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Hygiene Activities For Middle School: Experiments, Learning Ideas, And Resources

February 8, 2024 //  by  Kimberly Lange

Daily health & personal hygiene routines are extremely important, and it is important to teach children about hygiene. These 20 hygiene activities will help build healthy habits that will last their entire life. These activities will help teach students about hygiene, dental care, hair care, nail care, and hand washing.

1. What Exactly Are Germs?


This personal health series will help your students learn all about germs and how they can protect themselves against them. This resource includes articles for kids and teens, as well as discussions and activities about germs.

Learn More:  Kids Health Classroom

2. Learn About Basic Hygiene Habits


Learn all about basic hygiene habits and the importance of personal hygiene with this great online resource. It contains details about washing your hands and body, preventing body odor, food safety, and how to prevent bad breath.

Learn More: Health Direct

3. Learn About the Importance of Soap

Many times students just rinse their hands, thinking it will get rid of germs. This activity is a fun way to teach your students about the importance of using soap, and how it can effectively get rid of germs.  For this experiment, you will need a small dish, dish soap, water, and black pepper (to represent the germs.)

Learn More: Messy Little Monster

4. See How Many Germs are on Your Hands Before and After You Wash Them


This interactive experiment will allow your students to see the germs on their hands before washing with soap and water, and to see if they have germs on their hands after washing them properly. You’ll need Glo Germ Powder, Glo Germ Gel, a UV black light, a sink, soap, and water.

Learn More: Instructables

5. Learn The Importance of Brushing Your Teeth


This experiment will help your students to understand the importance of taking care of their young adult teeth, and how fluoride protects our teeth. The egg shell is made of calcium, which will represent our teeth. In this experiment, you will need two eggs, fluoride toothpaste, two glasses, and vinegar.

6. Experiment to See Which Foods Cause the Most Bacteria

This experiment will make your middle students think twice about skipping out on brushing their teeth. For this oral hygiene experiment, you will need 5 premade Petri dishes with Agar, 5 cotton swabs, apple, potato chips, bread, gummy worms, a toothbrush, toothpaste, water, small labels, a marker, tape, and a camera.

Learn More: Education

7. Teach Your Middle School Students the Importance of Ear Care


This interactive resource will teach your students about the structure of the ears, how your ears work, and how to take care of your ears with proper hygiene skills.

Learn More: Health Powered Kids

8. Learn About the Different Activities That Make Up a Daily Hygiene Routine


This great online resource will teach your students what personal hygiene is, the importance of personal hygiene, types of personal hygiene, and personal hygiene activities to help teach your students how to take care of themselves.

Learn More: Mom Junction

9. Video Resource on Personal Hygiene

This fun and educational video will teach your students daily health & hygiene tips and basic hygiene vocabulary. It also touches on the importance of hygiene in adolescents and which hygiene products to use.

Learn More: Smile and Learn – English

10. Learn About Daily Personal Hygiene Routines


This valuable life skills resource will teach your middle school students about a daily healthcare routine and the importance of washing hands.

Learn More: Click View

11. Worksheets To Help You Teach Your Healthy Living Unit


These personal hygiene worksheets will teach your students about good habits, proper hand washing, a daily personal care checklist, dental care, good habits, bad hygiene habits, food hygiene, a personal hygiene routine, and hair hygiene.

Learn More: English Worksheets Land

12. 8 Tips To Take Care of Your Nails


These 8 tips will teach your middle school and elementary students basic nail care and details on hygiene practices relating to nail care.

Learn More: AAD

13. Teach Your Students a Healthy Hair Care Routine

This online resource will teach your students how to take care of their hair in 7 easy steps. It also includes advice from dermatologists on good hair care habits to prevent hair damage.

14. Germ Posters to Teach Children About Germs

Visual aids are very important when talking about abstract concepts like bacteria and germs. This visual representation is the perfect addition to your life skill classroom and will help your entire class understand the concept of bad germs.

Learn More: Pinterest

15. Tips For Approaching Personal Hygiene Conversations With Your Students


This blog post is a great resource for a school counselor, gym teacher, or classroom teacher to help with those awkward conversations about body odor, smelly breath, the importance of clean clothes, and daily health and hygiene.

Middle school students go through many changes and sometimes they do not understand how to deal with their body changes. It is important to help them understand these hygiene practices, and how to help them establish good habits.

Learn More: For Highschool Counselors

16. The Best Hand Washing Techniques to Ensure Clean Hands


For the most effective way to get rid of bad germs, a person needs to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. This visual representation of proper hand washing shows how you can incorporate Disney songs in your hand washing routine, to make it more fun.

Learn More: No Guilt Disney

17. Science Projects to Teach Students About Germs


This great resource will help your students understand all there is to know about germs to enhance your Middle School health curriculum, including how germs spread, and a 3-D germ model.

Learn More: Premeditated Leftovers

18. Learn The Importance of Hand Washing With This Experiment


This fun, interactive experiment uses real-time student data to determine how germs spread, and how effective different hygiene resources and products are.

Learn More: WTSP

19. Teach Your Students About Healthy Nutrition & Food Groups

A big part of healthy living is getting the right nutrition and food groups on a daily basis. Use this activity to teach your students about nutrition .

