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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Our communication has been dramatically changed by technology. Before, people communicated face-to-face or by writing letters.

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Today, email, text messages, social media, and video chats allow us to communicate instantly with anyone in the whole world. We have seen a profound impact on both our professional and personal lives due to this change.

Now we can work with clients, colleagues and employees in different time zones and connect with friends and family living far away.

In this article, I will write down the advantages and disadvantages of information and communication technology and discuss in details the positive and negative impacts of technology on communication.

Advantages of Communication Technology

There are lots of good effects of technology on communication, following are the few of them.

Technology advantages in communication infographic

1. Speed and time

It is possible to save both time and money through internet communication. Information can be transferred much more quickly and cheaply this way.

Contacting a business partner or relative is also faster and more efficient. Today we can send and receive instant messages and emails at any time from anywhere in the world.

Face-to-face communication has also been made possible by the internet. A number of communication tools are available, including Skype, social media sites, video conferencing, and many others

2. Instantaneous and Efficient

Technology makes it easy to find and deliver data to your employees or customers wherever they are. Instead of waiting until your employee returns to your facility to send him complex information, you can text him or email him both simple and complex information on his smartphone or tablet

High-resolution pictures and videos can be provided quickly with digital still and video cameras to help your employees complete a task.

Customers’ needs can be communicated promptly and they can receive real-time information on appointment status. Furthermore, she will be able to provide helpful feedback quickly, so you will be able to satisfy her needs as quickly as possible.

3. Allow Remote Communication

Communication over long distances is possible today just because of technology. You can communicate with people throughout the world like a universal language.

Technology gave us the ability to communicate without having to travel.

The speed and quality of communication also increase with technology. It is possible to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world.

You can present your company’s products or services to employees and clients anywhere in the world

4. Elimination of Wires and Cables

Cables and wires are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements. Everyone wants to eliminate wires and cables from the workplace.

Cables and wires are replaced with wireless technology which leads many people to choose technology for communication. It is possible to communicate without wires and cables thanks to technology.

5. Mass Communication

It is easy to share information with a large number of people through electronic communication, like email, or even you can use social media as well.

Electronic communication is common in businesses and academic institutions to communicate with many people at once.

For example, educational institutes send notifications to parents of students at once.

Some organizations also use digital marketing to reach advertisements to hundreds and thousands of people. We couldn’t communicate as fast and easily as we do now without technology.

6. Reduced Costs and Time

It is a great advantage of technology that communication is now cheaper and faster as compared to without technology. People can save time and money while still can communicate with others.

Communication has become faster and easier thanks to technology. Lots of debates have been held over the past few decades about the future of communication and its impact.

Technology has a significant impact on communication, and it is very important for everyone especially students to study its effect and future applications.

7. Expansion of coverage areas

With technology, communication has spread to all parts of the globe, which has made it possible for the whole world to become like a small village.

Now, we can communicate with anyone around the globe in seconds like a village. Technology has removed the distance.

For example, a person in the USA can communicate with a person in China in seconds through mobile phones and emails. This all becomes possible due to advancements in technology.

These were some of the advantages of technology in communication. Now, let’s discuss the disadvantages as well.

Disadvantages of Communication Technology

There are lots of bad effects of technology on communication as well, the following are a few of them.

Technology disadvantages in communication infographic

1. Deteriorating Language

There have been dictionaries, treatises, and books written about the vocabulary and peculiarities of text messaging and online slang.

People who do not speak English natively may find this slang extremely confusing which can make it hard to comprehend.

The habit of texting and chatting online can cause people to use it even in situations where it is inappropriate or out of place. Such as in school essays or business messages.

2. Privacy Issue

Technology in communication lacks privacy which is one of its most obvious disadvantages. Mobile phones can be used as two-way microphones and cameras as well as tracking devices.

Many phones now have GPS tracking capabilities, which can be used to track a person.

Today society is really strange as we constantly have our privacy violated.

Technological advances have made it possible for hackers and others to track, monitor, and spy on people in lots of ways.

As a result of technology, communication has changed and is often done in public or semi-public, which poses a privacy concern.

Due to the fact that email, the Internet, and cell phones do not display the voice and face of the person, it is easy for them to hide behind them. Also, it makes them anonymous from others.

3. Overruling cultures

Internet has created a global village, but some cultures have consumed others as a result. For example, the way people from western countries dress, act, and behave has influenced teens from other parts of the world.

Due to this fact, lots of cultures have vanished.

4. Distraction from Real Life

You may feel lonely and left out if you are sitting next to someone who is engaged in a heated text message conversation.

People who are engrossed in their gadgets can develop tunnel vision when using technology as their primary means of communication.

As a result, thumb talkers may neglect their jobs, neglect their relationships with friends and family and drive dangerously without realizing the bad results.

5. Potential for Misunderstanding

You lose the subtleties of body language and voice inflection when you communicate over the phone, computer, or other gadgets.

A wink or all caps at the end of a jovial text can show the severity of your message, but your words can still be misconstrued. Physical conversations also provide instant clarification.

6. Lose the Art of Conversation

Our society has lost face-to-face conversation due to technology . Getting the point across is as easy as a quick telephone call or text message.

As a result of technology, there are too many distractions that make conversing difficult. By using a phone or computer, you can be completely absorbed in the conversation, which detracts from its quality.

Friends and family are often kept in touch through social media. Face-to-face communication is challenging. A person’s perfume or voice cannot be smelled or heard.

A real, face-to-face conversation can’t be substituted for this type of communication.

Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Communication Technology

Thank you for reading the complete article. As far as the final verdict is concerned, you already know the advantages and disadvantages of technology in communication. It will be wrong to say that technology is only good or only bad for communication as we normally do in conclusion. If we use technology effectively and efficiently, it can be beneficial for our communication. It can be worst as well if we use it in a bad way.

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Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

Rehmat Ullah

Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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The Disadvantages of Technology on Communication

By Laurel Storm

As modern technology grows and advances by leaps and bounds, so too does its effect on our life and society. The impact of technological improvements on communication, in particular, has been extensive and largely positive, helping people keep in touch with each other more effectively and efficiently. However, you need only look at the nearest gaggle of teenagers glued to their cell phones to realize that there are also plenty of downsides from technology's impact on communication.

The Lost Art of Conversation

Technology such as text messages and email allows us to communicate in short, carefully-edited sentences that lack immediacy and completely remove the contextual information provided by tone of voice and body language. As a result, people who connect with others primarily through technology might find it difficult to engage in normal conversation, since they may have issues understanding non-verbal cues due to lack of practice with face-to-face interaction that can't be paused, edited or filtered.

Deteriorating Language

Books, dictionaries and treatises have been written on the vocabulary and peculiarities of online and text messaging slang. This slang can prove extremely confusing for people who are not native English speakers, making it harder to discern the meaning of a sentence; people who regularly text or chat online may end up using it, out of sheer habit, even in situations where it is inappropriate or out of place, such as in business messages or school essays.

Enabling Rudeness

Because communicating through technology creates a barrier between people that isn't there when speaking face to face, some may find it easier to be rude and aggressive. Insulting or threatening messages from anonymous commenters are par for the course for anybody who regularly publishes online content, and even lack of anonymity doesn't alleviate the issue -- Facebook arguments and the like are also relatively common. Sherry Turkle, professor of the social studies of science and technology at MIT, suggests that this happens because technology keeps us from having to see the reaction of the person on the receiving end of the message, making it harder to empathize with him.

Constant Disruption

Technology allows us to always be reachable if we want to be, no matter where we are or what we're doing. Although this can be beneficial, it may also lead to a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety in which people feel pressured to immediately check and answer any incoming messages, emails or phone calls regardless of whether it is appropriate, for fear of being seen as inadequate or inattentive. In turn, this can potentially cause the breakdown of the very same relationships the person is trying to maintain.

  • CNN: We Never Talk Anymore -- The Problem With Text Messaging
  • The Wall Street Journal: Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Nonverbal Cues
  • The Wall Street Journal: Why We Are So Rude Online

Laurel Storm has been writing since 2001, and helping people with technology for far longer than that. Some of her articles have been published in "Messaggero dei Ragazzi", an Italian magazine for teenagers. She holds a Master of Arts in writing for television and new media from the University of Turin.

Impact of Technology on Communication Essay

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Advancement of technology in communication, media technology and online communication, the impacts of mobile phone on communication, reference list.

The realm of technology is ever-changing. New advances in applied science have forever transformed the way people interact. Exploring the impact of technology on communication and debating whether people connect with others differently seems to be the topic of the day.

Technology has allowed people to keep in touch no matter the distance. One is able to communicate 24 hours around the clock, seven days a week, 365 days on an interpersonal level.

What are the real impacts of technology on communication? How do electronics mediate and change the ways in which humans interact? How has the emergence of the Internet, mobile phones, and social networks affected society and businesses?

In order to reveal the importance of technology in communication, the essay tries to find answers to these questions. It explores how everything has changed over the years and discusses the connection between technology and communication.

