the duration of your course, even if you will not be based in Oxford throughout your studies. While the range of likely living costs for a single, full-time student living in Oxford is between £1,425 and £2,035 per month, living costs outside Oxford may be different.

Part-time students who are not based in Oxford will need to calculate travel and accommodation costs carefully. Depending on your circumstances and study plans, this may include the  cost of a visitor visa to attend for short blocks of time (assuming that visitor visa eligibility criteria are met).

Further information about living costs

The current economic climate and high national rate of inflation make it very hard to estimate potential changes to the cost of living over the next few years. For study in Oxford beyond the 2025-26 academic year, it is suggested that you budget for potential increases in living expenses of around 4% each year – although this rate may vary depending on the national economic situation. For further information, please consult our more detailed information about living costs , which includes a breakdown of likely living costs in Oxford for items such as food, accommodation and study costs.

Students enrolled on this course will belong to both a department/faculty and a college. Please note that ‘college’ and ‘colleges’ refers to all 43 of the University’s colleges, including those designated as societies and permanent private halls (PPHs). 

If you apply for a place on this course you will have the option to express a preference for one of the colleges listed below, or you can ask us to find a college for you. Before deciding, we suggest that you read our brief  introduction to the college system at Oxford  and our  advice about expressing a college preference . 

If you are a current Oxford student and you would like to remain at your current Oxford college, you should check whether it is listed below. If it is, you should indicate this preference when you apply. If not, you should contact your college office to ask whether they would be willing to make an exception. Further information about staying at your current college can be found in our Application Guide. 

The following colleges accept students for full-time study on this course:

  • Blackfriars
  • Brasenose College
  • Campion Hall
  • Exeter College
  • Hertford College
  • Jesus College
  • Kellogg College
  • Linacre College
  • Oriel College
  • Regent's Park College
  • Reuben College
  • St Antony's College
  • St Catherine's College
  • St Cross College
  • St Hugh's College
  • Wadham College
  • Wolfson College
  • Wycliffe Hall

The following colleges accept students for part-time study on this course:

  • Pembroke College

Before you apply

Our guide to getting started provides general advice on how to prepare for and start your application. You can use our interactive tool to help you evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

If it is important for you to have your application considered under a particular deadline – eg under the January deadline in order to be considered for Oxford scholarships – we recommend that you aim to complete and submit your application at least two weeks in advance . Check the deadlines on this page and the information about deadlines and when to apply in our Application Guide.

Application fee waivers

An application fee of £20 is payable for each application to this course. Application fee waivers are available for the following applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:

  • applicants from low-income countries;
  • refugees and displaced persons; 
  • UK applicants from low-income backgrounds; and 
  • applicants who applied for our Graduate Access Programmes in the past two years and met the eligibility criteria.

You are encouraged to  check whether you're eligible for an application fee waiver  before you apply.

Readmission for current Oxford graduate taught students

If you're currently studying for an Oxford graduate taught course and apply to this course with no break in your studies, you may be eligible to apply to this course as a readmission applicant. The application fee will be waived for an eligible application of this type. Check whether you're eligible to apply for readmission .

Do I need to contact anyone before I apply?

You should make contact with potential supervisors before you apply to discuss your research interests. Details of academic staff, including their research interests and contact details, can be found on the departmental website. Initial general and admissions enquiries can be made via the contact details provided on this page. 

Completing your application

You should refer to the information below when completing the application form, paying attention to the specific requirements for the supporting documents .

For this course, the application form will include questions that collect information that would usually be included in a CV/résumé. You should not upload a separate document. If a separate CV/résumé is uploaded, it will be removed from your application .

If any document does not meet the specification, including the stipulated word count, your application may be considered incomplete and not assessed by the academic department. Expand each section to show further details.

Proposed field and title of research project

Under the 'Field and title of research project' please enter your proposed field or area of research if this is known. If the department has advertised a specific research project that you would like to be considered for, please enter the project title here instead.

You should not use this field to type out a full research proposal. You will be able to upload your research supporting materials separately if they are required (as described below).

Proposed supervisor

Under 'Proposed supervisor name' enter the name of the academic(s) whom you would like to supervise your research. 