Learn More: Play To Learn Preschool

20. Lesson Plans For Your Health Class

These health activities and worksheets will teach your students about healthy eating, dental health, personal safety, and self-esteem.

Learn More: Teach-nology


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Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

  • Doug Curtin
  • January 30, 2024

Hand washing like pictured here is part of personal hygiene.

The dreaded topic of personal hygiene has most students rolling their eyes and zoning out in class. But with simple and straightforward personal hygiene lesson plans, teachers can cover the basics of good hygiene habits and support students as they become young adults building their own personal hygiene plans. We break down the basics of personal hygiene lesson plans and provide 3 free lesson plans to sample.

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Importance of Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

Personal hygiene is the behaviors and steps we can take as individuals to maintain health and prevent disease for ourselves and the people around us. The primary goal of personal hygiene is to be healthy!

While the primary focus of personal hygiene is health, the impact on our social and personal lives cannot be ignored. Many of the steps to personal hygiene also help people in a world filled with social interactions. By taking regular steps to support personal hygiene, we can also improve things like the smell of our breath and body odor.

But we shouldn’t assume that good personal hygiene habits come naturally to students. Like anything other topic, hygiene practices are best served when taught through the lens of what, why, when, and how. Here lies the importance of personal hygiene lesson plans!

Challenges of Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

Personal hygiene concepts can be taught at almost any age and grade level. Young children learn the fundamental importance of things like washing their hands and brushing their teeth at an early age.

However, a bulk of the personal hygiene lesson plans are taught at the middle school level. As middle school students start to hit puberty and experience bodily changes, there lies an opportunity (or more of a necessity) to cover the basic concepts of personal hygiene.

And that means talking to middle school students about things that will likely garner a large swath of eye roles. While some teachers feel confident introducing personal hygiene activities and lessons to students, many look for an alternative route for students to learn personal hygiene topics.

But most of the resources for personal hygiene are anything but engaging and inspiring. Typically, teachers have the following options to choose from:

Option 1: Outdated stock videos.  Picture 1990’s grainy videos showing “real people” doing things for a daily hygiene routine.

Option 2: Cartoon videos . To avoid the awkwardness of real humans on camera, many personal hygiene lesson plans opt for a cartoon version in the hopes of making it more engaging for students.

While both have merits and drawbacks, there never seems to be a perfect solution for teaching students about good hygiene.

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3 Free Personal Hygiene Lesson Plans

One way or another, personal hygiene lesson plans need to be covered by most school districts across the country. PLT4M has developed a painless approach to teaching good hygiene practices via PE lesson plans. These lessons are great for middle or high school students, but we recommend introducing these by the middle school level!

PLT4M’s personal hygiene unit covers the following topics:

What Is Personal Hygiene

Hand Washing

Oral Hygiene


Facial Hygiene

Wearing Clean Clothes

Menstrual Hygiene

Daily Personal Hygiene Routine Reflection

Each lesson contains the topics’ what, why, when, and how via a written lesson. Each written lesson is complemented with a short, honest, and sometimes silly video. Finally, each lesson concludes with 3 reflection questions to check for students’ understanding. Below are 3 free personal hygiene lesson plan samples from PLT4M’s Personal Hygiene Unit.

Lesson 1: What Is Personal Hygiene? 

Written lesson.

Welcome to an exploration of personal hygiene! Before we dive into the specific topics and lessons of personal hygiene, let’s begin getting onto the same page about what personal hygiene is, how it impacts our health and daily life, and how it relates to us as students and young adults. 

What is Personal Hygiene? 

Hygiene is the conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. 

And we can take hygiene and apply it to food, environment, home, and more. For example, food hygiene would be how we prepare, cook, and store food to prevent food from going bad and spreading illness. Or home hygiene is how we could disinfect and clean parts of our house to prevent bacteria and germs from building up.

With these examples, we can begin to understand what we mean by personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is the behaviors and steps that we can take as individuals to maintain health and prevent disease for ourselves, and the people around us. The primary goal of personal hygiene is to be healthy! 

Personal hygiene refers to things like washing and cleaning your hands, mouth, body, and more. We will explore all the different elements of personal hygiene in future lessons! 

Why is Personal Hygiene Important? 

Personal hygiene is important because it can keep us healthy and prevent disease. Without personal hygiene, we put ourselves at risk of different health issues both short and long term (and small and big problems). 

For example, if a person doesn’t regularly shower/bath, they can increase the risk of different skin irritations or infections. And while a rash might not seem like a major life-altering problem, rather just an annoyance, we can still reduce the risk through personal hygiene.

Without proper regular personal hygiene, we also open ourselves up to bigger issues. For example, when it comes to oral hygiene, people who don’t regularly brush and floss can have major dental issues that are both costly and painful.

While these are just two examples, we can begin to understand the importance of personal hygiene for our health both short and long term. 

Personal Hygiene and Social Interactions 

While the primary focus of personal hygiene is how it relates to our health, the role of personal hygiene in our social and personal lives are deeply connected. 

Many of the steps to personal hygiene also help support people in a world filled with social interactions. By taking regular steps to support personal hygiene, we can also improve the smell of our breath, body odor, and more. While good personal hygiene doesn’t raise many eyebrows, the opposite does. People who fail to take care of personal hygiene can find themselves in difficult and uncomfortable social situations, causing those around them to be uncomfortable. 