To begin this examination and find answers to these questions, we begin by defining media and communication and outlining the stages of technological advancement from old age to the present day in the field of communication. The paper will highlight the use of the Internet, newspapers, radio, and other media, but it mostly dwells on the use of mobile telephony.

Communication is “the imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing or using some other medium” (Daniel & Rod, 2011). On the other hand, media is defined as “the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively.”

Technology has changed everything in the modern society. The way we communicate has been revolutionized by the advancement of new innovations in the telecommunication sector. Connecting with other people with ease is more feasible in today’s world, and this is due to speed.

Several centuries ago, books and newspapers reigned as the only choice of communication. Then later, innovators brought the radio and television before innovation was taken a notch higher with the coming of the personal computer (Johnson, 1997, p.3).

With every new innovation, the reliance on books and newspapers as the mass medium of communication continued to reduce. With time, human culture has come to understand the power and the mechanisms involved in technology and invention. In today’s world, information has permeated the cycles of change and development.

The world today, past and present, can be studied at ease with the growing information technology. Technology has advanced with sheer velocity allowing different media to shape our thinking and habits. The people who were born during the television era thought that it was the climax of innovation, but they suddenly found themselves acclimating to a new medium, the World Wide Web.

Every time a new medium rolls out, the perceptions towards the previous media you were used to change (Johnson, 1997 p5). Technology proved to be powerful in the sense that no human being can predict what will change and what won’t with certainty.

The irony of it all is the fact that the influence of technology extends beyond generations to come. It is with no doubt that technology has changed the lives of human beings; information and entertainment are being received in a more convenient way.

The innovation of having a conversation using a device called the telephone changed everything in communication. This became magical, and one couldn’t believe such innovation would exist (Tofts, 1997, p.40).

With the emergence of new media technologies, consumers have been empowered to ‘filter’ the information they want to receive. This allows them to have a choice of which news to watch or what information to listen to (Palmer, 2003, p.161).

Media consumption has been made an engaging experience with marketers studying the preferences of the consumers in order to reflect broader social changes in society. In today’s world, the computer is seen as a multi-purpose machine with work and leisure functions, therefore, creating more value.

The rise of the Internet has also made it possible to have virtual offices where the user can work from home or any convenient location. The flow of information from different media has greatly changed the social structures of society at different levels (Barry, 1999).

Digital media has enabled news and event to be channeled in real-time. The combination of the Internet and commerce has given birth to e-commerce sites providing huge potential for marketers to reach out to virtual communities.

In the world today, there are numerous media screens within our surroundings. This ranges from the television sets in our houses, computer monitors at the office, mobile phones and MP3 players in our pockets and handbag.

Even when shopping or waiting to board a plane, you’re most probably staring at screens with entertainment media (Soukup, 2008, p.5). Heavy marketing has been adopted by producers of mobile technologies targeting consumers who possess mobile phones with picture and video capacity (Goggin, 2006, p.170).

Media texts producers have termed mobile media as a “third screen,” a device that consumers carry around with much ease. Unlike television screens, broader communication networks have been integrated into personal computers and mobile phones (Goggin, 2006, p.9).

Train, buses, and airplanes have been dominated by mobile screens providing passengers with entertainment as well as other media content, especially advertisements (Caron & Carona, 2007, p.17). With a lot of commercial media content, the preferences of people change in their everyday lives.

The world of popular media has become chaotic, with hundreds of television channels to choose from, thousands of songs ready for download, and not forgetting millions of web pages to surf.

The emergence of social media like Facebook and Twitter has enabled people to manage interactions and relationships with many friends. Technologies have impacted interpersonal communication enabling people to interact more often than before.

In addition to reducing the distance between people, online communication with tools like Facebook and Twitter enables people to keep track of their contacts with friends and are more aware of the last time they interacted with them. Online communication now incorporates more than one mode of contact, including text, voice, and body language.

A mobile phone is a device that has always been seen as connecting people who are far apart, thus overcoming the geographical distance between them. The number of mobile phone users has continued to increase substantially. The mobile phone has been integrated as part of people’s lives in the sense that it’s available and easy to use, keeping us connected to our families, friends, and business people (Ling, 2004, p.21-24).

The how and when the way we use our mobile phones impacts our communication not only with those we’re communicating with but also with the people within our proximity. At this point, it is paramount to note the changes that have taken place and that have allowed the adoption of mobile phones. The tremendous proliferation of this device has drastically changed the traditional communication model.

Who are the users of mobile phones, and for what purposes do they use them? Has there been any change in the way mobile phone facilitates communication? How has the face to face interaction been affected by mobile calls? Has mobile communication enhanced relationships?

These are some of the questions that arise when we try to fathom the way communication has affected our personal and professional lives. There are sentiments that mobile phones have reduced humans to emotionless beings.

There is no doubt that the revolution brought about the use of mobile phones in the way we communicate. There have been different perceptions among individuals and social levels in society in regard to mobile usage.

When we had fixed telephone lines that were put in a booth, telephones were seen as business tools only and were placed in a fixed, quiet environment. There was restriction when it came to teenagers using these phones (Agar, 2003). The ‘birth’ of mobile phones brought changes, and phone calls became a habit to many irrespective of age or location.

Today, people can use mobile phones wherever they are in private or in public. People have been addicted to their mobile phones more than any other gadget known to man, with the device remaining on throughout. Its portability enables people to carry it wherever they go (Castells, 1996).

A personal virtual network has been created whereby users can be available at all times to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. The geographical barrier has been destroyed, making people feel close to one another, and the face to face communication has been rendered rather less important with this mediated communication (Richard, 2004, p.22).

Meetings and briefings have become obsolete, with communication being mediated by a computer or a phone. Mobile SMS (short messaging service) service and the Internet has become the preferable communication channels for most teenagers and young people all over the world (Plant, 2000, p.23).

There are places where mobile phones have become taboo devices, places like churches and crucial corporate meetings. At such places, the mobile ring is seen as a nuisance. In other scenarios, it is seen as a destructive device by acting as a third party and especially for dating couples who want to have a private conversation.

Any phone ring is seen as an ‘intruder,’ and this harms the relationship between the partners (Plant, 2000, p.29). In his research, Plant observes that there are those people who use mobile as ’a means of managing privacy where calls are carefully selected’. He categorizes this group of people as ‘hedgehogs.’

The other category is those people who use mobile phones as the key central part of their life. They become so attached to the device and cannot do without it. Plant referred to this group as ‘fox.’ They are regular users who need to feel connected with their families and friend. Their life will be dreadful if they lack the device (2000, p.32).

Telephones have promoted the use of text messaging and modernization since it’s allowing people to communicate more both verbally and by texting in a more convenient and efficient way. SMS has made communication to be more immediate, and users can customize the message at ease with the various applications installed on their mobiles (Richard, 2004, p. 100).

The advanced phones have email support as well as multimedia messages making chatting become a lifestyle for many who conduct business and those initiating intimate communication. It has emerged that SMS has made people become more united.

Users have developed abbreviated messages, which are now universally accepted as an appropriate language. The initial purpose of the phone to make calls has even lost taste with many people, especially the young generation.

According to Reid &Reid, more than 85% of teenagers prefer texting to talking on their mobile usage (Reid & Reid, 2004, p.1). There is ease of communication when it comes to texting in the sense that some formalities are eliminated, making communication more personal.

Texting has helped introverts who may lack the skills to have phone conversations allowing them to express their true self to other people leading to greater understanding and stronger relationships (Reid & Reid, 2004, p.8).

The use of mobile technology has affected the personalities of people to a great extent. Today, more people are hiding their feelings and whereabouts behind mobile phones, and this has raised suspicions among families, friends, and couples.

People go through text messages of others just to find out more about the individual who might even have no clue about what is happening. Contrary to this, most people believe that mobile is so crucial in enhancing the relationship between people no matter the distance and that it bonds us together more than it separates us (Plant, 2000, p.58).

The usage of mobile phones by children and teenagers has changed the way parents bring up their kids. Parenting has really changed as parents try to increase their surveillance and monitor their children’s mobile usage.

Their concern is to know who communicates with their kind and the kind of conversations they normally have. They are worried about the kind of social network the children create in their contact lists.

With the emergence of virtual communities, the influence of mobile phones has spilled over and affects parenting in general. Nonetheless, the primary purpose of mobile phones to facilitate communication has not changed.

There is no doubt that technology has changed the way humans communicate. Great impacts can be seen in the way communication has changed the social structures of our society at all levels. Even in years to come, technology remains the driving force of the way people interact.

The advancement of technology ensures that communication is quicker and that more people remain connected. There has been an evolution in interpersonal skills with the advancement of technology, and users should always be keen on adapting to new ways of communication.

Technology has continually brought new methods of communication leading to the expansion of mediated communication. The reality of having one message shared across a huge audience (mass communication) is now with us. A situation where neither time nor geography can limit the accessibility of information.