Referees: Three overall, academic preferred

Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.

References should generally be academic, though one of your required three references may be professional or other non-academic provided that it covers work experience or skills relevant to the course.

Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, academic writing ability and career motivation.

Official transcript(s)

Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.

More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.

Personal statement and research proposal Statement of a maximum of 1,000 words and proposal of a maximum of 2,500 words

Your statement of purpose/personal statement and research proposal should be submitted as a single, combined document with clear subheadings. Please ensure that the word counts for each section are clearly visible in the document.

Personal statement

Your personal statement should explain your motivation for applying for the course at Oxford, your relevant experience and education, and the specific areas that interest you and/or you intend to specialise in.

Your personal statement should be written in English and should be a maximum of 1,000 words.

If possible, please ensure that the word count is clearly displayed on the document.

Research proposal

Your research proposal should make clear the research topic, detail the questions the research would seek to address, and indicate the methods and data sources that would likely be drawn upon to do this.

Your research proposal should be written in English and should be a maximum of 2,500 words. The word count should include any footnotes or appendices but may exclude your bibliography of cited works.

Your personal statement and research proposal will be assessed for:

  • your reasons for applying
  • originality and relevance of the project to area studies
  • commitment to an interdisciplinary and/or comparative way or working and indication of what would be the major and minor disciplinary focuses within the research
  • evidence of competency in research methods needed to carry out the proposed research
  • evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study
  • the ability to present a reasoned case in English
  • the feasibility of successfully completing the project in the time available for the course
  • capacity for sustained and intense work, reasoning ability and ability to absorb new ideas.

Written work: Two essays, a maximum of 2,000 words each

Academic essays or other writing samples from your most recent qualification, written in English, are required. Extracts from longer pieces may be submitted but should be prefaced by a note putting them in context.

The work does not necessarily need to relate closely to the proposed area of study. The word count does not need to include any bibliography or brief footnotes.

This will be assessed for comprehensive understanding of the subject area; understanding of problems in the area; ability to construct and defend an argument; powers of analysis; powers of expression; familiarity with the literature on the subject; and evidence of a keen interest and understanding of a specific region(s).

Start or continue your application

You can start or return to an application using the relevant link below. As you complete the form, please  refer to the requirements above  and  consult our Application Guide for advice .

Apply - Full Time Apply - Part Time Continue application

After you've submitted your application

Your application (including the supporting documents outlined above) will be assessed against the entry requirements detailed on this course page. Whether or not you have secured funding will  not  be taken into consideration when your application is assessed. You can  find out more about our shortlisting and selection process  in our detailed guide to what happens next.

Find out how to manage your application after submission , using our Applicant Self-Service tool.


Open to applications for entry in 2025-26

12:00 midday UK time on:

Tuesday 28 January 2025

Latest deadline for most Oxford scholarships Final application deadline for entry in 2025-26

Key facts
 Full TimePart Time
Course code RD_DD1 RD_DD9P1 
Expected length3 to 4 years6 to 8 years
Places in 2025-26*c. 8c. 2
Applications/year7 N/A^
Expected start
English language

*Combined figure for all DPhil Area Studies courses † Three-year average (applications for entry in 2022-23 to 2024-25) ^New course for entry in 2025-26

Further information and enquiries

This course is offered by the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA)

  • Course page on the school's website
  • Funding information from the school
  • Academic and research staff
  • Research in the school
  • Social Sciences Division
  • Residence requirements for full-time courses
  • Postgraduate applicant privacy policy

Course-related enquiries

Advice about contacting the department can be found in the How to apply section of this page

✉ [email protected] ☎ +44 (0)1865 284995

Application-process enquiries

Application guide

Expect Francine to bring wet and windy weather to our area today - with tornadoes possible


55 correctional officers set to graduate from Alabama Department of Corrections Academy

by Sumner Harrell

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey and ADOC Graduates on September 10, 2024 (Office of Governor Kay Ivey)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WBMA) — Dozens of new correctional officers are set to graduate from the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Academy Thursday.