Long story short, as we become young adults in school, work, and social settings, taking care of our personal hygiene is important to functioning within society. By tackling bad breath, body odor, and more, we are putting ourselves in a position to operate and exist within society whether it is school, social settings, home life, and more. 

Personal Hygiene and The World You Live In 

These lessons are meant to serve as a general understanding of personal hygiene. There is no one size fits all solution to taking care of yourself and your hygiene.

Personal hygiene in a lot of ways is a chance to explore your interests and opportunity to choose your own adventure. From different types of soaps, toothpastes, deodorants, hair and nail styles and more, personal hygiene is a chance for self expression. 

But, personal hygiene is deeply connected to family, money, resources, culture, and other factors that might not always be in your control. It is important to learn about the basics of personal hygiene and then apply them to your life. For example, you might not get a say or choice in the type of soap, detergent, or other personal hygiene products in your house. Or because of your schedule or situation, your personal hygiene plan might be different from your peers. All of this is okay! 

Lastly, personal hygiene is for anyone and everyone. Notice that throughout these lessons we don’t talk about things like race, ethnicity, or gender. Yes, these things might dictate our preferences on personal hygiene, but can all come to the topic of personal hygiene knowing we are all humans that have basic needs for health and hygiene. 

That is why we keep this high level. If you have more specific questions, talk to someone that you know and trust to help further explore personal hygiene and how it relates to you as an individual! For example, taking care of your hair and scalp is important for everyone, but it may look very different depending on what type of hair you have. Seeking out salons, barber shops, or mentors could be helpful in understanding how to take care of your hair.

In conclusion, learning about personal hygiene gives us all an opportunity to learn about the basics of health and wellness, while also finding the right fit for our personal lives. 

Let’s Be Serious…Personal Hygiene Is Kind Of Funny!  

As we start to dive into personal hygiene, let’s all prepare ourselves to read and watch things that might seem sort of silly or funny. For example, when we talk about showering, we have a dedicated paragraph on our butts. BUT, while personal hygiene might seem a little funny or awkward to learn and talk about, remember that these elements of personal hygiene support our health, wellness, and social interactions on a daily basis. So let’s do our best to take a SERIOUS look at what might feel like a silly subject. 

And you might be asking, I brush my teeth every day so why do I have to learn about it? Even if things like washing your hands or brushing your teeth seem like a no-brainer, we are still going to talk about them so we can all get on the same page about personal hygiene 101. Because as you grow up from young adults into the “real world” it is essential to have a basic understanding of why and how to take care of your bodies. So, let’s dive in! 

Chapter Questions

1) What is the definition of hygiene? 

2) Give one example of how health promoting personal hygiene supports our social interactions? 

3) What are some ways that you currently take care of your personal hygiene?

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Washing Your Hands 

Written lessons.

Handwashing is a simple yet highly effective practice that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Our hands are constantly in contact with various surfaces and objects, accumulating germs and bacteria throughout the day. It is a habit we learn from an early age, and while it may seem like a routine task, the impact it has on preventing the spread of infections and diseases is crucial. In this article, we will explore why washing hands is important, the science behind it, and the proper techniques to ensure effective hand hygiene.

All The Things We Touch 

People touch a wide variety of surfaces and objects throughout the day, often without realizing the potential for germ transmission. Commonly touched items include doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, keyboards, smartphones, tablets, pens, pencils, and other school supplies.

In public spaces, individuals may come into contact with handrails, shopping carts, door knobs, and restroom fixtures. 

At home, commonly touched items include remote controls, kitchen appliances, faucets, and light fixtures. Personal items like money, wallets, keys, and purses also frequently pass through hands. 

And this is not an exhaustive list of things we touch! The diversity of surfaces encountered underscores the importance of regular hand washing to minimize the risk of spreading germs and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.

How Germs Spread: 

The CDC says thata few common times germs can spread from person-to-person or from surfaces-to-people include when you: 

  • Touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Prepare or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands
  • Touch surfaces or objects that have germs on them
  • Blow your nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other people’s hands or common objects

Therefore, the CDC recommends washing hands during key times in the day to help minimize the threat of spreading germs: 

  • Before, during, and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating food
  • Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
  • After handling pet food or pet treats
  • After touching garbage

5 Steps To Washing Your Hands The Right Way 

Washing your hands is an easy and effective way to prevent the spread of germs to keep you and the people around you healthy! And while you might have “washed your hands” by turning on the faucet and letting your hands just get wet, the CDC outlines 5 key steps to washing your hands the right way every time: 

Follow these five steps every time.

  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

And while washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs, if this isn’t possible, hand sanitizer can be a helpful alternative. While hand sanitizers don’t get rid of all types of germs, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help to reduce the risk of germ transmission. 

In the battle against infectious diseases, handwashing stands out as a powerful and accessible tool to good hygiene and healthy living. By understanding the importance of hand hygiene and adopting proper handwashing techniques, individuals can contribute to their own well-being and the health of their communities. As a simple yet effective practice, regular hand washing serves as a cornerstone in the foundation of public health and disease prevention.

Helpful Links:  

– Hand Hygiene – Keeping Your Hands Clean 

– Frequent Questions About Hand Hygiene

– Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings

– Training and Education

– Global Handwashing Day

– Personal Hygiene During an Emergency

1) List three common times that germs can be spread through hands: 

2) How long should you scrub your hands for when washing your hands? 