We have seen the merging together of newspapers and books with computer technology so that the frequency and ease of reporting information and advertisements can be increased. The exposure of both individuals and society to mediated communication has therefore affected our daily lives, particularly in our culture and the way we communicate.

Agar, J., 2003. Constant Touch: A Global History of the Mobile Phone . Cambridge: Icon Books.

Barry, W., 1999. Networks in the Global Village . Boulder Colo: Westview Press.

Caron, A, & Caronia, L., 2007. Moving cultures: mobile communication in everyday life. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Castells, M., 1996. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Volume 1. The Rise of the Network Society . Oxford: Blackwell.

Daniel, C., & Rod, M., 2011.The Dictionary of Media and Communications . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goggin, G., 2006. Cell phone culture mobile technology in everyday life. New York: Routledge.

Palmer, D., 2003. The Paradox of User Control’. 5 th Annual Digital Arts and Culture Conference (Proceedings), pp.160-164.

Plant, S., 2000. On the Mobile: the effects of mobile telephones on social and individual life . Web.

Postman, N., 1992. Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology . New York: Vintage Books.

Reid, D. J. & Reid F. J. M., 2004. Insights into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging . Web.

Richard, L., 2004. The Mobile Connection: The Cell Phone’s Impact on Society . San Francisco Morgan: Kaufmann.

Soukup, C., 2008. ‘Magic Screens: Everyday Life in an Era of Ubiquitous and Mobile Media Screens’, presented at 94 th annual Convention . San Diego .

Stephen, J., 1997. Interface Culture: How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate . San Francisco: Basic Books.

Tofts, D., 1997. ‘ The technology within’ in memory trade: A Prehistory of Cyberculture, North Ryde: 21C Books.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). Impact of Technology on Communication Essay.

"Impact of Technology on Communication Essay." IvyPanda , 28 Mar. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Impact of Technology on Communication Essay'. 28 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Impact of Technology on Communication Essay." March 28, 2019.

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Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages – Analytical Essay


Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. Here I analyze the advantages and disadvantages of technology

Thesis statement

I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

Analysis of cars on our roads

Cars and other vehicles are now readily available and are technologically advanced enough to be safe for use every day and to work as a reliable tool for getting people and goods from one place to another in a relatively short space of time.

The advantages of cars are that they are safe and that people can get to very specific places as per their own timeline. People do not have to rely on trains or planes in order to get to where they want to go, and they can set off at their own time and arrive when they wish without having to work around a train or plane schedule.

The disadvantage is that all forms of vehicle on our roads are polluting the atmosphere and are slowly killing the earth by adding to greenhouse gasses that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape. Even electric cars are powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels. Car accidents are also a very big killer worldwide and many lives have been lost because of car accidents/incidents.

Analysis of Smartphones

They allow people to stay in touch, even over long distances, and they are relatively safe and reliable to use. There are devices that can communicate with plus at the other end of the planet and getting and keeping in touch with other people is very easy.

The disadvantages to this is that it means people no longer need to meet in person as much, and interpersonal relationships are suffering worldwide because people are communicating through a small handheld device. Lots of people have Smartphones and they use them almost semi-continuously, including in public settings when they could be making new friends, finding new lovers, and talking/interacting with their current friends. Analysis – Fast and efficient Internet access

The advantages are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn’t moderated in the way that people think and a lot of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies.

Even brand-named websites that have a lot of trust are not accountable for what appears on their own websites. Even respected and branded news sites have stories that have passed through many people’s hands and originally started as lies with zero accountability throughout the dissemination process. For example, that is why so many celebrities have been reported as dead on news sites when they were actually alive. Conclusion

My analysis proves that technology is a good thing, and that is has its advantages, but that with each technological element we gain disadvantages as well as advantages, and many times those disadvantages are overlooked by technology users.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Updated 25 October 2023

Subject Technology ,  Communication

Downloads 50

Category Science ,  Sociology

Innovation and Technology in Communication

Innovation has changed almost every aspect of our lives. Technology can be primarily viewed as a collection of techniques, skills, methods, as well as processes that develop or change a culture. Among the various sectors that have been affected by technology, the communication industry has experienced the most changes. Communication has become faster, more comfortable, and reliable with the invention of mobile phones as well as Internet accessibility (van der Vegte 2016). What is more, people can reach a wider audience, including people who live overseas within no time. New methods of communication, such as social media networking and video conferencing have also emerged as a result of the advances in technology. This paper will discuss how technology has improved communication.

Reliability and Speed of Communication

First, technology has made communication more reliable and faster. The availability of cell phones has made it possible for people to send text messages and make phone calls, which are received instantly provided there is a good network. Besides, better phones have been developed, such as Android and smartphones, which can connect to the Internet and send emails or even make video calls (van der Vegte 2016). Before the development of mobile phones, people would communicate through letters, and faxes, which were more prone to human manipulation, unlike texts, emails, and calls. Once a text message is sent, it is often received the way it was written, but letters can be opened and read by unintended recipients, which further breaches privacy. What is more, old means of communication would take time before reaching the recipient and before receiving the feedback. As such, the entire flow of communication was slow and so were the day-to-day activities. Today, messages and emails are reliable ways to conduct international businesses or talk to friends who live overseas. What is more, electronic communication has opened new business opportunities in the global platform.

The Impact of Social Media Networking

Currently, online communication has taken the world by storm since many people are now using social media platforms to network and to make new friends. Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Snap Chat, just to mention a few social media networking sites have millions of users who share all forms of information for various purposes (Duggan et al. 2015). For instance, many people have opened Facebook, and Integral pages, which contain pictures and information regarding their businesses and this attracts new customers both locally and internationally. A significant number of businesses are now using social media to market them, which has proven to be effective. Before social media was invented, it would require businessmen and women to travel to a country where they want to invest in and do a market analysis, but technology has changed this. Nevertheless, most of the social media platforms are used to communicate with strangers or rather make new friends. This has transformed the society as dating sites have become popular and it is easy to find partners online. Moreover, individuals get to interact and know about each other's culture without necessarily being there in person. Social media platforms also enable one to attract as many followers as one would want, which eventually helps the society because it keeps people updated on the events happening all around the world (Jensen 2002).

Sharing Information with a Larger Audience

Technology has also changed communication in the sense that one can now share information with a large audience at a go. Online communication, such as through video conferencing has become more reliable especially in the corporate world. Video conferencing includes sharing of sound or video information between at least two individuals over an Internet through video conferencing programming. A video conference is more efficient than a telephone call since it is visual and it enables you someone to see the outward appearances/facial expression and the non-verbal communication of the other party (Lee 2012). The education sector has also benefitted from online communication, and most people are now taking online classes while at the same time, working. In workplaces, online communication through emails can is faster, easier, and one email can be sent to all the workers.

Information Overload

Even though technology has improved communication in many ways, it hinders effective communication by causing information overload. Information overload also known as intoxication or in obesity occurs when there is too much information making it difficult for a person to understand an issue and make a decision (Soucek, and Moser, 2010). As information that we receive has increased in our lives today, we find ourselves stressed due to the pressure, distractions and interruptions brought about by this information, and this hinders how we make our decisions.

Overall, technology has improved communication in various ways. First, with the invention of mobile phones, communication has become more reliable and faster since people can send texts and make calls which are received instantly. Besides, new forms of communication, such as social networking have developed as a result of technological advancements, and they improve the communication circle both locally and internationally. With technological improvements, one can also communicate with a larger audience. However, the main drawback regarding technology on communication is that it has resulted in information overload.

Duggan, M., Ellison, N.B., Lampe, C., Lenhart, A. and Madden, M., 2015. Social Media Update 2014. Pew Research Center, January 2015.

Jensen, K., 2002. The social origins and uses of media and communication research. Handbook of media and communications research: qualitative and quantitative methodologies, pp.273-293.

Lee, E.A. and Messerschmitt, D.G., 2012. Digital communication. Springer Science " Business Media.

Soucek, R. and Moser, K., 2010. Coping with information overload in email communication: Evaluation of a training intervention. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), pp.1458-1466.

van der Vegte, W.F., 2016, August. Taking Advantage of Data Generated by Products: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges. In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (pp. V01BT02A025-V01BT02A025). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Impact of Technology on the Communication

Introduction, social networks, relationships altered, globalization due to the internet, works cited.

Communication technology happens to be the main breakthrough in the contemporary world of technology. Millions of people are connected via the Internet without even leaving their houses. This presents splendid opportunities for people to make foreign friends, develop businesses, and take part in globalization. The paper is going to unveil the main opportunities and the disadvantages presented by communication technologies. The communication in front of a computer makes it easier to trespass geographical boundaries and benefit economically while joys of social face-to-face communication become a reality of the past for contemporary youth which damages the social environment greatly.