On Thursday, September 12 at 10:30 a.m., 55 COTs will graduate55 graduates are expected to graduate from the Alabama Criminal Justice Training Center on the campus of Wallace State Community College in Selma.

The ADOC said the trainees satisfactorily completed 10 consecutive weeks of training to obtain Alabama Peace Officers’ Standard and Training Commission (APOSTC) certification and become Correctional Officers.

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Governor Kay Ivey greeted the officers on the steps of the Alabama Governor’s Mansion Tuesday.

Ivey issued the following comment:

I am proud of the 55 Correctional Officers graduating from the Academy this week and was honored to host them at the Alabama Governor’s Mansion. These men and women have chosen a career of true public service. I reminded them that being a Corrections Officer is highly critical and really important to public safety in our state. Here in Alabama, we strongly back the blue, and that includes our Corrections Officers, and I was proud to personally share that with these officers today.

14 sets of twins and one set of triplets graduate from the same high school class

masters compared to phd

The  graduating class  at this Florida high school will make you do a double — and triple — take.

Fourteen sets of  twins  and one set of triplets gradua t ed June 5 from Cooper City High School in Cooper City, Florida, about 40 minutes outside of Miami.

The group comprised about 6% of the 543 graduates.

“It was very special as they would come across the stage; I would shake their hand and give one a diploma, and then the second one would come over to do the same thing,” Vera Perkovic, the school’s principal, tells

“It kind of just symbolized they’re their own person, but also, they have been together all these years as twins,” she adds.

Cooper City High School Principal Vera Perkovic referenced the twins and triplets in the class during her speech at graduation.Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Among the graduates are two sets of identical twins and 12 sets of fraternal twins,  NBC 6, our South Florida station, reported .

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

Gabrielle and Jocelyn Reed are one such set of identical twins.

“It was a great moment. It was also just bizarre because you raise twins, and everything is two at once,” Gabrielle and Jocelyn’s father, Aaron Reed, tells “So, on some levels, it was twice as exciting, but it was also twice as chaotic and overwhelming.”

The sisters have attended school together since pre-K. Come August, they will go their separate ways for college.

Gabrielle is headed to Cornell University, while Jocelyn will attend Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Twins Jocelyn and Gabrielle Reed.

“I’m just really excited to go somewhere separate and be on my own,” Gabrielle says. “Everywhere I go, I’m lumped together with her and not really seen as my own person, so I’m really excited to be able to have my own experiences.”

As the editor of Cooper City High School’s yearbook, Jocelyn was always aware of the number of twins in her class, but it wasn’t until the group was in a room together that she realized just how special it is to have that many multiples.

“When you’re a twin, people treat you as a spectacle,” Jocelyn said. “So, it was crazy to see that it’s so common and that there are so many people that are also twins.”

Cooper City High School’s class of 2024 graduated June 5 at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Vera Perkovic / Courtesy Broward County Public Schools

Broward County Public Schools believes the graduates have set a county record as most sets of twins to simultaneously graduate from one school.

Some of the students even created a slogan to commemorate their unique graduating class: “Twice as nice and triple the fun.”

Amanda is an editorial intern at and was born and raised in Miami, Florida.


  1. Differences between Masters vs PhD

    masters compared to phd

  2. Master's vs PhD/Doctorate Degrees

    masters compared to phd

  3. Masters vs PhD: Which is Right For You?

    masters compared to phd

  4. Comparing Masters and Ph.D. Programs

    masters compared to phd

  5. Masters Vs PhD: The Difference Between Masters & PhD/Doctorates 2024+

    masters compared to phd

  6. The Difference Between a Master's and PhD

    masters compared to phd


  1. Relaxing Smooth Jazz Saxophone Music in Cozy Bar Ambience for Chill Out & Study ~ Background Music

  2. PhD and Masters proposals, thesis and other research work

  3. Is Master's Degree the Best Degree?

  4. Master's vs. PhD: Navigating the Educational Landscape

  5. How Do Advanced Degrees (PhD, Masters) Compare with a Bachelor's Degree and Experience?



  1. Master's vs PhD

    The two most common types of graduate degrees are master's and doctoral degrees: A master's is a 1-2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers. A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3-7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research. A master's is also the necessary first ...