3) True or False – Hand sanitizer is an equally effective alternative to washing your hands with soap and water?

Oral Hygiene 

Oral hygiene, as defined by the Cleveland Clinic, is the practice of keeping your mouth clean and disease free. It is an essential aspect of overall health and personal hygiene that often goes beyond the simple act of brushing our teeth. It encompasses a range of habits and practices aimed at maintaining the health of the mouth and preventing various dental issues. 

Understanding Oral Health 

The CDC states that oral health refers to the health of teeth, gums, tongue and the entire oral-facial system that allows us to do things like speak, smile, and chew. So as you can see, it is about more than just brushing your teeth! Instead, oral hygiene refers to the practice of keeping the entire mouth clean and healthy to prevent dental problems such as cavities (tooth decay), gum (periodontal) disease, bad breath, and more. 

Moreover, good oral hygiene and health doesn’t just support your mouth. In fact, oral health is also linked to whole-body health. 

“For example, if an infection is present in your mouth, your bloodstream can carry the bacteria to other areas of your body, leading to other health concerns like heart disease and stroke. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is an important part of long-lasting overall health.” – Cleveland Clinic 

The Components of Oral Hygiene 

We can take care of our oral hygiene in a variety of ways. From brushing, flossing, and mouthwash at home to regularly visiting the dentist, oral hygiene is a long-term commitment. 

1) Brushing:

The foundation of good oral hygiene begins with regular and proper brushing. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride or hydroxyapatite toothpaste ( More on this here ). Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and employ gentle, circular motions to clean all surfaces of your teeth. Don’t forget to brush your tongue or even use a tongue scraper (more on this here ) to eliminate bacteria that can cause bad breath. When you brush, place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle toward your gums. This helps sweep away plaque and bacteria at the gum line. Be sure to brush all teeth surfaces, including the backs and sides. Set a timer for two minutes and get brushing! 

2) Flossing:

Flossing is crucial for removing plaque and food particles from between teeth and below the gumline, where toothbrushes may not reach. Make flossing a daily habit to maintain optimal oral health.

3) Mouthwash:

Incorporating an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash into your routine can help reduce bacteria, strengthen enamel, and freshen breath. However, it should not replace brushing and flossing but instead complement them.

4) Professional Dental Care:

In addition to our at-home oral hygiene routine, regular visits to the dentist are an integral part of oral hygiene. Dental professionals can identify early signs of dental issues, perform thorough cleanings, and offer guidance on personalized care. It is recommended to schedule dental check-ups at least twice a year to maintain optimal oral health.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices To Support Oral Hygiene 

1) Balanced Diet:

A nutritious diet not only benefits your overall health but also plays a vital role in maintaining oral hygiene. Limit sugary and acidic foods, as they can contribute to tooth decay. Instead, focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy.

2) Hydration:

Drinking plenty of water is not only beneficial for your overall health but also for your oral health. Water helps wash away food particles, bacteria, and acids that can contribute to tooth decay.

3) Avoid Tobacco:

Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for gum disease, oral cancers, and other dental issues. Quitting or avoiding tobacco products is crucial for maintaining good oral health.

4) Protect Your Teeth:

If you engage in contact sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard to protect your teeth from potential damage.


Oral hygiene is a multifaceted approach to maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. By incorporating daily habits, seeking professional dental care, and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can achieve and preserve your smile while contributing to your overall well-being. Prioritizing oral hygiene today can lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles and improved quality of life.

Helpful Links: 

  • CDC Basics of Oral Health 
  • Oral Health Conditions 
  • American Dental Association – Home Oral Care 

1) Define oral hygiene in a sentence or two. 

2) Provide an example of how oral hygiene impacts overall health. 

3) What are three ways you can practice oral hygiene at home?

Key Takeaways On Personal Hygiene Lessons

Covering the basics of personal hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated! Students can explore the key elements of a daily hygiene routine like brushing teeth, hand washing, showing, using deodorant and so much more through basic written and video lesson materials.

Want to check out the full unit of personal hygiene lesson plans and more from PLT4M? Reach out to schedule a free consultation to unlock lots of awesome materials for middle school and high school students!

What other health education topics does PLT4M have?

Check out more health education lesson plans from PLT4M here! Different topics include: 

  • Drug and Substance Education
  • Underage Drinking Prevention
  • Physical Literacy
  • Digital Citizenship 
  • Social Emotional Learning

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hygiene presentation for middle school students

20 Healthy Hygiene Activities for Middle School Students

  • Middle School Education

hygiene presentation for middle school students


With adolescence comes a new responsibility towards personal hygiene. Middle school students are at an age where their bodies are going through significant changes, and it is essential to educate them about good personal hygiene practices. This article explores 20 healthy hygiene activities to integrate into middle school activities, promoting cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle.

1.Handwashing Demonstration: Teach students the proper technique of handwashing using soap and water, emphasizing the importance of washing all parts of the hands for at least 20 seconds.

2.Dental Care Workshop: Invite a dental professional to teach students about proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use.

3.Personal Grooming Carousel: Set up stations in the classroom where students learn how to effectively use grooming tools like deodorant, hairbrushes, nail clippers, etc.