Social networks nowadays are the main means for the youth to communicate, make friends, exchange information, and most importantly have their life tracked down online. While communication has long been limited to house boundaries (the development of phone cable connection), the Internet now gives an opportunity to showcase the personal life of an individual which significantly changes the social norms. While several decades ago it was somewhat improperly to expose one’s personal life, today the revealing pictures are not a surprise within the social networks. Moreover, this makes friends take another attitude towards friendship and communication. While a decade ago it was a common tradition to go out in the evening, come over to a friend’s house, or just talk about the problems bugging, today the social network status is enough to upgrade on the events in your life.

As such, the relationships between couples have to be elaborated on within the scope of contemporary communication technologies. People stopped going out as frequently as it was before – the dating websites have taken over largely (Tarbox 27). The invasion of online dating agencies has a great impact on people’s personal life. The couples do not get to have first eye contact and talk during the first meeting. They sit by their computer and talk to someone you do not even know the real name of. Teenagers use and frequently abuse modern technologies while parents often have no idea of the current problem because of the generation gap problem. Very often the experience that can be got due to real-life chats can be much richer than talking to a friend online. The non –verbal communication skills are lost, whereas a teenager will need to use those one day (Bast 57).

Globalization has been a great push for all countries all over the world to keep up to the high standards of education (Echezona et al., 078). This is a great opportunity for people to get abroad, for example, and study there for future higher goals setting. This is what globalization is all about – the economical growth of the entire country and its separately taken citizens. This way not only labor-seeking migration is exercised; new opportunities become available for people who want and are able to keep up to high global standards. An Internet connection makes it possible to exercise free research, phone calls, and more beneficial results for the seeker.

In conclusion, it must be said that communication technologies are changing social environments greatly. The teenagers – the most active participants – are altering the social norms currently. This is going to be a social communication revolution when there will be no need to leave the house except for groceries supplies. Communication online expands geographical boundaries but lacks personal contact that making it impossible to notice different hidden meanings through non-verbal communication.

Bast, Donna, S. Teens and Computers…What’s a Parent to Do?: A Basic Guide to Social Networking, Instant Messaging, Chat, Email, Computer Set-up and More. New York: BookSurge Publishing, 2007. Print.

Echezona, Rachel. “Globalization, information revolution and Higher Education in Nigeria: The challenging roles of Library Professionals.” International Journal of Library and Information Science 1.6 (2009): 074-081.

Tarbox, Katherine. A Girl’s Life Online. London: Plume, 2004. Print.

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IELTS Blog & IELTS Mock Test

Ielts exam preparation for a higher band score., ielts essay – impact of technology on communication.

IELTS Essay:

Topic: Impact of technology on communication. (Advantages & Disadvantages).

Sample Answer: It is a true fact to consider that in the present day the world has become a global village. As a result technology has main impact to the contemporary world. Considering this, some analysts consider the positive impacts of technology on our communication while others shows the negative aspects of it. However, there are some pros and cons behind implementation of said proposal.

There are some significant advantages of the influences of technology on communication and time saving could be a significant fact to be considered. It is generally seen that few decades ago people used to send letters to exchange a few words and ideas with others and waited a long time to get reply from them. However, as the development of technology people use modern equipment for communication to each other. For example, telephone, mobile phones, internet and e-mails etc.  Moreover, building relationship easily and across the boundary with each other may be another merit of the technological advancement. Therefore, people are not getting alone anymore because closed families and friends get chance to find out their loved ones.

Despite, the advantages pointed out above regarding immense benefit of communication, there are some disadvantages that cannot be neglected without any careful consideration. Unstable cyber relationships could be a detrimental fact. It may be defined as that nowadays social media has brought people together and made new relationships possible. As result some relationships led to many crimes For instance, internet frauds, lying deceiving have become very common nowadays.

In the end, undoubtedly, whether communication is good or bad to the society is a matter of discussion; however, as far as I am concern communication has enormous benefits to the contemporary world and it outweighs certain drawbacks. The way we live our life could not have been possible without the blessing of the modern technology and communications.

[ Written by – Thilini Shani ]

4 thoughts on “ IELTS Essay – Impact of technology on communication ”

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Essay on the Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

How it works

The advent and evolution of technology have brought about profound changes in society, impacting almost every aspect of modern life. While technology has yielded numerous benefits, it has also introduced several challenges and concerns. This essay explores both the positive and negative effects of technology on various facets of human life.

On the positive side, technology has revolutionized communication, making it easier, faster, and more efficient. With the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile communication, people can connect with others across the globe instantly.

This has facilitated not just personal communication but also broadened the scope for global business and educational opportunities. Additionally, technology has significantly advanced healthcare, leading to improved diagnostics, treatments, and increased life expectancy. The accessibility of information and digital resources has also enhanced education and learning processes, making knowledge more accessible to a wider audience.

Another positive impact of technology is seen in the realm of productivity and efficiency. Automation and digital tools have streamlined various processes in industries, reducing manual labor and enhancing precision. This has led to increased productivity and innovation, contributing to economic growth and development. Moreover, technology has played a critical role in advancing research and development across various fields, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

However, the negative effects of technology are equally significant. One of the primary concerns is the impact on mental health and well-being. The overuse of digital devices and social media has been linked to issues like anxiety, depression, and social isolation, especially among younger populations. Additionally, the digital divide and access to technology remain significant challenges, leading to disparities in information access and technological benefits.

Another downside of technology is the threat to privacy and security. With the increasing amount of personal data being shared online, individuals are more susceptible to privacy breaches, identity theft, and cybercrimes. Furthermore, the reliance on technology has led to concerns over job displacement due to automation, raising questions about the future of work and employment stability.

Environmental concerns are also associated with technology. The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental degradation and e-waste, posing challenges for sustainable development. Additionally, the energy consumption required to power digital infrastructures has implications for global energy resources and climate change.

In conclusion, technology has a dual impact on society, offering numerous benefits in terms of communication, healthcare, education, and productivity, while also presenting challenges related to mental health, privacy, job security, and environmental sustainability. Balancing these positive and negative aspects is crucial for harnessing the potential of technology in a way that benefits society as a whole.


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  • Experts Predict More Digital Innovation by 2030 Aimed at Enhancing Democracy
  • 5. Tech causes more problems than it solves

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  • 2. Tech is (just) a tool
  • 3. Power dynamics play a key role in problems and innovation
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  • 6. The net effects in 10 years will be negligible
  • About this canvassing of experts
  • Acknowledgments

A number of respondents to this canvassing about the likely future of social and civic innovation shared concerns. Some said that technology causes more problems than it solves. Some said it is likely that emerging worries over the impact of digital life will be at least somewhat mitigated as humans adapt. Some said it is possible that any remedies may create a new set of challenges. Others said humans’ uses and abuses of digital technologies are causing societal harms that are not likely to be overcome.

The following comments were selected from among all responses, regardless of an expert’s answer to this canvassing’s main question about the impact of people’s uses of technology. Some of these remarks of concern happen to also include comments about innovations that may emerge. Concerns are organized under four subthemes: Something is rotten in the state of technology; technology use often disconnects or hollows out a community; society needs to catch up and better address the threats and opportunities of tech; and despite current trends, there is reason to hope for better days.

The chapter begins with some overview insights:

Larry Masinter , internet pioneer, formerly with Adobe, AT&T Labs and Xerox PARC, who helped create internet and web standards with IETF and W3C, said, “Technology and social innovation intended to overcome the negatives of the digital age will likely cause additional negative consequences. Examples include: the decentralized web, end-to-end encryption, AI and machine learning, social media.”

James Mickens , associate professor of computer science at Harvard University, formerly with Microsoft, commented, “Technology will obviously result in ‘civic innovation.’ The real question is whether the ‘innovation’ will result in better societal outcomes. For example, the gig economy is enabled by technology; technology finds buyers for workers and their services. However, given the choice between an economy with many gig workers and an economy with an equivalent number of traditional middle-class jobs, I think that most people would prefer the latter.”

Michael Aisenberg , chair, ABA Information Security Committee, wrote, “Misappreciation of limits and genesis of, e.g., AI/machine learning will produce widely disparate results in deployment of tech innovations. Some will be dramatically beneficial; some may enable abuse of law enforcement, economic systems and other fundamental civic institutions and lead to exacerbation of gaps between tech controllers/users and underserved/under- or mis-skilled populations (‘digital divide’) in what may be a significant (embed limitations on career/economic advancement) or even life-threatening (de facto health care or health procedure rationing) manner.”

The problem is that we are becoming more and more dependent on machines and hence more susceptible to bugs and system failures. Yaakov J. Stein Yaakov J. Stein

Peter Lunenfeld , a professor of design, media arts and digital humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles, and author of “Tales of the Computer as Culture Machine,” predicted, “We will use technology to solve the problems the use of technology creates, but the new fixes will bring new issues. Every design solution creates a new design problem, and so it is with the ways we have built our global networks. Highly technological societies have to be iterative if they hope to compete, and I think that societies that have experienced democracy will move to curb the slide to authoritarianism that social media has accelerated. Those curbs will bring about their own unintended consequences, however, which will start the cycle anew.”