  2. Masters Vs PhD: The Difference Between Masters & PhD/Doctorates 2024+

    Here is a bit more of a comparison between these postgraduate degree options. A master's program typically is one of several forms. It could be a Master of Arts (MA), a Master of Science (MSc), or a Master of Research, (MRe). ... whether you pursue a masters or PhD, is the ability of graduate student to focus on a field and subject in which ...

  3. Masters vs PhD

    A Masters degree is the next level of education after the completion of an undergraduate degree, commonly known as a Bachelors. These degree levels are often referred to in terms of cycles so that a Bachelor's is a first-cycle degree, a Masters is a second-cycle and finally, a PhD is the third-cycle of higher education (and the highest).

  4. Master's vs. Ph.D.: What's the Difference and Which One to Choose?

    Ph.D.'s take a considerably longer time to complete than a master's, five to eight years on average, and they carry a rather high rate of noncompletion due to time and financial commitments. Many Ph.D. programs have stipends available, so it's important to inquire about that when researching a particular program.

  5. Master's vs PhD

    2. PhD: After earning a master's degree, the next step is a PhD, which entails both working and performing research at an institution. A PhD is an abbreviation for "Doctor of Philosophy.". It is the highest academic degree one can achieve. As such, it is a time-consuming pursuit that requires a lot of studying and research.

  6. The Difference Between Masters and PhD Study

    The most obvious difference between a Masters and a PhD in terms of overarching course structure is length. Whereas a Masters is completed in 1-2 years, a PhD will usually take 3-4 years (if studied full-time) or 5-6 years (if studied part-time). 3-4 years may sound like a long time, but by the end of a PhD you'll not only researched, written ...

  7. Demystifying Graduate Degrees: Comparing Master's vs. Doctorate

    In some fields, having a doctorate can lead to higher earning potential and increased salary opportunities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, doctoral degree holders made an average of $1,885 per week in 2020, while master's degree holders made an average of $1,545 per week. Contribution to society:

  8. PhD vs Master's Degree: What's the Difference?

    There are also differences between the structure of each program type. A master's degree program typically includes one to two years of classes with an internship or capstone project in the last year. A Ph.D. typically includes three to five years of classes, with two to three years of preparation for a dissertation.

  9. Masters vs PhD: Which is Right For You?

    Compared to a PhD project a Masters research project is much smaller in scope and well defined. Plus, you'll typically be paired with a more senior lab member (PhD student or postdoc) which doesn't often happen for PhD students. There are also sometimes group projects for Masters degrees which adds another useful skill to the mix.

  10. Masters vs. PhD

    In this article, we will explore and compare the attributes of Masters and PhD programs, shedding light on their differences and helping individuals make informed decisions about their educational journey. Duration and Scope. A Masters degree typically takes around one to two years to complete, depending on the program and the student's dedication.

  11. Master's and Doctoral Degrees: What's the Difference?

    Other fields do not require advanced degrees for career advancement. In some cases, a master's degree may hold advantages over a doctoral degree. For example, a master's degree in social work (MSW) may be more cost-effective than a doctoral degree, given the time and funds required to earn the degree and the pay differential.

  12. Should I Pursue A Master's or A Ph.D.?

    Master's degrees typically take two years to complete, while Ph.D. programs generally take five to seven years (see Duke programs' time-to-degree). That is a significant difference in commitment and opportunity costs. It might also play a key role in deciding which factors take higher priority as you evaluate a program.

  13. Master's vs PhD/Doctorate Degrees

    Expected salary. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, earnings increase from the bachelor's level to the master's level by approximately 18%, while unemployment rates go down, from 3.5% (bachelor's) to 2.6% (master's) A PhD can increase your salary by approximately 21% compared to master's degree holders, according to the ...

  14. PhD vs. Master's: What's the Difference Between Them?

    Requires less time than a PhD: The main benefit to pursuing a master's degree rather than a PhD is that it requires fewer years of study. You can get a master's degree in a year or two, but it may require more than double that amount of time to get a PhD. Enhances your knowledge: If you enjoyed the topic you studied when getting your bachelor's ...