4.Hygiene Charades: Engage students in a game of charades where they have to act out various personal hygiene practices.

5.Skincare Education: Teach students about the importance of skincare routines for their changing skin types, such as cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen.

6.Peer Discussions: Arrange group discussions where students feel comfortable discussing personal hygiene issues and ask each other questions.

7.Design Your Own Hand Sanitizer Label: Encourage creativity by having students design their own hand sanitizer labels to promote good hand hygiene.

8.Proper Hydration Habits: Discuss the benefits of proper hydration and teach the signs of dehydration in a fun and interactive way.

9.Exercise and Sweating Lesson: Explain the importance of exercise for overall health and its effects on sweating followed by suggestions on how to maintain proper hygiene while staying active.

10.Menstruation Education: Provide age-appropriate information about menstruation including advice on how to maintain proper hygienic practices during this time.

11.Personal Hygiene Quiz: Distribute a quiz to test students’ knowledge about personal hygiene and preventive measures.

12.Germ Spread Simulation: Use a classroom experiment to demonstrate how easily germs can spread from one person to another.

13.Proper Restroom Etiquette : Teach good restroom habits like handwashing, flushing, and keeping the space clean.

14.Keeping a Clean Environment: Discuss the importance of maintaining a clean living environment and demonstrate simple cleaning techniques.

15.DIY Natural Hygiene Products: Show students how to make homemade hygiene products like toothpaste or deodorant using natural ingredients.

16.Hygiene Superhero Comic Strip: Encourage students to create their own hygiene-themed comic strip featuring superheroes who tackle various cleanliness challenges.

17.Handling Acne: Provide guidance on how to cope with acne and establish an appropriate skincare routine to avoid it becoming a severe issue.

18.Food Safety Education: Discuss proper food handling techniques and emphasize the importance of good hygiene while preparing meals.

19.Healthy Sleep Habits : Educate students about the importance of getting adequate sleep and practicing good bedtime hygienic routines.

20.Personal Hygiene Bingo: Create a bingo game centered around personal hygiene topics to conclude your hygiene unit with an element of fun competition!


Educating middle school students about proper hygiene practices is vital for their overall health and well-being. With these 20 engaging activities, teachers can empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.


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Taking Good Care of Ourselves: Personal Hygiene PPT

Taking Good Care of Ourselves: Personal Hygiene

Freshen up your classroom (and students) with this personal hygiene presentation. Colorful images and clear language help adolescents learn about the changes their bodies are undergoing and the things they can do to ease the transition to adulthood.

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Instructional ideas.

  • Present this resource during an upper elementary or middle school health lesson series on personal hygiene
  • Create a note-taking guide or worksheet to accompany the presentation
  • Have students view this presentation as a homework assignment

Classroom Considerations

  • Presentation is only available as a PDF document, but it can still be projected and shown to the class
  • Presentation clearly addresses different hygiene issues that occur during puberty
  • Fun cartoons and illustrations engage students while supporting the content being presented
  • Title slide includes the name of the counselor who created the presentation and the school she worked at, but this can be edited using Adobe Acrobat

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Personal Hygiene Habits for Kids

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How often should we bath? And clean our hands? Must we brush our teeth every time we eat? Learning personal hygiene can be fun for kids if you explain good habits to them with this fun presentation full of illustrations and creative resources. Turn bath time into fun time thanks to the cute stickers in these slides and prepare a lesson to speak about how we should keep clean!

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Empower middle school students' social skills with this comprehensive

Personal Hygiene | SEL Presentation | Strategies | Skills | Middle School resource ! Explore the essence of personal hygiene through comprehensive information on this topic, as well as through 16 practical strategies accompanied by examples and reflection questions. Let's encourage proper self-care and cleanliness among our students.

This engaging resource features:

  • Interactive Buttons for Easy Navigation
  • Clear Explanation of Personal Hygiene
  • 16 Practical Strategies with Examples
  • Reflection Questions for Each Strategy

Encourage meaningful conversations in your classroom, providing students with valuable tools to enhance personal hygiene skills. Effectively navigate challenges, foster a positive, inclusive environment , and elevate your teaching with this presentation designed for enhanced learning and personal growth!


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hygiene presentation for middle school students

Middle School Health: Personal Hygiene Unit

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When kids hit middle school it becomes very important for them to take responsibility for many things. That includes their personal hygiene. This Middle School Health Personal Hygiene Unit is designed to help your tweens understand their bodies, why it is important to take care of them and how to do so on a daily basis. 

middle school health, health middle school, middle school hygiene, middle school personal hygiene, personal hygiene middle school, hygiene middle school, hygiene tween, personal hygiene tween, tween personal hygiene, tween hygiene

I designed my middle school health curriculum, Living Healthy, to resemble an online unit study with the addition of a workbook with questions for your tweens to answer to help encourage conversation with you. 

Middle School Health: Personal Hygiene is the first unit that your students will complete. This is the first step they’ll make on their journey taking responsibility for their own health. 

Note to parents, please check all links prior to allowing your child to access the internet to ensure they have not changed and keep in mind that all videos should be inspected prior to viewing to ensure you deem it’s appropriate for your child.

If you’d like to use the workbook, you can download it at the bottom of this page.  