Yaakov J. Stein , chief technology officer of RAD Data Communications, based in Israel, responded, “The problem with AI and machine learning is not the sci-fi scenario of AI taking over the world and not needing inferior humans. The problem is that we are becoming more and more dependent on machines and hence more susceptible to bugs and system failures. This is hardly a new phenomenon – once a major part of schooling was devoted to, e.g., penmanship and mental arithmetic, which have been superseded by technical means. But with the tremendous growth in the amount of information, education is more focused on how to retrieve required information rather than remembering things, resulting not only in less actual storage but less depth of knowledge and the lack of ability to make connections between disparate bits of information, which is the basis of creativity. However, in the past humankind has always developed a more-advanced technology to overcome limitations of whatever technology was current, and there is no reason to believe that it will be different this time.”

A vice president for research and economic development wrote, “The problems we see now are caused by technology, and any new technological fixes we create will inevitably cause NEW social and political problems. Attempts to police the web will cause freedom of speech conflicts, for example.”

Something is rotten in the state of technology

A large share of these experts say among the leading concerns about today’s technology platforms are the ways in which they are exploited by bad actors who spread misinformation; and the privacy issues arising out of the business model behind the systems.

Misinformation – pervasive, potent, problematic

Numerous experts described misinformation and fake news as a serious issue in digital spaces. They expressed concern over how users will sort through fact and fiction in the coming decade.

Stephanie Fierman , partner, Futureproof Strategies, said, “I believe technology will meaningfully accelerate social and civic innovation. It’s cheap, fast and able to reach huge audiences. But as long as false information is enabled by very large websites, such social and civic innovators will be shadow boxing with people, governments, organizations purposely countering truthful content with lies.”

Sam Lehman-Wilzig , a professor of communications at Bar-Ilan University specializing in Israeli politics and the impact of technological evolution, wrote, “The biggest advance will be the use of artificial intelligence to fight disinformation, deepfakes and the like. There will be an AI ‘arms race’ between those spreading disinformation and those fighting/preventing it. Overall, I see the latter gaining the upper hand.”

Greg Shatan , a lawyer with Moses & Singer LLP and self-described “internet governance wonk,” predicted, “I see success, enabled by technology, as likely. I think it will take technology to make technology more useful and more meaningful. Many of us pride ourselves on having a ‘BS-meter,’ where we believe we can tell honestly delivered information from fake news and disinformation. The instinctual BS-meter is not enough. The next version of the ‘BS-meter’ will need to be technologically based. The tricks of misinformation have far outstripped the ability of people to reliably tell whether they are receiving BS or not – not to mention that it requires a constant state of vigilance that’s exhausting to maintain. I think that the ability and usefulness of the web to enable positive grassroots civic communication will be harnessed, moving beyond mailing lists and fairly static one-way websites. Could there be ‘Slack for Community Self-Governance?’ If not that platform, perhaps something new and aimed specifically at these tasks and needs.”

Oscar Gandy , a professor emeritus of communication at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Corporate actors will make use of technology to weaken the possibility for improvements in social and civic relationships. I am particularly concerned about the use of technology in the communications realm in order to increase the power of strategic or manipulative communications to shape the engagement of members of the public with key actors within a variety of governance relationships.”

An expert in the ethics of autonomous systems based in Europe responded, “Fake news is more and more used to manipulate a person’s opinion. This war of information is becoming so important that it can influence democracy and the opinion of people before the vote in an election for instance. Some AI tools can be developed to automatically recognize fake news, but such tools can be used in turn in the same manner to enhance the belief in some false information.”

A research leader for a U.S. federal agency wrote, “At this point in time, I don’t know how we will reduce the spread of misinformation (unknowing/individual-level) and disinformation (nefarious/group-level), but I hope that we can.”

A retired information science professional commented, “Dream on, if you think that you can equate positive change with everybody yelling and those with the most clout (i.e., power and money) using their power to see their agendas succeed. Minority views will always be that, a minority. At present and in the near future the elites manipulate and control.”

A research scientist for a major technology company whose expertise is technology design said, “We have already begun to see increased protections around personal privacy. At present, it is less clear how we might avoid the deliberate misuse of news or news-like content to manipulate political opinions or outcomes, but this does not seem impossible. The trick will be avoiding government censorship and maintaining a rich, vigorous exchange of opinions.”

Privacy issues will continue to be a hot button topic

Multiple experts see a growing need for privacy to be addressed in online spaces.

Ayden Férdeline , technology policy fellow at the Mozilla Foundation, responded, “Imagine if everyone on our planet was naked, without any clear options for obtaining privacy technology (clothing). It would not make sense to ask people what they’d pay or trade to get this technology. This is a ‘build it and they will come’ kind of scenario. We’re now on the verge, as a society, of appropriately recognizing the need to respect privacy in our Web 2.0 world, and we are designing tools and rules accordingly. Back in 1992, had you asked people if they’d want a free and open internet, or a graphical browser with a walled garden of content, most would have said they prefer AOL. What society needed was not AOL but something different. We are in a similar situation now with privacy; we’re finally starting to grasp its necessity and importance.”

We’re now on the verge, as a society, of appropriately recognizing the need to respect privacy in our Web 2.0 world, and we are designing tools and rules accordingly. Ayden Férdeline Ayden Férdeline

Graham Norris , a business psychologist with expertise in the future of work, said, “Privacy no longer exists, and yet the concept of privacy still dominates social-policy debates. The real issue is autonomy of the individual. I should own my digital identity, the online expression of myself, not the corporations and governments that collect my interactions in order to channel my behaviour. Approaches to questions of ownership of digital identity cannot shift until the realization occurs that autonomy is the central question, not privacy. Nothing currently visible suggests that shift will take place.”

Eduardo Villanueva-Mansilla , an associate professor of communications at Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Peru, and editor of the Journal of Community Informatics, wrote, “I’m trying to be optimistic, by leaving some room to innovative initiatives from civic society actors. However, I don’t see this as necessarily happening; the pressure from global firms will probably too much to deal with.”

An international policy adviser on the internet and development based in Africa commented, “Technology is creating and will continue to evolve and increase the impact of social and civic innovation. With technology we will see new accountability tools and platforms to raise voices to counter societal ills, be it in leadership, business and other faculties. We must however be careful so that these innovations themselves are not used to negatively impact end users, such issues like privacy and use of data must be taken on in a way that users are protected and not exposed to cybercrime and data breaches that so often occur now.”

Jamie Grady , a business leader, wrote, “As technology companies become more scrutinized by the media and government, changes – particularly in privacy rights – will change. People will learn of these changes through social media as they do now.”

Technology use often disconnects or hollows out community

Some respondents commented on rising problems with a loss of community and the need for more-organic, in-person, human-to-human connection and the impact of digital distancing.

Jonathan Grudin , principal researcher at Microsoft, commented, “Social and civic activity will continue to change in response to technology use, but will it change its trajectory? Realignments following the Industrial Revolution resulted from the formation of new face-to-face communities, including union chapters, community service groups such as Rotary Club and League of Women Voters, church groups, bridge clubs, bowling leagues and so on. Our species is designed to thrive in modest-sized collocated communities, where everyone plays a valued part. Most primates become vulnerable and anxious when not surrounded by their band or troop. Digital media are eroding a sense of community everywhere we look. Can our fundamental human need for close community be restored or will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?”

Rebecca Theobald , an assistant research professor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, said, “Technology seems to be driving people apart, which would lead to fewer connections in society.”

The program director of a university-based informatics institute said, “There is still a widening gap between rural and urban as well as digital ‘haves’ and ‘have nots.’ As well, the ability to interact in a forum in which all members of society have a voice is diminishing as those with technology move faster in the digital forums than the non-tech segment of the population that use non-digital discourse (interpersonal). The idea of social fabric in a neighborhood and neighborly interactions is diminishing. Most people want innovation – it is the speed of change that creates divisions.”

An infrastructure architect and internet pioneer wrote, “The kind of social innovation required to resolve the problems caused by our current technologies relies on a movement back toward individual responsibility and a specific willingness to engage in community. As both of these work against the aims of the corporate and political elite as they exist today, there is little likelihood these kinds of social innovations are going to take place. The family and church, for instance, which must be the core institutions in any rebuilding of a culture that can teach the kind of personal responsibility required, were both hollowed out in the last few decades. The remaining outward structures are being destroyed. There is little hope either families or churches will recover without a major societal event of some sort, and it will likely take at least one generation for them to rebuild. The church could take on the task of helping rebuild families, but it is too captured in attempts to grow ever larger, and consume or ape our strongly individualistic culture, rather than standing against it.”