  15. Master's vs Doctorate: Which Degree is Right for You?

    A master's degree is designed to deepen career-oriented knowledge and skills. A doctorate degree is a heavily research-based degree, designed to develop critical research,analytical and writing skills in an effort to fill industry knowledge gaps. Because of these different goals, the makeup of the coursework and content is also distinct.

  16. Masters vs PhD

    Generally, individuals with a PhD tend to earn higher salaries than those with just a Master's degree. The advanced knowledge, specialized skills, and research experience gained during a PhD program make individuals more valuable in the job market, leading to better job prospects and higher earning potential.

  17. PhD vs master's degrees (Differences between them)

    A master's degree is quicker to obtain than a PhD. Completing a master's degree programme is significantly shorter than completing a PhD programme, which may be a benefit for some people. Shorter programmes may be more suitable for people who require additional training and certification but want to continue with their careers as soon as possible.

  18. PhD vs. Master's Degree (Information to Help You Choose)

    PhD vs. master's When you compare a PhD vs. master's degree, you can encounter several dissimilarities. These are some of the key ways that the two degrees differ from each other: Definition The definitions of the two degrees is one of the main differences. A master's degree is an academic degree that universities or colleges award their ...

  19. Is it worth doing a master's or PhD?

    As we mentioned earlier, having a master's can boost your employability. This is often the case when it comes to graduate schemes. While there are some graduate schemes that accept grads with 2:2s, a lot will specify that they're only open to those with a 2:1 and above OR a postgraduate degree. Particularly if you received a 2:2 at uni, a ...

  20. Comparing Graduate Programs

    Comparing Graduate Programs is a key step in the process of selecting the right graduate program for yourself. Almost as soon as you begin the process of choosing a graduate school, you will realize there are certain aspects of a graduate program that are vitally important to you. You will certainly want to learn a particular subject, and might ...

  21. Is it more expensive to get a master's or a PhD?

    In the US, most graduate school applications require you to include:. Transcripts from previous educational institutions; Standardized test scores (such as the GRE or MCAT) A graduate resume; 2-3 letters of recommendation; A statement of purpose; Some programs may ask you to write a personal statement in addition to, or instead of, a statement of purpose. You may also be asked to an interview.

  22. What is the difference between a master's degree and a Ph.D.?

    In Brazil, both Master's and PhD courses are research oriented. You have to take classes in both Basically, the Master's is designed to make the student familiar with a method, how to do reasearch. It lasts around 2 years. The PhD takes around 4 years, and the objective is to get past the Master's experience to create and give meaning to your ...

  23. Online Master Degree Programs at Methodist University

    Explore Our Online Graduate Degree Programs. Take the next step in your academic and professional journey with an online master's degree from Methodist University. Our flexible, career-focused programs deliver the advanced skills you need in a flexible format that allows you to learn from anywhere while continuing to work full-time.

  24. Graduate Student Tutors/Book an Appointment

    Veronica Tapia Morales M.S. Business Analytics Student. Subject Matter Tutor: Information Systems, Python Book Appointment

  25. Introducing OpenAI o1

    In our tests, the next model update performs similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology. We also found that it excels in math and coding. In a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), GPT-4o correctly solved only 13% of problems, while the reasoning model scored 83%. ...

  26. DPhil in Area Studies (Latin America)

    As a graduate student, you will have access to the University's wide range of world-class resources including libraries, museums, galleries, digital resources and IT services.. The Bodleian Libraries is the largest library system in the UK. It includes the main Bodleian Library and libraries across Oxford, including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries.

  27. 55 correctional officers set to graduate from Alabama Department of

    Dozens of new correctional officers are set to graduate from the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Academy Thursday.On Thursday, September 12 at 10:30 a.

  28. 14 sets of twins and one set of triplets graduate from the same high

    The group comprised about 6% of the 543 graduates. "It was very special as they would come across the stage; I would shake their hand and give one a diploma, and then the second one would come ...

  29. South Hamilton alum killed in plane crash honored at football game

    six the number worn by last season's captain and class of 2024 graduate. owen reno, the 19 year old who means the world to his family and close friends, holding each other, grieving his loss ...