Lesson One: The Importance of Personal Hygiene

As you’re nearing the teenage years of your life, it is becoming increasingly important that you understand the importance of personal hygiene.

This week you’ll discover what personal hygiene is, why it is important, basic personal hygiene tips and more.

Sometimes you may not notice that you need to be more intentional about your personal hygiene habits, so it is important to listen to family and friends that may be reminding you to take care of yourself.

Personal hygiene takes only a few minutes a day. Starting a daily hygiene routine will greatly benefit you and your health throughout your life.

What is Personal Hygiene?

What is the Importance of Personal Hygiene?

What is Personal Grooming?

The Importance of Good Personal Hygiene

Hygiene Basics

Tween Boy Hygiene

Good Hygiene (Video)

Hygiene Tips for Girls (Video)

Hygiene Health Quiz for Teens

Additional Study Resources

Personal Hygiene

Free Personal Hygiene Tracking Chart

Personal Hygiene Activity Pack

Lesson Two: The Basics of Skin Care and The Basics of Hair Care

Learning how to properly care for your skin and your hair is important for the health of your skin and hair.

When setting up a daily personal hygiene routine these are two key steps in ensuring that your body is clean and ready for your day.

As you’re growing up your skin needs to be cleaned daily to prevent issues with acne, body odor and more.

Your hair will need to be washed often to ensure that it doesn’t become greasy. How often your hair needs to be washed is dependent on your hair type, its oil content, etc.

Taking Care of Your Skin

What’s Sweat?

Dos and Don’ts of Skin Care

Skin and Hair Tips for Teen Girls

What is Dandruff?

Hair Care Tips for Teens

How to Take Care of Oily Hair

Basic Hair Care for Teens

Skin Care Tips for Teens (Video)

Skincare Routine for Teenagers: Dry & Acne Prone Skin (Video)

Skincare Morning Routine for Teens (Video)

Skincare Night Routine for Teens (Video)

Hair Care Routine (Video)

Skin Type Quiz

Healthy Hair Quiz

Hair Care Quiz

Skincare Routine Worksheet

Skin Labeling Activity

Lesson Three: The Basics of Oral Care and The Basics of Ear Care

Taking care of your teeth and your ears is essential for your longtime health. You are only given one set of adult teeth and one pair of ears for your entire life, so how you care for them both today is extremely important.

It’s important to take care of your mouth properly, because if you don’t you may struggle with bad breath. You may not even notice it, but when you’re speaking to someone, they will be aware of your bad breath.

Your ears can become unsightly and ear infections may become a problem if you don’t care for them properly as well.

This week you’ll learn all about the basics of oral and ear care. Both of these should become part of your daily personal hygiene routine if they aren’t already.

All About Bad Breath

Your Tongue

About Your Teeth

Taking Care of Your Teeth

Looking After Your Teeth

All About Your Ears

What’s Earwax?

Swimmer’s Ear

Taking Care of Your Ears

Preventing and Treating Ear Infections

How to Brush Your Teeth (Video)

How to Floss Your Teeth (Video)

Keeping Your Ears Healthy (Video)

How to Remove Earwax at Home (Video)

Tongue Quiz

Tooth Labeling Worksheet

Taste Tracker Worksheet

Free How to Brush Your Teeth Activity Pack

Protect Your Hearing Crossword Puzzle

Protect Your Hearing Word Search

The Human Ear Diagram

The Human Ear Labeling Worksheet

Lesson Four: The Basics of Nasal Care and The Basics of Nail Care

This week you’ll learn how to properly care for and clean your nose and your nails as part of your daily personal hygiene routine.

Taking care of your nose and ensuring that it is clean throughout the day will help you from encountering embarrassing moments.

Ensuring your nails are trim and clean may seem like a step that you can skip as part of your daily personal hygiene routine, but you shouldn’t.

Your nose and nails are the final two steps of your personal hygiene routine we’ll cover as part of this health class, but just because they are last doesn’t mean they aren’t important.

All About Your Nose

How to Take Care of Your Nose

Cleaning Nasal Passages with Salt Water

What’s a Booger?

How to Stop Picking Your Nose

All About Your Nails

What’s Wrong with Biting Your Nails?

Tips for Healthy Nails

Easy Nail Care Tips for Men

Tips for Cutting Your Toenails

Basic Nail Care Tutorial (Video)

Men’s Home Manicure (Video)

Nose and Tongue Parts and Functions Worksheet

Nail Labeling Worksheet

Living Healthy Workbook

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Daily Hygiene | Keeping Clean | PPT | Full Lesson | Download and Go! | KS1 | PSHE

Daily Hygiene | Keeping Clean | PPT | Full Lesson | Download and Go! | KS1 | PSHE

Subject: Personal, social and health education

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

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Last updated

3 October 2021

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hygiene presentation for middle school students

Downloadable PowerPoint Presentation ready to use in your classroom!

This resource is aligned with components from the PSHE Association Programme of Study.

Topic : Keeping clean plays an important role in keeping our bodies healthy. Basic daily hygiene routines such as brushing teeth and washing our hair and body help us stay clean and prevent infections and sickness. It is important that children are aware of what hygiene routines should be practiced everyday in order to stay healthy and look presentable.

This lesson focuses on identifying different daily hygiene routines and helping learners understand why they are important for keeping us healthy. The lesson also challenges learners to think about how not practicing daily hygiene routines can negatively affect our health.