Angela Campbell , a professor of law and co-director of the Institute for Public Representation at Georgetown University, responded, “I think there will be efforts to address the social and civic impacts of technology but they may not be sufficient. In particular, I am concerned about the impact of overuse or over-reliance on technology with respect to children and teens. I am concerned about the safety of children online, not just from predators but from peers (bullying). Overuse may also contribute to physical maladies such as obesity, bad posture, eye problems, ADHD, insufficient sleep and even addiction. While technology can help to educate older children (not preschoolers who need to interact with humans and objects), it needs to be selected [and] used carefully and should not subject children to commercialism or invade their privacy. My other major concerns are job loss and discrimination. It seems inevitable that many jobs will be eliminated by technology, and while technologies may generate new jobs, I suspect there will be fewer jobs, and those that remain will require certain skills. It will be important, and difficult, to ensure that everyone is able to have employment and to make enough to live at a reasonable level. As competition for jobs increases, I am also worried about how big data allows hidden discrimination in education, health and employment.”

A researcher based in North America predicted a reining in of the digital in favor of the personal: “Between email and phones, I think we’re close to peak screen time, a waste of time, and it’s ruining our eyes. Just as we have forsaken our landlines, stopped writing letters, don’t answer our cellphones, a concept of an average daily digital budget will develop, just as we have a concept of average daily caloric intake. We’ll have warning labels that rate content against recommended daily allowances of different types of content that have been tested to be good for our mental health and socialization, moderately good, bad, and awful – the bacon of digital media. And people who engage too much will be in rehab, denied child custody and unemployable. Communities, residences and vacation areas will promote digital-free, mindfulness zones – just as they have quiet cars on the train.”

Society needs to catch up and better address the threats and opportunities of tech

Some of these experts said that the accelerating technological change of the digital age is making it difficult for humans to keep up and respond to emerging challenges.

A chair of political science based in the American South commented, “Technology always creates two new problems for every one it solves. At some point, humans’ cognitive and cooperative capacities – largely hard-wired into their brains by millennia of evolution – can’t keep up. Human technology probably overran human coping mechanisms sometime in the later 19th century. The rest is history.”

There is a gap between the rate at which technology develops and the rate at which society develops. We need to take care not to fall into that gap. Louisa Heinrich Louisa Heinrich

Larry Rosen , a professor emeritus of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, known as an international expert on the psychology of technology, wrote, “I would like to believe that we, as citizens, will aid in innovation. Smart people are already working on many social issues, but the problem is that while society is slow to move, tech moves at lightning speed. I worry that solutions will come after the tech has either been integrated or rejected.”

Louisa Heinrich , a futurist and consultant expert in data and the Internet of Things, said, “There is a gap between the rate at which technology develops and the rate at which society develops. We need to take care not to fall into that gap. I hope we will see a shift in governance toward framework-based regulation, which will help mitigate the gap between the pace of change in technology and that in government. At the very least, we need to understand the ways in which technology can extend or undermine the rules and guidelines we set for our businesses, workplaces, public spaces and interactions. To name just one common example, recruitment professionals routinely turn to Facebook as a source of information on prospective employees. This arguably violates a number of regulations designed to protect people from being denied work based on personal details not relevant to that work. How do we unravel this conundrum, bearing in mind that there will always be another social network, another digital source to mine for information about people? Taken from another angle, there is a significant gap between what users understand about certain bits of technology and the risks they take using them. How can we educate people about these risks in a way that encourages participation and co-creation, rather than passivity? As the so-called Gen Z comes of age, we will see a whole generation of young adults who are politically engaged at a level not seen in several generations, who are also native users of technology tools. This could bring about a positive revolution in the way technology is used to facilitate civic engagement and mutually empower and assist citizens and government. Technology provides us with powerful tools that can help us advance socially and civically, but these tools need to be thoughtfully and carefully put to use – when we encode barriers and biases into the applications that people need to use in daily life, whether intentionally or no, we may exclude whole segments of society from experiencing positive outcomes. We are living through a time of rapid and radical change – as always, the early stages feel uncomfortable and chaotic. But we can already see the same tools that have been used to mislead citizens being used to educate, organise, motivate and empower them. What’s needed is a collective desire to prioritise and incentivise this. New Zealand is leading the way with the world’s first ‘well-being’ budget.”

Bulbul Gupta , founding adviser at Socos Labs, a think tank designing artificial intelligence to maximize human potential, responded, “Until government policies, regulators, can keep up with the speed of technology and AI, there is an inherent imbalance of power between technology’s potential to contribute to social and civic innovation and its execution in being used this way. If technology and AI can make decisions about people in milliseconds that can prevent their full social or civic engagement, the incentive structures to be used toward mitigating the problems of the digital age cannot then be solved by technology.”

Gene Policinski , a journalist and First Amendment law expert at the Freedom Forum Institute, observed, “We forget how new the ‘tech revolution’ really is. As we move forward in the next decade, the public’s awareness of the possibilities inherent in social and civic innovation, the creativity of the tech world working with the public sector and public acceptance of new methods of participation in democratic processes will begin to drown out and eventually will surpass the initial problems and missteps.”

Gabriel Kahn , former bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal, now a professor of journalism researching innovation economics in emerging media at the University of Southern California, wrote, “We are not facing a ‘Terminator’-like scenario. Nor are we facing a tech-driven social utopia. Humans are catching up and understanding the pernicious impact of technology and how to mitigate it.”

Kathee Brewer , director of content at CANN Media Group, predicted, “Much like society developed solutions to the challenges brought about by the Industrial Revolution, society will find solutions to the challenges of the Digital Revolution. Whether that will happen by 2030 is up for debate. Change occurs much more rapidly in the digital age than it did at the turn of the 20th century, and for society to solve its problems it must catch up to them first. AND people, including self-interested politicians, must be willing to change. Groups like the Mozilla Foundation already are working on solutions to invasions of privacy. That work will continue. The U.S. government probably won’t make any major changes to the digital elections framework until after the 2020 election, but changes will be made. Sadly, those changes probably will result from some nastiness that develops due to voters of all persuasions being unwilling to accept electoral results, whatever the results may be.”

Valerie Bock of VCB Consulting, former Technical Services Lead at Q2 Learning, responded, “I think our cultures are in the process of adapting to the power our technologies wield, and that we will have developed some communal wisdom around how to evaluate new ones. There are some challenges, but because ordinary citizens have become aware that images can be ‘photoshopped’ the awareness that video can be ‘deepfaked’ is more quickly spreading. Cultural norms as well as technologies will continue to evolve to help people to apply more informed critiques to the messages they are given.”

Bach Avezdjanov , a program officer with Columbia University’s Global Freedom of Expression project, said, “Technological development – being driven by the Silicon Valley theory of uncontrolled growth – will continue to outpace civic and social innovation. The latter needs to happen in tandem with technological innovation, but instead plays catch-up. This will not change in the future, unless political will to heavily regulate digital tools is introduced – an unlikely occurrence.”

A computing science professor emeritus from a top U.S. technological university commented, “Social/civic innovation will occur but most likely lag well behind technological innovation. For example, face-recognition technology will spread and be used by businesses at a faster pace than social and legal norms can develop to protect citizens from any negative effects of that technology. This technology will spread quickly, due to its various positives (increased efficiencies, conveniences and generation of profits in the marketplace) while its negatives will most likely not be countered effectively through thoughtful legislation. Past Supreme Court decisions (such as treating corporations as persons, WRT unlimited funding of political candidates, along with excessive privacy of PACs) have already undermined U.S. democracy. Current populist backlashes, against the corruption of the Trump government, may also undermine democracy, such as the proposed Elizabeth Warren tax, being not on profits, but upon passive wealth itself – a tax on non-revenue-producing illiquid assets (whose valuation is highly subjective), as in her statement to ‘tax the jewelry of the rich’ at 2% annually. Illiquid assets include great private libraries, great private collections of art, antiques, coins, etc. – constituting an assault on the private sector, that if successful, will weaken democracy by strengthening the confiscatory power of government. We could swing from current excesses of the right to future excesses of the left.”

Despite current trends, there is reason to hope for better days

Many of the experts in this canvassing see a complicated and difficult road ahead, but express hope for the future.

Cheryl B. Preston , an expert in internet law and professor at Brigham Young University Law School, said, “Innovation will bring risk. Change will bring pain. Learning will bring challenges. Potential profits will bring abuse. But, as was the decision of Eve in the Garden of Eden, we need to leave the comfortable to learn and improve. If we can, by more informed voting, reduce the corruption in governmental entities and control corporate abuse, we can overcome difficulties and advance as a society. These advances will ultimately bring improvement to individuals and families.”

John Carr , a leading global expert on young people’s use of digital technologies, a former vice president of MySpace, commented, “I know of no proof for the notion that more people simply knowing more stuff, even stuff that is certifiably factually accurate, will necessarily lead to better outcomes for societies. But I do harbour a hope that if, over time, we can establish the idea that there are places on the internet that are reliable sources of information, it will in the medium to longer term help enough people in enough countries to challenge local demagogues and liars, making it harder for the demagogues and liars to succeed, particularly in times of national crisis or in times when war might be on the visible horizon. I used to think that if the internet had been around another Hitler would be impossible. Recently I have had a wobble on that but my optimism ‘trumps’ that gloomy view.”