Teacher Slides : The teacher slides are colour coded in blue and can be found at the beginning of the PowerPoint. The teacher slides provide information about the resource and how to use it with your learners.

Assessing learning has never been easier with our colour coded slides that match our learning outcomes!

Engaging content : Our PowerPoints include eye-catching clip art, creative content and activities to keep your learners engaged and thinking!

WAGOLL : What a Good One Looks Like! Our lessons include WAGOLL example slides to give learners inspiration or to help them check their answers and add notes!

Additional Information : It is highly recommended that this PPT is downloaded with our other SLEducation Healthy Lifestyles - Daily Hygiene resources. Please visit our collections page for further information and products.

Let’s have a healthy lifestyle!

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Daily Hygiene | Big Bundle | PPT/Worksheets/Games | KS1 | PSHE

**Downloadable PDF Worksheets and PowerPoint Presentation - ready to use in your classroom!** **These resources are aligned with components from the PSHE Association Programme of Study.** **Topic:** Keeping clean plays an important role in keeping our bodies healthy. Basic daily hygiene routines such as brushing teeth and washing our hair and body help us stay clean and prevent infections and sickness. It is important that children are aware of what hygiene routines should be practiced everyday in order to stay healthy and look presentable. **This bundle contains the following resources:** * Daily Hygiene (PPT - Full Lesson) * Daily Hygiene (PDF Worksheet) * Daily Hygiene Matching Pairs Game (PDF Worksheet) * Pack of 24 Discussion Cards! * Word Search **Buy as a bundle for huge savings!**

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Kids Stink: Personal Hygiene Lessons for Middle School

middle school boy and his little sister pinching her nose at his smell

When my oldest was in 4th grade, I was surprised when the “Meet the Teacher” presentation included a section on personal hygiene. I mean, how bad could a 9-year-old smell?

Try volunteering in the classroom after gym class, though. I quickly understood exactly why there was a heavy emphasis on personal hygiene for middle school.

So where should parents start with personal hygiene for middle school? Turns out the discussion is a tricky one.

If we push too hard, we’re nagging and our children tune us out. If we don’t bring it up at all, they could be the target of bullying.

Most parents assume that because we can smell sweaty feet or notice greasy hair, that our children will as well. Unfortunately, it often doesn’t work that way, and many kids need multiple lessons on this important component of personal care.

Teach Personal Hygiene Habits Early

According to Dr. Andy Bernstein, a pediatrician and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents should start teaching personal hygiene early, “with lessons on the importance of washing hands before eating or after going to the bathroom, or of brushing teeth in the morning and before bed. As they get into their tween years , showering, brushing hair, and using deodorant should be rolled into those habits.”

While poor personal hygiene can affect a middle schooler’s overall health — for instance, making a child more prone to infections or rashes — the social consequences can hurt even more.

“Most children should be interested because being dirty or smelling bad can affect their interactions with their friends and classmates,” continues Dr. Bernstein.

Experts agree that personal hygiene for middle school kids includes: showering and washing hair, using deodorant, wearing clean clothes, maintaining oral health, preventing and caring for acne and, perhaps, shaving or removing hair . Managing these tasks can seem daunting for some kids, causing them to ignore personal hygiene issues altogether. (Note that refusal to bathe, shower, or complete a simple task of brushing one’s teeth can be a sign of a mental health issue, such as depression.) For most, however, it comes down to one simple point: They just don’t feel like doing it.

“Your tween’s poor hygiene is likely a matter of unestablished habits rather than a sign of devaluing themselves,” says Michele Kambolis, a registered child and family therapist and author of Generation Stressed . “Keeping up with personal hygiene is a skill like any other. It takes a lot of time and repetition before it becomes an automatic act.”

Kambolis says, “With time, patience, and consistency those behaviors will become second nature.”

No Nagging or Shaming

Negative approaches are not recommended. Try not to shame your child and don’t physically force them to complete a task. Name-calling or threats that people will not like them will affect your child’s self-esteem. Instead, adopt a positive spin on keeping clean. Allowing your tween to pick out the deodorant they like, or purchasing special soaps just for them, may provide enough of an incentive  to get the process moving forward.

And sometimes, you need to let natural consequences spur the process along. Tweens are notorious for their brutal honesty. So it may only take one friend to say your daughter’s breath stinks or a girl mentioning your son’s body odor to solve the problem.

Most importantly, however, is preserving the relationship with your tween as you move into the challenging teen years.

As Kambolis says, “Criticizing and nagging will only undermine your ability to guide and may have a lasting negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. After all, one of the greatest joys for parents is seeing their teens grow into themselves, capable and happy, regardless of how they smell.”

Whitney Fleming is a freelance writer, social media consultant and blogger. She is the mom to three teen daughters and resides in the suburbs of Chicago. 

My Teenage Daughter Won’t Leave Her Room

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60% Physical Education Teacher- Male-Tetzlaff Middle school at ABC Unified School District

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The ABC Unified School District is known throughout the State of California as a leader in educational planning and innovation. The District has received county, state, and national recognition for outstanding programs in counseling, alternative education, staff development, and labor relations. Staff members have been selected to participate on state and national educational committees and have been invited to make presentations at national, state, and local conferences. Students have been recognized as National Merit scholars, academic decathlon winners, and participants in the Model United Nations program. Approximately 85 percent of the graduating students go on to higher education. The ABC Unified School District includes nineteen elementary schools, five middle schools, three comprehensive high schools, a college prep 7-12 school, a continuation high school, infant/children centers, extended-day care, and adult school.