Mike Douglass , an independent developer, wrote, “There is a significant realization that a stampede to create connections between anonymous people and devices was a bad idea. It’s up to the technologists and – more importantly – those who want to make money out of technology – to come up with a more measured approach. There’s a reason why gentlemen obtained letter of introduction to other gentlemen – one shouldn’t trust some random individual turning up on your doorstep. We need the equivalent approach. I’ve no idea what new innovations might turn up. But if we don’t get the trust/privacy/security model right we’ll end up with more social media disasters.”

Hume Winzar , an associate professor and director of the business analytics undergraduate program at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, predicted, “With more hope than evidence, I’d like to think that reason will eventually overcome the extraordinary propaganda machines that are being built. When the educated upper-middle classes realise that the ‘system’ is no longer serving them, then legal and institutional changes will be necessary. That is, only when the managers who are driving the propaganda machine(s) start to feel that they, personally, are losing privacy, autonomy, money and their children’s future, then they will need to undermine the efforts of corporate owners and government bureaucrats and officials.”

Carolyn Heinrich , a professor of education and public policy at Vanderbilt University, said, “My hope (not belief) is that the ‘techlash’ will help to spur social and civic innovations that can combat the negative effects of our digitization of society. Oftentimes, I think the technology developers create their products with one ideal in mind of how they will be used, overlooking that technology can be adapted and used in unintended and harmful ways. We have found this in our study of educational technology in schools. The developers of digital tools envision them as being used in classrooms in ‘blended’ ways with live instructors who work with the students to help customize instruction to their needs. Unfortunately, more often than not, we have seen the digital tools used as substitutes for higher-quality, live instruction and have observed how that contributes to student disengagement from learning. We have also found some of the content lacking in cultural relevance and responsiveness. If left unchecked, this could be harmful for far larger numbers of students exposed to these digital instructional programs in all 50 states. But if we can spur vendors to improve the content, those improvements can also extend to large numbers of students. We have our work cut out for us!”

In the field I follow, artificial intelligence, the numbers of professionals who take seriously the problems that arise as a consequence of this technology are reassuring. Pamela McCorduck Pamela McCorduck

Heywood Sloane , entrepreneur and banking and securities consultant, wrote, “I’m hopeful the it will be a positive contributor. It has the ability to alter the way we relate to our environment in ways that shrink the distances between people and help us exercise control over our personal and social spaces. We are making substantial progress, and 5G technology will accelerate that. On the flip side, we need to find mechanisms and processes to protect our data and ourselves. They need to be strong, economic and simple to deploy and use. That is going to be a challenge.”

Pamela McCorduck , writer, consultant and author of several books, including “Machines Who Think,” commented, “I am heartened by the number of organizations that have formed to enhance social and civic organization through technology. In the field I follow, artificial intelligence, the numbers of professionals who take seriously the problems that arise as a consequence of this technology are reassuring. Will they all succeed? Of course not. We will not get it right the first time. But eventually, I hope.”

Yoshihiko Nakamura , a professor of mechno-informatics at the University of Tokyo, observed, “The current information and communication technology loses diversity because it is still insufficient to enhance the affectivity or emotion side of societies. In this sense I can see the negative side of current technology to human society. However, I have a hope that we can invent uses of technology to enhance the weaker side and develop tomorrow’s technology. The focus should be on the education of society in the liberal arts.”

Ryan Sweeney , director of analytics at Ignite Social Media, commented, “In order to survive as a functioning society, we need social and civic innovation to match our use of technology. Jobs and job requirements are changing as a result of technology. Automation is increasing across a multitude of industries. Identifying how we protect citizens from these changes and help them adapt will be instrumental in building happiness and well-being.”

Miles Fidelman , founder, Center for Civic Networking and principal Protocol Technologies Group, responded, “We can see clear evidence that the internet is enabling new connections, across traditional boundaries – for the flow of information, culture and commerce. It is strengthening some traditional institutions (e.g., ties between geographically distributed family members) and weakening others (e.g., the press). Perhaps the most notable innovation is that of ad hoc, network-centric organizations – be they global project teams, or crisis response efforts. How much of this innovation will make things better, how much it will hurt us, remains an open question.”

A technology developer active in IETF said, “I hope mechanisms will evolve to exploit the advantages of new tech and mitigate the problems. I want to be optimistic, but I am far from confident.”

A renowned professor of sociology known for her research into online communications and digital literacies observed, “New groups expose the error of false equivalence and continue to challenge humans to evolve into our pre-frontal cortex. I guess I am optimistic because the downside is pretty terrible to imagine. It’s like E.O. Wilson said: ‘The real problem of humanity is the following: We have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.’”

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Essays on Disadvantages of Technology

It's time to shake things up and explore the world of Disadvantages of Technology. This topic is not only relevant in today's society but also sparks interesting discussions and debates. Whether you're writing an argumentative, cause and effect, opinion, or informative essay, the Disadvantages of Technology offers a wide range of essay topics to explore.

When choosing a topic for your essay on the Disadvantages of Technology, consider the impact it has on our daily lives, the potential dangers it poses, and the ethical dilemmas it raises. For an argumentative essay, you could explore topics such as the negative effects of social media on mental health, the impact of technology on job loss, or the dangers of excessive screen time. If you're interested in writing a cause-and-effect essay, you might consider topics such as the relationship between technology and obesity, the impact of technology on interpersonal relationships, or the environmental consequences of electronic waste. For an opinion essay, you could tackle topics such as whether technology is making us more or less productive, whether children should have access to smartphones, or whether technology is making us more or less connected. Finally, for an informative essay, you could delve into topics such as the history of technological advancements, the impact of technology on education, or the future of artificial intelligence.

For your essay on the Disadvantages of Technology, a strong thesis statement is crucial. Examples could include "The overreliance on technology is leading to a decline in critical thinking skills," "The constant use of smartphones is negatively impacting our mental health," or "The rapid advancement of technology is creating a digital divide in society."

When it comes to writing an , consider starting with a thought-provoking question or statistic to grab the reader's attention. For example, "Did you know that the average person spends over 4 hours a day on their smartphone?" or "What if I told you that technology is making us more disconnected than ever?" Your should summarize the key points of your essay and leave the reader with a final thought or call to action. For instance, "As we navigate the complexities of a technology-driven world, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks and strive for a healthy balance between technology and human connection".

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Advantages and Disadvantages of The Way Technology Has Changed The World

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The Drawbacks Caused by The Proliferation of Social Networking Sites

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disadvantages of technology in communication essay

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Disadvantages of New Technology in Communication Argumentative Essay

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of CT

The impact of ct on private and public life, current developments in ct, relevant legislation, • freedom of information act.

  • A legal right for each person to access information held by public bodies and government departments.
  • A legal right for each person to have official information relating to themselves amended where it is incomplete, incorrect, or misleading.
  • A legal right to obtain reasons for the decisions made affecting himself/herself.

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• health & safety legislation.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Students are often asked to write an essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology


Modern technology is a crucial part of our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages which we will explore.

Firstly, technology makes our life easier. For example, we can communicate with others instantly. Secondly, it provides endless entertainment options. Lastly, it’s a great tool for education.


However, there are downsides. Over-reliance on technology can lead to less physical activity. Additionally, it can cause social isolation. Lastly, it can be a distraction from studies.

In conclusion, while technology has its benefits, it’s important to use it wisely to avoid its pitfalls.

250 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Advantages of modern technology.

Modern technology enhances efficiency and productivity. Tools like computers, software, and artificial intelligence can automate repetitive tasks, freeing humans to focus on complex, creative pursuits. Moreover, technology enables instant communication and fosters global connectivity. Platforms such as social media, email, and video conferencing have bridged geographical distances, fostering a global culture of collaboration and shared knowledge.

Disadvantages of Modern Technology

However, the reliance on technology can lead to issues such as privacy invasion and data theft. With the increasing amount of personal information shared online, individuals become vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Furthermore, the extensive use of technology can lead to physical and mental health problems. The sedentary lifestyle promoted by screen-based activities can contribute to obesity, while constant connectivity can lead to stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, while modern technology has significantly improved our lives, it has also introduced new challenges. It’s crucial to strike a balance, leveraging the benefits of technology while being aware of its potential pitfalls. As we continue to innovate, we must also develop strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of technology.

500 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Modern technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing every aspect from communication to business, from education to healthcare. The advancements in technology have brought numerous benefits, but they also come with their own set of drawbacks. This essay aims to delve into the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

One of the most significant benefits of modern technology is the enhancement of communication. With the advent of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging apps, people can now connect with each other from any corner of the world in real-time, fostering global collaboration and cultural exchange.

In the field of education, technology has transformed the learning experience. Online education platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms have made learning more accessible, personalized, and flexible.

Despite its advantages, modern technology also has its downsides. One of the main disadvantages is the issue of privacy and security. With the increasing amount of data being shared online, there is a growing concern about data breaches, identity theft, and cybercrime.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological change can lead to job displacement. Automation and artificial intelligence threaten to replace human labor in certain sectors, leading to job loss and increased social inequality.

In conclusion, while modern technology offers numerous benefits such as improved communication, advancements in healthcare, and transformation in education, it also poses significant challenges, including privacy and security concerns, mental health issues, and job displacement. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of modern technology and mitigating its potential drawbacks. As we continue to innovate and advance, we must also ensure that we are addressing these challenges and shaping a future where technology serves as a tool for societal improvement rather than a source of disruption.

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Communication Technology's Influence on Public Life

Prof. Finch

Challenges in Private Life

Development of communication and information technology, advantages and disadvantages of communication technology, legislation concerning communication technology, conclusion: navigating the future with communication technology.

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"Impact of Communication Technology on Society." StudyMoose, Oct 22, 2016. Accessed August 25, 2024.

"Impact of Communication Technology on Society," StudyMoose , 22-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Impact of Communication Technology on Society . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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Home Essay Samples Information Science and Technology

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The Ethics Comprehension of Cloning

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Emergence of Modern Technologies

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Positive & Negative Aspects Of Modern Technologies

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Advantages And Basic Foundation Of 5G Technology

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Best topics on Advantages of Technology

1. Connecting Through Screens: Advantages of Technology in Communication

2. The Benefits of Information Technology: Empowering the Modern World

3. The Advantages of Information Technology: Transforming the Modern World

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Workplace

5. Revealing Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

6. A Way To A Better World Through The Use Of Technology.

7. Technology Makes Life Easier: The Effects Of Technology

8. The Impact Of Technology On Everyday Life: It Makes Life Easier

9. Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

10. Research on the 3D Bioprinting with Organ and Tissue Transplants

11. Minecraft: The Game with More Benefits than You Can Imagine

12. The Inclusion of Technological Advancement in British Airways Management

13. System Design of Designing and Manufacturing via Ubiquitous Computing Technology

14. The Safety Provided to Use by Our Cell Phones

15. The Issue of the Technology Overuse in our Day-to-Day Lives

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  • Class Reflection
  • Text Messaging
  • Computer Science
  • Data Analysis

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Band 5+: People can live and work anywhere they want to choose, because of improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantage of this development outweigh disadvantage.

It is irrfutable that ,technology is most essnitial royal in today life .on that note , nowadays, individual can work and live many place because of the technology and transport are more develop. While there are certain disadvantages of this trend , I belive that its advantages out strip them.

There are lot of advantages associated with this trend . To begin with, people can save the time as people do not suffer from long distance ,they live on place and do work .for instance , in my village some people work in Dahej and they live in there .secondly, people get more job oppucunitity. In other words, individual do job they do not more money , they avoid job and get anee job.

Furthermore,individual choice in own careers as nowadays , public tradition are available and people can work on any place. For example , in present time , young people like to job in abroad, so they can live in abroad like newsland, ceneda . in addition to.this , people can save the money as company provide arko. . in other words , some time company provide translation of money . thus, it is benifical for individual.

To conclude, even though people away from home , I still belive that ,it is benifical as people save time , money , get job oppucunitity, and won carrer choice .

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Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, people can live and work anywhere they want to choose, because of improved communication technology and transport. do the advantage of this development outweigh disadvantage..

Advancements in technology as well as transportation are increasing day by day. This advancement plays an important role in every individual’s life, especially in their work life. We all know today’s generation can work from any part of the world because of the drastic changes in communication technology and transportation. It consists of several advantages […]

With the advance of communication technology and transport, makes that more people can live and work anywhere they want compared to the past. Although it may decrease the productivity on some people need to be push by supervisor, it creates the better life style for anyone. Some of people accustom to supervisors assign tasks and […]

With the advance of communication technology and transport, more people can live and work anywhere they want compared to the past. Although it may decrease the productivity on some people need to be push by supervisor, it creates the better life style for anyone. Some of people accustom to supervisors assign tasks and push them […]

It is obvious that employees have the ability to reside and work remotely without commuting to the workplace due to the innovation of cutting-edge technology nowadays. In my opinion, I strongly believe the merits of this development are more considerable than its drawbacks. To begin with, one enormous strength of this trend is that employees […]

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Unicef 2023 annual report: information and communication technology division, attachments.

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Executive summary

In 2023, UNICEF’s Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD) continued to play a pivotal role in advancing the organization’s mission to protect, support and secure a better future for children around the world. Against a complex global landscape increasingly impacted by armed conflicts, climate change, economic shocks and other challenges, ICTD reinforced its commitment to bridging the digital divide, fostering digital innovation and enhancing learning opportunities for children and young people.

The work of UNICEF, including ICTD, proved crucial in regions beset by humanitarian crises. In the State of Palestine, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen, and West and Central Africa, conflicts and natural disasters disproportionately affected children, necessitating urgent and sustained interventions. In just two such examples, a devastating earthquake in Morocco in September 2023 and severe flooding in Libya highlighted the need for resilient digital infrastructure to support emergency response and ongoing programmes.

Recognizing the growing impact of climate change, ICTD increased its focus on digital solutions to mitigate risks and enhance resilience. Nearly half of all children live in countries highly vulnerable to climate change, underscoring the urgency of developing robust digital infrastructures. In regions such as West and Central Africa, unreliable electricity and inadequate ICT infrastructure exacerbated the digital divide, further isolating vulnerable communities. At the same time, advances in digital technology and innovative approaches in areas like digital payments and mobile money showed promise in addressing these challenges.

ICTD continued to work to bridge the digital divide in multiple regions. In South Asia, the high cost of broadband internet and smartphones limited access for many children, with only 12 per cent of school-aged children having internet access at home. In response, UNICEF prioritized digital inclusion, ensuring every child could benefit from digital tools. Elsewhere, initiatives like the partnership with Airtel Africa, which connected over 1,066 schools and 1.7 million children in Eastern and Southern Africa to digital learning platforms, exemplified this commitment.

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a significant focus in 2023. UNICEF recognized AI as a potentially powerful tool to advance child rights globally and worked to align its efforts with the United Nations’ Global Digital Compact to harness the potential and mitigate the risks of AI. This also highlighted the need to equip all UNICEF stakeholders with the skills necessary to navigate and leverage digital tools effectively and safely, while ICTD’s ongoing push for digital transformation underscored the need for a comprehensive, ecosystem-wide approach to enhance digital dexterity among UNICEF staff, partners and beneficiaries.

The year 2023 marked the midpoint of the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022–2025, with ICTD contributing significantly to progress in data analytics, digital education, e-health platforms and remote collaboration. The integration of digital technologies into operations and programming was critical in fulfilling UNICEF’s mandate for children, evidenced by the growing number of requests incorporating digital components.

Looking ahead, UNICEF ICTD is poised to continue its work in supporting vulnerable children through innovative digital solutions. Bridging the digital divide will remain a priority to ensure equitable access to the benefits of digital technology. Collaboration and co-creation will be essential, and ICTD will work with governments, donors, private sector partners and local actors to drive cross-sectoral initiatives. Embracing evidence-based decision-making and advancing ethical AI applications will be key to delivering more effective programmes and improving outcomes for children.

UNICEF ICTD’s commitment to digital innovation has already supported numerous successful projects. The focus for 2024 and beyond will be on scaling and sustaining these initiatives while exploring new digital frontiers. By addressing digital disparities and leveraging the potential of digital innovations and technologies, UNICEF ICTD aims to create a more inclusive and resilient future for all children.

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Research on emergency protection system for personnel safety in cable tunnels based on ultra-wideband

  • Zhao, Jiong
  • Zhang, Junbing
  • Lei, Guoqiang

This study comprehensively explores the application of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in enhancing the safety and emergency protection of cable tunnel personnel. With the increase in electricity demand, traditional operation and maintenance methods of power grid cable tunnels are facing challenges, and there is an urgent need for more efficient and intelligent management methods. This article provides a detailed introduction to the principle, advantages, and application prospects of UWB positioning technology in cable tunnels, emphasizing its important role in high-precision positioning. UWB technology exhibits centimeter level precise positioning capability by emitting nanosecond narrow pulse signals and utilizing multipath propagation phenomena for ranging and positioning. This technology has multiple ranging methods, including one-way and two-way ranging based on time of arrival, as well as methods based on time difference. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is suitable for different application scenarios. For example, one-way ranging is simple and direct but requires strict clock synchronization, while two-way ranging does not require high clock synchronization and has fewer communication times and low power consumption. In addition, this article also proposes an adaptive extended Kalman filtering algorithm for correcting ranging errors in non-line of sight environments, which significantly improves the stability and accuracy of the system in occluded environments. Through experimental verification, the algorithm effectively reduces the average error, further confirming the feasibility and effectiveness of UWB positioning technology in cable tunnel management. UWB technology has shown great potential in improving the safety of cable tunnels, providing an innovative solution for the construction and management of smart grids.



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