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ABC USD is seeking fully credentialed qualified candidate for Physical Education Teacher- (Male) at the Middle School level.

Required: EDJOIN Certificated Teaching application Resume 3 current letters of recommendation Copies of College/University Transcripts Copy of CBEST or equivalent Copy of valid CA Single Subject Credential -Physical Education with CLAD Once applications are screened, candidates will be invited to interview.

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    *Contact your school nurse or send an email to [email protected] to request a kit. Additional Optional Teaching Aids • There is in the Facilitator's Guide for Kahoot Hygiene Presentation support on how to access and navigate the Kahoot game setup on line. • Laptops/tablets (enough for each student to participate individually or in groups)

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    Personal Hygiene and Self-care - Health - 6th Grade Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Personal hygiene and self-care are essential habits to cultivate, no matter what age you are. For sixth-graders, it's an exciting time when they're venturing out into the world on their own.

  9. Health And Hygiene Education

    It defines personal hygiene as proper care and cleanliness of the body. Maintaining good personal hygiene includes regularly washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing, washing hair and clothes, trimming nails, and cleaning ears, eyes, nose, skin and feet. Proper hygiene promotes individual health and prevents the spread of diseases.

  10. 20 Healthy Hygiene Activities for Middle School Students

    1.Handwashing Demonstration: Teach students the proper technique of handwashing using soap and water, emphasizing the importance of washing all parts of the hands for at least 20 seconds. 2.Dental Care Workshop: Invite a dental professional to teach students about proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use.

  11. Taking Good Care of Ourselves: Personal Hygiene

    This Taking Good Care of Ourselves: Personal Hygiene PPT is suitable for 5th - 8th Grade. Freshen up your classroom (and students) with this personal hygiene presentation. Colorful images and clear language help adolescents learn about the changes their bodies are undergoing and the things they can do to ease the transition to adulthood.

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    Description. Discover this Personal Hygiene Lessons | Social Skills Activities | Presentation | BUNDLE ideal for middle school and upper grades. This comprehensive package includes two resources thoughtfully selected to promote the development of essential personal hygiene skills among students. INFORMATION ABOUT THE TWO RESOURCE INCLUDED:

  13. Personal Hygiene Habits for Kids

    Features of this template. Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens.

  14. Personal Hygiene

    pptx, 1.66 MB. docx, 36.6 KB. docx, 1.05 MB. Personal hygiene lesson to teach students the importance of personal hygiene. The PowerPoint contains visuals, videos, CIP (Communicate in Print by Widget) as well as resources for different abilities. The lesson and additional resources are designed for students with additional learning needs.

  15. Personal Hygiene

    Empower middle school students' social skills with this comprehensive. Personal Hygiene | SEL Presentation | Strategies | Skills | Middle School resource!Explore the essence of personal hygiene through comprehensive information on this topic, as well as through 16 practical strategies accompanied by examples and reflection questions.

  16. Middle School Health: Personal Hygiene Unit

    Middle School Health: Personal Hygiene is the first unit that your students will complete. This is the first step they'll make on their journey taking responsibility for their own health. Note to parents, please check all links prior to allowing your child to access the internet to ensure they have not changed and keep in mind that all videos ...

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    Teach your middle school students about good personal hygiene skills with this lesson plan. Students will read a text lesson that explains personal hygiene and gives ways to keep healthy and clean ...

  18. Fun and Engaging Hygiene Activities for Middle School Students

    Activity 2: Hygiene Bingo. Hygiene Bingo is a fun and interactive game that helps students learn and remember essential hygiene practices. Create bingo cards with different hygiene-related items such as soap, toothbrush, and shampoo. Call out descriptions of these items, and students mark them off on their bingo cards.

  19. Daily Hygiene

    It is important that children are aware of what hygiene routines should be practiced everyday in order to stay healthy and look presentable. **This bundle contains the following resources:** * Daily Hygiene (PPT - Full Lesson) * Daily Hygiene (PDF Worksheet) * Daily Hygiene Matching Pairs Game (PDF Worksheet) * Pack of 24 Discussion Cards!

  20. Personal Hygiene for Kids!

    Personal Hygiene for Kids! Dec 5, 2014 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 147 likes • 122,639 views. Keshav Mohta. This PPT is for the young generation. In Swacch Bharat Campaign, Personal Hygiene is also very important. Read more.

  21. Kids Stink: Personal Hygiene Lessons for Middle School

    As they get into their tween years, showering, brushing hair, and using deodorant should be rolled into those habits.". While poor personal hygiene can affect a middle schooler's overall health — for instance, making a child more prone to infections or rashes — the social consequences can hurt even more. "Most children should be ...

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  24. 60% Physical Education Teacher- Male-Tetzlaff Middle school at ABC

    The ABC Unified School District is known throughout the State of California as a leader in educational planning and innovation. The District has received county, state, and national recognition for outstanding programs in counseling, alternative education, staff development, and labor relations. Staff members have been selected to participate on state and national educational committees and ...